#download poker app
pokerdaddy4u · 1 year
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Everything you need to know about how to play poker, from beginners to experts Here is the infographic that explains poker playing and winning tips that make it easier for players to learn poker in a fun and effective way. For more poker strategy for beginners, download and play the app now.
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suryabigbash · 2 years
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Download the real money app, the best online poker app in India, and earn real money and extreme offers for new players. play online poker variant texas Holdem only at bigbashclub, and play on public or private poker tables. 
Visit our website to download the app now.
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pinkthrone445 · 5 months
Will I ever know what it feels to hold you close?
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender :Fluff fluff fluff
Warnings:I don't think so
Summary:You and Mel meet on a dating app, but due to a bug in the app, you match even though you live many miles apart.
Author's note: Special fic for @neverfindmegone ♥️ for her birthday!
I hope you like this, I wanted to make it the most special possible for you to make you feel as special as you made me feel last week for my birthday, but it was a little bit hard to capture your soul and heart in just a fic, thank you for everything you do for me. Happy birthday sweetheart and enjoy. Cherry!
You were staring at the giant mirror against the wall, your foot was tapping on the floor, your stomach felt like it wanted to come out of your mouth, you've never looked so beautiful and felt so nervous and decomposed at the same time. Your cell phone that was on the dresser rang warning that you had a notification, with trembling hands you took it and smiled when you saw who sent the message
-♠️ MyMissPoker ♥️: "Hello my love, I'm dying to see you, I miss you so much... I hope in a day like this you can feel how much I love you even when I'm not there"-Melissa had sent you a message that immediately calmed your nerves and you couldn't help but remember with happiness how you came to know each other years ago, through a first message like this...
You remembered how you got to talk to each other 5 years ago
You were having lunch at work when your cell phone vibrated with a notification, confused you grabbed your cell phone while the others were talking to each other.
"Miss Poker has sent you a message" the notification said
-MissPoker: "Hello, I love the pictures you have posted, you have talent, and those little poems were pure perfection"-The message read and you frowned. Not long ago, you had downloaded a dating app as your friends had insisted because it had been a while since you had dated anyone. You agreed to do it, but if they let you choose which app it would be. In the end you signed up for one that was very anonymous, the only thing you entered was some personal interests and some photos of things you liked next to a alias, you didn't enter your real name or photos of yourself, and the app showed you people with the same interest that were close by.
The truth is that you had signed up for that one because you thought that no one would talk to you with the photos you had posted, that's why you had been so surprised to receive a notification on your cell phone. It was true that you had uploaded some pictures of the things you painted in your spare time, but you never thought that anyone would like it.
You carefully opened the profile of the person who had spoken to you, in her photos you could see a dog, a photo of some books, another of a baseball field, some cooking pictures, a dance hall and some pictures of the moon.
Curious, you decided to open the messages and answer her
-Littlechef(you):"Thank you...nice pictures too, I'm guessing you like cooking?" - You asked softly laughing about the silly interaction
-MissPoker:"Yes, I looove cooking. You too? Or you have that name in honor or ratatouille?" - The woman answered and you laughed looking at your phone
-Littlechef:"I'm a chef actually..."-You replied a little nervously, not knowing why
-MissPoker:"Isn't the funny thing about this app the anonymous part?.. But since you told me what you do for a living I'll tell you what I do too, I'm an elementary school teacher, the best in the whole school" - The woman replied and you stared at the message for a few seconds
-Littlechef: "the funny thing about this is get to know each other without knowing how we look and let ourselves influence by it... How we will get to know each other if we don't talk about ourselves?" - You replied and she sent a laughing emoji
-MissPoker: "you got me there... I'm Melissa btw, nice to meet you" - she replied and you wondered if it would be right to give your name to a complete stranger, but it was what you first did when you met someone in person, so you thought it wouldn't hurt to do it here
-Littlechef: "I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you too" - You replied without having the slightest idea how important a complete stranger would become to you.
From that day forward the conversation began to flow, from casual conversations to deeper ones, and there was no longer a day when you didn't talk to her.
You also remembered those first feelings for her even if you denied at the moment
Her notifications made you let out that silly laugh every time, like a child does when he gets into some mischief. You were always checking your phone. Her notification brightened your day in a surprising way and made you happy how easy everything was with her, there was always a topic of conversation and she always knew what to say when you got quiet. She was amazing.
Just talking to her made you feel a warmth in your soul that you didn't really know how to handle, to be honest it scared you a little, you had been hurt before and you had sworn to avoid relationships at least for a while, but everything was so perfect that it was hard not to feel something for her even when you haven't seen her face yet. Her way of being was the perfect compliment for you.
You remembered the first time you saw how she was
One day you decided it was time to forget the anonymous part and put a face to the name, so you exchanged photos. You were really nervous about that, what if she thought you were ugly? You knew she was older and that didn't bother you, that even turn you on a little bit, but what if she wasn't what you expected?.. You were so nervous and scared for the unknown but at the same time so thrilled to finally see her... So you each send 3 pictures to each other.
If you had fallen in love with her personality, her face was something else and made you fall even more, she was perfection itself. For God's sake, what a beautiful woman, her hair with those soft curls, her beautiful smile, her eyes shining in a particular way that made you feel warmth and peace, and her sharp cheeks looked like they had been formed by an artist with a chisel. If we are the creation of a God, she was his masterpiece, pure perfection. And let's not talk about her body and the things it made you feel...
She told you repeatedly how beautiful you were too, but you felt like a worm every time you saw her pictures again. You were so lucky.
Also, after the photos, you exchanged numbers too and you immediately deleted the dating app. Your heart was already hers even if you didn't knew at that moment.
You also remembered your first sad moment together
One particular day, you shared a picture of a place where you were painting, you had finished work and went to a particular place you liked to eat something and paint a little. You and Mel had been talking about meeting in person, but that day everything changed and your hopes fade a little. When she asked what you were doing, you told her and decided to send a picture of the place and what you were creating . You never expect Mel's answer
-"You don't live in Phily?"-Her comment left you a little bit lost and confused. The app was supposed to connect you with people who were close to you, but something went wrong and somehow you and Mel were able to see each other's profile even though you lived veeery far away.
You had never thought about it, you had both assumed you lived nearby but you were wrong. That day you both wondered if it made sense to keep talking and making plans to meet each other if you lived so far away, but after much consideration, you decided to see where all this was going despite the distance and kept talking.
Thank goodness you decided to do it, because fate had big plans for you. Love knows no distances and would continue to grow until your heart and hers came together.
You also remembered the ways in which she was always present even when she was far away
You decided to call her, you were about to have a panic attack, your country wasn't very stable and your job was laying off people because it wasn't enough to pay everyone. Mel listened patiently to all your fears and worries
-"What if I'm next? One of my friends was laid off and she had been there longer than me. I really like this job and I don't want to lose it, Mel. I don't know if I have the good qualities to find another one. I'm really scared" - You commented to the redhead while you were crying, while it hurt her to see you like this, she wouldn't let you be sad for long and she wouldn't let you alone on this
-"Hey Hon... Breath please... Let's not get ahead of ourselves, you're an incredible worker, you do everything in that place, I've seen how many amazing things you do, you're worth a lot and I don't think you'll be taken out. And if they do, you'll get a job in no time, you've got incredible talent in the kitchen and doing so many other things, you've got a good time of experience and that helps for a new job, you'll do well and I will be here to help you... But again, let's focus on the present, you still have work, stay focused on that, nothing bad will happen, Okey?"-The redhead whispered, and you nodded a little more calmly when you heard her voice, even if it was on the phone.
In the end she was right, the layoffs stopped and you even got a raise. Like that occasion, she was helping you through every difficult moment.
You remember all the things she did to be present for you even on the distance
Mel figured out how to use her cards to deliver food or snacks you liked.
She also learned how to play some games that you showed her to play with you, it was very funny to hear her insult while you played war games against other people, you almost every time won at uno.
Sometimes you would make video calls and watch movies together even at a distance.
And every night she would call you and tell you things about her day until you fell asleep together.
Every step you took there was her holding your hand and encouraging you, helping you to become a better version of yourself.
You even introduced her to some of your friends via video call and she did the same, so you met Barbara, Janine and Jacob.
One day the two of you decided to formalize things when you noticed how the talks were no longer just a talk of friends, but of something more. Mel wasn't one to believe in long-distance relationships, but somehow everything was working out better than expected.
Time passed with countless calls, photos, videos, sexual calls, and many many messages and audios.
Every once in a while you would send her a package of things for her and she would buy you things too.
There were days when you missed her presence even when you'd never really had her around, she always said that she was right there with you, but that didn't made the distance easier. It's weird to explain, but you can miss someone you've never meet.
You remembered how after months of missing her, the two of you finally met for the first time
When your work and hers allowed it, you agreed to travel to the same place to meet in person, she traveled with Barbara and you with your best friend.
The first hug, that first hug was something that was etched in your memory. You waited for her at the airport because you got there first, when she finally saw you she dropped everything and hugs you so tightly, no a word was shared, but you remember how everything was said in silence. Her hands fit perfectly in the hollow of your back, your height fit perfectly with hers, her perfume was the richest thing you have ever smelled in your life and finally your heart felt at peace.
You spent a week together, having amazing sex, walking, cuddling, taking the opportunity to sleep and bathe together, creating memories and making plans for the future, you even stole a pair of shirts to take home and have her smell close.
That was the first of many trips, every time you had the opportunity you got together to see each other even for a few days.
Your soul craved her in a way that never happened before to you.
Back to the present
A sigh left your lips as you remembered all those things, thousands of things had happened in between those years, even some arguments, but everything was fixed and you stayed together through all. Remembering all of that, remembering how you are able to feel Mel's love in everything she did from day one, made you cry lost in your mind and memories, missing her and feeling sad for some reason.
The sound of a new notification took you out of your thoughts and with your trembling hands you wiped your tears a little and picked up your cell phone
-♠️ MyMissPoker ♥️: "Hey sweetheart, is everything okay?.."-Mel sent you the first message many minutes ago, but when you started to remind everything that had happened over the years, you had forgotten to answer her and she got worried
-You: "no... I miss you, I need you here, I don't want you to be far away specially in a day like this" - You answered and she immediately called you, as soon as you answered she could hear your soft sobs
-"Baby, what happened?" - The redhead asked very worriedly-"I'm here, why are you crying? Are you having second thoughts? Did I do something wrong?"-You sighed trying to calm your crying and be able to answer
-"you are perfect, but I need you, I need you to feel you close" - You whispered in a weak voice
-"I'll go there right now, I'm just a few blocks away and I'm mostly ready, wait for me" - Mel answered and you heard her take her keys and her sister screamed in the background for her to come back
-"But it's bad luck to see each other before the wedding" - You whispered
-"It's also bad luck that one of the brides is crying of sadness in their special day... Besides, we have been apart too much time already, God will understand..."-she joked and you sobbed and laughed at the same time
-"Your sister will kill you" - You whispered laughing when you heard the screams
-"We will figure something out, wait for me, I'm coming. I love you"-She responded quickly, and you heard her sister get in the car with her
-"I love you more" - You answered and waited for her to arrive. After a few minutes you felt a soft knock on the door and then Mel's sister came in with a blindfold for your eyes and another for the redhead, so you and Mel could be together without seeing each other and without the bad luck.
Seconds after putting on the blindfold you felt how arms hugged your waist, you immediately hugged her again hiding in her neck letting out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding. You could tell she was almost ready because her dress was pressed against you and her hair was up. You finally felt safe again
-"Thank you for coming...I missed you" - You whispered and held her tighter hiding as much as possible in the crook of her neck
-"I missed you too... For a second I got scared that you were having second thoughts... I love you so much, I'm sure you are gorgeous right now" - The redhead kissed your forehead and held you until you calmed down completely, even though you couldn't see her, she was filling all your senses and that was all you need it to feel better. After a few minutes she kissed you forehead again-"Ready?" - She asked and you nodded while still hugging her
-"Ready...I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together" - You whispered kissing her
-"I'll waiting for you" - She answered and you let her go to finish arranging the last details to be perfect on your most special day, your wedding and the beginning of a live together.
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al-the-remix · 3 months
TikTok Chef!Buck AU: several sentences sunday (or something like that)
I'm close to finishing the fic I've been working on so I finally felt like I could write a little something based off this headcannon without feeling too guilty about it, lol. 2k of mostly crack, please enjoy.
It all starts when Tommy’s stuck on his couch for a week with a sprained knee. He wishes he could claim it happened doing something heroic–or at the very least badass–but in truth it was the result of letting his ego get the best of him at the squat rack. 
Lucy stops by a few times to keep him company, which really means letting herself in unannounced with her spare key, eating all the leftovers in his fridge, and offering an unsolicited running critique of whatever show he’s watching. Today it was Below Deck reruns. 
“If I ever decide to take a vacation on a boat, tackle me, this shit does not look worth it.”
“You really don’t have to be here you know,” Tommy says, leaning over to grab some chips from the near-empty bag she was cradling before they were all gone. He’d been looking forward to eating those for dinner and feeling sorry for himself. 
Lucy just snorts. “Please, if I wasn’t here you’d already be up to something ill advised. I caught you looking up deck chair patterns earlier, power tools don’t go well with injuries, Tommy, even if it’s only carpentry.”
Well, she had him there. 
At least she had the decency to order them Chinese take out for dinner so he wouldn’t have to Instacart a can of soup or something equally pathetic. 
Before she left she made a grabby hand at him. “Give me your phone.”
“Why?” Tommy asks, already suspicious. 
She met his suspicion with boredom. “Don’t ask stupid questions, just do it.”
Rolling his eyes, he hands it over, giving into her whim, and maybe he should find it a little more unsettling that she already seems to know his password off by heart. 
She clicks around for long enough that Tommy starts getting nervous: what was the last text message he sent? Was it embarrassing? Were all his nudes still in that locked folder? Did she know the password for that too? Just when he was going to start asking questions she tosses his phone back. “Here, this should keep you entertained for a while,” she explains as he scrambles to catch it. “My niece wastes hours of her life on this crap.”
“Such ringing endorsement,” Tomy grumbles, she’s downloaded some kind of video app onto his phone. TikTok. Perfect. He’d heard of that one, apparently it was single handedly ruining a whole generation’s attention span and the Chinese government was using it to spy on the inner lives of teenagers with stupid haircuts and a critical lack of social skills. 
“Are you sure you didn’t just give me some kind of virus?” Tommy asks, clicking around the home page arbitrarily, the UI didn’t make a lick of sense. 
“Har, har. You were always good at picking up new skills, I’m sure you’ll figure this out in no time. I have faith in you,” she says, clapping him hard enough on the shoulder to make him wince. 
He finds his profile page by total mistake. His username reads: benchedcockwrangler.
“How do I change this?” he asks, waving his phone at her as she makes for the door. 
“You don’t,” she says, without looking back. “Don’t stay up on that thing all night, it will ruin your sleep schedule!”
Tommy winces as the front door slams and sighs. He’ll figure out how to change it later. After all, beggars can’t be choosers and three days into his mandatory medical leave he’s already so bored he’s ready to stab his eyes out with hot pokers just to mix it up a bit. 
He scrolls through the app, and based on most of what he sees he finds himself unable to justify its existence in the first place. It feels like every video he watches drags him into a deeper alternate universe where everyone’s wholeheartedly competing for the top of the podium at the Darwin Awards. 
There’s a woman digging tunnels under her apartment that Tommy is positive are not up to code (that’s a call just waiting to happen); and two young ladies mixing cocktails of a concerning hue and variety at random local establishments (not necessarily anything that would warrant a trip to the ER but potentially a health code violation); and what seems like an ungodly number of men hosting podcasts (Tommy is pretty sure that even during his darkest days rotting in the closet he had a better batting average picking up women than any of these bozos.)
Tommy’s eyes start to glaze over as he scrolls past comedians, and political commentators, and people reviewing romance novels, and–how has it already been forty minutes?
He’s about ready to give up and throw his phone across the room and leave it there until Lucy shows up tomorrow and he can make her delete it off his phone, when catchy music, an arm roped with muscle, and a criminally tight shirt sleeve catches his attention. 
It’s some kind of cooking video and his first impression is: how is anyone supposed to understand what’s going on with edits that fast? His second impression is: hot man. Man hot.
Soon his brain is catching up with his eyes, kickstarting like a toddler being exposed to sugar for the first time. 
Cooking might be a generous description for what’s going on here. The man is obviously skilled, but the main focus of the video seems to be how hot he looks in an apron (very) and whether it’s possible to bring half a peach to completion by finger blasting the pit out of it (not like, whether or not you should pre-bake your tart crust to achieve an ideal texture). 
Tommy has to watch it twice just to fully absorb everything that’s going on. He’s making some kind of deconstructed peach crumble topped with an obscene amount of whipped cream and steak with fries that looks fancier than anything Tommy’s ever eaten at a restaurant. 
Half way through the video the man wipes down the worktop shirtless with a cloth sudsy enough to make Tommy’s mouth go instantly dry then suddenly wet enough he’s forced to swallow. 
He clicks through to ChefFirehose’s profile just to, you know, get a better sample size. Tommy’s not above letting himself be manipulated by a man with biceps like melons and a cute smile. 
His profile description reads: LA resident, self-taught, putting out fires and saving lives in my spare time. Just here to give the food the appreciation it deserves. Let me show off for you 😉.
Tommy thinks this guy must be new to town, because living nearly a decade even in a city as sprawling and overcrowded as LA, he doesn’t know how he could miss running into this guy on the job. There was no way he wouldn’t remember a guy this hot even through turnouts, a helmet, and smeared in a thick layer of soot.
He starts working his way back through ChefFirehose’s videos, and some are admittedly a little less chaotic than the rest, but all of them are just tongue-and-cheek enough that Tommy feels confident he’s just one in close to a million people in on a joke and not enabling someone’s very real personality disorder. 
He’s stuck somewhere between disbelief and admiration. He definitely wouldn't have the balls to post this on the internet for everyone to see and so obviously thirst over. He braves the comment section on a few of the videos and it’s just a litany of horned-up men and women trying their best to make ChefFirehose laugh, or get in his pants, or both. He replies to almost all of his comments with either a smirking emoji or acting deliberately oblivious when someone tries to bait him into giving up the bit. Tommy finds him funny and maybe a little more endearing than he should after ten videos. 
Tommy can’t really blame them for trying to shoot their shot so shamelessly. ChefFirehose’s wardrobe consists of polos plastered so tight to his skin that Tommy was mildly concerned about restricted blood circulation, dress shirts buttoned dangerously low, and slacks that wrap snugly around miles of long, toned leg. 
Those weren’t Tommy’s favorite looks though. No, every so often a video would start and he’s be dressed down in soft looking sweatpants, a baseball cap pushed on backwards plastering his auburn curls to his forehead, and a white tank top–or if Tommy was really lucky, no shirt at all (sometimes not even the apron which Tommy had mixed feelings about...), his muscled arms and shoulders on full display. He’s got tattoos decorating his forearms that Tommy can’t quite make out, a collection of fine lines on pale skin like thin ribbons of chocolate drizzled over a crape. 
Those videos are most often breakfast related and ChefFirehose is barefoot in his kitchen, the warm sunlight casting his face in gold. He paints such an enticing tableau it’s all too easy for Tommy’s brain to plop himself right down in that scene, imagination running wild. He can so easily picture what it would be like: in that kitchen, feeling the warm cast of sun on his face and getting to watch built, handsome man make him breakfast with that flirty confidence of his. 
Tommy bookmarks a video of him making an omelet, the way he handles the eggs making Tommy blush like he’s a schoolgirl and not a man pushing forty. He feels less guilty about getting hard over it on the sofa surrounded by takeout containers than he probably should.  
The screen goes suddenly black and Tommy’s faced with his own reflection in the finger smudged screen, chin rolls and all. Fuck. He reaches for his charger. God, his life was depressing at the moment, and apparently he really needs to get laid.
So yeah, by the time his two weeks of recovery are up he’s feeling a little stir crazy in an entirely different way than before. He’s never been more glad to get back to work, put some of this weirdness behind him and get some much needed distance from his phone.
That’s only part of the reason why he doesn’t even think twice when Howie calls him for a favor. A big favor. And that was only the first of many surprises the universe had in store for him, apparently.
Even fully clothed in his LFD uniform Tommy recognises him. Evan. Evan, Evan, Evan, (Tommy repeats over and over in his head until it drowns out every other name Tommy’s assigned him the past few weeks: slutty egg guy, ChefBigDick, totally off limits boyfriend material–just to name a few).
“So you’re the guy who’s gonna fly us into a hurricane.” Evan sounds a little breathless, like maybe he jogged all the way here, and Tommy chalks it up to the high that accompanies stealing government property. “Chim said you were the best pilot he knows and good in a pinch, but I still thought there was no way anyone that good would agree to something this crazy.”
Tommy’s definitely starting to feel a little crazy. Evan’s still shaking his hand. His grip is solid, his fingers long and nimble, surprisingly soft against this palm (he must really lather on the hand lotion) and Tommy can’t stop thinking about all the talented things he knows they can do. 
 “That’s me. Though I’m pretty sure I’m just the only pilot Howie knows who's in town at the moment.” 
“You look good to me–capable, I mean.” Evan gives him a solid smack on the shoulder with his free hand. His mouth does something funny like he's trying to hold back the sheer force of his excitement by his teeth. “Solid.”
His eyes are even bigger and brighter in person, smile softer, even taller than Tommy presumed. Howie’s giving them a weird look from over Evan’s shoulder. The other man with them, Eddie, isn’t paying them any attention, checking out the other helicopters parked on the apron instead, and Tommy forces himself to pull his hand out of Evan’s warm grip. 
Tommy clears his throat. “Good to know. I’ll show you guys the bird we’ll be taking. I've got her all gassed up and ready to go.”
He just met his (internet) celebrity crush and the man of his dreams, and now Tommy was going to get him killed in one of the most spectacular ways imaginable. It seems like they’re all headed for the Darwin Awards this time.
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this-sapphic-paradise · 9 months
Barbie starts dating and Gloria feels jealous, maybe even an eventual love confession
Hope you like it!
And let me know if I should write a follow up!
"Mom," Sasha's exasperated tone makes Gloria's hackles raise before she can even finish her sentence. "You *have* to put yourself out there again. It's been what, a year since you and dad divorced." The teen looked at Barbie for support, but doll-turned-human used her perfect poker face, staring straight ahead to avoid being pulled into the discussion. (One year in the real world had been enough time to learn some social cues.)
"Traitor," Sasha mock-whispered at Barbie.
"It's *only* been a year," Gloria corrected, busying herself with dinner. "I don't hear you nagging Barbie to start dating."
"That's because I am dating," Barbie supplied, hoping to be helpful. (Not *all* cues.)
Gloria almost dropped the pan she was holding in her haste to turn around. "You are?!"
The look of shock and... sadness? in Gloria's eyes confused Barbie. "Should I not be?"
"No, no..." Gloria shook her head and softened her features into a careful neutral face. "Of course you should. You should date as much or as little as you want, just-" a sad smile tugged on her lips, "don't let bad people harden your heart, okay?"
Sasha observed the exchange, looking from her mom to Barbie and then back again. *Okay...* She mouthed to herself, knowing it would go unnoticed by the two women who were staring lovingly at each other.
"Whatever. What's for dinner?"
It's not like Gloria hadn't tried to get back into the dating game. She had downloaded all the typical apps—Tinder, Bumble, Hinge—, she had even ventured on Plenty of Fish before she understood the error of her ways and deleted her account immediately. But the apps made her feel like she was shopping for people, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth, and so, she had deleted them.
What was left for her to do? She wondered, still thinking about Sasha's incessant request a week after the incident in the kitchen, getting cozy on the couch under a soft blanket to watch the latest cult documentary (a welcomed change from all the murder true crime shows she watched). She wasn't in her twenties anymore, she didn't want to go out partying every weekend, so where was she supposed to meet men her age? Did men her age even want to date women as old as them??
"You have that look on your face," Barbie commented, joining Gloria on the couch and shimming under the blanket to make herself warm.
"The look of a tired, working mother?"
Barbie grinned, having grown rather fond of Gloria's little sarcastic quips. "No, that look is beautiful," she said earnestly. "The look that something is bothering you."
Gloria shook her head, trying to ignore how Barbie's honest compliments always sank sharp teeth into her heart. She pressed play on the remote and she pretended to pay attention to it simply so she wouldn't have to look into those soul-searching eyes as she spoke. "How has dating been going for you?"
"Hm..." Barbie took a second to think. "I've been on seven dates since last week—"
Barbie blinked. "One each night, basically."
"How can you afford that??"
She shrugged, "I never have to pay for anything. All the men and women I've seen insisted on paying for me."
Gloria was mid thought of 'Of course they are paying for you,' when it registered that Barbie had said she was going on dates with women too. It should have been obvious, really, that Barbie would see women as perfectly viable companions, but for some reason Gloria had never considered that for herself.
"And... which have you liked best, women or men?"
Barbie scrunched up her nose as she thought about it. "It's difficult to find any man here who is interested in more than my looks and many of them are terrible kissers—though I'm not sure I'm a good one myself-"
"Of course you are," Gloria interrupted without thinking about what she was saying.
"Can you tell just by looking at me?" Barbie asked, wondering if that was another human thing she still had to learn.
"Uh..." Gloria blinked a few times, trying to come up with a good explanation for that intrusive thought at the same time as she tried to comprehend why the thought of Barbie not being a good kisser felt like an affront to her.
"I-I just know that you're very intuitive and kind, and I'm sure someone like that would know how to kiss well," she explained, hoping it sounded like a well-thought-out reason.
Barbie beamed at that, taking Gloria's words at face value.
"So, yeah, I think I'm much more inclined to keep dating women than men. But no girl has invited me nor agreed to go on a second date."
Gloria frowned again. How was that possible?? "Have any of them told you why?"
"They said they couldn't get into another situationship with a woman who's living with her partner and her daughter." Barbie shrugged and continued, "I don't know why that's such a problem for them, but if they see it that way, then I'm better off."
"Barbie..." Gloria tilted her head, her heart melting. "They think you and I are dating, or that we are exes but still live together. That's why they don't want to get involved." She chuckled, but her chest ached a little. "We *are* partners, but not in the way they think."
"Oh! Well... that makes way more sense now," Barbie laughed and got more comfortable on the couch, unbothered by the fact that a misunderstanding might have cost her a few dates.
Rollerblading had been something Gloria and Sasha had taken up as mother-daughter bonding activity and both truly cherished the moments they spent together (even though Sasha still put up a bit of front as it was expected of a teenager).
They were enjoying the breeze as they skated down their regular route when Gloria suddenly blurted out, "Would it be weird if I started seeing women?"
Sasha almost fell flat on her face—not due to the question, but the abruptedness of it. She eyed her mother with an unreadable expression for a few seconds before smirking and asking, "Women or Barbie?"
"What?!? No! I mean-"
"Mom," Sash laughed, grabbing her mother's hand. "Either is totally fine and not weird at all. I mean, it'd be *really* weird to have a real life Barbie as a step-mom, but-" she shrugged, "I've been waiting for you to realize you've been in love with her from the moment you laid eyes on her."
Gloria wanted to deny it, she wanted to say Sasha was mistaken, that she had still been in love with her ex husband when they met Barbie, but she knew she would be lying. All Gloria could do was thank the heavens for the fact that Sasha did not seem to be traumatized by the changes in their family.
"There's no step-mom just yet," Gloria said shyly, choosing to stay away from heavy topics for the time being. "Do you think she would go on a date with me?"
"Are you kidding me?" Sasha scoffed, rolling her eyes at her mom. "I've seen the way you too look at each other. I think it gave me literal cavities. It's disgusting, really."
Laughing at her daughter's dramatics, Gloria sighed and said, "I guess I'll ask her out then." Her heart soared with the possibilities the future held, and she could only hope Barbie would say yes.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
any headcanons about the kp boys' favourite games? doesn't matter if it's board games, video games, card games, or mind games -- everything is fair game :')
Khun - internet quiz games like "which character are you" or "what cliche trope would you kiss" or whatever/etc etc. specifically, he likes taking them and then ranting about all the ways they're stupid and/or wrong.
Kim - claims its poker because he spent several years teaching himself how to count cards after he and Khun watched that one heist movie that involved counting cards. he liked Clue as a kid but then got extremely disappointed in it as he grew up. his university friends spend about four months trying to get him to download the among us game, then refuse to play with him after four days of him absolutely kicking ass at it. (new freshman hazing initiation ritual! Try To Beat Wik At Among Us! best played in a large group with a heckling peanut gallery.)
Chay - before Yok's bar, first person shooting games. or any type of shooting game really. less so afterwards.
Macau - ultimate videogame connoisseur. solid collection of board games for him and Vegas too (no scrabble though, he hates scrabble). his game room is a thing of legend. someone remind me to talk about the Macau&Chay you got mail AU that includes Chay calling Macau his sugar daddy after Macau gives him a bunch of turnips in Animal Crossing.
Vegas - he says mind games. his actual favorite game is pub trivia night. specifically in Pete's hometown where he and Pete's grandma team up against a bunch of other old people. have I mentioned I love a good relationship between Vegas & Pete's grandma.
Pete - he thought board games, because Khun's game rules are ridiculous but great at keeping things lively. he's extremely disappointed when Vegas and Macau don't like that at all. he is king of poker.
Porsche - card games! doesn't really have a specific favorite game and never plays for stakes, but one deck having multiple game options is a godsend when trying to entertain a kid on a budget. also damn good at card tricks, though he was careful not to show off those outside of home.
Kinn - Sudoku. he has an app folder of similar number games and spider solitaire on his phone. he is my favorite old man <3
Chay bonus - before BOC kinnporsche aired, one of my favorite Chay headcanons ever was pickpocket!Chay. so let's return to that and Chay breaks Kim's mind with card tricks. this is his new favorite game.
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lixiaoning175 · 12 days
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stnaf-vn · 1 year
Oh! I have a question! (A cluster of questions?) so as an additional hypothetical scenario to the "What if Friend's sisters survived but MC died,"
What if only his parents passed away in the car crash, and Friend had both his sisters and MC in his life?
Would he still be the ceo of the business?
What would his personality be like if he had his family (minus his jerkwad parents), but MC was either not in his life or dating someone else like Keagan, (if the prank never happened)?
I wonder if his sisters would've tried to like, trick Friend into downloading a dating app or set up a meet cute with random office workers, all for Friend to casually thwart their attempts with a poker face 🤔
Oh the 'random person trips and spills coffee on Friend's shirt' scenario they orchestrated? Too bad he easily catches the cup and side steps the poor employee.
"Hey bro my phone broke can I borrow yours for a sec?"
(He somehow managed to block every dating app known to man, using the Company's IT department, and one of them shattered their precious phone for nothing!!)
Triplets Flabbergasted and Defeates at their 548th attempt to get their brother a date.
Wonder how all 4 would react if he somehow met MC again after all this time?
(wait, why is that adorable to think about)
Im sorry this was so long! Thank u for ur awesome game i rlly like these characters!! You dont have to answer all of this if u dont want to! Lmao i was just rlly excited about this blog, a little embarrassing asking off anon tho but i tried to be brave !
Oh my god them trying to set him up is so funny I could totally see that happening—
If Friends parents died and MC wasn’t in his life anymore, he’d probably still take up the company, because he doesn’t know what else he’d do. He is now fully responsible (even more so than he was) for three girls.
He has to take care of his sisters and keep the money going in.
Would he enjoy it? No, but seeing his sisters happy was more than enough.
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taduri · 4 months
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vijayverma65 · 4 months
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nehakri4632 · 4 months
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binaykumar12 · 4 months
Elevate your casino experience with IPLwin! Access your favorite games anytime, anywhere—whether on your mobile phone or computer. From Rummy to Poker, Roulette to Slots, and even Sports Games, we've got it all! Don't miss out—join us now and register for endless excitement! 🎲🃏
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gorough7 · 4 months
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rajnish2533 · 5 months
It sounds like you're interested in combining elements of both poker and roulette into a new game. While there's no established game called "poker roulette," you could potentially create a hybrid game that incorporates elements of both.
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theendofuno · 7 months
hi yall sorry for disappearing i got threw in the middle of the forest all alone and had to hunt animals with my bare hands and fangs. it was terrible (aka my chronically online ass couldnt stand be without my pc for 2 days and almost died)
anyway :D i was out of home so i doodled a few stuff and took some pictures!
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his ass is NOT playing poker (neither was me i didnt understood shit)
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i was too lazy to download medibang so i drew on my notes app who didnt had an eraser thingy
+ burrito
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also i had a mind blow at 3 am whjen i couldnt sleep and ill post about it later when im less. tummy ache. :( pain bad
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art-of-manliness · 7 months
Podcast #861: 7 Journaling Techniques That Can Change Your Life
In my twenties and early thirties, I was a regular journaler. Several years ago, however, I stopped journaling almost entirely because I wasn’t getting anything out of it anymore. But my guest has helped me see that my problem wasn’t with journaling itself, but that I had gotten into a journaling rut, and he’s introduced me to some new ways to journal that have inspired me to get back into the practice.    Campbell Walker is an illustrator, animator, podcaster, and YouTuber, as well as the author of Your Head is a Houseboat: A Chaotic Guide to Mental Clarity. Today on the show, Cam shares how journaling transformed his life and what it can do for yours. We discuss why it’s helpful to do a journaling brain dump and how to then move beyond that to incorporate different techniques that will help you get greater insight into the problems you’re facing and how to solve them. We unpack those techniques, which include how to journal to break mindset, conduct a lifestyle and habits audit, and quell anxiety. We also talk about an experiment Cam did where he only used the social media apps on his phone when he was posting something, and every time he got the itch to check social media for fun, he engaged in something he calls “microjournaling” instead. We end our conversation with how Cam’s journaling changed after he became a dad and his tips on making journaling a consistent habit in your life. Resources Related to the Episode * Campbell’s Video: The Journaling Techniques That Changed My Life * Campbell’s Video: I Replaced Social Media With Micro-Journaling for 1 Year * AoM Article: The Right and Wrong Way to Journal * AoM Article: Why I Stopped Journaling * AoM Article: 30 Days to a Better Man Day 8 — Start a Journal * AoM Article: Jumpstart Your Journaling — A 31-Day Challenge * AoM Article: 31 Journaling Prompts for Building Greater Self-Reliance * AoM Article: Quit Catastrophizing  * AoM Podcast #387: Think Like a Poker Player to Make Better Decisions (With Annie Duke) Connect With Campbell Walker (AKA “Struthless”) * Cam on YouTube * Cam on IG * The Struthless Shop Website * The Struthless Animation Studio Website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)     Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors Transcript Coming Soon The post Podcast #861: 7 Journaling Techniques That Can Change Your Life appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/T2yY24
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