#dr nitesh khonde
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parijatakayur · 5 years ago
Feel Free to Contact Us :Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com Phone No.: +91-9209107777E-mail Us : [email protected] : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)Infertility is common nowadays due to the hectic and unhealthy lifestyles and other health related problems. Of course allopathic system of medicine has its own way of treating infertility but ayurvedic treatment of infertility is the best option if you want to treat the root cause of the problem. Ayurvedic methods of treating infertility are non invasive and mostly rely on herbal medicine available at Parijatak.
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years ago
Opt for Ayurveda for Best Diabetes Treatment in Nagpur
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Diabetes is a life-altering ailment and there is no cure for it in the allopathic system of medicine. The only thing that allopathic medicines do is to relieve the symptoms and keep the blood sugar level low. On the other hand, Ayurveda classifies diabetes into three kinds – curable, pliable and incurable. In diabetes, the blood glucose level becomes high either due to lack of insulin produced by the pancreas or the body becoming resistant to insulin. In either case, the blood sugar level becomes high and that affects several organs of the body especially the kidneys and eyes.
Causes and symptoms of diabetes
In diabetes, the normal body functions are disturbed leading to more severe ailments. The different types of diabetes have unique characteristics and are treatable in Ayurveda with the help of herbs and therapies. This is the reason that it is advisable to turn to Ayurveda if you want diabetes treatment in Nagpur. The causes of diabetes can be any of the following - genetic the tendency, environmental factors, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes, viral infection, cystic fibroids, chemical toxins, and autoimmune reactions.
The symptoms that a diabetes patient has are – excessive hunger and thirst, higher frequency of passing urine, blurred vision, numbness, sores and unexplained weight loss. In fact, nowadays apart from looking at the symptoms, ayurvedic doctors also make use of blood and urine tests in order to ascertain whether the person has diabetes. With the help of these, they decide the right dosage of herbal medicine and treatments to be given to them.
Treatment of Diabetes in Ayurveda
Some of the well-known hospitals for Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Nagpur uses the following herbs in the treatment of diabetes:
Aloe vera – this herb contains a compound known as phytosterol which has antihyperglycemic properties and hence lowers the level of glucose in the blood.
Fenugreek – known as methi, the seeds of this herb this herb increases the body’s tolerance level of glucose in the body and hence reduces the level of sugar.
Sag – this herb increases the formation of insulin and hence controls the blood sugar levels
Curry leaves – this herb promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body and hence controls the level of glucose in the blood which gets metabolized and is used by the body as energy
Ginger – increases the formation of insulin in the body and hence controls the blood sugar levels
Other herbs used in the best diabetes treatment in Nagpur include mango leaves, turmeric, shilajit, guggul, bitter gourd, honey, ajwain, and arjuna. All these herbs enhance the functioning of the pancreas and liver which are the two organs whose malfunctioning leads to the disease of diabetes in the human body. The main therapy used for the treatment of diabetes is panchakarma along with other therapies that differ from one patient to another. Panchkarma is complete detoxification and purification procedure and massages also work towards removing the root cause of diabetes from the body. Diabetes control with the help of Ayurveda is by far most sustainable and effective cure for diabetes.
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parijatakngp · 5 years ago
The major cause responsible for infertility is an imbalance of the tridoshas – vata, pita, and kapha in a combination known as the ‘Tridosha Dushti’ in the Ayurvedic texts and vitiation of the digestive element known as ‘Agnimandya’. In response, the natural science of healing recommends various medicines and procedures that help create an equilibrium of the doshas while strengthening the balancing mechanism of the woman’s body with a view to improving health and quality of life.
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ethomas9175 · 6 years ago
Author Name: Dr Nitesh Khonde Email Id: [email protected] Website: http://marmma.com/contact-us/ Phone No :- 1-800-532-6777 Home Care Physiotherapy Doctors In Nagpur Physiotherapy works on the development as well as restoration of the movement skills and performance. Best Physiotherapy Home Service In Nagpur It might help an individual to train for the gross motor skills like standing,
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parijatak01-blog · 7 years ago
Glioblastoma Multiforme Treatment Center In Nagpur At Parijatak
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and deadliest of malignant primary brain tumors in adults and is one of the groups of tumors referred to as gliomas.
 Glioblastoma is a type of astrocytoma, cancer that forms from star-shaped cells in the brain called astrocytes. In adults, this cancer usually starts in the cerebrum, the largest part of your brain.
 Classified as a grade IV astrocytoma, GBM develops from the lineage of star-shaped glial cells, called astrocytes, that support nerve cells.
 GBM develops primarily in the cerebral hemisphere but can develop in other parts of the brain, brainstem, or spinal cord.
 Glioblastoma usually affects adults.
 There is no reasonable method to keep the infection. Normally, treatment includes medical procedure, after which chemotherapy and radiation treatment are utilized. The pharmaceutical temozolomide is utilized as often as possible as a major aspect of chemotherapy.
 High measurements steroids might be utilized to help lessen swelling and diminishing indications. It is misty in the case of endeavoring to evacuate all or just the greater part of the malignancy is better.
 In spite of most extreme treatment, the disease generally repeats. The most widely recognized length of survival following analysis is 12 to 15 months, with less than 3% to 5% of individuals surviving longer than five years. Without treatment, survival is regularly three months.
 It is the most widely recognized growth that starts inside the mind and the second most normal cerebrum tumor, after meningioma. Around 3 for every 100,000 individuals build up the malady a year. It frequently starts around 64 years old and happens more ordinarily in guys than females. Immunotherapy is being considered in glioblastoma with promising outcomes.
Common symptoms include seizure, headaches, nausea and vomiting, memory loss, changes to personality, mood or concentration; and localized neurological problems.
The kind of symptoms produced depends more on the location of the tumor than on its pathological properties. The tumor can start producing symptoms quickly but occasionally is an asymptomatic condition until it reaches an enormous size. http://parijatak.com/ayurvedic-treatment-for-glioblastoma-multiforme-at-central-india/
1. Can be composed of several different cell types.
2. Can develop directly or evolve from lower grade astrocytoma or oligodendroglioma 
3. Most common in older individuals and more common in men than women
4. Less common in children
The cause is unknown, but research is pointing substantially towards genetic mutations
 Symptoms of Glioblastoma Multiforme
 Symptoms of glioblastoma vary depending on the location of the tumor, but they may include:
             • Persistent headaches
             • Double or blurred vision
             • Nausea
             • Vomiting
             • Loss of appetite            
             • Changes in mood or personality
             • Changes inability to think and learn
             • Memory loss
             • New onset of seizures
             • Muscle weakness
             • Speech difficulty
 Ayurvedic Treatment For Glioblastoma Multiforme At Central India, Nagpur at Parijatak
 In Ayurveda, There are various Treatment method available to treat Glioblastoma Multiforme
It is very difficult to treat glioblastoma due to several complicating factors:
• The tumor cells are very resistant to conventional therapies. 
• The brain is susceptible to damage due to conventional therapy.
• The brain has a very limited capacity to repair itself. 
• Many drugs cannot cross the blood-brain barrier to act on the tumor.
 Treatment of primary brain tumors and brain metastases consists of both symptomatic therapies, palliative therapies, Vata-Kapha Haram and Medo Haram
Author Name: Dr Nitesh Khonde
Mobile No.: 9607957777
Parijatak Ayurveda Treatment Center, Nagpur
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parijatakayurvedic-blog · 7 years ago
parijatak talks about pathya apthya in knee pain
Parijatak, One of the Best Centres for Ayurvedic Treatment of Knee Pain in India
Knee pain is a common problem which occurs due to various reasons. It may arise from any of the bony structures which form the knee joint, kneecap, or the cartilage or ligament found in the hinge joint of the knee. Knee pain may happen to anyone irrespective of the age, and may get aggravated by excessive muscle usage due to exercise or any foot injury. Knee pain may arise from various disorders such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, medial meniscus injury in the ligament, medial plica irritation, or any direct blow to the knee. Home remedies are useful only if the pain is not severe. But one must be careful in dealing with knee pain by not ignoring it for long.
Pathya-Apathya in Knee pain (Dos)
Eat warm, nourishing, easy-to-digest meals like kichari,
Apply a thin layer of castor oil to sore joints before applying a heating pad to help support joint comfort and scrape ama
Sip hot water – the best digestive medicine to remove toxins from your body
Eat cow,s ghee in routine diet
Consume fruits which are rich in calcium like dates, flaxseeds, walnuts,gondEat Amlalki (amla)daily because it is good for bone health as it is rich in Vit C
Consume vegetables prepared from giloy leaves.( Gulvel)Or.Giloystems can be chewed as is or powdered and mixed with lukewarm water.
Turmeric is an antiseptic and great healer. One tablespoon with milkmethi (fenugreek seeds) can be soaked overnight and consumed to relieve pain.
Sunthi Siddha Jala- water boil with dry ginger
Tulsi is known as an anti-rheumatic (joint pains) and antispasmodic (muscle spasms) agent. Kadha (Decoction) prepared with tulsi relieves joint pain.
Wear proper shoes- Keep activeMaintain the weight. Because overweight causes extra stress on joints and bones
Check your posture (while at work, sitting or driving) Practice Ujjayi and Nadi shodan pranayama to help you to remove natural toxins from the body and address any signs and consequences of anxiety.
Gentle yoga like the Pawanmuktasana, tadasana which help to reduce vata and increase lubrication of the joints.
ApathyakarAhar-Vihar (DONTS)
Avoid dry and oily food items.
Avoid tamarin, pickles and curdAvoid fermented products.
Avoid wearing heels for long• Avoid white sugar, alcohol, and dairy (particularly ice cream and cheese)
Avoid intense physical activity
Avoid day sleeping
Do not sit for long hours, take short breaks. Stretch, walk, climb stairs. Avoid smokingAvoid stress.
Contact info: Name: Dr. Nitesh Khonde
Mo. No: 9209107777, 9607957777
Website: http://parijatak.com
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parijatakayur · 5 years ago
If you are looking for a spine specialist in Nagpur then Parijatak is your best choice. This ayurvedic hospital has a separate department for spine-related problems, whether it is a slipped disk, spinal injury or any other problem related to the spine. The best part is that Ayurveda provides a complete cure for spine-related problems which is not available in allopathy.
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years ago
Ayurveda Helps You fight all Pregnancy Problems
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Once you conceive you are on cloud nine as well as dealing with various common symptoms of nausea, heartburn, backache and so on. These can be easily treated through medication and is perfectly normal. However, there are many problems that occur during pregnancy, the problems you need to be watchful of.  Whichever city you live in, you should have the best doctor in immediate communication. For example, if you live in Nagpur, you should be connected to the best gynecologist doctor in Nagpur and if you live in Mumbai then, of course, the best in Mumbai all through the course of your pregnancy.
Info - https://parijatak.com/ayurvedic-treatment-for-gynaecology/
Contact on -  +91-9209107777,+91-9607957777
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years ago
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Aparajitha Dhooma choornam is an Ayurvedic disinfect which helps to sterilize surrounding areas from various viruses Parijatak Ayurveda developed its, help to fight against Coronavirus. Nowadays, in this period of Covid-19, it is in high demand as it is a time-tested Ayurvedic powder, which is result-oriented in preventing the Coronavirus from spreading through the air. It also helps to prevent the spread of infectious fever and disinfects air which can cause respiratory problems in human beings.
Aparajitha Dhooma choornam is mainly made collaboratively with various ayurvedic herbs such as Mayurasikah, Vacha, Ralah, Nimba, Twak, Arka Guggullu, Useera, Sallaki Karpoora. These Ayurvedic herbs are beneficial to fight against microbial contamination and also reduces fungal growth.
Recently, Aparajita Dhooma choornam is also recommended by Ayurvedic health ministry, which is in charge of health care of the migrant workers in India. The department has tried this fumigation powder for sanitizing the camps. And it resulted out to be very active in fighting the Coronavirus. 
The using of choornam in the many isolation wards and quarantine centres (Corona crises). There is a need to do a regular disinfection exercise in the containment zones which help to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. Thus, this Ayurvedic fumigation practised with the help of Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam.
This choornam is useful during the time of dengue and communicable diseases after floods. It also has antimicrobial, anti-fungal, microbial inhibition and antiviral properties.
Ingredients :
·         Mayurasikah (Aactiniopetris Dichotoma),
·         Vacha (Acorus Calamus),
·         Ralah (Shorea Robusta),
·         Nimba Twak (Azadirachtaindica),
·         Arka (Calotropis Gigantea),
·         Guggullu (Commiphora Mukul),
·         Useera (Vetiveria Zizaniodes),
·         Sallaki Karpoora (Cinnamomum Camphora), (Boswe Llia Serrata)
·         Indication :
·         It is used for fumigation.
Benefits of Aparajita Dhooma choornam to fight against Infections:
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Works as Disinfecting fumigant:
It works as an antimicrobial disinfectant to sterilize contaminated zones. It kills and eliminates all forms of microbial life. 
Works as Antifungal Agent:
The studies that Aparajita Dhooma choornam is very effective against microorganisms, especially bacteria and fungi. During the test of this powder against various viruses. There is a decrease of 95% & 96% in the bacterial and fungal count. And within the next three days, 99.62% of bacteria and 98.92 % of fungi were destroyed.
 Long-lasting disinfectant effect:
The effect of the Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam disinfectant effects lasted for 24 hours. The next 72 hours, the bacterial and fungal count was also low compared to the count before disinfestation.
Help to get results to fight COVID-19 :
Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam, which contains eight Ayurvedic herbs, can be used as a potent agent in the area neutralizing in this time of COVID.
Effectively helps to destroy gram-positive and gram-negative bacterias:
It helps to destroy gram-positive and gram-negative bacterias which are very hazardous to human health.
No side effects:
“The Choornam has no side effects, and it is an effective solution for disinfection at homes, schools, offices, hospitals, gyms, food godowns and a cattle sheds.
Safe and secured: 
Safe and secured effects after doing various tests on its working. 
Being called “Dhoomapanam” many generations have practised the way of disinfecting the surrounding area using the Ayurvedic herbs for centuries. In the famous “Ashtanga hrudhya” the ancient manuscripts of Ayurveda, it is featured as “Aparajitha Yogam”, and it is instrumental in preventing epidemics and in the process of Microbial Inhibition. Hence the Aparajitha Dhooma Choornam should be used to avoid Coronavirus spread.
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niteshkhonde04-blog · 5 years ago
Parijatak Ayurveda, the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Center, provides gynecology treatment to women, helping them to keep control of their reproductive system.
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niteshkhonde04-blog · 5 years ago
Parijatak Ayurveda, the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Center, provides you with the ayurvedic treatment for weight loss to keep your obesity at the bay.
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years ago
Infertility is common nowadays due to the hectic and unhealthy lifestyles and other health related problems. Of course allopathic system of medicine has its own way of treating infertility but ayurvedic treatment of infertility is the best option if you want to treat the root cause of the problem. Ayurvedic methods of treating infertility are non invasive and mostly rely on herbal medicine available at Parijatak.
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niteshkhonde04-blog · 5 years ago
Parijatak Ayurveda, the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Center, provides you with the Infertility treatment to overcome with the sexual incapability's.
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niteshkhonde04-blog · 5 years ago
Parijatak Ayurveda, the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Center, provides you with the Infertility treatment to overcome with the sexual incapability's.
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years ago
Parijatak Ayurveda, the Best Ayurvedic Treatment Center, provides you with the diabetes treatment helping you to keep your diabetes in control.
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years ago
Skin care is important for the overall appearance of the person, and blemishes and other skin problems can be treated at Parijatak using only natural and herbal methods. Whether it is allergy, blemishes acne or any other severe skin problem, there is a cure for it in Ayurveda. This is the reason that instead of relying on allopathic system you should take the holistic treatment of Ayurveda.
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