#dreamcatcher: wind blows
ot7stan4life · 16 days
Renegade Runaway
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Sua (Dreamcatcher) x Female Reader
(1 part - completed ✅)
Word Count: 3700
Summary: In one last effort to save humanity, you travel back in time on a mission to stop the woman they call the “Renegade Runaway” from committing a cold blooded murder that sets the world on a course for destruction. Yet, you could’ve never expected to find an angel in that devil’s dress.
Warnings: mentions of violence, abuse, death, and war, positive ending
A/N: gotta give the title its credit-
"All this man has done is lie and cheat and kill,” the harsh words left the woman's lips like venom, poisoning the man beneath her black boot with guilt. Raising her pistol, she positioned the barrel of the gun between his eyes.
Standing there over him, triumphant-looking with her pink hair flowing in the rough wind, she could have easily been mistaken for an angel cast down from the Heavens. Only the red satin dress and burning hatred in her eyes revealed the hidden evil beneath those imaginary wings and glowing halo.
That’s how I’d envisioned my final encounter with the one they called the 'Renegade Runaway' before the world changed forever. Except, that moment didn’t quite go the way I’d planned…
My eventual journey there was long and tedious, starting all the way back to the day I was born. The world was war-torn, the planet exhausted and dying. The human race was on the brink of extinction. One final hope remained in the potential of time travel, one that I quickly decided to dedicate my life to. Though the final mission to prevent the end of times promised nothing for certain—not even a return trip home—I volunteered to see it through without hesitation knowing that my future was not guaranteed had I conceded to the Earth's fate.
The task was simple enough: prevent one murder that had been committed over three-hundred years ago. After centuries of research, it had been determined that this very moment was the one that catalyzed the butterfly effect that would eventually lead to the end of times. Researchers hoped that changing the outcome could potentially prolong the survival of mankind. It was our only promising solution, so we had to try. And my one single chance to test that theory started the first day I met the Renegade.
Waking from a deep, dark slumber, I found myself laid out across the grainy desert ground, head resting against the roots of an old tree with a dusty brown cowboy hat placed over my face to shield my pale skin from the ruthless sun rays cast down from above. The dirt and sand crunched under my boots when I finally stood upright and the hot wind whipped through my mid-length hair. Though I had studied this very town in this exact time period, suddenly being stripped from my own time and placed here, I was rather disoriented.
I was always told it never quite felt real. At least not at first.
A nearby whinnying brought my attention to a horse that stood at the ready beside me, anchored to a tree by the lead attached to its harness. It was a beast of an animal, standing a few feet taller than me, showing off its muscular body while shifting its weight from leg to leg. Though I had never seen one in person, I knew them well. The creatures often came up in categories such as farming, transportation, and warfare in my research of the Wild West.
Gathering the lead in my hands, the animal hesitantly let me take my place on its back and followed my commands when I spurred it on towards civilization. It took a moment to get used to riding, but once I felt more comfortable, I coaxed it into a gallop. Dust kicked up with every thud of the horse's hooves, blowing across the never-ending desert floor that blurred with waves of heat in the distance, obscuring the horizon line. The air stung my eyes and tasted like salt, leaving my throat dry and body parched. Even in the short journey to the local square, beads of sweat had accumulated on my forehead from the harsh climate—one that closely resembled the state of the entire planet back in my time.
As I neared the town, square-shaped buildings made of wood faded by the sun eventually came into view, accompanied by the bustle of western folk crossing the empty stretch between shops ahead of me. Just like the history book said, everyone here had a role to play. It was a community that, in a lot of ways, relied upon the efforts of every single individual to thrive. New faces were unusual and those that were born here almost always stayed here. Maybe it wasn't everyone's idea of paradise, but it was the only thing they knew, so they couldn't possibly picture something greater. There was this sense of acceptance, or rather, resignation. Most people gave into it, but a select few stood in resistance. In particular, women who desired more than being at a man's side with no power their whole lives rejected the traditional ways of the Wild West.
I could feel that sense of indignation the moment I stepped foot here. There was a storm brewing in this small western town. A storm started by one they called the Renegade Runaway. One that would catalyze a ripple effect of pain and suffering throughout the coming centuries. But that's why I was here now: to change that seemingly predetermined fate.
Riding up to the local saloon, I got off my horse and tied its lead to a nearby fence.
"Sheriff." My greeting was aimed towards a pale woman with short black hair flowing from underneath her cowboy hat as I stepped onto the wooden porch in front of the local saloon. The sand left boot prints behind me like chalk coating the brown walkway.
The woman I acknowledged was standing just a few feet away, leaning against the front of the building, one leg propped up on the wall behind her as her dusty brown eyes gazed over the desert horizon like a hawk. She wore dark cowboy boots over tan pants held up by a belt with a badge on her left hip and a holster housing a white and golden revolver on her right.
At my greeting, she cast her gaze towards me and used her leather gloved hand to tip the edge of her hat down in recognition. "Howdy." Her lips turned up in a closed smile making her high cheek bones prominent.
I noticed the tight lines framing her smile and the way her cheeks almost indented because of how well defined her face was. There was no doubt in my mind that she was in good shape and, if I weren't here strictly for business, I might've inquired just where she got such perfect genes from or how exactly she managed to acquire her position—being a woman and all.
I was looking for someone specific and as much as I would've loved to ask—I glanced down at her badge—Sheriff Kim for help, this wasn't exactly a matter that I needed local law enforcement to be involved in. In fact, having the Sheriff on my tracks was the very last thing I needed.
So, I ventured inside the saloon without another word to the woman and walked straight to the bar. The one person I figured I could count on to find information in a small old western town was the one who got to hear all the latest news and gossip thanks to her occupation: the bartender.
"What can I getcha?" She said in a low, cool, calm tone when I took a seat on one of the stools. Her voice matched her appearance and—as I would soon find out—her personality. She had on an oversized white shirt with a denim vest and denim jeans. I couldn't see below her waist, but I assumed she was wearing cowboy boots since that's all anyone wore around here. Her long grey hair was twisted up into a single bun on the back of her head with the black ends that looked burnt from a fire sticking out the top and two small strands of her bangs free to hang on either side of her face. She looked intelligent and friendly, but not too friendly. Although, I got the feeling she was trustworthy just from the aura she gave off.
"Just pop, but make it look like a drink." I wasn't one to drink often, but certainly not while on a job.
She didn't hesitate with my request and started pouring it just out of sight of the other guests, making me wonder if many people asked the same.
Folks often did illegal business in saloons, so if you were caught here without a drink someone might assume the same of you. Proud cowboys didn't tend to take a liking to bandits or crooks and, I'd imagine, neither did the Sheriff.
That in mind, I grabbed the glass as soon as the bartender was finished pouring and took a sip before looking around the place discreetly.
It was just before sundown and the bar was starting to fill up with people coming in after finishing their shifts. The usual working men occupied the place, though there seemed a lack of prostitutes lurking for a typical western saloon. It appeared as though the women here held more positions of power than most other cities during this time period–no doubt due to the woman I came to find.
Though, I didn't spot anything that seemed helpful to my case, so I looked back to the thin woman behind the bar. She was already looking back at me, like she knew I wanted to ask her something. I'm sure she was used to strangers coming in here and questioning her, but somehow I got the sense that she didn't seem to mind it.
"You wouldn't happen to know of a gal named Bora, would you?" I asked after taking another sip, assuming these people knew the Renegade by her real name.
Still, I found it hard to gauge the bartender's reaction; she didn't seem to give away her emotions all that easily, an almost disinterested expression permanently etched across her face. Maybe that came with the job, or maybe that really was just a part of her personality. Nonetheless it didn't help me get a sense of who Bora was to these people—or at least to her.
"Bora?" She seemed to ponder, her hands momentarily stopping their job of cleaning a glass while her brain was at work. "I know several Bora's,” she concluded, continuing on with her task as if she had never stopped.
I found it odd that she didn't say more. It made me wonder if she didn't want me to know the answer or if she simply didn't care enough to tell me.
"The Bora I'm looking for is... shall we say... in some trouble,” I added, hoping she would catch on.
Much to my surprise, the bartender cracked a half smile and let out a small chuckle.
"Trouble, huh?" Her head raised and her eyes shifted to the far side of the room. "You must be looking for the Renegade."
I followed her gaze and spotted a woman with light pink hair sitting at a table in the far corner of the room. Looking at her now, I wondered how I missed her before. She seemed to take up the entire room and appear invisible all at the same time. Finally being in her presence was something else entirely; her aura was captivating with a hint of underlying mystery and danger.
Without saying anything further to the bartender, I stood up and began walking over to where the woman was, completely forgetting my drink on the bar top. I thought I heard an amused 'good luck' from the bartender, but I was already so preoccupied with this mysterious woman that I very well could have imagined it.
From what I knew about Bora, she was the definition of trouble. Mumblings of the townsfolk would tell me that she was an outlaw, a rebel, a deserter, 'a devil in an angel's dress.' I knew better than to fully believe such rumors. However, she was dangerous, and because of that, I knew I couldn't count on getting the answers I needed out of her the old-fashioned way. If I wanted anything from her, I'd have to play the game her way.
"You don't by chance happen to be the one they call the Renegade, do you Miss?" I offered gently, hoping I didn't appear to pose a threat. Any wrong decision and I could lose my one chance at salvation for good.
Although, she didn't spare me a glance, grunting out a cold response,
"What do you want?"
I allowed my eyes to take in her appearance, or at least what I could see of it with her back turned to me. I suppose I didn't expect the over-dramatic townsfolk's descriptions of her to be so literal, but, to my surprise, she was wearing a red satin dress. Similar to the Sheriff, she had a holster around her waist that held a silver and wooden pistol. The weapon was all too familiar to me and now I was sure I had the right woman.
"It's less about what I want and more about what you want,” I replied, trying a different approach.
She still didn't look at me, but she turned her head slightly, giving me a view of her side profile.
Maybe the only thing that shocked me more than her attire was her appearance. The single sharp feature on her face was her pointed nose. Other than that, her appearance looked rather soft. All the drawings I had seen of her painted her as a fierce woman with hard features and a striking gaze. Seeing her now, had I not witnessed the outcome of her future actions, I might've questioned how such a small, innocent looking woman was worthy of titles such as 'demon' or 'devil.'
"I don't want anything from you,” she said in a low tone. She didn't necessarily sound rude, but more like she was trying to intimidate me so that I would stop my ploy and leave her alone.
"I could offer some help,” I suggested, taking the seat across from her without permission. No one else in this old bar even dared look at the pink-haired girl, let alone sit near her. But she was no threat to me.
"I don't need your help,” she was quick to respond, still hardly paying me any mind as she took a sip of her whiskey. The honey colored alcohol resembled the thick rays of sunlight shining in through the titled slats in the wooden blinds. The dust made up of sand and smoke seemed to be permanently suspended in the air, making the rays look like bars of pure sunlight that you could just reach out and grab.
"Alright, then I can offer you information," I reworded, fully aware she was a woman who did her own dirty work but still valued any opportunity she could get to have the upper hand against her enemies.
There was a long pause and, after weighing my words, she finally took the chance to look me over.
She cocked an eyebrow, apparently unimpressed. "You aren't from around here, are you?" She told more than asked.
It was obvious she already knew the answer to her own question simply based on how I carried myself, but I had a feeling she was also implying that not many people around here tried to talk to her. They knew better than to bother her.
"You aren't either... or so I've heard," I tried to show her that I wasn't one to scare easily.
"Well then surely you've also heard that I work alone." She sat up straight and raised her glass to her lips before meeting my eyes.
The words almost felt rehearsed, like she had a method to keeping people out.
One side of her lips tilted upwards as she glanced over my features. "And not even a pretty face'll change that." She tilted her head back to take the final swig of whiskey, then slammed the glass down on the table before giving me a wink and getting up to walk out.
Only the image of her receding shadow was visible as she pushed through the saloon doors.
In the coming months, the renegade kept her word... for the most part. She was stubborn—which I had quickly gathered after my first encounter with her—and too independent for her own good. She wasn't necessarily reckless, but her solo endeavors often proved far too ambitious. Whether that be pursuing criminals or cowboys or men that just seemed to have too much money and power, she was constantly jumping into situations too dangerous for one woman to handle alone. That's where I came in. She didn't give trust away easily—claiming hers had to be earned—so I gained it by proving my loyalty to her, always coming to her aid when she found herself in trouble.
It took a while for me to get close to her and even longer to finally get her to open up to me. Once she believed my intentions were pure, she slowly unveiled the secrets of the mysterious 'Renegade Runaway,' allowing me to peel back the layers of her heart and eventually get a glimpse at what was inside. Unlike the fables, she was no devil or any other divine being for that matter. It became clear through her vengeful motives that she was purely and entirely human. She was hurting and broken from a painful past—one she would rather forget, yet the same one that drove her actions. In her lifetime she had witnessed the women she loved—friends, sisters, and even her own mother—get cheated, tortured, and murdered by all the powerful men surrounding them.
In her eyes, those that ruled the world were not worthy of it, because all they did was ruin it. She felt it was her duty to strip them of their privileges and bring them suffering as they had done to so many others. As noble an effort it seemed, history tells us that nothing good ever comes from vengeance. Still, she was blinded by the inescapable shadow of loss following her, clung to her figure as a constant reminder, a constant trigger that sent her over the edge.
That's why we found ourselves here now: Bora standing over a man she and I both knew all too well, pistol to his temple with memories of her mother's mangled body underneath his own boot playing on repeat in her mind while I helplessly watched a few steps away. The air grew cold and thick in the abandoned town square we now occupied as the very climax of my mission approached. This was the one murder I had trained my whole life to prevent.
"He doesn't deserve to live,” she seethed in anger. "He murdered my mother and countless other innocents." Her grip on the gun tightened with every word that left her mouth, turning her knuckles white.
"Perhaps you're right,” my voice cut through the brewing storm looming overhead, loud enough to not get lost in the violent gusts of air whipping around our bodies and through the gaps between the buildings surrounding us.
The townsfolk had all run for shelter, frightened either by the imminent threat of catastrophic weather or the violent coup that was now in progress, led by the renegade standing a few feet in front of me.
"But killing him will only make things worse in the long run." I took a tentative step forward, hoping the relationship we had formed over the past month—though still rather unsteady—would be enough to convince her to trust my words.
A flash of lightning struck the horizon, painting the gray sky blue before a boom of thunder punctuated its disappearance.
"How could you possibly know that?" she shouted, now growing impatient.
The wooden and silver weapon shook in her hands, her finger tempting the trigger. Even she didn't understand why she hadn't pulled it yet. It was her master plan, after all. Finally putting an end to all the suffering this man had caused to countless women and their families, including her own. It felt like her only purpose in life. Her destiny. Like it was already written in the stars. So why couldn't she go through with it? And why would she listen to me: a stranger she had met only a month ago? One that seemed to be from another world completely. The kind of person she never thought she'd find herself so attached to. Yet, there she was.
And though she couldn't possibly understand what I meant when I told her I've seen what comes of her actions, she somehow believes. When I said that this one decision will determine the fate of the world, she somehow knows. Because, deep down, she can feel that it has happened before. This exact moment had already played out in some distant reality. One that she had already experienced and would never experience all in the same life. One that always ended in disaster.
But, not this time.
This time, she looks deep into my eyes and finds a sort of empathy and honesty that she has never experienced before. In me, she finds someone who understands the pain and loss she has felt. Beyond that, she finds someone who manages to live with it. To forgive and move on. Someone who stopped trying to end violence with more violence. Someone who has found a better way.
Someone who cares for her.
And it shows her that her life doesn't need to be a constant cycle of death and revenge. That there is hope for a peaceful resolve. And maybe even room for love, not hatred.
The sky cries down in relief as Bora's gun falls with the raindrops, softening the hard dirt ground beneath our feet as they soak into the dying earth. Like the fresh water nourishing the desert floor, the renegade's decision to spare the man gives room for new life to grow and, one day, eventually, to flourish.
Now that a new string has been woven into the fabric of reality, the future is uncertain. This new life might seem daunting to most, but not me. All it promises are new possibilities for a world without hatred, without violence, and without suffering. A world where love and peace are not merely fantasies, but the promised reality.
And it all starts with me and her.
A/N: This is an older imagine that I’ve had written, but I hope to start writing new stuff again soon. Also, sorry for not replying to some of the requests/comments you’ve sent me in my inbox. I promise I see them and I will respond to them soon. I just didn’t want to say “I’m working on this” and then take way too long to actually write an update for you.
**This imagine was transferred over from my Wattpad acc OT5Stan4Life**
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callmecaspurrsblog · 2 months
! tw !
It is 1:15 a.m.
You wake up. The world is quiet around you, the wind is whooshing past the window above your bed—the broken one that you haven’t gotten around to fixing yet. The air is seeping in through the crack, a cool breeze despite the scorching weather outside. Your feet rub against the soft covers, the ones that haven’t been washed in weeks because you haven’t had the energy to.
It is 1:20 a.m.
You can hear the clock ticking on the other side of the wall. Tick, tick, tick—the sound echoes. You hated time—the idea of it—the fact that it takes and takes but never gives; no extra seconds rewarded when you wished for extra seconds, for a minute longer to make a situation better; to be with a person longer because the idea of being alone scares you. The dreamcatcher hanging above your bed has done little to keep the bad dreams away.
It is 1:25 a.m.
You want your mother. You want to lay your head on her chest, to listen to the sound of her heart beating, to feel her fingers comb through your hair. The silence is too loud—it’s deafening. You want your mother’s voice to take over it, to fill the room with reassuring whispers, with promises that everything is going to be okay. You want to cry to her, to let your eyes run dry—you want her fingers to wipe the tears away before they fall. But your mother is too far away, and she has broken your heart one too–many times. You don’t call her. Or text her. You lay in bed, in the dark, alone.
It is 1:30 a.m.
You want your father. You want to feel the bed dip beneath his weight, to listen as he makes a joke to lighten a room that has grown too dark. But you know a bulb can only be changed so many times before it is the fuse that has to be replaced. You are the fuse. The thing that keeps blowing everything, the reason the dark exists in the first place. Your mind floods with darkness, and you want your father more than anything in this moment—you don’t call for him. You do not want to become a burden.
It is 1:35 a.m.
You have an itch. The darkness whispers to you. You have an itch—though not one that you can be rid from by putting fingernail to skin; you have a need. A burn, an ache. You are not that person anymore, you tell yourself. Your raspy voice is weak against the whispered temptations floating through your mind. You are not the you that you used to be. You are healed, you are clean—you are better. You try again, repeating the same words over and over again. You are not healed, you know this. You are not better—because better is a thing that doesn’t exist when it comes to you.
It is 1:40 a.m.
You want this feeling to go away. This sadness that was pushed onto you—this sadness that you never wanted to feel in the first place. Your eyes drift toward the white box on the wood shelves and your fingers ache for you to run your fingertips along the edge of something sharp. A tear slips from your eye; the weeks spent clean slip from your grasp. You stand from your once–soft mattress, the springs bounce back into place. The floor is hard beneath your feet. You tip–toe toward the shelves, careful to not make any noise. The cardboard touches your hands, and the decision has already been made.
It is 1:45 a.m.
You are crying. As quietly as you can, you allow the tears to fall from your eyes as you stare up at the ceiling above you. There is a spider there. The moonlight seeping in through the thin curtain provides a little light. You wonder, for a split second, if the spider has ever felt the paralysing sadness that you constantly feel. Then, almost immediately, you curse yourself for having such a stupid thought. You put the box back on the shelf in the same place. You change your shirt to a black long sleeved one.
It is 1:50 a.m.
You regret it. Your actions—you regret. Guilt floods your being, and the overwhelming emotions fade out. Your head aches—it throbs. Your wrists sting, your eyes burn, your heart hurts. The pillow beneath you feels so soft, you find yourself melting into it. You want to be a butterfly; to be free.
Next time, you tell yourself. Next time, I will do it—I will stay clean.
(if you are going through this--you are not alone. i love you, and i am so proud of you. you can get through this.)
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panda-writes-kpop · 1 year
M A K N A E • L I N E
<- Back To Dreamcatcher Masterlist
<- Back to Main Masterlist
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H A N D O N G :
Handong Break Up Song (BUS) Series Masterlist
Handong as Your GF
Princess! Handong - Queen of Aces
Sweet Orange Cream Slushie
Platonic! Handong ~ The University Experience
oh god, she makes me so upset!
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Y O O H Y E O N :
When It Rains, It Pours
“Fall” For Me (With JiU)
Center Stage (Fem! Reader)
How To Lose A Lover
Yoohyeon as Your GF
Goddess! Yoohyeon - My Universe
Memories of You, Baby, That’s All I Have Left
For You, Darling
Wind Blows
Hogwarts AU! ~ Nervous Eyes Never Tell Lies
Sweet Peach Slushie
Sweet Sugar Plum Slushie
A Lesson In Rom-Antics (Paladin! Reader)
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D A M I :
Morning Dew
Shoot To Kill (STK)
Egotistic (400 Followers Writing Challenge Drabble)
Promises, Promises
New Year, New Me?
Dami as Your GF
Field of Dandelions
Glitter ‘n Gold
Corrupted! Priestess! Dami - Take Me To Church (Fem! Reader)
Detective Lee
Sour Lemon-Lime Slushie
Sweet Raspberry Lemonade Slushie
Sweet Blood Orange Slushie
Sour Frosted Lemonade
Sour Blue Raspberry Slushie
the tortured artist and the brilliant scholar
what does a demon and a function have in common? (you can test both of their limits!)
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G A H Y U N :
Monster in Me (Ghost AU!)
New Days (400 Followers Writing Challenge Drabble)
Poison Love (400 Followers Writing Challenge Drabble)
Gahyeon as Your GF
Haunting Me, Haunting You (Ghost! AU)
Sweet Mermaid Slushie
the dreadful need in the devotee
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7-dreamers · 1 year
13 May 2023, "Granddaughter of the Wind" Dreamcatcher Sua, the dream of throwing the first pitch as 'Fireball' [Idols who bring energy to the baseball field③]
Sua recommended '바람아(Wind Blows)'as Lee Jung-hoo's Walk-Up Song. Sua said, "This is a great song for the audience to sing along to. And since his nickname is the 'Grandson of the Wind,' if he uses 'Wind Blows' as his walk-up song, wouldn't he be able to sweep away victory?" She emphasized and said, "If he wants, our members can sing 'Wind Blows' for him."
Source : Xports News
[Reporter Lee Seul]
Translation by 7-Dreamers Carrot Please do not take translation without credit
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sinswithpleasure · 1 year
do you listen to kpop.... if so what is your fav song?
... wait you came to a kpop smut blog to ask if I listen to kpop— what?
Yeah of course I do!
There's no favourite—but I have a list of songs I think are really really good.
No Return (LSRFM)
Voice / Star / Where You At (LOONA)
Girls / Illusion (aespa)
What Is Love / ICSM / Fancy / Feel Special (TWICE)
Cupid [ + Twin Ver ] (Fifty Fifty)
Back To The City (Kep1er)
Kitsch / Love Dive (IVE)
Heart Attack (AOA)
Touch My Body / Shake It (Sistar)
Honey / Who's Your Mama (JYP)
OMG / Hurt (NWJNS)
Initial S (SoRi)
Playing With Fire / Lovesick Girls (BP)
Super Yuppers (WJSN Chocome)
Boogie Up / Unnatural (WJSN)
Growl / Call Me Baby / Love Shot / Lotto (EXO)
PIRI / BOCA / Wind Blows / Whistle (DreamCatcher)
We Go / Love Bomb / Talk & Talk (Fromis_9)
Mic Drop / Fire / UGH! (BTS)
Russian Roulette / Bad Boy / Red Flavour (RV)
Gee / Run Devil Run / PARTY (SNSD)
Lucifer (SHINee)
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jinisspace · 5 months
You mentioned on you main blog that you learned all of Blessed Cursed in one day, what else have you learned?
Hi! I've been a dancer since September of 2022 I believe, so I have quite a lot of dances, thank you for showing interest 💗 I'm gonna try to list these in order but I can't promise that it'll be accurate because I truthfully don't remember 😂
So I was still getting used to dancing so I only managed to learn 3 in those last 4 months of the year (unfortunately)
Wind Blows - Dreamcatcher (My first but now I kinda forgot it)
Maverick - The Boyz
Kill this Love - The Boyz Ver (I forgot this one too....)
2023 was a busy year for me as a dancer, I managed to learn A LOT and I grew a lot as a dancer, but I only ever started finding my style and learning to have body control at the end of the year (October), anytime before October, I looked awkward and didn't have control over my limbs what's so ever.
The Stealer - The Boyz
Reveal - The Boyz
Crush on U - BAE173 (I don't think I remember this one either)
No Diggity - Oneus
Odd Eye - Dreamcatcher
Dun Dun - Everglow
Roar - The Boyz
Back Down - P1HARMONY
First - Everyglow
Halazia - ATEEZ
Over Me - Overdose {Boys Planet} (Forgot this one too..)
Dice - NMIXX
Pirate King - ATEEZ
Bouncy - ATEEZ
Phantom - WayV
Answer - ATEEZ
Wonderland - ATEEZ
Thunderous - Stray Kids
I'm the one - ATEEZ
Guerilla - ATEEZ
16 Shots - Billlie Ver
Monster - EXO
Baila Conmigo - Oneus
Dune - ATEEZ (Just made up a choreo and now I do it lol)
Rocky - ATEEZ
Lol and me and my sister (who is also a dancer) were in Ateez battle to see who could learn more dances from them, that's why there's so much Ateez 😭
I set a goal to have more variety of dances this year, and learn at least 5 before July, soooo, yeah, I might have gotten a bit too carried away with that -
Purr - Kep1er & VIVIZ
Thanxx - ATEEZ
WADADA - Kep1er
Crazy Form - ATEEZ
Inception - ATEEZ
Midas Touch - Kiss Of Life
Not Okay - ATEEZ
Blessed Cursed - Enhypen
Dr. Bebe - Pentagon
Criminal Love - Enhypen
Antifragile - Le sserafim
I know I have a lot of ATEEZ in 2024, I don't plan on learning another soon but like- their dances are just too fun 🥹
Armageddon - æspa
Bad Villain - Badvillain
These are some that I 'tried' to learn but I couldn't ever rlly get right or stopped learning just because I found another dance that I liked better
Skip Skip - Purple Kiss
Pass The Mic / Future Perfect - Enhypen (Really excited for this one, might learn it soon)
What I said - Victon
To Be or Not to Be - Oneus
Zero - Drippin (Still waiting for that extra Motivation to learn this one)
I think that's it, I learn by member not by the viral parts or whoever is in the middle, so I may update this if I realize I forgot something 😂
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kpop-locks · 1 year
maju, me recomenda b-sides do dreamcatcher, por favor! 🥹❤️
agoraaa, minha bside fav é e sempre sera locked inside a door, é minha recomendaçao pra todo mundo, mas segue uma listinha com varias outras que eu amo: sleep walking full moon wonderland july 7th and there was no one left (minha segunda fav) the curse of the spider silent night can't getyou out of my mind dear wind blows poison love red sun black or white (top3, boazuda demais) sahara propose (mal nasceu e já é iconica) paradise (primeiro solo da siyeon e meu fav) cherry (solo da jiu) no dot (solo da sua) entrancing (segundo solo da siyeon) winter (solo da dong) for (solo da yoo) beauty full (solo da dami) playground (solo da gahy)
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vexic929 · 1 year
5-4-3-2-1! Give me...
5 of your favorite movies
4 of your favorite books
3 of your favorite songs
2 of your favorite colors
and 1 compliment about yourself!
5 favorite movies: The Batman (2022), Birds of Prey (2020), Barbie (2023), Blue Beetle (2023), Death Note (2006)
4 favorite books: Howl's Moving Castle (trilogy), Uglies (series), The Secret Life of Bees, To Kill A Mockingbird
3 favorite songs: Any Way The Wind Blows (from Hadestown), Where Is The Justice (from Death Note: The Musical), Red Sun (by Dreamcatcher)
2 favorite colors: purple, turquoise
1 compliment: I like my smile :)
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llitchilitchi · 10 months
Whats your top 5 songs?
you're all gonna laugh but they're all by Dreamcatcher and it's:
REASON Odd Eye Wind Blows BEcause To be with U! (this one's by angela)
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trappedinaclowncar · 10 months
I'm about to go to my first shift at fastfood chain restaurant, after 3 months of break from work and I'm so stressed I feel awful, I hate adulting 🤡
So I'm sending a question cuz it somehow calms my mind (don't ask why, I have no idea)
Do you have a Dreamcatcher song that you connected with a particular, memorable moment in life?
For example Odd Eye was my first comeback with them and it happened when I had online classes due to lockdown. So there I was, (important) math lesson muted somewhere in the background, playing Odd Eye on full volume and almost crying out of excitement, spamming my best friend about how much I love the song
I wish you luck, friend. I've never worked in the food industry, but I can only imagine how rough it is. (I've only ever really worked in the background of retail jobs (AKA stocking shelves and such) so I never had to interact with customers all that much but in the rare cases that I did, it was pretty awful, lmao)
I'd say Maison. It was my first comeback with them and I went to the NYC concert with my best friend and it was my very first time going out of state by myself, my first time in NYC, first time on a train, first time in a hotel, and my very first concert experience. It was a lot of firsts for me, so it's pretty significant.
I'd also say BonVoyage. Just because I swear that song has healing capabilities because whenever I'm stressed at my job, I put that song on loop and leave it playing from my phone in my pocket just loud enough for myself to hear, and it helps immensely.
Odd Eye and Wind Blows helped me get through some stressful nights, though, when I used to work overnights, I will admit. Lmao.
I think I've connected Dreamcatcher songs to a lot of recent moments in my life just because since I found them, I've been hyper fixated, lmao. That's probably because their music is more of what I actually like.
Don't get me wrong, I love all the other groups I follow, but Dreamcatcher's music just hits that spot with all the guitars and the drums and all the other stuff, you know?
I should also probably absolutely mention Boca and the entirety of Dystopia: The Tree of Language because Boca was the first song I listened to by them and D:ToL was the first release I listened to fully and that whole night, I was texting my best friend about it, dragging them in with me, lmao.
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thundergrace · 10 months
I'm 100% for them doing other types of music, it just feels like something is missing from the song and it doesn't feel very dreamcatcher. it's just a miss for me and that's fine.
anyway what are some of your favorite title tracks of theirs? mine are scream, odd eye, and what. I do also love vision but I'm not too fond of the rap in it sometimes lol (it just depends on my mood)
Right now, I think my top 5 might look something like:
1) Scream
3) Piri
4) Good Night
5) Bon Voyage
I can understand that. I'm sure many feel the same. But I do think "OOTD" belongs in the same world as "Demian", "Trap", "Wind Blows", "In The Frozen" and like... "Diamond". Maybe you'd have preferred it'd been a b-side then? Lol
Have you heard the new b-sides? What's your favorite? I haven't heard the album but I heard the highlight medley and was really excited for "Rising". It seemed to be the early fan favorite and post-release that seems to have remained true.
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mouseplaid · 1 year
URL Song Tag Game
tagged by: @siewoon thanks for tagging me!!! this was fun :)
F - fnf - stray kids
A - anthems - charli xcx
R - ripe - banoffee & cupcakke
E - everybody's got a secret- billlie
W - wind blows - dreamcatcher
E - easy - stray kids
L - legend - alice longyu gao & alice glass
L - loco - itzy
N - not the same - the aces
E - easy - wjsn the black
V - venom - bvndit
E - eclipse - kim lip
R - r.r.e.a.m. - kitty
L - look demure - kitty
A - american teenager - ethel cain
N - new - yves
D - danger - woo!ah!
M - more & more - twice
P - pills - st vincent
.3 - 3am - halsey
tagging: @orjustori @officialkendallroy @lumineescente @sweetonmeclarence if you want to!
rules: for each letter in your url, post the first song you think of
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candescentkpop · 2 years
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A cold wind blows
Dreamcatcher: Scream
Dreamcatcher Part 46 / ∞
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the-genuine-beauty · 1 year
The Best Of: Dreamcatcher
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These are my favorite songs from Dreamcatcher’s discography. Keep in mind that this is just MY OPINION and you are free to agree or disagree. I will be updating this list when new music comes out or if I change my mind on a certain song.
With that out of the way, here is my list: Updated: 5/28/23
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01: Chase Me 02: Emotion 03: Good Night 04: Lullaby 05: Fly High 06: Sleep-Walking 07: Trust Me 08: Full Moon 09: You and I 10: Which a Star 11: What 12: Wonderland 13: Trap 14: July 7th 15: PIRI 16: Diamond 17: And There Was No One Left 18: Daydream 19: Breaking Out 20: Deja Vu 21: The Curse of the Spider 22: Silent Night 23: Scream 24: Red Sun 25: Black Or White 26: Jazz Bar 27: SAHARA 28: In The Frozen 29: Daybreak 30: Paradise 31: R.o.S.E BLUE 32: BOCA 33: Can't Get You Out of My Mind 34: Odd Eye 35: Wind Blows 36: Poison Love 37: 4 Memory 38: BEcause 39: Airplane 40: Whistle 41: Alldaylong 42: Locked Inside A Door 43: MAISON 44: Starlight 45: Together 46: Cherry (Real Miracle) (JiU solo) 47: No Dot (SuA solo) 48: Winter (Handong solo) 49: For (Yoohyeon solo) 50: Playground (Gahyeon solo) 51: VISION 52: Fairytale 53: Reason 54: Bon Voyage 55: Propose
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conartisthaiji · 2 years
got tagged by @luvcall to post my receiptify so here we go~
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[image description: a fake receipt from receiptify for the last month. Tracks are as follows:
1. goya no machiawase - hello sleepwalkers
2. concrete - lovejoy
3. taunt - lovejoy
4. shooting star - xg
5. soldier game - from love! live, ft. Nishikino Maki (Pile), Sonoda Umi (Mimori Suzuko), and Ayase Eli (Yoshino Nanjo)
6. 28 reasons - seulgi
7. wind blows - dreamcatcher
8. question (note: it’s the third op from assassination classroom. i cannot type japanese).
9. one day - lovejoy
10. silent night - dreamcatcher /end id]
tagging @theirtheretheyre @deyjahvu and @literalliterature​
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agentthirsty · 1 month
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you 💜 I'm gonna shuffle my top 100 played songs
Alcohol-Free by TWICE
Obsession by EXO
Wind Blows by Dreamcatcher
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