#drives me up a wall istfg BUT SO MANY PPL DO IT
justsomeoneunordinary · 5 months
fanfic pet peeve that i can do nothing abt but just silently grind my teeth in frustration: when in anime fandoms the writers/or just the fandom on tumblr in general uses western-style order of the names instead of putting the family name first
i already hate that in anime dub (or even sub which is so stupid bc we can HEAR it's the other way around) they change it bc they assume kids are too dumb to understand that the family name comes first (newsflash: they're not. the kids would understand it pretty quick and just accept it actually)
but ough when adults in fandom do it? grinds my gears so hard. you know better damnit, why do you do it like this!!!
every time i read madara uchiha or tobirama senju i just sit here and shake in annoyance bc like. no. you are wrong
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