slytherfriends · 5 years
I've been made aware that this person is contacting my mutuals and friends again, so if this person contacts you or messages you, please report and block them. They are the reason my main blog was suspended.
Please please please block them and report them. And sorry for the low res screen grab video and semi graphic photo included.
This person is highly antisemitic. So do not interact.
@staff please ban this person and all their blogs (downwithmaps, downwithbihets) I've reported them MULTIPLE times for harassment and they are still able to send me this trash. Because my account was suspended (because of FALSE ACCUSATIONS) I can no longer access my settings to block them or turn off anonymous messaging.
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jvonirsik-blog · 6 years
Falling for a Trap
Falling for a Trap is something that we all do from time to time. Some times we get caught up in an unsuspecting glitch in our own discernment.  This country has hundreds of issues pressed against our brains on any given day and it would be easy to fall for a trap if the trapper was inclined to get you into a position of vulnerability. 
If you follow any of the recent allegations of Hollywood stars being accused of sick sadistic acts against other humans, mainly our youth you too will be susceptible to falling for at least one trap.  I have been following the unveiling of a laundry list of famous names those include the likes of Seth Green and his wife, James Gunn, Dan Harmond, and some extremely well known stars such as Tom Hanks, Stephen Spielberg, Sara Silverman, just to name a few. 
This list has grown exponentially in the recent months with what seems to be new revelations coming in daily. These people as far as I can tell have not yet made claims to the allegations. I would think that if I was being accused as a Pedophile, that I would come out with as many attorneys as I could afford and I would have the accuser in jail. But with all that they lay quiet, acting as if nothing has been said.  The other day I seen a short video where a man lashes out at Kathy Griffin asking about her brother being a Pedophile.  The crowd slowly began gasping and instead of taking the heckler serious they began to lash out in arrogant behavior, maybe in an attempt to garner a cool autograph for the kids back home, at least we hope no one would bring their kids to a performance of hers.  
After posing with our current POTUS’s head covered in blood and detached from his body Kathy received a backlash and rightly so.  Not one person would have been able to pull a stunt like that off with the previous administration.  No, they would have been treated like the UK army recruits who stopped and recently posed for a photo op with Britain's Truther Tommy Robinson. As we are witnessing over across the pond women are being violently rapped and beaten, some to death. All the while the Islamic council in the UK bark orders to the military and expect results. Well it seems as though its true, they will not allow anyone to speak out against their predominantly violent followers.  
Not to stray too far from the subject but we watch as Christianity has been all but burnt to the ground, and no thanks to some of the most prolific false teachers of the Gospels of Christ to ever exist in human history. The so called leaders seem to forget that they are not supposed to be leaders but be representatives of Christ. They are only as powerful as the people who sit idly by with itching ears acting as if its their first time hearing the gospels. Christian churches are using their freedoms to perpetuate a culture of lies and propaganda designed to destroy itself and create a fantasy around Christ. 
I will refrain from naming names in this post but in weeks to come I will be rebuking figure heads of these so called “Mega Churches” I expect a brutal attack in return as the congregation fears facing the truth. Too many people are being led astray from the real words and meanings of the Gospel that many believe this world is owned by God. As much as I would love to be living under the full reign of Gods Law Lucifer is the owner of the current world we live in.
Back to my initial entry. Hollywood and its demonic oppressors are mounting up and will set out to completely destroy anyone who takes a stand against their sick twisted power hungry motives. Kevin Spacey didn’t just run because he was falsely accused, no, he ran because he has fear of discovery. I hated hearing that news. As a long time fan of the movies that Spacey worked in I now feel sick to my stomach that while we were all duped into supporting this man who from accounts was the sickest visitor of Epstein Island. There is so much evidence against these crimes against Humanity that if nothing is done about it, no matter how great our govt. is portrayed the next generations of humans to rule the country will inevitably become more and more sick with time. 
The time for action is now. We must unite and eradicate the power hungry Hollywood elites who intentionally destroy the innocence of children. We should have focused more resources against Child and Human trafficking rather than spending the funds on drug trafficking. The world has made it “Taboo” thus making it easier for these ppl to get away with their sickness for far too long. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I will not rest until those who are know or have ties to Satanic Pedophilia in the world are all taken out and based off of their crimes faced with the death penalty and nothing less than life in prison. 
I pray that our current president will take this case as serious as the business world takes profit margins. If we have to shut down Hollywood completely so be it. If people want entertainment over the saving of Children then they too must be dealt with. Those who are current content providers to the platform YouTube who are posing as truthers and not taking the accounts of survivors seriously are just as guilty, and will be added to the list of people who should be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must all become unified and stand firm in the dissolvement of power hungry Actors who are trained to be someone other than who they are. 
Thank you for reading this if you made it this far. There are many issues our country faces that stretch far beyond our borders and we must send a strong message that our children and the children of those who are less fortunate than us Americans will be protected at any cost. Any parent who knowingly puts their children in harms way will receive the penalty of Life in prison without the possibility of parole. I am a father and have lost two children because it has taken me this long to deal with my own survivor story. I realized that I would more than likely harm my children's life than do them any justice. They never knew the truth, but that is about to change as I make a move to stand up and be counted. No more running from my fear, those days are long gone and I will not be silenced or intimidated for speaking out against the evil in this world and giving a voice of reason to those like me whos lives were ruined indefinitely by the desires of sick individuals.
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