#dr dugong
horrorsequel · 7 months
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venture bros? wrong. ong bros blast
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kirbarts · 8 months
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sorry for getting fixated on some brothers in a show that's about brothers. as if it's my fault.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Part 7 with Eri Reader They finally make it to Alabasta (Luffy, Sanji and Nami told the others what Dr. Kureha told them what might be the cause of Reader’s scars, but no one wants to ask Reader unless she’s ready to tell her story)
Though they meet a strange man named Bon Clay (She didn’t meet him since she’s with Sanji) and go through their usual shenanigans, though she got separated from Luffy, but was found by Ace who’s nice enough to help her find her ‘big brother’ and even treated her to some food (Only for him to pass out, wake up and pass out again, which started her) then Smoker comes in and Luffy, and to her surprise Luffy and Ace know each other (As they begin to run away from the Marines)
When everyone finally gets on the Merry, Ace introduces himself as Luffy’s Older Brother, with Reader sparkly eyed (Ace has a heart attack), as he even tries to convince her to join the Whitebeard Pirates since Pops would love her (She politely declines as she’s happy where she is with the Straw Hats)
They then meet the Kung Fu Dugongs, with Reader and them all sparkly eyed at each other, causing everyone having another case of heart attacks, the Dugongs follow Reader too as their ‘Sensei’ because “her cuteness defeated them”, Chopper explains, which everyone agrees is true, but they have to part ways from the Dugongs)
Ace and Reader bond (He shows her little fire tricks he can do and even made his fire form flowers and animal shapes that even move, with Luffy trying to One-Up him, shows his tricks only to get himself tangled up and stuck, causing everyone to laugh at him) and later more chaos and shenanigans happens, and have to part ways with Ace (Which makes Reader sad, but he gives her a mini Transbonder Snail so they can talk, as he intends to brag to Pops and his crew that he has the cutest little sister in the world)
More time passes until they finally make it to Crocodiles’ Casino, with Nami, Usopp, Zoro, Luffy, Reader and Smoker captured, but to their shock Reader isn’t in the cage with them and discover she’s sitting next to Crocodile with a plate of food in front of her, like she’s his ‘guest’ (He gained intel on her power, to his surprise, it wasn’t a lot, only she has the power to heal and she’s highly wanted, almost like she never existed until she got her bounty) then he and Miss All Sunday leave with her in his clutches head off to meet ‘Mr. Prince’
This gives everyone an even bigger reason to stop Crocodile to not only help Vivi but save Reader and when the battle is over, the Straw Hats feast and rest, and Vivi gives Reader some of her old clothes she wore around her age for her to have
They leave and say goodbye to Vivi, and discover Zoro now has a bounty with Luffy and Reader’s bounties increasing along with MAS, who reveals her name is Nico Robin and joins their crew as payment for what Luffy and Reader ‘done to her’ (Luffy saved her and Reader healed her wound)
-Luffy and Nami made the decision, once you all back on the ship and you were playing in the snow that was on the ship before it melted, to tell the others of what Kureha had found out about your scars, about her speculations behind your scars.
-Usopp and Vivi were both in tears, hearing the torture you went through before Sanji spoke, his voice low and serious, “As we said, Dr. Kureha is only speculating, she doesn’t know for sure. If we want the truth, we will have to ask Y/N.”
-Glances were sent around the galley, they were hesitant to say anything, they didn’t know how it would affect you if they were to ask.
-Alabasta was so hot!!! Nami and Vivi made sure you were completely covered by a cloak, light pink in color, including a hood, so you wouldn’t get sunburned and both women threatened all of the men on the crew that they had to make sure that you were kept covered and safe from the sun, or else.
-Zoro was the only one who asked, “Or else what?” you wanted to heal his wounds moments later, after he was covered with lumps and bruises all over, but Usopp held you in his arms, telling you that Zoro deserved his punishment for sassing the lovely ladies.
-You went with Sanji to go shopping, unaware of the ‘new friend’ the others were meeting in Bon Clay, as you had hurt all of their hearts by beaming up to him when you asked to go with, “I wanna help you carry stuff, big brother Sanji.”
-He couldn’t leave without you, but he had to stop crying before the two of you left the ship.
-The markets were so colorful and there were so many stands around, you were in Sanji’s arms, so you could look around to your heart’s content.
-Sanji smiled softly up at you as you pointed out some kids flying kites, seeing you smiling brightly, like the child you should have been all along.
-You found Luffy a short while later and Sanji beamed, ruffling your hair, minding your horn under your cloak, “Thank you Y/N, you were a big help today!” your smile could have melted the sun, before you went off with Luffy, holding his hand.
-Twenty minutes later you were looking around, once again all alone and having no idea where you were. Tears began to well in your eyes as you started down a road, looking for any of your big brothers or Nami.
-Your soft sniffle was overheard by someone who came over and put his hand on your head, kneeling down, “You okay?” you looked up to see a stranger, he wasn’t wearing a shirt, but a big orange hat, and shorts with boots, and he had fluffy black hair with freckles across his cheeks.
-Despite your aversion to strangers, you felt an instant connection with this man who gave you a bright grin as you tried to wipe your tears away, trying not to cry anymore, “I lost my big brother.” He chuckled softly, patting the top of your head, “You lost him, usually it’s the other way around and the big brother loses the little sister.”
-He introduced himself as Ace and you introduced yourself, before he asked if he could pick you up, so you could go look for your big brother together.
-You couldn’t see anyone you recognized, getting a little upset before Ace took you to a restaurant to get something to eat, “Gotta eat to stay strong to look for your brother!” you nodded and instantly your eyes were stars, getting a fruit parfait, turning to look up at him, “Is this really mine?” you killed the whole restaurant with your cuteness.
-Ace was asking you questions between bites, grinning down at you as you had whipped cream around your mouth before he suddenly stopped and started to snore, face planting into his food.
-Your mind went blank before you shook his arm, “Big brother? Big brother wake up! You shouldn’t sleep in food!”
-Luffy and Smoker then flew in, damaging a good part of the restaurant and Ace woke up, looking around before noticing that you were clinging to him and he was quick to hug you, seeing that you were scared.
-Your eyes were stars when you realized Luffy and Ace were brothers, before Ace tried to beat Luffy in annoyance, pulling on his cheeks, “I had the cutest little sister ever and you didn’t even bother to tell me?!”
-Once you were all back on the ship and Ace introduced himself to everyone else, he beamed down at you, “Y/N~ do you want to join the Whitebeard Pirates? I know pops would love you!” you were surprised by his request before you shook your head, “I wanna stay with big brother Luffy.”
-Ace wasn’t upset, ruffling your hair fondly before you all set off to your next destination, Vivi’s home to take care of Crocodile.
-The Kung Fu Dugongs were a little scary, as Luffy had jumped down with you, something he was quickly beaten for, as these creatures looked like they wanted to fight. Your eyes were full of tears as you pleaded, “Don’t hurt my big brother!” you killed the dugongs with your cuteness, becoming their new leader because your cuteness defeated them, or that’s what Chopper told you.
-Ace and Luffy began to fight over you, Ace making flowers and little animals out of flames, making your eyes sparkle while Luffy was trying to stretch and show off, only to get tangled up and you and Chopper had to get him untangled while everyone else was laughing.
-Ace had never regretted something before, but seeing you crying, holding onto his leg, begging him not to leave, he was full of regret, feeling so guilty.
-He gave you a mini Den-Den Mushi and Nami told you that with it, you could call him any time you wanted and he would come and visit. He even linked pinkie fingers with you, making a promise to come and see you which made you smile.
-Ace went back and gushed to Whitebeard and the others about how cute you were, lamenting that he couldn’t convince you to come with him.
-You were terrified, after being captured by Crocodile, but unlike Nami, Zoro, Usopp, Smoker, and Luffy, you weren’t in the cage with them, you were sitting on a pile of pillows, a booster seat, that Crocodile had made for you.
-Crocodile explained that while the others were prisoners, you were a ‘guest’ unaware that he had gathered a bit of intel on you, about your ability, but he didn’t know the whole truth, only that you could heal others and you were heavily wanted by the government. He wanted to keep you at his side, safe and sound is what he had said.
-Miss All Sunday was holding you when she and Crocodile left to go and see Mr. Prince, unaware that it was Sanji, while everyone prepared their jailbreak, having more of a reason now that Crocodile had you in his clutches.
-Unlike Crocodile, Miss All Sunday didn’t scare you much, she was nice to you, talking gently to you, and unlike when she spoke with others, her smile towards you was genuine. You couldn’t explain it, but you felt like you could trust her.
-Miss All Sunday put you in a very lavish room with lots of pillows and some fruit, “Stay here Y/N. You’ll be safe here. Your brother will come to get you soon.” She said that last part as a whisper, holding a finger to her lips, telling you that it was a secret and you nodded.
-The chairs were too high for you to get onto by yourself, you tried, your little legs kicking as you tried to pull yourself up, unaware that your crew, your family, were all fighting against Crocodile and his strongest members of Baroque Works.
-You gave up getting into the chair and crawled into a large pile of pillows, hugging one close to your chest and you were quick to knock out.
-Several hours later you woke up to the door being busted down as it had been locked from the outside and you jolted awake, scared before you saw Zoro there and your eyes widened, “Big brother!” he kneeled as you ran to him, catching you in his arms before he stood, “C’mon, the others are worried.” You nodded, hugging him around his neck.
-When everyone was witnessing the fall of Crocodile, you found Miss All Sunday, who smiled softly, seeing that you were safe. You hesitated for a moment before healing her wound, making her eyes wide, seeing your ability firsthand.
-You did come down with a slight fever but many attributed it to the heat as you were better in just a few hours, with some rest.
-There was a massive feast celebrating Crocodile’s defeat, there were so many tasty foods and you got to play in the giant bathtub with Nami and Vivi, swimming around which they thought was adorable.
-Vivi surprised you with some of her clothes from when she was a little girl, flowy princess dresses and you had a fashion show with her and Nami who adored it, happy to see you having so much fun.
-When you arrived back on the ship, you froze, seeing Miss All Sunday, who just smiled warmly at Luffy, who demanded to know why she was there on his ship.
-She introduced herself, telling you her true name, Nico Robin, and to pay Luffy and you back, for saving her and giving her a reason to fight, respectively, she was joining the crew.
-Luffy was fairly quick to accept her only because you did, trusting her, which warmed her heart and she sat with you on one of the lounge chairs in Nami’s orchard, reading to you, finding you a delightful young child, one she wanted to keep safe.
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yeastinfectionvale · 2 months
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
I have the standard two ear piercings from Claire's and I plan to get my nose pierced so I can wear the traditional nath.
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
It has to be a seacow or a dugong. (I love them after I learnt about their existence from a Dr Brian Cox cameo in this children's show called Dani's house.)
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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The Venture Bros. #36: “Tears of a Sea Cow” | July 20, 2008 - 11:30PM | S03E08
The Monarch isn’t allowed to arch Dr. Venture anymore, and this episode is about him defying the bonds of his Guild affiliation and going over to the Venture compound to fuck it up with Hench people 21 and 24. They decide to do this because Dr. Venture and Brock are out of town.
What they don't know is that Hank and Dean are left home alone (or maybe they do! I didn’t do a good enough job listening to all the dialogue!). Hank has his no-goodnik friend Dermot over and we see the first inklings of their band, Shallow Gravy (they haven’t arrived at the name yet, though). They also go camping in the yard and have a run-in with Henchman 21, who tells Hank that he’s an immortal, since he’s personally seen (and at least once caused) his death multiple times. He shoots Hank with what he assumes is a fatal dart, but turns out to be a tranq, causing Hank to believe he actually is a Highlander. 
Meanwhile, the Monarch breaks into Dr. Venture’s lab and messes some stuff up, including GUARDO, who we saw in Home Insecurity. The Monarch spitefully makes love to the ailing robot and Dean walks in and catches him. The Monarch psyches him out by pretending that he’s playing some game to get Dean to betray his own good nature by tattling on him. Eventually Dr. Girlfriend gets him out of there before anyone’s the wiser. Those are basically what make up the main story beats of this episode.
I consider this one to be a decent hang, and maybe my favorite of this comparatively lackluster run. Not much in this one stands out to me as amazing or particularly hilarious, but I don’t think anything’s particularly wrong with it, either. This is the same spirit of episodes I really love; one where it’s mostly about the characters interacting and letting moments breathe. The biggest thing this episode is lacking, though, is Dr. Venture and Brock, who only appear in a brief cutaway at their science conference. As mentioned in the commentary, this helped the Venture crew stay under budget, seeing as how the cast consisted of three actors (two of whom were Jackson and Doc). 
There’s a lot made of the title of this episode in the commentary and the reason for that is that apparently this ran in some TV guides as “Murder O’Clock”, which they changed when they finished the closing credits of the episode. Doc remarked that he’s bad at titling things, and forever knows this episode as his initial title of “Goes to Compound”. I agree it’s a bad title! It refers to the cold open and nothing else, so I always look at this title and think "that's the one where the Monarch kills the Seacow guy in the cold open" and remember nothing else.
In the cold open, the Monarch half-heartedly arches a good guy named Dr. Dugong, who is half human/half manatee. This is my least favorite part of the episode, and my least favorite joke that The Venture Bros. tells. Because of bureaucratic Guild of Calamitous Intent policy, The Monarch is not allowed to follow his truth bliss of arching Dr. Venture. Since this villain and hero have been jammed together by the guild, we have these super heroes and villains all self-consciously playing a role and acting almost as though as they’re reading from a script.
The point of it is that it’s dispiriting, and it works as a set-up for the rest of the episode. I just find it unfunny and as joyless to watch as it must feel in-universe. There’s almost nowhere you can take that premise and have it be interesting. The scene ends with The Monarch, at the urging of Dr. Mrs. the Monarch, telling him to just pretend his new foe is Dr. Venture. He does, and murders him in a crime of mistaken passion, which lands him in hot water with the guild. This bit winds up weighing on the overall story of the series when the Ventures move to New York and we find out he was the relative of a main antagonist. 
Other things worth noting: Dean’s mimeographed Venture news paper is memorable. It’s implied that Henchman 21 wrote to the advice column about his unrequited crush on Dr. Mrs. the Monarch, which first came up in season two during the first Dr. Killinger episode. This gets developed as the series progresses. Dermot also claims to be Brock’s long-lost son to evade a confrontation with 24. This is also the beginning of 21’s insistence that he and 24 are like “main characters” in a TV show, a delusion that winds up getting dashed at the end of the season. 
There’s also a reference that caused me to rent and be disappointed by a motion picture: Eddie and the Cruisers. Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives is sitting on my Plex server as we speak and will likely never be watched (or, for mental illness reasons, deleted) as long as I’m alive. The show loves referring to forgotten, lame movies. Sharky’s Machine, aside from one really impressive stunt, is also a bore. 
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Robot Chicken: Star Wars DVD (July 22, 2008)
When I was at the height of collecting Adult Swim on DVD, I bargained with myself that I would not buy the DVDs for shows that I heavily disliked. But, what I WOULD DO is, is I would rent the DVDs from Netflix and make a DVD-R copy of them. I would also print out a copy of the cover and include it in my collection of Adult Swim DVDs, which I kept together, organized by earliest episode’s air-date for each volume. It was convoluted, but I liked seeing them in rough-chronological order on the shelf, lord help me. I also made custom DVDs and covers for shows that didn’t have official releases. I sometimes get the urge to put it all back that way on my current shelves. I am almost 40 years old.
I guess what I’m saying is, even though I don’t like Robot Chicken, and I especially don’t like Robot Chicken: Star Wars, I still at one point possessed a DVDShrink-authored DVD-R of the DVD’s contents, and marveled at how much extra stuff was on there. There was literally like 5 audio commentary tracks on this fucking thing. I think one of them had George Lucas’ kids on it. Ugh. I hate that I know that. I didn’t look that up, I swear. I just remembered this. There are literally girls who I had crushes on whose names escape me, and I remember who participated in the fifth audio commentary track of the Robot Chicken Star Wars DVD. Goodbye, everyone *kills self*
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turtle-trash · 2 months
It is occurring to me the sheer amount of ungulates that’s in my vbros animal stuff
The ventures are the obvious culprits, being goats. But that means that the extended parts of that messed up family tree are also part of caprinae in some way. The monarch is a goat, with his mother also being one (considering making his dad an ibex) and Dermott is a goat-sheep (appearing slightly more like a sheep), with the rest of the fictels being sheep
And that’s just the ventures, I haven’t drawn him yet but red death and his daughter are horses
And now I need to deliver the big bomb drop. Whales and dugongs are considered ungulates. Check wiki I’m being dead serious. That means wide wale and Dr dugong are also part of the amount of ungulates
Fuck having the majority of your animal au cast being dogs or cats. I’ve made most of them ungulates
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sjjnyc · 1 year
Love Letters to Dugongs and Manatees
Dr. Tracey M. Benson, the creatrix/co-creator behind “Meeting of the Waters Oceania" and I collaborated last November writing love letters to manatees and dugongs. It happened serendipitously at the same time as Manatee Awareness Month in the US (not sure about anywhere else)! This project is inspired by “Silent Whale Letters”, which I first encountered as a student of OCEAN/UNI.
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Photo description: This is one of my favorite photos of a dugong!
Tracey recently attended a Dugong Symposium on her home of Bribie Island and facilitated a Love Letter writing workshop to the dugongs living in the waters around the island. She also invited me to write a letter that she shared with everyone in attendance!
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"With National Science Week in full swing, BIEPA is joining in the Australia-wide activities by hosting the Bribie Island Dugong Symposium on Saturday 19th August at the Bribie Island Seaside Museum. The Symposium will bring together researchers, citizen scientists, artists, and the community, to share knowledge and help develop a framework for the actions needed to conserve and protect our mythical marine friends."
A letter to you, dear creator/creatrix:
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I wanted to write something about creative power and expression, but I feel like I'm always talking about this, and even when I started to write this section, I stopped and remembered how Manatees and Dugongs give off such an essence of calm and peace. Although I haven't seen these marine mammals in real life, looking at photos and videos have been enough where I've felt or sensed an energy of peace.
Tracey shared a love letter that a First Nations artist wrote at the Bribie Island Dugong Symposium, and they too, spoke about how they felt peace from dugongs.
P.S. If you cross paths with manatees and dugongs and don't sense or connect peace to them, that is fine! I'm sharing my personal experiences, which is not meant to be a signal to you on how you should think about and experience manatees and dugongs. 
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I also think back to my experiences with drinking an infusion of Lavender flowers and the calm I feel afterward. Between the manatees and dugongs and the Lavender tea, I feel like they give off this energy of peace that feels like a gentle gust of warm wind on my bare skin. I can't really explain it, except that I know it's calm and peace that I'm feeling, and it feels good.
There is so much going on in the world every day every week; to talk about feeling peaceful and wanting to explore peace more feels insensitive sometimes, and something I should do in private. But then you see all the Instagram posts and memes about holding onto your joy in the midst of an intense world, and I think for me, the roots of my joy are connected to peace, to feeling relaxed and not stressed. Is peace another word for safety? Ahh safety . . .
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Sometimes I tell myself that I have to be able to withstand the stressors of my life and the world without help from plants and xyz, because what if there's a scenario where I don't have access to Skullcap, Lavender, Milky Oats and my special St. John's Wort Oil to tend to my nervous system? Then what? I've relied so much on plant medicines that I can't calm down without them. But I've learned that thinking that way and preparing myself for a scenario like this only harms my mental health. I need plants, and I'm telling myself it's okay that I and we human beings rely on plants. Interconnection could be another word for reliance.
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We are learning from the ocean in exciting ways; right now there is a lot of public interactions with and conversations about whales. I look forward to seeing how the whale communications continue to unfold. Maybe manatees and dugongs, in a (an energetic) language of their own are sharing messages or reminders of peace. I think, based off of my perception and imagination, there's a lot being communicated during the moments a manatee and dugong are munching on seagrass; eating and digesting peacefully.
Exploring imaginaries focused on Peace
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Many of us are complex people with complex histories, stories and relationships, so I don't think we should put pressure on any of ourselves to be perfect in order to share our thoughts about and experiences with peace. I think water, lavender, manatees and dugongs, and peace have much in common; it's a vibe I'm exploring, a vibe or confluence formed from three different directions that started across time and space. 
One day the image of bright red blood ebbing and flowing in the ocean came into my mind (I was thinking about something personal). And then when I thought about putting lavender plants in a glass bowl of water and swishing the water around with my hand, blood started to become visible in the swirl of water and earth. Even though I'm focused on peace, blood appears, and blood could symbolize a lot, but my first reaction is how peace can't be divorced from acknowledging hurt and pain. I'm not 100% sure why I saw blood in these mental images.
Then, it's not just water, lavender, manatees and dugongs and peace, but also song! Of course! Tracey sent me a rare video of a dugong making sounds under water. "What a world!" I responded to Tracey. 
Now I wonder about the relationship between sound, singing, music and peace, and how peace is a feeling, but also a place (i.e. where does a high Soprano note take us?), that can perhaps be accessed through activating the voice and singing. Then our voices can be used as instruments of peace? I know it's not that cut and dry. Thinking and thinking and thinking . . . I love honoring thinking and intellectualization, which does have an important role in society and evolution. Other times, drinking infusions of Lavender flowers is enough. So is lying in your bed randomly singing where no one hears you, but you still exist. Admiring that one photo of a dugong is enough. What is peace?
PROMPT: What do you know for sure helps you calm down and relax? If you're not sure, what are some things you want to try out?
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ixa193 · 1 year
The wide whale and dr. Dugong reunion always gets me 🥲
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meatmechapilot · 1 year
Rivereri MerMay 2023 - Week 4 Day 1 - Size Difference
Mer Observation
Summary: Tiny Mer-Dolphin obsessed with giant Mer-Orca mate
It was a beautiful, clear day for Merfolk watching.  Dr. Hange Zoe, the world's foremost expert on Merfolk is introducing their new PhD candidates to the Merfolk Pod that they will be studying as a part of their graduate program.  It was a very unusual pod consisting of a mix of different subspecies of Mers.  There were Mer-Seals, AKA selkies, Mer-Dugongs, Mer-Dolphins, and Mer-Orcas represented in the pod.  It was the last two subspecies that garnered the majority of the interest in studying this particular pod.  There was a Mer-Dolphin and a Mer-Orca who has quite an unconventional relationship.  Dr. Zoe looked over their notes and chuckled, they can't wait to see the new PhD's reaction to the pair.
The new PhD candidates are Armin Arlert and Jean Kirstien, and along with Dr. Zoe's longtime assistant Moblit Berner, they set out on the observation boat to do some Merfolk watching.  The Pod likes to spend their time along the coasts of Paradis Island, hunting and playing.  There were cliffs all along the coast of said island, so it was easier to access the observation area on a boat.  During the trip there, Dr. Zoe questioned Armin and Jean about their general knowledge on Merfolk and their knowledge on the study pod in particular, and also insisted that the students call them by first name.
Armin did most of the talking, and Hange was pleased with his already considerable knowledge on Merfolk.  There was a general misperception among the public that Merfolk are half-human and half-fish, and that they were all female, which is why they are more commonly called Mermaids in non-scientific communications, but it's more correct to call them Merfolk, or shortened to Mers. Armin explained perfectly that Merfolks are half-human, and half marine mammals, not half-fish.  The known subspecies of Mers are Mer-Dolphin, Mer-Orca, Mer-Seals, also known as Selkies, and Mer-Dugong.  
"Excellent job, Armin" Hange said after Armin said his piece. "Thank you for bringing us up to speed."
Jean revealed that the reason he wanted to study Merfolk is for the chance to discover previously unknown subspecies of Mers, specifically a Mer-Whale.  Merfolks are subject to endless speculation on Cryptozoology (and adjacent) groups.  There were many tales of sighting of Mer-Whales, although there had been no evidence of their existence.  It would be an incredible discovery if Mer-Whales were discovered to exist.
"Yes, Jean" Hange said, after Jean finished, "that's why we are all here."
"Can you imagine if we ever find a Mer-Whale," Jean continued, "think of how huge it would be."
"A Mer-Whale would be to Merfolk as Titans are to us!" Armin chimed in, also interested in the topic.  Hange had to deal with the topic of Mer-Whales every time they take in new students.  Sadly, they didn't have the heart to tell them that Mer-Whales will likely remain cryptids for some time yet.
The boat finally reached the observation area, just in time for the Merfolk Pod to make an appearance near the coast.  One of the Mers saw the boat and immediately swam over: it was the Mer-Orca.  Jean and Armin looked at him, awestruck.  Mer-Orcas were the largest sub-species of Merfolk, with their human upper half also significantly larger than regular humans.  The Mer-Orca enthusiastically introduced himself as "Eren" and splashed about in front of the boat, as if to wave to his Pod to come over and greet the humans.  The rest of the Pod all came close to the boat and at Eren's prompting all introduced themselves.  Armin and Jean spent the next hour learning the Pod's names and subspecies.  Eren was a Mer-Orca, Isabelle and Furlan were Selkies, Reiner and Berthold were Mer-Dugongs, and finally Mikasa and Levi were Mer-Dolphins.  Although Eren was the one who introduced Levi, the Mer-Dolphin was not as friendly as the others.
The Mers soon got restless and went back to their usual activities around the coast, leaving the scientists to their observations.
"Any questions and comments?" It was Moblit who spoke this time.
Armin and Jean started gushing about the Mers.  It was the first time they've seen Merfolks in the flesh.  Merfolk tends to avoid humans, although Selkies sometimes make colonies on beaches near where humans live.  No doubt that's where the Selkie legends started.
Finally, Armin said, "Levi seems quite intimidating.  He looks scarier than Eren, even though he's way smaller."
"Oh, you noticed," Moblit replied, "Levi and Eren are mates, and while Eren is very friendly, it usually takes a while for Levi to warm up to new people."  
"What about the other Pod members?" Jean asked.  
"Isabelle and Furlan are also mates.  Mikasa and Levi are related, and Reiner and Berthold are the newest addition to the Pod."  Hange explained.
"There used to be another Mer-Orca in the Pod named Zeke, who was Eren's brother," Moblit continued from Hange.  "Levi and Zeke did not get along at all, which led Zeke to leave the Pod for a new pod.  But he visits Eren occasionally."
Suddenly, the Pod of Mers swam back to the boat and was frolicking about in the water.  Hange looked over and saw that Eren and Levi were missing and cracked a knowing smile.  Isabelle and Furlan came close to the boat, and Jean and Armin started conversing with them.  It took a while for Jean and Armin to realize that Eren and Levi weren't with the Pod and inquired about their absence.
Furlan rolled his eyes while Isabelle snickered at the question.  It was Mikasa who answered in an unimpressed voice.  "They are mating right now.  Levi has to re-establish his claim on Eren whenever we meet new people."  Armin raised his eyebrows while Jean's head shot up, eyes scanning the ocean curiously.
Moblit turned Jean into the correct direction and handed him a pair of binoculars.  Jean looked and saw Levi on top of Eren, moving in a way that could only be described as a thrusting motion.  Jean blushed and handed the binocular to Armin, who looked and also blushed.  They were not expecting to witness a mating on their first day.
"They make quite an unusual pair, don't they?"  Hange beamed at the two students, who were still beet red.  
"You know, before we learned their names, we called them 'Flipper' and 'Free Willy'."  Moblit said.
"Are they always so," Jean asked, waving his arm in the direction of the amorous Mers, "you know."
"Yep," Hange said proudly, "but you get used to it.  Now, how about taking some field notes."
Character sheet:
Hange, Armin, Jean, Moblit - Scientists Eren- Mer-Orca Levi- Mer-Dolphin Mikasa - Mer-Dolphin Isabelle and Furlan - Selkies Reiner and Berthold - Mer-Dugong Zeke - Mer-Orca
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diwangpalaboy · 2 years
DS 100 (4th)
1. Prof. RSE Legaspi 2. countercurrent 3. Itak sa Puso ni Mang Juan 4. ISA + RSA 5. substructure 6. superstructure 7. radical 8. Dr RF Linatoc 9. Dr EM Villegas 10. alternative development through alternative education 11. development 12. Jeremy De Jesus 13. kabataan = mga bagong dugong mananalaytay sa bisig ng ___ 14. critical 15. Cordillera Studies a. krinein (to separate, to distinguish, to decide, to take a position) b. unfurl, unfold, unshackle c. military and media d. thesis on nurse migration e. economic base f. roots (etymology) g. social realism, Antipas Delotavo h. community theater, extension education i. kontra-agos j. economic consultant k. Araling Pangkaunlaran l. Fulbright scholar, first DS summa cum laude m. pagbabago n. Dr William Henry Scott o. culture, politics, morality
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horrorsequel · 8 months
dr dugong's biggest fan DR DUGONG'S BIGGEST FAN
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vbroscomments · 6 years
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her reaction to meeting him was so cute, she’s so cute!!!
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obscureterror · 6 years
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So Excited about the new VB Episodes... love wide whale a lot...
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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The Venture Bros. #31: “Home Is Where the Hate Is” | June 22, 2008 - 11:30PM | S03E04
In “Home Is Where the Hate Is”, Sgt. Hatred makes his presence known as Dr. Venture’s arch enemy. But before that, we get a cold open where the first joke is a reference to the Farrah Fawcett TV movie The Burning Bed. That’s because he’s burning Phantom Limb’s stuff on his former bed. He and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch are moving into his former home in a gated community for super villains. His house looks the one from Maniac Mansion. I guess I should just say it looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright house, but I really wanted to squeeze a Maniac Mansion reference into this write-up. Sue me! 
Next door to the Monarch is Sgt. Hatred, who shows up to Venture compound to announce himself as Venture’s new arch. A big brawl breaks out, but we don’t see it; instead we cut to the opening sequence and then when we come back from it we see the bloody aftermath of Brock having taken on dozens of Hatred’s goons single-handedly. Hatred even brings a basket of okra as a gift and administers a tolerance test to Dr. Venture to make sure he doesn’t cross a line of brutality. Later in the episode we find out he’s going easy on Venture just to spite the Monarch, whom he has beef with because him and his henchmen used to regularly rip-off his stuff.
Hatred has a party where the Ventures are invited. This is where the meat of the episode is, as Hatred’s entrance feels like more table-setting for the season more than anything else. The Monarch comes to the party too, so he can get close to Venture and plant a micro-explosive device on Venture’s person in order to spite Sgt. Hatred. 
There’s also a subplot about Hank and Dean staying with the Monarch’s henchmen at the cocoon after Hatred kicks them out for being underage. That’s one of the squirmier aspects of this show; Hatred is a sex-offender pedophile, and there’s dialogue in a previous episode that Hank and Dean were actually molested by him. Later in the series, Hatred becomes even closer to the Venture family, and we’re sorta supposed to just push that fact aside.
Lots of people have an issue with that bit, and it’s not unmerited, of course. The world of the Venture Bros. depicts a reality where people can attempt murder on one another (or in the case of cloned characters, successfully murder) and be cool with one another. It’s all in the name of dangerous adventuring being such a part of this world that there are numerous legal loopholes in which heinous acts can be committed. Does pederasty fit the spirit of that? Not really. But I really don’t think it’s anything other than the two writers of the show just think it’s an interesting and funnily dark thing to explore. It never really bothered me, but I get why some people are too bothered by to enjoy the show. The show could do without it and be better for it.
That subplot, of Hank and Dean staying with the Henchmen, feels a little tacked on, but I appreciate any time the series has the Venture kids and 21 and 24 interact with each other. They absolutely belong at the same table in the lunchroom and their dynamic is great. They wind up butting heads with Dr. Mrs. the Monarch’s murderous moppets, who are mostly despised by the Venture Bros. fanbase. I never hated them outright, but they aren’t my favorites either.
Lotta the humor from this one comes from the party scenes they play corny party games and make awkward small-talk and Brock finds a room to go watch a crossbow special on TV. I like bad parties in movies and TV shows! As for continuity nods, there's one scene where Monarch is leafing through a book of available good guys to arch; we catch a glimpse of both Dr. Quymn and Dr. Dugong, both of whom will appear later in the season in different episodes. We also see Dr. Quentin Ball, who appeared throughout the series as a background character. I don’t think he has a speaking role in any episode, though I could be wrong. 
And that’s this one. Perfectly fine Venture Bros. episode, but nothing incredible either humor or action-wise.
Shut up!
How would you rank each show you've watched so far?
You wanna know something? I usually do that when I complete a calendar year of Adult Swim programming, but I guess I didn't do that when I finished 2007? At least, I couldn't find it if I did. But I'm definitely going to save it for when I finish 2008. Please remind me when we get close.
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djunk411 · 6 years
I’m glad Dr Dugong is alive. His death always made me really sad. It was so unfair and undeserved.
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