#dru would be a slay queen of faerie
margareturtle · 1 month
So I just finished the Stolen Heir (yea ik I was early to the cruel prince but late to tsh bc I had the book and then lost it 😭anyways i’m finished now soo)
So now of course I’m thinking of all my fav faerie princes in the holly-cassie faerieverse
And wondering if when we meet Kit again in TLKOF if he’s gonna be in his Oak Greenbriar era
As in sticking his neck out as a target so they come for him first and not his family
And when he meets up with Dru it’s gonna be like:
Dru: wtf kit how’d you get that jagged scar on your shoulder?
Kit: oh that was just last weeks assassin, lil faerie guy but fierce, took a chunk out of me before I beat him
Dru: What?! Kit!!!
Kit: yea I wasn’t worried with that one. They did come close to poisoning me though. When I was getting coffee on my way to school, the barista must’ve been a glamoured faerie or smth, but I wasn’t paying attention and took my drink. But they’ve gotta try harder I mean— they really think I wouldn’t know what that poison smells like after growing up at the shadowmarket HA!
Dru: woah— you were almost poisoned?!
Kit: yeah! Annoying right— I was so looking forward to my coffee and then I had to go take my math test first thing uncaffeinated !!
Dru: I—
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The Shadowhunter chronicles faves (spoilers for lord of shadows)
Okay but I'd protect: Kieran, Mark, Christina, Ty, Kit, Livvy (;-;), Dru, Tavvy, Helen, Aline, Diana, Jem, Tessa, Will (;-;), Alec, Magnus, Max and Rafe, Raphael (;-;), Simon, Izzy, Maia, Max (;-;), Jules, Alec, Kieran, Ty, Livvy, Alec, Magnus, Kieran, Raphael, Ty, Livvy, Dru, Diana, *repeat* with my life I love them so much I love Kit and relate to him on a spiritual level. I love his relationship with the twins (especially Ty if ya know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and his frustration with Shadowhunters (he's expressing the viewers words tbh). I love his understanding and need to protect Ty. It's great to see someone doing the right thing for my baby bee boy. I love Dru so much being a middle child is hard, especially when you're 'too young' for literally everything and people forced your younger sibling on you. Also she's beautiful and her talks of insecurities about shape and weight really hit it home for me and I'm sure lots of other. I literally cried when Jules said "You're our heart baby girl. You're the heart of the family." Tavvy is the cutest bean and needs protecting. That's all that needs to be said. Also if anyone hurts him I'll find you. I loved Diana a lot from the beginning. My attachment to the Blackthorns meant that anyone who was nice to them by association caught my interest and deserved attention. But I liked her character, especially when she essentially told Zara to shut the fuck up ngl. Her coming out story was a cherry on the cake tbh I wasn't expecting it and I cried over her story (also her sister ;-;). I love Diana's design too. She's overall a great Character. I love Helen and Aline so much. Their relationship, dedication, meeting, everything about them alone and in a pair is just so great. Also I'm high-key gay for both of them. But Aline dedication to her wife made me cry I'm-- I'm just in love with them ok? Okay but Tessa Jem Will Tho yass I love them I haven't even finished their series (I've read lord of shadows but I'm only on clockwork angel aka the first one ;-;). I live their dynamic. Tessa's just beautiful and great and smart and badass af. Jem is precious I love him. Will is so great I actually prefer his herondaleness to Jace's. I love their interaction. And their Camille and Magnus interaction were the goodest of good shits™ 👌. Do I really need an explanation for Max and Rafe tbh. Like Tavvy they're both adorable and amazing. Also Max is blue (I love the fact he's blue). If anyone ever hurts or bullies them I'm coming for that person. Simon and Izzy. Well what can i say, Izzy is hot and Simon is chill (mah man). He's honestly such a geek ("tell me a bedtime story" "k *plot of starwars*"). He should meet Kit tbh. I love Izzy in book and the TV show (and not just because Emeraude Toubia is impossibly attractive). I live her character. I love Simon's character. 'Nough said. Max, well, uh we don't talk about that. F U C K Y O U S E B A S T I A N M O R G E N S T E R N ! ! ! I loved Max so much, though, I wish I could have protected him personally. He was so cute and loved reading and felt like no one noticed or listened to him or borderline ignored. (That sounds familiar call out post to my toxic friends and family). He's a 13 year old boy you should be ashamed! Tbh I loved Maia since I first read about her in the books. She was so strong and badass and pretty and great. Also that one time where izzy says if she was attracted to girls she'd tap that ass. Also when she killed that asshole I was like yasssss queen slay!!! Rip Kyle tho I miss him. She pretty great in the TV series too, W E A RE N O T T A L K IN G A B O U T T H E C L O S E T S C E N E I R E P E AT N O T!! Jules, Jules, Jules... he's a fucking amazing brother lets start with that. He's had to essentially, apart from Emma and Diana look after his siblings, the institute and everything else singlehandedly. He's always there for them. He's also an artist ! That's great I love artist characters idk. Can we also talk about his way with words dang dang diggity dang dang dang he can talk anyone into seeing to his POV or believing his words. He a great boi. He just needs (some milk, sorry it's 2 am) a permanent vacation with Emma in an AU where parabatai bonds won't make you crazy if you be fucking yo parabatai. So he can fuck Emma, essentially is what I'm, ever so subtly, getting at it. Christina Rosales is beautiful and deserves the world and to stab Zara Fucking Dearborn through the heart. Ok I love her but I love Kieran more so she better not hurt my boi Kier. Also I'm down for some KierArkTina anytime as long as they spend some (a great amount) time to sort out their issues and love each other properly. Mark is great tbh (but again I love Kieran more so don't hurt him mah boi). Like I love his personality and character and appearance and speech patterns they're like the perfect blend between nephilim and faerie and I love that. I love him, that coat scene tho and the kitchen scene and the many scenes where he talks to inanimate objects. Also the make out scenes got diggity damn kierark. Also talking about kierark ppl be like Kieran was so bad to mark yeah but mark was bad to Kieran too. I'm not excusing mah boi here or mark but yeah they both not angels (hahaha). Tbh I loved Raphael so much (also saphael). He was so great I loved this lil asshole so much I cried when he died so much. S E BA S T I A N F U C K IN G M O R G E R N S T E RN !! ! Also ! Ace! representation ! Is ! Important ! I'm! Happy! But yeah Rip this babe. I loved Ty and Livvy ever since I first read them in the books, I was super excited for an autistic character and related to Livvy as my little brother is also autistic. (Livvy deserved better tbh). They're just so great and cute, I love them. We don't deserve them tbh. I love ty, I'm sorry, Sherlock so much and his twin sister (Euros lol don't shoot me) is an inspiration. Livvy is so protective and I love her. Ty is just so protective and I love him. I love them both so much. Kieran, mah boi, my sass ball, my salty bitch, my faerie boi, my king's son, my slayer, my great handsome beautiful amazing boi. Okay I don't even know why I love him so much I just do. He's misunderstood and before yall bitch at me like oh that poor special snowflake he Hurting he misunderstood poor bean do he need a tiny violin to play sad music for him where's thE P R O O F OF T H I S BI T C H ! !! Yall can read up on this subject on other post about it I've reblogged. O K A Y he did some bad things he regrets and wished he could rewind and stop. Um. So has almost every other fricking character in this book series apart from really young kids don't just blame my baby gods guys. Magnus is just the best, if you hate him you're wrong doesn't matter who you are or what ever. You're wrong. He's a great great bf, fiancée, future husband, father, future uncle, babysitter, cat sitter, lover, friend, Warlock, person and soul. I love him I'd give up all my soul and body for him. I worship him, I love his design, speech patterns, personality, methods, over all character and just everything. If I wasn't attracted to female only I'd high-key be crushing on Magnus Bane. Bi the way (see what I did there) he great don't ever hurt. Also he slays. And Harry Shum Jr. does a great job portraying him in the series, he great. Drop everything because you've come to the last of the superior squad (Ty, Livvy, Kieran, Magnus and Alec) Buckle the fuck up guys it's time to go for a spin in the Mystery mobile (or w/e the fuck it's called). Ah Alec, my biggest fave rivalled only by Ty my other biggest fave, he's so handsome brave and amazing. Malec is like supreme OTP (with Kitty and Kierark of course) I live for their dynamic both in the book and on the screen in the TV show. I love Alec as he's incredibly relatable, beautiful, great with kids, a great leader, a great bf/financée/lover/husband, a great person. I love him. If i could if adopt him as my son. I'm screaming he's just so good. Also he hecka attractive for a guy if i was a guy 10/10 would bed and we'd this handsome boi. Also the way he roasted Zara Dearborn, she was more like deadborn back then. (Also when Kieran joined in I cried tears of joy). When are we gonna talk about his alleged bondage kink btw? Hmu with fic and Fanart with this if you have it. In conclusion I love them all very much! Special mentions to: Gwyn, Arthur, Malcolm (idk why), Annabel (kinda i guess), Jaime (Un petit peu), Nene, Nerissa and Aodaon (?) (he cute).
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thereadingbee-blog · 7 years
Review: Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
It has been 10 hours since I finished the book. I tried to wrap my head around what happened, tried to accept it and failed. I slept, but I kept waking up thinking of that fucking awful scene at the end. Honestly, I don’t think I will be able to function properly for at least a week!
First off, I’d like to address the ending that broke my mind and heart. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!!!! I am not a fan of Robert Lightwood, I didn’t care for him at all because I vaguely remember that I hated him in TMI, but when he died, I was more shocked than sad because Annabel HAD NO FUCKING REASON TO DO IT!! HE WAS GOING TO TAKE THE SWORD AWAY FROM YOU, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!! Then I felt sad because that’s Alec‘s father!!!! ALEC!! In the shock, I forgot that. THEN, when I woke up, I realized (again the shock was too strong) that HE WAS GONNA HELP EMMA AND JULIAN WITH THE PARABATI CURSE!! HE WAS GONNA FIX THINGS, DAMMIT!
I thought that was gonna be the end of it, I said “Oh! Well, here’s the Clare death in the book” that was before I realized any of these things obviously! BUT THEN, LIVVY IS FUCKING STABBED AND MURDERED BY FUCKING ANNABEL!!!!!! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT SHE IS YOUR OWN BLOOD?!! For one thing, I instantly thought of Ty and I really wanted to hug him or reverse time or make him forget, this is going to be devastating for him. I can’t image how will he cope with that in the next book, and I am so scared to find out! But Livvy’s death means more to Julian because let’s be honest, Julian is crazy about his family, keyword being CRAZY!!! He will literally kill everyone on the planet for his family. I know this won’t happen, but I believe that Julian could kill the Dearborns and The Cohort because if they hadn’t discredit Annabel, Livvy would have been alive. Then when he finds Annabel, HE WILL FUCKING SLAY HER, and that will happen.
Moving on to Cortana, so I can’t remember if this is true or not, but someone said that Cortana absorbs the power of anything that touches it. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?
Cortana stabbed the black book,
one of the seven children of whatever faerie family,
And if it has the power of the black book, does that mean that they don’t need the black book and can just wave it around whomever and kill them with that power?
Does it mean that IDK let’s say if she “accidentally” stabs Julian in his Parabatai mark would that end it? or her mark because it’s on her arm, safer than his heart.
Does that mean that Cortana is now the new Mortal Sword? That she can’t lie while holding it?
Doesn’t that mean that the Clave will want it back? Or would that make Emma the new Inquisitor (on the long-term probably) because she would never give away Cortana? So many questions and that’s just from the last few pages!
Then we have The Seelie Queen. I read the rumors about the Queen’s spawned “demon” (but not really ” “) with Sebastian, and I am starting to believe it.
One, she said the Unseelie King has captured one of her own.
Two, I don’t think the Queen cares that  much if this someone was just one of her subjects.
Three, someone said that the faeries have the weapon that would destroy all Shadowhunters. That could be him for some reason being Sebastian’s son, I wouldn’t expect anything less than a demonic power to wipe out anything that is good. His father would have been proud.
OR That weapon is the Black Book’s blight (but they didn’t have the black book then, not the Un/Seelie).
Four, the weapon Jaime is hiding/protecting is that thing Dru touched, and it portaled her to a prison or something like it, with A GROWN ASS BOY, WITH GREEN EYES, AND BLOND HAIR. SEBASTIAN, IS THAT YOU?
Magnus and Tessa. I refuse to believe that anything bad will happen to them. I refuse to believe that Magnus or Tessa will die. LET THEM BE HAPPY. For God’s sake, JEM DID NOT JOIN THE SILENT BROTHER KNOWING THAT THERE WILL NEVER BE A CURE FOR FUCKING YIN-FIN AND THEN GETS IT JUST FOR TESSA WHO IS IMMORTAL DIES ON HIM. CAN THEY PLEASE BE HAPPY FOR JUST ONE FUCKING CENTURY?!! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!! When Magnus showed up in the book, I literally wrote “MY BABY” and NOW YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT MY BABY IS DYING?!! AFTER ROBERT’S DEATH, YOU WANT TO TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ALEC?! MY ALEC!!!! *breaks into tears/ Ocean Jojo now formed*
TY AND KIT. What I love about relationships, more than the normal happy ending is the tug war before the beginning of the relationship. I knew they were gonna happen, but there was no direct confirmation of it, but I read the synopsis for THE WICKED POWERS before finishing this book and it was ruined (the tug war that is). I am still excited for these two characters because I fucking LOVE TY!!!!!!!! And IDK what or how or anything will happen to him in the next book. IDK how will he cope with that? IDK how will Kit be involved in the grieving process? Livvy was his friend too!! I don’t know how they will both deal with that but I want to cry, this is too hard!
Cristina, Mark, and Kieran. I honestly don’t know what the fuck is going on with them, but I LOVE IT. I don’t care who ends up with whom, they have this weird chemistry/ friendship that I can’t define but it’s sort of calming and beautiful. Whatever happens, I want them to stay friends forever. Until Cristina and Mark dies that is. I also love how Faerie speak, they are so eloquent and there’s beauty in their words. Creatures of Wizarding Words. And Mark is so fuckin sweet and cute, that is not what I had expected after the creepy “Why lie?  in Lady Midnight. He is powered on by caring and thinking too much about everyone in a good, kind way, not in the vicious way that of Julian. And Cristina, I can’t stop thinking that she is not a faerie, Idk if it’s because she is sort of obsessed with them and she adopted some of their wording or why exactly. And I am so happy about her friendship with Emma, they confide in each other without judgments but also without the “whatever” attitude. I LOVE THIS!! And Kieran, HE HAS GROWN SO MUCH ON ME!! That scene with Magnus/Alec’s kid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!! He is also becoming more humane in a way, I think Mark’s and Cristina’s influence on him kinda of made him more empathetic.
Emma and Julian. I cannot stop thinking that one of them will die by the end of Queen of Air and Darkness. I CANNOT STOP THINKING THAT!! I can’t even tell right now if the curse hadn’t taken place and is making Julian more frantic and crazy. He was literally thinking about ending all the Parabatai bonds in THE WHOLE WORLD, so he can be with Emma. Yes, it was just a threat to be used as leverage, but was it?! I do not trust him, I do not trust that he will not fucking burn the world to the ground for his family, and Emma is his family. And now that Livvy is dead, this craziness will take on a whole new level, I cannot predict anything concerning any of the characters’ mental, or emotional status after this book. But I also have this idea, that Julian will try to bring Livvy back using the black book, or Emma would do that using Cortana?! I don’t think he will that go, tbh! And Emma, she is the sacrificing kind of warrior, so I am like 90% she will die.
See, this why Livvy’s death is a freaking catastrophic! SHE IS A CENTRAL CHARACTER TO ALL OF THEM, THEY WILL FOREVER BE CHANGED BY THAT! YOU CAN’T PREDICT ANYTHING, NO ONE CAN!! WE ARE DOOMED UNTIL 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is the longest review I have ever written and I am pretty sure I forgot a lot of stuff from that beautiful 697 pages book and 2 pages of equal agony and pain.
What are your thoughts on it?
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