douxlueur · 5 months
do you by any chance have any quotes or bible verses you wouldn't mind sharing that's based on perseverance and basically accepting things that want to end? something that helps you breathe in and out remaining grateful about life.
now for some less serious random question: what are 5 things that you appreciate about your life?
(you do not have to answer if you don't want to 😊😊)
I love this question!! I know it’s used very frequently, but the verse that always comforts me in times of trouble or crisis is Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (ESV) I love this verse because it doesn’t suggest blind optimism, that everything that happens is good and that we will never encounter hardships, but rather that the net result will always be good for those who love the Lord. It feels very real and reassuring. I guess it doesn’t speak directly to perseverance, but I think it does encourage us to have hope and remain faithful even in the worst of times.
Aaaand 5 things I appreciate about my life are:
1. My family. We are very close-knit and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
2. I have deep and meaningful friendships. I haven’t always felt able to open up to friends to the extent I feel that I can now. I am incredibly grateful to have friends that understand me in the way mine do.
3. I have a Godly boyfriend. Neither one of us is anywhere close to perfect, but the fact that I can honestly say that I now have a man in my life that wants to put God first in our relationship is amazing. I was single for many years and the dating scene is ROUGH.
4. I live in a very pretty place. Not everyone appreciates Ohio, but I am deeply in love with it.
5. I have a (vague) plan. This is not where I thought I would be at this point in my life, but as I have come to learn, God’s plans are greater than ours and He WILL make them happen. Whether or not we’re prepared. This is a great comfort, because it is very clear He knows better than I do.
Thank you so much for these questions! They were so fun to answer and I really appreciate it! ☀️🌷
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douxlueur · 5 months
How are you doing? 💖
I am doing pretty well! I got to see some long-time friends today that I only see a few times a year, so that was wonderful. I have a lot in common with these people and I wish I could see them more often. It was also VERY warm today for April and the nicest day we’ve probably had this year. Thank you for asking! And for being my first ask! ☺️
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