#drove large distances to all my friends' weddings
munsonluhvr · 7 months
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synopsis: modern!cowboy!steve harrington x country!fem!reader | the small town you grew up in became unbearable by the time you graduated from high school. you fled to the big city, far away from farms, southern accents, and cows, leaving your family and friends behind. but, you return back to your hometown for a family wedding, and forced to confront someone from your past - steve harrington. word count -3.7k warnings: angst, complex friendships/family relationships. not spellchecked, but will be tomorrow.
𑁍 part 2 & part 3 coming soon...
Stepping off the airplane, the sun shines brightly in your eyes, acres, and acres of farm land outstretching in front of you. The heat is thick, nearly unbearable after sitting in a nicely air-conditioned plane for several hours. Your suitcase and backpack weigh heavily on your arms; you adjust to make them easier to carry. 
“Y/n,” you hear off in the distance, and you make shade with your hand, squinting to look at the exit of the airport to see who’s calling your name. You see your grandmother, grandfather, and parents jumping up and down, waving their arms. 
It’s been quite some time since you’ve been to your hometown, everything looking so familiar and foreign at once. Already, barely off the airplane, you notice how everything is so different from the city, from the environment, the sweet smell of grass and farm animals, the low hum of crickets and cicadas buzzing around. Even the people are different, the southern accents and cowboy boots, jeans splattered with mud and hard work. You know you’re home. 
You hustle across the pavement, suitcases in tow. Your family rushes towards you with excitement, their arms and bodies embracing you with excitement. “It’s been far too long since I’ve seen my granddaughter,” your grandmother says, cupping your face in her soft, wrinkled hands. “I think I’m going to kidnap you, so you never disappear for years and years again.”
You laugh softly, comforted by the presence of your family, the people who know you best. You had fled this small hometown of yours, seeing something bigger and better. Though you had the greatest childhood memories, catching frogs in the creek, swinging for hours on the tire swing, cookouts at your grandparents farm, you felt as though there was something more, something else beyond small-town living.  Though you aren’t sure you ever found it. 
“C’mon, now. We got some surprises waitin’ for you back at the house.” Your grandfather says, ushering you towards the parking lot. All different sizes and colors of trucks filled the parking lot, shaggy dogs sitting patiently in the beds of the car. You groan. “Surprises?” 
You barely had time to think as you and your family drove home, your grandparents and parents chattering and asking you endless questions about your life in the city. You answered each question, your eyes trained out the window as farms pass you by, multi-colored cows and horses looking back at you. The warm summer air blows through your hair, the thick heat causing sweat to accumulate at your hair line. 
Rolling the wheels over the gravel and dirt driveway, your grandfather’s red truck bouncing side to side, you pull up to your grandparent’s large farmhouse, chickens scattered all across the lawn. There’s balloons, tied to the front step banisters, other cars parked alongside the driveway. “How many people are here?” you ask, looking between your family members in the car. 
“Oh,” your grandmother says, looking over at you from the passenger seat, a mischievous smile on her mouth. “Just the whole town.” 
You laugh softly, feeling already drained. 
Your grandfather halts the car, your mom reaching over to rub your arm. “Don’t be overwhelmed.” You nod, biting at your bottom lip. You step out of the car, dusty dirty clouding your shoes. 
“Go on in, I’ll get your bags.” Your father says, gesturing towards the car. You nod again, walking towards the house with your grandparents and mother. The front porch groans under your body weight, the frailness of the aged wood demonstrating how it should be replaced soon. You turn the doorknob, the chatter of voices coming to a halt as you let the door swing open, tens of eyes looking back at you. 
In unison, countless people yell, ‘welcome home,’ bright smiles on their faces. As you look around, you recognize that it’s all of your grandparents friends, all of them looking older then the last time you saw them; some of your family members, your cousin who’s getting married in several days. You also recognize your friends from high school, most who decided to stay nearby after graduation, welcoming you back with excited faces. They all rush towards you, hands grazing your cheeks, soft pats on your back. 
You greet people as they come up to you, your mind aching with overstimulation. The elderly guests tell you how much you’ve grown up, how beautiful you are; your friends catch you up on the latest gossip, what other classmates are up to; your family telling you how much they’ve missed you, how excited they are for your cousin to be getting married, the event bringing everyone together again. 
“I’m so excited that you’re a bridesmaid,” your cousin, Heather, says. “I hope the wedding goes well – we’ve put so much effort into it.” 
You hum, your mouth becoming dry. You feel the need to disappear. “It’ll go great, I’m excited to be a part of your special day.” 
At last, you’re able to escape to the kitchen, searching your grandparents cupboards for a cup. You find one, turning the faucet on to let the ice, cold water rush out. You stick the cup under the faucet, taking sips as the cup fills. 
“Never thought I’d see you again,” a deep voice says from behind you, causing you to turn around. Your heart drops to the bottom of your stomach, your skin flushing with heat. Steve Harrington leans against the kitchen island, arms crossed in front of his chest. His blue jeans are splattered with dark paint, his boots stained by grass, a cowboy hat settled low on his hair, covering his infamous, brown hair. 
You swallow, turning around to lean against the kitchen sink. “Steve?” Your heart thumps against your chest, churning begins in your stomach. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him. 
Steve hums, nodding. “Barely recognize me?” 
You shake your head. “Of course, I remember you. I could never forget you.” And despite that being true, you tried for many years to forget Steve. 
He still looks as beautiful as he did in high school; time has been kind to him. Steve, of course, looks more like a man, his form filling in nicely. His bare arms are tanned, sun kissed, his arms strong and muscley. Even from where Steve stands, you can sense he must work on a nearby farm, his musk tangled with the smell of the outdoors and horses. “I’m surprised,” he says, an edge to his voice. “You ran away so fast after graduation; barely said goodbye.”
You lean against the kitchen sink farther, the edge of the counter cutting into your back. “You always knew that was the plan, Steve.” 
You and Steve had been close in middle school, two peas in a pod. He was a true country boy, finding refuge in the time you both spent at your grandparent’s farm. Steve was always there to ride the horses, riding as far as your grandparent’s property allowed. He was the person you’d build forts with using fallen down trees, who taught you how to fish in the creek, capture lightening bugs in jars. You and Steve spent so many hours outside, seldom coming in before the stars were able to be seen against the dark, black sky, smelling like grass and summer air, fingernails caked with dirt. 
In high school, you and Steve remained friends, but the adventures outside came to a close. You both got your own friend groups, though by living in such a small town everyone was friends with each other. You’d go to small parties; Steve would be there too. You’d watch the football games in the stands, Steve would be beside you, a blanket in his hands to throw over your laps. You always knew Steve cared for you, always be there to swoop you up in his beloved pick-up truck. 
Steve shrugs, crossing his boots as he leans against the kitchen island. “A lot of time has passed, I guess. How’s the big city?” 
You open your mouth to respond, suddenly feeling vulnerable in front of Steve, as if you’ve met the person you feel like you can confess to that the world isn’t particularly great when you get out of your hometown’s limits, but your grandmother comes barreling in to the kitchen; her hands clasp when she sees that you and Steve stand only a foot away from each other, talking for the first time in years. “Look at you two together; it’s almost as if no time has passed.” 
You smile, looking down at the floor, as your grandmother makes her way over to you and Steve. She outstretches her arms, placing them on yours and Steve’s bicep. “I just wanted to tell you Steve that the horses need to be brought in from the pasture, there’s going to be a storm tonight and they should be in the barn.” 
You frown, looking between your grandmother and Steve. “Nana, why would Steve bring in the horses; I can do it.” 
Your grandmother laughs, placing a hand on her mouth. “I guess I forgot to tell you, but Steve works for your grandfather and I now, works for the farm.” 
You nod slowly, your eyes landing on Steve. You suppose you aren’t surprised; Steve always loved the farm as if he was a part of the land himself. Steve nods too, looking towards your grandmother. “I’ll get right on that. I’ll see you around y/n.” Steve steps away from you with a curt nod, exiting the house from the kitchen door that leads out to the backyard. 
“Such a nice young man.” Your grandmother hums, watching the curtains flow with warm summer air. Outside, the sky has darkened inch by inch, dusk beginning to creep over the town. “He’s a hard worker too. Always asks me what you’re up to in the city and what not.” 
You raise your eyebrows, glancing at your grandmother. “Oh?”
Your grandmother smiles when she finds you looking at her, a curious look on your face. “Oh yeah. I think he’s always been in love with you, ever since you were little, out running through the fields like wild things.” 
Your cross your arms over your chest, clearing your throat. “That’s not true, grandma, we’ve always been good friends.” 
Your grandmother hums, then shrugs, turning back towards the living room where house guests still mingled. “You’d be surprised,” your grandmother says over her shoulder, walking out of the kitchen. “How distance makes the heart grow fonder.”
The next morning you wake up in your childhood bedroom, with a raging headache. Mingling with friends and family proved to be an exhausting task, overstimulating too. As you wake up, you look around your room, trinkets bringing back memories in an instant. 
You see your vanity, old pieces of makeup and perfume scattered around the countertop, pictures of your friends wedged in between the mirror and its frame. On your shelves, old, tattered books about horses are wedged in between glass figurines of horses, their sparkly eyes staring back at you. Horse ribbons, royal blue, and bright red, hang from all corners of your room. You feel comforted by your things, the memories like pieces of candy, sweet and savory. 
The window is open halfway, the curtain billowy as it blows in the wind, warm summer air making its way into your room. Faintly, you smell food cooking, bacon and pancakes wafting through the air.  Your stomach growls loudly and you decide it’s best if you get up for the day. 
In your pjs, you creep down the staircase, noticing that everyone else’s bedroom doors are open and vacant. Once you get to the kitchen, you see your parents and grandparents, and the family dog, sitting around the kitchen table. 
“Nice of you to join us,” your mother says, stabbing at a piece of scrambled eggs. “Grab yourself some breakfast.” 
The kitchen is bright with light, slightly messy with bowls of batter, cracked egg shells covering the countertops. “What are your plans for today, y/n?” your grandfather asks, watching you put together your breakfast. 
You shrug. “Heather needs me to do one last fitting for the dress later today but that’s it. I’ll probably just hang around here today.” 
“Might as well go to the barn,” you grandmother says. “I bet the horses miss you.” 
Your father hums, sipping from his cup of orange juice. “That would be nice to see you at the barn again, spending time with the horses. To see you be a country girl again instead of a city girl.” 
Everyone at the table laughs, even you, but your grandmother groans. “I don’t know how you bear living in the city, living in the country is so much better.” You bite into a piece of bacon, the sweetness of it mouthwatering; bacon isn’t this fresh in the city.
You smile as you notice how you agree with your grandmother; your younger self would be so disappointed. “Very true, grandma.” 
After breakfast, you venture up to your room again. You feel like your old self again, almost a glimpse of the past, as you pull your boots on, a pair of throwaway jeans fastened by your old turquoise belt you saved up for in high school. It’s been a long time since you’ve been near horses, or been in a barn, and you’re ready to get your hands dirty. 
You make your way out of the farmhouse, taking the dirty path to get to the freestanding yard out in the field. Though it still looks the same, the red paint has chipped off, exposing the brown wood of the structure. The field is fenced off with white rails, the horses walking happily through the tall grass, bending their long necks down to graze. As you approach the barn, the sweet yet tangy smell of horses accumulates you, tickling your nose. 
Inside of the barn is cool, a nice refuge from the sun that beats down outside. Chickens run aimlessly down the center aisle, clucking with alarm, little bits of hay and grain crunch underneath your feet. You notice some of the horses have chosen to navigate their way inside to their shady stalls. You walk down the aisle, noticing how your grandparents have bought new horses. You get to the end of the barn, looking out to the tree line that meets the vast and open farm property. You look to your right and see a plaque hanging on the door: ‘Dolly’ 
You can hardly believe it as a light brown horse blinks back at you. Dolly is your childhood horse, you’re sure she’s elderly now. You open the stall door, reaching your hand out as the horse greets you happily. You decide to pull her out to give her a groom. 
After tying her to the wall, and getting your supplies, you begin to brush Dolly, each sweep calming you immensely. You work in silence, only the sounds from the farm animals fill the silence. That is until a figure appears at the end of the door – Steve. 
You look back at Dolly, training your eyes on her. Though it’s not line that makes you invisible; Steve clears his throat as he sees you standing in the aisle. 
“Hey,” Steve says, a bag nearly the same size of him in his arms. He plunks it down on several bales of hay and you read that it’s horse feed. 
“Hey,” you say, looking back at Dolly. 
“It’s like I’ve seen a ghost,” Steve says, glancing at you, then picking up a bale of hay, carrying it towards the end of the barn. “Seeing you in here.”
You frown, your arm slowing to moving in small circles. “What do you mean?” 
Steve shrugs, his face obscured from the darkness of the barn, his outline only clear to you. “We used to be in here together all the time, remember? Then when you left it’s been just me. It’s like a flashback to high school when I see you, here and now, with Dolly.” 
You suck your cheeks in, chewing on the insides of your cheek. “Oh.” 
You watch as Steve pulls bolt cutters from his back pocket, clipping the string that holds the hay together apart. “It’s a good thing. I like it.” 
You clench your jaws, nodding slowly. “So, you work at the farm now?” 
Steve nods, pulling flakes of hay off. “Started right after graduation, never stopped.” 
“You always did love the farm; I think even more then me.” 
Just then, Steve laughs, standing up to look towards you. “Remember all the fun times we had? When we’d stay out so late until your grandparents would come looking for us with flashlights? Man, those were the times; I think about those memories a lot.” 
You smile, beginning to brush Dolly quicker. “I also remember when you’d scare me with frogs, holding them up to my face and letting them jump on me. That never stopped in high school either, you knew I hate frogs.” 
Steve hums, a playful smile on his face. “I guess I kind of had a crush on you back then. But don’t worry, I’m over that now.” 
Silence rolls over you and Steve, his confession startling you. Steve liked you at one point? Suddenly you remembered what your grandmother had said in the kitchen last night. How had you never realized that? 
Steve clears his throat. “Are you going riding?” 
You shrug, glancing at Dolly. “I was thinking about it. Want to join?” 
Steve looks at the hay he was disassembling. He shrugs. “I guess I could spare a few minutes.” 
You smile, then nod. “Great.” 
You and Steve tack up the horses in silence, dancing around each other as you grab the saddles. Once you’re set to go, you use a bale of hay to mount Dolly, lining up behind Steve as you both guide the horses out to the pasture. 
Your skin automatically gets hot under the sun, the temperature a big difference from the shade in the barn. The crickets chirp loudly, the breeze blowing the tall grass lightly. You and Steve guide the horses along the perimeter of the fence, going at a slow lope. As you ride along the farm, you remember all the places you and Steve would play, skin slight with sweat as you imagined yourself as a princess and a knight, as cowboys running along the train tracks.
You remember the twinkle in Steve eyes, how his chubby cheeks would turn pink from sun exposure and exhaustion, his knees covered in scrapes and dirt. You smile to yourself, as you imagine the young version of Steve coaxing you to jump from the swing that was tied to a tree branch into the stream, or how he carried you back home when you twisted your ankle, tears threatening to spill out. 
“What’re you smiling for?” Steve asks, glancing over at you, his face shaded by his hat. He holds his reins in one hand, letting his other hand rest on his thigh. He guides his horse close to you, your legs nearly brushing. 
You smile, shaking your head. “Just thinking about the mischief, we got up to when we were kids.” 
Steve smiles, looking ahead of him. “Those were the good days. High school wasn’t bad either. Just too bad you had to leave us.”
You glance at Steve. “Not like anything would have changed if I stayed.” 
Steve shrugs, glancing back at you. “Us not talking for years would have changed.” 
You glance away, looking straight ahead. “I know, I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.” Steve shrugs, shaking his head. “You did what you had to do; I know this town always felt too small for you. Did you ever find what you were looking for?”
You shake your head. “No,” you say simply.  
Steve nods, letting silence come in between you two again. You ride next to each other, letting the memories roll through your minds. 
You ride for the next little while, until you hear a loud bell ring from the farmhouse. Even from far away, you can see your grandmother’s body standing on the porch, her arms waving. It must be time to get your dress fitted. 
“I should probably get back,” you say, beginning to turn Dolly around. “Heather needs me to get my bridesmaid dress fitted one last time.” 
Steve nods, following you as you head back towards the barn. “I’ll race you.” Steve says, kicking his horse forward before you can object. You gently kick Dolly forward knowing Dolly is no match for Steve’s much youthful horse.
Once you and Steve get to the barn and down from your horses, you walk the horses into the barn, retying them to the wall. You work quickly, knowing Heather gets impatient with time. 
“You know,” Steve says, pulling his saddle off, “Jason Carver is having a little get together tomorrow. You should swing by – or I could pick you up.” 
You nod, tossing Steve a smile. “Yeah, sure, that sounds fun. We could catch up too.” 
Steve nods, returning a tight-lipped smile. “Okay, great.” 
You pat Dolly as you return her to her stall, watching as she goes straight for her hay, You walks towards the door, turning to glance at Steve. “Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow.” 
Steve waves, watching as you turn around, your legs tanned from the time you just spent out in the sun. His heart squeezes as he remembers you, thinking of the way his younger self would spend all day together, out in the field together, then how he’d go home and lay in his bed exhausted, but his mind would race as he’d replay the day over in his mind. 
Then he remembers how in high school, he would watch you with your friends, how you switched your tom-boy clothes for skirts, and the feeling he had when realized he loved you and that seeing you in skirts made his day. Steve, as he watches your walk back to the farmhouse, how he loved to be near you, the late-night drives home from small get togethers or sitting with you at the football games. How your face lit up against the stadium lights, how you’d cheer, a toothy smile on your face. 
Steve has had so many questions, relying on your grandmother to feed him pieces of information about your life in the city, wondering if you have a boyfriend in the city, if you miss being in the country or miss him. Now here you are, like a gift from heaven. Now you’re back home – right where you left him. 
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aphraditi · 2 years
I don’t often post real life stuff on here, but felt like doing so today. I recently traveled to India with my mom and sister, and spent a few jam-packed weeks doing everything from visiting family to spending a night on a houseboat!
After landing, our first few days were spent in my family’s hometown in Delhi. We reconnected with family, ate yummy street food to our heart’s content, shopped until we dropped, and thoroughly pampered ourselves.
Next stop: Mumbai (fka Bombay), Maharashtra for my cousin’s wedding! It was such a blast from start to end and I loved helping with the last minute prep, working on the dance we were going to perform at the sangeet, and attending all the wedding events. Being able to attend large family events in India is a privilege I don’t take lightly — I spent a lot of my younger years jealous of my American friends that saw their extended families so routinely, while I had to wait at least 3 years before my next reunion with my cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents. Thanks to more financial stability and things like WhatsApp, the time and distance no longer feel as much of an obstacle.
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After the days of wedding festivities, we packed up our luggage and jetted down, further south, to the city of Kochi for a few days of vacation and sightseeing. Kochi is a port city located in the beautiful coastal state of Kerala. Over a period of 5 days, we spent time in historic Kochi, drove through the scenic hills of Munnar, wandered through tea estates and spice gardens, and relaxed on the network of canals in Alappuzha known as the Backwaters (see: aforementioned houseboat).
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Finally, we flew back to Delhi to spend a couple more days with family before packing our luggage one last time for our return journey to the US. It was a trip for the books, and I’m definitely feeling the withdrawal.
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Author's Note: Hi that isn't my GIF. But this is my fic and I would really appreciate it if you told me how you thought it was, and if you especially like it, my requests are open friends. :3 I have the spicy sad right now, and needed a little angst with a happy ending. Ok, be fed I guess.
This has 3,000+ words, are you proud of me or what!?
From the prompt: As teenagers, a boy and a girl agree to marry if neither have by their 35th birthday. Follow the boy as he attempts to sabotage every relationship the girl has until then.
"Hey Tommy? I was thinking."
"That's a shit idea, you should stop doing that"
You swiped at the back of his head.
"Shut up you ass, I'm serious."
"Hi serious I'm- OW fucking hurt is what I am it's a joke, learn to take a-AH." You hurdled a handful of playground pebbles at the 17 year old.
"Alright, alright gorgeous, hit me- No! I meant hit me with the question you little shit." It was getting hard to breathe when he got you to giggle so hard.
You're laughter died down. You looked down, unsure if you could look at his face when you said this.
"I don't have a boyfriend." He abruptly stopped laughing, hiding the obvious fact that he almost choked on his own spit. You breathed a laugh again.
"I don't have a boyfriend. And you don't have a girlfriend." Your smile slipped off.
Tell him. Tell him, you're almost there. I don't have anyone, and you don't either except we do we have each we have each other we have-
You looked to Tommy, his boyish presence fitting on the swing set made for much younger kids. You were much younger kids when you met for the first time, on this very swing set. You think about telling him you fell in love with him when he pushed Jackson Paloski down on the asphalt because Jackson said trailer-trash can't play on the nice swing set. You didn't know it was love though, you were in the fourth grade but your heart still beat a little faster and when you asked him if you could sit beside him during lunch he huffed and complained, showing off he was moody and tough and haughty, but he very obviously made Michael Welsh move from his spot beside Tommy so that the pretty new girl could take her place beside him. And you stayed there. For years. Right beside him.
You felt the breath leave your lungs as you thought about telling him you can't stop thinking about him lately.
Can't stop hoping your skin will touch when he asks you to pass him something.
Can't help feeling like punching every girl that makes a scene trying to gain his attention. You're usually so focused on glaring at the girl that you miss the way he shrinks in on himself, the way he actively turns his body to you.
You think about telling him. And how telling him could mean you could do more, be more.
You think about telling him. And you think about him pulling away from you, gently gathering his things as he stumbles over how to let you down easily, unaware that that's not an option any more. Tommy letting you down would mean shattering.
You clench your jaw. His eyes try to tell you something.
"So. So since. We don't have someone." You look toward the Shell gas station across the street. Tommy wets his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue.
Your throat twinges, the twinge you get when you're trying to hold back tears. You shrug to yourself and let out a breathy laugh.
"So since we don't have hot dates, we should make a deal." You make your voice upbeat. You know Tommy can call your bullshit but he doesn't, sit's quietly.
"If by the time we're 35, and we don't have a, someone, to, ya' know. We should get married." Your heart clenches. "If we don't have. Like if I don't have a husband, and you don't. Have a girl, or-" Tommy is quiet. White hot panic races up your spine. You look over at him.
Tommy looks-
He looks like he's frozen, like he's still a few sentences behind, and you're about to throw in the towel and swallow a few of these pebbles so you'll choke and die and won't have to hear his laughter tear apart your heart.
Then Tommy blinks and kind of hunkers in on himself, looks anywhere but you, eyes shifting and darting. His smile isn't his when he manages it.
"Oh, you're so on, sweetheart."
It's not quite right. The atmosphere is still tense and you feel like there's a conversation you're meant to be having, like there were supposed to be different words spoken and heard during that time.
But having Tommy, even if it's like this, even if he doesn't want you like you ache for him, is better than not having him at all.
Beside you, while you hurt quietly beside him, watching the sun set, rocking back and forth on the too low swing, Tommy swallows down self-hatred and overwhelming feelings. Instead, he schemes.
It's been five years since you've made your little deal with Tommy. Five years, and every single time you've tried to move on from the man, it's ended in catastrophe.
The time you two had just graduated high school and drove to Tommy's house so his older brother could congratulate you two. Brendan had had a buddy over that night, not much older than you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't flush appreciatingly at his sly smile toward you and the way he actively tried to add you in on the conversation.
The night ended rather abruptly when Tommy had spilled hot tea all over the guys front. Tommy was always collected, and it was rare moment when he was clumsy. Never mind the fact that Tommy never drank tea, and actively made fun of you drinking the stuff.
Or the time you two reluctantly went to Brendan's wedding. You loved Tess, and thought they were a great couple, but stomaching an entire ceremony of the two being gross and affectionate, all while you and Tommy couldn't boo and throw miscellaneous items at them? The entire evening was spent with Tommy snuggly against your side snarking quietly in your ear, so close you could feel his warm breath on the entire side of your face.
Yes, your plan of moving on was going swimmingly.
Then Tommy went to the bathroom, and a handsome man smiled at you across the room. You tentatively smiled back, and he moved as if to cross the distance. Then immediately stopped, his face dropping and his eyes widening slightly as he spotted something a little over your shoulder. You saw him clear his throat and veer toward a large group laughing.
Your felt your face slightly warm and your heart drop a little, self consciously looking over your shoulder.
And let out a noise of surprise.
Tommy stood behind you, so close for a second you thought a very well dressed wall had somehow appeared while you weren't looking. You had just enough time to see 'The Expression'.
Tommy was an amazing fighter. And all throughout high school, he made sure while he minded his own, he could also hold his own, and everyone knew it. He had developed an expression, one that scared every single boy in this town shitless. It was a mix between unbridled rage and open invitation. The message was pretty clear and universal.
Come get some.
You usually laughed and teased him about it, because to you it just looked like he stubbed his toe and he was trying not to yell.
You weren't expecting to see it at his brother's wedding, and you certainly weren't laughing now.
In a blink it was gone from his face, and he turned to you with his beautiful sweet smile, the smile that showed just a little peak of his slightly messed up front teeth. He usually reserved that smile for you. You had never seen anyone else on the receiving end.
"Tommy, why were you just-"
"This blows, I just passed Tess and Brendan flirting. They're already married, why would they keep doing that." He rolled his eyes, moving to your side as his hand disappeared behind your back.
"Tommy did you just square up to the guy checking me ou-"
"Brendan's friend is here, the one who can can do a Kick Up."
You stared at each other for a long moment. You felt his hand barely ghosting over the small of your back. His eyes where sharp, a little desperate.
"There's also a rumor he killed a guy with just a playing card."
You licked your lips. He raised his eyebrows, his lips getting distracting.
"Shit Conlon, why didn't you start with that, take me to him."
Or the time, more recently, when you went to a match to watch Tommy completely destroy his opponent. You loved going out to see him fight. Loved the adrenaline and the satisfaction when Tommy won, making him less timid, a little more rowdy and confident, a little more touchy and feely.
You've kind of given up on the whole moving on thing, even if it was driving you up a wall.
Tommy had just won, and you were eagerly waiting to congratulate him, excited to hug him freely, without him wondering why you were hugging him to begin with. And maybe to hold on a little tighter. Maybe to allow your hands to rove a little more freely.
Hey, was it not a night for celebration?
A man started to chat you up. You smiled patiently and gave some noncommittal grunts and affirmations as you continued to scan the crowd, looking for the familiar mass of Tommy, all hard edges and bulk. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet.
The guy moved closer, making a joke you didn't really hear. You laughed, your eyes darting and searching.
"You look beautiful by the way. I saw you watching the fight, crazy that you're into this stuff. Not a lot of women I know cheer like that."
You finally glance over to the man, but quickly get back to standing on your tip toes, looking above heads.
He doesn't even look that bad, and it's obvious he wants to get your number. He's just not the man you want chat with, and definitely not tonight. Not on a night that Tommy just won, and a night he'll want to come over to yours, joking and teasing, touching you much more confidently than he normally would. Falling asleep much more easier with his head on your lap.
You tamp down a smile. You wouldn't want this guy to get the wrong idea.
"You know, there's a really good Thai place down the road- Ah, fuck, watch it buddy. Can you not look where you're go-" You hear the man choke off the sentence, trying not to smile as you imagine the other guy. probably a lot bigger than he is. Wouldn't want to completely ruin his night by laughing at the guy.
"Fuuck me, buddy, sorry. I did not know who I was talking to." You could hear the man swallow. "Hey, I think you did great in the ring tonight, real good job of... Knocking that guy out. With one punch."
You whirled around, smiling so wide you felt the strain on your cheeks. There was only one guy who did that tonight.
Sure enough, Tommy was standing there. He had put on a shirt and took his gloves off, but he was still sweaty and breathing hard. He completely stanced up, like he is in the ring, and his expression was-
Well, you chalked it up to the testosterone flowing freely through the place. Probably just mad that he ran into another dude.
It still didn't stop you from running and jumping directly on him, arms coming up to wrap around his neck, legs completely circling his torso. You giggled into his neck, exclaiming how proud you were of him, how good he looked out there, completely stroking his ego, but not caring at the moment.
You felt his arms immediately span your back, feeling like his hands where trying to be everywhere at once. That was new. That was new and you couldn't say you hated it.
What you didn't see was the look on Tommy's face. The cold calm of someone who just threw a punch so hard at a man who was bigger and faster than him and shut his shit down. Directed at another man, much slower and smaller in comparison.
You didn't see the stranger's face pale, but you distantly heard the sound of chairs clatter to the ground as he turned tail.
Five years of pining (not so) quietly for Tommy, the man you had fallen in love with, but without a doubt did not love you back.
Tommy knew without a doubt that he loved you.
All those years back in fourth grade, when he let it slip that his favorite snack was those crackers with the cheese filling, and you showed up with a whole pack of them to share, smiling this big goofy grin with your beautiful eyes and warm presence.
God how could he not.
The problem was how he was supposed to convince you to like him back. Him, Tommy, who fought most of his way through high school, who didn't like to get too close to people, who didn't like eye contact or conversation that ran too long or too forced. Who loved you though.
And who was very annoyed at the boy flirting with his girl.
It never failed to make Tommy's blood boil. He knew he had no right, because for one, he spent five years doing his damned best to break up every chance at you leaving him.
Just until you guys turn 35, right Tommy boy? You can probably keep that up.
Tommy breathed in a shuttering breath.
He just wanted to buy you your favorite drink at your favorite café. That's all he wanted to do. And maybe find and excuse to hold your hand without burning up from the embarrassment of actually having feelings (can you imagine?).
But of course, some dick-head always noticed how beautiful or kind or warm you were, and had to take their shot.
Well, Tommy was fucking sick of it.
Tommy thought of all the times, and there were a lot of times, when he had to step in and derail the situation. He knew this would be the last time. He had to do this, get rid of the unrelenting ache he felt while going to sleep, looking at you, thinking about you.
Tommy moved toward the you and the man you were talking to like he was entering the ring. With the mindset that he could get totally and irreversibly hurt, but he was gonna fight to the bloody end beforehand.
"Do you need directions?" Tommy asked as he slid up behind you, closer than he would have ever before. He felt your confusion even if he couldn't see your face.
"What?" The man was just as quizzical.
"Oh, I was just asking if you needed directions or if you could get lost on your own." Tommy raised his eyebrows, setting his hand on your hip, trying not to think about the many, many questions you'd have about that.
The man thought about arguing, but then he really looked at Tommy. Looked at you, then back to Tommy. Decided he didn't want to bleed tonight, and huffed out an angry sound.
You at least waited until he was out of ear shot before whirling on him.
"What. What was that?"
"Ok, I know what your probably thinking-"
"That you're out of your mind Tommy?! Are you kidding me right now? 'Get lost?' Get outta here with that shit, what was that?"
The two of you were pretty far back in the shop, but he still lowered his voice to make sure no one was bothered.
"Ok, yes, you're mad, I can see that-"
"Oooooh well I'm glad you can see that Tommy." You felt your face start to turn red, feeling exhausted and confused. "Explain. Explain to me Tommy, that every time a guy wants to have a nice, civil, God forbid, flirtatious conversation with me, he high tails it out of there just as fast, Tommy, explain."
Tommy felt an expanding ache somewhere behind his left eye.
"Ok. Ok I'm gonna say something stupid-"
"You always say something stupid, stupid-"
"Can you just. Can you let me finish." Tommy felt exasperated and a little insane. He was about to confess in a coffee shop to the girl he loved and things would never be the same again because she was about to leave, but fuck it if he wasn't at a boiling point.
"Ok. You know how we made a deal?" You looked at him, raising your eyebrows.
"About who could spray the most whipped cream in their mouth? Yeah it's me, it'll always be me. So you got so mad you're trying to, what, make sure I die alone, I don't..."
"What? No can you not, can you focus right now?" Tommy's palms were starting to sweat and he clenched his eyes shut tight. He breathed in and let it back out in one harsh huff. "When we were seventeen-"
"When we were seventeen you said that if we weren't married by the time we were 35, that we should marry each other." He watched as your eyes widened and your face warmed a little. "Well, the deals off. I'm not doing it any more."
Tommy wasn't sure what to expect, but the flash of utter pain that tore across your face was not it. You stepped back, looked like you were about to bolt, your eyes wild. You tried to pull yourself together but it was really hard to breathe. No matter how many times you tried to prepare yourself for this day, you could have never imagined how it actually almost brought you know to your knees.
"So. Here's the new deal. If in like, five minutes, you're still single, and I'm still single..." Tommy swallowed hard, licking his lips. "We should just." His eyes darted to your lips.
You froze. Tommy caught his lush lower lip in between his teeth. He'd never been more nervous his entire life. So nervous for the inevitable laugh, the pity laced rejection, because really, it was one thing to be friends with a shy awkward boxer, but another to look at him and think, 'yeah, that'll do.'
Tommy had approximately five seconds to wallow in self deprecation and pure terror before he had a handful of you, and something that suspiciously felt like lips on his lips. But that's funny, because he's almost positive that that's not the case.
Then he felt your tongue swipe his lip and decided he cared fuck all and proceeded to get lost in you, your breaths, God he could feel, taste, your breath as you both got consumed by each other.
Someone coughed disapprovingly your way. The two of you broke apart, panting slightly.
"Ok, ok please don't. I really don't want you to hit me but I'm really fucking dense, right, and I just have to ask, you did that because you. You like like me- OW I said I didn't want you to hit me!"
You felt yourself laughing, felt your never ending ache subside and your love sky rocket.
"Oh, you're an idiot," You pecked his lips, he tried to catch your mouth fully but failed. "You are such and idiot- Oh my God we're both idiots holy- Hey. Hey, you, you've been. Have you been sabotaging-"
"Did you hear that?" Tommy tilted his head and looked toward the ceiling. "Ope- oh yeah. No. yeah, that's for sure the sound of-" He cut off, dropping his serious expression, grinning as he leaned down and kissed your mouth again, this time taking your words and any objections, affectively cutting off any questions that would leave him looking stupid.
You two would need to sit down, to talk about how you've felt all these years, how you were both so stupid that you both refused to confess to each other.
But for now, you lost yourself in the taste of Tommy, and the heady feeling of someone you've loved for seemingly forever, loving you back.
Real Quick: Would you be mad if in the next fics I write I called this man Tomithy? Asking for a friend.
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atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Thirteen
a/n: WEDDING!!! (reblogs and feedback are super helpful!) not proofread, sorry!
warnings: FLUFF! Smut (a little bit of bum stuff, but don’t get too excited, it’s not what you think...yet)
words: 16K
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You and Harry needed to go down to Boston a few days before the wedding. You needed to go over things with Julian, and he needed to be there for when his family and friends flew in. Andy was extremely excited. Brandon’s parents would be sending him down on the bus the day before the wedding, so Andy would have a buddy during the rehearsal dinner.
It was nice to have a few days off from school, but Andy was sad to be away from Brandon. They hadn’t been able to really discuss everything that happened at the Halloween party like he had hoped. Every time he saw him he just blushed and smiled. They’d hold hands a little underneath the desks in class, and that was about it.
You were off with Julian, Phil, and your parents while Harry and Andy went to the airport to pick everyone up. Harry was somehow able to get everyone on the same flight.
“Six hours with these two buggers behind me. They were worse than the kids!” Gemma says as she hugs Harry, and then Andy. “I needed to take something to fall asleep.”
“Oi, we weren’t that bad.” Niall says.
“Yeah, it’s not our fault there was a football match on the tele.” Louis says. “You should be paying us babysitting fees for keeping those two entertained.”
Gemma glares at the guys before they rush to hug Harry and Andy. Anne hugs everyone as well. She looked pooped.
“I know, long flight and all that, but you’re here now.” Harry says.
Lizzie and Ritchie chat with Andy as they all wait for their luggage to come through baggage claim.
“How are we all going to fit in the same car?” Gemma asks.
“Oh, we rented a van for the weekend. Make things easier to get to and from the commons, so I just drove that here. You’re gonna love the hotel suite Julian’s put you lot in.”
“And you’re staying with us?” Niall says.
“Yeah, about that…” Harry rubs the back of his neck. “Nothing we’re doing is traditional, so I was sort of thinking I’d just stay with Y/N.”
“Nope, no way. Can’t have a proper bachelors night out if we send you back drunk to your fiancé.” Louis says. “You will stay with us.”
“You’re gonna sloshed the night before your wedding?” Anne asks.
“No…we’re all going out tonight. Tomorrow’s the rehearsal, and then the wedding.” He looks at his friends. “M’not spending two nights away from her.”
“You will, and you’ll like it.” Niall says.
Everyone grabs their luggage and heads out to the van, and climbs in. Harry drives back to the hotel. He helps everyone get checked in, and shows them to their suites.
“Oh, this is perfect!” Gemma says. “Look, Mum, two queens in a room for us, and two queens for all the kids, this’ll be great.”
“Andy, your friend Brandon’s coming tomorrow, right?” Anne asks him.
“Mhm.” He smiles.
“Good, it’ll be nice to see him again. He’s such a sweet boy.” She pats his head and puts hers things down. “Well, I need to take a bit of a nap. Are we all going to have a meal together later?”
“Yeah, we’ll all get together for an early dinner. Take some time to rest. Kids, there’s a pool if you feel up to it.”
“Uncle Harry, I’m pooped.” Lizzie whines. “Need a nap too.”
“Alright, darling.” Harry chuckles.
“I’ll take ‘em down later.” Gemma says. “Andy you’re staying with us?”
“Fantastic. Do you wanna stay here with us or go with Dad?”
“I’ll hang out here.” He shrugs. “Everyone they’re all doing is boring.”
“Where is Y/N, anyways?” Anne asks.
“She’s getting some last minute stuff together. Her bridal party will be here tomorrow, so you’ll meet just her immediate family tonight, and then everyone else later.”
“Sounds good.” She yawns. “Okay, off to bed for me.”
Harry heads down the hall to Louis and Niall’s room. Harry met his two best friends his first year of uni. They all played football (soccer) together on the school’s team. Harry obviously didn’t continue on with the sport once he came to the states. Louis had a serious girlfriend of his own, but she stayed home to give the boys their fun, and Niall was in-between relationships at the moment.
“So, how’s Holly.” Harry asks Louis.
“Ah, she’s fantastic. Just FaceTimed her quick. She sends all her love.”
“Tell her I send mine right back. And what about you, Casanova?” Harry smirks. “No ladies awaiting your return?”
“Nope.” Niall grins. “I’m a free man once again. I swear I have all the luck. The women I keep dating are absolutely batty. Wouldn’t mind finding a woman of my own to settle down with.”
“Y/N’s friend Nora is single, and she’s awfully sweet.” Harry says.
“Mm, a long distance relationship isn’t in the cards for me right now, but I’ll keep that in mind if I feel like getting laid this weekend.” He winks at his friend.
“Holly and I did the long distance thing in the beginning, remember? Wasn’t all bad. I had a cool place to visit, we never fought, and it was always hot.” Louis smirks. “It’s still hot, but I certainly don’t like it when she gets mad at me for not getting me knickers in the hamper.”
“Maybe get your knickers in the hamper, and she wouldn’t get mad at you. Just a thought.” Harry says.
“No shit?!” Louis says with a laugh. “Fuckin’ genius over here, it’s almost like you’re a doctor or something.”
“Come on, let’s go get your shit from your room and bring it here.” Niall says.
“Fine.” Harry sighs. “But I’ll need to hog the pillows.”
“Are you still a clingy sleeper?” Louis asks. “You’ve got psychological damage, I swear to god.”
After everyone had time to get situation, and rested, Harry eventually caught up with you. He explained that his friends are basically forcing him to stay with them.
“You’ll have more fun, Har.” You chuckle. “It’ll give me more time to be with your mom and sister.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
“What are you guys even doing tonight?”
“Think they just wanna take me out to get drunk.” He shrugs. “Wanna come meet them?”
You hold hands as you make your way to their room. Harry knocks, and Niall opens the door.
“Hey!” He beams and hugs you immediately. “So this is the lovely lady our Harry’s just been tickled pink about.” You giggle at that and step into the room. “He hasn’t give you enough credit, you’re gorgeous, you know?” Niall keeps his arm around your shoulders and you blush.
“Oi, stop flirting with my fiancé.”
“Why? Not like you’re married yet. Still plenty of time to back out, love.”
“There she is.” Louis says with a smile and hugs you. “It’s so great to meet you. Don’t pay any attention to Nialler here, only rubbish ever comes out of his mouth.” You blink at Louis. “What?”
“You’re…you’re gonna have to speak a little slower.” You chuckle. “Your accent is a little…thick.”
“Maybe yours is thick! Didja ever think o’that?” He looks at you seriously and then laughs. “Only teasing, love, only teasing.”
“How long have you all known each other again?”
“Since we were eighteen.” Harry says as he sits down on the couch in the living area of the suite. “We were all on the soccer team together, and we lived in a triple. It was great.”
“I’m sorry, did you say you were on a sports team?” You were shocked.
“I only played my first year. I’m a better coach than a player.”
“Yeah, the lad here told us there were better opportunities here and left us.” Louis says. “But we all stayed close.”
“We usually get together whenever Harry comes back to London.” Niall explains.
“And where do you both live?”
“I live in London, not too far from Harry’s family, actually.” Louis says.
“Same here, actually. The city was calling my name.” Niall says. “You’re from this area, right?”
“Yeah.” You smile. “Born and raised. It’s the perfect sized city, in my opinion. I never felt overwhelmed or small. I like going to New York once in a wall, but I always get so anxious.”
“London should be fun for you then. You’re coming for the holidays, yeah?” Louis says.
“She sure is.” Harry says as he puts his arm around you, kissing your cheek.
“So, what are we doing for dinner tonight?” Niall asks. “M’getting hungry.”
“We’re all going to this amazing Chinese buffet. You’ll love it.” You say and look down at your watch. “Should probably head down to the lobby soon to meet everyone.”
“Good thinking.” Harry says. “You both ready? We’ll probably leave for our night out from the restaurant.”
“Yup, got everything we need.” Louis says. “Don’t worry, Y/N, we won’t get him too loaded.”
“I’m sure you’ll take very good care of him.” You say with a smirk.
You were a bit nervous as you approached the lobby. You had been on a number of FaceTime calls with Gemma and Anne at this point, but it was still wild to be seeing them in person.
“Oh!” Anne exclaims when she spots you, and you smile. “My god, it’s so nice to finally meet in person.” She says as she hugs you.
“Same to you.”
You hug Gemma next, and introduce yourself to Lizzie and Ritchie. Your parents, Julian, and Phil come strolling into the lobby, and everyone else gets acquainted. You all make your way to the restaurant, and are brought to the private room in the back for large parties. A buffet was set up, and the kids sit together while all of the adults co-mingle. You take in everything. Your parents were chatting up Anne as Phil and Julian were talking with Gemma. Louis and Niall were keeping Harry pretty preoccupied. It was nice to see him interacting with them. He had this boyish smile on his face, and it filled you with so much joy.
“Y/N, who’s officiating for you two?” Gemma asks
“My old rabbi is coming.” You smile. “He’s going to do a few prayers for us since that was important to me, and Harry didn’t seem to mind.” He places his hand over yours. “And then our friend Janette is going to step in and do the rest. She was over the moon when we asked her. She works with us as well.”
“That’s great! Harry’s always told nice stories about Janette over the years. Will everyone else from your department be coming?”
“Yeah.” Harry answers his sister. “They’ll be coming to the reception. The ceremony is going to be everyone in this room, plus Y/N’s bridal party. Very small.”
“I like it.” Anne says. “I mean, having a big wedding is great and all, but I like that this will be much more intimate. It makes it more special, in a way.”
“I still can’t believe how quickly you were able to pull this all together.” Your mom says. “I’m happy, don’t get me wrong, but I was shocked when you said it would be happening so soon.”
“We just figured what was the use in waiting a year when we knew it was going to be small. It’s not like we needed to book a large venue, and thanks to Julian, we were able to squeeze into that smaller ballroom for the reception.” You say.
“How will everything work out at the commons?” Niall asks.
“We’re having two small tents set up, one for me and one for Harry, and both parties to hang out in. I’ll be brought over in the van beforehand to take pictures and all that, and then we’re going to do a first look.” You explain.
“We really wanted that moment to be private between us. Andy’s gonna be involved in it too, it’s gonna be great.” Harry says.
“Our admin, Lucas, is taking all of the photos, he’s so talented.” You say. “We’re paying him, of course, but he’s not charging as much as a full-time professional would.”
“It’s nice you two have so many people in your corner to help out.” You dad says. “Makes me feel better about you living so far away, honey.” He gives your hand a squeeze and you smile at him.
You had never felt more blessed in your life. You were with a man your family approved of, and they were happy for you, genuinely! Your parents had been not so great to your past boyfriends, but they took a liking to Harry right away. You wondered if Andy had anything to do with it. They were skeptical, you noticed, at Thanksgiving, but it was like once they met Andy they knew you’d be alright with Harry. It must have something to do with the fact that he’s been able to keep a kid alive and safe. They knew they could trust him with you.
Dinner was great, and everyone felt plenty full. Harry tells Andy to be good and to listen to the adults taking care of him since he’d be mostly likely going to the pool at the hotel with his cousins.
“Have fun you three.” You say to the boys before you all head your separate ways. “Bring him back in one piece.”
“We’ll do our best.” Niall winks.
Harry rolls his eyes at his friends and gives you a hug and a kiss before he leaves with them. You head back to the hotel with Harry’s family after saying goodbye to your own. You meet them all down at the pool to hang out while the kids swam around.
“Have you two been to Boston often?” You ask Anne and Gemma.
“A few times, yeah. We usually fly in here, but we’ve only explored a couple of times.” Gemma explains. “We usually have to hop on the bus up to New Hampshire to get to Harry’s.”
“I think we’re planning our next visit for Andy’s fourteenth birthday since he’ll be done with middle school.”
“And that’ll be when his next birthday party will be at Harry’s house.” Gemma says. “No offense, but I have zero desire to party it up at Paige’s.”
“Oh, please.” You laugh. “I don’t blame you at all.”
“She’s a lovely woman and all, great mum to my grandson, but I’ll never forgive her for hurting my son.” Anne says as she crosses her arms and leans back in her chair, glancing over at the kids in the pool. “I was so shocked the day he called me and told me she was pregnant. He wasn’t done with school yet, and I could tell he was panicked.”
“I had to talk him off the ledge. He was so close to dropping out to find a job. Thankfully Paige had the good sense to remind him he was just about done with school and she was already working full time. I already had the twins, so I was able to give him some pointers.”
“Ah, so they’re about a year older than Andy, then?” You say.
“About, yeah, like a year and half. They all get along great, thank god. At the age they are now, it can feel like such a big gap, you know?”
“Y/N, are you and Harry hoping to have a kid, or are you leaving it with Andy?” Anne asks. “I know it’s not really any of my business, but I had always hoped he’d have more.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” You smile. “Yeah, we plan to have a baby at some point. I’m hoping to finish up my doctoral program before we start trying. It’s a lot of stress, and I’d be scared of something happening.”
“Perfectly understandable.” Gemma says. “I was happy with my two for one special.” She laughs. “Got one of each in one go, and that was plenty for me.”
“Have you two talked to Andy about him potentially being a big brother? I know he has Rachel, but that’s a little different. Feel like they’re more like buddies.” Anne says.
“We haven’t talked to him about it, no.” You sigh. “I feel like he’ll be okay with it, but sometimes we don’t really know how he’ll take things. He was awfully upset last year when Paige got engaged. He took ours much better, for whatever reason.”
“He’s a mumma’s boy, just like his father, that’s why.” Gemma smirks. “Harry used to throw a fit anytime Mum went out on a date.”
“Only when Dad and I first divorced, he got over it eventually.” Anne shrugs.
“Yeah, he started dating and said, ‘hm, maybe Mum was valid for wanting to go out’.” Gemma laughs.
“I’m glad Harry having such an older kid didn’t scare you off.” Anne says to you. “It’s one thing when you meet someone and their child is young, basically still a baby, but Andy was, like, ten when you met him, right?”
“Yeah, I think so.” You smile and think back on his chubby cheeks. He’d grown so much in just a couple of years. “I actually think it made things easier. He was able to warm up to me as a friend first, you know? Plus, I think Harry would talk about me to him.”
“He talked about you to everyone.” Anne laughs. “He was smitten before he even knew he was smitten.”
“And there I was totally oblivious to the whole thing.” You shake your head. “Well, not totally, I think I was pretending not to notice. I wasn’t totally into the idea of dating a colleague. I was so new, I didn’t want to seem unprofessional.”
“I get that.” Gemma says. “I met my late husband at work, and we definitely discussed the implications of dating before we actually went out. It can make things really complicated if it doesn’t work out.”
“That’s why I’m kinda glad we started dating in the summer time so we could ease into it a bit.” You say as your phone buzzes. You take it out of your pocket and see a message from Harry. It was a picture of him, clearly one of the boys took, drinking through a funnel. “Oh, god.” You laugh and show them. “They do this often?”
“They’re bad influences.” Gemma says. “They act like little boys when they all get together.”
“They better not make him sick, Harry promised to take us out for some fun during the day tomorrow before the rehearsal.”
“Why’d you send her that?!” Harry slurs as he grabs his phone from Niall.
“Thought she’d appreciate you checking in.” Niall smirks.
“Not funny.” Harry says as he tries to text you.
Harry: sooo sorry about that, I’m being good, promise
Y/N: don’t worry about it, I’m glad you’re having fun
“You’re lucky she’s easy going.” Harry says to the two of them. “No more funnels, m’too old for funnels. I’m almost thirty-four for fuck’s sake!”
“You’re, like, three months away from that, chill out.” Louis says and Harry pouts at him. “Fine, no more funnels, let’s do shots instead.”
“Good thinking, Lou, tequila sounds excellent.” Niall says and asks the bartender for three shots.
“Can we sit down? There’s a booth right over there.” Harry points to it and the boys nod. They do their shots at the bar, and Louis orders three more so they can have them at the booth. Harry sighs as he sits. “Much better.”
“Alright, so, you’re really ready to get married? Make that big leap?” Niall asks.
“Yup.” Harry smiles. “I like her a lot.” He takes his phone out. “I mean, look at how cute she is, she’s perfect.” He shows them a picture of you out in the garden, wearing one of Harry’s bucket hats and some dirt on your cheeks. “That’s my baby right there.”
“You did well, Har.” Louis chuckles and pushes Harry’s phone back to him.
“She’s amazing with Andy too, like, she always knows what to say to him. I didn’t realize how much I was doing on my own until she started coming over more and helping out. I feel like I really have someone I can lean on now.” He sniffles and Niall starts laughing.
“Please, don’t get all emotional on us, mate.” Louis says.
“I just can’t believe out of all the people in the world she’s choosing me.”  
“Why wouldn’t she?” Niall says. “I’ve never seen a guy treat a woman as well as you do. Not to mention you’re one of the funniest fuckers I’ve ever met. The key to a woman’s heart is laughter, I swear.”
“it’s true, we laugh a lot.” Harry smiles. “Although, sometimes she tells me I’m not funny even while she’s laughing.”
“That’s because you make really stupid jokes.” Louis says. “They’re so bad they’re funny.”
“Oi, I’m a dad, I get to make dad jokes.” The three do the round of shots Louis had gotten.
“Alright, I’m done with this place.” Niall says. “Onto the next one.”
“And what’s the next one?” Harry raises an eyebrow as the boys grin. “No.”
“C’mon, H.” Niall says.
“Nope, not doin’ in.”
“We have to.” Louis says. “It’s an upscale place, we checked.”
“I don’t wanna watch a bunch of women I don’t know take their clothes off and shake it all around.”
“We’re not goin’ to a strip club, we’re going to a club where there will be some bottle girls and some exotic dancers.” Niall explains. “Nothing overly risqué.”
“Ugh, fine, but let’s do another shot before we go.”
The boys do another shot, and then head to the other club. Harry was feeling loose, so he wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, but he knew he’d feel guilty tomorrow when he was sober. There was loud music playing, and girls in booty shorts and crop tops walking around with drinks. Louis and Niall speak to the bouncer, and they’re brought over to an area that was roped off for them. Harry just felt thankful he could sit for a bit.
“Alright, who’s the bachelor over here?” A girl comes over with a cart.
“That would be this lad here, miss.” Louis says.
“Great! You get a rum bucket.” She grins at Harry as she starts putting the drink together, and Louis and Niall put some bills down on the cart as a tip for her.
“A rum bucket?!” Harry grows wide eyed. “That may be a bit much, I’ve been drinking tequila all night, and-“
“So you’ll nurse it, sweetie.” The girl finishes mixing the drink and hands it to him. “Whoever’s marrying you is a very lucky lady.” She smirks as she looks him up and down. “My name’s Lucy if you need anything, just holler. I’ll be covering your party tonight.”
“Thanks, Lucy.” Niall says. “This cart staying with us?”
“It sure is.” She smiles and walks away. Niall and Louis make their own drinks.
“How’s it taste, Har?” Louis asks.
“Mm, really good, actually.” Harry smiles. “Like…tastes like I’m at the beach.” He takes another decent gulp. “Refreshing.”
The rest of the night is…fuzzy for Harry. Lucy had come over a few times, she tried to flirt with him a little, but he explained not only was he probably way too old for her, but he explained, through slurred words, that he was marrying you, and even showed her some pictures. Louis and Niall got him plenty drunk at the club. Niall offered to buy him a lap dance, but Harry refused profusely. He drank two of the rum buckets, so needless to say he had no idea how he made it back to the hotel in one piece.
The next morning Harry wakes up with his head swimming. He almost felt drunk still. He wanted to take a long hot bath, or something. He knuckles at his eyes and sits up. He blinks a few times and jumps when he sees you sitting next to him with a book in your hand.
“Morning sleepy head.” You smile at him. “The boys let me in, wanted to check on you.”
“What is it?”
“Around 9:30. You gotta get up soon, your mom is adamant about spending the day with you before the rehearsal.”
“I know.” He yawns. “She wants to see some of the freedom trail.” He pushes you down onto your back and lays his head on your chest. You giggle as you card your fingers through his tangled hair. “I drank too much.”
“Get sick?”
“Don’t think so. Feel gross now, though.”
“You’ll feel better after some coffee and shower. I got you a small black.”
“You’re an angel, thank you.” He nuzzles further into your chest and then he looks up at you. “I have to confess something.”
“What’s that?”
“The last place we went to was, like, basically an upscale strip club, I’m sorry. I told them I didn’t want to, but they made me. I didn’t do anything though, I even showed the bottle girl pictures of you, and I refused a lap dance.”
“Harry.” You suck your bottom lip into your mouth. “I have to confess something too.”
“You were the bottle girl in disguise!” He gasps and you laugh, petting his head.
“No, baby. My friends took me to see male exotic dancers. It was a show, really, and they all stayed on the stage so it wasn’t like there was any touching or dollar bills flying around, but I did see some skin.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“I didn’t want you getting jealous.” You say softly. “It was good, clean fun, just like I’m sure last night was.”
“There was a lot of skin showing last night.” He sighs. “Wish it was yours.” He tugs at the hem of your shirt and slides his hand up underneath.
“Oh! Cold hand!” You swat it away and pull it out from under your shirt. “None of that now, we have a lot to do today.”
“Shower with me?” He pouts.
“Can’t, I already did, but I’ll wait in here while you do if you want.”
“Sit in the bathroom with me so we can still chat?”
“Okay.” You chuckle.
Harry takes a few sips of coffee, and you let him use the toiler before hanging out in the bathroom with him as he showers. He tries to recall more events from last night, but he explains a lot of it still feels fuzzy.
“Didn’t take you for someone who would chug from a funnel.” You say to him, and he rips the curtain back to show his face.
“One of the guys sent me a picture from your phone. It’s okay, it was funny.”
“Buggers.” He mutters as he gets back to washing up. He gets out and you hand him a towel.
“Much. I don’t know what I’d do if Andy ever saw me that fucked up. I’d me mortified. Where is he, anyways?”
“Down at breakfast with your family. I picked up Brandon from south station earlier, so they’re catching up. They practically leapt into each other’s arms, it was so cute.”
“Sorry I missed that.” Harry sighs as he gets dressed. “Cold out?”
“Not too bad, might wanna wear a sweater.”
He nods and throws one on. He puts some mousse in his hair and scrunches it up so his curls will be more defined.
“Alright, I’m a person again. Breakfast sounds really good right now.” He finishes up his coffee and walks out of the room with you. Niall and Louis were waiting in the living area.
“There is he, and you don’t even look half bad.” Louis says.
“Gee, thanks.” Harry rolls his eyes. “We’re heading to breakfast, you lot joining?”
“Yeah, mate, we were waiting for you.” Niall scoffs.
You giggle as you all had down to the small restaurant the hotel had. You spot everyone right away, and tell Harry to go sit so you can make up a plate for him at the buffet table. He presses a kiss to your lips as a thank you and he goes to sit down. Gemma smirks at him.
“Nothin’, have a nice time last night?”
“I did, thank you.” He pours himself some coffee and looks over at all the kids chatting and getting along. “I’m gonna go say hello to my son, if that’s alright with you.” He turns his nose up at Gemma, which makes her and Anne burst out laughing. “Hey, buddy.” Harry says as he sits down next to Andy.
“Hey.” He smiles.
“Hi, Mr. Styles.”
“Hey, B, how was the trip down?”
“Good, I slept for most of it.” He shrugs.
“Pretty brave to go on a bus like that by yourself.”
“I was nervous at first, but Andy told me all about his first time flying alone and it made me feel better.”
Harry smiles at that and looks at his niece and nephew.
“You two behaving and all that?”
“When do we not?” Lizzie scoffs.
“Yeah, Uncle H, give us some credit.” Ritchie says.
“How was the pool?”
“So much fun!” Lizzie says. “And Mum let us use the hot tub, it was so cool.”
“That was nice of her.” Harry smiles, and then feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Sitting with the kids, huh?” You chuckle and place his plate in front of him. “Got you fruit and potatoes.” You kiss the top of his head.
“Thank you, darling.”
“Dad, what time is the rehearsal going to start?”
“Around three this afternoon, gotta do it while it’s still light enough out.” He pops a grape into his mouth and looks at his watch. “Plenty of time to go out and enjoy the city. Got walking sneakers on, B?”
“Mhm.” He nods. “Where are we going?”
“Well, my mum loves history, so we’re gonna walk along the freedom trail for a bit, stop at some of the different landmarks, and then we’ll grab a quick bite to eat somewhere inside Quincy Market.”
“But don’t fill up.” You warn them. “Phil’s preparing an incredible dinner for all of us tonight.”
“You’re not coming?” Andy asks you.
“No, I have to stay here to make sure the room is put together, and be here for when my friends check in. A lot of our friends are going to be coming tonight, so I wanna be a good hostess when they check in.”
“Can’t believe you trust Dad to get us around with you.”
“Oi.” Harry says with a mouth full of potatoes. “I’ve got my wits about me, I know what I’m doing. I’ve gotten you around London in piece, haven’t I?”
“Yeah, but you grew up there.” Andy remarks.
“I’ll tell you what.” You say. “If you feel like you’re lost, just call me, yeah?” You wrap your arms around Harry and rest your head on the top of his chest.
“I’m not a buffoon, we’re not gonna get lost.” He sips his coffee. “Why don’t you lot go to the bathroom before we get going?”
The kids all giggle and stand up to do as he says. You take the opportunity to sit down next him. He rests his head on your shoulder as he continues to eat, and you giggle.
“Nothing, you’re just so fucking cute.” You kiss his cheek. “We’re getting married tomorrow.” You nuzzle your nose to his cheek and he turns to look at you.
“Oh, is that why we’re here? Thought we were just having a little family time.” He shrugs and you nudge his shoulder as smile pulls at his lips.
“They’re really cute together.” Louis says to Niall and Gemma. Anne had gotten up to go to the bathroom as well.
“I’ve never seen him like this.” Gemma says quietly. “Even when he was with Paige, like, yeah he babbled about her, but with Y/N you can really see the adoration he has for her.”
“I was gonna say the same thing!” Niall says. “He really truly adores her.”
“Paige was a first love for him, I think.” Louis says. “Which can be nice and meaningful, but that’s true love right there if I’ve ever seen it.”
“I agree completely.” Gemma says. They all smile as they see you scratch at Harry’s head and kiss his cheek. “I like her a lot, so does our mum. Harry’s chill, but he can get worked up easily, you know? Paige can be so high strung, I feel like Y/N brings a nice balance to his life because she’s also equally as chill.”
“Yeah, he said she only really stresses about her doctoral work. He never sees her fret about her classes or grading.” Louis says. “She’s just a genuinely nice person.”
“Seem like a great fit, honestly. Couldn’t want more for him.” Niall says.
Anne comes back with all the kids.
“Alright, I’m itching to get outside. It’s such a beautiful day.” Anne says.
“Tell your son.” Gemma says. “We’re waiting on him to wake up a bit more.”
You and Harry walk over to the table where everyone was waiting for him.
“Okay, let’s hit it. Everyone all set?” He asks. He gets a collective yes and he nods, then looks at you. “Call me if you need me for anything.”
“Won’t be necessary, got everything under control. I’ll meet you at the common at three.” You peck each other’s lips and off they go.
You get to the common with your friends and parents around 2:30 just to help them all visualize everything. You point out where the tents are going to be set up, and where the shuttle vans will be dropping everyone off when the time comes. The rabbi arrives you give him a hug. Harry and everyone else come strolling over to the spot.
“Harry! You remember the rabbi.” You say.
“Hi, yeah, nice to meet you in person.” He shakes his hand. “Thanks again for marrying us…I know it’s a little nontraditional.”
“Please, I love, love.” He scoffs. “And I’ve known this woman since she was a little girl, I’m honored to do it.”
“This is my son, Andy.” Harry grabs Andy’s elbow and has him stand in front of him. “Andy this is the rabbi that’s going to be blessing us tomorrow before Auntie Janette does the rest.”
“Hello.” Andy shakes the rabbi’s hand and he smiles at him.
“What a polite young man. You’re very lucky, getting such a lovely step-mom.”
“Yeah.” Andy smiles. “She’s pretty cool.”
“Is everyone here? Shall we get started?” The rabbi asks.
“Yeah.” You say.
You all block out how things will go tomorrow. You and your dad chuckle as you he quickly walks you up to where the alter will be. You and Harry hold hands as the rabbi explains the prayers he’ll administer and then Janette stands in his place and pretends to give her little speech. Once it’s all done you all make your way back to the hotel for dinner. You were ravenous from all the running around you did.
“How was it today?” You ask Harry as you sit down next to him.
“A lot of fun, actually. All the kids behaved, my mum was in heaven with the history, and my friends annoyed Gem, it was fantastic.” He chuckles. “Also…”, he leans in a little closer to your ear, “think something’s going on with Andy and Brandon, like, think I saw them holding hands a couple of times.”
“Oh my goodness, really?” You jaw drops as you smile.
“I think more happened at that Halloween party than he led on, but I’m choosing not to ask about it for now.”
“Probably for the best. He’ll tell us when he’s ready. They both seem to be in pretty high spirits.”
“Yup, they’ve been their usual hyena selves.”
Phil comes in dressed in his chef outfit, and few waiters follow him in with the food. He wanted to give you a plated meal since it was a smaller group tonight. Tomorrow would be the buffet.
“This looks amazing, Phil!” You beam at him. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course.” He smiles. “I hope you all enjoy.” He sits down at a seat Julian left open for him near the door so he could scoot if needed to.
Everyone mingles as they eat. You loved getting to see everyone getting to know each other better. You look at Harry and smile as he speaks with your mother. Then you look over at the kids, the four of them were enjoying mac n’cheese. You notice how Andy and Brandon keep stealing glances of each other. All around, it was a pleasant evening.
“Okay.” Nora says to you. “We’re taking you out of the hotel tonight for drinks. Don’t worry, we’re not going crazy. We don’t want you looking all tired tomorrow.”
“No ma’am.” You say. “The hair stylist should be at our suite around ten in the morning to do everyone’s hair.”
“Perfect.” She smiles. “It’s gonna be amazing. You’re gonna so fucking cool in your ensemble.”
“I’m very excited to strut my stuff.”
After going out for a few hours, you and your friends go back to your hotel suite to get some sleep. Harry had stayed in, well, he went to the hotel bar with Niall, Louis, and Gemma, but he hadn’t drank to excess like he did the night prior.
“I just wanna say goodnight to him.” You tell your friends as you put your robe on. “Be back in five minutes.”
“Mhm, right.” Mark rolls his eyes. “You’ll be back in thirty minutes, freshly fucked.”
“Well…obviously.” You scoff. “It’s the last time I get to call him my fiancé.” You wink and slip out the door and down a few hallways to his room. You knock on the door, and Louis opens it. “Hi.” You smile.
“Hello, love, what can I do for you?”
“Came to tell my fiancé goodnight.”
He grins at you and turns into the room.
“Oi! Harry, Y/N says goodnight!” He turns back to you. “Anything else?”
“Would you get out of the fucking way?” Harry yanks Louis away. “Both of you should go into the other room.” He runs a hand through his hair and tugs you inside. “Hey.” He smiles.
“Hi.” You giggle and quickly go into his room with him. “Thought it might be fun to have one last go as two people who aren’t married.”
“Always thinking, aren’t you.” He pulls the tie on your robe and lets it fall open. You had a simple silk pajama set on, nothing overly special. “Cute.” He smiles and cups your jaw.
He pulls you towards him gently and kisses you. You wrap your arms around him and drag your tongue along his bottom lip, and he opens up for you. He walks you back to the bed, and you both fall on top of it. He tugs your pants down your legs, and you shiver when you feel his hand caress your thigh.
“Don’t leave any marks tonight, I don’t want them showing up in the pictures.” You say as he mouths at your neck.
“What about between your legs?”
“Don’t think a camera will be going there.” You chuckle.
He kisses down your body and parts your legs open. He kisses from your knee all the way to the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. You gasp when you feel his teeth nip at you.
“Harry, don’t tease, it’s not like we have all night…”
“Teasing’s the best, though.”
“For you, maybe.” You pout. “Please, just want you to fuck me.”
“Did you bring any condoms?”
“No…I thought you’d have some with you.”
“You packed them in your bag, remember?”
“Jesus Christ, okay, so just pull out I guess?”
“Can I fuck you from behind?”
He grins and gets all of his clothes off and so do you. You get on all fours in front of him, and he runs his hands down your back soothingly before giving you bum a smack.
“Oof!” You look behind you, started, as his second smack was against your cunt. “Harry.” You say sternly. “I can’t stay quiet if you do that, and I’d rather not put on a show for your friends.”
“Okay, okay, m’sorry.” He leans forward and pecks your lips.
He pushes his length between your folds to coat himself before he pushes inside you. You groan softly as he bottoms out. He pulls out almost all the way, and thrusts back in. He does this a few times before getting a rhythm going. He reaches forward, and pulls you back to him so you’re flush with his chest. He licks into your mouth as he rubs your clit. You were falling to pieces in front of him. You wanted it quick and fast, and that’s exactly how he’d give it to you. You were his angel, his princess, no, his queen. He’d make you happy no matter what. You were moaning into his mouth and panting all at the same time. You could feel your orgasm approaching. You tug at his hair in he moans right back into your mouth. You bite his bottom lip harshly as you come around his cock. He pushes you off him and onto the mattress. You barely had time to catch your breath before he was coming onto your back.
“Sorry, that was a close one.” He breathes. “One second, baby.”
He hops off the bed and grabs a towel to clean you up with. You use the toilet and then get dressed. He throw his sweatpants back on and pulls you into his lap as he sits on the edge of the bed. You hug him, and he cradles your head to his shoulder. You nibble on his earlobe and smirk to yourself.
“I can’t wait to feel you come inside me when we’re ready to start trying.” You say into his ear and goosebumps raise on his skin. “Bet it’ll feel so good and warm.”
“Y/N, I will fuck you again.” He says almost warning you to behave. “Be good for me, yeah? It’s hard enough I can’t sleep next to you.”
“Sorry.” You peck his lips a few times. “I’ll behave.”
“Thank you.” He kisses you again. “I can’t wait for that too, just so you know.”
“Good.” You smile and get off of him.
“Want me to walk you back to your room?”
“No, just to the door is fine, I can make it.”
He nods and leads you out to the main area, and to the front door of the suite. You kiss one last time, and say goodnight. This time tomorrow he’d be your husband, and you were absolutely buzzing.
The next morning you have room service ordered for you and your friends. You have your nails, hair, and makeup done over a couple of mimosas. Anne, Gemma, your mom, and Lizzie all join in.
“So you’re wearing slacks and a jacket, and then you’re changing into a little dress?” Your mom confirms.
“Yes, and I’m really glad I’m doing that because I won’t freeze outside.” You chuckle.
“Your hair looks gorgeous.” Janette says.
“Thanks.” You smile.
You had the hairdresser make two, really nice buns, sort of like the ones you make on your own. Your hair had gotten pretty long, so she was able to make them look full and loose. She took out some pieces in the front and curled the ends. You knew how much Harry liked your poofs, so you thought you’d have them made elegantly. It was perfect.
The time comes for you to put everything on, and your mother has to blink a few tears away. You both giggle and hug. Mark and Darcy walk in front of you out of the room, and Nora and Claudia walk behind you. This way no one would accidentally see you. You all climb into the van, your father, Phil, and Julian were all waiting for you. They tell you how beautiful you look.
Lucas was there waiting for you. Nora goes into the small tent for the bridal party and grabs your bouquet. You take pictures with Mark, Nora, Darcy, and Claudia, then just you and Nora, then you and your parents, then with you, Gemma, and Anne, and then just you and Anne. Then you take one with Phil and Julian, and then one of just your immediate family. Once all that is done you head inside the tent to keep warm until everyone else shows up.
The other van pulls up; Harry, Andy, Brandon, Ritchie, Louis, and Niall all come out. Harry’s suit was magenta, and it really brought out the green in his eyes. Andy, Ritchie, Louis, and Niall all had tan suits on, and Andy was given a special pocket square that was magenta. Louis, Niall, and Ritchie’s were blue. They all go wait inside the tent while Harry goes to the spot he was told to wait for the first look with you. Lucas takes a few pictures of him standing there with his back turned. You take a peek outside, and bite your bottom lip as you see Harry’s back turned. You take a deep breath and make your way out. Everyone was told not to watch so you two could have your moment.
Lucas takes plenty of photos of you walking up to Harry. You get about three feet away and stop. You take a moment to admire his features: his broad back, the way the material stretches over his bum and thighs. You take a deep breath before speaking.
“Hey, neighbor.” You say softly.
“Hey, neighbor, can I turn around now?”
“Yeah, I’m dying to see the front of that suit.”
Harry smiles as he turns around, and his eyes grow wide when he looks at you. His eyes rim with tears. He covers his mouth with one hand, and the other goes to his hip.
“You…you look…I mean, you’re breathtaking.” He says to you. He steps forward and wraps his arms around you. You were trying your hardest not to cry because you didn’t want your makeup to get messed up.
“So are you, you look so handsome.” You chuckle as you hold each other. You cup his cheeks and he grips your hips and squeezes you. “I have a dress for the reception too.”
“Sneaky.” He pecks your lips. Lucas captures everything, and takes a few photos of the two of you. “Alright, it’s our son’s turn, be back in a tick.” Harry goes back to the tent and grabs Andy. He has him cover his eyes as he walks him over to you. “Ready to see your mum, buddy?”
“Please, I really don’t wanna cry and you’re making it so hard.” You laugh.
Andy takes his hands away from his eyes and he gasps.
“You look so cool!” He throws his arms around you and you hug him back.
“Andy, you look so incredibly handsome.”
“My pocket square matches Dad’s suit.”
“I see that, very clever.”
Lucas takes some pictures of the three of you, and then everyone else is allowed out. Every combination of photo is taken for each wedding party, as well as every combination of family photo. Everyone goes to wait in the tents as the guests start to arrive. Lisa, Mateo, Sandra, and Andre all take their seats. Some of your other family comes, and a few old colleagues from both yours and Harry’s previous institutions show up.
Janette and the rabbi get into position. Anne walks Harry and Andy up to the alter, and Ritchie, Louis, and Niall follow behind. Brandon was sitting up front and he gives a small wave to Andy. Andy blushes and waves back.
Lizzie walks down the aisle first, putting out rose petals. She hugs Harry briefly, and then stands in her spot. Your mother walks arm and arm with Phil and Julian, and then they sit down. Next comes Mark, Claudia, Darcy, and Nora. Harry takes a deep breath when he sees you and your father. Your smile grows wider and wider, and Harry tears up again. Your father kisses your cheek, giving you away, and you stand hand in hand with Harry. He even wore a yarmulke for you. The rabbi addresses everyone, and says a few prayers before stepping aside to let Janette speak.
“Thank you, Rabbi.” She smiles. “I am so honored to be here today doing this for the two of you. I’ve known Harry for a long time, and I’ve been grateful for our friendship. Y/N, you and I became such fast friends, and I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. Please, don’t ever leave.” You and Harry chuckle at her. “I know it’s a little chilly out, so I’ll try to keep things brief, especially since these two have their own vows. Love is a really crazy thing. We love our friends, our family, and once in a great while we find someone that fall in love with. Watching Harry and Y/N fall for each other was fascinating. It was slow, oblivious, and all of a sudden. They left for summer break as a good friends, and came back a couple. None of us were surprised, of course, but sometimes you just gotta let the kids figure it out for themselves.” A few people laugh. “And I’m so happy you two figured it out. Now, I think the time has come for you to talk, Harry, I believe you’re first.”
“Right, thanks.” He clears his throat and looks at you. He squeezes your hands in his. “Y/N, the day we met I was just excited I was going to have an office neighbor again. Things had been quiet, and I felt bad for always bugging Andre and Sandra.” You laugh at that. “We bonded over not eating meat, and then we won a game of charades, and suddenly you were all I could think about. I wasn’t quite sure why because I hadn’t felt like that in a long time, and I almost forgot what it felt like to be so into someone. I liked you, and so did my son…who’s ours now. It’s not easy dating someone with a child, and you made it seem so natural. You…made me believe in love again.” He blinks away a few tears, and you smile. Janette nods towards you.
“That’s tough to beat.” You squeeze his hands. “When I first came to the university, I was pretty much focused on getting my doctorate. The last thing I expected was to fall in love with my colleague, as charming as he was. When we all went out to dinner that night, you said you had someone at home waiting for you, and I felt weird for feeling relieved when I found out were a single dad. I was so used to being independent and doing my own thing, that I didn’t realize how good it could feel to have someone want to take care of you. I also didn’t realize how good it could feel to want to take care of someone else, and their kid.” You lean and wink at Andy, who was beaming at you. “I’ve never felt like this before, and I’m so happy that I get to keep feeling this way.”
“Andy, the rings please.” Janette says, holding out her hand. Andy drops them into her palm. “Thank you.” She hands one to you, and one to Harry. You each slip a ring on each other’s finger. “By the power vested in, and the state of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife!”
Harry steps on the glass, and grabs you by the back of the neck to kiss you. He dips you slightly as everyone cheers. You and your parties make your way to the vans to head to the hotel. All of your guests enjoy a cocktail hour while you change into your dress. Lucas takes a few pictures of you and Harry.
“This is nice, baby.” Harry says to you.
“Thanks, I thought it would be fun to have an outfit change.” You peck his lips. “Hey, I’m your wife.”
“I know, I’m your husband.” He squishes his nose to yours.
“And for the first time as a married couple, Y/N and Harry!”
“Think that’s our cue.” You say to him and giggle. You hold hands and go into the small ballroom.
Everyone cheers as you both come inside. Groove is in the Heart starts playing, which you both chose as your first dance. It was an inside joke between the two of you. You didn’t have a lot of time to plan it, but you were able to choreograph a silly dance to it. Everyone was hollering and clapping as you hit every step. You mouth the words to each other. ‘I couldn’t ask for another. No, I couldn’t ask for another.’ It was a lot of fun. You both hug and kiss at the end, and then giggle. You were so happy Lucas had gotten everything on video.
The song for Harry’s mother-son dance starts to play, and he extends his hand out to her. Andy comes up to you and taps your shoulder. You gasp and smile endearingly at him. You dance with him as Harry dances with Anne. You weren’t expecting this from Andy at all. Next up is your dance with your father, and Harry takes the opportunity to dance with your mother, who was overjoyed.
Nora gives an incredible maid of honor speech, making everyone laugh hard. You almost snorted your champagne through your nose. Louis and Niall give a short little speech before turning the microphone to a nervous Andy. He didn’t love public speaking.
“Um, hi everyone. Th-that’s my dad.” He points to Harry and a few people chuckle. “He’s, like, the best dad in the world. He never really brought his dates around, I didn’t even know he dated. I remember when I first met Y/N…my new step-mom…I thought she was really nice. I asked my dad about her one night, and he pretty much didn’t shut up about her after that.” Everyone laughs. “But that was okay. My eleventh birthday was coming up, and we really wanted to invite her, but he was nervous. So we invited her on a hike to ease to into it. Dad was taking too long, so I asked Y/N to come to my party, and she said yes. After that she kept saying yes to us. I thought my favorite yes was when she agreed to move in, but I think today’s my new favorite.” He smiles and clears his throat. “I…I love you both.”
Everyone cheers for Andy as he comes over to you both to give you each a hug. You both tell him you love him too before he sits down. Brandon gives his shoulder a squeeze. After that, everyone makes their way to the buffet and bar area to enjoy everything. Phil had put an incredible menu together. You and Harry make your way around the room to say hello to the guests who weren’t at the ceremony. Mark was killing it as the DJ, and playing lots of music that everyone could enjoy. A slower song starts to play, so you and Harry make your way to the dancefloor so you can enjoy it.
“I think we really crushed it earlier.” You say. “No one was expecting a fun, choreographed dance.”
“I agree, blew everyone away.” He chuckles and kisses your cheek. “It’s been an incredible day.”
You nod and smile as he leads you around. You rest your head on his shoulder, and let your eyes flutter closed for a bit. You were married, you were actually married. You had the papers to prove it and everything. Sure, you weren’t Mrs. Styles, you’d be keeping your last name, which Harry had absolutely no problem with, hell, he had offered to change his own for you, but you said it wasn’t necessary.
“You know what’s gonna be super sexy of us?” He says and you look up at him with raised eyebrows. “Going on the same insurance plan.”
“God, love it when you talk dirty to me like that.” You giggle and so does he.
The song fades into a faster one, and Andy comes running over to the two of you. He tugs on Harry’s hand so they can dance together. You couldn’t stop smiling if you wanted to. At one point you and Phil share a dance as Harry and Gemma share one. Harry even dances with Julian. You weren’t sure if you had ever seen Harry have so much fun.
“Are you having fun?” Andy asks Brandon as they take a water break.
“Yeah, this is awesome. I had a lot of fun exploring yesterday too. Your family is really nice.”
“Thanks. I’m really glad your parents let you come for this.”
“Me too.” He rests his chin on his palm and smiles at Andy. He reaches with his other hand to fix the collar of his shirt. “Tan’s a nice color on you.”
“Thank you.” Andy blushes.
“Andy!” Lizzie says. “They’re gonna play the cha cha slide in a second, will you come do it with us?”
“Yeah!” He grabs Brandon’s hand to go back to the dancefloor. Everyone gets into position as the song starts.
The music was a lot different than the music that Paige had her wedding. She had more of a generic playlist. You had worked with Mark to play things everyone would like, but you also made sure to have songs on there you knew you’d be able to jam out to. So when Yeah! comes on, you and your friends squeal and all run to dance together. The kids knew the song too, but Andy had never really seen you dance the way you were right now.
“Y/N really knows how to have fun!” Brandon says.
“Yeah!” Andy says. “She really is the coolest!”
Andy knew this wasn’t his dad’s favorite kind of music so he laughs when he sees you drag him over to your friends to dance to the song. You dance up on him in a silly way, and it makes everyone laugh.
“Are they going on a honeymoon or anything?” Brandon asks Andy as they both go to grab cupcakes.
“Mhm, they’re going to Miami during Thanksgiving week. I get to stay at my mom’s for an extra couple of day which will be nice.”
“You won’t mind going back and forth?”
“Nah, it’s only for a couple of days.” Andy shrugs.
“How come her and your step-dad and Rachel aren’t here?”
“I don’t really know. My dad said he didn’t really want her here for this since they wanted to keep things really small. I guess he didn’t want to think about her or whatever.”
“Do you think Y/N and your dad are gonna try to have a baby?”
“I have no idea. I wouldn’t mind if they did, I know my dad’s always wanted to have more kids. He loves babies. Anytime we’re at a party and there’s a baby, he has to hold it. It would be cool to be a big brother, even if I’ll be a lot older.”
“My aunt is, like, ten years older than my dad, and they get along really well. I don’t think age gaps really matter when you’re older.” Andy nods as he finishes his cupcake. Another slow song starts. “Do you, um, wanna dance?” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Yeah.” Andy smiles and takes one of Brandon’s hands.
Andy keeps Brandon’s hand in his, and puts the other on his upper waist. Brandon puts his free hand on Andy’s shoulder. Ever since their kiss, Andy had this confidence about him, not that he wasn’t confident before, but he was certainly less shy now that he knew how Brandon felt about him. No one really pays too much attention to them as they dance. You and Harry notice it and just find it to be sweet.
As the night comes to end, you and Harry thank everyone for coming. Andy and Brandon head up to the hotel suite with Lizzie, Ritchie, Anne, and Gemma. You say goodbye to your family, and your friends go to their suite. Yours and Harry’s things were set up in the room you’d finally be spending the night together in. He laces his fingers in yours as you stand in the elevator. As soon as you get off, you squeal as he picks you up and carries you bridal style to your room. You giggle as you swipe the key card, and he carries you inside. There were rose petals on the floor and a bottle of champagne over ice.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt more special.” You say and he kisses you.
He sets you down gently, and gets his suit jacket off. Harry pops the champagne and pours some into a couple of glasses. You smile as you take the flute from him and take a sip.
“As if we needed more to drink.” He jokes as he takes a sip. “Did you have fun?”
“So much fun, it was perfect. Couldn’t have asked for a better wedding.” You set your glass down and kick your heels off before wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m gonna be really busy before we go away.”
“I know, it’s alright. You promise to work while we’re gone, right?”
“I promise.” You nod and he pecks your lips.
“Are you tired? We can wait to consummate if you want.” You laugh at that and shake your head as he squeezes your hips.
“No, baby, I’m not tired. Are you?”
“Not at all. Caught a second wind, actually.”
“Mm, well, let’s put it to good use then.”
You slot your mouth over his, and nip at his bottom lip. His hands slide up under the skirt of your dress to squeeze at your ass, kneading your plushy skin. You start unbuttoning his shirt, and tug it out of his pants. You push it off his shoulders and run your fingers up and down his chest and torso. He grips the hem of your dress and pulls it off in one swoop. You grab at your breasts because you had to use an obscene amount of tape to keep them up.
“What’s all that for?”
“I couldn’t wear a bra with that dress because the back is open, and my boobs are too big to let them just bounce around so I had to tape them up. Give me a second to go take all this off. I honestly forgot about it.” You pout slightly. “Not very sexy.” You say as you walk towards the bathroom.
“I don’t about that, your ass looks great in that thong.” He smirks and you shake your head at him.
He takes the time to get out of his shoes and slacks, leaving himself in a pair of black boxers. He sits down on the edge of the bed as he waits for you. He hears you wince a couple of times, and then you come back out.
“They’re all red now.” You pout for real now and straddle him.
“You and your sensitive skin, poor thing.” He pouts back at you and then kisses on your chest. “Let me make it all better.”
Harry swirls his tongue around your tender nipple, and does the same to other one before gently sucking. You run your fingers through his soft hair as you whimper affectionately. Your hips jut forward against the bump that’s growing in his boxers. He kisses up your throat and to your mouth as he holds you close to him.
“Get back on the bed.” You say against his lips.
You get off of him and he shifts further back on the bed so he can sit up against the headboard. He spreads his legs for you as you tug at the band of his boxers. He lifts his hips to help you take them off. You also take a moment to get your thong off so you both could just be naked.
“I wanted to do that.” He pouts.
“Well, it’s a good thing we’re married because we have the rest of our lives for you to take my clothes off.” You smirk and open his legs back up.
You kiss on his inner thigh, a spot where he was extremely sensitive, and suck a bruise into his skin. He grunts as you do so, and he watches your mouth works up his shift, kitten licks and kisses, up to his tip. You suckle on him and his mouth falls open with a sigh. You slobber all over him so you can pump what you can’t fit into your mouth. Your other hand goes to his balls and he moans as you massage them. You could practically feel them throbbing. You pop off his tip and continue to pump him slowly. You lay flat on your stomach and lick the flat of your tongue over one of his balls, causing his hips to buck up. You carefully mouth at his balls before bringing your mouth back to his tip, swirling your tongue around him.
“Y/N.” He groans. “Let me do you now.”
You give his tip one last harsh suck before you do as he says. You lay back on the bed, but he flips you onto your stomach. He pulls your hips up and you gasp when you feel his breath on your center. He licks into you from behind, and you clench your fists around the comforter on the bed. The noises he was making as he slurped and sucked on you were obscene, but you couldn’t find it in you to care because it felt so fucking good. He briefly sucks on your clit before he drags his tongue all the way back up to your other hole. Your body shudders when you feel two of his fingers slip inside you. His thumb works your clit while his tongue swirls around your other sensitive area. Your eyes nearly pop of your head when you feel his tongue enter you.
“Jesus, fuck.” You cry out. You look over your shoulder at him and see he’s totally lost in you.
His fingers were working wonders against your g-spot, his thumb was rubbing your clit in just the right way, and his tongue…Christ. Your senses were totally overwhelmed. He was moaning and groaning against you, and that’s what makes you totally lose it. You have to grab the pillow to scream into as your orgasm washes over you in waves. He lets go of you slowly, feeling your body shake under him. You carefully roll onto your back and look up at him. Your chest was heaving.
“What?” He asks as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“N-nothing, that just felt really good.” You bite your bottom lip. “I think I’m warming up to the idea of doing more…down there.” You swallow as his eyebrows raise. “Not tonight, obviously, but…I still think it’s only fair it happens to you first. I’ve been looking into it.”
“You have?” He reaches to stroke your cheek and you press into his touch.
“Yeah, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious. There’s a lot of prep work that has to be done. Are you sure you’d feel comfortable with me doing it to you?”
“You wouldn’t feel emasculated?”
“I think I was, like, sixteen the last time I cared about being masculine or not.” He smirks. “I think doing something like that with each other is so intimate and special because it just proves how much we trust one another. It really excites me.” You nod at that. “We can talk more about it later…got condoms in here?”
“Yeah, I put them in the bedside table.”
Harry nods and opens the drawer to grab one. He rips the foil packet open and slides the rubber onto his length. His runs his tip through your folds and around your clit. He pushes inside you and you both sigh out in relief. He comes down to you so you’re chest to chest and you wrap your legs around him. You wanted to make love with him tonight, and he knew that. One of your hands gets lost in his hair while the other grips at his back and shoulder. He rocks in and out of you with precision and care. Soft whimpers leave your lips as he kisses on the skin just under your ear.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” He says into your ear.
“I love you too, Harry.”
He picks up the pace a little and his tip hits your g-spot over and over. You weren’t going to last much longer, and judging by how sloppy he was getting, he wouldn’t be lasting much longer either. Your nails scratch down his back as you cry out, and he spills into the condom shortly after. Once you’re both cleaned up, you flop onto his chest so he can hold you. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead. He pulls the covers over the two of you, and you sigh peacefully. You felt like a big, toasty cinnamon bun, and you couldn’t have asked for anything better, honestly.
When you woke up the next morning, you realized you slept with your buns in. You sit up and start taking out the bobby-pins that were used to keep them together. You shake out your hair and moan with relief as you rake your nails through. Harry was sleeping soundly next to you. You reach over on the nightstand for an elastic to put your hair up in a high ponytail. You leave the same pieces out in the front. You realize you didn’t bother to take your makeup off either. How irresponsible, you think to yourself. Harry’s arm was strung across your lap, and he squeezes your thigh when you try to get up.
“Babe.” You say and he grunts. “I desperately need to wash my face, please let me get up.”
“Just a little longer.” His eyes flutter open and he looks up at you. “I don’t feel like being a dad, a brother, a son, an uncle, or a friend just yet.”
“And what would you like to be then?”
“Just your husband.”
You chuckle softly and lift his hand to your lips to kiss his knuckles.
“As sweet as that is, unfortunately, now that you’re awake you’re all of those things. You’ll love the brunch Phil’s preparing. I swear breakfast is one of his specialties.”
“Is that why you’re so good at cooking it too?” He asks as he sits up.
“Mhm, I used to practice recipes with him. It sort of helped us bond as I was getting older.” You stretch your arms out and then get out of bed. “I left all my makeup on, I feel gross.”
He lets you do your thing in the bathroom before going in himself. You throw on a sweater with some leggings, and a comfy pair of knock-off uggs. Harry puts on some joggers and a sweatshirt. You both work to pack up all your things. You sigh as you zip up your dress bag.
“You really did look stunning yesterday, in both outfits.” He says as he wraps his arms around you from behind.
“Thank you, baby.” You lean into his embrace for a moment before he lets you go. “Did you see Andy and Brandon dancing last night?”
“I did.” Harry nods with a smile. “Think they’ve got a secret little thing going on?”
“I have a feeling they’re not saying anything because they didn’t wanna have any issues with the hotel room.”
“Why would they have issues?”
“Andy’s smart, Y/N, he knows there are certain dating rules, he’s watched enough movies with me to know that two kids dating usually means they can’t sleep in the same room, let alone the same bed.”
“So if they are dating, are you going to ban sleepovers?”
“Nah, they’re only twelve.” Harry shrugs. “But…they’ll have to keep the door open. Brandon doesn’t usually sleep in Andy’s bed anyways since he only has a little twin. I’m not too worried about it.”
“You’ll have to talk with him a little, though.”
“About what?”
“The birds and the bees.” Harry grimaces at that and it makes you laugh.
“You’re his mum now, you do it.”
“Harry.” You laugh harder.
“Please, I can’t get through a conversation like that. I don’t even know what I’d say to him. He can’t really be thinking about that kind of stuff yet can he?”
“I don’t know, kids today are doing things at younger and younger ages. They could easily be kissing and making out. He should know that he really should be doing anything below the belt just yet. And like you said, he’s twelve…aren’t things a little hard to control down there at that age? He needs some guidance ahead of time in case he gets a little too excited.”
“Shit.” Harry says in agreement.
“We can wait until he tells us what’s going. It could easily be nothing still.”
“True.” He kisses your cheek and grabs a good chunk of the bags.
You both head downstairs, and into the small function room you had the rehearsal dinner in. Your nostrils are hit with coffee and waffles. Phil had set up a waffle bar, pancakes, and crepes! There was also eggs, breakfast sausage and bacon (regular and vegan), oatmeal, and yogurt. Your mouth waters from all of it, but you’re snapped out of your daze when you hear other in the room clap and holler at you and harry. You both bow and curtsey. You say your hellos and good mornings before you both pile up your plates.
“Morning.” Andy comes over to the two of you.
“Hey, buddy, how’d you sleep?” Harry says.
“Good, I conked right out, I was tired. Is everyone going back to London today?”
“M’afraid so.” Harry sighs. “We’ll see everyone again real soon though.”
“Yeah.” Andy looks over at Anne. “I’m gonna go sit with Grammy then.”
“Go ahead.” You say. “Enjoy the time with her.”
Andy nods and goes to sit with Anne. Brandon sits on his other side, although he was deep in conversation with Ritchie about the complexities of soccer versus football. Gemma was busy braiding back Lizzie’s hair.
“So, how is it?” Phil says as he plops down in the seat next to you.
“Amazing, I can’t thank you enough.”
“We’re hoping to do more catering events, so we made sure to take a lot of pictures of everything. This was like a test run.”
“Happy we could help, mate.” Harry says. Louis and Niall sit down next to him.
“Sleep well?” Louis asks Harry.
“Like a rock since I had my girl next to me.” Harry smirks.
“You two officially married now?” Niall says.
“Very much so.” Harry’s smirk grows.
“Hey!” You snap your head in their direction. “None of that at breakfast, please. My parents are right over there.” Your cheeks were beat red.
“Y/N, you and Janette have had such vulgar conversations in front of other people before-“ Harry starts, but you cut him off.
“Not in front of my fucking family.” Your gaze is warning and he nods as you turn back to speak with Phil.
The morning goes on, and everyone enjoys their breakfasts. You wait with Harry’s family and friends as their cabs to the airport would be arriving any moment. It was hugs and kisses all around. You already couldn’t wait to see them for the holidays. After wrapping things up with Julian, you, Harry, Andy, and Brandon all head to Harry’s car.
“Now, boys, this is a momentous occasion.” He turns to look at them in the backseat. “Y/N is actually letting me drive through the city.” You glare at him and he laughs.
“Keep it up and I’ll make you switch right now.”
“How come you’re not driving, Y/N?” Andy asks.
“I have a bit of a headache. The sun is a little bright for me today.” You had a pair of sunglasses on to prove it. “This is a test for your dad.”
“And I’m going to pass with flying colors.” He retorts. “Everyone buckled up?” He hears a yes from both boys and he off he goes.
Andy’s hand creeps over to Brandon’s, and they subtly latch their pinkies as they sit in the back. They look at each other briefly to smile before looking out their respective windows. Andy notices you mindlessly reach your hand out to Harry’s. Harry takes your hand in his, kisses it, and rests it in his lap as he continues to drive. It makes Andy smile softly before his eyelids become too heavy, and he drifts off.
“Ugh, I do not wanna go to work tomorrow.” You groan Sunday night as you go through your emails. “So many of these questions could be answered if these fucking kids just used Google, like what the actual fuck?!” Andy and Harry both blink at you. “What?”
“Maybe…close your laptop.” Harry says as he gently closes it. “You can catch up tomorrow morning like how I plan to. Just relax, yeah?”
You nod and put your laptop on the coffee table.
“What movie are we watching?” You ask the boys?
“One of my favorites.” Andy says. “Home Alone.”
“A bit early for Christmas movies, no?”
“Y/N, once it’s November, it’s Christmas.” Andy says.
“You’re just going to skip over Thanksgiving?’
“Dad doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so it’s okay.”
“Fair enough.” You chuckle. “Throw it on.” Harry puts his arm around you as Andy queues it up.
“Before we do…can I talk to you both about something?” You and Harry share a glance with each other before looking at Andy. You both sit up straight to look at him. “Don’t freak out…but I’ve sort of been keeping something to myself…about me and Brandon?”
“Oh?” You say. “Like what?”
“Well…so…at Mum’s wedding, we almost kissed, but his dad called him so we got interrupted, and then nothing happened for a while…until Caroline’s Halloween party.” He swallows. “I mean, obviously that whole thing at school happened with Greg, and sometimes we’d sort of, like, flirt I guess in class, and so at the party we were all playing truth or dare, and we got dared to go into the closet together.”
“Oh my god.” Harry says and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“It’s not what you think! We just talked while we were in there. I didn’t wanna have my first kiss to be in a closet with a bunch of people waiting for us to come out afterwards…and I told Brandon that, and then I told him I wanted him to kiss me, and he said he wanted to kiss me too, so when we came out I asked Caroline if there was somewhere he and I could go where there wouldn’t be a ton of people around and she let us go outside.” He chews his bottom lip. “I…I asked Brandon how he felt about me and we both said that we really liked each other, and then we…well, we kissed for a little while.”
“Has…anything happened since?” Harry asks carefully.
“No, well, we hold hands a lot, but that’s been it. We didn’t wanna say anything until after your wedding.”
“Why?” You say. “You can tell us anything.”
“I was scared you wouldn’t let us stay in the same room, or something. I mean I know we were with Ritchie and Lizzie, but I didn’t know if you’d make one of us sleep on the floor.”
“Are you two planning to date? I mean…does he only like boys, or does he like boys and girls like you?” Harry asks.
“I don’t really know how he feels about people one way or the other. I think he’s still figuring it out, but he knows he like likes me, and I like like him…so yeah, I think we’re gonna date. Is that okay?”
“Of course it is.” Harry says quickly. “I mean, in the grand scheme of things I think you’re too young to be getting into a relationship, I felt the same way with Caroline, but I’m not gonna tell you no. However, some rules will have to be put into place, the same ones you had with her. Door open if you’re in your room and stuff like that. Also, if you sleep at his place, I’d prefer it if you didn’t sleep in his bed. I’m sure his parents will feel the same way.”
“Is Brandon going to tell his parents?” You ask Andy.
“Yeah, we both promised to tell tonight. He’s supposed to text me after he talks to them. His parents, luckily, are really cool about this stuff. His aunt has a wife, and she and Mr. Stewart are really close, so he doesn’t really have anything to worry about.”
Times like these you wished all kids had it as easy as Brandon and Andy.
“Alright.” Harry nods. “Then it’s all good. I’m, um, glad you two have figured things out, I know it was a little up and down for a bit.”
“Me too.” Andy smiles.
“Oh my goodness.” You sniffle and they both look at you. “You had, like, a fairytale first kiss! I’m so jealous.” You laugh and so do they.
“Why, what was yours like?” Andy asks.
“God, it was so awkward, I can’t even get into it. It wasn’t with someone special I can tell you that much. I’m really happy for you Andy.”
“You and I will need to have a little chat about…things.” Harry says to him. “But not right now, it can wait.”
“What kind of things?” Andy’s face scrunches.
“Just… things…” Harry clears his throat. “Is there anything else you wanna tell us?”
“No.” Andy shrugs and takes his phone out of his pocket to text Brandon that everything went well.
“Okay, let’s get the movie started then.” Harry grabs the remote and hits play. Andy gets up and hugs the both of you before sitting back down on the loveseat, curling up with his blanket. “Andy?”
“You plan to tell your mother right?”
“When I see her Friday I will on the car ride.”
“Good. I’m sure she’ll be just as happy for you.” Harry smiles and turns to look at the TV.
Brandon: all good over here too, my mom teared up she’s so lame lol
Andy: lol Y/N did too. Wanna meet at our lockers before homeroom tomorrow?
Brandon: definitely : )
Andy sighs happily and puts his phone down so he can pay attention to the movie. He was on cloud nine.
Being newlyweds was a lot of fun. As if Harry couldn’t already keep his hands off you, it was like he was jumping you every second he got. In the morning, in the shower, sometimes he’d sneak you home quick when you should be eating lunch, and if it was a weekend Andy was at Paige’s, god, he didn’t let you leave the bedroom. However, he was good about staying away from while you worked. He respected that you were in desperate need to get things done. The paper itself was just about complete, but you still needed to edit the entire thing, and work on your dissertation defense which was slated for April.
Andy sat down with Paige and Noah and told them what was going on with Brandon. He told Rachel as well. Everyone was happy for him. He said he didn’t want Lydia to know just yet. He knew she was old fashioned, and he was nervous she’d take it the wrong way. Paige completely understood, and she said she’d keep it between them.
The Ariana Grande concert was incredible, beyond incredible. You had to stay back with Caroline while Andy got to do the meet and greet, but his face said it all. He went on and on about how nice she was. Andy was so thankful you were able to take him. He made sure to wear his concert tee over a long-sleeve shirt the following Monday at school.
“Morning.” Brandon says as he meets Andy at his locker.
“Hey.” Andy smiles.
“So, how was it?”
“Amazing, like, I knew she’d sound good live, but holy shit, she was incredible.”
“What was meeting her like?”
“She was a lot shorter in person.” Andy chuckles. “But she was really nice, and she said she liked my nails, and my hair. It all happened really fast. They emailed the picture to Y/N, I’ll have to show you next time you come over.”
“I’d like that.” Brandon leans against the closed lockers as Andy gets the books he’ll need for the first half of the day. “We have that history test in a couple of days.”
“Mhm.” Andy nods, a smile creeping on his lips.
“Do you wanna come over and study together? We could order pizza and stuff.”
“Mm, so like a study date?” Andy smirks.
“If you wanna call it that, yeah.” Brandon nods.
“I’ll text my dad and see if I can come over after school.”
“Cool.” Andy slots his fingers through Brandon’s so they can hold hands down the hall.
There were a few broken hearts at Thomas Hamilton Middle School. There were quite a few girls that had crushes on both Andy and Brandon. Obviously those close to the boys knew something was bound to happen between them, but anyone on the outside just thought they had a wholesome friendship.
Harry gives the okay for Andy to go over Brandon’s after school. Selfishly that meant he could fuck you when you got home from work before you needed to go up to the loft to work.
“Hi, Andy.” Mrs. Stewart says as she picks the boys up from school.
“Hello, Mrs. Stewart, how are you?”
“I’m good, honey, thank you. How are your dad and Y/N?”
“They’re good, they really like being married.”
She chuckles at that and gets the boys home. Brandon asks if they can have pizza later, and Mrs. Stewart says yes before they both go into his room.
“Uh, boys? Leave the door open, please.” She says shyly and they both nod.
“Her and my dad are still getting used to it.” Brandon explains as they both set up on his floor.
“My dad says my door has to stay open if you come over too. I had the same rules when I was with Caroline.” Andy shrugs.
“Same for when I was with Molly, now that I think about it. I don’t know what they think we’re gonna be doing in here, we’re just studying.”
“I don’t know either, parents are weird.”
After going over their notes, and quizzing each other a bit, the boys enjoy some pizza, and then decide to play some video games. It was the same as it ever was.
“Do you feel like watching TV until your parents come to get you?” Brandon asks him.
“Sure.” Andy shrugs.
Brandon switches the TV to Nickelodeon. Some reruns of Full House was on. Brandon had beanbag chairs in his room, so that was what he and Andy were sitting on. They start holding hands, and slouch into the chairs. They look at each other. Brandon’s eyes glace to the door to make sure his parents weren’t creeping around. He nods, and Andy leans in to press his lips to Brandon’s. They slouch a little further down, and Brandon cups Andy’s cheek. Andy tugs on the collar of Brandon’s shirt to pull him a little closer.
“Andy!” Mr. Stewart yells from the kitchen. The boys jump off each other. “Your dad’s here!”
“Jesus.” Andy catches his breath. “Scared the shit out of me.”
“Thought you’d be used to him yelling by now. He’s just as loud on the court.” Brandon smirks and stands up. He puts his hand out for Andy and helps him up. “I’m glad you came over today.”
“Me too, thanks for having me.” Andy cleans up his things and gets his backpack together. He leans in and kisses Brandon’s cheek before they walk out of his room. “Thanks again for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, goodnight.”
“You’re more than welcome, tell your folks we say hi.” Mr. Stewart says as Andy leaves.
He gets into the backseat of Harry’s car.
“Hey, Dad.”
“How’d the studying go?”
“Good, I’m feeling really prepared for Wednesday. Where’s Y/N?”
“Oh, she, uh, she’s a little tired so she’s in bed reading.”
“Why’s she so tired? It’s only 7:30.”
“She…” You convinced Harry to let you work uninterrupted until dinner time. He agreed, and then he fucked you on the kitchen counter while dinner was in the over. Then he fucked you again. Bent you over the bed. So, yeah, you were a little too tired to go out with him and pick Andy up. “She worked a lot today, so she just felt like staying in, that’s all.” He clears his throat.
“Can I ask you something sort of personal?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“What do you do…like…I don’t even know how to explain this, um, you know when your pants get tight?”
“When your pants get tight?”
“Yeah, like, in the front?” Andy twiddles his thumbs.
“In the…oh…oh! Yeah, is that, uh, starting to happen to you a little more often?”
“Yeah, usually if it happens in class or something, I just put my book over my lap, but I’m afraid it might happen when I’m hanging out with Brandon. It would be so embarrassing if we were kissing, you know?”
Harry takes a deep as he tries not to crash his car. These were the conversation he was dreading, but he supposed he was happy Andy felt comfortable enough to bring it up on his own.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s pretty tough to control at your age, but something you can do to help yourself out is to think of something gross or sad.”
“Like what?”
“Um…I don’t know, what grosses you out?”
“When people sneeze into their hands.”
“Alright, so think of that.”
“It works?”
“For the most part. Your head gets distracted so other parts of you don’t get as excited.”
“Alright, I’ll give it a try I guess.”
“Do you two, uh, kiss a lot?”
“Well, not really since we feel like we’re being watched every two seconds. Can’t do it at school because of the teachers, and we have to keep our doors open so…” He rolls his eyes.
“That’s so you two stay respectful.”
“You know what’s interesting? Never, not once, have you and Y/N kept your bedroom door open when you both go in there.”
“We’re adults.”
“So that means you deserve privacy more than me?”
“Not necessarily, but there’s an emotional maturity that she and I have that you don’t yet. If your door’s open, you’re not gonna get any funny ideas.”
“Like what? It’s just kissing.”
Harry pulls into the garage and turns the car off. He sighs and turns to look at Andy.
“Kissing can lead to other things sometimes.”
“Like…making out?”
“Yeah.” Harry nods. “And then that leads to more serious things that you’re really not old enough for, but sometimes things happen when you’re not properly supervised, and I wanna keep you safe, as I’m sure Brandon’s parents wanna keep him safe too. Someday, when you’re older, I probably won’t make you keep your door wide open, maybe just open a crack, because you do deserve privacy, but right now you’re twelve, so.”
“Okay.” Andy sits there for a moment. “So, adults get to do whatever they want with each other whenever they want?”
“No, not at all. Self-control is a thing, asking for permission is a thing. You should always ask before you touch, and if someone says no you have to listen and respect that. You can’t take it personally.”
“Do you and Y/N ever say no to each other?”
“Sure! More often than you think, actually. I know she and I can be pretty touchy, but there are times either of us aren’t in the mood to cuddle or whatever. Communication is really important in any relationship. She and I do a pretty good job of communicating our feelings, I think.”
“Well, I would hope so, you both teach classes about it.” Andy laughs.
“You’d be surprised how dense people can be, even when they study something for years. Just make sure you and Brandon continue to communicate. You should be doing things you both feel comfortable with. There’s no need for you two to rush anything either.”
“Alright, thanks, Dad.”
“Any time.”
They both get out of the car and head inside. Andy says he’s going to take a quick shower and then get ready for bed. Harry goes into your shared room to see you still reading.
“Did he have a good time?”
“Yeah.” Harry says as he sits gets changed into his pj’s. “We had an interesting chat in the car.”
“About what?”
“Guy stuff.” You scoff at him. “What?”
“What does guy stuff entail?”
“He asked me what he should do if he accidentally gets a stiffy while kissing.” Your eyes widen and your jaw drops. “He didn’t word it like that, obviously.”
“Did that happen to him tonight?”
“No, but he’s scared that it could.”
“What did you tell him to do?”
“I told him to think of something that grosses him out.” He shrugs, and sits next to you on the bed with his own book.
“Gotta be so tough being a boy.” You pout sarcastically. “Having to hide your boners all the time.” Harry side eyes you. “It’s what you get for having everything else in your lives be so easy. You’re sitting there dealing with that while us girls are sitting there hoping we haven’t randomly started bleeding.”
“Yeah, I remember Gem coming home from school a few times to change her clothes.”
“It’s literally the worst! You can’t tell if it feels like discharge or if you’re just randomly a little wet, so you panic and run to the bathroom, and then you’re relieved when it’s nothing. Plus, you’re crazy irregular at that age, so even if you’re tracking it, it can still be random.”
“That really does suck.” You hum your response. “Am I good to you when you have your period? Is there anything you’d like me to do?”
“Oh, Harry, don’t be silly.”
“M’serious! Should we keep more dark chocolate in the house? Oh! I could get one of those hot water presses to put on your back, or-“
“Babe.” You put your hand on his shoulder. “You do plenty, thank you very much.” You lean over and kiss his cheek.
“I’m kinda glad you got it tonight so you won’t have it on our trip.”
“Me too. Would have been a pain in the ass for sure.” You bite your bottom lip. “I’m very excited for Miami.”
“Same here, the weather’s looking good. We’ll be able to go to the beach, and go to bars, all that fun stuff.”
“Mhm.” You smile and get back to your book.
You had a few things up your sleeve for your week away, but you wanted it to be a pleasant surprise for your husband, so you were doing your absolute best to keep it to yourself.
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sassyhobbits · 4 years
....tinder au??🥺 not to rush u ofc! but i’m having a rough time in school right now and an update would really make my week better🤍
you sent this ask at just the right time! i just finished it up! sorry for the lack of writing. school is also giving me a rough time rn as well! but!!! we will persevere!!!
also im a little buzzed so i hope this is coherent
pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3
Rowan didn’t really enjoy dressing up, could go his entire life without attending another large, social gathering. And yet… he had let Aelin convince him to take her to a wedding.
He had forced himself into his nicest suit because Aelin told him to. He sensed that this was something he didn’t want to argue with her about, so he did it with minimal complaint. He figured that it wouldn’t be that bad in the grand scheme of things, and the open bar was certainly a perk.
Not to mention, Aedion would be there well. In fact, Rowan was on his way to his coworkers apartment where he would meet up with the rest of them before heading to the wedding. Apparently, Aedion got roped in as well. His and Aelin’s family were old friends with the groom’s family.
Rowan checked his watch as he climbed the stairs, ensuring he wasn’t late lest he give Aelin a reason to be cross with him. It seemed he was making good time.
Rowan knocked politely, the door swinging open quickly and revealing a surprisingly well-dressed Aedion, who was nursing a bottle of beer.
“Hey man,” he said, clasping forearms with Rowan. “How’re you doing? You want a beer?”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
Rowan stepped into the apartment, lingering in the living room as Aedion slipped into the kitchen. The room was decorated simply, but it was clean. His eyes caught on a few old photographs, picturing what must have been a young Aedion and Aelin together, smiling smiles too large for their little faces.
Aedion reappeared, handing him the beer.
“I can’t believe Aelin conned you into this,” Aedion commented, leaning against the back of the couch. “But, I gotta say, I’m glad you’re coming.”
“Is the company there gonna be that bad?”
“Yes. But I also know Aelin’s doing this to piss off her ex. And I was never a big fan of him. I think it’s going to be funny.” Aedion finished off his beer, glancing at the clock mounted on the wall with a sigh. “Those girls are gonna make us late. Lys! Are you nearly done?”
“You can’t rush perfection!” Lysandra’s voice called from upstairs.  
Aedion shook his head fondly with a playful chuckle, clearly used to waiting on the girls.
They chatted casually until Rowan was finished with his beer. It was then that a door opened from upstairs, followed by feminine laughter and the clicking of heels.
Lysandra descended first, looking perfectly elegant in an emerald slip dress that brought out the green in her eyes. She tossed her raven hair over her shoulder as she caught Aedion’s eye, sending him a bright and loving smile.
Rowan barely heard the two of them complimenting one another, all thoughts flying from his head at the sight of the woman walking down the stairs.
Aelin looked stunning, though Rowan knew stunning wasn’t really strong enough of a word to describe her in this instance.
She wore a golden silk dress that hit just above the knee. The conservativeness of the length was offset by the way it hugged each and every curve, as if it had been sewn on to her body specifically. Thin straps held it over her shoulders, leaving her toned arms bare. Aelin’s hair had been straightened and left hanging freely in a gleaming sheet down her back. It was then that Rowan realized how rarely he got to see her with her hair down. When Aelin was working or working out, it was always tossed up in a bun or a ponytail. It suited her. She wore a necklace, and it wasn’t until she got closer that Rowan was able to see that the pendant was a golden sword. It was strangely fitting.
She was slipping something into her clutch, barely even noticing Rowan until she nearly walked through him. Her eyes snapped up, the stunning turquoise color brought out by her eyeshadow look. Her gaze traveled from his feet to the top of his head, assessing and nothing more.
“You clean up better than I expected,” Aelin said simply.
Rowan wished he had something witty up his sleeve, but seeing Aelin in that dress had left his mind in shambles. He was only able to grind out a curt, “Thanks.”
She held his gaze for a moment longer, leaving Rowan to wonder what was going through her head. Before he had much more time to ponder it, she swept away, grabbing a jacket by the door.
“So, is everyone ready?” she asked.
“In case you didn’t notice,” Aedion drawled. “We were all waiting for you two.”
Aelin ignored the tiny quip, smoothing down the sides of her dress. “Well then, let's get going. We have a wedding to attend.”
The ride to the venue was uneventful. Aelin sat in the back besides Rowan while Aedion drove them all. The car was filled with friendly chatter back and forth, pop music droning on in the background.
Aelin tried to stop herself from sending sly glances towards Rowan. He looked good tonight. Really good. Rowan was hot on a day to day basis, something that not even his drab PT uniform could hide. But tonight, all cleaned up and dressed in something nice, Rowan was unfairly handsome.
Her only solace was knowing that he was checking her out too. Aelin knew she looked amazing tonight. Part of it was for herself, and she wasn’t ashamed to admit that part of it was to gain Rowan’s attention. She had been successful in that endeavor.
Aelin wasn’t stupid. She knew Rowan found her attractive just as Rowan knew she found him attractive. They had been ready to go out and probably bang until they realized that they were coworkers. Aelin had agreed to keep it professional, but she would be lying if she said that she didn’t want something more with him.
Soon enough, Aedion was parking the car outside the venue. They filed out, Aelin smoothing and straightening her dress, a sort of heaviness in her gut as she looked towards where the ceremony would be held. Although she was excited to see Dorian, and happy that he had found love, she was less than excited about seeing Chaol again.
The scent of pine and snow surrounded her just as Rowan came up to her side.
“You ready?” Aelin asked him, to which he gave a stiff nod. “Good. Don’t embarrass me.”
Rowan scowled, but held out his arm for her regardless. Aelin took it, stepping close to his side, trying to ignore how nice the warmth of his body felt against her own.
It was time to get this over with.
The ceremony was simple yet beautiful. Any idiot could see how in love Dorian and Sorscha were with one another. Aelin had only met the bride on a few occasions, but she liked her. Sorscha looked stunning in a flowy gown that made her brown skin glow.
Aelin pointedly ignored Chaol even though he stood right by Dorian the entire time. Instead, she looked at the maid of honor, Yrene, who her ex was now dating. Through talking to Dorian, Aelin had learned that Chaol and Yrene had met through Sorscha. Apparently, the two women worked at the same hospital and were close friends.
Yrene was a beautiful woman with kind eyes. Aelin knew in her gut that she would like her once they got to talking. Perhaps they would find time to chat through the night.
The ceremony ended with a sweet kiss and the happy couple going off to take some photographs. For the guests, it was time to cocktail.
Rowan, at least, was playing the part of a boyfriend well. Without complaint, surprisingly. He held her hand as they went towards where cocktail hour was being held, a steady presence. He even chatted with her, asking her questions about how she knew Dorian. When she whispered snide comments about other guests, he even laughed a few times. It was… nice, she supposed. She was having a good time with him.
Lysandra and Aedion were swept up by Dorian’s parents, leaving Aelin and Rowan by themselves.
The more they drank, the more comfortable they became. It was easier to laugh, easier to forget why they had put distance between them to begin with. They had been pretty good at avoiding conversation with others to begin with, but Aelin knew it was only a matter of time before they crossed paths with someone.
“So what do we say if someone asks how we met?” Rowan asked as they grabbed another drink from the bar.
“We tell them the truth,” Aelin deadpanned. “Sexting on tinder.”
Rowan choked on his whiskey. “We cannot say that.”
“Fine. We can be boring and say we met at work.”
Rowan laughed, and Aelin realized how much she loved the sound. She liked how it softened his normally stony face, made him appear younger, lighter. She could get used to seeing him like this.
They turned from the bar, taking a few steps into the crowd, only to come face to face with the reason Aelin had dragged Rowan along to begin with.
“Aelin,” Chaol Westfall greeted, offering a shaking and awkward smile. “Hi.”
The smile that had been painted on Aelin’s face faltered slightly. She had been enjoying her time with Rowan so much she had forgotten why she had wanted him by her side to begin with.
“Chaol,” Aelin said, smiling tightly. “It’s good to see you again.”
Yrene was on his arm, looking stunning in a deep purple dress, curly hair loose and voluminous. Her honey eyes were bright and kind as she smiled at Aelin.
“You too,” Chaol said, before motioning towards the woman beside him. “This is Yrene. My girlfriend.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Yrene greeted, reaching out and shaking her hand. “I love your dress.”
“Oh, thank you! I’ve been looking at your shoes all night.” Aelin put a hand on Rowan’s shoulder, pressing herself to his side. “This is Rowan.”
Aelin watched carefully as they all shook hands and greeted one another, carefully studying facial expressions and body language. She had wondered if this would be awkward and tense but… it was normal.
Aelin and Chaol had ended on terrible terms, treating one another like actual shit. She remembered the insults thrown, the glares when they happened to be in the same room. But maybe… maybe they had gotten better. Maybe some time and distance had eased away the worst of the anger and toxicity. She didn’t look at Chaol and feel bad anymore she felt… nothing.
But she could tell that Chaol had Yrene and he cared very much about her.
And Aelin had…
Well, she didn’t really have anyone but…
She looked to Rowan, and for once didn’t try to avoid the longing that swelled in her chest. She wished she had him.
Aelin sat down at her table, sipping at a glass of champagne and watching the people on the dancefloor sway slowly to the soft music playing.
The rest of the evening had gone by smoothly. Aelin enjoyed the time she spent with her friends, getting to see Dorian again even though she couldn’t steal much of his time. All and all, it had been fun.
The night was winding down, people filtering out slowly, but there were still those who lingered for a few more dances. Dorian danced with his new wife, both looking at one another with so much love Aelin could feel it from where she sat. Lysandra smiled and laughed and Aedion twirled her around. Chaol held Yrene to his chest as they swayed slowly, lost in their own world.
Aelin sighed and rested her chin on her palm, watching them all move.
There was the sound of footfalls coming her way, stealing her attention from the dance floor. She looked up and found Rowan standing before her, looking to where her gaze was just focused but glancing back at her with a raised brow.
“Do you want to dance?”
Aelin blinked in surprise, sure she had heard him incorrectly. Rowan didn’t seem like the type of man who enjoyed dancing but… the offer hung there.
“You don’t have to,” Aelin said softly. “You did your part.”
“I can tell you want to dance. So, let’s dance. It’s almost time to go anyway.”
Aelin hesitated a beat, studying Rowan’s expression carefully. She didn’t want him to do anything he was uncomfortable with, yet his face showed nothing but sincerity. Rowan held out a hand towards her, brow raised as if to say Well? Are you coming?
A hesitant smile found its way onto Aelin’s face, but she accepted his hand, letting him guide her to her feet. Rowan led her to the center of the dance floor, placing a polite hand on her hip, the other clutching her own. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and Aelin could have sworn time stopped. Maybe she had imagined it, but she was almost sure she saw a flash of the same longing she felt in his eyes.
They began to sway slowly to the music. It was a little awkward at first, but as time passed and the notes rang out, the tension lessened. They moved closer and closer to one another, until to a stranger they might have actually appeared to be a regular couple. It felt more natural than Aelin expected it to.
As the songs played, they kept sending one another shy smiles. Aelin wasn’t sure at what point she rested her head against Rowan’s chest as they danced, but she never wanted that moment to end.
It was a shame that the reception was inching to a close, that the night of being close to Rowan would end. It was a shame that, come the morning, they would go back to being strangers once more.
But, for tonight, Aelin was content to pretend.
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scarletnakazato · 2 years
Rin Hojo - Give Me Your Love (Pt. 2)
• Rin Hojo x Reader | Smut | (Part 1 Here!) • Word Count: 1,288. • Synopsis: In which the newly married couple have a spicy night to themselves, but before that a brother and best friend seem to hit it off over a particular red car. Ironic.
When (Y/N) and Rin finished their wedding planning, the only thing they could do now was wait for the day to arrive. Both sides of their family showed up, (Y/N)'s best friend as well. Yes, the crazy psycho who yelled at her over the phone. She was also her bridesmaid.
Goū was Rin's best man and he wouldn't have it any other way. Goū was there for him when no one else was and stuck by him for so long even when their relationship had been a bit tense in the past. Rin caught a glance of Ryosuke who gave him a small, but proud smile. He invited Takahashi since he had played a large part in getting him to move on, leading him to (Y/N). Focusing back on reality, they waited for (Y/N) to walk down the aisle, and when she did Rin swore that she could've given him whiplash if he wasn't already looking forward.
Now, he was fully convinced his woman was an angel. He could almost see the wings on her back, and the sheer white of her dress radiated nothing but serenity. God, how lucky he was to have her. The ceremony was a wonder and the kiss, a dream.
The reception started shortly after the ceremony. Rin and (Y/N) shared a lovely slow dance, then the real party started. While they sat together, some people eating, others dancing and talking in groups, (Y/N) nudged Rin's arm and pointed towards where Goū and her best friend were.
"Looks like they're hitting it off, huh?" She wore a smile as they watched them. Her friend said something that made Goū laugh.
"To think they met all because of a car. Wow." She took a sip of her wine wiping away non-existent tears, Goū looked at her amused as she leaned closer to him. "Just a bunch of car fanatics here, let me tell 'ya." She shook her head and took a bigger sip of wine.
Goū laughed and said, "Does that include me?"
She looked at him with fake suspicion. "What car you got, pretty boy?"
His eyes widened a fraction, a light blush on his cheeks as he responded, "An NSX."
She turned her head with an impressed expression. "That red one out there?" He nodded. "Well hot damn, I like you and that car. 'Ya want to take a girl for a ride in it one day?"
She smirked flirtatiously and Goū replied coolly with, "Sure, as long as you can handle it. I'm nothing but fast and rough."
Rin and (Y/N) looked at each other and then back at the two flirting with raised eyebrows and mouths slightly open, astounded. "Damn, didn't think my little brother could be that smooth."
(Y/N) nodded, "You taught him well, love."
"I didn't teach him to flirt."
"Well, your flirts worked on me, so he learned it from somebody."
It was nearly one in the morning when the wedding ended, the married couple sitting in the back of the limo that drove them to their hotel in the heart of Tokyo. A few minutes into the drive, (Y/N) set her hand on his thigh and turned towards him, pressing her lips on his. She moved to straddle his legs the best she could in her dress, her arms wrapping around his broad shoulders.
The wine may not have been strong, but they did have quite a few glasses and the haze was getting to them. And so was their need for each other. Rin had one arm hooked securely around her waist, the other tangled in her hair, messing it up with each stroke.
Slowly, their kisses became more heated, hands roamed, and the distance from their hotel drew ever closer. When the limo stopped and their destination was in front them, they pulled away from the kiss, quickly getting out. Rin easily picked her up bridal style and carried her into the hotel, in the elevator and up to their room.
As much as Rin loved seeing her in the dress that made her look like a goddess, he also couldn't wait to tear it off of her. He was going to make his angel sing tonight.
As soon as they got through the door, had it shut and locked, Rin cupped her face with both hands, pulling her in for a rough kiss. She lightly moaned in delight, holding onto his wrists. He began to trail his hands down her figure and around her until his hands reached the back of her dress. He pulled down the zipper then the dress until it pooled around (Y/N)'s ankles like a heap of white snow.
They quickly took off the rest of their clothes until they were on the bed, (Y/N) on top. As they crashed their lips together, she tangled her hands in his long hair, tugging at it a bit. He lightly moaned at the sensation, and she did it again, a bit harder and his moan got louder. She smirked proudly, but that smirk was quickly cut off when she gasped. Rin left kisses and bite marks down her neck, marking her as his.
One side of her neck was left with dark hickeys and Rin firmly held onto her hips, grinding her against him. (Y/N) released a loud whimper as he groaned from the feeling of her wet heat. Her hands trailed down his upper half, her nails grazing teasingly across his skin. The more she teased, the more his pent-up arousal got to him.
Rin isn't always the most patient of men, and sometimes got impulsive by running on his emotions. This proved correct when he roughly held her hips, slamming her down onto him. Screaming in ecstasy, her head leaned back as she moaned Rin's name. That's the singing he wanted to hear.
(Y/N) had her arms around his neck, her hands clawing at his shoulder blades when he sharply thrust up further into her. Her moans filled the dimly lit room, the light reflecting off her skin. Rin's back was quickly filled with scratch marks, and she had small crescent marks along her hips.
Suddenly, Rin flipped them over, pinning (Y/N)'s wrists above her head, his thrusts becoming rougher. His deep voice groaned her name before leaving a small trail of kisses across her collarbone. In turn, she chanted his like a prayer, fueling him further.
The many sinful acts of theirs continued on for what felt like hours. They both couldn't get enough of each other. When they were driving themselves close and closer to the edge, Rin's thrusts started getting sloppy. The way (Y/N) stuttered out his name with a loud whine is what sent him over the edge and into his release. The knot in her stomach let loose as she came right after.
Breathing heavily and coming down from their high, they lied on their backs. They tiredly put on minimum clothes. Rin, wearing sweatpants and (Y/N) wearing one of his shirts that were huge on her. He loved seeing her in his clothes and he wasn't going to deny that by any means. Back in bed and with the lights off now, (Y/N) felt herself get pulled backwards, her back pressed against Rin's chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist, spooning her. His face was nuzzled in the crook of her neck as he took in the calming, sweet scent of her hair.
She hummed quietly and moved her handback to meet his that was draped over her side, entangling their fingers together. Their rings made a small sound when they touched that caused them both to smile before their drowsiness finally took over, lulling them both to sleep.
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phinksimp · 4 years
Jealous phinks headcanon please!
Oooooo I love jealous Phinks! Hope you enjoy my little drabble!
You sighed as you walked to the restaurant with your best friend and her boyfriend.
"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to wait for Phinks?"
You shook your head. "I'm pretty sure he won't be coming."
Small arguments were a common occurrence between you two. There was often a lot on Phinks' plate, and he tended to take his frustration out on you. While he wasn't one to get physical with you; he often disregarded your feelings and would say things he didn't truly mean.
To you, it was just "Phinks being Phinks", most of the time. But the last argument over spending too much time at your job had crossed the line for both of you.
"Why do you need to work anyways?! If you ever need anything, all you have to do is tell me and I'll get it for you!" Phinks went to grab your hand, but you quickly slapped it away.
"By 'get it for me', you mean steal it, right?!" You pushed past him to grab your purse. "I don't know what the hell you're doing most of the time...but from now on; I don't want anything from you if it's stolen." You glared at him before walking out the door. "I can't blame you though. What kind of real job could you get with your qualifications? All you're good for is hurting people."
You replayed the argument in your head over and over as you made your way to the restaurant. Part of you knew you had to apologize eventually, but part of you knew you may have gone too far.
You turned to see the son of your boss waving as he walked towards you and your friends. He had recently moved from another country to learn under his father, as he would be the one to take over in a few years.
His blue eyes contrasted against his dark black hair and fair skin. His black suit with a slightly unbuttoned white dress shirt showed off his figure. There were several people in the office who had developed a crush on him.
"Oh, hi Charles! Grabbing dinner?"
You hit your friend discreetly on the leg as soon as you felt her nudge you. She whispered out the side of her mouth;
"Woah Y/N, who is this guy?!"
Charles smiled once he caught up to your group. "Yeah, I don't really know this area yet though. Do you have any places you can recommend?"
Your friend chimed in before you could speak.
"We're actually heading to a really good izakaya right now. You're more than welcome to join us!"
You screamed internally, praying he'd say no.
"Why I'd love to!"
You shot your friend a glare as she replied with a wink. She never really took a liking to Phinks, saying she could tell he was "no good" despite anything you would tell her. Of course she would take this opportunity.
You looked back as Charles walked beside you, hoping Phinks would show up.
Phinks groaned as he stood outside the restaurant, his hands in the pockets of his tracksuit.
Why the hell am I here? Is this even the right place?
He was still upset over your last argument, but he hated to drag things longer than they needed to be.
He shot up slightly when he saw your friend and her boyfriend step out of the restaurant for a smoke.
Phinks went to approach them, but something told him to keep his distance. He hid behind a wall, listening intently.
"Wow Y/N's new boss is a real catch! Handsome, rich and super nice...unlike no brows." Your friend laughed as she took a puff of her cigarette. "I think he likes her too. I hope she wakes up. It's not like Phinks is the type to get married, and it's what she's dreamt of since we were kids! 3 years and not even a hint of anything happening. I don't know how she tolerates him!"
Phinks clenched his fists as his blood went cold. He pondered for a minute; debating whether or not he should bother looking.
He took a deep breath before glancing through the window.
There you were, and there he was; his arm casually draped along the back of the bench seat behind you.
Phinks had half a mind to kill him right there and then.
He peeked at the window once again, his heart dropping when he watched you laugh.
It had been a while since he had seen you smile like that..
He grit his teeth, thinking about what to do. His jealousy was beginning to grow, and he knew he would go off in a blind rage if he let it get to him..
His body instinctively began to wind his right arm, but he stopped immediately. Instead turning back home to your apartment.
Phinks remembered you mentioning your new boss in passing, but never took much notice to it.
The man was successful, handsome, well mannered and well dressed.
Everything he was not.
All you're good for his hurting people.
Phinks looked up at the sky, your words repeating in his head.
You're right, Y/N. That's all I'm really good for...
You did your make up in the bathroom as you checked your cellphone for the time. Charles would be picking you up for a corporate meeting in 20 minutes.
It had been 3 months since your argument.
3 months since you last saw or heard from Phinks.
It drove you mad that there was no way for you to contact him. He had left his cellphone at the apartment and you didn't know anyone he worked with.
You hoped he had just been called away for a job suddenly.
But you figured that what you said was unforgivable. You knew that despite his tough and cold demeanor; Phinks was a sensitive soul.
Maybe he wasn't coming back this time.
You wanted to apologize for what you said. It wasn't true. There was so much good to him that even he failed to see at times.
You quickly packed your purse as you made your way outside, not wanting to make your boss wait.
Your heart dropped as soon as you walked out the doors of your building.
There he was.
He wore a grey suit with a white dress shirt.
You panicked when you saw his arm in a sling, and his black eye.
Your body shook as you approached him, mixed feelings of guilt, relief and worry overwhelmed you.
He adjusted a duffle bag along his shoulder as he shot you a soft smile.
"Where are you going, Y/N?"
The question took you by surprise. "I'm going to work. My boss, well the son of the boss is picking me up."
Phinks felt his blood begin to boil. The images of you laughing with Charles in the restaurant making his jaw clench. "Like hell he is!"
Phinks made his way over to you, wrapping his uninjured arm around your waist as he pulled you into a kiss. He had missed you over the past few months, his motivation being the goal of never wanting to see you with Charles or any other man again.
He finally pulled away, allowing you to catch your breath.
"Quit your job, Y/N."
You pulled away completely in a knee jerk reaction to his words. "No way! What's wrong with you?! I don't even know where you've been! I still have bills--"
"I've got enough money for us."
He placed the duffel bag in front of you.
Your heart sank, expecting to find wads of cash.
What did he do this time?!
Instead, Phinks pulled out an envelope with a book.
You took it hesitantly, your eyes widening as you read the pages. Several deposit entries filling each page. "What the... you were--"
Phinks nodded his head. "Yupp. Heaven's Arena." He laughed. "None of that money was stolen. So you can save your breath." He made his way over to you, flipping to the first page of the bank book as he held your left hand. "The account is under your name, just in case anything happens to me. I'm sure there's more than enough in there." He placed his hand on your face. "You were right-- hurting people is all I'm good for."
The blonde haired man smirked. "Would your new boss give you all this?!"
Just as he said that, Charles pulled up in his car. He got out immediately as soon as he saw Phinks. "Y/N! Is everything alright here?!"
Phinks stepped in front of you, his uninjured hand now in a fist. "Who the hell are you?" Phinks lied, knowing exactly who this man was.
Charles cleared his throat. "Well, my name is Charles and Y/N is one of my associates."
Phinks huffed. "Never heard of you." He went to wrap his arm around your waist. "And besides, Y/N doesn't work for you anymore."
Before you could say anything, Phinks pulled you in closer. "Sorry for the inconvenience, pal. If you'll excuse us; we've got a wedding to plan."
You gasped as Phinks turned you towards the apartment, holding your left hand as the large diamond on your finger shimmered in the sunlight. "I'll make sure to send you an invite, Chuck."
"Phinks, when... what..." your mind was in shambles as you tried to process everything that was happening.
Is this his way of proposing? Are we engaged?!
Phinks spanked you, snapping you out of your trance. "You know, I'm still not over what you said. You're going to have to make it up to me, like a good little wife."
The tone of Phinks' voice made your temperature rise, as you knew exactly what he meant.
Charles stood there dumb founded as he watched the two of you walk off.
"Wow, that's one hell of a man if I ever did see one."
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Thank You For Your Service III (M)
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Pairing: Jimin x royal!reader
Genre: Smut, fluff, angst (if you can call it that)
Word Count: 24k
Warnings: Brief descriptions of a panic attack!, light bondage, over stimulation, squirting, impreg kink, all that stuff
Part 1~ Part 2~ Part 3~ Part 4
The voices in the room are deafening. People shout out in shock, panic, confusion, asking questions from where they have all stood up in order to see their fallen queen. The eyes that aren’t on you are steadfastly watching your father’s reaction and Jimin as he holds onto your dangling body.
“I have her.” His mother informs, knowing that the General in him is telling him to hurry to find the culprit before they escape, and those are the only words she can get out before Jimin reluctantly lets go of you to hunt for your poisoner.
“Doctor!” Just then, a medic arrives with a small bag, immediately ordering your mother-in-law to move you to the floor and give her space to work. She is a stern lady, not much for manners, but no one minds in the interest of saving your life. The look on her face is solid as she checks your vitals, flashing light in your eyes and grunting to herself quietly. One more sharp bark from her and everyone retreats, your father ushering your guests out of the Grand Hall with reassurances and comforting words. But the people don’t buy it and demand to know if you are well, to which he can offer no more aside from a shaky sigh before closing the doors and returning to you.
“As I suspected, she’s ingested some kind of poison. I need a pale.” The older woman states, looking up at your parents-in-law expectantly.
“A pale?”
“Yes, a bucket! Quickly!” They scramble towards the kitchen, ignoring whatever commotion is happening near the far wall of the room and return as quickly as they can, thrusting the bucket into her arms as she positions you onto your knees above it. “She’ll need water, too. And a rag.” The woman mumbles, already in the process of inserting a long wooden stick down your throat. Jimin’s mother rushes to bring all that is necessary, bursting into the kitchen once again and meeting Lilian, who is on her way out.
“What does she need?” Your loyal servant is quick to help, the worry in her eyes almost enough to bring tears to the old woman’s, but they are quickly blinked away.
“Water and a rag.” They search.
“Will this do?” Lilian holds up a pitcher of ice water and a dry dish towel, neither of them bothering to grab a glass, and run back to where you are now leaned on your side, the bucket heavy and pushed several feet away. “Here!”
They watch as the doctor checks your heartbeat from your back, pressing her fingers into your wrist and checking your breathing. Then she grabs a clean glass from the table and pours some water, squeezing in a mysterious solution before nursing it to you, using more of the icy water to dump onto the rag and fasten to your forehead.
“Well?” The King asks nervously, watching his daughter’s whitening complexion and blue lips.
“Her breathing is shallow and her pulse is getting weaker. As we can see by the color of her lips, she is not taking oxygen properly, most likely due to the poison still in her system. Pale!” Lilian grabs the bucket and drops it right in front of your face before you soil the floors, everyone looking away except for the doctor who struggles to hold your heaving body in place.
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The moment Jimin leaves you in the care of his mother, his eyes are on the room. Everyone is standing now, trying to crowd around your table, and he knows he must work fast if he is to identify the villain. There is one person in mind, the servant that stood a little too close and waited on you hand and foot from the moment you sat down, and he curses himself when he thinks about it.
This is his worst fear. Everything he has been dreading for the past couple of days. He has been terrified of the thought that the two of you would be put in harms way once you were wed, but he hadn’t cared much for his own wellbeing. He only cared that he would be able to serve and protect you, something that he has succeeded in thus far from a distance, but worried that his ability to do so would be impaired by becoming a King. Choosing between two lives is a hard thing to do— especially when one of those lives, which has been a secret for so long, suddenly is joined with the other. He has never had any trouble watching out for any threats to you as a General of your armies, working from the outside and from afar. And he has never had an issue with advising you and keeping you safe as your lover. But he realizes now that presenting himself as your lover and your guardian is tougher than he could imagine. He got so caught up in being your King and entertaining you and your people that he couldn’t focus enough to assess the possible dangers or suspicious characters around you. And despite having amazing accuracy when it comes to his gut feelings, he chose to ignore it this one time and allowed himself to relax— to become careless— and now you have paid the price for it.
Jimin’s eyes move quickly as they scour the room for the man, hoping that he hasn’t already disappeared into the crowd yet, but then he spots someone with a ducked head weaving his way through the droves of noblemen on his way back to the kitchen. The only person, guest or servant, who is not curious to see what has happened. Immediately his heart jumps, blood pumping as his body moves into action, pushing past nosy nobles far more effectively than the lowly servant, and soon his fellow friends and soldiers catch sight of where he is looking, moving into position to cut him off on his way to the kitchen.
The man looks back to see the new king’s angry expression, skin bristling with fear, and it feels as if the room has gotten exponentially hotter. Like the fires of Hell closing in on him. The noise in the room gets even louder, people being ushered to the door as Jimin makes large strides toward the sure culprit, a path seeming to clear out for him, and the man scrambles to shove his way through, head on a swivel to keep his eye on his pursuer. The kitchen is only a few steps away, the swinging door inches from his fingertips, and Jimin is still a sizable distance from capturing him. Eyes locked on freedom, all he can think about is his escape through those doors and the ease he will have slipping through all of the shortcuts he’s become so acquainted with, losing the guards and the King who only know the paths of the main hallways.
The last person is pushed out of the way and the servant makes a run for it, dodging the hands of the soldiers who reach for him in a last ditch effort to capture him, and then he is through the doors and out of sight. Jimin’s heart falls when he sees this, sprinting faster to close the distance, but just as he is reaching to open the doors, they swing open and a bulky servant, a chef, walks out holding the man by his shoulders.
Grabbing the back of the villain’s neck, your husband grips him tight, yanking him away from his escape to the wall on the farthest side of the room, his soldiers in tow with the scrawny man’s arms locked in their grip. Jimin has tunnel vision now, rage fogging everything but the sight of your offender, and he wants nothing more than to hurt this man. Shoved against the hard polished walls, the criminal now begins to beg and claim innocence, stuttering over his words in an attempt to find a proper explanation.
“I-I haven’t done anything! You have the w-wrong person!” He shrieks, struggling uselessly against the strong hands that incapacitate him.
“Really? Then why was it that you were the only person fleeing?” Jimin sneers, using his forearm to press him harder into the wall.
“He has a weapon.” The guard on the right side of the man reveals, pulling a sharp peeling knife from the man’s waistband, probably a plan B if he ever got into a risky situation during his escape.
“It- That is not what you think. See, I work in the kitchen and I need-“
“You have not been to the kitchen all afternoon, do not try to play me for a fool!” Jimin hisses, muscles bulging with the force he uses to pin him down.
“Okay! Okay! But I would never hurt the Queen. I never intended to harm her!” The servant cries, tears springing from his eyes to add to his testimony as he shakes his head animatedly, and it makes the King sick. He growls deep in his chest, teeth gritting together with hatred, and this time his army-men are reaching to hold him back.
“General Park— Your Highness, you mustn’t cause intentional harm to this man before his questioning. It is the law.” His subordinate reminds gently, prepared to intervene. He watches the tick in Jimin’s jaw, well aware that he probably feels upset that he— of all people— needs to be reminded of the law, but the King’s eyes never leave his captive’s face.
“Yes, please, do not hurt me. I am sure the Queen would not approve of it.” He wavers, shaky and desperate to be free of the piercing eyes burning through him. The mention of you snaps your husband out of his trance, and he growls because how the hell would he know if you’d approve or not, but he still allows the arm digging into your servant’s chest to drop slowly to his side.
“Get him out of my sight.” The two soldiers pull the man away, hastily dragging him out of the Grand Hall to a holding cell, and Jimin follows them with his eyes until they disappear through the exit. Tunnel vision dissipating, he relocates your family on the other side of the room, standing over you with worried looks on their faces. “How is she?” He asks, panting slightly from jogging over, his heart never slowing down and instead speeding up to an unhealthy rate once he sees your ghostly complexion. Everyone remains silent to his question, staring down at you and the doctor.
“She’s been poisoned.” His mother finally answers when the woman tending to you ignores him. His frown deepens.
“Yes, but how is she now?” He tries his best to keep his voice stable, lowering his volume in the sudden quietness of the room. The doctor says nothing for several moments, checking your vitals thoroughly and listening for a heartbeat for a long time. It almost gets to the point where Jimin’s tolerance wears thin at her silence, but your father stops him from speaking. After what seems like an eternity, she looks up and sighs.
“Her pulse is very faint and it was difficult to find, but it is there.” Everyone lets out a breath, but Jimin cannot breathe comfortably yet. “Yes, she was poisoned, but I gave her a solution to expel as much of the poison as possible. For now, we can only hope and wait for her body to take care of whatever was already absorbed into her blood; and her chances look good considering how little she ingested.” Two sips. Just two sips of champagne and you are in such terrible condition. He does not want to think about what would have happened if you were to drink even a sip more.
“When-“ He swallows, almost afraid to ask. “When will she awake?”
“It is difficult to tell, it all depends on her body and how much poison was in her drink. All we can do for her now is get her out of this dress to help her breathe easier and take her up to rest.”
He volunteers to carry you, picking you up bridal style and taking you gently to your bedroom. This is not how he imagined it happening, and though the situation shows similarities to how he has always pictured taking you from your wedding, dress and all, everything is completely wrong.
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It is a serene and quiet day at the castle, the only sounds audible being the subsiding rain knocking at your window. The rain brings a coolness that makes you want to burrow in your sheets, but there is a warmth at your back that keeps the chill away, which you gladly welcome. The first thing you see when you open your eyes is a plain wall, painted in your favorite shade of sunset orange, the color made dull by the haziness in your eyes. Like a fog sitting over your head, you can barely see, taking several long minutes to focus your eyes. Once it clears, you slowly turn your head—wincing at the crick in your neck— and gradually scan the room, finding your mother-in-law at the foot of your bed reading a book in the comfortable seat that is usually in the corner of your room. Redirecting your eyes to that corner, you spot boxes of belongings— Jimin’s belongings— still unopened and packed neatly aside for his relocation into your bedroom. You smile at the thought: he can finally share this space with you, sleep in the same bed without worry of being caught, keep you company on rough nights where the loneliness is overwhelming and you simply need a hand to hold to get you through the night. Turning a bit further, you locate the source of the heat behind you, finding the love of your life napping with a protective arm around your midsection, hand just under your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin.
How lucky you are to have married him, to have the luxury of being able to spend your life with this man and start a family with him. King and Queen. You and Jimin. Thoughts of your wedding light up your heart as you recall the lovely reception, the beautiful décor, your unique wedding dress, the wonderful guests that came to support you and offer their love and congratulations, the wedding night you cannot seem to remember. In fact, you don’t remember anything after your father made his toast to the two of you. You remember the gifts, the food, the toast, but nothing about your first night as a married couple, nothing about spending the rest of the evening in Jimin’s arms, not even how you ending up in bed in the first place. You think hard, watching your husband’s face as if the answers were written there, and it is then that you notice the bags draped under his eyes, the pale color of his skin likely from not eating, the restless look on his face even as he sleeps.
As if your body had somehow remembered what happened on its own, you are suddenly alerted to the extreme dryness in your throat, so dry that when you try to swallow, you instead fall into a sudden coughing spell that catches the attention of everyone in the room. In the blink of an eye Jimin jolts awake, rubbing at your back as his mother runs to your side with a glass of cool water, putting it to your lips and helping you drink as you fight the mini convulsions in your chest.
“Lilian, send for the doctor!” Jimin calls when the servant rushes to your door, immediately turning on her heel to follow his orders. “Drink slowly, my love, you need to breathe.” By now he has helped you into a proper sitting position, hands never leaving you as you alternate between drinking and deep breaths, his mother refilling your glass when you have emptied it.
“It is such a relief to see that you are awake, dear.” The older woman says quietly, giving you her fondest smile when your breathing seems to calm down a bit. “You had us worried sick.”
The stern doctor from before strolls into your room just after you have finished your second glass, followed by an anxious looking Lilian who hesitates to rush the woman. “I see you are awake,” is all she says as she takes her time opening the bag she carries and removing a few instruments. Jimin watches her with a sharp eye, already irritated by her relaxed demeanor when he feels she should treat this situation with a little more urgency. But he says nothing the entire time she examines you, checking your eyes, reflexes, mouth and tongue, and pulse. At least she seems thorough. She nods to herself when she is finished, once again not speaking until prompted as if she intended to keep the information to herself.
“Is she well?” Lilian asks impatiently, looking just as annoyed as Jimin. The doctor ignores her, talking directly to you.
“Your health has improved significantly, I am almost surprised.” She says with a flat face and voice. “It looks like the poison has run its course and is mostly out of your system now, so there is no need to worry.” Poison?
“Thank the heavens.” Your mother-in-law whispers, letting out a sigh of relief.
“So... she is alright?” You husband nearly whispers as if afraid his voice could change her answer. For the first time, the lady looks him in the eyes, confirming that you are alright in a mockingly sweet voice that makes his blood boil.
“Yes, Your Highness. As I have just said, your wife is quite alright.” Despite her insolence, she does not get reprimanded, the good news enough to hold the general’s temper, and you feel his arms hug you tighter.
“I knew she would be alright, I could tell she was strong from the moment I met her.” Your second mother says aloud to no one in particular, her soothing smile relaxing both you and Jimin.
“I knew it too, I prayed as often as possible for her health. I am so happy things worked out.” Lilian gushes as she holds back tears.
“Am I allowed to walk around?” You ask, feeling an ache in your back and hips. The woman looks at you as if you have just put a hex on her entire family, showing the only expression Jimin has seen from her thus far. Her hand lands on your leg from her spot on the edge of your bed and she leans in with seriousness, squinting at you.
“Absolutely not. Do not even leave this bed without consulting me first.” She leans away slightly, loosening her grip on your thigh. “I prescribe bedrest and plenty of food and water. You are still very weak and you need time for your body to regain its strength after working so hard to rid itself of the poison. You were unconscious for nearly 5 days, your recovery should not be rushed.” It has been five days since your wedding? This detail shocks you so much that you can’t even speak at first, looking at her dumbly with wide eyes. You want to ask what exactly happened, but you fear that the woman will tell you in a way that distresses you, so you hold your tongue for now.
“Oh! That reminds me!” Lilian exclaims, scurrying out of your quarters toward the kitchen.
“Could I at least move to use the toilet?” You say meekly, looking over toward your bathroom area with a blush as you realize Lilian has probably had to take care of you while you were out. You can imagine Jimin wanting to help, but having to fake hot cheeks and shyness as if he has never seen you naked before and wants to be courteous of your privacy. The thought is almost funny considering just how intimately he knows your body— certainly better than Lilian does.
“You should not walk, you legs are too feeble. Instead, you should be lifted there and helped the entire time. Your husband seems capable, he behaves like a servant anyway.” Your eyebrows raise at her rude comment toward her new king, seemingly having no regard for his position of power, and you squeeze his hand in yours when you feel him take a breath to speak. He is used to dealing with insubordination as a general in the military, handling it as the King would be no different. But your touch restricts him.
“Is that all?” Jimin inquires, visibly trying his best not to sound too harsh when he asks the doctor to leave. She gives you a quick look up and down then nods, already packing up her things and standing from your bedside. “Then you are dismissed.” The curt tone in his voice goes over the woman’s head as she walks out, bidding you a good evening before shutting the door.
With just the three of you left in the room again, Jimin’s mother senses oncoming awkwardness. She can sense the way her son drops his guard and seems to sink, how his eyes begin to twinkle with the beginnings of wetness, and she knows she will ruin the moment if she does not leave now. With her watch duty being over upon your waking, she no longer has business in your room and she exits swiftly, mumbling something about helping Lilian in the kitchen, grabbing her book on her way out.
As soon as the door shuts behind her, you are pulled into strong arms. He lays back until you are both comfortable in bed, your face in his chest and his in your hair as he holds you in silence for a while. It feels good to be in his arms, neither of you saying anything but simply basking in each other’s warmth.
“I am so sorry.” Your King finally breathes, the shaky quality of his voice surprising you. He rarely lets you see the emotional side of him and you appreciate his transparency in this moment as tears slide down onto your shoulder. “It is all my fault.”
“Do not say that. There is no way you could have known something like this would happen, Jimin.” You try to reassure him, but you still don’t know what happened yourself.
“But it is my duty to protect you and I failed. I failed you just hours after you became my wife.” He squeezes you tighter and you rub his back, weak arms wrapped loosely around him.
“Tell me everything that happened. I want to know.” You mumble into his chest quietly, waiting for his response. He seems to tense at the realization that you have no idea what happened to you or what went on after you collapsed, and he takes a deep breath as the past few days replay in his mind.
“During our reception, my champagne glass was poisoned by a servant, and when you switched our glasses, you accidentally drank the poison and went unconscious.” He pulls back to watch your eyes widen at the news that the poison was intended for him.
“Do you... do you know who did it?” You ask, afraid that his attempted assassin may still be on the loose.
“Do not worry, I caught him before he could even escape the room and he was arrested promptly.”
“Yes, but who was it?” Your mind races to all of the names and faces of your servants, wondering who would have a motive to kill Jimin. Jimin is loved by nearly everyone in the kingdom, your servants were especially thrilled to hear that you were getting married to him, so it comes as a shock to you that anyone would go as far as attempting to poison him. You wait with bated breaths as you anticipate the name of your poisoner, heart thumping loudly in your chest with dread.
“His name is Jang Jinwoo.” Your heart stops. Not Jinwoo, the sweet man who worked in the kitchen and greeted you every time he had a chance. There have been many occasions where you had snuck away from your duties to roam the many rooms of your home and you found yourself stopping to chat with him as he completed his work. Despite being almost 10 years older than you, you got along very well with him. He was always kind, smiling brightly at you, easy to talk to. You can’t imagine that he was the one to do such a thing.
“Jinwoo? A-Are you sure?” You stutter out, not believing your ears.
“(Y/n), he has already confessed.”
“Are you absolutely certain? He could have been pressured to say something like that. Maybe he was only following orders from someone else, or maybe he was being paid to do it.” You continue to make up excuses for the man, looking at Jimin as he solemnly shakes his head at you.
“No, none of that is true. I heard it from his own mouth, (Y/n), I was the one who interrogated him.” At this you stop, looking down at your sheets. There is anger present when Jimin speaks, though it is not directed at you. He is enraged by the memory of the interrogation, having to sit there and listen to the whimpering of a coward who tried desperately to explain his case. Trying to weasel his way out of punishment. “He told me everything.”
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The room is musty and dank when Jimin enters, the darkness of the cell only alleviated by a few lanterns hanging toward the back of the small space. Jinwoo sits uncomfortably on a stool at the back wall, hands bound and feet shackled to his seat with chains. Two guards stand on either side of Jimin, there as backup in case anything should happen, but they know Jimin is versed in the art of interrogation from his many years in military service. He sits on a much more comfortable chair than the prisoner, one that has taller legs and a back where he can rest comfortably, and he takes his time looking the prisoner up and down with steel eyes, leaning into his seat as if he owned the room.
“As stated by law, I am not allowed to touch you, but as a prisoner who has committed the highest treason, I am sure I would be excused for my action should you give me any reason to engage you.” The intimidation has already begun and it works beautifully, Jinwoo sinking lower on his stool under the heavy gaze of the king. “Now, things would be a lot easier if you confessed to your crimes right now, but we already know that you are the one who did it. We found the poison in a tube in your coats and seized the weapon you carried in your waistband, which is enough to incriminate you. However,” Jimin leans in menacingly, cold eyes pressing the prisoner back. “I want to know why you did it. The only reason I have left my wife’s bedside to come down here and face such filth as you is to hear from your own mouth what would possibly push you to do such a thing.”
The man says nothing, bags forming under his eyes as he looks away, sadness overtaking his features. “Is she alive?”
“You would like to know the status of the Queen?” Jimin states quietly, earning a meek nod from the prisoner. There is a pause of stillness before a guard steps in front of Jimin just as he seems like he will lunge at the man, standing and growling out how he has no right to ask questions like that. The shackled man cowers.
“Your Highness.” The other guard calls sharply, his hand on his shoulder to guide him back into his seat. “Yes, the Queen is alive.” He answers, much to Jimin’s displeasure.
“Oh God,” Jinwoo breaks down, hands coming up to his face as tears start to stream down his cheeks. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I never meant to hurt her!” He weeps into his palms, barely mumbling loud enough for the others to hear.
“Why did you do it, then? Why would you try to assassinate her?”
“Not her, you!” The servant suddenly shouts, looking Jimin dead in the eyes for the first time. “You were the one whose glass was poisoned, not hers. But no one could have known she would switch them at the last second— I did not even have time to react.” He is reduced to tears again and the three men watching him ponder his words. Guilt washes over Jimin like a bucket of ice water and he starts to feel weak. This is exceptionally worse. It was he who was meant to fall ill to the poison; his life that should be hanging on a thread instead of yours. It feels like a jab to the gut knowing that not only did he fail to protect you, but that he is the one who indirectly put you in this situation to begin with.
It is silent for the next few minutes, Jimin watching the man sob at his own misfortune with no other thoughts running through his head but those of self-deprecation. But he must press on. He waits until Jinwoo calms down enough to speak before resuming his questioning. “Why did you aim to kill me?” His voice is softer now, though still commanding, and his face is genuinely curious.
Jinwoo stares down at his knees before speaking, his voice now void of emotion. “I would have to start from the beginning for you to be able to understand that.”
“That is why I have appeared before you today. I want to know the whole story.” The men stare at each other for a long while, tension swelling between them as Jinwoo takes on a stubborn attitude, almost as if he felt that the King was not fit to know his story. When Jimin does not back down from his narrowed gaze, he sighs, contemplating for a moment before opening his mouth to speak.
“Well, it all seems quite silly now.” He chuckles humorlessly, eyes dropping to the floor.
“What is?” Jimin implores, becoming impatient.
“Well, I have been a servant here for more than half of my life. My mother had me hired when I was barely 15 to make earnings to support my family, and I did just that, working for nobles I had never even seen before. I lived in the background, feeling unimportant as I cleaned dishes and emptied trash in that godawful backroom for years, no direction in life, just a workhorse for the family I never got to see. Then, my family home was consumed by fire in the night and everyone I worked so hard to support perished; the only people that gave me a purpose in live, vanished into thin air.
“I had no home and nowhere to go, a man in his early twenties with no skills in life but dishwashing and table setting, and I was so lost— depressed, lonely, homeless— but the King was generous enough to let me stay here and work, offering me quarters in the lower levels.”
“Does this story have a point?” Jimin interrupts, bored already with the autobiography that seemingly had nothing to do with him becoming an attempted murderer.
“You asked for me to tell you everything, Your Highness.” He mocks just to see Jimin’s blood boil. “The King’s generosity was appreciated, but I still had no purpose or reason to live. But then one day, I stumbled upon his young daughter walking the halls, dressed in her formal attire and obviously meant to be elsewhere. She looked so beautiful then, with her curious doe eyes and rosy cheeks, and when she stopped to talk to me I felt as if the world had stopped around me.” He says dreamily, remembering how you looked in your early teens, just beginning puberty and showing your defiance by skipping etiquette classes and sneaking snacks from the kitchen. “We quickly became friends and over the years I watched her mature into a gorgeous young woman with a heart of gold, one that she showed only to me. I rarely saw her even talk to other servants, I was the only one. We had something special. She went missing for a short while when her mother passed, but when she returned to me she was more radiant than ever, a queen that I had grown to love— and I could tell she loved me as well. I realized then that this was my purpose in life. She was my purpose, and I was meant to be with her no matter what.”
Jimin’s eyebrows scrunch at this. Never had you even mentioned Jinwoo to him, and it was his understanding that you had a good relationship with most of the servants of your castle, not just him. A sick feeling settles in his stomach when he imagines it: a grown man pining after a naïve preteen who had simply showed him a little kindness in passing. He watches as the man becomes increasingly more impassioned as he continues.
“If I had the chance, I would have proposed to her as soon as I found out that she was looking to marry. I saw men from all over attempt to court her, but none of them succeeded because she only had eyes for me. She loved me!” His outburst causes him to pause and regather himself, closing his eyes and grumbling quietly to himself before speaking up again. “I was confident that they would all fail— and they did— and then I would have my chance to be with My Queen forever. She disliked everyone, no one could ever compare to me in her heart, I knew this. I knew she was reserving a place for me. So you can imagine my disgust when it was announced that you were the one who would become her king. It was impossible, I thought that she only accepted you for your riches, but then I discovered that you were not wealthy. I do not know what deception you used or empty promises you made to trick her into marrying you, but I was sure she was not doing it for love.”
“That is where you are wrong.” Jimin sighs easily, watching the prisoner frown. “I did not court her like the others. I never appeared before her or the King with gifts and a proposal promising wealth or anything else of the sort. She came to me, if only by chance, and she fell in love on her own terms. I even encouraged her to find someone else, but she insisted that her heart lies with me and that there would be no other. In fact, she was the one who proposed that we be wed, and she spent weeks begging her father on my behalf. So, contrary to your beliefs, she was only doing it for love.”
Jinwoo scoffs, but does not refute it, beginning again quietly. “I thought that the engagement was strictly business and I paid you no mind for the three weeks leading up to your wedding. I was sure that her heart was mine, hopeful that she would come back for me and profess her love. I was willing to keep our relationship a secret for as long as necessary just so I could have her, but I was wrong. Everyday last week there was an event, and the two of you were inseparable. I thought she was just an amazing actress and could pretend to love you in front of crowds, but even when you were alone, I saw her holding your hand, kissing you, being in love with you. It made me sick to witness it, but I held onto hope that it was all fake, that the woman who had given me purpose and a will to live would return to me.
“The last straw was when I saw you just two nights ago, while I was washing dishes in a back room. It was almost like I could feel her near me, sense her presence, and when I turned around, there she was, illuminated by the light like an angel, passing slowly by the doorway. There was no reason for her to be on that side of the castle, especially on a night like that, and for once I believed that the heavens had finally shined down upon me and granted me my wish. But then I saw you behind her, holding her hand.” He looks up at the King slowly, hatred flooding his irises, and it is almost enough to make a shiver crawl down his spine despite having encountered greater evils than this. “I could not contain my anger, I wanted to attack you right then and there, but I quickly remembered that you are an army man who could easily overpower me, so I held back. My hands were shaking so much that I dropped the plates I was cleaning, and my heart was aching so much that I did not care.
“That is what was so silly, General. My life is the punchline!” He chuckles again, answering Jimin’s question from earlier. “She does not love me, she was never going to come back for me to begin with! What I thought was the meaning of my life was all a lie. And it is all because of you!” A deranged look enters his face as he continues to laugh, tears spilling out of his eyes as he does so. The two guards look at each other nervously over Jimin’s head, wondering if they should do something about him, but Jimin seems composed so they wait it out with him. Jinwoo’s laughter dies down quickly, replaced by an empty look in his eyes. “It was then that I decided I wanted to kill you. You must understand, I did this out of love. It is all because I love her so very much that I could not stand to see her be with someone else. Not even if that person makes her smile more brilliantly than I have ever seen. She belongs with me and I would be a fool to just give her away to someone else.”
“So where did you get the poison?” Jimin ponders, wanting to finish this quickly after hearing how delusional this man really was.
“A street vendor sold it to me. I bought it that same night I saw the two of you together. I was still hesitant about going through with my plan during the reception, but when I saw you kiss her and the love in her eyes when she looked at you, I knew that I had no choice but to do it. It is a potent mixture, strong enough to put down a bull, and I poisoned your champagne with nearly half the vile. I did not expect it to be so fast acting, I hoped you would not feel the effects until after you had gone through the entire glass, but I suppose I am thankful that was not the case or else my beloved would not still be living.” He shows shame then, his eyes back on the ground, and seeing him look remorseful throws fuel into Jimin’s fire again. “As I said, I never meant to harm her, she is the entire world to me. When you see her, please tell (Y/n) I’m-“
“Do not say her name.” Your husband hisses with an aggression that even startles his fellow guards. “I do not owe you any favors- in fact, you are lucky I am letting you live now. If it were up to me, you would have been beheaded before the sun went down tonight. But soon you will be sentenced by the High Court and you will be punished justly.” He makes his exit hastily, followed by his comrades that unshackle Jinwoo and lock him in his cell securely.
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“So you see, he did this because of me. And I had a gut feeling that something would happen and I did nothing about it. I was not cautious enough and it is because of that that you drank poison from my glass and nearly died.” Jimin practically whispers, holding back more tears. You take in all that he has told you, thinking hard for a moment before smiling gently.
“Then, it is my understanding that I saved your life, correct?” You state proudly, looking into his widened eyes.
“W-What?” He’s confused by your sudden conclusion, not sure what he expected you to say.
“You love champagne and have a tendency to drink quickly. Had I not taken the glass from you, you would have gulped down the poison and perished right before my eyes, therefore, I saved your life. If two tiny sips had the ability to do this to me, I do not even want to think of what would have happened to you if I had not come to the rescue.” You’re grinning cockily now, watching your lover mull over your words.
“Yes, but... had I been more vigilant, this would not have happened. I was an ignorant fool for letting my guard down and I do not deserve to-“
“Stop insulting my husband. You have no right to say such things about him.” You interrupt, giving him a stern look and watching as his eyebrows smooth out with surprise. “You know better than to spew nonsense from that handsome mouth of yours. You are a King, not a superhuman; there is no way you could have known things would end up this way.”
“My love,” He sniffles, eyes welling with tears again. “I cannot help but feel guilty. My top priority as a King is to protect my Queen. I have devoted my life to serving and protecting you from harm, yet I was the one who nearly got you killed.” Your hand raises to his cheek, wiping away a tear as it hesitantly makes its way down to his chin.
“And I thank you for your service, but as a married couple, we must protect each other. I know how important it is for you to be there to save everyone, but it is okay to let me watch over you too sometimes. Let me be your hero for once. It, too, is my duty to look out for you and save you from harm, even if I must save you from yourself at times.” His bottom lip quivers and you can’t help but reach up and kiss it, admiring how soft they are even in their chapped state. “And look, I am fine. I am still here with you, breathing and alive, am I not? I think this is the best way this situation could have turned out.”
He says nothing after this, eyes roaming your face and the happy smile that scrunches your features, taking in every single centimeter of your expression to burn it into his memory. He’s seen it countless times— your smile, that is— yet he feels as if he’d taken each one of those times for granted. Seeing you lay expressionless for the past 5 days without knowing if you would regain consciousness was terrifying for him and the one thing that kept running through his head was the thought of not being able to see you smile again. Oh, how he missed it. Now, he appreciates your grin even more, overjoyed to be able to see it once more, but he does not understand how you can smile after learning the circumstances that landed you here. But, he has always known you to be optimistic.
After holding each other for a little while longer, you feel as though you should try to return to normalcy to relieve some of the tension in the air. Looking up at him, you take in his tired face and drooping eyes, frowning at the sight. “You look terrible.” You mumble, eyebrows knit together.
“You do not look so glamorous yourself, My Queen.” He shoots back with a playful raise of his eyebrow, although he thinks you still look absolutely gorgeous for someone who has just been in a coma.
Lilian reenters with a knock holding a tray of food, announcing that there is a plate for Jimin, who has refused to eat while you were recovering. She takes her time setting up, helping you sit against your headboard and sitting down your plates.
“As your wife,” You proudly proclaim, feeling bubbles of joy build in your chest at the realization. “It is also my duty to worry about your health. Have you been taking care of yourself, My King?” At the squint of your eyes, Jimin blushes. Whether from the term of endearment or the adorable look on your face, he does not know.
“Hardly.” Lilian replies under her breath with a snicker, recalling how she nagged Jimin to take care of his own needs and even offering to help as his own servant now, but being flatly rejected and sent away each time. He glares at her from the side of his eye at her chuckling, silencing her quickly.
“As of late, no. I have been too busy looking after you.”
“Unacceptable. How do you expect to look after me if your own body is not taken care of, hm? Have you eaten? You look pale.”
“I have not had the stomach to eat these few days.” He admits, assuring you that he is fine, but at the mention of food his stomach growls loudly, causing you to giggle.
“Well, I am awake and well now, so you have no more excuses. Heavens, if I did not know better, I would think it were me who has to nurse you back to health.” You laugh, Lilian joining in with a shake of her head as she situates food in front of both of you. The atmosphere is amazingly light, you cracking jokes and doting on Jimin whenever you get the chance, and he has to say that this is very different from what he expected. He thought that you would be a little more upset with everything that went on, but you seem fine. As if nothing happened and everything is as it should be. But he understands that you may not want to stress yourself out at this moment, so he plays along while keeping a watchful eye on you.
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Visitors began appearing in your room the next day after news of your awakening spread throughout the land. Your father spent almost the entire afternoon with you for the first time since your mother’s death, and though he never said it, you know he was terrified of losing you too. Other visitors included your closest servants, each of them bringing with them gifts and promises to take care of your every need while you are recovering, both of Jimin’s parents (his father shedding more happy tears when he sees you are okay), a few family friends that lived nearby, and your best friend Seokjin. Slowly, they began to fill you in on the happenings of your kingdom, informing you that everything remains stable despite you and Jimin’s absence since your father has taken up some of the responsibilities that needed immediate attention.
Upon hearing that Jimin had missed nearly all of his first meetings as a royal because of you, you start to feel guilty and urge him to leave you to take care of his duties. Becoming a King takes training, and you don’t want him to slack off just because you are ill.
“It is fine, My love. Everything can be postponed.”
“But these are important attendances that will set up the rest of your rule over this land. You must meet with neighboring nations and the powerful nobles of our own kingdom, go to your classes to learn law and etiquette, address our people-“
“Do not concern yourself with such trifles. Everything is taken care of.” Jimin whispers, kissing your knuckles when he takes you by the hand. He can sense how useless you feel, wanting to live vicariously through him by listening to him explaining his first errands as a King, but instead he has been with you whenever he can, both of you becoming bored in your room.
“I am the one who is bedridden, not you.”
You begin looking for anything to do that is of importance, noticing how everyone seems to keep you out of the loop on bigger issues that may cause you any stress. The doctor said to avoid anything that may cause your blood pressure to rise, but being ignored as if you were not the queen of this nation is having the opposite effect. Not even Jimin will tell you things that he knows, and you know he is kept up-to-date on any and all drama within your borders because of his new title, and you are starting to feel betrayed because of the secrecy surrounding you. But you know who to get information out of, and that is exactly who you aim for once you are left alone with him.
“Seokjin,” You call sweetly in between his exaggerated stories about something shiny he has acquired from a neighboring nation. “What is the status of Jinwoo’s trial?” You know to present it as if you already know something about it, though you aren’t even sure if he has stood trial yet, but Seokjin’s answer confirms this.
“His trial? That ended yesterday, if I am correct.” He replies without even looking up from the jewelry he seems obsessed with that hangs from his neck.
“Has the High Court made a decision yet?” He looks up at you then, and you get nervous, fidgeting in your spot on your bed. “It’s just that I have not been caught up fully on the proceedings. Everyone has seemed so busy lately.”
“Hmm, yes. Then you must not have heard. The High Court has made the decision to convict him of high treason for the attempted murder of the King, but they have not sentenced him yet.” He stops playing with his accessories, looking seriously at you in a way that makes your heart speed up. “They have agreed that since you are the Queen, and also a victim, they will leave it up to you to sentence the criminal to a punishment. You may discuss it with them, but the decision is ultimately yours.”
Your heart skips a beat at this, the weight of the words settling in your chest, and you sigh. This is what you wanted, right? To have something meaningful to do instead of rotting away in this bed, correct? But this is almost overwhelming. Jinwoo’s sentencing is easily the most important thing happening in your kingdom right now, and it makes sense for it to be decided so soon— they can’t keep him in a holding cell forever— but you are not completely sure you are ready for it. This is probably why no one has told you about it yet.
“Oh,” Is all you can say, unable to keep your face straight in front of your friend. He sees the furrow of your eyebrows and realizes his mistake, moving closer to you to put a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“But do not worry, (Y/n), the High Court is willing to wait until you are healthy again before they make the public announcement. That means you have time to think about it, so please try not to stress yourself out too much over this.” His words are reassuring, but you’re beginning to feel like a burden, so you put on a brave face and make up your mind.
“No, I must do it quickly,” You declare, although your words to him are nothing official. “A trial such as this one should be quick and final, yet it has already been almost a week. I should make my decision within the next few days.”
“With respect, Your Highness, but do not be rash. Take the time that has been given to you, there is no need to rush.”
“Then do you think I should wait another week before this man knows his fate? To put the biggest case in this kingdom’s recent history on hold just because I will not be able to appear in full health?” You challenge.
“I think it would be unnecessary and quite impulsive to rush into such a big decision. The man is a criminal who tried to kill your husband and you are worried about the amount of suspense and anxiety he will feel after waiting in his cell for a week?” He scoffs. “All I am willing to say is that the most important person here is you, and your health and needs take top priority over all else. It is entirely your decision, but do not be afraid to be selfish. Take it from me, the most narcissistic person you know.”
Leave it to Seokjin to give you an honest answer. You do not discuss the topic any further, thinking of his words even after he leaves, and you keep everything to yourself when Jimin returns from his meeting with your father. He is unaware that you now know the weight of your responsibility, but he can see it pulling on your face, tired lines appearing under your eyes, so he makes sure you receive no more visitors before tending to you and helping you to bed early.
It is not until the third day after waking up that you are formally told about the sentencing, two days since Seokjin had informed you of it, and you announce to the members of the High Court that you are ready with your judgment. The older men seem surprised when you say this, staring at your frail body in your wheelchair as you confidently state that you want to address Jinwoo as soon as possible. Jimin is just as shocked as the others when he hears this, trying to convince you to take time to think about it, just as Seokjin had, but in the end you remained steadfast in your words. That night, you discussed your options and made a final decision that you were confident in. It was settled, you would sentence Jinwoo publicly tomorrow afternoon.
Despite wanting to support you, Jimin was concerned. You seemed happy as always, as if nothing was wrong, but he knew that you must be hiding your true emotions. As a General, he has brought in many prisoners and seen many trials, and the sentencing is never easy. The person who makes the final decision is never happy, even if the person deserves what is coming to them, and even he could feel the heaviness of holding that power every time he witnessed it. This was not supposed to be easy on you, especially since the punishment would almost certainly be one of the harshest ones you could give, but you showed zero signs of dread. At least not outwardly. He kept a close watch on you, giving you many opportunities to talk to him about what you may be feeling, but you repeatedly told him that you were fine, the same smile crossing your lips every time. But at night, he could tell you could not sleep, and he held you extra tight in silent comfort.
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Silver lighting streams into the courtroom from the high windows, almost like a spotlight illuminating the platform on which your offender will stand. People sit in rows on all sides of the room, watching the proceedings from their mahogany benches as if this were a theatre performance. The members of the High Court enter first, taking their seats behind a raised panel on the north facing wall of the room, looming over the people like vultures. Jinwoo is the next to enter the packed room, walking with tiny steps and a lowered head as the people around him begin to murmur, all with cold eyes following him all the way to his stand. There is a long pause as guards begin to line the entrance, commanding all of your people to rise before a trumpeter begins blowing out the short royal tune.
“All rise, for the entrance of His and Her Majesty.” You cannot help the flood of anxiety that washes over you when the door opens for you. This is your first time appearing in front of your people as King and Queen, and although you have stood before your kingdom on many occasions, the spotlight has never been on you like it is now. A guard pushes your wheelchair forward and into the courtroom, and immediately the temperature feels stifling. Your palms sweat when you come into view, your eyes landing on the man standing at the center of the room— the man you believed was a sweet servant with not a single bad intention in his heart, your friend of many years— and you begin to feel sick. Not from guilt, but from disgust. Facing him for the first time after the incident is harder than you thought it would be. Anger builds up in your throat when he looks at you with pleading eyes, as if he could appeal to a more sensitive side of you, but all it does is make you want to be all the more ruthless.
“Are you okay, my love?” Jimin whispers from where he walks beside you. He has noticed the way you have been staring down the culprit and how tightly you grip the arms of your chair, and it worries him just slightly. His own rage has not subsided toward the man, but he is more concerned about you in this moment. You nod, eyes finally shifting to the faces in the crowd, and even though the room is quiet, you can see people whispering to each other, a look of pity on their faces as they gaze upon you. This is one of the reasons you wanted to rush this appearance— to face your people while you were still fragile and in need of assistance. Traditionally, a royal is encouraged to put on the strongest image possible when confronting the kingdom, but you wanted them to see how you truly looked and empathize with you and your king. Not that they were not already on your side.
Taking one of your hands, the two of you complete your journey to your designated spots, looking down at the room with unreadable eyes. The air is tense surrounding you, the heat remaining stationary instead of its usual swirling, and you can tell by the sweat on his brow that it feels like the 9th circle of Hell for Jinwoo.
“As it is quite hot here, we will proceed quickly for Her Majesty’s good health.” The old man seated next to you declares with a projecting voice that startles you. It has begun. “After concluding the trial this week, the punishment for the crimes of Jang Jinwoo have been determined. He has been imprisoned following his confession to the attempted murder of King Park Jimin and the accidental poisoning of the Queen, as well as the unauthorized possession of a weapon around royalty during a public event. The consequences of his crimes have been discussed and finalized by the Queen herself, who will now announce her decision.”
All eyes fall onto you, and the anxiety in your chest dissolves almost instantly as you lock gazes with the man in the center of the room again. His chest heaves as he looks at you, seeming so incredibly nervous that it’s almost laughable, and you fight the scowl that inches onto your lips. Unable to stand properly, you sit up straighter, taking a moment to gather your thoughts and hold suspense, everyone watching you with wrapt attention. Jimin’s hand covers your own as it rests on your knee, and it gives you the strength to speak.
“Jang Jinwoo, you are the most wretched human being I have ever encountered on this earth.” The room is taken aback by your words, never having heard you speak in such a hateful way. “You claim to have acted over the influence of love, but the choices you have made in this life are solely of your own will. Not only have you physically harmed me, but you have scarred this nation and the people I hold dearest to my heart. You turned what would have been the happiest day of my life thus far into a day that my husband and I will look at forever as a day of uneasiness and terror. A day where the kingdom almost lost its matriarch before her rule had even begun. As for the physical aspect of your actions, I believe you should know the struggles I have been forced to endure this past week. First, I slipped into a coma that lasted for nearly five days and nights, during which my other faithful servants were forced to care for me as if I were a newborn baby. After awaking, I found myself weak and unable to care for myself still, bound to the confines of my bed like a prisoner chained within a cell— the only times I was allowed to leave being when I was carried to the toilet or bath where I had to be helped without pause.” The tears start to flow over Jinwoo’s cheeks at the mention of your struggles, the only other emotion he has shown in days aside from the embarrassment of being displayed in a courtroom. “In these days I lost my dignity as a self-assured Queen, one who always was too proud to use her servants and instead did everything on my own will. Because of you, I must swallow pills and vitamins several times a day to rid myself of the effects of your poison. Because of you, my husband nor I could complete the duties expected of a new King and Queen. And because of you, I could not spend my first days as a married woman happily like I had so dreamed of.”
He is openly sobbing now, shame and guilt sitting heavy on his shoulders as his tears drip to the floor. You wished he would stop pretending like he is sorry for what he did because you know he is not; he is only sorry about the effect his actions had on you. If he had succeeded in his plans and killed Jimin, you have no doubt that you would not have seen a shred of guilt on his face as he stood before you. His eyes drop to the ground as you go on, listing the hardships you have gone through and how hurt you were to see your family look so scared and worried on your behalf, but you want him to look into your eyes and truly hear what you are saying to him.
“Look at me!” You command, a bass coming into your voice that surprises even you. All of the spectators have tears in their eyes from listening to your story, and you know you have their support. But when Jinwoo looks up at you, you hesitate a little. He looks so genuinely sorry for you just like everyone else, and your mind flashes back to the man you befriended all those years ago. An empathetic, sensitive man who was so good at listening to your problems even when he could not relate. But then his eyes move ever so slightly to the man sitting next to you with his hand in yours and his eyes turn icy again. He and Jimin stare at each other for what feels like an eternity before you repeat your command, and all hesitance drains from your body once again. “Although your right to speak has been stripped from you, I will give you one more chance to appeal to me. I would like to hear the words from your own mouth before I give you your final sentencing.”
The members of the High Court and Jimin all turn to you, shocked that you would do such a thing at the last moment. The rules state that a criminal facing sentencing is not allowed to address superiors in any way while on the stand, especially not before his punishment is announce, yet you have just given him the grounds to do exactly that.
“Your Highness, you must not let him appeal-“ The old man immediately to your right begins, but you stop him.
“There is no way in Hell that he could ever change my mind, no matter what he says. You can be sure of that.” You whisper, giving Jimin’s hand a squeeze when his eyes linger on your profile, your straight face telling him that you are completely certain. “Speak.”
“I never held any intentions of hurting you and my mistake is the biggest regret of my life, you must know that. My love for you is greater than anything else in this world and I would do anything for you. This is why I beg of you,” Spectators murmur words of disgust at his words, their faces wrinkled in hate and disbelief, but yours remains plain. “My Queen,” The pitiful man snivels with a tremor in his voice, “please execute me. What I have done is unforgivable and I cannot live in good conscience with my deeds. Please.”
His twinkling eyes search yours, hoping that you could feel his sincerity through the thick air. It is quiet for a while before you let out a long sigh.
“That is exactly why I cannot pardon you from this earth. That would be far too easy. I sentence you 100 years in prison to reflect upon your choices and relive the guilt you feel now everyday for the rest of your life.” Your face remains blank, but a tornado of emotions rages behind the mask. If he had aimed to take your life instead, maybe you would have been more lenient. But since he intended to take from you the person that means the most to you in this world, damning you to a life of sorrow and loneliness, you cannot let him off so easily. You need him to understand that what he attempted to do would have caused much more damage than he’d realize, and now he had all the time in the world to think about it.
His face falls at the sudden news, none of what you have said sinking in until it is announced that your word is final and that he will serve his time beginning immediately after he leaves the court. People around the room gasp and sigh, some of them cheering at his punishment and others complaining that you should have put him to death. You look at Jimin and he immediately reads the exhaustion in your expression, motioning to a guard that it is time to make your exit.
“No. No! My Queen, please! I do not deserve it. I do not deserve to live on this earth with you! Have mercy! Take my life!” He begins to shout, guards holding him back as he struggles against his shackles desperately like a caged animal.
“You do not deserve my mercy.” You say calmly, finally allowing your guard to roll you out of the room, Jinwoo’s voice still echoing behind the door amidst the chaos slowly engulfing the sweltering room.
Everything seems to happen quickly after that, and before you know it, you are back in your bedroom where the doctor awaits. She checks your health and feeds you your pills, instructing you to rest in bed and try to get some sleep after having such an eventful afternoon, and then she and the guard make their departures, leaving you and Jimin alone.
He watches you for a few minutes after helping you get changed and making sure you are comfortable in your sheets, and the longer your face remains blank, the more he worries. Your expression is familiar to him and it brings him back to one instance in particular: where your father had ordered him to gather his troops and investigate the group of soldiers nearing your kingdom’s borders— and to engage in battle if they seemed to have dangerous intentions. You felt as though it was unnecessary to start battles with soldiers from another nation, fearing that it would lead to war if everything turned out to be a misunderstanding, and most of all, fearing for the life of your lover. Since he would only be taking a relatively small group of men, you knew he might be at a disadvantage and you begged your father not to send him out on the mission. That was the first time you had ever challenged your father while he was giving orders, and Jimin was impressed by your courage and professionalism as you kept it together long enough to get your points across. In the end, your father denied your requests and sent him to the borders anyway, and your face fell back into the same blank expression you hold now. It’s the expression you make when you want to seem unaffected in front of others as you hide the pain away in your heart.
“My love,” He calls softly as you stare into space. “(Y/n).”
“Yes?” When you turn to him, your eyes still appear unfocused.
“I must return downstairs to oversee the transfer of the prisoner, but Lilian will be nearby if you need anything while I am gone. How are you?” He leaves the question open ended for you to respond in whichever way you see fit, either about your physical or mental status, but you give him an equally vague answer.
“I am fine.” And that same forced smile. He stares for a while longer before sighing and standing up, promising to hurry back as fast as he can.
A claustrophobic feeling settles in the room once he leaves, almost imperceptible at first, the walls closing in on you little by little with every breath you take. It’s quiet here, a stark contrast to the noise of the courtroom, but the silence is almost deafening behind the increasing rhythm of your heart and breathing. Your fingers fumble a bit when they reach up to undo the clasp in your hair, taking a few moments to properly squeeze the clip and release it from your locks enough for you to pull it away, and it is only when a few of the strands snag that you realize that your hands are trembling. Not just your hands, but your whole body seems to shake like a leaf in the breeze.
Looking around the room, you try to ground yourself, taking deep breaths and attempting to focus on an object in the corner, but suddenly your eyes aren’t as clear as you expected and the room seems to sway in a nauseating swirl that makes you feel sick. A droplet of sweat skims down your neck and absorbs into your collar, the humidity from the room making it harder to breathe even when you are panting like this, eyes flickering back and forth from the wrinkles on your bedsheets to the tightening warm colored walls that close in on you steadily— the orange glow seeming to actually emit heat like the summer sun as they near, aiming to cook you inside your sweaty, shaking shell.
Your bed turns hard beneath your legs, the smooth silk like hot metal sheets against your skin, but you can’t move away from the burn because the heavy weight of them traps your legs in like a vice. Scenes from a few minutes ago are fresh in your brain, playing over and over again until it feels like it is happening all over again right in front of you and the noise is in this very room, the wrinkles of the blankets the rows of people in seats, the shadows the eyes of everyone who watched you give the sentencing coldly, the chill of your words sending a shiver down your spine and you can feel your chest start to hurt with the thudding, thumping, banging, pounding of your heart in its cage and the numbness in your fingertips and toes starting to spread throughout your limbs, and Oh God you feel like you are going to die if you do not leave this room Right Now. Either die or vomit, but you do not want to stick around long enough to find out.
Despite your muscles from being weak from over a week of disuse, you are carried onto your feet by the surge of adrenaline that came when the four corners of your room began to squeeze at your sides menacingly, forcing you out of bed and out of the room faster than you could think. The guard that usually stands watch at your door is startled when it flies open, revealing your disheveled appearance as you pull at the sticky material of your gown that chokes around your neck. He opens his mouth and speaks to you, but you can’t hear a word over the panic in your head, telling you to move far away from this place, and you smack his hands away when he reaches to help you on your unsteady legs.
“Do not follow me.” You snap, stumbling along the hall, vaguely hearing his steps behind you before you stop once more. “That is an order!” You have no idea how your voice sounds, or whether or not it came out at all, but he does not follow you any further as you turn the corner and begin to run on autopilot.
Not even 5 minutes have gone by before Jimin is notified about your disappearance. He had just about wrapped up all he needed to supervise in regards to Jinwoo— which he made sure went absolutely flawlessly because of how closely everyone was being watched by him— so there was not a second of hesitation when he received word of your episode.
“What do you mean she is gone?” He asks the guard, already speeding back in the direction of your room.
“She seemed quite disoriented when she walked out but would accept none of my help or advise.” The man muttered, out of breath from running to find the king and keeping up with his fast walking pace.
“You did not follow her?”
“She ordered me not to.”
“Even so-“ Jimin holds his tongue as he climbs the stairs to the second floor, knowing that a castle soldier would never disobey direct orders from the Queen herself. He is worried about you for a number of reasons, but he knows that being irrational will not help matters. Lilian is the first person he sees when he turns down your corridor, her thin form leaping to stand before him.
“She still has not returned, but I did not want to search for her yet without your permission.” She blurts, eyes round and nervous as she fiddles with her apron. “Where could she have gone? The castle is so large!”
Where would you possibly go? Jimin thinks for a moment before turning on his heel, starting down the hall suddenly. When Lilian calls after him, he responds with orders for her and the guard to take the rest of the night off because you will likely not want to be around people when you return. They take this as a sign that he knows where you are and leave it up to him, watching his back as he rushes away.
It all happened so quickly the first time you brought him here, he was barely paying attention to his surroundings as you pulled him along giddily, but now he feels confident as he follows his gut and navigates the twist and turns of the palace. His feet lead him past the cleaning room where you both encountered Jinwoo on the eve of your wedding and he forces himself to keep walking when a brief flashback almost brings him to a halt. Jimin breaks into a jog the nearer he gets to the room, his heart pounding with worry for your health, but the fact that he has not found you collapsed along the way means that you made it there okay. Or that he is completely wrong about your whereabouts and you are truly lost to him in the maze of your home. He dispels the second thought with a shake of his head.
“My Queen,” His relief is immediate when he spots you, your hands and head pressing into the aged wood of the giant doors to your secret library. Jimin approaches cautiously when you do not respond to his initial call to you, but that changes when he notices the shaking of your arms and legs as you struggle your weight against the barrier to no avail. “Please do not push yourself like this, I beg of you.” His hands wrap around your waist to steady you. “What are you doing here?”
“I-I-I felt s-so trapped in that damned room, I could not take it anymore! I w-wanted to- to come here but I am too weak to open these fucking doors! I keep pushing and pushing but they just will not budge!!” The emotion and shakiness of your voice breaks Jimin’s heart, but what really crushes him is the fact that you keep smacking his hands away when he tries to stabilize you. He isn’t sure if you even recognize that it is him yet because of the way you are too busy looking up at the doors with frantic eyes and frantic breathing, never once looking up at him.
“Let me help you.” He says softly, continuing to reach for your midsection despite you slapping at his arms. You keep rambling about the door and how it must be stuck or something, your sweat soaked skin making prints on the dark wood as you lean against it. “I am here to help you, let me help you open the door.” He repeats as gently as possible until you finally hear him and nod, your body remaining in its position. Making sure you are okay with it, he slowly pushes the doors open, and once they are cracked wide enough, you fall into the room and onto your knees, sucking in deep gulps of the dusty air to catch your breath.
He slowly lowers himself to the ground next to you, testing your comfort level with a hand on your shoulder before moving it to rub against your back. It takes several minutes for your breathing to calm down while he watches you, remembering how you told him this was the safest place in the world to you. You think back to the time when you first discovered this room and your mother helped you open these heavy doors all those years ago. She was so kind back then, smiling at you and teaching you all about this room with her hand on your back. Jimin’s touch reminds you of that, and you use the feeling to calm yourself down, breathing as if this was the only place in the palace that contained breathable air. Your mind clears after some time, and you finally look up to see your husband looking at you with a gentle smile, trying to hide the anxiety in his eyes, and you fall apart.
“Jimin,” You whimper. Launching yourself into his arms, you begin to cry with body racking sobs, the tears feeling hot on your cheeks. He says nothing as he holds you, only shushing you and rubbing your hair, accepting his place as your rock as you melt against him; but he’s sure you can feel how hard his heart is beating in his chest from seeing you in this condition. You have never shown him this side of you, never needed to, so he isn’t completely sure how to handle the situation. He has always known you to be the positive thinker, the one who cheers him up when all he can think of is gloom, and he supposes he just assumed you never had moments like these. But even the sun is shadowed with clouds at times. There must be a million emotions floating around in your head, and by trying to suppress them, they’ve only collected before spilling out all at once.
“What is the matter, beautiful?” Jimin asks when you seem to be at a point where you can speak. He ignores the front of his shirt as it sticks to him with wetness.
“I know I should not feel guilty, but I feel like such a terrible person.” You hiccup into the fabric, resting your forehead against his chest. It is obvious what you are referring to, he needs no context.
“You have done nothing wrong, Love.”
“Then why do I feel this way? Not that I am insensitive to the attempt on your life, but I cannot help but feel as if I have committed a crime by giving a man a life sentence of confinement and self-torture. Is this what justice is supposed to feel like?” You sniffle. He sighs into your hair, arms tight around you.
“I cannot tell you how to feel, but I would not expect you to be joyful after making such a heavy decision. Even if he deserves it, it never feels good to end a life, figuratively or literally.” He pulls you away from his chest by the shoulders to look you in the eyes, but you attempt to cover your face with your hands. You hate when people see you cry, it’s embarrassing. But Jimin has seen more of you than anyone else, so you don’t fight it when he takes your hands in his and moves them away. “Everyone copes with their emotions differently, but I will always be here for you when you need me. Someone wise and beautiful once told me that, as a married couple, we must protect and watch over each other, and also that we sometimes need to be saved from ourselves; however, I am beginning to realize that it is you who saves me more often than not. I have never done anything significant for you compared to all that you do for me, so as your husband I am making a vow to always be there to save you from yourself and come to your aid, even when you pretend that everything is okay.”
“I am sorry I lied when you asked me if I was okay. I am obviously not fine.” You apologize bowing your head. “Did I at least appear stable in front of the court?”
“As stable as a horse.” He grins at his pun. “I am very proud of the way you kept yourself so composed in the courtroom in front of your people like a true Queen. I only wish you were not so good at hiding how you feel from me.”
“Your presence next to me during the sentencing was the only thing that helped me through it. I wanted to fall into your arms the moment we entered our bedroom, but I thought it inappropriate to cry in sympathy for the man who tried to hurt you and force you to console me. You did not know him personally and I know how angry you were after questioning him, so it would be unfair to show sympathy toward him in front of you.”
“Regardless of my personal feelings, I will always be willing to hear your woes and pains. I was only hurt by your inability to trust that.”
A shame falls over you, though it was not his intention, and your head lowers. “In hindsight, I would be upset with you if you kept your pain from me, too.” There is a period of quiet where you let your words soak in. He knows you understand his viewpoint, there is no need to dwell on it further.
“From this point forward, let us both be completely truthful and open with everything. Just as you confided in me with the knowledge of this room, we will keep no secrets between us. Promise me.” Jimin stares into your damp eyes until you relent, promising him your honesty and trust in him, and you know your words have been heard by the walls and etched into the details of each bookcase, an unbreakable swear that you will both hold true to. This place, this room, is yours to share, and at the very least you will confide in him here, where only his ears may hear your whispers.
You’ve calmed significantly since he first found you, and the way you softly look back at him in this moment makes him ache. He loves you so much that it hurts, and despite it being a week since your wedding, he still cannot believe you officially belong to each other. With your puffy, red eyes decorated by dewy lashes clumped together, pouty pink lips, and stained cheeks, you still look gorgeous as ever, and he admires just how wonderful you are on the inside, too. You have the biggest heart of anyone he knows and he doesn’t blame Jinwoo for falling in love with you, it isn’t difficult. Jimin would truly do anything for you. And he knows you would do the same for him.
“Do not ever doubt my love for you, My Queen, I will forever remain at your side.”
“And I, at yours.” You reply in a whisper, closing your eyes to savor the kiss he presses to your brow. You shift in your seated position, the hardwood cutting into your knees uncomfortably, and Jimin is reminded of your current health.
“Come, My Love, I must return you to bed. You need to res-“
“No!” You protest quickly, though it comes as a gasp. “My health is fine. I do not- must I return so hastily? I am not yet ready to be confined again.” The frightened look and quickening of your breaths gives Jimin pause and he recalls the words you spoke to your prisoner. He had no idea you thought of your bedroom as a jail cell during your recovery. He did not notice how uncomfortable you seemed at all hours, not resting well at night and remaining fidgety throughout the day, and he sympathizes with you.
“We could stay here if you so please. I understand that this is your safe place and I am willing to stay with you for as long as you wish.”
“Jimin,” You say, raising a hand to his cheek. “You are my safe place. As long as we are together...” There’s no need for you to finish your sentence, he already knows what you mean.
“Then I would follow you to the ends of the earth if your heart so desired. It is all up to you.” He smiles at the thoughtful look on your face that morphs into a smirk.
“What a coincidence, I was planning to journey there in the coming week.” You joke. “But for now, my heart desires to travel somewhere more local.”
“Such as?”
“The flower garden. I would like to visit our bench.” For some reason, your cheeks begin to heat. Maybe it is from the way Jimin has hearts in his eyes when you say this. Or maybe it is from the flashes of memory you experience from your first time with him atop the white painted wood.
“Then, to the gardens we shall go. Allow me to escort you, My Queen.” He’s just as formal as ever, kneeling in front of you and motioning for you to climb onto his muscular back, his strength never ceasing to amaze you when he stands with ease as though you weigh nothing. Your arms drape over his shoulders as he walks, your chin pressed tiredly to the muscle, and you can’t help but breathe in his scent. Jimin smells of sweat and musk due to the heat and stress of the day, but there is a hint of sweet hidden there that is distinctly him. The smell is woven into his expensive clothes and every strand of his sleek hair, and you melt into it all, feeling totally at ease as he bears your weight through the palace. It’s not as if your grievances have just disappeared into thin air, but being with him doesn’t offer some relief to your internal suffering.
The air outside isn’t much less humid than inside, but the slight breeze that whispers past occasionally is nice. It’s a beautiful day and it takes your mind off of today’s events, even if just for a moment. Your walk through the flower paths is a slow one, neither of you saying much, simply enjoying the nature and each other’s company, and it gets to the point where you’ve forgotten your destination. But Jimin hasn’t and you arrive at your favorite white bench before you realize.
“Mother?” The surprised tone in your lover’s voice brings your attention to the woman a few meters ahead, crouching down to smell orchids lining the path. She smiles at a butterfly before turning to the two of you, the crinkle in her eyes endearing.
“Your Highnesses.” She bows politely, making you giggle. “I did not expect to see you out of your room so soon, (Y/n), but this certainly is a pleasant surprise.”
“I went a tad stir crazy from being in bed for so long, I just needed a break from it all.” You smile, nestling your head in the crook of Jimin’s neck comfortably.
“If it is for your health, then I approve. And it is quite noble of you to offer your back to her, my son. But, oh dear, Lilian would throw a fit if she saw you carrying the Queen through the gardens in your public attire.” She steps closer to fret with the hem of Jimin’s blazer, the precious woman, smoothing the wrinkles and fixing your dress over your knees for you.
“What brings you here, mother?”
“Oh, I simply wanted to explore the gardens before your father and I made our departures later tonight. I’ve heard so much about them and this is the first I’ve had any free time since our arrival.” She returns to looking into the fields.
“You are leaving?” You inquire.
“Yes, for my duties are complete. I cared for you while you recovered those 5 dark days and made sure you were comfortable, but now you are awake and well and in good hands, so I can leave in peace. Lilian and Jimin seem to have everything handled well.” You’re shocked to find that she had been the one taking care of you while you were in a coma. You assumed Lilian to be responsible for everything, but it seems you were incorrect. Your mother-in-law watched over you the entire time and made sure your needs were taken care of, which explains why she was sitting at the foot of your bed when you awoke, and a warm feeling wells up in you. Just like she had promised, she has protected you and stayed by your side through sickness just as your own mother would. Which is to be expected, because she too is your mother now and you have come to accept that.
“Thank you for all that you have done. I cannot express how much I appreciate it. There is no way that I will ever be able to repay you for your kindness.” You gush, hoping to communicate your sincerity through your eyes.
“There is one way to repay me— and it is my last request before I go.” You both look at her, anticipating her next words. “I would kindly like to request that you bear me grandchildren that I can dote upon and love for all eternity. That is the only thing I want in this entire world and the only thing I have to look forward to in this stage in my life, so please. You owe me nothing, (Y/n), but if you must grant me something, grant me this.” You find it precious how she pleads with you like a child in a candy store, eyes lighting up at the mention of future grandkids, and blush a little when Jimin’s grip on your legs gets a little tighter.
“Gifting you grandchildren and our kingdom’s next heir shall be the top priority on our list.” He answers for you, smiling in a way that you know his mother can read. But she says nothing in regards to it and claps happily at the promise.
“I am returning back home for now, but do not be afraid to write to me if you need help with anything. Conception can be tricky and I know all about-“
“Mother!” Jimin gasps, face turning as bright as the roses behind him. As if he didn’t just insinuate something just as bad moments ago.
“Oh, do not act as if we are not all adults here, boy. All I am suggesting is that I am willing to offer help and advise on anything regarding pregnancy and children, so do not be hesitant to contact me. I wish the two of you luck and a swift recovery, my dear. Now, I must be on my way before his father gets anxious of my whereabouts. Goodbye, my loves.” She plants a kiss to your cheek and then her son’s, making her way back toward the castle without another word.
“This is the second time she has mentioned grandchildren to me. I’m beginning to believe she wants them more than we do.” Jimin can feel the lift of your cheek against his skin, shaking his head before easing you onto the bench nearby, taking a seat next to you.
“I can assure you that no one is more excited about the prospect of our children than me. I cannot wait to start a family with you, it was the complete truth when I said that it is now our top priority. As soon as you are well, love.” His hand rests gently on your stomach in a loving way, but instead the touch sends heat spiraling down to your core. You subtly squeeze your legs tighter together in an effort to ignore the throbbing between them.
His hand pulls away all too quickly to grasp onto yours, and you sigh at the release of tension, falling into an easy silence as you simply sit and observe the nature around you. Conversation isn’t necessary, but it appears sparsely whenever anything crosses your mind, and you can say this is the closest thing to a date that you’ve had with Jimin in a while. This is the closest you’ve felt to him. With your head on his shoulder and your fingers intertwined in his lap, this is the feeling of romance and closeness that you lacked in the days you have been confined to your bed, and looking down at the gorgeous wedding rings adorning both of your fingers, you finally feel like a real married couple. He’s been here for you through sickness and health and you are so incredibly grateful that his love and perception of you hasn’t changed for the worst after witnessing your meltdown today. But yours certainly has. You didn’t think it was possible to love him even more than you already do.
Jimin stares at you as you nap with your head on his thigh, him having moved you there when he noticed you starting to dose off. He knows you’re probably exhausted from the emotional (and physical) energy it took to get through today, yet he’s glad that you are finally sleeping peacefully now. It’s odd, he feels more like a knight to you now than he did when he first confessed his love for you here as one of your soldiers. He’s a king, this he knows, but it doesn’t feel like the weight of the kingdom is on his shoulders like he expected— in fact, he feels less responsible for the welfare of the population now than he did as a General. That sense of impending doom he felt before your marriage is nowhere to be found and in its place sits an ease that makes him believe for the first time that everything will be alright. You’ve gone through Hell this past week and he prays that this is the worst it will ever get, but you’ve survived it despite everything and he knows that this will only make the two of you stronger as a pair.
The temperature dips slightly when the sun begins to set, the breeze turning a bit more persistent to aid the cooling, and your body is completely lax against him as you sleep. You do not even wake when he lifts you onto his back again, taking you back to the castle with slow steps to wash your body with a warm rag. He takes his time cleaning you, dragging the cloth and bubbles over your skin as gently as possible and making sure to clean every inch. You’re calm as he takes care of you, but goosebumps raise to the surface whenever he nears your chest or thighs. But he’s focused and devoted so he doesn’t take notice, dressing you in a satin robe and placing you against the soft sheets of your bed when he’s finished.
“Mm,” You groan quietly, shifting in your sleep when your husband runs his hand through your hair, yet you still do not awaken. He smiles at you, deciding to take the opportunity to change into more comfortable clothes for the evening, first stripping himself until his upper body is bare, then reaching down to unclasp his belt. You hum again, wiggling your hips and rubbing your legs together ever so slightly, a small furrow on your brow, and Jimin pauses to watch you for a moment. Were you feeling alright? You look to be in discomfort and a sweat builds on your temples despite the cooler temperatures, but then you lick your lips and let out a shaky sigh that clues him into what is happening.
Slowly unbuckling his belt, he feels the material of his pants pull tighter when he imagines what you could be dreaming about. Perhaps you were dreaming about the last time you had him to yourself, where he pleasured you until your legs shook. Or maybe you’re thinking about that fantasy of yours, the one where he ties your wrists and makes you beg for him to touch you properly, to let you feel him. But it is also possible that you are thinking exactly what he is imagining right this moment: him inside of you, fucking you relentlessly until you both reach your highs and he cums inside your tight, hot pussy, filling you with his seed over and over again until he’s sure you’re pregnant with his child.
He doesn’t even realize when his hand slips into his own briefs, the acute pleasure of his hand squeezing at his base enough to set him alight. The bed dips as he prowls slowly toward you, sliding your robe from your body and grabbing the container of oil perched on the bedside table that he prepared earlier to moisturize you with. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, a slick forming between your legs from your dream, and he simply smiles as he pours warm oil over your front, his soft hands following swiftly. It starts down your stomach, back up around your breasts— avoiding your nipples— around your shoulders and along your arms. The feeling alone isn’t enough to wake you, but the sound of your own voice when you moan aloud is.
“Hello there,” Jimin grins when your eyes open to meet his bare chest, then his eyes. “Sleep well?”
“I-“ You’re panting as he rubs oil into your upper body, tingles shooting down your nerves and straight to your core. “Yes.” You swallow.
“It appears so,” He chuckles, moving on to pour the liquid onto each of your thighs, catching the drips with his fingers before they can stain your sheets. Feeling his fingers on your upper thighs makes your muscles tense, and it is then that you feel the soreness from exerting yourself today. He notices a small wince when he presses into the muscles there, experimentally adding pressure to see your reaction. “Are you sore, my love?”
“Y-Yes.” You stutter out again, breath hitching at the way he lifts one of your legs suddenly to rest against his shoulder, settling himself between them, and the position alone is enough to have you pooling between the legs.
“Here?” He whispers, pressing into the muscles of your inner thighs. You groan, partly from the soreness, and partly from how close his slippery fingers glide toward your wet lips, the ache inside you increasing tenfold. “You are so tense, darling. Is this because you took your first steps out of this room today? Or could it be you are filled with tension from something else, hm? Have you been waiting for me to help you release all of this pressure? To rub out all of the stress you are holding deep inside you, wound up so, so tightly that you cannot wait to let it unravel all over me? Is that it?” You nod wordlessly.
He rubs circles into an especially tender spot and watches as you bite your lip, looking at him with such a needy expression that he almost can’t contain himself. You have the prettiest eyes he has ever seen, looking at him as if he holds the entire world in his palms, and he wants to give you everything he has to offer. Pulling you closer, he makes sure you can feel his bulge against your ass as he moves on to your other leg to work out the knots there.
“My love- I want you.” You whimper when he bucks into you a little, kissing your ankle softly.
“What is it that you desire, My Queen?”
“I want you to make love to me until I am numb and claim me as your Queen. I missed having you inside of me, I do not know if I can wait another day.” You plead, the throbbing between your legs beginning to feel unbearable.
“Fuck,” Your legs fall from his shoulders when Jimin leans forward to place his hands beside your head, bending to rest his forehead against yours. “I know I have told you that we would wait until you were well again, but I do not think I have enough willpower to deny you of your request.”
“How long must we wait, then, to consummate our love, My King? I am well, just weak, but I am certain that I can handle whatever you give to me. You will not hurt me.” To further break his resolve, you scratch your nails lightly against his scalp and watch as he shivers, grabbing onto the locks as you pull him down for a passionate kiss. His lips seem softer than ever as you press them into yours, biting on the flesh briefly before slipping your tongue into his mouth, and he lets you lead the encounter until you are both breathless and hot. The next place his lips land is on the side of your neck, kissing along the ticklish underside of your jawline to your favorite spot above your pulse. He nips you there, still fearful of leaving a visible mark, and you groan with an arch of your chest, sensitive nipples grazing his.
“I will do all of the work, then. You need not move a single muscle, my love.” Jimin trails his lips between the valley of your breasts, kissing the underside of each one but avoiding the taut peaks. You squirm beneath him and fist his hair, whining out as he makes his way lower and slower. “Allow me to take care of you. I only wish to make your fantasies come true.” At this, he stops at the tuft of hair above your pubic bone, locking eyes with you before suddenly lunging up to grab hold of your wrists, the two of you giggling when he moves them above your head.
“You startled me!” You flush red at the way he stares down at you, looking so loving yet so dominant at the same time.
“I do recall a time where you disclosed to me that you often fantasized about me bounding your hands and having my way with you... is that something you still want?” He inquires, his eyes never wavering from yours.
“Yes, very much.” You breathe, lost in the way his thumbs caress your skin.
“Very well,” He reaches over to pull the long satin ribbon from your discarded robe, bringing the material up to tie your hands to a post. It’s tighter than what is completely comfortable but he can tell you like the slight discomfort, and you tell him it’s perfect because you know he knows just how much you enjoy this. Hands immobilized now, there is no escape from the onslaught of pleasure you know Jimin will inflict on you, and the anticipation eats you alive and makes you weep between the legs. His fingertips skim over you ever so lightly, starting from your shoulders, over your chest and stomach, down the length of your legs, bringing them back up the inside of your calves and thighs until he splays his palms against them and pushes your legs apart. The sigh he releases fans over your wetness and you whine. “It feels like it has been an eternity since I’ve last had you. Your beauty astounds me every time.”
Leaning forward, he connects his lips with yours for only a moment, before scattering them across your clavicle and dipping down to lick at your left nipple. Preoccupied with watching him suck at your chest with his luscious lips, you jolt a bit when his fingers come up to caress your core and play with your opening, gathering the leaking droplets of your arousal to bring them up to your clit. The first circle is sparks, the second lightening, and you do not even attempt to conceal the loud moan that falls from you.
“Jimin,” You gasp, already feeling out of breath. His tongue flicks, teasing the bud as his fingers move in a similar fashion below, and you feel the need to have him closer, locking your legs around his torso as he rests between them.
“That’s it, moan as loud as you want, darling. I want to hear how good you feel.” He mumbles, lowering his mouth onto your other breast and treating it with the same care. Your chest has never been very sensitive, but tonight it feels as if your body has been ignited in flames, each touch against your nerves sending a tingle straight down to your core. You could cum just like this, with his fingers on your pussy and lips around your nipples, his free hand warm as it holds up your breast for his mouth to ravish. He pulls away from your chest with a pop, letting his teeth skim the sensitive bud just to watch you arch for him.
“I n-need more,” Your voice cracks with frustration, his fingertips against you no longer enough and he knows it.
“You need more of what, my love?” He asks coyly, sinking one finger in halfway before pulling it away.
“Of you. Please, taste how badly I desire you.” Your hips lift off the bed into his hips, shocked to find how hard he is beneath his trousers. He is doing an amazing job at ignoring his own painful arousal, while you are slowly being reduced to nothing simply from the prospect of being taken by him.
“So greedy, darling, were my fingers not enough for you? Do you need my mouth to satisfy you instead?” You nod vigorously at him, gasping at the way he forcefully parts your thighs and pushes them to the bed. His dark chuckle sounds through the room, his voice dripping with lust and bass as he positions himself face-to-face with your sex. He needs little more than the fragrant scent of you to know just how fertile you are, and how sweet you will taste on his tongue, and his mouth waters at the thought. “I love how impatient you are for me, love, but we have the entire night to ourselves and I intend to take my time loving Every. Single. Inch of you.”
He punctuates his words with kisses to your center, ending with one long lick that causes your teeth to sink down on your bottom lip. Jimin’s tongue moves expertly against your slick folds, using flat licks to collect your essence that seems almost like a drug to him. It starts off gentle, the glide of his tongue, but it is the best feeling you’ve felt in what feels like ages. Pulling on your restraints, you try your hardest to keep still, hands and legs immobilized by your husband as he devours your pussy with devotion, swirling around your clit and dragging his plump lips through your wetness in the messiest way possible, but your pelvis curls up into him in delight with every sensation he delivers.
If you were to compare yourself to anything, it would be a waterfall— gushing and fast paced, heart pounding like the deafening noise of rushing water that almost drowns out the sound of him lapping up your wetness. And every time you think you have a stable foothold, he switches his pattern and sucks, causing you to slip right off the edge with the current. The feeling alone isn’t what makes you run, however; it is the way he looks up at you with his sexy, smoldering eyes as if to communicate that he knows just how amazingly talented he is with his mouth. You love when he gazes into your eyes during sex, it shows how attentive he is to your body, how fascinated he is with every reaction you produce for him as he continues to tease your pink button until your eyes roll.
“Jimin, please,” You moan, breaking eye contact with him to throw your head back into the fluffed pillows. It feels as if your toes are stuck in a curled position, muscles tense with the oncoming orgasm that he promises with every kiss. His eyebrow raises questioningly at you, almost mockingly, and you know he can feel how your clit swallows and pulses in his mouth, a clear sign that your high is near. But with three more circles, he pulls back and grins at you, waiting for your eyes to reopen and meet with his. “Why~” You whine, flexing your hips uselessly.
“You must be mistaken, darling, I am in charge tonight. I have already expressed to you that I intend to take my time pleasuring you, so why am I being rushed?” His steely gaze freezes you where you lay, bound arms relaxing once again.
“I-I was going to cum.” You reply meekly, hoping that he will resume soon before your high fades away. His thumbs play idly with your lower lips, spreading the slick smeared around from his messy eating.
“Then cum if you must, but I will not stop until I have had my fill of you. Now, be a good girl and sit still for me.” It’s worded nicely, but you know this is a warning. You haven’t been punished by him in a long while, deciding that you prefer kind yet strict Jimin to angry and cruel Jimin, but you still huff in frustration.
“To think you would treat me like this...” You pout, trying a cute tactic to appeal to his softer side. “I am the Queen, you know.”
“Oh, I am well aware of that, My Queen. But I am also your King now so I am responsible for all of your pleasure, and it is my duty and mission to give to you as much as possible. Though, admittedly, tasting your delectable flavor is mainly for my own enjoyment.” He gives a cheeky smile, one that crinkles his eyes but in a more mischievous way than normal.
“Is denying me a high also part of your plan?” You snap, earning a click of his tongue.
“If you allow me to work, you will find that we both will get what we desire.” With that he reconnects his mouth to your pussy, the return of his warmth throwing you back into the river. He works you with a slow tongue, targeting where you’re most sensitive for only a few seconds at a time before straying down your slit to prod at your hole, barely giving you enough time to catch your breath before returning to tend to your bud. It is extremely difficult to keep still, and at this rate you will reach your first high quicker than you expected. He is so good with his mouth that you can hardly do more than moan, straining your arms above your head as not to move your lower body, but you cannot stop the tremble of your thighs when he licks you so well.
His pace increases, diving in rough to push you over the edge with a squeal of his name, and suddenly you are falling off the endless rapids of an explosive orgasm. You have thought many times how your first orgasm as a married woman would be given to you, but you could never have guessed it would be this intense. The silk of your restrains dig into your wrists, but you feel nothing aside from the deep pulsing inside you, clenching and squeezing around nothing as he eases you through the bliss. You can hear a faint hum sound from the man between your legs as you begin to come back down, your juices shining on his cheeks as he drinks from the source, eyes closed and face tinted pink from your heat. But just when your body relaxes again, he drags his way back up, surprising you with the shock it sends to your toes.
“Ah!” You squeak, attempting to close your legs, but his strength is many times more than yours and you hold little power as he holds you open, eyes back on yours with a curious glint. He runs his wet muscle up and down the length of your pussy, watching you buck and jump from the sensitivity, barely able to whine out his name to tell him it’s too much. However, you already know this was his plan from the start, so you force yourself to endure it.
He’s grinning now, simply adoring the response he gets from you with every movement against you, and his cock screams for relief at how sexy you look as you lay there bound and sweaty, a flush of red overtaking your complexion and an uncontrollable shaking that is almost laughable. If he can hold on a little longer he is sure you will feel so wet and soft around him once he finally slips inside. It’s painful to wait, but the beautiful agony you reflect on your face is more than a worthy distraction. Locking his arms around your hips, Jimin uses his fingers to spread your lips and expose your shy clit as it hides from the stimulation. As soon as the air touches it you shiver, immediately replaced by a warmth that spreads up your spine with every quick flick against it. Your body protests at once, trying hard to slip from his grasp, but then your whimpering turns to moaning and you once again feel that building sensation in your abdomen.
Once your muscles finally relax and your legs part farther in invitation, Jimin sneaks in two of his chubby digits to satisfy the emptiness you craved to be filled. It is amazing how easily he finds your spot, curled and pressed right into the rough patch that holds the key to your second release. He doesn’t pump in and out like usual— no, it’s more like he’s rubbing you from the inside— and the combination of this alongside his tongue sends you into a cursing frenzy.
“Shit- Ah! So fucking-“ A deep groan sounds from your throat when he increases pressure against your walls. “Right like that... I’ll-“ Your words come in broken intervals as you struggle to catch a breath, the voluntary control of your body slipping away the more your mind clouds with hazy pleasure that speeds through you. A numbness takes over your body to the point where you barely feel anything, and then you feel everything all at once. It’s a beautiful brilliance that blindsides you once it hits, the feeling ascending you from the mix of sensations that never let up between your legs, and it’s almost an out-of-body experience. Jimin can feel the harsh clenching of your walls around his thick fingers, wetness spilling out around the digits as the intensity of your spasms magnify with every drag of his tongue. Your back is contorted and arched off the sheets, no sound escaping you as you look to be in total bliss, focused completely on the incredible rush of endorphins that only lasts seconds, but feels like hours. He’s captivated once again by the sight of you, pulling his mouth away to catch the end of your euphoric trip, your hips bucking in waves to chase the feeling.
The hand within you stills, but you continue to react, shaking and clamping your thighs shut when he moves from the gap between them. Staggering breaths are all you can manage for a minute, eyes shut tight and still lost in the wonderland that his mouth and fingers brought you. You can feel his eyes lingering on you, his fingers pulled from your hole, and you can just imagine the smile that’s on his lips. One that he wears only when he is feeling especially good about himself, his ego big enough to fill the entire palace. But when you finally look to him, all you see is wild hunger in his eyes.
“I have never seen you look so enraptured before. For a moment I feared that I had broken you,” He laughs, completely amazed, making a mental note to improve his technique just so he can make you cum like that every time. You swallow hard and shake your head at him, reaching to pull him down for a kiss but being met with the rattle of your headboard. With quick hands, he unties you and dives in to meet your lips with his, groaning at the way you lead aggressively and push at his trousers.
“Off. Need you.” You mumble into the kiss, barely pulling away enough to speak as you taste the intoxicating flavor of his mouth and your cum. He gently bites your lip to slow your frenzy, pulling the flesh along with him before releasing and staring into your eyes like they hold the galaxy. It lasts only a second, but it is enough to cause your heart to skip a beat as you realize the magnitude of the moment. You are now married to the love of your life. He is King and you are the Queen. There are no limitations surrounding your love now, meaning everything that happens from this point forward has been given the official approval of the kingdom— it is encouraged, even. This is what you have waited for.
Shoving down his pants, Jimin makes haste in exposing himself, rid of his last garment and ready to begin. You look up at him with innocent eyes as he pulls you toward him and rubs himself between your folds, cock scalding with the pulsating need to fill you to the brim and fuck it’s heavy load deep into you. Due to the stress of your recovery and handling the affairs of the kingdom, Jimin has not been relieved since the night before your wedding and his balls are tense and weighted with a week of unreleased pressure. Once covered in the arousal from your previous orgasms, he wastes no time pressing the head of him into your entrance, pushing in as slowly as he can manage so you feel every bit of his cock as it gently spreads you open around him.
“Look at me.” He whispers to you, grip tightening on your hips when you find his gaze once again. When he’s all the way inside he only pauses for a few seconds, pulling out halfway and slowly inserting himself back in, both of you groaning in delight. He can feel how swollen you are from your first two orgasms, the fit tighter than usual, and he finds himself short of breath just from the shallow strokes he’s given you so far. Reaching up, you loop your arms around his neck to bring him closer, his palms resting next to your head so he can hold himself above you. “I hope our children inherit your eyes.” He confesses, and you clench at this, heart fluttering.
“Well, there will not be any children of ours unless you fuck me properly.” You shoot back with a smile, tired of the slow rolling of his hips and wishing he would just get to it already.
“I also wish for them to inherit your smile— but hopefully not your vulgar tongue.” Jimin snickers when you roll your eyes at him, his thrusts increasing in power just slightly before he pulls out completely. “Turn over, raise your ass high for me.” You hastily follow his instructions, facing the headboard and dropping your upper half onto the pillows so he has the perfect view from behind.
“Like this?” You coo, wiggling to tease. His hands grope at your globes, pulling them apart slightly to eye the string of wetness that drips down from you, catching it with his length before it can stain your sheets. The way he fits inside you when he re-enters halts your playfulness instantly, the slide feeling so much better in this position.
“Is this what you wanted of me, My Queen? Is this enough?” The slap of his hips against your ass is so loud that it echoes throughout the room, accompanied by the squelch of your walls and your muffled whimpers into the pillow beneath you.
The speed he chooses is quick, sharp and deep thrusts that aim pointedly at your engorged frontal wall, and your back hollows initially out of surprise, but he easily guides you into your previous arched position with a hand between your shoulder blades. From his perspective, you look like a succubus enticing him to succumb to his deepest desires and chase his high selfishly with the goal of impregnating you. He nearly drools at the dip of your back and waist, the roundness of your ass on display for no one but him, each cheek jiggling giddily with the contact of his skin. He can see the tiny sweat droplets beginning to bead on the surface of your shoulders and neck, stray strands of hair getting stuck there the more you are jostled into the pillows, the color of your ears and neck turning a lovely red color from the blood rush. Raking his nails up and down your back, Jimin watches with rapt attention as goosebumps appear, prickling up in beautiful response to his touch as he fucks you harder.
You feel his hands begin to play with your ass, pulling your cheeks apart to get a view of his cock sliding in and out, slowing for a few strokes just to see how you grip him on the way out and suck him back in until his balls rest against your lips. He pulls you into him, encouraging your movement, and it isn’t long before you pick up his rhythm, rocking yourself into him to the best of your ability in your weakened state. But even with the little power you manage, Jimin still touches so much deeper, so much stronger into you, and your moans turn almost crazed. His cock isn’t incredibly long, but God, does he fit perfectly against all of your favorite places. Like two pieces of a puzzle. You’ve experienced his cock on many occasions, yet you never grow tired of it or get used to the feeling that makes you feel light in the head and numb in your body. He could say the same for your pussy, the feeling even more satisfying every time he’s had the pleasure of exploring it. Today is different though— this feels different— and maybe it is supposed to. Maybe this is what it feels like to know that you are all his. To have security in your relationship, which is something that had been missing when your relationship was still in secret. It’s a new feeling and it feels amazingly wet and tight and perfect, he could easily become very comfortable with the idea of having you and only you for the rest of his days.
Pushing you down flat, Jimin moves your legs together to straddle the back of your thighs, slipping in once again with a groan of your name. His front lowers to rest against your back, lips already starting a trail up your shoulders and neck. It’s a bit ticklish when he kisses you there and you smile, turning your head to meet him and slip your tongue into his mouth. His hips are fluid like waves on a beach, rocking into you slowly once more so you can cherish the moment and the closeness. If he doesn’t slow down now, Jimin is certain he will cum very soon and he wants this to last so much longer than that.
“I missed this with you.” He whispers, returning his lips to suck at your jaw. “I missed being intimate with you and having you like this. To think I almost lost you, fuck,” A shakiness enters his voice that you do not expect. “To think I would never get to love or touch you again... I never want to let you go now. I just want to hold you.”
“Then hold me. I am yours now.” You reassure him, finding one of his hands and holding on tight. You have shared those same thoughts: the possibility that— had you not been so lucky— one of you could have died and you would never be able to experience this love ever again. Having him be here in the moment with you means so much more now, and you feel so incredibly blessed to be able to express your love to each other again.
“I will do so much more than hold you, My love. I want to satisfy every craving and desire you have, your wish is my command.” His rolling turns into rougher grinding, the friction and his words sending a flash of heat through your body.
“Faster,” You breathe, squeezing his hand a little tighter. The fragrant candles lit across the room do a poor job at covering the scent of sex that wafts from your bodies when he picks up speed, raising onto his hands to gain leverage. You grip the sheets when he starts fucking you in earnest, bouncing off your ass and aiming for long strokes. You wish you could say the smack of his hips was the lewdest sound in the room, but you cannot control your voice, moaning even louder now with reckless abandon. There is no doubt in your mind that everyone on the second floor of your palace can hear you, Jimin’s own grunts joining yours when you squeeze so nicely around him.
His hand snakes up your side, winding around to grab hold of one of your breasts, and his expert fingers twist and pinch at your sensitive nipples, earning moan after moan from you as he continues to increase in speed and power.
“It is so good,” Jimin huffs, crouching over you to move his hand higher until it has a light grasp around your neck. His fingertips press to your pulse point, not enough to cut off your airflow, but enough to have you lightheaded and dripping from the sensation. “Talk to me, My Queen. Tell me how much you love my cock.”
Your husband has always been a sucker for praise, yours in specific, and you have never been one to deny him of it. Twisting as far as you can, you look back at him to express your words and are met with a sight that makes your walls flutter. The orange dim lighting of the room flickers shadows all over his body, defining the cuts of muscle and glow of perspiration covering him. His abs flex with every forward movement, peck muscles bulging to hold his weight, only the tops of his thighs visible over the horizon of your ass. He plows into you with magnificent form, focused on giving you the utmost pleasure amidst his own. “I love... everything about you.” You pant, unable to tear your eyes from his body or the sight of his cock moving languidly in and out of you. “I love how fucking deep you reach, I love how I can feel your balls pressing against me with every stroke, I love how I can feel you throbbing inside- god, Jimin, I am so close.”
“Will you cum for me once more, darling? Let me feel you pull me in and milk my cum with your sweet little pussy.” His fingers press harder to your throat, your core tightening in tandem, and you can feel your whole body quiver with the beginnings of your orgasm. He’s dripping sweat by now, his hair wet and flopping about his forehead, and you do not think he has ever looked so sexy. The dark look in his eyes is deadly, his own high fast approaching, and butterflies of excitement explode in your belly.
“I will not let go until you do.” You confess, though you are not entirely certain that is true with the way he’s making you feel right now. “I want to feel you spill your seed within me, that is my desire. Please.” Your begging receives a growl in response, a sudden emptiness filling you when he pulls away and flips you back around to face him, throwing your ankles over his shoulders unceremoniously. His hands wrap around to grip the front of your thighs, fingertips digging in as he pounds into you with his strength.
“Fuck, I want that too.” He pants, eyes locking between your legs before they shut in ecstasy, his cursing revealing just how unraveled he is becoming. “I want to cum so deep in this pussy that you will be leaking for days. Need to mark you with my love so the whole fucking kingdom knows you are mine. I have waited for so long, I can’t wait to see you heavy with my child, so swollen and beautiful and all mine. No one else’s.”
His words affect you almost as much as the angle his tip touches inside you, pulling gasps and drawn out whimpers from your lips. There’s as sting where your thighs meet his skin repeatedly, and you know you will probably have bruises all over tomorrow, but you can’t seem to care when it feels this amazing. More than that, his face is scrunched up in desperate agony, each push into your sopping walls dragging him down into a sea of bliss, hoping to fill you with his own salty semen as you continue to gush around him.
“Jimin,” You couldn’t speak if you wanted to, every word being replaced by shuddering gasps because of the magic he performs with his hips. You know he is usually adamant about making you cum first, but you honestly do not think he can hold out that long if the lovely shade of pink that flushes over his face and chest are any indication. You tighten purposefully, snagging your bottom lip with your teeth to stifle your own noises in favor of listening to his, his resulting moan like music to your ears.
“I- shit, I’m gonna-“ His head leans against your ankle, eyebrows furrowed intensely as sweat pools down from his temples.
“Cum inside me, Jimin, I want it so badly. Please. Make me yours.”
All restraint leaves his body at once and he becomes frantic, raising to his knees to deliver devastating thrusts that force you up the bed in increments. Your hands cover his when they move to your waist, craving to feel more of him. His moans become pornographic and you swear you could listen to him getting lost in you forever. They make your core clench as his volume gets louder, and that is all it takes to send him over the edge, unrhythmic, stuttering bucks all he can manage when you feel the first contraction of his balls. With a cry of your name, Jimin pushes in as far as he will go and grinds against you, his head thrown back to expose his bobbing Adam’s apple and the veins straining at the surface of his skin as his eyes roll at the satisfaction of finally being able to finish inside you. This is what you have wanted for so long, to feel each pulse of his groin when he reaches the height of his pleasure, to feel the sensation of him swelling ever so slightly inside of you as he paints your walls white with his release, but neither of you expected for it to feel this incredible. You feel like this is an entirely new level of intimacy that you have reached with your lover, being able to have him splatter his love deep within your womb and milk himself dry with your warm walls.
You can’t help but moan at the experience, never having seen him cum so hard before, and it takes several seconds for the twitching in his balls to stop before he is coherent again. What you do not expect is for his hips to start moving not a moment later, gently at first while he leans over you to press your knees to your chest and his forehead to yours. But his pace then resumes to the relentless one he held before, though not as powerful, and you instantly tense up.
“It feels so much better like this— so so wet.” Jimin groans, fighting through his own sensitivity to help you find bliss as well. You never knew you needed this in your life— him fucking you with his overly sensitive cock, using his own cum as lube to get you to your peak— but now that it’s happening, you don’t know how you’ve lived your whole life without it. Already close to the edge, you can hardly function with all of the new sensations you are experiencing, nails raking at Jimin’s toned back until they land on his muscular ass. “Mmm, I can feel how close you are,” His breath hitches. “Are you aroused by the feeling of me fucking my cum into your womb? It feels good, doesn’t it— being pleased and claimed by your King?”
You can only nod at him, sealing your lips out of cautious habit, but he opens your mouth with his to swallow your moans instead, grabbing hold of your ass to pull you deeper along his shaft, making sure to hit that one spot that makes your toes curl and legs go numb. Not that you mind at all, you can barely walk anyway. When he pulls away for air you find him gazing at you, eyes glazed over with the need to see you fall apart for him, his stamina depleting rapidly. Luckily, you can already feel the mind-numbing feeling climbing up your spine with every pull of his length.
“You take me so well, my love, I cannot wait to feel you let go around me. Come on, darling, let me feel you pulse and pull all my cum back inside you.” Upon his command, you release the spring that has been coiling inside you and let yourself fall.
This orgasm is far different than the one’s you have had before. It starts off softly, your body relaxing to the point where you think you’ll sink right through the mattress, but then a flame courses through you and singes all of your nerves until all of your muscles lock and you are caught in a silent scream. Jimin is the one who curses when your core begins to swallow around him, the spasms almost harsh enough to knock the wind out of both of you as he continues lifting you over his length. He keeps fucking you through it, staring at the dazed expression on your face as you arch your back under him, the contractions at your center getting unbearably stronger until you are nearly pushing him out, a pressure forcing against his thrusts that he has never felt before. The wetness between you magnifies tenfold as liquid begins to spurt from you every time he pulls out, splashing against his abdomen and dripping down your ass. It isn’t buckets, but it is enough to make a mess as both of your cum mixes, his cock lathered to the point where it’s hard for him not to slip out.
When you finally take a breath it comes out as a shout, followed by a jumble of words when your hands shoot to his arms just as the trembles in your body take hold. With two more strokes, he pulls out, thumb rubbing at your clit quickly to force out more liquid with how strong your empty hole squeezes. He smiles at the sounds you make, pulling his hand away when you beg, watching you curl up instantly, still thrashing with the ongoing surge of pleasure. Gentle fingers move your fringe from your eyes, calming you with a warm hand caressing your side.
“Wow.” Is all your husband can say, also taking his time recovering and allowing his length to soften fully. He collapses onto the bed behind you, pulling your body to his and attacking you with kisses all over your shoulders and neck, twisting you onto your back until he can reach your face and peck his way to your lips. He cradles your head in his hands as he slows, savoring the taste of your mouth and the smile he can feel against his lips.
Your mind is blank when you look at him again, completely blissed out and unable to have any thoughts. You lay there for several minutes, just cuddling each other and smiling, not knowing what to say. Jimin is the first to break the silence.
“Your servants are going to be livid with you.” He chuckles, referring to the ruined bedsheets.
“No, our servants are going to be livid with us. Do not exclude yourself from this, My King.” He shivers at the name, not yet used to it, but it bring a pride to his chest when he hears it from your lips.
“Are you completely satisfied with our first night together, my love?”
“Our first night? It is far from it.” You scoff, closing your eyes.
“Do not let anyone else in the kingdom hear that, our rule would surely be doomed if word were to get out.” He reminds you lightheartedly, though he is correct.
“Ah, yes. In that case: our first night together was delightful, more than I could have ever hoped for. If, for some reason, I had sexual relations with you before our marriage— which I certainly have not— I would go as far as to say that it was the best time I have ever had.” You grin cheekily, pecking him on the nose with a laugh.
“I feel the same.” He replies honestly, capturing your lips in a lazy kiss that tangles your limbs and makes your stomach do backflips. “I discovered a few things about you tonight, Love, and a new talent. I cannot wait to explore it more.” Jimin stands to begin his cleanup job, grabbing a cloth and wetting it before strolling back over to where you lay motionlessly. If you were weak before, you are now totally drained, your legs and toes still tingling from your bent position and the extreme orgasms he forced out of you. It’s almost laughable how exhausted you look.
“I suppose next time we will know what to expect.” You yawn, sighing when the warm cloth touches your skin.
“Next time? Who says we are finished for tonight?” He inquires, opening your legs to peer at his own cum dripping out of your opening. “If we are seriously attempting to get you pregnant, should we not try more than once a day?”
“I do not know if I can handle more.” You complain, squirming even when he wipes between your legs until you are clean.
“Do not worry, dinner should be here soon and then we can nap, but it is far too early to go to sleep. As I said before, we have all night, there is no need to rush.”
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Lilian enters nearly an hour later with steaming trays of food, busy as always and barely paying attention.
“Oh it smells horrendous in here, maybe I should replace these candles.” She mumbles to herself, cracking open a window after placing your plates in front of you and Jimin. It is only after she mindlessly starts tidying up does she notice your sleepy forms, taking in your droopy eyes and Jimin’s smug face. “I see you appear to be in better condition, Your Majesty. I trust that everything has been resolved?”
“Yes, Lilian, I am doing much better. Just a little sore.” One look at her narrowed eyes tells you that she knows exactly what transpired between you and the King.
“The King seems to be very adept at taking care of you. You may soon not need me at all.” She grins, picking up clothing from the carpet.
“Not to worry, I do not aim to steal your occupation. There are just certain things that I am more suited to care for in regards to our Queen.” He is far too smug for your liking and you frown, elbowing him in the side as he and Lilian share giggles. She is probably the only servant he will get this close to, but it still makes you uncomfortable how they talk so freely about your private matters.
“Thank you, Lilian, that will be all.” You say with a tight smile. Her eyes flick down to the wet spot on the center of the bed, eyebrows shooting up as she makes her exit.
“Shall I order new sheets, Your Highnesses?”
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Inhuman (4)
Summary: All beings in the universe have a soulmate except for Midgardians. People can hear their soulmate in their heads. For almost five hundred and fifty years, Loki believed that he had no soulmate until 1513 when a Midgardian princess was born. Will fate be kind to them or will the universe tear them apart?
Warnings: violence, language, hella historical inaccuracies (I tried to do research but then got lazy), maybe some AOS season 3 spoilers(?)
Word Count: ~4000
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“Captain.” Loki strode up to him. “I need to speak to you. Alone,” he added when he spotted his brother linger by the doorway. “It’s about (Y/N).”
The blond supersoldier turned to look at Loki. “How did you know her name?”
“I know everything about her. Or, I knew everything. She is— was my soulmate.”
“S-soulmate? Those things are real?”
“Midgardians are the only ones in the nine realms that don’t have soulmates. For a long time, I believed that I did not have a soulmate. It wasn’t until 1513 I felt the connection.”
“1513?” Steve stared at him. “So she’s even older than I thought.”
“Yes, she was the queen for a time. I thought she had died even before the date in the history books.”
“This is a lot of information,  Loki.” He sat down. “A queen? Queen… (Y/N)? You expect me to believe that Queen (Y/N), one of the infamous Tudors, Queen of England is still alive and became a hitman?”
“It’s hard for me to believe it as well. Trust me, when I came to the conclusion that it was her, that she was alive…” he drifted off.
“Thank you for telling me. This information will be important in trying to track this organization down. Maybe you should tell this to everyone else?”
“No, I would rather not participate in one of your little presentations.” Loki turned and strode out of the room, leaving Steve to process everything.
[New York, New York, May 2024]
It had been a couple of months since you had been to the Avengers compound and there had been no sign of the superheroes. You were getting bored, though it wasn’t the longest you had been on hitwoman hiatus. Surprisingly, Max wasn’t in the same mood as you. He and Liam were having a jolly good time galavanting around the city or whatever young couples did these days.
You sat at your kitchen counter reading your emails. There were plenty of job offers you could take. Should you resume taking them? What if one was a trap set by the Avengers? It wasn’t like you were going to run out of resources any time soon but you were bored goddamn it.
Alright, just a simple, quiet job. One that you could do on your own. This one seemed inconspicuous. Fifteen thousand for making a woman’s unfaithful, abusive husband look like he committed suicide. You always would help someone in a bad situation and she even offered a down payment of five thousand. Just in case of a worst-case situation, you sent Max your plan.
I’m going out on a small job. If I’m not back by tomorrow at noon, you know what to do.
After you had the little excursion at the Avenger’s compound, you had sent out a step by step list of what to do if someone was compromised by the heroes. You appreciated what they did, as long as they stayed away from you and your employees. You couldn’t let them dismantle your small empire after over a hundred years. Yes, you killed for a living, but sometimes it’s for good.
Like right now, you sat in your black Lambo by Mrs. Davis’ apartment, preparing to kill her husband. You got out and smoothed down your white blouse that was paired with some ripped jeans. Your boots sent soft echoes down the empty street. You made your way to the front door and rang the unpleasant sounding doorbell.
“Hello, are you Mr. Davis?” you asked when the door opened to reveal a tall, blond man. You leaned against the doorframe and looked up at him through your eyelashes.
“Yes, who’s asking?” Although the question was defensive, his tone was suggestive.
“Oh, I heard about you from my friend.” You twirled your hair around your finger. “I was wondering if your wife was home?”
“Fortunately, she is not. Come in, come in.”
You followed the man into the apartment, disgusted by how quickly he had let you in. You walked past a framed photo of the Davises at their wedding. Does the fucker make all of his mistresses walk past the photo? While you strode down the hallway, you slipped on a pair of leather gloves. He led you directly to the bedroom.
Well, no use in waiting. You pulled a gun out of your jeans and when the man turned around, you pressed it to his temple. A breath hitched in his throat and he raised his arms.
“I need you to write something for me,” you sneered. He nodded and grabbed a notepad from the bedside table. You stayed behind him, the threat of the gun always in the back of his mind. “You’re going to confess to everything. Hurting your wife. Cheating. Everything bad.” He complied and fortunately, his hand didn’t shake much. He was left handed, you noticed as you read the note from over his shoulder. “Tell them you feel guilty. So fucking guilty you couldn’t live with yourself.”
When he signed the note, you tore it off and put it somewhere blood wouldn’t stain it. Mr. Davis was shaking like a leaf while you stood to his left and raised your gun to his head again. At least he wasn’t pleading for his life. He wasn’t on his knees, groveling. Without warning, you pulled the trigger.
The man’s blood and brains coated the bedroom wall as he crumpled to the ground. The loud bang of the gun rang in your ears. More blood spilled from the bullet holes in his skull and you watched it seep into the carpet. You placed the gun in Mr. Davis’ left hand and wrapped his fingers around the handle. Then you placed the note on the bed.
No white rose today, you were certain the Avengers were keeping an eye out for them, but you still took a picture to send to the newly widowed Mrs. Davis. You quickly left the apartment, people would have heard the gun go off, and made your way to your car. You could hear the sirens in the distance as you drove away.
“Something’s happening!”
Everyone rushed into the room to see all of the screens flashing. A typical radar screen with a large blinking dot. Stark had mimicked the technology from the ship Loki had stolen from the Grandmaster and combined it with his own. What resulted was a powerful, as well as specific, radar system.
“What the?” Thor mumbled and looked at the numbers on another screen. “I recognize these signatures but I just can’t place them.”
Brunnhilde and Loki pushed their way to the front.
“I suppose they do look a little familiar.” Loki shrugged and Brunnhilde nodded her agreement.
“Hey, for the idiots back here,” Barton said from the back, “you guys want to tell us what the fuck’s going on?”
“The radar is picking up a surge of energy,” Stark pointed at the dot. “A big surge of energy based on the numbers.”
“Shouldn’t we be doing something about them?” Steve asked.
“Here’s the thing.” Stark pushed his way through the small crowd and stopped at another screen. “This one is scanning up and it keeps picking up something. Never long enough to get a good reading. Most likely it’s a ship using a cloaking mechanism. Woah, what the fuck? Something’s coming down.”
“I remember now,” Thor cut in and everyone turned to him expectantly.
“Well, get on with it,” Steve prompted.
“Yeah, do we need to suit up?” Nat added.
“Yes.” Thor looked at Loki. “The Kree are here.”
You were about thirty minutes away from your penthouse, taking unpopulated back roads, when you noticed something in the night sky. It looked like a large meteor and it looked like it was headed right toward you. Fast.
“Shit,” you mumbled to yourself and stepped on the gas. Your head hit the head rest as your car was propelled forward.
Moments later, the meteor hit the spot your car had just vacated. The resounding explosion caused you to lose control of your car that was going very fast. Fortunately, it stopped quickly. Unfortunately, it was stopped by a brick wall.
Your head ached and when you gingerly felt around, your hand came away stained with red. More blood dripped from your nose onto the airbag and it felt like your upper arm was broken. You could already feel the small cuts from broken glass heal, and it wouldn’t take long for your bone to snap back in place, but definitely not fast enough.
You had heard that you shouldn’t get out of a crashed car unless it was going to blow but that advice was for normal people. You didn’t want to stay stuck in your car. Unbuckling your seatbelt was hardest, especially with your arm.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit. Motherfucker!”
Of fucking course the fucking door couldn’t fucking open all the way. You were able to do some maneuvering to pull yourself out of the hole in the wall but it included a lot more swearing. The fires from the meteor had settled and you realized that it wasn’t a meteor at all. It was some kind of pod that had fallen to Earth.
Two large figures emerged from the burning ship. In the light of the fires, you saw their metal staffs and blue skin. They wore gold on their dark cloaks and around their jaws. You were curious but you also knew that their intentions weren’t going to be good. The Avengers had probably been notified as well and you really couldn’t deal with them right now.
“INHUMAN!” one of them roared and they both pointed their weapons at you.
Then it all clicked. Blue angels that fell from the heavens to Earth. Called the Kree.
“Kree,” you responded much to their shock. “What do you want?”
“You. The Inhumans. We are here for our projects. Only the best will be brought back to Hala. The rest will be terminated.”
“Thanks for the warning.” You back up as inconspicuous as you could, cradling your arm. “How do you choose who lives and who dies?”
To answer your question, one of the Kree activated something on his metal vambrace. A holographic screen popped up and a bright yellow light scanned you.
“Species: Inhuman,” a male voice reached your ears. “Abilities: enhanced human body, strength, healing—”
“Yeah the list goes on and on,” you said. There should be an alley you could escape through somewhere.
“—combat, memory, and speed. Threat: high.”
“You’re coming with us.”
“Yeah, I got that.”
You reached the alley and ran down it as fast as you could. Everytime your arm moved strangely, you winced. You had no plan. No idea where to go once you got to the end of the alley.
But you didn’t have to worry about that because you never made it out. Your legs were swept out from under you and your back hit the pavement. While you struggled to get breath back into your lungs, one of the Kree appeared and loomed above you. He didn’t smile but his eyes held victory. Then he grabbed your leg and pulled you back towards the crash.
“W-where’s your pal?” you said once you could speak. He didn’t respond but he did drop your leg when you reached the pod.
Taking the chance, you struggled to your feet. Run or fight? You had already tried to run and he had reached you before you got far. Fighting was going to hurt but it was the only option you had left. You needed a plan. The glint of the Kree’s weapon caught your eye. It was a terrible plan, but it was a plan. Fuck it.
Your knife came out of your boot right as the Kree turned to face you. With your injured arm, you swung your knife at his face. It barely scratched his face and he tried to raise his own weapon but he discovered that your other arm held it down. You tried to stab the hand holding the weapon, which looked more like an axe than you realized, but he grabbed your broken arm.
You suppressed a scream, but dropped your knife. He pushed you hard and you stumbled backwards a few steps. The Kree swung his axe at you and the pointed tip cut through your blouse and grazed your chest. You moved forward, dodging the next swing with your eyes on your knife. When you got close enough, he grabbed your wrist and began to squeeze. You could feel the bones start to groan under his grasp.
He went to sweep your legs with his own leg again but this time you jumped forward and used his own momentum against him. He fell on his back with you over him. You grabbed your knife off of the ground and he growled when you brought it down on his wrist. The weapon clattered to the pavement.
The Kree flipped around and wrapped his thick hands around your neck. He lifted you off the ground a few inches before slamming your head back onto the hard ground. Combined with the head injury from the car crash and the lack of oxygen, black spots began to cloud your vision.
You brought your knee up to his crotch and his grip lessened but only slightly. You moved the knife around in his wrist and reached for the axe with the other. Your fingers wrapped around the cold metal and before the Kree could realize you were armed, you plunged the weapon into his side. You pushed him over and pulled out the axe. Its blade was stained blue instead of red.
“Inhuman scum,” he spat.
Movement in the sky caught your attention and you saw more pods falling in the distance.
“How many of you are there?” you asked and pointed the axe at his face.
“You will lose.”
Something pulled your attention away from the Kree. Sirens and shouts came from the next street over. You were able to feel Loki through your pain. You were able to pick out Steve Roger’s commanding voice in the noise. The Avengers have arrived to save the day. You raised the axe over your head and cleanly separated the Kree’s body from his head. You felt the now familiar tugging grow stronger.
You escaped away from the heroes and Loki with the axe grasped firmly in your hand. It took some pain to fish the burner phone out of your back pocket and despite it almost falling apart in your hand, you were able to call Max.
“Max, thank God—”
“Hey, girl. Liam, it’s (Y/N).”
“Hi (Y/N).” Liam’s voice came through the phone.
“Hi. We have a problem. A really big fucking problem. I bet it’s on the news, but the fucking Kree are here.”
“Kree? Like from the stories? Blue angels and shit?”
“Yes, I need you to come pick me up at the Battery. Now, please. A couple of ‘em caused me to crash my car—”
“Not the black Lambo?” he whined.
“Yeah, the black Lambo. Anyways, have Liam spread the word to really get underground. Also if they stick to groups, it’ll be easier to take down the Kree.”
“Wait, what do they want?” You heard the couple moving around and keys jingling.
“To bring the strongest Inhumans back to their planet and kill the rest.”
“Damn, okay, we’ll be there soon.” The line went dead.
You stood on the sidewalk, watching the pods fall. The gash in your forehead from the crash was healed and the pain in your arm was definitely less intense than before. You looked at the cut on your chest and realized that it was still bleeding lightly. It was a thin cut, just a graze but it hadn’t healed yet.
Goddamn it, the Kree’s weapons were made from fucking vibranium.
He had felt her, but she was nowhere to be found. Loki surveyed the scene before him. The first thing he noticed was the Kree pod that had created a small crater in the middle of the street. Then there was the car halfway through a brick wall. A decapitated Kree lay on the ground. Oh, and it seemed like every fucking thing was on fire. At least there were no crowds.
“It looks like more pods are coming,” Steve looked at the sky. “We should cut them off before they get too far.”
“These are Kree Reapers.” Loki examined the armor. “Stronger than regular Kree. They’re savages. Hunters.” Which makes the fact that she was able to kill one that much more impressive.
“Alright.” Thor nodded and glared at the corpse. “Let’s get these guys out of the sky.” He and the others that could fly took off towards the pods.
“She was here,” Loki said to Steve, not letting the others hear. “But she was gone by the time we arrived.”
“You could… sense her?” Steve responded.
“Yes. We used to have another connection, a telepathic connection. All soulmates have them, but for some reason ours broke a long time ago.”
“Hey boys,” Romanoff called. “Doesn’t this knife look familiar?” She removed a knife that had been lodged into the Kree’s wrist.
“It looks like the one we found in the Senator’s bodyguard which means that she was here,” Barnes concluded.
“Where’s his weapon?” Brunnhilde looked around. “It was probably used to decapitate him.”
“Are there any cameras on this street?” Steve asked and checked the buildings.
“Nope,” Romanoff shrugged. “But Bucky and I can probably figure out what happened. We’ve been to a lot of scenes like this.”
“I’m guessing the crash of the pod caused her to crash her car into the wall,” Barnes guessed and walked over to the wrecked car. “There’s some blood on the airbag but I can’t tell the extent of the injuries.”
“The most common car accident injuries are broken bones in the legs and arms as well as whiplash and other head injuries,” Romanoff supplied.
“She was able to defeat a Kree Reaper even with the injuries she had sustained,” Loki pointed out. “And based on the fact that she disappeared before we arrived, her legs are uninjured.”
“It looks like the pods have room for two of these large shitheads,” Brunnhilde reported. “There’s only one dead bastard, so where’s the other one?”
“Are you guys done there?” Stark’s voice crackled in everyone’s ears. “We need some back up. Now!”
“On our way.”
“You look like shit,” Max said when you collapsed in his backseat.
“Yeah, fuck you too,” you groaned. Your back was bruised from the multiple times you were slammed to the ground and your head was throbbing.
“Need help patching yourself up?” Liam handed you a first aid kit from the front.
“I’ve got it.” You needed to get all of this blood off of you. “Thanks, though. Maybe I should replace Max with you.”
“You wouldn’t,” your right hand man gasped. “What’s with the… spear? Axe?”
“Both, kinda. It belonged to the Kree before I cut off its head.”
“So they want to kill us all?”
“Only the weak ones. The ones they find useful I guess they’ll turn us into warriors back on their home planet.”
“I wonder what I’d be classified as,” Max hummed.
“Trust me, you don’t want to be close enough where they can scan you because you’ll be close enough for them to kill you. Easily.”
When you finally pulled into the lot under your penthouse it felt like you released a breath you were holding. Your head injuries were gone and your arm should be back to normal in fifteen minutes. Even though you were physically healed, you were exhausted.
You made it through a soothing shower before you pulled on your favorite silk pajamas and collapsed into bed.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes.” It had been twenty days since your father had died and today he was going to be put to rest. “Are you sure?”
“You are my friend. I would do anything for you.” Agnes secured the jewels around your neck. “You are also my Queen. I have to do what you tell me.”
“Even if it means your death?”
Sunlight streamed through the curtains and you rubbed your eyes. Your phone told you that it was almost eleven thirty in the morning. You sat up in bed and stretched your arms over your head. Everything felt normal and you didn’t feel sore at all. You examined the thin cut on your chest. It had scabbed over and probably wouldn’t leave a scar.
The weight of last night’s events crashed down on you. The Kree were going to be a huge problem. You needed to keep your people safe. When Afterlife fell, your organization became the largest group of Inhumans. When you reached the kitchen it took you a moment to register the two men sitting at your counter.
“You’re still here.”
“Of course,” Max said and handed you a cup of coffee. “You were looking pretty rough last night.”
“We have a lot of work ahead of us.” You looked back and forth between Max and Liam to ensure they were willing to join you.
“You’ll need all the help you can get,” Liam confirmed.
“Yeah, we’ll need all the help we can get.”
“What are you hinting at, Max?” You raised an eyebrow.
“The Avengers!”
“Come on. Just think about it.”
“So do you think we should gather everyone and fight or disperse and hide?” You ignored Max and looked at Liam.
“Maybe gather and hide like you said last night? We shouldn’t go looking for a fight. Especially with these guys.”
“(Y/N), the Avengers might be able to help.”
“You got the word out right? I want to hear from everyone periodically.”
“Yeah, the word’s out. I hope you don’t mind, but Izzy’s coming here to bunker down with us.”
“It’s fine I have plenty of space.”
Izzy arrived at two and settled into one of your guest rooms.
“So Max texted me and tried to make me make you go to the Avengers.”
“Of fucking course he did. You can just ignore him.”
The four of you ate Chinese takeout for dinner. The whole day, you had been contacting other Inhumans warning them of the Kree threat. According to the few contacts you had in Europe and Asia, only one pod landed in Russia. They had quickly taken care of that. None landed in Australia or Africa. You didn’t know how fast the Kree would move south, though.
“I think,” Max began. “That you and the Avengers can exchange information.”
“Max when will you drop this?”
“I think they can help too.”
“Izzy, not you.”
“Just hear me out.” She held up her hands. “I don’t know your history with them, but they did manage to eliminate a few of them last night. And a few of them know more about the Kree than we do.”
Max nodded and raised his eyebrows. You looked at Liam for backup but he just shrugged and then fed his boyfriend some orange chicken.
“It’s three against one,” Liam smirked.
There was something in the room. The AI had called everyone to the living room for a meeting. Loki had thought it was a strange place to meet but at least the seating was more comfortable there. Something was close. He settled down on the chair that was distanced from the rest.
 Only two members of the team had gotten seriously injured during the fight with the Kree. Wilson had been knocked out of the sky which resulted in multiple broken bones. The Maximoff girl had been knocked unconscious after she had been hit by seemingly hundreds of lasers. She still hasn’t woken up.
Everyone was certainly still in rough condition, even twenty-four hours later. Morale wasn’t very high either. The majority of the Kree Reapers had escaped.
“Why the fuck are we meeting here?” Stark asked when he spread out on a couch.
“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Steve said. “I thought you called us here.”
“I thought you called us here.”
“You may be wondering why I summoned you all here.” Four figures emerged from the shadows.
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Tags: @kaithehero @liliannyah @andreasworlsboring101 @oatballsoffury @aberrant-annie @simplybree @adalina-perez @emage-king @yandereforyou @notactiveonmain @tvdplusriverdale
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boat-dock · 4 years
“Snapshots” chapter 3
Guess who’s actually being productive and writing over her holiday break!! I hope y’all enjoy this chapter and as always all feedback is appreciated and enjoyed
Chapter 3: “Far From Angelic” 
The royal wedding is happening in Scotland while Millie is home in Texas for the holidays, this is the longest they’ve been apart since they’d started dating and Millie finds that she is missing her girlfriend more than she anticipated.
Millie’s alarm tore through her peaceful sleep at the ungodly hour of 2:30 am. Groans came from around the room as she flailed blindly to turn it off. Every ounce of will power she had was used to drag herself from bed and into the sticky Texas air. Even during December it was still hot.
Without thinking she shoved Lee awake and loudly told Jude and Darcy -who were on the other side of the room still asleep- to get up and come downstairs. Things were strange with Jude still but they were getting better. Going away to Scotland had done her a world of good, well that, and the gorgeous princess she’d fallen for. She’d been emailing back and forth with Flora every day since she’d come back home and Flora had gone back to Edinburgh for the wedding. 
The wedding. That was the reason for her being up before the sun. This morning over a thousand miles away Prince Alexander was getting married and it was being broadcasted live all over the world and she and her friends were going to watch it.
They crawled down the stairs and crammed onto the couch, Darcy was asleep again as soon as she sat down. Lee started flipping through the channels searching for the program they needed. In the kitchen, Millie could hear her aunt Vi moving around making them breakfast and hopefully coffee. After clicking down the brightness Millie checked her phone to see a yellow notification.
A Snapchat from Nicola. They had exchanged social medias after their brief meeting but they had never reached out and on a day as hectic as this one she was confused as to why she would.
The video was from hours ago, that would be early even for the people in Scotland. She clicked it and the video that played brought a grin to her face.
Familiar golden hair and eyes appeared along with a dazzling grin. Her girlfriend’s makeup was done elegantly but her hair was still down and she seemed to be wearing some kind of silk robe. Behind her a cluster of makeup and hair people moved throughout the room. “Hello love!” She sang, giving a small wave. Ears perked up around the room and her friends leaned in closer to watch the video. “ I know you’re still asleep but I just wanted to say I miss you and I wish you were here.”
Millie’s heart skipped a beat and she is filled with an overwhelming longing for her girlfriend. They’d only been dating for a few months but she missed her like a missing limb now that they were apart. Long distance was not going to be easy.
A distant voice comes through now from somewhere beyond the phone,” Who are you talking to?” then Daisy’s face appears over Flora’s shoulder, with a champagne glass in hand. Next to her Lee leaned his head on her shoulder, letting his eyes start to drupe shut again.
“I’m sending a message to Quint,” Flora started, then backtracked,” Millie,” so that the others know who she is talking about.
“Hi Millie,” Daisy smiled, “I’m jealous that you’re still asleep right now” Millie chuckled as a voice that she couldn’t make out and was definitely in a different language got Flora’s attention.
“Got to go darling, time for hair,” she blew a kiss at the camera before it turned black.
She halfheartedly raked her fingers through her hair as she started to send a reply. “I am awake,” she announced as a form of greeting. “And so are all of my friends, well most of my friends,” she glanced around and to say they were awake would be a definite white lie,” and we are ready to watch this wedding.” Somewhere along the way someone’s legs ended up in her lap, they were all piled on top of each other so she didn’t know who they belonged to.
 “You look beautiful by the way,” Millie stifled a yawn and offered a sleepy smile. “And you need to remember to thank Nicola for letting you use her phone to talk to me,” it wasn’t a secret that Nicola didn’t not want to be in Scotland for the wedding and she was sure that Flora wasn’t making it any easier.
The sounds from the kitchen were getting louder and were followed by an amazing smell. Jude perked up beside her at the aroma and the tell tale beeps of the coffee pot. Despite this Millie kept talking,” I hope everything goes well today and tell everyone hi from me,” in the middle of her talking Vi’s voice sounds from the kitchen.
“Pancakes!” She calls and the formerly dead tired kids around her launched themselves from the couch effectively knocking Millie over and kicking the phone out of her hand.
They were beating her to breakfast. If she didn’t get there soon all the coffee would be gone, but she had to finish off this video before going. Slightly breathlessly and disheveled, she pulled the camera back to her face and breathed,” pancakes gotta go,” then threw the phone and bee lined for the kitchen.
After devouring their breakfast and downing their coffees they all made their way back to the living room and settled in front of the tv. Crowds of thousands lined the streets and cheered, waving flags and throwing flowers, as a line of cars drove through. Millie knew that somewhere coming up behind them was a carriage carrying the bride but all she could think about was that in one of those cars was Flora.
Beside her, her phone dinged with another message from Nicola.
The video started with Flora smiling at her while Seb took a swig from a small silver flask. “I want pancakes so bad right now,” she whined, but Millie almost didn’t hear a word she was saying.
Millie’s breath hitched in her throat. With her hair up in a dramatic updo and a tiara gracing her head, her girlfriend glowed like an angel and it was enough to stop Millie in her tracks and make her mind go blank.
Anyone who knew Flora knew she was far from angelic, but today she looked the part and no doubt she had been instructed to play it without fault. In the eyes of the media Flora was a rebellious party girl who lived for attention and drama, and they honestly were not wrong. That was what she had thought of the young princess when they first met, and she might have thrown in a few more explicit terms, but now after getting to know her there was a different side to Flora. It was hard to pinpoint the change. Her jabs became friendly instead of pointed and her smiles became genuine. She had chipped away at Millie’s defenses until she fell hopelessly head over heels for her.
She knew that Flora had wanted Millie to be at the wedding with her and had even gotten permission from the queen for her to come, but Millie had to decline.
She had been looking forward to going home for Christmas to see her friends and family since she left for school and it wasn’t fair to any of them if she decided to stay in Scotland over the holidays. Besides what would she do at a royal wedding besides stick out like a sore thumb.
“Roomy Quinte!” Seb exclaimed, obviously already quite tipsy despite how early it was and how important a day it was. “Welcome to the party.”
Millie grimaced and Flora shoved him away, but she seemed unconcerned. “I”m glad you’re up. We’re about to reach the church now so I will not be able to talk for a while, but I’m glad to be able to see you before we go.” Millie wasn’t sure how or why Flora still had Nicola’s phone but she really hoped that she remembered to thank the young girl, who had given up so much of her time to making sure everything went off without a hitch.
“That is enough Flora,” came the stern voice of her mother from behind the camera and for a split second Flora’s face hardened with rebellion before she skillfully pacified, determined not to cause any issues.
It wasn’t for her parent’s benefit but for her brother’s. Flora adores her older brother and this was one of the biggest days of his life -second only to his inevitable coronation day- and the pressure of it all was overwhelming. She was going to do everything she could to make it easier for them.
With a tense obviously fake smile, Flora said to her,” talk later my love and wish us luck.”
The screen clicked to black and Millie turned her attention back to the tv.  The cars had finally reached their destination and she caught half a glimpse of Flora and her finally exiting the vehicle before the video switched to the golden carriage adorned with flowers carrying Ellie and her father. Her face was covered in a large veil and Millie couldn’t get a clear look at her, but she could see the delicate lace that lined her arms.
She’d only met Ellie briefly, but she knew that she was kind and deeply in love and Millie’s heart warmed for her. Across the room aunt Vi shot her a look as Flora came back on screen and Millie blushed before rolling her eyes.
She knew that look and knew that when they were alone they would have to talk about it. Aunt Vi liked to pry and she had been suspiciously quiet on the topic of her dating a Scottish princess.
She had always had her future planned out, get a scholarship for college, then get into an amazing doctoral program for studying geology and a princess with an attitude problem didn’t fit into that plan. A future with Flora was a future that she had never imagined for herself but now as she imagined it, no matter how strange it might be it was what she wanted.
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ladyanput · 5 years
A Hurtful Prank Pt.2
The second part to the fic inspired by @vivilakitty (I know this isn’t exactly what you said, I’m sorry)
Felix strode down the street of Paris. At the age of twenty, he hadn’t been back since that whole incident with Marinette, not that he hadn’t wanted to. But when it came out that Hawkmoth had been defeated and he turned out to be Felix’s own uncle was the villian that had caused havoc on the city, one small, cruel part of him had haughty thought that Adrien and his father weren’t so perfect after all. But as soon as that thought had struck, guilt ate at him, only imagining what his cousin must have went through, finding out that his own father was a villain and his mother was kept in a glass coffin beneath the house. He had been certain that the news must have crushed his cousin. Felix had reached out, but he had never received a response.
So here he was, two years after the incident, looking for his idiot cousin. As stubborn as Adrien might be, Felix had found out that he was staying in an apartment in Paris, living with a girlfriend. He never found out the girl’s name, but a small part of him said that it must have been Marinette. The thought alone made his heart ache.
So lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the person headed his way, also lost in her thoughts. The two of them collided and went stumbling back. Felix shout his hand out, grabbing the  woman by the wrist and steadying her before she could go falling onto the sidewalk.
“I am so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going! I didn’t mean-” The words died on his lips as soon as the woman stood and met his gaze with large, beautiful blue eyes. “Ma- Marinette…?”
Marinette stood there, looking rather stunned as she stared up at him. She had grown into a beautiful woman, her soft lips a beautiful rose, those jewel blue eyes of hers framed by long, dark lashes. She was about a head shorter than Felix, her shapely body clothed in a white blouse and black pencil shirt. She looked so.. So womanly, almost nothing like the stuttering girl he knew years ago. 
“Wha- Felix? Is that you?” She sounded stunned as her hand tightened on the umbrella she was carrying. He wondered if she wanted to beat him with it. He wouldn’t have stopped her. To his surprise, her face broke out into a breathtaking smile. “Felix, how are you? You’re looking great. Wait, weren’t your eyes green when I last saw you?”
“I-I usually wore green contacts.” He explained. His mother had always hated his grey-blue eyes, saying they weren’t as perfect as Adrien’s. So she had always forced him to wear contacts, and he had done so without complaint, until he had moved out of the house and moved into his own place. He had felt so free. “You’re looking great, I see you outgrew your pigtails.”
“Yeah, I thought when I got into lycée, I could use a change.” Marinette reached up and touched a lock of her dark hair, which now brushed against the base of her back. Felix had been right, she looked beautiful with her hair down. 
Soon the two adults just stood there in awkward silence, not looking at each other. Cars drove by, and people brushed past. The silence was almost deafening to Felix, he wanted to continue this conversation, but didn’t know where to take it. Besides, who would want to talk to a guy who hurt you so badly in the past?
“Would you want to grab a coffee?” Marinette reached out a gently touched his arm, the smile returning to her face. Felix felt the blood begin to pound through his veins, rushing to his ears, making him feel as if he were about to go deaf. Completely oblivious, Marinette continued to rush out the words. “I mean, you’re probably busy, but I wanted to catch up, you know, since we haven’t seen each other in so long.”
“Coffee would be great.” Felix spoke up before she could sputter out more and embarrass herself. He took her hand without thinking, only to quickly drop it, visibly flinching. “I'm sorry.”
“Felix…” Marinette stared up at him, reached out for him, but he stepped away. 
“Let’s go get that coffee, shall we?” He muttered, turning on his heel and walking away. His heart ached with every step, but he had to remind himself that she was with Adrien, and who would want a monster like Felix?
The two of them got their coffee and walked around as they drank and chatted. Marinette told him about how she was an up and coming designer in France, Clara Nightingale and Jagged Stone being the biggest amongst her celebrity clients. Felix had known she was the infamous MDC, a designer that had taken the world by storm with her designs that made anyone rush to buy them. He even had a few of her designs in his closet. Felix went on about telling her how his family had suffered much because of the scandal of Hawkmoth, that they were basically shunned by the world, even though they had had no part in what Gabriel had done. He had quit modeling, much to his relief, and now was still trying to figure his life out, to not be on the path his mother had tried to carve for him.
“I’m sorry… About your uncle.” Marinette whispered,  taking a sip of her coffee loaded with sugar. Felix rose a brow at her, and she flushed. “I mean, it must have hurt, to realize that he was a villain.”
“I couldn’t care less about my uncle. He was a selfish bastard that only thought about himself and his needs, he didn’t care about anyone else. His goals as Hawkmoth made that very clear. I just hope Adrien had gotten that memo.” He shrugged, tossing his now empty cup in a nearby trash can. Marinette chugged down the remainder of her coffee before doing the same. “How is my cousin, by the way? I couldn’t get a hold of him.”
“Oh… I haven’t seen Adrien in two years, since… Since his father was arrested.” Mari whispered, fiddling with her hands as she stared down at her boots.
“What? I thought you were living with him…”
“What?” The word came out in a laugh when Marinette met his gaze. There was an amused twinkle in her eyes. “Where in the world did you hear that?”
“W-well, I heard that he was living with a girlfriend. Since you’re in love with him, I only assumed…” Felix trailed off, closing his eyes tightly in regret. 
He remained quiet.
“Felix, look at me.”
He opened his eyes, and realized where they were standing. 
On the very bridge where he had kissed her and had hurt her so greatly.
Regret came rushing back.
“Felix, I stopped loving Adrien years ago. I… I fell in love with someone else. I realized that Adrien would never saw me as anything more than just a friend.” She whispered as she reached out and took his hand.
Marinette thought back to the final battle with Hawkmoth, to Chat Noir’s reaction when Ladybug, as the Guardian of the Miraculous, had ripped the pin out of Hawkmoth’s shirt and Gabriel Agreste had been sitting in his place. He saw the despair in pain in his eyes, and it clicked who her partner had been. But she had remained silent, letting the police take the man away, and had done her best to comfort the sobbing Chat Noir.
A week later, he had messaged her, telling her to meet him at the top of the Eiffel Tower. She had, and he had demanded that since Hawkmoth had been defeated, they should reveal their identities to each other. They weren’t in any danger anymore, what was the point with the secrets now?
Ladybug had smiled sadly at him, but agreed. Grinning. Chat Noir dropped his transformation and Adrien held out his arms wide, as if to make a spectacle of what Ladybug already knew. But the confirmation had only made the wounds on her heart sting more.
“Isn’t it amazing, my lady? Now we can finally be together, like we were destined to be! We can live happily ever after now, and have a big wedding, as well as-”
“Adrien, I can’t love you. I don’t love you, because you don’t love me.” Marinette smiled sadly at the model. He turned to her, a look of confusion on his face.
“What do you mean, my lady? I’ve always said that I love you, I never once lied.” He urged, reaching out for her hand. But she took a step back, widening the distance between them. 
“Because you said to me that you could never love me. That I was only a friend, and that was all I could ever be.” She whispered, meeting his gaze. She watched the wheels spin in his head, before the horror filled his eyes and he slowly shook his head.
“No… Please, no, don’t tell me…”
A flash of pink light and Marinette stood before him, a bittersweet smile on her face. Adrien looked ill as he reached out for her.
“I’m sorry, kitty, but… I was in love with you. With you, Adrien, I had been since the first day we met. But on the day Felix came, I realized that you’d never love me for me. You were too lost in a fantasy of Ladybug that even if I told you who I was, you’d never want me. You’d only want Ladybug.”
“No… No, my lady, I love you!” Adrien frantically grabbed her hand, pulling her close. “This is all Felix’s fault! He was always jealous of me, because everyone compared him to me! He was saying stuff because he was jealous, my lady, whatever he said was a lie!”
“He didn’t say anything! In fact, I think he was more honest with me, even when he was pretending to be you!” Marinette snapped as she tried to tear herself free from his grasp, to no avail.
“What, don’t tell me you actually love that monster! He lied to you, my lady, he didn’t care about you for a second! He used you for a cruel joke, then when he got caught, he played all sorrowful, but he’ll always be the same, selfish, pompous asshole of a cousin that I had, who acts out like a brat because he’s jealous!” Adrien gave Marinette a hard shake. “I love you, he doesn’t! He probably doesn’t even remember you, most likely trailing along some other girls for a laugh! You’re nothing to him!”
“Adrien, you’re hurting me, stop!” Marinette felt hot tears prick her eyes at Adrien’s words, but knew they weren’t true. If it had all been a joke, he wouldn’t have taken the time to come to her home and apologize, right? He had cared in a way… Right?
“I love you, Ladybug!” He shouted, sounding frantic now.
And Marinette stared at him with large, teary eyes, before a bittersweet smile spread across her face. She hugged him, holding him close, before moving to grasp his hand. Adrien visibly relaxed.
“You see, my lady? I love you more than anything, I’ll do anything to protect you, as your knight in shining armor…” He whispered.
“I’m so sorry, kitty.” She whispered back, taking a step away,his ring firmly in her grasp. Her blue eyes then hardened and she transformed back into Ladybug. “As the Guardian of the Miraculous, I hereby strip you, Adrien Agreste, of your Miraculous. While you fought nobly, you have never taken your duties seriously. You often treated it as a game. I understand, Adrien, why you did. It was a freedom to you, but you never fully realized how big of a job it was. Hawkmoth is now defeated, and Paris is finally at peace. I thank you for your aide, Adrien.”
“N-no, you can’t do that! I am the true Black Cat holder, we are soulmates! We are meant to be, Ladybug, please!” The boy begged, reaching out for the ring, only for Ladybug to jump up onto the railing, keeping the ring out of his reach.
“You were never a true Black Cat, Adrien. I’m sorry, I really am… But I think right now, with all that has happened, it is too much for you. You’ve become unhinged due to grief, and I wish you well, and hope you build yourself a lovely, peaceful future, Adrien..” 
Adrien screamed after her as she left him on the Eiffel Tower. Later that night, she cried herself to sleep. He had tried to get the ring back, but things got so intense, she had threatened to get a restraining order. Adrien had backed off right then and there.
Marinette blinked, being brought back to the present, before  she shrugged, her smile sad, but she gave Felix’s hand a squeeze. 
“I found myself thinking about someone else. Someone who I really shouldn’t have. I thought I didn’t know him, since he lied to me, but then I thought back to my conversations with him on the date he took me on. About how he loved classic literature, how he loved big dogs and wanted as many as he could get, once he got his own place. A guy who probably felt… So Neglected, because everyone was comparing him to the cousin they thought was so perfect, when he actually wasn’t.” 
Felix felt his throat tighten and his eyes burn as sudden tears welled up. Then he cupped her cheek in his hand.
“Mari… I thought about you every day since I left. I hurt you so badly, Marinette, I was awful and selfish and spiteful. My family never let me live it down, yet you’re here, so nice and forgiving… Why? Why are you forgiving me, I don’t deserve that forgiveness!” Felix’s was thick with tears as he pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers.
“I don’t know. But… You could definitely make it up to me, by letting me know you. The real you. Not Adrien, not the Felix your family tried to mould you into, just you.” 
“How a-about a date?” Felix whispered, a shaky laugh leaving him. “A movie, and some ice cream?”
“I think that sounds great.” Marinette beamed, but glanced up when thunder boomed overhead. Rain began to pour, and both broke out into laughter. “Here, hold on.”
Marinette opened the black umbrella and held it over the two of them. Felix smiled, and pulled Marinette against him. Sharing a smile, he pulled the woman who had taken a hold of his heart into a warm kiss, a kiss that meant he wanted to build something with her. Something genuine and true. Her returning the kiss made his heart soar and he knew he had found someone who finally wanted him, Felix Agreste, for himself.
Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @kuroko26 @theatreandcomicfreak @poshplumcot @bluerosette23 @ladylb @riarkle-felinettelove
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fan-doms-imagines · 5 years
FRIENDS - Imagine being Chandler’s best friend and being in love with him, but having to watch him date Monica
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ahhhh, finally done. sorry this took so long, but it’s done. the ending sucks but i hope you enjoy ❤️❤️❤️
also thank you for the requests i’m going to try and get them all in!!
You know what the hardest thing in life is? Watching someone you love love someone else. I know that sounds like something you’d see on pinterest or on a teenage girl’s notebook, but for me...it’s my actual life.
It started when I met some guy at a coffee shop in the Village. It was really busy, so I sat down at the large sofa that was in the center of the shop although a small sign marked the spot reserved but it was Monday so I needed coffee. I had only been there for about three minutes when he walked in.
Chandler Bing has walked in on his own wearing a dark gray suit. He didn’t seem to be paying attention as he sat down in the chair to my left and let out a loud sigh. I furrowed my eye brows at his brash behavior and cleared my throat.
“Oh, uh, sorry I thought you were, well, you wouldn’t know her so...” he trailed off and looked down at coffee table awkwardly. I chuckled at his strange, embarrassed reaction.
“No, it’s quite alright,” I replied and thanked the women who set my coffee down. “Is this a regular place for you to visit.”
“You have no idea,” he joked with a charming smile. “I’m probably here more than at work.”
“Wow, you must really like coffee,” I smiled at him. And that was just the beginning of a very long conversation with the hillarious man. It didn’t take long before we were friends and would go to the coffee shop at the same time every Monday just to see each other.
And after three weeks, I started to realize how much I cared for him. And maybe care isn’t a good word, it’s more like love. I was in love with Chandler Bing after only about a month of knowing him.
Everything seemed to be going swimmingly as our friendship continued to grow...until on trip to London for his best friend Ross’s wedding. I knew he was excited to go, so I got him a small disposable camera so that he could take photos for me. And although he said he hated taking pictures, he would do it for me.
And I was expecting Chandler to come home with the photos and maybe a little London snow globe, but instead he came home with a girlfriend. And it wasn’t some London girl he had meet on the trip, it was Monica. Someone he’s known since he was in college with Ross.
I was the first one he told since he knew he could trust me, but although I was happy for him, the news broke my heart. Chandler wanted to stay as close as we were before he started dating Monica, but I decided to separate myself. You know the classic “need to heal myself before I can talk to you” whole thing.
I could tell Chandler was worried since he was constantly checking up on me and leaving small, cute voice messages on my machine everyday when he was leaving from work. I kept my distance none the less cause seeing their relationship get stronger and stronger only made me jealous. There was only that thought that I should move on, but whenever my friends set me up in a date, I always felt like I was cheating on the one I truly wanted.
So I accepted my fate as a lonely homebody in love with their best friend. And then I got a call from Chandler that made my ears perk.
It was around eight o’clock when I got a call from chan chan. I stood up and grabbed my phone, “hello?”
“Hi,” was all he said for a long minute.
“What’s wrong? You’re acting weird,” I said to him over the phone, sitting down and pulling my robe closed. Chandler remained silent for a while, but then he spewed words like water after a dam broke. I almost couldn’t comprehend everything he was saying, but after a couple of seconds I was finally able to understand. Apparently Chandler had been attempting to throw Monica completely off by saying he never wanted to get married and something at pig sex (I have no idea). But instead of using it to his advantage, it drive Monica right back into Richard’s arms — you know Richard: tall, mustache, almost double Monica’s age, that dude.
So now Chandler was heartbroken and single. I told him that I would be at Joeys in about ten with a bottle of whiskey. He chuckled lightly and said a quick goodbye before we both hung up. I quickly changed into my favorite jeans, that I’ve had since the nineties, and pulled on my large, furry jean jacket. As I began to leave I remembered the whiskey that was on the top shelf of my open cabinet. Then I quickly drove over to Joey’s apartment and knocked on the door roughly.
When the door opened, all I could see was an empty shell of what used to be my best friend. I held up the bottle of whiskey, earning only a small half smile. He opened the door wider and let me in. I set the bottle down and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, pouring us both a good amount of alcohol since we were both going to need it.
Chandler sat down in front of me and we drank in silence for half the bottle. He eventually looked up at me, obviously tipsy and tilted his head. “Why do you think we never...?” He waved his hand sloppily in the air.
“We were too good of friends, I guess,” I replied, scared of the direction this conversation was taking. And being intoxicated and stupid, I added, “it’s not like I haven’t thought of it.”
“Really?” He asked, his ears perking.
“Well before you were with Monica, I don’t know, I just thought there was something...you know, there. I, at least, still feel there is.” I replied, taking another large gulp of the burning alcohol.
“Me too,” he whispered, having it all suddenly hit him. “Oh my god. Y/N, you know that I’ve always had feelings for you. You have always been my first choice. Monica...Monica was my rebound of sorts, although you and I never dated, and it turned from purely physical to security. But you...you were my Everest. I never thought I could be with you. You’re beautiful and smart and so, so kind and funny and so out of my league that I never wanted to lose you or mess things up by asking you out.”
“Oh my god,” I was dumbstruck. My hand gripped the edge of the counter tight as I diverted my eyes from him. “Chandler, I’ve been in love with you for four years. And I’ll be here for you as long as you need me by your side...as a best friend, significant other, or drinking buddy...I don’t care, I just wanna be with you. I know you’re hurting cause you love Monica and she, well, you know. But I’m here to help you through this.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled and grabbed my hand in his warmly. I smiled and gently ran my thumb along his skin.
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
Lost Souls and Reveries (Part 24)
25 part AU written for @cssns​. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23. Story available on AO3 Here and FF Here. Banner created by the amazingly talented @shipsxahoy​!!
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Killian Jones is a wolf shifter without roots, without plans, and without a pack. He’s a rogue, someone humans should avoid and shifters should be wary of given his lineage. But one night years back set him on a path he didn’t realize he was taking, a path leading to a future he is destined for. That future is tied up in one woman – a human named Emma Nolan. Together Emma and Killian will find not only answers, but a love that’s truly fated. But will love be enough to set them free, or will past demons win out in the end? (Answer: love always wins – I am writing this so despite some tiny pockets of angst it’s basically a fluff-filled insta-love fest). Rated M.
A/N: Hey everyone. So as you can probably imagine, this chapter is going to be A LOT It’s double the length of a normal chapter because the midpoint was too high stress for me to leave you all on. It’s going to be high emotions and very unstable. That being said, I totally understand if some of you just want to skip it all together. Keep in mind if you do, you will be missing the final show down with George and a lot of final puzzle pieces many of you have been trying to piece together. I promise you I will leave the chapter in a stable place AND I have an extremely fluffy chapter planned for the final installment of this fic. That being said, I hope you’ll all forgive me for the angst, and happy reading!
“So what exactly do you think George has in store for us?”
After a few hours of being holed up in the car together, headed north to face her father’s Uncle, the question from Killian was direct and precise. But there was a reason it had taken hours for anyone to ask. The truth was something strange and unnerving. Without having every detail, they all knew that this was a dangerous man with an unstable mind. George Nolan’s reputation preceded him and his craven desire to do harm was undeniable. Still there was so much they didn’t understand. The only one with first-hand knowledge was her Dad, and every time she looked to him for answers, he appeared grim and stony. To see her father’s light dim, to see his kindness cool, was completely foreign to Emma, and it made her hands tremble slightly with anxious anticipation.
“It’s not going to be easy to get to him when we arrive at this ranch,” Emma’s father said, continuing to discuss the task before them just as he had for the last four plus hours. “My Uncle has never fought in any human war, but his life has been one long series of battles. The stuff he’ll have lined up will be straight from the textbooks.”
“They’ve got textbooks on shifter hunting then?” Liam asked with a tone of feigned amusement that was largely laced in sarcasm. “Well look at that. Learn something new every day.”
“Kidding aside, surely George is more sophisticated than that. He must have some sorts of surprises in store,” Killian offered.
“Oh plenty,” David agreed. “I know many of his habits, his tendencies and quirks, but it’s been thirty years since I left home, and there’s no doubt he’ll have more up his sleeve by now.”
Emma continued to listen to the others discuss, but eventually their voices started to fade. The words became less recognizable, and more a continued thrum of energy in the back of her mind. This mental distance was a defense mechanism, a means of shielding herself until the last possible moment. If she allowed her mind to linger in the what-ifs she’d go crazy. Instead, she leaned her head against the window, her temple feeling the coolness of the glass as her eyes stayed trained out, taking in their surroundings.
As the others shifted their conversation from trap types and weaponry to debate about what the best routes in and out of this park reserve might be, Emma thought back to a time before all of this chaotic uncertainty. Her eyes cast out towards the northern woods, with mammoth pine trees filling in the forests all around them. The world was green and bright. The feel of summer was thick still, and the world, though sluggish from the heat, was very much alive. The further from home they drove, the more altered the land looked. Flat coastal spaces ranged from rolling hills to jagged cliffs. Terrain was denser with brush and canopies. Heck, they’d literally left the country and were now in a totally new place, but Emma didn’t think of that, or even really see the sights before her. Instead she recalled what things used to be like, before she met her soulmate, and before everything went completely off the rails.
Emma’s life in Storybrooke was quiet and subdued for so many years. She had her work, and her friends, and her family. Every day was different, but it was also just the same. The spice of her life came from being a vet, where she might encounter varying pets and animals with a whole host of ailments and injuries, but the ebb and flow of life was rather monotonous. Nothing really strayed from ordinary, and after everything that they’d gone through when Neal was sick, Emma was grateful for that. She lived in a little pond with the fish she’d always known, happy that the big and scary waves of their past seemed to be behind them. Things were small and seemingly unimportant in their little corner of the world, but as safe as she’d felt, and as untouchable as being in Storybrooke once used to seem, it wasn’t all that she truly wanted. Where she had consistency and companionship, Emma was missing passion. She was missing that all-consuming love that comes when meeting one’s perfect match, and in more ways than one, she was missing key insights into who she really was. Pieces of her had been, for lack of a better word, hibernating, and now they were awakened, never to be suppressed or forgotten again.
But so far, these beautiful pieces had come with a tainted set of conditions. She met Killian, igniting a spark that had fanned into unquenchable flames. She fell in love with him, opened her heart to him, and started to believe that a life with real love was something she was meant to be a part of, but then she realized he had secrets and a past still left to face. She learned the truth about shifters, and her family’s place in that world. It was confusing but amazing all at once, yet with that incredible truth came a good amount of fear. There was so much left unknown, and things that could hurt them down the line. Bonding together had made Emma and Killian so much more secure in themselves and in each other. She was meant to be Killian’s fated mate, and he was meant to be hers, and Emma would never ever regret that. But saying yes to each other and taking that step brought the threat of Liam and whatever darkness may consume him. Of course, Killian’s brother was no longer a danger to them, but only a few weeks ago they’d felt differently. Before they saw Liam and understood his intentions and his destined ties to Elsa, he was looming menace that Killian had run from for years. His sickness had eroded critical human parts of Liam Jones, and though Elsa had cured him, nothing could take back the panic, the angst, and the worry they’d all expended in the days and weeks leading up to his return.
When they realized Liam wasn’t truly the enemy, there was celebration and reason for joy. Killian had his brother back, and Elsa too was blessed enough to have a mate. But in a matter of days Emma was forced to face down the risks of fully embracing who she was. The tying together of Elsa and Liam was a gift, but it also thrust Emma into more action than she knew what to do with. In a move that completely defied her past human understanding, Elsa used magic to help Emma merge her souls on some kind of spiritual, other-worldly journey. She’d met Killian’s dead mother in another unknown plane of existence, embraced her inner wolf, all while dying for just a few moments. That was crazy, and obviously something Emma should have had more time to prepare for and come to terms with, but she survived, and after the dust settled from such a stressful moment, she thought things were truly okay. They’d made it through, they’d braved their trials. This was surely enough to merit a good old fashioned happily ever after, but no. Things were nowhere near through. Her long-lost, time-ignored grandmother returned, freed from a magical coma that had robbed her of an entire lifetime with her children and grandchildren. Her brother was approached by a mad man and his safety was thrown into jeopardy. Her town was attacked by a genetically modified monster shifter. And if all that weren’t bad enough, they had not one, but two genuinely evil men hell bent on destroying them. Bad intentions surrounded Emma and the people that she loved, aimed at snuffing out her happiness and their lives, and for all of this she was yet again knocking on the door of danger and bracing for another spat with life and death.
I just want this all to be over. I’ll do whatever it takes, as long as we can go back to something even remotely like normal.
The thought whispered in her mind, but it spoke her deepest truth. All she wanted was for this to be finished. Emma wanted to rid them all of any monsters that were lurking in one final stand, and then she wanted to get to living. She wanted to get married, even though she and Killian were forever bonded already. She wanted a special day just about them and their love and their future. She might not have the determination and unyielding vision of her mother when it came to planning this wedding, but Emma craved a feeling, the sheer happiness that must come when she and Killian would say ‘I do’ for real this time. At the same time, Emma wanted to make her and Killian’s new house a home, and to prepare for the baby who she would hold close very soon. She wanted lazy mornings and sunset walks. She wanted beach days and trail hikes and running in the woods. She wanted days where she and Killian did absolutely nothing except spend time together, and she wanted to know peace again in a way she hadn’t had in what felt like far too long.
“I love you, Emma.”
The whispered words that came from beside her made Emma turn to her mate, and the look of calm and fidelity in his gaze helped Emma breathe easier. She hadn’t realized her agitation was carrying over from her mind, but as Killian pressed a soft kiss to her lips, she felt warmed through. The shadows she was grappling with and the what-ifs that would ultimately do nothing but cause more stress retreated again. For a moment it was just the two of them, and she smiled at him, raising her hand to cup his cheek as she looked into his eyes. God did she love this man. He was so right for her, so good to her. She couldn’t imagine anyone else she’d ever want by her side for a moment like this, and though she hated that they had to be here, she was grateful for their bond now more than ever. In all honesty she was thankful for everything they’d been through, huge and daunting and exhausting as it was. For ultimately they were stronger for their trials, and they had used each obstacle and hardship as a chance to grow together instead of fall apart.
“You let the light in,” she said, her words still soft and spoken only for them. She watched as his eyes lit up with both enjoyment and surprise, and it made her heart clutch in her chest that even after everything he might not know how much he meant to her. “You make me feel like this will be okay, even when hope is scarce. I don’t know how I’d handle any of this without you.”
“You’d find a way,” Killian answered immediately, pulling her closer into his embrace. “But there’s no need. I’m not going anywhere, love. Not now, not ever.”
Emma promised the same back to him, and she allowed that promise to fill her with faith as the final stretch of the drive came and went. Soon enough they were passing into the territory of the mountain lions that had contacted her Uncle, and only a slight ways on they came to the sprawling lands of the long abandoned ranch where George and the shifters were expected to be.
“Taking the car any further will alert nearby shifters or your Uncle of our presence,” Killian said to her father. “We might already have been noticed, but reports from the other clans said this area had largely been avoided by the sick shifters.”
“How far out are we from the cabin still?” Anna asked.
“A little more than a mile. There’s a road that would take us all the way there…”
“But the chances George has lined that with explosives or traps is almost guaranteed,” Emma finished. Killian nodded and her father did the same.
“As it is, we need to all be on high alert. This area might be largely vacant because traps have already been laid here and the shifters can sense it.”
“I don’t think that’s why actually,” Anna said, looking to the tree line. Emma mirrored her movement, but there was nothing there, at least nothing she could see.
“Do you feel something?” Liam asked.
“I’m not sure, but you see that path? The grass is browning there, but everything else is perfectly green.”
“What would do that?” Emma asked, but Anna was already moving. Gently she reached her hand out, a swirl of her magic touching the dying blades and when it did a tint of red blipped into existence before puttering out.
“He’s here too?” Liam questioned but Anna shook her head.
“Doubtful. This magic is fading, and see the way the blades are bent, they’re heading out not in.”
“But he was here,” David concluded. Anna nodded.
“Definitely. So it would make sense that no one has sensed any shifters. Gold has likely infused his magic in their sickness. Realistically he included a fail-safe to keep any of them from attacking him. They’re probably compelled to avoid him unless he summons them.”
“Do you think it’s a trap?” Killian asked and Anna shrugged.
“Only one way to find out I guess.”
With that they all moved through the forest, careful to stay near Gold’s chosen route without actually setting foot on it. They monitored the area around them for pitfalls and unforeseen complications, but aside from some old and rusted out traps of times gone by, the area was clean. They moved closer and closer to where the cabin was said to be located, but ultimately decided it would be better to take down as many shifters as they could before going directly to George.
“The nearest clan said there were fresh kills from yesterday seen here, here and here.” Emma watched as her father circled three places on the map. They were congregated in clusters around the property, all of them by the nearby river’s edge. “Nearly an entire herd of deer slaughtered up by this bend.”
“A whole herd?”
“These shifters killed mostly for sport, not food.”
Emma’s stomach curdled at the thought. She still felt adamantly that killing as her wolf and claiming an animal to eat was a bit beyond her. Sure, she could technically do it, but it was extremely uncommon. Liam and Killian felt the same way, citing that the only shifters they’d ever known to take advantage of that particular power were their father and some of his closest supporters. As such, the two of them never partook, and only ever killed a wild animal while in their wolf form if the animal was a threat to others.
“That’s where we need to start,” Liam said and they all agreed, leaving the relative safety of Gold’s carved out trail and heading for the nearby waterway.
In another situation, these woods would be beautiful, a place of reprieve perhaps, and an area filled with plentiful wildlife and natural bounty. But now an eerie quiet settled on this land. There were no bird songs through the trees, no rustling of squirrels or smaller wildlife to be heard. In a matter of days, the presence of these shifters had eroded any sense of peace or serenity that may once have existed here, and that unnatural decay left Emma’s nerves even more on edge. Only a subtle wind through the trees and the distant gurgle of running water filled the space around them, and even their footsteps were nearly undetectable, as all of them were taking great pains to stay quiet and unheard.
After a few minutes of steady movement, Killian raised his hand, motioning for all of them to stop as he took in their surroundings. “There’s a hostile shifter, fifty paces out,” Killian said, his head nodding through a canopy of trees. Emma was astonished. She hadn’t heard or sensed anything at all, but then she shifted slightly closer to Killian and she smelled it.
“Mountain lion?” Emma asked, as the ungodly scent filled her nose and left her with a need to gag. It was hard to place the exact shifter when the sickness loomed so large, but from her basic knowledge of shifter scents, she thought it was some kind of big cat.
“No. Jaguar maybe.”
“It could be a panther,” David said as he readied his dart gun, loading it with the intended tranquilizer. “George’s idea of vacation involves hunting in other parts of the world. He had a particular fascination with the amazon. Always said panthers were wily and the hardest to kill. He might have trapped one for his army.”
There was no time to really soak that in, as the element of surprise would soon be lost to them. Instead they fanned out, moving to better circle the beast without alarming it to their presence. Only when everyone was in place having created a semi-circle around the river did it occur to Emma that they had one real potential obstacle – panthers could climb a hell of a lot better than any of them, and if this big cat got in a tree with enough coverage to escape her father’s scope, they’d be in big trouble.
At that exact moment, luck went against them and the wind suddenly shifted, brushing against her skin and headed straight for the clearing at the water’s edge where the shifter lurked. Knowing time was up, she moved quickly, making enough noise that the others would know to move too and coming face to face with a giant black beast a few seconds later.
The growl of the animal was feral and loud, a snarl scratched out in a blatant attempt to intimidate. Emma’s instinct was to shift to her wolf form, but that wasn’t the plan. Liam and Killian were the ones who would be shifting, and Emma, Anna, and her father would try their best to hit the jaguar with enough sedative to put him under. Emma attempted to do just that, aiming her dart gun at the jaguar’s neck, but the animal was too fast, lunging away and charging at Emma.
With lightening speed, a fully black wolf leapt at the jaguar, taking it off guard and grounding it with excessive force. Emma knew this was Killian, and watched as he and Liam both took on the panther. But they didn’t try to kill their foe. Instead, as was the plan, they attempted to corale the big cat to a more open space, in an easy line of sight for her father to hit. They were nearly there when the jaguar changed direction, ambling for a giant tree trunk in an attempt to get away.
“Oh no you don’t!” Anna said, her hands flying outwards as she dropped her dart gun and used her magic, managing to make the tree actually shake, tossing branches down below to swat the big cat away. The animal roared again, hurt to some degree from its fall, but mostly agitated. It now saw Anna and hissed at her, ignoring Liam and Killian and moving straight for her. Emma’s heart caught in her throat and protectiveness flooded her system. She was a split second from shifting and sprinting in her friend’s direction to save her, but then the jaguar let out a pained cry and she saw that he’d been hit. Her Dad had landed the blow, and now the drug was overwhelming the shifter’s system.
“Perfect shot,” Anna said, sounding almost excited at what had just happened, as if her life was in no real danger. Emma just gawked at her friend until her Dad explained.
“Anna knew what the plan was. She was never in any real danger. I’d never let that happen.”
Emma knew her father was sincere, since Anna and Elsa were essentially honorary Nolans. Still, she wished they’d conveyed that to her somehow instead of nearly giving her a heart attack.
“Well that was easy enough. One down, three more to go.”
Tracking the other shifters ended up being a much easier proposition since the noise from this skirmish had sounded through the woods. One by one they came out of hiding, two wolves were first, big, but they lacked cohesiveness in their attack, and after a bit of wrangling Emma managed to hit one while her father got the other. Soon after that the bears came, first a giant black bear and just when he was put down another that was brown, but not as massive as Anna’s grizzly from Storybrooke. These two were a bit more capable than the wolves, but they didn’t manage any lasting damage on Liam or Killian. But just when they were trying to catch their breath back in their human form, a cackling shriek of a final frenzied foe sounded through the forest.
“What the hell was that?” Anna asked, looking towards the tree line for whatever had made that awful sound.
“Wolverine,” Emma’s father and Killian said at the same time.
“Like the weasel things?” Anna asked, thinking as Emma did that this must surely be easy.
“Yeah, but wolverine shifters are five times the normal size,” Liam said bulking up his stance before turning to them. “Be on your guard, this one’s gonna be nasty.”
They watched Liam and Killian shift back again as a giant brown burst of energy scrambled through the brush. With gnashing teeth and a rabid expression, the wolverine was terrifying, and also enormous. Emma lost herself for a second, stunned at the sight of it, but when the beast moved to swipe at Killian she gathered herself back.
“Get him to the river,” David instructed, yelling out the command so all of them could hear it. Emma realized right away that this was going to be a very different fight. Their foe was too fast and it had no instinct for self-preservation. All it did was lash out, aggressively trying to maim Killian and Liam to get what it wanted. With movements like that, she had no chance of hitting her target, so she shifted to wolf form to try and help that way. It was touch and go in a few spots, and more than once the beast almost managed to get a nip at her golden coat, but in a moment where she was one on one with the animal her father yelled for her to duck. She did so without question, and as the best lunged for her, she watched the dart hit him square in the chest, knocking him back and pulling another hellish scream from the animal.
“Nasty buggers, wolverines,” Killian said when they’d all determined the beast was subdued. “Even the healthy ones are horrors.”
“Could hardly tell that he was sick,” Liam joked and Emma let out a barked laugh, shaking her head.
“No way. They can’t be that bad,” she said looking to her father who only shrugged.
“They’re packless for a reason. Put too many together, and well, you just saw what can happen.”
Emma was amazed at that, and thankful that they’d managed to put him down for the time being. All of these shifters would be down for the count for at least a day. If Anna’s bear was knocked out for that long in the test, they’d surely be down longer, what with the difference in size and metabolic rate. As such they’d have time to gather them all together or have the nearby packs lock them down to a secured space. But in the meantime they’re greatest enemy was still before them.
“Did you notice the blood on him?” Liam said, drawing their attention back to the wolverine. “Right paw, encased on the claws.”
“Well someone had to have killed all those deer, right?” Anna asked but Liam shook his head.
“It’s human blood. I caught a whiff of it when he tried to strike me.”
“Human?” Emma asked, worried that these shifters had managed to harm an innocent hiker or something of the like.
“It’s got to be George. The packs were adamant that there are no humans in these parts and they checked with local rangers. There’s a warning out for hikers and campers for a twenty-mile radius and the packs have been circling from a distance for days. No one’s out here.”
“If that beast got a piece of him, then your Uncle’s in bad shape,” Killian said and Emma watched her father’s expression, wondering if anything like remorse would appear. It never did.
“Good. I’m not too proud to admit that we need the advantage. If George is at full health, he’ll be that much harder to stop.”
Heading towards the cabin once more, Emma considered what it would take to stop such a man. No one had said the words aloud, but they all must know that George couldn’t be allowed to leave this cabin. There would be no imprisoning him. He had to die and that was a dark cloud looming over them all. None of them would want to take a life, for Emma it was something she didn’t even think she could do, but in this moment she had to be ready to compromise herself. If it meant protecting the people she loved, she might have to take a life, and though that life would be an evil one, it would still hurt her. But despite that, she would still make that choice. Whatever the fall out, she would see her loved ones protected, no matter what.
“It won’t come to that, Emma,” Killian said, taking her hand as they moved through the woods. “I won’t let your hands be bloodied like that.”
“No we won’t. The person to handle this will be me,” her father said, and Emma looked to him, knowing that burden was something he would struggle with but that he was ready to take on. “I always knew this day might come. He’s my responsibility.”
No one argued with her father, instead allowing the last bit of quiet to consume their journey. They remained alert, moving towards the cabin, finally approaching it from the side. Emma was struck by how the quiet continued, but the air smelled now of smoke and burning wood, and when the dilapidated ranch came into view, there was a hazy gray smog coming from the chimney.  
“Someone’s in there,” Anna said with conviction, her hand moving across the air in a wave, her magic feeling out for signs of life. “And they’re in there alone.”
Quietly they circled around the property, until they reached the front door. From the outside it was clearly barricaded closed, but traces of blood adorned the faded wood going up the steps. Fingerprints in scarlet red clung to the doorway, another sign that George was injured.
“We can’t take his weakness for granted. Even hurt, he could have traps in place.”
“So what do we do?”
“Leave it to me,” Anna said, bringing both hands before her and tilting her head in concentration. She held herself tight for a moment and then pushed her arms out with a violent force. As she did a strong gust moved in, visible in its intensity, shattering the windows and pushing in the door. A split-second later arrows shot from each direction, and Emma felt herself pushed behind a wall of muscle. Killian was huddled in front of her, and Liam had gone for Anna, but Anna pushed him away.
“Wait!” she said her hands still suspended. Emma waited for the sound of impact, but nothing came, and when she peaked around Killian she saw at least a dozen arrows suspended in the air, all of them stopped by magic.
“Anna,” Emma whispered, her feeling of awe over whelming her and Anna let loose a smile.
“You can say it, Emma, I’m a bad ass.”
“We can all say it the moment this is over,” Liam agreed, similarly impressed by Elsa’s sister’s show of magical control. But he was right. This wasn’t over.
“Do you think there’s more?” Killian asked, knocking down one of the arrows as he headed towards the door.
“It’s possible,” her Dad admitted.
“There’s only one way to find out,” Anna said taking the lead before whipping back to head off Liam’s impending rebuttal. “And before you say anything, we both know I can handle this. Plus Elsa will kill me if anything happens to you.”
They moved up the stairs, through the doorway of the house, all of them on alert, but no more surprises came. The place was bare, but clearly lived in. Dust remained, but there were well worn paths where people had been coming in and out. The kitchen had been used, and so had a bedroom, but they didn’t actually find George until they reached the back of the house. Only when they’d entered the great room, done in the style of a long-forgotten hunters lodge, did her Great Uncle appear.
His back was turned to all of them, though he must have heard the shattering of windows and them moving through the house. He stood facing the fire, unmoving for a while. His left arm hung down, but his right clutched at his side, pressing over a makeshift bandage. Emma could smell the wound from here and see the red beneath the white cloth. His wound was deep, and he had lost a lot of blood, but still he remained stoic and unflinching and uninterested in them all together. Only when he was ready did he pivot, looking back to them all and offering no emotion as he did.
“It’s been a long time, David,” he said, his voice more even and regular than a man with a wound like that should be.
Seeing his face now, Emma noticed that there were some similarities between her father and this man. Their size was similar, and Emma wondered if George had started shrinking in his older age or if he’d willed that nuisance away from sheer grit. Their faces held a similar shape, though there were marked differences, but their eyes were arguably the closest trait they shared. Blue and intense, Emma recognized the color, but all comparison stopped there. For her father was a person filled with life and kindness. It radiated from him, the friendliness, the want to do good. He was a good man, but George… his eyes were hollow and dulled. If eyes were a window to the soul, this man’s was lacking, hardened, and in some ways unknowable.
“I must admit I always saw this reunion very differently when I pictured it,” George continued. His free hand moving to a glass upon the mantel filled with what Emma believed was whiskey. He took a sip, seemed to revel in it and then put the glass aside again, looking back at her father once more and treating the rest of them like they were totally invisible.
“Why you wanted one at all, I’ll never know.”
“Oh but you do, David. The day you ran you ensured that this moment would come. When you betrayed your family legacy for the sake of that fool lion, you wrote this into fate’s design.”
Emma found it difficult to look away from George, knowing better than to take her eyes off a man this malicious, but she needed a better understanding of their surroundings. The room was unlike the rest of the house which was sparse for the most part. This room had clutter, knickknacks hanging everywhere, and though nothing looked overtly threatening, she knew more traps could be anywhere. As if she’d summoned one, a steal trap descended from a rafter above and only Anna’s speedy reflexes and magical ability kept it from getting a part of Liam’s head. The sound of snapping metal against shattering wood filled the space, but when it faded out there was only the sound of the crackles in the fire and Anna’s sharpened breathing.
“Oh joy, another witch,” George said, again looking cold and nonplussed though one of his attack mechanisms had just failed. He didn’t even blink at the wasted piece of equipment, instead reaching for a bottle on the table a few feet away. He poured himself another drink, and they all just watched, transfixed in a way by this clearly dying man. It dawned on Emma that this was their chance to take him out, but then she remembered that they needed answers first. If they were going to crack the code of this serum and cure this artificial alpha sickness, they needed to know more about it.
“Why this way? These sick shifters seem like an unnecessary burden. If you knew where I was you could have just come for me. It would have been a hell of a lot easier.”
“Perhaps,” George acquiesced. “But the trouble with training you in my image as I did, was you learned how to cover your tracks. I had no idea where you’d gone, and by the time I discovered your whereabouts it occurred to me – I could do more than just take you out and destroy your family. I could destroy all of them with one perfected remedy.”
When he said ‘them’ he looked to Liam and then Killian, having figured out their shifter status from the start. It made Emma’s skin crawl to think that this man had wanted to destroy so many people. Because ultimately that’s what shifters were. They were people too. But George clearly didn’t believe that.
“I thought many times over the years that your aid would be most helpful in this venture. You always took to the science so quickly, perhaps you could have been of some use,” George said thoughtfully, looking at her father in a way that told Emma that in some sick twisted way he had some kind of regard for him. George was filled with vitriol, but underneath it there was something else. Respect maybe?  “Alas, the Nolan line is old and distinguished, and the stain of your choices could not stand. I could never allow it.”
“It must eat you alive to see what I’ve become,” her father said, standing strong in the face of his Uncle’s condemnation. “To know how many shifters I’ve healed, how many I’ve saved from men just like you. I spent each day doing anything I could to unmake your mess. For every life you ended I would prolong five, ten, or more. I figured I might not be able to stop you, I’d never risk my family to do so, but I could try to make some amends for the shame of what you’ve done.”
“The only shame belongs to your traitor mother,” George snapped out, his words sharp as the lashings of a whip. “You live because of her wicked sins.  She bastardized the very fabric of our history. The lineage of our people was destroyed for her disgusting infatuation with filth.”
No one dared speak in the face of those hateful words. Emma merely looked to her father, who stood there unmoving. He didn’t tense, didn’t react. He waited there, almost mirroring his Uncle, unwilling to give anything up by revealing his anger and emotion. Emma heard something, like a wire being pulled and then watched as her father took out his gun and shot two portions of the wall on opposite sides of the room. When he did a bevy of arrows snapped, but were shot to the floor instead of out into the room at chest level as they would have without interference.  Emma looked around the room to see if anything else gave away surprise attack, but she saw nothing. Killian however did, and he grabbed a stone paper weight from the pile of mismatched and chucked it at the back wall. Only when the stone thudded to the ground did Emma see the small fuse that had been lit and was now extinguished thanks to the hit of the rock.
“You killed my father,” David said, ignoring the added excitement of the would be surprise attacks, and when she could finally turn her attention from the unrest around them, Emma watched her father and felt how much grief that fact brought him. “You killed your sister’s true love, forced her to run, and to leave her two sons behind. Wasn’t that revenge enough?””
“Maybe it would have been, if his death meant anything to me, but truth be told he was just so… forgettable,” George said, his malice lacing every syllable even as they rang out with control and practiced authority. “I couldn’t even tell you what he looked like. He was nothing. Obsolete. Just another in a long line of shifter trash that needed disposing of.”
“When did you know?”
“That you were of mixed blood? I only discovered that recently. You see I too believed your brother’s illness was just that, and I didn’t think to question Ruth’s death when you were born. I saw it as a gift – two new warriors for the cause that I would raise for greatness. The magic that shielded your true nature was well woven, and it had to be, for if I’d known what you two were there would have been no need for sickness, I’d have finished you myself. But no. It took years to discover the truth. Only when Gold showed me Ruth’s sleeping body in his treasure trove did I discover just how deep her treachery ran.”
“You knew she was alive,” Emma’s father said, anger now beginning to rise as his fist tightened on the weapon in his hand.
“Oh yes. Long before she woke, I knew exactly where she was. Gold offered her to me if we made a little deal. I refused. She had no worth to me. I consider her lucky I didn’t kill her then and there.”
“You are a monster, you know that?” Emma asked, not willing to listen to this anymore.
“Ah, and there she is, the final downfall of the Nolan line. Our dearest Emma,” he said, spitting out the words and glaring at her, as if she was nothing but inconvenience to him. “You had a chance to be worth saving. Half breed as you are, you had Nolan blood and you were still human, unlike your cursed brother. But you couldn’t resist the filth either, could you? No, you had to go and choose to mate with one of those mongrels just like my wretched sister.”
Killian growled low in his throat as George looked his way and let out a choked laugh. It was sinister, and directed, but he quickly dismissed Killian again, looking back to Emma. “And then you let that witch remove your block. You tainted yourself. Your brother was already marked for death, I couldn’t let the Nolan line live on as shifter scum.  But you – you I would have spared. You’d have been the legacy. The last hope of the Nolan line.”
“Never,” Emma swore, meaning it with all her might. “I would never have turned my back on my family, and I would never believe all this nonsense you hold dear.”
“Oh, it’s not nonsense, Emma. Shifters are despicable, a plague upon this earth, and there is no remedy for them except removal. You need only look to your mongrel’s father for proof of what I speak.”
“You knew Brennan?” Killian asked, the shock palpable in his and Emma’s mental bond, but his poker face holding firm, giving very little away.
“Did I know Brennan Jones? The single most conceited alpha on the continent? The one who devoured other packs for power and for sport? Yes, I knew the monster. Hell, I owed the beast a debt. Without him none of this would have been possible. In the end, he was the key to everything.”
“You’re lying,” Liam said, disgusted and disturbed. “Our father hated hunters and he’d never help one.”
“The bite hardly makes for a stable mind, but you know that don’t you?” George said with a sick and twisted attempt at a smile. He clearly knew of Liam’s prior ailment, and he was more than willing to use that against him. “Deep down you realize that if I told your father he could have power he’d have given me anything I dared to ask for. All it took was the promise that I would replicate the serum for his pack while making them still submissive to him. He wanted an army, the strongest pack the world had ever known. As if I ever would have let it get that far. Fucking dog. No, I take it back. A dog would be smarter.”
“And so Gold, he was just unimportant?” Anna asked, carefully dragging the conversation away from Killian and Liam’s father for the time being, and to another glaring gap in the fabric of this story. “You want us to believe you did this all on your own?”
“No, I will admit I needed his magic,” George said, as his face darkened for the first time since they arrived, giving away his extreme resentment. “The venom I extracted from actual alpha sickness wouldn’t spread without a curse to bind it all together. But Gold is not to be trusted. He made a mistake, and when the attack with the grizzly failed, he turned on me, leaving me here to die.”
“Why would he get involved? What did he have to gain?” Emma asked and George stared blankly at her.
“You know, I never bothered to ask what he wanted with you and the three witches. Truth be told, I never really cared. But I imagine it won’t be pleasant for any of you. And he assured me you’d never manage to reproduce with that animal, so I didn’t give a damn.”
“Did he promise you that?” Emma quipped, her fury rising in her chest. “Was that part of the deal?”
“Not explicitly, but if things had gone as they should, they would be dead,” he motioned to Liam, Killian and her father, “And you two would be Gold’s.”
“But it didn’t go to plan.”
“No. I could never have anticipated that of all the worthless grizzlies in the world this one would be tied to a witch.”
“Don’t talk about him like that!” Anna demanded, her hands coming up, ready to attack.
“Oh is he yours? I’m sorry,” he said sneering. “Sorry you too are tainted. Such a shame. But perhaps Gold will manage in the end. He’s a patient man, and really, what’s a few years matter? I waited nearly thirty for my revenge. It’s too bad I’ll only have a sliver of it.”
With lightening quick precision, George drew a knife from his hip and threw it towards Liam who dodged it just barely. At the same time more traps came from the wall and the ceiling. It was chaos, with arrows and steel traps and more, and all of it consumed Anna and Killian and her father’s attention. Emma though stayed still, not knowing how to react. She felt herself needing to respond, but then she realized that everyone else was focused on the other things and were missing what was right in front of them. Indeed George was more skilled than they were anticipating. And, having forsaken his hold on his wounded body, he grabbed a pistol from his waist and aimed it at her father.
Without hesitation Emma jumped to push her Dad out of the way, successfully managing to  force him from the trajectory of the bullet, but then she felt the blow of impact into her shoulder. There was no slowing down of time. This was immediate and instinctive, and the pain of the hot metal piercing through her skin set in just as swiftly. She flinched at the force of it, falling towards the ground as Liam lunged for the gun, disarming George, and Killian grabbed her, holding her close.
“Emma!” he cried, panic clear in his gaze as George’s laughter filled the room. Liam meanwhile, pinned the old man down and let out a ferocious growl. Through the pain of her injury Emma saw the fear in George’s eyes, but her body was chilled, her heart pounding loudly in her ears.
“What did you lace it with?!” Her father screamed and Emma looked down to where she’d been hurt, seeing the black inky lines that used to be her veins. Oh God she was dying. She was going to die.
“Nothing you can save her from,” George said, his voice labored as he lay pinned beneath Liam. “Gold procured it for me. It’s potent and powerful, and cannot be survived.”
The realization that this could really be it settled on her, and Emma felt herself slipping away. This was really the end. She was too far gone. There was no stopping this poison, this toxin designed to extinguish her father once and for all. The pain that flooded her system began to subside and instead she felt cold and numb. This was shock – the last bit of adrenaline before she’d be gone and she looked at Killian, desperate to say goodbye and say she was sorry, but unable to speak.  
“Emma, no, you’ve got to hold on! We’ll fix this! We’ll save you!”
“Don’t leave me,” he begged, his voice and face etched in the pain of what was coming.
Afraid to close her eyes, Emma looked upon the man she loved and she felt such unimaginable grief. She wanted to hold on for him, she wanted his pleas to be right. But she was falling under, the current of this poison too high. This was really it. She moved her hand, reaching for Killian and then she felt it, a flutter from her abdomen. Her hand changed course, and moved towards her unborn baby, tears streaming down her face. She’d failed her child. She’d failed Killian. She…
In an instant, warmth flooded from the space where her hand lay through the rest of her being. The feel of it forced Emma’s eyes to close, but when the warmth grew she opened them again, wanting to understand why she felt this way. Her eyes blinked open and the brightness in the room had totally changed. She was surrounded in a beautiful haze, and she wondered if the light she saw through her tears could be real. It had to be an illusion, right? One last crazy vision before death finally came, but Anna’s gasp filled her ears, and Killian’s whispered words, tortured and yet hopeful filled her ears.
“The baby.”
His hand came over hers, and the light grew stronger. Emma blinked away her tears and watched as an iridescent magic not so unlike Anna or Elsa’s moved over her skin. Swiftly it traced the tracks of the onyx-colored poison, soothing every line within her. Emma felt sensation again, as the magic traced over her, filling her with energy, and with hope she’d thoroughly lost. The cold she was feeling was eradicated, and when the magical light finally reached her initial wound the darkness that marred her once smooth skin ebbed away. The blackness was removed, and most of her pain went with it. The bullet hole was still there, and she was bleeding, but she was alive, and though she couldn’t truly, scientifically know for certain, she felt in her heart that she was going to be okay. She was going to live.
“That’s not possible. You should be dead! You should be… wait, did you say baby? You can’t be pregnant!” George screamed but Emma didn’t even bother to spare him a glance.
“She saved me,” Emma whispered, feeling the sensation that somehow her unborn child had stepped in. She had no rationale reason for it, especially given how early on it was in her pregnancy, but it was suddenly very clear. Their child would be more than a hybrid of a shifter and a human – she had magic in her, for whatever reason, and she had used it, even before her birth, to save Emma.
“You can’t be pregnant! Gold said -,”
“Gold is never going to beat us!” Anna yelled. “You’ve failed, and now you’ll die for nothing.”
“Oh not nothing. I still have my weapons. Mated or not, there is no cure for your wretched shifter, I’ve left no trace. It’s all gone and cannot be recreated. So you see, the secret dies with me.”
The pain on Anna’s face looked just as piercing as what Emma herself felt moments ago, but it culminated even more when Emma’s father stepped forward, raising his gun to deliver a final blow. She cried out for him to stop, but it was too late. The deed was done. Her Uncle was dead, and his secret died with him.
“Why would you do that?!” Anna screamed, and Emma looked to her father for answers. He had ruined her friend’s only chance, but he only nodded to the fire.
“I know George better than anyone, and I am willing to bet my life that he burned the secret away. It’s shifter custom..”
Killian sniffed the air and gave a slight nod. “There’s more than wood in that blaze. Paper – both old and new and a bit of leather.”
“I know that there are spells that can unburn what was destroyed,” Emma’s father explained, seeking to calm Anna and show her he was not forsaking her new mate for an easy kill. “I’ve heard about them while healing other packs. They’re not common, but possible. Call Ruby. She’ll know.”
They did just that, and through the grace of something larger than themselves, Ruby found a spell in great haste. With shaky hands and a wavering voice, Anna recited the incantation Ruby read to her, and low and behold the fire sputtered to a stop and from the flames scraps of paper formed, with scribblings of formulas and multiple solutions. A leather bound book also took shape, and there, within the pages were a scribbling of formulas and well-kept notes.
“This is it,” her father said, looking relieved that his hunch was proven right. “This is what Neal needs to find a remedy.”
“Oh thank God,” Anna said, nearly falling to her knees, but ultimately being caught by Liam. It was finally over, and in the end they had everything they’d set out for.
“We did it,” Emma said, looking up to Killian, taking in his expression of relief and some lingering pain. She could feel through their link that the trauma of thinking she would die yet again had rattled him. He was at wit’s end, and she clung to him, trying to prove to him that she was okay, and that they had both made it through.
“I’m telling you right now, Emma, there will be none of this, ever again.” His voice was stern and his eyes made a silent promise that if she ever even thought of fighting such a battle in the future he would chain her to his side and make it so she couldn’t leave. “We are going home. We are getting married. We are meeting our miracle child when the time finally comes, and we are living happily ever after. There will be no more fighting. There will be no more close calls. We’re done with this.”
“Okay, we’re done,” she promised, resting her forehead against his and soaking in the feeling of their mission being complete. “I love you.”
“And I love you, Emma. Far too much to ever walk this world without you.”
The voice of her father pulled Emma from her and Killian’s embrace, and she could see in his eyes the pain of all of this. He’d almost lost her too, and he’d just taken a life. Her father, the man who was always a pillar of strength for her whenever he could be, was hurting and she moved towards him, hugging him close.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” her dad whispered, hugging her as tight as he could, with his hand cradling the back of her head like he always had, ever since she was a little girl.
“I’m glad I did. If he’d hit you, you’d be…” She trailed off as she pulled back to look at him, unable to face that he would have absolutely died.
“I know,” he agreed, leaving words that hurt to much to say unsaid. “I love you, Emma.”
“I love you too, Dad.”
Before she could so much as step away from her father, she found herself jostled into Anna’s waiting arms and her friend gave her a vice grip of a hug. Emma squeaked a sound of surprise out, and Killian moved toward her protectively, but she shook her head, knowing Anna needed this. A second later Anna jumped, remembering Emma’s injury.
“Oh crap, I hurt you!” she exclaimed, but looking at Emma’s wound, they could both see it was already looking much better. “I can’t believe it. The baby healed you. She must be a witch, right? But it shouldn’t be possible.”
“Maybe not,” Emma said, her hand coming back to rest on her stomach. “But somehow it is.”
“And every one of us grateful for that.” Liam said, with a warmth in his eyes and a nod of his head that told Emma Killian’s brother was glad for her speedy recovery. “But might I suggest we wrap things up and get back home? We might have slain a few beasts today, but there’s much more that still needs to be done.”
“Aye, brother, you’re right,” Killian agreed, taking Emma’s hand in his and bringing her close as he looked deep in her eyes. “Let’s go home, love.”
Emma couldn’t think of anything she wanted more than to go home and to be done with all of this, and with a swiftness she was grateful for, they managed to contain things as best they could. With the help of the nearby packs, each of the sedated shifters was returned to a cage here on the property. None of them took any pleasure in containing these animals, least of all Anna, who also needed a little magic to really keep things secure, but they knew it was for the best. Sick as they were, there was no telling what these shifters would do, and in the interest of protecting the nearby shifter clans, and any humans who may wander into this area in the future, they left these animals temporarily caged and under the watchful eye of the pack who originally called on Lance.
Driving home after that, Emma was surprised at how quickly the time went by, but that was largely thanks to the sleep she fell into once she was back in the safety of the car and nestled in Killian’s arms. Magical revival from her child or not, Emma was exhausted, and the wound she’d incurred did ache and aggrieve her. Knowing that this pain still lingered, Killian held her close, kissing her anywhere he could and whispering that it would all be all right. She trusted him in this, and slowly gave into the comfort of his presence, falling into a slumber filled with flashes of dreams. Some were blips of the fighting they’d just faced, but there were more that came later that were so much more beautiful and remarkable. Emma would never be able to explain them out loud, but these flashes were of her future, of that she was sure. She saw in them a life that was happy and bright. She saw Killian, her love, standing with her, never far from grasp. She saw her family and her friends also with her and not a one of them saddened or stressed out. And then she saw the children, glimpses of a beautiful baby girl with dark hair like her father and eyes that matched Emma’s to a tee. There were more behind her, but it all came so quickly. These flashes seemed to surround her while also staying just out of reach, but as Emma woke up, she couldn’t help smiling, and the first thought that came to mind was Hope.
“I think we’ve got a name all ready for this little girl,” Killian whispered to Emma as he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. She smiled, snuggling into him further and knowing her mate had read her mind, quite literally.
“I can’t wait to meet her,” Emma admitted, thinking back on her dreams and knowing in her heart that her child would be a blend of magic and love and endless possibility. “But at the same time, I can.”
“Is that so?” Killian asked, seemingly surprised by her latter admission.
“Yes. On the one hand I love her so much already. I always have, and I always will,” she said, and Killian hummed out a sound of agreement with that. “But on the other, we still have so much to do. We have to get ready.”
“In more ways than one.” Killian teased and Emma felt her cheeks grow warm as she smiled and nodded her understanding. He wasn’t just talking about furnishing their place or baby proofing their new home. Emma could see, hopefully, more than a few weeks spent relaxing, recuperating, and spending every waking moment that they could enjoying each other and strengthening the bond they’d found together.
“Speaking of getting ready, we’re nearly home, and we’re about to have a lot of explaining to do,” Anna said and Emma jumped, not realizing the whole car was listening in on their talking. “Oh sorry, were we supposed to pretend we couldn’t hear you?”
“Seems a bit late for that,” Liam replied, his voice gruff but his eyes sparkling with amusement at Emma and Killian.
“Anna’s right though. It’s best to get our stories straight now,” David said. “Better to frame some of this as, let’s say ‘kindly’ as we can.”
Emma knew her father was thinking of her mother and her reaction to everything. She appreciated that her Dad wanted to spare her Mom any more pain, but she also knew, even if he said this that it would never come to pass. Her parents never held secrets from each other, and this time would be no different.  
“No need to bother. Chances are Ruby’s seen most of it anyway. She’s probably told half the tale already.”
Killian’s guess was soon validated, and as soon as they arrived, they were greeted with huge hugs and a million more questions. They might know most of what had happened, but there was so much more they wanted verified and expanded. Ruby had her visions that were helpful, but there were blank spots and things that couldn’t be explained. People wanted details of the shifters, of the fighting, and of George. They wanted to know what they’d learned of Gold and this plan and the evil that was done to enact it. But more than anything they wanted to know how Emma had lived. Emma explained as best she could, and the others stood by her description. One moment she was dying and the next she was cured. There was only one answer to the question, but no real explanation. No one understood how or why, but still it was true. Emma was saved and that was a miracle. Maybe someday they’d understand it, but for now they were just as grateful as could be.
Every query was ultimately answered, despite the exhaustion they were all feeling, and Emma felt it was better to get this done now rather than later. If they put it all out there, then maybe they could put it all behind them. Eventually they broke apart for the night, and by that time it was nearly sunrise of the next day. Just as Liam had said there was still a lot of work to be done and over the next few days they hit the ground running. Her father and Neal made a possible cure in a matter of days, and Emma did all that she could to help them. It was a long, laborious process, but it was made totally and completely worth it when she watched the moment that her best friend truly met her one true soulmate. Seeing that it worked, they made enough to get up north, and her Uncle Lance and Aunt Gwen brought the rest to other packs, making sure every sickened shifter was treated, and reporting back that they all were now freed, and were all on their way back to the homes they’d been forced away from.
In the meantime, Elsa and Ruby and Ruth worked long long days to try and track Gold. Using everything they could ,they sought to better understand the malicious mind of this maddened man. Anything they could learn could be a clue, but Emma knew this was just the start of their long journey. Her Great Uncle’s snide remarks rang true to Emma – Gold would remain hidden for as long as he could, but if they were all patient, surely someday they would find him, and stop him before any more grief could come their way. To this point Emma still didn’t understand his endgame. He wanted Anna, Elsa, Ruby, and Emma could easily understand that. Three strong witches must surely be a threat, but wanting her for her status as a hybrid… it didn’t make sense to Emma. The only thing she could think was that maybe it wasn’t her that Gold was after. Perhaps it was her baby, who would be a hybrid too, and in even more ways than Emma. But the others remained convinced that Gold could not know. He’d sworn to George Emma couldn’t get pregnant, and for now, that secret was protecting them all. And ultimately, despite the danger Gold still posed, Emma knew in her heart that she would never let anyone hurt her child. One life threatening instance was more than enough – and she knew, down to her bones, that there would never come another time when her baby was at risk from these terrible men.
And yet, in the midst of all of this work and all of this progress, Emma found a way to make good on her promise to Killian. She helped the others as best she could, but she also took time for herself and time for her love. They made their house a home, and found many new moments of peace and tranquil calm. They planned for their wedding, and for their family, and for their future. But more than anything they lived every day to the fullest, knowing that they’d never allow anything or anyone to take this away from them again. For love, in the end, was a powerful thing, and fate was a power even stronger than that. And as for Emma and Killian, fate had decided that they were meant to be, and that they were indeed meant to live a wonderful, glorious, happily ever after.
Post-Note: Hey everyone! So I know there’s still so much that I didn’t get to go into detail on. I wanted to do so much in this chapter, like see Neal make a cure and watch Anna meet Kristoff and all that cuteness. But it just wasn’t meant to be. Instead, I am working on the first epilogue of the story (which will include Emma and Killian’s wedding) and I am on track to post it next weekend. As I’ve previously mentioned, I will also be writing a follow up story to this one, that’s not just from Emma and Killian’s POV but the POV of the other central characters as well. In that story I will be including the Anna/Kristoff meeting and probably more of the process of healing Kristoff, so if you can wait you will someday get a snapshot into that. After that there will eventually also be a second epilogue of this story, where you get to see how everyone is doing in the future, and how life has shaped up for CS and the others. Anyway, thanks so much for riding through this with me. I know it was a really heavy chapter, and so much happened, but I hope that you enjoyed and that you trust me to make everything right with a cute and fluffy wedding chapter next time. Thanks so much to all of you for reading, and as always I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Tag list: @jennjenn615, @kmomof4, @winterbaby89, @teamhook, @ultraluckycatnd, @resident-of-storybrooke, @artistic-writer, @snowbellewells, @snarkycaptainswan4, @allofdafandoms-blog
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rosekard · 4 years
Consequences of our Actions Chapter 10
Josiah woke up a handful of hours later to see the baby in his arms. Her eyes slowly opened and looked up at him before smiling.  He smiled back at her before muttering a sleepy “Good morning, Starshine.”  She muttered a little bit of gibberish before he sat up and placed her on his lap.
He reached over to his side table and grabbed his glasses so he could see her clearly. Her eyes were the same color as her mother’s. He gently ran his hand over her head before telling her “I promise, I’ll be better than our fathers. I will never hurt you.”  For a moment longer he held the girl in his lap before a knock was heard on his door. Before he thought about what was happening he picked the girl up and walked to the door. Opening it he saw Sammy, Norman, and Wally.
All of their eyes widened together when they saw the child in his arms. “Joey, I really hope you have an explanation for the baby in your arms.” Sammy said in complete dismay.  Joey looked at the baby once again before smiling and saying with a chuckle “It's quite a story.” he then realised that he was still in his clothes from the wedding “Wally, would you mind holding her so I can change?” Wally held out his hands and carefully picked up the child before rocking her in his arms, as he went to change his clothes.
A few minutes later Joey returned and ushered them in his room, allowing them to sit on his bed while he talked. He left out a few things, such as why he took in the child without much consideration. Much to his relief the group didn’t ask too many questions. As they were talking the child began to cry. Wally could see that Joey didn’t know what to do. “Mista Drew, when was the last time she ate?” A momentary pause “Before her mother arrived. I would say around 2am?” Wally groaned and slapped his face “Alright, I have some baby formula at home. Who has a car? It will take way too long to walk. The fact she hasn’t cried yet is surprising.”
Norman silently raised his hand and so they all piled into his car.  After around ten minutes they arrived.  When Wally opened the door his siblings, all ranging in age from two to thirteen, came running up to him. “Heya!” he said with a smile “Mary, could you grab the leftover formula from when Robert was little and make up a bottle?”
She nodded and walked off to the kitchen. Wally then ushered everyone inside. Sammy walked in first “I think I have some old baby clothes stashed in my closet, I’ll be back.” Wally sat down on the sofa and waved Norman and Josiah to sit with him.
Norman was quickly dragged off by the kids, and he played with them without hesitation. Joey looked to Wally before asking “I know you said your parents had passed away, may I ask what happened to them?” Wally nodded his head, a small smile on his face as he looked at the group playing in the distance.
“Well, mah pops worked on one of those fishing boats. They were out and apparently got hit with a storm. Pops fell overboard and they couldn’t find him.  Ma found out she was pregnant a few weeks later. Sammy moved in with us a few months afterwards. We had become friends and he needed somewhere to live. Ma had some complications, and passed away during childbirth. Robert survived though, and so Sammy has been helping us all since.”
Just as Wally finished talking, Mary returned with the bottle. Josiah gently handed the baby to her when she held out her hands and showed him how to feed a baby.  Sammy returned a minute later to stop and stare at Norman, who was now laying on the floor with three kids lying on top of him.
“Norman,” Sammy started suppressing a snicker “are you doing alright there, buddy?” Norman smiled in response before muttering a soft spoken “I like kids.”  Sammy could help but smile as he shrugged. Returning to Josiah, having finished learning how to feed the child.
“Here we go. Wally didn’t keep too many of the clothes but I found a few little dresses for her in that box. They should fit her.” Josiah nodded thankfully. “Well,” Wally started “We should probably get heading over to the adoption agency. You can’t just keep the kiddo without paperwork!”
The group got up and Wally pulled his three youngest siblings off of Norman before putting Mary back in charge. They quickly made their way back to the car and drove to the nearest agency. Josiah walked inside with the child, leaving his friends outside to wait.
When he finally returned he had a large manilla envelope in one of his hands. It looked like it had more papers than it could properly hold, but it served his purpose. Wally jumped up immediately “What did they say?” Sammy and Norman looked at him with almost excited grins “I just have to fill out this paperwork and bring it back. They said it should be no issue. They will send someone to inspect our living situation within the next week or two.” Josiah was suddenly thankful that he had ordered a kitchen set that would arrive in the next day or two.
It suddenly dawned on Norman that the child didn’t have a name, at least one that they knew of. He began to speak softly as he looked at the girl in Joey’s arm “What’s her name?” Joey smiled as he looked down at his daughter “Clara Anne Drew.”
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dreamlover31 · 4 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 38
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“So where are we at?”
“He’s been sitting there ever since we brought him in, hasn’t said a word”
“Alright…you and Amanda go in and see if you can shake his tree”
“Copy that Lieu”
The door to the interrogation opened, Carisi and Amanda entered to find an older gentleman sitting at the table, his hair thinned grey with a stoic expression on his face. He stared blankly as the two detectives sat across from him, as they met the man’s gaze, the tension became thick in addition to the strong silence that enveloped the room; unable to withstand the atmosphere, Amanda made the first move.
“Mr. Thornton…this will go a lot smoother if you just cooperate with us”
The man continued to sit in silence, then after less than a second, Carisi chimed in.
“Look, we know that you had a grudge against ADA Barba…I mean how could you not right? He did put your son away for raping and murdering one of his classmates”
Still not a word from the suspect.
Amanda grew agitated with the older man’s lack of interaction, so she leans over the table until they were within inches of each other’s faces.
“Listen, there’s more than enough evidence to conclude that you paid one of the gangs from Washington Heights to assassinate an assistant district attorney…we’ve got three of the gang members in custody…and they’re all looking to make a deal. You’ve got one chance to help yourself here, just tell us what happened and maybe there’s something in it for you”
Thornton just stared back at Amanda with empty eyes, while hers was seethed with anger and rage, her body language spoke volumes to Carisi; she felt his hand on her shoulder pressing it lightly.
“Come on Amanda”
The detective fell back into her seat, then her partner sat on top of the table and faced the less than cooperative individual, with a sympathetic expression; he soothingly consoled:
“I can’t imagine what it’s like having a child taken from you by any means…no doubt I’d be going through the motions…and maybe I would even lean on a friend to help me get through it,” Carisi leaned in closer, “and say for instance as I’m venting to this friend, that the idea came up about wanting to make those responsible hurt just as much as you did…and being that I’m not in the right state of mind, it’s possible that I could have agreed without realizing it. If that’s true…the judge will take in the fact that you were an emotionally distraught father who was manipulated into carrying out an act of vengeance”
At that moment, Thornton flickered his eyes up to meet Carisi’s.
“We know that you’re friends with DA Robert Davalos, that he pressured Barba into dropping your son’s case but refused…if you testify against him, we can make sure that you don’t spend the rest of your life in prison”
Amanda quickly jumped in, “Think about your wife…how do you think she’s going to handle both her son and husband in jail”
After a moment, Thornton folded his hands on top of the table and said:
“I want my lawyer”
With that, the interrogation was over, Carisi and Amanda got up from their positions and exited the room, while trying to hide their frustrations; they turned to Olivia who was looking through the two-way mirror with an annoyed expression.
“Sorry Lieutenant, he wouldn’t budge”
“Doesn’t matter, we’ve got him either way”
“What about Davalos? That son of bitch set the whole thing up”
“Believe me I’d love nothing more than to take this guy down myself, but without Thornton’s testimony…he walks”
All three of them fanned out into the bullpen, Amanda and Carisi returned to their desks, Fin turned his chair to face them and with a look of disappointment asked:
“Got nothing huh?”
Suddenly, a tall, broad shouldered man entered, it didn’t take long for Liv to shift their attention towards the person in question, everyone had stunned expressions when they saw that it was Barba. Immediately, Olivia walked towards him and placed a hand on his upper arm and said in a hushed tone:
“What are you doing here?”
“I came by to see if you made any headway in the case”
Olivia sighed, the same hand that was on his arm slid onto his upper back, then she leads him into her office, as soon as the door closed; she gazed at Rafael and purged the truth from herself.
“Thornton’s refusing to give up Davalos”
“I’m sorry…I wish there was more we could do”
“Don’t be, you’ve done the best you could”
Olivia softly smiled as she drifted closer to him.
“How’s Alexa and Nadia?”
“They’re both doing great…I’m truly blessed”
“I’m glad”
“Course she’s not too happy about the 24-hour security detail”
“It’s for you guys’ protection”
“I know”
Rafael’s phone buzzed, he reached into his jean pocket and pulled it out to find a text from Alexa.
When you’re done at the precinct, can you pick up a few things from the store? I was thinking of making something special for dinner tonight, I’ll send you the details in a bit.
Instantly, he fired off a text back.
Sure no problem, I love you
Love you too
He put his phone back into his pocket and thanked Liv for everything her and the team had done to find those responsible for his shooting, she nodded and asked if he could give Alexa and Nadia her best, Rafael returned a nod and headed out the door. As he stepped outside the precinct, two men in suits corralled him into the back of the SUV, when they were seated up front, he informed them of a stop to the grocery store, one of the men responded with a hum and with the turn of the ignition, the vehicle drove off.
Less than an hour later, the SUV parked in front of the brownstone, Rafael carried the groceries up the steps and elbowed the doorbell, the door sprung open and a smiling Alexa welcomed him. He handed one of the bags to her, then she stepped aside to let him through the doorway, Alexa closed the front door then proceeded to open the vestibule door.
Rafael set the bag down on the kitchen counter while Alexa closed the door, then trailed behind him, when she emerged, he was unloading the items from the bag and placing them in the fridge.
The second bag of groceries was laid beside the first one, and Alexa began offloading the contents of the bag, it was an assembly line of Rafael and Alexa sorting out the various produce and perishables into their appropriate settings.
Once everything was put away, Rafael walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, he ran his hand over his face and let out a sigh, Alexa came around the corner and sat next to him, she draped her arm around him as she looked at him softly.
“Are you ok?”
“Not really…Darrell Thornton’s falling on his sword for Davalos”
Alexa bit her lips and breathed out through her nose, she remembered how relieved she felt when a few days ago, Olivia called Rafael to inform him that there had been a break in the case.
An undercover officer from the gang unit came forward with information that word had been spreading throughout the Los Reapers gang he was investigating that three individuals were involved in a drive by shooting where an ADA nearly died, working off that tip, they were rounded up and interrogated by detectives.
For a while, they were hanging tough, refusing to talk until the weak link; a kid barely out of his teens broke down and confessed that he was in the car when it happened, afterwards, warrants were issued for the gang’s drug houses, warehouses and vehicles until they hit pay dirt.
They found the weapon used in the shooting, the next step was paying a visit to Darrell Thornton, before Rafael was discharged from the hospital, he told Liv of Davalos’ confession, when the gang members were in custody; Liv had a forensic accountant peruse any bank accounts that could be traced back to them.
What they found were numerous offshore accounts laundered through shell corporations, until they found a large payment made out to one of them that was linked back to Darrell Thornton.
Apparently, he withdrew over $50,000 from his son’s college fund, and that was the final nail in the coffin, but now; the wheels of justice had grinded to halt. Only half of the people involved were to face consequences for trying to take the life of the man she loved, the father of her child and yet the mastermind was going to get off scot free, Rafael looked onward at the look of distance emanating through her dark brown eyes, he placed his hand on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You still with us?”
She chuckled, “I am…I just can’t believe he’s going to get away with this”
“Don’t worry, they’ll find something…you know that they’re not going to give up”
“I know, but the man knows how to cover his tracks”
Rafael tucked his legs underneath him and held his hands into Alexa’s, he firmly squeezed them and gave her a look of reassurance and love.
“Hey, we are not going to let him ruin our happiness…right now we need to focus on our daughter and planning our wedding”
Alexa smiled and nodded, “You’re right…I love you”
“I love you too” Rafael leaned forward and gave her a gentle but sweet kiss.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @southern-magnolia @tropes-and-tales @madamsnape921 @teamsladsandgents @beccabarba @glimmerglittergirl @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom
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essaysbyciara · 5 years
Old Habits Die Hard | Part Four: Down The Stairs And To Your Left
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Warnings: Lightweight mentions of sexual situations, language
A few things! Old Habits Die Hard is now on WATTPAD! If you’re more of a person that uses Wattpad to follow fanfiction, you can now follow on that platform. It’s all up to date over there. Secondly, I’m dropping off the internet grid (new year fasting, you know how it is...) from the 6th until the 26th so there will be no update until I come back (hopefully, it’ll be finished by then lol) Lastly, I love you all and I’ll see you on the flipside!
The latter parts of the day’s sunlight stream into Ariel’s bedroom and bounce off of the water-stained Word Up! posters of Mindless Behavior left hanging onto her bedroom walls. You understand why Aunt Jerri wouldn’t want to remove them; your Dad kept your B2K posters up in your room well after you left for college too. It made him feel like you never left  home. 
Stuffed animals mark their spot on top of the dresser and in front of the vanity mirror that’s reflecting an image of you braiding Ariel’s voluminous hair into two large french braids. It was getting too hot for her hair to live wild and free. 
“I can’t believe my mom is actually hosting a party here tonight. This is not like her at all.” 
“Ariel, I can’t either… she’s wildin’ tonight.” So was Yahya for that matter. His insistence on staying  the night could only be explained by his desire to get a break from the hyper-emotional and high-stress world of being a civil rights attorney. He wanted to be as wild and free as Ariel’s hair that you’re trying to tame. You’re successful with Ariel. With Yahya, not so much. 
Ariel grabs EcoStyler for her edges as you take a look at your phone. Dave has yet to message you again since you ignored his first message  and you couldn’t help but feel a bit dismayed by his lack of a following gesture. For him to go out of his way to message you after a year of paying you no mind, you would think he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Your pride, at least, wanted a fight out of him. 
“I hope this party is lowkey, Ari. I do.”
“It should be just family and maybe Mr. Jones’ family down the street.”
“I don’t think I know the Joneses like that at all.”
“One of them, this boy Pardi, is fine as shit…”
You didn’t like Ari to curse even if she was old enough. “Leave those boys alone, homegirl.”
“Speaking of those Jones’ boys … that low-ass Dave’s been asking about you.” 
Your emotions spike. You don’t want to show your enthusiasm for  Dave’s inquiries about you  but you also feigned to know how much he much he misses you and if he craved you or wanted to see you. 
“Oh word?” Your poker face is ice cold. “I haven’t talked to him in a minute. He’s okay?” 
“Looking real dusted, yeah. He kept asking me about you too. Got on my nerves.” 
You sit on the edge of Ariel’s bed, rubbing the corners of her mattress with hands that twitch at the thought of running into Dave before your trip is over. You try your best to shrug off Ariel’s notice of Dave’s attention towards you but curiosity is starting to get the best of you. “What did you tell him?”
“Nothing. Felt like it was better to show him.” 
You quickly realize how Dave found you. You wanted to make sure that Ariel wouldn’t pull such a move. 
“Ariel … how did you do that?”
“Showed him a picture of you and your man.”
“Girl, no… that wasn’t your place to do that.” 
Ariel shoots a puzzled look toward you and you shoot it right down. “I get it but Sis, that wasn’t the move…”
“It ain’t like Dave hit you up, right … fuck, I’m sorry.” 
Ariel  received -- and believed -- the farcical cliff notes of the story of how you and Dave ended. You told her that you two decided that distance and travel would be too much to continue the relationship. You didn’t want to tell her the real story:  that your texts to Dave went unanswered and that when you called him, it went straight to voicemail. You even hopped on I-95 unannounced to drive up to Philly  but once you were minutes away from the tolls, you bailed. All of that you couldn’t tell Ariel. 
“I doubt he shows his face, Y/N. It ain’t like he knows that you’re here.” 
“You sure you ain’t tell him that, Ariel? Since you showing my life off…” Your misdirected irritation toward Ariel is rearing its ugly head. You quickly reel yourself in once you see Ariel start slamming the drawers shut on her vanity.  “I’m sorry, cousin. You didn’t deserve that. I know you meant well by what you…”
The faint ring of the doorbell stops your apology in its tracks. You pass a frightened look at Ariel who quickly passes it back to you. You don’t know who that could be at the door. You’re hoping --  but yet praying that it’s not-- Dave. 
You run into the bathroom to straighten yourself up before parading down the steps to maybe see your impending doom for the first time in a year. You adjust your sundress to show the right amount of plump and cleavage and shift your dress to show the most thigh you could. You check your Nikes for scuffs of asphalt on the toe box. You inhale  so much air into your lungs that they may explode. You exhale once you walk down the steps to see it’s just Yahya coming into the house with his hands beyond full. 
Crisis averted. 
“Oh you went to the good state store, Yahya. You ain’t holding anything cheap.” Aunt Jerri grabs the two bottles of Woodford Reserve from up under Yahya’s right arm, ignoring the  weight of the rest of the goodies that are almost causing him to topple over. The bags of ice are set to fall  until you quicken your pace down the steps to catch those bags before they hit the floor. To Yahya, you were on time. 
Dave doesn’t want to be late and miss Aunt Jerri’s afterparty, his favorite black t-shirt  sticking to his body like glue as the sweat pools toward the middle of his back. He cranks up his air conditioning unit to the maximum. He’s trying to not lose his cool. 
Dave’s been thinking about what to say to you all day.  A part of him needs to corner you and pour his heart out but he’s too much of thug for that. A part of him desires to play the corner with hopes of you making the first move. Ultimately, all of him hopes that your fiance isn’t there to fight any and all of his fantasies. He  knows that he must be on his best behavior: Aunt Jerri and his Mom are close friends. There will be no corner-like-behavior up in that house. 
As Dave adjusts the laces on his Nikes, his brother Pardi softly raps on Dave’s door to let him know that the family is ready to head over to Jerri’s house. Dave heaves what feels like gallons of air from his chest and proceeds to walk down the hallway towards the steps. Pardi suddenly stops Dave in his tracks, causing him to almost slip on the top step of the staircase. “Yo, nigga… what are you doing?” Pardi could smell Dave’s tense demeanor since Trace told him that you were back in town. He remembered last summer and what fits those two weeks drove Dave into: insanity. 
Like Ariel, Pardi didn’t receive an honest answer about what happened between you and Dave. Dave told Pardi that you were just “a fuck” and that you just made yourself available when Dave needed you. Pardi looked squarely through Dave’s misogynistic postering bullshit to know that Dave was all the way gone when it came to you. You were the woman that paused passionate games of NBA2K when you called his phone. You were the woman who Dave would let sleep in his bed long after he left for work. He wanted you there when he finally got home. You were the woman that had Dave on a James Harden-like tear on the basketball court, showing off just for you. 
Pardi called Dave a “bitch” when your phone calls and texts went unanswered and when he, Dave and their boys took a trip to party out in DC and Dave didn’t reach out to you. 
Pardi can see the scared in Dave as they stand at the top of the steps. “Yo, you good?”
“Fuck you asking me if I’m good for?” 
“Shorty from last summer prolly there, that’s why.”
“Nigga. I’m not even thinking about her.” 
Pardi shrugs off Dave with a laugh and walks down the steps. “Yeah, aight. You buggin’...” 
“Oh, you trippin’! LeBron is better than Jordan!” Uncle Ro’s passionate  basketball debate with Yahya is causing his rotund body to almost careen off of the couch and onto the floor. Although you hoped that the party would be small, nothing associated with your Aunt Jerri is that. She’s beloved on the block and the amount of people filtering into her home is showing you how much. Some pre-wedding donations slipped into your hand during the course of the evening, making tonight’s impending torture somehow worth it. 
For a brief moment, you weren’t thinking about Dave. You were overwhelmed by the embracing of Yahya by your family -- blood and neighborhood. You almost cried when Aunt Jerri spoke about your Dad during her impromptu toast to you and Yahya’s engagement. “My brother is smiling, I know that. And that fool wouldn’t crack a smile for a damn baby. Except you. He loved you.” Those were the words you wanted to hear after a day of beating yourself up for a decision you made last summer to make some neighborhood dude named Dave a priority for two weeks all the while he seemingly made you an option. 
Your current priority has been watching you filter in and out of the kitchen, grabbing drinks for your Uncles and some of the OG queens from the neighborhood. The brown and white liquor are making love inside of his body, thoughts escalating inside of his mind that would make your Reverend Uncle Ro want to perform an exorcism on him. He couldn’t wait to take you out of that sundress when you both got home. But why did it have to wait for DC? 
As Yahya peels his now overheating body off the plastic-covered couch, the front door opens allowing a needed breeze to hit the living room.
But suddenly you get hot. 
Although it’s been 365 days,  you and Dave catch eyes quicker than an Olympic runner. It mirrors the way that you both first looked at each other last summer, a moment so intense that Aunt Jerri whispered “oh shit!” to herself as if she was watching the drama unfold on The Young & The Restless. She could tell that you and Dave were two magnets that desperately needed attachment. That’s why she told you to “have fun with that.” As he stands at the door, your eyes fixate upon his body. You forgot how sexy he was. He mimics your move, staring down your body like he would be quizzed on it. You were so beautiful. Last year’s feelings and emotions quickly replicate themselves in this moment causing Aunt Jerri to say “oh shit!”. This time most of the room heard her.  
Aunt Jerri received the honest story about you and Dave’s fallout. She forgot about all that in the midst of trying to set a party off inside of her house. 
Yahya sees your face and knows that something isn’t right. As he attempts to save you, Dave and his family make their way throughout the living room to greet everyone. They became the river that Yahya couldn’t cross. 
“Y/N, can you grab that Grey Goose in the basement?” Trace orders, breaking you out of your Dave-induced spell. You happily oblige, needing to get away from the love of your life and the lust of your last summer standing just feet apart from his each other. Yahya finds a way around the crowd to follow you downstairs. 
You find yourself leaning over the oak-colored bar while  yelling internally at your chest to calm down. You fail to hear Yahya shuffle down the steps and come up to you. 
“Yo, what the fuck!” You jump at the precise moment that Yahya attempts to wrap his arms around your waist. He’s never seen you this wound up or scared. It’s uncharted territory for the both of you. 
“Y/N, it’s me … it’s me. Wow.” 
You never went in for a hug so fast once you realize that it’s Yahya and not Dave. “Babe, I’m sorry. I’m just … I’m just really over-”
“Overwhelmed? I would be too if half the damn city just walked into the house. You know them?”
You  know one of them and in ways that you would never tell Yahya. You shrug off Yahya’s question with a kiss which intensifies with  every mounting second.  Yahya’s lips fail to break from yours as he walks you backward, finding your backside up  against the bar. His right hand eagerly climbs inside the slit of your sundress, causing you to whimper and fall even more into his arms. 
“Yahya, we can’t. Not down here…”
“Is so loud up there though, They won’t hear shit…” 
“Shit? You’ve been around my peoples for too long. But no, not here. Not in my Auntie’s house.” You and Dave didn’t follow such protocol last summer. 
Yahya obliges. “If this is your way of punishing me for making us stay up there, I don’t like it.” Yahya playfully bites on your neck before letting you go against the wishes of your body. He’s always there to protect you and you really want to show your appreciation. As he walks up the basement steps, he’s too distracted from trying to hide what’s going on inside of his jeans that he fails to notice someone trying to open the basement door. 
“Oh, my bad. I didn’t see you there.” Dave’s too on a mission to get at you that he doesn’t care to become upset at Yahya almost smacking his face with a door. Or that Yahya, the man that now has your love and attention, is standing in front of his face. 
“You good. They told me to grab a bottle down there.”
“Yeah, man. The bar is down the steps and to your left. My girl is down there. She can show you where everything is...” 
Taglist:  @yoursoulstea​​​​ @harleycativy​​​ @twistedcharismaaa​​​ @dorkskinneded​​​​ @need-my-fics​​​ @ghostfacekill-monger​​​ @writerbee-ffs​​​ @chaneajoyyy​​​ @amyhennessyhouse​
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