gotholtzmanned-blog · 8 years
@drippingredledgers​  ❤’d
          ❝ hey, hey —— you wanna hear a secret ? ❞
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she leans over with little regard for personal space, brushing flame-like locks of hair away from natasha’s ear for whispers to be better heard.
          ❝ i see dead people. ❞  
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morevnah-blog · 8 years
IRON & STONE.   she feels the slavic wind nip at her milked skin,   prickling deeply into her blood.  & with her girlhood stolen,  taken as bird-wife like her blood-sisters,   she had learned to hold herself into her sternum,  dark & grained,   swallowed by pride & greed by which she could not hold. 
lips as rich as dahlias remain firmly their shape.
❛  ваши кости кажутся голодали,   товарищ. ❜
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providae-blog · 8 years
" you are going to break your promise. i understand. "
we take the deluge in our mouths & its SAPIDITY is one of orison — saliniform, a matrimony mortiferous, but the halophilous are always graveless. find thy cippus amid the benthos — an osculation pelagic, her bathysmal tongue ‘twixt thine teeth, ullagone—— she, who paces widow’s walk. he, who chases borzoi. 
( not yet, not yet —— still hyperborean in thine halitus, sovenance SUSURRUS in the larynx; chronology, always the most SCELESTIC of mistresses. )
obfuscation like FROSTWORK ‘pon a countenance etiolated leucochroic — boy is man is bear, & ‘twixt the ribs does ursicide vellicate. NAME ME APOTHEOSISED, SO THAT I MAY TASTE ATHANASY —— LAY IBERIS AT MINE FEET, WATCH IT WANE. here, warrior of erythropsia; her mane, her mouth, her mind, relegated to anamnesis, burstingbaccivorous in the mouth. he is long-acierated, an aegis hominified, yet still does KENOSIS accloy aneolith throat, malacissation like VARIX. a cataclysm of celadon & griseous rooted in their gaze — a debellation diaphanous, vernal in their brumal sepulcher. perhaps it buds icterine ‘neath the sternum. i promise to come home, always —— you are my home, always.
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the vellication of metacarpals adamantine —— to amplect, or extirpate? does not destruction attaint piceous every surface upon which such deleterious digits rest, even in caress? ------------ MUSSITATION, next; intonation like serein,margaritiferous.   ❛ i won’t. i keep my promises. ❜ doe-footed --- a venator takes aim.  ❛ i’ll come home. ❜
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ironarchived · 8 years
random love: claudia, my sunshine, you know how much trash i am for you. you're literally incredible. god. your knowledge & love for tony is what keeps me Breathing & not to mention how perfect your portrayal is. you never fail to amaze me. even your writing is absolutely exquisite & a true inspiration for me !! i'm always, a lways in awe with you & your talent. thank you for being so wonderful & giving me the honour of writing with you !! i adore you & your talent.
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emily.  emily.  you are my favorite of favorites.  the writer i turn to when i need inspiration to spark or prose to galvanize my muse.  an endless source of creativity  &  kindness.  i stumbled across your aesthetic blog the other day and it struck me how perfectly the word,  if there was a singular word capable of doing so,  exceptional  fits you.  all of the incredible things i could say about your depth of understanding  &  rigorous dedication to the very essence of natasha romanova aside,  it’s your love of language,  your love of  words  that elevates everything you do.  
as i’ve said before,  and countless others have reiterated one way or another,  you writing exists in a realm of its own.  reading your work is like poring through a storybook of lost folk tales,  the stories forgotten and slipped through time,  war  &  beauty  &  death         but compassion, too.  and love         spun around this one enigma of a woman.  she is myth  &  mystery,  tangled up in misconceptions,  but you know her so intimately,  you write her with so much fascination in all that she is that every facet that comes alive through you unravels a little more of her to expose someone  real,  of flesh  &  blood.  
your writing wakes me up,  and whenever i’ve had the pleasure of being able to thread with you it’s always been  challenge  &  an invitation to go a little bit further,  to be more daring,  more profound.  our kids have such a compelling dynamic in any universe,  and i absolutely love how we’ve been able to play with the complexity  &  nuance of their relationship.  one of the most amazing things about roleplay is bearing witness to how a writer’s love  &  imagination transforms their portrayal;  there’s so much humanity  &  artistry to your dedication that nothing i’ve seen or read or heard about natasha since hasn’t been influenced in some way by your words.  and,  y'know,  one day i'm going to be writing gushing 5-out-of-5 star reviews for your novels on goodreads waxing poetic about creations just as brilliant  &  vividly composed.
in short,  you are  extraordinary.  in what you do  &  who you are.  thank you so very much for saying all these lovely things.
I LOVE YOU  to the moon  &  stars  &  back.
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nexusbeingmoved · 8 years
drippingredledgers replied to your post:.
the legend of bloody bendis
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utonul-blog · 8 years
drippingredledgers replied to your photo “omg   !!        200  followers  is  more  than  i’ve  ever  had  on...”
*heart  eyes  @  u  !!*    omg  emily  ily  so  you  are  so  SWEET  &&  WONDERFUL  && i’m so happy to know you like    !!    friend    !!
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marypoots-a · 8 years
@drippingredledgers replied to your post: THANK GOD THIS SEASON IS OVER.   as of now, this...
whispers, come & join the 616 squad.
i....... i just might
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utonul-blog · 8 years
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❛      nat            BLACK WIDOW      ??      ❜     nobody  mentioned  to  him  that  she  had  the  SAME  MISSION.        he  shouldn’t  be  there.        he  shouldn’t  be  talking  to  her.        deep  breath  in,    out.        they  worked  together  BEFORE  they  were  together,    surely  he  can  pull  himself  together  enough  to  not  get  attached  again.      ❛      you’ve  been  SHOT.        let  me  help  you.      ❜      he  nearly  moves  to  pick  her  up  into  his  arms  before  stopping.        she  doesn’t  know  him.        she’s  LETHAL,    &&  she  doesn’t  know  him  any  more.        she  hasn’t  for  five  years.
&&  @drippingredledgers
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rcbelqueen-blog · 8 years
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 !! IZZIE. do you know how much i love this blog, srsly. i've literally been so interested in this blog ever since you first mentioned the idea to me, many moons ago. & all those times you sent me snipets of what you were crafting ; I LOVE IT. i love this idea. i love this portrayal. you are so talented my little buttercup !! such a beautiful writer & i cannot wait to see this project flourish, because it'll be truly beautiful & this blog is the love of my life & so are you.
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        uncursed. emily !! EMILY !! i cannot handle this kind of praise, you know it. why do you insist on murdering me. ???? i don’t understand what I did in my past lives to deserve you. 
          i remember, many moons ago, when Kira was born, a mere concept. i’m immensely grateful that you were there for me, that you listened and cheered me on !! without you, I can safely say, Kira wouldn’t exist. thank you for making my days so much brighter with your kindness, talent and salt. always. 
           i am also so so excited to see Kira flourish and to see this project grow. please know, that if it does, I owe a lot to you.
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          smoke drifts in LAZY circles above; vaporous snakes DANCING in the orange light that sets their tails AFLAME. laughter ECHOES around the room, alcohol flowing freely as many of the bar’s patrons TOAST their farewells, sharply pressed uniform as yet UNBLEMISHED by the atrocities of war. 
          he wears his own with PRIDE, sergeant’s chevrons swinging freely by his side. it’s easy to sweep the future under the rug when the PRIVILEGES outweigh the thought of what lay in wait across the ocean; a drink on the house and the attention of many a pretty girl — what more could he want in this moment? 
          steve would ADMONISH his thinking, but then his friend has always THIRSTED for a chance to bloody his knuckles for the sake of proving a point; rogers was the one born with a HURRICANE heart and an inner strength too big for his bones, yet he was the one clothed in the soldier’s PYRE. 
                                                    so he was going to damn well ENJOY the status while it lasted.
                                ❝ excuse me               ❞
          charm is on the OFFENSIVE, signature smile gracing lips that part with an ease bestowed upon those UNBURDENED by the weight of the world. fingers come to rest on the back of an empty stool tucked under the bar-top, eyebrow arching in the woman’s direction as he moves into view.
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                                                      ❝               this seat TAKEN? ❞
                                                              ▌▒ ☆ @drippingredledgers
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utonul-blog · 8 years
can someone give me an au where natalia is working for the soviets and runs into bucky during the invasion and ofc she’s like eight years older than him but they meet and that’s like ALL and then a few years later he shows up at department x and she recognizes him and that’s what she’s telling him in the showers all the time and just!! someone!! give!! this!! to!! me!! BUCKY TALKING BACK IN ENGLISH BC HE KNOWS WHO HE USED TO BE AND NATALIA IS MAKING HIM STRONG
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rcbelqueen-blog · 8 years
❝ oh you’re all alone. ❞
                            sentence starters
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      “ that makes two of us, darling. “
                                 if she could have poisoned her words with the hatred that filled that second, she would have. for all the ghosts of her past, and those of her future, seemed to have awaken at the widow’s words– crawled out of distant graves for her, her own personal congregation. it was the reckoning of the immortal, the undeniable proof of their solitude. part of her wished for laughter, for the salvation of bubbling happiness in her throat; but she was unable to reach her array of masks. 
      “ only I haven’t made friends with my solitude. “
                                men and women had come and gone, looking to complete some part of her, like children with puzzles. little did they know, how beyond fixing the cursed one was. how she, a little girl herself, had attempted to mend her broken heart, only to bleed onto her wrecked soul. kira clenched her jaw, her weary eyes stripped of all defenses. the dead were howling, and the echo grew inside her. she’d hoped for a kindred spirit in the redheaded woman, a friend that would outlive most. if hope would abandon her now, how could she long for silence ?
      “ life makes loners of us all, natasha. I just choose otherwise. “
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