#drag his ass jesa!
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Absolutely fucking funny idea that popped into my head.
What if in the 2nd Roku novel (Awakening of Roku?), he goes and communes in the Spirit World or something. Maybe he's looking for Kyoshi or Yangchen, and then he finds a very tall nun in the Spirit World (kinda like Iroh is just vibbing). And just:
Roku: ????? Um hello, ma'am? Woman: *turns around with an eyebrow raised* Roku, wide eyed: Yangchen???? NO! Wait... Kyoshi???? No....Yangchen-No...Kyoshi? You're tall like Kyoshi but she doesn't have tatoos.....but You're too tall to be Yangchen- Wait are those snakes? Woman: You know, I thought the first Avatar I'd talk to in here would be my daughter. Unfortunately, it appears I got you. Roku, hyperventilating: ????????!!! She looks like Yangchen but she sounds like Kyoshi!!! Roku: ............................. Roku: I'm sorry I just realized, did you say you had an Avatar daughter? Woman, rolling her eyes: Amazing, such a bright young man. I'm sooooo glad the world is in your hands. >_>
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