diy-fire-water-pups · 20 days
Marshall! I need you to answer me this one question coz its bugging the heck outa me,
Do you have baby blue eyes or not?
Also, Rocky, I've just noticed that you have a chipped ear! When and how did that happen?! Did someone hurt you? If they did, they should be put under the Jail!
Oh, and for you Zuma, have you ever considered going pro in surfing?
Thanks! You guys are the best! XD
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My eyes are... Sky blue, I think...? The lighter part is just light reflection. Baby blue is way lighter, those are even more rare for eye color.
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I don't really know how this happened. My ear's like this since I can remember. I was probably too small when it got nicked.
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I have! But that could get in the way of my job here with the Paw Patrol. As much as I love aquatic sports... The Paw Patrol is the most important thing in my life. I get to help others, to save lives even! I'm not leaving them for some competitions when they might need me, I'd feel selfish for doing that.
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Yeah, Robo-Dog is great and I'm glad you have so much passion in developing it, but I have to say, hearing you talk so much about Robo-Dog and his abilities makes me worry a little about the pups.
Due to the progress that Robo-Dog is on right now, it may come to a point where you don't need the pups at all, and just replace them with a whole team of Robo-Dog's.
That legitimately scares me
"I would never do that! As great as Robo-Dog is, he will never be a replacement for my pups, be it the current ones or any others I might adopt in the future."
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"Robo-Dog is a robot, he can malfunction, and it already happened quite a few times before. It's not impossible to hack into his system and operate him remotely, communication can be jammed to prevent him from operating at all, he's not indestructible, his batteries can go out or get damaged, magnetic fields can disrupt his systems, the list goes on and on."
"Not to mention I can't possibly program him for virtually any situation that might happen ever for him to know how to respond and act when things go different than planned. He can assess situations and find something alike to try and adapt, but he can't really improvise, which is an essential skill that's needed for a Search & Rescue team."
"If I were to have a team made only of programmed robots, even with an advanced adapting AI such as Robo-Dog's, one single issue could put the entire team down. It hardly can happen with the pups all at once. We might use Robo-Dog for driving so we can focus on our missions and rescues, we can send him to dangerous missions where we can't go, exactly on the goal of keeping my pups safe, but I will never replace them like that. Robo-Dog is here to be our helper, maybe our last resource when we can't act for whatever reason, but he's not a replacement, he's just a member of our team like any other, with his own special tasks, duties and job."
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"And on a last note, the very pups know I won't replace them with robots. They accepted Robo-Dog from the very start as a member of the team, Rocky himself helped me to build him. There was no uneasiness, no jealousy, none of them felt not even slightly wary. They supported me on developing Robo-Dog for our team and now they care for him just as much as me. I've even seem some of them whimpering sometimes, like they're mourning somehow when he was taken down, and they wouldn't be back to normal until I'd fix him back up."
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Hey Ryder! Big fan. I've got to ask, what gadget or equipment that you are most proud of inventing or developing?
"I have invented and built so many things in my life already, it wouldn't be a surprise if I couldn't answer this question, but in fact I do have something I'm very proud of! Or rather, someone... And that's the Robo-Dog!"
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"Most people seem to think he's just the PAW Patrol's driver and pilot for big vehicles, but he's much more than that. I worked really hard, along with Rocky, to build and program him to be our companion and helper for just about anything we might need! Robo-Dog is constantly being upgraded to keep up with the team's missions and due to the AI I programmed for him, sometimes he picks up on clues, understands situations and learns new things even on his own! It's safe to say he's the invention I'm proud the most so far and I have my doubts if anything else will ever be more amazing than he is!"
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diy-fire-water-pups · 2 months
Oi guys.
Since the Paris 2024 Olympic Games are underway, I was wondering what events(besides surfing Zuma) you would enjoy watching?
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Jokes aside, I kinda just watch everything I possibly can! I really like to watch Street Skateboard, BMX, Mountain Biking, Canoeing, Sailing and Water Polo. For Canoeing, Slalom is my personal favorite!
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As for me, I like Athletics, Handball, Volleyball and Judo. All Equestrian events too!
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I like Volleyball and Judo too! Also Basketball, Soccer, Archery, Karate and Taekwondo!
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