#drawing down the moon
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secretcatholicwitch · 1 year ago
Christopagan Spell List Masterpost: 11/17/23
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💫Casting circle ritual:
Call and Releasing the Elements/Quarters
Call and Releasing God and Mary
🌒🌕🌘Esbats ritual:
🐺Wolf Moon
❄️Snow Moon
🐛🐦‍⬛Worm/Crow Moon
🌷Pink/Seed moon
Blessing places:
🖼️House Blessing sigil
🏡House Blessing
Alter Blessing (Coming Soon)
Blessing objects:
📒Spell Book Blessing
🪄Wand/Staff Blessing
🌌Tarot Card Blessing
⚖️Pendulum Blessing
💧Celestial Water
🪴Harvesting Plants And Enchantment
✝️Protective Enchantment: from evil 
👨🏻‍💻Lord, I need a job
💤St. Dymphna sachet for sleep (NEW)
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thethroneislost · 1 year ago
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Beherit Finland Band photos and their 1994 debut LP, "Drawing Down the Moon"
Unique, enjoyable album with quite a bit of dark Finnish ambience.
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looktothenorth · 4 months ago
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boris has always been a literary kitty. today he is exploring his spirituality.
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leyswitchblr · 8 months ago
“where existing organizations or ideas do not offer exactly the right blend of life-affirming philosophy and mythos to assuage one’s soul, then people are free to forge one that does.”
—Michael Lloyd, in Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America
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howlsofbloodhounds · 7 months ago
Tell one random thing about yourself then go on anon and asks your 5 most favorite moots this!
I am currently looking into Paganism although almost everyone on my page probably already knows that rn. 💀 its been very fun so far, never knew there was a word for my beliefs.
Currently I am reading Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler. And then maybe I’ll do research into certain deities, such as Lady Hecate and Lady Aphrodite. Hecate is actually the reason I was drawn to Paganism at all.
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rastronomicals · 5 months ago
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11:43 AM EDT October 13, 2024:
Beherit - "Unholy Pagan Fire" From the album Drawing Down the Moon (November 13, 1993)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Brutal Lo-Fi Black Metal
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traegorn · 1 year ago
hello! you recommended specifically the 2006 version of drawing down the moon, and im curious about the differences between it and earlier versions? what was added/changed? thank you! love your blog!
It's just the most updated version. Margot Adler released several revisions of the book, and mostly it was just updates to new things that happened. Like the state of the modern witchcraft movement was very different in 2006 than it was when she first published in 1979. The 2006 edition includes major events and community changes that happened in those twenty-seven years, including the early online witchcraft communities of the 1990s and early 2000s.
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tomoleary · 2 years ago
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Cover Art for Drawing Down the Moon: The Art of Charles Vess
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dark-academia-alcoholic · 6 months ago
As a practicing witch and general occultist for well over two decades, I see these kinds of correspondences and wonder at their source. Sometime ago I began to wonder where exactly the ideas, associations, and correspondences between various herbs and their effects came from. I'd accepted the general consensus from any number of texts, but never once read where they came from. Thus began my journey as a true occultist, in my humble opinion.
I began to read any and every text of old on the subjects of magic, witchcraft, paganism, shamanism, religion, spirituality, etc etc. It was a fascinating journey, and one that I would suggest to any practicing witch or just someone who was interested in such stuff. I will provide a list of interesting texts below. You never know what little bit of lore you may find and add to your own practice! I can confidently say that my own practice is hardly recognizable when compared to what it was before.
All of this to say, I see this post about the different types and uses of water, and I wonder where the author got their ideas from. (Let me be clear, I'm not throwing any judgement at them, nor do I question the authenticity of it. In fact, I actually love this idea, and plan on using it myself.) Did they come up with this on their own? Who knows. Is it from some text of old? Could be. Does it really matter, as long as it works for whomever uses it? Not at all.
I've lost my way with my train of thought on what I was leading up to. Or perhaps, there was no point, and I was simply vomiting words onto the page. Such is life.
Anyway, some really good books of old that I suggest:
Greek Magical Papyri
The Picatrix
The Keys of Solomon
Natural Magick by John Baptista Porta
By no means an exhaustive list, but there's some quite interesting ideas to be found withing. Also, on the subject of books, Drawing Down The Moon is a fantastic anthropological study on the resurgence of Paganism. I cannot recommend it enough.
I will remove myself from the soap box now. <3
~ Abadon
Different types of water and their magickal uses:
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Sea water: good for curse/hex breaking, cleansing, healing, banishing and protection spells.
Dew water: beauty, love and fertility spells, as well as delicate magick. Also Good for Fae work.
Storm water: is great for spells and rituals that has to do with emotional strength, confidence, charge, motivation and force. It’s known for strengthening spells. Also good for curses.
Snow water: Spells and rituals that focus on purity, endings and change, as well as slow working spells.
River water: Good for creating changes, moving on and letting go of negativity, warding and focusing energy.
Rain water: Very multi-purpose, but specifically great for growth and rebirth spells. Great for spells that you want to keep gaining power over time.
Spring water: Growth, holy water, cleansing, protection, prosperity
Moon water: Depending on the moon phase it was created in, it can have different properties.
Sun Water: protection, healing, clairvoyance, courage, strength, prosperity, luck, self-love, cleansing and creativity.
Swamp Water: Used for banishing and binding.
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runes-and-bones · 3 months ago
the hyper-focus has really kicked in lately so i've been making some noticeable progress on my witchy tbr. i've been creeping slowly through drawing down the moon by margot adler for several months now. my problem is that i keep going down random rabbit holes when she mentions things that i want to know more about. (prominent figures, terms i don't know, other works, etc.) and it. is a. Problem.
i've now put the book down temporarily (again) while i read witchcraft and magic in 16th and 17th century europe by geoffrey scarre. i also put witches, midwives, and nurses on hold at the library because i've seen discourse online about it and got curious. i'm just all over the place, y'all.
i'm not a religious witch/wiccan/neopagan, but drawing down the moon has been such a great resource. i love deep diving into topics that interest me so it's been a ton of fun learning the history of modern witchcraft alongside my dabbling. i already have a list as long as my arm of other works i want to track down based solely on what adler has cited so far. i am delighted.
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leyswitchblr · 8 months ago
“I make no claims as a witch to ‘supernatural powers,’ but I totally believe in the super powers that reside in the natural.”
—Leo Martello, in Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America
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golvio · 8 months ago
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daeyumi · 2 months ago
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⚫️ Ominous 🌑🩸
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rastronomicals · 11 months ago
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3:17 AM EDT April 22, 2024:
Beherit - "Salomon's Gate" From the album Drawing Down the Moon (November 13, 1993)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Brutal Lo-Fi Black Metal
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 1 month ago
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Needed an excuse to draw sun in his natural habitat (unpaid babysitter).
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nonametofound · 2 years ago
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Drawing Down the Moon Beherit
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