#drizzt: haha don't be silly do I look like a legend?
too-many-blorbos · 6 months
(Doubt I'm the first to suggest this, but--)
"Baldur's Gate 3." The survivors of the nautiloid find a tadpoled drow. He has lavender eyes and a head wound and can't remember literally anything before waking up on the beach, including common knowledge and recent history. Astarion dubs him "Tav." It's a bit frustrating to deal with a total amnesiac, but he'd good at fighting (the scimitars he took from the imps on the nautiloid feel at home in his hands) and he has a talent for crazy-but-effective strategy, so Tav is an asset to the team.
People keep telling him he looks like "Drizzt Do'urden," who is apparently a legendary hero. It must be a coincidence; Tav is too weak to be a legendary hero. Astarion concurs; Drizzt Do'urden is too powerful to be captured by mere mindflayers. Tav must just be a Seldarine drow who followed in his footsteps.
The quest progresses. Tav keeps discovering skills he didn't know he had--survival, tracking, an uncanny way with animals. The Underdark is just as easy for him to navigate as the surface (which is weird; if he's Seldarine, then he'd have no experience with the Underdark). Sometimes flashes of memory return to him, people he loved and wrongs he suffered, but the memories slip away just as quickly as they come.
Then they get to Moonrise Towers. And in the depths of the mindflayer colony, in a room of treasures hoarded from their victims, he finds a pair of magical scimitars and a little onyx statue of a cat.
They're his. He knows in his heart that they're his. And a lot of things suddenly make sense.
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