imxthexhandler · 2 years
[For @agentjjkelly​ ]
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[For @drjacobkelly​ ]
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[For @shieldtots​ ]
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[For @redwingandaprayer​ ]
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rocklandjbrin · 2 years
“Do you need me to grab your cane?" (drjacobkelly)
"Uh... yeah, sure, alright." Normally he was pretty stubborn about managing things on his own, so the fact that he was accepting the help was saying something in itself. Going into the damp-cold season was doing a number on his knee, probably compounded by being a little harder on it than normal, and stress. "Thanks." The word was taut in his throat, bitten out with some effort.
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iamdarcylewis · 2 years
@drjacobkelly: "Darcy?" Jacob asked, walking up to the young woman. "Hey...JJ asked if I'd seen you around. Did you want to go say hi? Maybe meet the babies?"
Darcy looked up from a book she kind of stole borrowed. "Oh!" The babies. Both babies who were born and she could meet. The very two babies. "Yes, I'd like to say hi and meet the babies." Babies.
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empatheticagent · 3 years
It was a day off of actual work for Ray, but he had to come in for one of his regular appointments. Marco refused to let him train unless he had regular check ups and worked with medical to get himself back to a healthy point. He really was not in the mood though.
He was sitting wait with a travel mug of coffee in hand, looking very much like he had gone straight from getting out of bed to getting dressed and coming in for the appointment. His hair was a mess, but at least his clothes were neat, as they always were for work.
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drjacobkelly · 3 years
Jacob had stopped by for a bit, bringing Ronnie out to see Auntie JJ and of course presents.  “Hey, uh Gabe.” he said, holding out a heavy, decent sized gift bag to the young man. “I had JJ’s, help but Happy Christmas from your Secret Santa.” Inside the bag, wrapped neatly in red wrappings were four wrapped gifts. “I was told you might need an alternative way to charge your tech things.” he said, crossing his arms and smiling. 
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thenamesallison · 3 years
@drjacobkelly // cont. from here
“Did you just call me ma’am? How old do I look to you?” Despite her argument otherwise, Ally did take the opportunity to sit down, though she swatted his guiding hand away in the process. “I’m also not married. But, seriously, I just need a minute. I know it’s been a while since I was in the field, but it hasn’t been that long.”
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intheageoficons · 3 years
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"Hey-there's that lovely face. Don't scare me like that again Doc." Jacob said as she woke up. || @drjacobkelly​
Rev blinked a few times, realizing that she was alone, aside from Jake. “I didn’t do it on purpose,” she grumbled, wincing as she tried to adjust her position.
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iampulsar · 3 years
"I’ve never heard that one before.” (drjacobkelly)
“So your telling me you’ve never heard anyone calling watching animal videos ‘important research’?”
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eye-spied · 3 years
“Is this what a dislocated shoulder feels like?!” (Drjacobkelly)
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"You never had one before?" Akela asked as if he was the weird one for this being his first. She was preparing to help him pop it back in, firmly feeling around for the right angles and positions. She wasn't exactly a doctor like him but she was more than experienced enough to assist. "Guess you treat these a lot more than they happen to you. Brace yourself, doc. Shit's gonna smart."
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gatecoeur · 4 years
{ @drjacobkelly }{ cont’d from here }
“Seven minutes...” she echoed quietly. “It definitely felt longer than that.”
Arrie waved her hand dismissively as he told her to stop moving, though she gently laid herself back down so that she’d be easier to work with, barely so much as wincing at the applied pressure. Torso wounds were always complicated - even in her limited medical experience, she knew that.
“Heh..” Arrie mused. “I could, but that would be counter-intuitive to what I have going on for me. I don’t normally sound like this, you know.”
“You guys uh... You didn’t take any blood samples from me, did you?”
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shieldarchitect · 3 years
❛ Knowledge is power. ❜ (drjacobkelly)
“And not knowing is bliss,” Charlie comments flippantly.  A glance over at the man who had spoken - not a face she recognizes.  “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before...”
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have. -----------------------------
OOC: I'm in a shippy mood, so... I'm just gonna choose 3 random ships.
Ben/Amelia - @bennyboylewis
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Amelia has a tattoo around her ankle with iris flowers and blue hearts with the text "As you wish" written, due to the fact Ben repeatedly tells her this when she asks for a favor after finding out it's one of her favorite books and movies. She got the tattoo after they moved in together.
Jake/Amelia - @drjacobkelly
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Apparently, when her surrogate nephew met Jake and Ronnie on Christmas Eve when she brought them along for dinner, he got along so well with them, the next time Amelia was babysitting him, she got a phone call from J.J. while fixing dinner. She could very easily hear Tommy on the other line asking Amelia if Jake was going to be his uncle.
J.J. hasn't stopped teasing her about it since.
Cillian/Amelia - @wetheresilientfew
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The first Valentine's Day they experienced as a married couple, Cillian got Amelia a plush Chewie and chocolates. Chewie sits on her desk. Amelia got him a leather version of Han Solo's jacket from The Empire Strikes Back and a bottle of whiskey.
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rocklandjbrin · 2 years
" Moral of the story, don't. " (drjacobkelly)
Rockland snickered, "Okay, but if I don't push myself to get better at my fields, how am I gonna know like, my limits and- isn't it like a muscle, anyways? How d'you get stronger if you don't eventually up the weights and stuff?"
He paused.
"What about scaling a one story building? Better start than Stark tower?"
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years
“Surprise! I was your Secret Santa all along!”
The first present was a lunch bag with Human Organ for Transplant on it, hoping that maybe people won’t steal that lunch in case they thought it was a heart or something. A book to write down all the weird things patients say, she should know, she was a weird patient and Jacob probably has heard weird and crazy stuff. A prescription mug that could keep a drink hot or cold for hours and of course,  rechargeable electric heated socks.
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agentbrompton · 2 years
Jacob stops into to get his usual morning coffee. "Hazel, could I ask for a small favor? JJ's last day is next week and I was hoping you could make a cake for her?" (drjacobkelly)
"Jacob! Absolutely...do you know what sort she'd like best? And what day exactly?"
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agentphilcollins · 3 years
"Just calling to check up on your progress. How's the leg doing?" (Drjacobkelly)
“Slowly. Way too fucking slowly.  I’m still gimping around.”  The impatience is obvious in her voice, and it wouldn’t take much to guess that she’d not been heeding doctor’s warnings to stay off her feet as much as possible.
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