quick-attack · 1 year
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Did you know I've been working on a card game? It's called DragonDuel and it has all kinds of creatures in it, now including rabbits! Here's a look at the first expansion, a 10-card set with a new archetype called Rabbit Team-Up! (DragonDuel (beta) will be open for public play on TTSim Steam Workshop before long..!)
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quick-attack · 1 year
Now available to test and play on Tabletop Simulator: DragonDuel Beta! With rev. 8, two decks featuring 30 individual cards and 3 elements are available for play, along with a 12-card expansion! Try a pre-made deck, or assemble your own from the cards!
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You are a sorcerer, trusted with incredible magic power sealed away within a deck of cards. Each card may call forth a powerful monster ally, or conjure up a potent magic spell. Defend your tower and strike down your foes in DragonDuel!
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FIRE , STEEL, and EARTH cards are currently available for play. A 30-card starter set, Fire and Earth, is included, along with a 12-card Expansion set, Rabbit Team-Up! Also included are two starter decks - Fire Dragons and Earth Skeletons - as well as a test deck for Rabbits. Try any of these premade decks, or use the available cards to construct your own! May the best sorcerer stand victorious!
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And stay tuned for additional elements including WATER and WIND as the Fishfolk and Skyknights soon join the fray...
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quick-attack · 1 year
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Some DragonDuel illustrations I'm fond of.
(In order: Salamander, Shield of the Skyknight, Dancing Flame, Skyfish Courier, Swordmage's Strategy, Scrying Eel, Rotting Nobleman, Skeleton Knight, Soul Sacrifice, Bone Excision)
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quick-attack · 1 year
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The last couple of cards added to the Rabbit Team-Up! set! Sorcery is a fun little tutor that can also be a direct summoning engine in late game. And Great Hare is a boss monster which you can play early for 2, or in full for 8. Playing Great Hare at 2 implies the massive creature is simply lurking and making its terrifying presence known in the distance, and paying the additional 6 brings the whole beast forth...
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quick-attack · 1 year
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speaking of dragonduel, here are two of my favorite monsters thus far...!! fire elementals are cute!
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quick-attack · 1 year
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One more DragonDuel bit.. I am very attached to my awful necromancer boy. Expect to see him scattered about Undead-themed EARTH cards.
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quick-attack · 2 years
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cartomancer faerie
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