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moja--nesmrtelna · 11 months ago
Moja nesmrteľná - Kapitola 9
/toto je slovenský preklad my immortal, nie som autor tohto diela, len ho samozvane prekladám/
AP: prestante flamovať ok! Nectila som vstk klhy! Tot je z filmou ok tkže to neje moja vina ak dublrod nadava! Mimo POVEDALA SOM žE HO BOLLA HLOVA! A dovod prečo snap nema rád harryho teraz je preto že je krsťan a vampír je satanista ! MCR KMENE!
Bola som tak naštvaná a smutná. Nedokázala som uveriť že ma drako podvádzal. Začala som plakať opierajúc sa o strom kde som to robila s Drakom.
Vtom z ničoho nič muž s červenímy očami a žiadnim nosom a všetkím začal lietať ku mne na metle! Nemal nos (prakticky Voldemort vo filmoch) a bol v celom čiernom, ale bolo jasné že nie je gotický. Bol to…………Voldemort! 
,,Nie!” kričala som vo vystašenom hlase ale potom Voldemort zakričal ,,Impérius!” a nemohla som utiecť.
,,Krucijus!” kričala som na neho. Voldemort spadol z jeho metle a začal kričať. Bolo mi ho ľúto aj keď som sadistky, tak som prestala. 
,,Eben.” kričal. “Ty musíš zmárniť Vampíra Hrnčiara!” 
Premýšľala som o Vampírovy a jeho seksi očiacha jeho gotickýck čiernych vlasoch a to ako jeho tvár vizerá ako Džoul Maden. Spomenula som si ako Drako povedal že to nerozumiem, a pomyslela som si t, čo ak drako chodil s Vampírom predtím než chodil so mnou a potom sa rozišli? 
,,Nie, Voldemort!” kričala som späť. 
Voldemort mi dal pušku. ,,Nie! Prosím!” žobráčila som.
 ,,Ty musíš!” he yelled. “Ak tak nevikonáš, budem musieť zmárniť tvojho ľubného Draka!” 
,,Ako si to vedel?” opýtala som sa ho prekvapením spôsobom
Voldemort mal pohľad typu tak-ti-jebe na svojej tvári . ,,Mán kinetolózu.” odpovedal kruto. ,,A ak nezmoríš vamíra , tak vieš čo sa stane Drakovi!” kričal. Potom nahnevane odletel na metle. 
 Bola som tak vystrašená a nahnevaná že som nevedela čo mám urobiť. Zničohonič drako prišiel do lesa.
,,Drako!”povedala som. ,,Ahoj!” 
,,Ahoj.” povedal ale jeho tvár bola celá smutná. Nosil biely podklad a neporiadnu očnúlinku trochu ako pentagram (chpt) medzi Džoulom Madenom a Džerardom Cestou.
,,Si oukej?” opýtala som sa. 
,,Nie.” odpovedal.
,,Prepáč že som na teba bola celá nahnevaná myslela som si že ma podvádzaš.” vyhostila som. 
,,To je oukej.” povedal celý depresívnya šli sme do Rokfórtu spolu robiac sa von.  
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focsle · 3 years ago
18, 19, 22 👀
What sets your story apart from others in its genre?
Gosh I don't know, this question makes me just go 'BUT WHAT IF IT'S ALL DERIVATIVE?'. I think, perhaps, I'm more interested in historical logistics even though it's ultimately a supernatural ghost story. Like, I make a point to include how the amount of provisions that will last four months on a ship, and what people are paid, and how whalers got letters from home, and what the hierarchy and hunting process is in a whale boat, and what random tinctures were given for what random ailments. Act I is a lot of Logistics.
What was the first idea that eventually turned into the story? How much has it changed?
Lol in 2014 I made a trio of shitty rich people. I made them shipowners in the yankee whaling industry because that history interested me, but ultimately it was an interpersonal drawing room drama about these terrible sibling capitalists who couldn't communicate with each other. And I felt like I had to make too many historical reaches to make it work, that the story being centered on them and sympathetic to them undermined the themes that I ultimately wanted to play with that were surfacing, and that as I also got more frustrated with the Real World I just....couldn't care about the emotional turmoil of robber barons lol. So I trashed it years later. And now within the past year it is revived anew. With almost all of the earlier characters gone, with the exception of two whalers, one of whom is the story's main character now. It's centered entirely on a whaleship, on the drama of the whaleship, and is also a Spooky Ghost Story.
Give three words that describe your story’s atmosphere. Greasy, dark, and windy.
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islandofshee-ohg · 5 years ago
drakomancy replied to your post “islandofshee-ohg: I’d also like to be able to check out some of you...”
Okay well off the bat I love the theater in your house. 
I also love how organized it looks! And the back area where you get to crazy redd’s little port is just full of stuff and looks like a place Redd would hang out. Beardo’s backyard essentially being a lecture hall was pretty great, he legit looks like a college professor. And the winding trail leading to your campsite was super cute.
It feels like a nice cozy town and I always envy the way people can set up their towns with such nice flow. 
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lowercasebreezy · 6 years ago
drakomancy replied to your post: Anyone notice that since the porn purge a lot more...
yeah that post about excluding some wlw from butch and femme had me like ?????? Makes me want to step away from tumblr cause I’ve never seen that discourse from wlw in real life…
i am on bended knee begging young tumblr queers to go outside
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charteredlibertine · 6 years ago
First name: Galen Nickname: ?? None? Age: 28 Gender: male Sexual Orientation: gay Nationality: american Relationship status: single Likes: dress shirts and looking dandy Dislikes: traffic Random fact: has really good characters!
Gosh, sorry for taking so long to respond to this! You got almost everything spot-on! Here are the answers for the ones you missed:
Nickname: A few of my friends have taken to calling me “Gay,” and I kind of love it lol.
Age: I turned 29 in April, actually, but it seems I forgot to update my age in my tumblr bio. Whoops! That’s my bad.
Gender: Honestly, this isn’t even a fair question, cus I’m not sure I have an answer myself lol. The words I’ve settled on for now as the most accurate descriptors are trans-masculine/genderqueer. Despite being trans-masc and using masculine honorifics (such as “sir”), I don’t consider myself to be “male.” It’s one of those, uhh…weird gender-y things that I don’t have an explanation for, hahaha.
Sexual orientation: Technically I’m bi, but I often call myself “gay” as a sort of generic term for being bi/queer, so I’ll count this one as correct! :D
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pluviou · 6 years ago
Et on continue de plus belle ^-^
Inktober 16 : Maya, qui est un persona “secondaire” (le principal étant Pluie :’3), qui représente plutôt mon côté Minecraftien. Parce que j’adore botter des culs sur Minecraft donc voilà... xD
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Inktober 17 : Chiro, l’un de mes deux drakomes d’amour ♥ Il a une histoire assez triste, mais que je ne dévoilerais pas, je vous spoilerais masse d’événements de mes futurs romans x)
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Inktober 18 : Théo, le deuxième de mes drakomes d’amour ♥ Il est tellement chou ;w; je l’aime trop trop trop !
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Inktober 19 : Lune, ma chieuse badass professionnelle :D la dessiner qui fait un doigt était.. instructif ? Non, j’ai adoré en vrai, et j’adore ce personnage, c’est l’un de mes favoris ♥ (vous allez beaucoup m’entendre dire ça avec les prochains personnages je vous préviens x))
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Inktober 20 : UNO, l’un des rares robots OC que j’ai (je n’en ai qu’un officiel, et peut-être un deuxième si je garde celui que j’ai créé en cours xD), il est assez dépravé et misérable mais apprendra à reprendre goût à la vie, si on peut dire x)
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focsle · 3 years ago
OH I haven’t seen that movie but I’m pretty sure from my Bird Research it’s based on a real dude who did commit a murder BUT ALSO was known for being the foremost expert on the Kirtland’s Warbler, a highly endangered species that breeds only in a few patches of Michigan
Thank you for this background knowledge I will also take in with me.
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islandofshee-ohg · 5 years ago
drakomancy replied to your post “drakomancy replied to your post “islandofshee-ohg: I’d also like to...”
Thank you! I visited your town and it’s really cute! I don’t know who the person on your flag is but I was laughing when I found the shrine!
Thank you! I find that my style of island building is “a lot of cute little areas”
And that would be Hien from final fantasy 14. He is in the number 1 spot of my favorite video game boy list.
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lowercasebreezy · 5 years ago
drakomancy replied to your photo “Made this. If someone’s made a better one link me to it please!”
Sent to my gf who is very excited to wear!
send pics
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agape358 · 3 years ago
o drakom Bohu 龍神について(スロバキア語)
Čo tým myslíš, odkaz z oblohy?
vesmír je svet stoviek miliónov rokov
a podstata života sa stále reinkarnuje
a učte sa a podporujte sa navzájom
zákon vesmíru je zákon vesmíru
ľudia žijú s zabudnutím
aby mi to pripomenulo
nebo vždy udržuje informácie dole.
ale ľudia môžu získať informácie
a nahraď ju svojou vlastnou túžbou.
Kopa ľudských túžieb sa zrútila v rovnováhe života a smrti
a nemôžeme im zabrániť v raste ohrozených druhov
zem kričí.
mesiac, ktorý podporuje mesto, je vyčerpaný.
a preto
a nechaj si tú nebeskú správu
je to absolútne nevyhnutné.
Jediné sto percent svetovej dôvery je, že je to úloha
a prúd vody
posledná reinkarnácia na tomto svete.
Hasutomo Cocoro je tu
Riskuje svoj život a urobí poslednú časť tohto sveta
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lacrimore · 7 years ago
22 and 23?
Thank youuu!
Do you have a favorite place in this world? It can, again, be a city, country, specific building, or anything else!The story will really have a kind of city-in-a-bottle, or rather house-in-a-bottle sort of worldbuilding, so there won’t be much learning about the ‘mainland’ outside of the cultural bits Van and Sivre bring with them. Lacrimore will have a greenhouse. It’s ALMOST a self sustaining property because it’s so isolated, so I think it’ll be neat to explore what that will look like. As well as the massive solariums some of its rooms were turned into when it was basically being used as a quarantine station. I think it’ll just be fun trying to design this strange puzzle of a house.
How prominent are things like natural disasters? What types can occur?Lacrimore is situated in the middle of a great lake that behaves more like an ocean. There can be very dangerous squalls. Though the house is located at a high elevation, sometimes the waves can reach high enough for flooding to be a concern too.And if disease can be considered a natural disaster, there was a massive years-long epidemic of a hemorrhagic fever (colloquial name still in the works!) that happened on the mainland and had a devastating effect on the population. Physically and psychologically. 
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focsle · 4 years ago
6, 10, 13, 31!
Thank you!
6. Single or multiple POV? Multiple POV, but not TOO many. I like to bounce fairly equally between the perspectives of two characters who are foils to each other. And sometimes dip into the perspectives of other satellite characters but the main narrative tends to center on Two.
10. Do you set yourself deadlines? Nope, it’s basically a ‘it’s done when it’s done’ sorta deal. I’ll set low stakes half hour timers though to do writing or planning. I try to do that daily if I have the energy.
13. Describe your writing process from idea to polished Vague vibes, usually some sort of scenery and a piece of music. I pull from my dreams a lot. Then I plot, starting from a rough summary arc of the whole piece & themes I wanna explore, to the arc of three acts, to the story beats within each act, to action beats within each story beat. Basically when I have little snippets of ideas for scenes or lines of dialogue I’ll just messily stick them in my outline in the corresponding scene to come back to. I also worldbuild alongside my outline so they sort of come up together. Then I write—longhand if I’m feeling stuck or if I’m traveling. Usually go through 3-4 drafts to get to final, but I also have a bad habit of editing constantly as I go so the first draft is usually pretty polished. The drafts that follow are usually centered around fixing narrative issues rather than spiffing up the language or doing major rewrites.
31. Least favorite part of writing Building the outline tbh. It’s the hardest part for me because it’s the foundation of everything that follows and so I always feel a lot of pressure. It’s also when I have the most self doubt about the story cos it’s hard to be like ‘this will be good’ when I’m like ‘he goes to the store and something upsets him idk think about it!!’.
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People often say they hope their deceased pet dog is chasing squirrels in doggy heaven… what did all of those squirrels do to deserve an afterlife of torment?
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vsetkybuducevraskylasky · 7 years ago
Budeš tam bojovať s drakom. Buď ťa porazí, alebo sa budeš živiť jeho silou. Vďake kráse a sile tvojej hudby sa ti možno podarí nasmerovať k múdrosti, ak vieš ísť k podstate, do centra a do srdca.
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focsle · 4 years ago
Happy birthday! Remember: thirty, flirty and THRIVING!
I am so glad to not be a 20 something anymore FOR REAL.
Also I have TWO WHITE STRANDS OF HAIR that showed up this year to celebrate the occassion.
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