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ecogreenlux · 2 years ago
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🦋 I AM 'Living Well & Doing Good!' 🔮 Future forward focused. >>>>> ♻️ Supporting sustainability for people, planet & prosperity. 🏆 This is the golden age of the entrepreneur and it's absolutely the best time ever to live a life of inspiration and impact. 📚 We all have a story that can empower others to live better and safer lives so get good at authentically sharing it and the real you. 💸 Tap into the abundance everywhere and learn how to tune in and stay on that plentiful and positive frequency. ⚙️ We have the tools at our fingertips in this day and information age of the Internet to better the world around us for ourselves and each other. 🔑 Once you feel the universal flow of ongoing love, money and happiness, support those at-risk to also live an even better and more joyful life. ❣️ Most importantly, remember we are stronger together as the human race to face the ubiquitous challenges ahead. 🌎 United we have the best chance at accomplishing our goals, dreams and desires to sustain our species long into the future as one tribe working cohesively for the betterment of planet earth, our home. 🌐 We are a collective of social entrepreneurs, influencers, worker-bees, rockstars & compassionate human-beings who ALL care about our world and its inhabitants. 🔆 Let’s co-create with GOD our best communities and fuse them globally to inter-generationally share our mutual success with our children's children! 🔅 WE are their best chance NOW!!! ❓ What are YOU doing to be a VALUE CREATOR TODAY? ‼️ MAKE 2023 KICK @$$!! OH YEAH! :-)))) Best well-being wishes! PSYBIO ⭐️✌️🤠✌️⭐️ Founder / CEO FlyingHighCrypto.com NEW BOOK launching on your screen, January 26, 2023: Crypto Millionaire 101 ‘The Beginner Guide To Profitable Investing’ © DYNAMO Publishing / PSYBIO Presence PSYB.IO #wegotthis #livingwellanddoingood #dreambigworksmartplaynow #cryptomillionaire101 #flyinghighcrypto #psybiopresence #jameserdt #believe (at Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4f2PUOGD7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ecogreenlux · 3 years ago
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READY... AIM... LOVE❣️ There are certain men that have overcome life-altering situations & circumstances whom you do not want to cross that line with!!! Dealing with him negatively & unfairly is not the smartest move as his trials & tribulations on his way up have hardened & sharpened him just like the intense pressure has done to the most sparkling rare diamond. The prism of radiant light that this sculpted & precious gem emits compares to the abundance of positive vibes that this awakened & conscious man openly shares. 💠 FOCUS... ... is his clarity. 💠 RESOURCEFULLNESS... ...is his strength. 💠 SELF-DISCIPLINE... ...is his secret. 💠 JOY... ...is his superpower. 💠 PASSION... ...is his fuel. 💠 PURPOSE... ...is his mission. 💠 LOVE... ...is his way. 💎 James Erdt ✌️🤓✌️🌎🌍🌏 @jameserdt #loveistheway #beuniquelyyou #loveyourhaters #impactoverincome #wellbeingisessential #selfdisciplineiskey #theanswerisloveall #onlymoveforward #focusonfocuswithfocus #dreambigworksmartplaynow #showcaseyourstory #shineyourlight #shareyourlove #goodvibesonly #bebrightbeready #havefaithinyourself #cocreateyourreality #positivitybreedspositivity #successcomesfromwithin #dontmesswiththeawakened #guidethemdontdestroythem #walkthewalktotalkthetalk #bethebiggerperson #takethehighroad #leadbyexample #strivetobebetter #doontoothers #believe https://www.instagram.com/p/CaKlZ1EO-SP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ecogreenlux · 3 years ago
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THROWBACK Thursday... the BESTEST MEMORY of me picking up my new Harley-Davidson BREAKOUT at Pfaff H-D Richmond Hill, ON, Canada. One of the greatest victories of my life. Dreams do come true with undivided focus, passion and persistence towards achieving the goal!!! #dreambigworksmartplaynow #harleydavidsonbreakout #inlovewithmyharley #jameserdt #believe (at Richmond Hill, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUdeETpAYHH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ecogreenlux · 4 years ago
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The Ram 1500 TRX Hellcat = Bucket-Truck-It-List Being named 2021 MotorTrend’s Truck of the Year® means that with a 6.2-liter supercharged V-8 that produces 702 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque, the all-new 2021 Ram 1500 TRX doesn’t just perform, it’s the new benchmark for extreme performance pickup trucks. #ramtrxhellcat #ramtrx2021 #ramtrx1500 #ramtrx #believe #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at Forest City Dodge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZC1RxhFb_/?igshid=1b3hk5ilthhj5
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ecogreenlux · 4 years ago
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Healthier, wealthier & wiser. Life is what WE make it. ✨⭐️💪🤩👌⭐️✨ #jameserdt #48andfitaf #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at London, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8L_vmAGjS/?igshid=1schka5nn8egf
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ecogreenlux · 4 years ago
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#tbt - A throwback ride & visit to Graffiti Alley Toronto on my custom Harley Davidson Breakout. If you have never been there and you appreciate street art, I definitely suggest you make a road trip and have a look… At least 5 to 6 blocks worth of incredible art by some of Toronto’s finest spray paint mural creators... #grafittialleytoronto #harleydavidsonbreakout #throwbackthursday #jameserdt #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at Graffiti Alley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHOUd7lB6nf/?igshid=12wziypnt3rd2
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ecogreenlux · 4 years ago
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Autumn beach office vibes. 🍃🌊🌞🍂🍁🌾💫✨💸🚀 #laptoplifestyle #beachofficeday #livingmybestlife #askbelieveactreceive #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at Lorne Park Estates, Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGUzge8Ac0d/?igshid=1l46ujugdqbi8
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ecogreenlux · 5 years ago
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Our perception of the world is our reality. 
Choosing positive emotions manifests the enjoyment of living a better life. 
Trusting our emotional guidance system, like an internal human GPS, will successfully lead us to navigating the chaotic and sometimes very challenging roadmap of life. 
Making the right choices based on life experiences that we already know, will productively move us forward and allow us to excel. 
This is called wisdom. 
Intelligence tells us that it's raining outside and wisdom tells us to go inside so we don't get wet. 
Live life lessons, learn from them and grow. 
Be wise and rise. 
Serve in order to deserve. 
Each choice either enhances our life or detracts from it negatively. 
We can turn our lives around in lightspeed by connecting one positive choice to the next. 
Consciously co-creating our reality paying focused attention to divine universal guidance is key to living our best lives. 
By listening to our heart, trusting our gut and believing that we are the centre of our universe, we can and will purposefully develop our best existence. 
Choosing our emotions changes our perception of this world and reality as we know it NOW, which is the only moment that we will ever have. 
Like attracts like. 
Choosing positive emotions when responding to circumstances, situations and challenges create better outcomes. 
Nobody can make us mad… Only we can allow someone to make us mad. 
Choosing a better feeling emotion in the NOW supports us to live through the moment with a positive mindset and open loving heart. 
Namaste, James 🙏 #believe @jameserdt @impactinfluencer #jameserdt #impactinfluencer #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at The Universe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEo9JcSAsZI/?igshid=73xpi18xq41j
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ecogreenlux · 5 years ago
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“Get a view!” ~ @grantcardone #torontoskyline #torontoskylineview #mississaugaview #mississaugarocks #marilynmonroetowers #canadiancowboy #topoftheworld #beinthwnow #believeachieve #askbelieveactreceive #believeinyourdreams #reachforthestars #believe #jameserdt #impactinfluencer #getaview #grantcardone #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at Marilyn Monroe Towers.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEUWrphgJiX/?igshid=bcx4z8f3wrp5
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ecogreenlux · 5 years ago
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"As a driver, you've always got to believe in your heart that you've got what it takes to win it. You've always got to believe in yourself. You've always got to arrive on the day and believe it can happen. You've always got to believe in the positives." ~ Lewis Hamilton Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team 6X Formula One World Champion #dreambigworksmartplaynow #mercedesamg #believe https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqqg_DgKe9/?igshid=1fxhvqixrlw0q
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ecogreenlux · 5 years ago
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3 Story Teller Speakers unite coincidentally on purpose with purpose at the local Starbucks. 🙏🙏🙏 #godisalwayspresentandatwork #unionofkindcaringsouls #believewecanchangetheworld #dreambigworksmartplaynow #believers #believer #believe @blakefly @shellivarela @impactinfluencer (at Starbucks Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UsTShgYOz/?igshid=vl6qtf1jv6p6
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ecogreenlux · 5 years ago
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Jammin’ wit ma boyz... Zeus & Flipper... down by the Port Credit marina where the old lighthouse is to see my PURPOSEFUL VISION even clearer... @impactinfluencer #makeafortunemakingadifference #believeinyourdreams #humancapitalistinvestor #theimpactinfluencerguide #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at Port Credit Light House) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Uqw2EhAK6/?igshid=eqr0sr1ztgmw
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ecogreenlux · 6 years ago
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Good morning... ✌️🤓👌💚 #healthiswealth #breakfastisthemostimportant #eatrightforyourbloodtype #begoodtoyourbody #goodfoodisgoodfuel #feelinghealthyandwealthy #dreambigworksmartplaynow #impactinfluencer #jameserdt #believe (at Absolute World) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byh3Bz7AK7X/?igshid=tdn36htgkvet
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ecogreenlux · 6 years ago
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🤘😇🤘 #hdbreakout #harleydavidson #harleydavidsonbreakout #dreambigworksmartplaynow #acekingsbrotherhood #impactinfluencer #jameserdt #believe (at Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/BygZs3RgHms/?igshid=92yo4jtdoj6a
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ecogreenlux · 6 years ago
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I’m BACK on TRACK!!!!! 🏆 Overcame MASSIVE obstacles over the past 10 years such as: - 3 major spinal surgeries. - down from 210lbs > 171lbs. - depression & fear. - anxiety & worry about my future lifestyle with degenerative disc disease. - custody battle for my 8 year young son with nasty ex-wife. - difficult financial situation due to inability to work regular job because of my bad spine. - being backstabbed by one of my closest (apparent) greedy friends for a boat load money! - and a whole lot more holding me back living a lifestyle of well-being, abundance & joy! Can YOU relate??? I’m sure each of us have gone through such dark journeys on our life path. I am grateful to now see all of these debilitating life challenges as gifts because they have made my sword incredibly SHARP, my heart genuinely PURE & my health absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I cured myself despite what the many pharmaceutically tainted doctors told me I could and could not do! SO CAN YOU!!! I don’t share this with you to impress you… I share this with you to impress upon you that it is possible even close to the age of 50 which is just around the corner for me… Age is just a chronological number. I feel like I’m in my mid 20s with energy, passion & even greater purpose! NOW I AM READY to elevate my game to even higher positive frequencies serving the greater good EVEN MORE following divine guidance because it’s my time and my time is valuable… Just like yours! I am ready for... EVERYTHING & ANYTHING. Are YOU? If not, what are YOU waiting for??? The time is NOW & guess what… This moment the only one we have so let’s make it the best moment ever!!! YOU GAME? 💪😺👍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Feels really really good! OH YEAH!! See YOU at the TOP! Your fellow human friend, James ✌️🤠✌️ 🙏🎶👑💸🦋💚🌞🌍🦅💫❣️ #dreambigworksmartplaynow #healthistruewealth #useitorloseit #focusonwhatmatters #focusonwhatyouwant #ourtimeisnow #gameon #jameserdt #impactinfluencer #reviverguardian #dynamotribe #webeme #believe (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/jameserdt/p/Bwt5m92B-rf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qilai53mj9vk
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ecogreenlux · 6 years ago
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OK 👊😜👌 #dreambigworksmartplaynow (at Milkyway Galaxy) https://www.instagram.com/jameserdt/p/BuSY2Ayhaxj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=prhlubv9qbd8
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