#drakgo in october
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bcbdrums · 1 year ago
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Another piece I commissioned from the incredible @benjimatorarts!
This is an illustration from the first one-shot of the anthology series, Drakgo in October!
I seriously love everything about this... The consternation on Drakken's face, Shego's resignation to the argument... How utterly delectable that pumpkin looks! And the overall vibe is just screaming all the best things about the fall season. Every tiny detail is stunning, THANK YOU!!!
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gogofordrakgo · 2 years ago
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bcbdrums · 2 years ago
Masterpost of Masterposts
I don't even know...lol. Here's all(??) of my KP/Drakgo masterposts linked in a single place. This includes general Drakgo fandom, and my own personal stuff. I probably forgot something.
💜Kim Possible Timeline - determining actual dates from canon
💙Drakgo Author List - all Drakgo authors I have found
💚Drakgo Episodes Chronologically
💙Drakken's Lairs - all of Drakken's lairs in the series, with photo/episode references
💚Shego's Age - cuz why not, but please click the Reddit link in this post for more info lol
💙My Drakgo Fanfics (150+ and counting!)
💚The Little Ones fic collection
💙Drakgo in October fic collection
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bcbdrums · 2 years ago
Drakgo in October!
A prompt a day from this list, fanfiction of course!  Each chapter is a one-shot.
I’d been posting each chapter as a reblog of a prior post, but as I have just learned that reblogs never show up in searches, each chapter will be its own posting now.  When I finish the prompts, I’ll do a masterpost of all the chapters.  I’m tagging each one “drakgo in october” if you want to tag search my blog for each tumblr chapter posting.
Chapters 1 - 15 on FFn
Chapters 1 - 15 on AO3
Hope you enjoy some mostly fall-themed Drakgo fun!
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bcbdrums · 2 years ago
Please tell me there will be more of Drakgo in October?
oh my goodness, okay first of all YES there will be more, i just got hung up on the next prompt and then a lot of Adulting has had to happen, thus the delays. but yes i'll be doing some more! off schedule sadly, but oh well.
thank you so much for the ask, i didn't even know if anyone was reading them!
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bcbdrums · 2 years ago
A/N: Gonna try... Can't promise I'll get through the prompts. But we'll see how far I make it.
I can't think of lighthouses without thinking of "To the Moon," which, if you're not familiar, treat yourself to watching Markiplier or Cry play through this world-class RPG on YouTube. No, this fic does not resemble that game. There's a tiny nod if you squint.
Read on: FFn AO3
13. Lighthouse
Shego glanced at the hunch of Drakken's back as he bent over the open electrical panel in his new laser, not that anyone would recognize the device as such. A converted lighthouse was the perfect disguise, he had told her, and for the purpose he had outlined it was certainly clever. Not that she'd tell him she thought so.
The man in blue hummed happily to himself, and despite her misgivings about the plan, Shego looked through the tall panes of glass out to the vast ocean beyond the peninsula where they waited inside the commandeered beacon. The skies were filled with a thin layer of clouds to the horizon, the light of the setting sun concealed as a result but the atmosphere not completely darkened. There was still an aura of life in the salty air as opposed to the gloom she sometimes felt looking out on a dark, churning sea.
"It won't be long now, Shego," Drakken said, bringing her focus back to the giddy scientist. Having sealed the panel, he rubbed his gloved hands in satisfaction and practically skipped over to join her at the window.
"Yeah, but domestic terrorism? It's quite a step down from world domination, Doc," she said with a smirk, drawing upon a well-practiced attitude to tease him even though she wasn't really feeling it.
"Au contraire, Shego," he said, giving her an enigmatic grin. "This is one of the biggest supply chains in the world. With resources cut off and under my control, the nations will have no choice but to yield to my rule."
The gleam in his eyes was as evil as the grin that spread across his face as he suddenly fell silent, staring out at the same rolling waters that so often left her feeling uncertain. She watched him, atypically silent as he was clearly thinking hard on something. But whether it was the plan itself or an imagined future where he was king of the world, she didn't get the chance to ask, because suddenly his brow rose and he clapped his hands together and whirled around before she could even blink.
"Our first victim!" he cried gleefully as he returned to the laser controls.
Shego turned to the windows again and started scanning the seas below. Sure enough, a massive cargo vessel was coming into view from behind a rock outcrop, oblivious to the fact that the usual life-giving light source was to be its doom in mere moments. Assuming Drakken's laser worked, of course.
Shego watched as the happy genius keyed a sequence of commands into the computer, and a loud hum slowly filled the lantern room. Forgotten until that moment, muffled protests sounded from behind the gags of the lighthouse operators Shego had tied up hours before. She looked down to see the wide eyes of the two men becoming frantic as Drakken's plan moved closer and closer to fulfillment. She stepped over and gave one man a condescending pat on the cheek.
"Hey, don't worry about it. You're safe in here. Probably. It's those sailors on that boat who should be making their peace with God."
"Would you care to do the honors, Shego?" Drakken said with a sudden spin, stepping aside and giving a gentlemanly bow and gesture to the big red switch that activated the firing mechanism. "The coordinates are all programmed."
Shego grinned and stepped up to the controls, passing Drakken as he moved to the window. He paused and glanced down into the desperate and fearful eyes of the two bound men.
"You know, as I'll be ruling the world soon you'll be in need of new careers. I offer dental," he said cheerily.
"Ready?" Shego asked.
Drakken looked out the window at the cargo ship, and then to her.
"Fire," he said with a nod, his voice hushed and eyes practically ablaze with excitement.
Shego held her breath as she pulled the lever, and the hum that had surrounded them turned into a piercing whine as the lantern suddenly became a massive, directed white beam that split the sky above the dark waters and struck its target directly. Shego shied away from the heat that filled the room, watching in astonishment as explosions began taking place on the ship. And then almost as quickly as it had appeared, the beam was gone.
She startled back to awareness, Drakken's commanding presence suddenly looming in front of her where he had hurriedly moved to turn off the laser. A cold wind was rushing past her, blowing hers and Drakken's hair and his coat. She realized she had briefly heard the tinkling of breaking glass when the laser cut through the windows upon approaching its target, but the last few seconds were a blur and she was suddenly experiencing things in slow motion.
It worked. The laser, and as a result, the plan...worked. Out on the waters, the cargo ship was aflame and slowly beginning to sink, while inside the lighthouse the two bound guards were on their knees, the fire of the explosions reflecting in their fearful eyes. And Drakken... For a moment he stood great and powerful looking out at the destruction, his triumphant cackle carrying on the wind. And in the next moment, Shego was startled out of her reverie again as his hands were around her waist, spinning her with him as he continued to laugh.
"Victory is mine! Just wait until the next ship comes along! The schedule has them staggered enough that they'll never see it coming!"
Shego focused in on his face, the rest of the lantern room blurring around them except for the light that still shone as decoy in the center of the structure flashing in her eyes with each loop Drakken spun her through. Beyond the seas, the sun finally finished its journey below the horizon and the skies darkened. The fire from the explosion reflected on the broken windows while the lantern light shone from the other side, creating an eerie atmosphere within the structure itself.
But all of this was secondary to Shego as Drakken continued to laugh with reckless abandon, spinning her and spinning her until all she could see was the blue of his face framed by his dark hair blowing in the breeze, and his pearly whites grinning down at her in pure joy.
"You did it," she said almost breathlessly as she held tightly to his shoulders and fought to keep her feet amid his wild dance.
This seemed to bring him back to awareness, and he slowed them to a stop as he gazed down at her, realizing what he'd done but not appearing the least bit insecure about it. Another distant explosion sounded, and they looked out to where another fireball and dark puff of smoke rose from what remained of the cargo ship. When their eyes met again, Drakken's laughter bubbled up anew.
One of his hands tightened on her waist, but the other he moved to pull one of hers from his shoulder. Her eyes widened as he began to actually dance, leading her around the room in front of the lantern as the explosion's glow grew more dim. As she moved with him to the rhythm of an imagined song, the scene around them began to fade, leaving only his smiling face and the delight in his eyes. And it wasn't long before a low chuckle rose from her belly and escaped the affectionate grin that had somehow found its way to her lips.
Drakgo in October!
A prompt a day, from this list, but written since I don’t have the patience or energy for art LOL!  Check the reblogs for the actual fics.
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bcbdrums · 3 years ago
My Drakken/Shego Fanfics Masterpost
It has come to my attention that I have written...a lot of Drakgo fics.  So I thought I'd make this post to try to help.
Fics are listed alphabetically in the categories I've given them, with sequels below them for ease.
I’ve tried to give a small description and category for each fic.
Links given to each fic are the FanFiction.net link.  However, if you prefer to read on ArchiveOfOurOwn.org, you can click the following to find my KP/Drakgo fics there.  
I feel I am terrible at describing my own fics without giving anything away, so do click links and read the actual summaries and author’s notes on the site to give you better context.
Be aware, many fics may have adult themes or mentions of adult themes.  I would describe my NSFW content as similar to modern sitcoms or TV dramas.  If you’ve seen Titanic, I’d say it’s slightly more than that.
Some of these fics are headcanon, many are not, and some I’m going to later retcon to become headcanon...  That said, don’t hurt yourself looking for any continuity.  I apologize... My thoughts are one big jumble and I want to explore every possibility within Drakgo~  Someday I will go through and mark which fics are headcanon... Today is not that day.
***If you are reading this post from a reblog, check my page to see if the post has been updated, as I intend to continue publishing more and more Drakgo fics!  I’ll list dates updated as I go along.
ORIGINAL POST:  5/21/2022 UPDATED: 6/11/2022 - new fic, and added word counts and a few headcanon indications. UPDATED: 7/22/2022 - four new fics! Updated: 7/24/2022 - new fic! Updated:  6/16/2023 - new fic!  oh snap it’s been way too long... Updated 9/18/2023 - new fic, a WIP this time!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Drakgo in December! - a series of mini one-shots that are all part of one continuing holiday-themed slow burn.  (romance/fluff) 29,100 words.
Five Kisses Under the Mistletoe - a Christmas kiss for each year Drakken and Shego have known each other, pre-canon to post-canon.  (romance/humor) 6,901 words.
Forget the Days Gone By - Shego's backstory, with some post-grad developing relationship Drakgo mixed in. (family/drama/headcanon) 42,080 words.
Mad Angry, Mad Crazy - just what happened in between "Mad Dogs and Aliens" and "Clothes Minded" that got Drakken and Shego reconciled...? (angst/suspense) 52,784 words.
Pandemic - an AU set pre-So the Drama paralleling our real world pandemic; Drakken and Shego going through that situation and a tumultuous romance.  (romance/angst/drama/tragedy/nsfw) 86,631 words.
There's Christmas—and Christmas - post-canon domestic chaos, in which Mama Lipsky visits the lair for the holiday and Drakken gets a unique early gift that torments Shego... Surprise twists abound.  (humor/romance/nsfw/headcanon) 67,352 words.
Things Change - a short post-grad “how they got together,” my first of very many in that area of Drakgo fic! (slight angst/romance) 6,722 words.
The Little Ones - very short one-shots that I'm posting in a collection so I don't have dozens of fics that are less than 2,000 words.  A few over 2K have snuck in, which is my error, but I’m not migrating them out.  Most of these shorts are unrelated, but there are some that became part of a continuing story, and others that are mini-sequels to other longer fics and part of my headcanon.  A little bit of something for everyone in this collection!  Masterpost of just these fics is here!
The Watermelon Saga - a small series of fics contained in this collection, which I’ve made a separate post about for ease.  (fluff/romance/nsfw/humor/family/headcanon)
Drakgo in October! - WIP; unrelated one-shots based on prompts for the month of October.  Autumn-flavored fics. 24,574 words so far.
Long narratives that should be multi-chapter:
A Day in the Life of Bonnie Rockwaller - there's more to the snobby cheerleader than meets the eye...  Set just before the episode "Homecoming Upset." (gen/introspective) 13,597 words.
Adrift - Drakken and Shego are lost at sea... (angst/romance) 25,420 words.
Lost World - a hover-car crash takes Drakken and Shego to a place with terrifying unknowns. (adventure) 17,700 words.
Passing Storms - Drakken and Shego learn more about each other while trapped in a cabin during a thunderstorm, with some unexpected revelations throughout. (angst/romance/introspective) 23,562 words.
One-Shots (with sequels indicated beneath):
A Knotty Situation - in which personalized lasers, awkward flirting, and tangled hair lead Drakgo into deeper and deeper ridiculousness.  (humor) 5,457 words.
A Sock or Two of Bother - what has been happening to Drakken’s lost socks and what happens when Shego goes looking for them? (humor/mystery) 2,678 words.
Actions - another post-Grad get-together fic; a horrible misunderstanding gets Shego questioning her feelings. (angst/romance) 3,583 words.
Angels There With You Tonight - in which Drakken has a secret, and the henchmen worry. (angst/tragedy) 3,817 words.
As the Images Unwind - movie night at the lair is rife with arguments, pranks, confrontation, and the teasing of unspoken feelings. (humor/slice of life/friendship) 4,962 words.
Beautiful - a brief look at how Drakken views himself, and how Shego views him. (introspective/romance/nsfw) 1,459 words.
Still Beautiful - a brief look at how Shego views herself, and how Drakken sees her. (introspective/romance/nsfw) 5,713 words. Learning Beautiful - another look at how Drakken views himself, and how he might need to change that view. (introspective) 2,516 words.
Because the Night - another post-grad get-together fic; Shego makes a decision and forces Drakken to confront the the unspoken feelings between them. (light angst/romance/nsfw) 3,975 words.
Bedtime Story - tiny future fic; Drakgo putting their children to sleep. (slice of life/fluff) 977 words.
Brighter Than the Moon - post-canon, a moonlight picnic, and an unexpected question~ (romance) 5,947 words.
Check out my prison tats, Yo! - Shego comes back to the lair after "Mad Dogs and Aliens." (introspective) 3,427 words.
Choose Your Side - another post-grad get-together fic; Drakken reveals some feelings at karaoke night and forces a conversation about the future. (angst/romance/songfic) 4,438 words.
Depths - post-canon, Drakgo are on the run...but why? (suspense/romance/nsfw/headcanon) 3,195 words.
Empty Embrace - takes place during Graduation; Shego finds herself focusing on wanting Drakken’s arms around her... (introspective) 1,629 words.
Moments - after the invasion, Shego and Drakken suddenly find themselves afraid to be alone... (friendship/introspective) 4,202 words.
Equilibrium - post-grad semi-established relationship; during a storm and power outage at the lair, Drakken wonders and worries about his future with Shego. (humor/angst/romance/nsfw) 4,866 words.
Eye of the Storm - post-Grad pre-UN, Shego can’t sleep after what’s happened. (introspective/friendship) 2,151 words.
Fallen - post-canon possible future, in which Shego leads Drakken into a darker form of villainy... (suspense/action/romance/angst/nsfw) 3,348 words.
Feeling - there are physical feelings, and there are emotional... Drakken breaks down the walls and helps Shego feel at least one. (introspective/friendship/romance) 4,850 words.
Finally, Fair Weather - everything is finally going Drakken’s way... will he be victorious? (gen/romance) 2,032 words.
Forfeit - Drakken has everything he ever wanted...or does he?  (heavy angst/tragedy) 7,436 words.
Heat Wave - Drakgo are moving lairs, and the high heat forces some focus on certain feelings... (romance) 2,719 words.
How to Begin, or the Beginning of Forever - post-grad, Shego isn’t used to being in a relationship, but she’s willing to try to figure it out.  (sickfic/romance) 3,461 words.
Ice Escape - missing scene from “The Truth Hurts,” after Kim flips Shego and Drakken under ice into freezing waters. (action/humor/gen) 4, 698 words.
Jailbirds - Drakken and Shego make a daring escape. (action/gen) 3,420 words.
Just Hold Me - post-canon possible future, an attack leaves Shego hurt in more ways than one.  Can Drakken help?  WARNING: sensitive subject matter. (angst/hurt-comfort/nsfw) 7,524 words.
Just Love Me - direct sequel, deals with one of the traumas that Shego endured at the hands of Sangerson...  Can Drakken help?  WARNING:  sensitive subject matter.  (angst/hunt-comfort/nsfw) 5,377 words
Last Chance - post-canon, Shego isn’t herself and Drakken fears he will lose her... A caper gone wrong forces conversations. (action/angst/romance/nsfw) 8,486 words.
Lonely Forever - my first Drakgo fic, as I was figuring out the characters.  Someone doesn’t want to confess to their feelings... (romance/angst/nsfw) 6,471 words.
The Nightmare and the Dream - the aftermath of certain *cough* choices in the prior fic...but is any of it real?  WARNING:  sensitive subject matter. (angst) 8,405 words.
Meltdown - the Lorwardians have returned for revenge against an unexpected target... (action/suspense) 9,169 words.
Mistake - all he’s ever wanted is a friend, but Drew Lipsky has never felt wanted by anyone his entire life... (angst) 2,817 words.
New Heights - evil date nights with Drakken and Shego are...interesting. (romance) 2,036 words.
Past, Present, Forever - a dinner date, a massage, reminiscing, and some talk of the future... (slice of life/romance/nsfw) 3,237 words.
Priorities - what happens next in “Emotion Sickness.” (action/suspense) 3,825 words.
What is True - Shego has more processing to do after everything... (introspective/friendship) 1,614 words.
Rekindling - Drakgo decide together to move past a tragedy... (angst/romance/headcanon) 1,085 words.
Sand, Snowmen, and Aloha Conversations - post-canon, a holiday vacation doesn’t go exactly as planned. (humor/romance/nsfw) 6,470 words.
Silent Roar - a betrayal and an accident leaves Drakken in dire, potentially life-changing circumstances. (action/angst) 4,688 words.
Solidarity - in which everyone is naked after a scheme gone awry. (humor/gen/nsfw) 6,980 words.
Something More Evil - a freak accident ends up being the most evil thing Drakken could possibly do... (tragedy) 1,892 words.
Stay - another post-grad get-together; at karaoke night, Shego decides it’s time that she and Drakken act on their feelings. (songfic/angst/romance) 3,465 words.
Stone House, Forest of Oak - an AU in which Drakken is a vampire and finds an unlikely love in Shego, a dryad, amid threats to both of their lives. (adventure/romance/fantasy/nsfw) 13,474 words.
Noble Purpose, Dark Course - one of three sequels so far (the others contained in Drakgo in October!, in which the darker sides of a mythical Drakgo are put on display... (horror/fantasy) 2,659 words.
Sunlight, Paint, Flip-Flops, and Old T-Shirts - post-grad, Drakgo are settling into the new reality they’ve chosen after saving the world. (romance) 3,494 words.
Sweet or Sarcastic - a one-shot anthology about aspects of Drakken and Shego’s relationship; unrelated stories answering monthly OTP prompts.
Ch. 1 - First Kiss (romance/humor) 352 words.
Talk To Me - Drakken is thrilled to be dating Shego, except for one thing... Shego tries to figure out what’s bothering him so their relationship can move forward. (light angst/romance) 4,032 words.
The Cocoro of Rococo - Drakken uses the trans-dimensional vortex inducer again, with unexpected results... (humor/romance/nsfw) 3,634 words.
The List - a young Shego in her first days working for Drakken checking off items on her villain bucket-list... (suspense/romance/nsfw) 6,959 words.
The Spice of Life - Shego’s adventure to steal something for Drakken’s new plot has an unexpected outcome. (friendship/action/slice of life) 2,797 words.
They Sing Your Heart's Desire - a hurricane and a hover-car crash lead Drakgo to meet a very unique adversary... (action/suspense) 9,701 words.
The Voice - a crash landing in a rainforest leads to an encounter with a giant spider, and then Drakken and Shego must deal with the aftermath...  (suspense/hurt/comfort) WIP so no word-count yet; multi-chap.
Torment - post-canon, Drakken is all alone and is tortured by not knowing why. (heavy angst) 2,302 words.
Immolation - Shego is all alone, too... WARNING: sensitive subject matter. (heavy angst/tragedy) 2,413 words. Purification - ALTERNATE sequel; will Drakgo stay alone?  (angst/hurt-comfort) 4,726 words.
Uncomplicated Truth - another post-grad get-together; feelings are confessed and awkwardness ensues... (romance/nsfw) 3,254 words.
Victim - when bad things happen to someone their entire life, eventually they begin to see it as their fault own fault...and a prison from which there is no escape. (introspective/heavy angst/very nsfw) (AO3 only) 8,655 words.
Victory - AU ending to So the Drama (gen/romance) 1,801 words.
Warm From the Inside Out - a caper goes a little awry, leading Drakgo into an awkward situation for survival. (humor/adventure/friendship) 4,376 words.
We Forget the World - post-grad, two confused villains figure out what they really want. (introspection/romance) 2,278 words.
What Happens in Vegas - Drakgo wake up with hangovers and questions... (humor/nsfw) 2,108 words.
What She'll Never Know - Kim has lost a fight against Drakken and Shego and could lose her very life... (action) 3,275 words.
What They Say About Coincidence - AU ending to “Return to Camp Wannaweep” in which Kim listens to Ron. (gen/action) 938 words.
Why Does Anyone Go To A Drive-In? - in which a plan to ruin Kim has very, very different result. (humor/nsfw) 2,294 words.
Wildest Dreams - fic for the live-action movie; thoughts of unrequited love abound as the duo’s greatest creation is unveiled. (introspective) 1,028 words.
Windfall - post-canon, a plane crash leaves Drakgo in dire straits.  (suspense/romance) 3,964 words.
Worth Remembering - Drakgo go on a date and reminisce about their respective pasts (slice of life/romance/nsfw) 2,016 words.
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bcbdrums · 5 years ago
All Drakgo Episodes Chronologically
Season 1 1 - Tick-Tick-Tick 2 - Bueno Nacho 3 - Attack of the Killer Bebes 4 - Mind Games 5 - The Twin Factor 6 - Crush 7 - Kimitation Nation 8 - Ron the Man 9 - October 31st
Season 2 10 - Partners 11 - Two to Tutor 12 - Naked Genius 13 - Job Unfair 14 - The Golden Years 15 - Queen Bebe 16 - Car Trouble 17 - Go Team Go 18 - A Very Possible Christmas 19 - Mother's Day 20 - Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles 21 - A Sitch in Time (Part One: Present) 22 - A Sitch in Time (Part Two: Past) 23 - A Sitch in Time (Part Three: Future) 24 - Hidden Talent 25 - Blush 26 - Oh Boyz (Drakken and Shego appear briefly in the final scene) 27 - Ron Millionaire 28 - Showdown at the Crooked D 29 - Rewriting History 30 - Sick Day 31 - The Truth Hurts
Season 3 32 - Steal Wheels 33 - Emotion Sickness 34 - Bad Boy 35 - Dimension Twist 36 - Overdue 37 - Rappin' Drakken 38 - Rufus (Lilo and Stitch Crossover episode) 39 - Team Impossible (Drakken appears briefly) 40 - So the Drama (not in production order, but this was the planned series finale before fans brought the show back for S4)
Season 4 41 - Car Alarm 42 - The Big Job 43 - Mad Dogs and Aliens 44 - Grande Size Me (Drakken and Shego appear briefly two or three times) 45 - Clothes Minded 46 - Odds Man In 47 - Stop Team Go 48 - Cap'n Drakken 49 - The Mentor of Our Discontent 50 - Clean Slate 51 - Larry's Birthday (Drakken and Shego are in the post-credits scene) 52 - Graduation Part 1 53 - Graduation Part 2
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bcbdrums · 4 years ago
Drakgo in October!
A prompt a day, from this list, but written since I don’t have the patience or energy for art LOL!  Check the reblogs for the actual fics.
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