#driving me MAD thers just GOTTA be more to him but we get NOTHING
thelegendofhino · 1 year
Does nintendo REALLY expect me to believe that hino is the ONLY person in the history of hyrule to care about the blood moon at all????? He is just some guy! He has nothing to do with anything! Everyone else knows that the blood moon happens and it revives monsters but nobody cares about it!!?? The upheaval happens and IMMEDIATELY everyone is scrambling to research the zonai and the depths but NOBODY thinks twice about the blood moon which has been happening since the calamity. I do not believe that in the slightest! This would be the real world equivalent of like. People not bothering to study hurricanes or whatever because they happen often enough that its like nothing to them and they know what it does but theyre not curious as to WHY it happens. And thats not how it is!!
And WHY is hino the only one affected by the blood moon!!! Its not because of malice or gloom because people who get sick from gloom arent affected by the blood moon. Hinos been like this since botw and honestly maybe hes even been like that since before the events of botw but NOBODY comments on it! The npcs at the dueling peaks stable witness him act up during every blood moon and not single person has anything to say about it. And its not like hes just like crazy or whatever because its obvious thay the blood moon is directly physically affecting him in some way so WHY. WHY is it happening to him and ONLY him. Why is hino very obviously not aware of what it does to him. One day its gonna give him a heart attack.
He is mentioned by newspaper npcs and one zora guard so WHY doesnt he have his own like. Side adventure. Like hes strange hes odd hes weird somethings wrong with him and we cant even find out anything about it. I want MORE i need to know MORE!!
Like why do monsters capture him but attack everyone else on sight??? Do they think hes weird too??? And the blood moon itself is strange because ganondorf can control it but its implied that its always been a thing even before him so???? Clearly whatevers going on with hino doesnt actually have to do with ganondorf. Hino practically worships the blood moon itself whenever he gets all messed up. But. WHY. Why does it happen.
Hino wants to know why the blood moon happens and i wanna know why hino gets like that during a blood moon and NEITHER OF US GET OUR ANSWER!! I want more!! Give me more!! I need to know!!!!!!
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the-one-eighteen · 4 years
You asleep? I just feel calmer. When I’m with you. Stay For the soft conversation starters. You can use them together or separate! It’s up to you ❤️
I am. So sorry this took so long! But, I finally got it to a point where I like it, and enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy!
(read on ao3)
Eddie couldn’t say when he fell asleep. He vaguely remembers getting out of the showers at the end of his shift. Blearily recalls catching Buck’s eye across the locker room, and answering a questioning eyebrow with a signal for five more minutes. Knows he got in a car at some point.
But the line connecting point A to point B ends about the time Buck unlocked the door to his apartment and they both tumbled inside, if he’s being honest.
What little he can now make out of the dark living room seems to suggest their normal night in - open, empty take out containers from the Chinese place down the block on the table in front of them, tv screen black from where it’d powered off after too long sitting inactive. The light streaming in from the windows is flickering off and on, that same damn lightpost that’s needed it’s bulb replaced for the last two months or so - longer, if he takes Buck’s word for it.
The night around them is quiet at this point (though, what actual point that is is anyone’s guess. He’s groggy as hell, so...late is about all he’s got), with only the occasional rumbling of a car coming down the road, and more distant but ever present white noise of a city that never truly sleeps.
If Eddie tries really, really hard, all of that fades out pretty easily, leaving him in just this moment.
In the warm dark. On Buck’s familiar couch. With Buck’s achingly familiar warmth pressed against his side from where they’d fallen asleep leaning against each other. God, Eddie could melt back into sleep, just like that, if given the chance.
He didn’t get this often. Didn’t let himself get this often. It was too close to something he wanted - something he couldn’t have but was so tantalizingly close that if he didn’t know better, he’d bet Buck was toeing the same line he was.
But he wasn’t. Because that wasn’t Eddie’s luck. And Buck was a tactile bundle of electricity that pressed up against anything he could and anyone lucky enough to be caught in his wake just needed to hold on tight.
And looking too closely at how often he ended up on Buck’s couch - or, God forbid, how often Buck ended up on his, with Chris between them, all three of them curled into their own little bubble that made Eddie’s heart hurt with the comfort - well...that way madness lay.
So. Eddie didn’t allow himself this often. Or, so he told himself.
If only because his heart couldn’t take it.
But he was only so strong. And if the opportunity was going to land in his lap, who the hell was he to fight it.
He’d just about relaxed back into the couch, carefully tilting his head back against Buck’s where it was resting against his shoulder. If he was quiet enough in his want, maybe he could keep this a little longer. Stretch the moment out into the golden illusion of an early morning, if only for a breath.
But then he feels Buck shift against him. Feels the set to his shoulders stiffen as he wakes up slowly.
Eddie’s quiet in that moment. It’s selfish, and he knows it, but…
“You asleep?” It’s so soft that Eddie knows he could get away with pretending to not hear it. Is left to wonder why it’s so quiet for only a moment before Buck carefully shifts again.
“...Yeah.” Eddie finds himself murmuring back, even as he wishes he could pull that quiet sleepiness back around them. Knows it’s slipping between his fingers even as he pulls himself away to stretch. Like he hadn’t been up for several too long, too short minutes. “Looks like we missed the end of another movie, huh? Think we’ll ever make it through one that isn’t animated?”
There’s a soft, tired laugh, and Eddie grins. Can’t not, in the face of the sheer contentedness he can feel rolling off the other man.
“Not until Chris is too old for ‘em.”
And there’s the other reason Eddie toes that line, but never...quite makes the jump. Buck is always, always there, in their future. And Eddie would rather bury his own heart than take that chance away.
Simple as that.
“Speaking of, I gotta pick him up from Pepa’s pretty early, so I should probably get going.” He’s still smiling - can feel it in the curve of his mouth. Can’t quite feel it in any way that matters.
Something flashes across Buck’s face - still tired, his eyes shiny and his mouth curved sweetly and Eddie needs to look away - but Eddie can’t parse it in the dark, and, frankly, doesn’t want to try. Reading too much into things is practically a Diaz family tradition and he’s got enough tormenting him as it is, thank you.
“Yeah, alright. Drive home safe alright? And see you tomorrow night.”
Eddie hums softly in acknowledgement, standing and stretching again - less for show this time and more because the age where sleeping well on couches regularly is slowly but surely passing him by. He sees movement out of the corner of his eyes, just manages to turn in time to see Buck flop over the rest of the couch in his place, looking for all the world content to just. Stay there.
“Nice Buck. Try to make it up to your actual bed at some point will you?” Eddie asks around a laugh - too fond, even to his own ears - even as Buck grabs the pillow from that side to bury his face in with a vague grunt of acknowledgement. “Don’t complain to me tomorrow when your back is cramped then.” Eddie adds, only getting a muffled laugh and a blind shooing motion in his direction in response.
Eddie rolls his eyes, but leaves Buck to it. If the man wants to sleep on that dumb couch, let him. Eddie’ll just ignore his complaints during their shift.
And if he’d give a whole hell of a lot to be complaining about it right there with him, well, even he knows that sounds weird.
The knock at the door isn’t a surprise. Probably should be, given that it’s two-thirty in the morning on a Sunday.
But, Eddie’s been following the news all day. Been waiting for a call, all day.
(He’d finally gotten sick of waiting around nine, and had called into the station. Only to be told they had plenty of hands on deck, and that, by that point, everything was under control, and the news was just milking everything they could out of a sensational, but ultimately, nontragic accident.)
But, even through the shit footage the news had been running on repeat for hours, Eddie could see that just because it hadn’t been tragic, didn’t mean it had been easy. Construction project downtown had gone up in flames. Jumped to the building next to it. The only reason it hadn’t ended in tragedy was because that building tended to be empty on Saturdays. The building next to that one? Not so much.
So. The knock at the door is no surprise at all.
He answers the door and just raises an eyebrow at the sheepish look Buck shoots him. “Why do you still knock? You have a key.”
“Look, not everyone’s you Diaz. Some of us were raised with manners.” Eddie’ll give Buck this - he manages to hold the serious face for about thirty seconds before they’re both laughing at that.
“Get in here. There’s beer in the fridge, and some left over Thai.” And Buck grins at him, big and bright, and cracked along the edges in a way Eddie’s not even sure Buck realizes. But, in Buck comes, heading straight for the kitchen.
It was a thing.
Eddie couldn’t say when it started. But it was definitely a thing.
A long shift. A hard shift. Sometimes even just one out of left field. Mud and grit and smoke and ash. Some tangled mess of emotions or adrenaline or weathered nerves exposed for too long...and they’d both find their way to each other. Eddie would drop by Buck’s after making sure Chris was safe with his abuela or Peppa or Carla or, sometimes, bring him along, because nothing soothed the tangle like a night in with his family. Or Buck would drop by their place. And they wouldn’t talk about the shift. Talk about everything else around it, sure. Everything under the damn sun except the last twelve hours.
And it worked for them.
Even if Eddie always, always wished it didn’t have to end like it always, inevitably, did.
Look, he knew he was reaching the edge of pathetic and taking a dive right over the edge. He was aware.
He can hear Buck digging around in his fridge, rolls his eyes at the sound, even though he knows he’s still grinning at the sound. “I think there’s also some-”
Eddie snorted, shaking his head and heading to the couch. “Yeah, those. Chris wanted to make some for Carla’s birthday. Those’re the ones that didn’t pass the visual test. Still taste pretty good though.”
There’s a muffled ‘mmph’ that he’s pretty sure is Buck stuffing one in his mouth, so he felt okay assuming he agreed with him on that. “Bring me a beer while you’re raiding my fridge, would you?” Another muffled ‘mmph’ that Eddie’s pretty sure is acknowledgement.
It’s another couple of quiet moments after that before Buck actually follows through though, eventually shuffling into the living room with two beers, one of which he hands to Eddie as he collapses on the couch next to him.
Eddie pauses in his channel flicking long enough to glance over, raising an eyebrow. “Decided you weren’t hungry, or did you eat all the cupcakes instead?” He barely ducks the couch pillow aimed at his head in response, grinning back at Buck cheekily.
“I only ate one - and you were right, they were good, remind me to tell Chris that later - but...not really hungry.” He says, shrugging, and looking for all the world like he didn’t just tumble into Eddie’s house at fuck-all in the morning.
Sucks for him then that Eddie knows his tells like the back of his own hand. Can point out the stiffness in his shoulders, the minute jitteriness in his knee, the soft frown pressed down between his eyebrows with an accuracy Eddie likes to blame on time rather than any special attentiveness on his part.
Likes to. Really can’t.
“Mm. Well, it’s there if you change your mind.” Is all he says about it though.
They don’t talk about the shifts.
They drift into each other's orbits and let things work themselves out. Talking about it when there’s nothing to really...be done, just never really seemed to help. Shifts were going to suck, no matter how prepared you were for the job. That was just life.
Eventually, they’d settle on a crappy movie, one of them would fall asleep, the other probably right behind them, and, in cases like this, they’d wake up to Chris excitedly yelling at them about Buck visiting.
It was a thing.
And it looked like Buck was going to be the first one to pass out tonight, from how quickly his head is listing to the side, and how quickly Eddie gets worried about having to possibly clean beer stains out of his carpet from the way Buck is holding the bottle.
“You doing okay there, Buck?” Eddie asks, softly. Buck never dropped this quickly. Nervous energy didn’t dissipate this quickly. They had a routine, and they both stuck to it pretty well - falling into habits well worn and settling into groves well travelled.
“Huh?” Buck asks as he pulls his head back up, blinking blearily at Eddie before gracing him with a lopsided smile. “Yeah, yeah, just...tired man. And the nerves are already gone, you know? I just feel calmer, I guess. When I’m with you.” And that last part is said around a yawn, and Eddie swears his heart skips traitorously in his chest.
Before the feeling can fill the empty space in his lungs, he hums and pushes himself to his feet. “Lemme get you a pillow and a blanket then man. No point in trying to stay up if you’re already tuning out.” This time, Eddie doesn’t miss the flash of disappointment across Buck’s face.
Can’t quite convince himself he saw it right. Can’t quite convince himself he didn’t. Instead of examining it further, he’s turning on his heel down the hall to escape the doubt.
And Eddie wants nothing more in that moment than to drop the act. Invite Buck down the hall instead, where they could both curl up in the soft quiet of the night and stop pretending it was the not talking about it that made it better, at least for him.
And maybe...maybe for Buck too.
But, he doesn’t.
No matter how bright his heart burns at Buck’s small smile. At his soft thank you. At the sharp look in his eyes as he chases Eddie’s gaze.
But they don’t say a word about it.
It’s a thing.
Eddie doesn’t really know why he’s on Buck’s doorstep right now. Knows he should’ve called. Just as he knows he’s never needed to before.
It wasn’t a bad day. Shift was quiet - as quiet as a fire station in LA can ever be. Bobby had made lunch and they’d all actually been able to eat at least half their plates before the next call had come in. Every call had ended as well as they could.
Chris was on an overnight field-trip with his class to the natural history museum, and Eddie had a picture to show just how bright and excited he’d been about it that morning.
All in all? It’d been a perfect goddamn day. Well. No, not perfect. It’d been Buck’s day off.
...Huh. Maybe that’s why Eddie was on Buck’s doorstep.
...who the hell was he fooling anymore anyway? Definitely not himself.
Hopefully, still Buck though.
He doesn’t even get a chance to knock before the door’s opening and Buck’s grinning at him. “You know, when I said I was the one raised with manners, I wasn’t expecting you to take it to heart. You have a key too.” And then he’s gone again, leaving the door open behind him.
And Eddie has no choice but to follow.
“Was wondering when you’d stop by,” Buck calls out from the living room, where there’s two beers and a pizza box on the coffee table, “Pizza’s cold by now though. You missed your chance.”
“...Did you actually expect me to come by, or did you just grab that second beer just now to make it look like you did?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
And Eddie...Eddie just laughs, feels the strain he’d been carrying in his shoulders since about noon (for no goddamn reason, why was he like this) smooth out with each step towards the living room.
“Chris make it on the bus okay this morning?”
Eddie hums as he collapses on the couch next to Buck, feeling what was left of the tenseness in his muscles melt away as he settles into his spot. “You saw the pic this morning, what do you think? He’s gonna talk your ear off when he gets back. Which reminds me, I’ve been ordered to make sure you’re at dinner tomorrow. Chris’ orders.”
Buck grins at him, slow and soft, so bright and so fond Eddie has to look away. Excuses it by grabbing for the beer in front of him. “Well, Chris’ orders, guess I’m crashing dinner tomorrow then.”
“Hope you didn’t have plans.” Eddie says, for the sake of it.
“Well, I mean, I did…” Eddie feels his stomach drop - a sharp twist of discomfort as he quickly tries to figure out how to backpedal. There were joking expectations, and then there was seriously disrupting his best plan’s day just because he and his kid wanted to, and - “I was planning on dropping by your place for lunch, probably stay for a Disney marathon, since I’m pretty sure Chris is still on that kick, maybe make some lego disasters...but yeah, I think I can manage dinner.”
Eddie stares. And Buck just grins. “You need to get your blood pressure checked, Eds. Pretty sure people aren’t supposed to go that pale that quickly.” And then he’s cackling at Eddie’s expense, and Eddie kind of wants to strangle him, even as he finds himself laughing right along with him after less than a breath.
“You are such a jerk. I should leave. Actually, yeah, no, for that, I’m leaving. You can enjoy your cold pizza alone, you jacka-” Eddie’s halfway off the couch - with the intention of getting a plate, because like hell he was actually leaving - when he feels a hand clamp around his wrist, and suddenly it’s very, very quiet, and Eddie’s not entirely sure why it feels like all the air’s been sucked out of his lungs as he looks at Buck’s suddenly very serious, very sincere face.
“Stay.” Buck says into the quiet - so soft and gentle it can’t help but shatter the stillness around them.
And Eddie wants to laugh it off. The mood switch is too much, too dramatic, too...everything and he wants to break it so it’ll snap back to normal.
Wants to. Can’t quite manage it.
“...I was just getting a plate.” Eddie tries, weakly. Knows it’s not enough as the quiet settles back in around them.
But, then, Buck’s smiling at him, and his grip is loosening, and Eddie can breathe again.
The quiet stays in place, but the air between them is bright and fizzy instead of still and hard and Eddie couldn’t explain it if he tried.
So, he doesn’t. Instead, he goes to get the plate, because he’s not sure he can look at that smile and not take everything at face value.
He doesn’t hear Buck come up behind him. But he’s kind of hard to miss when Eddie turns around and Buck’s right there. Eddie doesn’t jump, but it’s a close thing. One Buck definitely notices if the shine to his eyes and the quirk to his lips is anything to go by. But, points to him, he doesn’t actually say anything about it.
“...You know. I’ve had this...big speech, in my head, for the last like. Month. Never quite manage to get it right twice.” And Buck’s talking, but Eddie’s not quite understanding. “Always seemed too...showy, you know? Or stiff. Or practiced. But that?” Buck gestures vaguely back to the living room like Eddie’s supposed to know what that means, “That gave me an idea.” And then he’s leaning into Eddie’s space and Eddie...Eddie can’t say no to Buck. Can’t deny him space even if all he has to give is his own.
“Eddie, stay with me?” Buck asks into the bare space between them, so soft and gentle it can’t help but shatter Eddie on the spot as the question clicks into place.
Eddie thinks back. To staying still in the comfortable dark in the hope that neither of them were going to move, for just a moment longer. To knowing silence and willing comfort in familiar orbits. To the want straining his heart every time he so much as looks at Buck, in the hope that the look he’s seeing in the man’s eyes is a reflection rather than a delusion.
He doesn’t know who moves first, but the next thing he really knows is the feel of Buck’s lips against his own in a slow, languid kiss that doesn’t quite line up until it does and all Eddie can do is melt.
“Do you even have to ask?” Eddie’s heart is burning when they pull away, breathless in the quiet, his voice too loud and too quiet.
And oh, that first kiss has nothing on the second.
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jitterbugjive · 5 years
Live Action Dumbo
So I saw the Tim Burton Dumbo in theaters recently and I thought I’d save everyone the pain of watching it by pasting my summary of it here. I wish I was making this shit up but this movie is exaggerated so far beyond the cartoon that everything about it is less believable than the flying elephant it’s about.
So, basically the plot revolves around 3 people, 2 personality'less kids, one girl who's personality is "I like science but the only way I show that is by saying I like it and acting like no one understands me while all my lines are delivered like i'm smart but traumatized to have no emotions because my mom is dead" while the brother's only defining line is "I can stand on my head for ten seconds" basically to show he's a talentless useless nothing. which he remains throughout the whole film. Then there's the dad, the only really decent character of the three, a war veterin who lost an arm and used to ride horses in the circus, reduced to tending to the elephants because it was the only job he had so the circus is going out of business and the ringleader sold all the horses because no one was around to perform with them any more, and he buys a pregnant asian elephant from fuck knows where because he wants to market the baby baby is born, he gets mad that the baby is a mutated hideous freak and insists it wont sell
there's also a shitty guy taking care of the elephants who abuses them for no damn reason other than to be a bad guy anyway circus leader tells the dad to hide the ears, and they decide to put him in a weird baby hat that tucks his ears in now the kids just for some reason decide to blow a feather at him and he likes playing blow the feather with them, but he snorts the feather up his nose, sneezes, and flies for a moment but for some stupid reason they think it was him eating a peanut that did it so they cant convince him to fly again but now he's addicted to snorting feathers i guess because he snorts one off a lady;'s hat when he';s being paraded around as a baby, and he sneezes, ears come loose, but he doesn;t fly the ENTIRE circus starts laughing at himn and throwing food at him the other elephants spook because he's scary i guess??? his mom gets antagonized by asshole going "hur hur they laughing at your ugly baby" she gets mad, comes out to defend him, dad calms her down, asshole runs out screaming MAD ELEPHANT and pisses her off again so she tears the circus down on accident and kills the asshole circus leader lies to the cops i guess so they can keep the elephant locked in a mad elephant cage, the circus troupe for some reason sing baby mine together then circus leader decides "i was ripped off, i'm gonna sell her back to the guy but keep the freak baby as a clown because people laughed at him" the kids meanwhile try to comfort him by dumping peanuts on him but he's too depressed to eat, and then a feather just happens to get in so once again he snorts it up like a coke addict and sneezes and flies and starts flying all over the place and snorting the feather over and over until just snorting the feather and not sneezing lets him fly i guess
dad gets forced to be a clown because he was ashamed of himself having 1 arm and didn't want to be seen, they do the clown scene but with a monkey at the top of the building and dumbo as a firefighter to snort water and put out the controlled fires jackass mcgee controlling the fires doesn't do his damn job and a clown throws a thing that activates a lever to make EXTREME FIRE OH NO little girl risks her life going up the ladder to make dumbo snort a feather and fly now people see him flying and basically shit themselves, the circus begins advertising their flying elephant then the BIG BAD CIRCUS catches wind and is like 'let's make a coownership contract for the elephant and i'll hire your whole troupe and give them a place to live' This guy is so obviously scummy it's not remotely subtle, down to collecting girls as trophies one said woman he claims is her queen who does the trapese obvious love interest for lonely dad because disney i guess and they decide let's make her fly ON the baby elephant for some reason figure it out in less than a week or so help me the bank is gonna fund this but only if she flies perfectly on this BABY elephant because big circus is actually secretly going bankrupt and relying on dumbo to fix it
i forgot to mention the kids promised dumbo if he performed well and earned enough money they'd buy his mom back also the girl constantly points out the obvious. constantly, at the worst times too so the performance day comes, they dont think they're ready but they gotta do it anyway cuz big bank guy is watching
We get Pink elephants but it’s people blowing bubbles that somehow come to fucking life and all Dumbo does is bob his head to the music and watch them, I guess the whole theater is tripping because everyone sees this shit going down but no one questions how in the hell bubbles are doing all this. This scene is short and it’s just dancing bubbles, for a Tim Burton movie you’d think of all scenes PINK ELEPHANTS would be trippy as balls but nah. nah it’s just bubbles and repetitive music and a baby elephant nodding his head to the beat
anyway it’s time for the performance but then jackass circus owner is like lel no nets no matter that it's illegal and puts lives in danger and may traumatize people no nets because it makes it a better show (he doesn’t get in trouble for this at all btw, just the lady getting mad at him and him like ‘hey it’s show biz hur hur’ so lady is nervous, dumbo hesitates, performance goes to shit when lady falls and barely catches a rope and dumbo almost falls off a platform but he gets a feather somehow and weee flying ppeople are like oooh aah but then he hears his mom
because APPARENTLY the big bad circus bought her and put her on display as a spooky scary elephant in nightmare island dumbo is emotionally nuzzling her, everyone follows him, everyone is there as the big bad circus guy is like GET THE BABY ELEPHANT AWAY FROM HER and no one does a damn thing no one protests they all just stare as he's taken away and then only after he;s taken away this fucking girl goes "i think that's his mom :0" big bad circus guy is pissed and goes on about how it's better to do things alone and to seperate them, and asks that the mom be killed the next day to sever the problem also bank guy is like "well the elephant was flying but not with the lady so fuck you i';m not wow'd at all you fail, get it right next time or no money" big bad circus guy then goes "oh by the way ther troupe are all useless and do what our troupe already does so i fired them, send them away" so everyone's pissed and comes up with a plan to rescue the elephants and get them out of the circus
circus freaks use their circus freaky powers to bust mama jumbo out, while dumbo and lady distract people with a performance and the dad climbs the tent to cut it open with one arm because i guess no one else in the troupe could fucking climb i guess so dumbo can fly out with the lady
they fly out and go to a control tower to open a gate for mama jumbo in a truck to be free, they restrain the lady but are too scared of the baby elephant to stop it from SWITCHING ALL THE SWITCHES AND TURNING OFF THE POWER OF THE PLACE big bad circus guy busts in to the control room knowing they are there somehow and just starts trying to flip the switches back and a dude is like "wait nooo you have to let it reboot first or it'll short circuit" \big bad circus dude doesn;t listen and goes apeshit on the controls, even whacking them with his cane until they spark whole circus catches fucking fire kids are being chased by big bad circus dude's henchman in to the burning tent dad has to ride a horse in to save them but then they all get trapped in the burning tent
dumbo is about to be reunited with his mom when he realizes o no they are in the tent and flies off to rescue them, grabbing a bunch of water in his trunk he gets them out but oh no the feather burned how can he fly i know, a dumb speech about how he doesn't need the feather and an allusion to a stupid keyt around the girl's neck from her mother which she throws in a fire to prove "i dont need it like you dont need the feather" \and he;s just okay and flies them out dad steals another horse to get out
they drive jumbo and fly dumbo to a big cargo boat where they just kinda.... walk the elephants on no questions asked to be shipped to india now the little circus is doing a new thing where they no longer have animals because they dont believe in keeping animals captive for entertainment, and everyone jsut dresses as animals instead
and mom and dumbo get united with wild elephants who foir some reason give 0 shits about a flying elephant with huge ears unlike the circus elephants which freaked out the end oh and science girl does one science thing supposedly which is making her dad a metal arm when we see her not making anything ever the entire moviue and she has her own science tent where it';s just a projector showing a video of lady flying on dumbo???? idfk it was fucking stupid groan what a piece of shit
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