legally-lupin · 2 years
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Slug Club Christmas Party- Draco Malfoy x reader
Summary: you don’t know why you did it.
Warnings: slight swearing
You strutted down the halls in a black silk dress that hugged your curves. Your heels clacked against the old floors as you passed through the moderately empty hallways. You were attending the slug club party as you are a member of the slug club as well as Harry and Hermione.
When you entered the room you gave a small smile to Neville who offered you a drink.
“Champagne?” Neville offered you a glass and you gave your fellow Gryffindor classmate a smile before walking towards Hermione. The girl saw y/n from behind Cormac’s shoulder she smiled in relief and walked towards her friend. The two girls hugged before being joined by Harry. The three went behind a curtain when Hermione was patting herself with a napkin.
“Thank Merlin you got me out of that” Hermione breathed patting her forehead
“what’s happened to you?”Harry looked at his friend
“Hm? Oh, I’ve just escaped -- I mean, left Cormac. Under the mistletoe.”
You gasped at your friend who smiled sheepishly.
“Cormac! That’s who you invited!” Harry spat
“I thought it would annoy Ron most.But he’s a menace. He’s got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant.” Y/n snorted at her friends joke before she was then frightened by a waiter peeking in with a tray in hand.
“Dragon Tartar?”
“No thank you,” The three said
“Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath.”
Hermione grabbed the tray from the waiter and started stuffing her face.
“On second thought -- maybe it’ll keep Cormac at bay. Oh no, here he comes!”
Hermione pops two of the Dragon blobs into her mouth, shoves the tray in Harry’s hands and flees away from her friends. Y/n looked at Harry who was just as confused. Cormac peered in.
“I think she went to powder her nose,” Harry said looking around
“Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth too, doesn’t she? Yak yak yak. What is this I’m eating, by the way?” Cormac says with his mouth full y/n looks at him in disgust
“Dragon balls,” the two said
Cormac’s face drops , y/n smiled as she and Harry start to head out. They both jumped to see Snape ripped the curtain away.
“What’s going on back here?” Snape spoke looking at the three Cormac started heaving and threw up all over Snape’s shoes. Oh no.
Snape stares at Cormac darkly. Y/n tries to slowly escape pulling Harry with her.
“You’ve just bought yourself a month’s detention, McLaggen.Not so quick Potter, Y/n you may go” you shot a good luck smile to Harry and darted off. You found a seat next to Blaise who looked bored out of his mind and started talking to him. He wasn’t all bad Blaise. He’s nothing like the others he’s quiet and is surprisingly not mean. Then all of a sudden the air shifted and everyone in the room was silent. Voices were heard outside the door and they charge in.
“Take your hands off me, you filthy squib!” A voice angrily huffed in bursts filch and Draco Malfoy. Everyone goes towards the commotion. Draco Malfoy was in filch’s rough grip.
“Professor Slughorn, sir! I’ve just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.” Filch spoke Draco moved clearly humiliated in filch’s grip.
“Okay, okay, I was gate-crashing. Happy?” The blonde hair boy confessed before you stepped in before Snape could. You had no idea what you were doing.
“Draco! I thought you were not going to come I waited outside for you for ages.” You looked at him pretending to be angry
“Sorry professor Slughorn. Draco is my plus one. He is not gate crashing. Just a little late” you linked your arm with his and filch let him go. Slughorn smiled
“Ah, no problem miss l/n! ok everyone back to it” the music resumed and you smiled sheepishly at the taller Slytherin boy. He looked down at you with furrowed brows
“What was that about?” The boy spat dragging you to a corner you can see Harry staring daggers at Malfoy.
“What I helped you-
“I didn’t ask for your help” Draco huffed looking around
“Now I’m stuck here-
“Listen all I did was save your ungrateful arse from getting detention. You can leave if you want to I’m not going to force you to stay” you huffed crossing your arms over your chest and slumped down in your chair. Draco looked at you seeing how upset he made you. he placed a hand on your shoulder smiling slightly
“Look I’m sorry ok I’m not used to anyone helping me. I do appreciate it. thank you y/n” you squinted trying to see if he was lying but he looked genuine
“How can I make it up to you?” He grabbed your hand making you look up
“By not being an arse and enjoying the night” with that Draco pulled you up and you both started to dance with the others.
“Listen y/n I am so sorry,” Draco said as he pulled you in closer your head on his chest. All of a sudden his heart started beating fast and he started to shift nervously you looked up in worry
“Draco-“ he interrupted you
“Go on a date with me. To Hogsmeade this weekend?” His blonde hair fell in front of his face and he had a pink tint all over his cheek he was nervous
“Will you buy me fudge flies?” You ask batting your lashes he chuckled and spins you around
“Then yes I will Draco” he smiled proudly
Later on:
He walked with you to your common room. Harry and Hermione trailing in-front of you still close enough to hear you.
“Go on guys I’ll meet you there” they reluctantly walked into the painting leaving you alone.
“So,” you said rocking back and forth on your feet
“It’s been a really good night. And I’m so sorry for being such an arse to you. You look stunning by the way” you blushed at his words. He conjured a bouquet of flowers and gave them to you.
“Goodnight y/n” he placed a kiss on your hand you giggled slightly
“Goodnight Draco”
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