#dragon ball fighterz mod
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crossoverproductions · 1 year ago
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Dragon Ball FighterZ Mod Ideas (Remaster)
Which characters are modded over who
Genos - Android 16
Jojo Patrick/Josuke  - Android 18
Tohru - Android 21
Spawn - Beerus
Apple Bloom - Ginyu
No Change - Cell
No Change - Frieza
Ryuko - Gohan (Adult)
Megumin - Gohan (Teen)
Doctor Doom - Super Saiyan Goku
Superstar Patrick - Super Saiyan Blue Goku
Esdeath - Goku Black
Rimuru - Gotenks
Rainbow Dash/Wally West/Barry Allen - Hit
Suu - Kid Buu
Rem - Krillin
Pinkie Pie - Majin Buu
Amity - Nappa
Darkness - Trunks
No Change - Piccolo
Jiro - Tien
Iron Man- Super Saiyan Vegeta
Kii - Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta
Scorpion - Yamcha
Ghost Rider - Bardock
Homelander - Broly
Deadpool - Vegito
DIO - Zamasu
No Change - Goku
No Change - Vegeta 
Booster Gold - Android 17
Bane - Cooler
Bakugo - Jiren
Mako - Videl
Anya - GT Goku
Satsuki - Janemba
Issei Hyoudou - Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta
Fluttershy - DBS Broly
Polt - Kefla
Shaggy - Ultra Instinct Goku
Aqua - Master Roshi
Spamton - Super Baby 2
Mamako Oosuki - SS4 Gogeta
Rias Gremory - Lab Coat Android 21
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theanontrain · 1 year ago
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" FighterZ Lobby Base Goku in the room."
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superdynamo · 5 months ago
Final Bout - Goku | Dragon Ball FighterZ Mod Showcase
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silverwoodwork · 2 years ago
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One of these days, Android 20 / Gero WILL make an appearance in Dragon Ball Fighterz - this is my new life mission
Even made a 2D render to start us off, I'm ready 😤
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shinmothra13returns · 8 months ago
DBFZ - Lobby ShenaniganZ 7
We're back my friends.
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cosmicdarg · 1 year ago
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This has been my PC background for years and it's still really funny
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weirdofish · 2 years ago
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Ooohh, looks like someone’s about to get their ass beat.
In all honesty, though, Eggman looks really good when you mod him into fighting games, even though I've only seen him in Smash Bros. Ultimate and Dragon Ball FighterZ courtesy of Lythero. Regardless, he looks good when he’s out and moving about (Lord knows the guy needs a bit of exercise lol). 
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supersayiancollection · 11 months ago
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arcanosnosekai · 5 months ago
Un Mod del Videojuego de Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO que permite tener un Doblaje encanta a los Fans
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Como algunos sabran desde mucho antes del lanzamiento del videojuego Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO, el fandom de la franquicia, se preguntaba si existiría, además de los doblajes japoneses y estadounidenses, el doblaje que ha sido el más icónico para los países de habla hispana: El doblaje latino, después de que en los juegos anteriores de la franquicia como en The Breakers de 2022, Kakarot de 2020 y FighterZ de la antigua generación el doblaje latino estuviera ausente, pero gracias a los ingeniosos moders un poco del doblaje latino ya se encuentra disponible en la nueva entrega Sparking! ZERO. https://youtu.be/78fvBKPPLCA Aunque el lanzamiento oficial del videojuego de la franquicia Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO fue el pasado 11 de octubre, la recepción por su acceso anticipado ha sido enorme, teniendo un número de jugadores activos increíbles y confirmando de esta forma que es el videojuego más grande de esta saga, una de las enormes características ausentes es el doblaje, pues las principales son la japonesa y la americana teniendo como gran ausente al doblaje latino, el cual es el favorito por las personas de habla hispana, en tan solo unas horas de su lanzamiento oficial, algunos usuarios en X crearon un mod para lograr este ansiado doblaje. El usuario FuryKenZ conocido también como FKZ en conjunto con Reptill1423TV estuvieron creando los mods en español latino para que los usuarios de este enorme título puedan tenerlo en su idioma y FKZ a través de su cuenta de Youtube ha estado compartiendo los avances lanzados a lo largo de este 2024 por Bandai Namco, pero traducidos al español latino, los cuales son espectaculares y no tienen errores en ninguna secuencia lo cual ha emocionado a muchos fans Dragon Ball por la fidelidad y gener�� comentarios muy positivos en redes sociales. https://youtu.be/aqGfNvVE4Io Mediante redes, los usuarios Sparking! ZERO del juego se muestran agradecidos, pero destacamos comentarios como: DIOS, QUIERO SEGUIR TODOS LOS AVANCES DE ESTE PROYECTO ¡Donde! Doy dinero ¡LO NECESITO! EL GOAT Eres un grande, Te quiero mucho Gracias por este increíble proyecto Eres increíble Todo el apoyo para ti Lástima que será solo para PC Épico, se me puso la piel de gallina Pongan al SS3 diciendo OMG esto va a ser épico papus Recuerden que no lo tuvimos de forma oficial por culpa de Lalo Garza. Hasta el momento, según el mismo FuryKenZ el Mod en Latino se encuentra en su primera fase, pero está haciendo todo lo posible para darle velocidad a este proyecto, los montajes hechos hasta el momento son de gran calidad y las voces son claras, un doblaja latino que se está haciendo con mucha dedicación y amor por el proyecto de Dragon Ball, si quieres ver todo el trabajo de FKZ creador del mod latino de Sparking! ZERO y su grado de avance hasta la fecha, te invitamos a dar clic en este enlace. Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO se ha convertido en el juego definitivo de la franquicia, y gracias a este grandioso mod, la emoción de todos los fans de Dragon Ball es muy grande por lo que muchos ya comenzaron a platicar en redes sociales para pedirle a Bandai Namco que consideren lanzar dicho doblaje, puesto que al ver el apoyo que se le brindó a este youtuber que realiza este mod es muy grande. Recuerda que Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO se encuentra disponible para PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC a través de Steam, y gracias a esa versión también puedes jugarla en tus consolas portátiles como Asus Rog y Lenovo Legion Go (Steam Deck de momento no se sabe si es compatible, pero en YouTube se han visto videos en donde si funciona bien el juego). Fuente: Cuenta de Youtube de Reptill1423TV Read the full article
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ojamayellow · 9 months ago
it would cost like $1000 but I'd kill to have my dragon ball oc to have a 3d model and modded into fighterz
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anniethetanuki · 1 year ago
Tenkaichi rambles!
Well, Budokai Tenkaichi 4(or Sparking Zero as it's now called) is on the horizon, after the series went on a 17 year(and counting) hiatus. Sadly I won't be able to play it on launch(games are expensive and it's not on any consule I have either) but nonetheless I am excited for it's release, and I just thought I'd talk a little about the previous three games, and some features of them I hope the new entry takes to heart.
To start with, I have very little to say about the first Tenkaichi game- just getting that out of the way. It is in my eyes very much a prototype of the next two, which in general were direct improvements in every sense. But it is an important proof of concept. One thing I do applaud it for though is the unique take on the story mode, where you are going through 'gates' as an outside observer to view history, which is a charming way to frame it, rather than just 'here's the story mode'.
It also introduced 'what if?' stories at the end of every main arc, which are fun little battles that have nothing to do with canon, something the next two games would expand on in different ways.
Lastly it had a ladder match mode where you climbed 100 ranks to try and beat the game's strongest fight, with occasional 'challengers' that appear to give you harder battles, and every 10th battle being a sort of boss as well. If you lost, you got knocked own the ranking. That one I liked quite a bit, and wouldn't mind seeing again for sure.
Moving on to Tenkaichi 2, the combat here is much improved. More fluid, faster, and you can now transform in the middle of battle instead of being stuck in whatever form you picked. There are a few things I can say was done absolutely best in this game over the third one as well.
The music for instance has a lot more variety, and there's even mods to add it into Tenkaichi 3 and FighterZ after all this time, so it clearly struck a cord with more fans than just me. The third game has... okay music, but none of us really stuck with me the same way, or can be remembered as vividly despite the time gap. Sometimes I even put in the disc just to hear the music, which should say a lot!
Second, the story mode. While I said the first game had a fun 'reason' for the story mode to exist, the second did a lot more than it or the third did with it. It effectively showed the entire story of Dragon Ball Z, movies included, fight by fight. Of course some things are left out by default(everything being fight-related) but it made certain you knew who all the characters were and what was going on, which is more than can be said for the other two.
This leads directly into the third great thing it did- Z items. Z items are basically equipment you put on your character to enhance them in different ways. While it still exists in the third game and in some ways there are new improvements, in 2 the Z items are actually how your character grows.
There is experience points in the game, but without items your character will not grow. When you gain experience, it's the item that grows in power. A Health+1 will become a +2, and so on. In this way your character really does grow in power as you fight, which is something I feel is vital for the long story mode not just because of increasingly strong enemies, but because it simply feels good to see your characters increasing in power over time.
In addition, you could fuse various items together to get new ones. This is both to speed up the leveling process and make new things altogether. It's also critical for unlocking characters, as sometimes you unlock special Z items that need to be fused to unlock them, requiring you to mix and match. Not all of them are obtained just by doing the required battles either.
The story mode takes place on an overworld where you can fly around and see different locations, some of which have hidden battles, items, or allies who will join you, letting you gain a greater advantage. This is also how you find the game's Dragon Balls themselves!
The final thing about the story mode is that it too had 'what if' stories, but now there are three full fledged stories than a single battle, focusing on some characters who really did not get a lot of focus. I won't unveil too much here, but you do unlock them by winning fights that the game expects you to lose. Difficult, but very worth the effort to see how much they put into these fun alternate timelines.
Lastly, the game sometimes indulges in some fun cutscenes rather than the characters simply standing and talking, and we see some very well done battle scenes, such as Goku vs Vegeta. For whatever reason the third game lacked these entirely, even though it ran on the same engine.
I can't imagine why, but it was something I missed deeply when I started playing it. I have a feeling Sparking Zero will improve on that though. Spectacle is something I'm certain we will get plenty of.
Finally we move on to the third game proper. I did talk a lot about how the second did things better, but what is good here? Well, the combat system is further refined, making it an all around more fun game. Being a fighting game and all, that really is the most important consideration. I love the second one to bits, but the third simply IS more fun to play.
Next, it has a lot of characters. Over one hundred in fact! Pretty much every movie villain of the time, quite a few characters from the original Dragonball, and a few others the second game lacked, meaning in pure numbers, this game has yet to be beaten even now. This also, incidentally, makes the game very easy for modders to work with, as there's plenty of 'less important' character slots for them to remove to add in say, characters from Dragon Ball Super.
I did say I dislike this game's story mode, but it did do a few new and good things. It's back to single battles, but there are cutscene events that can be triggered by pressing a button once you damage the enemy enough. This will make the game basically do a short cutscene(sadly of the 'standing around variety' that progresses the story. This also is where transformations can happen mid-battle, which normally the AI isn't very good at doing.
Alternatively, at any point you can end the battle by just... winning, and not progressing the story to it's conclusion. Want Goku to win against Android 19 in spite of his heart virus? Sure! Beat Frieza as Krillin by cutting off more than just his tail? Go for it. While not all of the end scenes properly capture the gravitas of what changed there, I do like that you can do it and I've not seen another game do the same myself.
It also has a 'what if' section. While these are still single fights, one example stands out to me. 'Galaxy Battle' features a Saiyan rebellion against Frieza, with the characters you play as and who you fight changing fequently. The Saiyans functionally act as 'lives' for you, and you may be locked into some particular endings depending on how well you do. The enemies are much stronger than your characters, so it's a difficult but fun challenge, and example of what can be done with this setup.
Moving on, the game does do some fun things with Z items. They no longer fuse or grow, being static buffs to your character. This does mean battles can only get so much stronger in terms of health and damage sadly, but there are some special 'aura' Z items that change your character's aura when powering up or just when they have a lot of ki. There were various Super Saiyan auras, red ones, pink ones, etc. It was a fun add-on to change up a character you thought would look better in a different color.
The game also expanded it's roster by giving pretty much all the Saiyans with tails a Great Ape form, letting them turn into giant tailed apes on nightime stages(though some characters can make a artifical moon, like Vegeta). While the apes didn't have a lot of variety among themselves, it was very cool, and I do hope the new game coming out has some similar originality with transformations.
The game also has 'Ultimate Battle' mode, where you can face various challenging teams of enemies. If you had the discs for the first and second games, you could access a similar ladder mode to the first game, and smaller themed ladders the second game had. All of these are fun things I really hope to see again.
Lastly, the World Tournament mode. Generally this is a small bracketed tournament with four battles, and you earn the game's currency if you at least reach second place. That applies here, but there are several of them now, with different stipulations. The normal tournament takes place on the tournament stage, meaning ring outs can happen if you touch the level's walls. The 'Big Tournament' is somewhat generic, simply taking place on random stages.
The Cell Games is an endurance tournament, where you aren't full healed after every battle. The Other World Tournament is like the Big Tournament, except it tends to have stronger enemies, generally from the alien parts of the cast. Finally there's the Yamcha Games, where you are randomly restricted to a particular character for the tournament itself.
One thing I didn't like about it was that while you could pick any one of these to play, you don't earn any money from it. However, at any given time a particular tournament will be 'open' and you can earn money from it. The difficulty is randomized however, which determines the payout, and I'm not sure how the in-game clock works or what time they open or close. All in all I wish they just had it where you earn money normally from these like the other games did.
Anyway, that's all my rambles for now! Generally these are just my hopes for things the new Sparking Zero will avoid or follow up on. It'll be a long time before I get my hands on it, but until then I will wait and hope that the past is remembered.
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gauntletqueen · 2 years ago
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We need to be modded into Dragon Ball FighterZ or Rivals of Aether or something :>
If you could use your mind to blow up one fellow streamer as enrichment for them who would you choose
@r0zeclawz no question. I'm convinced it'd enjoy it :>
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theanontrain · 1 year ago
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" I don't know where I was going with this. Goku and Monika out in the dark with beach chairs and pizza."
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crossoverproductions · 2 years ago
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Dragon Ball Fighterz Mod Idea Shitpost
Characters and who they're modded on:
Genos (OPM) - Android 16
Jojo Patrick (Meme Thing) - Android 18
Lucifer (Helltaker) - Android 21
Anubis - Beerus
Apple Bloom (MLP) - Ginyu
Plankton (Spongebob) - Cell
Spawn (Image Comics) - Frieza
Ryuko (Kill la Kill) - Gohan (Adult)
Megumin (Konosuba) - Gohan (Teen)
Doctor Doom - Super Saiyan Goku
Superstar Patrick (Meme Thing) - Super Sayain Blue Goku
Esdeath (Akame ga Kill!) - Goku Black
Rimuru (That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime) - Gotenks
Rainbow Dash (MLP) - Hit
The Collector (The Owl House) - Kid Buu
Rem (Re:Zero) - Krillin
Pinkie Pie (MLP) - Majin Buu
Amity (The Owl House) - Nappa
Darkness (Konosuba) - Trunks
No Change - Piccolo
Jiro (BNHA) - Tien
Iron Man- Super Sayain Vegeta
Kii (Monster Musume) - Super Sayain Blue Vegeta
Terry Bogard (SNK) - Yamcha
Ghost Rider - Bardock
Bubble Bass (Spongebob) - Broly
Deadpool - Vegito
DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) - Zamasu
No Change - Goku
No Change - Vegeta
Booster Gold - Android 17
Bane - Cooler
Bakugo (BNHA) - Jiren
Mako (Kill la Kill) - Videl
Anya (Spy X Family) - GT Goku
Satsuki (Kill la Kill) - Janemba
Issei Hyoudou (High School DxD) - Super Sayain Blue Gogeta
Fluttershy (MLP) - DBS Broly
Polt (Monster Musume) - Kefla
Shaggy - Ultra Instinct Goku
Aqua (Konosuba) - Master Roshi
Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Super Baby 2
Sun Wukong - SS4 Gogeta
Rias Gremory (High School DxD) - Lab Coat Android 21
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silverwoodwork · 2 years ago
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Toff, a Majin OC by @Sharkkface on Twitter, in the Fighterz style!
The palette was such a joy to color with, so glad I got the chance to render this chaotic boi
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thepizzalovingturtle · 3 years ago
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Pyro and Sniper running from DBFZ Lobby Goku.
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