#drawing kissing is the WORST it's so fucking hard to get it to look like lips mushing together jfc
kasper-tag · 4 months
🌈Happy Pride, y'all! 🌈
Behold, my gayest creation:
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(Click the image for higher quality!)
I had the opportunity to draw the Pride Month version of the @malecdiscordserver's banner! It was an absolute struggle, but I'm super proud of myself for how it turned out and for getting it done on time. I learned so much while making this, it's ridiculous.
Please let me know what you think! 🖤
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augustinewrites · 11 months
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“you’re an idiot.”
“really, doc? you’re gonna insult me after i came all this way to see you?”
you pause what you’re doing to stare down at wriothesley with a wholly unimpressed look. “you were wheeled in on a stretcher.”
(he’d even come in shirtless, one hand resting behind his head all laid out like a fontanian model in a clothing campaign.)
he dismisses the fact with a wave of his good hand, tsking. “only because sigewinne threatened to tranq me if i didn’t get on!”
you know for a fact that the head nurse is still stationed outside the infirmary in case his grace tries to leave without staying for overnight observation.
“she should have done it anyway,” you hum, taking his wrist and using it to carefully position his arm at his side. you nod at the nurse across from you holding the band to keep him steady. “deep breath now, your grace.”
wriothesley draws a breath and releases it quickly, grinning up at you. “so, what are you— fuck!”
“get him a sling,” you instruct, stifling a laugh as you let go of his arm and step back. “i’ll get him an ice pack.”
the two of you move around the infirmary, quickly gathering supplies as the duke lets loose a string of expletives that would make sigewinne faint.
it’s quite entertaining to see the duke pout, holding a heart-patterned ice pack to his shoulder. “i think i deserve a kiss for that.”
“a kiss is going to help with shoulder pain?”
this time, you don’t stifle your laughter as he closes his eyes and puckers his lips.
you pull a sticker from your pocket, pressing it to his waiting lips. “you were a very brave boy.”
his pucker turns into a pout as he uses his good hand to take the sticker off, sticking it to his discarded gauntlets. he looks more like a puppy than a wolf in this state.
with the worst of it out of the way, you begin tending to any scrapes or bruises.
it should be simple, but wriothesley doesn’t make it easy. he flexes playfully whenever your fingertips brush his biceps. insists on holding your hand when the antiseptic touches his wounds.
“okay, you’re all done,” you tell him, peeling off your gloves and tossing them into the bin. “but you will have to stay overnight so we can monitor you for any concussion symptoms.”
his brows raise as he clicks his tongue, smirking. “oh? are you asking me on a date?”
“no,” you say, tucking your clipboard under your arm. “i’m doing my due diligence as your physician.”
“but it’ll just be me and you and this very romantic lighting…”
“it’s dim light because someone keeps forgetting to put in the order for new ones.”
“they’re dim? hm, i didn’t notice. how could i when your smile lights up the room?”
you roll your eyes when he winks, but can’t help the heat you feel spreading across your face. “if you keep this up, i’ll have sigewinne and her tranquilizer gun stay overnight with you instead.”
“if i stop and you stay, will you at least have tea with me?” he asks, a hopeful glimmer in his eye.
“fine, i’ll stay. but only if i get to pick the tea,” you tell him, pulling a chair to the side of his bed and shedding your lab coat to get comfortable. “you’re especially insufferable when you’re injured, aren’t you?”
he reaches out and pulls the chair closer, so you’re sitting between his knees. “and yet, you’re finally succumbing to the temptation of my rock hard abs and winning personality.”
“no,” you deny, but you’d be lying if you said being this close to his spectacularly toned torso wasn’t doing…things to you. “it’s because you have liyue imported tea.”
“yeah,” he says, flashing you a charming, sinful smile that makes the fine hairs on the back of your neck raise, threatening to shatter your resolve. “if you say so.”
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rosenclaws · 9 days
Hi! 👋
I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if I could submit a request?
The reader is a shy artist who is a friend of Wades. She carries a sketchbook with her everywhere to sketch new pieces, but she doesn't show her work to people unless it's to Wade.
She and Worst!Logan become friends and slowly develop feelings for one another, but they won't say anything to each other because they think that the other wouldn't want them. Until Worst!Logan finds her sketchbook by accident and finds the book is filled with sketches of him. Worst!Logan confronts her about it, but she's a stuttering mess, and they end up confessing to each other. And please make it extra fluffy. Maybe throw in a kiss or a makeout session. Your choice lol.
Thank you and have a good day! 😊
Hidden Feelings and Hidden Sketches || Worst!Logan Howlett x Reader
warnings: drinking, swearing, wade making suggestive comments, make out sesh towards the end, reader gets drunk and logan helps her out. Logan also calls the reader sketch. It got kinda suggestive at the end I apologize sldfjka
a/n: Hi!! This idea is adorable omg I love it, I hope it was fluffy enough for you I have to admit I'm not great at writing pure fluff. I also hope wade is funny because I am not funny so its hard to write his dialogue sometimes. I also altered the plot a little so i hope its okay
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You never quite understood how you and Wade became friends. He was possibly the biggest extrovert you have ever met and you were the exact opposite. He saw you once at his favorite diner with your sketchbook and he jumped into the seat across from you.
Yapping on about your art and if you drew often and that he once tried to paint but the class didn't appreciate his art and asking if you'd paint him naked as a present for his girlfriend. Which you declined very quickly.
He wouldn't leave you alone, talking and asking you all sorts of things. You getting a few words in and him covering the other 98% of the conversation. He left with the promise of seeing you again and disappeared before you could say anything else.
It was an odd experience that's for sure but you liked Wade. Sure enough he kept coming back and a friendship had blossomed. He invited you over to dinner multiple times but you always declined, choosing to meet at the diner instead.
Slowly he got you out of your shell around him. Cracking jokes and sometimes putting him in his place when he went a little too far. You showed him your sketchbook after a while and he gushed over your drawings. Begging you to draw him at his best angles and you would sometimes give in.
When he disappeared for a while you got worried, that is until he showed up with a new dog and a very handsome new friend. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. Wade spotted you and waved but you didn't even notice.
"I know right, he's like a tall glass of rage filled water." Wade sighs as he sits across from you.
"I uh what?" You hug your sketchbook close to your chest as you rip your eyes away from Wade's new friend.
"Oh don't pretend like you weren't eye fucking him the second he walked in here, not that I blame you." Your eyes widen as you start to stutter. Your face heating up as you stare at the pancakes in front of you instead. A loud grunt catches your attention. You can barely meet his eyes as your brain is too busy being embarrassed by what Wade had said.
"You can sit on my lap angel cakes." Wade pats his leg but gets shoved to the side as his new friend sits down across from you.
"Logan this is my friend, be a good kitty and play nice." Logan rolls his eyes and chooses to ignore Wade. He does look at you though, burning a whole through your skull.
"Hi Logan," You say shyly.
"Hi." A few beats of silence pass until Wade breaks it as usual.
"Well aren't you two the life of the party, if you excuse me I have to go relieve myself." Wade stands up and instead of asking Logan to move, starts to climb over the man.
"What the fuck?!" Logan hisses as he grabs Wades shirt and tosses him to the ground. You can't help the laugh that escapes your mouth as your friend flops to the ground.
"So rude." Wade shakes his head and heads off to the bathroom. Silence falls once again as you awkwardly push around the pancakes on your plate.
"What's that?" Logan asks, nodding towards your sketchbook. You grab your book and shove it into your bag.
"Nothing! It's uh, just a sketchbook it's nothing don't worry about it." Logan raises an eyebrow as you panic in front of him.
As if you couldn't feel more embarrassed. You debate on waiting for wade or just leaving to save yourself but Logan makes the choice for you.
"You don't have to stay, not holding you hostage." He sips his coffee as you let out a shaky laugh.
"Not much of a talker." You play with your fork as you look up at Logan. He's much more handsome up close.
"Neither am I." He offers a small half smile and you return it. He's still incredibly intimidating but maybe you can stick it out a little longer. Logan's food comes and the two of you eat in a comfortable silence and when you're done you work up the courage if he'll be here tomorrow. He holds the door open for you as you step outside.
You clutch tightly onto the strap of your bag as you wait for his answer. He lights a cigar and you try and suppress your smile when he says he will be. As you part ways you realize that Wade never did come back from the bathroom.
That sneaky bastard.
The diner uh, meetings as you called them, with Logan were amazing. His grumpy exterior was hard to crack but eventually the two of you started to become friends. Being with Logan started to become your favorite parts of the week. He was more than the tough guy persona he put on. What surprised you the most is that he seemed interested in you too. Well you know as friends.
Logan could appreciate someone who liked the quiet. He never pushed you out of your comfort zone, never made you feel uncomfortable. He was just Logan. Call it what you want but it was only a matter of time before you fell head over heels for that man. Not that you'd ever tell him.
How could you?
He's a superhero. He's gorgeous and grumpy and funny and so much more. All you do is draw silly pictures. So for now you settle on friends. Even if he makes your stomach turn with ever smile. Even if his laugh is the best thing you've ever heard. Friends. That's good enough for now.
"Wade Wilson I am going to kill you!" You say angrily.
He had texted you asking you to meet him for coffee and you had agreed solely because you never got the chance to scold him for his little dine and dash.
"Leaving me alone with a stranger!" You slap his hand as he tries to reach for your pastry.
"Ow! That was so five months ago! Anyways I was just trying to help. You know, relieve the sexual tension." You gasp as he makes a very lewd gesture with his hands.
"Besides, you and Logi bear are spending a lot of time together for just being friends huh Boo-Boo." Before you can stop him he reaches for your sketchbook. Keeping it just out of reach as he flips through the pages.
"Give it back!" You plead as you reach across the table.
"Oh. My. God. How come you never draw me this sexy?" He shows you the pages and you fall back into your seat in defeat.
You know what's in there and now Wade does too. Pages and pages of sketches of Logan. You feel like a stalker. It's not your fault! Ever since you met him he's all you can think about. All you can draw.
"Please give it back." You beg but he refuses.
"You'll get it back after you admit to Logan how you feel."
"What!" Your jaw drops as you make another lunge for your book.
"I am a very impatient man and I'm not about to wait another thousand words for the two of you to fuck." He stands up and tucks the book down his pants.
"Ew really?" You groan as you let your face fall into your hands.
"I'm having a get together and you're invited. Logan will be there it's the perfect opportunity." You feel like throwing up at the idea of talking to Logan about any of this.
Maybe you could just steal it back tonight. Or maybe you could never show your face to anyone ever again. Yah the second option sounds better. If only it was that simple. You waited for many anxiety filled hours, the only thing on your mind is getting your damn book back. You knock on the door and it swings open with Wade standing there, a stupid smile on his face.
"Honey badger at 4 o'clock." He hands you a drink and pushes you right towards him. You shoo him away, taking a deep breath and head towards Logan.
"Hi Logan," You say nervously.
"Didn't think these were really your thing." He says with a smile. You laugh nervously and nod your head.
"Yeah well...I thought he'd finally stop asking if I came to one of these things." You joke. Logan snorts and offers you the seat next to him.
"Good luck with that." You sit next to him and swirl around the ice in your drink.
If you're going to tell him then you're going to need a lot of help. Logan's eyes widen as you down your drink in one go, making a face before asking for another one. He's never seen you at a party, let alone drink.
"Why don't you take it easy there sketch."
"It's a party right, why not have a little fun." Logan keeps an eye on you as you drink and drink. As the night passes on he realizes that you might have had a little too much. You can barely get a sentence out by the time the party's over.
"Hi Logii!" Your arms slink around his neck as you stumble into him.
"Come on, let me take you home." He chuckles as he helps you to the door.
"Nooo, I needa get my uh..." You stop and think for a moment.
"My uhhh" Logan hums as he helps you to your apartment. You stay close to Logan as you walk through the night. He's just so warm and he smells so good.
"Got your keys?" You pat around for them and frown. Logan reaches into your bag and pulls them out.
"Right here." He unlocks your door and helps you to your bed. You sigh as your head hits your pillow.
"Oh! my sketchbook. Wade has my sketchbook." You say with a yawn.
"I'll get it back tomorrow, now sleep well." Logan takes off his jacket and lays it on you. He brushes your cheek gently. A soft smile on his face as he leaves you to sleep peacefully.
"Good night."
God your head hurt and the sun was way too bright. You crack your eyes open groan as you head pounds. What were you even thinking last night? You wanted your damn book back that's what you were thinking. A loud knock on your door makes you moan in pain. Getting up you swing open your door only to be met with Logan holding your book. Your face pales as you see a smirk on his face.
"Wade gave me back your book." You reach out for it but he holds it back.
"You're a real good artist sketch." To your horror he opens up your book and flips to one of its pages.
Right in front of you was a side profile sketch of Logan. It had been while you were at the park or something. The sun was hitting him perfectly, he had this content look on his face. You couldn't help but draw it when you got back home. To capture him in a moment where everything felt okay.
"I uh..I.." You don't know what to say. He caught you red handed. Your face is on fire from shame and embarrassment as he finally hands over your book. You can't even look at him.
"I'm sorry." You whisper. Shutting your eyes you hope he gets the hint and leaves, leaves you to wallow in pity.
"Sorry? Why are you sorry." He grabs your chin and tilts your head up.
"I'm flattered sketch. I think you really captured me pretty good." You still can't bring yourself to say anything as you hug your book tightly. You can't tell if he's making fun of you or what.
"This isn't funny Logan." You try and push his hand off you but his grip is strong.
"Not trying to be funny." He brushes his thumb over your lips.
"Logan..." Your eyes flick down to his lips and you know he catches you.
"Say it, come on don't be shy. Not with me." Sighing you dig your fingernails into your book.
"I love you." Your voice is barely above a whisper, eyes squeezing shut. You almost hope he doesn't hear it but of course he does.
He presses his lips to yours roughly. You drop your book in shock as you melt deep into his kiss. Wasting no time in kissing him back, hands wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. He deepens the kiss as his hands fall to your sides. You pull away much to his disappointment, his lips chasing after yours for a moment.
"I love you too." He kisses your jaw lightly making you sigh.
"You know, those drawings were good but I think you got my lips wrong." You furrow you eyebrows, you thought you got his lips pretty good. After all you stared at them long enough to memorize them.
"Yeah sweetheart, think you need a lesson." He walks you back until you hit your couch.
"Get up close and personal." He winks as you bite your lip. How flustered can he make you?
"Then maybe you can show me more of those drawings."
Well, If it would help make your drawings more, accurate. Then who are you to say no?
"Okay." You run your hands along his arm as you look back up at him. Nerves and excitement swirling around your eyes.
"Don't worry sketch, I'm a pretty good teacher."
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ninzied · 6 months
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green things
alex kisses henry to make another guy jealous. that’s it. no other reason. based on a prompt for @onthewaytosomewhere. modern au. 1.9k.
“You’re quiet tonight,” Pez remarks, halfway through one of the worst house parties Alex has been to in his life. Seriously; he’s been to so many, and none of the others even compare. “Something on your mind?”
Yes. “No.” Alex takes a sip of his drink and goes casually back to not looking at Henry.
He’s kind of not really been okay-totally-watching-them all night, and it’s fine. It’s fine, because it doesn’t matter who Henry talks to, what matters is that he looks happy, and animated, and hasn’t stopped smiling.
He hasn’t stopped smiling all night.
“Hey, so, who’s the guy?” Alex asks.
Pez glances over. “Ah—yes, that’s a visiting prof in Henry’s department. Hazza talks about him quite a lot, actually.”
Alex grits his teeth so hard he’s surprised that none of them crack. “Does he.” He refrains from adding under his breath, Well, I’ve never heard of him.
“All the time, as a matter of fact,” Pez continues. He doesn’t even sound like he’s had to exaggerate. “And with good reason. It’s not even that he’s easy on the eyes, though there is that too. He’s already accomplished so much in the field despite being our age, from what I understand.”
“I see,” Alex says as neutrally as possible. He’s starting to see a lot from where he’s standing, actually, and he doesn’t like it. Like, at all.
Pez raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him. “Do I spy something green?”
“No,” Alex says quickly, too quickly this time. “Nope. Definitely not.”
“Well, if you say so.” Pez pops an hors d’oeuvre in his mouth and chews, surveying the room like it’s his own private theatre. Like he’s waiting for something. Like he has a vision. It’s both impressive and disconcerting to see.
As if on cue, someone comes up to Mister Accomplished and claps a hand on his stupid-broad shoulder, drawing his attention away. He flashes Henry a grin—one that’s way too white and with too many teeth, in Alex’s opinion—before walking off and leaving Henry alone in the corner.
Henry, who’s no longer smiling as he closes his eyes and sags at the shoulders. He tilts his glass back and drinks.
Well, fuck. Alex can’t even be glad anymore that the guy has just left because now he wants to punch him for it.
“Douchebag much?” he mutters under his breath.
“Oh, most excellent,” Pez is saying at the same time. “Couldn’t have planned the thing better myself.” He clears his throat, all business-like all of a sudden. “It appears that our poppet is in need of assistance. Are you up to the task, Alexander?”
“Wait.” But Alex finds himself getting pulled along by the sheer force of Pez’s will before he’s even finished speaking. “What task, exactly?”
Pez looks two seconds away from rubbing his hands together like some kind of cartoon villain. “Nothing like making a man jealous to finally spur him into action.”
Alex sputters; didn’t he just say that he wasn’t—? But then he catches the pointed look Pez gives Mister Accomplished again. Oh. That guy. Then: “Wait, that guy?”
“Nothing gets past you, does it,” says Pez.
Alex makes a wild gesture. “You want me to make that guy jealous. Fucking how?”
Pez lets out a long-suffering sigh. “The fact that I must spell it out for you really does explain a lot, actually.”
“A lot about what?”
“One kiss ought to do it, I think,” Pez muses, almost to himself.
Alex swallows. Flirting with Henry every day like he does is one thing. Harmless, mostly, unless you count feeling heartsick that Henry never looks at him the same way.
What Pez is suggesting, though, may be the thing that tips Alex fully over into heartbreak territory.
“I don’t, um.” He clears his throat and glances toward Henry, who’s gazing into his now-empty glass. “What makes you think he’ll be down with this plan?”
“Absolutely nothing, he would never. Which is why we must be quick about it.”
“But,” Alex starts to protest.
“Alex.” Pez says his name like he’s scolding a child who’s being too selfish. “Don’t you want to see Henry happy?”
“More than anything,” says Alex, too honestly. Fuck.
“Then trust me on this,” says Pez, in the voice of a person who’s not to be trusted at all, before opening his arms wide and beaming. “Hazza, darling.”
“Oh, thank God,” says Henry, glancing up as they approach. “I need another one of whatever this was.”
“I have a better idea,” Pez sing-songs, then looks askance at Alex. “Unless, of course, someone’s getting cold feet. I can always ask if dear old Hunter’s available, I think I saw him by the—”
“No, I’ll do it,” Alex says instantly. “I’ll take one for the team.”
“Yes, a big sacrifice on your part,” Pez murmurs, and Alex shoots him a sharp little glare. Henry scrunches his brow, looking between the two of them in something like concerned confusion.
“Alex? What’s going on?” he prompts carefully as Alex marches up to him, taking a breath. He’s determined to do this for Henry, no matter the cost to himself.
“All right. I’m ready,” Alex says solemnly. “Lay it on me, Fox.”
“Sorry,” says Henry, “I still have no idea what we’re talking about?”
“Babe,” and Alex takes Henry’s face in his hands, “Don’t even worry. I’m here to make all your dreams come true.”
Henry stands frozen as Alex presses their mouths firmly together. There’s a second that lasts half a lifetime in which Alex thinks he’s made a terrible mistake.
And then Henry’s lips soften—wow, fuck, they are really soft, actually—and then he’s kissing Alex back and so hard that Alex stagger-steps, almost knocking a chair over as he pulls Henry even closer.
He tries not to totally lose it when he feels Henry’s fingers thread through his hair, or the hitch in Henry’s breath when their lips part and their tongues meet.
It occurs to him that they probably shouldn’t be kissing like this while surrounded by all their work colleagues. Alex doesn’t really care. All he cares about is how devastated he’ll be once it’s over.
Henry is the first to pull back. He’s breathless and smiling, and Alex’s heart hurts like fucking hell but this is what he wanted, right? To see Henry this happy?
Alex puts his hands on Henry’s waist, which, fuck, he shouldn’t have done that; now he thinks he might never let go. His breath comes up short as he gasps into the space between them, “Is he watching?”
Henry blinks. His smile falters a little. “Is who watching, Alex?”
“The guy you were talking to. I was trying to make him jealous.” Alex can’t bring himself to see if he’s noticed. Alex thinks he would rather die than look away from Henry right now. All he wants is to kiss him again even though he probably shouldn’t. “Do you think it worked? Henry?”
Henry has gone very still in his arms. The expression on his face is glazed over, distant. “That’s why you kissed me? To make someone jealous?”
Fuck, they really should’ve talked about this first. Fuck. “Yeah?” Alex winces.
“That man specifically? I didn’t even know you two were acquainted.” Henry heaves out a breath, looking strangely like he might be sick. “So you—you like him, then?”
“What? No, of course I don’t like him. I don’t even know him,” says Alex. Henry isn’t making any sense. “I thought you liked him.” Unless…shit. Unless Henry just doesn’t want them both liking the same guy?
Henry just stares at him for a long time. He’s looking kind of like Alex is the one who’s lost it. “You what?” Henry says finally.
“I thought you liked him,” Alex repeats, but this time it comes out as more of a question.
“You thought I liked him,” Henry says for emphasis. “That man.” Like there’s some other guy Alex could possibly be talking about right now.
“Apparently,” says Alex. He realizes he’s clutched the sides of Henry’s shirt and wills his fingers to loosen a little. It feels like some kind of miracle that Henry hasn’t shoved him away yet. “And then you looked so sad when he went to talk to other people, and I thought, I don’t know, that I’d help? Pez said you talk about him all the time, so…” Wait. Wait a minute.
Henry breathes out. Something solidifies in his expression, like he’s just worked through a math problem of his own. “Hmm,” he says in a weirdly calm tone. “Did he, now.”
“Yeah,” Alex says slowly. “He…” What else was it that Pez had said? Nothing like making a man jealous to finally…
Wow. Okay. Well-played, Okonjo.
“I see.” Henry looks pointedly around for Pez, who’s conveniently nowhere in sight at the moment. “Percy didn’t also happen to mention the fact that the man’s an absolute bellend who’s been gatekeeping my department’s research funding? That I’m thus woefully obligated to kiss the ground he walks on at parties?”
Ah. “He…did not,” Alex allows. “So, just to be clear, you don’t? Like him?”
“Christ, no,” Henry says firmly, and Alex feels something light in his chest flutter and try to take flight.
“Anyway,” Henry goes on, looking all sober now for some reason, “I ought to apologize on Pez’s behalf. He really was only trying to help, in his way. He knows how I feel about—well.” He flushes. “And I’m sorry, too, for kissing you like that. I was under a very different impression as to what it, um. Actually meant.”
“Yeah, hold up.” Alex straightens. “You kissed me back.” Henry looks cautiously on as Alex starts smiling and can’t seem to stop. “You had no idea and you still kissed me back.”
Henry goes a shade pinker each time Alex says the words. “Yes, well,” Henry says faintly. “I believe what you said was something about making all my dreams come true? Which I did take at face value.”
Alex tightens his hold on Henry again. Definitely not letting him go after that. “Henry,” he says. “You’re my fucking dream, are you kidding?”
“I—” Henry gazes at him. His smile is soft with something like wonder. “You’re serious?”
“How do you think Pez got to me?” Alex wants to know. “Do you have any idea how jealous I was of that guy when I thought you were into him?”
“Mm.” Henry tilts his head. “Yet you kissed me fully believing that it would, what, drive him so mad that he’d throw himself into my arms?”
“I did.” Alex takes both of Henry’s hands into his. “I want you. Henry. But I think I want you so much that the only thing I want more is for you to be happy.”
Henry’s eyes are bright and so very, very blue. “And if I told you that they’re one and the same?”
Alex is smiling so hard that it hurts. He never wants to stop feeling like this. “Then I guess that guy can be jealous all he wants,” Alex shrugs, bringing Henry’s hands up to his shoulders. “Because he can’t have your arms now, they’re mine.”
“Noted,” says Henry, mock-seriously. “Anything else you wish to claim while you’re at it?”
“Actually,” says Alex, “yeah, just so we’re clear,” and he pulls Henry back in for a kiss.
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holybibly · 7 months
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I will be sharing my thoughts with you during a week filled with hard hours. 
We always talk about how jealous and possessive Hongjoong is, but darlings, I am going to share with you three of the most toxic and jealous bombshells, in my opinion. 
San is an absolute gentleman, a whole bloody "forest,"  not your ordinary green flag. But behind this perfect facade, there is a monster that he hides very well. San is clingy and possessive to the point of impossibility; you call Wooyoung clingy. Hold my champagne; San is a million times worse than him. At first, it's easy; you'd never notice how smoothly and exquisitely he begins to brainwash you. 
"Let's stay at home, Chagi, just the two of us."
"I can take care of you, I don't think you need to go to work."
"I love the time we spend together, I never want to let you go."
"I'm so in love with you."
Step by step, he draws you into a trap and completely monopolizes your attention. It's just you and him. The sex has always been so amazing. In the beginning, San would be so careful and gentle, so attentive. The more your relationship develops, the more violent he becomes. He treats you possessively and roughly, literally fucking you into oblivion. 
"You belong only to me."
"I own that fucking pussy."
"No one will ever be able to fuck you like me."
But worst of all, you believe him. You believe every word he says. You quit your job. You wait for him at home, obedient and beautiful, in his soft sweatshirts, smelling of his perfume, covered with the marks of his passionate kisses and bites. And yes, San does bite to the point of blood and bruises. 
Everyone around him thinks he's such a nice guy, but look closely. There's a darkness in those feline eyes, and if you look long enough, you'll see it. But be careful. You might just get his full attention.
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Seonghwa is handsome. He is too handsome for his own good, and he uses it all the time. A real prince who will win your heart is polite, attentive, a real dream boy. 
It's hard for you to believe that someone like him could love a simple and ordinary girl like you; you don't think of yourself as ugly. Just ordinary, there are millions like you, but Seonghwa. Seonghwa is one-of-a-kind.
When you start dating, he keeps saying how lucky he is to have you. How happy he is that he has found someone so special. And he means it. Just not the way you think he means it.
For him, you're an endless source of self-gratification. He'll do anything to get you to praise him, to talk about how beautiful he is, how talented he is, how damned perfect he is. Once Seonghwa realises you're head over heels in love with him, you'll never run away again and your sweet boyfriend will become a real demon.
You have your attention on someone else, he'll fuck you in front of the mirror as punishment, constantly taunting, mocking and humiliating, so you can have a look at his gorgeous face in the reflection while he's doing this.
"You are so worthless, you should be fucking grateful to have such a gorgeous guy like me in your life. Or do you have the idea that anyone else could have a pickup a bitch like you?"
"You pathetic whore, look who's fucking you.
"Aren't I enough for you? Look into my eyes while I pulling you down on my dick."
He will destroy everything you've ever dreamed of, and everything you love, until there is nothing left in your head but him. Glorify him, glorify him incessantly, talk about how wonderful he is, and Seonghwa will give you heaven. "Because you're so beautiful" should accompany every "I love you". Every "thank you" should be followed by: "Because I have you, how could I want more?"
You're just going to stop being aware of the whole world outside of Seonghwa. That's why, my dear, you should be careful when you give a compliment to someone. You might just find yourself one-to-one with a demonic hunger of a gentle prince charming.
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Mingi's in love with you. Or rather, he's in love with the idea that he's in love with you. Can't you see that? He's a puppy in love, but on closer inspection, he's more like a hungry wolf on the hunt for his sweet little prey.
The universe's softest boy. Endless hugs, cute nicknames, long kisses and a never-ending stream of words of love. He'll shower you with presents, flowers so many they'll make your flat look like a greenhouse.
"I love to love you, baby."
"Can you feel this, babe? Can you feel how much I am in love with you?" He whispers in your ear. Your whole body trembles at the powerful, rigid thrust of his thighs.
His rhythm is brutal, the bed is pounding against the wall, with such tangible force that the paint on it starts to crack.
He holds you to the bed with one hand, the other tucks his fingers into the soft curve of your thigh, his rings scratching the skin to the point of blood, his nails digging into the flesh, leaving deep blue marks.
"I'm going to love you until I die."
"l will never let you go, babe."
"No one will ever be able to love you as much as I do."
We've all heard that story about wolves wearing sheepskins. So think twice before you fall in love with that shiny puppy look - maybe it's just a clever disguise for a terrifying wolf who's on the prowl.
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nejiverse · 2 years
[Hayakawa family series]
Just your average day in the Hayakawa household. Pregnant fem! Reader
cw: none i can think of, aki denji and power literally hurling insults at each other 😆
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700ish words
It was way too damn quiet for Aki.
Usually when he got back, Power and Denji were doing some crazy shit like jumping from the couch onto the ceiling or chasing each other with knives....but not today.
It was such a weird feeling that he couldn't help but think of the worst case scenario.
He took in a deep breath, preparing himself to lose the little sanity he had left.
But what he saw was the complete opposite.
Y/n sat on the floor crossed legged while Power and Denji painted little drawings onto her baby bump.
"You're taking up all the space idiot!", Power complained to Denji who left barely any space on Y/n's stomach for her to paint.
"Yeah well first come first serve", he spat his tongue out at her, causing her to grit her teeth.
Y/n noticed Aki's presence and smiled up at him.
"Welcome back love", she greeted while Aki returned her gleeful smile, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. He gets so happy when he sees her that it made Denji chuckle. Y/n was his weakness.
"Why are you laughing", Aki grimaced.
"Nothing at all", Denji shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.
Aki rolled his eyes, picking up the paint to make sure it was the right type of body paint that wasn’t harmful to the skin or anything. Y/n could be careless at times. "It better be nothing. I feed you".
The two boys had a glaring contest amongst themselves before Y/n finally interrupted them.
"Can I see now?", she asked as Power and Denji scooched back.
Power crossed her arms over her chest with a proud look on her face, albeit her painting being indecipherable.
"It's Meowy!", she exclaimed.
Y/n clapped her hands with a smile.
"It's lovely!".
Aki and Denji could only sweatdrop at the two women fawning over a white patch of paint.
"Hey sorry to break it to ya two but that's just a white blob", Denji revealed.
"Oh yeah? Then what did you paint smartass?", Power huffed.
Denji jumped up as if he'd been waiting for this moment his whole life.
"It's Aki with Pochita's body", he snickered.
When Y/n was around, the boy could get away with literally anything, she was like his shield from Aki.
"You ungrateful brat—", before Aki could get his hands on Denji, Y/n furrowed her brows at him followed by a warning look.
"Hey be nice, I for one think it's cute", Y/n voiced.
The man merely slumped his shoulders with a loud sigh, poor guy was getting bullied in his own home.
“I’ll be nice once they both start paying the bills..”, he muttered to himself.
Both Power and Denji stood up from the floor, the latter stretching his arms out.
"I'm hungry, make food", Power demanded. She then remembered what Y/n told her about when asking for something. "...please", she spoke in a low voice.
"Can I actually try cooking dinner for once", Denji asked. It seemed fun even though he may not be good at it.
Correction, not good at it at all.
"Not a chance", they all responded back in unison.
Damn 😓
Denji went to sulk in the corner while Aki went off to do what he did best.
"....I can't believe you'd leave the woman carrying your child to get up herself", Y/n placed a hand on her heart as if she'd just been shot.
Aki internally scolded himself for forgetting that it was hard for her to get up by herself these days, he quickly made it to her side and helped her up.
"Im sorry", he enveloped her in a hug and plastered kisses all over her face, earning a giggle from her and and bunch of 'ews' from Denji and Power.
“You’re gross!”, Power spoke.
An irk mark formed on Aki’s forehead. “You’re one to be talking about what’s gross or not when you don’t flush the damn toilet—”.
Aki 1 - Power 0
Masterlist :)
A/N: please don’t leave spoilers cause I’m an anime only for now, when I actually have time i’ll read the manga😭😭
And thank ya’ll for 600 followers i fucking love you guys 🫶
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withahappyrefrain · 2 months
thinking about the first time you get to deepthroat older bf bob. he’s been training you to deepthroat toys, he wants you to be ready before he gives you the real thing. even when you beg for it and give him your best puppy eyes, he won’t let you have it. when he finally decides you’re ready…oh god. he’s in control the entire time, your hair wrapped in his fist so he can gently tug you off of him if he needs to. and the praise he gives you? it’s out of this world. such an encouraging daddy who’s so proud to see his baby take him fully down their throat.
@lewmagoo i cannot stress enough how beautiful your mind is
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The first time you try to go down on him is the first time he demonstrates his strength. He's so lost in the pleasure laced haze, all from the sight of you looking up at him after getting on your knees. After all, he made you see stars just from his mouth, a feat you didn't think possible, and shouldn't you return the favor?
He's much bigger than you anticipated and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't intimidating. You start with kitten licks from the base to the tip, tongue swirling around his leaking slit.
"Fuck, sweet girl," Bob groans, hands clumsily trying to find your shoulders, "S-sweet girl-wait."
You think he's just really turned on, so you continue. It isn't until your mouth begins to sink down on his cock that Bob sits up, one hand quickly grabbing your shoulder and the other one your hair.
"No," His voice is firm as he pulls you away from his cock, "You're not ready yet."
It's the hottest thing because as much as he wants you, wants to feel you gag on his cock, he doesn't want you to hurt yourself in the name of trying to please him.
He starts you off with smaller toys, because the truth is you're not the most experienced. Bob is a great teacher, making sure you go easy on yourself.
"That's it baby, just a little more," He coos as you work your mouth onto the new dildo he got for your training. It's closer to his size, a fact that makes your thighs clench.
"There ya go, look at you!" He presses a sweet kiss to your cheek, a sharp contrast to what he was encouraging you to do, "Didn't even gag, so proud of you."
You look at him with wide eyes, breath panting as you beg, "Can I try on you? Please?"
Bob just chuckles as he shakes his head, "Not ready yet. Like I said, I'll let ya know."
You know he will and that's the worst part because you so badly want to feel him, feel his cock in your mouth, feel all of him.
When you do go down on Bobby, he's very diligent, taking note of how you're doing, his hands guiding you. You don't sink your mouth lower on your cock unless he lets you.
"Sweet girl," he scolds, "What did I say?"
You look up at him, your eyes and pout causing you to resemble a brokenhearted puppy, "Please Bobby? I can do it!"
If your begging has any affect on him, he doesn't show it. He's steadfast, shaking his head as he guides you away from his cock, not wanting to overwork your pretty little throat.
"Bobby," your special nickname for him comes out in the form of a desperate whine. You're overcome with desire, with the need to make him feel just as good.
"I said no," His tone is sharper, he's immoveable, "But since you did so well, why don't you let Daddy give you a reward?"
It's absolutely a distraction, but it absolutely works.
He can't lie, it gets him so hard watching you practice on the toys he buys. You're so diligent, following his advice to a tee. Instead of being overeager and diving straight in, you now know to draw it out, to alternate between kitten licks and deeper thrusts.
"God, soon you'll be ready for the real thing," He whispers in your ear as you continue to work your mouth on the latest toy he's gotten you. Out of all the toys, this one is the closest to his size. He has you in his lap, guiding you through your 'session'.
"Can't wait, gonna feel so good to have your mouth on me." Bob can't help but chuckle when he feels your thighs clenching. Curious, his fingers trail underneath your skirt, finding the fabric of your panties wet.
Just as he suspected.
"Does that turn you on?" His voice is as smooth like the bourbon he keeps in his bar, breath hot on the shell of your ear.
"Uh-huh," you nod, squirming when his long fingers push the flimsy fabric to the side, sliding through your soaked folds. His experience from being in the Navy (now retired) shows, quickly able to find your clit and begin drawing circles that make you see stars.
A harsh slap to your bare thigh breaks you from your thoughts, a confused whimper falling from your lips.
"Who said you could stop practicing?" It's then you realize your lips are no longer wrapped around the plastic dildo.
"Keep goin'. Don't you wanna be good enough to take all of Daddy's cock?" His fingers have found your soaked entrance, having gone from teasing your slit to thrusting in and out, causing your body to revel in the unexpected but pleasurable stretch.
You obey. Sweet girls obey and you're his sweet girl after all.
But when the day finally comes and Bob thinks you're ready? You can barely contain your excitement, quickly sinking down to your knees, the plush carpet welcoming.
"Remember what Daddy taught you," he uses his nimble fingers to tilt your chin up, forcing you to look into his cornflower eyes.
"It's a marathon, not a race," you repeat his mantra, earning a proud smile from Bob.
"That's right. And if you need a break, how do you tell Daddy?"
A hand trails to his knee, "Squeeze your knee twice. Safe word is rodeo."
Bob leans over to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, "That's exactly right. You ready for Daddy's cock?"
You nod eagerly, eyes remaining on the bulge that you can see through his pants. It was cute, the way you were practically salivating as Bob unzipped his pants, slowly taking out his hard, heavy cock.
Despite being quite accustomed to Bob's body, the sight still took your breath away. He was the most handsome man you had ever seen, of course his cock would be pretty. Velvety smooth, curved slightly to the right with a plush head. It takes everything ounce of self control not to dive right in.
But that's not what Daddy taught you.
You start at the base, switching between kitten licks and soft kisses, working your way up to the head of his cock. Testing the waters, you wrap a hand around the base of his cock, enabling you to guide it into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down, only a few inches.
"That's it, just like that. Remember, breath through your nose sweet girl," He praises. Bob's words sends warmth throughout your body, the corners of your lips turning upright as you noticed your throat wasn't restricting like it had in the beginning.
Bob's blue eyes are set on you, mesmerized by the way your pretty mouth eagerly welcomes his cock. Your tongue feels like heaven against his slit, trailing down his cock. He's breathing heavily through his nose, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he fights the urge to tilt his head back from the pleasure you've providing.
"That's- fuck- that's it. Just like that." You sink lower, feeling his cock going towards the back of your throat. With his hands cupping the back of your neck, his thumbs resting underneath your jawline, Bob's able to dictate the speed and depth you go. You don't fight it when he pulls you back an inch or two, taking it as a sign to breath.
"Doin' so well f'me, sweet girl." Your toes can't help but curl at hearing Bob's rural accent come out. It only happened in two scenarios: when he was back home and when you were pleasing him, making him far too focused on the pleasure to even care about sounding 'neutral'.
"Kay, Daddy's going to bring you down just a little more. Alright?" You nodded fervently, longing to show him you were finally ready for him, for all of him.
It took everything in Bob not to thrust his hips forward. You were so close and he could feel your throat constrict, trying to accommodate him. He almost considered pulling you back, but then you moaned and he just couldn't help it, his hips tilting up ever so slightly. Another moan fell from your lips, vibrating against his cock.
"Sweet girl," he groaned, tightening his grip, "Doing s' fuckin' good f'me. Pretty little mouth was made f'me, y'know that?"
You try to nod, your hands gripping the fabric of his pants. Bob stills, waiting for you to show signs that you need a break. Instead, you lean forward, slowly taking more and more of him in your mouth, until finally your nose felt the coarse hair that nestled at the base of his cock.
Feeling him all the way in the your throat, combined with the lack of oxygen, made your thighs nearly shake. Bob's hands guided your mouth up and down on his cock, delighting in the muffled whimpers that continued to fall from your lips.
"There ya go. So worried it wouldn't fit, but just look at ya. Doing s'well, that's it, just like I taught ya." He's trying so hard to be a gentleman, to not pull you down to the base too hard, or thrust into you harshly. But God, is it difficult, the sight of you taking all of his cock the most erotic sight he had ever seen. His hips jerk erratically, his voice quivering as he talks you through it.
"Fuck, sweet girl. That's it, yeah, keep goin'. So fuckin' proud of ya, God, so fuckin lucky I get to call you mine.
His last word comes out as a groan, transitioning from coherent sentences to heavy, almost animalistic grunts as he comes.
Your eyes dart up and the sight above you is prettier than any painting you have ever seen. Strands of his greying hair falling over his forehead, his once cobalt eyes now nearly black with lust, his thin, pink lips parted as the sweetest sounds continue to escape.
The burning desire between your legs could no longer be ignored. With one hand still at the base of his cock, pumping his length, your other hand dips below your sundress. You had never been so thankful to forgo panties.
Bob notices right away, how you close your eyes and nearly sigh in relief, rocking your hips down onto your hand. His guidance has decreased as he gets closer to that pleasurable edge; not that you need his help. You eagerly took his cock, giving your throat time to adjust before diving deeper.
Just like you two had practiced.
So good, he didn't need to guide you. But that didn't stop Bob from trying to gather as much strength as possible so he could continue singing your praises.
"Shit, taking Daddy's cock got ya s'wet, didn't it? Can hear it God. Keep goin' just like that. Gonna marry ya one day, fuck, gotta get you a nice pretty ring- baby."
The last word came out in the form of a deep groan. Bob's hips jerked erratically as he came down your throat, giving you no time to process his words.
Just like you two had discussed beforehand, you eagerly took all of him, reveling in how good he tasted, how hot it was to see him so unkempt, so lost in pleasure.
You thought maybe you two could discuss his little admission after his breathing had steadied, but Bob had other plans for you.
"Get on the bed." His voice was firm, sharp. A far cry from the gentle, deep voice he uses with you. It made you wonder if that was the voice he used when he was on active duty, giving commands to the lower ranks.
His hand gripped your chin, forcing you to look up.
"What did Daddy just say? C'mon sweet girl, it's time for your reward for making Daddy feel so good."
You two could talk later.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
✮  tags ; afab!reader, pegging, dacryphilia, sub!sakura, mildly sadistic dom!reader, lots of dirty talk, 18+
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It's too easy to make him cry, you think.
Sakura puts his hands in front of him as you fuck him on his back. You don't have the heart to tell him you've only gotten him half-way down onto your strap. With the way his eyes are blown out so wide, and the desperation he's pushing you away with - you somehow feel that'd be a little cruel.
"Does it hurt, Haru?"
He's spaced out as you ask him this. You let your free hand cup his face, watching his expression with warmth. Fondness bleeds into your gaze as you draw your thumb along his bottom lip, watching it tremble so helplessly. A new wave of shame has him curling in on himself - pulling away from you again.
So cute. So pathetic, and so terribly cute.
"Feels weird, feels so weird," He's stuttering when he says it. You thrust slightly, intentional, laughing as he gasps and lets his back arch slightly. "S-stop, don't move, don't."
"But it doesn't hurt, right?"
He shakes his head. You think it'd be odd if it did, considering all the time you've spent working him open to do this very thing. Despite Sakura's many protests and fits of shame, he always gives into your requests sooner rather than later.
It's a mix of inexperience and a natural knack for submission. Always blushing, doe-eyed, emotional. He's well suited to be pressed under your thumb and he plays the part better than most. Past relationships don't hold a candle to your Haruka. There's no performance when you dominate Sakura, no sense he's trying to appease you.
Not that you mind that kind of play either. But Sakura is a diamond in the rough. A natural born, gifted crybaby. Bullying him comes naturally and he always exceeds your expectation. Like something straight out of your worst, most perverted fantasies.
"No, but," He hiccups a little and he's still pushing you away. Impatient, you grasp his hands at his wrists and blink down at him. "It's weird, it's weird. I'm gonna become weird. I'm scared,"
You shiver. Try not to scare him off by letting him show how turned on you are by his distress. "It's not weird. If it doesn't hurt then that means you're feeling good right?"
"I'm not," He whines. He's out of it, you realize. Really truly, if he's allowing himself to act so embarrassing. Your lips twitch. "I'm not, it's—"
The complaints fall on deaf ears as you roll your hips and push into Sakura further. Deeper, both hands gripping on his waist and admiring him as you sink into his tight hole. He gasps again, nipples hardening in response to the arousal and cock drooling, as his throat closes around a moan. "It's okay if it feels good. It's normal. Guys have something inside them that lets them cum like this,"
He covers his face with his hands. Red down to his chest, he can barely managed to look at you. His hair is all messy too. It's hard not to lose control. If you pinned him up by his knees and fucked him now, you'd scare him too much for sure.
"I'm scared, I'm scared." He's trembling. You feel yourself get wet watching him. You draw a circle in his hips with your thumb, pulling his hands away as you lean down. Your foreheads touch. His skin is sticky from the sweat and his face is wet with tears.
"I wouldn't do anything bad to Haru-chan, right?" You mumble, trying to reason with him. "I only do things that feel good.
He frowns as he nods.
"Right. So don't be scared. Tell me where it feels good,"
You thrust yourself all the way in one last go. One last time, just to bottom out. Sakura's reaction is immediate. His stomach clenches, cock twitching hard - tip weepy red and pathetic, dribbling onto his stomach in a constant stress less than a spurt. You kiss his shoulder as you go deep. Using your hips to pin him under your weight, you push until it's all the way in and angle your thrusts up.
His voice shakes in your ear and you smile to yourself at the reaction. Nails digging into your arms, you can feel him underneath your weight. Feel his length pressed between your squished bodies, feel him tremble so violently. He likes it deeper than you thought he would.
"It's there, huh?" You hum, tender and faux-sympathetic. "It feels good deep inside for you."
"It's too much," His voice is so high. You've never heard it so pitchy, so broken in your life. "Won't stop just... feels... ngghh, please."
He does one violent shudder as you grind yourself deep into him, the indents of his nails certainly drawing blood with how hard he holds onto you. He's begging you please, but you're not sure what he's asking you for. You doubt he knows either.
You pull back to look at him. His eyes are wide in confusion, lips bitten red.
"Nothings coming out. I came but,"
Ah. You really want to break him. "You came from the inside. From having me inside of you. It felt that good, huh?"
"Idiot," His voice is watery.
"It's fine, it's fine," You whisper. "I'll take responsibility for it, so it's okay. Do you want me to make you cum more?"
You pull away to look at him. He's pissed. You're sure he'll complain to you later for making fun of him but he's too turned on for now to do it. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you smile at him and encourage him to answer.
"I hate you so much," He says. You feel wet drops of tears on your skin as he clings to you. "Just move already,"
He's cute when he's spoiled. You're really going to have to break him next time or you don't think you'll be satisfied. "Anything for my Haruka,"
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b00kdiary · 9 months
Better Than Any Fantasy | Ruhn Danaan + Tristan Flynn
Ruhn Danaan x Tristan Flynn x Plus Size Reader
Y/N’s been avoiding Flynn like the plague, and Ruhn knows why and is more than happy to tell him. Especially when that conversation leads to something much better than any of them could have hoped for.
Here's to all my thick, fat, plus-size girlies who want some SJM men love too xo
Warnings: mature themes (18 +) swearing, body-image issues, eventual smut and the Ruhn and Flynn being utterly infatuated with their thick, beautiful lady.
“Ruhn!” The sound that escapes Y/N is like sunlight, the kind of goodness that could be bottled up and sold, a cure for the worst and darkest parts of a person’s nature. “Seriously, how can I flip the pancakes if you won’t let me go?”
“Then forget the pancakes,” I grin against the column of her throat, inhaling the feminine scent of her as I hold her to my chest, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of her stomach, keeping her giggling figure close. “We both know they’re going to taste like shit anyway.”
“Asshole! I can’t believe you!” Y/N exclaims, slapping my hand but she does mercifully drop the spoon in her hand, pouting as she turns off the gas, saving us from having to grin and bear through eating them. “Well, no pancakes for you- The Crown Prince can starve.”
“Ouch, that hurts Princess,” I croon, smirking as I turn her to face me, my hands running along her lush body, down to her soft ass, “Looks like I’m going to have to satiate my appetite some other way then.”
“Really?” She whispers, biting her lip and I can smell her arousal in the air, my smirk deepening at the way her chest rises and falls fast, and she clamps her thick thighs shut, trying to stop the ache between them.
“Really,” I slowly nod my head, watching as her eyes flutter shut as I kiss her cheek, peppering and trailing my tongue over her jaw up to her lips. She gasps into the kiss, her back arching into the counter behind her and it takes everything in me to not lift her onto the edge and feast on the sweetness between her thighs.
I slip my tongue into her mouth, tasting the bittersweet hues of vanilla and coffee and it ignites something in my chest, a dark and intense pulse that burns all the way down to my cock, already hard and throbbing against my jeans.
My fingers curl around the curve of her ass, my nails digging in hard enough to make Y/N moan, and I revel in the feeling of her large tits pressed against my chest, and her stomach too, so comfortable and perfect moulding against me.
The sound of footsteps echoing down the hall toward the kitchen has Y/N halting, and the second her hands push gently at my chest, and her lips draw away from mine, I groan. She giggles at the dejection in my voice, on my face, before pressing a chaste kiss to my cheek as she peels herself away from me- those footsteps infinitely closer now.
“You really have the worst fucking timing, Flynn,” I spit, my dark eyes lifting over Y/N's head, to the brown-haired, golden-skinned pretty boy smirking as he leans against the door pane, looking more than amused at my irate glare.
“By all means, please continue,” Flynn shrugs nonchalantly, teasing us but my lip quirks up at the way Y/N’s body freezes, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of red at Flynn’s words- at the secret between us that made her so perfectly embarrassed.
“Hm, what do you think Y/N?” I mutter gently, my breath running warm against her cheek, and I have to bite my lip to force down my bellowing laughter at the murderous scowl she gives me.
“I need to go get ready, I’m meeting Bryce in a few,” She bites back, ignoring my knowing stare as she pushes at my chest, brushing past me, the stains of red deepening as her gaze meets Flynn’s, before immediately looking away.
“Hey, Y/N,” Flynn smiles softly, but his brow furrows as he takes in her fast-paced footsteps and the way her head is pointed down, unable to meet his eyes.
“Hi, Flynn,” Y/N mumbles back quietly, and before he can open his mouth to speak again, she’s rushing past him, her curvy body curling in on itself like a flower so as not to feel every inch of him against her.
I fold my arms over my chest, trying to blanket my expression as her footsteps bound away and Flynn stares after her, his face a mixture of hurt and confusion, so unlike the usual carefree nonchalance and humour we were used to.
“Okay- she’s barely said five words to me in days, any room I enter she leaves, and she can’t even look me in the eyes,” Flynn frowns, frustration locking his jaw as he comes to lean against the counter-top, staring at me in expectance. “What the hell did I do wrong?”
“You’ve noticed all of that, huh?” I muse, cocking my head at him, and the way his frown deepens, and he leans forward makes me smile. “She’s not upset with you, Flynn. But she is distracted- she sees you and her mind turns to something I said.”
“And what exactly would that be?” He demanded, folding his arms across his muscled chest, seemingly relieved that Y/N wasn’t angry with him, but the glint in his eyes had sharpened, and I knew he was interested, knew he couldn’t help but be intrigued by my devilish smile.
“Well…” I run my tongue across my teeth, my mind racing back to that night four days ago, and Flynn’s eyes darken with shadows as I recall every last detail.
“Ruhn,” Y/N moans, her head tossing back to rest against my shoulder, and I nibble on her earlobe as I fuck my hips up into her, the sound of her wetness mixing with her breathless gasps driving me insane.
I groan as she rolls her hips, my fingers gripping into the meaty flesh of her thighs and hips, guiding her back and forth, up, and down, and the feel of her back and ass pressed against my sweaty bare chest is like heaven.
“Don’t stop, please, please,” She pinches her eyes shut, and I love the sight of her face as she takes me, the TV light casting over her, highlighting every expression she makes- every time she bites her lips, or rolls her eyes, or opens her mouth to release the most delicious sound for me.
“Look at you, such a good girl, so fucking polite,” I croon, my right hand sliding up to cup her heavy breast, bouncing wildly with her movements, and I grin as I pinch her pebbled nipple, rewarded with another whimpered moan from her. “And yet you’re riding me like a slut right now, making a mess of my cock and in the living room, for anyone to come in and see.”
“Oh fuck,” Y/N cries, her body sweating and her breathing erratic and I know her peak is close, know by the way her knees start to give out, her fingers cutting into my arm as she tries to anchor herself. I chuckle, my voice low with headiness and I take it upon myself to drive up into her faster, deeper, to hit that spot that has her seeing stars.
“Bet you’d love that, huh?” I mutter, kissing her neck, running my canines down her throbbing pulse point, “Bet you’d love for someone to walk in right now, to watch you get fucked like a good little slut, your entire body on display.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” She nods her head erratically, fucked dumb and swimming in the clouds of her mind as I slip in and out of her, her wetness almost ridiculous, her walls clenching me so goddamn tight.
“Yeah? Does my Princess want an audience, does she want to be watched?” She gasps as I bite against her sweet spot, that hurt turning to pleasure as I lap my tongue there, feeling her racing pulse. “What if someone came in right now… what if Flynn came in right now, you want him to watch? Or do you want him to join?”
The whimper that escaped her at my dark words surprised me, the way her entire body arched and trembled against me surprised me- because she did want that.
“Huh? You want him to join? You want to get fucked and worshipped by me and my best friend?” The idea makes my core burn, and I know we’re both reaching that climax, that euphoric tipping point where she comes around my cock, suffocating me and milking me dry. “Answer me, Y/N, or I’ll stop.”
“Ruhn,” She pleads with me, and the sound almost makes me give in, give her what she wants, but I don’t relent and when my hips start to slow down, pausing, she groans, and the satisfaction that fills me as she nods her head, almost makes me finish right there. “Yes! Yes, yes, I want that, Ruhn, I want that.”
“Want what? Be specific, Princess,” I coax, groaning, guttural and low as I move inside her, her pussy throbbing around me, her body so happy, so fucking relieved at the feeling of me moving again. “Tell me.”
“I want you a-and Flynn, I want-want to be watched,” Her voice is shaking as she speaks, the sound of her ass slapping back against me so lewd in the air, and I have to grit my teeth at the pressure building in my gut. “I want you both- to touch me an-and fuck me, I want you t-to worship my body.”
“That’s my girl,” I praise, knowing that my encouragement was feeding into her pleasure, heightening it and I know she’s imagining the both of us fucking devouring her, “bet you'd look so good with his cock stuffed in your pretty mouth, or fucking in and out of this tight cunt,"
My cock, my words, the images tip her over that edge with a devastating cry.
“Ruhn, Ruhn, Ruhn-“
“That’s why she’s avoiding you, Flynn,” I state hoarsely, ignoring the way my cock aches, the image of her body and the feeling of being inside her tormenting me now that I’d opened that box up, allowing myself to remember it. “Because when she sees you, she pictures that fantasy all over again.”
“Shit,” Flynn mutters and I recognise the roughness in his voice, recognise the intense, unsatiated gleam in his eyes and the way his entire body has gone hard with restraint. He’s imagining her- her body, her tits, her cunt, her mouth, and everything he could do to her.
I would’ve thought the idea of my best friend fantasising about my girl would make me furious, make me murderously jealous and yet, the more I thought about it, the better it all seemed.
“So, Flynn,” I know he sees the challenge in my eyes, the hot mischief as I grin at him, and I see his brows raise in shock, in interest, as I lean forward. “How do you like the idea?”
“Ruhn?” I call, my heels clicking against the floor as I walk down the dimly lit corridor toward Ruhn’s room, my voice echoing through the silence of the empty house. “Hello? Ruhn?”
My phone beeps in my hand, startling me, and I pause a few yards from his ajar door, not hearing the familiar sound of my boyfriend's voice or any other person's voice for that matter. I click open our text thread, and heat instantly fills my body.
‘Come inside, shut the door behind you and close your eyes- no peeking.’
Another game. Ruhn loved his games, loved watching me pant and sweat and blush under his ministrations and my body pulsed in excitement, knowing that as long as I followed his rules, as long as I played my part, I would get my reward.
I bite my lip, discarding my phone on top of the bookcase outside his door and my knees felt weak as I slowly walked over, the anticipation clogging the air. I close my eyes as I step over the threshold, my hand on the doorknob as I close it behind me, the wood creaking before clicking firmly shut.
It was a mixture of terrifying and thrilling, seeing nothing, hearing nothing, but knowing that he was in here with me. That his eyes were on me, watching me, smiling, his gaze running over every inch of me as I stood there.
I hear footsteps echo against the floor, getting louder, and closer, and my nipples harden, the crisp air feeling hot and thick in the silence- knowing he was coming, what he would do, heightened everything.
“Always so obedient,” Ruhn’s voice ran over me like a caress, prickling my skin and I shivered under it, knowing he was inches from me. I swallow as his cold hand traced up the sleeve of my dress, moving slowly before resting against my chest, right over my thundering heart. “Nervous? Or excited?”
“Both,” I whisper, my voice breaking under the pressure of it all, his fingers teasing against my hot skin, barely touching me and yet it felt like I could feel him everywhere.
“Good,” He praised, and I inhaled as he slipped his hand into mine, tugging me forward. I followed, blindly, obediently, walking forward as he led me further into the room before eventually stopping, likely only a few feet from his bed.
His hand slipped from mine and the need to open my eyes intensified, the desire to see him almost overwhelming, especially as he circled me, like a predator, not speaking as he came to stand behind me, his hands clamped down like a vice on my waist.
“Do you want to open your eyes, Princess?” He whispers against my ear, and I can smell the mixture of alcohol and apples on his breath, it intoxicated me, and I whimpered quietly, arching my ass into his already hard cock.
“Yes, yes please,” With anyone else I would have been mortified by how my voice shook, at how desperate and helpless I sounded, but not with Ruhn, no, I couldn’t ever feel anything but thrill and need and comfort when with him.
“I think you’ve more than earned your reward,” Ruhn nibbles against my ear, his favourite tactic to make me dizzy, to fill my head with clouds, distracting me wholly. “Go ahead, open your eyes for me, Y/N.”
I inhale once, deep and steadying, and then with a long, slow exhale, I flutter my eyes open.
And my heart stops in my chest.
“Flynn?” I choke out his name, jumping at the sight of him sitting on the bed before me, leaning back on his strong arms, his eyes racking over me like I was prey, “What the fuck?”
“Breathe, just for a second, breathe,” Ruhn instructs from behind me, and my body seems to melt into calm, melt into him. It was as if I were predestined to trust him, to obey his words. I force the air back into my lungs as I stare at Flynn, my body shaking at the look in his eyes- for me.
“I don’t understand,” I mutter, my throat drying out as I glance over my shoulder up at Ruhn, to the pleased smile he wore. I watch as his gaze meets Flynn’s and something passes between them, some unspoken conversation I wasn’t privy to. “Tell me, Ruhn.”
“Flynn was upset that you’ve been avoiding him, he thought he had done something wrong,” Ruhn informs me, looking far too smug. It would have annoyed me if I didn’t feel so guilty for hurting Flynn. “I was more than happy to fill him in on the real reason you were being so distant.”
The real reason. That night, Ruhn’s words, his taunting, seductive, torturous words that have me picturing it all again- Flynn and Ruhn, all over me, touching me, tasting me, fucking me, absolutely ruining me.
“I see you remember it well,” Ruhn chuckles- the prick was taunting me, and I almost hated myself for how my body responded, how my arousal scented through the air, so obvious to the two arrogant males before me. “And we wondered if that certain fantasy was one, we could fulfil for you, Y/N."
“Oh,” It was an idiotic response, one that Ruhn would no doubt endlessly mock me about later, but I was speechless, breathless, my entire being trembling and weak at his words, at the insinuation, nervous under Ruhn’s watchful eyes.
“Is that something you would like, Y/N?” Ruhn mutters, and I sigh as he runs his nose down the vein of my neck, inhaling the scent of me. My eyes glanced to Flynn, patiently waiting, and the sweet smile he wore told me it was all up to me.
“Is- is that something you would want us to do, Ruhn?” My voice is weary as I glance back at him, and upon seeing the fear and concern in my eyes, that he would think I wasn’t happy with him, Ruhn smiles- one that warms my heart.
“I’m yours and you’re mine, Y/N, always,” He kisses my cheek, tenderly, and it’s enough to drive me mad, “But that doesn't mean I can't share, in fact, I'm more than willing to see you being pleasured by us both."
Excitement and thrill- that was always what I felt with Ruhn.
“Then yes,” I breathe the words and instantly the air in the room changes, the two males change and the predators in them, the hunters in them, the instinct of the Fae comes roaring out, their eyes latching onto me.
A low, rumbling sound reverberated through Ruhn’s chest and I felt it vibrate through me, straight to my thrashing heartbeat. I clench my hands as Ruhn turns my face toward his, and the second his lips connect with mine, every worry withers away.
I melt into the way his tongue laps against mine, smooth and graceful, so skilled in making something as simple as a kiss feel as intimate and real as when he fucks me, and it makes me just as wet.
“Why don’t we show Flynn here what’s under this dress, hm?” Ruhn muses against my lips, and I can feel Flynn’s intense stare and it’s almost terrifying how still he is. “Let him see what he's been fantasising about all day."
I gnaw on my lip, nodding my head and turning to watch Flynn’s reaction. Ruhn begins to tug at the zipper at the back, and immediately Flynn’s beautiful face turns lethal, feral, sharpening in a way that made me clamp my legs shut, so desperate to stop the ache there.
He tugs the zipper to the end, and together, we pull the material down my arms and chest, letting it slip over my wide hips and thighs before it pools to the floor at my feet.
“Shit,” Flynn curses, his jaw locking hard enough I can hear his teeth grating, and at that moment, wearing nothing but a black bra and panties, I’m glad that I hadn’t chosen something silly or unflattering to wear today- because he was looking at me like I was the beautiful one.
“I know,” Ruhn says, agreeing with his best friend, his brother, and my cheeks heat at the pride in his voice, the sheer masculine satisfaction. He was pleased with Flynn’s reaction, pleased that his chest was racing wildly, that his throat bobbed as he traced over my skin, pleased at the hard length imprinted against the seam of his jeans. “She looks even better without these on.”
Nausea fills me at the thought of Ruhn unclipping my bra and slipping off my underwear, nausea at the idea of being wholly naked before Flynn, every single curve and roll and stretch mark, all my cellulite and uneven skin and bumps on display.
It had taken me a long time to be comfortable enough for Ruhn to see me naked, and I loved him. Letting Flynn see me that vulnerable seemed like such a big leap to take.
"Is that alright, Y/N?" Flynn asked, and the tenderness in his face almost made me sob, the kind and thoughtful gleam in his eyes that told me that I could trust him told me that he would respect any choice I made.
"It's alright," I nod slowly, pushing down the insecurity and when Ruhn's gentle hands move to the clasp of my bra and he unhooks it, letting my aching breasts fall free of the material, I'm glad for that choice.
I recalled Flynn once stating he was a tits-over-ass man, and right now I could tell he was being honest. I watched as he ran a hand over his jaw, his gaze flickering back and forth between both of my breasts, a deep groan escaping him at the sight of them.
Ruhn chuckles, far too happy as he kneels behind me, his fingers gently hooking into the material of my underwear and began slowly tugging it down, over the curve of my ass and my wide hips, down my thighs, the material getting stuck between the places that touched and eventually down to the floor.
I curled my hands into fists, my nails cutting into my palms as Ruhn held onto each calf and slipped off my heels, one by one, and I giggled at the sound of him tossing the shoes behind us, my clothes and underwear flung back to some faraway corner as well.
"You were right, Ruhn," Flynn states roughly, his tongue lapping out to wet his lips, and I smiled under his eyes, the way they moved over me, over every inch, not blanching at any of me. "She's definitely better without anything on."
Ruhn stood behind me again, running his fingers up and down the length of my back, and something in me purred.
“I think Flynn should get a better look," I mutter, my confidence spiking as I glance back to Ruhn and his smirk is proud, arrogantly proud, "Or a better feel?"
The air went taut as I sauntered toward him, Flynn looking almost nervous as I came to a stop before him, staring down at his perfect form. I place a hand on each of his broad shoulders, my knees weak as I climb onto the mattress, his hands not hesitating to grab my waist and guide me to straddle his lap.
My sore nipples brush against the material of his shirt and my wet, aching core sits perfectly over the seam of his zipper igniting red, hot embers through my entire body. Flynn remains silent as he stares at me, his hands moving over my naked hips and thighs, waiting for me to make the first move.
Even if I could hear his heart racing, his eyes telling me that he was on the very precipice of his control.
"Kiss me, Flynn."
And by Cthona, he kisses me.
The way Flynn kisses is different to Ruhn, his mouth moves against me, all tongue, and teeth, suckling and biting and tasting, and I moan into it, relishing every second of him devouring me, every second of his hands all over me, palming and kneading my flesh, slapping, and clawing at my ass.
“Fuck me, Y/N,” Flynn growls in appreciation and I don’t have a second of reprieve as he kisses down my neck hastily, not hesitating to pluck a nipple into his mouth and suck at the taut bud. Gasps slip past my lips as he rolled it, bit it, lapped at it, the nerves alight as he moved between each, looking damn near giddy as he toyed with them.
The ache between my legs intensifies as he sucks at my breasts and I start rocking back and forth to ease the feeling, the material of his jeans and the hardness of his cock underneath rubbing against my puffy clit perfectly.
"Tsk tsk tsk," Ruhn muses from behind us, and my eyes flutter as I glance at him, moving to sit on the bed beside us, his shirt gone and stars gleaming in his eyes as he watches us. "The poor girls rutting against your clothed cock, Flynn, give her what she wants."
"And what do you want? Hm?" Flynn taunts, trailing his tongue over my nipple, his dewy eyes looking up at me as he does so, and I groan at the sight, and at the hold he has on my hips, halting any movement I try and make.
“Your fingers,” I croak, gripping his large hand and watching his breath catch as I drag it down my stomach, whimpering as I run his calloused fingers over my wet folds. “Right here.”
“You’re going to kill me,” He snarls, and my eyes clamp shut when he circles my clit, firm and sure, his fingers knowing exactly how hard and fast to go, and he has me arching my back and moaning, glad for the hand he had keeping me from toppling over. Flynn smiles, kissing my lips and cheeks, moving his fingers against my clit faster.
It was almost embarrassing how quickly my orgasm seemed to approach, and I knew I wouldn’t last long, not as that fire fanned in my core, edged on by every smooth flick of his fingers at my clit.
“You wanna come, Y/N?" Ruhn asks darkly and when my head turns, I see him palming his hard cock over his jeans, the muscles in his chest clenching and flexing in restraint, watching his best friend finger his girlfriend, and loving every second of it. "Be a good girl and ask Flynn if he'll let you."
"Please, please," I mewl loudly, my head throwing back as Flynn slips two fingers into my sopping cunt, the friction of him fucking his fingers in and out forcing me closer and closer to that edge, "Please, Flynn, let me come."
"So polite, asking me so nicely," Flynn croons and my thighs quake when he crooks his fingers inside me, pressing that magic button that has a swarm spreading through my stomach and core. "How could I possibly say no?"
He hooks his fingers against that spot again, and again, and his thumb brushes my clit and before I know it, I’m falling off the edge of a cliff.
“Flynn, oh-“ I cry out as his fingers drive into me repeatedly, hitting a spot that has my core exploding, hitting me hard and fast and lasting so long that my head starts to spin.
“Atta girl,” Flynn praises, and I feel his smile against my skin as he slows his fingers inside me, feeling every pulse and quake of my orgasm, before slowly slipping them out of me.
I sag forward, resting my forehead against his shoulder for support as I catch my breath, tendrils of release still coiling through me and gradually melting into oblivion. Flynn’s touch is soft across my back, waiting for me to come back down to Midgard.
“How are you feeling, Princess?” Ruhn asks quietly, his hand running through my messy hair, brushing it from my sweaty face and hooking the strands behind an arched ear. I flutter my eyes and meet both their gazes and again, that vicious, relentless monster of need rears its head.
“I feel like I want more,” I whispered, my voice hoarse and the heat that filled their eyes made my entire body ache. “Please.”
“Shit, Ruhn, you weren’t lying when you said she was a good girl,” Flynn growls and I giggle when his hands clamp down on my hips, lifting me with ease to sit on the bed between them both, the two of them rising from their seats. “She does deserve all the praise and rewards.”
“That’s my girl,” Ruhn winks at me and my cheeks burn at his words, joy and shyness filling me at the smile both males wore, looking at me like I was a fucking dream come true. “Move back on the bed, Y/N, we’ll give you what you want,”
Flynn chuckles as I rush to do so, my tits bouncing as I crawl backwards toward the headboard, stopping when I’m in the middle of the bed, space on either side of me.
My mouth waters as the two boys before me begin to reach for their clothes. I watch as Flynn unbuttons his shirt, one by one, almost agonisingly slow before he peels the material off his body revealing inches of muscle and rippling packs.
Where Ruhn was slender and lean, with hard abs and glorious tatted skin, Flynn was bigger, corded muscle and a six-pack for days. My pussy soaked at the sight of them both, grinning like they knew what they were doing to me.
I bite my lip hard enough to hurt as they both reach for their pants, the only sound in the air is my haughty breaths, the clinking of their unlocked belts and the sound of two zippers gracefully sliding down.
I whimper at the sight, a high-pitched, needy sound that makes them both look at me, Flynn raising an amused brow as he reaches down, tugging off his jeans and throwing them to the side, Ruhn following suit.
They were big, both of them. Big and thick, gloriously hung with strong veins and white pearly pre-cum leaking down their tips.
It took me a long time to adjust to Ruhn’s size, and even now my pussy was always too tight, always wrapped around him so painfully that he said it was the sweetest torture. And as I eyed Flynn’s cock, saw how red and angry it looked, I knew he would feel the same.
“Such a pretty girl,” Ruhn muttered, his blue eyes darkening to a tidal wave, a terrifying tsunami as he rounded the bed, his body glorious under the lights as he climbed onto the mattress, settling just behind me. “So, fucking pretty, right Flynn?”
“I can’t argue with you there, Ruhn,” Flynn smirks, and my thighs clench when he crawls onto the bed, his cock rising and hard as he settles just before me, looking down at me like he couldn’t believe his eyes. “I’m very jealous of your boyfriend, Y/N.”
He runs his hands up my calves, his touch bare as he moves up and down, going as high as my hip bone before swiftly moving back down, all the way to my ankles.
“Poor Flynn,” Ruhn laughs, and I groan as his hand slips around my neck, curling his fingers to grip my jugular, tipping my head back to meet his face above me, “You wanna help make our friend feel better, Princess?”
I grin, and Ruhn’s face is a mirror of mine as his hand slips away and I roll over and onto my front, my knees spreading and ass arching into the air. Flynn’s breath audibly catches, and the sound he makes is animal, purely Fae, at the sight of my pussy wet and bare, waiting for him.
“Flynn,” I mewl, my head sagging forward and resting against Ruhn’s stomach as Flynn runs his hands over my ass, scratching and fondling the flesh, but he doesn’t move further. “Please just fuck me, I can’t wait-“
“There we go,” Ruhn mutters and I can hear his grin as Flynn rubs his tip over my wet fold and before I can even moan, he’s pushing the head into my entrance, choking on a rough laugh as my pussy immediately sucks him in.
The sounds that escape me are high-pitched and restless as Flynn shoves the rest of his length inside me, not being gentle or slow, and I’m glad for it. Glad for the way he stretches me so thoroughly, glad that I can feel him sink all the way in, brushing a spot far and deep inside.
“Gods above,” Flynn growls, his nails cutting into the flesh of my ass as he draws himself out, nearly to the tip before plunging back in, the sound of skin slapping and my wetness making Ruhn groan. He swears lowly, watching as I suck up his length inch by inch, starting to move faster against me now.
Ruhn runs his hands over my hair, his face full of pride as he watches me kneel before him, my body wrecking back and forth, my tits bouncing as Flynn pounds into me, our moans a melody.
“Ruhn, Ruhn,” I plead, my wide eyes meeting his and he runs his thumb over my lip, a knowing gleam in his eyes, “Fuck my mouth, baby please, fuck my mouth.”
He didn’t say anything, nor did he wait, and my entire body trembled as his fingers gently collected my hair behind me, easily guiding me over his erect cock, waiting so patiently before me, and I closed my eyes as he brushed the tip over my lips and then pushed into my mouth.
“Shit, Y/N,” Ruhn groaned as he fisted my hair, guiding my head up and down his shaft, hitting the back of my throat more than once. I gagged and then moaned, Flynn spreading my thighs wider, and sinking deep into a tender spot within me.
There was so much spit drooling from my mouth, making a mess of Ruhn’s cock and stomach as he bucked his hips up, fucking my mouth just the way I liked, and as Flynn moved behind me in tandem, his cock slipping in and out, in and out, relentlessly, I was a whimpering, breaking mess.
It felt so good, felt so fucking right getting fucked at either end of me, and Ruhn swore, his body twitching as I moaned around his cock, the sound vibrating through him, bringing him closer and closer to that sweet edge.
“Shit, Y/N, shit,” Flynn gasped, his voice rasping and hoarse, breathless as he gripped my ass, as he had his way with me, still so painfully big but the hurt felt good, brought me closer to my end. “Look at that pussy, wrapped around me so fucking tight.”
His words encouraged me, and I suckled against Ruhn’s cock harder, tasting the familiar saltiness of his pre-cum, loving the ache of his fingers yanking at my hair, the pain at odds with the fullness of Flynn pounding into me, that dam inside me starting to fill.
“Princess, I’m not gonna last,” Ruhn warns, his fingers tightening in my hair, his hips stuttering, and I take it upon myself to get him there, to hear him moan my name as I suck against him, hard and fast, hollowing my cheeks and taking him even further down my throat. “Oh fuck- Y/N.”
He growls an animalistic, rugged sound that echoes through the whole room and makes my clit throb, his body jerking as I feel the warm, salty liquid squirt from his cock straight down my throat. I swallow, I always swallow, moaning happily as I do.
“Flynn, I’m so close,” I call out, Ruhn’s semi-hard cock resting against his stomach now and my face burying into his hip, feeling the tender touch of my boyfriend's hand in my hair, so opposing to the brutal, bruising hold of Flynn behind me.
“Me too, Y/N,” Flynn hissed, his cock starting to hammer into me quicker, and I can barely stop the shaking in my knees. I gasp when his thumb reaches around me, rubbing messily at my clit, and the angle changes, moving further and every single touch is too fucking much.
“There, there, there-“ I call out again and again and again, teeth biting against Ruhn’s thigh, something he fucking loves, as I’m hit with my release, a wildfire that starts at my core, and just erupts, moving through my veins and blood and bones and I can’t stop the sounds coming from me.
Flynn’s hips start to falter, curses endlessly falling from his lips as my pussy clenches around him like a vice, so tight and unyielding that he roars, stilling and growling as his cock spills inside me, filling me up.
Pleasure, hot and white and blinding, dying out so slow as Flynn moves inside me gradually, spreading his hot cum all over me, and it all feels like heaven.
I huff out a huge breath of air, my eyes clamped shut and head spinning and when Flynn ever so gently slips out of me, his hands holding onto the flesh of my hips and guiding me to turn and lay flat on my back, I don’t even fight it.
Pure exhaustion riddles me, so much so, that I lay there, my head against Ruhn’s thigh and my body trembling and weak against the mattress, unable to stop how my core throbs with the aftermath of my orgasm.
I blink open my eyes after several seconds and I’m met with the two males before me, their eyes returned to their usual bright shades of blue and brown, and their lips tilted up, sweet and wonderful as ever.
We’re all covered in sweat and panting, but as Ruhn look down at me from behind, and Flynn sits between my legs, rubbing at my weak thighs, I know we’re all fucked out- for now.
“Did that live up to the fantasy?” Ruhn mutters, his smile adoring as he brushes the hair free from my sweaty forehead, his fingers so gentle as he rubs the spots on my scalp he had yanked at before.
“Better than any fantasy,” I breathe, my cheeks hot as I grin, and Ruhn’s eyes brighten as he takes me in. I gnaw on my cheek, glancing forward to Flynn, his eyes never once leaving mine, “And for you, Flynn?”
“I agree, Y/N,” He smirks, his grip tightening around my thigh, and the look is so telling, that even Ruhn laughs, “So much so that I’ve got a few more fantasies that we could try.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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lingeriae · 1 year
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synopsis - being fuck buddies with geto suguru has got to be one of the worst(best) decision you have ever made, especially since you have feelings for said man. ( inspired by deep by summerwalker)
warnings! - cursing, smut, use of n-word, fwb to lovers-ish, angst, fluff, happy ending (or it there?).
parings - geto suguru x black! reader
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You try not to make eye-contact with the male infront of you, his arms crossed over his chest as he slouched spreading out his long legs infront of him. From the eyes glaring into your skull, you could tell he was staring at you and he couldn't care less if anyone noticed how hard he was staring.
He looked good, and you had no doubt he smelled good either although you hadn't been all up on him to know if that was true or not.
But Suguru always smelled good, you knew that and you'd bet that bitch who was rubbing all up on him knew it too. She had on a neon-green tube top, with a black leather mini-skirt to match it, her sliver nose stud glistened under the lights as you watched her move closer to your man-
You immediately ended your train of thoughts there, deciding to get up and find yourself a drink because of how delusional you sounded.
"Ima go get me something to drink," you tapped Shoko on her shoulder before getting up, leaning up to whisper in her ears so she could hear, "be right back."
She nodded, turning back to a blushing Utahime which made you giggle knowing Shoko was defininetly gonna hit that tonight. As you walked you pulled down the shorts that was riding up your ass, sucking your teeth as it just rode back up.You finally made your way to the kitchen, opening the fridge to look for something strong that would make you forget the thoughts you had from earlier.
Bending over to open the draw at the bottom, the feeling of someone coming up an pressing into your ass causing you to gasp and stand up straight, your plump lips immediately set to cuss out the bitchass who thought that was a bright idea. Turning around, you immediately sucked your teeth at the person looking back at you,
"I know your mama taught you better than that." you said, turning back to the fridge to grab the beer you wanted and trying not to make the warmth from the male behind you cloud your judgement. Suguru grinned, his eyes creasing around the corners and his smile lines appeared causing you to clear your throat at the warmth that spread inside of you unexpectedly.
"And I know I taught you better than to ignore me." he replied, grin still on his face as he looked down at you watching how you fiddled with the top of your beer nervously and twisted your glossed lips. Something he noticed you always did while being confronted. You rolled your neck, and Geto mentally prepared himself for the attitude you were about to give him, placing his hands inside the pocket of his sweatpants as he watched you fold your arms as if to intimidate him.
The thought made his lips tilt up for a spilt second,
"Well, im sorry ian wanna interupt you and your little 'friend'."
Suguru paused at your comment, tilting his head to the side his eyes narrowing at you. "If your jealous, say that."
You almost broke your neck because of how fast you looked up at him, your eye twitching as you repeated the word jealous over and over in your head. Sucking your teeth you looked Geto up and down,
"Nigga please, jealous? You aint even my man talking bout some 'jealous'." You side stepped him, your eyes rolling as you continued to cuss him out under your breath. "Dick aint even that good, witcho bitchass."
As soon as the words left your mouth, you immediately regreted it. A sinking feeling appeared in your stomach as you prayed he didn't hear what you said only to curse under your breath at his response.
"Oh, word?" you didn't know what made your face heat up, the tone of his voice, how close he was to you, or the look in his eyes. Sun-kissed skin almost feeling like it was turning red because of how hot it was getting, and you subtly tried to press your thighs togther as you kept eye-contact with the black haired man, biting your plump lips at the expression on his face.
Suguru leaned in closer, his hair that was out of it's usual bun brushing causing the strands to brush against your cheeks, his lips so close to touching yours. He placed one hand on the counter behind you, while the other moved to push you up against him, his hands feeling up your ass as he had you right were he wanted you.
"You're being so bratty, but don't worry i'll fix that shit soon enough." and just like that he backed away from you, checking you out before turning and walking away leaving you with your chest heaving and your thighs pressed tightly together as a ache started to form between your legs.
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For the rest of the night you were anxious, wondering what Suguru was going to do and making sure to constantly dodge him for the rest of the night, and it was working, mostly.
"Hey guys, m'gonna head out now I got things to do in the morning and I be damned if I wake up with a headache." you said, waving goodbye to everyone as you walked out of the house preparing to call an uber.
An arm wrapped itself around your waist, briging you into a firm chest.
"Where do you think you're going?" you tensed, not looking behind you as you tried to keep your straight as you swiped through instagram.
"Im going home Geto."
Suguru licked his lips as he looked down at you, his chest vibrating as he laughed before grabbing your hand leading you towards his car.
"W-what the fuck? bro, let me go. Geto im not playin with you right now, let me go." you struggled against his grip, feeling as his hands tightened around your wrist but not tight enough to hurt you.
He opened the door waiting for you to get in while you stood there staring at him with your arms crossed and your plump lips turned down into a scowl. Sighing, Suguru rubbed the bridge of his nose becoming irritated with your behaviour.
"Get in the car, Y/n."
"Fuck you."
"Later, baby." he flashed you a grin before his face got stern again, "Now get in the car, before I haul your pretty ass in myself." you stared at him for a good minute before sucking your teeth and rolling your eyes, moving inside of his car with a huff as you sat down. Smiling the male closed the door beore jogging around to his side of the car.
The car was silent as Suguru droved you home, you stared out the window refusing to look or talk to him while he drove with his hand place firmly on your thigh, herefused to move it even after your attempts at pushing it off, and the other one on the wheel. He sighed as he stopped at a traffic light, turning to look at you who stubbornly refused to look at him.
"Wanna tell me what the fuck I did?" He said, rubbing circles in your thighs you turned to look him up and down, "Nothing."
Suguru sucked his teeth, glaring at you. You could see he was becoming fustrated with you, which made you even more upset because how dare he.
"If it's not nothing why the fuck are you acting like this?" Turning to face him more you returned his glare, your eyes begining to water as you look at him. "Why the fuck you care so much? You aint care when you was with that bitch declining my calls."
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at you, his chest hurting as he saw how hard you were trying to hold back your tears. "What the fuck are you talking about, Y/n?" You kissed your teeth at him, shaking your head. "Ion even wanna talk to you right now."
"Nah, what the fuck are you talking about?"
Forcing yoursel to laugh, you turned yourself back around no longer facing him. "I just find it funny how you feeding me all this fake shit, just to be up in other bitches faces. Having me calling you just for you to be up in some randoms pussy and having me look like a clown."
The car got silent as Suguru looked at you, waiting for you to show any sign that you were joking. He sighed opening his mouth to answer you only for a car horn to interupt him making him realize the traffic light had turned green again. As you reached to your house you were immediately out of the car, slamming the door as you got out and trying to walk fast so that the male behind you couldn't catch up.
You stopped halfway as he grabbed your wrist, refusing to turn towards him so that he could see the tears in your eyes.
"I don't know what somebody said to you, but baby, I promise that the only pussy I been in is yours and all this shit im feeding is not fake."
Sniffing you turn towards him, unlocking your phone before shoving it in his face. "How you gon explain this then?" He took the phone from your hand, staring down at it with a crease in his eyebrow. Shaking his head SUgur looked back up at you, "Mama this picture is old, where did you get this?"
"Some bitch sent it to me on instagram, thought I should know what you get up to when you tell me your busy." You say, sass evident inyour body language. "How I know your not lying?"
"I can't prove im not lying you just gotta trust me on this," he releases your wrist to hold unto your waist, bringing you closer to him only to be stopped by you bringing your palms to his chest.
"What about you declining my calls?" you feel your core heat up because of the way the way Suguru was looking at you. Eyes low lidded and a little glossy, roaming your figure ever chance he got his held unto your wrist as you lay your palms against his chest feeling how fast his heart was beating from your touch alone, he licked his lips as he noticed your eyes on him before the turned up into a lazy grin. "My phone was dead because I forgot to charge it. You would've know that if you didn't block me."
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarassment, allowing Geto to bring your wrists up to his lips placing a kiss on them, before drawing you in closer by your hips. His kissed the side of your neck causing you to grip his shirt, without having his touch for several days you were now weakened by it no longer touch-starved because of his lack of touvh. Suguru drageed his lips against the side of your neck, smirking at how sensitive you were, he brought his lips to your ears and you suddenly felt hot all over at his next words.
"You were being so mean at that party tonight, think you should make it up to me, don't you?"
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"W-wait! Sugu-aah!"
The brutal thrust that the man behind you were giving could almost be desrcibed as animalistic. The grip he had on your hips never letting up as the other forced you to keep your arch.
"Wait on what baby? You keep my pussy away from me, and what me to wait? taah must be fucking crazy."
"m'sorry, s-swear jus-fuck! hold on!" Geto yanked you back into him, a squeal leaving your lips at the feeling, "Where you going, baby? Thought the dick wasn't that good? Why you runnin from it?"
"m-m'sorry da! i am-i am! mmm, best dick I ever had I swear!"
A grin stretched across Suguru's face at your words, giving your plump brown ass a smack before giving you a thrust that definetly hit the spot, "I know baby, just needed this dick to fuck some sense into you." Nodding your head in agreement, you repeated the male's name over and over mesmorized by how good he was making you feel.
"Keep on forgettin that t's your dick, and your's alone. Just like this pussy is mine." He brought his hand to rub at your clit, a whine falling from your lips as you held his hand,
"y-yeah, it's your's a-all your's papa."
There was no use begging for him to take it slow, only to submit to his brutually fast a deep strokes. Your hands are now held above your head because of you trying to get him to slow down but to know avail.
you fucked yourself back on him, listening to the groan he let out and feeling how he tightened his grip on your hair before pushing your face down against the pillow, watching how his cock drilled in and out of you in a fluid motion the sight almost making him dizzy. As he felt himself about to cum he turned you over, wanting to see your face.
He watched how your titties bounced up with each thrust, then to your face and how it was screwed up due to pleasure a little drool passing your lips as you out moans, telling Suguru how good he's fucking you and not to stop.
You came first, and Geto followed right after placing a kiss on your lips as he pulled out. "Suguru, I love you."
He froze up, looking down at you through his hair, which you had pulled out of the makeshift ponytail he put up. A smile soon took over his face as he kissed you again, humming against your lips.
"I love you too."
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amourtoken · 4 months
As promised, here's some hard ass dom Noah thoughts <3
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: pre established consent, hair pulling, mean dom Noah, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, dacryphilia, slapping, spit, safewords (unused, dw), spanking, edging, pet names, choking, belly bulge, overstimming
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♡ let me start off by saying I think he's a softie 90% of the time when yall aren't fucking but there's that quiet mean streak he has that's reserved for specific times yk
♡ he's had the worst fucking day and needs to take it out on something. You're the unfortunate something.
"Need you. Don't ask, just follow my fucking directions, okay?"
♡ he's dragging you by a handful of your hair to sit you between his legs, you two have a safeword for times like this but you've never had to use it. Noah typically knows his limits. (Just bc he knows them doesn't mean he won't tiptoe at the edge of them)
♡ can't help himself, you're just so soft and pretty and looking up at him w the biggest puppy eyes :((( you're even cuter to him when he's measuring his fat cock against your face and you're pressing messy kisses up and down the length of it. So trained for him.
♡ still cute to him even when he's holding your jaw in his large hand and leaning over you to spit in your mouth. He loves the way you get teary eyed when he drags his fingers through the mess on your tongue and gags you on them when he fucks them down your throat. If you can't take his fingers how do you expect to take his dick? He's nice enough to at least attempt to warm you up.
♡ he's a hair puller and a fucking head pusher in these times, both hands buried in your soft locks while he drags you up and down his cock, throbbing at the sight of big tears rolling down your cheeks from how harshly he's fucking your throat. He'll hold you down on his dick until you can't breathe and start to squirm then he'll pull out of your throat before you start to panic too hard.
♡ 100% paints your face with his cum and smears it around with the tip. Thinks you're pretty even when you're messy (even more so tbh) he's also gonna drag his fingers through the mess on your face and make you lick it off to clean up.
"It'd be a shame to waste any, wouldn't it puppy?"
♡ still fucking hard after he cums cause he's insane and needs you so unbelievably bad. He's nearly dragging you off the floor to throw you over the edge of the couch, admiring your body while you're bent over and your back is arched so well for him. He'd run his hands over your thighs and grab a handful of your ass before slapping it hard enough to leave a pretty intense handprint. He loves the way your voice sounds, spanking you just draws out the pretty whines and yelps, how could he not?
♡ he buries a hand in your hair and pulls back to arch your back even further before thrusting in, he doesn't give you much time to adjust. His brain is too fucking foggy right now to go through the usual prep, he just needs to feel you. His free hand is squeezing your hip hard enough to bruise while dragging you to meet his thrusts. He loves the way your ass bounces against his hips every thrust, you're so soft compared to him. He could do anything to you and you'd let him.
"So- fucking tight for me- you know who's pussy this is, puppy-"
"Takin' this fuckin' cock so good- fuck-"
"So messy...all for me, right? Say it."
"Tell me how good this dick makes you feel, no one else can fuck you this good, hm?"
"Keep making those sounds, baby- fuckkk-"
"Gonna cum? Gonna fuckin' cum on my cock baby? Not till I say so. Beg me for it."
"You can handle another, stop whining."
"So sweet of you to let me take all that stress out on this sweet little pussy- feel so fuckin' good for me.."
♡ you can feel him hitting your cervix every thrust and your body jolts harshly against him, the hand in your hair is making your eyes water it's pulling so hard to keep you in place. His other hand has moved from your hips to dip between your legs, rubbing fast messy circles on your clit until your legs are shaking so bad you couldn't possibly hold yourself up without Noah's help. Every time you're just about to cum though he pulls his fingers away and laughs at the pathetic sounds you make.
"What? Want something? Use your words, puppy."
"wanna cum? Feels so good when you squeeze around me like that- you can hold out for a little longer."
"Keep begging for it, I'll think about it."
♡ at this point you're in full blown tears while he's fucking you against the arm of the couch, you've been so close so many times and he's so fucking mean for taking it from you. He pulls you by your hair up so your back meets his chest and continues bullying your pussy, the hand in your hair fitting against your throat and squeezing just right to make your vision blurry and head feel foggy. There's a little bulge just below your navel in this position from Noah fucking into you so deep.
♡ after tormenting you to his liking, his hand returns to your clit and quickly tosses you over the edge. You're nearly convulsing in his hold and tears and still running down your face as he continues playing with your pussy. He doesn't stop even when you're squirming and whimpering, begging for a break cause you're overstimulated and can't take anymore. He'll stop when he's finished, there's nothing you can do to throw him off course now.
"What? You wanted this so bad now you're begging me to stop? Too late now."
"You can cum again, stop crying."
"Awe, what? Too much? Just a few more, then I'll think about stopping."
♡ he pulls you through 3 more orgasms, it felt like an electric current was rippling through your body as he buried himself as deep as he could and filled you with his cum on the last. The hand on your throat squeezed a little tighter to hold you in place. Black spots flooded your vision and you flopped over the couch arm as he pulled out, a mess of slick and cum nearly pouring down your legs. Poor thing, you were spent. Noah was panting behind you, holding himself up with his arms on either side of your body.
♡ he almost felt bad for putting you through this but if you really wanted to stop, you would've said so. You're so good to him, and this run in has made him forget entirely about the shitty day he's had prior.
♡ you're so spent you can't drag yourself off the couch, but Noah is more than happy to pick you up and bring you to bed. Once he sets you down, he can't help but admire the mess he's made of you. Surely you wouldn't mind if he drug you to the edge and buried his face between your legs, right?
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kasper-tag · 4 months
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(Click the image for higher quality!)
Hey, y'all! 🖤
Here's a black and white version of the banner! I actually did most of the drawing in black and white, and then I added color towards the end to get the edges and details right.
And here's a video of the process! I like to take a screenshot of my progress when I'm done working on my drawing for the day, and I turned these into a video.
What do you think? Do you like seeing different versions and progress videos of my work? Let me know 😊🖤
Link to the original banner here:
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horny, sulky, kinda mean, kinda roughhousing könig thought bc it's my birthday, it's 2:50am, i have been horny like a fuckin werewolf for like a week now. f!reader ig for talk about pussy.
So our man König doesn’t keep normal hours—not that you do, but dude is two days back from KorTac and pretty much strung out on the “fun” amphetamines KorTac req officers pass out like candy if you even wave smth that looks like a form at them. So kind of out of the worst of it, exhausted, but wired and feeling kind of shitty and toothy and wound up.
He wants to fuck. Easiest way to diffuse, decompress, and he’s hard as shit by the time he lumbers his way into bed with you—over you—all around you. You were reading off your kindle, not anymore. He plucks that shit right out of your hand and puts it behind him, tangling those long, heavy limbs around you like a boa constrictor.
“Was wondering when this was going to happen,” you say, hissing when he’s none to kind in nipping the skin of your neck, wrapping his arms around your torso, pushing your breasts up under your t-shirt. “Shit, you’re moody,” it’s half a laugh, and a grapple at not immediately just folding and giving into him. You like to bite, too.
“Give me your mouth,” he grunts, nose pushed into the spot behind your ear. He’s pushing down your underwear, singlemindedly stripping you down. His words make your skin humid, “Gonna play with your pussy, want you fucking wet for me.”
You give that little bit, turning your head over your shoulder, smirking into a kiss that drives deliriously deep as soon as contact is made. König isn’t a prim kisser, but a primal one. It’s not a clean act; sloppy, yes, and somehow tinged with something kin to restrained violence. Challenge? Dick swinging? Maybe something more biblical in nature—gluttony, or greed.
He’s a fearsome thing, and he may only be beautiful to you. A needful thing, too, twisting nest of starved serpents—6 feet 10 inches and pushing-300-lbs of fucking muscle, battering-ram-body housing more than thirty years of neglect-crushed memory out for retribution.
But you never were a target. He didn’t have a choice in that matter. You both know good and goddamned well that you picked him. Everything he gets away with is at your allowance, and good fucking Christ, he loves you for it.
His cock throbs against your bare ass through his boxers as his arm wraps around you, craning his hand to pump two big fingers into your sopping cunt, angling his wrist so he can press and rub your clit with his thumb.
Man’s got his perversions, and he’s the most physical person you’ve ever met in your life. He’s had a fraction of the sex he’s fantasized about, but you’ve covered hectares of that ground since you’ve gotten together. He’s a quick study, and his mind’s a nightmare of steel trap memory. He never forgets what you like.
Two fingers turn to three, and he almost pushes it to four—assured torture, too much stretch too fast—before you snap a hand around his wrist and buck hard back against him, seething his name in warning. “Don’t fucking dare.”
“Ja. Ja, Schatzi,” he mumbles, breathing hard and too collected. You’re both sweating already, and the bed feels too damn warm, but neither of you shift. The spooning position is perfect as-is, only needs acted upon. In the mean time, he draws his slicked fingers up, leaving them in the air before your mouth in question. He groans and shudders harshly when you take the digits into your mouth, almost laughing at the ever-fresh amusement of your own taste. Salt and cold coins, your own metallic tang a complement to the one on his skin. His voice shakes as he warns, “Time, now. It’s time, bitte, aw, fuck.”
Just like that, he sinks right into you, to the base, balls pressed tight against your lips due to your body’s contortioning to meld against his form. An ungodly moan bellows out of his throat, rattling from his chest into yours, arms tightening around you. You meet the fuck-weird noises, turning your head to keen into your pillows and pressing back against him. Your hand anchors behind you on his hip, as if pinning him in place, affixing your bodies together.
You both hang in a moment of suspension, hearts pounding, minds blank, stomachs rising as if careening over a hill with momentum not sparing you a moments reprieve.
When that finally snaps, you have to force him to focus, to fuck, and he’s slow about it, grinding into you as your cunt sucks him deeper.
That huge hand you know so well drops between your legs, right back to toying with you. Oh it doesn’t take long to get you off, bent in half on your side, holding onto him and gasping as you’re hit with wave after wave of pleasure.
He’s not subtle to signal when it’s his turn. He pulls you back up and clamps his teeth into your shoulder, biting down hard through the fabric of your shirt, fucking you rough, now, and unheeding, like an animal in heat. When he finally finishes, spasming and jolting all over now that his balls have been emptied into you, he leaves his heavy arm over your waist, keeping you close. “Good shit,” he mumbles, throat sticking to itself it’s so dry as he pants, parched, “we split a smoke?”
You’re not much better, even though you’ve bravado to fucking spare. “I smoke. You go the hell to sleep now,” you try to sound stern and dismissive, but there’s a laugh in your tone some place. And fondness, undeniably. You feel his grin against your neck, his body purring mhm in question. “Feel better?” you ask, at length, stroking the hair on his forearms.
“Yes,” he says after a moment, weak and sweet with relief, “can sleep now.” A pause, you can hear him thinking. “Won’t, though. Because you were an asshole and had to bring it up first.” His laugh wheezes, low and susurring.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
The Spaghetti Squash (The Surprise, Part 12)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: pregnancy times, established relationship, literally so much fluff, just fluff on fluff on fluff, some explicit language (please let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.4k
Summary: As your pregnancy progresses, Emily starts to feel disconnected from the experience, sad that she can't feel what you're feeling. She tries to control what she can, but you help her see that letting go isn't the worst thing in the world.
Week 22: The Spaghetti Squash
“What about that one, Em? It’s pretty.”
You pointed to Emily’s laptop screen, at a nice, oval crib, made of natural wood. Very modern looking. 
“Honey, I don’t care if it’s pretty. I care that it’s safe.”
“Well, I care if it's pretty. Click on it and see!” you badgered her, yawning.
You leaned heavily on Emily’s shoulder, trying hard to keep your eyes open. You’d been scrolling through baby site after baby site for nearly two hours now, checking things off Emily’s ridiculously extensive shopping list. Normally, you’d be interested. The problem was that Emily had to do a solid half hour of research into each and every item.
“Bossy…” Emily mumbled, lifting up her arm so you could snuggle into her chest. She scrolled through the page, looking at all of the crib’s features.
“Look!” You pointed at the screen. “It converts to a toddler bed and a kid bed. So it can grow up with her.”
“And it’s GreenGuard Gold Certified!”
“Wow.” Your voice dripped with sarcasm. “Adorable.”
“Hey,” she protested, pinching the skin under your arm. You squirmed and giggled. “I’m keeping him safe. You can keep him cute.”
You yawned again, shutting your eyes for a moment and sinking into her.
“Y/N,” Emily cooed, cupping your cheek and rubbing her thumb against it. “Stay awake, baby. You promised we’d get through five things tonight.”
You groaned, noncommittal.
“Y/N,” she prompted again, this time patting your face lightly.
“I didn’t know it was gonna take literal hours…” you grumbled.
“Here,” she said, lifting you up a bit and kissing your cheek. “You can pick what we look for next. Something fun.”
You squinted at her.
Her eyes were huge, and she had that hopeful, pleading half-smile that she knew would get you to do anything. As a final blow, she bit the corner of her lip. Fuck. She was just too irresistible, it wasn’t fair.
“Ugh. Fine.” You stretched and sat up as Emily placed the laptop in your hands.
“What do you want to look for?” she asked, looping her arm around yours and rubbing her thumb against your bare skin. She placed a quick kiss on your shoulder and nuzzled into your neck.
“Crib sheets?” you suggested, perking up. “I found a brand I really like.”
“Are they–”
“Green, gold, whatever-the-fuck certified?”
She blushed a bit. “Yes,” she said softly.
At this rate, you'd spend another hour and a half with Emily deep-diving on crib sheets.
“Emily,” you sighed, turning to look at her. “You are the love of my life and the mother of my child and I love you more than breathing. But for fuck’s sake, you’ve gotta cool it a little bit.”
Her eyes turned a little sad, a little embarrassed.
You continued, a bit softer now. “I know it’s just because you love her and you want to keep her safe. And I know it’s hard for you right now because I’m the one who’s carrying and I can feel her moving and this is the only thing you can control. But, baby, I promise you that a couple of 100% organic cotton crib sheets that might not have that super special certification aren’t gonna kill her.”
Emily was quiet. You turned to hold her face in your hands, tracing her angles, all her lines–you knew them better than you knew your own body. She smiled a little as you brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.
“Maybe you should be a profiler,” she chuckled, leaning into you and looking at the website you’d pulled up. “Goddamn.”
“Sorry,” you said, drawing her to your chest and tucking her head under your chin. “That was a little harsh.”
“No, you’re right.” Emily exhaled deeply and nodded. “Alright, let’s see these sheets.”
Your stomach did a little flip, excited to share one of your finds with Emily. So far, she’d picked most of the things, and you’d let her, knowing that the lack of control was hard for her.
“Okay.” You scrolled and clicked on a crib sheet, crisp white and covered with tiny dinosaurs. “I mean, look! It’s got little brontosauruses!”
In a rare show of letting go, Emily squeezed your arm and said, “Add it to the cart.”
“Really!?” you squealed.
“Yeah, of course, honey. It's cute.”
You kept scrolling, but Emily stopped your wrist. “Oh, baby, look at that one! It’s got bananas!”
“Adding it,” you decided with a dramatic click.
After a few more minutes of looking through crib sheets, you’d placed your order and shut the laptop for the evening, proud to have made it through all five of Emily’s predetermined list items. You knew you both needed to go to bed, but you were just so comfy sprawled on the couch. Emily’s head rested on your baby bump, and you carded your fingers through her hair.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so controlling about the shopping,” she whispered out of the blue.
“It’s okay, honey,” you said, softly massaging her head.
“No, it’s not,” she sighed. “I didn’t realize I wasn’t letting you pick anything.”
“Em, I promise it’s okay.”
She didn’t answer, instead running her hands along the side of your belly, as if feeling for something, anything.
“Has he been moving tonight?” she asked, her voice almost sad.
“Mmhm.” You hated to see her sad. You wished so desperately that she could feel what you were feeling. You didn’t want her to feel left out of the pregnancy. You didn’t want her to feel any less the baby’s mom than you were.
“Tell me what it feels like.”
You thought for a moment. “Mm… kind of like butterflies. Or, like, when you’re nervous and your stomach does a flip.”
She was quiet again, and you pulled her face up to your chest, pressing kisses to the top of her head. “It’s gonna be okay, Em. You’re her mom, too.”
“I know,” she mumbled.
“You know, I think the baby can feel you.”
“What?” She lifted her head a bit, looking at you quizzically.
“Maybe you can’t feel her yet, but I bet she can feel you. She can hear you, and I read today that babies feel their mom’s emotions.”
Emily looked up at you, her eyes shining a bit.
“I always feel happy and safe and loved when you’re with me. And that’s what she feels, too. She can hear you and she feels those things when you’re around because I feel them. So she knows you’re here. She can feel you.”
Emily blinked back a few tears and pressed her face to your stomach, planting a few kisses on your baby bump.
“I love you,” she whispered to your stomach, and you thought you might cry, too.
“Can you hear me, little one? I love you. Maman loves you so much.”
You let out a shaky breath, trying not to cry, trying (and mostly failing) not to let your overwhelming love for this woman turn you into an absolute puddle. For neither the first time nor the last, you were utterly flabbergasted that this was your life. That there was a baby inside you, growing strong and healthy. That the baby would have two moms, something you’d never thought possible when you were growing up, imagining your future. And, best of all, that you had Emily. Sweet, strong, beautiful Emily. Who loved you so well. Who made you so happy you sometimes thought you'd explode with it. How did you get so lucky? How was it that, despite it all, despite all the tragedies, big and small, along the way, you’d somehow stumbled into a life so good that it was, quite literally, beyond your wildest dreams?
“I love you, Em,” you blurted out, unable to stop yourself or stop the tears from brimming in your eyes.
She looked up at you, and you could tell she was happy, truly happy. And if you could do nothing else in your entire life except make this woman happy, you’d die satisfied.
She sat up a bit, pulling on the collar of your shirt to draw you into a kiss. A soft kiss, one that you melted into, one that reminded you of your very first. All butterflies and excitement for what was to come.
“I love you, too,” she said, pressing her forehead to yours. “So much.”
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helplesslypurple77 · 11 months
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Day 9- Dazai/Reader with promt Wet Dream
Notes:  this is partly inspired by this wonderful ChuuAtsu fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13091097 
You know, when I write my reader characters, they usually end up not like me at all, but for some reason this Reader ended up like a little too much like me. also no actual sex guys, just dream sex, sorry
There are hands on you. Big hands, tugging at your clothes, desperately, hotly. You want to laugh at him, at his urgent attitude, but you feel the same. Your hands are just as desperate, tangled in that familiar brown hair, that insufferable smirk curved across his face. You hate him, but you never want him to let you go.
“I knew it, you secretly liked me all along.” You despise that voice, it's cocky and arrogant. And you hate how it turns you on. You kiss him harder, trying to shut him up.
It works too, at first. He abandoned his previous task of making fun of you and instead devotes himself to absolutely ruining you, running his fingers through your hair and yanking your close, tugging at the buttons of your shirt. Each button undone represents your pride, falling apart, ruined by the man before you. He pulls away from your mouth, pressing bruising kisses to your neck, his tongue laving over the harsher bites. 
“Hurry up Dazai.” Your voice is embarrassingly raspy, thick with lust as your head falls back, letting out a tiny embarrassing whimper. The man before you chuckles. “My my, impatient are we?” You hate how his teasing turns you on. 
But he obeys, and a clever hand tweaks your nipple, pulling a moan deep out of your throat. You hate him, hate what he does to you.
Another hand is trailing lower now, drawing a sinful path down your front, leaving a hot trail of fire in its wake. It arrives at its goal, and he chuckles at what he finds there.
“You're so wet.” He sounds proud, the insufferable bastard. “And I thought you hated me.”
You glare through the pleasure. “Shut up—”
You interrupt your complaints with a moan as he plays with your pussy, slipping a finger into your twitching hole. You moan, embarrassed of the squelching sounds that give away your real feelings. His fingers are long, longer than yours and they stretch you out nicely as he adds another one, scissoring them and prying your hole open. A rough padded thumb draws circles on your clit, driving you closer and closer to insanity, to the edge of the metaphorical cliff. 
“More, Osamu. Give me more.” You can feel his dick twitch in his pants at that name, and you take pride in the fact that he’s just as affected as you are. 
“Yes, my Belladonna, I shall obey your every command.” You hate that stupid nickname, the one he gives to all the women he flirts with, but never gave to you. You hate how your heart clenches with happiness. He slips a third finger in and your back arches, moans tumbling out of your mouth at a higher frequency. 
You grip his shoulders, one leg wrapped around his waist as his long fingers bring you closer and closer to the brink, your stubborn pride falling from you with every thrust of his fingers. And then, he finds it, that cushy spot that makes your back arch and you cum with a cry of his name.
“I love you, Osamu.”
˚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 
You wake with a strange feeling of dissatisfaction, as if you're missing something. A strange wanting feeling, a familiar aching in your gut that disappears with a good shower. You take your time getting ready, because even though you’re late you know someone will be later than you. And you refuse to leave into the world looking like a caveman. You style your hair, put on some everyday makeup and make some eggs and toast, trying the new strawberry jam Kenji gave you. 
It's not until you're locking the door to the dorms behind you, purse in hand, that the dream suddenly rushes back into your brain. The hot steamy details and the worst part, the very last words. 
‘I love you, Osamu’
Fuck, your screwed.
˚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 
The Detective Agency is hard at work when you step quietly through the door. You're offered the usual greetings, which you return with less than your usual enthusiasm, but if anyone notices, they don't say. You put your purse down, sitting at your desk between Atsushi and that damn Dazai, and pointedly ignore the latter man. You shoot Atsushi a smile however, you adore the boy. 
“Morning Atsushi.” Atsushi shoots you a smile. “Morning Name, do you have the paperwork for yesterdays mission? Kunikida told me to make copies in case Dazai loses them again.”
“Yeah, thats a good idea.” You nod, handing over said papers with a smile. “He totally would to.” You and Atsushi share a smile as an indignant squawk sounds on your other side. “What are you implying! I'm being egregiously slandered. I would never lose anything important anyway.” You avoid looking at him entirely, not even granting him a response. Atsushi shoots you an odd look, but humors you with a sigh in Dazai’s direction. “Yes Dazai, we all know you would. Thanks for these Name.” He takes the papers away with a smile and you turn to your desk as the door slams behind him. 
It's silent in the office, the sounds of typing and the beeping of Ranpo’s switch, and you're filling out reports for lost dogs when a familiar bandaged hand comes into your vision. 
“Nameeee~ why are you avoiding meee~” You can feel the blush creeping up the back of your neck, and flashes of those hands in a different context flash through your mind. You keep trying, not looking at him. 
“I'm not ignoring you. I'm doing reports.” You type faster, taking out your embarrassment on your computer. 
“No, see? You won't even look at me.” Infuriatingly, the man simply does not leave you alone. You sigh, maybe if you focus on how infuriating your find him you can survive without thinking of that dream again, and those stupid fucking words.
Your turn, glancing at him. “No, see, I'm looking at you.” And of course, this proved to be a huge mistake. Dazai’s handsomeness, it's always been obvious. But most of the people in the armed detective agency are handsome, for some reason. So to you it's always been easy to ignore. But now, you can't ignore it any more. The sun is pouring through the windows, casting a golden glow on his brown hair, highlighting the thousands of colored strands all blending together into brown. It highlights his eyes too, turning that brown transparent and beautiful, shining in the light. He’s wearing that stupid outfit as usual, but he’s hung his coat over the edge of the chair, and rolled his sleeves up and his delicate hands are on display. Damn those stupid sexy hands with their long fingers and blue veins. Damn Dazai and his stupid sexyness. You hate him for it. 
Worse however, are his lips. Because as soon as you look at them all you can think about is that dream, how he devoured your kisses, how he worshiped your neck. And now he’s biting them, drawing his teeth across them and leaving little indents across his top lip. You want to kiss them away.
Unknown to you, Dazai’s having his own little problems. You look at him, and you blink slowly, giving him the most dangerous pair of fuck me eyes he’s ever seen. You always look pretty, but now it's three times worse. The sun is highlighting you, and you glow like a goddess, coming down to slay the foolish mortals who worship her. He can imagine you as a goddess. Dressed in robes that hug your curves with every step, punishing the foolish mortals who desire her impurely. Demanding they worship you. He would gladly fall beneath your feet and worship you. Let you sit on his face and smother him with your thighs and pussy. He would beg for it. 
And your eyes are begging him to lean forward and kiss you, to selfishly steal the breath from your lungs, to take you on this very desk right here. He could imagine that too. Your pretty form bent over a desk, papers and office supplies falling to the floor as he fucks you. Your face twisted in pleasure as you screamed his name. His name, and only his. He swallows, wetting his throat and biting his lip. He cant breath, and he feels arousal start in his gut.
“Can you guys stop eye fucking each other and get back to work? Kunikida looks like he’s ready to burst a blood vessel.” Ranpo startles you out of your staring, and you turn with a glare at the older detective. “Im not eye fucking him. What are you even talking about?” Dazai jumps in rather halfheartedly. “I mean i could understand if you were eye fucking me, i am very handsome arent i.” You want to smack him. Instead you turn to your desk and resume your reports. Your mother always said violence was never the answer. 
But you’ve learned your lesson. From now on, you will do your best to avoid Dazai Osamu, lest you make a mistake you will regret.
˚⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 
Over the next few days you learned something important. Avoiding Dazai Osamu proved to be an impossible task. Because for some reason, Kunikida insisted on putting the two of you together for missions. For reasons unknown he had somehow decided that the two of you worked fabulously well together and to pair you on every mission so forth. 
And honestly a You from a different day might actually agree. It actually made sense. You were a combat focused Gifted, and Dazai was not. You were hardworking and followed directions and Dazai did neither. You wouldn't wander off the flirt with every woman who looked his way and Dazai would. Although, for some reason his serial flirting had stopped recently, and you hoped it was done for good. 
But, the You of today, who wanted to avoid this man were being thwarted at every turn, by Kunikida of all people. You had bribed Ranpo silent, because you were certain he knew about The Dream™, with a limited edition cake you bribed off Kyouka. And you were sure that after you avoided Dazai for a while you would eventually forget about The Dream™ and this stupid crush you had developed. But you weren't even given that privilege, because after One Day™, of avoiding him you were promptly put together on every mission, be it a missing dog or an actual fight. It was like you were joined at the hip. 
And here you were today, joining Ranpo on a murder case because you were assigned to go with Ranpo and then Dazai had made a fuss and said he wanted to go because, and you're directly quoting here, ‘hot policewomen’. That boiled your blood for numerous reasons. So here you are, standing behind Ranpo as he argued with the police, glaring at the man beside you.
“Why are you mad anyway?” Dazai whisper hisses at you. You're standing in the lobby of the police office. Minuro happened to be out today, and the replacement police chief, Chief Sugawara, seemed oddly hesitant to let Ranpo solve the case. You side glare at him, whispering right back. “Why did you have to come? And all for some hot police women.” There aren't even any women present, for some reason. You guess they have better things to do than argue with a bunch of detectives. And you're all for women. You know how the saying goes, ‘women support women until women stop supporting women’ but you hate to admit your glad. You would really dislike watching Dazai flirt with another pretty woman. It would hurt you more than you wanted to admit.
It kept you up at night. Embarrassing thoughts like: ‘why doesn't he flirt with me, he flirts with them.’ soon arrived at: ‘i guess i'm not pretty enough to be flirted with.’ that just added to your growing insecurity with your looks. You hated that he had that power over you. You hated that you allowed him to have that power over you. 
(You see, reader, you were so deep down in your own delusions, that you missed the signs. The looks men, and women gave you. Looks of awe, even just stares of admiration. The flirting that you dismissed as pleasantries, even Dazai’s lingering stares and rather obvious feelings. But I put it in for story reasons so just bear it for now.)
And so, here you were, forced to stand against the wall of the police department, bored out of your mind and still a little too reminded of The Dream™, because for some reason, you had been plagued by wet dreams for a few days now. And it was odd, while the first one seemed(as embarrassing as it was) thoroughly of your own creation, the others started not resembling anything you would like. Also, last night Dazai had been replaced by some guy you didn't even know? And the night before that it was the President. Now, the President was a handsome man, sure, but you had never even thought of him that way in passing, so something odd was going on for sure. 
And then, the Armed Detective Agency had received today's job. A request that stood out to you as soon as you read it. Apparently, people were dying mysteriously in the middle of the night. And, you're literally never going to believe this, apparently most of them had reported Wet Dreams the nights before to their close friends. So yeah, you had quickly volunteered. Strangely enough, a few people in the detective Agency, namely Atsushi and Naomi, had reported strange dreams.(Atsushi with extremely flushed cheeks and Naomi with, ehem, interesting details about finding it strange that the dream wasn't about her brother. Atsushi hadn’t mentioned anyone, but had said there were a few different people.)
Ranpo had been specifically requested, and the police dept had asked for a combat oriented Gifted, and so here you are. But Dazai had insisted on going along, for reasons unknown. Minoru had been the requester, but when you had arrived a worried police officer had quickly informed you that Minoru was out and Chief Sugawara didn't want ‘some private eye’ taking charge of the case. You wondered, for the thousandths time, why most police officers had a similar outtake on this. You assumed pride. 
You hear Ranpo’s prideful laughter, and he joins you with Chief Sugawara. You assume he’s done proving his worth, anyway. 
“So, how’d it go? We on the job?” You retuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Ranpo nods. “Oh course, Chief Sugawara came to realize that he was better off with a master detective on this job, and happily succeeded the case to me.” 
Chief Sugawara, a grumpy looking man in his mid forties, sighs. “I wouldn't say happily, but this cast has been bothering us, so we’ll welcome your help.” He starts walking down the hallway, and you and Dazai follow him and Ranpo into a small room. It's an odd room, almost empty with a small cot in the corner and a chair beside it. Windows stream sunlight into the room. The door shuts behind Chief Sugawara with a resounding slam. 
“So, I already know who the guy is, but I got some bad news.” Ranpo leans against the wall, unwrapping a lollipop he pulled from god knows where. “His ability allows him to infiltrate dreams and take any form. He then extracts sexual energy and kills them.” 
“Ok…” Dazai draws out the word. “So let's get the dude.”
“We can't.” Chief Sugawara jumps in, letting out a long suffering sigh. “He doesn't actually have a physical form anymore. He’s dead.” 
Confused silence falls. Ranpo sighs. “I'll elaborate for your poor minds. The man actually died a couple years ago. But his ability allows him to live on in the population's consciousness.” Ranpo says. “And he thinks that if he extracts enough life energy he can have a body again. He’s essentially living on through his ability right now.” 
“Ok, so how do we get him?” You have a feeling you know, but you ask anyway in case you're actually wrong. Ranpo smirks, and in that moment you know that your hunch was right. 
“Remember how earlier at the meeting you said that you’ve been having weird dreams as well?” You nod, avoiding Dazai’s eyes. “Well, it's obvious you're his next target. So, the plan is that you go to sleep and as soon as he arrives Dazai will neutralize the ability, therefore ‘killing’ it.” 
Yep, you knew it. You sigh. As much as you really, really, really don't want to do this, it seems like a good plan. Just embarrassing. Chief Sugawara runs a hand through his messy brown hair. “So Miss, are you willing to do this for us? You are definitely not required to.” 
You nod, sitting down on the cot with a weary, weary, sigh. “Yeah, I'll do it.” A rare smile makes its way across Chief Sugawara’s face, and he hands you a small pill. “A sleeping pill.” He says, as Ranpo begins to drag him out of the room. 
“Wait Ranpo, how will Dazai know when to neutralize it.” Ranpo smirks, pushing Chief Sugawara out of the door. “Oh, he’ll know. And Name? Tell him to take another form, maybe the President again, and not your crush ok? No distractions.” And with that he leaves, slamming the door behind you. You are left alone, with Dazai. You swallow the pill with the water they gave you in relative awkward silence. Dazai pulls the chair up beside the cot, a weird smile painted across his face. 
“So, name, I hear you have a crush?” You really can't believe you're here, having a discussion with your crush about your crush. You sigh. “Yeah, I guess. It's embarrassing.” You grimace that makes its way across his face as you lay down, but his face is back to a smile as you feel your vision waver. 
“Dazai?” You say before you slip away. “Yes, Bella?” 
“Don't leave me alone please.” He smiles. “I won't Belladonna.”
‘He called me Belladonna.’ Is the last thought you have before you slip away. 
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
The scene you step into is familiar. The Armed Detective Agency office. Its evening, golden hour light slides through the windows, painting the floor with sunset colores. And, waiting for you with open arms is, of course, the President. You should just wait for Dazai to get rid of him, but you really want to see the limits of his ability. You hatch a mischievous plan. The Not President shoots you a very out of character smirk. “Ready for some of that good good lovin’ babygirl?” You almost choke. 
“I dont want to fuck the President.” You say, sitting down on the edge of someone’s desk. “I don't even have a crush on him, why would you choose him?”
The Not President shrugs. “He’s hot, and subconsciously you would totally fuck him. But whatever.” the figure shifts and morphs, and another familiar figure is standing before you. “Ranpo? Really?” 
“Fine” The scenery changes now, and you're in an unfamiliar office with a familiar 5 ‘3 redhead standing before you.
“Nope. I dont like short men.”
Not Chuuya shrugs. “You sure Darlin? All his height went somewhere else…”
“Fine, your call.” A flash, and you're in another office. You shake your head. 
“Definitely not Mori.”
The scenery shifts again, and you're floating in an odd golden ball with only a bed. A man is standing before you. He looks a little like Mori’s long lost cousin. 
You sigh. “I don't even know this guy.”
“And?” The man’s voice is accented, russian maybe.
“Just change it, it's my dream.”
The scenery shifts again, and now you're in the very room you're sleeping in right now. And advancing towards you, because of course, is Dazai.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
You look pretty while you're sleeping. And you're not moving, and that means you're not avoiding him. Dazai hates that you’re avoiding him, and you're also apparently having sex dreams about the president, while all of his dreams have been plagued by you in various states of undress for a long time. But, Dazai can admit the dream guy is obviously not affecting him, all of his dreams are clearly of his own creation, and not constant. 
You've plagued his dreams for a while now, ever since he realizes he had a small(massive) crush on you. In the beginning those dreams were innocent. You would hold his hand, tell him you loved him and maybe plant a kiss chaste kiss on his lips. But then, the Armed Detective Agency took a small vacation to the beach, for some reason.
He spent that day throwing sand at Kunikida and spending an unhealthy amount of time staring at you in that stupid skimpy bathing suite. It was truly a blessing and a curse because while he gotta see it, so did every other person on the beach that day. That night, the first of the dreams came. You, riding him in the very swimsuit on an empty beach, looking radiant and devastating a top him. He woke up guilty and hard that morning, and decided to take a long, cold, shower instead of dealing with it himself, because again, he was a little guilty. That had been the first of many, many dirty dreams. 
But of course you're apparently spending your sex dreams with the president instead of him, because life is unfair. And Dazai knows deep down that he doesnt deserve you, he knows that very well, but he still hopes. And hope is a cruel, unfair thing. 
You start twisting on the cot, your lips parting in something like a whimper. Dazai stands at attention, waiting for some kind of sign for him to use No Longer Human. But then, the moans start. 
Dazai almost chokes, gripping the side of the chair tightly because of course you would moan, and of corse Ranpo decided to subject him to this devine torture. And of course he decided to throw a fit today to come with you because he loved you and he didn't want you to avoid him anymore. Because now, he knows what your moans sound like. He’s never going to be able to look at you the same again. And now he has more wet dream fodder, like he needed anymore. 
“Oh, oh feels so good~” 
He’s going to die, he’s hard. He’s going to hell. He’s going to burn in hell and all because he’s a horn dog.
“Mmm, so, so good.” 
You're twisting in bed, and Dazai wonders if he should use No Longer Human. He probably should, right? 
“So good Osamu, treat me so good~” Dazai chokes. And grips your hand, activating No Longer Human. His mind is in shambles as the moans stop, because you just said his name.
And then one more fatal sentence escapes your mouth. “No, don't go ‘samu. I love you.” And then, you open your eyes.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 
It's late by the time you and Dazai start walking back home. After you had woken up the station had been abuzz with activity. You had been made to submit a mission report, reporting on what had happened in the dream world. Well most of it anyway. And Dazai is yanked away from you for other reports. It had been odd, honestly. When you had woken up he had been holding your hand, the light of No Longer Human still fading around you, with a shell shocked expression carved across his face.
The man of the hour clears his throat as you arrive as the Agency dorms, stopping you before as you unlock your door. 
“Um, Name.” He looks uncharacteristically unsure, like he’s weighing his words. “I have something to tell you.” 
You nod, fiddling with your keys. “What's up?” He’s wringing his hands, and this is all very strange and out of character. He clears his throat again.
“Well, I was wondering if you might want to go out to dinner with me.” 
You frown. “With the Agency? You should ask Kunikida, he’s in charge of scheduling and stuff like that, not me.”
“No.” Dazai looks almost timid. “As a date. I like–no, I love you.”
You drop your keys in shock. “What? Is this a joke? Because it's not funny.”
You shake your head, pinching yourself subtly. You literally have to be still dreaming now. But no, it hurts a lot. Dazai is still standing before you, trying to hide that unsure look with his usual smirk of confidence. It's failing, miserably.
“So, do you want to? Because i can understand if you don't, i—
You shut him up with a kiss. “Yes, I'd love to.” You say when you finally pull away. Still gripping his cheeks between your hands. Dazai smiles, a real genuine smile and dives back for another kiss.
End Notes: Dazai is a dramatic whore. He talks like me. Definitely a former theater kid right there. Also at some point in this fic i start drastically overusing the trademark™ sign, and i love it and it's so fun. Also the cloud ☁ emoji is so cute.
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lskisms · 1 year
(not) strong, c. berzatto
syn. you think you traded all your luck on being able to wake up next to carmen every morning because it doesn't look like you have any left to spare. no matter; carm is here to patch you up.
gen. romance, angst.
warnings. crying, reader has a bad fucking day, carm is a sweetheart, mentions of food and eating.
word count. 1.8k.
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you’re lucky that bad days tend to be few and far between; how could they not be when you have the privilege of waking up next to carmen berzatto every morning? he, of course, denies the effect he has on your life, says if anyone’s making a difference here, it’s you. but you really can’t downplay the warmth and light that sharing a bed with him, sharing a life with him brings to you. seeing him first thing in the morning is always the best part of your waking hours, a nice pick-me-up before you go to work; you have never taken that for granted.
but there are days where even seeing your boyfriend isn’t enough to wipe the slate clean, to erase that familiar sense of dread that makes its home in the pit of your stomach for you to carry around all day. having carmen with you, body or spirit (through text, of course), always momentarily eases the pain, but when he’s gone, when you have to stop texting, it comes back, agonizing and sharp like a blade twisting in your gut. all you can do is count down the hours, minutes, seconds until you get to go home and see him again.
today, it seems, is one of those days. regardless of the fact that you woke up feeling well, sharing a few soft kisses with carmy in bed before he made you breakfast and left you to your own devices so he could get to work, it seemed like the universe was working against you: you got to the train late, meaning you made it to work late, meaning you started the day off behind and if that wasn’t enough, you just couldn’t seem to get anything right. time has moved by at a snail’s pace, almost like the world is taunting you, wanting to drag this torture out for as long as fucking possible.
and it is. it is torture in all the worst ways, excruciating and harrowing. you didn’t have time to slip away and text carmy the whole day, barely had enough time for a lunch break, and even when you had taken your lunch break, typically a reset for you, things still were entirely awful. you’re astounded you even made it through the day without breaking into tears.
in public, at least, because the second you get home, it all comes rushing at you. the door closes behind you and the tears will not stop, no matter how hard you will them to just go away. you can’t even be bothered to hang your bag up on the coatrack, letting it drop to the floor instead on top of your different pairs of shoes left stranded at carmy’s front door. you trudge through the apartment into the bedroom, change into comfier clothes (a pair of shorts and one of carm’s sweaters), and lay down. it’s the only thing you can think to do after a rough day while you wait for your love to come home to you.
he does, eventually, though much later than you do; with his hours at the restaurant, it’s not often he comes home any time before eleven pm, and even that, that’s pushing it. it’s maybe closing in on half past eleven when you hear the door open and carmy’s voice, your name sounding as perfect as ever (nobody says it like he does, you maintain, your name has never sounded prettier than it does coming from him), and you become acutely aware that you have completely wasted the evening.
carm’s footsteps draw closer and then you hear him again at the door, a sweet lilt of “baby? you doin’ alright?”
and that, for some reason, just sends you over the edge. you’re not facing him, which is lucky, but you shake your head and close in on yourself, drawing your knees to your chest and making yourself smaller. you’re trying not to cry, not again, but it feels like the only way to react, the only way to get all of this out.
“sweetheart…” his voice is quiet and then he’s crawling up the mattress to lay beside you, shoving himself in the small space left between you and the wall his bed is pushed against. when he sets his gaze on you, all soft and clear blue sky, you fall apart, not sobbing but not holding back the tears anymore.
for a few moments, carm doesn’t know what to do. even though he’s seen you like this before, he still hesitates because you aren’t communicating what you need from him right now. still, the best bet, as always, seems to be wrapping you up and holding your pieces together. 
so he does. he scoots in close, tucks your head under his chin, and wraps his arms around you. and he doesn’t say anything else, just lets you cry into his shirt, no doubt staining it with your tears, but if he cares, he doesn’t show it. you’re sure part of the lack of speaking is from him just being a little awkward about it, but still, you’re thankful that he isn’t pressing you on it.
when the tears finally do stop, he waits for you to pull back, waits for you to make the first move. he meets your gaze head on, the arm that isn’t pinned under your head moving so that he can wipe away stray tears caught in your eyelashes or on your skin.
“what’s all this about?” he asks softly, tipping his head so that your foreheads touch. “what’s got you all worked up?”
you shrug with one shoulder, casting your eyes down, letting them focus on the neckline of his shirt. “i don’t know. today was just… a really… really bad day, carm.”
he nods, brushes hair out of your eyes, lets his thumb stroke your cheekbone. “you can tell me about it. i’m listenin’.”
so you do. you recount the whole day to him, every gritty little detail, and he listens intently, like what you’re saying is the most important thing in the world to him. and maybe it is because he treats everything you do and say like that; he takes everything to heart and turns even the smallest things into something big and monumental.
you realize as you’re talking that all of the bad things that happened are so inconsequential and it makes you feel kind of stupid. carmen comes home and complains about much bigger issues all the time, and you listen, of course, offer advice when he needs it; but his issues are always so much bigger than yours, there are things, lives, that ride on his decisions going over well. not like yours, not like this. and it gets you worked up again, laughing when the tears burn at your waterline again.
“hey, hey, what’s all this?” he asks, ducking his head to look at you when you try to turn away. “why’re you cryin’ again?”
“i really don’t know, carm,” you answer tearfully, shaking your head like the movement will get rid of it all. “guess i feel kinda stupid. i’m not strong like you are.”
he mimics you, his turn to shake his head, curls falling into his eyes. “you don’t need to be, alright? you don’t have to be strong like i am. i can be strong enough for the both of us. that’s my job.”
“are you sure? i just-”
his hand, rough and warm, comes to rest on your cheek and you look up at him. his gaze is gentle in a way that he reserves just for you. “i’m positive. i can’t do much, but i can do this, so let me… ‘kay?”
you nod, closing your eyes and muttering back an “okay.” he leans to press a lingering kiss to your forehead before tilting back down, his nose brushing against yours. you lay like that for moments that stretch into forever, his breath hot against your mouth and his arms warm around you, your own personal weighted blanket.
“i’m not that strong, by the way,” he says quietly, breaking the silence. when you make a noise of confusion, he clarifies. “you said i’m strong, but i’m not. not really. i got a lot of fucked up shit goin’ on ‘n half the time, i’m spaced the fuck out… y’know, and i worry that you’re gonna figure that out one ‘a these days, but… i wanna be strong for you. i try really fuckin’ hard it almost scares me. so i mean it when i say i can be strong for us both because i want that to be the truth, y’know?”
you wrap an arm around him and nod, pressing your face into the soft material of his tshirt. the thank you you say into his shirt is wet and thick with tears, but he doesn’t seem to mind all that much, wrapping his arms tight around you and holding you against him; he doesn’t seem to mind a lot of the things you do, just takes them in stride and adjusts, which is sweet.
“you don’t need to thank me for anything,” he says into your hair, rubbing your back. “it’s my job to take care’a you, so that’s what i’m gonna do, alright? now… you eat dinner yet?”
the scoff he lets out when you tell him that no, you haven’t, might come off as mean to anyone else, but to you, it’s anything but. this is, for all intents and purposes, what he was made to do and this is proof of that.
“‘course ya haven’t. alright, what d’you want, hm? i’ll make whatever you’re cravin’, so just tell me what it is.”
you rattle off your order and when you pull away to look him in the face, he’s got a smile that belongs solely to you. he kisses you all soft and gentle, lips warm against yours, the one thing you’ve really wanted all day, and it dismantles that dread you’ve been feeling, takes its house apart piece by loving piece until it’s razed.
“you really gonna make me a grilled cheese right now? it’s almost midnight.”
carm lets loose a breathy chuckle, kisses you again, quick this time. “yes, chef. not letting my baby go to bed on an empty stomach. you know i don’t play around like that. what kind of cheese you want?”
you know he doesn’t play when it comes to making food for you, so you tell him to surprise you. you’ll eat anything he makes anyways because when he makes it for you, it’ll always taste good.
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© lskisms 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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