#draco malfoy x fem!gryffindor!reader
lokilaufeysonslove · 1 month
𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝!𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝!𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
// Summary // your parents were never kind and sweet type of people, but in your sixth year things got out of hand. To put a cherry on top, a certain platinum blond haired Slytherin Prince decided to be Sherlock Holmes and found out your secrets, ones nobody is supposed to know.
// Warnings // mentions of violence, both physical and verbal violence, abusive parents, bullying, hate towards reader, ignorance, name calling (princess in a mocking way, shame, disgrace, disappointment, waste of time), reader has a backstory, suicidal thoughts, reader has an attempt of suicide, crying, talk about past.
// Author’s Note // please pay attention to warnings! I don’t write about Draco usually, but I couldn’t get idea out of my mind, so I just went with it. This is enemies to lovers. Also, I have mentioned once that reader is 16, but for the sake of this plot, since every sixth year is 16. This is a part two, please read part one first! / divider by the amazing @saradika-graphics / gif by @talesfromthecrypts
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 in progress
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Few months had passed since the first day of Hogwarts. Things with your family were getting worse each day. You received letters from them on a daily basis, all of them saying how much of a disappointment and waste of time you were. You felt as if you were a piece of trash. Your mother made sure of it.
You became lonely, quite literally. You were studying during the day, and sleeping or just thinking at nights. Sometimes you would even sneak out in the Astronomy Tower late at nights, just to be alone.
Hermione, Harry and Ron became concerned, but you were shrugging them off and keeping your distance. Harry, being the Sherlock Holmes he was, became suspicious and tried everything to get you to say something, but you were mastered in hiding and keeping secrets.
Little did you know that a certain platinum blond haired boy was growing suspicious as well.
One day, you were sitting in the library, pretending to read, but all you could think of, was a letter your mother has sent you earlier that day, which was laying innocently on the table in front of you. Shame, disgrace, disappointment, waste of time. You were sick and tired of those words, you just wanted to get rid of them, but they kept wandering inside your head, never leaving.
You heard footsteps approaching you, pulling you out of your train of thoughts. You looked up to be met with Malfoy, Goyle and Zabini. Again, something was wrong with the Slytherin Prince. He was quiet, it seemed like he wasn’t the one who was leading the latter two.
Goyle walked forward and leaned on the table with his elbows. He looked at the letter and took it in his hands. He opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupted by standing up and snatching the letter out of his hands harshly.
“If you’re going to tell me how much of a shame and disgrace I am, don’t waste your time. Believe me, you don’t have to. I have already been told that more than enough times.” You said without thinking and immediately regretted it. Your voice was quiet, but firm. You turned around and walked out of the library.
The three boys looked at each other with the same expression that said ‘what the hell did just happen’. Neither understood what happened. This only caused one of them to grow even more suspicious.
Christmas was approaching. Everyone was happy, happy to spend time with their families, happy to spend time with their loved ones. Everyone except you. You didn’t want to go home, no, not home, your parents’ manor. You wanted to stay at Hogwarts, but you would get into a huge trouble, and getting in trouble with your parents wasn’t very… pleasant.
You were sitting in the Great Hall, at the Gryffindor house table, when Harry approached you, a little hesitantly.
“Hey,” he started softly, “Are you sure you’re fine?”
You were fighting the urge to roll your eyes, “Yes Harry, I am fine, really. Don’t worry.” You gave him the fakest smile ever, and he bought it.
But Malfoy didn’t… he was watching from afar.
The letters your parents sent you every day and night were very shitty. That’s how you ended up in Moaning Myrtle’s lavatory, sobbing your eyeballs out. You were leaning against the sink, looking in the mirror and sobbing uncontrollably while Myrtle told you that everything would be fine.
“No Myrtle, nothing will be fine. Ever.” You said in the middle of sobs.
“Talk to your parents then.” Myrtle said in her dreamy, high-pitched voice.
You laughed bitterly at her statement, your voice coming out loud and harsh, a maniacal sound that would make a person wince. “Talk to my parents? Oh, but they are the very reason why I am sobbing the shit out of myself right now Myrtle. Do you know how they treat me? Can you even imagine the pain they put me through? Let me guess. No! You don’t! You can’t! Has your father ever beat you until you were bleeding?! Has your mother ever used Cruciatus curse on you?! And that’s because of this whole pureblood supremacy shit! Because of the house you are put in! I am tired Myrtle, tired of standing strong for 16 goddamn years! I deserve some break.” You said, rising your voice every time you would swear.
It was crystal clear that Myrtle was shocked, “Talk to your friends, or your headmaster then. That is abuse, it needs to stop.”
“I can’t! If I say a word about this, they will most definitely kill me. I don’t give two shits if I die, no. I just don’t want to be killed by them! And about friends, I do not have any. And do you know why? Because I can’t have any! I don’t want to put any of my friends in danger or be put in danger because of them!” You looked in the mirror, then lowered your head once again and started crying.
After few minutes of brutal silence and your quiet sobs, you looked up and wiped away your tears with the palms of your hands.
“You know what,” you started, looking at Myrtle, “do you know how high the Astronomy Tower is?”
Myrtle looked really confused now, “Why?”
“Oh, just wanted to go up there, gaze at the sky, but I have a terrible fear of highs, you see…”
It was a lie, of course, but Myrtle bought it. After all, parents like yours were good at rising flawless liars.
“It’s high, indeed, but I don’t think you will be scared. Platform is huge.”
You faked a sad smile and thanked her, “Thank you, I’ll see you soon.” You walked out of the bathroom. “Or not.” You mumbled to yourself, thinking nobody heard you. But someone did. This someone being very annoying Draco Lucius Malfoy.
He spied on you the whole time and to make matters even worse, he heard every single word you said. So, obviously, he followed you.
When you reached the Astronomy Tower, you headed straight towards the edge and looked out.
“Oh my god, what am I doing?!” You asked yourself out loud.
You slightly leaned forward, when two strong arms cuffed your wrists and turned you around. A soft gasp escaped from your mouth at this sudden action. However, you were shocked when you saw who did this.
Draco Fucking Malfoy
“What the hell?! Were you actually planning to jump out of there?!” He asked. But what confused you more was the anger latched on his face.
“Why do you care?” You asked in a quiet tone.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you were going to commit suicide!” his voice was firm and stern, but dripping with sarcasm at the same time.
“Yeah, but why do you care?! Not that we’re friends or anything. You have been making my life miserable since the day I stepped my foot in the Great Hall for the first time, and now you care all of a sudden?!” You hissed through gritted teeth, your voice coming out venomous, a bit louder this time. You didn’t know why, but him being angry at you for attempting to end your life, for attempting to end all this pain and leave this hell forever, made you angry too. He was one of the people who made you hate your life, made you hate yourself, and now he was suddenly scolding you for trying to end it all. You didn’t know why, but it made you boil with anger.
What made you even angrier was that he didn’t say anything, he just stood there, looking down at the cold floor of the tower, completely silent. Why do you care?! Your voice echoed in his head, sounding louder and louder every second. Why did he care? You were right. He had been making your life a living hell since the day one, he had been the one to approach you for no reason and call you the most insulting, disgusting, and horrible words ever. He had been the one to make fun of you in front of everyone and make you feel insanely insecure. After all the things he did, why did he care? Maybe it was guilt eating him out, maybe he didn’t ever realize how much you were hurting, how much you were going through, until very now. But for some reason, he felt bad, he felt defeated, and he hated every second of it.
You were tired, exhausted by stress, crying and all the emotions. You were feeling nauseous. You wanted to drop down and pass out for hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries. You didn’t care, you just wanted to disappear, vanish. You were weak, too weak, but you still stood there, watching at young man in front of you, who was staring down at his shoes like a child who broke a vase, waiting for him to look up. Under any other circumstances it would be almost cute, but not now. Not when you were about to end your life, not when the boy in front of you was a boy who played a big part in your decision.
Silence was brutal. None of you saying a word, waiting for the other to speak up. Waiting for the other to say something, anything. You stood there, glaring at him like a mother glares at her son when she grounds him.
You couldn’t take it anymore, so you broke the silence by chuckling. But it was not the funny type of chuckle. No, it was bitter, venomous, painful chuckle. Anyone would hear the pain in your voice, anyone would see the pain in your eyes, pain was the only thing that radiated from you. It always had been.
“That’s what I thought.” You said and sighed deeply, “Listen Malfoy, forget about everything, and I mean everything you heard and witnessed today. And don’t you dare say a word about this to anyone.” You said and walked past him and down the stairs, your shoulder brushing against his.
He still didn’t move. He didn’t know what to do. He knew he couldn’t tell anyone, anyway. This was the pureblood family you were talking about. Rules are different there. Finally, he shook himself out of his trance and walked down the steps, trying to be as quiet as possible, since it was already past curfew and the last thing he wanted was Filch catching him.
Slytherin common room was expectedly empty. He was positive he would fall into a deep sleep the moment his head would hit the pillow, but he couldn’t go to his dorm just yet. He was still thinking about what happened just few minutes ago. As much as he wanted to forget it, he couldn’t. Can you even imagine the pain they put me through? He could never have imagined that you were going through this much. Let me guess. No! You don’t! You can’t! Yes, he couldn’t. Has your father ever beat you until you were bleeding?! And here he thought his father was the most horrible person. Has your mother ever used Cruciatus curse on you?! He could never even think of his mother being that brutal. And that’s because of this whole pureblood supremacy shit! Because of the house you are put in! I am tired, tired of standing strong for 16 goddamn years! I deserve some break. You were right, you really did deserve some break.
He felt horrible, he felt disgusted by your parents, he felt bad for you. Oh, come on Draco! Why do you feel bad?! She probably deserves that.
His brain said all of this rubbish, but his heart seemed to disagree. It screamed loudly, louder than his brain, You pathetic little idiot! How can you say that?! No live being deserves that, not even a cockroach!
Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t realize how he ended up on the emerald green couch in front of a lit fireplace. He dropped his head in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Taking deep breaths, he began to relax a little. He looked up and stared down at fire, warm and welcoming, yet roaring and dangerous. He didn’t know how long he had been sitting there. Maybe for few minutes, maybe even hours. But he didn’t care. All he could think of right now were you.
He didn’t know why he had a sudden urge to help you, he didn’t know why he had the sudden urge to just hold you until your sobs would calm down. He had never felt this way. It confused him. He never cared about you, but for some reason, hearing your cries made his heart shatter into many pieces. If it were any other person, he would feel sorry for them, he would pity them, but this was definitely not pity. This was… he didn’t know either. But it felt strange.
Standing up, he took one last deep breath and headed towards his dorm room, where he could finally get his long awaited sleep.
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sunburnhurts · 3 months
Bear lover || Cedric Diggory x fem!Reader
Summary: Cedric and Y/n's parents are very close and they decide to go on a camping trip. Y/n and Cedric don't know each other in school, their paths never cross so they don't know they go to the same school. They have only met before on one of their parents get together's, but this get together will be very different. (Pretend cedric has a younger brother lolll).
Words: 2,754
All My Stories
A/n: Hey guys! So I just was on a small vacation, and im about to go on another one, but i wanna post something before I leave bc idk how well tumblr works on my phone, but I also wanted to make a longer story. So there is no promise of me posting all of it, it might have to be 2 parts so im so sorry loll.
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Y/n finishes packing everything she needs for her camping trip. Toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, hairbrush... Y/n thinks as she places the items in her bag, making sure she has everything she needs. A quiet knock on her door almost distracts her, but she finished her train of thought before she answered the door.
"I need help getting my bag." Y/n's little brother, Aaron, looks up at her with glossy eyes which indicated he was frustrated at something.
"Yeah of course Ronnie." Y/n says as she bends down and picks up her 6 year old brother. "Why so sad?"
"Mom said I can't bring more then 2 stuffed animals to the trip." He says with a trembling lip. "But I wanna bring 3." After he said that, tears broke loose from his eyes, making him stuff his head into Y/n's neck.
"Hey, don't worry about it." Y/n gives her brother a squeeze and he looks up at her. "Just put one in my bag, mom and dad don't have to know." She whispers to him and a huge smile is revealed on his red face and he hugs his sister. Y/n hugs and puts him down to get the stuffed animal he wanted.
Aaron runs back with a stuffed bear and places it on Y/n's bed. He then holds Y/n's hand as they walk to his room to get his bag from the top of his closet. Y/n reaches up on her tippy-toes and grabs it.
"Are you excited to see Leo?" Y/n asks as she turns around and places the bag on the toddlers bed. Leo is Cedric's 6 year old brother. Y/n always thought it was funny how her family and Diggory's family had kids at the same time, like it was planned.
"Yes! I can't wait for me, you, Cedric, and Leo to all play together!" Aaron smiles.
Y/n chuckles and says, "Don't get your hopes up, me and Cedric wont be able to play the whole time, 3 weeks is a while you know." Hearing this, Aaron frowns at the girl with begging eyes. "I can't speak for Cedric but I promise to play with you as much as I can!"
"You better!" He pouts, walking over to Y/n and holds her hand again. "Can we have ice cream before we leave?"
Y/n sighs and thinks for a moment. "Pinky promise you wont tell mom and dad?" She holds out her pinky with her unoccupied hand.
"Promise!" He says as he latches his finger with Y/n's.
Y/n leans over and takes her thumb and wipes the chocolate ice cream in the corner of Aaron's mouth. She rolls her eyes playfully at her messy little brother, who almost got the 2 caught. The Y/L/N family was all in the car, heading to the camp ground.
Y/n's parents were talking to each other about the plans for what to make for food. Her dad said something about eggs, which made Y/n think of eating breakfast. She then went into deep thought about the upcoming trip.
She then thinks about the last time Y/n has saw Cedric, which was 5 years ago. She saw the Diggory family quite a lot, Leo and Aaron had a playdate the other week, but not Cedric. He was always too busy with other things to come visit the Y/L/N family.
She thinks about how young they both were, 11 and tiny. She thinks about how different she looked from now, and how it will be the same for Cedric.
Back when Y/n was 11, she thought Cedric was too cool for her until he approached and befriended her. They were at Y/n's house and were playing the whole time. They had the time of their life. By the time it was time for the Diggory's to leave, the 2 young kids were begging their parents to let them have a sleep over. When their parents said no, they said goodbye, not knowing they wouldn't see each other for another 5 years.
Y/n wondered if Cedric ever thought about that time. She hoped he did, Y/n always wished she could see Cedric again. In her first year of Hogwarts, her mind would wonder off in the middle of class, thinking about what he was doing. Little did she know they were both in Hogwarts, but they never saw each other and their parents never talked about it to them.
When the Y/L/N family arrives at the cabin, they notice the Diggory family wasn't there, so they decided to start unpacking the car. Y/n grabs both her and her brothers bags and walks into the cabin. She walks around, counting all the rooms and beds. 2 rooms for the parents, and 2 rooms which both had 2 beds for the kids.
Y/n places the bags on a table, unsure of where else to put them. As she does so, she hears a car turn into the cabin's rocky driveway. "Leo's here!" Aaron shouts, dashing to the front door. Nerves tingle Y/n's body as she waits for her old friend to reveal himself.
As Aaron opens the front door, the Diggory family stands right at the door with bags in their hands. Mr. and Mrs. Diggory's face light up as they see Aaron, who is holding the door open for them. The family walks into the cabin and says their hellos to everyone.
"Y/n! How have you been!" Mrs. Diggory says merrily and holds her arms out for a hug.
"I've been good! And yourself?" Y/n asks, returning her hug.
"I've been better, but I can't wait to spend the next 3 weeks with your family!" She responds, exiting the hug. "Cedric! Come say hi to Y/n! You guys haven't seen each other in forever!" Mrs. Diggory waves the boy over and Y/n gets a good look at him.
He is a lot different looking, his hair was longer, he was much taller, and much handsomer. Y/n wasn't afraid to admit that to herself, but certainly not to other people.
Cedric smiles and nods to the girl, saying, "Hey Y/n."
"Hey Cedric," Y/n returns the smile, "long time no see."
"Yeah, sorry about that, I've been super busy with school." Cedric laughs awkwardly as his mother walks away to say hi to the rest of Y/n's family, leaving the 2 alone.
Cedric looked into Y/n's eyes, taking in how much older she looks. More mature, tanner, and very pretty. Whenever his parents were talking about the Y/L/N family, he would always wonder how Y/n was doing. He felt bad for how much he couldn't see that family and he hoped they didn't think he was avoiding them.
"That's all right, I understand," Y/n gleams at the boy, "we have 3 weeks to catch up." Cedric lets out an airy laugh and nods as Y/n's parents come up to talk to Cedric.
As Cedric and Y/n's parents catch up about Cedric's life, Aaron and Leo run up to everyone. "Mom! Dad! Can me and Leo share a room!" Aaron says, interrupting whatever my Cedric was saying.
"As long as it's okay with Leo's parents." My mom says, fixing a hair on Aaron's head that was sticking up. She then looks to me and Cedric and says, "As long as it's okay with you guys to share a room too." Cedric and Y/n both look at each other and nodded in agreement.
"Yay!" The 2 young boys shout in union, running to one of the bedrooms.
Cedric finishes what he was saying before Aaron interrupted him, and Y/n grabbed Aaron and her bags and brought it to Ronnie's room. She then brings her bag to the other room and sets it on a random bed. She starts unpacking all her clothes, placing them in the empty drawer next to her bed. The 2 beds in the room were on opposite ends, both in corners. Y/n took the left bed, closest to a window.
Y/n finishes up unpacking as she hears the door open wider. She turns her head to the sound and sees Cedric walking into the shared room.
"Damn I wanted that bed." Cedric frowns playfully.
"Shoulda called dibs." Y/n says, shrugging her shoulders. Cedric snickers at the girl and walks over to the other bed. Y/n sits on her bed criss-crossed and watches as the boy starts unpacking his things. Y/n hears the voices of her and Cedric's moms entering the room, so she looks at them.
"Now kids," Mrs. Diggory starts as Cedric turns around and sits on his bed the same way Y/n is, "we know you kids are teenagers, but we are trusting you 2 to not do any-" She stops herself, not knowing a word to say.
"-'stuff'" Y/n's mom finishes. Y/n and Cedric share a look of disgust at their mothers.
"Momm." Y/n says shaking her head and looking away.
"I'm sorry Y/n, but as your mother I need to make sure I don't have a grandchild until I'm much older."
Y/n puts her elbows on her legs and buries her face in her hands. Cedric snorts at the situation, finding it funny how embarrassed Y/n is getting. Y/n hears his laugh and shoots her head at him. "This is not something to be laughing about!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Cedric laughs, putting his hands up in defense. Y/n rolls her eyes jokingly and laughs, looking at the 2 moms still standing at the door.
"They're so cute." Y/n and Cedric hears Cedric's mom whisper to Y/n's mom. After the 2 moms leave, Cedric and Y/n sit in silence for a few seconds. Cedric looks over at Y/n and sees something on her bed. He gets up and walks over to her, making Y/n look at him.
"Need a stuffed bear to sleep?" He asks, grabbing Aaron's bear and holding it up with a smirk. Y/n's face got flushed.
"No," Y/n gets up from her bed and reaches out for the stuffed bear, "it's Ronnies."
"Oh really? Then why was it in your bag?" He says, moving the bear out of reach.
"Because he could only bring 2 stuffed animals, but he wanted 3, so I packed one for him because I'm such a good sister." Y/n says, moving around to get the bear.
"That's a good fake story." Cedric teases. He knew it was true, but he found it funny annoying her about it.
"It's not fake! Ask Ron!" Y/n says defensively. She finally got a hold of the bear and Cedric let go, smirking.
"What ever you say, Bear lover!" Cedric walks away from the girl smiling into the room with the rest of the families. Y/n watches Cedric walk away and shakes her head, tossing the bear back on her bed and then following the boy into the kitchen.
As the first day was ending, the Y/L/N and Diggory family sat around a fire made by Y/n's dad. Aaron and Leo were running around playing games with each other, Y/n and Cedric laughed at the 2 boys tiring themselves out. Y/n and Cedric were sitting next to each other on a bench facing the fire, making small talk about their lives.
"I'm glad we are on this trip, I don't know what I would be doing this summer." Y/n says, thinking about how she would have been in her room all day.
"Me too," Cedric says as he turns his head to look at Y/n, "I would probably hang with the Weasley's and loose my mind."Y/n looks up at him and laughs, thinking about the crazy Weasley twins.
Aaron runs up to the Y/n and begs, "Can we play hide and seek pleeeeaassee?" Y/n and Cedric look at each other and share a "why not" look.
"Yeah sure, Ronnie. I'll start counting, you guys can hide." Y/n says, purposfully leaving Cedric with the 2 younger boys.
Cedric shakes his head at the girl, "How dare you leave me with them."
"Shoulda called dibs!" Y/n says, watching as Cedric gets dragged by the hands of Aaron and Leo. She covers her eyes with her hands and start counting quietly. "1.. 2.. 3...." Once she got to 30, she gets up and walks away from the fire, feeling the coldness of the night air.
Y/n walks around the semi-dark yard, approaching a set of trees. She spots a yellow shirt peeking from behind a tree, just like the shirt Cedric's little brother was wearing. "Hmm, I wonder where Leo is," She says as she peeks behind the tree.
Leo looks up at Y/n and says, "How did you find me!"
"Lucky guess?" Y/n says as she reaches out for his hand. "I don't want you getting lost in the woods." Leo nods and latches his hand in the girls hand. "Do you know where Ronnie is?" Leo smiles, pulling Y/n over to a tall tower of logs.
Before she could peek behind the logs, a tall figure jumps out at the girl saying, "Boo!"
"AH!" Y/n says quickly before covering her mouth. She looks up at the figure, identifying it as Cedric and slaps his arm. "Do not do that!" The boy laughs and places a hand on the girls shoulder.
"Don't be such a scardy cat." He says as the girl smiles and shoves his hand off her shoulder.
"Whatever." She responds. Aaron walks out behind the pile of logs laughing at his older sister, causing his hair to get ruffled by the older girl.
After more rounds of hide and seek, it was time to go inside and get ready for bed. The adults were putting their youngest children to bed, and Cedric and Y/n were getting ready for bed. Y/n was changing into her pajamas in the bathroom, and Cedric was changing in the bedroom.
Once Cedric was done changing, he walks over to Y/n's bed, picking up the stuffed bear. "I see you kept your brothers bear." He says loud enough for Y/n to hear.
"Oh, I guess I forgot to give it to Ronnie." Y/n calls out, rolling her eyes at the boy.
"Mhmm," Cedric says in a sarcastic tone, taking the stuffed bear over to his side of the room. He sits on his bed with the bear in hand and looks down at it. Y/n opens the bathroom door and looks over at Cedric.
"Oh so now you want the bear?" Y/n jokes as she walks over to her bed.
Cedric nods, "Yeah it's actually a pretty cool bear, I don't think I could sleep without it now." Y/n shakes her head and goes under the covers.
"It's so cold in here." Y/n says aloud, not talking to anyone in particular.
"Put on a jumper." Cedric says, looking at the girl.
"I didn't pack one, I didn't think I would need it." Cedric pauses, then gets up and grabs one of his jumpers. He then tosses it to the girl and she gratefully accepts it. Cedric watches from his bed as the girl puts his jumper on and then goes back under the covers.
Y/n's mom and Cedric's mom peek their heads into the room, which catches the attention of Cedric and Y/n. "Goodnight kids." They both say.
"Goodnight mom." Y/n and Cedric say in union. The 2 moms turn the light off and closes the door. Y/n looks up at the ceiling, thinking about the eventful day, still tired from the long drive.
Cedric looks over at Y/n as he recalls a memory from when they were younger. "Remember when we were running around in your basement and you knocked into your mom's vase?"
Y/n turns her head to the boy, smiling at the memory. She was somewhat surprised that he remembered that. "You remember that?"
"Of course I remember, you have a scar on your arm in the exact spot you hit the table." Y/n's face turns red from how observant he was of the girl. "Did you ever get caught?"
Y/n turns her body to face the boy, responding with, "I said the cat knocked it over, but I don't think my mom believed it."
A breathy laugh came from Cedric and he adjusts his body to face Y/n. "Why haven't I ever seen you at Hogwarts?" Y/n asked. "Were you avoiding me?"
"How could I ever avoid THE Y/n Y/l/n?!" He jokes.
"That's what I was wondering!"
"I'm not sure why you haven't seen me, I'm at Quidditch most the time. Have you gone to any Hufflepuff matches?"
"I've gone to a few Gryffindor ones. I think I went to the one where Hufflepuff beat Gryffindor."
"You're welcome for that win." Cedric winks at Y/n.
"Wait," Y/n thinks for a moment, "you were the one that caught the snitch!" Cedric laughs and nods his head. "Wow I never knew I was in the presence of the king of Quidditch!"
"You might need to get my autograph or people wont believe you've met me!" Y/n snickers and turns her body to face the ceiling. "So Ms. Y/n, why have I not seen you at Hogwarts?"
"I'm not sure, I'm usually outside of my room, hanging with my friends."
"Maybe I've seen you, but not recognized you. You look a lot different you know." Cedric said, emphasizing the word "lot".
"In a good way, I hope." Y/n laughs.
"Yes," Cedric pauses for a second, still facing the girl. "in a good way."
Y/n smiles and says, "You look different too, you don't have those big glasses you used to have."
"You did not need to bring that up."
"Too late." Y/n smiles and blinks tiredly. There was a moment of silence before Y/n said, "Goodnight Cedric."
"Goodnight, bear lover." Cedric says, even though he is still holding the stuffed bear in his hand.
Not pre-read!
A/n: Hey guys! I'm going to be writing more tonight, but I can't promise to post it until I'm back from vacation, so I hoped you liked this! If it wasn't clear, Y/n and Cedric found out they went to the same school when they were talking at the fire. Thank you for reading and I'll be starting on the next part!
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lythea-creation · 5 months
The Honor Of A Slytherin - Platonic Hermione Granger x fem reader
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summary: Hermione is surprised to say the least when a Slytherin suddenly stands up for her
warnings: bullying
word count: 848
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
I was on my way to class when I heard the rustle. Another fight between Slytherins and Gryffindors.
Honestly I did not get it. Why did people have to be so narrow-minded?
As Slytherins prefect it felt like my duty to intervene. So I made my way over to the students fighting. Or rather Draco Malfoy bullying a Gryffindor girl.
I did not really know what this was about, but I did know Draco Malfoy. It was hard not to know him actually as he was behaving like a prince.
“What's going on here?”, I inquired when I arrived.
The girl looked up at me with spite in her eyes. I raised my eyebrow at that.
“That little mudblood just got on our nerves”, Draco declared.
I sighed at his choice of wording. “You really shouldn't talk like that”, I scolded him.
“Who do you think you are?”, he challenged me with a glare, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
How could a twelve-year-old be so cocky?
I smirked down at him, being easily a head taller than him. “Who do you think you are, talking to anyone like that? Do you seriously think you're better than her just because your family consists of wizards and witches? Could you beat her in a fair fight then? Or in an exam?”, I questioned.
I had no idea who that girl was, but the huge book she was carrying with her told me that she was hard-working.
The death glare he was sending me was kinda cute actually. I had put up with a lot of bullies before. My best friends were muggleborn and had therefore received many snarky remarks and even more. But this was just hilarious.
“Just go and leave her alone, Draco”, I advised him.
“You dare talk to me like that? Do you know who my father is?”, he threatened me.
“Of course I know”, I noted with a scoff. “He's a weak man who can only handle himself through connections, just like you.”
I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears at my comments.
From the corner of my eyes I could see the Gryffindor girl chuckling.
“If you don't mind I would like to head to class now. So do all of us a favor and just cut this childish behavior”, I requested.
Now he was furious, relying on his friends to stand a chance against me. But he had no idea who I was.
Their pathetic attempt at a spell was quickly deflected by me. Their wands were in my hand before they could even think of another spell.
“Hey! Give them back!”, Draco protested.
“I'll let Professor McGonagall deal with this. So if you don't want to get into any more trouble than you already are, you should leave now and go to class”, I considered.
They cursed as they walked away, but I could not care less. They were like little puppies making a scene, thinking they were a grown-up shepherd dog.
“Thanks for helping me out”, the Gryffindor girl proposed.
“No big deal”, I brushed it off. “I'm (f/n) by the way. If they make any more trouble you can always come to me. I'm the Slytherin prefect anyway.”
“I'm Hermione. Honestly I didn't know there were kind Slytherins as well”, she admitted.
“You shouldn't judge too quickly”, I remarked. “Our reputation is way ahead of most of us.”
“Yeah, I see that now. Are you a muggleborn as well?”, she wondered.
“No. Actually I'm a pureblood, but I don't really care about this whole blood status nonsense. It doesn't mean anything”, I pointed out.
“Doesn't feel like it sometimes”, Hermione mumbled.
I placed my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. “Don't let them drag you down! I'm sure you'll become a great witch. It doesn't matter what they think. As long as you have people who love you the way you are, that's all you need. You're a Gryffindor, right? Hold your head up high.”
She was beaming at my words as if I had just ignited a new fire inside her.
“I will”, she promised. “Thanks again.”
With those words she walked away to class.
I was going to be late. Great …
I hurried through the corridors until I arrived and opened the door.
“You're late, Miss (l/n)”, Professor McGonagall noted.
“I'm sorry, Professor. There was a fight between the second years and I couldn't just walk by. Draco Malfoy and his friends attacked me by the way. So I took their wands with me”, I explained and handed her their wands.
My professor smiled proudly at me. I was one of her best students. So she knew I was not just messing around.
“Alright then. Take your seat and try this new spell then. You can tell me more about this incident after class”, she suggested.
In the end I got the house points back we lost thanks to Malfoy.
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
The Great War: Chapter 3
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Hey, sorry for the wait, I was busy finishing up some requests but here's part 3! As promised we do finally meet Mattheo. As always I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist. Series Masterlist. Read on Ao3
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Warnings: divination class, tessomancy(tea leaf reading), smoking, use of nicknames(little lioness and princess), let me know if there's anything else
Word Count: 2698
Description: Y/N has a class with none of her friends, leading her to sit with some Slytherins. Later, in an effort to get some fresh air she runs into a mysterious figure she soon discovers the identity of.
Taglist: @sylveryfire, @undercover-smutlover, @relminnie
“Congrats on making the team!” Katie said, before walking over to sit with her friends.
Random people in Gryffindor had been coming up to her all morning to congratulate her on making the team. Taking a seat at the table she grabbed some food.
“Morning.” She said.
“Hey Y/N.” Harry greeted from his seat across from her.
Ron looked up, “Hey! Congrats!”
“You too!” She said, “Now all three of us will be on the team together!”
“Yeah. Speaking of, when’s our first practice?”
Harry looked over and said, “We start next week on Monday.”
Changing the subject, Y/N turned to Hermione and asked, “So, what’s your schedule for today? I have Charms then Divination.”
Hermione made a face of disgust. She had never liked Divination and had always wondered why Y/N continued to take the class. Y/N didn’t particularly like the class but since she had managed to pass with high enough marks on her OWLs she figured she might as well give it a chance.
“We have Charms together, then after I have Arithmancy.”
“Nice. I wonder who will be in Divination.” Y/N mused. She hoped that she would at least have some people she knew. Lavender and Parvati would be in it but she didn’t really like hanging out with them.
A little later in the day, after Charms class, Y/N trudged up the stairs to the Divination classroom. It was not for the faint of heart. When she got to the class she took a seat near some people she vaguely knew which unfortunately included Lavender and Parvati. They exchanged polite smiles but nothing more.
“Welcome, students to the class of Divination!” Professor Trelawney greeted in a breezy voice. Y/N looked around, most of the people in the class were Ravenclaws. She knew a few, but not well.
“For this class, I ask you all to please pair up with someone. They will be your partner for the rest of the year.”
Parvati and Lavender paired up together, leaving her no other option. She was going to have to find someone that would at least be bearable. Standing up she walked around, trying to see if there was anyone who wasn’t partnered up yet.
“Y/L/N! You can be my partner.” She turned around to see Pansy sitting at a table next to the only two other Slytherins in the class, Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott. Naturally, the two boys had paired up already, leaving Pansy without any alternative. Both Slytherins looked at their friend astonished that she would willingly ask a Gryffindor, a friend of Harry Potter no less, to be her partner.
She walked over and took a seat across from the black haired Slytherin girl.
The girl’s somewhat approachable expression turned to a disgruntled look. “Don’t thank me.” Message received. Pansy might be acting nicer but that didn’t mean that they were all of a sudden friends. She was going to have to work to ingratiate herself.
“Today’s lesson will be a review of what we learned in third year. Tessomancy, the art of reading tea leaves.” Cups of tea, already brewed, appeared at every table. “Drink up!”
Now, tea wasn’t bad but the kind of tea that Trelawney used tasted horrible. Everybody started to sip the tea, including Y/N.
“Ugh! This tastes worse than it did three years ago.” Draco complained.
“Just like your mother's cooking.” Theodore joked. Weird. She hadn’t been over to the Malfoy’s residence in years but she didn’t recall Narcissa ever cooking. Maybe she only did so when there weren't any visitors?
Y/N snorted, amused. All three pairs of eyes were suddenly turned onto her.
Malfoy turned to look at her with narrowed eyes, sneering, “So, Y/L/N. I’m surprised you were able to take this class. Weren’t you given an Acceptable on your OWL?”
Raising an eyebrow she responded, “Didn’t realize you concerned yourself so much with my OWL results. Perhaps next time you should check your facts. Professor Trelawney takes Acceptables for the NEWT level of Divination.”
“She’s right. How d’you think I got into this class Draco? You know I suck at Divination.” Pansy said.
“I thought you passed.”
“I did. With an Acceptable.”
He made a disgruntled sound before turning back to his table.
Her tablemate looked over at her, “What do you see in yours?” Pansy asked.
“Oh, not much, just a lump of tea leaves.” Y/N said, tilting her cup for Pansy to see.
“It kind of looks like a skull.”
She looked at again, “Huh. I guess so. What does that mean again?”
She was about to open her book when from next to her she heard Theodore say, “It means ‘danger in your path’.”
“Thanks.” That was easily the third time she’s ever heard him talk in all of her years at Hogwarts. The first was in first year when she had still sort of hung out with Draco and Theodore had first joined the friend group. The second time had been a lot more memorable however. In fourth year, after the ‘Incident’, he had been the only other one besides Blaise who knew the truth. She had expected him to tell the truth and get Blaise out of detention. He never did.
“What about yours, what does it say?”
Pansy showed her her cup, “I don’t know. What do you think it looks like?”
“It kinda looks like a bird.”
“Yeah, but what bird? They all have different meanings.”
“Falcon, I think.”
She hummed before leaning over to the boys’ table, “Hey Theo, what does a falcon mean?”
He sighed and without looking up said, “‘A deadly enemy.’”
Y/N pointed out, “But look, there’s also what looks like a sun. That’s ‘great happiness’.”
“So basically I’m going to almost die?”
“Looks like it.”
“Well, shit.” She scooted her chair a bit over to Draco and Theodore’s table. “What about you?” She asked while peering over his shoulder.
“A cross and an acorn.” Draco said.
“Well that’s not too bad.”
“It’s actually pretty fucking accurate considering…” He trailed off, both of them looked over at Y/N.
Interesting, she thought. A cross meant ‘trials and suffering’. Maybe he was connecting that to himself being a death eater. She mentally shook her head. They didn’t know that for sure. Although he was acting pretty suspicious, going into the Room of Requirement late at night. She probably should have mentioned that to Harry but he was already watching his every move on the Marauders Map so he most likely knew already.
By the end of class they had all shared their observations, with a few seemingly taking their predictions very seriously to the point of tears. Idiots, she thought. Most predictions that she had heard made in this class never came true, except for a handful. Then again, her views on the subject might be slightly colored by the fact that none of her friends liked this class. Hermione thought it was a load of dung while both Ron and Harry saw it as fairly useless. Both of them had barely passed the class, only doing so after coming up with all kinds of made up predictions so Trelawney thought that they were successful.
It was for this reason that she didn’t think much of her supposed future. ‘Danger in her path’? With Voldemort back from the dead of course there was going to be danger in her path. Only a fool would think otherwise. She may be a pureblood but she was considered a blood traitor for consorting with muggle borns and other blood traitors. Funnily enough, people had more of an issue with her being friends with Ron and Hermione than they did with Harry.
Grabbing her bag, she shoved her textbook in and took her cup over to the rack. She then followed the other students as they left the class. Finally, all of her classes for the day were over and she could now focus on the mountains of homework that had already been assigned.
“Why is there so much of it?” Ron whined, looking over the assigned writing for Defense Against the Dark Arts. “I swear he’s trying to torture us into quitting.”
Hermione looked up from where she was diligently working on the assignment, “Snape was right about one thing, we are woefully unprepared. Every year we have a new teacher who changes up the curriculum. We didn’t even learn anything from Umbridge. Thankfully we had you Harry, but there was only so much you could teach us.”
Harry gave her a grateful look from where he was pouring over his Potions book.
“It’s a miracle we all passed the OWL for the class, I didn’t even know some of the spells on it.”
“At least some of the curriculum this year is going over things we already know like the Cruciatus Curse. I mean, how can we forget Mad-Eye Moody’s approach.”
Harry made a noise but didn’t say anything. They all remembered the version of Mad-Eye that they had met first. How he got away with demonstrating the Cruciatus and Imperius Curses on students was unimaginable. It all made sense now that they knew he had actually been a Death Eater but still.
“That and Dementors. We know a bit about them thanks to third year. Plus, now we all know how to cast a patronus thanks to Harry so that part of the class shouldn’t be too bad.”
Ron looked over at her, “Yeah. What was yours again?”
“I can’t recall.” She said, shifting a bit in her seat.
“Wasn’t it a snake or something?” Hermione asked.
Y/N shrugged, changing the subject quickly to Slughorn. “So, Harry. I heard you joined the Slug Club. I thought you said you weren’t going to.”
He shrugged, “Changed my mind.” Well that was odd. He didn’t usually keep secrets from the group.
“But why?” Ron asked. He was still a bit put out that both Harry and Hermione had been invited.
“Slughorn knew my mom. I figured maybe he could tell me a bit about her.”
They all shared a look of understanding. It wasn’t something they talked about that much but there was always an undercurrent of knowing that all three of them had parents. Harry on the other hand barely knew anything about his. Sirius and Professor Lupin had both been friends with them but he didn’t get to spend much time with them. She still laughed a bit when she remembered all of the stories Sirius had told about him and Harry’s dad when they were all at school.
“How was Divination?” Hermione asked, her upper lip curling a bit when she said the word. Her long standing disdain for the class had become a running joke ever since third year.
“It was fine. It was mostly Ravenclaws.” Y/N wasn’t quite sure how they would all feel knowing that she had willingly sat with Slytherins, especially suspected Death Eaters. It was a well known fact that their parents were so it was only a matter of time before they joined in their eyes. She knew they wouldn’t understand unless she told them why she did it but she couldn’t do that. Dumbledore made her promise.
She looked down at her assignment for Ancient Runes. Merlin, she hated that class. The only reason she passed was thanks to Hermione. She didn’t have it again until Monday so she decided to wait to do it later. Instead she opted for finishing her assignment for Divination which was an illustration of her tea leaves, her observations, and what she thought that meant. Once she did that, she continued her DADA assignment. Only Snape would assign a ten page essay on Inferi on the very first day.
Later that night, after already being in bed she tossed and turned, unable to sleep. After what felt like hours she accepted her fate and sat up. Everyone else was fast asleep. Tossing her covers she pulled on a pair of boots and grabbed a jacket.
The school was illuminated by the torches but the lack of natural light and other students made it feel creepy. Walking slowly, she paid attention to any little noise or shadow. Some of the castle ghosts were floating around in the halls but they paid her no mind. Soon she reached her destination.
The courtyard was dark and gloomy, the arches creating odd shadows. What was, during the day, full of students hanging out, had now become spooky. She continued walking away from the castle and into the main area. A sound echoed through the air, a stone on the ground. She whirled around at the startling noise, praying that it wasn’t Mrs. Norris, or worse, Filch. Y/N stepped out into the open courtyard, the moon finally visible and lighting her way. It was peaceful at this time of night, despite the threat of being caught out of bed past curfew but after five years of breaking rules now was not the time to start worrying.
Hearing another sound, she called out, “Hello?” Making sure her voice didn’t carry too much.
All was quiet until she heard yet another noise, if she wasn’t mistaken it almost sounded like the sound of a lighter being flicked on. Odd. Most of the students here used magic for light. Even fewer smoked so she heavily suspected that it was one of the older Slytherins. There were rumors of their use of alcohol and drugs at the parties they liked to throw. As a Gryffindor she had never been, but she had heard about them.
About twenty feet away, partially behind the shadowy figure of a tree was a small, flickering light. Curious, she hesitantly drew closer to it. The closer she got the more she was able to see. It was a student, that much was clear.
“Lumos.” Almost blinding light illuminated the courtyard, allowing her to see who sat before her. It was Mattheo Riddle.
“Lost, little lioness?” The light’s reflection dancing in his dark eyes.
“Don’t call me that.” She snapped.
“What would you prefer?” He smirked, leaning in a bit, his voice lowering, “Princess?”
Pulling back a few steps, she shot back, “Shouldn’t you be plotting to take over the world?” Trying to keep her cool. There was a reason so many girls fawned over him despite his heritage. He was beautiful, like a fallen angel, and had a voice that created butterflies in unsuspecting victims’ stomachs. That didn’t mean he was affecting her. She was strong.
Somewhat bitterly, he grimaced. “That’s my father.”
Arching an eyebrow, “And here I was, thinking it was genetic.”
“The same could be said of you. All of your family are Slytherins and yet here you are, a Gryffindor.”
Her brow furrowed. How the hell did he know that?
In answer to her silent question he simply said, “Malfoy.” He looked away, taking another drag of his cigarette. Her eyes caught on his ring. It was silver but she was fairly certain that she had seen it before. 
Of course, Bellatrix Lestrange. They had only met once, last year but she remembered it. It had been on her hand when she had been restraining Hermione before the Order had answered their call. There had been a rumor that she was his mother but there had never been any confirmation. People assumed, based off of his hair, just as curly as hers, and his friendship, if you could even call it that, with Draco.
Lost in thought, she didn’t realize that he had stood up and was putting out his cigarette with the heel of his shoe. Before she could do something he turned to her and said, “Good night, princess.” Before disappearing into the darkness as if he had never even been there. The only thing that indicated his presence was the smell of smoke and the silver lighter.
Bending down, she grabbed it, turning it over in her hand. An MR had been carved into the side of it. Brushing her finger against the carving, she pocketed it.
Chapter 4>>
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velnias1 · 10 months
Small little blurb for Theo Nott
Reader is wolfstars daughter
Theo hummed a song he didn’t know the name of as he read, his head rested on his palm. He softly sang “Vienna waits for you”
And then stopped abruptly. He’d heard that song before. A muggle song no doubt. So where had he heard it? A sea of memories flashed through his mind, all concerning his potions partner. A girl, a girl he had been thinking about a lot. He remembered how sweet the melody sounded coming from her lips as she scribbled potions ingredients on a piece of parchment. His dreamy memory sharpened and the name scrawled on the parchment came into focus, Y/N Lupin. He felt his heart speed up, he was in love with one of his best friend’s cousin.
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thatblackravenclaw · 2 years
Draco Drabble
a/n: what happens when two people that hate each other stay at school over holiday?
Blog Details | Let’s take a trip
Draco Malfoy x Black!fem!reader (Gryffindor)
warning(s): smut, no protection (don’t do what they did unless you want a baby), squirting, degrading w praise
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He pounds into my cervix at in inhuman speed. I’m gripping the back of the green velvet of the couch so hard that my knuckles start to ache. The room echoes with my moans as I scream out his name. He turns my braids into a make shift ponytail and pulls me up until my back meets his chest.
“Such a good little slut for me. Come on. Cum for daddy.”
His fingers down from my waist to in between my thighs. The tips of his fingers meet my throbbing clit and I let out a sob.
“Please,” I choke out.
I get this feelings in this pit of my stomach. A peeing sensation.
“That’s it. I feel you clenching around me. Just let go.”
I drop my mouth open in a silent scream and feel everything release out of me. My thighs drip with my release.
“Oh fuck me.” He says right before he shoots his cum into me.
Draco Masterlist | United Kingdom
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littlemiss-fanfic · 2 years
Draco Malfoy x Reader [General 💗!]
Pairing : Draco Lucious Malfoy x Fem! Reader
Genre : Fluff 💌🧸! + Rivals to lovers
Warning(s)⚠️ : None !
If someone had told the young prince of Slytherin that his academic rival who he shared most of his classes with would soon become the object of his affection , he wouldn't have believed them . After all , he hated you and wished nothing more than to see you fail ! But what if that wasn't the case ?
From the moment you two had met , you were two constantly clashing forces of nature . Two extremely different people with simillar academic ambitions ! And that led to a lot of conflict between you . From the corner of your eye , you could always see him giving you death stares during both classes and free time .
You were a very quiet person , a pacifist who avoided conflict like the plague . You were one of your house's greatest students and it showed in your performances academically . You didn't have many friends , and you spent a lot of your time quietly reading at the study halls library . However , unlike Malfoy you also didn't have many enemies .
So how did the prince of Slytherin realize that his feeling for you may not have been fueled by hatred ? The answer is quite simple ! As Mcgonagal was explaining the effects of the Amortensia potion to your class , carefully instructing each one of you to examine it closely while also telling you the history it has had with young couples everywhere . As Malfoy put the little glass bottle containing the pink liquid up to his face , he was shocked to find that his happened to smell like your perfume , which you wore everyday to school .
He was worried and flustered but even more so confused ! How could you possibly be his crush ? You hated him and he hated you too ! Except if ...
Malfoy's life turned upside down at that excact moment . He had sleepless nights wondering how he really felt about you , and no longer wished to compete against you . Was he losing his mind ? Or could it be that he never hated you at all , but was simply blinded by his own pride , something that caused his feelings for you to blur ? He had to find out .
And what was his mastermind ? Asking you out . However , he knew that you wouldn't just agree to go out with him if he asked you in person . He decided to be smart , so he wrote you a love letter which he left in front of your locker when no one was looking . The letter described in detail his request to meet you at a cozy little cafe close to the school grounds . And then he waited ...
He waited until you want to you locker to pick up some of your books and watched with bated breath as you picked up his letter and read it . He could feel a faint smile forming on his face as he watched your cheeks turn red . He could feel his heartbeat quickening as he saw you pick up your book and walk to your next class , with a pep in your step !
Malfoy immediately springs into action and starts to prepare . He takes a bath and makes sure to wear something nice and presentable , along with buying you a bouquet of flowers . He went to the cafe early to wait for you , bouquet in hand . And as he saw you walking towards the cafe , he felt his heart drop and his hands becoming shakey . However , he tried to keep his cool as he ushered you inside .
As a lover :
Malfoy (without a doubt) has taken after his father's beliefs on traditional romance . He will absolutely treatyou like a queen by showering you in expensive gifts and taking you out on dates almost daily . And when you tow are not together , he will send you love letters filled with words sweeter than honey and poems describing his burning desire to see you smile and lovingly hold you in his arms every minute you are away from him .
Don't get me wrong though , he is still the proud prince of Slytherin and he will waste no opportunity to brag about you and ramble about his success in "seducing you with his never-ending charm" , all while still playfully competing with you as his academic rival during classes and such !
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[Requests are open]
I hope you all enjoyed !
--Author <333
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fanfics4all · 2 years
He Always Said
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Request: Yes / No  Hey would you be able to do a cheater!draco x potter!sister! Reader with a whole ton of angst it’s ok if not xx😋 @slytherinpenguin12​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Potter!Reader 
Word count: 946
Warnings: Cheating and Harry being stupid and a bit of a dick
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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My brother always warned me about Draco, but I never listened. Draco was always an amazing boyfriend to me and he constantly spoiled me, even though I always told him not to. However, all that changed when my class ended and I was walking around to find Draco. I turned the corner that lead to the Slytherin common room and saw Draco pushing Pansy up against the wall and kissing her. I stared at them for a moment, my brain not fully processing what I was seeing. There was no way my boyfriend of three years was cheating on me with one of his best friends, that he told me I didn’t need to worry about… 
“D-Draco?” I asked quietly. Both their heads snapped up and looked at me with wide eyes. My eyes locked with the silver eyes of my love, he looked shocked, guilty, and worried. A tear fell down my cheek and Pansy had a small smirk on her face. 
“Y/N, I-” 
“Don’t.” I said. Draco walked closer to be and I back up until my back hit the wall. 
“You’re cheating on me?” I asked, tears continuing to fall. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He said with sad eyes. 
“Sorry for doing it or sorry for being caught?” I asked. 
“Love, I-” 
“Save it. We’re over, Malfoy.” I said. Hurt flashed in his eyes when I called him by his last name. It was the first time I’ve ever called him that. My heart shattered seeing his face like that, but I turned to leave. Draco grabbed my arm and stopped me. 
“Can I explain, please?” He asked. 
“Explain what? That you tripped and your tongue landed in her throat? There’s nothing you can save it.” I said and pulled my arm away. I left leaving Draco with tears in his eyes. I ran as fast as I could back to my common room and just hoped not a lot of people were there. I walked inside and immediately my brother, Hermione, and Ron noticed me. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Harry asked, stopping me from running up the stairs. 
“N-Nothing, can you please move, Harry.” I asked, not able to stop the tears. 
“It’s obviously something.” He said and gently pulled me over to the couch they were sitting at. 
“You can tell us.” He added. 
“What did Malfoy do, I swear I’ll-” 
“Harry! Let her speak.” Hermione scolded with a glare. 
“Sorry…” He mumbled. Hermione smiled at me and gave me a slight nod. 
“Draco cheated on me… with Pansy.” I whispered and all three of their eyes widened. 
“I knew he was a bloody git!” Ron said and Hermione elbowed him. 
“I told you not to date him!” Harry said and Hermione smacked him in the shoulder. Hermione moved next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N.” She said and I cried a little harder. 
“Did I do something wrong? Was a I not good enough? Is it because he stopped loving me?” I asked and she held me tighter. 
“No, Y/N, you did nothing wrong. You brought out the good in him. You got to him stop calling me mudblood, you made him stop bullying the first years, you even got him to leave Harry and Ron alone. If anything you were too good for him.” She said. 
“I still don’t think there’s any good in him… clearly.” Harry said and Hermione glared at him. 
“Harry, you need to be here for your sister, not being mad at Malfoy.” She said. Harry got up and pulled Ron with him. The two of them left and Hermione sighed. 
“Bloody boys…” She said, shaking her head slightly. Ginny came over and sat on the other side of me. 
“I heard what happened, sorry for eaves dropping. I’m sorry Y/N.” She said and hugged me. 
“As much as I don’t want to agree with them, Malfoy is a bit of a git for hurting you.” She said and I sighed. 
“I thought we were fine…” I whispered and cried even harder. The first held me and let me cry. 
An hour later, I had finally stopped crying and Harry and Ron came back in with proud smiles. The three of us looked up at them with furrowed brows. Ginny crossed her arms and glared at the two of them. 
“And where were you two?” She asked. 
“We were taking care of Malfoy.” Ron said, taking a seat and picking up some candy. Ginny smacked the candy out of his and and he looked up at her with wide eyes.
“Y/N needed the two of you, you especially-” She said pointing at Harry and he raised his hands in surrender. 
“And you two decided to give Malfoy attention?” She finished. 
“He hurt my sister, I wasn’t going to just let that go!” Harry said. 
“D-Did you hurt him?” I asked and he smiled. 
“We hexed him into next week!” He said and I bit my lip. 
“That’s not helping, Harry.” Hermione said and wrapped her arm around me again. 
“But, he deserves-” 
“You should have just left it alone, Harry! You’ll find any excuse to hate or bloody hurt Draco more! I needed you more than you needed to ‘teach Malfoy a lesson’!” I shouted at him with angry and sad tears falling. 
“Y/N I-” 
“No! Just stop Harry, you aren’t helping anything!” I said and ran up to my dorm room. I got into bed and just cried. Both boys I care the most about in my life hurt me today and it was just too much…
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hi! i recently read your imagine "the forseken tie" and i wanted to let you know that i love the way you write!! i have been obssesed with draco lately and i was wondering if you could write an imagine where him and the gryffindor reader are enemies and one day during the 5th year he finds her sneaking out or sm like that and she begs him not to report her but he still does and the he finds her crying in harry's arms because she's in pain -maybe it wasnt detention with the pen- and tries tofixit
A Sky Full of Stars | Draco Malfoy x Reader
word count: 3,090 words
warnings: mentions of death, cursing
—————————— ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ——————————
"Did you see the way Harry was looking at you? He totally likes you!" The curly haired girl giggled, scooping a mouthful of mashed potatoes into her mouth as she eyed her fellow friend. She felt herself chuckle at her words, looking out of the corner of her eye to see the 'Chosen One' looking at her, quickly turning away a small smirk making its way onto his face. Hermione hummed to say I told you so, a smile on her lips.
"Okay, now that was just a coincidence-"
"Oh, you know that's rubbish."
"'Mione, you know I love that boy to death but I'm pretty sure I'm not the one he's interested in."
"And how would you know?" She let out a small scoff, pouting at her words knowing she wouldn't change Hermione’s mind. 
The rest of the feast was spent trying to get Ron to stop waffling down the chicken like he always did, sharing a few moments of laughter with the dark haired boy who had found a seat beside her. Once Dumbledore had dismissed everyone, her and the Golden Trio had quickly made their way out of the Great Hall. She was thankful she hadn't worn her hoodie like she had originally had planned, considering the hot air from outside had somehow made its way into the castle. Harry and the girl were talking among themselves when she noticed Hermione dragging Ron away out of the corner of her eye, letting out a small chuckle.
"Why are you laughing?" He murmured, turning to face her as he made his way up the stairs, his long limbs helping him travel quicker up them unlike her. She was having to jog up the stairs to even keep up, brushing her hair away from her face. Harry just shook his head as her bag kept bumping into both of their knees, watching her angrily move the bag out of the way.
"Hermione took Ron away while we weren't paying attention, so the two of us would be left alone to have some 'alone time'," He let out a loud laugh, shaking his head running his fingers through his tousled hair. She was in the middle of telling a joke letting out a small yelp as she felt someone shove themselves onto her falling into Harry, uttering a small apology to the person that had practically trampled over her. Looking up from the stone steps making eye contact with a pair of bright grey eyes, feeling herself stiffen.
"Watch where you're going, you little-"
"Keep that mouth shut, Malfoy." Harry spat out, his green eyes narrowed his grip on her tight keeping her from the blonde who looked as if he could kill her if she dared to lay a finger on him.
"Oh shove off, Potter. You finally got yourself a little girlfriend?" He scoffed, eyeing her up and down, his glare faltering as it locked with her wide eyes. Draco adjusted his robes, a smirk making its way onto his sculpted features, "Hmm... I thought you could at least do better than this. Is this all your mom was able to afford to pass down to you-"
"Shut your mouth."
She felt her body stiffen, glaring at the blonde with the harshest look she could muster her wand pointed at his chest. His eyes were wide in surprise, never having heard her raise her voice let alone talk back to his taunts. Harry felt a surge of anger wash over him, noting the tears welling up in her eyes.
"C'mon, love. He's not worth it," She let him wrap his arm around her shoulder, allowing him to drag her away from the blonde, her hands shaking from the words he had directed at her. Once she knew she was out of earshot she felt herself crumble to the ground, her chest heaving up and down. A soft cry left her lips, the tears crashing down her cheeks feeling the sobs rack through her body in waves. 
"Who in the bloody hell does he think he is?" her voice croaked out, letting Harry scoop her into his hold mumbling sweet nothings into her ear. 
She regretted letting Hermione convince her to wear her mascara today, seeing as it was now smeared all over Harry's uniform. She didn’t expect Draco to treat her like this, especially after that night that she had spent comforting him. I guess he’s too scared to let Harry know that’s he’s a softie, she scoffed.
After several minutes he had managed to convince her to walk to his dorm, his hold on her never ceasing even as she had made herself comfortable on his bed, her face smushed against his pillows. At this point she wasn't going to let that little weasel ruin her evening, trying her hardest to ignore his taunting words as she focused on Harry's touch.
"Love?" she hummed, lifting her head off of the mattress locking eyes with his doe eyes. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair, adjusting his position against her tired frame. "Hermione and Ron and I were going to go out after curfew to try to do some work for the Order. Would you like to join us? Don’t feel like you have to, but if you wanted a distraction-" He mumbled down at her, his fingers running through her mass of hair eyeing her shifting figure.
"I think I'll pass just this once... Nott said he had something to talk to me about so I have to bring out the good ole black hoodie to use and sneak into the Slytherin dorm room. Again." She rested her head on his lap, tracing small circles on his worn jeans. He let out a small chuckle, rubbing his fingers on her clothed back. "That feels nice..."
"I know,"
"Oh shut up, Potter."
September 1st, 1995. The Astronomy Tower. 12:38 pm.
Sighing happily as she rested her head against one of the cold pillars, staring up at the endless sea of stars up above her. She hadn't had a chance to come out and pay her respects to her mom in a couple weeks due to her hectic schedule. She did by spending her night looking up at the sky and telling her about everything she had done. Everything about the evening was beautiful, knowing she had her mom to thank for that. She could see every star twinkling, surrounded by a couple scattered clouds smiling to herself as a firefly landed on her knee, his luminescent butt wiggling. Reaching out a hand towards the bug that surprisingly crawled onto her fingers the sensation of his tiny feet tickled.
"Well, well, little miss goody two shoes out after curfew. 15 points."
She jumped out of her current position, twirling around locking eyes with a stone faced boy whose eyes she could recognize from several feet away. Out of everyone to catch me, of course it had to be Malfoy. Running her fingers through her hair nervously eyeing him. Draco stood there rather arrogantly, leaning against the entry way a smirk etched onto his lips. 
"Draco, I-I was just trying to get some fresh air," she stammered over her words mainly due to the cold gust that had just come in, fiddling with her fingers. Draco eyed her, making his way over to her his height seeming much more prominent that he was practically towering over her. "P-please don't tell anyone. I didn't mean to sneak out. I just really wanted to see the night sky. I swear, I'll do your homework! Anything you want-"
"I never took you as the type to beg," He sneered at her, making her freeze chewing on her bottom lip as she waited for her punishment. "Do you really think I need help with homework?"
"I never said that, Malfoy. I was just offering. I just, I really don't want to see Professor Umbridge…"
"You should have thought about that before you grabbed that stupid robe of yours and snuck out," she glared at the blonde, every ounce of regret leaving her body. Draco hummed his eyes glint mischievously as he took notice that he had hit a nerve, taking a step closer to her. "Oh, did Mommy give you that robe? Maybe I should give her a couple galleons so she can afford to buy you something that wasn't from the rubbish-" 
"Shut your trap, Malfoy." she growled, tightening her grip on her wand, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to calm herself down. "Don't you dare bring my mother into this,"
"Why? You scared that I'll end up saying something that's true-"
She rammed her shoulder into Dracos, sending him tumbling to the floor, a grunt leaving his lips. Humming to herself happily, making her way down the stairs in a hurried manner, holding her robe close to her body cursing the boy under her breath. That little weasel, how fucking dare he? I'll show him. Paying no mind to the boy deducting points from her as she briskly walked away, turning around to show him a finger she reserved only for him hearing him gasp. 
"That's detention for you!"
"Yeah, yeah, Malfoy. Kiss my ass,"
September 2nd, 1995. The Great Hall. 7:15 pm
Soft whimpers left her lips as Harry cupped her hand, his bright sorrow filled eyes eyed her small figure. He shushed her softly, wrapping an arm around her as a way of comforting her. She had just left detention where Umbridge proceeded to yell insults about her deceased mother to her, having left the room with a tearstained face absolutely seething. She willingly let him hold her, wrapping her arms around him, holding him tightly. They sat there for a couple minutes holding each other sobs racking her body as she thought about the horrid things that woman said about her mom, Harry rubbing her back as she cried against him.
"Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay."
"I'm gonna punch that toad and the stupid weasel that is to blame for this." she mumbled against his neck, Harry's chest rumbling as he chuckled at her comment. Pulling away from the raven haired boy, wiping her wet face groaning as she noticed Harry's tear stained shirt. "Sorry, Harry... I got your shirt a little wet."
"Don't worry about it, there's been worse things on this." He pipped up, pushing his glasses up his nose. she quirked an eyebrow at his comment, eyeing him as he realized how strange that sentence sounded. He gasped, his face flushing pink." Wait! That sounds terribly wrong. I didn't mean that. I meant- oh god. Like, pumpkin juice! And Ron's moms soup!-"
"Harry. Harry, you're fine." Giggling to herself as he stammered over his words, patting his hand comfortingly. "I'm only teasing."
"Oh... I knew that."
"Sure you did, Potter... how's your hand?" He raised his hand for her to see, grasping it softly, lifting it up so she could see the white scarring of her words on his hand. She closed her eyes as a flicker of anger lit up inside of she as the sight of his scars. "That wretched toad,"
"It doesn't hurt as much anymore-"
"It shouldn't have hurt at all. I don't care who in the hell she thinks she is, she's a fucking teacher for christ sake. Who gave her the right to bring up my mother like that? Especially in front of everyone," Harry watched as she ranted, knowing how hard it is to get her to stop ranting once she start. "The next time I see her doing this shit, I will go in there and shove her pen up her-"
"Okay! Wow, how about we don't talk about that here? It's a little, uh, echoey. Come here. I don't want you doing something you'll regret." Harry spoke his tone a little frantic hurrying to quiet her down, pulling her close so he could wrap an arm around her shoulders. "It's almost curfew, so I don't want you to end up back in detention okay?"
"... can you just hold me like this for a second? Sorry if it's a little much to ask of you,"
"Of course it's not, just close your eyes. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere..."
She exhaled deeply, resting her head against him allowing her eyes to close a stray tear escaping her. He stroked her arms comfortingly, resting his head onto her head basking in the silence. The two of them stayed like that, enjoying each other's presence. Harry finally learned how to handle other people's emotions, getting rid of that awkwardness where he used to just stand there and pat someone's back. He learned how to comfort people, and not be scared to use physical touch. Which she was quite thankful for.
Unbeknownst to the pair of them, a boy standing near the entrance to the Great Hall had witnessed the whole ordeal, his stone gray eyes eyeing her as she seeked comfort in the scrawny boy. Draco had no idea that her mother had passed, cursing at himself for having brought up her mom the night before. He felt terrible that he had done this, knowing it was only because he was pissed because of what his father had done. He tucked his wand back into his robe, making his way towards his room thinking of ways he could make it up to the girl.
September 10th, 1995. The Astronomy Tower. 4:32 pm
Draco hadn't bothered her all week. Not once. Not even to ask for a quill, which he usually never had. At this point, she had thought that he was planning some sort of revenge on her which absolutely scared her to death. But she decided to ignore that nagging feeling, shaking her head as she continued scribbling on her parchment paper. 
"You talk of the pain like it's all alright..."Singing softly into the afternoon air, nothing but the sound of her quill scratching across the paper could be heard. Only the slight ruffling of trees, and her quill. She sighed softly, allowing her eyes to look out into the endless rows of trees. Their leaves are still a vibrant green, not quite ready to turn their endless shades of reds and browns.
"How did I know that I would find you up here?" The sound of Draco's velvety voice carrying out into the air made her stiffen up, refusing to look behind her. “Look… I promise I mean no harm.”
She reluctantly allowed herself to look up at him, his eyes sincere. She nodded to an open spot beside her. Draco took that as his cue to sit, his robes pooling around him as he left a little gap between the two of them, running his fingers through his hair. His scent infiltrated her nostrils, the intoxicating smell of his minty breath and aftershave made her head a little fuzzy.
“I wanted to apologize about the other night,” His words caught her off guard, furrowing her eyebrows, eyeing him curiously. “I had no idea that your mom had passed- I swear if I did I wouldn’t have brought her up.”
“You shouldn't have brought her up regardless, Malfoy…Because, last I checked, you were making fun of me. Not my mom. Just me. And, I-I know that you especially should know how I feel about my family,” She choked out at him, shoving her quill into her bag as she began to pack up her belongings.Get yourself together, don’t show him that he’s getting to you. Draco had his bottom lip in between his teeth, eyeing the young girl who was close to tears. “If you have nothing else to say, then I best be on my way-”
“Please… just hear me out,”
“...you have 1 minute.”
“Okay, look, I know that what I did was messed up. I promise, I didn’t mean to. I-I wasn’t thinking straight. And about detention, I heard what she did, and fuck, I am so so sorry.” Draco ran his fingers through his hair in a nervous manner, his eyes never once leaving hers.
“...do you remember that one time you caught me crying in the women’s restroom?”
“And how you comforted me, asking me how in the world I was in the wrong restroom, and how I went on a rant about my father and what he was planning on doing.”
“Yes, but what does this have to do with-”
“He did it. He went through with his plan… a-and I was a mess, which really doesn’t excuse my actions, but I didn’t know how else to deal with that. So, I took it out on you. I just wanted someone else to feel what I was feeling at that moment,” Draco breathed out, his eyes glistening as he eyed the girl who was standing across from him. She gasped almost inaudibly, feeling her heart ache at the blonde's words. Timidly reaching a hand out, grasping his shaking hand in hers softly holding it.
“Draco… I am so sorry.”
“No, please don’t apologize. I brought this on myself. But, I just wanted you to understand a little bit of why I was acting the way that I was. This still doesn’t right my wrongs. But, I want to make it up  to you. For helping me when I had no one… and for not telling anybody what I told you,” 
“Draco, you don’t have to-”
“But I want to. That’s the difference. Anything at all. You name it. I will give it to you,” She chewed on her bottom lip in thought, only one possible answer coming to mind. You better think this through, this is your one chance she thought to herself, fiddling with the hem of her satchel. 
“I would like… a new scarf,”
“A scarf?”
“Yes. Once I get a scarf then I’ll pretend like this never happened.” Her sincere eyes gazed up at him, who stood there dumbfounded. He was fully prepared to hand over his first born if he had to. “But, the only condition is that it has to be the softest scarf to ever exist. And, it has to be from the muggle shops,”
“I-I… okay,”
“Great… Now, how about I treat us to some butterbeers?”
“No, no. Allow me, it’s the least I can do.” He offered, to which she gladly agreed with a small smile making its way onto her face. The pair of them made their way down the stone steps with a growing smile on both of their faces. 
“So… I can’t make it-”
“Nope. I want it to be exactly like the ones my mom used to buy me,”
“But how am I supposed to-”
“That’s up to you to figure out, Malfoy,”
authors note: thank you so much for this request lovely! please let me know if it's to your standards, and if you would like to request and wanted to give any extra details of what you would like me to add, feel free! i had so much fun writing this, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. lots of love <3
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herarcadewasteland · 1 year
Discoveries Pt. 3 ♥
A/N: Yes yes its been a little while but I've been busy okay? and i’ve been fired so emotional things. thank you all for the support so far and i hope this makes up for the wait. 
Pt. 1    Pt. 2
Stretching in your bed the next morning, you let out a large yawn as you adjusted to fall asleep again. Turning over in bed, you weren’t expecting the face of Fred to be right next you. You let out a startled scream as he laughed you, your eyes rolling as your shoulders shook with laughter. 
“What are you doing, Fred? It’s like 5am.”
“7am. You slept in missy~”
Groaning and flipping to face the other side of the room, your hair swung dramatically with you and into Georges face, who was crouched on the opposite side of your bed, expecting the trouble of waking you up. You screamed again and sat up with a huff, the twins high-fiving over your head. 
“Will you two just let me sleep for another hour at least?”
“No can do. You see-”, George started.
“We need to be at Diagon Alley by 8:30.”, Fred finished. 
You ran a hand through your knotted hair, partly in confusion and mostly in frustration. When it clicked in your head that you had to get some school robes adjusted, you panicked and half jumped, half fell out of bed. The twins backed your frantic movements with laughter as they walked down to the kitchen, the chatter of impatient and hungry Weasleys filled your ears. 
“Why do we have to wait for Y/N to eat?! It’s her fault for sleeping too long!”, Rons muffled voice fell into your conscious and made you speed up your hair and teeth brushing. 
Rushing down the stairs, you stumbled directly into Bill who caught you with a sigh.
“Clumsy as always, Y/N.”
You let out an almost ashamed laugh, your arms squeezing around Bill as he wheezed. Arthur walked in behind the both of you and ushered you into your seats as Molly set down the plate of bacon. 
“Finally!”, Ron muttered as he grabbed the plate of bacon seconds after it hit the table, his plate piling with food.
Food was passed around between the family, conversation filling the air as you ate silently. Your silent bubble was disrupted when Ron dragged you into an argument between himself and Percy. 
“It’s not my fault you have a bloody stick up your ass!” 
“I am a prefect, Ronald, which is something that will actually get me into the Ministry!”
Ron shot you a look of ‘oh dear god not this again’ and you laughed. 
“Percy, you do realize not being a prefect can get you into the Ministry. You just need good grades and the right classes.”
Percy snapped his glare to you, knowing you were right, and sighed. He had always had a sort of soft spot for you, knowing you weren’t actually a Weasley. Which was a dumb reason to not hate someone but you went along with it so not absolutely every child in the house had an argument with him every other day.
“I suppose you aren’t wrong, Y/N. I just have a better chance this way.”
He turned his nose up at you and you laughed, finishing off your plate just as the rest of the family had. The plates were cleared from the table as everyone dispersed to do their own thing. 
“Y/N dear, we must be going if we don’t want to be late. Come now, to the fireplace.”
You brushed yourself off and followed Molly to the fireplace, your hand wrapping around another handful of soft powder. Your eyes glanced up to your mum as she nodded reassuringly. You still weren’t used to it yet and you had a feeling it would take a little while to feel normal and not like you were being vacuum sealed into a plastic bin. With a sigh you threw down the powder and clearly stated “Diagon Alley”, and then you were gone in a swirl of green smoke.
Stumbling from the grate in The Three Broomsticks, you ran headfirst into a solid mass. Panicked, you looked around to make sure you were where you were supposed to be and slowly glanced at whoever you bumped into. Your wide eyes met narrowed ones surrounded by the same white blonde hair from the other day. You took a subconscious step back from the man just as Molly came through the floo, her hands finding your arms as she stumbled lightly into you.
“Mr. Malfoy. If you’d excuse us.”, Her eyes narrowed back at the man as he looked between the two of you, “Come on, dear, off we go now.”
She led you away with gentle hands, your head turning to look back at the man as you swerved through tables. Your eyes met one last time before Molly was tugging you past the door with a firm but gentle hold on your hand. As you met the bustling roads of Diagon Alley, you squinted your eyes at the sun, a frown tugging down the corners of your mouth as you stared at the ground, trying to avoid any ray of sun you could. Leaping between shadows to the fitting, you panted as Molly gently pulled you to a stop in front of Madam Malkins. You sighed and Molly chuckled lightly, her hand taking yours and guiding you in. 
“It’ll only take a minute. Don’t worry dear.”
“A minute my butt!”,  you exclaimed as you stumbled out of the fireplace in the Burrow, Fred sweeping you off your feet immediately and up to your room where a trunk lay on your bed.
“What is this? Why is my trunk out? What did you do?”
You rounded on Fred and George as soon as you were placed onto the floor, their faces innocent as could be as they watched you with crossed arms and very small smirks of entertainment. 
“You need to pack for Hogwarts!”
“We all have. Our trunks are-”
“-Waiting by the front door.”
“Only two are missing~”
You sighed and stared into the empty space, your eyes tracing loose threads along the seam as you nodded. 
“Okay, I’ll go bother Ronald after I’m done.”
“That's what we like to hear!”, the twins chorused as they walked from your room to raid the kitchen, if Mollys loud reprimanding was anything to go by.
The packing only took you a few minutes, most of your school things were in a separate drawer as it was so all you had to do was move them into the trunk. You finished your packing with relative ease and an overactive mind, the zipper closing breaking the silence you had been working in. WIth a sigh, you pulled your trunk to the top of the stairs before making your way to ROnalds room to aid him in his no-doubt messy packing. Your suspicions were confirmed when you pushed open the door to encounter the entirety of Rons wardrobe scattered around the room. 
“Ron, how? There is no way you had to destroy your room to pack.”
HIs frantic eyes met yours as he scoffed, “Well no, but it felt necessary at the time.”
You hummed and cleared a few spots across the room, handing things to Ron you knew he would want with him. His eyes followed you around when he wasn't haphazardly throwing things into his trunk.
“At least fold things!”, you stomped over to his trunk and folded piece by piece as Ronald sat and watched you with a blank expression until you reached his Chudley Cannon jersey. Then he reacted and grabbed it from your hands with a gasp, his own carefully folding it in a mess. You shrugged and packed it neatly with the rest of his things, the heavier items resting on top of his clothes as the lighter things went on those. 
“There. All done.”, you heaved a sigh as you closed the lid of the trunk, the click of the lock creating a satisfying noise in the otherwise silent room. 
“Thank you, Y/N~”, Ron grabbed you for an overly tight hug, your hands pushing at his arms as you wheezed for a single breath of air that wasn’t from Ron’s vicinity.
“Ok ok ok! I get it, just get it downstairs with the rest of them!”
Ronald let you go after a moment, his frame moving out the door with his trunk in hand as you followed after him.
“You made it sound like you brought yours down! But nooo look at what’s right here!”, Ron huffed and lightly kicked your trunk as he passed it.
“I said the rest of them! Never included mine!”, you shouted after him as you grabbed your own trunk and carried it down the stairs to see Bill and Charlie in front of the floo.
Molly gave the two a big hug with large containers of sweets being shoved into their hands after Arthur gave them a hug as well, Percy nodding a farewell from the couch as he read through the Ministry’s handbook for rules and regulations. 
“Nooooo~!”, you whined, “You can’t leave yet! You like... just got here! We didn’t get to talk about Hogwarts!”
The eldest Weasley boys chuckled and pulled you into their arms for a group hug, tears filling your eyes as they pet your hair lovingly. 
“You know we have jobs to get too, Y/N. We can’t stay to see you off.”
You huffed at them and lightly punched their chests as they smiled at you. A small nod moved your hair into your eyes as you grasped them tighter. While you weren’t as close to them as you were the twins, they had still helped raise you in a sense and that created a connection, plus you were their little sister. Blood or not, that created an even greater connection. Still not one large enough to rival that of yours with Fred and George but it was enough.
“Fine. Just send owls, okay? I wanna tell you everything!”
The boys nodded and placed kisses on the top of your white hair, their eyes slightly glossy as yours overflowed with tears.
“We will.”
“Absolutely we will.”, Charlie finished as he guided you to Molly’s embrace, Bill giving a last wave and goodbye to the family as he stepped through the floo with a call of his destination. 
Charlie gave a similar exit with a blown kiss towards yourself and your mom as he called out for the Ministry of Magic for Romania, however he pronounced it. Their departure set the family in motion as Arthur ushered everyone into the kitchen to go over the basic checklist of the things you would need for your time at Hogwarts. Most of the list was checked off smoothly, Ron mumbling under his breath that it was unnecessary until your dad reached an item he had forgotten and cursed. That got him a small ass-whooping from Molly as she urged him to go get what he had been missing. Fred and George mocked him as he ran up the stairs, your quiet giggles backing them until your parents shushed you all and continued with the list as Ronald slipped down the stairs to his trunk and frantically packed his wand. The list went smoothly after that, everyone having followed the list to pack, well... you had. The trunks were smooshed in the back of the Ford Anglia with a small extension charm, a suspicious popping noise coming from one of the twins trunks, a huff of air and confetti falling into the trunk as they stood rubbing the backs of their necks sheepishly. 
You were all set to head out for Hogwarts, all that was left was getting onto the platform and finding a seat. Easy enough, you told yourself as Fred and George popped confetti onto Arthur as he walked away, their lanky frames sprinting away from a charmed broom as it chased them across the lawn. Easy enough... right?
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kgetb · 2 months
boy, I fancy you! ♡ ||>> Draco Malfoy
song to listen :
London boy (Taylor Swift)
summary :
Y/n as Draco Malfoy's admirer from the House, Gryffindor. Despite the Rivalry between the two Houses, Y/n can't help but fall in love with one of the worst people in Hogwarts. (same girl same.)
very mean Draco who softens up gradually, how cliche, I know. Y/n as Hermione Granger's sister, fluff, pining, gryffindor reader
lover masterlist !♡
⤷ : : YANNA'S MAP .. : :
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“Y/n! Hello?!” Hermione desperately waved her han d over her sister's face, Y/n. To somehow get her attention, which only focused moreon a specific boy next table dazed at the sight, as if she was blessed heavily to even be in the same room as the Blond Slytherin boy, Draco Malfoy. who absolutely despised her house, and especially her. yeah, him. The one Y/n admired very dearly..
Y/n quickly averted her gaze to Hermione's Hand waving across her face, she swatted it away quickly, glaring at Hermione who just rolled her eyes.
“You've been staring at Malfoy for Merlin knows know how long! have you even been paying attention to what we've been discussing?” Hermione raised an eyebrow as her lips pursed into a straight line
The other granger— Y/n, removed her head placed between her hands shaking her head at Hermione's Question, answering truthfully. “Nopesies, he just looks soo handsome today!” She whined as she nodded her head over to the Slytherin Table, causing Hermione to shudder in disgust and nudge her sister
Harry shook his head, and adjusted his glasses. Fully knowing who the girl was mentioned. “Y/n, him and his friends been tormenting us ever since!” he pointed out, while Ron and Hermione agreed by a nod
“Well!—” Y/n was about to speak up, until realization hit her as her figure slouched down to where she sat.
“.. It's just a small crush guys!” She remarked with a defensive tone, averting her gaze over to Harry, then to Ron, then towards her Sister—Hermione.
“Are you mental, Y/n? You've been crushing on him ever since you saw him!” Harry then pointed out once again, gosh. The three of them could remember all too well how lovesick 11 year old Y/n looked when she first caught a glimpse of Draco Malfoy.
Ron, Hermione, and Harry all shook their heads in disapproval towards Y/n who just shrugged.
“You guys really don't see what I see in him??” She asked, and clasped both her palms together. her lips curved into a smile as she was caught up in her own thoughts, not even realizing that the three were already silently getting up to leave.
As she was caught up in her own daydreams, she let out a long sigh. Then realized how silent her friends became..
She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts, as she looked around to realize her friends left her!
“Guys?!” Her eyes widened, as she stood up taking a final glance towards Draco who's sat beside Pansy Parkinson...! She watched how they both engaged in conversation, laughing and everything. How close they both looked irked Y/n furthermore.
She shook her thoughts away and walked swiftly out of the Great Hall to find her Friends who've clearly ditched her, and her deep admiration for Blondie boy.
“Draco, hey!” She called out cheerfully, causing Hermione to nudge her sister, whilst earning a few giggles from Draco's friends as they all looked at the Blondie with a teasing look..
He quickly shrugged off, staring at Y/n with a seemingly displeased look along with a grunt.
She caught up to the boy with a small smile, on her face, leaving her friends behind, whilst his friends all cleared their throats, and scooted away to give the two some.. 'space'.
“granger,” Draco exclaimed with an aggravated tone as he continued to walk down the halls. Not even realizing how his friends practically just ditched him
“you can call me Y/n, y'know” Y/n pointed out, and admired Draco's every moved. Pursing her lips as her cheeks were gradually warming up due to their proximity.
“don't care, granger.” The Boy remarked, not once sparing a glance at the girl beside him.
Y/n rolled her eyes, and smacked her lips together “y'know, Draco...” she trailed off
“I fancy you.” She confessed casually, with a lopsided grin, as Draco finally turned his head, and stared back into her eyes..
Draco furrowed his eyebrows, his heart fluttering, which he's tried to ignore desperately. “Stop saying that, granger.” he scowled and shook his head
Y/n shrugged her shoulders “Why not? It's true though,” She said, and folded her arms over her chest..
Draco clicked his tongue, staring at the girl in disbelief.“Merlin, you are an absolute idiot.” He leaned his face a few more inches towards Y/n as he's basically insulted her
He shook his head once again, and walked away, leaving Y/n standing there, dumbfounded as she successfully caught a glimpse of Draco's dimples showing as his lips curved into a smirk..
The girl internally celebrated to herself, whilst placing her hand close to her lips snickering like an idiot.
Y/n slid beside Draco effortlessly, with a cheerful smile as she began to unpack whatever supplies she needed, her rolled parchment along with her Quill, and... an envelope with a crimson heart stamped onto it.
She slipped the brown heart envelope Infront of Draco not sparing a glance towards him, as she scribbled on a piece of paper. Most would probably think she's taking notes in Potions like her sister—Hermione Granger, but absolutely not.
'us! -> (⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠ ⁠)'
The girl swiftly, and poorly doodled two emoticons on teared paper, and proudly slid it on Draco's side again, watching as he picked up the envelope glancing at it then towards Y/n who was already smiling at him
Draco sighed, and then averted his gaze over to the piece of paper Infront of him. Quickly taking it in his hands, and slipping it into the pockets of his robe, along with the letter..
“thanks for the mail.” The Boy mumbled sarcastically, whilst placing both of his hands on the desk looking at front to where Professor Snape stood, listening to whatever he was discussing
Y/n nodded with a grin, also placing her hands ontop of the desk, imitating the Boy's movements, yet she slowly scooted her left hand closer to Draco's right hand. Expecting him to swat her hand away like usual, yet she furrowed her eyebrows noticing that his Left hand remained where it was placed as he wrote down on his notes using his other hand, and quill—of course.
Draco immediately noticed Y/n's flustered expression and scowled, attempting to suppress his smile at the pretty sight. “Tsk. don't mention it, granger,” He quickly retorted, and casually placed his slender hand over Y/n's..
And maybe for the first time ever, Y/n fell silent as she quickly nodded trying to maintain her focus on the subject, rather than on Draco's fingers gently grazing over her knuckles as soft hums left his lips as he did so casually..
“I quite fancy you too, Y/n.”
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mentions : @helendeath
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lokilaufeysonslove · 1 month
𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝!𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝!𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
// Summary // your parents were never kind and sweet type of people, but in your sixth year things got out of hand. To put a cherry on top, a certain platinum blond haired Slytherin Prince decided to be Sherlock Holmes and found out your secrets, ones nobody is supposed to know.
// Warnings // mentions of violence, both physical and verbal violence, abusive parents, bullying, hate towards reader, name calling (princess in a mocking way, shame, disgrace, disappointment, waste of time), reader has a backstory, more warnings to come.
// Author’s Note // please pay attention to warnings! I don’t write about Draco usually, but I couldn’t get idea out of my mind, so I just went with it. This is enemies to lovers. Also, I have mentioned once that reader is 16, but for the sake of this plot, since every sixth year is 16 / divider by the amazing @saradika-graphics / gif by @talesfromthecrypts
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 in progress
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Being the only daughter of the two pureblood supremacist maniacs that your parents were, was not very nice. Hell, it was horrible. All they have ever wanted was a perfect daughter, who would hate on every ‘mudblood’ and ‘blood-traitor’; who would be an excellent student with only ‘Outstandings’ and ‘Exceed Expectations’; who would always live by her prents’ rules.
You always disliked your parents, but after your first year at Hogwarts when you got sorted into Gryffindor, dislike turned into hate.
In your third year, you befriended the famous trio; Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, aka half-blood, mudblood and the blood traitor. They weren’t exactly your best friends like they were to each other, but they still were close to you. This fact, of course, made your very sweet and supportive parents angry and they decided to be even stricter than they were before.
It started with insults and just empty words, but then it turned into beating, hitting; physical abuse. All you wanted was to run away, but it would get you into a huge trouble, so you stayed quiet.
After some time, their punishments and the methods of abuse became unbearable and you started slowly distancing yourself from the infamous golden trio. Was it cowardly? Yes. Did you want to experience more of your parents’ cruel punishments? No.
It was the summer break before your sixth year. Things got pretty… terrible? Horrifying? Both. Voldemort was arising. He was gaining power. Every day, there were more people joining him, including your parents. They wanted you to become a Death Eater as well, but you, of course, said no, and in return your mother simply tortured you with Cruciatus curse for five goddamn minutes. It was painful, truly painful.
You glanced around your huge, but crappy room. The walls were depressing shade of plain black, making the room feel even more bleak and cramped. The room was big, definitely bigger than you needed, which only made you even more uncomfortable. You have always preferred your shared dorm room at Hogwarts than your own room, because of its smaller size. The queen sized bed was the only thing that you loved in your room, no, in this whole manor. You clasped your hands tighter around the handle of the trunk you were holding, and headed towards your bedroom door.
As soon as you climbed down the stairs, you were greeted with your parents’ cold glares. They would be aparating you straight to the platform 9 and 3/4, much to your dismay.
You walked towards them and nodded politely, “Mother,” you glanced at your mother, but she only scowled at you, “Father.” Then you glanced at your father, but he just ignored you.
Your parents stood side by side. Your father grabbed your arm roughly, and aparated you away.
You landed in front of the Hogwarts Express. You turned around and glanced at your parents for the last time, since you wouldn’t be seeing them until the Christmas holidays.
Your father kept ignoring you, and your mother flashed you the fakest smile ever, more for others to see than for you, “Behave yourself, child, or you will face consequences, and as you know, they are not very pleasant.” she gritted through her teeth, an evil smile playing on her lips.
You nodded politely and said one last goodbye. Then you turned around and started towards the awaiting train.
You climbed up the stairs and headed off to find an empty compartment. Fortunately, you did, so you went inside, settled in and started reading.
After some time, the door of the compartment was pushed open, and there stood none other than Draco Lucius Malfoy and his goons.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the greatest blood traitor. I’m confused your parents haven’t disowned you yet.” It was Goyle who spoke up.
“What do you want?” You asked with monotone voice.
“Lose the attitude princess.” Zabini smirked.
“Or?” You asked challengingly.
“Or you will face the consequences an-” you felt your blood boil, as soon as those six words left his filthy mouth. You didn’t even give him the chance to finish his sentence, you stood up and pushed him back with all your force, which made him stumble backwards. You shut the door and closed the curtains.
Was it really necessary for that son of a bitch to say the exact same words your beloved mother told you almost everyday?! He successfully ruined your mood. But something was wrong, Malfoy was uncharacteristically quiet. You shrugged off the thought and went back to reading.
When you finally arrived at Hogwarts, you changed into your Gryffindor robes, immediately left the train and sat in the black carriage, which led to the castle.
Unfortunately, you ran into your dormmates; Lavender Brown, Padma and Parvati Patil. They weren’t your friends though. You were quite a lonely person. As soon as your parents started torturing you, you couldn’t take it any longer, so you cut every kind of friendship with every Gryffindor, and every single Slytherin despised you with their whole beings. You exchanged quick ‘Hellos’ and answered few questions about your summer, though they were lies. That was all.
You soon reached the castle and walked inside. Everything was the same. Nothing had changed. You pushed the double doors of the Great Hall open and walked towards your house table. You felt eyes on you. Turning around, you saw Zabini, Goyle and every Slytherin glaring at you. You ignored them and turned back around.
Some time later, Dumbledore ended his speech and made food appear. You were very hungry, but still didn’t eat much. You were used to the lack of food, so it didn’t really bother you. Your amazing parents often starved you because you were ‘behaving badly’.
It just tired you, really. Never being enough. The amount of insults you were receiving from your own parents, people that are supposed to protect you and care for you the most, was insane. Instead of helping and supporting you, they only made you even more insecure.
Dinner ended soon after, and you walked out of the Great Hall before anyone could say anything to you. You speed-walked towards the Gryffindor tower and stopped when you realized you didn’t know the password. To your luck, or the other way around, the golden trio arrived. At first, they didn’t recognize you, but eventually they did and smiled at you. You didn’t return the smile though.
“Y/n! How are you? Oh my god, you have changed so much. I didn’t even recognize you.” Hermione squealed excitedly, but her smile quickly faded away, when she saw your emotionless face.
“Hello.” You said in your, very well practiced, monotone voice.
“Are you alright?” Harry asked. This question caught you off guard and your face softened for a split second, but you were mastered in hiding your emotions, so you put on the mask and played as though everything was fine, even if it wasn’t.
“Yes.” You simply answered, giving them the faintest smile, “I am sorry, but I don’t know the password. Could you please tell me?” You asked, softer this time.
“Y-yeah, sure.” Harry mumbled, almost suspiciously and said the password. You thanked him and walked straight to your dorm. The room was empty. Apparently, your dormmates were still out. You opened your trunk, which was already brought there and placed on the floor, and took out your pajamas. You quickly changed into them and laid down. You were very tired and you fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
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rosesareredrosa · 2 months
Love notes
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Theo Nott x fem reader
Summary: Theo giving Love Notes to y/n in class
w/c: 1289
The dimly lit dungeon classroom buzzed with whispers as Professor Snape droned on about the intricacies of potion-making. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across the room, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere. You were seated in your usual spot, diligently taking notes and trying to ignore the curious stares from your classmates. You had noticed the glances directed your way for the past few weeks, but the reason behind them remained a mystery.
A gentle tap on your shoulder drew you out of your concentration. You turned to see a small, folded piece of parchment on your desk. Your heart skipped a beat as you recognized the familiar, elegant handwriting: Theodore Nott. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, you unfolded the note.
Y/N, your beauty outshines even the brightest of potion ingredients. Meet me in the library after class?
A soft blush crept up your cheeks as you read the words. Theo had been sending you these notes for weeks now, each one more romantic than the last. You sneaked a glance at him, finding him already looking your way with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He smirked, clearly enjoying the effect his words had on you.
Pansy Parkinson, seated a few rows ahead, turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Another love note from Theo, Y/N?" she whispered loudly enough for several students to hear, causing a ripple of laughter to spread through the room.
Mattheo Riddle, sitting beside her, chuckled. "Merlin's beard, Theo, you're going to turn Y/N as red as a Gryffindor."
Lorenzo Berkshire, lounging lazily in his seat, grinned. "I'm surprised Professor Snape hasn't noticed all these notes flying around. Or maybe he has and just enjoys the entertainment."
Blaise Zabini, always composed, smirked from his seat next to Theo. "Our dear Theo does have a way with words, doesn't he?"
Draco Malfoy, leaning back with his characteristic smirk, added, "Careful, Y/N, or you'll start getting howlers from his fan club."
You rolled your eyes, trying to suppress a smile as the teasing continued. Theo, however, seemed unfazed. He leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand, and watched you with an amused expression. "Let them tease, Y/N. They’re just jealous they don’t have someone as wonderful as you."
The blush deepened, and you bit your lip to hide your smile. Despite the teasing, you couldn’t deny the fluttering feeling in your chest every time you received one of Theo's notes. It was like a secret game between the two of you, a stolen moment in the chaos of Hogwarts life.
As the class ended and students began to pack up their belongings, you felt a gentle tug on your sleeve. Turning, you found Theo standing there, his eyes warm and inviting. "Shall we?" he asked, offering his arm.
With a nod, you slipped your hand into his, ignoring the wolf whistles and laughter from your friends. Together, you made your way to the library, where the shadows of the ancient bookshelves provided a perfect hiding spot for young love.
In the quiet corner of the library, Theo pulled you close, his eyes searching yours. "I meant every word, Y/N," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "You make even the darkest dungeon feel like home."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you couldn’t help but smile. "And you make every note worth blushing over, Theo."
With a soft laugh, he leaned in and kissed you gently, sealing his promise with the sweet taste of young love. And in that moment, surrounded by the whispers of ancient magic and the teasing of friends, you knew that Theodore Nott was the one who made your heart sing.
As the weeks passed, Theo's love notes became an anticipated part of your daily routine. Each one was carefully crafted, a blend of poetry and genuine affection that made your heart race. Even amidst the relentless teasing from your friends, you couldn't help but look forward to the next note, the next glimpse into Theo's heart.
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Love Note #1
Your smile is like a potion, intoxicating and sweet. Every time you laugh, it’s as if the sun has risen in the dungeons. Meet me by the Black Lake after dinner?
Yours, Theo
You glanced up from the note to find Theo watching you from across the Potions classroom. He gave you a small, almost imperceptible nod, and you couldn't help but blush as you imagined the quiet, secluded spot by the lake where the two of you could talk uninterrupted.
Love Note #2
The way your eyes light up when you talk about your favorite book is enchanting. I'd love to hear more. Shall we meet in the Astronomy Tower tonight?
With all my heart, Theo
The Astronomy Tower was a favorite spot of yours, a place where you could see the stars and feel like you were a part of something bigger. Theo knew this, and his suggestion filled you with a warm, comforting feeling. You looked forward to the serene evening that awaited.
Love Note #3
Every time I see you, it’s like my own personal Felix Felicis. I feel incredibly lucky to have you in my life. Can we take a walk in the Forbidden Forest this weekend?
Forever yours, Theo
The Forbidden Forest was mysterious and full of hidden secrets, much like Theo himself. The idea of exploring it with him was thrilling. You could already picture the two of you walking among the ancient trees, finding solace in each other's company.
Love Note #4
Your presence is a Patronus in my darkest times, chasing away all my fears. Would you join me for a late-night snack in the kitchens tonight?
Always, Theo
You chuckled at the thought of sneaking into the kitchens with Theo. The house-elves were always kind and eager to help, and the prospect of sharing a secret feast with Theo was too tempting to resist.
Love Note #5
Like the rarest of magical creatures, you are a wonder to behold. Your kindness and intelligence are unmatched. Let’s study together in the Room of Requirement tomorrow?
Yours eternally, Theo
The Room of Requirement, a place that adapted to your needs, was perfect for a quiet, intimate study session. You knew that with Theo by your side, even studying could become a cherished memory.
The constant flow of notes did not go unnoticed by your friends. They found endless amusement in your budding romance.
"Another one, Y/N?" Pansy asked, pretending to swoon. "Theo, you’re going to make the rest of us look bad!"
Mattheo smirked. "Yeah, seriously, Nott. How are we supposed to compete with that level of romance?"
Lorenzo grinned, nudging Draco. "We should take notes, Malfoy. Maybe then we’d have a chance."
Draco rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Just wait until his fan club hears about this. They'll be devastated."
Despite the teasing, there was an underlying current of support and happiness for you both. Even Blaise, who was usually more reserved, gave you a knowing smile. "Looks like Theo's found his muse," he said quietly.
One evening, as you sat by the Black Lake with Theo, the gentle sound of water lapping at the shore, you turned to him and said, "You know, Theo, your notes mean the world to me."
He smiled, his eyes soft with affection. "I’m glad, Y/N. You mean the world to me."
And as the sun set over Hogwarts, casting a golden glow over the two of you, you realized that these moments, these notes, were just the beginning of a beautiful love story.
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agirlsguidetolove · 1 year
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pairings: draco malfoy x fem!gryffindor!reader, platonic!golden trio x reader.
word count: .9k
summary: Draco Malfoy was your least favorite person in the world, and you thought the feeling was mutual. What happens when you realize he’s actually obsessed with you?
part 1
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Hogsmeade was your all time favorite place, especially in winter. Dressed in your favorite patterned scarf, big black jacket, long tights, and black boots, you felt warm and cozy. You and Hermione have your arms draped around each other’s shoulders as the two of you exit the Three Broomsticks, the taste of Butterbeer still on your tongue.
The two of you giggle at who knows what, stumbling from how hard you’re laughing. The slight falling of snowflakes doesn’t effect your mood, you watch as one lands on your nose as you and Hermione come down from your fit of giggles, choosing to focus on what you guys came here for; Christmas shopping for the boys.
Harry and Ron were a pain in your arse, but that didn’t mean they two weren’t simple. They wanted quidditch gear for when the season starts up again in spring. Easy as pie for you and your seemingly infinite money.
You and Hermione’s feet leave footprints in the snow, it crunching beneath your boots as you walk to Spintwitches Quidditch Supplies. Your smile seems untouchable as you walk with a pep in your step, staring down at your shoes. When you look up your smile falters, a frown threatening your lips at the sight of him.
White blond hair, a tight hoodie and a jacket thrown over that. Malfoy stands with Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott on either of his sides. He leans against the wall of Honeydukes that leads you down into an alley. He nods along to whatever Nott was saying, clearly not paying attention. His eyes drift from his friends to yours.
Draco Malfoy is, simply put, your least favorite person in the entire world. There are no words to describe the absolutely anger the boy causes you. His arrogance and disrespect towards you and your friends is a mood sourer, and he was ruining your amazing day with just one look at you. His effect on you was irritating, and you could feel your own heart race and hear your breathe hitch when his blue eyes met yours. Fuck.
Your warm eyes turn cold in an instant as you watch Malfoy smirk. He reaches a hand up to ruffle his already messy hair as he starts to walk over to you and Hermione.
Too busy glaring at Malfoy as he saunters over, you miss the knowing look Nott and Zabini share with Hermione.
“Just ignore him,” Hermione urges. You give her a look, a pout plastered on your lips. She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
Easier said then done.
“Well, well,” Malfoy taunts. He’s grinning over at you, hands tucked into his pockets as he tilts his head at you, not even bothering to glance at Hermione. “Look who escaped the clutches of her boyfriend,” he spit, the words directed toward Harry, even though he wasn’t your boyfriend. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
Your eye roll is immediate. “Why don’t you mind your own business, Malfoy?” you sneer, before sarcastically saying, “Surely a man like yourself has much better matters to attend to then bothering some Gryffindors.”
Malfoy’s smirk deepens as his eyes flicker down your body for a moment. “Don’t cut yourself short. I prefer it here.”
“Can’t we go, Y/N. Please.” Hermione tugs on your arm, already dragging you up the hill, away from the boy who seemed to never be capable of staying away from you.
“Yes, please,” you groaned, throwing your head back and rolling your eyes as you linked yours and Hermione’s arm together.
You can hear Malfoy’s footsteps behind you as he hurries to catch up to you, desperate for whatever he gains from annoying you. “Running away so soon? I knew you were a coward,” he exclaims.
That makes you pause, turning around, eyebrows scrunched in aggravation. “Excuse me?” you scoff, releasing Hermione’s hand and rushing to where the boy stood. “I’ll punch you in the face just like I did third year, don’t doubt that.”
His eyes sparkle as he looks down at you, your threat bouncing off of him. “Believe me, I don’t doubt you. Never have.”
What in the bloody hell was he on about?
”Mate,” Nott called from behind him, deep voiced annoyed with his friend. He raises his brows at Malfoy. “Let’s go.”
He shrugs at his friends, sticking his hands into his pocket. He smirks at you, tongue coming to press into his cheeks. His cheeks are red from the cold (or, maybe, from his raging crush on you).
“I’ll see you around, L/N.”
“Screw you, Malfoy,” you sneer, hair whipping as you trudge up the hill to meet Hermione where she stands, looking at the pair of you with an unimpressed expression.
When you make it to her, you link your arms together again. You smile at her. “Shall we?”
Hermione rolls her eyes, but nods.
When the two of you begin to walking, you stick your tongue out over your shoulder, catching a glimpse of Malfoy still standing where he last stood, watching you.
Draco doesn’t bother trying to hide his smile.
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not proofread 🥰
xx, lovey🫀
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ellecdc · 8 months
Come Back, Be Here (part 7)
p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7 // p8
Sirius Black x fem!reader - First Wizarding War Order of the Phoenix - 4.5K
CW: mentions of past abuse/torture, amnesia, healing/blood and injury, Bellatrix's cursed knife, angst, hurt/comfort, use of Y/N, character death
Synopsis: After sacrificing yourself to save your friend and Order partner James months before, you're found on the brink of death. It's now October 31st, and the Order has a plan.
Narcissa Black Malfoy was many things. She was a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a wife, a new mother, a Malfoy, and a Black. She was a proud pureblood, a cunning Slytherin, a noble woman, a powerful witch, and exceedingly loyal.
It was this last trait that seemed to be causing her the most problems, however.
It was her loyalty that caused her to bite her tongue and smile when her husband announced that he had joined the ranks of the Dark Lord, who promised to bring the purebloods glory and to protect them from the likes of muggles and mudblood’s who were threatening their way of life. It was because of her loyalty that when her sister asked her to hide something of grave importance to the Dark Lord, even though the object exuded Darkness and Evil, she hid it in the rafters of their attic. 
And it was because of her loyalty that when her baby cousin showed up at Malfoy Manor covered in blood, ash, and rubble with a lifeless body hanging limp in his arms begging for her help that she responded with, ‘bring her to the cellar’. 
Narcissa needn’t wonder how she got here; she knew all too well. She was loyal, and she protected her own.
When exactly her disowned blood-traitor Gryffindor cousin’s muggle-born partner became one of her own, Narcissa wasn’t sure. 
(The day you ‘died’)
“What have you done!?” Narcissa gritted through her teeth as she pulled the clothing off of the nearly-dead-witch’s body.
“’Cissa, please, I couldn’t leave her there-”
“Why not!?”
“She’s – she’s Sirius’, she’s...” Regulus took a steadying breath. “She’s Sirius’, Narcissa.” 
“For crying out loud.” Narcissa growled. She wanted to argue, she wanted to scream and curse and tell him to dump this witch back where he’d found her. But she knew...
She knew she would have likely done the same. 
When her son Draco was born, Narcissa had never felt so alone; her mother was long passed, her father was distant and cold, Bellatrix was insane, and she had long ago lost her favourite sister.
She thought at that moment of Andromeda and her husband and daughter.
If this had been Ted Tonks lying nearly dead on a hastily conjured drafting table, or their daughter Nymphadora...
Narcissa knew; her dog-like loyalty and her dragon-like possessiveness knew no bounds. 
So, she pulled on all the blasted magic she could think of – light, dark, and ancient. Types of Oriental, coastal, Scandinavian and Aboriginal magic; anything and everything she could possibly think of to bring this witch back from the brink of death.
 Spending her life as a dedicated pureblood meant spending a lot of time hiding away in libraries – no one could scold you for it, and you could hide away from whatever nonsense they were currently shoving down your throat. She thanked the deities for all of that time spent researching now. 
Thoroughly exhausted and covered in another person’s blood, Narcissa stepped back as the witch finally took a breath on her own.
“Thank you, Narcissa.”
“Do not go thanking me yet, cousin.” Narcissa huffed. “What exactly is it you plan to do with her?”
Regulus stared dumbly at her. “Uhm...well, return her?”
Narcissa rolled her eyes. “Right, and then the Dark Lord suspects a traitor amongst his followers and kills us all for the act of disloyalty. Really cousin, did you hit your head in this battle or something?”
“Well, what do you suggest I do then, Narcissa, since you are clearly so much smarter than I?” He questioned hotly.
“This is not my mess, Regulus. You should have left her there to die.”
“What do you mean, why?” Narcissa asked incredulously.
“Why should she have to die? Hm? Because she was born into the wrong family? Does that make her evil? Fate does not make us evil, Narcissa; choices do. I did not choose to live as a pureblood, I was only born into this life. But I chose to follow the Dark Lord, and I chose to join this war. I choose to aim my wand at people who raise their wands in defense whilst I wield mine in hope for power and glory. So why her? Why should she die while I go home to eat from my silver spoon that was promised to me at birth?”
Narcissa balked at her cousin. “Regulus, what - what are you saying?”
But Regulus did not have a chance to respond before Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape and Barty Crouch Junior followed a small house-elf down the stairs into the cellar.
“My, my, don’t tell me you’ve plundered some booty for us, dear Reggie!” Barty exclaimed excitedly. 
“What, pray tell, is the meaning of this?” Snape asked as he eyed Regulus and Narcissa skeptically. 
“We were wondering where everyone got to – oh.” Mulciber added as he stepped down into the cellar with Goyle trailing behind him. 
“I found her at the set-up.” Regulus said plainly after throwing up a hasty occlusion behind his eyes.
“I see. And why exactly is she here.” Snape asked again. 
“Did you...heal her?” Lucius guffawed.
“Why waste your energy on a pathetic mudblood?” Mulciber asked.
Narcissa stayed quiet and allowed Regulus to swim his way out of this on his own. She would not risk her own life protecting his mistake.
But what made it a mistake?
Narcissa had never once questioned the pureblood rhetoric that her parents entrenched in her. Not when she first stepped foot into Hogwarts. Not when she watched her classmates get bullied and harassed for their muddy blood. Not when it was announced she would be wed to her own cousin upon graduating from Hogwarts when she was only twelve years old, and not even when she was again announced to be wed to Lucius Malfoy instead at thirteen, after said cousin was sorted into the wrong house – bringing disgrace to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black; and not even when her older sister defected from the family by falling in love with a filthy mudblood. 
She looked at Regulus then. As the baby of the family, Regulus had seen all of this. He had witnessed the announcement of his big brother’s betrothal to his first cousin when Sirius was only ten years old. He saw the fallout and witnessed Sirius be ignored, embarrassed, and humiliated that first summer home after being sorted into the wrong house. He watched Sirius get tortured, brutalized, and starved every summer after that until he left home for good. He watched Andromeda be chastised and forced to choose between her family and her heart for falling in love with the wrong person. He watched Bellatrix descend into madness as she became more and more involved with Dark Magic.  
Regulus, the baby of the family, had witnessed all of this.
Narcissa thought of her own baby then, upstairs being looked after by a house-elf whilst she was downstairs with her husband and his house guests while they argued over who had more of a right to this unconscious witch’s body than the others. 
Did Regulus make a mistake?
Did she?
“Hmph, well, we’ll see how long this lasts.” Mulciber spat at Regulus before the five newcomers moved back upstairs leaving Narcissa alone with Regulus and the witch. 
Narcissa watched as Regulus used Legillimency to peer inside the witch’s mind before he spoke. “You’re awake.”
The only response Regulus got was the tightening of the witch’s eyes.
“Squeezing your eyes shut will not change the fact that I know you are awake.” He commented with an eyeroll.
Narcissa watched as Regulus continued to monitor the witch.
“Yes, I am talking to you.” Regulus responded verbally.
A beat of silence.
“Very elegant.” He muttered.
“Indeed, you are.” He quipped again.
Narcissa watched as you peeled your eyes open and blinked against the light above you; she heard your neck crack loudly as you turned your head towards Regulus before your face fell.
“You can’t be serious?” You rasped disbelievingly. 
“Close, but no.” Regulus smirked as he stood and moved toward the table you were lying on. “The name is Regulus. Regulus Arcturus Black.”
Narcissa watched as a look of panic crossed your features as you took in Regulus.
“I don’t suppose you happen to know occlumency, do you?”
You shook your head in response.
“Shame. Well, for your sake, I hope you are a quick learner.” Regulus said before he stupefied you. 
“This just got an awful lot more complicated, Regulus.” Narcissa commented quietly.
“I know.” Regulus sighed before he turned to his cousin. “Narcissa, please, will you help me?”
Narcissa looked between her cousin – the only relative she really had left – and the unconscious witch beside him. Suddenly, the witch wasn’t just a nearly dead burden – she was a chance. An opportunity for more. An opportunity to do better. An opportunity to have better.
“I do not want this life for my son.” Narcissa admitted quietly.
“I do not want Draco growing up worried about who he will be betrothed to before we even send him off to Hogwarts. I do not want him watching children be jinxed or hexed for being born to the wrong family – or worse – be the child jinxing or hexing them. I do not want to watch him slowly lose every single person that ever meant anything to him because they could not adhere to the same drivel. I do not want this life for him.” She took a deep breath.
“I want more for him, Regulus. I want better.”
Regulus searched Narcissa’s face for a few moments before nodding.
“Let’s do better, then.”
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October 31st
“Okay, explain the plan to me one more time.” You muttered as you continued to pace a hole through Narcissa’s vintage Persian rug. Regulus fought the urge to groan and repeated the plan that Dumbledore had discussed with him for a third time.
“Remus Lupin has been made secret keeper of the currently vacant cottage in Godric’s Hollow. He, as Peter Pettigrew, will meet the Dark Lord in the town square of Godric’s Hollow at eight o’clock tonight. He will then escort the Dark Lord to Potter’s cottage where I will be in the form of James Potter and Narcissa in the form of Lily Potter. Apparently, to no one’s surprise, Sirius has demanded he be there – so Sirius will be there in his animagus form as will Professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore will be hidden under Potter’s invisibility cloak. Dumbledore has the sword of Gryffindor, and Narcissa was able to purchase Basilisk venom from Borgin & Burkes on Knockturn Alley, which means the Order will be able to slay Nagini without resorting to unforgiveables. I, however, will have no qualms firing an avada at the Dark Lord, so we will see how the rest plays out. Either way, he will die.” Regulus spouted in monotone.
You seemed to consider this as you continued pacing. “And I...”
“And you are staying here.” He said with finality.
“Why?” You asked petulantly. Regulus did not find it at all endearing.
“Because you have to look after Draco.” Narcissa offered.
You softened at the mention of the boy but seemed unconvinced. “You have a manor full of house-elves; I’m sure Dobby wouldn’t mind-”
“It has to be you, Y/N.” Narcissa said. “It needs to be someone who will not be swayed, regardless of who shows up and starts barking orders.”
Your head fell back in resignation as you looked at the ceiling. 
“Okay?” Regulus asked quietly.
“Okay.” You admitted in defeat, bringing your gaze back to him.
Regulus offered you as kind a smile as the youngest Black and a chronic Slytherin could manage. “Your nose is bleeding again.”
“God damnit.” You muttered as you conjured a tissue into your hand and held it to your nose. More and more of your memories were flooding back in, and - just as the Healer had suggested - it was extremely painful. Not only were you now privy to migraines, nose bleeds, and the occasional seizure; you had an overwhelming sense of anxiety laying its damned wet blanket over you. You were somewhat annoyed that your memories appeared to be attacking you now when you would have benefitted from not remembering all of the reasons why this plan had to go just right.  
“Why did it have to be Halloween?” You muttered miserably.
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“Why did it have to be Halloween?” James whined. “I love Halloween.”
Lily patted her husband’s shoulder in sympathy, though neither her face nor her tone held any warmth. “You can love Halloween next year.” 
James and Lily stood in the doorway of 12 Grimmauld place with Harry strapped to James’ chest. Sirius triple checked their bags before shrinking them down and putting them into a backpack and placing it onto Lily’s shoulders. 
“Okay, explain the plan to me one more time.” He ordered the Potter’s. 
Lily and James shared a quick glance before the former rolled her eyes. 
“We’re heading to an undisclosed location. We are to set up protection wards the second we get there, and we are not to leave until Sirius’ patronus reaches us. If, in the event that we do not receive a patronus from Sirius or Moony in the next two days, we are to assume that the plan has failed. In that case, we are to begin heading west via muggle transportation and make our way to Ireland before boarding a flight to Canada where we are to remain for the rest of our lives.” She relayed to him in monotone. 
Sirius beamed at her and kissed her cheek. “Right-o, Red! But, not to worry, you’ll be hearing from my patronus in no time.”
Remus watched with a small smile from the staircase. He knew Sirius was trying to stay positive mostly for himself; he’s been in such a state since you were taken, and he was running on fumes waiting with bated breath for this to be over so you could return home - return to him. He had so many questions about so many things; questions for you, questions for Regulus, questions for Dumbledore. Remus watched his friend become manic, almost as if Sirius was the one expecting the full moon at the beginning of next week. The friends tried to stay patient with him, but they were all looking forward to this being over.
“It’s me and my family they’re after, I should be here to end this.” James muttered. 
“And you’re our family, Prongs. So, we’re here to end this.” Sirius responded.
“He didn’t just threaten you and Lily and Haz, he threatened all of us.” Remus added.
“I owe her my life, guys. I owe it to Vix to see this through.” He responded, shifting his gaze between his two friends.
Sirius’ eyes welled at the thought before he quickly shoved his feelings back down into his stomach – he’d deal with those later; for now, he had a megalomaniac to kill. 
“You’ll have the rest of your life to make it up to her, Prongs.” He offered with as much a smile as he could muster. 
James gave his friend a sad smile of his own before enveloping him in a bone crushing hug.
“I’ll see you soon, Pads.”
“Once the mischief is managed.” Sirius answered.
As Lily, James and Harry left Grimmauld place and apparated to location unknown, Remus and Sirius exchanged a look.
“Ready to finish this?” Sirius asked Remus.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”
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The clock tower in Godric’s Hollow’s town square rang signifying eight o’clock. Remus tried rubbing his clammy hands against his cloak, not wanting his hands to be slick when it came time to brandish his wand. Thankfully, with the full moon this close, and it (by the grace of every god) seeming to be a ‘manic moon’, Remus was at his strongest, and he would not be letting that go to waste. 
The rancid smell of dark magic permeated Remus’ senses signifying the arrival of Voldemort and his last horcrux.
“My dear boy,” Voldemort sang out, “are you ready to face victory in the name of your Lord.”
“Absolutely, my Lord, it is my honour to help you see this through.” He responded verbatim to what Dumbledore coached him on. 
“Lead the way.”
So, Remus did. 
In what felt like a death march, Remus (as Peter Pettigrew), a twelve-foot snake and melted-wax figure looking Tom Riddle made their way to the Potter’s cottage in Godric’s Hollow. Remus listened to the sound of his heartbeat and Nagini’s skin sliding along the gravel lane as he unlatched the hook of the fence and made his way up to the door.
He looked behind him to see Voldemort smiling victoriously at the house as it materialized in front of him. Remus turned back to the red painted door and knocked three times, paused, knocked once, paused, knocked twice more.
“Come in!” The sound of Lily’s voice filtered through the wood of the door and Remus heaved a breath before opening it in front of him. 
“Hey Pete!” James greeted as Remus stepped inside. “We just put the kid to bed, glad you could come by.” 
Remus watched as James turned his back to the door and continued toward the kitchen whilst Voldemort and Nagini let themselves in. With a quick flick of Remus’ wand, the door shut and locked behind them. No way out now, fucker.
“Come on in, Peter! I’m just making something to drink, would you like one?” Lily called from somewhere in the house as the trio continued in, watching as a cat wandered its way towards the kitchen seemingly unawares of the company behind it.
As they passed a hallway leading to a half-bath, Padfoot began to bark.
“Oh, come now Pads, it’s just Peter! You know him.” James said as he came back out into the hallway where he saw his good friend Peter in the company of Nagini and Voldemort.
Voldemort whispered something in parseltongue and in response, Nagini poised to lunge. 
When the snakes body elongated and her neck stretched as she launched to sink her fangs into James, Sirius had turned back into his regular form, and with the sword of Gryffindor swung at the snake, severing its head from the rest of its body; the snake’s body and its head fell to the ground with a sickening wet thud.
“No!” Voldemort cried before Dumbledore ripped the invisibility cloak from his form and Lily exited the kitchen. Suddenly, the forms of Lily, James and Peter and the actual Dumbledore, McGonagall and Sirius stood with their wands aimed at Voldemort. 
“What have you done?” Voldemort seethed at Remus. Remus smirked in response.
“I won.” He said simply.
Voldemort growled as he pulled his wand from his cloak, blocking an expelliarmus from Dumbledore and a bombarda from Sirius. 
“Incarcerous!” McGonagall shouted and Voldemort was bound by invisible restraints.
Dumbledore stupefied the flailing Tom Riddle and the six exchanged glances. 
“Did...did we do it? Did we just...stop Voldemort?” Sirius whispered.
“It feels sort of anti-climactic, does it not?” Lily asked before she cast a quick finite over herself, revealing Narcissa Black. Remus opted to follow suit and shed the skin of his rat of a friend.
“Narcissa?!” Sirius balked, earning him a smirk.
“Hello, cousin.”
“But, why? How?” he asked.
James followed suit and cast a finite, melting away the enchantment and leaving behind the form of Regulus Black, causing Sirius to choke back tears.
“Reggie...” he whispered reverently.
“Sirius.” Regulus responded with a curt nod, seemingly unable to meet his brothers’ eyes.
A sob tore its way through Sirius as he lunged himself at Regulus and embraced his little brother. “I can’t believe you’re alive.”
“Disappointed?” Regulus asked, seemingly unable to figure out what to do with his own arms which were pinned under Sirius’ grasp. 
“No, not in the slightest.” Sirius answered honestly as he pulled himself back from his brother only to bring his hands up to clasp either side of his brother’s face and scrutinize him. “You’re really okay?”
Regulus’ brows scrunched together at his brother’s words. “Could be worse.” Regulus responded in a whisper. 
“Why don’t we catch up later, once we have everyone together again?” Narcissa offered with a soft smile. This seemed to snap Sirius into action.
“Yes! Okay, yes. Let’s go get Y/N and then we can send the Potter’s a patronus!” He exclaimed as if were a child being told they were heading to the mall to meet Santa. 
Remus chuckled and even Regulus seemed to smirk at his brother. 
“You go, Minerva and I will escort Mr. Riddle here to the Ministry.” Dumbledore said with a wink at his four former students. “Thank you all, for your bravery and cunningness today.” 
The four offered Dumbledore varying levels of smiles: Remus a wide one, Narcissa a polite one, Regulus’ looked more like a grimace and Sirius’ mouth stayed downturned as they watched the headmaster and deputy headmistress leave with Voldemort in tow. 
“Let’s get the band back together.” Remus announced, and Narcissa held out a portkey for Remus and Sirius to use to travel to Malfoy Manor.
“See you there.” Narcissa said as she and Regulus spun and apparated to return to you. 
Regulus and Narcissa were just heading toward the vine covered gate when Remus and Sirius fell unceremoniously from the sky. 
“Fuck, I hate portkey’s” Sirius commented as he stood with a grimace and wiped grass stains off his jacket. 
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Narcissa commented from her place as the two men joined her.
“That’s like asking a fish not to swim, dear Cissy.” Sirius responded with a smirk.
Narcissa gave him a fond eyeroll before leading the way to the hidden library.
“PUT THE BOY DOWN!” The shrill voice of Bellatrix could be heard. The sound caused each of their throats to tighten as they all took off in a run towards the library.
“Get away from us!” Sirius heard you shout back. 
As the four of them rounded the corner, Sirius saw you standing with a crying Draco Malfoy in your one arm as you bounced him consolingly while your wand was in the other aimed at Bellatrix in front of you. Behind Bellatrix stood Barty Crouch Junior and Mulciber. 
“Bella!” Narcissa called causing the witch to turn her onyx gaze on her for a second, though her wand never faltered in its aim at you.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, NARCISSA?!” She screeched. 
“Bellatrix, get away from my son this instant.” Narcissa barked. Remus took this opportunity to try to move closer to you and Draco, which earned a purple spell being shot at him from Junior’s wand.
Suddenly emersed in some kind of gothic-style Western standoff, every witch and wizard in the library had their wands pointed at someone and someone’s wand pointed at them. One errant sneeze and someone would avada or be avada’d. 
“Bella, you’re frightening Draco.” Narcissa tried quietly.
“He’s frightened, Cissa, because you’ve left him alone with the likes of a FILTHY MUDBLOOD.” 
“It’s over, Bellatrix.” Sirius shouted. “Voldemort has been captured, he’s on his way to Azkaban as we speak.”
Bellatrix’s already rage filled face contorted in pure outrage. As the Death Eaters were distracted by the news of their leaders down fall, Regulus and Remus began duelling with Mulciber and Junior. Narcissa and Sirius both shot curses and hexes at Bellatrix at the same time, but she quickly defected.
“You, you-you FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR. You’ve betrayed your kind and defied OUR LORD, YOU INSOLENT-” As Bellatrix continued to rage, you began to slowly side-step your way over to Narcissa and Sirius while cooing at Draco. Sirius kept his gaze locked on you as you kept yours on Bellatrix, and both of your wands stayed on their mark. Remus had Mulciber in a muggle choke hold looking far too pleased with himself as Regulus cast an expeliarmus at Junior.
“YOU SHOULD BE DEAD! I KNEW BETTER THAN TO LET THOSE STUPID, STUPID MEN USE YOU AS THEIR PLAYTHING.” Bellatrix seethed at you, now standing directly beside Sirius, keeping the arm holding Draco just behind him. “YOU WEREN’T EVEN GOOD ENOUGH FOR A WHORE!”
At this, Sirius shot a curse at her which she deflected and began rallying more off. Bellatrix brought her other hand up to her hair and then swung her hand forward. Flying towards Sirius, you and Draco was Bellatrix’s cursed blade.
Narcissa took but half a step to her right, placing herself directly in front of you as she cast an avada kadavra at her sister. Bellatrix’s eyes rolled back as she fell to the ground with a thud and the room became deathly quiet save Draco’s sniffles. 
“Oh my gods.” Sirius breathed.
Remus and Regulus were readying their captives for the Auror department as Sirius turned to face his cousin, only to find her holding her chest as blood seeped through her robes and fingers.
Narcissa slowly began sinking to the ground as you gasped and held Draco’s head to your shoulder to shield his view.
“Cissa, no!” Sirius cried as he helped lower his cousin onto the rug. Narcissa took some gasping breaths as she looked at Sirius and you, and then at her son. 
“Y/N.” Narcissa called weakly.
“I’m here, Narcissa.” You offered through a sob. 
“Take care of my son. Take care of Draco, please.” She begged you.
She turned her gaze to Sirius. “I want better for him. I don’t-I don’t want...” She trailed off as she choked, blood appearing in the corners of her mouth. “I don’t want him to be raised with so much hate. I want – I want him to only know love.”
She looked back to you as you bounced her son back and forth. “Make sure he knows love for me?”
You nodded emphatically as tears trailed down your face. “I promise to do good by you; both of you. He will always be safe with us, Narcissa.”
“And loved.” Sirius added. 
Narcissa smiled at the two of you. “Thank you.” She said as she closed her eyes and let out a shuddering breath. 
Narcissa Black Malfoy was many things. She was a daughter, a sister, and a cousin. She was a wife, and new mother. She was a Slytherin, a noble woman, and a powerful witch.
Narcissa Black Malfoy was extremely loyal. And it was this last trait that cost Narcissa her life. 
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Continue to the finale here.
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wordsarelife · 6 days
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pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: draco and you always come back to each other, sneaking around in secret, unable to let go, even though it’s getting harder to hide and maybe you're not willing to keep the secret any longer
warnings: slight angst but ends in fluff, height difference mentioned
your back was leaning against the castle's wall, arms crossed, you quirked a brow at the boy across from you. he was spotting a similiar expression, his arms crossed like you and face in a deep frown, unmoving as you nodded for him to talk.
"i'm not gonna apologize first" you shrugged, deciding to have it like this if he wanted to be difficult.
"well, me neither" he spat, voice venomous as he looked at you unimpressed, your threat not having the least bit of effect on him. "i wouldn't even know what for"
"you were the one that came back, draco" you reminded. "we agreed that whoever came back first had to apologize"
"well, i'm not doing that"
"then i'm not kissing you" you shrugged, turning your body as if to leave, before his hand grabbed your shoulder, turning you back around in a swift motion.
before you could protest or say anything else about his sudden action, his lips were on yours, pulling you in through the feeling that evaporated in your body.
you moaned into his mouth, not even caring that he didn't apologize, as he pressed you against the wall.
draco and you came from completely different worlds. he was a proud slytherin, someone that valued social standing and reputation above everything else.
you were a gryffindor, hanging along the golden trio most of the time, but basically being friends with everyone, no matter who they were or from which family they came. you didn't mind as long as you liked them.
draco and you had hated each other from the first encounter on. arrogant as he was, he had introduced himself to harry, muttering something about the wrong kind of people (eyeing ron and you) he had chosen to spend his time with.
you rivalry reached it's peak during third year when hermione had hit him and you had caught him days later as he was trying to throw something into her cauldron during potions class. you had slapped his hand back, resulting in him breathing in whatever he had held in there and spending a week in the infirmary, throwing up hours on end.
you gained two weeks of detention from snape, but quickly decided it was worth it, considering you had saved your friend from an even worse fate.
but the real change of your relationship had begun during fourth year. you had noticed that he grew into his looks and you couldn't believe it, but his cockiness actually attracted you.
draco continued making no secret of disliking you and your friends, but you noticed his eyes linger on you longer than they had before.
it had been a week of constant fighting, hormones high and upcoming exams stressing the both of you, where one thing had led to another and you found yourselves in shared detention with professor mcgonagall who punished you to sort through and clean her classroom.
"this is all your fault" draco muttered, cloth in hand as he rubbed it along the table, that picked the water up quickly.
"sure" you nodded with a role of your eyes. the row of goblets in front of you, used for the first year classes, turning out to be a particular hard thing to clean. "as if you didn't start the fight"
"i merely concluded obvious information"
"pff" you made, sending him a glare across the room. "that's not what i would call it"
"let's hear it then, genius"
"i'd call it an uneven distribution of arrogance and stupidity" you smiled smugly as you set down another goblet in front of you.
"you take that back!" draco let go off the cloth in his hand and dashed across the room, pushing his hands to his hips and looking down on you as if to try and dare you to say more.
"no" you shook your head, rising up from your chair so you were on an even level with him.
"one last chance, l/n"
"or what? you will send daddy to straigthen me out?" you puffed air out between your lips, not even caring about his answer. "you've been using the same empty threats for years, malfoy, it's honestly gotten boring at this point."
his eyes widened, switching to collect the glimmer of your lips as a memory and before he could properly think of what he was doing, he had closed the space between you, kissing you softly.
it had taken exactly ten seconds for both of you to realize what had happened, quickly breaking apart.
"you just kissed me!" you muttered stunned, pointing an accusing finger in his direction.
"you kissed me" he shook his head, just as shocked as you, as he tried to remember what had happened exactly.
"no" you corrected firmly. "i'm not taking the blame for this mess. this is solely on you"
"you kissed back though" he concluded, with a final nod. "don't ever do that again"
"well, okay?" you shrugged "i won't as long as you don't ever kiss me again"
the tension between you was palpable, as you kept holding eye contact, no one of you moving as both of you tried to find out what the kiss would mean for your relationship, or more so lack of, moving forward.
it had been a sudden decision, maybe because you had spent all your years at school trying to one up draco malfoy, but you didn't think twice, before you pushed your mouth against his once more.
this time the kiss lasted longer and both of you had to catch your breath.
"i thought i told you to never do that again"
you nodded, before you smirked, "you said i should never kiss you back"
"yeah" he nodded, admitting that you hadn't done anything he had forbidden. "and you said i should never kiss you again"
"never is such a harsh word" you shrugged and just half a second later you were kissing once more, your hands gliding into his neck as you pressed him closer.
what began that day in the classroom accompanied you through the school years that followed. you and draco would put on a facade in front of your friends and pretend like you still couldn't stand each other, which was, to be honest, not even far from the truth considering he still constantly annoyed you. all while you would meet in secret, sneaking around the castle and hooking up with each other behind everyone's back.
apart from sleeping with each other not much changed between you. you never declared what you did to be a relationship, although both of you never met other people.
draco was the one constant through your teenage years. sometimes you would go longer without the other, but you would always come back, like a drug you couldn't stop taking even if it had the potential to destroy you in the end.
draco ended the kiss, pressing his forehead against your own. "sorry" he muttered and you furrowed your brows in surprise.
he had never apologised before, even if that was your rule. he would always suck up for a while, until you finally accepted that he was somewhat sorry, without actually saying it.
"hmm" you hummed, pressing one more kiss against his mouth, before you broke away and grabbed your bag off the floor. "we've got herbology"
draco nodded and turned around, picking up his own bag. "i'll go around the courtyard, you'll go now"
"sure" he softly grabbed your neck with his hand, bringing you close again and kissing you, more passionately than the moment allowed. you were way too flustered when he let go off you, but he just nodded for you to go. so you did.
you kept thinking about him for the rest of the day. through the whole herbology class, most of potions class and even charms, which was you favorite subject.
it hadn't been yesterday when you realized that you maybe didn't still find him as annoying as you did back when you were children. that you had maybe even grown fond of him a little, or whatever it was that you had.
and there was a stupid part of you that longed for more. for more of whatever it was.
what you had enjoyed at first, was now the part you hated most about your little arrangement. sneaking around, lying to your friends and always keeping something from them, while they viewed you as family, as someone they knew everything about.
you just wanted them to know and maybe you also wanted to know if he would stay. stay at the possibility of people finding out about you.
all that went through your head until the next day. and realistically you knew he wasn't what you wanted him to be. you knew draco well enough. he would never agree to go public, much less to even be in a relationship with you.
so it was pretty clear what you had to do.
you knew that it was the right decision in the long run. for both of you.
you met in the same hallway. you were leaning against the wall when he arrived, a distant smile on his face, that only really broke out when his eyes fell on you.
"hey" he muttered. you let him kiss you, before he stepped back, leaning across from you.
"hi" you said, testing the waters. he furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.
"what is it?" he asked unimpressed. he was used to you berating him for something he had said or done the day before. most often it was something regarding your friends and even though he never admitted it, you noticed his behaviour change, when you had been angry about something.
"nothing" you averted your eyes. you could hear him step forward, on edge, not used to the sadness in your voice.
times you had been apart came normally right after you had fought with each other. always screaming loudly, having found something to be annoyed about, before you decided not to see each other anymore, until one of you eventually came back.
"tell me" draco urged, the calmness in his voice long gone. "did something happen?" normally you would have made fun of him for his unusual care, but now you even felt sorry about it.
"i don't think we should continue to see each other" you shrugged, acting as if you didn't even care.
draco laughed, or rather puffed out air through his nose, before he shook his head. "i told you i was sorry"
"it's not about that"
"then what?" he stepped even closer. "something with you friends? i didn't even really see them yesterday"
"that's not it, draco"
there were a few seconds of silence, before he sighed loudly. "is it a guy?"
"okay, so you're just doing this? for what?" he threw his arms up, like he couldn't understand anything anymore. "you'll come back anyway"
you didn't answer anything, staring at him blankly, not having the strength to even say it out loud. without you wanting him to, he caught the uncertainty in your eyes.
"..you'll come back" he repeated, voice low. "right?"
"draco" you sighed, not knowing what to tell him.
"no, don't be like that" he shook his head and you saw that he was trying hard not to show you how much he cared. "don't act like you have to console me, don't act like you're breaking up with me"
"i'm not" you nodded. "but i'm not coming back either"
he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers, not even looking at you when you picked up your bag. you tried to catch his eyes, but it was to no avail. so you just walked away, not even knowing if you felt relieved or sad at the predicament that he would never be coming close to you again.
you walked through the halls of the castle and opened the door to the courtyard. the weather had turned rainy, thick clouds hanging over the towers of the castle, hiding them in the white air. the rain hit the ground mercilessly and you realized too late that it had been a stupid idea to walk across.
"you can't just do that" the voice behind you was so sudden and loud that your bag almost hit the wet ground beneath you.
draco caught up with you quickly, not caring about the rain one bit.
"what?" you asked, continuing your quick walk through the yard. but admittedly it was to no use, considering that you were already wet to the bones.
draco grabbed your shoulder, making you halt in your step and turn to look at him. "you can't just decide that" he said "it's not your decision to make"
"it's not yours either"
"why are you like that?" he ignored your previous answer. "i thought you liked this"
"i did" you nodded, seeing no reason to lie. "until i didn't"
"what does that even mean?" draco pushed his wet hair back annoyed. he wasn't able to understand you and scarily enough, that was the first time in years he failed to read what was going on with you.
"that means that we have to stop seeing each other"
"but why?"
you ignored him, moving your arm so he lost his grip on you, walking further through the wet garden. draco followed you.
"why?" he repeated, "what do you want me to do?"
"nothing, draco, it's fine"
"if this is some psychological trick, i swear to god"
"it's not, draco" your voice became louder, trying to drain out the rain that muffled it. "just forget about me"
"what if i can't?" he had stopped moving, staring at you blankly when you turned around. you had never seen him like this. so vulnerable, so honest.
"it didn't even matter" you simply said, "it was nice for a while, but it's over now"
"so you just decided that?"
"but it wasn't just nice" he came closer, his face painfully twisted, as if to try and see your reaction to it. to get something from you. to see if it really didn't matter. "it was different. it wasn't just something"
"then what was it?" you pushed him to say more, to hear what you needed to for so long. "tell me why it was different? i thought you hated me"
"i did everything but that" he muttered and you had a hard time understanding him.
"why did you never say that before?" you asked, stray tears mixing with the rain on your face. "why are you so desperately trying to convince me of something you would've denied if i had asked you before? why didn't it matter before? why didn't you say something sooner?" your voice evolved into a scream, begging him to answer.
"why do you think i always came back?" he matched the loudness of your voice, anger blending with desperation as his blue eyes crashed into yours.
"why do you think i did?"
"i thought you knew" he shook his head, not understanding how it had come so far he had to explain it to you. "i thought i made it clear"
"thought you made what clear?" you asked, your voice louder than his, as he had grown more quiet. "that you didn't hate me? tolerated me even? that you—“
"that i fucking love you" his scream made you shut up immediately, eyes wide as you stared at him. "and maybe i should've actually said that or maybe i'm not what you want anymore—"
"what did you think would happen? did you think i would just accept it? not knowing how you really feel?"
"no" he shook his head "but i had hoped you would stay until i finally gathered up the courage to say it"
"how long?"
he sighed, looking annoyingly sweet as raindrops fell down from his hair and onto his cheeks. he looked like he was crying in an artful way. beautiful even, you thought, as you kept your eyes on his face like your life depended on it.
"mcgonagalls detention in fourth year"
"you couldn't have possibly loved me back then"
"maybe i didn't" he shrugged "but it was the first time i felt like this, when you kissed me"
"you kissed me" you corrected, but unable to stop the smile from breaking out.
"well, what do you say?"
"you want to hear it back?" you asked.
"preferably yes, but for now a sorry would do"
"for now, a hot shower would do" you rolled your eyes. "alone"
"and after that?" his voice lost a bit of it's cockiness, returning back to the insecurity it had held a few minutes before, "what then?"
you pressed his lips against his and he took the kiss with surprise, before he reciprocated it.
you pulled back, looking up at him, drenched from head to toe, but absolutely beautiful in his eyes.
"i'll come back"
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