#douglas adams tag
The Cosmic Dancer called the tune,
While you were sleeping in the suburbs
The rocking horse stopped in the stall,
Dead man gazing at his navel
Saying out loud, 'I am in trouble'
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twoplayer-game · 9 months
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it was a one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater!!!!!
(redraw of a drawing i did a whiiileee back)
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leslaras-art · 1 year
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femmehysteria · 2 years
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reading this sentence after ive read the martian is incredibly funny, mark watney would beg to disagree
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deviltownresident · 1 month
wake up babe rare hitchhiker's/dirk gently/douglas adams content just dropped!!
yes i know it's been out for three weeks but i only just saw it
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tabl3 · 9 months
Some things™ about the rewrite
Chase and Taylor made a pact to get their little brothers set up
Leo doodled a bunch of L + L shit on his notes (he's so cringe I love him)
Blue Tornado has wings
Solar Flare is selective mute. when she wants to communicate, it's normally by sign language (which work bc her wife is deaf) Gamma Girl wasn't born deaf, but became so due to explosions from her powers.
Techertz think they're hiding their relationship Perfectly
The team always steals Kaz's clothes bc they're big and comfy
Alan is semi-immortal like Horace. he's Skylar's age in the sense that they're both about 40 earth years old
Kaz often has to go down to Mission Command to bring Chase to bed
Skylar and Bree wind up in the kitchen at 3am a lot, either chatting, trying to cook, or dancing to One Direction (it's iconic for them in my rewrite)
Horace is legitimately afraid of Tasha. He works fine enough with Douglas, approves of Bree for his daughter, thinks Chase is the most impolite person to exist, and greatly fears Adam and Leo in his hospital bc they break everything lol
Bree's (non-related) best friend is Taylor
Chase's is Skylar
Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar are each others' obv (plus Gus and Jordan (Kaz and Oliver are the closest ofc))
Leo's are Kaz and Taylor
Tasha and Douglas are each others'
Adam's are his siblings lol (esp Naomi)
Chase feels for Oliver what he does for Leo, making them have an older/younger brother vibe now that they've reconciled
Skylar keeps forgetting Chase is older than her lmao
I aged the SuperParents™ up bc the Flames needed a bigger gap from Oliver
Snowstorm is the youngest hero, age 28. Blue Tornado is 31, Solar Flare 32, Gamma Girl 34, Megahertz 40, Tecton 43, and Horace biologically 47
Naomi plays with the (non-powered) action figures of her siblings, often showing Douglas and Tasha the epic battles (which they love)
How their dysfunctional ass family dynamic w AJ works: Chase: overbearing helicopter mom, Kaz: irresponsible (let's drive this car as fast as we can while dropping mentos in coke) dad, Bree: wine aunt, Skylar: beer aunt, Oliver: uncle that crashes on the couch and tells him to do his worst impulses for his entertainment
Douglas and Tasha are completely platonic, just co-parents and support for each other
Blue Tornado split with his fiance, also amicably co-parenting his young son. He doesn't talk very much bc he's naturally shy, and mostly just enjoys being in his coworkers' company in silence
(he has a crush on Snowstorm)
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space-and-nonsense · 1 month
Introductory Post!
Hello. This is my new side blog for fandom related stuff including my own fan art which I want to get back into doing. I used to have a main blog on a different account called @floatinginotterspace but I more or less abandoned it several years ago when I got very consumed by mental illness and tried and failed to resurrect it. I decided I wanted to get back into this side of tumblr after following the red dwarf tag and rekindling my excitement. I hope doing this again will cheer me up. The problem is I can’t remember my log in details for that blog so I’ve made this one instead. And maybe a fresh start is nice.
If you like Red Dwarf or any of the other things I am going to mention below please feel free to follow me and please reblog this if you are happy to so I can integrate into the fandom more. Also if you have fan art requests or want to recommend anything you’re most welcome.
A little about me:
I’m Jaye (not my actual name), 24 years old, autistic and like to use they/them/xe/xem pronouns.
I live in the UK and am a zoology student on suspension for health reasons.
My main blog is @try-and-try-and-try-again which I mainly use to vent about my issues (oh dear). I guess that will be the name that comes up if I message you.
I mainly made this blog for Red Dwarf stuff. I also love the works of Douglas Adams, Olaf Stapledon and P.G. Wodehouse (mainly Jeeves and Wooster). Also Studio Ghibli.
Beyond fiction my main interests are palaeontology, lichen, fungi, wildlife in general and choral music (especially from the Renaissance period).
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lil-als · 2 years
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I think this is correct
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maspers · 1 year
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book so Imma summarize it for you. 
Basically Earth gets destroyed by aliens, but a couple humans survive, team up with a couple other aliens to… Not die, and also avoid being arrested, and then they go on a quest to find the legendary planet of Magrathea. Anything else requires an elaborate explanation of context and slash or is spoilers. Sounds lame? Surprise! It's written by Douglas Adams, who takes his narration and makes literally everything funny. And I do mean everything. 
Arthur "I just came out to have a good time, or even just a mediocre time I'm not picky, and I'm feeling so attacked right now" Dent, legendary everyman who goes from extremely fazed to extremely unfazed very fast as a coping mechanism and is famous for it
Ford "Hoopy frood who knows where his towel is" Prefect, who's spent like an entire lifetime working to get a single word added to an encyclopedia and if that doesn't perfectly describe academia I don't know what does
Zaphod "Steal your girl, Steal your ship, Steal the Presidency" Beeblebrox, who is just this guy you know and clearly thinks he's living in a completely different genre than everyone else but that's okay because it drives the plot
Tricia "Trillian" McMillian (she does actually go by that nickname) who is probably the smartest and sanest person in the cast and is still very much a case of "You're the last man in the universe and I'm still not sure about dating you."
Marvin "Life is meaningless and death approaches" the paranoid Android, who is either the funniest or the "funniest" thing you've ever seen
A host of other people random scattered across spacetime most of which have no bearing on the story but also are really important for the sake of a joke and also the plot and also a joke
And the number 42
Read this book please
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urlocallesbiab · 2 years
oh, i think the reason i got So into serirei recently is that they push the same buttons in my brain that brotzly does. yeah, gimme a liar with a heart of gold who deeply hates himself but goes out of his way to help people around him, both strangers and those he cares about, and whose relationship with his boyfriend started out as help in a tough situation and grew into working together in an agency focusing on solving paranormal cases; and the boyfriend — a weirdo with supernatural powers who's socially awkward because he had years of his life stolen from him because of them, and who's traumatized by a nefarious organization that wanted to harness that power, who tries his best to build connections and be kind to people, and who's ultimately, unconditionally, unwaveringly in love with the liar-with-the-heart-of-gold, even in the face of having seen him at his absolute worst and lowest. and also they're both 30yo losers.
ywah, it all comes back to brotzly, it always does.
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dezwade · 2 years
I think Marcus should have a weird pet. I think he should have a praying mantis or some shit. give that boy a Creechur
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antebellumite · 2 years
What do the Antebellum Guys get at Starbucks? ANSWERED!
Daniel Webster orders black coffee and secretly drinks alcohol instead!
Henry Clay orders caramel mocha latte with whipped cream and with ice!
John Calhoun orders water!
Robert Hayne orders a pink drink!
William Fessenden orders wine!
Benjamin Brown French buys milk! Just milk.
Charles Sumner buys food and plain coffee!
Stephen Douglas tries to order an espresso, but the employee wisely never delivers it to him!
Thomas Benton buys a manly fruit smoothie.
Nicholas Biddle buys a frappachino, but he spills it all on the floor so he has to buy another one.
Andrew Jackson just eats ground coffee beans.
James K. Polk orders black coffee!
Sarah Polk goes to church! And gets free wine!
Martin Van Buren eats whipped cream. Just whipped cream. Because Democrats are weird.
John Randolph yells at the barista because he is a horrible customer.
John Crittenden orders a latte but with a german-style mug.
Willaim Seward orders a normal coffee. With sugar.
Theodore Frelinghuysen quotes scripture and buys bread.
John Quincy Adams has wisely chosen to go drink boba instead.
John Tyler gets a restraining order on himself for flirting with the barista and making one too many sexual suggestions. This is because John Tyler is a creep.
Preston Brooks also gets a restraining order on himself.
Millard Fillmore buys a cake pop.
So does Abraham Lincoln.
Zachary Taylor orders cinnamon latte!
John C. Breckenridge is kicked out for smoking.
Franklin Pierce buys a dragon drink.
William Harrison doesn't drink anything. He's only here because it's cold outside.
William Harrison is also there to keep an eye on John Tyler.
Abraham Lincoln also has a restraining order on Andrew Jackson.
John C. Fremont and Jesse Fremont buy the entire Starbucks Industry. Thankfully, they only abuse this power to give themselves pumpkin spice lattes year round.
James Buchanan attempts to order but changes his mind over and over again.
The Eatons' don't care what they order, as long as it's aesthetic enough to post onto TikTok and they also use one straw and between the two of them. Weirdos.
Floride Calhoun and the rest of Washington City glare murderously from the outside.
Lucretia Clay forgoes Starbucks and drinks homemade tea!
Rachel Jackson drinks a latte, and watches as her rabid husband scarfs down beans. She uh, might also want to see a doctor.
Meanwhile, Sam Howe, Frederick Douglass, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Wendell Phillips are all sitting at one table eating breakfast.
They are all glaring and being glared at by William Garrison, Theodore Parker, Oliver Wendell Holmes and Julia Howe at another table eating breakfast.
James Henry Hammond is rotting in jail.
Henry Longfellow doesn't drink anything and stays home.
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housedyke · 2 years
Rereading Hitchhiker's Guide after like 10 years and the opening bit where Ford is the only person on the planet who understands the fate Earth is about to meet is actually very sad
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lab-rats-obsession · 2 years
Would the davenports sit shiva for Marcus if they were jewish?
I'm not jewish, nor am I familiar with jewish culture, so I had to look this up. If I understood it correctly it means that when somebody dies their family gathers and they grieve together for a week. Which honestly I don't think they would.
At least not the first time he died (in the second season). It just that Marcus had around five appearances up till the bionic showdown which is not a lot and he spend most of the episodes he was in antagonizing Leo. The one person who would miss him the most was Douglas who was not with the family at that point.
I mean only Adam, Bree and Chase lost a friend. And even that loss was overshadowed by the betrayal. I don't think they would grieve someone who lied to them and then tried to either kill them or have them brainwashed with the triton app. Of course they would miss him, but I doubt they would allow themselves to feel bad for him.
The second time he dies in the vanishing there is a bigger chance that they would, because Douglas is a part of the family and I think he would want to. By this point I'm pretty sure that Adam, Bree and Chase have come to terms with the whole betrayal thing and the fact that he was an android, so they don't really care about him anymore, but they care about Douglas and if he thought that sitting shiva for Marcus is the right thing to do they would do it with him. Along with the rest of the family.
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Sadie thought to herself, “When you think about it, considering who he is and who I am, that’s one huge task he had ahead of him. Makes one feel like a yippee creature.” Sadie had spent a lot of time on the internet. Then she wandered off to find a snack, absently hoping to herself that he had bought her a pink or purple hat.
She ate an entire pizza on the subway. She sat in a cafe, feeling the sun. She looked out at the city, smiling to herself, hoping that a car would go over and crush her. And it was as simple as that. She had fallen in love with a mythical creature and everything about him: his face, his posture, his mind, the color of his eyes, his voice, his hair – and the things she could not see, the things that made up who he was – and she felt that he could not see her either. Not really. She was not sure that he could see anybody or anything. And it was the best time of all – the moment between a moment and a moment – because it felt as if she had everything to lose. She could live forever, as long as she stayed in this state of mind. He was everything she had ever needed. So she could only imagine what it must be like for him.
It was not the moment to think of that, though. Because it was the moment that she was with him. But all she could feel was sadness and dread. She was going to lose him now – this was a fact. She was going to spend the rest of her life not seeing him at all, because he was a mythical creature and there was no way of proving to him that she loved him, no way of bringing his eyes to her – no way of even remembering how lovely they were. He did not even remember the way that she remembered him! She wasn't sure she could ever know that she would not forget him. Maybe even in a year she wouldn't know. What if he wasn't here in a year, in a decade, in her lifetime?
She put on her sweater and began to walk again. She felt empty inside, but she wasn't. It wasn't true. She walked around and around for the rest of the afternoon, thinking about all the things they were going to do, how she was going to spend time with him, how she was going to see his smile again. She felt dizzy. She walked back to the bookstore and told the woman that she was going to have a headache. She told the bookseller she would be back. She sat in the cafe, hoping he had brought her a hat. He hadn't, but the proprietor saw her there and gave her some apple juice.
She sat on the bus, holding on to the handle. The bus was a good bus. She looked out at the town, feeling more confident than she had felt for the past two hours. She went home and took off her clothes and showered. She took a bath and washed the sweat from her skin and smelled her own skin.
Then she took a bottle of whiskey and put it down on the floor and sat on the floor with her head down. She began to feel less empty. She looked at the ceiling, then at the bottle. She couldn't help but look at the bottle. She looked at herself. She couldn't help but look at herself, even though it made her want to hide. She kept looking and she didn't look away and she didn't look away. And then she looked down at the floor, then at the ceiling again. And then she looked down and she saw the bottle. And then she looked up again. And after that she didn't look at anything. That is not true, either.
She was not going to drink the whiskey. After all, that was the last thing she would want to do to herself. She stood up. She wanted to live. There was a time for thinking and a time for doing. She left the room. She could not go back to the room, because the room was not hers. She left the house and walked home, looking at herself, looking away from herself. Looking up and looking down. Looking at buildings and looking at grass.
Then she looked at herself. She looked at the buildings.
Then she looked away.
Then she saw herself walking down the street.
Then she walked and she walked. She felt her muscles working and her muscles not working and the sun on her back and the sun on her face and the sun in her eyes and the sun behind her eyes.
She wasn't really thinking about the things that she felt. She walked down the street and then she looked in a shop. She liked the shopkeeper's face.
Then she walked. And she walked. Then she walked again.
And finally she sat on the bus again. The bus was not a good bus and the bus was not good. She wanted the bus to go. She could walk, but she thought that it would be a good idea to sit. Because if she was going to lose him, this was the way to do it. So she sat on the bus and felt the seat, and she thought of him again. She tried to think of a way to put it, to be clear about what she felt about him. What she was feeling about him was that she had nothing to lose. And maybe that was the problem – that she had nothing to lose – because this was an ideal situation. Maybe that was what she could not take seriously. And maybe that was it.
As the bus went through town, through the downtown area, she thought that maybe she could explain what it was she felt about this place. And maybe that was all. It was like the way that she had felt about the shopkeeper's face, or the way she had felt about herself. It was like any feeling. And, if the feeling was this important, then she could live with it, or not, as the case might be. It was one of those feelings that you had when the world was right. She thought that maybe she should talk about it to someone. It wasn't really a feeling that you talked about. It was a feeling that you lived with. And maybe that was all the matter ever was, she thought.
The bus stopped. The bus was a good bus, just as she had said. She walked across the bridge. She looked up at the bridge and she looked down. Then she looked up, and she saw the bridge, and she looked down and she thought of him, and she thought that she had nothing to lose, because this was just the way life was. Then she looked out at the river and she remembered that the river wasn't hers. And she thought about what she wanted to do. And she thought of the things that she had never done before, like the things that she hadn't done yet – the first time, and the second time, and the third time. So she started to walk to the end of the street. And then she walked down the street, and she saw the bridge again, and she thought that she had nothing to lose.
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alexalblondo · 1 year
We forgot about the real issue of Christopher Nolan being allowed near not one but two nuclear weapons.
I am working really hard to actively repress that knowledge from my conscious mind cause I do not know what to do with that info except PANIC
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