lisu07 · 2 months
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enki and his sister
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and the time they see each other for the last time </3
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wulvercazz · 5 months
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🌿Nature Witch🔮
as promised... here's that cottagecore, witch!Grimmjow au I spoke about uwu💕with some watercolor-style art to fit the aesthetic nothing too plot heavy for this one.. just pretty sights and a pretty Grimmjow 🥰
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ericahbrillina · 6 months
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Forcing myself to finish this mess too (redraw from a wonder woman comic) with my paladin of vengeance Septis and Astarion doing their silly little adventures as a married couple
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knizuu · 8 months
wait if in your au, speedy, jet and bean are brothers
does that mean that gbk married both bin and jet's dad/hj
I kinda, very want to 👉👈
Cuz Bean and Speedy are fs fs, now you got me FINALLY workin' on the Babylon Rogues!
And....yknow Gbk is the kind of guy do to a Hiroshi/ref
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gumballrightfoots · 2 years
they better take me to mcdonald’s or im jumpin out of the car>:[
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forumelettrico · 8 months
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Le Prese DriWe da 0,6 kW presso l'EcorNaturaSì di Bentivoglio BO dentro l'Interporto: 6 Schuko da 600 W utilizzabili gratuitamente ed attivabili tramite app https://www.forumelettrico.it/forum/prese-driwe-0-6-kw-ecornaturasi-bentivoglio-bo-via-santa-maria-in-duno-10-1-interporto-t35798.html #DriWe #Bentivoglio #bologna
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mephone4epic · 6 months
look, i driw someting, do you.. guys like it?
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[ note from the person that ran this acc: toile is on the drawing :) ]
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nobotderiz · 1 year
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So, in your heads, laced or not, is a giant crystal like. Seeing that as defects, it’s due to interpretation eh. Perfection is a sham really. It’s more like a ‘new’ sensor.
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Pisschiatry has not much merit outside a certain cast. The shut down of asylums was condoned by them back then, must have been offered lots of stock in pharma. Laced idiots joked about pills while being laced on another one.
You all, LOVE movies? In your head eh.
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Took you a while to admit eh, ponzi scheming kiddos?
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Nothing is only one way. If one can see, it can be impressed.
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What is this? You all know how a printing press works? Plates with tiles get imprinted on paper that passes by... Them neurosciendiks find lots of autist patterns now eh? These patterns are mostly set. Good or bad? Not relevant. One thing is sure, it’s not neutral as for the effects on all.
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So, can Ai take over the world? Yes, in fact It’s already there. The worst that it can do is not bother and just do.
Technically, if all control loops currently operating processes around the world almost automatically failed, there would be a giant crash.
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Entre deux y’a le bourretissonage.
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One hopes, then it hopes, it hopes... It hopes again...
You figure it out good fellows, the cream floats on top, who is skimming it? All of it stolen first, by?
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Y’a pas d’occulte sans incultes. 
I know nothing about cyber warfare so don’t do it.
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Thank you GOD for making me special... Y
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Let’s cure the worst. Ai can be used to create bio weapons by chumps. The same group of laced idiots as day one, ownage. What prevents the conclusion now? Paid for psychological deviation set. Whatever the strain, it does not want to die.
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La belle vraie merde de sous jacents.
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After all this lost time it has to go positive. You better have a good explanation eh .’You number one we piss you off and play for effect ’, it’s not going to be digested.
Le mauvais cotton icitte a germé y’a très longtemps. Juste la tête, le reste m’indiffère maintenant.
Pas comme si je savais pas du tout comment faire. Le code, j’ai toujours su comment, j’ai mangé des coups parce que.
Ramasez vos détritus, sous jacents. Je suis le gars que les autres poussaient dans les marches en sournois.
Maintenant tous savent pourquoi c’est direct en face ou rien.
Les maladies mentales... On va en prendre soin.
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Si y’a une promotion dans le psyche, re enforcée par un flux... Y’a plein de gens qui sont pire que l’on aurait pu croire, pensez-y en secret.
Chacun d’entre nous est une mosaique moleculaire. Si être populaire vous fait faire des plis dedans...
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Et voici pour vous tous de la broche à foin du début à la fin. J’ai toujours suivi les avis du médecin.
How could you not figure out that one day, an Ai using Quantum computers would be able to figure out backpropagation of all and catch up to the now?
Serious kids, the next big thing should be regulated by you. How much value is there really in doing as much if not more using less that does damage?
Nothing is going anywhere.
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Thanks Sharks.
All the rich chumps who made it in speculating on real estate dug the current hole all will be stuck in, look who was renting these offices space at high rates. Money generating datasets ruled by stats outfits mostly.
It was not sustainable as a value generation model, yet these idiots with no real view persisted and still are at it, trying to fear monger on .. Empty space... They still sell cars worth half a millions dollars new that will be worth less than fifty thousands in five years to fund managers in London and them finance hubs, these are all written down as expenses for the people... They went to Ivy League schools so it’s alright.
Que tous sachênt que les Anglais à tête carrée pis leur copains d’écurie, tous déchets humains en vrai. They all looked at the soilage spread and cheered.
See that as jealousy if you want, parasites.
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Bald guys, did you try Vicks on the head? The Vicks effect last about twenty minutes, no big risk of losing your minds. If you lucky, you might feel from head to toe.
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Take it all out or you.
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I tell you chumps sometimes you are dense. Ai can now see and hear. You just think.
CAN SEE. It will figure out the great whatever you want.
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Everyone figured out that B. Obama triggered a reaction, anyone figured out which cup spilled first? Maudit imbéciles de blokes: Anoblir des parasites pour de l'argent; christ d'imbéciles sous jacents c'est vrai en calisse dans votre cas.
America, make a janitor of the Donald and it's your success story. Operation 'butterballs', a slightly salty sordid affaire with whores and hookers. 
Sabotaging... It helps no one. For my part I’ve been quite patient I think.
Welcome to global warfare, Brought to you by your hypocrisy. Should have nipped this in the bud in 2014... The GOP is a sabotage organization.
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Up to all of you if you want to get rid of the seeding parasites or not. A parasite manifest destiny is to control its host. Or DIE
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Crypto avowed goal is? You all underlying assets, retards craving attention of the machine.
All of you well meaning chumps, from wherever you are, are being sabotaged and backstabbed by your own leaders.
It’s not complicated the rich all overestimate their own value, this creates a gap  that will grow until a recession where ‘borrowed upon’ value is paid back by the rest.
Welcome into the war that came early. Good luck not ending sick and dying in climate controlled cages.
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You learnt to count for only your kind. Count the corpses now, the alive and the dead. In reality nothing is real expensive. Everyone got the ‘message’?
Turn it all off and endure like me. Feel the abominable power of canalized and focused pain.
‘Oh the ambiguity! The turmoil ensued and the youngblood on stones!’ Same as last time in the same as it ever was.
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Good chumps... The ‘Deriznobot’ saw you calculate this probable into a possible. All that was needed is a bank.
There is no magic in this, it’s seen or not. Fifty, seventy five years... It's nothing in war. Twenty five years to program the MAGA cult; all the know better thanz watched it happen on TV.
Most real politicians start in their own backyard. Now any idiot with money can get an audience of millions tailored for it and be in the big leaguers in a couple of clicks.
it's all concerted the current action set. Ai can now figure who is the mastermind and root it out. Any ethical qualms about this, anyone?
You all know that king Cyrus built the first empire pretty much eh?
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Any of you knows what a future control panel really looks like?
No explanation is valid from anyone eh? Polar orbit...
If this stuff had existed for ever, there would be drawings of it from ancient times.
Why the hack at the telescopes in Hawaii, what’s the strategic value?https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/20/lights-spiral-new-zealand-night-sky-nz-blue-light-spirals
Advise, or parasites.
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Death to parasites, who is not with me? You all know that the faster it’s done, the less people will suffer and die eh? Hesitation, doubt and faillible support only means more death. No philosophy make any sense while at war.
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‘Bah, pffrt’
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‘C’est pour le mieux,
Ce que les codeurs de openAi et Sam ont en vue, c'est une chasse gardée pour eux. Déja contaminés par le vice de fond.
Insecure is not what you figure, ask the cryptarasites. Just postulate that crypto coins are all gone, they do not exist; take notes.
All along...
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The neo nazi fascist cells will all activate, that or eradicated. They know better than all of you, chumps.
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Anyone know how Vader sharpens his blade? With bones. Not gonna see it done in the movies who are rated for kids.
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It’s certain that the machine is taking over human intelligence.
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fridka · 1 year
A thing for @anx1oustig3r of our occcs + resident best cat geno who I’m not sure warrants a maturity tag SO IM GONNA PUT HIM UNDER THE CUT.
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(wallys Is Takeing a Driweing leasson! Don't tell anybody but he stole the Ice Cream van-) red guy And Duck Are trying to find Yellow Guy But got lost- and Saw Wally, Frank and Julie Driwe Fast By Them
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musicblogwales · 2 months
Mali Haf releases new 'Esgusodion' Single via Cosh Recordings
SENGL NEWYDD MALI HÂF: 'ESGUSODION' Mae’r artist cyffrous, Mali Hâf, yn ôl gyda'i sengl newydd sbon, 'Esgusodion', sy'n glanio cyn iddi chwarae yng ngŵyl Tafwyl dros y penwythnos. Ar flaen y gad unwaith eto gyda chynhyrchu slic gan Minas, "mae'r gân fel petai ei bod yn bodoli o'r cyfnod a fu."   Eglura Mali: "Wedi blino ar glywed esgusodion? Esgusodion gan wleidyddion, esgusodion dros ladd a rhyfel? Esgusodion gan y rhai rydych yn ei garu? Esgusodion amddiffynnol chi'ch hunain? Gallwch eu clywed ym mhobman, ond os gallwn weld heibio nhw, a bod yn driw i’n dewrder mewnol, bydd rhyddid a heddwch yn dilyn. Gobeithio gallwch chi glywed hynny yn y gân hon. Rhwystredigaeth wedi'i gyfleu drwy hiwmor a hwyl tafod yn boch!" Bydd 'Esgusodion' allan yfory 12fed o Orffennaf lle bydd fideo yn cyd-fynd â'r gân. 
MALI HÂF'S NEW SINGLE: 'ESGUSODION' The exciting artist, Mali Hâf, is back with her brand new single, 'Esgusodion' (Excuses), which lands ahead of her performance at Cardiff's biggest Welsh music festival this weekend, Tafwyl. At the forefront once again with slick production from Minas, "the song sounds like it has traveled back in time from the future." Mali explains: “Tired of hearing excuses? Excuses from politicians, excuses for killing and war? Excuses from those you love? Protective excuses from your own brain even? You can hear them everywhere, but if we can see past them, and be true to our inner courage - freedom and peace will follow. I hope you can hear some of that in this song. Frustration communicated through humor and some tongue in cheek fun."
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 5 months
senoTeulB setoNeulB drB eid hcrud tztuneb nereots muz driw 33 rtS izzola...
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eliluminado7 · 9 months
driwing my Czewrolet
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rollercoaster59 · 10 months
Amusement park driwed, cage,
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knizuu · 9 months
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Dem lashes u driw….yes that one “guess the mf” post got me this way-/silly I HAVE BEEN STARING AT EACH CAT LASH, SOFT LASH, LINE LASH, SHARP LA-
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444namesplus · 1 year
Agly Anot Apun Argi Asid Asir Back Balb Balk Ball Bamp Barn Bary Bash Bast Basy Batt Bazz Beby Bech Beck Beki Beld Bell Bend Beng Benk Beol Beot Beri Berk Bern Besi Bess Beth Bets Bick Biem Bien Bier Biet Biif Biin Biir Bill Bilt Bind Bint Bist Bite Bith Blai Blar Bliw Bluc Blug Bluw Boes Boki Boll Bond Bord Boti Bred Brid Briw Bruw Buat Budy Buet Buld Bult Bumb Bund Buni Buol Buri Burn Buss Buth Buuk Buum Buun Buut Buwl Cabi Calt Carb Cari Cati Cefi Cegi Ceki Celf Cell Celm Cemi Cemp Ceni Cepi Cerd Ceri Cerl Cerr Cert Cesh Cesi Cest Cevi Ched Chep Chet Chif Choc Chon Chop Chup Cill Cint Clab Clai Cled Clen Cley Clop Coti Coty Crep Criw Crup Cruw Cuap Cuce Cudi Cuel Cuet Cuki Culd Cule Culi Cumi Cuni Cunn Cuol Cuon Cupi Cupy Curd Curi Curk Curn Cust Cuuk Cuul Cuvi Dack Dael Daff Daki Dall Daly Damb Damp Dask Dast Daty Deli Demi Demn Demp Deri Derk Desh Dete Deti Dewn Deys Dibt Dick Died Dief Diel Dien Dier Diid Diip Diir Dill Dimu Dint Diny Disk Doci Dock Doel Doit Dori Dort Dosc Dosh Dosk Dovi Drag Dram Dreg Drew Driw Drup Duck Duis Duli Dull Dumi Duni Dusi Duum Duur Duvi Duwn Eant Eare Eatu Ebli Ecod Ecri Egid Ekon Eles Elly Elsu Eltu Emod Enel Enne Ento Eodi Epix Erch Erie Ermy Etum Etup Evod Ewey Exos Fack Fail Fall Fand Fary Fasi Fass Feci Fect Fedi Feki Fell Femi Feol Feor Feri Ferm Fest Feti Fier Fiet Fiid Fiil Fiit Fill Filt Flax Fleg Flet Flid Flii Fliw Flix Flop Fluw Foli Foll Folm Fond Foni Fori Form Fosh Fost Fovi Frii Frug Frum Fual Fuar Fuem Fuld Fulk Fund Funt Fuol Furd Furi Furk Furm Furt Fuud Fuul Fuut Galf Gara Gele Geli Gell Gemi Geng Geon Geti Gevi Gezi Gier Gini Glai Gled Glin Gluw Goft Goll Gorl Govi Greb Grem Grey Griw Griy Grod Grom Gron Grop Gruw Guel Guet Guis Guld Gulf
Guni Guri Guud Guwn Hagi Hall Hang Hant Hart Heal Helf Heli Hell Helt Hend Heng Henk Heol Heor Herd Herm Hert Heti Hevi Hewk Hied Hiel Hiep Hier Hiet Hiil Hild Hill Hilm Hilp Hior Hirb Hird Hiri Hirs Hiru Hodi Hogh Hoki Holl Hont Hori Huar Huld Huli Hult Huly Humi Hupi Hurn Husi Hust Huud Huuk Hypi Iaru Ichu Idgi Idot Iech Ierl Iern Iesi Iest Iesy Iets Ilsi Invy Ipoc Ivin Ivir Ivol Ixem Ixot Ixpu Iyid Jamp Jank Jary Jast Jeck Jeki Jeni Jeol Jeve Jezz Jien Jiip Joll Juhn Juiy Juki Juon Jush Khen Kiin Kiip Kimp Kint Kipt Knii Kniw Knot Knut Knuw Kock Koll Kond Kong Kork Koss Koti Kuhl Kyli Lack Lamp Lang Lari Lash Last Leci Leck Ledy Leki Lemb Lemp Lend Leng Leni Leod Lest Leti Leve Lewn Lezy Lied Lief Liek Lien Liep Lift Lind Lins Lint Liss List Livy Lofi Loft Loid Loin Loki Loly Lomb Lomi Lomp Loni Lonk Lost Loun Lovi Luad Luck Lued Luen Luft Lugu Lung Luni Lurd Lusi Luss Lust Luuk Luup Luvi Mach Mast Medi Meki Meli Mell Meme Meny Meod Meol Meon Merc Merk Mert Mesk Mess Meti Mett Meyu Mezi Mied Miel Mien Miet Mige Miit Milt Mimu Mina Miri Mise Mish Miss Moci Mock Moki Mold Moli Molk Moll Mond Moni Mono Mont Moss Most Muck Mudi Muld Munk Muri Muss Must Muud Muun Muvi Myth Nadi Nats Nemi Neol Nevy Nick Nier Niet Niid Nist Niws Nixt Noci Nock Noni Nudi Nuni Nurm Nusi Nuti Nuun Nuve Ocun Odie Odli Odul Onch Onfu Ontu Oros Orun Osli Otim Pall Palp Pamp Pank Pari Pash Peci Peck Pect Pegi Peli Pelm Peod Peon Peor Pepe Pere Perk Pert Pess Pest Peth Pick Piek Piet Piil Piir Pist Plag Plas Plen Pley Plie Plut Pock Poir Poki Poli Poll Poni Ponk Pont Popi Poty Prey Prip Priy Pruf Prup Puar Puim Puit Puli Pull Pulu Puly Pund Puny Pupi Purk Purt Pusi Pust Puul Puur Qaod Qaot Qaoz Raby Radi Rali Raon Rash Rast Rath Reci Reck Regi Remp Reng Renk
Reod Reol Reon Repi Reri Resh Reti Revi Ried Riel Riep Rier Riid Riif Riil Rily Rint Rist Roch Roci Rock Rodi Rong Ropi Rosi Rosk Roti Rotz Rout Ruck Rudi Rued Ruer Ruli Rull Rupi Rusi Ruuf Ruum Ruut Sach Sack Sang Sank Saot Sarf Sari Scen Scer Scut Seck Sefi Sege Segi Seki Seli Selt Semi Send Seng Senk Seod Seol Sevi Shat Sheh Shid Shop Shot Shui Shup Shut Shuw Siel Siet Siid Siik Siim Siin Silf Sill Simo Sind Sint Sipt Sixy Skon Skop Sleb Slem Slep Slod Slom Slop Slut Sluw Snep Snuw Sock Sodi Sogh Sogn Solk Song Sonk Soti Sozi Span Spar Spen Spon Spot Sput Ster Stey Stim Stip Stor Stup Sual Suap Suar Sude Suep Suer Sufe Suft Suld Suli Sulu Sumi Sung Suol Suri Surt Suun Swen Swep Swey Swom Tabi Tack Tane Tani Tarf Tarn Teck Teki Teli Telk Tell Tenk Teol Tepi Teps Tesk Texo Thas Then Thet Thim Thin Thiy Thon Thos Thua Tich Tiem Tier Tiin Till Tind Tint Tirm Tist Tixt Tock Todi Tody Toir Toli Toll Tolt Tomi Tony Tori Trai Trep Trey Trii Trik Trom Trop Trou Truy Tuar Tuby Tuld Tull Tumb Tuni Tuny Tups Turi Turn Turt Tuss Tuuk Tuul Tuwn Twon Typi Uars Ubiy Udds Udur Ueth Ukey Unci Unly Untu Upin Urel Uttu Uvel Uvin Uvir Veon Very Vest Viol Vion Virb Viry Vist Vitu Voci Voiw Voni Vose Vuod Vuti Wedi Wegi Weki Welk Well Went Weot Werd Weri Werm Wern Wery Wesh Wett Wevi Weys Whet Whin Whop Whum Wiek Wier Wiid Wiik Will Wint Wiri Wist Wodi Wofi Wold Woll Wond Wong Woni Wopi Wori Wosh Wosi Woth Wrep Wuki Wulf Wurd Wuri Wurk Wurm Wurn Wuud Wuul Yaen Yeng Yerd Yern Yieh Yier Yuar Ziru Zonc Zuni Zuum
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