#dragon blade wrath of fire
grinbrothers · 3 months
Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire - Wii Wonders!
Souldin's wonderful review of the Wii game; Dragon Blade: Wrath Of Fire! Premieres at 9PM BST on 19/6/2024!
Welcome to a review of the fiery hack and slash game, Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire. Have fun through action packed levels swinging your sword, or Wii Remote, in human terms.
Wii Wonders Season 2 Cover Art by AngelAik0: https://www.deviantart.com/angelaik0/art/Commission-Nanka-872606281 Wii Wonders Story Art by xXxSai: https://www.deviantart.com/starteam2017/art/Commission-for-Sould1n-811636274 Wii Wonders Controls Art by Ang_YUSOX: https://www.deviantart.com/starteam2017/art/Commission-Nanka-811758731 Wii Wonders Gameplay Art by Seasickjelly: https://www.deviantart.com/starteam2017/art/Chibi-Monochrome-Commission-Nanka-831774583 Wii Wonders Conclusion Art by Sakka-sama: https://www.deviantart.com/sakka-sama/art/Com-Nanka-833535376 Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire is exclusive to the Nintendo Wii.
Date Made: 11/1/2024 to 27/1/2024 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXCFgLZmjBeMCt-QbSoDhVA Tumblr: http://grinbrothers.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrinBrothers
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missglaskin · 10 months
Yandere Aegon's Conquest (platonic) headcanons
AKA Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys as your yan!parents + Aenys and Maegor as your yan!Brothers
Characters: Aegon the conqueror, Visenya Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen, Maegor & Aenys Targaryen, Orys Baratheon
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Note: Adopted and female!reader, toxic relationships, some interpreted romance/incest, Fire and Blood spoilers
You may have joined the Targaryen family through any of them. Brought to King's Landing as an offer, a hostage from Dorne. Whatever the reason was, you have now become the obsession of three dragon riders.
Naturally, there was some opposition at first. It's enough to keep a whole kingdom together; with lords either bending the knee willingly or by force, having the faith tolerate their marriages, and now they bring a child into the fold who didn't seem to bear much resemblance.
Yet despite widespread opposition, there was utter silence when it became evident what would happen if someone were to comment on your legitimacy. It's frightening to face Aegon's wrath, but he and his sisters combined; downright terrifying. 
They tended to differentiate when it came to ways of parenting. You would have likely been overindulged if it weren't for Visenya, who adopted a stricter role in place of Rhaenys and Aegon. On the other hand, it's Aegon who adopts the role of the meditator, keeping the peace whenever his wives come to disputes.
Orys is the only one Aegon truly trusts along with his sisters and despite Rhaenys and Visenya sharing Aegon's trust, they're not exactly thrilled about sharing you with anyone else. It’s noticed how quickly Orys steps into the role of an uncle, adding more fuel to the gossip (being Aegon’s brother). Like everyone else, he's just as protective and is more than willing to personally handle anyone who dares to cross you. But also similar to Aegon, beyond being protective, he's pretty laid-back. During your younger years, he'd times have you seated on his lap or playfully throw you up in the air.
As mentioned, Visenya is fiercely protective and sometimes may come off as a bit harsh, but her intentions are solely for your well-being. Her kingsguards are not only ordered to protect the king but are specifically trained to protect their little princess. She’s involved in your education, ensuring that you embrace your ‘Valyrian’ heritage. 
Each day she’ll have you rehearse your words, recount the history of your family house, and fulfill all your supposed duties. It’s Aegon and Rhaenys who urge Visenya to give you a break from time to time (not just because they want to spend time with you). Visenya also insists on training you despite her brother and sister’s wishes. Rhaenys thinks your gentle hands shouldn’t touch a blade with Aegon claiming you’re protected enough.
While they might disagree on many things, both Aegon and Rhaenys agree with Visenya's idea of giving you your own dragon egg. Given as a gift on your nameday. And even if the dragon hatches and you may never ride it, they are sure to let it recognize you as their owner; to let it be yours and yours only. Besides it’s further proof to the rest of the kingdom that you’re indeed one of them.
Like Visenya, Rhaenys is very much involved in your life and rarely lets you out of her sighs. She’s much smothering and the most affectionate out of her siblings, known to watch you with great fondness and expect to be praised for even the smallest accomplishments.
Rhaenys takes charge of your wardrobe, dressing you in the colors of House Targaryen and embellishing you with all sorts of jewelry. The many songs she has ensured to be dedicated, praising your elegance and beauty that they are believed to have passed down generations.
That’s not to say Aegon isn’t involved, he is but tends to be overshadowed by his sisters; finding himself stuck in the middle of their disagreements. Despite this, he makes his stance known and will use all types of excuses to steal you away. Aegon goes as far as making you his cupbearer, though while the council members are hesitant to take you away from the king's side. Only Orys dares to have you come and fill his cup.
They often find themselves in childish arguments on who you should ride with. Aegon occasionally claims victory, it helps Baelrion is the largest. In fact, whenever any of the siblings go for a flight, they are likely to bring you along. During their shared flights, they would showcase all sorts of tricks like getting close to the water or letting their dragons spit fire in the open air just to witness the excited look on your face.
Aegon spoils you (rotten) and is ready to fulfill almost all your whims and desires. While he’ll gladly gift you with jewelry and gowns like Rhaenys, Aegon is more inclined to make grand gestures like contracting statues and naming things in your honor. If you were to ask, he'd happily construct a bathhouse, a vast garden, you just need to ask.
Aegon is surprisingly someone you find it easy to turn to whenever you get in trouble, along with Uncle Orys. He's perfectly fine with you doing your own thing, playing away while he watches from a distance.
Despite their occasional arguments, at the end of the day, they are united through their care for you. You mean everything to them, and though each may express it differently, they all just want to see you happy and safe.
Adding Maegor and Aenys into the mix just makes everything more chaotic. While it's not much of a hidden secret that Rhaenys and Visenya favor you, they attempt to keep it subtle. Aegon isn't very adept at hiding it, and there have been discussions where he expresses the desire for you to be his heir instead. However, by the Westerosi tradition, Aenys is the expected heir.
Aenys and Maegor are particularly attached to you, even when their parents clearly seem to favor you. Being a bit older than Aenys, Rhaenys actively encouraged the bond between you two. She always insisted your small self to hold him and it became well-known among the castle servants that baby Aenys would cry until you came at his side. 
The death of Rhaenys threw everything into chaos. Visenya and Aegon, if possible, became even more protective, god forbid if Dorne were to make an attempt (or try to bring you back). You became the outlet for their grief, with Aegon demanding your presence more than ever. Aenys clung to you for comfort, a child who doesn’t seem to fully understand where his mother went. 
A year or two passed before Maegor was born, and he was already different from the start. Aenys, always smaller than the other kids, remained easily carried by your child self even as he grew. You'd lift him up on your back as he squealed with delight, but Visenya would scold you; your back could get hurt and Aenys is heir, he must be expected to behave like one.
Maegor, on the other hand, was bigger than most kids, with round and full cheeks that you couldn't resist poking and pulling. Similar to Aenys, he constantly demanded your attention, but unlike Aenys who cried, Maegor caused tantrums, pushing other kids you interacted with and throwing things until he got the attention he sought.
A rivalry started between the brothers, and more often than not, you found yourself in the middle of it, but it was mostly one-sided with Maegor often starting the conflicts. Moreover, Aegon directed most of his attention toward Aenys with kingdom duties and all, leaving you mostly with Maegor and Visenya.
Unlike Rhaenys, who didn't have the time to mold her son, Visenya did. She made sure that her son knows that it’s his duty to protect and care for you, deeming Aenys as weak in her eyes. Maegor learned to value you above all else. Sparring was no longer necessary, as according to Maegor he’ll be the one to protect you from now. In one incident, Maegor attacked a noble boy who had jokingly insulted you. Aegon and Visenya never punished him, with the excuse that Aegon didn't want to cause a scene.
Aenys, much like his mother, is naturally affectionate. Openly embracing you in front of the entire court or hold your hand as you walk together. Such displays of affectionate were a never-ending lecture from Visenya and Aegon and all it did was fuel Maegor’s jealousy. 
As all three of you came of age, there was a flood of suitors vying for your hand in marriage. Aegon would use any excuse to deter them, but deep down, he secretly wished to wed you to Aenys but he knows Visenya might insist on Maegor instead, further fueling the rivalry between the brothers. The reactions of your brothers toward your suitors only intensifies, with Maegor eagerly challenging anyone who seeks your hand and Aenys wearing a mask of happiness for you while secretly desiring to have you all to himself.
It becomes even messier if the brothers are wed to other women. Alyssa and Ceryse, in particular, feel the pressure to be on your good side, knowing that a gesture from you could sway their husbands in your favor. Despite being married to them, the wives can't shake the feeling of being the "other women". The awkwardness is heightened by Aenys, who insists on you being close to his children, going so far as to let you be one of the first to hold baby Rhaena. 
The family was struck with a moment of grief upon Aegon's death, leaving Visenya as the sole parent. With Aegon, and even Orys, no longer present, Visenya had the freedom to enforce her regulations and expectations without interruption. Maegor, being a wild card, proved difficult to control. Despite Aenys' perceived weakness, he stepped into Aegon's place, not directly opposing Visenya and Maegor but making it clear that you were a line not to be crossed. Your place is to be with him and his family, by his side in council. 
Aegon's death set off a chain reaction, fueling the underlying war within the family that had already been brewing.
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felassan · 27 days
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New BioWare Blog post:
"Journal #6 Lethality and Levelling An inside look into Rook’s Warrior combat Hello everyone, Since our summer reveal in June, we’ve been reading all the great excitement for the game and listening closely to what you’d like to see next. Our reveal trailer showed off the prologue and very beginning of the game, and now we want to shift our focus to higher level combat. Today, we’re going to cover our game’s combat system, looking at how Rook and Companions can be built up to meet the perils facing Thedas, using deep RPG systems. This starts with choosing a desired class as there are three main classes to select from when creating Rook: stalwart Warrior, deft Rogue, or spell-slinging Mage. This blog and accompanying videos will focus on the Warrior class, and we’ll have more to share on the other classes before launch."
"PREPARE FOR BATTLE By choosing Warrior, the fighting style revolves around close range combat and defense. Skills, Traits, Runes, and Abilities are customizable to best suit that type of playstyle. The loadout will have slots for Abilities, accessed from the Ability Wheel. Picking which Abilities from the many in the arsenal to bring into battle is a strategic choice made for each encounter, and they can be swapped out anytime, except during combat. For some added depth, there are up to three equipable Runes. Runes provide a variety of control, utility, or additional damage to synergize with your build. While in combat, all three Runes can be cycled through and activated. There are a wide range of potential Abilities that are unique to each Class and can be customized by spending Skill Points. For example, the Warrior class will have certain abilities that deal fire damage. Players can plan their build around this, and each skill point spent could be in pursuit of this build. Each step taken is designed to augment Rook and/or Abilities. Eventually, Rook will gain access to Specializations, which grant powerful Abilities, unique to each Specialization. These Specializations will also provide a unique Ultimate Ability (more on that later below) tuned to the theme of that Specialization, so a Warrior specializing as a Grey Warden Champion will gain access to the devastating incendiary Warden’s Fire that launches a flurry of searing strikes that ignite foes like tinder. This is the best Specialization Area for defeating darkspawn, an enemy that many Dragon Age fans know well. Check out all the Specialization Areas below (minor gameplay spoilers) and we’ll have a separate spotlight on progression later as well."
"Warrior Rook Specialization Areas: Reaper - Become night's blade. Steal life and risk death to gain incredible, unnatural abilities Slayer - Leap into the fray. Wield massive, punishing weapons while rushing enemies to deal devastating blows. Champion - Be the shield. Shrug off damage while summoning righteous fire down on enemies. Rogue Rook Specialization Areas: Duelist - Draw your steel. Parry and dodge past enemies to gain strength with every strike. Saboteur - Set the stage. Deploy explosives and turrets that devastate enemies, then pick them off with arrows. Veil Ranger - Hunt the enemy. Snipe enemies from afar using artifacts that charge arrows with dangerous, powerful magic. Mage Rook Specialization Areas: Death Caller - Embrace the dark. Drain life from enemies and cast spells that writhe with the essence of death itself Evoker - Call the void. Freeze enemies in their tracks, then summon the deepest cold to tear them apart. Spellblade - Be the storm. Channel potent spells for close-quarters combat infused with lightning's wrath."
COMBAT BASICS Now let’s talk about the foundations of the combat system. The four core moves that all three classes share include jump, dodge, light attack, and heavy attack, which can all be chained together. Rook can dodge at any time, even mid-attack, which adds fluidity to the combat. Is taking damage or dealing it better at that moment? Light attacks do quick damage and build small amounts of stagger; heavier attacks are slower and build more stagger to your opponent. Once enough stagger is built, the enemy will be rendered more vulnerable to all incoming damage and allows Rook to perform a takedown.  Each of these attacks (light and heavy) can be charged by holding down the button to deliver a more potent version of the strike. For example, a heavy attack can be charged while using a staff to unleash a magical wave of destructive energy. Attacks can also be triggered while sprinting and/or jumping to add depth and fluidity to combat. In addition, each class has ranged attacks, blocks (or parries, if timed properly with the right weapon set), and the ability to control Companions’ combat strategy. Each Class also has two distinct weapon sets, which can be swapped seamlessly in the heat of battle. This drastically changes the available move-sets and strategies. Heavy attacks remove Armor Barrier (denoted by a yellow bar) faster, and ranged attacks remove Shield Barrier (denoted by a blue bar) faster. There is also the Stagger meter (denoted by a lavender bar) which builds as hits are landed against an enemy. Stagger creates opportunities for bonus damage and special Takedowns.  The Ability Wheel pauses the fight for more precise control over Rook’s own abilities and those of their Companions, and where those tactical RPG elements come into play. Players can use the Ability Wheel to assign Companions to attack specific enemies, individually or together. Abilities can also be bound shortcut keys to keep the action flow going, instead of always bringing up the Ability Wheel. Vulnerabilities and resistances of enemies can also be seen while targeting enemies in the Ability Wheel. For example, Darkspawn are weak to fire damage."
"BUFFS, DEBUFFS & CROWD CONTROL Some Abilities apply buffs or debuffs to help you in the fight. For example, Davrin has the Heroic Strike Ability which applies the Overwhelmed debuff to enemies. This will increase the enemies’ Stagger and make it easier for Rook to perform a Takedown. There are also Area of Effect Abilities to help the party defeat large groups of enemies. Controlling the field of battle is a key consideration in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Players will need to consider which buffs/debuffs or crowd control Abilities will work best for each situation.   Abilities require Class Resources (Mana, Momentum & Rage) to be able to use. Each class primarily builds up their Class Resource by dealing damage with basic attacks. In addition, each class has a secondary way to build their Class Resource - Warriors build Rage by taking and dealing damage, Rogues build Momentum by dodging attacks and parrying successfully, and Mages regain Mana passively over time.   Warriors who go into battle with a sword-and-shield build, will have access to the Shield Throw Volley. By landing a Heavy Attack on a Shield Throw return, the shield will ricochet, taking out multiple enemies. This sequence can repeat up to three times, causing a devastating ring of damage around Rook. This attack works well against swarms as well as distant adversaries. Other ways to manage distant enemies lean into Companion abilities, such as Davrin’s Death from Above to send Assan, his griffon, to attack enemies. Warriors also have the Grappling Spear Ability to pull enemies close for an easier victory. With these tools, attacks can be chosen based on the type of enemy and the situation to dispatch foes in the most optimal way, especially on higher difficulties."
"PRIMERS, DETONATORS & ULTIMATES Many Abilities include some type of coordinating effect and serve as either a Primer or a Detonator that can result in devastating combo attacks when properly executed with the Companions. These Ability combos can be set up in the Ability Wheel.  Finally, you have your most powerful attack: Rook’s Class Ultimate Ability. Doing damage to enemies increases your Ultimate Meter. The Ultimate Meter won’t fully fill during smaller skirmishes, because they are designed to decimate a significant swath of the battlefield or the toughest bosses.  All of these options combine together to create a rich combat experience that is highly customizable. The entire Skill Tree is also fully refundable, and Skill Points can be redistributed. We encourage you to try out multiple builds, use different Abilities for each mission, and change up the Companions you bring into battle. These videos have highlighted several of the ways that players can achieve strategic combat in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. We’ve put them all together in case you wanted to see them back-to-back. Check out the full video below! there’s a lot to explore in the game and a lot more to talk about. We’ll have more to share on the Rogue and Mage before launch, as well. Next week, we look forward to companions week, along with another Discord Q&A planned for August 30th where we can answer more of your questions about the game. Chat soon!             — The Dragon Age Community Team"
[source] <- video links at link
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graceofagodswrath · 1 year
She tore across the fields, the deserts and the oceans. She destroyed villages, cities and empires. She jumped across planets and worlds, ravaging, killing, burning. Nothing could stop a woman with such rage in her soul.
And a mother’s wrath in her bones.
It had been peaceful. An out of the way back world planet, green and bright. An oasis form of the planet earth. And it was a secret. A secret she kept between her and her child. A little boy, sweet as can be. With swirling black curls atop his head and big honey brown eyes, he’d stare at the only home he knew with playful awe. He’d dance while she tended to the garden, sing as they walked the wood’s paths. He’d ask a million questions about a million things, and she rarely grew tired of it. He filled her days with entertainment and happiness, and she filled his with knowledge and play.
But all good things end. That is the universe’s constant cycle. She came back from a mountainous trip to find her home ravaged, and her boy gone. She tore through the ruins, a woman of green spirits no longer. Now, she was fire and brimstone. A mountain of storm.
It didn’t take long for her to find the tracks. She called back to her dark past, the one she ran from to keep her child in a net of safety. It only did so much good. So she called back that dragon fire fury of her warrior days, and hunted down those scavenging fools who’d taken her only treasure.
And caught them she did. She stormed their ship, all metal and fang, claw and bullet, sweeping through them like a hurricane. Blood and carcasses painted the bridge in eerie art.
But she did not find her boy. However, She did find her next target. And it would not be long until they’d tasted the rage of her blades.
So beware the venomous scorn of a woman.
And the hellfire of a mother’s wrath.
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ladythornofrivia · 10 months
Kingdom of Fire & Blood || (Part Three)
Next Chapter
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summary: modern!reader bloody and beaten up but the prince interrupted the scene.
pair: aemond x reader
warnings & disclaimer: smut, violence, p in v sex, sexual content, aemond being arrogant, modern reader doesn’t know how the world of GOT works but is a Aemond stan, praise kink, breeding kink, spitting kink, voice kink, fluff, angst—family drama, oral sex, hate sex, stalking, jealousy, virginity loss, obsession, reader being sassy and aroused, sweet moments with reader and aemond. Reader is a huge GOT & HOTD fan. Pro-Green, Reader is a green supporter. Aemond becomes king instead of Aegon. (P.S. Alys who? I only know Aemond x Reader)
a/n: please read chapter 2 before reading chapter 3 to know what’s happening. I hope you don’t mind long chapters.
Chapter Three: The House of Black & Green
~ Aemond’s POV ~
Thunder and rain barraged outside the Red Keep. So does Aemond’s heart, thundering and disoriented, clashing like the volcanos in the Doom of Valyria.
Aegon, on the other hand—surprisingly—stopped drinking; silently looking beyond the carved hole and examined the events unfold.
A gush of blood tainted onto the stoned floor when Ser Marrow thrashed your body forward, collapsing with a wet thud.
In the house of the dragons, Targaryens and Velaryons immediately stood from their seats, watching the events unfold. Ser Marrow huffed with his might, abiding for the Targaryens to come to an understanding with Ser Marrow’s reasons.
Alicent rose onto her feet and hoisted you up, but only meet halfway by you sitting up, bleeding as Alicent untied the blindfold and shielded you with her arms, as if Alicent has regret something in the first place.
“Explain yourself, Ser Marrow,” Alicent demanded, brows furrowed in ferocious temper.
Rhaenyra got up from her chair at a slow pace, mouth opened with terror at your current state. She knew that you were hurt from the battle; poisoned by the blade piercing through your youthful flesh.
“I was only doing good for the realm, to keep the peace intact,” Ser Marrow explained. “For Targaryen dynasty!”
“Lady (y/n) rescued my daughter from falling off the bridge, and you call it a ‘threat’,” Alicent defended.
Rhaenyra contained her wrath when Ser Marrow spoke for the ‘good of the realm’. “She saved my son,” she scolded him. “If it wasn’t for her, my son would’ve been killed from the wretched fools.”
“Yes, the wretched fools that this thing brought to the Red Keep!” Ser Marrow accused. “People are dead because of this monstrous bitch!”
Rhaenyra shook her head. “Ser Marrow, you forget yourself. What in the Seven Hells are you thinking? Beating her to a pulp, causing an uproar in the room was no good of excuse for you to gain sympathy of your ranking from us! Why do you think so highly of yourself? Have you had no shame on what you’ve caused?”
Ser Marrow hesitated for a moment, looking at you, then looking back at Rhaenyra. “I only did my duty, princess. Should she stay here in King’s Landing, death and destruction will bring upon the Targaryen line.”
“She did what she had to do to keep my family safe—”
“She’s a monster!” Ser Marrow bellowed. “A monster hiding beneath the human skin. She’s isn’t ordinary! Dangerous and filled with malice and lascivious intents to destory Westeros!”
Rhaenyra sighed, shaking her head. Prince Daemon, who stood the corner of the room, watched the events unfold.
Meanwhile, Alicent still embraced you tight, lessening the anxiety you were trying to suppress.
Aemond watched you from afar. Even awake, he found himself focused on your features—all fragile with grace and beauty within quietude. Droplets sank onto your tainted dress and your once immaculate hair has disarray from hair pulling. Aemond kept his composure and cast his sentimental aside.
Behind him, Aegon took notice of this, but said none; only amusement etched onto his drunken face.
“How dare you raised your voice against me, your future Queen, an heir to the Iron Throne and Seven Kingdoms?!” Rhaenyra declared.
Ser Marrow chuckled. “We all know in our hearts that you will never be queen or inherit the throne like that Rhaenys bitch, stringing along in a comfortably life with that old and weak man like that Sea Snake fucker!”
Everyone’s eyes snapped at his statement. Even Aemond’s and Aegon’s—halt from their tracks.
“Oh yes, surely you think it’s time to realize that you, a woman with big tits, hideous face and a loose cunt will never stand a chance against the son to rule to Seven Kingdoms on the Iron Throne. Sons are meant to rule, never the daughters.”
Rhaenyra had gone pale.
The silent gasps ensued.
Alicent stood up and approached Ser Marrow. “Remove your cloak and sword; you are hereby exiled from Westeros and reside at the Wall.”
Ser Marrow snorted without batting an eye on Alicent. “I don’t take orders from an ugly, vicious cunt.”
Alicent withstood her ground. “I won’t ask again, Ser Marrow.”
Anger blazing, Aemond make haste outside of the secret passage to enter the room, but Aegon hauled him back.
“Release me, brother. I have no time to indulge with your silly antics,” Aemond warned.
Aegon clutched Aemond’s arm tighter. “You’ll get in trouble. In more ways than one,” he warned back.
“Since when do you give a shit about your younger brother other than your wine and whores?” Aemond yanked his arm off from Aegon and entered the scene without noticing him; everyone is too focused that they’re unaware of Aemond’s presence hidden behind the thick pillar, his sword in hand, with his watchful eye, he was waiting for a moment to strike.
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~Your POV~
Clutching your stomach as you were urging not to cough more blood. Behind you, the shadow overcast the ground, revealing Rhaenyrs Velaryon offered you a comforting smile and hands on your shoulders, though appearing more apologetic and saddening.
“Ser Criston, take Ser Marrow and escort him outside the Red Keep at once,” Alicent demanded in a low tone.
Ser Marrow shoved Criston back; Criston held his sword on his throat as the other guards in the room held their swords directly in front of Criston and Marrow.
“I will take no part in this charade,” Ser Marrow replied.
“Stand down now, good sir,” Criston said. “And walk away from the Red Keep.”
Ser Marrow. “This is your doing, Criston! If you haven’t brought that bitch here in the Red Keep, I would’ve still be part of the Kingsguard!”
“This is your own choosing to beat Lady (y/n),” Criston responded, apathetic.
“If only the monster hadn’t save the Rhaenyra’s bastard son, the succession to the Iron Throne would be secured. But he’s no son of the late Prince Laenor”—chuckled—“no, rather both monsters brought great ruination.”
For once, you’re glad Jace isn’t here.
“Fuck you,” you choked, blood spattered. “Admit it, you couldn’t handle a woman who bested you.”
Ser Marrow’s mouth clenched so tight, veins protruding from his neck. “You vile, insolent de—”
All the guards’s swords lowered, except for one blade tip kissed on Marrow’s neck with a pointed end. “A war hasn’t even begun and you’ve beaten a young maiden. Do you really think that have you a chance of walking out alive,” a voice said. “I dare you to say the word “demon” again, Ser Marrow.”
All their eyes turned to Aemond, who was looking down, gazing at you.
Though your eyes nearly dwindled, you heart beat pounded against the cage in your chest at the sight of him.
“Aemond, what are you doing here?” Alicent asked, rushing to his side, tugging the upper sleeve of his leathered jacket.
“I was only here to defend her,” Aemond answered with a droned hum. “After all, she saved my dear sister,” Aemond said coolly without averting gaze away from Ser Marrow, though given the exception of looking towards you ever so benign.
“Get back out in the hall, Aemond. This is no fight of yours; Ser Marrow must stand down and leave from the Red Keep,” Alicent said, frantic.
But Aemond ignored her, deepened the blade. “If you touch her again, there will be war.”
Everyone held their breath as they watch Aemond, his cautions ingrained into their minds.
“Aemond,” Alicent hissed, nudging him.
Aemond lowered his blade, and as soon as he did, Ser Marrow rushed towards you with his fist high up, but the sword cleaved Marrow’s head into two, leaving the guards already held their swords to disarm Aemond, as the table clanged loud; one guard bled from his head; Aegon slammed the guard down from trying to stab Aemond on his blind side, and held a short sword; the blade’s tip scraped the guard’s cheek.
“I wouldn’t do it again if I were you,” Aegon said to the guard and caught sight of you with a faint smirk on his wine-stained lips.
Prince Daemon lazily made his way to the crowd to retrieve Rhaenyra as the guards collected Ser Marrow’s body. But before that, Aemond said, “Feed Ser Marrow’s corpse to Vhagar. His service is no longer needed.”
Spectators stared in awe at the sudden events; not one utter a word of objection or sputter disagreement with the one-eyed dragon prince, as Aemond swept his sword clean with a cloth, not sparing a glance to anyone.
Once he sheathed his sword, Aemond advanced towards you and lifted you up, leaving everyone staggered at his proclamation for you.
Taglist: @galactict3a @toodlesxcuddles @daonenonlysandman @hufflepuff1700 @me753 @fredskum @danika1994 @colored-tr-panels @valeskafics
@ aemondswifffeeeyyy - all rights reserved
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elguritch-art · 23 days
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Silfr Life Stages
Wanted to do a bit of a lineup through the prominent points in time that Silfr's gone through, the guy's been through A Lot.
Some more in depth explanations/lore ramblings below:
Silfr was born of a profaned ritual of a heretical branch of the Dragon Cult, from the soul of a stillborn infant "Dragon God", and the body of a discarded Warrior.
Silfr's first memories are the scent of blood, jumbled mixtures of knowing this body was too big, but the soul within too small, the body too weak but the mind too strong, everything, everything, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Scales were barely visible and only a stripe across the eyes, the fingers, and a barely formed tail originally, along with visible scarring and a blind eye!
Pre ER
Healing and growing stronger under the care of the Cult, Silfr, at the time referred to only as the "Dragon God", was put on a pedestal, cared for as more of an object of worship then a person.
Silfr knew very little, for the most part following the Cult's dictations, but still something deep within knew this was not right. Silfr ated the weight of responsibility and worship put into the air Silfr breathed, and began to question if the Dragon God had really been reborn into this inhabited flesh, or if it was something worse.
Scales over the top half of Silfr's face, but not quite onto the ears yet, along with fully covered hands, a slightly longer tail, and scars starting to shrink and fade.
Start of ER
Silfr finally worked up the courage to flee the Dragon Cult after waiting for the flesh to grow strong enough to swing a blade, a gesture both extremely foreign and new, and something deeply buried as a comforting, welcome motion.
The garb of a Confessor was the first and only thing Silfr was able to find to escape the Cult, and very early on picked up the Reduvia as a first weapon after receiving aid from Yura upon being attacked by Nejirus not long after escaping.
Scales cover the top half of Silfr's face, ears, and up to the elbows, tail is almost as long as Silfr's legs, and scars are fully gone. Left eye is still blind. About 5'8" tall.
Mid-Late ER
Growing in confidence as a warrior, Silfr's buried frustrations, mixed with the constant fear and paranoia, and the newly consumed Dragon Hearts culminates in Silfr becoming a creature of wrath and silent anger, taking everything out on almost every living thing crossing Silfr's path.
The Dragon Heart Communion starts awakening and unlocking Silfr's inherent draconic abilities, increasing Silfr's already existing abilities for fire breath, along with allowing magic, scarlet rot, and frost breaths as well, and slight transformations with claws, horns when emotional, and the start of the half-transformation.
Scales more prominent on face, covers up to shoulders, and tail is noticeably larger and harder to hide. Slitted pupils and sharp teeth emerge, and Silfr more commonly has smoke breath when speaking. About 7' tall.
Now a calmer, serious, more confident warrior, though still has moments of a temper flaring and draconic behaviors. Silfr still fears the Cult and it's attempts to reclaim their Dragon God, but has grown massively in both size and strength, along with finding refuge in the Shadow Keep, finally granting a semblance of peace.
Has also grown into an identity Silfr finally considers a unique identity that Silfr owns, and was not created by someone else. Silfr, the Dragonblooded. Silfr, the Dragon of the Shadow Keep. Silfr, The Impaler's Consort. All titles Silfr forged without the Cult, and identities Silfr holds dear.
Post-Bayle and the consumption of Bayle's heart, Silfr fully entered the form of the Dragon God (or what could be it), for the first time. It was through the efforts of Messmer, enlisting the aid of the Dragon Priestess, that after twenty-four days of agonizing reverting of the transformation, bit by bit, that Silfr returned to a familiar form, though not unscathed.
Scales fully cover top half of face, with permanent two sets of horns, and pointed ears. Small scale spikes on jaw, and small tusks. Scales fully cover shoulders and up to mid thigh, collarbones, and Silfr's entire neck and throat. Tail is quite large and often drags on the floor, and Silfr has a pair of infantile, underdeveloped wings that are kept bound due to chronic pain (With Messmer's help for it.) About 8' tall.
:) The little bracelet is one of Messmer's and was gifted to Silfr upon accepting the offer to become a consort to Messmer's claims of Lordship.
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kradogsrats · 2 months
so having painstakingly leveled up every single fucking character in all three regions to see their regional gear flavor text, some of it just... fucking TORMENTS me, I am TORMENTED
Rayla, Moonshadow Forest - Shadowblade set:
An assassin knows she holds fate in her hands.
An assassin knows she is already dead.
An assassin knows we are all, in the end, alone.
(Naturally, Rayla and Runaan have the same gear sets.)
Callum, Far Reaches - Feathered set:
Let nothing clip your wings.
Let nothing weigh you down.
Let nothing keep you from the sky.
(Slightly less naturally, Callum and Karim have the same gear sets.)
Viren and Soren, Moonshadow Forest - Ghostfeather set:
Bit by bit, the moon fades away, then bit by bit it will brighten again. That is our cycle.
For those you have left behind, think on all they have given you…
… for those who will come after you, think on all you will give them. — Lujanne
(Yes that is just a TTM quote from Phoe-Phoe's rebirth ritual SHUT UP I'M EMOTIONALLY COMPROMISED, anyway Soren and Viren share all the same gear ha ha kill me.)
Claudia, The Border - Dawnheart set:
No shadow escapes the wrath of the Sun at its zenith.
You buried your shadows deep - but the Light sees them still.
When the darkness in you burns away, what remains?
Claudia, Far Reaches - Daybreak set:
I found my lover weeping, gazing up at the night skies…
… I took his hands in mine and said, my darling, dry your eyes…
… the dark is not forever, love! The sun must always rise. - Skywing Song
Janai, The Border - Golden Knight set:
Gold, for the Sun’s light.
White, for her radiance.
Red, for her power.
Janai, Moonshadow Forest - Moonfire set:
Some say the Moon is the Sun’s shadow, a pale imitator, a reflection.
Some say the Sun kills the Moon when she dares grow bright enough to challenge her radiance.
The truth? The Moon and the Sun are sisters, a fire shared between them.
Amaya, The Border - Katolian set:
We are the hands of our kingdom…
… we raise blades, we bear shields, we carry the scars of the past…
… but we are strongest when joined with others. - Katolian Soldier’s Oath
Amaya, Moonshadow Forest - Nightguard set:
A relic of long-ago warriors who served the Dragon Queen, Luna Tenebris.
The Nightguard vanished with their Queen, but their spirits remained.
Now they roam the Moonshadow Forest, searching for Luna’s heir.
(Amaya shares gear with Zeph but lbr no one cares.)
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Ok so this one a little different but I wanted to see what you can do with it
Can I request a yandere alduin x reborn Dragon Born reader x yandere playtonic pryox
So the reader was alduin mate and pyrax little sister ( i can not remember how to spell that Dragon name the one that on the throat of the world with the Gray beards) but during the war she was killed but she reborn as a dragon born and not only that but got married. And pyrax is torn on helping his sister and joining alduin.
And reader not happy with them and she married a Dragon Slayer
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Blood in the Water (Yandere! Alduin x Reader x Platonic Yandere! Paarthurnax)
“We’ll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water?
The price of your greed, is your son and your daughter
What you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water?”
- Blood // Water, granson
Paarthurnax knew you.
The dragon had always been told that he read too much into others, searching for things that weren’t there - trying to gain a better understanding of someone by peering into their soul. Well, he liked to believe he could.
But you were different, he knew you. From the moment you climbed his mountain, your very soul spoke to his; like a flicker of fire light after trudging through an endless snowstorm.
This must be a malicious plot, he told himself, remaining guarded with his icy gaze even as he longed to approach you with all the gentleness of the world. Perhaps the Greybeards had decided it was time for Paarthurnax to pay his dues, or the Blades had finally gotten to him… anything would be more plausible than her soul returning.
“Why have you intruded on my solitude, mortal?” He questioned harshly, your shocked and fearful gaze almost making him regret it.
Still, you were able to catch your bearings and face him - something most mortals would not do. “The Greybeards sent me. I am the Dragonborn.”
Ah… perhaps this was Akatosh’s way of punishing Paarthurnax for his misdeeds.
Although Akatosh often did not play by his own rules, there were usually only two ways for a Dragonborn to be birthed into existence: a dragon and a human breeding, or the soul of deceased dragon being reborn into a human.
He shouldn’t have been surprised, not when he really thought about it. Whilst it was unlikely for you to be reborn - what will millions of other dragons who could have been reincarnated - but out of every dragon he had ever met, of course it was you. Dragons could only be reborn because their souls were made of far sturdier stuff than mortals, the very substance refusing to dissipate. And you had the strongest soul of all.
Strong enough to put up with Alduin, after all.
Alduin, the very thought brought unrest to Paarthurnax’s stomach, his insides squirming at the idea of Alduin knowing of your return.
By all rights, Paarthurnax was supposed to help the Dragonborn - you - defeat Alduin and stop the dragons from once again taking over the world. Alduin and his subordinates would give Paarthurnax Oblivion, of course, fighting fang and claw to have the Dragonborn’s head on a pike. But the Dragonborn was a larger threat to most dragons than they were to the Dragonborn, very few having the ability to stand against them. With enough training, perhaps the Dragonborn even stood a chance at defeating Alduin, especially if they wanted to see another day.
However, if you really were her, well… that complicated everything.
Alduin had always ruled with an iron claw, leaving the mortals alive only out of necessity and sinister amusement. His tyranny was not reserved for mortals, either, even the dragons themselves fearing Alduin’s wrath. After all, if he grew tired of the world, he could simply destroy it.
But even Paarthurnax had feared Alduin after your death.
Alduin had always enjoyed ruling, conquering, entertaining the idea for centuries rather than destroying the world and allowing birth for a new one. But when you’d been killed, it was like the dragon stopped caring - as if any emotion aside rage had been beaten out of him. Alduin decided to destroy the world because his had been taken from him.
You, however, had always been kinder - far kinder than an average dragon. No one really knew why, perhaps it was because Paarthurnax and, eventually, Alduin had always shielded you from the world. As the World Eater’s mate, you weren’t expected to lift a claw.
It had been heartbreaking when you discovered just how much Alduin (and Paarthurnax, although he tried to forget that) terrorised the mortals. You just couldn’t understand why Alduin - your Alduin, who always showed you nothing but kindness - would inflict such horrors on those who could not fight back. That was the start of Paarthurnax’s guilt.
You begged Alduin to stop and, because it was you, he compromised - allowing the mortals to exist without being burned down at every move. But some of those mortals took Alduin’s mercy for weakness and formed the building blocks for the revolution.
A revolution where you had been killed.
Paarthurnax almost wanted to side with Alduin after watching you, one of the only dragons who gave a damn, be killed. But, in your dying breaths, you begged Paarthurnax not to fall with Alduin into vengeance. After all, why should all the mortals be blamed for the act of few?
For you, Paarthurnax helped the mortals and ceased the end of the world, dreading the day Alduin would return.
But now you and Alduin were both back and, for once, Paarthurnax had no idea what the outcome would be.
“Have you encountered the World Eater, Dovahkin?”
“I haven’t,” you replied, as he thought; if Alduin had found you before Paarthurnax, you’d never be allowed to stray from the World Eater’s grasp.
Paarthurnax sent you on a “quest” then, to “prove your worth and skill”. In reality, he needed time to think, to gather the thoughts racing through his mind and figure out what he planned to do. It was also to get you away from the throat of the world because Paarthurnax had a strong feeling he would be paid a visit from Alduin.
He was proven right when the black dragon landed on his mountain, quiet anger radiating from his scales.
“The word is true, then. You have returned,” Paarthurnax mused, trying his very best to mask the wariness that was etched in his veins. The ancient tongue felt good, like an old friend he hadn’t spoken to in centuries. He had missed having dragons to communicate with.
“Where is she?” Alduin demanded immediately, voice as commanding and ferocious as Paarthurnax remembered. He didn’t have the strongest thumm for nothing.
“I am unsure what you mean, brother.”
Alduin growled, a warning no doubt. “I am not in a gaming mood. Tell me where my mate is, Paarthurnax.”
“What would make you think she has returned?” Paarthurnax asked casually, the lie easily rolling off his tongue. “She died with the war.”
Paarthurnax knew he was poking a hungry, vengeful bear but, if it meant keeping Alduin off your trail, he would make that sacrifice.
“Cease your treacherous lies, her soul calls to mine. I can feel her very essence. If you do not reveal her presence to me, Skyrim shall burn.”
Well, Paarthurnax would lose no sleep over that. Not if it meant your well-being. You were far more precious than the whole world.
Eventually, Alduin left after his fire clashed against Paarthurnax’s, the throat of the world fortunately remaining upright. Now, Paathurnax just had to pray to Akatosh that you stayed far from Alduin’s reach.
Vilkas wrapped his arms around you as your back sunk into his strong chest, nuzzled in his warmth and the comfort of the thick blankets. He placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder, making a smile grace your face - the crackling of the fire lulling you to sleep.
“You frightened me today,” he said gently, nose resting in your hair.
“How so?” You replied tiredly, eyes still shut.
“You went into that cave all by yourself and I though…” he sighed. “I thought I lost you.”
You turned your head to look at him then, an almost amused smile on your lips. “You know I can handle a dungeon, right?”
He should have known that, considering the many times you, he, and Farkas explored the deep crevices of Skyrim together. Fighting tooth and nail against the Silver Hand to bring safety and glory to the Companions.
Of course, that was a different life.
“I am allowed to worry about you,” he defended, almost pouting, wrapping his hand gently in your hair. “This Dragonborn stuff… it is not easy, or safe. I want you to be safe.”
You practically shrugged. “I still believe it was mistake.”
He sighed again, tired of already having this conversation a million times. “It was my no mistake, my love. You absorbed the dragon’s soul.”
“And you killed it.”
The Companions had been a home for both of you, especially Vilkas. But he had found a new home with you, one where he didn’t feel the need to constantly fight and kill. For you, he left the companions.
You’d tried to convince him to renounce his wolf form too, explaining that he did not need to live with the constant hunger and bloodlust. He said he would, one day, but he was scared to be vulnerable - especially when he’d left all he knew. You let the matter drop, giving him time to adjust.
You had been accepted into the Companion’s inner circle, given the opportunity to take the wolf form and transcend mortality.
It didn’t work.
Almost immediately, your body burned, forcing the blood from your lungs, coughing it up as if you were drowning. You had passed out and were sick for nearly a week, as if your body simply refused to change its form.
Vilkas had been in charge of nursing you back to health then, and the two of you quickly fell for each other.
At least you were finally given an explanation; the dragon in you denying any other form of blood or soul that would change you.
Regardless of what did or did not happen, Vilkas left the companions and, although he already had an abundance of money saved up (enough to let the two of you live comfortably for the rest of your lives), he became a hunter. Or, more specifically with what had happened to the world, a dragon hunter.
The return of dragons had been daunting for everyone, but not Vilkas. He saw people cowering in fear and found it in his heart to help them, even at the risk of his own life.
You were just there at the right place and right time (or wrong place, wrong time, depending on how you looked at it) and, suddenly, you were the Dragonborn. The person destined to stop the end of the world.
It should have been Vilkas - he was the one he wasn’t afraid of the beasts, who could slay them without so much as a bat of an eye. Perhaps you were strong - even compassionate in the right circumstances - but, selfishly, you did not want the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You did not want to have to face the World Eater.
Paarthurnax had been frightening enough, and he didn’t even want to kill you. How in the divine’s name were you supposed to defeat Alduin? Perhaps that was it - the divines had given up on this world, deciding to mock the chance of survival by throwing them a useless Dragonborn.
“It should have been you,” you often whispered to Vilkas, in the dark of the night when your false bravado left you and only the insecurities remained.
“I will be with you every step of the way,” he would always reply without fail, gently placing a kiss on your skin and holding you close.
You wished he hadn’t promised such a thing because, as you stood in the snow shivering to the bone with a ginormous black dragon flying above you, all you could think of was Vilkas’ safety.
Paarthurnax told you that the secret to defeating Alduin would lie within the Elder Scroll, which was located in the outskirts of Skyrim where no one dared to venture.
So how had Alduin found you? Was he not supposed to be eating the world?
Perhaps Alduin found you unassuming, weak even, because his fire was targeted solely at Vilkas, the nord panting from the constant dodges.
However, one thing you knew you were skilled at was archery.
Your hands shook from the cold and the fear coursing through you, but you did your very best to hold the bow steady, shutting one eye to gain a better perspective on where the arrow would it. You released the string, a flicker of pride running through when it hit its target.
Of course, that was snuffed out when Alduin’s furious red gaze shot to you.
Vilkas yelled out your name, warning you to move as the dragon approached you faster than you thought possible. In a flash, a claw closed around you and your world turned black.
Dragons mate for life.
Alduin always believed the sentiment to be stupid, preferring to mount and fuck whoever he deemed worthy. There was no need to risk his own convenience and concern for the sake of attachment.
But then there was you.
Paarthurnax had always had far too much mercy for a dragon, practically allowing his emotions to rule him. Even so, no one expected him to take a younger, abandoned dragon under his wing.
Without even being seen by most, you had become a common conversation topic - none of which was flattering. From what Alduin had heard, you were the runt of the litter, by all means. Abandoned for your inability to grow. Paarthurnax kept you shielded from the words, and even sharper teeth, of the dragon world.
It wasn't until about half a century later when Alduin first saw you - when, under Paarthurnax's mentorship, had you become fully fledged dovah. The spark was instantaneous, Alduin immediately filled with a possessiveness he had never before experienced.
You were his at first sight - nothing Paarthurnax or anyone else did would change that.
And you really were the most captivating creature Alduin had ever met; filled to the brim with life and excitement and curiosity. Perhaps he didn't show it very much but you held his beating heart in your claws, and he was willing to risk that so long as you stayed his. And you did - you were lovely, and extraordinary, and his.
Until you weren't.
Alduin was used to anger. He had felt and understood rage, the need for vengeance. But he never thought he'd experience sorrow - he had always mocked those who felt such a thing, claiming it was a weak emotion that a true dovah would never feel. But then you had been stolen him and his heart hurt.
Ruling had always satisfied him, enjoying every being bowing to him in fear and awe - his ability to do so was the only reason he never ate the world... until there was you, of course.
The world - or at least those who understood what being the World Eater entailed - took a breath of relief when he mated with you; finally the World Eater had something to tie him down, to make him want to keep the world turning.
But then you had been murdered by those mortal scum and Alduin decided that if he couldn't have you, the rest of the world wasn't permitted to live.
However, it seemed Paarthurnax never truly cared for you, disrespecting you and your memory by siding with the mortals and sending Alduin into a time loop.
When he first returned, Alduin was filled with rage, preparing himself to hunt Paarthurnax down and kill the traitor. But then he felt it - felt you. Your soul - as long as it had been - called to his, begging him to find you.
And find you he did, even if you were in the clutches of some mortal half-breed bastard.
It didn't matter; if the World Eater wanted something, he took it. Even if you were kicking and screaming.
I'm so sorry that took so long, and the abrupt ending. This was mostly just set up but I'm actually really interested in this concept so, don't worry, there's gonna be a part two! Thanks for reading and I hope to see you there.
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moondustgleam · 5 days
Every Armor Description in TDP: Xadia
There will be no accompanying visuals on this post, the designs are already on my blog under the individual character's tags. This is a compilation of all of them for people who don't want to scroll through all the images to get to the juicy lore. I reccomend everyone read Rayla/Runaan's, Callum/Karim's, Claudia's, and Soren/Viren's if you care about the show's lore.
They're organized by order they appear in the hero select menu in TDP: Xadia, region, and type of armor if you were wondering.
Rayla & Runaan’s Armor
Firebrand Wraps - Seize what is yours and burn away the rest.
Firebrand Waistcoat - Meant to keep the heat out!
Firebrand Runners - Let your colors shine in the light of the Sun.
Shadowblade Gloves - An assassin knows she holds fate in her hands.
Shadowblade Cover - An assassin knows she is already dead.
Shadowblade Footpads - An assassin knows we are all, in the end, alone.
Nightsky Grips - The Nightsky Bandit had no interest in the Great Climb, only in its climbers’ pockets.
Nightsky Vest - While the others sought a single treasure, he had his pick of plenty.
Nightsky Buckleboots - Only the Nightsky Bandit ever grew rich from the Great Climb - and his feet never left the ground.
Amaya & Zeph’s Armor
Katolian Gauntlets - “We are the hands of our kingdom…”
Katolian Surcoat -“...we raise blades, we bear shields, we carry the scars of the past…” 
Katolian Greaves - “...but we are the strongest when joined with others.” - Katolian Soldier’s Oath
Nightguard Gauntlets A relic of long-ago warriors who served the Dragon Queen, Luna Tenebris.
Nightguard Brestplate The Nightguard vanished with their Queen, but their spirits remained.
NIghtguard Sabatons Now they roam the Moonshadow Forest, searching for Luna’s heir.
Stormrunner Gauntlets - Maybe you could punch the Eternal Storm in the face!
Stormrunner Cuirass - Armor that really says, “Come at me, Eternal Storm! Bring it on!”
Stormrunner Sabatons - You know what? The Eternal Storm could use a good kick in the butt, too.
Callum and Karim’s Armor
Flamedance Tassels - Dance, little flame, dans to a silent song.
Flamedance Chemise - Warm our hearts and bodies, keep our spirits strong.
Flamedance Sandals - Dance, little flame, dance - for the night is very long.
Illusionist Handwraps - “Most people believe that reality is truth and appearances are deceiving…”
Illusionist Amice - “...but the Moon Arcanum tells us we can only truly know the appearance itself…”
Illusionist Treads - “You can never touch the so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception.” -Lujanne
Feathered Wrists - Let nothing clip your wings.
Feathered Jerkin - Let nothing weigh you down.
Feathered Footwraps - Let nothing keep you from the sky.
Claudia’s Armor
Dawnheart Maniple - No shadows escape the wrath of the Sun at its zenith.
Dawnheart Amice - You buried your shadows deep - but the Light sees them still.
Dawnheart Slippers - When the darkness in you burns away, what remains?
Silvergrove Bracers - The traveler told a breathless tale: a village, there one moment and gone the next.
Silvergrove Vest - Impossible, they laughed at him: the forest’s magic has simply played a cruel trick.
Silvergrove Boots - But when the Moon is dark, is she not still there in the sky…?
Daybreak Reach - “I found my lover weeping, gazing up at the night skies…”
Daybreak Doublet - “... I took his hands in mine and said, my darling, dry your eyes…”
Daybreak Walkers - “...the dark is not forever, love! The sun must always rise.” -Skywing Song
Janai’s Armor
Golden Knight Vambraces - Gold, for the Sun’s light.
Golden Knight Hauberk - White, for her radiance.
Golden Knight Treads - Red, for her power.
Moonfire Grips - Some say the Moon is the Sun’s shadow, a pale imitator, a sad reflection.
Moonfire Tunic - Some say the Sun kills the Moon hen she dares grow bright enough to challenge her radiance.
Moonfire Greaves - The truth? The Moon and the Sun are sisters, a fire charred between them.
Empyrean Gloves Some - Great Climbers keep an open mind about strategy.
Empyrean Brigandine - One path to victory is to beat everyone else to the prize…
Empyrean Stompers -  …another path to victory is to beat everyone else with your fists.
Soren and Viren’s Armor
Blacksteel Grips - Something echoes in the metal.
Blacksteel Aegis - Does it sing, or does it scream?
Blacksteel Boots - What did they bury down there beneath the earth?
Ghostfeather bands - “Bit by bit the moon fades away, then bit by bit it will brighten again. That is our cycle.”
Ghostfeather Tunic - “For those you have left behind, think on all they have given you…”
Ghostfeather Treads - “...for those who will come after you, think on all you will give them.” - Lujanne
Skyblazer Vambraces - A group of elves called the Skyblazers were the first to ever attempt the Great Climb
Skyblazer Collar - Their ambition drove them higher, higher, and higher still…
Skyblazer Sandals - …but hubris brought them down again.
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raeynbowboi · 2 years
Creating a Thematic Bard
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Through Bardic Magical Secrets, any Bard can pick up any 6-8 spells of their choosing depending on their subclass. I thought I’d go through some thematic options for a Bard to choose from to cater to different themes and archetypes the Bard aspires to do. For each, I will offer the 8 spells I would recommend if you were to play as a Lore Bard, and if you pick a different subclass, just elimate two of the options.
HEAVENLY CHOIR 6th Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians 10th Flame Strike, Destructive Wave 14th Holy Weapon, Summon Celestial 18th Divine Word, Holy Aura
THAT INFERNAL BARD 6th Hellish Rebuke, Summon Lesser Demons 10th Summon Greater Demon, Planar Binding 14th Summon Fiend, Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise 18th Planar Ally, Shapechange
WOODLAND WOODWINDS 6th Spike Growth, Plant Growth 10th Grasping Vine, Wrath of Nature 14th Transport Via Plants, Wall of Thorns 18th Tree Stride, Guardian of Nature
NECRODANCER 6th Animate Dead, Summon Undead 10th Spirit of Death, Danse Macabre 14th Create Undead, Finger of Death 18th Negative Energy Flood, Antilife Shell
PYRODANCER 6th Scorching Ray, Fireball 10th Ashardalon’s Stride, Flame Strike 14th Immolation, Investiture of Flame 18th Fire Storm, Meteor Swarm
CRYODANCER 6th Ice Knife, Rime’s Binding Ice 10th Ice Storm, Cone of Cold 14th Investiture of Ice, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere 18th Wall of Ice, Control Weather
WET T-SHIRT CONTEST 6th Tidal Wave, Wall of Water 10th Control Water, Maelstrom 14th Watery Sphere, Summon Elemental 18th Tsunami, Water Breathing
TAKE THE WORLD BY STORM 6th Thunder Step, Lightning Bolt 10th Control Winds, Storm Sphere 14th Chain Lightning, Investiture of Wind 18th Whirlwind, Storm of Vengeance
DOWN TO EARTH 6th Max’s Earthen Grasp, Erupting Earth 10th Stone Shape, Wall of Stone 14th Bones of the Earth, Move Earth 18th Investiture of Stone, Earthquake
A DANCE OF DRAGONS 6th Chromatic Orb, Dragon’s Breath 10th Elemental Bane, Summon Draconic Spirit 14th Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Draconic Transformation 18th Illusory Dragon, Shapechange
BARDS GONE FEYWILD VOL VII 6th Summon Fey, Spirit Guardians 10th Conjure Woodland Beings, Healing Spirit 14th Heal, Conjure Fey 18th Mass Heal, Wish
FIND ME SUMMON TO LOVE 6th Conjure Animals, Summon Undead 10th Summon Aberration, Summon Draconic Spirit 14th Summon Fiend, Summon Celestial 18th Summon Construct, Summon Elemental
ROCKY HORROR NIGHTMARE SHOW 6th Dissonant Whispers, Fear 10th Phantasmal Killer, Dream 14th Mental Prison, Feeblemind 18th Maddening Darkness, Weird
CLOAK AND DAGGER 6th  Counterspell, Pass Without Trace 10th Death Ward, Steel Wind Strike 14th Contingency, Simulacrum 18th Feeblemind, Foresight
NECROSIS 6th Inflict Wounds, Wither and Bloom 10th Blight, Enervation 14th Harm, Finger of Death 18th Abi’s Horrid Wilting, Destructive Wave
STEP THREE: PROPHET 6th Augury, Clairvoyance 10th Divination, Commune  14th True Seeing, Detect Thoughts 18th Astral Projection, Foresight
GLOWING REVIEWS 6th Blinding Smite, Spirit Guardians 10th Destructive Wave, Wall of Light 14th Sunbeam, Crown of Stars 18th Guiding Bolt, Sunburst
SIMPLY PSIONIC 6th Mind Spike, Tasha’s Mind Whip 10th Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, Telekinesis 14th Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Synaptic Static 18th Telepathy, Psychic Scream
SONG OF WAR 6th Hunter’s Mark, Spiritual Weapon  10th Staggering Smite, Steel Wind Strike (or) Swift Quiver 14th Holy Weapon, Blade Barrier 18th Conjure Volley, Blade of Disaster
SHIELD MASTER 6th Armor of Agathys, Shield 10th Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Wall of Force 14th Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Globe of Invulnerability 18th Forecage, Invulnerability
MAGIC MIKE 6th Magic Missile, Glyph of Warding 10th Arcane Eye, Bigby’s Hand 14th Arcane Gate, Symbol 18th Demiplane, True Polymorph
SPELLBREAKER 6th Absorb Elements, Counterspell 10th Circle of Power, Synaptic static 14th Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Forecage 18th Feeblemind, Antimagic Field
SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED 6th Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians 10th Guardian of Faith, Bigby’s Hand 14th Mordenkainen’s Sword, Blade Barrier 18th Max’s Earthen Grasp, Blade of Disaster
TWO-FACED 6th Alter Self, Water Breathing 10th Guardian of Nature, Stoneskin 14th Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise, Draconic Transformation 18th Animal Shapes, Shapechange MASTER OF ILLUSIONS 6th Blur, Pass Without Trace 10th Phantom Steed, Creation 14th Mental Prison, Nystul’s Magic Aura 18th Illusory Dragon, Weird
A DANCE WITH DEATH 6th Wither and Bloom, Vampiric Touch 10th Blight, Enervation 14th Contingency, Soul Cage 18th Clone, Invulnerability
MERCY MAIN 6th Aura of Vitality, Beacon of Hope 10th Aura of Purity, Aura of Life 14th Heal, Regenerate 18th Mass Heal, True Resurrection
PLAGUED BY GUILT 6th Hex, Bestow Curse 10th Vitriolic Sphere, Contagion 14th Eyebite, Harm 18th Feeblemind, Weird
BLUE EXORCIST 6th Counterspell, Remove Curse 10th Dispel Evil and Good, Banishing Smite 14th Forbiddance, Plane Shift 18th Forecage, Imprisonment
BARD EX MACHINA 6th Elemental Weapon, Tiny Servant 10th Fabricate, Creation 14th Animate Objects, Summon Construct 18th Mighty Fortress, Blade of Disaster
CONCLAVE OF THE HOUND DOG 6th Hunter’s Mark, Conjure Animals 10th Swift Quiver, Conjure Volley 14th Guardian of Nature, Dominate Beast 18th Animal Shapes, Insect Plague
OATH OF MERRIMENT 6th Blinding Smite, Crusader’s Mantle 10th Find Greater Steed, Destructive Wave 14th Staggering Smite, Banishing Smite 18th Circle of Power, Holy Weapon
 And of course, you can always mix and match. Going for a Fire Dragon theme? Mix the Pyrodancer and A Dance of Dragons spell lists. As an example:
LOVE AMONG THE DRAGONS 6th Dragon’s Breath, Fireball 10th Flame Strike, Summon Draconic Spirit 14th Investiture of Flame, Draconic Transformation 18th Illusory Dragon, Meteor Swarm
These are all the bard themes I could think of, but if you can think of some more that I missed, or have better suggestions for some of my choices, let me know your own thematic magical secrets builds. Obviously, these were made with the Lore Bard in mind, since it gets the most magical secrets, but I’m sure some synergize better with other bard types, such as Song of War with the College of Valor. I just used Lore as the default. How well do these magical secrets builds work for you?
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angelynmoon · 6 months
"It was forged in a Dragon's fire." Merlin grinned at Lancelot.
There was alot Lancelot wanted to ask about that, like how Merlin got close enough to a Dragon's fire and lived to tell about it but Merlin was already handing the Dragon's blade to him and taking Lancelot's.
"You're better off using it, Kilgarrah will have to sulk about it." Merlin told him.
Again Lancelot had questions, like the Dragon had a name and it was still alive, but those would have to wait since he had a Warlock to protect.
Lancelot decided he liked the Dragon's blade and he wondered if he could request his own, surely the one in his hand had been meant for someone else, likely Arthur, but it felt right in his hand as Lancelot defended Merlin from the Immortals' swords.
Then they were in the throne room and they should have known it would be guarded.
Lancelot looked at Merlin and nodded, the Dragon's Sword ready as they continued, so focused were they on getting to the Cup that they didn't register the sound of the warning bell ringing as they fought.
Lancelot letting out a gasp as he took a hit to his shoulder, luckly not on his sword arm.
Merlin looked at him but Lancelot shook his head, motioning to the Cup, he'd be okay, the others might not be.
Merlin knocked the Cup from its podium as the doors burst open, the men whose blood now spilled across the throne room floor exploding in bright light as the Cup clattered to the ground.
A shout of rage left Morgause and she threw Merlin at a wall.
Lancelot forced himself up to get between them when Merlin laid on the floor gasping, he hoped nothing was too injured, Lancelot had seen men be thrown like that and never walk again, he couldn't let Morgause hurt Merlin.
"Get out of my way, boy." Morgause snarled.
"No." Lancelot said, ignoring Merlin's quiet gasp of his name.
"I am a High Priestess of the Old Religion." The woman smirked as Arthur and the other Knights entered the room from behind the throne and Morgana entered the same door Morgause had, "What do you hope to do against me?"
"Sir Lancelot, your Oath." Merlin said as he shifted to sit against the wall he'd been thrown into.
Lancelot glanced at him, Merlin was giving him the same look he'd given him when he'd Knighted him, so proud, so loving, even as his arm rested across his chest, he likly had several broken ribs.
"Your Oath." Merlin said again.
Lancelot nodded and turned back to Morgause and Morgana, who now stood next to her sister, hand up preventing Arthur and the others from coming to their aid.
"And I am a Knight of the Old Religion," Lancelot said, taking in the way Morgana frowned and Mogause stiffened, "A Knight is sworn to valor, his heart knows only Virtue, his blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, his word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the Wicked."
As he said the last line Lancelot swung the Dragon's Blade at Morgause while she incanted a spell that hit the Shield Merlin had cast over him.
The Blade hit Morgause in the stomach.
And she laughed, "No mortal blade can kill me!" She shouted.
Lancelot tore the Blade out of her, watched her stumble back.
"Then you should know that this Sword was forged in a Dragon's fire." Lancelot said as he watched her fall.
"NOO!" Morgana screamed as she grabbed at Morgause, her cry echoing against the walls, shaking them, making dust spill down.
"Merlin!" Lancelot cried as he turned to gather him up, the man still sitting on the ground.
"Lancelot." Merlin whispered, "We can't leave Morgana, we can't."
"Percival." Lancelot turned to the large man who had fallen into step next to him, "Grab Morgana."
Thankfully the man did not question him as he grabbed the woman and threw her over his shoulder.
Merlin pressed a hand on her ankle and she screamed as her magic was locked away, though the damage had been done and the Castle still shook.
Lancelot felt the moment Merlin passed out and swung him fully into his arms, Gwaine taking his sword so he could hold Merlin better against him as they ran.
Once in the Courtyard Gwen and Gauis both ran to them as the Castle continued to shake.
"What happened?" Gauis asked as he motioned Lancelot to lay Merlin out.
"Morgause threw him into a wall, it must have hurt him badly because he did not stand back up." Lancelot explained.
"Let me go, you peasent." Morgana shouted as she fought Percival's hold.
"Why did you bring her?" Elyan asked, glaring at the woman.
"Lancelot told me to grab her." Percival shrugged, making Morgana yell more at being jostled.
"Morgana." Arthur said quietly.
Morgana glared at him, "Don't think being my brother will save you."
"I miss you." Arthur said softly, "You used to be my best friend, the person I could confide in, where did that woman go?"
"She never existed." Morgana snarled, "She was lied to and hunted and betrayed."
"Arthur." Merlin said sluggishly as he woke, "The bracelet, I think Morgause enchanted it to manipulate Morgana."
"When did you discover this?" Gauis asked as he forced Merlin to stay laying down.
"When she first stared wearing it, Gwen said she wasn't acting the same, she was restless and quicker to anger, so I researched it and had Lancelot look in to personality enchantments in other kingdoms, sometimes they are used to make opinionated women dolcile." Merlin explained.
"You think Morgause enchanted it to make Morgana angry." Lancelot concluded.
"Yes. The Morgana we knew would never turn on the lower people." Merlin said softly.
Arthur and Gwen looked hopeful.
"Fine." Gwaine said and stormed over to wrestle the bracelet off of Morgana's wrist.
She fought him until the metal was no longer against her skin and then she went still.
Percival pulled her off his shoulder to set her on her feet and followed her down as she crumpled.
"What have I done, Arthur, Arthur, I'm so sorry." Morgana said as she began to sob, "I killed so many people, I tried to kill Uthur!"
"Well, a lot of people have tried to kill Uthur." Merlin joked.
"Merlin!" Gaius scolded, even as he let Lancelot help him sit up so he could wrap his ribs.
"I'm still angry at you!" Morgana shouted at him, being held back from throwing herself at him.
"Yeah, that's fair." Merlin agreed as he put a hand over Lancelot's where he'd grabbed the Dragon's Blade.
Morgana stilled, "'That's fair'?"
"I poisoned you, admittedly it was to break the curse on Camelot that Morgause used you to anchor, but still, I hurt you and it's okay to be mad at me." Merlin told her.
"Oh." Morgana exclaomed softly, "She wouldn't have done that if she really loved me, would she?"
"No, Morgana, she wouldn't have." Gwen said softly as she sat next to her friend.
"I hurt you too." Morgana said, "I'm so sorry, I tried to kill you because I was jealous."
Gwen paused, not sure what to say.
"I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to be a good Queen, and maybe you can forgive me?" Morgana asked, hopefully.
Gwen smiled and pulled her into a hug, "You're going to be my sister when I marry Arthur, I suppose I have to."
They both started to laugh quietly.
Arthur cleared his throat, "Unfortunatly, Morgana did use Magic and Magic is against the Law in Camelot."
"Arthur!" Gwen cried as she clung to Morgana.
"Lancelot." Merlin said, making Lancelot sigh as he stood between Arthur and Morgana, Sword in hand.
"Sir Lancelot." Arthur frowned.
"I can't let you harm her, Sire, it goes against my Oath, she's," Lancelot looked down at her and her fearfilled, teary eyes, before turning back to Arthur, "She's helpless, Sire."
"She's a Witch." Arthur argued.
"I bound her Magic, Arthur, she'll only Dream until I realease her." Merlin said as he stood up, ignoring Gauis' protests, coming to stand with Lancelot.
"Lancelot, you are a Knight of Camelot, stand aside."
"Yes, but I am a Knight of the Old Religion first, I swore an Oath to defend the helpless." Lancelot told him.
"You said something like that to Morgause." Gwaine said thoughtfully, "she seemed unnerved by it."
"Because the Old Code is binding, to go against it is to forfit your life." Gaius explained as he stood to go tend to Uthur, who stared at nothing "When the kings of old realised that many Noble Houses could not survive taking such an Oath they got rid of it's use."
Arthur looked at Lancelot and his position in front of Merlin and Morgana and at Gwen's pleading eyes.
"Fine, but she goes nowhere without an escort, if she does she'll be locked in the dungeons for a week." Arthur said, frustrated.
"What about her Magic and the Law?" Leon asked, having been silent until now.
"Oh, fine, I guess I'm lifting the Magic Ban as well, it wouldn't do to spare only the Royal family, I'm not a hypocrate." Arthur cried out.
"Well, there's one thing in your favor then." Morgana teased.
Arthur pointed a finger at her, "Do not make me regret this, Morgana."
"I won't." Morgana promised as she clung to Gwen.
"As for you Merlin, when were you going to tell me you had Magic?!" Arthur shouted.
"To be fair, I've never told anyone." Merlin said.
"Don't make me put you in the stocks." Arthur threatened.
"Don't make me set my Dragon on you." Merlin countered making everyone turn to look at him.
"I'm sorry, your Dragon?" Gwaine asked.
Merlin paused, "So, um, I may or may not be the Last Dragonlord since my Father Died and I inhereted his powers."
Merlin shrugged and winced as his hand came up to cradle his chest.
"We're going to have a long talk later." Arthur sighed, "For now, let's salvage what we can and make a camp. Merlin, you and Gwen babysit Morgana, Percival, you Babysit Merlin and Gwen."
"Yes, Sire." Percival nodded.
"Everyone else, split up, see what you can find, and be careful." Arthur told them, pleased when they split into pairs without him needing to tell them to.
Gwen stood to help Merlin sit down and pulled him close to her and Morgana.
"So, tell us all about how Sir Lancelot took your virginity, was he sweet and gentle or does that hide a more rougeish nature?" Gwen asked.
"Gwen!" Morgana cried, offended.
Merlin almost sighed in relief at getting out of answering.
"You know you're supposed to start by asking what the first kiss was like." Morgana said and turned to look at Merlin expectantly.
"Well..." Merlin began, knowing there was no escape as even Percival was looking at him curiously.
Eventually they would fall asleep, after giggling over the men they loved or in Morgana's case the knight she was never allowed to pursue, perhaps, in time she might be able to win his heart as he'd always held hers but for now they slept and in the morning a new beginning would rise with the sun.
A/n: is this an excuse for Morgana to not be evil? You betcha. Is it also me wondering why Merlin didn't give the Dragon Sword to Lancelot, you know the skilled swordsman, and fixing it? Yep. Yeah I know it was probably Kilgarrah making hin promise but he can just be a sulky Dargon about it. Also Merlin does get Lancelot his own Dragon Blade for the Anniversery of his First Knighthood. The other's whine about it so Merlin teases them by getting them daggers and calls the baby swords since they're being babies about it. They get anniversery Swords too but baby swords first.
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krimsonkatt · 23 days
Archfiend Matsema
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One of the 7 archfiends that rule over the abyss. Matsema, the archon of wrath, is a special case as he is actually an ANGEL, albeit one with a very demonic-looking appearance. Also known as the "angel of punishment", Matsema was sent by the holy court to monitor the archfiend's activity while acting as a double agent for both the forces of heaven and hell. His "role" is to tempt humanity into sin in order to test them as well as put humanity through trials and tribulations to prove their worth. Due to this he is often mistaken as a malevolent figure, when actually he is benevolent, albeit in his own twisted way.
In battle Matsema can use the arts "Black Viper", "Wrath", "Wrath Blades I", "Wrath Blades II", "Wrath Blades III", "Wrath Blades IV", and "Medigo Arc".
Black Viper: Deal colossal almighty damage to one foe.
Wrath: Inflict wrath on one foe, causing them to attack their allies while boosting their STR by 25%.
Wrath Blades I: Deal severe slash damage to one foe twice.
Wrath Blades II: Deal unreal slash and dark damage to all foes.
Wrath Blades III: Deal unreal slash, fire, and water damage to 4 random foes.
Wrath Blades IV: Deal colossal slash and almighty damage to all foes twice.
Medigo Arc: Deals absurd almighty damage to all foes. Deals less damage for every party member dead or missing.
Matsema begins every battle by summoning minions (either a Dracolich, Deathwyrm, Hellwyrm, Aberoth, or Shadow Dragon), then using wrath, then using Medigo Arc. Medigo Arc is usually an instant-kill due to it's insanely high damage unless you only have 1 party member left, so it's best to start the battle with only Tayo in the party and your other two members dead before using Overheal to revive everyone after Medigo Arc is used. He then will use the cycle of "Wrath -> Black Viper -> Black Viper -> Wrath -> Wrath Blade I -> Wrath Blade II -> Wrath Blade III -> Wrath Blade IV -> Repeat". He will only use Medigo Arc again after his initial turn if you null, repel, or drain any of his attacks. If no allies are summoned he will summon them, replacing his current attack in the turn order.
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athanza · 1 year
"Snowfall" - Part IV
Fem!reader (from a non-canon, lesser known house) + Aemond Targaryen (romantic) + Rhaenyra Targaryen (platonic) + Damon Targaryen (platonic) + Helaena Targaryen (platonic)
Tags: Family drama, royal politics, romance, platonic fluff, angst, lots of tention (good and bad), protective Aemond, protective Rhaenyra, found family
Warnings: An attempted SA, mentions of parent death during childbirth, parental abuse, canon violence, Aegon being a creep, canon swearing, a little bit of light smut later down the line but nothing too nsfw.
Summary: Elisana's father brings her with him to King's Landing when he's summoned by the Queen to discuss a rebellion in his territories. Her and Prince Aemond begin to fall for each other but family secrets begin to surface and it creates a tense situation between her house and house Targaryen.
Part 1 | Part II | Part III
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Araxi glared at Elisa as she towered over her, almost thirty feet in length, her young and not yet battle-hardened scales gleaming.
Elisa was in awe but terrified as she could tell by Araxi's body language that she was not happy she was there.
She began to slowly crawl backwards in the hopes of a chance of getting away but the glow appearing in the beast's throat burned those hopes to ashes.
Araxi opened her powerful jaws wide and just as the glow became blinding, Elisa held up her hand.
"Dohaeris!!" She yelled.
Araxi hesitated.
"Dohaeris Araxi!"
Araxi let out a roar so loud she knew it would have woken almost the entire palace and she winced from the sheer volume. She didn't know what the word meant but she remembered Jaecerys saying it to his dragon when they were children.
She pulled herself to her feet as she kept her hand raised in front of her, Araxi closed her jaw, hesitant but still restless.
Something had changed in Araxi's eye, the malevolence had dissipated, although the danger was still present.
Aemond appeared at the mouth of the cave where they stood and his eye grew wide as he saw what was happening. He went to run forward and help her until he realised what was going on.
Araxi leant her huge head down and looked closely at Elisa, staring into her eyes. She snorted, the air almost pushing Elisa backwards.
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"Dohaeris." She said once more, but it had been done.
Araxi had calmed.
"Elisa." Said Aemond.
The dragon looked up and scowled slightly and Elisa turned.
Aemond walked up to her as Araxi receded back into the depths of the cave and she embraced him. He held her earnestly as he thought on all of what had just happened, comforting her as she cried into his shoulder.
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Just as soon as they returned to her chambers, they had been summoned. The dragonkeepers had informed the Queen of what had just transpired, and everyone had been called to gather.
Elisa walked hesitantly towards the council chambers, Aemond's hand resting reassuringly on her lower back. She knew what she had done and she knew the consequences would be dire. She feared being banished, never to see Aemond or Haelena again, she feared her father's wrath.
Aemond removed his hand as the doors opened for them and the others were already waiting, including Aegon who sat beside his mother with a swollen eye and cut lip.
She felt herself shrink as all heads turned towards her when she entered. Her father stood restlessly by the fire and he turned to her with an anger he had not seen before.
"You useless cunt of a girl!!" He yelled, storming toward her, but Aemond drew his blade and pointed it at him before he could step any closer.
Lord Eris stopped and glared at Aemond, knowing he was no match for him in a fight.
"Enough!" Alicent exclaimed. "Lord Eris, sit down! And Aemond, put that sword away or gods help you."
Aemond kept his blade at eye level, making lord Eris back down first, only then did he sheathe his sword.
"What's the matter?" Asked Rhaenyra, as she stood holding he pregnant belly, her hand in her husbands'.
Alicent didn't know how to start.
"The dragonkeepers sent word to me a short while ago, that they had seen the Lady Elisana in the dragon dungeons tonight, and that she had-" she hesitated. "Tamed Araxi."
Everyone's expressions shifted immediately.
"What?" Blurted Aegon.
"But only one of dragon blood can tame a dragon." Said Lucerys.
Everyone's eyes looked to Elisa again and she could hardly look any of them in the eye.
"Do the keepers speak the truth?"
"They have served this family for generations, I trust their word." Alicent replied.
"But then-" Said Jace.
"This is rubbish!" Declared Lord Eris. "My daughter has no Targaryen blood! Yes she has the colourings of a Targaryen but only from her mother who was a true-blood Lannister."
"Well she must or what has just happened should never have transpired." Added Rhaenyra.
"Elisa." Said Alicent, looking at her searchingly.
Elisa looked up at her, nearly quivering with fear at what was possibly to transpire.
"Who is your father?"
Elisa's heart beat faster by the moment and she tried so hard to keep her composure.
"Lord Eris Denaron, your grace."
"No." Said Alicent, her gaze even stronger now, holding Elisa in place. "Who is your real father."
"Your grace I-"
"Speak girl!" Said Daemon, sitting beside his wife. It was the first she had heard him speak since he arrived back in King's Landing.
Her eyes quivered slightly with tears, having still not had time to process her emotions from the events of the night. She promised she would tell no one.
"My father-" Every possible consequence for the words she was about to speak bolted through her mind and she saw no way out of this, no matter how hard she thought.
"My father...is Prince Daemon Targaryen." She revealed, almost at a stutter.
Their eyes, now widened, looked to Daemon, who seemed only somewhat less surprised than the others.
Rhaenyra let go of his hand as she processed the information but Lord Eris began laughing.
"Of course." He chuckled. "I knew that whore had a lover. And of course it was a fucking Targaryen!"
"Take care with your words Lord Eris!" Rhaenyra snapped.
"My mother told me of my real father as she lay dying. She must have intended to die with her secret but she was so feverish in her last moments, I-"
"Explain yourself Daemon." Said Alicent with an exasperated sigh.
Rhaenyra looked to him, also wishing for an answer.
"I visited Lord Eris' territories for a peace treaty many years ago. I bed Lady Lyara Denaron. She fell pregnant soon after, though I had no way of knowing if the child was mine...until I heard of her colouring."
"So you knew?" She asked.
He hesitated. "Yes."
"Gods be good!"
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"What were you doing in the dragon dungeons in the first place?" Asked Lord Hightower, only now taking part in the conversation.
It was then she began to panic even more and she thought her heart would burst from her chest is was beating so fast. She couldn't tell thr Queen her son had tried to take her forcefully so soon after discovering the truth of her heritage.
"We were training." Said Aemond.
Lord Eris' hateful gaze continued. "Training?"
"She wished to learn and so I was instructing her. She left early and came across Aegon."
Elisa looked to him and shook her head just slightly enough for the others not to see but he saw, he also saw the pleading look of fear in her eyes, but he knew his mother would believe him.
"He forced himself on her and she ran when I pulled him away. When I caught up with her she was face to face with the dragon. What the keepers said is true."
Alicent's face dropped in disappointment. She knew what Aemond said of Aegon was true, and so did everyone else.
"I promise you, your Grace, I did not tame Araxi on purpose. I only used a word I had heard Jacerys use on his dragon when we were children, I don't know what it means."
"I believe you." She replied.
"Please have mercy my Queen, I'm begging of you. If you wish to banish me, I will leave. If you wish me to serve you until my dying day, I will do so without argument."
Alicent's eyes flashed with pity at the girls words. She knew there was only one solution, but it would not go down easily with the council. As a mother, she couldn't bare to think of how Helaena would react if she could no longer see her childhood friend.
"Prince Daemon." She said. "Would you be willing to accept the Lady Elisana as your child and give them the name of Targaryen?"
The shock rippled from face to face.
"Your grace!" Exclaimed Lord Eris.
Daemon looked to his wife, the mother of his four children, two already were not her own, yet she mothered them as if they were.
Pushing aside her feelings of her husband's past discretions, she took his hand and gave him a look of assurance.
"I would." He said.
"Then I hereby declare Lady Elisana as your true blood, and her name now Lady Elisana Targaryen. Her ties with house Denaron are now forfeit and she may inherit no titles."
Elisa stood in the room feeling such overwhelming waves of emotion she couldn't think or say anything. Tears still flickered in her eyes but now for vastly different reasons.
"Take her." Spat Lord Eris. "I have no need of another whore in my family."
"I would also like to declare a betrothal." Queen Alicent added, ignoring him. "Of Lady Elisana Targaryen and my second son, Prince Aemond Targaryen."
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The profound nature of these declarations were not taken lightly and were felt by everyone in the room.
Elisa's breath hitched at the second announcement and it felt as if the world was spinning. She didn't know how to react to any of this. She expected banishment, not a change of name and a betrothal, and not to the Queen's own son.
She turned to Aemond and he took her hand and kissed it, still as shocked as she was, though he hid it well.
"My lady." He said.
She squeezed his hand and looked back to the Queen.
"Your grace I- I have no words."
"Your heritage is no fault of yours, nor the taming of Araxi. Your discretions are of no consequence now that the truth of your bloodline is known. You are to live here in King's Landing as your new name requires of you."
She knew. Alicent knew she wanted to stay. She knew Lord Eris's temper, and she knew Elisa's feelings toward her son. She knew it all.
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dreadfutures · 6 months
203 Dragon Age: Inquisition Quests
A prompt list of selected quests, for randomized writing prompts. Please send the number AND say that this is a DAI Quest Prompt when you prompt someone.
The Wrath of Heaven
The Threat Remains
In Hushed Whispers
Champions of the Just
In Your Heart Shall Burn
From the Ashes
Here Lies the Abyss
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
What Pride Had Wrought
The Final Piece
Doom Upon All the World
Haven's Best and Brightest
Know Thy Enemy
Mixing Potions
Passing Notes
Piece by Piece
The Right Armor
A Common Treatment
A Healing Hand
A Rare Treatment
A Spirit in the Lake
Agrarian Apostate
An Advanced Treatment
Apostates in Witchwood
The Ballad of Lord Woolsley
Bergrit's Claws
Blood Brothers
Business Arrangements
Conscientious Objector
Deep Trouble
East Road Bandits
Failure to Deliver
Farmland Security
Flowers for Senna
Hinterland Who's Who
Holding the Hinterlands
Horses for the Inquisition
Hunger Pangs
In the Elements
In the Saddle
Letter from a Lover
Love Waits
Master of Horses
My Lover's Phylactery
Open a Vein
Playing with Fire
Praise the Herald of Andraste
Return Policy
Safeguards Against Looters
Shallow Breaths
Stone Dreams
Strange Bedfellows
Templars to the West
The Mercenary Fortress
The Vault of Valammar
Trouble with Wolves
Where the Druffalo Roam
Lost Souls
Beacons in the Dark
Beneath the Mire
Cabin Fever
Holding the Mire
These Demons Are Clever
After Skyhold
Cleaning House
A Glowing Key
Holding the Storm Coast
Keeping the Darkspawn Down
Red Water
Sutherland and Company Missing
Vigilance on the Coast
Wardens of the Coast
Still Waters
Capturing Caer Bronach
Burdens of Command
High Stakes
Holding Crestwood
The Naturalist
Weeding Out Bandits
Wyrm Hole
A Bear to Cross
A Corrupt General
A Deluded Chevalier
A Fallen Sister
A Lover's Promise
A Puppet Master
A Vicious Thug
Chateau d'Onterre
Fairbanks' Trust
Fairbanks Patrol Under Attack
Holding the Emerald Graves
Last Wishes
Motherly Encouragement
Noble Deeds, Noble Heart
Not Everyone's Free
Observing the Menace
Safe Keeping
The Freemen of the Dales
The Knights' Tomb
The Tiniest Cave
Victims of War
Watcher's Reach Refugees
Capturing Suledin Keep
A Timely Intervention
Breeding Grounds
Caged Confession
Call Me Imshael
Mama's Ring
Quarry Quandary
Red Captors
Rocky Rescue
Securing Safe Passage
Sifting Through Rubble
Stalker Stalker
Take Back the Lion
The Corruption of Sahrnia
They Shall Not Pass
Turning the Tables
Valeska's Watch
Words not Hollow
A Dalish Perspective
A Familiar Ring
A Father's Guidance
A Well-Stocked Camp
Another Side, Another Story
By the Grace of the Dalish
Calming Victory Rise
For the Empire
From the Beyond
Ghilan'nain's Grove
Holding the Exalted Plains
Lay Rest the Ramparts
Left to Grieve
No Word Back
Pressed for Cache
Scattered Glyphs
Silence on the Plains
Someone to Lose
Something to Prove
The Golden Halla
The Spoils of Desecration
Undead Ramparts to the West
God of Secrets
Runes in the Lost Temple
Ruined Blade
Assault on Griffon Wing
A Manuscript of Some Authority
A Stranger Rift in the Ruins
A Tevinter Relic Hunt
Fortress Squatters
Frederic's Livelihood
Holding the Western Approach
Hunting Patterns
Into the Approach
On the Chantry Trail
Sharper White Claws
The Heart of the Still Ruins
The Trouble with Darkspawn
The Venatori
This Water Tastes Funny
A Prideful Place
The Door in Par'as Cavern
The Temple of Pride
What It's Worth
Shard Collector
Sand and Ruin
The Tomb of Fairel
Field of Bones
Let's Slay the Beast
Ameridan's End
Avvar Allies
The Basin Beckons
Beasts at Bay
A Father's Name
Guests of the Hold
Hakkon Wintersbreath
Hakkon's Trials
In Exile
It Remains to be Seen
Lead the Charge
The Loss of a Friend
The Mystery of Winter
The Nox Morta
On Ameridan's Trail
Storvacker Caged
They Came From Somewhere Else
Up and Away
What Yet Lingers
Where Once We Walked
Builder's Towers
Chronicles of Forgotten Wars
The Descent
Exploring the Deep Roads
Holding the Deep Roads
Killing Me Softly
On Broken Knees
Rune-Warded Gate of Segrummar
Sacrificial Gates of Segrummar
A Second Rune-Warded Gate
A Warm Welcome
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insomniac-jay · 8 months
DC OC | Sophia's Arsenal
Dedicated to @mayameanderings @floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @punkeropercyjackson
I have mentioned several times that Sophia just has the most insane weaponry ever. The amount of stuff she has in a whole ass vault is incredible. And since I am the infodumping queen, I'm going to go over Sophia's weapons.
Dragonflare - A pair of twin blades made from the fangs of a dragon Sophia slayed on her 16th birthday. The name comes from its ability to burn dragon fire.
Sword of the Seraphim - Sophia's main weapon. Created by the Seraphims for Sophia's father Samuel, it was given to her when she took his place as a protector of the throne.
The sword's entire purpose is to kill divine beings, using the holy fire to expose and extinguish any ethereal beings it comes in contact with, and can also transform; but not into other weapons. The sword is so God enhanced to the point where should anybody but Sophia touch it, they'd be disintegrated immediately. The blade is also flaming so have fun getting burned.
Arrows of Artemis - A bow and arrows made by the goddess Artemis herself. Cool thing about it is that it can turn anything it hits into an animal.
Lasso of Truth - Self-explanatory. Every member of the Wonderfam should have their own.
Claw of Sekhmet - Another one of her many swords. Much like the goddess it derives its name from, the sword is a physical manifestation of Sophia's vengeance and bloodlust.
Similar to the Sword of the Seraphim, the blade is surrounded by fire; and is so hot that it incinerates anything it comes in contact with. At first it was a regular sword Agatha, Sophia's mother, made to prepare her daughter to prove her Bana heritage but Sophia's powers in a moment of anger triggered it to become what it is.
Heaven's Wrath - A spear made from rays of the sun. It can neutralize any demonic power and magic as a whole by being spun around, unleashing powerful rays of heavenly light.
Kingslayer - A sword gifted to Sophia by Jezebel, it is one of her most powerful weapons. Using a combination of the sword's demonic powers and her own heavenly ones, it is strong enough to kill higher divine beings and gods.
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kirwond · 11 months
Fate Spins Along As It Should
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A playlist for Baldur's Gate 3, following characters and events for the game.
Notes from the game, cover art from BG3 concept art.
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Tracklist and notes below the cut.
Help I'm Alive - Metric
Narrator: As you wake, the tadpole squirms in your skull.
Army Of Me - Bjork
Lae'zel: Who am I? Your only chance of survival. Now move. You are wasting time.
The Wolf - PHILDEL
Shadowheart: Most people fear the dark, like children, because in darkness they see their fears reflected. But Shar teaches us to step beyond fear. Beyond loss. In darkness we do not hide - we act.
Icarus - Bastille
Gale: "What if," I thought, "What if after all this time, I could return this lost part of herself to the goddess?" You know me. My gestures can never be grand enough.
The Devil Is A Gentleman - Merci Raines
Astarion: On my honour, the only thing on my mind is depraved, carnal lust.
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Emily Browning
Dream Guardian: There is great potential in you. It comes from that parasite. Your instinct is to resist the power it gives, but you must accept it, nurture it. I will keep it from consuming you. But for the sake of both of us, you must learn to wield it.
I Am The Fire - Halestorm
Karlach: Avernus was never my home. It was my prison. I'm free now. AND I'M NEVER. GOING. BACK.
Woke Up A Rebel - Reuben and The Dark
Wyll: Gods damn her straight back to the Hells. Just look at me. I did what was right. And Mizora made me pay for it.
The Curse - Agnes Obel
Halsin: There is a terrible curse surrounding Moonrise Towers, a shadow curse that drains away all light and life. That place is where the cultists send their captives, to be infected. Innocents go in, True Souls come out.
Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Gale: The truth is, I was living on borrowed time already. Consuming those items would only have kept the orb sated for so long. If anything, I feel more at peace than I have in months. At least I know my death will have purpose. It won't be a distant bang in the footnotes of history.
Queer - Garbage
Astarion: He had me go out into Baldur's Gate to fetch him the most beautiful souls I could find. It was a fun little ritual of his - I'd bring them back and he'd ask if I wanted to dine with him. And if I said yes, he'd serve me a dead, putrid rat. Of course if I said no, he'd have me flayed. Hard to say which was worse.
Wrong Side Of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch
Lae'zel: Vlaakith! I have wielded your fury as a blade, roared your wrath as a dragon! You promised ascension, yet I crawl among my own people, low as an asp's belly. I followed your path. What good, this heart of stone, for it to be shattered?
Bad Moon Rising - Satin Puppets/Nxghtshade
Jaheira: I have every reason to be cautious. I've traced people like you, people with parasites in their brains, all the way here from Baldur's Gate. We tracked them to this ancient village only to be faced with a man we killed and buried over a century ago.
Goodbye - Ramsey
Karlach: Listen. You heard Dammon. There is no solution. It's Hell or bust. I choose bust.
Wicked Game - Boyce Avenue
Astarion: Look. I had a plan. A nice, simple plan. Seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me. It was easy - instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it. And all I had to do was not fall for you. Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart.
Losing My Religion - BELLSAINT
Shadowheart: I... I can't believe I just did that. Lady Shar will disown me.
Battlefield - SVRCINA
Dame Aylin: Our Lady of Silver. Hear me! She Who Guides, the Moonmaiden Selune, mother of the so-called Nightsong. THE NIGHTSONG IS NO MORE!
O Death - Bobby Bass/Lauren Paley/Colm R. McGuiness
Ketheric Thorm: Join the army of the dead, True Soul. Witness Lord Myrkul's glory!
In The Wind - Lord Huron
Halsin: Oliver is helping Thaniel to recover. They both lie dormant, like trees awaiting spring. I would like to return here someday - see Thaniel and Oliver again, in my meditations, or perhaps in person, if the Oak Father wills it. I hope he does.
Flesh And Bone - Black Math
Wyll: He returned to an unsuspecting city and a wayward son with a smirking devil at his side. I tried to tell him the truth, but my mouth couldn't form the words. I led him to the battlefield, but Mizora had swept it clean. I showed him my stone eye, but he only turned away. After, he said only one word. "Go."
Nothing Is As It Seems - Hidden Citizens/Ruelle
The Emperor: Before you do anything, I am your ally.
Red Right Hand - Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Duke Ravenguard: Enver Gortash. The Council appoints you Archduke of Baldur's Gate.
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin
Lae'zel: Forsake one protocol and forsake Vlaakith. Forsate Vlaakith, and be the blood and meat which sates her dragons. If Voss speaks true, if ascension is a lie, if tadpole purification is a fairy tale, then I have not sinned against Vlaakith. She has sinned against me.
Broken Mirror - Trees of Eternity
Astarion: Back at the ritual, all I could see was the power on offer and the safety it promised. I was so blinded by it. Just as Cazador was. You saved me from myself and let me walk a new path where I can be free. Truly, honestly free.
Three - Sleeping At Last
Gale: I've work ahead of me before I'll feel myself truly redeemed of the damage I caused. But I intend to try.
Mind Games - Sickick
The Emperor: I studied you. Your motivations, your actions, your desires. I deduced the best way to align your goals with my own. I anticipated the challenge, and I anticipated your resistance. What I didn't anticipate was how much I would enjoy your company. Your mind.
Hamsters - King Missile
Minsc: I have no idea what any of that was about. But we shall simply - GAH! Boo, why do you gnaw at my soft parts? I am trying to... *urgent squeaking* Once again? In smaller words? *SQUEAK!* I see.
Soldier - Fleurie
Jaheira: You twine your life around the people you love. And when they are gone, you grow around their absence instead. Which is my sage way of saying I am in no danger of forgetting how my husband died. But I choose to remember how he lived.
I Come With Knives - IAMX
Orin: Did it think it could protect? Did it think it could save? Only the blades can offer salvation.
Never Look Away - Vienna Teng
Shadowheart: She's as much a part of who I am as Jenevelle. I can't just forget her, that's not what I do anymore. Besides, Shadowheart still suits me - even better than before, perhaps. You can't cast a shadow without some light.
Heroes - Mans Zelmerlow
Wyll: When I left the city, my father saw only a boy carrying the stench of the Hells. Now, he sees the man I made of myself.
Raphael's Final Act - Boris Slavov
Raphael: It is said that hope is a fine breakfast, but a poor supper. Well, the shadows grow long, and the hour is late. It's suppertime.
King Nothing - Metallica
Gortash: I'm not here for games. Hand me the stones, or face the black hand of Lord Bane.
Legends Never Die - Against The Current
Karlach: I'm dying. My heart feels like a live grenade - gonna blow any minute. If this is the end for me, let me be the motherfucker who saved the world.
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Narrator: You feel it - a sudden shift. The brain is weakening, its grasp of self slipping. This is your chance.
First Light - Hozier
Astarion: I can't say what the future holds for us, but I know we'll be facing it together. And we're going to have a lot of fun.
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