#draken x sis
suzukis-posts · 5 months
𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 - 𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗡𝗢
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Manjiro Sano x Fem!Reader
𝗔𝗗𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔: sexo explícito, actitud enojada, breeding. NSFW en general.
Ni siquiera recuerdas la razón por la que estás enojado con él.
Fue un borrón honestamente. Gritos de enfado, portazos, la terquedad tanto tuya como de Manjiro no cesa.
El argumento te trajo aquí. En el club para intentar aliviar la tensión y reconciliarnos.
Fue idea de Draken porque, de lo contrario, Manjiro y tú no habrían intentado hacerlo por ti misma.
Sentada en el taburete de la barra con el cuerpo alejado de Manjiro, tomas un sorbo de tu bebida con una expresión de irritación permanente grabada en tu rostro.
Manjiro es el mismo, mirando al vacío con el ceño fruncido con Draken sentado entre ustedes dos.
Él suspira pesadamente. ── Ya no son niños. Es hora de que ambos se disculpen y lo superen.
── Oh, por favor. No quiero escuchar eso de ti. Tú y Manjiro peleaban todo el tiempo en la escuela secundaria. ── Dices con dureza antes de tomar otro sorbo mientras Draken gruñe.
── ¡Bien! ── Se pellizca el puente de la nariz con un suspiro exasperado mientras se queda en silencio entre ustedes tres.
La música fuerte y estruendosa llenó tus oídos mientras observabas a las otras personas bailar y festejar.
Luces de colores destellaron en tu rostro mientras sorbías sin pensar, la discusión volviendo a tu mente. Ni siquiera recordabas quién estaba equivocado, pero todo lo que sabías era que querías que Manjiro se disculpara primero.
Sí, como si eso alguna vez pasara. Te burlas ligeramente, sabiendo que Manjiro era terco y nunca retrocedía.
Al mirar la figura de Manjiro, lo ves mirando al suelo sin comprender. Con un suspiro, te levantas de tu asiento y alisas tu vestido.
── Bueno, también podríamos aprovechar al máximo nuestro tiempo aquí. Vamos, Draken. ── Lo tomas de la mano y lo llevas a la pista de baile mientras protesta.
── ¿No quieres esperarlo? ── Manjiro observa, con el ceño ligeramente fruncido ante la vista cuando colocas tus manos sobre los hombros de Draken.
── ¿Es esta tu primera vez en un club nocturno? ── Preguntas con una pequeña sonrisa mientras te balanceas suavemente con la música.
── Sabes que me mantengo alejado de este tipo de lugares. ── Draken responde mientras mira tu bonita cara.
Tú tarareas. ── ¿Eso significa que no sabes bailar?
Draken levanta una ceja. ── Puedo arreglármelas muy bien. ── Te ríes antes de darte la vuelta e inclinarte hacia su cuerpo. ── ¿Bien entonces?
Colocas tus manos en el aire y te pierdes en la música mientras Draken lentamente desliza sus manos por tus curvas. Una sonrisa aparece en tu rostro antes de que te tome por sorpresa cuando Draken apoya su rostro en el hueco de tu cuello.
── Hueles bien. ¿Perfume nuevo? ── Una risita juguetona sale de tus labios. ── Nop. El mismo que uso todo el tiempo.
Miras por el rabillo del ojo y ves a Manjiro con una expresión agitada con el codo apoyado en el mostrador.
La satisfacción aumenta en tu pecho, por lo que inclinas más tu rostro cerca del rostro de Draken, lo que hace que inhale con fuerza.
── ¿Es este tu plan? ¿Enfadar a Mikey y ponerlo celoso? ── Draken pregunta sombríamente mientras agarra tu cintura.
Solo le haces un puchero inocentemente hasta que una mano de repente te aparta bruscamente.
── Manjir– ── Comienzas mientras te arrastra fuera de la pista de baile. Miras hacia atrás y ves a Draken solo hasta que Manjiro te empuja dentro del baño.
Con un grito ahogado, te das la vuelta para mirarlo mientras cerraba la puerta. ── Oye, me estaba divirtiendo con Draken, ¿sabes?
Manjiro no quiere escuchar nada de tu descaro, así que te interrumpe con los labios antes de empujarte contra la pared.
Decides que no vas a ceder y lo alejas bruscamente. ── ¡Oye! ¿Estás escuchando? ── Exige con las manos en las caderas, pero su actitud arrogante se tambalea cuando ve la mirada oscura en sus ojos.
Tus muslos inconscientemente se aprietan mientras sientes que tu vientre se enciende.
Manjiro se da cuenta y sonríe. ── ¿Eso es todo lo que necesitas? ¿Una buena cogida para que te comportes?
Tu rostro se transforma en un ceño fruncido, pero antes de que puedas responder algo sarcástico, Manjiro te agarra la cara y te mira a los ojos.
── Creo que he sido demasiado indulgente contigo últimamente. Has olvidado a quién perteneces. ──  Murmura mientras tus rodillas se doblan por su declaración.
Se ríe sombríamente al sentir tu cuerpo tembloroso. ── Chica traviesa. ¿Te gusta cuando soy posesivo contigo? Siempre actúas como si lo odiaras, pero tal vez realmente lo disfrutas. ── Su rodilla roza entre tus piernas haciéndote gemir mientras te mueves para una mejor fricción.
── Este es tu castigo. Recuérdalo. ──  Inmediatamente después de decir esas palabras, te empuja hacia el mostrador del fregadero y te empuja boca abajo.
Ni siquiera tienes tiempo de reaccionar cuando te separa los pies para abrirte las piernas y tira de tus bragas por el suelo.
── Manjiro, espera- ── Jadeas hasta que él rodea tu clítoris con dureza y te causa un espasmo.
── ¡A–Ah-!
── Bien. Eso es todo lo que quiero escuchar de ti. Solo tus bonitos gemidos. ── Manjiro afirma con una sonrisa perezosa mientras te retorcías debajo de él. Él tiene tus manos detrás de tu espalda para evitar que escapes de sus dedos implacables.
Las lágrimas se forman en tus ojos mientras te ahogas con un sollozo, rogándole a Manjiro que disminuya la velocidad.
── Me pregunto si podría hacerte un squirt... ── Murmura para sí mismo, pero lo escuchaste. Algo sobre tu próximo orgasmo se sintió diferente de lo habitual.
── ¡M-Manjiro! Por favor, yo- ── No puedes contenerte más y tu cuerpo se contrae mientras lloras, Manjiro se encontraba metiendo dos dedos dentro de ti.
── ¿Oh, nada? Tendré que esforzarme más la próxima vez. ── Arrulla antes de empujar sus pantalones hacia abajo, sus hábiles dedos abren tu entrada.
Descansas tu cabeza en el mostrador frío, respiraciones pesadas que te dejan, demasiado aturdida para siquiera moverte.
Manjiro toma aire cuando entra antes de agarrar tus caderas con fuerza magulladora.
── A veces actúas como una puta, ¿lo sabías? ── Manjiro gruñe antes de recoger un mechón de tu cabello y levantar la cabeza. Un gemido patético se desliza por tus labios cuando lo sientes golpear contra tu trasero.
── Mira. ── Manjiro jadea. ── Quiero que mires el espejo mientras te follo. ── Tus ojos se abren para ver el gran espejo frente a tu rostro y ves el estado desaliñado de Manjiro. Su cabello rubio está pegado a su frente por el sudor y sus cejas están fruncidas por la frustración.
Él se encuentra con tus ojos en el espejo y hace que tu corazón se salte un latido. Él solo sonríe antes de volver a concentrarse en cómo se movía tu trasero con cada embestida.
── Todo lo que necesitas es mi polla, te hace sentir mejor, ¿no? ── Pregunta con voz ronca mientras se inclina hacia tu oído.
Un gemido lascivo sale de tus labios ante un empujón áspero particular. ── ¡S-sí! M–Manjiro...
── Te amo. Di que me amas. ── Manjiro gruñe mientras sollozas.
── ¡Te amo, te amo te amo! ── Susurras mientras continúas mirándolo en el espejo. Todo sobre él era tan perfecto en tus ojos. El rostro de Manjiro se sonrojó ahora a medida que sus movimientos se volvían más frenéticos.
── Voy a correrme dentro. Yo... ── Manjiro exhala pesadamente, con el ceño fruncido. ── Quiero un hijo _______. Un bebé.
Tu mente estaba en una neblina, pero parecías salir de ella ligeramente por esas palabras.
¿Un bebé...?
Con un gemido tenso, Manjiro finalmente se corre, derramando su semilla dentro de ti. Tu orgasmo llegó con él, los ojos se cierran mientras disfrutas de su cálido líquido llenándote.
Manjiro eventualmente se aleja después de un momento y suelta tu cabello. Suspiras y descansas en el mostrador, sin apenas tener fuerzas para levantarte.
Él ve su semen a punto de gotear, así que con el ceño fruncido, rápidamente te levanta las bragas. Te da la vuelta suavemente para que puedas mirarlo, te sostiene cerca de su pecho mientras te alivia el cuero cabelludo.
── ¿Duele? ── Pregunta en voz baja mientras sacudes la cabeza con cansancio.
── Estoy bien. ── Tu susurras. Incluso después de estar enojado, Manjiro seguía velando por tu bienestar. Pasa un momento de silencio hasta que abres la boca. ── Yo–
── Lo siento. ── Manjiro se disculpa primero mientras frunces el ceño y lo miras.
── Iba a decirlo primero. ── Saca la lengua juguetonamente. ── Sí, bueno, te gané.
Ambos se ríen antes de limpiarse para verse presentables antes de irse. Al salir del ruidoso club con Manjiro, ves a Draken apoyado contra la pared con las manos en los bolsillos.
Se da cuenta de tu presencia y te mira. ── Bien. Entonces supongo que las cosas se han arreglado. ── Él dice mientras se pone de pie mientras ustedes dos se acercan.
Te ríes tímidamente mientras arreglas tu cabello. ── Sí. Gracias por venir con nosotros Draken. Lamento que hayas tenido que esperar tanto...
Aparta la mirada. ── No te preocupes por eso.
Manjiro bosteza mientras camina adelante. ── Vámonos a casa. Estoy cansado.
Tú y Draken los siguen mientras caminan uno al lado del otro, la brisa fresca les roza suavemente la cara.
── Sabía que esto se resolvería rápidamente. Después de todo, Mikey te ama. ── Draken te sonríe mientras te sonrojas.
A punto de responder, Manjiro de repente salta con el ceño fruncido.
── ¿Eres tonto Ken-chin? ¡No la amo! ── Sientes como si te hubieran apuñalado en el corazón cuando la cara de Draken pasó de la sorpresa a la ira. ── Mikey- ── Exclama en tono amenazante hasta que Manjiro continúa.
── Pero yo… ── Aparta la mirada, sus mejillas se tiñen de rojo. ── Realmente, realmente, realmente, realmente, te amo. ── Afirma mientras se encuentra con tus ojos tímidamente.
Lo miras fijamente, con la boca abierta antes de hacer un puchero, con lágrimas en los ojos. ── Estúpido. ── Draken suspira mientras Manjiro sonríe antes de alejarse para reanudar la marcha.
── Él es un idiota. ── Draken sonríe mientras te mira para ver que te estás limpiando los ojos con un brazo.
── No llores _______. Volvamos a casa de regreso con Emma e Izana! ── Manjiro sonríe alegremente mientras toma tu mano.
Olfateas y asientes ── Está bien. Pero es tu culpa. ── Manjiro solo se ríe antes de arrastrarte con Draken siguiéndote.
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missyandthemisfits · 1 year
Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata - Big Sis Baji
A/N - Hey so got a couple different headcannon ideas floating around for this one, but I feel like Baji might only really approve of his sister dating a few folks - Souya is one of the few. Couldn’t stop writing this I love Bluebell so much 💙
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Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata x Baji’s Older Sister 
. • . O . • .
• It goes without saying that Souya would not only fall hard, but pretty damn quickly after a friendship has been established- but let’s backtrack a bit-
• Souya meets (Name) at a Toman meeting one evening, the meeting adjourned pretty quickly due to the low, consistent growl of Mikey’s stomach
Good thing it was informal, just the Captains and Vice Captains of each division, maybe one or two others 
But honestly, that begged an even bigger question; who was this vaguely familiar dark haired beauty? And what was she doing talking with Mikey and Draken so casually?
He was just about to shrug it off when Baji approached 
“There a reason you tossin’ that mean mug at my sister?”
Baji was half joking … but also half serious
He knew Angry meant no harm but it still sort of ticked him off - he’s very protective of his own when it comes down to it
- Is what Angry said, vein popping as he stuck his neck out. Now what he meant by that was ‘Was I really?’ 
We all know this boy is kinda bad at communicating with people
“There a problem here?” Nahoya chimes, already itching for a fight, any excuse would do
“Keisuke! Are you picking fights again?”
The dark haired beauty in question huffs over, stern look, hands on her admittedly curvy hips
“Relax-,” She reaches up, yanking on his ear with no remorse 
“How can I? God, all this time and you’re still causing me trouble!” 
Nahoya is hysterical at the sight of Baji’s embarrassed, defeated face. Souya on the other hand starts to grow flustered, finally putting the pieces together 
“I’m sorry about him!” She bows a bit in apology, an ear still between her soft fingers, “You’re um… Souya and Nahoya, right?”
Souya opens his mouth to speak but Nahoya beats him to the punch
“Yea, what of it? Who the Hell are ya, anyway?”
Souya gives his brother a look but she only laughs, completely unfazed 
“She’s in our class, Nahoya…,”
“Oh yeeea, must’ve been catching some Z’s or somethin’. My bad!”
Souya shakes his head and she suddenly grabs his hands in both of hers, successfully startling him
“Well it’s nice to meet you both again. I hope we can be friends!” 
He’s flustered, eyes on the ground, but stutters out a small “yea…”
From then on, at least when they decided to show up to class, she makes a point to eat lunch with them, occasionally walking them to Toman meetings 
She’s much kinder and more bubbly than what they expect, not to mention a total Otaku - something Nahoya found hilarious but Souya silently found cute
She was also very stubborn but that apple didn’t fall too far at all
Doesn’t take Nahoya too much longer to start making excuses as to why he can’t tag along - Souya is seriously confused, and honestly worried his brother has an issue with (Name) - he could be fickle like that
“Nah, she’s cool. For a girl anyway.”
Blue is even more confused
“Then…what’s up?”
Smiley starts to snicker, Angry’s brow furrows 
“Ya like her, don’t you?”
Souya feels something tug at his heartstrings-
Did he…?
He definitely enjoyed her company - the evening visits to Convenience Stores, the late night chats about the latest chapters of whatever manga, even the study sessions were pleasant. 
And at some point he’d gotten used to it- pretending his palms weren’t sweaty, ignoring his racing heart rate, chalking up the absent minded stares to ‘looking out for her’ in his mind, somehow oblivious to the fact he couldn’t keep his eyes off her-
It…was starting to make some real sense
He took a moment to exhale shakily and nodded, face the color of beets. Nahoya shrugged 
“Sooo…ask her out already.”
He’s panicking at just the thought, rattling off a million and one excuses like ‘She probably already has someone’ and ‘Her friendship is more than enough’
UGH so sweet, so obviously smitten
Only takes a few more days for Nahoya to lose patience & snatch his phone, typing up a message and hovering over ‘send’ devilishly 
“Either you send it or I do - what’s it gonna be?” 
Souya is mortified as he begrudgingly hits ‘send’, burying his hands into his thick hair after dropping his phone to the carpeted floor
“I can’t do this-,”
“Seriously? All you did was send ‘Can we talk’ - quit bein a wuss.”
They start to get into it and almost miss the vibration, both peering down at the screen
‘Sure! Your place or mine?’
He scrambles to get his phone before his twin, barely getting a ‘I’ll come to you!’ in before having his phone stolen again
“Wear something cute~,” Nahoya mouths the text out, pressing send before tossing the phone at his brother 
Doesn’t know  whether to be pissed, scared, or excited at this point- so be settles for a jittery combination of the three
Puts on his cleanest pair of khakis and a semi-formal, sleeved shirt because??? Reasons??? So cute bless him 
She put on just a little bit of makeup, flowy dress stopping mid-thigh, as if this wasn’t difficult enough for the boy
So nervous he’s having trouble standing - but manages to squeak out something -
His face is covered by his shaking hand and his eyes are squeezed shut, his other hand in a death-grip on his trousers
“I’m sorry…? I didn’t quite catch that one, Souya-,”
Blurts it out louder than he meant to this time, backpedaling IMMEDIATELY in an attempt to take it all back
“I- no- what I mean is- ah-,” starts to give up, “You can just…go home now…I already know it’s a long shot. Sorry I wasted your time…”
Refuses to look up
She’s hugging him close in the next moment tho burying her face into his shirt.
“Please don’t make me leave…not before I tell you I like you too.” 
He is SO shocked
Like his legs start to give out
Eventually wraps his shaky arms around her and buries his face in her sweet-smelling hair
They’re there like that for a while 
Neither of them wants to let go but eventually, a text comes through from Nahoya and Souya jumps
“S-sorry,” she waves it off, “I can…walk you up stairs if you’d like? I-I mean if that’s s-something you want!”
She shakes her head and smiles, glancing back at the apartment window
“I’ll be okay from here. Besides, my dad would totally kill me if I brought up a cute boy, or any boy for that matter-,”
His heart starts beating faster if you can believe it - so much so  he almost thinks he’s having a heart attack 
“Well… Goodnight.” She squeezes his hand before reluctantly letting go and waving, practically running back into her apartment building
He’s just…on cloud 9
Total romantic though so eventually he decided that the confession wasn’t nearly enough for this girl
Writes an entire love letter and places it in her locker, finding officially asking her out much easier that way
Before he knows it, she’s racing to embrace him outside the school gates, pulling away just enough to hold his hands gingerly with a laugh
“Honestly, I thought we were official already, but yes a thousand times yes, Souya.” 
His face heats up like it has many times before
Can’t help but tear up a little
…Keisuke is one of the last people to know funnily enough
Shocked but not bothered so that’s good
Dassa green light
In The Relationship 
Souya is so very sweet, everything done with timid, thoughtful care
Long before they even started dating, she happened to try his bento once and loved it - made mental notes on her likes and dislikes about it and started curtailing it specifically for her enjoyment 
So yes absolutely he starts making her lunch for her twice a week - she promises she’ll be just fine without it, he swears he enjoys doing it for her - he really does tho 
Random food based games like ‘Guess the secret ingredient’ after he’s comfortable enough to know she wouldn’t mind it
Grocery shopping dates, because he loves the market
Dates to anime cafes because a) she’s really into anime and b) he finally has a reason to go and try the food there - Nahoya promised he would but he’s far too easily distracted and forgetful 
Also yea, Baji’s sister? Kind of flirty when she’s interested in someone so like she flusters him on accident AND on purpose?
Definitely super cute when he’s all blushy and squirmy tho
Takes MONTHS to get to the FIRST kiss - and she’s most def initiating it, no way around that
Typically will initiate all the kisses but there are telltale signs when he wants one
Starts to play with his hands, his eyes darting from her lips, to the ground, to whatever’s in this distance, back to her lips 
Teasingly presses her nose to his, nuzzling and lying in wait occasionally 
“You’re gonna have to kiss me at some point ~”
And he does eventually work up the nerve to close the very small distance 
She becomes the official taste tester for both twins, quite the honor 
His love language is light physical affection and words of affirmation 
Absolutely melts at the lightest caress to his cheek, subconsciously leaning into it every time 
Compliments are NOT something he’s used to but boy does he love them, all of them 
They make him all tingly but the real personal ones about how pretty his eyes are or how soft his hair is or how cute he looked in that outfit last night?
He could just die and go to Heaven on the spot 
Petnames include “Angel, Honeybee, and Sweetness” 
Apologized profusely the first time he let one slip out
But she reaches for his hands, removing them from his face, and places gentle kisses on each fingertip, something she often did when he was overwhelmed - and once again he finds himself melting into her touch
So very, very soft for this girl 
Keisuke honestly had no idea his sister was into one of the ‘ogres’ - granted he didn’t get to see her much after the divorce
He was fairly curious as to why she chose him
“He’s so very kind and honest…always going out of his way to help his friends and family selflessly. And have you tried his cooking? It’s so good! How could I not fall for him?”
He smirked from his spot on the swing set, satisfied with answer
“Yea alright…just don’t go having any babies, I’m not ready to be an uncle.”
“What the Hell, Kei?!”
He laughed as she punched him square in the arm
As long as she was cared for and happy
. • . O . • .
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asirensrage · 2 months
Saudade - Prologue
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Mikey x OC, Hanma x OC, Ran x OC, Mikey x OC x Draken Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Warnings: swearing, violence, threats of violence, murder, smoking, sex, consensual sex between teenagers, alcohol, recreational drug use, mention of trafficking, torture, family neglect, mentions of sexual violence. isekai OC. memory loss. **warnings are not exhaustive** Summary: No one seems to realize she doesn’t belong until she finally runs into her “new” brother, Hanagaki Takemichi. Now, hearing his story, Takara makes the choice to help him and hopefully find her way home, but faking it til you make it only lasts so long when you start losing the memories of the life you had before. As Takemichi becomes the only family she’s ever known, how far will she go to protect him? also on ao3
fic masterlist
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He stares at the way they’re throwing his shit and breaking it without a care. They have no concept of what they’re doing to him, to everyone else. Before he can stop himself, he snaps.  “You’ve taken my precious memories and trashed them!”  They don’t even react.  “Don’t fuck with me!” Takemichi swings, a punch fueled with anger, towards Mikey…only to stumble with the force and fall as Mikey avoids it. He crashes into the garbage. He pulls himself out and yells, calling them out on what they’ve ruined and how they don’t give a shit about the people they hurt. He feels one of his friends holding him back, trying to keep him from trying to hit them again. It doesn’t stop him from yelling and pointing out how much trouble they caused. He doesn’t want them to fight. He doesn’t want the future he remembers to come true. Tears build up in his eyes before he can stop them. “You’re supposed to be cooler than that,” he says softly, ending his rant.  “What the fuck is going on?” A voice cuts through the tension and anger. It’s enough to make them all stop and turn. Standing in his driveway, holding a plastic bag and wearing shorts and an oversized shirt, is some girl he’s never seen before in his life. Her hand is on her hip and she’s glaring at all of them. “Who made this mess?” Her glare turns to him. “I swear to god, Takemichi, I’m not cleaning this shit.” Her eyes narrow. “Why are you crying? Did they hurt you?”  He blinks at her. Does he know her? “Hey! Takara!” his friends greet her with familiarity.  “Hey, big sis!” Takuya calls out. Since when did Takuya have a sister? “Boys,” she greets. She looks over Mikey and Draken before turning her gaze back to Takemichi. “Well?” “No,” he finally says.  “Good.” She pauses for a moment as she looks at him. “You know you have shit in your hair, right?”  “What? Ew!”  The other boys all laugh, pointing it out before taking off. Draken and Mikey leave together with claims of running before he can stink them up too. His friends run off, yelling goodbye to the girl and laughing hysterically at Takemichi’s fate. He hangs his head at the fact, but at least it seems like Mikey and Draken are friends again. That solves it, right? There’s a sigh. He looks up to see the girl still standing there.  “You are so gross,” she says, making a face at him. “Come on, get inside and shower.” She moves past him and heads for his house.  “Hey!” he runs after her, confused as to why this stranger is breaking in. “Who are you?” She looks back, confused. “What are you talking about? I’m your sister.” “What?” He doesn’t have a sister.
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everything tag: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
@themaradwrites @kingsmakers @thatmagickjuju @awkwardchick87
tr tag: @mitsuwuyaa @blackfire2013 @bleach-your-panties @reiners-milkbiddies
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Sis, I need Mistuya x reader x Draken smut PLEASE! On my knees crying
the dragon bros need some loving
Draca: Mitsuya Takashi x Fem!Reader x Ken Ryuguji
wc: 741
tw: smut, fantasy AU
Laughter booms in the tavern as you post up near the knights in the back, spreading mugs of mead into the circle.
"I've never seen a basilisk that big," a blonde man chuckles, tipping the mug back and listening to his friends continue the story. A purple-haired knight picks up the tale, giving props to each member at the table for their part in the battle.
"Another round?" you wonder, sweeping by and filling the empty mugs. "It's on the house."
"Here, here," the blonde laughs, raising his cup. "A toast to the lovely barmaid!" Everyone echoes the cheer, and you giggle. It's not long before a few take off, but you keep the knights full with mead as the night goes on.
Once the tavern is close to closing, you notice only two are left. There's a purple-haired one and the same blonde who cheered you earlier, both seeming unphased and stone-cold sober.
"Are y'all doing alright?" you wonder as you pass by, smiling at the handsome men.
"I actually have a bet with my friend here," the blonde begins, pointing at the purple-haired one. "Mitsuya thinks you've been at this business for a while, so you've seen many knights pass through here. Were you here when the Black Dragons were the knights of the land?"
"That was before my time," you chuckle, leaning over to grab their empty cups. "I learned the business - right before the group ended their first generation - from my father about how to run a tavern when I was just eight."
"So you're not too old," Mitsuya jokes, and the blonde swats at him. "What, Draken?"
"Be a gentleman!"
"I'm not too old," you smile, wagging your brows. "I've seen a few things here and there."
"Have you ever had someone try to flirt with you as you're working?" Draken wonders.
"Sure," you shrug. "I have two knights trying to flirt with me right now." Mitsuya and Draken blush, but one tries to hide it while the other smirks. "I'm gonna shut this place down for the evening, but you two can stay for a nightcap if you want." You wink and sashay away, expecting them to scurry out of the tavern and never reappear. But when they remain long after you've closed, you know they want something you've got to offer.
You find yourself stuck between them, making out with Draken as Mitsuya fucks you from behind, his hands holding your hips with care. Draken's fisting his cock, stroking it leisurely while you suck on his bottom lip.
"Bend over," Draken urges you, his dark eyes watching as you bow at the waist and hold onto his hips. "Pout for me." You obey, and he taps his dickhead against your lips, humming while staring at you. "So pretty..."
You open your mouth and let him slide his length over your tongue, tasting the salty precum with pride. Draken slowly thrusts into your mouth, holding your head and angling his hips back and forth. "Ah, fuck." Draken leans his head back and groans just as Mitsuya deepens his strokes. You bob back and forth on Draken's girthy cock, saliva trailing from your lips as you gag.
Mitsuya speeds up, and you moan around the cock in your mouth, making Draken hiss and buck his hips. You reach a hand down to play with your clit, the tips brushing against Mitsuya's balls while he fucks you.
"Such a sweet girl..." Mitsuya mumbles, reaching up to tweak your nipples. "Haven't felt the warmth of a woman in so long, have we, Ken?"
Draken grunts in agreement, pulling out his cock and jerking it in front of your face. It isn't long before he cums in your open mouth, each ribbon of cum coating your tongue. You swallow, then show Draken your empty mouth, to which he hums and pats your cheek lovingly.
Mitsuya doesn't take too much time cumming on your ass, pulling out just in time to get every drop right where he wants it.
"We'll come back at the end of every campaign," he promises, huffing softly. "You're truly skilled at being a good host."
"If anyone asks, this place has the best hospitality," Draken grins. "The kind we like."
"Come back anytime," you urge the two of them, standing up and wiping your ass off with a bar towel. "I'd be happy to have you here to keep me company."
taglist: @bertholdts--butt
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Looking Out For You
Pairing: Draken x Fem Reader
Summary: Being a girl in a gang is unusual in the readers conditions, but she uses that to her advantage, specifically in a fighting ring between gangs where she earns herself money, but also makes some enemies and when she thinks she’s done for, her friends come to save the day, Draken being the one to take care of her…
Warnings: Swearing, Male x Female fight, mentions of blood
Word Count: 3.6k
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“You gotta be kidding me!”
All of the guys at the fight were laughing hysterically whenever I stepped up, all of them pointing at me, some small girl, popping bubble gum with my hands in my pockets.
It looked like I was lost, but this exactly what I wanted.
“Who would bet on you, shorty?!” This guy was sure he had this fighting in the bag, poking my forehead to send me back some before going into stance, “I’m gonna get a whole lot of money out of this one.”
“Don’t go easy on me,” Pop went my bubble gum, shooting a smile as he ran after me.
All of these guys were so typical and easy to read. They were just street fighters, the crowd cheering him on as they thought he had the advantage:
“Show her who’s boss! Kick her little a-“
That boy threw his punch and it was so easy to dodge, raising up my knee and spinning to the side with my left, leaving the back of his head wide open for my right leg to shoot up and kick him in the head.
Silence fell as he dropped like a ton of bricks, knocked out cold, slumped murmurs falling out of his mouth with drool onto the concrete.
“What was that about kicking my ass?” I snickered, blowing another bubble, “Didn’t even lose any flavor in this gum yet!”
“Wha- Did she just knock him out?!”
They were all flabbergasted, meanwhile I was smiling, eyes locking onto my next contestant.
“You got lucky! But that won’t work on me, girly!”
Some shaved head idiot started raging toward me and right as he approached me, one kick up right under the chin.
He was tougher than the last guy, that one didn’t knock him out, but it wasn’t done just yet, smashing his head with an elbow and that one did the trick, having him falling to the ground just like his friend.
“Anyone here actually gonna give me a challenge?”
Looking around, all of the guys here we frozen, jaws on the ground with all eyes on me.
“No?” I popped my gum again, shaking my head, “What a shame. Make sure you’re all ready for next time. You haven’t seen the last of me!”
This was such an easy game. Considering my mother worked all night long and still didn’t make much money, I fought in these little tournaments between gangs to earn some money.
No one would ever bet on me because I was the only girl who would stepped up to a man, let alone gang members too.
I was a member of the Tokyo Majin Gang, but I rarely showed my face, so I was a mere stranger to everyone.
But I had a friend on the inside. He’d bet the money, I win the fights, we split the profit and we both get good money from it.
“You never fail, Y/N! Look how much yen we got this time!”
Heading over with Joko down the alley we always took home, he sure had a bright smile on his face and it went right onto mine.
“Oh hell yeah!” I smiled, taking my half, “Just imagine all cash we’ll get if we keep it up!”
“No kidding, sis!” He laughed, cheering as he skipped down the alley, but suddenly coming to a halt as he stumbled into a tall stature.
“Oh, hey Draken,” I nodded up at him, but his face was as stone cold as ever. Something told me that he wasn’t happy with me.
“Excuse me! I’m so sorry, sir!” Joko immediately bowed his head and kept posture.
I was close to Draken, so I didn’t bother, but did stay still whenever Draken commanded to Joko:
“You go on ahead home. Y/N and I need to have a talk. I’ll walk her home.”
“Yes, sir!” Joko bowed once more before waving to me and running off.
“Aww, Kenny. If you missed me that’s all you had to say,” I giggled, joining his side as we began our walk.
“What did I tell you about calling me that?!” He growled, making me laugh more:
“Don’t be so serious, my man! Anywho, what we do we need to talk about?”
“You can wait till we get to your place,” He murmured, hands in his pockets and following me along.
That wasn’t a good sign. Was something happening with the gang that I needed to know about?
Regardless, during our walk I prepared myself. Thank goodness my mother left already, heading in and getting us two colas , sliding on to him over the counter.
“So, we’re here. What’s the deal?” Some cola eased my nerves a bit, and finally Draken spoke his mind:
“So, why do I still keep hearing about a some short girl, who likes to pop bubble gum, showing up at gang fights for money?”
“Uhhh-,” I giggled softly, sipping my cola and clearly lying, “I have no idea! She sounds dangerous.”
“What did I tell you about fighting in those little rings, huh?” Draken wasn’t messing around this time.
Just great.
“That’s what this is about, man?” Why was he so worried about this?! “You know that I’m a taijutsu master! Those guys are so easy to beat! It’s easy money that I put towards the gang and take care of myself with. You know I don’t have it easy, Draken!”
“I get that, but it’s dangerous,” He glared deep into my eyes, he seriously didn’t want me doing this and I already knew why, “You’re a-“
“Girl?” I shot an intense glare right back at him. I hated whenever someone told me not to do something because I’m a girl. It’s such bullshit.
“And one of these days, you’re gonna run into a big dude that you might not take down!” Draken slammed his hands on the counter, already towering over me and that made him feel even bigger, “Or you’re gonna piss them off so bad that they’re going it try and jump you!”
“Like that’ll happen!” I slammed my hands down right in front of him and attempted to size him up, “I get why you worry, but come on! You’ve seen me fight!”
“For fucks sake, Y/N! What would you do if one day those guys get you alone, huh? And you have to fight a whole group of them without Joko or someone else with you? Tell me!”
His scenario did make me think and I truly didn’t know what I would do. Even my cockiness wouldn’t kick in while thinking about it.
“Listen,” Draken sighed deeply, trying to settle the tension between us, “I just want you to be careful, okay? You’re fighting between multiple gangs and I don’t want this to turn into a big issues when it’s stupid.”
Again, I just stayed quiet. I guess there were other ways I could earn myself some money, but fighting is one thing I’ve always known and it was the easiest route.
Coming around the counter, he placed his hand on my shoulder, looking down into my eyes:
“Do you at least understand where I’m coming from?”
“Yeah, I understand,” I whispered softly, staring at the floor till his fingertips lifted my chin so our gaze reconnected:
“I know you can kick ass, Y/N. You are a badass, you just can’t be so reckless.”
“Aww,” I couldn’t stand the seriousness anymore, getting him tongue tied when I twirled the strand of blonde hair in his face, “Who knew you were such a big softy.”
“Softly?! How dare you!” He growled, swatting my hand away, making me laugh more:
“Chill, man! You’re blushing, by the way.”
“Blushing?!” That only made his face more red and I held my stomach from laughing so much!
“It’s kinda cute though,” I just had to keep poking at him, till he booped my forehead:
“Whatever. I’ll see you later, shorty.”
“No hug goodbye? How rude!” I teased, thinking I’d get a cold shoulder, till he wrapped one arm around my shoulder and side hugged me:
“There? Happy now?”
That made me smile, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Draken hug anyone, let alone me!
“Yeah,” I smiled softly, stopping him before he walked out of the door, “And hey, I promise I’ll call it quits with the fighting ring for a while You did make a good point.”
“I always do,” He smiled softly, looking away for a moment thinking, and he made me smile even more, “Tomorrow the guys and I are gonna go for a ride and do some talking. Tag along, I know that bike of yours can ride.”
“Faster than yours,” I giggled, left smiling as he rolled his eyes, shutting the door:
“Whatever you say, shorty!”
*the next day*
Today was as typical as any other. School was easy, I went to taijutsu practice after and on the way out, I got the text to meet up so we could have some fun racing before the meeting.
I wasn’t paying attention while walking out the back door into the parking lot, sending Draken a text that I was leaving practice, but my head jumped up as I heard metal crashing.
My bike! That asshole I knocked out yesterday was smashing it with a bat!
“You dick!” I yelled at him, charging right for him till I felt someone grab me by the hair.
“What do you think you’re doing, huh?! Haha!”
The other guy I knocked out too?! I quickly grabbed his wrist, pulling his arm down and elbowing him in the joint as hard as I could.
That was enough to make him let go, backing away quickly to see that I was surrounded. That guy and all of his buddies were here.
Shit, this was bad. Very bad. To think Draken was right about this.
“You think we were just gonna let you off the hook after the stunt you pulled yesterday, huh?”
This was the first time in a long time I had to take my fighting stance in a real fight. I was surrounded, all of them closing in on me.
In that moment, I thought of what Draken said, what was I gonna do?
Looking around the circle, I was left with only one option. I picked out the smallest guy and punched his lights out to kick off the fight:
“I don’t go down easy! Bring it on, bitches!”
It’s been a while since I’ve been in a situation like this, but I didn’t go down without a fight. I actually took out a good bit of them.
It was just so hard to watch my back, that being the one disadvantage when I felt my hair get gripped up tight.
The grip left a burn in my scalp, but I wasn’t giving up, trying to kick the one guys away, but he kicked my knee out then kneed me right in the ribs.
That instantly knocked all of the wind out of me, about coughing up a lung, eyes heavy and head woozy whenever he picked my head up by the hair again:
“Told ya we’d teach you a lesson! Coming to our fight club and thinking you own the place!”
A punch right to my gut made me collapse, but he kept me up by the hair. All I could try to do in that moment was breathe, but the sound of motorcycle engines caught my attention.
Tires screeching made everyone come to a halt, hearing from behind me:
“You get your damn hands off of her!”
There was Draken right in front of me and he sent that dude into another atmosphere with just one punch.
Finally, I was let go and I fell to the concrete, curled up into a ball, coughing and heavily panting. Those punches and knee strikes were so strong I still couldn’t breathe right.
“Wait? She’s with the Tokyo Majin Gang?!”
That sure took them all by surprise. Glancing upward briefly, Draken, Baji, and Mikey were kicking all of their asses.
“Hey, Y/N! You gotta breathe! Don’t worry, I got you,” Mitsuya scooped me up in his arms softly and I tried my best.
Along with his coaching, I was finally breathing right, but damn did I feel like crap.
“You listen to me!” Everyone stopped what they were doing, all of those guys beat up and on the ground while Draken had their leader by the shirt.
I’ve never seen Draken so intimidating and terrifying before, that guy about pissing himself, shaking in fear as Draken growled in his face:
“If you ever even come near her again, it’ll be the last thing you ever do!”
“Now, fuck off!” Baji made sure to get one last hit in, laughing while they all picked themselves off and ran for their lives.
“How is she?” Mikey was the next to come over and I hated that they had to see me like this.
This was the first time someone managed to put me down in a brawl, attempting to stand up as I groaned:
“I-I’m fine.”
The moment I stood up, I collapsed again, but Draken was there, holding me in his arms:
“No you’re not, Y/N. You got a bloody lip and all.”
“And they destroyed your bike?” Mitsuya observed, and I was defeated, just laying my head against Draken’s chest:
“I have no idea how they found out where the dojo is. They completely blindsided me.”
“Baji, Mitsuya! Take care of her bike. I’m gonna take her home.”
“On it,” Mitsuya and Baji both came to my sides, helping me up to my feet.
“Don’t worry, I can hang on to your bike,” Holding my stomach, I limped alongside Draken, making sure to thank them all, “You guys really came in the Knick of time huh?”
“We planned on meeting up here after all, it’s a good racing start,” Mitsuya informed me, “Good thing we came when we did.”
“You know we always have your back, sis,” Baji smiled softly, Mikey smiling at me too:
“Thanks guys,” I said softly, head down as I went to Draken’s bike.
“You sure you’ll be okay for the ride?” Draken was hesitant to hop on because of my condition, but I climbed right on and just nodded.
This pain was like burning in hell. I was clinging onto Draken for dear life during that ride and it wasn’t even five minutes.
I was so grateful that my mom worked nights, if I came home like this and she saw me? Dear goodness, she’d lose her shit.
When we walked in the door, I had my back turned, ready to take care of myself alone, telling Draken:
“Thanks for bringing me home. I’ll take care of myself, I promise.”
“Y/N,” He sighed, shaking his head, “You can’t even walk.”
“Barely, but I’m still walking,” I went to take another step forward, but Draken shut and locked the door, coming and scooping me softly.
“You got anything to clean that cut?” He asked, taking me to my room and sitting me on the bed softly.
“Bathroom on the shelf,” I whispered softly, sitting there trying to hold back tears from how my ribs hurt.
I was so pissed that I allowed this to happen to me, that Draken was right about the bad side to this fighting ring stuff.
I never lost a fight and the fact that they had to jump me? What cowards.
“Alright, I got some wraps for your ribs too. I can tell they’re banged up,” Draken came back to me, kneeling in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed.
“No kidding, guess I’ll just get it over with,” I went to take the wraps, but I stopped as he instructed:
“Lift your shirt up. It’s gonna be hard to do yourself.”
“O-Oh, okay-“
Why was I so nervous all of a sudden? On top of that, it hurt like hell when I lifted my arms up, biting my lip to hide the cry trying to come out of me.
“Here,” Draken slipped my shirt off like it was nothing, leaving me in my sports bra and when he looked down at me, gosh my cheeks were hot.
“T-Thanks,” No one ever made me stutter like this, I hope I wasn’t being too awkward, but it was like nothing to him:
“You’re welcome. I’m gonna try to be as easy as I can. You should ice this too.”
Running his large hand across my side, his hands were soft, which surprised me a little, the both of us noticing the bruises forming on me already.
“Ready?” Draken looked up to me for assurance before wrapping up my ribs and I just nodded, sucking in a breath, eyes shut tight but it didn’t stop the tears.
Even when he was as gentle as possible, the stings and pains were a lot.
“Hey, all done. It’s okay,” My eyes were still closed, but I felt his thumb wipe away the tears running down my cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Draken,” I cried softly, wiping the rest of my tears, “I should’ve have listened to you. I tried to fight, but there was just too many of them. I would’ve been dead if it weren’t for you and the guys.”
“It’s not your fault those guys are a bunch of punks,” Draken sighed, trying to help just because I was crying but I shook my head:
“You told me to stop fighting before something like this happened and I didn’t listen. I’m so stupid!”
“Listen, all that matters is that, we got you out of that fight,” When I felt him holding the side of my face, I finally looked him in the eyes, his gaze settling me along with his deepening voice, “There’s nothing we can do to change it, but it’s all gonna be alright.”
Nodding softly, I whispered softly, “Thanks again, Draken. I don’t think I can thank you guys enough.”
“Like Baji and Mikey said, we always have your back. Always.”
That put a small smile on my face and it was nice to get a smile back from him. It made all of the bad emotions start to drift away.
“Need anything else? Don’t worry about the little meeting. We can handle it another time,” I was so appreciative of him taking care of me and I did want to ask him something, but I was so nervous.
I always had the, fuck it, mentality, so I went ahead and asked softly:
“Do you mind s-staying the night?”
“Your moms not gonna get pissed, is she?”
Wait, he’s cool with it? That about made my eyes pop out of my head, snapping out of it a bit to reply:
“She crashes in her room as soon as she comes home. Literally always. I’m not worried about it. It’s just-“
“Just what?” No one’s ever seen me like this and I think that’s why Draken was being so understanding, extremely hard to get off my chest:
“That was the first time in my life I think, that I was truly scared. You know how some of these gangs are and what they do to girls. Let alone one who kicked their asses.”
“Now, you know I’d never let anything like that happen to you,” He assured, hugging me softly as he stood up, “Let’s get you laid down, you need to relax.”
That I surely agreed on, fixing my pillows and laying back as softly as I could, groaning through some pain, but relaxation waved over me as Draken turned off the lights, trying not to watch him too much as he tossed off his shirt, left in his tank top and shorts, definitely not admiring his tall, muscular stature.
He got into bed next to me as softly as he could, but the little bounce from his weight made my head hurt more, and he noticed how hard I closed my eyes.
“I’m sor-“
“It’s alright,” I cooed quickly, fixing my hair, “That guy about ripped my hair out and it still hurts.”
Everything came to a sudden halt, the pain I was feeling, my heart, time almost, whenever Draken scooted closer to me, kissing the top of my head softly.
“Hair pulling is such a bitch move.”
I went to speak, but nothing came out, my heart going double time as pet the top of my head softly, slicking my hair back.
“You alright?”
Sometimes he was so oblivious to others feelings, and I managed to get something out when I whispered:
“Is it okay if I tell you something?”
“What’s up?”
Again, completely oblivious. Hopefully, my actions made things more clear as I took his arm that was close to me, placing it over me softly, fighting tears again as I admitted to him:
“I feel so safe with you. Like nothing could ever hurt me.”
“That’s because you are,” Another kiss, but on my forehead, made those tears happy ones, feeling the drowsiness guiding me to sleep along with his whisper: “I’ll always protect you, Y/N.”
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sofya-fanfics · 1 year
Je te sauverai
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Fandom : Tokyo Revengers
Relationship : Mikey x Takemichi
Voici ma participation pour le Tropetember 2023 pour le prompt : Major Character Death.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Mikey se demandait si Takemichi était revenu du passé. Est-ce qu’il essayerait de savoir ce qu’il était devenu ? Il savait qu’il chercherait à le retrouver. C’est pour cela qu’il lui avait laissé cette vidéo dans la capsule temporelle où il lui demandait de ne pas le retrouver. Il savait que Takemichi respecterait sa volonté. Après tout, qu’avait-il a offrir à part un monde de violence et de mort.
Disclaimer : Tokyo Revengers appartient à Ken Wakui.
Mikey regarda au loin et mordit dans un taiyaki. On était le 19 juin. Douze ans jour pour jour que les membres du Toman avaient enterré la capsule temporelle et qu’ils avaient prévu de se retrouver. Mikey redoutait cette date depuis plusieurs jours. Il savait que ses amis seraient présents, se demandant sûrement où il était et s’il viendrait. Mais il ne devait pas se rendre au rendez-vous. S’il avait dissout le Toman et s’il avait brisé tous les liens avec eux, c’était pour les protéger et protéger leur avenir. Il devait les protéger de celui qu’il était devenu.
Il s’était quand même renseigné sur ce qu’ils étaient devenus. C’était plus fort que lui, il devait savoir. Ils avaient été les personnes les plus importante de sa vie et même s’il refusait de se l’avouer, il tenait toujours à eux.
Il avait appris que Draken avait ouvert un atelier motos. Chifuyu avait ouvert une animalerie et Kazutora l’aidait depuis sa sortie de prison. Pachin, qui venait de se marier, avait repris l’entreprise de son père et était secondé par Peyan. Mitsuya était devenu styliste et commençait à se faire un nom dans le milieu de la mode. Hakkai était un mannequin international et sa sœur était son agent. Quant-à Takemichi, il était gérant d’une boutique de DVD et allait bientôt épouser Hinata. Ils étaient tous heureux sans lui et s’était mieux ainsi.
Il se demandait si Takemichi était revenu du passé. Est-ce qu’il essayerait de savoir ce qu’il était devenu ? Mikey savait qu’il chercherait à le retrouver. C’est pour cela qu’il lui avait laissé cette vidéo dans la capsule temporelle où il lui demandait de ne pas le retrouver. Il savait que Takemichi respecterait sa volonté. Après tout, qu’avait-il a offrir à part un monde de violence et de mort.
Il y a douze ans, il savait comment les choses risquaient de finir. Sa pulsion finirait par le rattraper et Takemichi serait une de ses victimes. Il le tuerait, comme il tuait tous ceux qui le gênaient ou qui ne lui étaient plus d’aucune utilité.
Il y a bien longtemps, les seules personnes capable de l’aider à combattre cette pulsion avaient été Shinichiro, Emma et Baji. Mais tous les trois n’étaient plus de ce monde. Puis Takemichi était entré dans sa vie. Il avait cette force et ce courage qui avait donné envie à Mikey de combattre cette pulsion. Avec Takemichi à ses côtés, la noirceur qu’il avait en lui disparaissait. Il était devenu son héro et il l’aimait. Et c’est parce qu’il l’aimait qu’il devait le laisser retourner à son époque. Il savait qu’à l’instant où Takemichi disparaîtrait, sa pulsion noire reprendrait le dessus. Il était plongé bien trop profondément dans les ténèbres et plus personne ne pouvait le sauver. Pas même Takemichi.
Il mordit à nouveau dans son taiyaki lorsqu’il entendit quelqu’un arriver derrière lui. Il savait qu’il s’agissait de Sanzu, son fidèle second.
« Tu es sûr de ne pas vouloir t’y rendre ? Demanda Sanzu.
-Oui, répondit Mikey avec indifférence. »
Cette date faisait partie de son passé et cela devait rester ainsi.
Cela faisait plusieurs jours que Mikey entendait des rumeurs sur un homme qui cherchait des informations sur lui et sur le Bonten. Qui pouvait être cet idiot qui le cherchait alors même que les autorités le craignaient ? Pendant une seconde, le visage de Takemichi lui vint à l’esprit. Mais c’était impossible. Il devait se marier avec Hinata dans quelques jours et il ne risquerait pas de tout perdre pour le retrouver.
Mikey regarda Rindo se débarrasser du cadavre d’un des membres du Bonten qu’il venait d’exécuter. Il l’avait trahi, alors Mikey devait l’éliminer. Il ne ressentait rien. Ni regret, ni peine, ni plaisir comme les membres de son gang. Il était vide. Il vit du coin de l’œil Sanzu arriver. Il l’avait envoyé se renseigner sur cet homme.
« Tu as appris quelque chose ? Demanda Mikey.
-Il s’agit de Takemichi Hanagaki. »
Alors c’était bien lui, pensa Mikey. Il ne l’avait pas écouté et il l’avait recherché. Pourquoi fallait-il qu’il continue à jouer au héro ?
« Tu sais où il se trouve ? »
Sanzu acquiesça. La main de Mikey se crispa sur le pistolet.
« Amène-moi à lui. »
Mikey savait déjà ce qui allait se passer. C’était pour ça qu’il ne voulait pas revoir Takemichi. Pourquoi les choses devaient-elle se terminer ainsi ?
« Je te sauverai ! »
Pourquoi ? Pourquoi alors que Mikey venait de lui tirer dessus et qu’il était sur le point de mourir, Takemichi voulait toujours le sauver ? Il n’avait pas compris qu’il était trop tard pour lui. Cela faisait des années qu’il ne pouvait plus être sauvé. Pourquoi continuait-il d’insister ? Il lui avait dit lui-même qu’il ne pouvait plus retourner dans le passé.
Mikey n’en pouvait plus de cette vie. Il s’avança vers le bord et se laissa tomber dans le vide. C’était enfin terminé. Il sentit sa chute s’arrêter. Takemichi l’avait rattrapé par le bras. Comment était-ce possible ? Avec les balles qu’il lui avait tiré dessus, il devrait être entrain de se vider de son sang, incapable de bouger. Et pourtant, Takemichi refusait de le lâcher. Il continuait d’insister en disant qu’il pouvait encore être sauvé et pour la première fois, il l’appela par son prénom.
Quelque chose dans le cœur de Mikey changea. Il avait envie de croire en Takemichi et croire qu’il méritait d’être sauvé. Il lui attrapa la main et le regard de Takemichi changea. Mikey connaissait ce regard. Il l’avait déjà vu douze ans auparavant quand le Takemichi du futur voyageait dans le passé. Est-ce que c’était ce qui venait de se passer ? Est-ce que Takemichi venait de voyager dans le temps ?
Tout à coup, le corps de Takemichi bascula et tous deux tombèrent dans le vide. Malgré leur chute, Mikey ne voulait pas lui lâcher la main. La chute ne dura que trois secondes, qui semblait lui durer des heures.
Ils s’écrasèrent sur le sol. Le corps de Mikey avait amorti celui de Takemichi. Pourtant, il ne bougeait plus, il ne respirait plus. Mikey comprit qu’il était mort. Lui-même était au plus mal. Tous les os de son corps étaient brisés. Ses poumons devaient être perforés, il avait de plus en plus de mal à respirer. Jamais il n’avait eu aussi mal. Il voulait hurler de douleur, mais il n’y arrivait pas.
Il pouvait entendre un attroupement se former autour d’eux, mais il ne voyait rien. Le choc l’avait rendu aveugle. Sa main qui tenait celle de Takemichi se desserra peu à peu. Il se sentit partir et il comprit qu’il lui restait peu de temps. Il rassembla le peu de force qui lui restait pour lever son bras et le passer autour de Takemichi. Il n’avait jamais eu peur de mourir, mais cette fois, c’était différent.
« Takemitchy, réussit-il à murmurer. »
Takemichi lui offrait une seconde chance et Mikey espérait la passer auprès de celui qu’il aimait. Auprès de son héro, auprès de Takemichi.
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lloviznadetulipanes · 2 years
Bailarines en el tejado. 《Bonten! Mikey x Lectora》
《⚠️ Advertencia》 - Mención de suicidio. - Spoiler del manga. - Bonten! Mikey x Fem! reader. - Mucha angustia. - Posibles faltas de ortografía y gramática, perdón.
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Cuando tu misma oscuridad te lleva al limite, sabes que ya no hay vuelta atrás. Sus hombros no podía aguantar ya tanta carga, cada día que pasaba se iba desmoronando más y más.
Manjiro Sano había estado sufriendo toda su vida, las vidas de su familia y amigos cercanos solo se marchitan si están a su lado, por eso quería terminar con su maldición dando fin a la suya. Ya habría sacrificado mucho, aunque aún respiraba, estaba muerto por dentro.
Aunque era de noche el ambiente era cálido en aquella azotea, sólo podía observar desde las alturas las luces de la ciudad y el sin fin de sonidos que apaciguaban un poco su soledad. Sus pies se movían al compas de una canción, provenía de uno de los pisos más cercanos a él, cuando acabara la música, sus días también.
Pero en medio de sus pensamientos la puerta se abrió, giró su cabeza con el ceño fruncido, pero pudo ver a una linda chica entrar, su largo vestido se movía con las caricias que el viento le proporcionaba y le daban una imagen etérea. En medio de su angustia ya no sabía que estaba pensando.
─── ¿Tú también? ─── Cuestionó sonriendo con suma tristeza, pero al ver su expresión confusa replanteó su pregunta.  ─── ¿tú también vienes a saltar? ─── se colocó a su lado mientras se apoyaba en a barandilla y le miraba a los ojos.
No pudo decir nada por lo que se limitó ha asentir, recibió una mirada de compasión. Se dio cuenta que la música había cambiado a otra.
─── son canciones muy bonitas para este momento... oye, ¿no es triste morir así? ─── se separó un poco y le tendió la mano. ─── ¿por qué no me invitas a un ultimo baile? ───  miró su mano y la tomó.
Sus cuerpos estaban unidos como sus latidos, la armonía de sus pasos se mezclaban con los suaves tarareos de ella. Estaban en una melodía tranquila mientras mantenían el abrazo que se dieron al principio. 
─── Soy Sano Manjiro, ¿y tú? ───  habló por primera vez en aquella velada.
─── (T/A) (T/N) ─── respondió acomodándose en los brazos de aquel chico.
─── Es un bonito nombre, como tú. ───  sonrió suavemente, después de tanto tiempo.
─── lo sé. ───  ella comenzó a reír.
Y fue ahí donde la música paró junto a la magia.
─── parece que esto llegó a su fin. ───  se separó para mirarla a los ojos. ─── ¿vamos? ─── le ofreció su brazo.
─── ¡Claro!
En el borde ambos se miraron, la atracción fue inevitable, sin poder evitarlo, Mikey se acercó a ella para besar sus labios con mucho cuidado y suavidad, después murmuró sobre estos. ─── Ojalá te hubiera conocido antes. ─── esas palabras provocaron que las lagrimas cayeran sin remedio por sus mejillas.
Y en aquella noche, donde ambos abrieron una parte intima de sus corazones, donde los sueños vuelan en el aire, donde pasa cualquier cosa, donde se dejan llevar por algo efímero, ellos saltaron, abrazados de nuevo. Ambos pensaron en aquel corto amor, Mikey estaba feliz por haber conocido el sentimiento, ese por el que Takemichi había luchado tanto y ese por el que el corazón de Draken se rompió, fue corto pero hermoso.
Aquella historia impactó a todo el bajo mundo, Mikey había muerto en brazos de una total desconocidas, ellos comentaban como podían sonreír aun después de haber chocado con el suelo. Se preguntaron que había pasado en aquella extraña noche de verano.
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Es algo que escribí hace tiempo para wattpad, trataré de ir publicando poco a poco.
Está basado en un fanfic que leí hace mucho de Dazai, ya ni siquiera me acuerdo del nombre.
Espero que les haya gustado, un abrazo, Eli.
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kenslilove · 7 months
I genuinely loved your draken x takemichi sis fic. It was very well written and smooth. That anon is a big loser with a captial letter L.
🥹🥹 Ahh thank you so so much pookie, it’s greatly appreciated <33 that anon has me down in the dumps fr but your kindness helped <33 I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 💖💖💖
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simpforchuchu · 8 months
Is there any part 2 of haitanis little sister , if there is not can you pls make it , i really like the story, i want to know what happen next , if it's not too much too ask . It's ok if you can't make it , JUST TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF 😄 THANKYOU 😄😄
Hello love, can you send me the link or full name of the story ? Cause if you are asking for “Haitani Brothers Sis x Draken, it has a few chapters 💖
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
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i think i was scrolling for too long...
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softshiin · 3 years
Hey can I have a headcanon with draken, smiley & angry, hanma, mikey x little sister reader wanna cuddle after a nightmare
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summary: what would the boys do if their little sis had nightmares and goes to them
characters: draken, smiley, angry, hanma and mikey
warning: smoking (hanma’s), probably some manga spoilers in the mikey’s one !!
note: tysm for leaving this request !! it was so cute to do<3 since i don’t write 1nc3st this is only a relationship like any other sibling !!
also sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, english isn’t my native language :(
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; seen his situation and how’s his “home”, you two share the room, cause there’s not much of space
; would def woke up before you actually do, hearing you mumbling something
; tries so caress you and wake you up
; as soon as you open your eyes would ask if everything is alright <3
; if you don’t wanna talk about it, he’ll just nod and stay with you until you fall asleep again
; i think mikey wouldn’t even hear the door of his room opening when you enter
; you try to wake him for a good 5 minutes
; in the end, he will half-wake up and mumble something like “come here”
; doesn’t understand the situation at all
; after a few seconds he’s asleep again
bonus: shinichiro and emma would definitely take pictures of the two of you sleeping, in the next morning <3
; as soon as you tell him that you had a nightmare, he would definitely tease you about it
; tells you some bad jokes or some funny stories about his life in the gang
; there would be some times where the two of you just stay silent, while he smokes, waiting for you to tell him about your nightmare
; hugs you a few times before sleeping
; he will get scared if you enter his room without knocking (LMAO SCARED KITTY)
; he’s just so sensitive to every single noise around him
; notices straight away that something happened
; would hug you, telling you a few comfort words
; asks if he needs to call his brother
; this mf is the opposite of his brother and we all know that </3
; he will, too, tease you a bit
; out of nowhere asks if you want to go on a bike ride with him
; if you agreed, he gives you one of his shirts and jackets
; while you’re dressing, would leave a message to souya, in case he wakes up
; probably takes you to a konbini and buys you snacks
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p-antomime · 2 years
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B stands for (step)bro!
𖦹 minors don’t interact. ┊ wc: 1,6K.
𖦹 content: mean dom!ken, oral sex (m! receiving), unprotected sex, slight degradation, mention of shower sex, nicknames, breeding!kink, stepcest, pinning, fingering, dark content.
𖦹 pairings: step-brother!ken ryuguji x step-sis!fem!reader.
ᥫ᭡. taglist! ┊ tokyo rev. masterlist!
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“She’s busy”, he spoke calmly, as if it were a normal day like any other.
Deep down, for him it was. For you, it was almost a normal day.
His eyes fell on your face between his legs and analyzed the way the lipstick that used to be on your lips now formed a pinkish wheel with red tones around a few inches before the base of his cock, so that you couldn't put it completely in your mouth without choking or having a gag reflex. And he knew this and still made sure that every time he made you get down on your knees to suck him until your jaw hurt with the excuse "either you do it or I'll tell your friends you've been fucking your brother"; always using that tone that made it sound like he wasn't even enjoying having your body all to himself when, in reality, it was the exact opposite.
Every time he referred to himself as 'your brother', you would complain saying: 'shut the hell up, we're not even related' and he would reply that 'mhm, but your mother would be so hurt to know that you can't keep your pussy in your panties, right?’. But, deep down, it was just a mutual tease because: if you pretended you didn't like each other very much in front of the family, every time he cornered you in the hallway and you were making out like the world was ending, with his hands kneading and groping every inch of your skin and your nails scratching the back of his neck, there was going to be a greater tension.
A greater tension that made him push your head against the mattress of his bed during Saturday afternoons to make you suffocate while he said that 'bad little sisters shouldn't breathe right' and your pussy tightened even more around his dick. And also a greater tension that made you wrap your hand around his neck in a silent threat when he threatened to increase the rhythm of his hips slamming into yours – and consequently: make more noise – on the many, many days you two fucked while your parents were home.
But, those days were water under the bridge. Water under the bridge just like the shower in his bedroom bathroom that last week was pouring down on both of you as he pressed you against the fogged-up shower stall and made you take him from behind.
But, after that shower session, you ended up with something like a boyfriend. ‘Boyfriend'. Ken couldn't help but laugh every time you said it because it was comical that you thought he would ever let you slip through his fingers.
It wasn't exactly a boyfriend, you just liked him a little bit and started going out with him as a way to repress the desire you had for your stepbrother. It was more appropriate to call it sneaky link or fling, not dating. Because, if it was indeed dating, Ken would have gone after him and beat his soul out of his body with the excuse that he was trying to take advantage of you, his cute, helpless, almost virginal little sister.
"What? If I know where she is?", Draken looked at you again with raised eyebrows and you let his cock out of your mouth with a little 'pop', "Actually, I think she went to sleep over at a friend's house, she was saying something like that to my dad yesterday"
It was Hanma on the other end of the line and, while he complained that you never talked with him, your half-brother opened a little smile sideways as he watched you wrap your mouth around his cock again, especially the tip where you kissed and licked it the way you knew he liked it.
"Mhm, man, I know, she's a pain in the ass sometimes", he spoke shrugging and watching you contort the face, "But, she's a good girl, cross my heart"
You moaned around his dick and Ken gave a small thrust against your face, making you choke and let it out of the mouth again, this time with a louder sound.
"Damn, Hanma, I need to see some things with Mikey now, so, yeah, maybe our convo ends now and–”
Ken's eyes rolled up at the exact moment one of your hands wrapped around his long cock and pumped it slowly, running the thumb over the swollen tip and spreading the pre-cum. You were usually the slut in heat who moaned loudly when he had some fun with you, not the other way around, but now he even had to put a hand over his mouth to muffle any incriminating sounds to your little ‘boyfriend’ on the other end of the line.
Seeing you open an innocent little side-smile, Draken ended up cutting the connection with Hanma in the middle of some uninteresting sentence from him and throwing the phone on the bed before his attention fell on you.
"If you knew who I was talking to on the other end of the line, you wouldn't want to make me cum so fast, you slut", this has become an almost endearing nickname after so many times he has called you that and in response you raise the eyebrows curiously.
"Your boyfriend who doesn't fuck you right and always makes you come crawling back to your stepbrother's dick again", you felt your panties cling tighter against your folds at the way he spoke of Hanma; it was a harsh, angry and resentful tone at the same time, the tone he only used when he was talking about some possession of his and, ironically, the idea alone of him being jealous of you with any other guy already made you almost cum without even needing to be touched.
Draken had an overwhelming effect on you and he probably didn't even have a full go about it.
"He isn't my boyfriend", you replied trying to get up to take your rightful place on his lap and a hand of his held you in place, "Stop, Ken-nii, I know you're dying to have my pussy around your dick"
"Oh, is that so?", Draken opened a little smile sideways before leaning over to get his face level with yours, "You're the one dying to have me breeding your slutty pussy and don't try to deny it, you're such a terrible liar"
And even though his words were harsh, the kiss that followed after was sweet and gentle almost as it always was when your stepbrother treated you like the only girl in his life – and, indeed, you were.
You were going to be the only girl in his life until Ken Ryuguji could wake up some day without wishing he had your warm body on the other side of his bed and could kiss another girl without almost moaning your name in the middle of it. And that might take longer than you both intended, because neither of you could get enough of each other; that became obvious when his possessive hands pulled your body up and he switched positions with you to leave you lying on the bed with your legs spread.
"Do y’know when you're most beautiful to me?", he asked pulling a few strands of hair away from your face and taking you by the chin to force you to look at him and you raised eyebrows in a silent devolutive question, "When you're beneath me letting me rearrange your pussy like a good sister"
Your eyes narrowed staring at him, it was his way of saying that you were never going to get a guy as good as him. His thumb brushed against your bottom lip and you ajar the mouth to let two of his fingers enter it and force themselves against your tongue before sucking on them and soon after expelling them out.
"You think I'm a good step-sis?", your voice came out breathless, especially from his cock starting to rub against your clit and making you drip even more, and he replied: “You'd be better if you lemme cum inside today" and a little smile was opened by you before you wrapped arms around his neck and did the same around his waist using your legs, "If you fuck me hard like a good step-bro, I may let you cum deep inside of me"
Ken had to bite his lower lip to keep from moaning, even though his effort was in vain as seconds later his dick was slamming deep inside you, all the way to the base and the tip of it kissing your soft cervix, and you both moaned at the same time, loud enough to bother the neighbors.
The first few times he had ventured into the task of making your little pussy manage to take him completely, you felt as if the pain would overpower all your senses and make you give up on wanting to keep moving forward, but now? The only thing you could ask was for him to fuck you faster, for him to always stretch your walls until they were shaped like his long cock.
The headboard began to clatter against the wall as your step-brother started pounding deep inside you and the wet sounds between your legs became almost as loud as your moans and his gasps.
Ken's eyes darted from your handsome face briefly to look at the small family photo from last Christmas on the nightstand next to his father's bed and a small smile appeared on his lips before a kiss was placed on your lips.
In the end, your parents wanted you to get along, but the you both got along too well already to the point of always tying and re-tying your bonds like good step-brother and sister. Him cumming deep inside you while Hanma called again a few minutes later was living proof of that.
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ㅤ🏷 tagging: @festive @wakaslut @bunnozi @bontensucker @manjiroscum @inu1gf @keisaint @saaraunicorn @momoewn @dokidokimanji @mizurimirai @sleepy3 @kuroaka @slut4manjiro @zuuki @qudvxnkanx @hirwishin @ushitoshiii @bontens-cum-slut @amaejiki @h-shibas @zorosbozo @savagemickey03 @binglebonglerightonthemoney @horny-inarizaki-stan @mrsvaleska @goldenmnr @semisgroupie @no-name-jack @t-oji @simpforerenn @tonaken @imsatansqueen @imkumichan @saenzu @histarean @mxrga245 @medusalovessnakes @ren-simp @scholarlogy @crown5 @winterv-black @teallapril @jjendeku @kumikocchi @haitaniwhor3 @crackheadwithtoes @hannas16 @manjirosdoll @misss-chrisss .
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chuuyrr · 2 years
I have a adorable request! Kid Mikey having a crush on teen reader. Like how kid Mikey "courts" teen reader, and waits for her after school maybe just to see her, walk with her or give her gifts, maybe a flower or chocolates. Not in a weird way ofcourse.
I remember a kid from 1st grade used to call me "ate ganda" when I was in 6th grade. He had a crushed on me for the rest of the school year until I graduated elementary. He used to visit me at my classroom just to see me and compliment me. It was so adorable 😭
kid! sano manjiro "courts" scarlet witch! fushiguro! reader
jujutsu kaisen x reader x tokyo revengers
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for tokyo revengers and jujutsu kaisen, major themes of fluff, no one died au because i've had enough of angst lately please-
╰➤ PAIRING(s): mikey x reader
hello, thank you so much for requesting and for being patient! also ancute naman nyarn nakakatuwa kwento niyo. ako naman napapagkamalan na nanay sa mall ng bata bhe 😭 bigla na lang may lalapit sa akin, yayakapin legs ko sabay sabi ng mama tas sasabihin ng guardian nila sa kanila, "hindi yan si mama mo! sorry po ate!" HAHAHA wala ayorn lang, enjoy reading ♡
before you read: for your reference, reader is in highschool, while mikey is in elementary. reader is not in love with kid! mikey. it's just a kid! mikey having a simple crush on reader!
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kid! mikey having a crush is literally the cutest thing ever.
he was picking a fight against a small group of high schoolers together with kid! draken, when you saw them. ypu've always had a soft spot for children, almost motherly in some ways, so despite the fact that he could have handle it; just as the bigger kid your age was about to hurt the little blonde boy, you made a direct lunge, hurling your schoolbag right in their face, before shoving another so hard that he was nearly thrown flying. if only they knew you had imbued chaos magic in your hands, but that was your secret.
"oi, what gives?" the bully, together with his little gang, snapped his head towards you, only to see you stand in front of kid! mikey and kid! draken in a protective stance. "stay out of our fight, bitch!"
"you kiss your mother with that mouth?" you raised a brow. "watch your manners, kids. you don't want to see me angry." right on cue, a flicker of red had surrounded your [color] irises, glowing menacingly, and that alone was enough to scare the bullies away.
"goodness! children these days don't have any respect." you sighed, the red glow in your eyes fading as you turned to face mikey and draken, your friendly and smiling demeanor instantly returning as you picked up the schoolbag you'd thrown. "are you two okay? you two aren't hurt, are you?"
mikey was practically in awe, and so was draken, but mostly him. not only were you a badass, you were so pretty up this close too.
"w-we're o-okay.." draken's eyes widened in disbelief as he turned to his friend.
did he really just stammer? the mikey, who's always confident and revels in fighting, was reduced to a suddenly shy kid with a blush across his cheekbones; mikey's shinichiro was suddenly showing.
"thank goodness!"
no, you weren't just badass and beautiful, you were incredibly kind too. god, how can someone like you be this sweet? it was making mikey feel all shy. shouldn't it be the other way around? wasn't he supposed to be the one to protect you? mikey might be a kid, and you're way way older, but he knows martial arts! 
but eventually, that became the kickstart of mikey's infatuation with the high school girl that had saved him and his ken-chin. it was definitely a crush at first for him, and it was so obvious, yet he ironically seemed to be oblivious to it at the same time. shinichiro and emma couldn't help but notice how mikey started acting differently ever since that happened. 
"hey emma, do girls like flowers and chocolates?" mikey started asking emma questions as such. "or maybe dorayaki can do?"
mikey's friends, such as draken and baji, have noticed him constantly fixing his hair and staring at you in admiration whenever he sees you.
it didn't take long for big brother shinichiro and little sister emma to catch up on mikey. the same goes with the founding members of toman. in fact, they were all intrigued and amused to see mikey act in such a way. he clearly liked you. they'd tease him about it, but he'd shrug it off relatively quick. like, what's so embarrassing about that?
if he likes you, then he likes you. it was simple.
mikey's heart was incredibly happy when he found out that you go to the same school as him, because it means he can see you often :)
"oh, hello! i didn't know you go to this school too." you smiled at him. "what'cha doing here? are you waiting for your guardian?"
"not really, it's just that i haven't really introduced myself, nor got to thank you properly." mikey made a slight bow with his head before scratching the nape of his neck and shyly handing you a single stalk of a rose, wrapped in a thin patterned plastic. "my name's mikey, and uh, i got you this."
"aww, thank you, mikey! i'm [name]." you happily accepted his gift. mikey couldn't help but smile in awe when you smiled. seeing you this happy has since become his motivation.
what started as a simple thank you gift and greeting became a routine for you and mikey. he started waiting for you after school. it wasn't anything weird; he just liked seeing you and being with your company, and you didn't mind it. it made your after-school hours less lonely. often come home alone from school more frequently these days because gojo and megumi have become too busy with jujutsu stuff to pick you up.
most of the time, mikey would wait for you at the school gate and expect him to have a small gift on him to give you almost every single time. you felt a little guilty because he was always giving you something. apart from flowers, you received chocolates, dorayakis, and canned juices, but even if you declined, mikey would insist, so you're left without any choice but to accept.
you and mikey frequently talk about school, such as how your days were or if anything was bothering you two. the more you got to hang out with the kid, you eventually learned how he had a tiny gang named toman, so you were pretty much shocked and embarrassed when you found out he could actually fight. mikey assured you it was no biggie and that he wouldn't mind being saved by you though.
there are times when you don't come to school because jujutsu tech summons you to handle special grade jujutsu-related missions, and mikey gets a little pouty and sad because he doesn't get to see you. mikey has a keen eye, so he instantly notices when you arrive at school drained the next day after missing a day or so.
"are you okay, [name]-chan?" mikey would rush to your aid and ask you as soon as he saw you after school, seeing how you weren't your usual friendly and smiling self.
"do i need to beat someone up?"
"w-what?! i'm okay! just exhausted."
you found it hard to tell mikey why you had been exactly drained out every time you went absent from school. you just couldn't explain it to him, because it was bizarre. mikey would most likely think you were joking or exaggerating, but you eventually decided to tell him because you were out of excuses.
"scarlet witch? cursed spirits?" mikey furrowed his brows in confusion.
see, this is exactly what you feared when you told him about jujutsu sorcerers, cursed spirits, and your identity and powers as a witch.
"you don't have to believe me! it's crazy, i know!" you laughed it off, waving a hand dismissively.
"i believe you."
"what? really?"
mikey admired you even more after learning about you, and hearing you tell stories or rant was always genuinely interesting to him. he'd listen to you all day and never get tired of it, like ever at all.
don't even get me started on the moment you're going to show him your chaos magic. mikey is going to start asking you to do magic all the time. it could be pulling a dorayaki out of nowhere or making tree leaves sway and dance in the air, and it will always be a magical sight for him! he practically showers with compliments. "you're so cool!" "that was awesome!"
not only did you get an after-school company, but you also found someone who understands you and isn't afraid of your power. you were honestly afraid of scaring the poor blonde kid away, so you didn't expect him to like your chaos magic.
kid! mikey "courting" you genuinely made your heart incredibly happy.
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azucarian · 3 years
HERE I AM, COMING WITH A REQUEST! May I request toman x fem member who is slightly older than them and spoils them with everything, no matter the cost of it. If push comes to shove, she's good at threatening enemies. Thank you and don't rush this request! Stay hydrated!!
Please this is such a cute idea <33
Toman's protective "big sister" is their first call for every problem (Part 2)
Characters — Tokyo Manji Gang (Toman)
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��� (name) was 19 and running around with a bunch of middle schoolers, kicking ass - and no, she wasn’t embarrassed to say it
✰ toman quickly became her family and, as the oldest member, she established the role of ‘big sister’ - every single member used the nickname ‘big sis’ when addressing her
✰ you had randomly decided to join the gang one day after you picked mikey up and lifted him over a delinquent who was charging at him with the intent to hit him (it would’ve failed regardless)
✰ definitely made mikey laugh, and draken lowkey got angry with you for picking his short friend up without even asking
✰ boom, mikey dubbed you his big sis and asked you to carry him around - how could you deny those puppy dog eyes??
✰ this was when mikey was twelve, and you were sixteen - and you’ve been stuck with them ever since
✰ you looked after all of the boys when they were younger; they all seemed to lack a stable, consistent parental figure in their lives so you became that role model
✰ you definitely dragged baji around by his ear because he kept getting into fights, and then you’d do the same to kazutora for joining in (they’d get really pouty and teary eyed about it, so you’d hug them afterwards)
✰ pah would probably have really ‘tradiontal’ views of women until you showed up - and now he respects women wholeheartedly and would never dream of reverting to his old ways of thinking
✰ you also picked them up from school - literally walked school-to-school to pick them up and make sure they had a good day
✰ didn’t have a good day? here, have a lollipop
✰ mitsuya learned a lot about how to keep the toman members in check when she wasn’t around - he’d struggle had it not been for her wise advice
✰ you definitely get calls at 3am from smiley and baji - screaming that the cops were tailing them because they ‘accidentally’ set fire to a car
✰ all three of you know it wasn’t an accident
✰ you have to bail them out of the situation by doing something worse than arson... double arson :)
✰ you adore, and i mean a d o r e, takemichi and chifuyu - they’re two of the youngest members in toman, and that made you absolutely soft for them
✰ they got away with everything, no questions asked
✰ everyone else lowkey manipulates them into doing bad things for them - but you always figure it out and tell the real perpetrators off sternly
✰ by “perpetrators” you actually mean just mikey and baji (sneaky bastards)
✰ hakkai and angry are your babies too, you coddle them a lot (cue jealous mitsuya and smiley)
✰ draken and mitsuya are the “older kids” you leave in charge regularly - even though you’re not even toman’s leader you still exert control it’s so funny lolol
✰ you are their emergency contact - even at school
✰ “is this miss. (last name)?” “yes, how can i help you?” “ah, manjiro fell over and hit his head today - could you come and pick him up?” “... yeah, i’ll be there in ten minutes”
✰ mikey definitely used the fact you were his emergency contact to his advantage
✰ yeah, you hate kisaki - get that pig faced ugly mf out of your face; the founding members are in shock at your verbal distaste of the boy, because you’re usually the type to give people a chance
✰ lowkey has something to do with the way he glared at you as he made his presence known
✰ you might just be on his kill list though (oops)
✰ the moment baji decided to nope the fuck outta toman, you literally collared him and hit him - yeah, if you existed in the tr universe you were not gonna let him leave unless he spoke to you
✰ tells you he thinks kisaki is the leader of valhalla - and that kazutora is there too
✰ you’re on board, but you make him agree not to do stupid shit
✰ you can’t save kazutora from juvie, but you tell him you love him and will visit soon - he cries
✰ spoiler alert - HE DOES DUMB SHIT
✰ they’ve probably never seen you so panicked in your life - you literally tear your shirt up and press them to his wounds to stop the bleeding
✰ big sis saves the day bc he lives <33 (we all wish)
✰ your plan didn’t work out because he has no evidence against kisaki - but he asks mikey to give first division over to chifuyu, who then hands it off to takemichi
✰ overall, you are probably toman’s biggest strength and biggest weakness
✰ with you; they’re stronger and more united because they all want to repay you by protecting you (even tho you’re kickass and can defend yourself)
✰ without you; they’re a lot weaker, especially if you’re being used against them
✰ oh also, protective lil’ brothers alert - they have literally beaten up your exes for not being good enough for you-
✰ which, tbf, was true - but you laugh your ass off everytime
✰ now you’re dating ran haitani but they aren’t allowed to know that
✰ when you all adopt inui and koko into your little family, you can bet that they’re suddenly coddled - and they aren’t used to it
✰ you lend koko money constantly and he’s like?? why?? and you just say because you love him and you know he loves money
✰ you go shoe shopping with inui for new heels (he gets all blushy when you hype him up, and beat mfs up if they start insulting him)
✰ also, yes, you kicked the living shit out of taiju - hakkai was lowkey scared of you for a week, you didn’t even break a sweat-
✰ hinata, emma and yuzuha are also attached to you; you’re their big sister too, and they try and get you involved in more “girly” things (you’re really not interested, but you humour them)
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souyasbabyy · 3 years
• pairing: draken x fem!reader
• request by anon: may i request fluff headcanons of being mitsuya’s twin sister and dating draken?
• genre: fluff
• note: yeeeees thank you so much for this request, i love it!!! please reblog!!
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you and draken were friends since a long time so mitsuya already thought about the possibility of you two getting together
i don't think that mitsuya would be an over protective brother, like obviously he wouldn't want you or luna and mana to get hurt but i don't think he would be against you dating one of his friends
so yeah, he wouldn't be like "no, you can't" he'd more like "oh okay, that's cool" even more with draken, he trust draken
when draken come over, luna and mana probably annoy him with questions (imagine them being more protective of mitsuya though like "don't hurt our big sis 😤") and after being used to him being your boyfriend they would love him
mitsuya HATE when he comes though, cause it means you don't help him and just spend your time kissing him
i bet he walked in on you making out more than once
draken doesn't like taking you to his place though, so it's rare that you go
you go to some meeting sometimes, just hanging out with emma and hina
when the gang heard for the first time that you were dating draken they were shocked, they didn't expected it at all, maybe bc you're mitsuya's sister and that they thought that he was more protective
they tease draken a lot though (mikey the most)
if something ever happen to you though, oof- rip to the person, they'll commit crime for sure
draken get shy when you act all cute in front of your brother bc he know he'll tease him when you won't be there
luna and mana tease you though, you could be doing anything and they will come to you singing kids songs about being in love and that makes your mother laugh
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bimsha · 2 years
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Inspired by: 100 ways to say I love you
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
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Pairing: Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
Tags: drinking, partying, kissing, fluff, memories
For: @mill-s (Happy birthday!)
Word count: 1.5k
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The sound of laughter mixes with the ever-lingering scent of booze. The soft feather-light breeze from the open windows kisses your skin as you move around, accepting the wishes, smiling as they toasted, glasses clinking together before the chatter breaks into a pleasant chorus of laughter again. The wine was bittersweet against your tongue, but the warmth welcomes you, rivalling against the chilly climate. 
It had been a while since your apartment looked this crowded. 
“Y/n!” Baji rushes to you with a glass half full. His cheeks a fading pink, the silly smile on his face indicating the male was possibly tipsy. “Happy birthday!” He raises his glass and you chuckle, allowing him to smack them together. 
“Thank you! And thank you for organising this. I heard you played a big part.”
“Anything for an old mate. Besides, that Ran held us all at gunpoint.” He shrugs, “Had to involve myself when my life was in dange-OW.”
There he was. The one and only organiser of the party, your partner for three years, standing beside Baji, his hand still resting on his shoulder where it landed roughly a few moments ago. “When you life was in what?”
Baji raised his brow, flicking a glance between the two of you before snorting to his drink. “You know what, I’ll leave you to it. Don’t be loud in the bed tonig- OW.”
Draken bows apologetically before dragging the complaining ravenette away. You can’t help the chuckle escaping your lips. These boys knew how to party — your eyes land on Takemichi and Hina in the corner awkwardly flirting, Mikey and Pah Chin in their own challenge if downing drinks — at least you hope so. 
“How’s the party?” He asks. You break your attention from the rest of the world and look into him. His face was hopeful and waiting. 
You grin, “It’s fantastic, Ran.”
He lets out a relieved sigh, “Thank god. I was crossing my fingers this whole time.”
You nudge his elbow playfully, “You didn’t have to, You’re absolutely perfect, my love.”
Someone clears their throat behind you. Both of you turn to see Rindo, his face unimpressed. “If you two are done flirting, Ran, that thing has arrived.”
“Wait, really!?” He says, already turning around. “I’ll be back Y/n. You enjoy the party.” You don't have time to reply when he weaves his way through the crowd to the door in the far corner. Rindo watches him leave. 
“Wow, that guy really is down bad for you.”
You tease the glass against your lips, “What’s the thing anyway?” Rindo was effectively trying to dodge the topic before you address it. But for his misfortune, you had always been keen. 
Rindo doesn’t dodge the topic. He always liked to face a question head on despite how bitter or secretive it could be. “Look Y/n. I know it’s your birthday and all, but if I spill anything, my head would be hanging by the fridge the next day. I deserve to live.”
You think about it for a moment and sigh, resigning. “Okay, fine.”
He grins this time. A rare expression on his usually passive face. “Happy birthday, sis. Hope you are enjoying your time.” 
He had always been the passive supporter of your relationship, supporting Ran’s decisions, quietly pushing him forward to be with you. You knew about all this silent support he offered, and you were grateful for him, always had been. “Thank you, really.” He nodded, the smile fading away in the next moment. 
“I’d be around.” He says, walking to the throng of bodies, possibly looking for an old mate to his liking. But probably to his dismay, Baji launches at him, capturing him in a headlock. Chifuyu stood by, the colour leaving the blonde’s face at the drunk Baji's actions. You smile, walking towards the open window and entering the balcony, drinking in the soft Spring breeze. The town glowing in the darkness, creating a galaxy on its own.   
Your mind fleets to the past, the moment when you met him. The flat tire, darkness stealing the light of the day as the sun dipped into the horizons. You had cursed yourself for not checking your bicycle before you left school. And cursed all the more when you realised it was getting dark quicker and the cold was seeping through your thick jacket. It was not a good idea to linger in the school a bit more when it was already Autumn. 
“Trouble?” The voice asked. 
You were defensive at first, but when you caught the sight of him, your breath hitched. You shouldn’t be gawking at strangers, should’ve called your mom, but you knew him. Well, not exactly. But you knew he was an upperclassman at your school. You’ve heard stories about him, the bullying, the delinquent history but when he crouched down beside your bicycle and checked the damage, offered to walk you home, you wondered whether the rumours were just rumours after all. 
After that, everything had been a little bit like a dream. The hellos and the good mornings. The fights and the tears. All the more worth it now you thought about it. They had brought you two together. 
“Y/n, the cake’s ready!” He sounded excited. You break your trance, look one last time at the scene below, — people going about their business, cars honking — and downing the rest of your drink you walk in, the smile he gave you never quite leaving your lips. 
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Ran watches her walk in. Her black dress hugging her figure, her eyes glistening under the sparkle of the dim fairy lights hung around the room. Her curls bounce as she tilts her head and takes a look at the enormous cake in front of them — provided by Mitsuya — and she smiles. 
He still can’t believe she’s his. 
At first it was a crush, an infatuation to linger by her side. Though he suspected maybe he wasn’t capable of love, when she talked, spoke his name, smiled to her palm, he wanted to steal a kiss. He worried a lot about that. Wondering whether she would think it’s weird. But really, he didn’t have to worry. 
Because she kissed him first. 
That night by the car park, leaning against his bike with empty beer cans in their hands, she pressed her lips against him with a smile. The silver glow of moonlight alighting their jackets, they were both intoxicated perhaps, not by the booze, not even by the moon, by each other. 
That was precisely why he was going to do this first. 
He watches as the other chorus Happy Birthday, clapping their hands together ruining the rhythm. Mikey calls dibs for the biggest slice of the cake while Draken desperately tries to hold him back. Y/n laughs, closing her eyes to make a wish. Ran watches everything, the silver band burning to his palms. 
And when she turns to him, unsuspecting. He walks over. Now the silence has fallen. “Gift?” She asks. Her cheeky grin found its way back to her face. 
“Close your eyes and hold out your hand,” He says. Y/n pouts briefly, curious. Behind her, Rindo gives him a thumbs up. Baji was counting to three, trying to be helpful. All of them knew what he was trying to do today. It was a miracle Y/n seemed clueless. At least the guys had kept their secret right. 
He stares at her face for a moment, her closed eyes, brows pinched with anticipation. His heart races when he takes her hand in his, slipping the silver band to her finger. Before she could process anything, he pressed his lips against her forehead. “Happy birthday, love.” Ran whispers. 
Y/n stays motionless in his hold for a second before pulling away. Her eyes widening at the sight of the ring. She glances back at him, tears crowding her eyes. “Ran, I-” She starts as her voice fails. She launches herself forward, her hands wrapping around him. “Oh my god.”
Ran laughs, kissing her hair. “Will you marry me, Y/n?”
“You usually ask this before you slip in the ring, idiot,” Her muffled voice answers, “But yes, of course!”
The crowd breaks into a cheer, the booze filling back to the empty glasses. “Congratulations!” Baji calls out, throwing his arms around Chifuyu while he raises his glass. “To Y/n and that asshole Ran!”
Ran clicks his tongue in dismay. Y/n laughs, pulling away as she thanks them. Ran holds her hand, squeezing her fingers, his heart flooding with warmth and love. “Now the bride and groom may kiss.” Mikey says, helping himself another slice. 
“That’s the wedding,” Emma grunts, but she doesn’t seem to give up on the idea. “But yeah, we need a kiss.”
There was it, the chant. “Kiss, kiss, kiss.”
Y/n grins, “You gonna or do I have to-”
Ran cuts her off, closing the gap she had closed before. His arms around her waist, hers on his neck as they cut off the rest of the world, drinking in the love they have as it ignites their hearts with passion and warmth. Their love twists, spills from the way they hold each other, each curve, limb perfectly fitting. Ran tightens his grasp, willing himself to never let go of her, her love and her hand. 
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