#drawing kalego's expression was fun
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animehouse-moe · 2 years ago
Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-Kun Volume 3: Flowers Blossoming In The Night
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God, it's been two months already? I'm so used to the typical quarterly release of series that Kodansha's catchup schedule with Iruma has caught me completely off-guard, but I'm all for it since I get to read more of this series! And what a trip down memory lane it is. Crazy to think that it's only been 4 years since the anime started airing, it feels like it's been much longer than that. Anyways, enough of my reminiscing, let me talk details with this volume!
The more I tend to read in a single sitting, the more I tend to compare the art of various series to one another. It's not a great practice, as each artist is aiming for something different in the mix, but sometimes it can help in making me aware of things that I wasn't previously.
A really great example of this is character blocking or posing. It's definitely something you can easily take for granted, and might not always feel like something noteworthy to share (unless it's really good). But anyways, the point was in my reads throughout today, I read a few series that had rather stiff characters and designs. Comparing that with Nishi's already incredibly fluid art, I could really feel the difference and effort that went into character posing to match that fluidity. Something that really puts effort into providing a dynamic feel where applicable, which plays really well alongside Nishi's static and delayed approach to humor.
I know it's really bad to try and talk about something that's so difficult to properly be aware of and to explain, but just the posing and the little details with lines and whatnot adds a lot to how you perceive and react to the poses and drawings.
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Also, the Clara moment is this volume! But before that, some anime content (since I've gone to grab a screenshot). The anime actually adds content to this sequence/chapter, and it's a really great addition in my opinion. When Clara's down and out after being mocked by her classmates she returns home, rather deflated. To cut a long story short, it's a really great addition that drives home the importance of family and how they can reflect on/help with the confidence of a high school student and the troubles that face them at school.
Also an all-in-one seduction attempt from Clara that proves nearly fatal for Kalego.
But! The all-important question, how does the anime version of the Clara scene compare to the manga?
Well, I don't want to say it's a non-contest, but I think the manga has the strongest essence and feel to it. For me, it mostly lies in the eyes. The manga version is just that bit more squinted/narrowed, which makes it feel more happy and playful, resulting in a far more effective and true visage for Clara.
Now, that's not to say that the anime's version is a wash, it's still great and really close to the manga. It also has the advantage of being able to build up to the moment better.
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Moving on, I've talked at end about the expressiveness of Nishi's art, and how willing they are to get down and dirty with little differences in art and approach to characters and whatnot. With that in mind I'll spare the trouble of re-hashing that and instead turn my attention towards the messages of this volume.
Okay, maybe I lied a little. I just can't get enough of Nishi's range. Five total characters on the page, and all of them look so different. The shading, the use of color, they're all so varied. And most importantly, they're all so cute and fun.
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Anyways, there's just so many and they're all so natural and well integrated that you can easily miss them. Things like Iruma starting to take agency in his own decisions and life (even if it is in the underworld where he may be eaten alive).
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I think my two favorite moments from this volume in regards to messages though would be Iruma's run-in with Kiriwo, and Sully's conversation with the big 3. Both present such simple but impactful aspects for the characters and story at large.
With Kiriwo, while it is about Iruma finding someone "like him", it's got way more to it than that. It's about finding your place to belong, somewhere that you feel that it's okay to be yourself. Add on top of that its emphasis on equality and a desire to let everyone be equal, and it just speaks so much to Iruma as a character (thanks to his terrible childhood where he was powerless against the life he was forced into). Also, something something acting in an expected manner for the sake of popularity and acceptance.
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Now with Sully, it's not really something directly relating to Iruma, but I still love it so much. With the chance to unanimously take the Demon King's Throne and rule over the underworld, something that countless Demons aspire towards, he casually shrugs it off for the sake of his (new, and definitely not kidnapped) grandson. Especially these days, and doubly so under the guise of Japanese work culture, denying an effective promotion that would (as Sully puts it) "take me away from my Grandson" just carries so much weight. Choosing family and happiness over accolades and achievements, it's a really admirable and heartwarming piece.
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Just to re-wind a little, it's super great to see how strong and important Kalego's established to be as a character so early on. His hardline on the students about the importance of education, and the dangers of the world really is very strong right out the gates.
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Anyways, I think I've made my point on this volume very well. It carries everything that I love about this story, and even without motion or all the other addition of an anime, displays and depicts it wonderfully to the reader. It's got the same energy and excitement, and all the same important and valuable pieces to it as well. Just always, always a good time. Can't wait for the next volume to drop (in two months!).
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t0kidal · 2 years ago
Return From Origins Part 5
( Hello! Today, we’re going shopping
Masterlist ) 
“Iruma-sama, it’s almost done, please hold on a little longer.”
Iruma was getting fitted for a new wardrobe and Sullivan opted to take everyone as a fun family outing.
He was probably a little apprehensive about the measuring tape.
Meanwhile, Sullivan and you deigned to wait for Opera and Iruma outside in an adjacent drawing room, looking at different designs. 
“I think a good pair of shorts and shirts would be good for him..” you start. “He also needs long socks and shoes, such will be perfect for practical uses like hunting and staying warm without over heating.”
‘Hunting?’ yeah, the demons servicing you are a little confused but brush it off as a Sullivan’s daughter thing. (All the strong demons are already strange on the regular.)
“Mou~! I want more cute clothes for the coming Summer! Imagine! Our cute little boy in a sailor suit!”
“Hmm, he’s still a baby right now though... maybe it’d be better to stick with mid weight onesies? We can still get some spring showers and he’s not quite old enough to maintain his body heat...”
“W-why don’t we move on to an ensemble for the Ms?”
Now, it probably wasn’t the best idea to come out into the public, but Balam managed to concoct two perfumes, one for now (gentler) and one for as he grows (stronger). As for you, it’s been about a month, some wilder habits are hard to kill off but you’re adjusting alright. The real issue, however, was whether or not your eyes would ever go back to being normal looking. They haven’t yet, but masks and veils should provide a temporary remedy till they do.
As part of your reappearance to society, shopping was a critical necessity; especially as your get up of Opera’s spare clothes, a delicate veil, and long untamed hair, due to just how much there was (and unspeakable damage), didn’t really pair well.
“Welcome, Lord Sullivan.” Ah, you were here.
“Hi Hiii~! I’m here to get a wardrobe tailored for my daughter here~!”
“Understo-“ they’re cut off as they get a glimpse of your ensemble. “…”
You rub the back of your neck.
“Would you like for us to call for a hair dresser as well? My colleague runs the boutique next door.”
Sullivan looks to you.
“That would be nice, thank you.” You took the liberty to respond at that.
Fresh cut, fresh wash, fresh clothes, you looked…
So damn good.
Absolutely drop dead, on my knees, step on me please, gorgeous.
Opera and Iruma shared the same starry eyes expression as Sullivan took the opportunity to snap some good transformation photos.
“I’m here Iruma.” Opera gives your look a nod of approval and a satisfied ear twitch as you take your son.
“We look pretty good, don’t we, Irumamamama.”
He giggles his baby giggle.
“Why don’t we break for lunch now? I feel refreshed but also a little worn, we’ve been busy.”
Hours of shopping and hours of grooming will do that to you.
“Fufufu~ as you wish~! I hear there’s a nice sweets shop nearby.”
“I meant food first, Su-… Da-… Father.”
“Huuu~ C’moooon~ just this once~?”
“My Lady is right Master, we ought to eat a proper meal and then have desert. Besides, you already ate so many chocolates on the way over, did you think I wouldn’t notice?”
“Hmph~.” He pouted…
“Kalego-kun? What are you doing here?”
“Hng!” You swear you could see him age a couple centuries just by hearing Opera call him.
After a lovely lunch, which felt so relaxing not having to catch it yourself, you relented to your father’s (it still felt a little odd referring to him as such) begging and went to ‘King’s Sweetery’.
Iruma was calm in your arms but you could see how he gazed with so much wonder at the colorful storefront.
Unlike your former schoolmate as he struggled to maintain a gentler heart rate.
“Opera,” you decide to spare the near death demon, “would you please stop Father from buying the whole store? We don’t need Iruma getting any cavities now.”
Opera absolutely knew what you were doing but obliged all the same, especially since what you said was true, Sullivan was discussing what appeared to be a contract with a very distraught looking manager.
“As you wish, my Lady.”
Once Opera was out of earshot you hear Kalego breath a sigh of relief before recomposing himself and staring stoically at you with crossed arms.
“… He’s… oddly well behaved.” Great start, Kalego.
“Well, I’d say it’s because he’s mine but… we both know otherwise.”
Iruma, chose that exact moment to stare curiously at the stern demon.
“Would you like to say ‘Hi’? Iruma?” You start to step closer to Kalego, a smile forming on the exposed half of your face.
“Tsk, are you sure that’s a good idea?”
To be honest, not really. It didn’t take a scientist to know that Kalego as a person took to children like oil to water, and vice versa. But… you wanted to ensure that, with your slow assimilation to society, Iruma would have an easier time with his current support and more.
Plus, unlike most babies, Iruma was a special case.
“Gaah!” He cooed sweetly.
“… what are you looking at?”
“Wuuuuu aaah! Ah!”
And to your surprised, Iruma makes as though he’s reaching out to Kalego, before settling and slowly mimicking the grumpy demon’s stern expression.
“Wuuu.” Like a little growl escapes his lips, till it’s followed by a giggle.
Needless to say Kalego wasn’t all too thrilled and his frown deepened.
“It’s not polite to mock others,” with much hesitation, Kalego reaches out a finger… and pokes his cheek.
“Wuh!” Pouts Iruma.
“Heh…” Kalego smiles, not entirely malicious, but catches himself after the look you give him and coughs to clear his throat.
“I am, Naberius Kalego.” He gently offers his hand to shake. (Very professional)
“Wuu..!” Iruma, very cutely places his own hand into Kalego’s.
“There’s a good boy, Irumaaaa” you tickle him and follow his cute giggles with little kisses.
“Hmph, now are you satisfied?” Stern once again you see.
“Yes yes, much appreciated, Kalego.”
“Kalego! You gotta try this!” Hm? Oh! It’s Shichiro. “I bumped into Opera-senpai and Sullivan-sama and we got a great deal o- Oh! Y/n! You’re here too! And is that Iruma?”
“Yes, look how cute he looks in his new clothes!”
“Adorable~! You’re looking good as well! That hair cut suits you!” It’s promptly ruffled by a large, gentle, hand.
“Thank youuu, Shichiro. Did you come out with Kalego?”
“Well, I was just out and about when we happened to come to the same shop and opted to spend the rest of the time catching up.”
“And speaking of catching up,” says Kalego. “I’ll catch up to you later Shichiro, I need to go before that fiend comes by-”
“Oh? Is that my dear Kouhai?”
Kalego could not catch a break. He just wanted to go home and enjoy the wine he just bought, instead - and while he enjoys his colleague’s company - he’s now in a sticky situation, named Opera.
Opera was a menace. 
But you... 
If it weren’t for that veil he might’ve assumed that you had never changed, humble, willfully, fearfully, strong.
But the eyes that stared back at him just two weeks ago don’t lie, rather, they say too much.
You’re back now, yes, but for what reason? A whim? It sounded like a whim. Going off the rails could’ve been a whim, though you might insist that it wasn’t. 
Course, the child in your arms suggested some truth to that.
‘Who was the father?’ he quickly shut that down. It wasn’t any of his business after all... but how could you fall into such a situation? who was the scumbag to sire this child and leave you alone with him? Another ‘Returned’?
And ‘Iruma’, small, blue, soft, ‘Iruma’, how would you raise this boy? Would he turn out like you? Strong? Insecure?
Tsk, he was having a lot of useless intrusive thoughts today... The wine by his side would be a surefire remedy for such.
Yet, despite the scornful thoughts in his head, his heart felt something... odd shift watching you interact with your son.
A similar odd from when you went to school together.
Shichiro observed his colleague get lost in thought, a strange occurrence but yes, even the great guard dog of Babyls could get distracted. It’s something he tries to do when being talked at by a certain senpai but had never succeeded at before.
Not that he blames him, he knew that Kalego missed you too. Your absence had a strange effect on everyone, especially as you succumbed to your evil phase and went off grid. 
It was almost evident that demon society at the time, when the strong ran rampant through the halls and the weak cowered or ran away, was to blame for your transformation.
Given that you decided to take in such a squishy child as your son, it only made sense for your return, and your hope, that things were different. 
‘But thank the demon king that you were back.’ He smiled behind his mask as he reached out and began to stroke your locks, the familiar, and unfamiliar, texture soothing him with a moment of peace from his thoughts. 
‘I missed you just as much.’
You were strong, humble, wild and so full of life; it caused his heart to swell and his eyes to grow wide in wonder each and every time you shattered the expectations set for you. Even in Babyls, even returning now. 
(Sorry i went a little off grid myself there. and Thank you for reading this far! I hope you enjoy the next part! that is, right after I write the Next chapter for The Alef!
Hope you have a good one!)
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wyvernquill · 4 years ago
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A drawing for kickitwithyou’s amazing AU fic in which Balam attends Jackapo Institute instead of Babylus - I read the scene of his and Kalego’s reunion and simply couldn’t resist!
(Kalego’s expression was especially fun to draw - if you expect your smol adorable summer camp friend, the appearance of a buff giant in a form-fitting suit sure can throw you off...)
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blue-spider-lily · 5 years ago
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun chapter 70 summary - Walter Park
The gates are open and it’s time to check out all the attractions but with so many of them, it’s hard to decide where to go first. The kids want to scatter but it's not happening on our escort watch
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instead Balam-sensei suggests splitting into 3 teams with one adult per team. To which, Clara suggests a competition -  whichever team will have the most fun is the winner and the adults will treat them to something. Kalego, of course, is like nope wtf, but...
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Balam: Why not? We’re here to have fun, after all... Opera: Gotta show the kids that we adults are cool. Kalego: All right, I’ll let this be the prize... BUT IN THIS CASE, I’M GOING TO GIVE DOUBLE THE HOMEWORK TO THE LAST PLACE TEAM!
(Here comes Petty-sensei...) They draw lots and those are the teams:
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Team Balam aka Precious Boys Team. Balam-sensei’s face tho. He hppy to have someone to cuddle
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Team Opera aka The Cute One. And lastly
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Team Kalego... Poor kids lol After they express their despair in the face of certain defeat (try to have fun with your Lord-of-Darkness Homeroom teacher while on school break), Kalego decides to give them a word of encouragement
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Kalego: All right, if you brats end in the last place, you’ll getting quadruple the homework
(Kalego, you petty, petty man...)
Afer they split ways Team Opera decides to go shopping (because Ameri will look fabulous in a dress
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and Team Kalego will just try to have fun (somehow). Meanwhile in Team Balam, Azz and Sabnock are still arguing and Iruma...
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Iruma is basically like WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. And then, he notices some commotion nearby and goes to check what’s interesting there, only to find...
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...this guy?  Turns out, his father is the owner of Walter Park and, as his son, Flashy-senpai knows every corner of this place. However, new character appears and explains that the young Master was supposed to only observe today because he wants to open his own amusement park in Babylus (I want to see Kalego’s face when he hears about this) but he ran off and jumped on the attractions the second his guard blinked.
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This tired-looking guy is working at the park but kill me if I know how to romanize his name - Uetot? Wetoto? Let’s go with Uetot for now.  After hearing about the competition, Flashy-senpai offers to be their guide and show them some “special and dangerous place where only a few, selected VIPs can enter” to which Uetot panics and says that they absolutely cannot go underground. What’s underground you ask?
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Ronowe-senpai: As you can see, above the ground we have many attractions/ and for them to work a huge amount of magic energy is required. And the source on that energy lives underground. Iruma: Live...? Ronowe: The Prisoners.
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Ronowe: The underground of Walter Park is a prison. / There’s a lot of “funny” demons to see! Uetot: You can’t go there... And they are “crazy” not “funny”!! Next, we got a shot of one of the prisoners and speaking of crazy...
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*disgusted whisper* He’s back...! The crazy-ass senpai is baaaaaaack!
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