#dragonball zenoverse
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yuri-draws · 5 months ago
Inktober Xanalar Vardos's Son
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Inktober 6: Xanalar the son of Vardos.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 6 months ago
Super Saiyan Vardos
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It's a Super Saiyan!
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ask-miscode · 7 months ago
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If you want more dragon ball or want to learn more about this character head over to my second blog @dragon-ball-zenoverse
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adhstegaming · 8 years ago
Having been beaten (horribly) by Goten, Gohan and Goku, Burokkori had a holiday with @heatproofham.  On their return to the fight scene both suddenly started doing finishing moves in tandem.
The enemy was blown away.  Back to the glory days with our young Saiyan buddies! 
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dbcade · 8 years ago
Vegeta Xeno Special Attack; Atomic Flash! #db #dbz #dbs #dbgt #dragonball #dragonballz #dragonballsuper #dragonballgt #dbsuper #SDBH #スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ #ドラゴンボール #ドラゴンボール超 #ドラゴンボールヒーローズ #superdragonballheroes #dragonballheroes #vegetaxeno #princevegeta #ベジータ #ベジータゼノ #必殺 #スーパーアタック #ベジータ様 #ベジータが好き #zenoverse #xenovegeta #ゼノバース (at Kumamoto, Kumamoto)
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
I wish there was a name for the genre other than dressup games tho. Its one of many of my interests that i felt that i had to supress in order to be "real trans", yknow? Like its annoying how a giant pile of proof is never proof enough but having ONE hobby that stereotypically fits your birth sex is somehow proof that youre lying. And you get so used to that that even when you're alone your anxieties repeat those people's voices and it keeps you from enjoying what you love.
Also like..honestly if not for the name it wouldbt even be a "girly hobby", so man i worry about nothing. I mean its weird how (for example) dragonball zenoverse and soul calibur are manly dressup games, and like 90% of mmos are super male-aimed dressup games with near naked women. And there's bazillions of games with dressup functionality that are hybrids with other genres and actually let you take your custom character and DO STUFF WITH THEM, and thats the kind i love the most! Dressup deep dark fantasy action rpg time! I like making a character, i like dressup with armours or demon horns or anime fighter hair aura nonsense or god knows what! Its so limiting to have this image of the genre as just "girly fashion", like man who could enjoy a dressup game without OPTIONS??? Most of those stereotype pandering dressups are soulless cashgrabs, thats why Style Savvy looks so appealing to me as legit the first actual fully fleshed out non glitched as fuck girly dressup that ive ever seen! Also thankfully it does have options for multiple styles of fashion even though the general prrsentation is very cliche girly. The demo alone showed some nice punk clothes and gothic stuff!
Anyway i wish we could popularise a better name for the genre or make it so that people dont automatically associate the phrase dressup with negativity. Character customization is kinda another way to describe it but its a big clunkyness of crusty syllables. At least it better describes the main appeal which is creating characters! Seriously ive seen a lot of people assume that dressup games are literally only dressing up one premade character and then they go "oh yo actually that does sound fun" or "i think ive already played one of those!" when you tell them its like making an oc. So many sports games have dressup and all these stereotype-obsessed dudely dudes are like "wtf you mean the entire time this was the same damn thing??"
And oh man another genre thats unfairly ruined by badly made aggressively sexist shit games is parenting sims! Again i wish there was a word thats less pigeonholed into the stereotype but the obly other ones are raising sim or life sim which are basically the same. Like man when you hear all that you imagine a collection of boring minigames changing diapers and not a cool choose your own adventure rpg where your character grows and gets different endings. And in this case the more girly parenting versions are actually pretty ahead of the grade! All those shitty diaper minigame things clog up western stores but in japan there's series like Princess Maker that have RIDICULOUSLY in depth character choice progression algorhythms and 50-60 endings each time!
Like man seriously why is the whole genre of anything to do with making good roleplay characters considered "girly and vapid" but then rightfully recognized as in-depth and complex whenever it appears in a much smaller form in some macho game? Probably the same reason why otome dating sims are considered laughable yet male-aimed comparatively shitty awfully translated waifu nonsense is somehow top tier. Dude you could be having pron AND actual storywriting, dont settle for less! Seriously finding a non-terrible straight dude dating sim is almost as hard as finding gay ones in general, despite 90% of the entire market being straight dudes. I end up playing the "girly" dating sims more often just because...like..actual characters...actual words...
Shit that makes so much sense! Yeh whenever i try and be like "oh i'll only play the manly create-a-lil-dude games" they never last very long cos they're usually eithee smaller minigames or attatched to a genre i dont like. I have soooo many sports games despite hating sports games! Theyre one of the few manly genres with good dressup engines! Also like man yeah girly dressups are stereotypically considered the main thing of the genre so no wonder i'd find more of them. Also now im actually checking my library of dressup games is overwhelmingly macho stuff or mmorpgs, i dont know why i was even telling myself im being too girly for liking these??? Again, its the brain fallacy of all proof of your transness being invalid yet one single strike against it is somehow definitive proof. Man i still remember when i was too scared to wear one pair of pink socks because somehow one pair of pink socks would mean i was a "faker trans trender". Why am i so anxious!!! How do i take my brain to the mechanic!!!
So uhh yeah in summary gta 5 is a dressup game. End post.
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marysbud · 7 years ago
I gabe the kid a sledgehammer so hard, it knocked my kaioken out. #kaioken #goku #kaiokenx20 #lol #cabba #dragonball #dragonballz #zenoverse #attack #powerup #faceoff #videogames #marysbud #marybuds
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 6 months ago
Vardos Ki Attack
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He be working with Kamatori if you are wondering whose tail that is. Also finally drew a regular super Saiyan.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 7 months ago
Namekian OC Nem sketch
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another of my school sketches I am planning on coloring. I dunno why I am posting them now but I wanted to so I am gonna. Nem meditates a lot and can be very serious. He loves nature and studies plants. He is an explorer who goes to different planets to do research. He is an amazing fighter and will do anything to protect the ones he loves.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 7 months ago
Frost Demon OC Arctic Sketch
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I just came up with his design and haven't made a backstory or anything for him. He is a completely blank slate for now. All I really know about him is that he is quite shy. Drew this at school so I wasn't able to color it yet but I thought why not just share a picture of some of the sketches I did at school before coloring.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 7 months ago
About Falia
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Very cheerful
Laughs A LOT
Very emotional
Extremely powerful
Likes joking around
Does not enjoy fighting or sparring
Very close to her mom Fasha
Loves to see fusion
Started flying before she could walk surprising the crap out of Fasha
Hates bugs and spider
Has a ton of potential
Loves cooking
Loves romance
She is a smiling ball of cuteness
Loves things to be clean and hates things dirty.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 7 months ago
About Vishar
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Never serious unless in a tough fight
gets exited easily
Loves to learn
Loves sparring with his twin brother Vicar and his father Vardos
Close to his father
Loses control for a moment after transforming into any form
Almost killed his best friend by sparring with them
Has a hard time controlling his power and ki levels
He is happy, kind, and curious
Has a big imagination
Not smart, kind dumb
No insults get to him. He can brush anything off.
Wants to go with Vardos whenever he goes to fight a baddie
Never the one to underestimate an opponent
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 7 months ago
Attempting A Sitting Position
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Look at Zeno Vardos. Isn't he just adorable.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 8 months ago
Zeno Vardos's first demonic transformation
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Yep, Vardos is a half demon half Saiyan. Surprise!
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 9 months ago
Zeno Vardos Super Saiyan Ultra Prime
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Me and my friend are creating transformations for our main Saiyan OCs. My friend is naming most of them. This is super saiyan ultra prime. This name was created because the purple I used is primrose which is where we got prime from, and because it reminded him of Ultra Ego.
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dragon-ball-zenoverse · 9 months ago
ssj4 Zeno vardos
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Told ya.
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