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culturadellastrada · 9 months ago
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schnaf · 1 year ago
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peregrinatioblog · 8 months ago
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20.07.2024 SC Freiburg – FC Basel 2:0 Dreisamstadion Trainingsplatz (300)
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jakestravels · 2 years ago
Europe 2022 - Days 13 & 14 - Triberg & Freiburg
The cities rhyme, see? (Not really though - It’s “tree-burg” and “Fry-burg.”)
I combined the days because I did a little less. Traveling is fun, its neat, and you see cool things and make new friends. However, you’re never in your own bed, you’re living out of a backpack, and all the new neat fun food you try doesn’t always work with your guttural disposition (is that a term? If not, I’m copyrighting it).
So on Thursday, Phillip informed me he had things to do (and no surprise there - he’s been carting me off to all kinds of crazy fun places, and is getting ready to move for a new job next week!) and I was okay with a chill day, so I caught up on some computer-type things that needed to be worked out, and then headed solo to the next town south of us, a direction I had yet to travel, to Triberg.
And it was nice... I guess.
I don’t mean that as an insult, it’s just that I have seen a lot of really nice villages in the last week. But of course I don’t really know where the cool things are - this is why it’s awesome having a Couchsurfer show you around!
I was looking for something fun to eat - I find that after a few weeks of traveling, I start to miss foods from home I can’t get here. In that case, that was either a burger or (perhaps?) oddly enough some Asian food. While Triberg had neither, I did happen upon a food truck, something I had yet to see in germany. The guy was selling spareribs and I got that with some fries, after which he sold me he apologized for having no sauce of any type for anything. I’ve grown accustomed to dipping my fries in something! I will not apologize!
I have no pictures, as I snapped none. The night ended with me hanging out with Philipp and a few of his friends and watching the great American classic film Beerfest entirely in German.
On Friday, our last full day to go exploring, Philipp took me to the town of Freiburg which is buried in the bottom southwestern corner of Germany, It is also home of his favorite Bundesliga soccer team, SC Freiburg. We took some new roads to get there, and Philipp shared that he considered some of the area to truly be the heart of the Black Forest.
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As we made our way into Freiburg, we stopped to see the brand new stadium that SC Freiburg received last year. Like most new, larger stadiums, they moved from in the city center, where their old stadium, Dreisamstadion, was located, to out at the city limits near the airport.
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I for one always like a stadium in the city, but the new one was quite the upgrade, and when I saw the old stadium, I saw why. The old one, built in 1954 (and one of the first to use its own solar energy - read the attached wiki article) was lovely to have in the city, but it was quite obvious that game days likely sucked. There was no parking, one narrow street that went past the stadium, and while back in the 1950s and 60s it probably wasn’t too bad, the expansions over the years have likely created issues for the neighborhood, and there is no way the footprint of the new stadium which is at least twice as large, would fit. Philipp told me about his days watching the games at the old stadium, and you could see great memories flash through his eyes. It’s why we watch sports.
We made our way into a lovely city center, with the old town border by clock-type towers-slash drive-through tunnels like this one:
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We meandered through town, going to the main church (in this case, known as a münster - there are many different types and names for churches/cathedrals/abbeys, etc.) and getting sausage for lunch, followed by a local brand of ice cream and then some beer. You know, typical German stuff.
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Now we all know languages are different, and then different words mean different things. That never stops me from giggling like an idiot at the “Ausfahrt” at the exit of every highway offramp. But as we came down an alley, I saw this:
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Yes, yes. I am a child. It’s f**king hilarious. Plus, it’s apparently some kind of government agency, which somehow makes it funnier.
We headed out of town, taking a different way than how we came in. Again, I saw more the Black Forest, and again, I was awestruck. This land is so incredible.
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As we made our way home, Philipp told me he was going to make me a traditional dinner, but more in the whole “this is what people watching their budget and college students eat.” He said that for him, it was his comfort food. And I think that sometimes, this is tough to explain to other cultures, because it’s something you grew up eating. If I had someone visiting me from Europe, am I going to feed them boxed mac & cheese (not even the Kraft kind - what were we, millionaires?), Funyuns and red Gatorade? Of course not. I’m going to show them the finest we have to offer, not what 50% of the kids I knew grew up with. And of course this is also because our palates change - I would have eaten mac & cheese every day as a kid - now I’ve got to be in the right mood (usually sick as well). Even though I know and (kinda) love it, if I went over to a friend’s house for dinner and they brought this out, I’d be like, “Did you even try?”
So it felt as if perhaps Philipp wondered if I’d feel that way about what he prepared, which was really two different entrees, but he cooked them both up. The first was maultaschen. Meaning “mouth bag,” these traditional regional dumplings are much like every other culture, which has a similar “stuff in a pastry/pasta vibe. However, much like that restaurant-made four cheese mac & cheese with duck fat versus that boxed stuff, Philipp’s maultaschen was more like a meat and cheese pinwheel (if you don’t know what it is look it up and instantly be teleported to your childhood or the midwest, and FWIW, I hated these things even as a kid). But this was quite delicious.
Philipp’s other dish was fleischkäse, which is basically like a hot dog in loaf form. But don’t knock it - imagine a hotdog, but grilled on the inside, put in a way better chunk of bread, and served with grilled onions and the nummiest German mustard you’ve ever had. These things make hot dogs look like shit. They’re also something you can go straight to a butcher and buy, warm and ready to eat. I appreciated that I was able to understand not just the beauty of a culture, but also the everyday things that make people who there are, as well as see the roots of what we consider American food. because this is definitely where the hot dog came from. (Don’t forget that they’re also known as Frankfurters, wieners, and bratwurst, all German words and foods.
I have a limited time left in the Black Forest: I’ll try my best to make the most of it.
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wyn-n-tonic · 4 years ago
every time Freiburg plays at home, somebody in my fucking groupchat says that they'd love to go to Dreisamstadion and hike the Black Forest after the match and nobody ever listens to me when i tell them to stay the fuck out of die Schwarzwald, especially at night, and it's so frustrating. 
like... y'all wanna be a witch's dinner? be my guest. y'all wanna get dragged to the bottom of a lake, go for it. you wanna fuck around and disturb a poltergeist's grave? that's on you. there's a headless horseman in there too, you have fun with that. 
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leintaelerontour · 4 years ago
SC Freiburg - VfL Wolfsburg 3:3, Bundesliga, Z: 23.600, Schwarzwaldstadion, 09.02.2019, 15.30 Uhr
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"#groundhopping", "#groundhopper", "#thechickenbaltichronicles"
"#freiburg", "#freiburgimbreisgau", "#südbaden", "#SCF", "#scfreiburg", "#dreisamstadion", "#schwarzwald", "#breisgau", "#vflwolfsburg", "#wolfsburg", "#wölfe", "#diewölfe", "#vwstadt", "#vfl", "#fussball", "#football", "#soccer", "#calcio", "#Bundesliga", "#Fussballbundesliga", "#picoftheday", "#photo", "#schwarzwaldstadion", "#scheissdfb", "#fussballmafiadfb"
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crownbola-blog · 8 years ago
SC Freiburg
SC Freiburg(Sport-Club Freiburg e.V.) merupakan klub sepak bola yang berbasis di  kota Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wuttemburg. Klub ini bermain hingga kini bermain di Bundesliga setelah pada rahun 2016 menjuarai 2. Bundesliga. Dalam perjalanan klub, Freiburg sebetulnya memiliki trend naik turun. Sejak tahun 1990 saja, Freiburg sudah empat kali promosi ke Bundesliga dan tiga kali terdegradasi ke…
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ffschweden · 2 years ago
Söndagens utländska resultat
Bundesliga Turbine Potsdam – MSV Duisburg 0:3Bayern München – Werder Bremen 3:0Giulia Gwinn, Jovana Damnjanovic och Linda Dallmann målskyttar för BayernSGS Essen – SV Meppen 1:0SC Freiburg – Eintracht Frankfurt 2:42.500 personer på Dreisamstadion i Freiburg Efter 2 omgångar leder Wolfsburg före Leverkusen, båda 6 poäng. Div 1 Feminine PSG – Fleury 2:1Kadidiatou Diani avgjorde i 91:a…
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milleniumfussball · 3 years ago
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Welch ein abwechslungsreiches und buntes Jahrzehnt für die Breisgauer. Die 23 prägendsten und erfolgreichsten Freiburgspieler dieser Zeit können sich wirklich sehen lassen. Kein anderer Dekadenkader weist so viele Spieler afrikanischen Ursprungs auf. Die spektakulären Stürmer aus Afrika und die legendäre "Willi"-Fraktion aus Georgien werden von einigen Spielern garniert, die auch in anderen Bundesligavereinen für Furore sorgten, in Freiburg aber ihr Karrierehigh erlebten. Aufstiegshelden und Europapokalhelden. Helden so weit das Auge reicht. Im Namen der SCF-Fans: Vielen Dank! #scfreiburg #scf #freiburg #breisgau #bundesliga #milleniumfreiburg #dekadenteams #milleniumBL (hier: Dreisamstadion Freiburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUugVi0DZ8o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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elastad · 3 years ago
Liveübertragung Freiburg II Spiel gegen MSV Duisburg im Deutschland Liga 3
Liveübertragung Freiburg II Spiel gegen MSV Duisburg im Deutschland Liga 3
Liveübertragung Freiburg II Spiel gegen MSV Duisburg in Deutschland Liga 3 Regular Season 18 Daher wird Freiburg II am 05/12/2021 auch Gastgeber des MSV Duisburg im Dreisamstadion in Freiburg im Breisgau sein. Freiburg II Spiel gegen MSV Duisburg Liveübertragung für Deutschland Liga 3 Daher empfängt das Freiburg II-Team den MSV Duisburg zu Hause Prognosen – Spiel Freiburg II und MSV…
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globalhappenings · 3 years ago
"It is a big problem in the women's Bundesliga that generally not many spectators come"
“It is a big problem in the women’s Bundesliga that generally not many spectators come”
“Playing in the Dreisamstadion has always been a dream of mine,” says soccer player Sandra Starke. This dream came true for her on Monday, but first she had to move from SC Freiburg to VfL Wolfsburg. After eight years in Breisgau, Starke met VfL against Freiburg on Monday, and when she raved about the Dreisamstadion, her former teammates were celebrated by the audience despite the cup. More than…
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actualitefootball · 3 years ago
Football Actualité : bagarres en série après un match de football
Le match de football « 3 Liga » entre l’équipe 2 du SC Fribourg et le club Mannheim-Waldhof samedi après-midi (6 novembre) a donné lieu à plusieurs épisodes de violence.
Avant même le début du match, des heurts ont éclaté entre les supporters fribourgeois et la police. Le match s’est déroulé dans l’ancien stade du club, le Dreisamstadion, dans le quartier de Littenweiler.
A l’issue du match, remporté 2-1 par le SC Freiburg, une bataille rangée a éclaté entre 150 supporters des deux clubs. La nuit a ensuite été marquée par des bagarres dans le centre-ville entre supporters des deux équipes, et des heurts avec la police.
La police n’a pas indiqué dimanche matin si des personnes avaient été blessées à la suite de ces incidents.
L’article bagarres en série après un match de football est apparu en premier sur OnlyFootball.
Lire la suite : news – OnlyFootball https://ift.tt/3BPConD
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offpulse · 3 years ago
Live ist nicht mehr live
Nicht nur der Kölner Keller sorgt dafür, dass Fußballspiele mitunter an Spannung verlieren. Der #BVB hat in seiner runderneuerten App jetzt eine Lösung.
Freiburgs neue Fußballarena – Bild: Reinhard Stang Autor: Anselm Bußhoff @offpulse Ob die Anwohner des Dreisamstadions den Service schon vermissen, der Ihnen bei Heimspielen des SC Freiburg regelmäßig geboten wurde? Einen Torticker oder Pushnachrichten brauchten sie nicht. Das Anschwellen des Geräuschpegels war an der Schwarzwaldstraße lange Jahre Zeichen dafür, dass der Sportclub einen Ball im…
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wyn-n-tonic · 4 years ago
crying about the beauty of die Dreisamstadion on this fine Saturday morning.
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elishamanning · 4 years ago
(haha - the ask just before that. "Schwarzwald" is "black forest" in German. "Schwarzwald-Stadion", which Flo Neuhaus thinks ChriKra is saying instead of "schwarzweißgrün" ("black-white-green", Gladbach's colours), is SC Freiburg's stadium.(also known as Dreisamstadion, after the river Dreisam).
yeah i know lol
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gunungpoker88-blog · 5 years ago
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Prediksi Skor Freiburg vs Borussia Dortmund 5 Oktober 2019
Stadionbola.net — Prediksi Skor Freiburg vs Borussia Dortmund 5 Oktober 2019, Sabtu pukul 20.30 WIB yang akan di gelar di Stadion Dreisamstadion.
SC Freiburg didirikan pada tahun 1904 dan mereka telah bermain di Bundesliga 1 sejak dipromosikan sebagai juara Bundesliga 2 pada 2016. Dalam sejarah mereka, Freiburg telah bergerak maju mundur divisi pertama dan kedua dari sistem sepakbola Jerman, oleh karena itu para penggemar klub mengucapkan: “Kami turun, kami naik, kami pergi ke Piala UEFA”.
Klub ini telah memenangkan gelar Bundesliga 2 sebanyak empat kali, Oberliga Baden-Wurttemberg pada tahun 1998, Amateurliga Sudbaden tiga kali dan Verbandsliga Subadaen pada tahun 1998. Mereka juga memenangkan Piala Baden Selatan pada tahun 1975, 1978 dan 2991 dengan finishing sebagai pelari -up pada tahun 2005. Mereka belum pernah memenangkan Bundesliga 1 dan finish terbaik mereka adalah ke-3 pada tahun 1995. Musim lalu, Freiburg selesai di urutan ke-13 dalam tabel final Bundesliga 1.
SC Freiburg berada di peringkat ke-2 di Bundesliga dengan Selisih Gol +8. Mereka juga ke-3 di liga dengan total 14 gol dan berbagi tempat ke-2 dengan hanya kebobolan lima gol musim ini. SC Freiburg juga memiliki sembilan assist, yang menempatkan mereka dalam dasi untuk posisi ke-4 dalam kategori itu.
Borussia Dortmund didirikan pada tahun 1909 dan merupakan klub olahraga terbesar kedua dalam hal keanggotaan di Jerman. Klub ini telah memenangkan total delapan Kejuaraan Jerman, empat DFB-Pokals, enam DFL Supercups, satu Liga Champions UEFA, satu Piala Winners Cup UEFA, dan satu Piala Intercontinental.
Mereka adalah klub sepak bola Jerman pertama yang memenangkan gelar Eropa setelah memenangkan Piala Winners 1966. Die Schwarzgelben berada di urutan kedua di belakang Bayern Munich pada musim Bundesliga 1 2018/19.
Borussia Dortmund menempati peringkat ke-2 di liga Jerman dengan selisih gol di +8. Mereka telah mencetak total 17 gol musim ini yang terikat untuk keseluruhan kedua dan telah kebobolan sembilan gol sejauh ini, keseluruhan ke-9 di liga. Borussia Dortmund adalah tim passing terbaik di Bundesliga dengan 15 assist musim ini.
Freiburg adalah tim peringkat ke-3 di Bundesliga Jerman setelah enam putaran. Mereka memiliki rekor 4–1–1 SU di musim ini dan mereka baru saja menang 2–1 atas Fortuna Dusseldorf. Freiburg hanya kebobolan dua gol dalam dua pertandingan terakhir Bundesliga yang dimainkan. Mereka adalah underdog taruhan sepakbola melawan Borussia Dortmund.
Adalah pertahanan Freiburg vs pelanggaran Borussia Dortmund yang akan menjadi puncak pertandingan ini. Freiburg memiliki keunggulan karena mereka juga tim yang sangat mencetak gol di musim ini dan mereka bermain di kandang sendiri. Namun, saya berpikir bahwa serangan skor Borussia Dortmund mungkin terlalu bagus bahkan untuk pertahanan Freiburg.
Berikut Prediksi Freiburg vs Borussia Dortmund dan Statistik Kedua Tim :
21/04/19 Freiburg 0–4 Borussia Dortmund
01/12/18 Borussia Dortmund 2–0 Freiburg
27/01/18 Borussia Dortmund 2–2 Freiburg
09/09/17 Freiburg 0–0 Borussia Dortmund
25/02/17 Freiburg 0–3 Borussia Dortmund
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Freiburg :
29/09/19 Fortuna 1–2 Freiburg
21/09/19 Freiburg 1–1 Augsburg
15/09/19 Hoffenheim 0–3 Freiburg
05/09/19 Freiburg 4–2 Aarau
31/08/19 Freiburg 1–2 Koln
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Borussia Dortmund :
28/09/19 Borussia Dortmund 2–2 Werder Bremen
22/09/19 Eintracht Frankfurt 2–2 Borussia Dortmund
18/09/19 Borussia Dortmund 0–0 Barcelona
14/09/19 Borussia Dortmund 4–0 Bayer Leverkusen
06/09/19 Cottbus 0–5 Borussia Dortmund
Prediksi Susunan Pemain :
Freiburg : Alexander Schwolow, Philipp Lienhart, Robin Koch, Dominique Heintz, Jonathan Schmid, Nicolas Hofler, Amir Abrashi, Christian Gunter, Janik Haberer, Lucas Holer, Nils Petersen.
Borussia Dortmund : Roman Burki, Lukasz Piszczek, Julian Weigl, Manuel Akanji, Achraf Hakimi, Mahmoud Dahoud, Axel Witsel, Jadon Sancho, Marco Reus, Thorgan Hazard, Paco Alcacer.
           Prediksi Skor Freiburg vs Borussia Dortmund 5 Oktober 2019 :
                                      BURSA TARUHANHANDICAP
                   Handicap : Freiburg : 0 : 1 1/4 Borussia Dortmund
                                                     O/U : 3 1/4
                    Prediksi Skor : Freiburg 1 : 2 Borussia Dortmund
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