#drifter comforts a sad sick eris
erisxdrifter · 3 months
2. Eris is sick so her beloved Rat takes care of him.
Here's your second story request! Thank you so much, hope you love it :))
Cough after cough echoed through the despondent work station, along with the high pitched whistle of a kettle.
  Eris Morn coughed again into her arm, taking the kettle by it's handle and preparing herslef a cup of tea. She strirred in a large dollop of honey, sniffling as she brought the cup to her lips, taking a small sip to soothe her sore throat.
  She was out of her usual work attire, and instead wore a blank t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, attempting to get comfortable as Ikora had suggested when Eris informed her that she was sick. She was ordered to take off for as long as she needed, and she'd spent most of her time laying in bed trying to sleep, but to no avail.
  She sighed wearily, bringing a hand up to her earpiece and clicking the button that would take her voice to the Drifter's ear.
  "Moondust?" Came the response.
  "Yes, I apologize for the abrupt change of plans, but I will not be able to make our patrol this afternoon."
  "Woah, woah, how come? You okay? You usually never skip out on patrol."
  "I am fine, I merely have a cold."
  "A cold?" He asked. "How bad is it?"
  Eris hesitated for a moment before opening up her troubles and discomforts to the Drifter's waiting ears.
  "My throat in particular is the largest nuisance. It is quiet sore, and to swallow is both painful and uncomfortable." She confessed. "And other than that, sleep has been difficult to find and the task of blowing my nose, tedious and annoying."
  "Huh... don't sound fun, Moondust." The Drifter said sincerely.
  "It is not." Eris replied.
  "Hey, how bout I come over 'n cook you some chicken noodle soup?" The Drifter offered. "May not take your sore throat away, but it'll help."
  "That... would be greatly appreciated." Eris replied, not smiling, but feeling a little happier.
  "Great. I'll just grab what I need and head on over."
  *  *  *
  "The soup'll be done in a few minutes," the Drifter said as he walked into the main room, where Eris was sitting. "How you feeling?"
  "Not any different than I had earlier." She replied.
  "You got any salt?" He asked.
  "Salt?" Eris frowned.
  "Yeah. I heard gurgling salt water can help deal with a sore throat."
  "Interesting... I have salt in the kitchen." She stood up and lead him to one of the kitchen cabinets.
  "Alright," the Drifter started, taking the container of salt and heading to the sink, filling a cup with warm water. He stirred in a little bit of salt, then handed the cup to Eris. "Just gurgle that a few times and see if it helps. I'll go plate up the food."
  Eris did as the Drifter had suggested, gurgling the warm water while the Drifter filled up their bowls with the steaming broth and noodles.
  "Foods ready," he told her as she spat another round of salt water into the sink. "Salt help any?"
  "A little," Eris replied, taking the bowl Drifter offered her. "Thank you."
  He gave her a smile as they went back to the main room, each sitting in their own armchair.
  "You tried takin' a hot shower already?" The Drifter asked through a mouthful of noodles, finally breaking the silence that had been there through most of their meal.
  "I did this morning." Eris replied, drinking a spoonful of the warm, soothing broth. "The soup is good, Germaine, thank you."
  "My pleasure, Moondust." He finished up the last of his soup before then taking his and Eris's bowls to the kitchen. When he came back he kneeled in front of Eris's chair and looked up at her. "You already had tea?"
  "Yes. Two cups." She answered.
  "Alright... try takin' a nap?"
  "Yes, but as I said earlier, sleep has been difficult to find."
  "Okay... you got any extra blankets somewhere?"
  "Yes," she replied, somewhat confused.
  "Where they at?" The Drifter asked.
  "In the closet in the front room."
  "Alright. Don't get up, okay? I'll be right back."
  Eris sat in silence until the Drifter returned, a large fluffy blanket in his arms. He smiled as he leaned over Eris, tucking the blanket around her snugly.
  "Even if you can't sleep, curlin' up in a blanket's got to do some good."
  Eris smiled faintly. "Thank you... would you like to sit with me?" She scooted to the side of the chair, making room for the Drifter.
  He grinned, sitting beside her and pulling the blanket over himself as well.
  They sat together in silence, not sure how much time had passed, simply enjoying the company of one another.
  "I almost feel as if I could fall asleep." Eris told the Drifter eventually. "But I'm sure the feeling will fade once I get up to go to bed."
  "Then don't get up. Just close your eyes," The Drifter said softly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on her temple. "I'll keep you warm." He winked.
  Eris's lips quirked up in a small and faint smile as she leaned her head against the Drifter's shoulder, closing her eyes and trusting herself to him.
  "Thank you, Germaine..." she said as she drifted off to sleep.
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