randomlybluu · 7 years
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Asura means “A demon”. She seems like an innocent little girl and tries her best to do right but doesn’t quite know how. She’ll bring a dead creature as a gift or kill someone for being mean to someone else... she tries?
[ @ask-a-demonsgame ]
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askblessedsouls · 8 years
(Dragonoak-kingdom) Darina approached the gardevoir feeling a familiar life energy of her own. "You are of Xerneas blood? No.. we're you not born of this status? How odd, it is not often something of that sort is to happen. I am curious dear, how did this come to be?" She knelt down near her and dipped her head in a bow. "I do apologize, it seems I have forgotten formalities. I am Darina Melina Fey Athanasius, Queen of the Dragon oak kingdom. May I ask your name?"
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“I took the place of my surrogate father, who was a Xerneas. My little brother took the place of his mentor, who was a Yveltal.”“We were born with that Yveltal’s blood, but the Xerneas who raised me saved my life as a child. Instead of his power leaving me like it should have, my body absorbed it and changed half of my blood to match his. Ever since I gained control over both sides of my blood I have managed to silence the Blood of Death within me. Or at the very least… control it so that it does not show itself to others. I’m glad to hear you felt the Xerneas blood rather than the Yveltal blood…”“But… I’ve never met another Mortal-Born Xerneas before. You’re beautiful. Why would you come so far from your home?”
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[Dragonoak-kingdom] It was nearly impossible to miss the large crusader, while Darina's sawsbuck companion warned against approaching him the Queen was not one to be easily struck by fear. "Warm welcomes of spring." She dipped her head in greetings. "I bring gifts of nature, would you accept one form me?" Holding up a bundle of Phlox flowers she continues. "This flower symbolizes harmony, to which I sense is important to you, yes?"
The Crusader couldn’t help but be rather surprised, it’s not often that one would approach him to offer him flowers...especially not someone such as her. He gingerly takes bundle of flowers in between two giant fingers before bringing it to his face, his single eye admiring their petals.
Eventually he looks back at her, breaking the silence. “Lass, you would be correct!” He chuckles, his voice sounding like a loud rumble. “However, harmony is not the only thing I seek!” The Golurk brings his mighty hammer off his shoulder and sets the head on the ground. “My Order not only fights for harmony, but to also push back the darkness that shrouds this world! Every swing of our weapons is intended to force the dark-hearted to step back, to grant the innocent some peace.”
His gaze drifts back to the blossoms between his fingers. “Our ultimate quest is to rid this world completely of evil, however such a goal is an impossibility. Wherever there’s light...there is also darkness, it is how the world is.” Tapferkeit shakes his head before letting out a sharp, booming laugh. “Nevertheless! That does not mean we will stop fighting! With every new evil that rises, we will immediately charge to meet it! As long as I live, this world will always have a champion to protect the innocent!”
In one swift movement the Golurk brings the hammer off the ground and back on his shoulder, the weight of the weapon causing his body to shake somewhat before settling. “That is fight is important to me, lass. The gift of these blossoms is greatly appreciated, I am honored that you have gone out of your way to give them to a stranger such as me.” His gaze wanders over to the Sawsbuck a little ways off. “Sadly I do not have anything to give back for such a gift, so...” The Golurk stops as an idea strikes him, his eye darting back to the bundle of flowers.
Setting down his hammer he gingerly plucks one of the posies out of the bundle and offers it back to the queen. “You say this flower symbolizes harmony, eh? So it is only fitting that I gift one back to you!” Whether the queen accepted the flower or not didn’t matter to the Golurk, for eventually he picks his hammer back up before turning away.
“Sadly my presence is needed elsewhere, so I must go. But I give you my thanks for your kind gift.” He looks over his shoulder at the Sawsbuck, his single eye twinkling with amusement. “And there is no need to be wary, your liege is more than capable of handling herself. I can’t sense the power radiating from her, don’t you agree?” With that leaves the field, each of his earth-shaking steps growing fainter until the giant fades in the distance.
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[Dragonoak-kingdom] Darina saw the gallade keeping quietly to himself and decided he would be a good choice to share the spring time warmth with. "I bring warm greetings of spring." With a slight dip of her head she greeted him. "Apple blossoms are a sign of peace, love, and fertility. While the later two are not relevant I sense the earlier is suiting to your personality, yes?" She places the flower in his hand. "May this season bring you just that."
The sudden approach of the unknown mon caused the Gallade to jump a bit. Upon seeing this new mon it suddenly clicked with him who she was. Teiden had mentioned a royal who appeared to be a hybrid of a Gardevoir and the legendary Xerneas.
“You’re… Queen… Darina right?” He asked looking up at the taller female, clearly pretty intimidated. But almost immediately when she handed him the flower, he eased up a little. 
“Thank you very much.” A small, grin appeared on his face. “May this season bring you happiness and peace.”
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thevaloroushearts · 7 years
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“ … This is little more than a jest. I know it to be so. I suggest redirecting your witticisms elsewhere, Your Highness.”
(( man Zar even from the QUEEN you can’t accept one c’mon now that’s like the highest honor ))
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Warriors in Wintertide
[ @dragonoak-kingdom / @bluedawnsrp ]
‘Hey hey, the lake is over here! C’mon c’mon, get your ice skates ready!’
‘W-whoa, hey don’t drag me! I haven’t even tied them ye--’
‘Well maybe if you remembered to cushion your skates’ blades so they didn’t get stuck in your bag you wouldn’t... have been... ...”
“...” “...”
What were two lively and eager partygoing Pokemon packed and zipping for the vast sheets of ice fell windless, silent, before the towering robed black obelisk that coincidentally paced into their path. They could make out little, but from what they could see... this man had a powerful figure underneath this bulking furred coat. Considering his bladed helmet and white, hollow-looking expressionless mask, he had all the makings of what could potentially be a monster. Chills... chills slid down the younger ones’ spines from just having to look up at him. Seconds turned to a few minutes as the air grew thick with tension due to the intense silence, before the large armored statue-esque man broke into a stern, harsh tone.
“... Why have you stopped.”
“S-sorry! We didn’t uh, s-see you there sir, we just...” “We thought we were going to b-b-buh, bu-b-b--”
“Enough. You were never in my way,” pinned the Bisharp, as it took him little context to pick up on what they would say. Thus, the man... ‘reassured’ in a cold fashion, as he slowly raised a black and white bladed hand pointing towards the lake, showing that he’s well aware of where they were making a beeline to. “Just proceed. Now.”
No time was wasted as the two younger Pokemon hastily nodded and immediately zipped around the dark knight, in what seemed to be something of a panic. Scoffing, Zarathos took a few more steps forward, but then paused to look over his shoulder. Initially, it was to ensure the Pokemon were not hesitating by looking back at HIM, and instead were well on their way to the lake as anticipated. Fortunately the latter was the case, as he watched the two attendees already at rest by the lakeshore, sporting their attire before eagerly leaping onto the ice and gliding across its slippery surface. 
As the cloaked warrior held his gaze, even from a distance, he could see the liveliness, the festiveness of all the collective Pokemon having the time of their lives. Whether they were exhibiting their skills, muddling their attempts and causing others to laugh, or just smiling at one another in each others’ presence...
He was just... so... out of place from it all.
Shaking his head, Zarathos proceeded on his path, spotting the field where a snowball fight was taking place. Seeing the orbs of ice soar through the air, the combatants taking cover and thinking light on their feet as they maneuver and try to strike on another... for some reason, the dark knight seemed to have his gaze held here with a bit more intent. This was a different sort of energy...yes, this was more of a sport, perhaps even childish, but... there was a raw rush of adrenaline that he could sense, highlighted further by the shouts and declarations of ‘war’ taking place.
“... war...?” the tall shadowy Bisharp uttered silently to himself, as his ears continued to take in the robust noises and yells that filled the battlefield. War... war, is it?
... What a mockery.
“Hmph,” Zarathos mumbled. If one could see his face behind the almond-shaped holes in his mask, an unamused, flat, narrow stare awaited them, as well as worse if they were not a fellow Dark type.
“Ridiculous... ‘tis little more than sport.” Even if it was merely imagination running just as wild as all the other participants in this winter field, the cold-hearted sword-brandishing soldier couldn’t help but figuratively turn his nose up this activity.
<<Insolence. As if this could compare to the severity of a true  mass exchange of lives...>>
Yet even as he mentally berate them all with this... why does he still look on? Was it the energy that kept him held so close...? The hot-blooded, fast-paced sights of competitive exchange that made him recall parts of his past? Or was there more, perhaps more than even his bitter thoughts would allow to even tap into...?
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Seeing as how Aeson was based on his mother’s species but took more after his father, Kalina here takes Akasma’s species but is more influenced by her mother. vuv)/
I imagined she might be mute, but is too well-raised and cared for to be troubled by it with parents such as these.
@dragonoak-kingdom / @bluedawn-mod
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askpluminescent · 7 years
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“However, Your Majesty,” Flavian spoke up, “We would have to disagree with you there. None of us were really born with these skills. Not even me, and singing is practically a requirement for my species. It took years of practice for each of us.”
[ @dragonoak-kingdom / @bluedawn-mod ]
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Whoa okay this is easily like one of my favorites here because DAMN if this ain’t one slick-lookin’ chick, just look at her. Powerful and imposingly fancy-looking, plus she dons a crown and mask combo. Scary yet pretty and epic 8V Hope you like comrade!
Aaand thus concludes the memes. |D; now to work on plot.
@bluedawn-mod / @dragonoak-kingdom
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omniandco · 8 years
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Commission for @dragonoak-kingdom - thank you for commissioning me :)
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niquixredriver · 6 years
If you're still doing them, how about my queen from dragonoak-kingdom? :3c
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she is the queen
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ask-a-demonsgame · 7 years
(Dragonoak-kingdom) Darina? 8D💞
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A distorted voice laughs as Darina stares, silently. The Queen obviously didn’t want to be here, especially with this person specifically…Though she had no choice.
“My dear, why do you stare at me so? If one calls me, then i answer, i expect to see a smirk at least, perhaps a more soft look? Oh but who am i kidding, you didn’t come here for soft and happy talks, if you dared to call me, you want to speak business.”
She took a deep breath, as she looked to them.”…Hexian…Pangean god of Pride, i come asking you for…Aid…In this war against your sister, Gladys.Her armies have Eaten and left my grounds without life, its…I don’t know how i can stop her. The purifiers are in less numbers now then they were before, the main organization is in hiding, My soldiers are dying by the minute,i…I need the help of one who knows gladys inside out, one who can overpower her…”
Hexian stared with weaker smile, “…Now why would i help you fight off my own sister, Dearest Darina? Not to mention even work with the descendant of Xerenas, One of the few legendaries that confined my family to the abyss.”
Darina stared as she looked to him, “Because i can offer you something you want, a strand of my hair.” She plucked a piece of it off, as she showed it to the figure before her.
He stared…His smile widening slightly as he looked into her eyes.
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@daycare-lycanpups / @dragonoak-kingdom
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thistlewhistler · 7 years
Interviewing the Flock, featuring: Comeneth
Zach: What would you like me to call you?
Comeneth: My username works
Zach: Fair enough.
Zach: What do you think about Sister Claire?
Comeneth: Starting with hard hitting questions right off the bat? okay:
Long and short of it, I love it, mostly because of Oscar.
There's not a lot of trans representation, so when I find good trans representation that instantly makes me enjoy a piece of media that much more. When Oscar was my favorite character that just made it better.
Also this comic is queer as hell, which is something I appreciate considering I'm also queer as hell and there's a lot of stuff that's just completely straight and that gets pretty dull.
Zach: That is a good way to put it. Do you have another piece of media you enjoy with good trans representation?
Comeneth: The only other piece of media that I know of with any trans representation at all is a book series called Dragonoak, which I love.
Zach: Sounds pretty fantasy-tic.
Comeneth: It is. It's about a (gay) necromancer who runs away from home because she's shunned for her powers with one of the kingdom's thirteen knights and they go off and have lots of (gay) adventures.
I still haven't read the third one yet, it's sitting on my kindle waiting for me not to be a lazy ass.
Zach: This sounds amazing and I am now interested more. Do you think you prefer High Fantasy or Low Fantasy?
Comeneth: Would you consider urban fantasy to be Low Fantasy? Regardless, I like High Fantasy; mostly I like stories that are far removed from the bounds of normal constraints.
Zach: I'm just happy I'm not a fool for tossing archaic terms at you.
Comeneth: Most people understand the term High Fantasy.
Zach: On this same line of thought, if you could live in a fictional world neither from Sister Claire or your own creation, where might you go?
Comeneth: Gimme a moment to think
-A moment is given-
Comeneth: There's a lot of options but I think the world of Always Human appeals to me the most.
Zach: I am honestly not familiar with that, care to share?
Comeneth: Sure!
Always Human takes place in the unspecified future. It's a time where humans are capable of genetically modifying their bodies. Just a very peaceful world.
Zach: So there's no distinguishing markings that come accompanies with shame or disappointment because anyone can have the body they would like?
Comeneth: Basically. It would also allow a person like me to mod their body into something that suited them. And It's just a very beautiful world.
Zach: It certainly sounds like it.
Zach: Onto a funny question potentially: What is the story behind your username? Does it tie in with your avatar?
Comeneth: My username is the name of a character I created in 7th grade. Initially Comeneth was a god of dragons that was banished to space and would shoot comets from his mouth in fits of rage during his exile. Over the years he's still remained a dragon, but he's very different now.
And it has *nothing* to do with my icon.
Zach: Comeneth was a dangerous dragon, was he now?
Comeneth: well he did lead a rebellion against the other gods so I'd say so. Even in his current incarnation he's still dangerous but less angry.
Zach: His rage seems a little reasonable, then.
Zach: Why did you pick your icon [of Sailor Jupiter]?
Comeneth: Because I like Sailor Jupiter. Honestly she's kind of #goals for me.
Zach: Alright, bam. done. best answer, moving on.
Zach: So saying you get booked at 2am, and tossed in an overnight cell to cool off. What were you charged with?
Comeneth: My only guess would be that it was a bullshit arrest because I'm either on the computer or asleep at 2 am.
Zach: "Trick question officer, I was asleep at the time and my computer can vouch for my alibi!"
Comeneth: "Check my internet history"
Zach: Alright, now I'm going to ask you a question that I don't have prepared. Instead it's randomly chosen from a book of them. Would you be willing to eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?
Comeneth: Depends on the crickets
Zach: Let's say ice cream bowl, not salad bowl
Comeneth: If they're camel crickets, no way in fucking hell they are disgusting. But like, regular crickets, sure
-granted the moment I take a bite they ain't going to be alive anymore-
Zach: Good way of looking at it, and a good caveat, I like it.
Zach: You ready for the last question? What did you believe you wanted to be or do when you grew up?
Comeneth: The earliest one I can distinctly remember is the one I'm going to go with. Okay so, have you ever heard of the Kratt brothers? When I was a kid, they had a show called Kratt's Creatures. it was basically Chris and Martin Kratt going all across the world and talking about different animals.
One episode they'd spend it all on elephants, and then another they'd talk about bears.
Stuff like that.
And I thought it was the coolest thing to go out in the wild and see all those cool animals. I wanted to do that.
Zach: Do you think you could do it now?
Comeneth: No, I've regrettably become a creature who prefers a stable environment that cannot be provided in the outdoors. But the show did instill a life long love of animals so it will always hold a very special place in my heart.
Zach: So you're saying that when we can plug USBs into trees of the Serengeti for Wifi coverage, I should give you a call?
Comeneth: More like when I can walk through a tropical rainforest and I won't feel the humidity; I can survive without the internet, but terrible weather conditions just leave me in a foul mood. I get miserable if it's too hot, cold, humid etc.
Zach: *To do list..... Develop personal weather bubbles...
Zach: Well this has been a treat to sit down and talk with you! Thank you very much for being the first interview.
Comeneth: Yay! This was fun. I kinda thought there were more questions than this but oh well!
Zach: There were, I just didn't want to hit everyone with every question. Plus this opens people up to asking questions they weren't asked to each other!
woooo conversation starters woooo
**runs off into the night making woooo noises and occasionally running into trees**
Comeneth: *nods sagely from the porch* They'll be back.
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"Excuse me, Monsieur?" (Uhhh lets say Darina to serry?)
||7. Dancing at Home||
The gallade was in solitude, practicing his elegant dancing steps, his big gallade feet only touched the floor from his toes as he twirled as if he was a Kirlia again. Dancing was always something he had loved to do, he had even somewhat used such graceful moves when he had to fight.
Serenade struck one final graceful pose, standing up tall with the front tip of his left foot keeping him up while his right leg arched up high. The pink masked mon smiled at his finish feeling quite at ease… until he saw who else, but Queen Darina standing in his doorway all of a sudden. This caused the doc to lose is balance and fall backwards onto his rear as he was stuck looking up at the Xernishvoir, his eyes a little wide from just the surprise of her coming into his house out of nowhere.
“Ah… Oh…. jeez I’m sorry your highness! I wasn’t expecting you to come to my house.” He was always the shy and uneasy one of his group, and this was the way it was for as long as he could remember. But having someone walk in on him like this, especially when it was the Queen of… well wherever, made him stay still and silent while looking up at her in disbelief.
Quite embarrassing but… it could have been worse, she could have walked in on him in a different more private situation.
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pluminescentrp · 7 years
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dance meme pt 2
[ @askgng ] / [ @ask-roccothetyphlosion ] / @asktheweirdpichu 
@theweeklyweavile / @ivysaur-daily /
@dragonoak-kingdom, @middaily-lycanroc  , @bluedawn-mod
/ @askteamorcd / @dragons-noose-hotel / @asklifeafterdeath / @occasionalforcesofnature
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drawsshits-inactive · 7 years
FANTASY POLITICS, U SAY...i love fantasy politics...i would def recommend nk jemisin's the hundred thousand kingdoms if you haven't read them, the first book is ALL FANTASY POLITICS and the other two are a little less so but they are good too. the dragonoak series also has a good bit of fantasy politics (especially as it goes on) and also tons of lesbians!! what else. brandon sanderson's warbreaker, that one is really cool magic system and all about politicking. (sry i just love fantasy books!!)
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