… Olli would look good as a frog 😔
But no one throw him against a wall please.
Now I have to imagine a cute frog with a curly wig on it that does this move with its hand🤘
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lnights · 2 years
Middy in a short white dresssss???
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From Johnny's insta.
I swear I'm so normal about this.
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the-very-rubiest · 2 years
“to make it to damn near 30 carrying himself the way he does” SAY IT LOUDERRRRR
i get it if you worry about someone who’s a child star or who just got famous and is new to it all but no one in BC is new to it all and it’s a bit insulting to treat them as though they don’t know anything at all.
RIGHT? Especially for someone with his backstory, that's an accomplishment. Being any form of Weird is already a constant game of "Aren't you too old for that?" and "Grow up!" and the corresponding eyerolls the older you get, not to mention he was already bullied during his formative years for not being (looking) "masculine" enough. Someone with a different predisposition, a worse support system, would've caved under that pressure. Turned around and masked the weirdness and cut the hair and stopped painting his nails, and he would've stashed away his feelings in a desperate effort to not be seen as weak and girly. Joel could've done the same. With mixed results probably, sure, but he could.
But he didn't. Joel chose spite. Instead of letting others bend him out of shape he stayed true to himself, and that's hard. Being yourself leaves you vulnerable. It gives those who want to hate you material to use against you, to shame you for not being adult enough or tough enough or normal enough, and there will always be people judging. To carry through with it, carry that attitude into adulthood and beyond, you need to be tough as nails. And in his own way, he is. Admitting to your weaknesses is a sign of strength, and so is showing vulnerability. Joel is sensitive, he admits that freely, but one thing he's not is frail.
Basically, he reminds me of this comic:
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So yeah, as for the fans babying him, maybe they should ask themselves why they're so ready to see him as frail. At least the adults. The kids are just children and naturally can't understand how a seasoned grown-up would deal with certain situations and how much of an impact criticism or insults would have on them, so…yeah. They'll grow up and cringe at their past selves someday, I'm sure! I…hope?
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bctrashtime · 2 years
Ich supporte dein Badeschlappen-shaming voll und ganz 🙌🙌🙌🙌 nieder mit den Badeschlappen 😡😡😡 looking at the ex-goth cloud specifically
Wieso Badeschlappen?? Wie könnt ihr in den Venues fast mit nackten Füßen überall rumlaufen??
(Wir waren in Dresden als aller letztes aus am Merchstand und haben draußen Kreischen gehört. Waren ne Minute oder zwei später raus und Niko, Aleksi und ich glaube Joel waren schon wieder ein paar Meter vom Zaun weg. 🥲🥲🥲
Aber das einzige was ich bewusst wahrgenommen habe waren Aleksi nackte Füße in seinen fucking Adiletten und sein weiß/graues T-Shirt. Die haben im Dunkelnen richtig geleuchtet 🤮🤮
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exquisiteagony · 2 years
You're my: mutual in the writer side of bc tumblr!
How I met you: through the bc fandom 😅
Why I follow you: you seem cool 😎
Your blog is: friendly!
Your URL is: i like it!
Your icon is: absolutely slappin!
General opinion: you seem cool and popular 😅
A random thought I have: i’m mildly jealous that you got to meet them 😅
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sparkly-skies · 2 years
if the dress is purple why would you combine it with green eyeshadow, especially if there’s no green in the nail design? 🤔 is Aleksi also doing green strands in his hair and wants to highlight them with the green eyeshadow??? Is he doing a cosplay of Ursula from little mermaid????
(sorry I’m terrible xD love you ❤️)
I just looked up "sparkly eyeshadow" and thought that one looks nice and... well, that's really all I thought. But now that you asked about it, I think it could go well with his eyes and especially his hair, and it's with the other shades of purple, too.
But if you want green in the nail polish too, how about one of these:
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NO green strands in his hair, nono, that's one of the few colours I think would not look good on him, mostly because I don't think green hair really looks good on anyone.
(ooh 🥺💖)
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chaoslaura · 2 years
the what in the root system now :(
It's what a symbiosis is called between a tree and a fungus sitting in their root system :D The fungus can get stuff out of the earth the tree can't and gives it to it, and the tree gives back stuff it made from photosynthesis because the fungus can't do that itself.
And like earth is covered with these fungus, it connects several trees and even helps spreading nutritions from one tree to another, mother trees can interact with their child trees even🥰So really almost like a post system making sure everyone gets what was sent to them (and keeping a little bonus for themselves).
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thetimecrystal · 2 years
I NEED you to know that the tag ‘canon compliant grumpy Joel’ is the best tag EVER and I laughed way too much at it, it’s 10/10!!!
thank you omg!!!! i am still actually making myself laugh with that tag skjgkgj
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paleangels13 · 2 years
You're my: wish I had talked to you sooner mutual 🥺
How I met you: stumbled upon you at some point on here 🥰
Why I follow you: I like you and your content is fun 😌
Your blog is: nice, a little chaotic sometimes :D
Your URL is: the first one where I already know what it's about ^^
Your icon is: perfect, couldn't have done that better myself (oh wait... 😌👀)
A random fact I know about you: you'll be on a medieval market this summer 👀😍
General opinion: 🥰💖🤗☺️✨🤲🏻😍🖤 10/10 would hug if I could :D
A random thought I have: i still need to write a certain fic for you... 🤔👀
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5,11,14 for the music ask! :)
Hi, thank you so much for sending this ask 🤗🖤
5. Do you listen to band members solo music?
Yes I do. Not with every band I am into, and I am definitely not aware of everyones solo stuff but the more I like a band the more I look into that stuff I guess.
11. Has an band member or artist ever disappointed you and now you can’t listen to them?
Yes and no. There is a band that I really used to like. I kind of grew out of their music and they split up years ago, but I still listened to their music occasionally. Then I found out some pretty disturbing things about one of their members... Haven't listened to a song from them ever since. Knowing that stuff just makes it impossible.
There is another band that actually came close to doing that, but I have kind of forgiven them now. And I never stopped listening to their music.
14. What’s your dream lineup of 3 acts still touring?
That one is impossible to answer. 😭 Seriously there is no way I can actually do that... But okay, let's just do Lost Society and Blind Channel (since the two concerts I went to on this tour were seriously my favorite ones ever) but I have to switch out Oceans with Electric Callboy (since I really wanted be at their tour with BC this year but couldn't). My heart hurts now for the other bands I wanted to include, but I think they wouldn't fit together anyways. And I am also really sorry for Oceans for switching them out, since I actually like them...😔
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[ BEHIND ]:         upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them.
with Joel and Aleksi? 🥺
Turning into the kitchen he found Joel with his back to him, shoulders partly hidden by his loose hair that was inviting him to play with it with his fingers, but Aleksi was also drawn closer by something else, eyeing the unconcealed skin of his ribs poking out under the top with the open sides under his arms.
Slowly he made his approach but loud enough that Joel wouldn’t be scared. His high-pitched screams came often enough when they were taking a walk by the sea, Aleksi didn’t need them inside the studio as well or he would assume some bird has found its way into the rooms and his boyfriend needed to be rescued.
“We need more energy drinks.” Joel started without turning around, head buried deep in the fridge as if some cans might show up in a distant corner. “I could go to the corn- oh. Hi, there.” His bright smile was evident when he spoke again, and Aleksi smiled against his back as well, feeling stupid for being so effected by Joel’s mere voice.
His arms tightened some more where he had pushed them inside Joel’s top through the sides, hands resting high on his stomach, and he used his grip to pull Joel even closer, moving his face so he could press a kiss to his bare shoulder.
Joel closed the fridge door and turned his head to the side to look at him as best as he could, and Aleksi hid his face into the back of his shoulders again, an embarrassingly unnecessary blush having risen up on his cheeks.
“What are you doing?” Joel asked still smiling and put his hands on top of Aleksi’s over the fabric.
“Just thought I could use the opportunity now that everyone knows about us anyways.”
Barely a week ago they wouldn’t have dared to do this so openly as anybody could walk in any minute, but now it didn’t bother them anymore. They had kept their relationship secret long enough and now that they were certain it wasn’t just a summer fling, feelings amplified by the heat and endless weeks stacked on top of each other on a tour bus, they hadn’t been able to hide this any longer from their friends.
And moreover, they hadn’t been able to keep their hands to each other, so one of them would have slipped one of these days anyways, kissing the other as a goodbye or greeting or taking their hand when they sat together, raising the suspicion of their already nosy friends.
But now that the word was out they really were a couple they could freely express their love, even if it was only a quick cuddle in the kitchen, to recharge before they had to go back working.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I-” Turning in his arms, Joel came to face him, his hands raising to push the longer growing hair out of his face and then to pull him closer to kiss him, Aleksi not prepared for it all but nonetheless melting into it, nails slightly digging into Joel’s back.
The small peck this morning definitely hadn’t been enough. Not when their last night had been a few days ago and Aleksi needed more of Joel than a fleeting touch of his lips or a short hug. This here however was just right and Aleksi didn’t mind the seconds passing by while Joel didn’t make a move to let go of him.
Not until they heard a not so disguised coughing behind them and turned in their holds to see Joonas standing in the entrance with his arms crossed and a smug smile. The mood was ruined but the smile didn’t slip from Aleksi’s face when Joel kissed him high on his cheek before the entangled himself from Aleksi and went with Joonas and left Aleksi alone in their little kitchen.
Huh, Aleksi had forgotten what he came here for initially.
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lnights · 2 years
“Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
involving Joel, Joonas and Niko 👀👀
This begs for angst 😤 I am changing one word on the prompt though.
Niko tried his best to keep his cool.
Their set had been great, amazing energy from all of them as always. The crowd had loved it, had loved them, every second.
But one of the biggest cheers was during Sharks Love Blood, when he had gone over and pulled Joonas back by the hair and kissed him deeply, as if staking a claim.
And maybe he was.
Not that it mattered. Not when the second they were off stage it wasn't him, but Joel that had his arms around Joonas. When it was not him but Joel that got to nuzzle into his hair (even flat and sweaty as it was after shows).
And it wasn't him Joonas was currently changing into a different outfit and trying to make his hair look decent for, an after gig date the two of them had been excitedly talking about all day.
"Do I look decent?" Joonas asked, his hair restored to some of its natural glory.
"You always look amazing." He responded, noting it was just the two of them in the dressing room.
Joonas laughed, "thanks man. Guess I'm ready for my date."
"Does he make you feel as good as I do?" Niko asked quietly.
Joonas stilled where he had been about to grab his bag.
"Niko," he sighed, "we've talked about this man. Joel is my boyfriend."
"Maybe, but you don't kiss him like we do."
Joonas turned back to him with a glare. "Yes, I do. Just not on stage or for social media." He sighed, "ya'know... Maybe we should take SLB off the playlist next time."
Niko got out of his chair and crossed over to Joonas in heartbeat, "why?" He demanded, "don't tell me you feel nothing during those kisses, that it's all just for show."
He knew Joonas, knew when he was putting on an act or not and this was real. What they had was real.
And ok yes he and Joel had been dating a long time and he didn't want to hurt him either, his co-singer was his friend, his partner in crime, the one that had gone through the endless interviews with him during Eurovision and beyond.
Surely there was a way for everyone to be happy, if they just tried? If Joonas just admitted he had feelings for them both-
"Niko. Joel is my boyfriend." Joonas said softly again, slipping on his backpack and taking a couple steps backwards, towards the door. "I love everyone in the band but... With him it's different. Always has been. Maybe... We should talk about our stage behavior a bit, change things up. I don't want you to feel led on."
"Joonas-" Niko started, just as the door swung open, almost hitting Joonas.
"Ready to go babe?" Joel asked, cleaned up and changed, hair wet and indicating he had just had his turn in the shower.
"Yeah," Joonas beamed up at his boyfriend and oh, how Niko wished it was aimed at him.
"Great! Everyone else had cleaned up," he address Niko, "shower is all yours. Make sure your stuff is packed, wouldn't want someone to take what's yours."
His friend's blue eyes had gotten hard at the last few words, an arm being slung around Joonas as he pulled him out of the room.
Niko just watched the door close behind them, feeling completely lost.
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the-very-rubiest · 2 years
2,10,22 🥰🥰🖤
AYYYY 🥳🎉 Thanks for the questions! Ask and you shall receive:
2. Album of the year?
You're saying that like two-thirds of my favorite bands didn't drop a new album this year. RIP me. The new AS IT IS album is fire, the new Stand Atlantic is fire, the new ONE OK ROCK was a really unexpected banger, there's obviously LOTSAD, am I forgetting something? Probably, because all of that and more dropped THIS YEAR and I love them all. But in terms of what I listened to the most, I think I'm gonna have to be basic and go with LOTSAD!
10. Something that made you cry this year?
Motha. Flippin. State exams. I lost count of all the times I started crying because I thought I was gonna fail and disappoint everyone, or all the times I despaired because it was so much and I couldn't get anything done at all and kept falling further behind. I did survive! With utterly mediocre grades, but I survived and am now the proud owner of an undergraduate law diploma…and will have to head towards bar exams soon and face this entire hell again but worse. Will I need therapy before I can brave that? Probably! Will I get it? Probably not! But I'll be damned if I can't figure it out on my own anyway!
Mostly because I have to, but isn't necessity the mother of invention or something?
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
That's gotta be Innsbruck, Austria! Not gonna go into too much detail because I don't want to accidentally dox anyone, but I went there twice this fall to visit someone dear to me and it was lovely both times. Not just because of the good company! The city is beautiful too, it's chock-full of gorgeous dogs, to say nothing of the landscape around it. Mountains!
(One of these days I'll stop being such a North German™️ about mountains. I predict it won't be anytime soon.)
End of the year Asks
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bctrashtime · 2 years
I was too excited to tell you about Lost Society (A BAND YOU KNOW VERY WELL THAT I DONT NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT) that I forgot to tell you that you’re super super pretty!!!!! I hope you guys had fun and that your sister enjoyed her first concert!
well, having seen them live now I understand why you saw the need to emphasize it lmao (SORRY 😬)
thank you so so much 🥺🥺
We had a lot of fun, my sister had a good time (Samy was literally in her face, bend over the barrier) 😭🎉
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exquisiteagony · 2 years
I want to know more about the chains and the leashes ✨✨
it wasn’t much tbh it was more ‘chains and leashes -> either bondage or petplay’ 😅😅
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poodlejoonas · 1 year
Tagged by: @the-killer-queenie 💙
Post: lockscreen, last song I was listening to, the last picture I took and last picture I saved.
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Tagging: @rosenrots @wow-ihateithere @lil-melody @chaoslaura @because-its-eurovision @drippinlou @w0rldl0ngg0ne @furiousbirdballoon and uhhhhhhh anyone else who feels like doing it (no pressure, I'm not a cop 😂)
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