#drone detection radar price
nqdefenseusa · 23 days
Countering Illegal Drones in Crowded Spaces with Anti-Drone Systems
Drones have become more popular than ever before in recent times. From weddings to musical concerts and stadiums, the UAVs can be seen everywhere. While they prove to be a beneficial tool for several industries, their associated risks cannot be undermined. Especially, the use of illegal drones in crowded spaces can pose unique challenges to the public safety and security of the facilities. That is why making use of counter drone measures is the need of the hour.
In this blog, you will explore how the counter unmanned aircraft systems can help prevent rogue drones from causing significant damage in crowded spaces. Let’s dive in!
Understanding the Risks of Drones in Crowded Spaces
Still wondering how drone technology can be a threat to stadiums, business conferences, and other crowded spaces? Read on to explore everything in detail!
Physical Injury
Imagine sitting in a stadium full of sports fans. Suddenly a drone crashes into the stand and injures some people. Isn’t it scary? Indeed, it is! When illegal drones are flown by novice pilots in crowded spaces, there is a high chance that the drone might go out of control and result in collisions. Even the most lightweight drone has the potential to injure people seriously.
Property Damage
The crashing of drones in crowded areas can cause significant damage to the facilities. By damaging the buildings and equipment, the UAVs can lead to delays in operations. Moreover, they can also result in costly repairs.
Financial and Reputational Damage
When any damage occurs in crowded spaces due to illegal drones, the authorities are responsible for the necessary repairs. They even have to bear the expenses of people injured. As a result, they are likely to incur significant financial losses. Also, the incident may lead to a loss of public trust in the key stakeholders, resulting in reputational damage.
Public Privacy Violation
Modern drones come with high-quality cameras that can record videos. Illegal drones can fly over crowded areas and capture images without the permission of people, thereby affecting their privacy.
How Can Counter Drone Systems Help?
The anti-drone solutions play a crucial role in protecting crowded spaces from illegal drones and ensuring the optimum safety of the public. These systems mainly consist of the drone detectors and jammers. The detector can enable you to identify the approaching threats from a distance and help you to take the right action on time.
On the other hand, the RF drone jammer allows you to block the drones by affecting the communication links. The device prevents the rogue drones from sharing information with the pilot and eventually renders them useless. As a result, countering the potential threats and improving airspace security becomes simple and easy.
As drone technology continues to evolve, the need to deploy anti-UAS systems is on the rise. Are you looking for the best solutions at competitive prices? NovoQuad Groups is the one-stop destination for all your drone defense needs. Connect with the professionals, get an idea of the drone detection radar price, and avail of top-notch solutions.
Source: https://nqdefenseus.blogspot.com/2024/08/countering-illegal-drones-in-crowded.html
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madmantechnologies · 9 months
Eyes in the Sky: The Evolution of Drone Detectors in Surveillance"
Introduction -
Drone integration has completely changed the way we monitor and protect different environments in the field of surveillance. But as drone usage has increased, worries about security, privacy, and possible abuse have intensified. Let us introduce drone detectors, the unsung heroes of surveillance who are essential to maintaining safe and efficient drone use.
To make all of this understandable let me tell you about its important and crucial role:-
I. The Surveillance Landscape:
Rise of drone surveillance - Drones are now indispensable surveillance instruments, offering an aerial perspective of regions that are hard to keep an eye on with conventional techniques. Public safety, border security, and law enforcement can all benefit from this.
Privacy Concerns - Drones can film people and private properties without permission, which raises privacy concerns when used for surveillance. Unauthorized or invasive drone flights are countered by drone detectors.
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II. Drone Detectors: Guardians of Privacy and Security
Radar System - To identify and follow drones in real-time, sophisticated radar technology is utilized. Radar-based drone detectors monitor airspace and provide security personnel with vital information they need to react appropriately.
RF Sensors - Drones can be identified thanks to Radio Frequency (RF) sensors, which pick up the radio signals they produce. This makes it possible to determine the drone's communication frequency, which helps determine where it is.
Visual Detection Systems: Drones can be recognized by their appearance using cameras and image recognition algorithms in visual detection. By improving surveillance capabilities, this technology enables quick responses to possible threats.
III. Applications in Surveillance:
Law Enforcement and Border Control: Drone detectors are essential for helping law enforcement and border security. They protect privacy rights while helping to stop illicit activities like smuggling and illegal border crossings.
Critical Infrastructure Protection: Surveillance of critical infrastructure, such as power plants and government buildings, is enhanced by drone detectors. They ensure the continuous monitoring of these sensitive areas, minimizing security risks.
Public Event Security: During public events, ensuring the safety of attendees is a top priority. Drone detectors play a crucial role in monitoring the airspace to prevent potential security breaches or disruptions.
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Conclusion -
To address the security and privacy issues raised by the increasing use of drones, drone detectors are leading the way. The creation of intelligent and flexible drone detection systems will be essential as technology develops to protect different industries from possible threats and to maintain peaceful coexistence between the advantages of drone technology and the requirements for public safety and security.
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nqdefenseusa · 3 months
Types of Drones and Ways to Counter Them
Did you know that the global sales of drones are likely to reach USD 223.66 billion by 2034? (https://www.factmr.com/report/62/drone-market#:~:text=Worldwide%20sales%20of%20drones%20are,of%20applications%20across%20various%20sectors.) Yes, you read it right! Owing to the affordability of drones, they are now easily accessible to more people. When used in the right way, they can significantly benefit several industries, including film-making, agriculture, and construction. However, if the technology goes into the wrong hands, it can pose a serious threat to the security and privacy of critical infrastructures and risk the lives of people. That is why leveraging the counter-drone measures is the need of the hour.
In this blog, you will explore the common types of drones and how the anti-drone systems can help counter them. Let’s dive in!
Types of Drones
Before you start looking for counter-unmanned aircraft systems, having an idea about the common drone types is crucial. Read on to explore everything in detail!
Fixed-Wing Drones
These drones come with a more aeroplane-like design and require a flight path. Owing to their aerodynamic capabilities, they can reach higher elevations and speeds. The fixed-wing drones can be leveraged by malicious users to carry large payloads like explosives due to their greater stability. Moreover, they can also be employed for large-scale illegal surveillance.
Multi-Rotor Drones
Multi-rotor drones are small in size and have excellent control abilities. Moreover, they are versatile and easy to use, making them an ideal choice for the novice pilots. While they prove beneficial for videography and photography, they can also be used for illegal surveillance by malicious individuals. As a result, they can pose a threat to the privacy and security of people.
Single-Rotor Helicopter Drones
These drones have a lot of similarity with the real helicopters. For instance, they come with a top-mounted rotor and a tail for increased stability. Moreover, the single-rotor drones have great payload capacity, speed, and flight time. Compared to other UAVs, these drones are heavier and have complex controls. As a result, there is a high chance of collision and significant damage if not operated by professionally trained individuals.
Fixed-Wing Hybrid Drones
The fixed-wing hybrid model offers incredible versatility and is ideal for long-distance flying. No doubt, these drones are ideal for applications like search and rescue, aerial mapping, agriculture, and utility inspection. However, when they are leveraged by malicious individuals, they can pose a serious threat to life and property.
Ways to Counter the Illegal Drones
Are you wondering how to effectively counter the growing threats posed by different drones? Delve into the key anti-drone technologies you can leverage!
Drone Detectors
The detectors help continuously monitor the restricted airspace and identify malicious drones. They can provide early warnings about approaching threats and offer you sufficient time to plan strategies and counter them effectively. Be sure to evaluate the drone detection radar price and avail of the right technology that fits your budget.
Drone Jammers
Once illegal UAVs are detected, the RF drone jammer affects the communication link and prevents the drones from performing the intended mission. As a result, they become useless, and improving the safety of your airspace becomes easy.
The demand for anti-drone solutions will continue to increase in recent times. Are you looking for reliable counter-drone technologies at affordable prices? NovoQuad Group is the perfect choice.
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sciencespies · 4 years
A New Generation of Autonomous Vessels Is Looking to Catch Illegal Fishers
A New Generation of Autonomous Vessels Is Looking to Catch Illegal Fishers
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The first time engineers from Open Ocean Robotics pushed Scooby, a three-meter robotic boat, onto a lake near their office in Victoria, British Columbia, the small craft drove straight into the bushes. Clearly, the team had more work to do on the vessel’s autopilot.
Since that early mission last year, the start-up has won innovation awards, secured seed funding, and “spent tons of time on the water” ironing out the kinks in their autonomous vessels, says Julie Angus, the company’s CEO and cofounder. The 12-person team is now up against Connecticut-based tech company ThayerMahan and Marine Advanced Robotics from Silicon Valley in a cutting-edge design challenge to build a robot that can police illegal fishing in marine protected areas (MPAs). Scooby‘s successor (named after another character) completed the first stage in the multiyear project: a three-day field demonstration using surveillance technology to track boats, detect fishing activity, and collect evidence.
To protect marine wildlife and ecosystems and sustain fisheries, the United Nations, governments, and NGOs are pushing for more and bigger MPAs. But without a clear means of enforcing the regulations that govern them, these areas often draw criticism for being little more than paper parks. In partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), these three robotics companies are racing to prove that uncrewed vessels are up to the task.
Originally, the trial was planned for the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary off Santa Barbara, California, but pandemic restrictions meant the participants tested their prototypes separately from around North America and presented the results to the judges remotely. Justin Manley, founder of Just Innovation, the Massachusetts-based marine robotics consultancy coordinating the project, says the upside of the disparate testing is that it let them see how effectively the robots detected different types of fishing boats.
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Daphne, an autonomous vessel, rests on blocks at the Open Ocean Robotics facility with its upper half removed so Colin Angus, the company’s cofounder and chief technology officer, can access the electrical systems.
(Vanessa Minke-Martin)
For the 72-hour trial, Daphne followed a route programmed by Open Ocean Robotics engineers. The craft switched between patrolling around Danger Reefs, a rockfish conservation area off Vancouver Island’s east coast, mapping the seafloor, and loitering in a safe anchorage. Back in a control room at the company’s office, team members had a multi-sensor view of the ocean environment. An array of screens displayed maps crisscrossed by Daphne’s path, red-on-black radar imagery, a high definition video stream, and other real-time data, all transmitted by cellular network. As two hired salmon trollers mimicked fishing in the protected area, a remote operator moved Daphne closer so the 360-degree and thermal cameras could capture images of the trollers’ names and fishing lines.
Daphne​’s surveillance systems collect different types of evidence. With radar, Open Ocean Robotics can identify, locate, and track targets. Angus says operators can infer suspicious activity if a ship is loitering or moving back and forth in a protected area, rather than transiting through. Comparing radar with automated information system (AIS) ship-tracking data is also useful for spotting suspect targets—“if a boat is fishing illegally, quite likely they’re going to turn their AIS off,” Angus says. Daphne also tows a hydrophone to collect corroborating audio, such as the whine of a hydraulic winch hoisting a fishing net.
For years, robots have worked underwater and on the sea’s surface to complete tasks too dangerous, expensive, or dull for humans. Now, they’re tackling more complex problems that require artificial intelligence, such as autonomously patrolling for submarines for the Australian Department of Defence. Civilian work, like policing MPAs, draws on similar technology.
The real question,” says Manley, “is can we collect enough information that law enforcement would act?” To do so, Daphne and its ilk will have to identify fishing activity with a high degree of accuracy.
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One small Open Ocean Robotics vessel costs several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the sensors with which it is equipped.
(Open Ocean Robotics)
But this is an untested frontier. In the United States, no court case has relied entirely on information gathered by robots. In California, a vessel having fishing gear in the water in off-limits areas is grounds enough to prosecute. The design challenge judges—California state attorneys, and conservation and enforcement experts from NOAA and CDFW—are now gauging whether the evidence collected by the uncrewed vessels could hold up in court.
For the best robot design, there’s a staggering amount of work on the horizon. The United States has nearly 1,000 MPAs covering 26 percent of its territorial waters. Some, such as the 1,508,870-square kilometer Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in Hawai‘i, are completely closed to fishing, while others have closures based on season, gear, or species.
Globally, there is a wide disparity in MPA enforcement capability—a gulf that is unlikely to be filled by robots like Daphne, given their substantial upfront costs. One small Open Ocean Robotics vessel costs several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the sensors with which it is equipped. But, Angus says, that price is one-tenth of the cost of a ship and crew time. “And you have the ability to deploy it 24/7,” she says.
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From the Open Ocean Robotics control room, operators can program vessel movements and monitor surveillance data in real time.
(Vanessa Minke-Martin)
Lekelia Jenkins, a marine sustainability scientist at Arizona State University, says some developing countries do not have the resources for patrol boats and personnel. Even if these governments can obtain ocean robots, she adds, they “often don’t have the scientific manpower to analyze all that data.” In many cases, investing in healthcare, education, and overcoming poverty take precedence over fisheries enforcement.
Jenkins also says there’s a real trade-off to robots replacing people on the water. When local residents work as guardians or in ecotourism in protected areas, “people can point back and go, Here’s how I’ve benefitted financially from the MPA.”
Autonomous vessels reduce the need for people, Jenkins says, and robotics companies are more likely to bring in expertise than invest in training local residents to build specialized infrastructure or operate vessels.
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The design challenge’s next stage will test the vessels on longer, more remote deployments.
(Open Ocean Robotics)
But long before docks are built to launch oceangoing bots, the participants need to show their technology is up to the task. The design challenge’s next stage will test the vessels on longer, more remote deployments. In those conditions, autonomous vessels will need to use AI to identify objects of interest then notify operators by satellite—capabilities that Open Ocean Robotics is currently developing.
Todd Jacobs, NOAA’s chief technology officer for unmanned systems, says developing AI is crucial to the use of uncrewed vessels. “There’s not enough data storage in the world to [keep] high definition images of the monotony of empty water, which is 90 or 98 percent what you’re going to see,” he says.
Agency wide, NOAA is investing US $12.7-million to increase its use of autonomous and remotely operated vessels, airplanes, and drones for science and enforcement. Over time, Jacobs says, data collected by uncrewed vessels will help NOAA discern patterns of illegal fishing activity, so the agency can focus enforcement efforts.
The future of robot police is nearly here—and governments are rushing to meet it.
Open Ocean Robotics’ technology has come a long way since that first day on the lake. On the ocean near Victoria this fall, Daphne surprised the engineers by moving off its programmed track to surf the wake of their research boat—on its own. If Open Ocean Robotics progresses to the next round, Daphne may soon be catching waves off California or Hawai‘i.
This article is from Hakai Magazine, an online publication about science and society in coastal ecosystems. Read more stories like this at hakaimagazine.com.
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In Covid’s Shadow, Illegal Fishing Flourishes
How Do You Surveil One of the Largest Marine Protected Areas on Earth?
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fedonciadale · 4 years
The Phoenix Potion - chapter 49 - The Cloak
Another chapter in the here and now..... Harry plans an infiltration. Also on AO3.
Harry had to recruit Neville for their case after all. So far, Pansy had not stormed into his office demanding answers on why Malfoy was observed which meant that nobody had told her yet. Which in turn meant that Harry still did not know whom to trust. Apart from the fact that Neville was the only person who at least had a plausible excuse to show up at Fawley’s house, who was for now the only real suspect they had.
Some of the galleons Percy had prepared had vanished completely, their recording spell evaporated, which probably meant that they had been melted down and sold on the Muggle market for gold. With accumulating crisis all over the globe, the price for gold had rocketed and melting the galleons for the gold could render a solid profit. Percy had given him the details and would hopefully be able to explain this at court. Harry knew it meant, that goblins were somehow involved. Goblins supervised the galleons after all. At least he had been able to put Luna off about the occamy smugglers. He had a bout of bad conscience about that, but he really had his plate full.
Pansy and her dogged effort had produced results. They now had proof that the figurines were sold in a considerable amount throughout the city, maybe not a method to detect all muggleborns, but certainly better than the occasional check for accidental magic. And she had experimented with the drone she had bought. Apparently, she had managed to transfigure the thing into a bird, put a scutum on it, and tried to steer it with Neville’s new phone. The drone had crashed and was no more, but it had worked and would work again with sufficient practice.
Harry’s surprise when Pansy had brought Dudley to the department had been only topped by the reveal that Dudley had a magical son with a half-Indian mother. Harry had been positively giggling when he pictured Aunt Petunia’s face distorted in indignation over that development, but their discussion had soon turned serious.
All hope that Neill might not yet have been on the radar of the attackers fled though, when Neill had told them, that he had fed a large magpie that had been in their garden. Neill looked robust and healthy enough, but Harry was deeply worried.
It had been no problem to persuade Dudley to help them with the muggle stuff. But they needed physical access to the phones. And then Dudley would try a ‘hack’, whatever that was.
That was where Neville came in. When Harry had approached Neville and Pansy, Neville made a valiant effort to pretend that he had no idea what Harry was talking about and that Pansy had not already told him. Harry in turn explained everything in detail. Pansy rolled her eyes, but Harry was skirting the edges of the law anyway, and he would not be sloppy.
“So, do you have an excuse to visit Fawley? As a teacher?” Harry asked.
“Sure.” Neville seemed positively eager at the prospect. “Fawley was one of the parents who sent a howler complaining about Astoria’s and my teaching methods in DADA. I can easily tell him that I want to explain. Not that he would try to understand. He is a bigoted idiot. And if that’s not good enough I can share my concern about his daughter’s erratic magic.”
“There are parents who actually send howlers to teachers?” Harry shook his head. “Why?”
Neville’s smile was smug. “I doubt any parent will ever try again. Hermione showed me her trick how to return howlers to the sender. I tell them, that they can talk to me any time they want to, but in a civilised manner.”
‘In a civilised manner’. That was so typical of Neville, that Harry had to smile, despite the casual mention of Hermione.
“So, you’ll give Fawley the opportunity to discuss your teaching methods in a ‘civilised manner’. And Pansy will sneak around to find his phone.” Harry rummaged in his bag and unpacked his invisibility cloak. “In this.”
Pansy took the cloak, awe on her face. “You trust me with this, boss?”
“You and Teddy are the only people in the department I really trust.” That was nothing but the truth, and hopefully Pansy would remember that.
Neville reached over and let his fingers run over the exquisite fabric. “I could have sworn….” He looked thoughtful.
Neville scrunched his nose. “I suspected James to have brought it to Hogwarts after Christmas. I’ve not caught him or Richard sneaking around since then. And I don’t think he suddenly has become rule-abiding.”
Harry laughed. “Merlin, James swore that he had not used it. I had to fetch it, actually. He has tried to nick it and take it to school ever since he got his Hogwarts letter. It’s a sort of game we play. And this time he succeeded. I was distracted, with Ron returning from the States and all that.”
“Your son really is a handful.” Neville shook his head. “And Richard as well. Did you know they are called the disaster twins?”
Harry shrugged, smiling apologetically. “I know.”
“So, you won’t come along to Fawley?” Pansy asked.
“No, I’ll try to hunt down possible curses that might fit with what happened to Emma. A visit to Malfoy Manor is in order, I think.” He tried to keep his voice as neutral as possible.
Ginny always told him that he should trust other people to help him. So, he would trust Pansy and Neville to handle Fawley, Dudley with the muggle stuff, Percy with the money end of this nasty business and Teddy with combing through the archive notes in the memory vault. Teddy’s research might give them additional hints as to who was to be trusted, unless the helps at the vault were always as careless as they had been when Harry went there.
And he would trust Narcissa Malfoy to be as obliging in sorting out dark magic as ever. He already had an idea how he might pay her back this time. And he could trust Ron to fulfil the role of the man with a grudge. Ron just needed to be Ron for that after all.
Since the vial he needed had vanished, he had to talk to other witnesses, and Narcissa might be willing to give him her memory. Prudy had been exceptionally unhelpful. That elf positively hated him. And she was in her rights to deny him. He could not coerce a free elf to give him her memories.
Harry sighed. He should have known that keeping that vial secret would bite him in the arse at some point. At the time it had seemed so logical. Keep that secret until Hermione had come to her senses. Only she never did. Or rather she had never been out of her senses. It was still difficult to admit even to himself that he had been well and expertly spoofed. And what grated him even more, that he never had found out who had tempered with Malfoy’s flat.
“Have you ever done something exceptionally bad and stupid and come to regret it in hindsight?”, he asked his friends.
Pansy stared at him. “Harry?”
Her voice sounded half worried and half playful. “You do remember that I foolishly demanded that McGonagall should deliver you to Voldemort? I think that would fall under that category.”
Harry gave an involuntary laugh. “I wasn’t talking about you.”
“We gathered as much,” Neville’s voice was playful as well. “You do realise that humans make mistakes, Harry. Even chosen ones.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”, he added.
James and Richard had told him that Neville was very good in gaining the students’ trust, and Harry felt a distinct pull to unburden himself. He shook himself out of his reverie.
“I deny everything, Professor Longbottom, I don’t want to get detention.”
“Such a pity, I would have loved to see you getting detention from a Gryffindor for breaking rules for once,” Pansy said. She sounded as if she was half-serious.
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nqdefenseusa · 2 months
Strengthening Airspace Security with Advanced Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Let’s take a moment and count the number of establishments that are reaping the adverse effects of drones on their security measures. If you pull out the numbers you will see drones aren’t just another beneficial gadget anymore; they have become a major security threat. Previously the device that was used to enhance delivery services, aid in emergency responses and support recreational hobbies is now being used by perpetrators to conduct unauthorized surveillance, smuggle contraband, and more. However, with the rapid increase in drone usage, effective counter drone measures have also become indispensable to detect, track and neutralize unauthorized drones.
Drone Detection Radar
Typically, C-UAS system has a drone detection radar that can detect and track drones within a specified range. These components can provide real-time data to security personnel, and the price of drone detection radars generally varies on several factors like range, detection, accuracy and additional features. Besides, the prices of these radars are greatly worth it because they can prevent potentially catastrophic incidents by detecting unauthorized drones early and allowing for timely countermeasures.
Once a drone is detected, countermeasures become imperative. Some common drone countermeasures are listed as follows:
RF Jamming: Radio frequency or RF drone jammers are a popular choice for neutralizing drones. They can disrupt the communication link between a drone and its operator, and this can in turn lead the drone to lose control and either return to its base or land. Due to their precision and jamming capabilities, RF jammers are effective against most consumer and commercial drones.
GPS Spoofing: This technique involves sending fake GPS signals to the drone, causing it to deviate from its intended path. While effective, GPS spoofing requires precise equipment and expertise.
Benefits of RF Drone Jammers
Enhanced Security: RF drone jammers protect sensitive areas like bases and airports by neutralizing unauthorized drones.
Privacy Protection: They prevent drones from invading private properties and conducting espionage.
Public Safety: At public events and large gatherings, drone jammers ensure crowd safety by preventing drone-related accidents or attacks.
Law Enforcement Support: Security agencies use drone jammers to manage airspace security effectively.
Counter Smuggling: By emitting jamming signals, drone jammers prevent drones from being used for smuggling contraband.
Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure: Critical infrastructures like power plants and government buildings are protected from potential drone threats.
Versatility: Drone jammers are effective in various environments, including urban areas and open spaces.
Proactive Defense: They provide a reliable defence mechanism against evolving drone technologies.
Peace of Mind: Ensures safety and order, giving peace of mind to individuals and organizations.
The Bottom Line
There’s no denying that counter-unmanned aircraft systems play a critical role in securing the airspace of critical zones like defence bases, stadiums, airports, power plants, ports, and more. However, security personnel need to opt for advanced anti-drone systems and conduct training sessions to adapt the drone defence technology and integrate them into their existing security protocols effortlessly. Searching for industry-leading anti-drone systems? Check out the inventory of drone defence solutions offered by NovoQuad Group today!
Source: https://nqdefenseus.blogspot.com/2024/07/strengthening-airspace-security-with.html
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cattie-candescent · 6 years
Most Noticeable Promark Shadow Drone
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Promark Shadow Drone
Irrespective of whether you're using drones for aerial photography or only wish to have some enjoyable, the possibility of flyaway will always be there. The very best part is that the drone has a VR headset so you can fly employing the drone's camera as your eyes. This drone is stuffed with features. High-end drones have a tendency to last a little longer in the sky but you're also likely to pay a whole lot more for one. You might be thinking this is a remarkable drone.
Each drone has special qualities and upgradable features that may be added to raise the general performance. This drone is powered by an unbelievably strong 12000mAh battery and it's quite agile. Greatest promark shadow drone with gps for sale will be limited stock of specific goods and discount just for limited time, so conduct order now to find the best prices.
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Battery life Do not underestimate the value of a sufficient battery life. You don't need to be worried about that. The majority of the flying is accomplished by the drone so you can concentrate on the millions of applications you may use it for. This set is a huge value for the purchase price! It is the perfect set for a little living space, a playroom or a bedroom. Its frame and arms are created from carbon. Its compact dimensions and little engine produce an extremely low radar and infrared signature, making it rather tough to detect.
All chagreged up and prepared to fly. ProMark's very first endeavor in the GPS drone marketplace. Have a look at the results within this drone review video.
If anyone would like to see the complete teardown of the drone, allow me to know. It seems beautiful at this time and I'll update my review if there's any problems but I would say buy this today! Trackimo is a universal GPS tracker that's compatible with all kinds of drones and multicopters. Self tightening props are offered from a few diverse suppliers are can ensure your propellers never arrive loose. It's like a mini blackbox for your private drone that has the capacity to give real-time flight telemetry. Don't ever purchase from promark. Have a look at the camera drones readily available on-line everyday from eBay and prepare to enlarge your horizons.
A Startling Fact about Promark Shadow Drone Uncovered
Buying one of the most significant drones on the business isn't an alternative for everybody. By no means this is for any severe gamers. however, it's still a fantastic thing. Obviously a far better deal if you've got them close to you. It is a lot more challenging to own until the problem and make an effort to repair it.
After the TV goes on protection there are just two possible factors. Under the ideal conditions, the subsequent video appears fantastic, but a little wind can create an immense difference. You are able to snap sweet pictures and take high excellent video with the aid of a high excellent camera drone. It's acceptable for any expert camera, other devices and perhaps even heavy things. It comes with a FPV camera.
After the battery becomes low you'll see here in a minute that every one of the lights will begin flashing rapidly. Spare batteries ought to be hitting the market in the close future. Check the flight battery is totally charged. Verify the flight battery is completely charged.
The Pain of Promark Shadow Drone
Employing an amplifier to boost your signal strength can cause significant distance increase. Various flight controllers won't arm for different explanations. It also includes a follow me mode to enable the drone capture videos of you as you do crazy things. There are lots of view choices for the user to select from, where some choose to entirely engulf themselves in the flying experience during the optical google accessory. You may use the button or you're able to use the true button on the app either way it works. You may view the 2 pages of offers here.
Spare parts are easily available on Amazon. Next, the app directs you to put it on a level surface. It's well worth pointing out that most drone apps I've used suck, just a handful of companies appear to consider the true user experience. You can receive this very small little drone tracker for so low as just $29. Web-based tracking by means of a browser program is likewise feasible.
The quadcopter must be power-cycled as a way to be controlled by the RF remote again. The Lumenier QAV-SKITZO Dark Matter FPV Freestyle Quadcopter has a massive number of qualities that makes it great item. TK102 is a standalone device which can be attached to all kinds of drones and quadcopters.
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sadisweetomi · 3 years
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Honeywell developing new technology for light drones
Honeywell is developing a new technology suite for light drones that allows them to fly three times longer and with less human intervention.
Compared with traditional drones using batteries and line-of-sight radio links, drones equipped with Honeywell’s Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) technologies can fly farther, carry more weight, avoid hazards up to three kilometers away and stream video of their progress anywhere in the world.
“These are technologies that businesses have been waiting for,” said Stéphane Fymat, vice president and general manager of Honeywell’s Unmanned Aerial Systems and Urban Air Mobility business unit. “They will help make drones profitable for a world of new applications.”
Potential applications for Honeywell’s BVLOS technology include last-mile package delivery, military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, pipeline and power line inspection, search and rescue, and first responder solutions.
The BVLOS suite comprises:
Honeywell’s 600-watt and 1200-watt hydrogen fuel cells;
Honeywell’s RDR-84K multipurpose radar;
Honeywell’s inertial measurement units (IMUs); and
Honeywell’s UAV Satcom.
Honeywell’s RDR-84K is a phased-array radar that steers beams electronically, meaning it has no moving parts and requires minimal maintenance. It also requires no heavy cooling systems. In addition to avoiding other aircraft, the radar can detect obstacles, map terrain and identify landing zones. It can act as a radar altimeter and provide mapping for alternate navigation if GPS guidance fails.
The BVLOS suite will allow drone designers to combine data in clever new ways to save weight and power. Its radar computes an avoidance path using built-in circuitry, rather than requiring a separate processor, while the satellite uplink can be used to download real-time weather and traffic reports from other drones.
“These innovations give drone builders and operators a whole new range of options,” said Sapan Shah, product manager for Honeywell’s Unmanned Aerial Systems and Urban Air Mobility business unit. “More time in the air, more awareness of surroundings and traffic, better connectivity: These are the building blocks of safe, profitable drone operations of all kinds, and that’s what we’re delivering.”
Honeywell’s UAV Satcom and IMUs are available now, with some IMU models priced from $1,800. The RDR-84K and fuel cells are in late-stage development, and prototype fuel cells are available for purchase and evaluation.
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avishkaradvani · 3 years
Pune – The upcoming commercial real estate hub in India
When it comes to metro cities, Pune is the most renowned educational, industrial, and IT-driven city. Known as the ‘Cultural capital of India’, in 2019 it was also ranked no. 2 in the ‘Ease of Living Index 2020’ by the Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs in India. Having a great location and perfect weather, it offers large skilled human resources due to the huge number of migrants and educational institutes in the city. In the past two decades, the city has been a home for several migrants who have come from across the nation.
Pune ranks 6th in the country amongst other Indian cities in terms of income per capita. Despite being an IT-driven city, it caters to more than 400 manufacturing plants in its industrial regions. The city is also witnessing a major demand in office spaces from Tech Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Banking and Hospitality giants.
But why are so many MNCs and Corporates turning to Commercial Property in Pune? What are the USPs of Pune’s Commercial Real Estate Market and why should anyone invest in commercial spaces in Pune?
Let’s explore the points contributing to the exponential growth of commercial real estate in Pune:
1. Emerging IT hub
Pune is home to advanced technologies, skilled professionals, and affordable real estate, which contribute towards its emergence as the fastest growing commercial real estate hub. In May 2021, the city witnessed a 12% increase in IT hiring.
Over the past few years, Kharadi has emerged as a business hotspot, welcoming many IT giants to set up their offices in business parks. In fact, most companies today are preferring Kharadi over Hinjewadi, and this shift is expected to continue in 2021. Kharadi also has great roadways and excellent connectivity and being a residential area, offers a large residential catchment (Viman Nagar, Wagholi, Dhanori, Magarpatta, and Manjari) to corporate occupiers. If you are looking for Commercial Property for sale in Kharadi, now would be a great time to invest due to several factors like low real estate prices, great location, flexible payment options, and higher ROIs.
 2. Rise of startups and coworking spaces
With more start-ups registering every month, there is an increased demand of more office spaces. Also, because of innovative working models, the requirement for flexible and coworking spaces is also increasing. Pune has been a frontrunner in offering new-age commercial spaces with attractive prices and payment options and hence becomes a preferred choice for many businesses.
 3. Quality Construction with cutting-edge technology
Real Estate Developers in Pune are focusing on sustainability and cutting-edge technology for construction. They are using construction focused drones, hardware, 3D printing, smart wearables, pulsed radar object detection, immersive technology, as well as environmental-friendly offerings to create a pleasant customer experience.
The Platinum Towers is an IGBC ‘A’ Certified commercial project in Kharadi, Pune that has focused on sustainability, safety, and environmental friendliness, to offer not just all kinds of commercial spaces but also green areas, solar panels, smart parking, access control security systems and a host of other facilities that are not only great for any business but also add value to the property from an investment point of view.
 4. Geographical location and weather
Pune is also blessed with the perfect geographical location and weather conditions. Its proximity to Mumbai, the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, and the moderate climate are additional factors that attract companies, families, students, and professionals. The leads to an increased demand for both residential and office spaces in Pune.
 5. Fractional investment: emerging trend in commercial real estate
Fractional investment, a new, feasible and safe way to pocket-friendly investment in commercial real estate, is a recent trend that has gained acceptance in the industry. There are many merits of fractional ownership — investment safety given the Grade-A quality, earning a regular rental income, improved liquidity as these units can be sold at any point of time and capital gains if one stays invested for some time. Hence, fractional ownership, a whole new investment asset class for Indian households, is all set to significantly influence commercial real estate investments in Pune.
Owing to growth prospects, assured and lucrative returns, as well as the many factors listed above, commercial real estate in Pune will continue to grow and remain the preferred choice of investors
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anitakumarigrewal · 4 years
Escalating Awareness in Trends of North America Anti-Drone Market Outlook: Ken Research
Anti-Drone may be a radar surveillance system that permits observing, detection, and identification of drones. It is an adjustable framework that provides high security for fields and equipment of varying dimensions, features, and shapes. It embraces different types of machinery based on implementation, client needs and necessities related to personal homes, business premises, prisons, public buildings, industrialised installations, boundary safety, airports, critical infrastructure, and army installations.
According to the study, ‘North America Anti-Drone Market by Platform Type, Application, Technology, Vertical, and Country 2019-2026: Trend Forecast and Growth Opportunity’ specific that there are some corporate that presently functioning an outstanding deal of successfully for dominant the foremost effective growth of the market and getting the productive competitive edge whereas accretive the productive profit making ways in which among which and policies like joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, partnership, merger and merchandise development includes SCG Security & Counterintelligence Group LLC, Drone Shield Limited, Dedrone, Inc., Liteye Systems Inc., Battelle Memorial Institute, SAAB AB, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Security and Counterintelligence Group LLC, Blighter Surveillance Systems Ltd., SRC, Inc., Theiss UAV Solutions, LLC., Lockheed Martin Corporation, DeTect, Inc., Thales Group, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd., Raytheon Company. However, Rise in issues for potential security threats from unauthorized airplanes systems and rise in utilization of surveillance and monitoring equipment among industry verticals drive the anti-drone market. High necessity for anti-drone technologies for defence systems boosts development of the market. Development in government expenditures on development of aerospace and defence infrastructure in emerging economies contribute toward development of the market. High prices for making anti-drone devices obstruct development of the market. Moreover, public security concerns obstruct the anti-drone market development.
Based on platform type, the North America Anti-Drone market is deliberated into Ground-based Anti-drone, Hand-held Anti-drone and UAV-based Anti-drone. Based on application, the North America Anti-Drone market is categorised into Interdiction (further split into Electronic Countermeasures, Laser Countermeasures, Missile Effectors, and Combined Countermeasure Elements) and Detection. Based on technology, the North America Anti-Drone market is deliberated into Electronics System, Laser System and Kinetic System. Based on vertical, the North America Anti-Drone market is categorized into Military and Defence, Government, Commercial Sector and Others.
The region subdivision can be additional distributed into two main types containing US and Canada. US is predictable to have the main distribution market within the predicted period because of improved demand for Anti-Drone by the customers within the region.
Furthermore, the anti-drone market expansion is primarily driven by increase in concerns regarding the potential security threats of drones; there has been enhanced convention of anti-drone technology to neutralize the drones. Additionally, the defence sector is expected to rule the market over the estimated period. Increase in unlawful and terrorist activities globally, like the smuggling of illegal imports and border impinging, is likely to drive the adoption of anti-drone systems amongst the security forces over the world. High spending on R&D by key defence players is probable to significantly contribute to the expansion of the defence sector. Thus, it is predicted that the North America Anti-Drone Market can increase within approaching years.
For More Information, click on the link below:-
North America Anti-Drone Market Research Report
Related Report:-
Global Anti-Drone Market by Platform Type, Application, Technology, Vertical, and Region 2019-2026: Trend Forecast and Growth Opportunity
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Ken Research
Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications
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technogeekstmr · 4 years
Anti-drone Market Analysis, Size, Application Analysis, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies And Forecasts 2027
According to a new market study by Transparency Market Research (TMR), amidst a large pool of large- and small-sized players, the global anti-drone market is witnessing a highly dynamic and competitive vendor landscape. Market players are focused on innovations to surge ahead in this competitive market, says the study. Moreover, multiple startups are entering the market with their innovative ideas, due to which market competition is likely to intensify and small players are projected to capture market share of major players in the near future.
Some prominent companies operating in the global anti-drone market are DRONESHIELD, Blighter Surveillance Systems Ltd., Theiss UAV Solutions LLC, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Dedrone Detect Inc., Boeing Co., and SAAB A.B.
As per the TMR research study, the global anti-drone market is projected to reach value of ~US$ 1.8 Bn by 2027 from US$ 315 Mn in 2018. This indicates a significant CAGR of ~20%, in terms of revenue, during the forecast period i.e. from 2019 to 2027. Among end uses, government and military segments hold a leading share of the global anti-drone market. The military segment is expected to expand at the most rapid pace during the forecast period. Among drone types, the neutralizing system segment held the maximum market share in 2018. Amongst regions, North America is anticipated to dominate the global anti-drone market, with the market in the region expanding at a significant CAGR between 2019 and 2027. In terms of growth rate, Asia Pacific is estimated to closely follow North America, between 2019 and 2027. India and China witness considerable demand for anti-drone systems, primarily for defense use.
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Measures to Combat Border Infiltration for Civilian Safety Boosts Market
Across the world, measures are being taken to combat security threat posed by unmanned aerial systems (UASs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This is primarily driving the deployment of anti-drone systems. Defense forces and border security agencies are gearing up to prevent contingencies that can occur due to UAVs or UASs. Anti-drone systems can track, locate, and detect UAVs from a certain distance and act so as to prevent harm to civilian life.
Rapid technological advancements and competition among product manufacturers have led to a significant drop in prices of UAVs and UASs. This, in turn, has increased their adoption among several end-users. Apart from use of UAVs for military applications, for which they were originally developed, they are increasingly being used to cause damage and disturbance to civilian life. This has necessitated the use of anti-drone systems to combat such mishaps, especially in war-torn nations such as Syria, Iraq, and countries in Africa.
Another key factor promoting growth of the global anti-drone market is commercialization of technologies for the development of anti-drone systems. Local players are developing their own versions of anti-drone technologies for commercial use, although they are not as destructive as those developed for defense use.
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Need for Prolonged Government Clearances for Deployment of Anti-drone Systems Limits Adoption
On the flip side, however, strict government mandates for deployment of anti-drone systems and high initial capital investments required for setup of anti-drone manufacturing units are key challenges for the global anti-drone market
The review presented is based on findings of a TMR report titled ‘Anti-drone Market (Type: Detection System [Radar Based, Passive Optics, Active Optics, Acoustics, and RF Emissions] and Neutralizing System [Jamming, Interception, Drone Rifles, Drone Capture Nets, and Laser]; and End-use: Government, Military, Airfields, Buildings, Power Stations, and Fuel Storage) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2019–2027.’
Global Anti-drone Market: Segmentation
Anti-drone Market, by Type
Detection System
Neutralizing System
Passive Optics (Cameras)
Active Optics (LIDAR)
RF Emissions
Drone Rifles
Drone Capture Nets
Anti-drone Market, by End Use
Power Stations
Fuel Storage
Anti-drone Market, by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
South America
Rest of North America
Rest of APAC
Saudi Arabia
Rest of Middle East
North Africa
South Africa
Rest of Africa
Rest of South America
Stuck in a neck-to-neck competition with other brands? Request a custom report on Anti-drone Market
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Transparency Market Research is a global market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.
Our data repository is continuously updated and revised by a team of research experts, so that it always reflects the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in developing distinctive data sets and research material for business reports.
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nqdefenseusa · 3 months
A Walk Through the Essential Components of Anti-Drone Systems
Drone technology is becoming more and more common in recent times. The versatility, affordability, and ease of use are among the top reasons for the growing popularity of UAVs. The future of drones seems to be promising in sectors like agriculture, film-making, and healthcare. However, the drone incidents leading to safety concerns and significant damages cannot be overlooked. That is why leveraging the counter-drone solutions has become more essential than ever before. Are you ready to invest in a security patrol anti-drone solution or looking for an anti-drone system for police? Before you partner with professional suppliers, having an idea of the core components matters a lot. Read on to explore everything in detail!
#1 Drone Detector
The drone detection technology serves as the first line of defense against malicious UAVs. The detectors help effectively monitor the restricted airspace and identify illegal drones. These devices can alert the authorities about the approaching threats while the nefarious drones are still at a distance. As a result, you can get more time to plan strategies and counter the threats effectively.
However, for the best outcomes, evaluating the features of the detection unit is essential. Make sure that the drone detector comes with advanced radar technology and multi-dimensional precision detection. Moreover, it must also have a low false alarm rate to avoid confusion and ensure greater accuracy. Also, portability, adaptability, and superior detection performance are among other features to look for.
#2 Drone Jammer
Once the nefarious drones are detected, you must leverage the jamming unit. The jammers work by emitting powerful electromagnetic signals at frequencies similar to that used by the drones to operate. These signals help in affecting the communication link between the illegal drones and their pilots. As a result, the UAVs fail to communicate with their operators or send any information. Eventually, the malicious drone becomes useless and fails to perform its operation.
When evaluating the jammers, ensure that they come with powerful jamming capabilities. Moreover, they must have a high-power broadband amplifier design for optimal outcomes. Besides that, they must be easy to install and have a long jamming distance.
#3 Control Software
The control software plays a pivotal role in controlling the operations of the counter-drone systems. It enables the users to effectively make the necessary customizations to meet their unique requirements. The software ensures smooth operations and allows you to counter drone threats effectively and efficiently.
#4 User Manual
Not every device is designed equal. That is why the anti-drone systems come with a user manual to enable authorities to understand the features and functionalities of the devices. It can address all your doubts and concerns and enable you to use the devices in a hassle-free manner.
The significance of an anti-drone system for security patrol, airports, stadiums, or other critical infrastructures cannot be undermined. Are you looking for a top-quality police drone detector and jammer or the best anti-drone for surveillance? NovoQuad Group can offer exceptional solutions at competitive prices.
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dipulb3 · 4 years
2021 Ram 1500 TRX review: Glorious overkill
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/2021-ram-1500-trx-review-glorious-overkill/
2021 Ram 1500 TRX review: Glorious overkill
Put 700 horsepower in just about anything, and you’re bound to have a good time.
Andrew Krok/Roadshow
Back when the Dodge Hellcat lineup was first unveiled, I joked that it was only a matter of time before that hulking supercharged V8 made its way into every vehicle its parent company builds. While my hopes of a Chrysler 200 Hellcat have been sorely dashed, that whining lump did eventually find a strange bedfellow in the Ram 1500 pickup. The result is the 2021 Ram 1500 TRX, and while it defies common sense, I’ve been having way too much fun to notice.
Goes like spit
Over-the-top aesthetics
Great cabin tech
Don’t Like
Starts at $70,000
Has a drinking problem
Modern pickup trucks already look like they’re chiseled from solid blocks of testosterone, yet somehow the TRX manages to amplify that even further. The Ram is almost 2 inches wider, about 2.5 inches taller and has 0.3 inches more ground clearance than the Blue Oval’s Baja big-boy, the F-150 Raptor. In my quaint, quiet neighborhood, the TRX looms large on my driveway — well, mostly on my driveway, since it’s so wide that the passenger-side tires bleed over onto my neighbor’s lawn. Not that my neighbor would dare say anything, because the fat fenders and copious black accents make the truck look like it’s ready to beat you up just for looking at it the wrong way.
When it comes to capability, the Raptor and TRX are pretty evenly matched, but the Ram squeaks ahead by slim margins. The TRX can tow 8,100 pounds, a hundo more than the Raptor can muster, and it’ll haul 1,310 pounds in the bed, 110 more than the Ford. Ram’s also got the advantage in breakover and departure angles (21.9 and 23.5 degrees, respectively) albeit by a few tenths of a degree, while approach angle is equally matched at 30.2 degrees. Both trucks also boast a foot or more of suspension travel front and rear, which matters less on the street than it does in the dirt.
Even though I know this truck is plenty capable, as our own Antuan Goodwin proved by actually jumping the thing, odds are many of them will never see that sort of intense off-road action. But it’s not like the TRX doesn’t shine as a garage queen, either. In fact, it’s one of the dumbest and most grin-inducing experiences I’ve had in months, and it left me wanting more every time.
Under the hood is the same 6.2-liter supercharged Hemi V8 as every other Hellcat-based product out there, and in this instance, it’s tuned to produce 702 horsepower and 650 pound-feet of torque. When I jam my right foot into the firewall, the standard four-wheel-drive system pushes me forward with surprising haste — a 4.5-second jaunt to 60 mph isn’t quick in the grand scheme of things, but when it’s in a crew cab pickup that weighs almost 6,400 pounds, it damn near feels like I’m rewriting mechanical physics. Combine that almost unnatural feeling of speed with the loud supercharger whine and the basso profundo roar coming from the exhaust pipes out back, and it makes for quite the engaging sensory experience. The only way you’ll miss a gap in traffic is by overshooting it. The V8 can drone a bit at highway speeds, but people in it for the sound and the fury probably won’t care.
The ride quality is… truck-ish. With up to 14 inches of suspension travel and meaty 325/65R18 Goodyear Wrangler all-terrain tires, things are on the softer side, with the usual body-on-frame movements that are part and parcel with all pickups. But the TRX is far from a discombobulated mess, thanks to Bilstein adaptive dampers on each corner. In its standard Auto setting, the truck is pretty well balanced, and throwing it into Sport adds some stiffness while boosting throttle response. Modes for snow, towing, rocks, mud and sand and Baja-style dune-blasting are all standard, too. Braking is surprisingly good, given the thing’s heft, but it’s hard not to be keenly aware of the momentum I’m carrying at all times.
Just make sure you’re good at staying in your lane, because the TRX is roughly the size of the lane, so there’s not a lot of space for deviation.
The only thing that truly sucks about the TRX is its fuel economy, which, as you might expect, is pathetic. The EPA couldn’t do better than 10 miles per gallon city and 14 mpg highway — and even achieving those numbers requires a lightness of foot that flies in the face of the Hemi mantra. After a couple hundred miles of urban and highway driving, I barely break into double digits. Yikes.
That Hemi is thirsty — and hard to photograph, considering how high off the ground it’s mounted.
Andrew Krok/Roadshow
The latest iteration of Ram 1500 boasts one of the best and most luxurious interiors in the light-duty pickup segment, especially compared to the Raptor, which still uses Ford’s last-generation body. My TRX tester is thoroughly kitted out, thanks to a $7,920 equipment package that includes ventilated leather front seats, leather dashboard and door-panel trim, adjustable pedals, a heated steering wheel, the whole nine yards. 
Whether it’s for people or for stuff, there is a ton of space in here. The rear seats are extremely spacious, which helps for hauling things that you don’t want in the bed, while door and armrest pockets swallow up everything from purses to tablets and whatever other tchotchkes I bring along. The 12-volt outlet atop the dashboard is a nice little touch for fans of radar detectors, and there are ten USB ports (five USB-A, five USB-C) scattered about the interior, in addition to a wireless device charger just under the infotainment screen.
Ram’s parent company continues to improve its already-great cabin tech, and the Ram TRX offers some of the newest, flashiest kit on offer. Standard equipment includes a honkin’ 12-inch portrait infotainment display running the automaker’s Uconnect system, which boasts Android Auto, Apple CarPlay and Performance Pages, which allow me to pick and choose settings for different parts of the vehicle, in addition to monitoring things like wheel articulation and steering angle. I like that the screen can show multiple corners of the system at once, whether it’s audio, navigation or Sirius-based weather maps. The controls are large and legible, making for easy use with minimal distraction. A large display in the gauge cluster is capable of showing just about everything the main screen can, with dead-simple steering wheel controls to cycle through tire pressures, transmission temperatures and a variety of other information, all wrapped in this rugged-looking design that keeps the beefy TRX theme alive.
UConnect fits like a glove in this portrait configuration. Then again, when doesn’t it?
Andrew Krok/Roadshow
Some harder-core vehicles eschew the usual panoply of active and passive safety systems, but most of the good stuff is available in the TRX. In addition to standard forward-collision warning, my tester has a $995 package that adds emergency braking with pedestrian and cyclist detection, adaptive cruise control with stop-and-go capabilities and lane-keeping assist. The $7,920 equipment package also throws parking sensors into the mix, because trying to fit this thing into a typical parking space takes a little more effort than usual.
Stellantis’ high-horsepower offerings are not cheap, and the 2021 Ram TRX is no exception. Its starting price of $71,690 (including $1,695 for destination) leapfrogs the Challenger and Charger Hellcat twins, and with a hefty dose of options, my tester rings in at an eye-watering $87,370. You could buy a real sports car for that much.
But there’s nothing quite like the Ram TRX. The Hellcat’s 6.2-liter V8 has always been something special but throwing it into a pickup truck results in a vehicle that exceeds the sum of its parts, delivering equal doses of high performance and hilarity. It’s a hoot.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
4 Black Friday Trends That Could Predict Retail In 2021
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/4-black-friday-trends-that-could-predict-retail-in-2021/
4 Black Friday Trends That Could Predict Retail In 2021
A drone designed to deliver packages from online retailer Amazon. (Photo by Johannes … [] Schmitt-Tegge/picture alliance via Getty Images)
By now, most shoppers have already unpacked their holiday purchases from Thanksgiving weekend. So now, let’s unpack just what all those orders mean.
More than 186 million people shopped in-store and online over the five-day period from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, according to the National Retail Federation. While that’s slightly less than 2019, it is more than 2018’s nearly 166 million, and 44% more shoppers shifted their buying to online.
However, overall shoppers spent markedly less each – $312 on average compare with $362 in 2019.
Those were the headlines from which retailers can plan the season. However, within all that spending one could detect subtle variations in behaviors that potentially predict not-so-subtle changes in what shoppers expect from their retail experiences in 2021.
So What’s The Story Behind The Big Black Friday Numbers?
When one digs into the figures that sum up the holiday weekend’s big shoppers trends, four under-the-radar movements are revealed that could lead to the following significant consumer, and retail, shifts.
Delivery could be the new experiential differentiator. “I want it now” is an expectation, not a plea. Amazon AMZN , which expanded its warehouses and delivery systems to ensure it could fulfill more orders, is now expected to claim up to 42 cents of every dollar spent during this holiday season, compared with 36 cents in 2019, according to Wall Street firm Truist Securities. But securing the vehicles to get those boxes to shoppers is as important as the warehousing, as some major retailers learned the hard way. The United Parcel Service UPS told drivers on Cyber Monday to cease picking up packages from Nike NKE , Macy’s M and others, because they had already reached capacity allocations. The time is ripe for alternative delivery solutions and tighter scrutiny on delivery costs. Look on the horizon –  Amazon’s drone fleet won FAA approval in August.
Photo by Robin L Marshall/Getty Images)
Drive-thru shopping may become a thing. Happy Meals, meet snappy deals. As more shoppers migrated online, in-store foot traffic declined 52% on Black Friday, year-over-year. This sharp decline, combined with the high costs to retailers for online shipping, hastens the need to offset store expenses. Most major retailers offer buy-online, pickup in-store as an affordable alternative, and it ensures customers get what they need when they need it. Shoppers likely will soon expect stores, particularly those in malls, to offer complete curb-to-trunk delivery. Who knows, maybe some traditional malls will retrofit to accommodate drive-thru lanes, through which shoppers can conveniently pick up their orders. The convenience store chain Wawa is planning its first drive-thru store in New Jersey.
The mobile experience must be optimized for a wider audience. Spending via smartphones accounted for 46.5% of all holiday sales on Thanksgiving Day and 40% on Black Friday, according to research by Adobe Analytics, which tracks online shopping. Many of those shoppers were likely in their 60s and older. As I wrote in November, the pandemic is forcing more seniors to adapt to retail technologies. As they do, they will likely invest in newer, better-accessorized smartphones, which means more mobile-generated retail sales. In September, 42% of consumers already planned to buy new mobile devices during the holiday season, according to a national survey by MRI/Simmons. Retailers should ensure all of their digital experiences are personalized for the needs of all age groups, with color schemes and letter sizing that make for easy browsing.
Shoppers will require even less convincing to self-indulge. After nearly 10 months of saying “no” to eating out, family gatherings, vacations, spa treatments, play dates, concerts, museums (you get it, the list goes on and on), shoppers feel they are entitled to a splurge. This urge to self-indulge could reduce discount-hunting, but retailers should be cautious. Shoppers are conditioned to look for deals. Merchants will more likely see effective results if they promote lower-frequency discretionary goods that are fun and functional – think DNA kits (even for the dog, thanks to a surge in pet adoptions) and smart watches.
Shopping Will Remain More Deliberate – Plan Accordingly
Until pandemic-required quarantines are lifted, consumers will continue to purchase their goods – discretionary and otherwise – with exceeding purpose and focus. This means placing high-necessity items within easy reach of the door (or home page), but complementing them with compelling goods that fill the need for comfort and accomplishment.
Holiday sales are projected to reach nearly $760 billion this season. Capturing those dollars is just a matter of meeting basic consumer expectations, which won’t change; they still want retailers to meet them where, when and how they shop, and (yes) at a good price. But make no mistake, the experiences behind every one of those dollars spent is presently forming retail’s new model.
From Retail in Perfectirishgifts
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mansoorahmed-stuff · 4 years
Industry 4.0: Robotic vacuum cleaner
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
The industrial internet of Things (IIoT) states to connected instruments, sensors, and other devices interacted together with computers' industrial applications, including manufacturing and energy management. This interconnection permits for data collection, exchange, and analysis, possibly easing developments in productivity and efficiency as well as other economic benefits. Technologies empowered by IIoT
The technologies which empowered IIoT are included: Cyber-physical system, cloud computing, edge computing, machine-to-machine, 3D-printing, robotics, Big Data, Artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Layered modular architecture
The IIoT systems are commonly perceived as a layered modular architecture of digital technology. The Content layer consists of User interface devices for example screens, tablets, smart glasses. The service layer refers to the applications, software to analyze data and transform it into information. The Network layer comprises on communications protocols, WiFi and cloud computing. Final layer called Device layer consists on Hardware: CPS, machines and sensors.
Frameworks and standards
The Internet of Things frameworks benefit provision the communication between objects and consent for more complex structures like distributed computing and the development of distributed applications.
MQTT may be a publish/subscribe protocol particularly suited to IoT applications because of thanks to its small footprint, real-time guarantees, and suitability to be used in high-latency, low-throughput, and unreliable networks. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a "small code footprint" is restricted or the network bandwidth is limited.The publish-subscribe messaging pattern requires a message broker.
Based on a publish/subscribe model, Kafka is one among the foremost widely used platforms to process and distribute real-time data streams. It is used for building real-time data pipe lines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production in thousands of companies
IBM has announced cognitive IoT, which mixes traditional IoT with machine intelligence and learning, contextual information, industry-specific models and natural language processing.
This is open source software designed by IBM to connect APIs, hardware, and online services.
This is a series of standards designed by the OPC Foundation to connect computer systems to automated devices.
Benefits of IIoT
Efficient and cost-effective production.
Likely of growth by implementing IIoT is predicted to generate $15 trillion of global GDP by 2030.
Technical Optimization
Reduced Wastage
Better Business Decision
Car manufacturing:
Use of IIoT in Automotive industry indicates the digitization of all elements of production. Customization of vehicles is additionally enabled by IIoT thanks to the modularity and connectivity of this technology. IIoT makes conceivable to connect production plants to each other for automotive manufacturers companies.
Oil and gas industry​
Big volumes of raw data can be stored and sent by the drilling gear and research stations for cloud storage and analysis with the care of IIoT. The oil and gas industry has the power to attach machines, devices, sensors, and other people through inter-connectivity, which can help companies’ better address fluctuations in demand and pricing, address cyber security, and minimize environmental impact with the help of IIoT technologies. The IIoT can progress the maintenance process, the overall safety, and connectivity. Drones may be used to detect oil & gas leak and to identify weak spots in complex networks of pipelines with built-in thermal imaging systems.
The IIoT benefits farmers to make decisions about when to harvest. Sensors collect data about soil and weather conditions and propose schedules for fertilizing and irrigating. Microchips into animals are being implanted by some livestock farms to trace their animals and pull up information about the lineage, weight, or health.
Robot Vacuum Cleaner Using IIOT & AI Technologies
Robotic vacuum cleaner has intelligent programming and a limited vacuum floor cleaning system. The unique design included manual operation via remote control and a "self-drive" mode which is suitable for machine to clean freely without human control. Some designs use spinning brushes to succeed in tight corners, and few include variety of cleaning features alongside the vacuuming feature. Robotic vacuum cleaners are more suitable to use because they can vacuum on their own as compare to a regular vacuum cleaner. There handling is also very easy as they can be kept under beds or desks or in storerooms.
Main features of robotic vacuum cleaner
A fully autonomous robot vacuum cleaner which can navigate inside any building using IIOT sensors & AI technologies.
The robot can be configured using a tablet PC.
In 2015, Dyson and iRobot together familiarized camera based mapping.
CEO iRobot Corporation of America claimed that 20% of vacuum cleaners sales worldwide were robots in 2016.
Cleaning modes​
Generally, robotic vacuum has following different types of cleaning modes;
Auto: This mode is helpful for general cleaning. Usually, the mode cleans an area until the battery runs out.
Spot: with the assistance of this mode, the vacuum specializes in a specific dirty area.
Turbo: This mode is employed to wash and devour the foremost dirt and mud, but it’s going to create noise.
Edge: This mode helps to clean edges & corners.
Quiet: The mode helps to reduce noise levels while cleaning. It's helpful when you are at home.
Remote control: It allows the user to regulate the direction of the vacuum.
Wet cleaning
Some models may also mop for wet cleaning, autonomously vacuuming and wet-mopping a floor in one pass (sweep and mop combo). A Robot Wipe can tackle multi surfaces and comes with a spread of various variety cleaning modes giving you options of sweeping, vacuuming and mopping damp or wet floors. The Robot Mop score better on hard floors surface and are ideally suited for hardwood, laminate and tile flooring types.
The refined models include mapping ability. The unit can use gyro, camera, radar, and laser (laser distance sensor or LDS) guided systems to create a floor plan, which can be permanently stored for more efficiency, and updated with information on areas which are (or have not been) cleaned. Thus, the cleaning efficiency is greatly improved and therefore the repetition rate is reduced significantly. Models with a multiple floor plan feature can store numerous floor plans.
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