#drink in all that is not yours | jonah aes
ritualwritten · 3 years
what niche character archetype are you?
Elias - the secret mastermind
you are the secret mastermind. while you come across simplistic sometimes, you are more than meets the eye. those secrets that your keeping, are they weighing you down? don't you wish that you could be open with just one person? all the people you've trusted are gone, but that doesn't mean you can't let anyone else in. still, the plans you have might get in the way of that. you'll get what you want, you will make sure of that much, because the world has taken too much away. don't worry, retribution comes eventually.
(( *thinks abt end! and dark! elias* 👀 ))
Emma - the unwilling accomplice
you are the unwilling accomplice. you're not sure what you did to deserve this fate. (yes you are; you've never been good, why start now?) whatever it is you did to end up in this position, you now can't get out, and you're not sure you even want to fight to free yourself. it's easier if you're not in control, isn't it? do you think that makes you less responsible for the blood you've spilled? stop putting your faith in saviors who seem to know your pain. you can only look after yourself.
(( the vibes are there, but emma is a very willing accomplice ))
Jonah - the silver-tongued king 
you are the silver-tongued king. you rule over your own destiny, not the other way around. when you believed you deserved better from the world, you knew you'd do anything to get what you deserved. but the people you lied to, used along the way, did they deserve that fate too? you could talk your way into anyone's trust, but did you become something you can't undo? you're finally happy now, that's what you'll say, but you're hollow. something's missing. (it might be your heart.)
(( yea ))
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
What Are You?
Tagged by:  @xfaucheuse Tagging:  go forth!! ^^
(( as a note, the results and quiz itself can have horror-adjacent imagery and can be generally unsettling.  just keep that in mind ^^ ))
Fanshawe -  you are bound
thick wires, barbed or not, cross your body, tangled and bent. your body has adjusted to the ache, although sometimes your keeper tightens them and you have to adjust once again. please do not adjust. let your blood boil, and bide your time. tighten your relations, making new ropes, soft and sweet. when the time is right, and you MUST make sure it is, cut through the wire. your ropeburn will stay long, perhaps even forever, but that is normal. keep that in your mind.
Elias -  you are carved away
you have given too much, taken too little. your heart hurts, aching for something your blood burns to refuse. do not give into your blood. your heart needs what it asks for. try looking in the mirror, and trace the patterns of yourself you like the most. if you cant do that, look at the sunset, or the sunrise if you’d prefer.
Jonah -  you are full of blood
blood seeps from your pores, there is too much, far too much, weeping and dribbling and dripping. you hunger for it, you hunger for it all. perhaps you should gives what drips from you to the one carved away. wet meat dribbles from your mouth, perhaps you should give that to the empty one.
Georgie -  you are carved away
( See Above )
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
share 3-5 songs that represent your muse !
tagged by:  @beheldeyes tagging:  go for it & tag me!! ^^
Dr. Dee Fisher
🧫 Birth of My Creation - Frankenstein: A New Musical
Frankenstein, we find your ideas to be an affront to all that is moral and decent!
"Madness"! "Folly"! "Insanity"... Little minds have belittled my dream But I- could I...might it be The greatest triumph man has ever seen!
🧫 Cells - They Might Be Giants
Within the cell there's a tiny spiral staircase That tells the cell just how it's going to grow The instructions are spelled out in letters One on every step In a language that the cell knows how to read
🧫 Dr. Sawbones - Creature Feature
There goes Dr. Sawbones Engaging in his nightly hunt Strolling through the dirty streets Judging which soul to confront
End!Elias Bouchard
💀 A Fate Worse Than Death - Creature Feature
Don’t worry your head off There’s always a fate worse than death Pray you go quietly Quick and not violently No need to worry We all meet our end someday Pray you go silently Into the bleak dead of night
💀 Glashtyn Shanty - S.J. Tucker
When the tithe came callin’, where were you? When the tithe comes callin’, there is nothing you can do. Haul away haul away haul away Haul away haul away haul away
(( okay that one is kinda specific to the fic i wrote for end!elias where he & peter were a thing before the possession bit. it’s the interplay of sea shanty + death elements and liSTEN this definitely makes sense ))
💀 The Horror and the Wild - The Amazing Devil
Remember me I ask. Remember me I sing Give me back my heart you wingless thing
Jonah Magnus
👁‍🗨 Bourbon Street - Jeff Tuohy
Every night I breed a new disaster I might be right, I might be wrong Try to get away and I will bring you right along, so Sit back, have a seat
👁‍🗨 Punishment Game - Kururingo ft. Miku & Gumi
Punishment game, but it’s a total plot twist
You shouldn’t use up all your number cards before the end–isn’t that true?
(( au where peter and jonah decide the fate of the world over a game of uno ))
👁‍🗨 Impostor - SharaX 
(( yo just listen, u can’t miss the Vibes ))
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
where does your power lie?
tagged by:  @distorquere tagging:  have at it! & tag me if u want!!
Elias - the hands 🤲
you can almost physically hold your power. creation comes easily to you, but so does destruction. your strength is in your physical interaction with the world. everything is so tactile. you push and you pull and you strike and you caress and you pray and you hold, hold, hold.
Jonah - the eyes 👁
you are always looking. ahead, back, up, down. you can see all the possibilities, all the consequences, all the stars. your power is steady, squinting, taking everything in. your power is glaring, shining. your strength is in tears of happiness, sorrow, anger, fear. your strength is in your ability to dream, to understand. and you are never the first to blink.
Fanshawe - the heart ❤
your power is steady and driving. your power is fickle, it skips and it races and it bleeds and it burns. your strength is in how much you care, about everything. your strength is cold and it is stone and it is soft and it is on your sleeve. and you love. my god, do you love.
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
Repost With The Words You Most Associate With Your Character
Tagged by:  @xfaucheuse​ Tagging:  go for it!!
Animal:  snake Cryptid:  does a crossroad’s demon count? Color:  green and gold Month:  february  Astrological Sign:  pisces Three Songs:  Mr. Malum - The Dear Hunter ; The Guide To Success - Joe Iconis ; The Faulty Feline Philosophy - Ferry ft. Gumi ENG Number:  8 Day or Night:  day Plant:  hemlock Season:  early spring, when some plants are trying to bloom but will likely be killed by a sudden frost Gemstone:  emerald Smell:  old paper and ink Food:  stolen birthday cake Candy:  cherry cordial Drink:  red wine Element:  air Positive Traits:  quick-witted, charismatic, observant, determined Negative Traits:  impulsive, vain, arrogant, manipulative, self-centered
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
write a letter to your inner child + i’ll tell you what flower you’ve bloomed into
tagged by: deftly lifted from @praemetuere tagging: have fun!! 🌻
Elias -  a poppy, for remembrance
"through the dancing poppies stole a breeze most softly lulling to my soul." — john keats, endymion (1818), book I, line 565. — 
you seem to mourn your past, as your inner child has died. you've been through your battles yet still have an immense amount of hope for the future. a yearning for peace of mind is what you have when you try to look for the sparks you've once felt in your life. but remember, you will no longer have to fight or defend yourself after you grow in a field where the vibrance of your petals are accepted.
Fanshawe -  a chrysanthemum, being the mum of all blooms
"i look for myself but find no one. i belong to the chrysanthemum hour of bright flowers placed in tall vases. I should make an ornament of my soul." — fernando pessoa —
in the west, the chrysanthemum represents death whereas the east reveres its beauty as a symbol of longevity, hope, and gentle kindness. your beauty is so grand, that it draws in a polarity of people. perhaps you sometimes struggle with accepting other people's opinions and viewpoints about you, and this is the reason to your everlasting generosity. sometimes you show compassion to those who do not deserve it. your inner child yearns to accept itself and the depth it holds within all those petals.
Jonah -  a rose, bold and full of thorns
“but he who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.” ― anne bronte — 
you have always been someone who had strong boundaries. your past troubles led you to become someone who needed to protect themself ― it has been difficult to let people close to you, as your thorns were defense mechanisms to keep you from getting hurt. only those who are able to handle the intensity within you, are capable of holding you. they are willing to do so because they've been hurt before too... so perhaps, your inner child chooses to attract the people who have the vigour and passion you yearn for in this life.
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
What Kind Of Bread Are You?
tagged by: @chunking-the-deuce tagging: go forth and be bread 🍞
Elias -  wonder bread
Your vibes: the freezer aisle of walmart at 1am; red solo cups half full of flat soda; 99 cent 5-hour energy shots 
You have very little impulse control and you don't give a shit what people think. Even so, you go out of your way to make sure no one gets left behind. You're probably a 90s kid
Jonah -  croissant
Your vibes: quiet buzz of a city street on a warm afternoon; clean glass table-tops; brunch at a local cafe with your closest friends
It can be difficult to talk to you at first, but once you've had a chance to bond with someone, you're an intensely loyal friend. You probably fall under the alignment Distinguished Gay.
Gertrude -  challah
Your vibes: family reunions; open windows; the faint sound of live music from the street below 
You're a hard-worker and you can be a bit of a perfectionist. You value time spent with loved ones above all else
Georgie -  pan dulce
Your vibes: terra cotta roof tiles; a cul de sac in Albuquerque at night, lit by a single lamppost; handmade leather bracelets 
You make people feel warm and safe. Spending time with you is like staring up at the stars for what feels like a few moments then realizing that hours have passed.
Joshua -  zucchini bread
Your vibes: essential oils; piano music; coffee stains 
People go to you when they need someone who will sit and listen to them or when they just need to sit in a companionable silence. You give good advice and you're probably a little bit in love with your best friend
Robin -  strawberry bread
Your vibes: freshly picked wildflowers; tiny spoons; cross-stitch wall decor 
You're sweet and kind. You love people, but you're most content sitting alone in the grass with the sun on your face. You're probably a lesbian and also a bottom. 
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
spell your characters’ names with songs that you think they’d enjoy listening to, based on the vibe or the lyrics or whatever!
tagged by: @praemetuere bc i cannot resist a music meme tagging: go nuts friends!!
Distortion { Playlist - On YT }
You are about to have a terrible time, but now in technicolor!
D : Devil’s Train - The Lab Rats
I : It’s a Small World - Disney (*shameless ref to this)
S : Stuff Is Way - They Might Be Giants
T : The Mind Electric - Tally Hall
O : Oatmeal - Jack Stauber
R : R.I.P. In The Gossip Sea - cosMo@暴走P ft. GUMI
T : The Man In Stripes and Glasses - Lemon Demon
I : It’s Another Maze There - Kikuo ft. Hatsune Miku
O : Once In A Lifetime - Talking Heads
N : No Healing in Wonderland - TAZ Medley by ShrubRustle
Elias Bouchard { Playlist - On YT }
Bit of a constant genre whiplash of a playlist. Mix of songs that Elias would’ve grown up with, those sorts of sad jams that resonate but also kinda just make you feel worse?, and some silly nonsense because he’d like comedy songs.
E : Everybody Likes You - Lemon Demon
L : Loved - FEiN
I : It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M.
A : A Mannequin Adrift - The Scary Jokes
S : Should I Stay, or Should I Go? - The Clash
B : Bright College Days - Tom Lehrer
O : Only Everyone Can Judge Me - Crywank
U : Under Pressure - Queen
C : Coffee - Jack Stauber
H : Hard To Handle - The Black Crowes
A : Adult Nightmares - Cyberbully Mom Club
R : Re: Your Brains - Jonathan Coulton 
D : Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen 
Jonah Magnus { Playlist - On YT }
Pretentious old bastard energy.  Magnus has been around 200+ years, his music taste has got to be all over the damn place.  Whether he’s actually listened to some of these is, eh, but he’d like the Vibes if he did.
J : Je M’Amuse - Caravan Palace
O : Out of My Mind - Jamie Berry
N : Non, je ne regrette rien - Édith Piaf
A : Alma - Tom Lehrer
H : Hey Little Songbird - Hadestown
M : Machiavellian Bach - Portal 2
A : Anything But Love - Squirrel Nut Zippers
G : Gentlemen Aren’t Nice - Emilie Autumn 
N : Nocturne op. 9 No. 2 - Frédéric Chopin 
U : Unforgettable: III. Ballade - George Tsontakis
S : Still Alive - Portal
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
the scent of your soul
stolen from: @praemetuere tagging: pilfer at your leisure ^^
Elias: Fresh Linen
key words: refreshing, wit, humour
you are a relaxing person to be around and leave a positive impression on almost everybody you interact with! you're always sending the funniest memes in the groupchat and when you really like someone you can talk to them for hours on end. 
compatible with: fresh linen, grass and rain, rosewater
Jonah: Coffee
key words: intelligent, old soul, complex
you are an extremely thoughtful individual with a creative mind and loving heart. being around you is like sinking into a warm bath. there's something truly wise about the advice you give others, and being in your presence leaves others feeling warm, reassured, and inspired. 
compatible with: coffee, candle smoke, freshly baked bread
Georgie: Freshly Baked Bread
key words: warm, inviting, kindness 
you are the definition of cooking as a love language and are at your strongest when creating something. others find you soothing to be around and feel at ease due to your genuine warmth and nurturing nature. you can be a mix of gentle and passionate, but it's that intensity that lives at the centre of your spirit that draws people to you most. 
compatible with: candle smoke, coffee, rosewater
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
what art movement are you?
tagged by: stolen from @praemetuere tagging: go forth!! ^^
Joshua - gothic
regardless of your own beliefs: to you, art is about a higher power. it's a little about striving for an ideal, and a little about remembering what makes you human. you feel safe in places of worship, where you can look at art of all kinds and listen to the stories it tells you. you're rooted in storytelling. you contain multitudes of stories you would like to share with others.
Robin -  romanticism
come on, you know what this is about. it's in the title already. does the mere thought of holding hands make you swoon? would you like to lie beneath a tree for six hours, doing absolutely nothing, and write mushy poetry? yeah, you're not alone. sometimes you think you are, because yearning is always a little painful, and because sometimes you doubt yourself. don't despair, my friend. get outside when it all gets a little too much, and reconnect.
Veronica -  baroque
damn, a fruit bowl always makes me hungry too! but of course you know already that art isn't only about decadence, it's about what decadence implies. because life is fleeting, and death is imminent. you don't want to waste your time on earth, you want to live life to the fullest. and life is about food, about joy, about actually taking opportunities. you read about optimistic nihilism and find strange solace in it.
Jonah - baroque
see above
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
♬ and jonah! lmao
this one is defo a joke dshfghjsdfg || ACCEPTING
When Will You Die? - They Might Be Giants
Still you live You go on But you're running up the clock And if we knew how long I'd be counting down the days Until the lovely one On which you're gone
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ritualwritten · 3 years
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
muse aesthetics: horror edition. repost, don’t reblog.  bold whatever applies
GOTHIC HORROR.  gaslights. corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight.  mist.  starless nights. full moons.  cobbled streets.  horse-drawn carriages.  mysterious strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver.  brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino masks.   the opera. dangerous romances.  tragic romances.  violins.  roses.  lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows.  crows.  ambiguous illness.  fangs. pointed nails.  something howling in the night.  capes.  gloves. top hats.  straight razors.  lightning.  pipe organs. underground caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens. cats.  pearls.  attics. talismans. axes.  wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western europe.  eastern europe. bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC HORROR.    black and white.  powder puffs.  red lipstick.  winged eyeliner.  white kitten heels. black lace lingerie.  icy blue eyes. rain.  abandoned cars. skeletons.  acid.  poison. voyeurism. switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents.  private detectives.  dinner parties.  haunted mansions.  alcohol in glass decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock.  cellars.  dust. dark alleys.  empty streets. driving at night. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation.  zombies. serial murder. paranoia.  the city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets. abject terror. the american south.  the american northeast.  england.  analog cameras.
SLASHERS.    bloodbaths.  massacres. wanton nudity.  newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets.  converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest.  bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high school.  lockers.  dead leaves in the fall.   jack-o’-lanterns. outdated television sets. nightmares.  psychiatrists.  hospitals.  unstoppable forces.  gunfire.  police. landline telephones. household objects turned into improvised weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character masks.  scrunchies.  queerness. wild curls.  jeering children.  parties.  fire.  swearing. revulsion.  california.  the american midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL HORROR.  malevolent spirits.  seances.  spells.  missing bodies.  hidden graves. white noise.  static.  flickering lights.  rings of salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark histories. old buildings.  cold air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban exploration. a dog barking at something you can’t see.  black ooze.  old photographs. faces you can swear you’ve seen before but can’t for the life of you figure out where.  dark bodies of water.  crucifixes.  priests. possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTID & URBAN LEGEND HORROR.    aliens.  blinding light.  dark woods.  driving at night.  claw-marks.  bite-marks.  men in black.  memory loss.  dismembered bodies. sewers.  flashlights. cell phones.  video cameras.  cars with tinted windows.  abandoned houses.  unlabeled cassette tapes.  bugs.  big cities. urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window.  glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia.  mirrors.  the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.   hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS. daylight. fluorescent lighting.  morgues.  asylums. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms with no one inside them.  a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed.  steely gazes.  paperwork. anagrams.  codes. convicted killers. missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia.  subdued terror.  dimly-lit parking lots.
GOTHIC HORROR. gaslights. corsets.  ballrooms.  candlelight.  mist.  starless nights. full moons.  cobbled streets.  horse-drawn carriages.  mysterious strangers.  bogs.  moors.  forests.  mountains.  castles.  velvet.  silver.  brass.  gold.  jewels.  domino masks.   the opera. dangerous romances.  tragic romances.  violins.  roses.  lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows.  crows.  ambiguous illness.  fangs. pointed nails.  something howling in the night.  capes.  gloves. top hats.  straight razors.  lightning.  pipe organs. underground caverns.  bats.  mice.  rats.  ravens. cats.  pearls.  attics. talismans. axes.  wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires.  werewolves.  ghosts.  coffins.  western europe.  eastern europe. bones.  churches.  catacombs.  mausoleums.  spiders.   books.
CLASSIC HORROR.   black and white.  powder puffs.  red lipstick.  winged eyeliner.  white kitten heels. black lace lingerie.  icy blue eyes. rain.  abandoned cars. skeletons.  acid.  poison. voyeurism. switchblades.  strangling.  overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents.  private detectives.  dinner parties.  haunted mansions.  alcohol in glass decanters.  cobwebs.  perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock.  cellars.  dust. dark alleys.  empty streets. driving at night. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation.  zombies. serial murder. paranoia.  the city.  witches.  the devil.  cannibalism.  conspiracies.  amulets. abject terror. the american south.  the american northeast.  england.  analog cameras.
SLASHERS.   bloodbaths.  massacres. wanton nudity.  newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets.  converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest.  bonfires.  lakes.  babysitters.  suburbia.  high school.  lockers.  dead leaves in the fall.   jack-o’-lanterns. outdated television sets. nightmares.  psychiatrists.  hospitals.  unstoppable forces.  gunfire.  police. landline telephones. household objects turned into improvised weapons.  halloween.  secrets.  revelations.  character masks.  scrunchies.  queerness. wild curls.  jeering children.  parties.  fire.  swearing. revulsion.  california.  the american midwest.  ambulances.
PARANORMAL HORROR.   malevolent spirits.  seances.  spells.  missing bodies.  hidden graves. white noise.  static.  flickering lights.  rings of salt.  demons.  poltergeists.  dark histories. old buildings.  cold air.  mausoleums.  wells.  urban exploration. a dog barking at something you can’t see.  black ooze.  old photographs. faces you can swear you’ve seen before but can’t for the life of you figure out where.  dark bodies of water.  crucifixes.  priests. possession. exorcisms.  dolls.
CRYPTID & URBAN LEGEND HORROR.   aliens.  blinding light.  dark woods.  driving at night.  claw-marks.  bite-marks.  men in black.  memory loss.  dismembered bodies. sewers.  flashlights. cell phones.  video cameras.  cars with tinted windows.  abandoned houses.  unlabeled cassette tapes.  bugs.  big cities. urban crimes.  clowns.  something rustling outside your window.  glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia.  mirrors.  the american pacific northwest.  the american midwest.   hiking / backpacking.
THRILLERS. daylight. fluorescent lighting.  morgues.  asylums. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms with no one inside them.  a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed.  steely gazes.  paperwork. anagrams.  codes. convicted killers. missing persons.  law enforcement.  federal agents.  small towns.  suspicion.  paranoia.  subdued terror.  dimly-lit parking lots.
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
which unpopular archetype are you?
tagged by:  lifted from @praemetuere tagging:  go forth if u’d like! mind the content warnings on the quiz tho!
Fanshawe -  the loyal
it’s a good thing you’re so patient. you know what it’s like to feel the full weight of doubt bearing down in you. for years, it tried to squeeze the life from your lungs. but nothing’s going to make you bow. you kept the candle’s flame alive. you whispered the names at nightfall. the vigil still lives inside of you. one day, the waiting will have been worth it. all your love is going to come home to you. you’re more important than you know. you’re still the one true believer.
personality: calm, level-headed, stubborn
counterpart: the accomplice
Elias -  the dark horse
who would’ve guessed it’d be you? after all this time, it’s really you? when you were little, nobody knew your name. for so long, you’ve lived as a shade amongst shades. written off, cast aside, overlooked. you did your best work in the shadows. it took you so long to bloom, some thought you would never emerge at all. but now’s your time in the spotlight. all the heroes have failed, but you’re still standing. in the darkest hour, you came in to save the day. you’re our last hope, dark horse!
personality: clever, determined, quiet
counterpart: the killer
Jonah -  the higher power
you’re the best, you’ve always been the best, and now everyone who’s ever doubted you is gone. you’ve gotten everything you wanted. you smoked all your competition. but something inside of you just won’t settle. all the evil of the world is still out there, all the big problems that you never got around to. in spite of your skill, this is something you simply can’t handle yourself. but that’s ok. you’ve got new, shiny pawns to play with. you know how to make people do what you want. the ends justify the means, right?
personality: talented, calculating, overbearing
counterpart: the ghost
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
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your muse as a terrarium
tagged by: stolen from dash tagging: have fun!!
Michael - Helen - Elias  Jonah - Gertrude - Georgie  Joshua - Robin - Veronica
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acemenagerie-a · 4 years
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make ur muse’s heart
tagged by: stolen from dash tagging: go nuts y’all
Top:  Pure Distortion - Elias - Jonah Bottom:  Gertrude - Georgie
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