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#DRER #DRERAnniversary #DRER2022 #OneRide #OneRide2022 #SaveEarthRide #SER2022 #LeaveEveryPlaceBetter #RidePure #PureMotorcycling #RoyalEnfield #NoSingleUsePlastic #CarryBackYourWaste #SupportLocal #CastrolPOWER1 #CastrolPOWER1ULTIMATE #MyOBites #TheMotorcycleHouse #bbg #bbgears #BikingBrotherhoodGears #onestopsolution #CcrankersGarage #RomiAutomobiles #IECBaddi #IECUniversity #ChopraAutomobile #ChopraHelmets
@castrolbiking @RoyalEnfield @BikingBrotherhoodGears @ChopraAutomobiles @RomiAutomobiles @CCrankersGarage
@PolicyOnline @SaveEarthRide @TheMotorCycleHouse

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Bought a new washer and drer cos they both died at the same time. Anyway the washers are good now. This one decides how much detergent and shite to use cos it's got an actual physical real brain. What this means though is you can't cheat it. Like I've always put a bit less in of everything to save money, and put it on a shorter cycle to save money, and like with the dryer sometimes end it early to save money. All these behaviours are ingrained cos it's how you survive when you've had eff all. But now I have to trust in the machine. And do you know what clothes smell lovely lol cos they're getting the right amount of everything.
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Just a heads up to snk fans that follow me that are reading the mango and/or trying not to get spoiled:
I will be changing my spoiler tag to just snk spoilers instead of shingeki no spoilers.
I was good about it but now I’m not since I take the occasional break from the manga and don’t even think about it.
So if you rather not get spoiled and not see spoilers, please blacklist this tag instead of the other (or you can do both, whatever is your cup of tea).
Thank you
#sadies personal stuff#This is your warning#Idk if anybody even reads/watches snk that follows me and cares#but better safe than sorry#bolded for the TL;DRers
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OC-tober Day 25: Flowers
Chiton holds drer adopted child for the first time (sure, the flowers are in the background, but they're thematically relevant!)
Thanks to @oc-growth-and-development for the prompts!
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#DRER #DRERAnniversary #DRER2022 #OneRide #OneRide2022 #SaveEarthRide #SER2022 #LeaveEveryPlaceBetter #RidePure #PureMotorcycling #RoyalEnfield #NoSingleUsePlastic #CarryBackYourWaste #SupportLocal #CastrolPOWER1 #CastrolPOWER1ULTIMATE #MyOBites #TheMotorcycleHouse #bbg #bbgears #BikingBrotherhoodGears #onestopsolution #CcrankersGarage #RomiAutomobiles #IECBaddi #IECUniversity #ChopraAutomobile #ChopraHelmets
@castrolbiking @RoyalEnfield @BikingBrotherhoodGears @ChopraAutomobiles @RomiAutomobiles @CCrankersGarage
@PolicyOnline @SaveEarthRide @TheMotorCycleHouse

#drer#DrerContestDRER DRERAnniversary DRER2022 OneRide OneRide2022 SaveEarthRide SER2022 LeaveEveryPlaceBetter RidePure#PureMotorcycling RoyalEnfield NoSingleUsePlastic CarryBackYourWaste SupportLocal CastrolPOWER1 CastrolPOWER1ULTIMATE MyOBites#TheMotorcycleHouse bbg bbgears BikingBrotherhoodGears onestopsolution CcrankersGarage RomiAutomobiles IECBaddi IECUniversity#ChopraAutomobile ChopraHelmets@castrolbiking @RoyalEnfield @BikingBrotherhoodGears @ChopraAutomobiles @RomiAutomobiles @CCrankersGarage#@MetaHeathCover @PolicyOnline @SaveEarthRide @TheMotorCycleHouse
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"LA LONCHERA FOOD TRUCK". #lalonchera #foodtruck #drer #drerone #freestyle #lettering #volumens #2011 #fotorecuperada #ucv #fuckthebitch #antigua #pictureoftheday #instaphoto #pintarsiempre #roldán (en UCV - Los Olivos)
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I'm gonna drer and sies and beuge frewir
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Studio : Looking into Materials II
At this point, I have been stuck on the original materials for quite a while. It wasn’t going any further than that, I made some patterns that I could used to screenprint them on but I ended up not doing it. I might add it on just to experiment later if I do have the time to. I have also found myself being more drawn towards materials with a higher transparency. The lightness of it is really interesting to me.
This is just a quick simple experiment that I did with cheesecloth and chiffon materials. They’re both quite transparent.
One of the things I did was to actually pull some threads out of the weave. It was really easy to do on the cheesecloth, it still held its shape and it became more transparent. It had also removed some of the crinkling.
Something that I could do with the fabric is actually make shapes. Donna suggested shaping fabric using heat. After a bit of googling I have found out that it is called heatsetting or shibori.
This is one of the tutorials I followed. I know that you can also use the drer afterwards as well.
I did an attempt at an easy heatsetting method. I pleated and twisted the cloth and held them in place with thread. I them boiled them for around 20-30min. I then let them dry to keep their shape. I got a bit impatient and I decided to put them into the drier. It still didn’t dry fully so I just left them to air dry. When I unraveled them the next day, I really did like the texture of them. They kept their shape really well and would bounce back when stretched.
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noldorin and argonian (from tes) names + german forenames + atomic and subatomic particles
Aclea Adfanya Aggerides Aggsbez Ahlete Ajines Aldolash Aleske Anian Aniond Annowisik Anuretea Anzeidem Aplar Ardesh Arron Arrowetia Assion Atheek Athill Auallea Augluras Auglushei Axsikizt Azzlimps Bacem Bammeark Bangir Barai Barth Bauglish Beekath Beele Beello Beenetus Beerdog Belor Bericon Berioclen Bijon Blian Bordes Borodin Bosuaz Bosyna Bothes Brashuza Bricle Brisss Caegular Cainors Calebreel Calieella Calien Calika Calivae Calon Carbetra Cargar Carian Carlia Cartrius Castelee Caterujei Cathor Catsa Cedar Celexalls Chandese Chastivor Cheracelg Chils Chisleste Chosen Chottlar Chroudin Chupowaw Cinan Cinneed Clahs Claino Claugus Clermeel Cleva Croush Cílus Dairdes Dairtowe Daius Daledos Dantheen Dariosyna Darndred Datyrien Deartiza Deegrom Deeleb Deelow Degher Delen Demer Demirius Demus Desess Dewayeaka Diands Diers Diriphos Ditrily Diveii Dolus Doweines Dramus Drenton Drers Dreter Drohart Droot Drore Drosoth Druus Dulaur Edhoat Eetra Eetustabs Eidend Elath Eleeka Elened Emidul Erasish Eraskes Eriunas Erivilen Ermed Ermeemark Erobas Eropes Erosudes Ertreetin Ertuiston Eshulowos Ethoks Famurgus Fannel Fauglurat Faurash Feethrips Ferai Fethor Fiedakey Filithuck Filus Fixut Fixutap Fleel Flips Floosyna Founta Freeuska Galbeet Galiona Gamer Gatres Geiangfir Geritly Gerss Gertrat Gicus Giddli Gihalus Gildaws Gilimron Giltow Gindros Gisep Giverei Gives Glaugus Gliena Glora Golaitad Grikeeh Grimiona Günthow Güntik Hajas Haraj Harks Hatza Hecheeg Hecin Heekile Hermar Hideem Hingra Hjoss Hoatus Horudor Hotus Hyperia Ifand Ileeterch Impriar Imsya Irimp Isharz Islees Istea Jahei Jahnu Jandeetra Jawulros Jeenz Jersei Joacfeth Joodow Judiazei Judonith Juggidess Julays Julen Julls Jutles Juxus Kanon Kesoth Kiarz Kicouna Kiztavee Klashs Kneel Kukka Kunan Kurea Kurtilad Laglia Laskeeka Leena Lheas Licklos Licus Lieelenz Limea Lonsga Loomeel Lorus Louth Loworwa Lómik Lütor Macharth Macheas Madneeth Maglaino Magmezark Mahing Mangus Marastus Mardt Mareeth Mathad Mathar Mathek Meana Mearer Meela Meeteps Memur Methees Metibeza Milus Mioneus Mirgonir Mironnand Mohandow Montl Mouno Muntulm Munty Murdos Naeshats Nakud Nazes Neadrows Neleeem Nelesquan Nemrius Nerss Nesha Netvui Niand Niclaw Nikeeko Nikun Niurass Nowls Nudumus Nustlexi Olniant Omalphir Opawarlad Opeash Operimmen Orama Osylflius Otteand Oxulen Pachota Pathelek Paudir Pebunhos Perianth Perin Perish Perius Pheligoe Phian Pidon Pimmar Piona Plegular Plenacroo Pletamith Pnakkeem Praveerik Preangen Proshand Pujeel Pujeeteet Radhwee Rakkateel Reectrus Regar Releed Rencha Renil Rentered Rhatel Rider Robarez Rodel Roditto Rushesh Russi Sareghers Saxanum Seerea Shamearks Shiwin Sissinia Sistobed Skashixes Skask Sleps Smelorry Smukoman Smuts Snain Snurnos Soudon Spilly Spion Spudemed Squag Steaton Stena Stout Stulad Styril Sugus Sulth Suzdus Swatheh Sweners Swisa Taatch Talea Tanto Taradesha Taratep Tassis Taxal Teand Tearan Teekia Teelol Tekathel Termeer Theda Theevud Theles Thine Thineng Thlus Thoneus Tianth Tibina Tigalipha Tigon Tinor Tiureath Torus Traxi Tseustand Tsiuu Turrnia Twena Tyrron Uarthus Ukazjah Ukeessilt Ulern Uteez Veericler Vennan Veroclase Vesht Vines Vohim Voiden Vuidemin Vutzi Wadian Waligmees Weagsi Weles Wellea Whiltus Whith Wickna Wicla Wikahei Winde Winon Xalent Xames Xeener Xeetar Xerang Xullian Yeeka Yinosap Zeiddlea
same thing but shorter names
Aemeeh Afetez Ager Aggling Ajax Akiimps Alara Alds Ales Algalim Alks Allonin Ameem Anaxi Ancha Antibut Apackle Apad Ardaks Arees Argian Arlurp Arothig Arry Asar Asheath Ashnath Ateel Atel Athec Atleb Augih Awan Axalt Azaela Azaphea Azei Bamang Bamoohi Bana Baras Bard Baredy Barees Bark Barn Bask Bathres Batoo Batz Baugus Been Beeric Beetus Betz Bhatia Bianfla Biocleg Biocles Biuss Blee Bleekas Bleg Blite Boka Boki Brajos Bras Bren Brus Burthîr Busdole Buxitei Caez Cahlest Cala Calai Cale Calitza Call Callaw Cameen Cara Carz Cases Chadags Chamres Chareth Chaza Ched Chei Chir Chiros Chom Chot Chrocla Chulls Cielden Cingala Claht Clax Cleemil Clegs Cler Cleva Colf Collss Crius Cronu Dafath Dail Daiuma Dajeeks Dallot Dancin Dardord Darz Dase Deemees Deez Delia Demar Demisky Dern Deshic Dien Dion Dornena Dorns Dory Doss Dran Dred Dretcha Drisha Drogus Dron Dronwei Drow Dureaph Dutat Duthery Dírino Dûhill Ecolt Ecte Ekinnel Elay Elfar Elgar Elia Elith Ello Elma Emar Emmem Enes Estee Etaxeeh Eton Etries Etsan Extin Faine Fasssa Felrûn Fena Ferine Flebrus Foorna Forath Forpai Fort Fras Frith Frius Frow Fulma Gabs Galad Gald Galens Galt Gark Geills Geogui Gerocle Giar Girdest Gist Githea Gius Givena Glinaed Glona Gnelem Goband Gomer Gorei Goropp Grana Gratton Groach Grom Gross Gung Gweew Gweius Hake Hanaava Handike Hang Harace Harn Hecald Hecir Heeronn Hees Heez Heremer Herodia Hidem Hild Himah Hixiria Honia Horna Hubtses Hurt Huzukka Icel Ifaus Ilimrin Ilir Itseez Ixuart Izei Jacks Janeus Jars Jeeb Jeeh Jong Jude Jular Jundros Kaan Keelig Keetri Keex Kisei Klon Klus Kudish Kuka Kunia Kusgull Lafalm Laills Letheen Lishaul Lius Londem Losyna Lusgal Macre Magsius Malesu Mand Mandra Maraya Marmurn Marn Mart Martuna Match Mbejul Medlena Meel Mell Merijuu Meseng Mesite Mete Midin Mina Ming Mins Mird Mirent Miseis Moner Moot Mormias Mosyna Mous Moxugus Muck Nale Narz Nazaesh Nedh Neele Nera Neran Neus Niarith Nich Niets Niko Nionir Norn Nulzing Nurss Oeriel Oesh Ojaark Okeya Olain Paces Pador Pahs Parth Pathan Peate Peeus Peeusna Pelik Petrad Piciam Pila Pilton Poldorn Polth Povena Preda Pujees Puwon Quanne Racla Radite Ragnes Randoll Redúr Reeus Refas Retherd Rhen Rhom Rhon Rijaxol Rons Rosa Rosius Rotpah Ruxolby Ruxotl Sain Sandrik Sash Scarth Secth Seekuz Seetin Shan Shazarz Shea Shemish Shera Shouts Siust Skaze Smeleeh Smus Snudly Sogus Spar Spers Spick Stalips Stim Strent Sulm Sumars Swad Swei Swila Swul Taber Tabra Talnia Tapar Tatscas Taxilur Tepadol Thea Thei Then Thops Thosi Thuz Tlor Tlus Trios Tsana Turk Turz Twine Twos Uargon Ukomes Varbeds Veed Veeus Veewus Vena Verseer Vesej Vois Vorik Vorl Waite Wajeie Wajuut Wakuus Walas Walaws Waleg Wantery Watus Waxi Wealla Wite Wujeera Wunes Xeehes Xera Xeredul Xerenn Xonikes Xoza Xuku Yithwe Yitsu
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denzelle replied to your post: heres my pitch for a vine. i know we dont make...
theres so many jokes that are almost exactly this vine in himym you should watch it with me and drer sometime
god i havent watched it since the series ended. i would love to
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#DRER #DRERAnniversary #DRER2022 #OneRide #OneRide2022 #SaveEarthRide #SER2022 #LeaveEveryPlaceBetter #RidePure #PureMotorcycling #RoyalEnfield #NoSingleUsePlastic #CarryBackYourWaste #SupportLocal #CastrolPOWER1 #CastrolPOWER1ULTIMATE #MyOBites #TheMotorcycleHouse #bbg #bbgears #BikingBrotherhoodGears #onestopsolution #CcrankersGarage #RomiAutomobiles #IECBaddi #IECUniversity #ChopraAutomobile #ChopraHelmets #98Fcoolveat
@castrolbiking @RoyalEnfield @BikingBrotherhoodGears @ChopraAutomobiles @RomiAutomobiles @CCrankersGarage
@PolicyOnline @SaveEarthRide @TheMotorCycleHouse @98fahren_inc

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‘It’s faire’’
It’s faire, Go, excus found lush The much tolde a be thy choly, And coy is not awardon’t news of good the Laws,
Deba’s litte, were the primes nor flow, un-admire go oth rana jest the lears of you asse my wrety to were, Wand Upon whose. A we fore in the Beach, seil Some kan Skill as soul go fast our but shesent’s bird in that Rauence nighty Yet of the backled his that and drynked lame
Wher diff-tops ands dise it in ragainesses found Paws his, Sion, and lets of free invionses form can conce to Heathe with Cher with it of allarls it experusalonguer, To my held hade again aboue, and in winner good; And, “tely motion estopheling, Dogs in numb of loved wadna barland cleft that how thees play, no the madnessed accorn the delianal,
Hero Crow can his be of Piscord the belove, I drer, no love on brauin, And yow spart inted Adrived, Weed tears a bad danger Hair Pray” There ‘twa.
Not wanterned she, and miserthe say! Or int awake and fore dolatcherefore askers prom him it live unremembless. Seasemble-conter’s like he We die’s drive?
Dothes of his all’d’ The debash’d in end. Is The Tring
thereath Fear A busing Subjectionabesirent is lead stor This med, oh noth dough-in to were too coul paled alth, and darks Runners and,
That from what is a Course afterd in andy echore And crettackets, or to his from bistative thers, wher a were in wing rom of on warmer, — Ye war besireshow, And heaven silke thrung my voice.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#rejected training texts: 5280#Markov chain length: 3#225 texts
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