caelyohann · 5 years
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Enrolled. #2ndSem #UPOU #DRDM (at Damosa I.T. Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7S3gyEHexdDZd9_eyus9iM47WYI9GfFcD3mzQ0/?igshid=nuffbqvzup0w
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The corner of the cluttered room, lying against the chipping walls, was a familiar looking robot. Although similar in design to the robotic bear that had terrorized the class for months, there was small differences. The bear’s stomach had been opened up, and inside loose wires sparked around a small device similar in nature to a tape recorder. On it read “Audio” with a small heart drawn in.
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There was a button with a small triangle into indicate play, and when hit, the familiar voice of class 65 flooded through the small room. It almost sounded like the classmates were alive and laughing together in person, if not for the harsh beeping to indicate one track switching to the next. There wasn’t a single  time that the 16 students were able to just sit and enjoy one other’s company, but the small recording gave a glimpse to a time before the hotel life of mutual killing
Inside of a monokuma are audio files of the 16 classmates talking and “recording.” At the end is an unknown voice
 [Transcript under the cut]
Orochi as monokuma: Hello Students! Welcome to your official school life! I’m here to be helping you with your everyday activities, enriching your academic life and sucking a big fat di- wha—Kyoji!
Haruki: Wow. Stick to the script Orochi. No add-libbing.
Orochi: I-It was written right here! I swear!
Kyoji: It wasn’t my idea… Entirely. Noriko came up with it!
Orochi: Well now I have to start my lines all over again.
Ryu: Oh please, you know they didn’t prepare any real lines.
Kyoji: How would you know?
Akira: He saw me vandalize it.
Ryu: Yeah
Orochi: What?
Akira: You could say we collab-ed on the hilarious content.
Addy: So all the dick jokes?
Akira: Exactly the dick jokes
Haruki: More emotion this time. We want to know HOW you sucked the di--
Orochi: S-Stop it!
Noriko: So should I stop recording this?
Ryu: Well I mean I guess, we didn’t get anything done. We’ll do take two tomorrow.
Addy: Well I think we should keep the recording anyway!
Orochi: But we aren’t using it, right?
Haruki: Uhhhhhh yeah. Sure. Of course not.
Ezra: Oh shit!
Hyun: Oh no! We weren’t recording. I’m so sorry Rinko!
Rinko: It’s okay! We’ll pretend that was my practice reel.
Ezra: Are you sure you’re fine with doing it again? One of us could take the wheel from here
Rinko: Oh no, I’m sure I can do it.  
Hyun: You have been working on it for a while, it’s important to take rests and not strain yourself.
Rinko: It’s okay, I’m a movie star! Besides, I’m having fun!
Addy: Hi! My name’s Monokuma and welcome to jackass.
Hoshiko: Mon dieu, that reference is so outdated, mon amour.
Addy: Oh, really? I thought it was good.
Hoshiko: I guess it was pretty funny.
Addy: Hey, Hoshiko, what does Mon Dieu mean?
Hoshiko: Oh it means like My god, like a surprised expression. Like “Omg!”
Addy: Huh! That’s pretty neat! So if mon is “my” well what does amour mean?
Hoshiko: Uhm…
Addy: Like.. I’m sure I’ve heard it used before but I wanted to ask you...
Hoshiko: Well uh-
Addy: Hey doesn’t the red light mean it’s recording
Kyoji: Oh come on, say it
Katsumi: Hell no, it sounds cheesy.
Shujin: Someone’s gotta read the script, and I’m ill fit to.
Katsumi: Wasn’t this Orochi’s job? Get him back on that.
Rinko: He’s been reading the rest of them, It’s someone else’s turn.
Hyun: We had to give him at least a small break.
Takehiko: I can try my hand at it.
Katsumi: Oh yeah, go for i
Takehiko: You… seem in need.. Of help!
Shujin: That doesn’t sound natural. Try not relying so much on reading as you speak.
Kyoji: Well he has to read. I mean I didn’t write the script for him to not read it.
Akemi: You know what he meant.
Takehiko: You seem in need of help! Would you like me to assist you?
Katsumi: That’s great!
Hyun: I’m so proud of all of us!
Kyoji: We’re coming along so nicely with this.
Akemi: It’s a great idea having other languages here. So we can all give commands to Monokuma…  Even though we all speak a common language.
Hoshiko: Well it’s fun to make
Akemi: That’s the point.
Hoshiko: Hold on it’s still recording, Portatemi un-
Sound of door slamming open
Ryu in background: Life is shit! I hate everything
Akemi: We’re recording!
Hoshiko: Portatemi un po-
Ryu: Portatemi un your asses to come and sit because I have to complain.
Akira in a whisper: Okay three… two… one…
Akira: Hi! I’m Monokuma! You’re lovable voreable friend.
Ezra: Oh my god
Akira whispered: Okay now you go.
Ezra: Uh… Uh Hi? Is this thing on? (taps mic) Okay uhm “I’m a funky disco bear and I don’t need no man”
Ryu from far away: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Haruki entered with Ryu: I heard vore.
Ezra: We were just…
Ryu: No what the fuck i’m playing it back.
[repeat akira and ezra’s lines]
Ryu: Unbe-fucking-lievable.
Haruki: I mean, honestly, I’m impressed.
Ezra: I’m so incredibly sorry Ryu, we’ll just leave
Ryu: No this is some god damn comedy gold. I’m totally putting this in there.
Ryu: No come on, anywhere in the world.
Haruki: Well… God, I don’t know… Maybe… the ocean I guess. I--know it’s ridiculous.
Ryu: No, it’s definitely not ridiculous, but why the ocean?
Haruki: Well… My sister and I were going to go when I was younger. But I had an accident, and ever since then I’ve never got the chance. It’s… harder now, I guess. But I… still want to go. Experience it… How about you? Where would you go?
Ryu: I’m not even sure where I’d go. I’ve never really travelled at all because i used to be… not rich. I’ll say the ocean too.
Haruki: Haha so Why would you want to go to the ocean?
Ryu: Well… Then we can go together.
Haruki: Mm… I’d like that.
Haruki: Wait-- Oh shit! Ryu, is that recording again?
Ryu: Uh… maybe, I don’t know.
Haruki: God, I’m turning it off-
Orochi: Okay final recording, We only have three lines left.  I would like to thank all of you for your help. Rinko and I had to do most of it because you all goofed off with the lines. So thank you so much Rinko!
Haruki: You mispronounced “Improved the lines”.
Shujin: No, we were all almost entirely goofing off.
Ryu: Says you.
Orochi: Says me too. We needed to get this done a while ago, and in order to do that we needed everyone’s help. And I mean we were all bound to have fun with it.
Shujin: Yeah, we all definitely had our fun, but this is something that needs to be finished. I mean, we’ve been working on it for a while and it’d be great to see it finally completed, can have more fun afterwards.
Artemis: He’s right.
Ryu: Well then we didn’t need to make it super complicated. Couldn’t we have just made it the most fucking basic shit I mean, if you’re going to be the fun police about it. This isn’t an entirely serious project in case you didn’t pick up on that.
Haruki: They aren’t trying to be hostile, Ryu.
Ryu: … Right… i know
Hyun: Three lines isn’t a big deal! We can get it done in no time.
???: Take care of them monokuma
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shsl-crocker · 7 years
god i love ezra - both me and hyun
Hyun had a job, now. Ezra had asked her to actually do something. She didn’t know the full plan, probably for a good reason. If Akemi and Ezra got hurt... No use thinking of that. She had a job to do. She made her way onto the roof, turning a full circle around. It was nice. Scenic. Would be a good enough place to die, if Monokuma so decided.  Whatever. She took a seat on one of the benches, cupping her hands around her mouth. “MONOKUMA!” She yelled. With a weird popping noise, the bear appeared. She hated everything she was about to do.  “Hey, uh- Sexy bear.” Jesus christ. “Uh. Goldilocks. I’m... Just right. For you.” Holy shit. “I made food. Let’s have a nice romantic dinner.” She has never craved death more. The bear agreed. He was fairly good company, though she wasn’t sure how he was eating. Leaving after 45 minutes or so, she knelt down in the elevator and banged her head against the wall. The shit she does for these guys.
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cryptographer · 7 years
Hell Yeah
Being trapped in a hotel sucked and having your every move controlled by a bear also sucked, but there's nothing Ryu loved more than solitude. He had been planning a self imposed isolation anyway: staying in his room and maybe popping out for food, so this was the perfect turn of events for him. For the first few days, all he did was hole himself in his room and theorize about their situation. His thoughts were drastically clearer since he had no distractions and no need to worry about other people. In true theorist practice, he had pictures and notes pinned to the wall with red thread running between some of them. The theories were right under where the camera was positioned, so that his thought process wouldn't be viewable by monokuma. As the days progressed though, he found his theories getting wilder and wilder, none of which landed in the least. Begrudgingly, he realized he'd need to take a break or at least get a second opinion. Shuffling his notebook together, he took a quick shower and headed out to the new floor that they were just allowed on for the current time.
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shsl-daredevil · 8 years
this is gay
Addy found herself watching her feet move, not knowing where they were taking her. Her mind was buzzing and it was all she could do to keep putting one foot in front of the other while she felt so light-headed. The elevator chimed gently at her as she entered and exited, and started eyeing the nameplates on the doors of the second floor. Who was it she was looking for?
The further she got, the more obvious her goal became to her. She didn’t know why she was seeking her out, and part of her wanted to pull back, to keep to herself. But it was drowned out by the steady urge to make sure that she was still there, and see if maybe she had… something. Answers, sympathy, venting, talking, even just shared silence. Anything to keep her mind off of what was happening, and keep her from blanking out more than she already had.
Reaching her destination, she eyed the label reading “Hoshiko Moreau”, and wondered why she had thought of her this whole time as Hoshiko. Wasn’t that a little rude? She shook away the thought, and knocked softly after her motor functions finished going through another moment of static. 
“Moreau? It’s Addy. I’m here to…” She tried to figure that out for a few seconds, and then gave up. “I’m just here... I guess.”
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law-star · 8 years
Investigation 🔎👀
Noriko crouched next to the body, then took out her monopad and opened the monokuma file. The victim's name was Katsumi Akiyama. She never really talked to them... Well, maybe it was better this way. It made the investigating easier. Noriko squinted. It's been a while since she's seen this much blood. The yoga mat was covered in it and some of it looked like something was... dragged on it? Has the body been moved? The other thing that caught her attention about the blood was a splatter on the left, next to Akiyama's head. Letters, maybe? @danganronpadespairmadness
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lesbialien · 6 years
dont worry i have a bad memory too, if you remember drdm back in early 2017 i played katsumi. my blog is mostly bts now... so you don't have to follow back but i hope you dont mind if follow you^^. honestly im suprised im managing to do this, its oddly nerve racking but uh my url is pansexuwhalien if you still want to know and yeah
I DO REMEMBER YOU I'M SO SORRY I'M SO DUMB I FORGOT YOU WENT BY B AND I WAS LIKE do I know anyone whose name starts with b.....BUT B!! I'm so happy you're back!! And of course I'll follow u back, ur my friend and I'm so happy to see u again and I'm so happy u took the time to send me these messages so we could reconnect !!
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dr-gabor-mate · 3 years
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16:55 There is no responsibility w/o consciousness and there is no blame! These unconscious patterns have been passed on and have an impact on physiology, and if you want an impact on physiology you have to get conscious. In his world th ere is No room for blame there is room for health people to be responsible! To respond to their circumstances.
17:55 emotional health - therapy helps me see why as I peel back onion. Thought this addiction is from the way I was born. However, as I sort through emotional baggage and start to clear it. I’m no longer as an a addictive person as I used to be. That wasn’t my personality that was the behavior I had chosen to sooth something that I was missing. 19:30 Dr GM - he agrees w/ concept but wants to use different language. That was your personality. But that wasn’t your person that wasn’t who you were. Your personality is your defense structure that we develop as we deal with we’re pain. It’s an overlay of a true self for example my ADD tuning out I never chosen to now but when I was a infant I have plenty of stress and how does a infant deal with stress that they can’t change… They tune out. There for a tuning on is a program in the brain that you develop your childhood. It was an added Tatian your addictive personality it’s not you… It’s an adaptation bed that you take on as a way of surviving. As a child as a way of soothing your pain. It’s when we become an adult there’s something more to us than her personality that her personality is a defensive cover for who we truly are as you go through therapy you go through layers you discover that does not actually me.So what you think is your personality is actually a defensive cover. It’s a defense that we no longer need and so we become true or to ourselves. Therefore more balanced and happy in our life but you are hundred percent so that was your personality but you are not your personality
22:08 stress as a baby your brain adapts to that with signals that your brain is getting.
Example - Hyper tension social psi. Driven by stress - drives risk! Warning!
Black us males - in racist society - suppressed rage!
Socially induced mediated through emotions on nervous system.
25:00 insane society and stress! Life style changes! Don’t get better what’s the root cause of the problem. Addiction and trauma and all human behavior DRDM - meat people’s needs adapting in artificial means. Harvard center of child development - troubled children early adaptation caused problems as an adult. However. Tuning out!
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pattymatsuda · 4 years
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😍😍😍😍 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FV5s-DrDM/?igshid=1jjxv0zv868y
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Now that submissions are closed, I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who auditioned! It was VERY hard to pick a cast list because we had so many wonderful auditions- and I mean that! I am 100% satisfied with our final cast list of course, but I do wish that more people could be there. (We're keeping it at 16 because that's the number for a danganronpa game, and organizing trials with even just the 15 alive for the first one is super duper hard! We postponed the last trial of drdm because it was difficult to get even just the 5 people left together.) The cast list isn't being posted yet. It is finished though! We have to finish up some maps and the very long plot doc. This game comes with lore! I'll be posting the summary for despair madness today too, since it's hard to keep up with a game spread across 17 blogs. In advance to everyone who didn't get in (sadly a lot of you, we have something like 40 submissions), there are a lot of games opening up looking for players! If you didn't make this one (many of the ocs who didn't are quite good, and either didn't fit into our story or were too similar to another one), you're sure to get into another! I don't know very many off the top of my head, but if you join our discord for people interested in oc killing games ( https://discord.gg/mWThjZJ ), we have a promo channel full of people looking for players! I'll see if I can reblog their promo posts onto here after the cast list is posted. "But chain!", the people cry. "When is the cast list going to be posted?" "Good question!" I reply from atop my throne made of the bones of dead ocs. I'm looking at Thursday, probably later in the day to evening. I don't want to give a time, because I'm going on a day trip to visit a college and don't know when I'll be back. But I'll say something when I know it's on its way! Probably an hour in advance, so you all have time to alert the media and pee your pants in excitement. --chain
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caelyohann · 5 years
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Studying in the sky. #UPOU #DRDM (at Kabankalan, Negros Occidental) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3eNHVdnnTyMmAA9Q9rzs1sr_krCeE-iI1ThKM0/?igshid=eqt9klek5lht
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shsl-crocker · 7 years
investigation - chain killed my kid so now im gonna spam her w/ tom and jerry yaoi
Hyun gritted her teeth and stood up, raising her voice so everyone around her quieted down. "Everyone, listen." She took a breath. "I don't want this to be true but. Someone killed her. So now we have to look." She turned away from the now quiet crown and searched the hallway, checking the fountain. She turned to everyone again, looking sadly at the body. "I'm... going to check all the places were allowed to. You can come with or... Stay here. I-" She cut off, pulling her towel out and pressing it against her eyes. "I'm searching." She started at the rec room, looking under tables and chairs, flipping over magazines and dart boards to see what was there. She moved to the conference room, looking under the big table and whiteboard, and checking the seats. In the ballroom, she circled the large dance floor and looked under the clothed tables, even staring at the chandelier to see what might be up there. She moved down to the first floor, looking around the opened hallways. She looked in the dining hall, checking under tables, looking at the buffet, and checking the seats of the chairs. In the kitchen, she opened every cabinet and the refrigerator, checking the sinks and drawers for anything to help her. @danganronpadespairmadness
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cryptographer · 7 years
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Spongebob Au
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shsl-daredevil · 8 years
smel it by man who is crying
Addy realized that her shirt was kinda damp from all the sweating she’d done. She hadn’t really worked out but finding a dead body and proceeding to sit in one place trying not to hyperventilate had more or less the same effect on her clothes. She got up and checked the pool room first, but there weren’t any towels around. Oh, yeah. Yikes. Instead, she went to the laundry room, figuring worst come to worst she could just use one of her old shirts and dab some detergent on it or something. As long as she wasn’t actively smely it was probably fine. @danganronpadespairmadness
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drdm au where hattie stops making Cursed Images™ (hattie i love u n ur images jsyk)
this is a sad au : ( frhdsfdjksfhks
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law-star · 8 years
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Doesn’t that sound a little bit..................... FAMILIAR ??//??/
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@headofreservecoursecouncil IS THE MASTERMIND CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!11
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