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walkedlegacy-closed · 1 year ago
CLOSED STARTER : KARA SCHMIDT. ( @drkaraschmidt. )
being home with the twins had been really nice at first. it was just her and buck and the twins. what more could she want. she missed work but it was nice to be able to enjoy something that was just their's for just a little while. she knew buck would have to go back to work , and after talking to bobby she had a plan for when she would be returning to work , and they were just coming upon the twins being a month old. protecting the babies in their first month had been anya's top priority , buck's too , so waiting to introduce them to anyone had allowed for anya to really get to know her new kids.
buck was at work , and anya was home with the twins. kara was supposed to come over for her chance to meet them , as well as offer some help managing two babies while also getting daycare set up , and arranging everything she needed to go back to work in a couple weeks. she was starting on everything early , but that was so she was ready. or as ready as she was ever going to be leaving her babies to go back to work. they didn't ever really prepare you for how it was going to feel. a knock sounded on the door , and anya perked up from one of the babies she had laid on the couch and had just finished changing , before picking her ( natalia ) up , and walking to the front door to answer with a warm smile.
"good morning! and thank god. i've been needing some interaction that isn't just babies." she was only playfully complaining , turned out motherhood really agreed with her.
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brooklynbred-c · 1 year ago
personal tags.
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walkedlegacy-closed · 1 year ago
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do not reblog unless tagged.
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walkedlegacy-closed · 1 year ago
SEMI PLOTTED STARTER // @drkaraschmidt.
she wasn't really sure of what had happened when the bridge collapsed , or at least she was still trying to remember it all. she remembered buck radioing in to keep tabs with her while she was stuck at the bottom. she remembered when she started to head south , and she remembered barely being concious , but having made it long enough for the hands of her team to pull her out of that pile of bridge she had been trapped under. everyone made it out okay . . . and while there was a worry for anya for the first while she was in the hospital , the medically induced coma had done it's job , allowing her body to simply work on healing itself for a couple of days , and she had woken out of it with no complications.
anya's family had come to visit her when they brought her out , filling the room well enough on their own to greet her when she woke up. that she didn't remember too much thanks to the drugs she was on through an iv for the pain , but she remembered how happy she had been to see her. the rest of the 118 was next , all of them telling her how happy they would all be when she was back to work with the rest of them. that one she remembered easier. she had just woken up from another nap , the first day out of the coma she did a lot of sleeping , and woke to see kara sitting in the chair next to her bed. she smiled and made a slight sound clearing her throat. "i see they're letting the rest in t'see me. guessing the 118 finally let other people have the room." there really was no getting rid of the 118 in times like this. they really were a family.
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walkedlegacy-closed · 1 year ago
Which of my favourite specific character archetypes are you?
the loyal one , the stubborn one , the one who fights for others. the guarder , the watcher, the brave , foolish , valiant person who is not the same person by the end of the story.
tagged by: @walkeddeathtagging: @walkedfire , @walkedhorror ( rosie ) , @marvelmyriad ( bucky & jamie ) , @the-innumerable-heroes ( sig & j3n ) , @protectxthem ( bobby ) , @parameddic , @lvebug , @arachnidiots , @drkaraschmidt
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walkedlegacy-closed · 1 year ago
soldierheartcd :
best friend: who is their best friend? how do they feel about them?
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that depends on the verse really , as some verses involve some muses that aren't in other ones. npc wise , i haven't really developed a best friend of hers. for her main verse , she's been buddying with kara ( drkaraschmidt ) and gen ( walkeddeath ) and i guess i like to headcanon that in any verse she would be besties with buck , even wen the ship isn't there. ( shoutout to walkedfire. ) she's a bit afraid of making friends , since most of them end up leaving her eventually. she wants friends and connections though. she's just never been very good at the early stages of either. the best friends she does have though , are her ride or die people. she'll take a bullet for them any day , and won't shy away from telling her friends that. if you're considered a best friend , you sit right up there with her family.
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walkedlegacy-closed · 1 year ago
anya had a nice warm smile to greet lili and kara as they walked into the small house. lili was always just a sweet ray of sunshine when anya got to see her , and the greeting warmed her heart as she knelt down to give the young girl a hug. her eyes and smile were engaged in what she was saying , and gave a quick nod when she was done talking.
"you'll get t'hold one of them before you go home today. i promise." the twins were pretty good with the people they have met. buck had already introduced them to athena , and the firehouse had gone over well enough. now that they had both had their time alone with the babies , they both thought it was a good time to start introducing them to the rest of their large chosen family. carefully of course. the babies health bein their utmost priority.
the walk to the living room from the front door was short , and before long they were all finding their spots to sit. once lili was set up with everything she would need , anya's attention shifted to kara , and her smile brightened. she'd been looking forward to this , one of her closest friends meeting her kids.
"what you didn't wanna just look at her in my arms this whole time?" she teased before moving to gently transfer the babe to kara's arms. "named her after mom. natalia maddie buckley - barnes." her smiled softened , but it wasn't sad like it used to be when she thought about her mom. once anya was satisfied with her in kara's arms , she moved over to the swing robert was swinging in , and gently pulled him from the swing and into her arms , before taking a seat on the sofa.
"i'll tell you what , i'm losing my mind thinking about going back to work." she started , gently rocking bobby in her arms. "i mean , i can't wait to be back out there , but yesterday i left buck home with the twins to run to the store and cried in the parking lot."
Kara couldn't help but smile at the greeting, as she led Lilian in in front of her. She could tell that her daughter was excited to meet the babies too but Kara had told her that there would be rules and to do exactly as Anya told her. With her hand still in her mothers, the young girl's eyes brightened.
"Aunt Anya, you have the most beautiful baby in the world. Mom said that if I wanted to see them I had to be good and not make a lot of noise because they still needed lots of sleep."
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She shook her head and led the young girl to the chair where she sat down on the floor with her bag full of art supplies that she'd gotten from Steve's son to bring with her today. "Okay Lily you sit here and color a picture and when everything calms down a bit, maybe you can hold one of them. You'll have to be very still though and do what you're told."
The girl nodded her head and started her picture as Kara took a seat where Lily was sitting. "I was going to have someone watch her but she promised she'd be good and since I pulled her out to homeschool her till I find the right private one, here we are." Kara held her arms out, "I adore you but I need baby holding time and I assume with two of them, there's one of them I can hold and I promise all the adult conversation you can possibly handle."
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