#dreamty’ ramnble
dreamtydraw · 1 day
Convention tomorrow… convention tomorrow….
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
To everyone of my moots who has been posting about donjon meshi…. I finally started watching the anime I can now understand your hype
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dreamtydraw · 3 months
How did u give your ocs for ol2 so much character... how did you flesh them out so well..
First off hellow there :D ( not to be rude but I prefer exchanging with people by starting with a greeting )
And second thank you !!!
I really like media analysis ( even if i’m not the best ) and I love working on my oc on every shapes and instant that could define them as characters. Thing is with my game mc it tend to last longer ( been working on Valentin for almost two years now ? ) so they get a lot of details with time :o
Bonus I also have a big problem with daydreaming and scenarios, I have over 420 oc this is a good sign that I spend a bit too much time in my creativity…
To be honest It’s also usualy because I love reading about character relationship and little details about said relationship that I then love to add it in my characters. It’s like « i see something I like, I search why I like it and then I copy paste »
Also one of my main reasons to make my mc diverse in games is because I want to make representation for thing I want to see more and so I do research.
I really recommend doing research by directly seeing real people’s return about experience ( ex for Darcie I went trough some blogs of a girl who shared anecdotes about her teenage life wearing hearing aid ) or just search tips or informations that are backed up with resources ( ex research made by a recognized establishment )
But making research takes time which can be boring and I understand that not everyone’s cup of tea so how else could you work on characters ? Try to ask questions you can answer by yourself.
So my advice to anyone trying to flesh out characters try with the basic « why, how, when, and ?» for any questions relating your chatacter.
Why does Valentin struggle with her body ? Because of gender norms and beauty standards on social media
How does it impact her ? She become self conscious and try to overdo it to fit in the standard but it makes her miserable.
When ? During her time where she’s at her lowest when her friends are cold and too busy for her.
And ? What do I do with that information ? I use it to think of the fact Valentin sees her life trought the lense of someone who is self conscious.
And also my last advice : you are allowed to rewrite stuff about your characters. Nothing is set into stones you can always add or take off some facts if they no longer align with what you want your character to be.
Hope my rambling is coherent enough and if it help someone then i’ll be glad.
Thank you for taking the time to read, have a nice day :}
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dreamtydraw · 3 months
favorite popsicle or ice cream flavor 😗
I love minth choco ice cream, favorite ice cream, truly the best ice cream flavor, choco minth hater don’t know the joy of life.
In general i just love the choco minth combo, truly human’s best culinary invention right awfter honey and goat cheese.
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dreamtydraw · 8 months
how are you doing?? (*^-^)
I really don't have anything to report (my life is pretty boring atm) but I still wanted to check in!
one thing I can share is that I made my friend play bloomic with me, and they enjoyed the game, which is pretty cool because now I have someone to talk to about bloomic (>.<)
anyway, use this to talk about whatever you want!! (^-^*)
hugs and love!! <3
Heeey ! Doing sort of good as for now :} hope you too, thansk for checking.
That really cool !!! It’s always so nice to gush with friends and blooming panic is such a nice game !!!
Talking about whatever i want man i am starting to get stressed about Tulipe- i have 2 weeks left and I’m scared to not make it in time for the jam :(
Still lots of thing to do but at least my vacation starts soon ! ( although i’ll still have tons to do lol )
Hugs and love friend ! Wishing you the best !
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