#drowningworms blog
drowningworms · 7 months
Salaried is just another word for full time slave. All your time is their time.
Hourly full time is just another word for exclusive part time slave because for 10 hours of your life 5 days a week or whatever you belongs to them.
If you are part time, you are a full time slave with uncertain pay because all your time still belongs to them because they keep jerking you around and they always fuck up your hours.
But they aren't slaves. Nobody owns them. They can go with somewhere else if they must. Nobody is holding a gun to their head.
Well, that is all true. But if chattel slavery is the only thing that counts as slavery to you then you need to open your eyes, man.
Using someone's poverty against them to take shitty pay for shitty working conditions where you do whatever they tell you or lose your kids doctors food and shelter and join the growing masses of unhoused.
Sounds even worse than putting a gun to my head. Have you seen how we treat homeless people? They have to huddle in the corners and alleys and vacant buildings and bridge underpasses breathing the exhaust of our cars on every street and feeling our scorn everywhere.
We won't even let them duck in to shit in any store like you or I can. They have to shit in the street and get filmed for Fox News.
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drowningworms · 7 months
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My personal take that that makes the most sense to me anyway, in light of all we know of history, scripture, context, God, and empires is this:
The Beast from the Sea is the representation of an empire's mix of Oppression/Colonialism/Capitalism
The Dragon-tounged Beast that tells the world to worship the first beast is the Empire's religion.
Here's why:
For John of Patmos, that religion was a dragon in his future.
For us, we can look back upon the emergence of the Dragon-like Beast. We see an empire worshiping religion that twisted a beautiful, liberating story. Enslaving all the world to the Empire Beast and forcing them to worship the Empire Beast and approve or even join in on it's exploitation and oppression.
A dragon-like beast that eventually got reformed a bit here and there to become one of the most pervasive world religions today.
Forms of that reformed religion of empires and oppression are practiced all over this world. A more or less reformed religion also practiced with varying levels of reformation in America that most of us now just call "Christianity".
I wonder how reformed our dragons are.
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