sora2396 · 10 months
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A day out ❓️
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nemfrog · 1 year
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The dragonfly. Garden-land. 1907. Contents page illustration.
Internet Archive
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nightmaresinviolet · 9 months
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hold gently like hamburger
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soreillia · 1 year
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Smol dwagon purring loudly
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n0tamused · 1 year
' How lucky you would be to catch a sight like this '
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I love how this turned out and I truly cannot stress that enough. I haven't felt this happy about an art piece of mine in what feels like ages! Not saying I don't feel happy/proud of my other pieces, just saying that this one is just above all of those. It was a comfort as much as a passion to work on this. It's my lockscreen now❤️
My babies ❤️
This is just an AU of sorts where Jerenika lives during his time as the Prime adeptus as an immortal creature herself. I love them, you honor akwjeo2iek
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hugs4zhongli · 6 months
Dragonli falls asleep on Ajax's chest
Zhongchili one shot. Words: 507
Posted on ao3
Normally, the former archon would've gone to bed after Ajax came home because still had to do paperwork, leaving his love alone. But recently Zhongli started transforming into his smaller exuvia form when he came home. The ginger found it absolutely adorable, letting the consultant rest in his lap or carried him around.
Read under the cut
Zhongli had never felt so relaxed before, a loud soft purr going through his small, long body as Ajax softly petted him. His tail happily wagged, the feeling of being content filled him. It had been a while since he was able to relax like this, his beloved petting and rubbing him.
He heard the ginger counting in Snezhnayan under his breath, combined with the sound of paper moving made him feel even more comfortable. His paws made kneading movement, short sharp nails digging into the pillow as he puffed up his mane of excitement. Unconsciously, he rubbed his snout against it. The pillow smelled like the fatuus.
Normally, the former archon would've gone to bed after Ajax came home because still had to do paperwork, leaving his love alone. But recently Zhongli started transforming into his smaller exuvia form when he came home. The ginger found it absolutely adorable, letting the consultant rest in his lap or carried him around.
It made it easier to regain his energy back and much more comfortable too, although it wasn’t necessary to do so.
He could easily do it through an eight hour meditation but how was that fun? Even though Ajax and him cuddled every night, something about laying on his beloved’s lap was much more relaxing. A bonus was getting pets.
The ginger shifted in his seat, grabbing the pillow with Zhongli on it, his hands moving to the small lizard body. With slow movements, he started massaging the former archon’s scaley back in between the horns while seemingly reading his paper.
Oh, that felt amazing.
Zhongli felt his thoughts melt away, his purr getting louder. He rubbed his snout against the pillow more and his tail began to wag slowly. Deep down he knew he shouldn’t distract Ajax but the caressing felt too good. With his paws and claws, he started kneading the pillow and begged for more attention. Obviously he got more as he felt the fatuus move him slightly, chuckling.
“Now don’t fall off.” Ajax’s raspy voice spoke and Zhongli felt his hands under his armpits getting pulled up to lay on the other’s chest. Within an instant, he buried his snout into the ginger’s neck and purred loudly, his claws digging into the fabric so he could press himself tightly against his beloved. The way Ajax’s fingers traced each scale on his tiny back made the dragon shiver in delight, his tail wagging even faster. He couldn’t help but want more pets and cuddles.
His tail kept wagging as he made himself more comfortable, knowing the fatuus, they would probably go to bed soon. Zhongli huffed slightly while trying to move the wildly ginger curls away to look at the clock, letting out a soft whine when Ajax slightly forced him to move again. “Zhongli, that tickles.” He whispered with a soft giggle, petting the fluffed up orange mane. “We’ll go to bed soon, just be patient for a moment for me.” With those words, the dragon felt a kiss on scales and shivered.
The caressing started to make him tired, his eyes fighting to stay open. He wanted to feel more of the pets and kissed his beloved gave him. It also didn’t help that Ajax was slowly rocking him, humming a childhood lullaby.
He let out his last purr and slowly, Zhongli drifted into a deep slumber, knowing he was safe with his beloved.
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nomelwelloy · 1 year
Childe & dragonli idea dump!!
fluff and shenanigans
Thinking Childe and dragonli lazing at Luhua Pool during of their days off or something and Childe thinks it’s funny to put a snoozing dragonli onto a giant lotus leaf. He gives it a light nudge until it is drifting in the middle of the pool and of course when Dragonli wakes up he’s extremely unimpressed and just stands there-he doesn’t move for a good 5 seconds when he does a godly nimble jump off the leaf, rebounding off Childe as he kicks off him and lands elegantly on the water’s edge.
One moment Childe is laughing to himself and the next he’s up to his head in the water. When he resurfaces, he’s met with a smug looking dragon who is padding off into the shade of a willow tree.
Later when they’re back at the harbour, Childe frowns, jokingly protesting at how Zhongli was just ruthless!! But Zhongli, now back to his human form, gives him a quiet, playful smile. “I think you’d merely tripped, my love, you should be more careful next time.” (*¯︶¯*)
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tartar-sous · 1 year
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baby on board (2022)
⚠️Only use “TartaLi” when tagging our Tartaglia x Zhongli work, don't tag it as “Zho//ng//Chi” or “Zho//ng//ChiLi". Respect our hard work, thanks.⚠️
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attackondrawing · 2 years
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hear me out: zhongli dragon form breeding you. he’s absolutely massive and desperate to give you a clutch of his huge eggs…
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deus-lapidis · 2 years
I think dragon Zhongli would have an exceptionally big boy stretch after a deep sleep with his partner.
Like he wakes up, hair a little fuzzed up and he streeeetches and the way he sighs with his deep voice just rumbling through his whole chest, his marks and horns lighting up ever so slightly in contentment.
Then he could either go about his day or immediately snuggle back into you, burying his nose in your hair and purring like an old engine.
tbh…I treat dragon Zhongli like an overgrown cat.
I think I’m right.
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dazzletwig · 2 years
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I belieeeve I sketched these after reading some fanfics. Top left (seelies) should be The Seelie Trap by JuHuaTai and right-side bathtub, (spoilers?) Ajax’s Adventures With Dog-Lizard by Bgtea
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cynicalmusings · 3 months
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ah, yes, a ‘wind sack which controls windiness’. my eloquence truly knows no bounds.
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k-zu · 1 year
this is me in the process of writing anything ever:
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i'm so sorry for all the undone requests in my inbox :( i'm trying very hard to get back into writing! and i think i've been doing a good job so far so you won't have to wait long until i get back to posting my silly little thoughts hopefully! thank you for being so patient with me <3 see you soon :]
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xyrarei · 2 years
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A lil bday art for my fren courtesy of her flooding my twitter with zhongchi lol
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hugs4zhongli · 3 months
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