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ulnaart · 17 days ago
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- Late Night -
Alexa lay curled up on her work desk, fast asleep after a long night of trying to reconfigure the infrasound speakers, to no real success, her efforts landing her at exhaustion's front door without a key.
Inspector Cole crept into the room quietly with a cup of coffee, their call going unanswered, unaware that their companion had already fallen asleep.
'Perhaps for the best... Coffee at this hour would make her even more energetic than usual.' Placing the mug out of accident's reach on the desk, The Inspector takes a moment to glance over what she had been working on.
A rare smile played at their lips as they glanced down at the Inkling's work. Though they could only understand some of what she has written down, it was evident that she had been working hard.
Perhaps too hard...
"...Why do this to yourself?" They whispered more to themselves than to Alexa, though they weren't expecting an answer. No. The answer had been obvious, though unaddressed between them both ever since the accident.
It laced her work with mistakes and misplaced tools. It hung heavy at the corners of her eyes, regardless of how much she pushed a smile. It was in the way she looked at them:
"I'm sorry." Her eyes would say.
If there was one thing The Inspector disliked more than surface dwellers, it was pity. Pity from a surface dweller was especially grating.
Brushing the desk free of discarded paper and depositing it in the bin below her work area, Cole exhaled a weary sigh.
'You may have the others convinced, but you can't fool me so easily...'
The Inspector left in much the same manner they had entered; unnoticed.
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ulnaart · 18 days ago
- Double Agent 4 AU -
Alexa (Four)
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- 26
- Joined the Octarian Engineering Division after being captured during one of her routine Great Octo Weapons tinkering sessions in exchange for trading in NSS secret documents
- Jokester with a sinister streak
- Loves machines and tinkering with things she probably shouldn't (Great Octo Weapons)
- Charming and enthusiastic, but definitely hiding something...
The Inspector (Cole)
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- Pushing 30
- they/them ONLY
- Makes children cry just by looking at them (doesn't mean to just looks scary)
- Detective Inspector for Dome 14
- Investigating the unusual ooze that's threatening the domes
- Has a secret that nearly cost them their life
- Unknown if they actually own any clothes besides their nine pairs of identical uniforms
- Lost their sanitized arm during Alexa's infrasound experiment (she feels VERY guilty about it and is trying to make them a new arm)
- Dynamic -
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- Comedic Detective Duo
- Are they lovers or something worse? (Worse. They're coworkers in different fields of expertise.)
- They annoy each other a lot due to their differences, but they pull together to get the job done
- Midnight Zone -
- Dome 43 -
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- The Midnight Zone consists of all the Domes lost to the ooze
- Domes 50 through to 20 have all been lost
- Wouldn't recommend going down there unless you want to be sanitised
- Sales Pitch -
Will The Inspector and Alexa find a way to stop the mysterious ooze from destroying the remaining Domes in time? Find out in the Double Agent 4 AU!
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ulnaart · 4 days ago
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Go forth, my she/they (🔧🦑) hurricane
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ulnaart · 5 hours ago
Double Agent AU - Alexa's POV 
Journal Notes #1
1st September 4023
Waved everyone off at the airport this morning. I gave Callie some special sweets to help with her fear of heights. Hopefully they work? If not, then at least it's a distraction, right? ^_^’
Marie was as nonchalant as usual about everything, which is good! I think. It's still hard to tell what she's really thinking sometimes. I hope she'll be okay being in a new place. I gave her some sweets too. If she doesn't like them, she can always share ‘em.
Three was. Well. Three. I thought Marie was hard to read, but they keep giving me mixed signals. Have I annoyed them? Did they have a tummy ache or were they nervous about the flight? I swear, Captain and Three spend so much time together that they're starting to act the same. (They both got sweeties too.)
They trust me to keep everything safe in Octo Canyon and Octo Valley, and I'm not gonna let them down!
13th November 4025
Crumbs, been a while since I wrote in this. 
Has my handwriting gotten worse? Eh, it's whatever. As long as I can read it, it doesn't really matter.
Hi diary, how have you been?
What's that? …You've been abandoned under the seat at Cuttlefish Cabin for two years?
Yikes. Sorry about that. I'm pretty sure I accidentally lost you down behind one of the sliding panels immediately after sobbing my eyes out after being told everyone wasn't coming back. Ever.
Would've been nice to know that before everyone leapt onto a plane, but it's whatever I guess.
But hey, look at the positives! We're reunited at last!
We're gonna be best buddies, just like old times.
4th March 4026
You're not gonna believe this… You're gonna be angry with me, but then you'll laugh.
I uh. I'm sorry for misplacing you. Again.
I promise I'm going to put you somewhere super obvious and in my line of sight at all times this time around.
So… You're probably wondering what's happened since the last entry.
I'll keep it short:
Me and Eight no longer live together 
All communication between me and the gang has stopped
I let Octavio go
I've been roughing it out in the Cabin since the place I used to rent was handed over to family by the landlord. Which y'know, sucks butttt it's super nice out here ~ ^_^
If you can ignore the lack of electricity and overall isolation of it all.
The sunsets are pretty, though.
20th March 4027
So I finallyyyy graduated from college with my engineering degree! Yayyy thank you, thank you, you're too kind.
Since my fight with Octavio- oh wait I let him out of the snow globe since then.
Since letting Octavio go, and after lots of long chats- which I'm pretty sure he wasn't really listening to half the time- I've decided that I want to help the Octarians.
That's a half lie actually, I just wanted a degree so I could mess around with the Great Octo Weapons in my spare time. But I do want to help. That part isn't a lie. Obviously they're not going to be like, “Oh my Cod, we're so happy to have you onboard! <3”
So I'll just have to work quietly on the outside. I kinda like it down there. It's isolating but I also feel. Closer? To something? Or someone?
Eh I don't know. Sometimes knowing I'm looking at the same sky as the others gets to me. Probably the only thing we have between us anymore.
I don't have the energy for Agent work anymore. I just. What's the point?
There's no one here anymore to pat me on the back for a job well done. Not even Eight. Not that I like, need a pat on the back to get things done. It just made it feel worth doing in the end.
Actually, why would Eight pat me on the back for oppressing their people?
Cod I'm stupid.
26th March 4027
If one of the GOW's splats me for good, they can just write it off in my file as an unfortunate, but nevertheless ‘noble’ sacrifice for the good of the cause.
Whatta load of shit.
Three chewed it all up without question, or at least gave the impression that they do.
“It's necessary.”
Is it though? Why are we doing any of this? Because some old fart told us to?
Because we were told we could be heroes?
That we would finally matter?
3rd June 4027
Got splatted multiple times going against Sami (I gave ‘em a nickname since Octo Samurai doesn't really roll off of the tongue).
The journey back to the respawn tank is always. I don't know. I like the weightlessness of it. I exist and I don't exist at the same time.
Everything could end, and I wouldn't really mind. So long as I had fun.
I think I might be developing something concerning.
But hey, at least the new augmentations I added to Sami's bike are super effective ^_^
24th August 4027
Well, they haven't caught me yet.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that they've lost interest in whatever's happening up here. Or am I that scary that they don't want to engage me? Pfft.
Right. Because a woman pushing thirty with a wrench is terrifying `~`
Fine by me. Just means I get to indulge in my pastime without worrying about having to watch my back.
4th November 4027
Yeah no they're definitely onto me.
Patrols have picked up within the silver kettles since I ‘borrowed’ some of their stuff to fix ol’ Square Face.
24th November 4027
Do you think I'd look good in one of their uniforms?
No…? You're no fun.
Probably wouldn't fit me, anyway.
27th December 4027
Giving the GOW's presents may seem weird, but honestly I don't care at this point.
They've been tolerating me and letting me fix them for a while now, and I wanted to say ‘thank you’ for keeping me company ^_^
Yeah nah that's weird, isn't it?
Eh whatever. Girl's gotta have hobbies.
30th December 4027
I've been thinking… Yeah I know, dangerous! Ha. But… I don't really want to go back tonight. You kinda get used to the ambiance down here after a while.
Going back to the Cabin always makes me think about Marie and Callie.
It's been years, but I still think they're gonna be there waiting for me. Smiling and laughing.
I did that. I made that possible. I made everything better and now… It's all gone.
Did I go wrong somewhere? Did I make a mistake?
I don't want to go back tonight. I can just stay here. I can fix things. I can make things better down here.
Do you think they still remember me by now?
Do you think Eight misses me at all?
Does Sheldon look at his weapons and goes, “Alexa helped me with that”?
Did anything I do really matter in the end?
1st January 4028
I like it rough, but not that rough.
Why did they have to go and knock me for six for? Although saying that, it was the best 2 hours sleep I've had in ages, so maybe it wasn't such a bad experience after all.
Right, so recap summary, brace yourself; I'm minding my own business, soldering some fixtures for Sami's bike together, when WHAM! my clock is punched. 
Next thing I know, I'm in a holding cell 40 ft underground with some Inspector Calls or whatever their name is throwing questions at me left and right. Wouldn't be my first time, but I was also hoping it would be my last time in an interrogation room.
“What were your intentions with the Great Octo Weapons?”
“Were you the one responsible for the shortage of materials in the storage units?”
“Are you working alone?”
Have been for the past four years ^_^
I got bored of answering questions and made an offer; my place on the engineering team in exchange for New Squidbeak Splatoon documents. Ooh I know! Marie would have my neck.
The Inspector shot me a look that would have probably killed me had I the social competence to care, before begrudgingly accepting, but only on the terms that this would serve as my indefinite sentence.
I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Sign me up!
24th January 4028
Do you ever reread what you've written and realise how irritating you come across?
Yeah, me neither.
Anyways, it's been a few weeks now since they moved me down here. They're isolating me to make sure I'm not infectious or anything like that. 
They also gave me some shots for something called “Damp Ink Disease” which. Sounds unpleasant. So far the only side effects have been itchy skin and flaking tentacles, but they said that was normal.
Ughhh it looks like Octavio's snow globe in here T_T
At least I get to tinker with stuff without supervision for now, although I wouldn't put it past them to have some sort of surveillance in here.
I don't think I'm pulling in the ratings, but I'll see what I can pull off.
15th February 4028
Oh my Cooood finallyyyy.
I'm cell free! Although it's more like I've gone from one form of confinement to another.
Having Inspector Calls breathing down my neck would be flattering if it wasn't so annoying.
“What might you be doing, miss?”
“Staying out of trouble, I presume?”
If I wanted to cause trouble, I'd be doing more than clanking pipes together, trust me `~`’
I'll just have to charm them with ‘Engineering 101 for Dummies' and hope they get bored of me.
They're a better listener than I expected! Or maybe they're just reallyyyy good at tuning me out. That seems to be a skill most people have.
Either way, they didn't leave me alone for the whole shift, and kept asking me questions about the NSS. Like, come on… I gave you everything you need to know in hardback format.
I'll give it to them, though, they're really doing their best to put up with me <3
I love someone with commitment!
17th February 4028
I'm slowlyyy learning about life down here!
Obviously no one is going to open up to a topsider like me, but I'm able to catch snippets from convos around me every so often.
So there's this ‘ooze’ that gets brought up a lot. My Octarian isn't stellar, but ‘ooze' and ‘lost / loss’ occur within the same sentence a lot, if not most of the time the topic comes up.
Given that we're underground, plus the proximity…
My best guess? It's the stuff Eight destroyed when they fought TARTAR. But why is it still…alive? Without TARTAR pulling the strings, it should've just. Stopped.
You don't think that…?
Could it have found a new host?
Shell, how does it even work?
20th February 4028
The questions have changed, and I can tell that the Inspector is monitoring every inch of me to spot a weakness or topic that makes me squirm.
Pretty sure they found what they were looking for when they asked about Marie and Callie. Of course the asshat would ask when I'm drinking something. Damn near choked, but I'm guessing that was the whole point.
Managed to splutter out a laugh and play it off, but I think they have a better understanding on how to press my buttons to get what they want out of me.
Could've swore I saw their lips twitch into a smirk…
Conniving little bastard, aren't you?
22nd February 4028
I made a mistake.
One of the engineers who has been making comments about me for a while made a move today.
I tried.
I tried, but…
She wouldn't let go.
23rd February 4028
Disposed of the crowbar.
Work is going well.
27th February 4028
The other engineers are starting to ask questions about Tish.
Should I tell the Inspector about what happened…? Is it worth bringing up orrrr?
Anywaysss, my work has been going really well! ^_^
I've managed to isolate the frequency at which sanitised ink resonates! Which meanssss… We have a way to fight back now! Yayyy!
We'll have to run a few more tests before we can really celebrate, but good news is better than bad news! Right? ^_^
At least that's what I'm counting on.
They're gonna find out sooner or later, whether through Tish or me.
8th March 4028
It works!
We used several different samples, and the infrasound wave either evaporated or melted them! Yippee!
I think I need to tweak the system so that it evaporates any future samples, just to give me the reassurance that there's no residue, y'know?
I'll put it past the others and see what they think.
Oh right.
Tish came back into the workshop today.
So far, nothing's been said but. I have a bad feeling.
10th March 4028
Don't go near the electronics area.
14th March 4028
My tools keep going missing.
Real mature, guys.
16th March 4028
The Inspector hung around longer than usual today. Didn't ask any questions about the NSS this time thankfully, although…
They did ask about Eight. Which is worse.
I could feel myself getting upset so I made an excuse and hid in the toilets for a good twenty minutes. Ended up scuffing my hand. Again.
I can tell Eight is going to come up a lot in conversation from here on out until they get a satisfactory answer out of me.
18th March 4028
Looks like I have to do a demonstration of the infrasound speakers. Or at least that's what Cole has told me.
Why does this feel like being asked to do a presentation at the front of the class?
Also like, why me specifically? Wouldn't they want an Octarian to front this?
Be a big girl! Show how hard everyone has worked!
21st March 4028
The workshop has been in overdrive since the Inspector dropped the news. 
All hands on deck!
Folks from the Science Division have been nice enough to give us some more samples to help with the final tests.
The Inspector has been present the whole time. Kinda like a shadow plastered to the wall.
I've noticed something though… They keep gripping their right arm every so often. Idk maybe I'm looking into it too much. I'm so used to being looked at for clues that I've started looking at them for clues.
Hello. Yes, one order of petty behaviour, please and thank you. 
1st April 4028
It's my fault. 
All of this is my fault.
Why can't I make things better like I used to?
I just... 
I don't fix things, I make things worse. 
I think everyone else saw it before I did. That's why they left me behind in the first place.
I have to fix this. I have to fix the system and stop it from affecting Cole somehow.
But how…?
As long as they have sanitised ink in their system, it's always going to target them.
Shit. Shit!
There has to be another way!
Think harder!
13th April 4028
This is hopeless. Every revision I do ends up with the same problem.
I can't go up to Cole and ask,
“Hey, what's your vibration frequency so I can avoid turning you into a stain on the floor? <3”
No. I'll have to get a sample another way.
20th April 4028
I suppose it was between swapping spit with them and rimming their tea cup for residue.
I've got what I need now. I can finally start to find a solution to this annoying ass problem…
26th April 4028
I threw my spit in a bottle just to make the whole thing look less sus when I handed the samples over to be tested.
The folks down at the labs in the Science Division are probably the only people down here that are ever happy to see me, although that might be more to do with the fact that I'm effectively an ‘alien’ they can get samples from rather than, y'know, being happy to see me.
Whatever. Anyways.
Turns out I have an unusually low frequency. 
Always thought I was a high energy kind of person. Guess not.
Cole's, on the other hand, is a medium. 
Is it possible that the effects of sanitisation lowered their frequency to some degree?
Whatever. I'll figure it out eventually.
28th April 4028
I just need to try harder. The solution is there, I'm just not seeing it.
The Inspector showed up for a routine checkup, or rather, making sure I hadn't found a way out of my quarters. Pssh. Right. Leave, and go where?
They're acting differently; they think I haven't noticed, but I see it in the way they look at me.
Those eyes…
It wasn't necessary. None of this needs to be necessary.
I'm trying.
I'm sorry.
I promise, I'll fix this. 
All of this.
2nd May 4028
The magic workbench.
One night there's paper ‘n mess everywhere, the next, it's all disappeared and a cold cup of coffee is waiting for me.
Did I do all that and just forget?
Wouldn't put it past myself at this point. I can barely remember what I ate in a day. Or if I ate.
I can't think about that right now. I have to finish these revisions.
Now that I have Cole's frequency signature, I can program the waves to bypass them entirely! Or at least, that's what I was hoping for.
But it never is that simple, is it?
In order to achieve that, I'd have to alter the existing infrasound wave frequency to something much lower to avoid Cole's levels of resonance, which then puts me at risk of evaporation. Push it any higher, and I evaporate the whole dome population.
Whatever choice I make, somebody's going to get hurt. Just a matter of whose life is worth more in the long run. 
Mine, or someone else's?
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ulnaart · 12 days ago
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"Your file mentions a certain favourite pastime. May I...?"
"Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong as usual. What's the occasion?"
"Hmm. Nothing in particular."
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ulnaart · 1 day ago
Double Agent AU - Inspector's POV
Case Notes #1
157 November 13th
    Reports have been coming in from the soldiers on topside regarding unusual activity in and around the kettles; the gold ones specifically. It has also been brought to my attention that materials used for repairs have been going missing from storage units from surrounding silver kettles. Whomever is behind these heists clearly has an understanding of Octarian infrastructure, leading me to the most likely source of this disruption:
Activity from The New Squidbeak Splatoon has decreased rapidly prior to the Emperor's defeat some four years ago. My best assumption would be that some other entity- or entities- has their full attention at this time. Which makes this most recent bout of activity even more perplexing. Given the nature of this recent behaviour, it would be safe to assume infiltration from one or more Agent bodies, though if this is the case, their actions have no rhyme or reason to them. 
Why steal materials? What purpose do they hope to fulfill inside the kettles besides further destruction? Has their agenda changed, and if so, to what?
157 December 30th
    A local squadron of engineers from the Engineering Division spotted the culprit entering one of the kettles in Headquarters, and requested my immediate presence to settle the matter.
    This charade has been going on for long enough. May my intervention prove successful, both for my people, and for my workload. I may not know this nuisance personally, but the amount of reports I have piled on my desk in regards to their actions has made me very invested in their swift apprehension.
157 December 31st
    Lo and behold, the localised nuisance was none other than Enemy Number 4. 
Her capture was…surprisingly uncomplicated, much to my disappointment. I expected more from our main source of woes. One swift blow to the head rendered them unconscious until myself and the appointed guard that was assigned to me could detain her in a holding cell for further questioning.
    I must give credit where credit is due however, she successfully managed to assemble and disassemble multiple Great Octo Weapons in the short time frame of two months, though her reasoning for doing so still eludes me- no, rather it bothers me.
“For fun.” She had smiled at me during our interrogation.
Fun? Fun?
This woman finds amusement in running the gauntlet against our only line of defense? In tearing them asunder, only to piece them back together once more to perform the same practiced dance, ad nauseam?
If I didn't know any better- and I by all means I do not- I would assume the isolation of living alone in that wretched outpost for Earth knows how long- most likely as long as the decline in Agent activity- had made her succumb to some form of suicidal fervour. Fighting for a cause that has long since abandoned them. A part of me pities her, for this is the one- and hopefully only- thing we have in common.
    Regardless of their practices and past affiliations, she was willing- more than willing, I should note- to exchange New Squidbeak Splatoon secret documents for her place on the Engineering Division team, which they agreed would serve as her indefinite sentence for trespassing and numerous other laws she had broken in pursuit of her ‘fun’.
I don't trust her, though she may yet prove to be an unconventional ally.
158 February 15
    I have been tasked with supervising Four (now Alexa) to ensure no foul play is enacted during her sentence here. 
    With every conversation we share, I seem to come away learning more about the machinations of machines rather than the operations of the New Squidbeak Splatoon. Her words and thoughts are consumed by machinery. Her hobbies are all in pursuit of tinkering with metal and steel. Does this woman know no other purpose or pursuit?
    I believe I will have to peruse the files she handed over in order to learn anything worth my and the Investigation Division's time.
    My sincerest gratitude to whomever compiled these documents, you have shortened my workload by tenfold.
    As of 156, the New Squidbeak Splatoon has seven operatives, one of which previously belonged to us. Their presence within their ranks would suggest a fundamental breach in topside security, if not for the glaring first hand account from ‘Agent 3’ and a certain Captain Cuttlefish;
“Three engaged the lone Octarian (now known as Agent 8) following my instruction to do so. The fight lasted right up until the ground erupted with force, with tainted looking substance dragging and swallowing them into the void it left behind in the Earth. I tried to reach Three in time, but failed, falling in after them both.”
    Though rare, there have been reports of squadrons going missing in certain areas near the bay outside of Octo Canyon and Octo Valley. Originally I had put this down to Agent activity. Now, I'm not so certain. This ‘force’ the Captain wrote of attacked Inkling and Octarian alike, with little to no discernment for who or what got in its way. It strikes an alarming resemblance to the tainted ooze that has been swallowing the Domes since their formation within the Earth. Whatever this ‘force’ is, it appears to be much more capable and dangerous than we originally anticipated, even sentient to some degree. 
Perhaps the loss of the Domes foretells a deeper, more worrying omen than I first thought…
158 February 25th
    Reading through more of the dossier Alexa provided to us, it is clear that the ‘force’ the Captain encountered and sanitisation ooze encountered by Agent 8 in their trials in ‘The Depths’ are one and the same. Though it varies in its usages and appearance, one dominant characteristic of this tainted substance remains the same; the erasure of free will and bodily death. Though dead, the host is kept alive by some unknown means, their thoughts and actions following some…directive of some sort, primarily that of defending territory or preventing Agent 8's success.
Is this ooze some sort of living being? Does it use us as a means of reproduction, to ‘spread' and evolve? If so… What does this entail for my blighted arm?
Am I going to change, too?
No. I'll take necessary action before it ever comes to that.
158 March 8th
    Alexa and the Engineering Division have found success in their most recent infrasound experiments. (Though I lack the necessary scientific knowledge to relay exactly how it works, though from what I understand, Alexa has found a resonance wave that vibrates at the exact frequency of tainted ink, allowing her to use the infrasound over the speakers to target the ooze without harming any other inkforms.)
Sanitised samples were exposed to sound waves from the specially designed speakers, subsequently melting them. This is a breakthrough that could see us free of the tainted menace for good, or at least give us a fighting chance to hold the line.
I worry, however… I can't help but think about what would become of my own afflicted arm.
158 March 18th
    The Board have requested a demonstration of the infrasound and its effectiveness in Dome 20 a week from now. I have been appointed to Alexa's side during the experiment in case any form of treachery is suspected, and have been instructed to deal with it in as swiftly a manner as deemed appropriate if those suspicions come to bear fruit.
I pray for Alexa's sake and mine that it performs to the grand scale she boasts it is capable of. If this fails, both of our necks are to be wrung, or at the very least, both of us heavily punished in some humiliating manner.
Failure for an Octarian is humiliating enough, let alone due to the incompetence of another.
158 April 1st
    What a fool I was. I should have known better than to think myself exempt from its effects. I am just as tainted as the soulless ghouls that haunt The Depths of this Earth, the only difference standing between us being the illusion of free will.
    Alexa has refused to leave my side after what happened to my arm. The shame that washed over me when she saw…it. Or rather, what was left of it. I'm unsure which was worse; having her remove my uniform to treat what was left of my arm, or having them see me in such a pitiful state. I would argue both, but hesitate in knowing that there is now a third option; seeing her cry.
Earth… To see one deemed a monster- the enemy- sob so out of guilt…
Are these truly the amorous monsters we have been led to believe?
158 April 28th
    Being left handed, in spite of what my instructors have told me over the years, has proven to be a blessing after all. My swordsmanship will require more adjustments, however, though none will prove too troublesome I imagine, though perhaps that's the wishful thinking of a fool.
    My body may no longer be burdened by the taint, but something far more taxing has come to replace it; Alexa.
She has taken to politely avoiding me since what happened, in which I cannot blame her; I too struggle to be in her presence, though I cannot discern if this is borne from fear, or a deeper, as yet unnamed cause. Given the nature of our… I hesitate to say ‘relationship’, but for lack of a better word; our relationship, it is necessary for us to be in contact with one another on a regular basis, purely for the sake of supervision.
    During my last visit to her quarters for a routine checkup, I noticed she has developed shadows under her eyes. Her weight too has suffered a similar decline. Her behaviour has diminished in much the same manner; where I once listened to her whittle on about machinery- albeit with chagrin- now there is only cursory conversation, if any at all. 
I believe it might be necessary for me to intervene in this matter, and ensure that she is properly taking care of herself.
Having a political prisoner die of self neglect reflects poorly on the Investigation Division.
158 May 2nd
    A visit to Alexa's quarters in the early hours of the morning unfortunately confirmed my earlier suspicions: she has been overworking herself to the point of exhaustion. The food that I had delivered to her several hours ago sat untouched.
On her desk, I noted she had been working on plans for what I believed to be the infrasound speakers, though judging by the excess scrunched up paper surrounding their desk, it resulted in little success. Perhaps against my better judgement, I tidied the discarded papers into the bin below her desk, and left the coffee I had brewed for her on the side, out of accident's reach.
    This behaviour cannot continue. I need to find a way to bring her out of this state, and back into working order. Perhaps her file might hold some clues to help me in my endeavours…
158 May 6th
    The file on Alexa is certainly…interesting. Whomever wrote it clearly went through the trouble of being as thorough as possible- much to Alexa's embarrassment, I would imagine. At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I assume that the chronicler of this is the same person who so kindly wrote and filed the other documents that were handed over.
The author was benevolent enough to write a section dedicated to Alexa's hobbies and passions; oddly all of them being devoid of any sort of relation to machinery or engineering. Jazz bars and dancing were not on my bingo card. 
So the saying goes… Never judge a book by its cover.
Either this latest ‘hobby’ with machines is a recent fixation of her's, or Alexa is a superb actor. Either way, I leave these pages being armed with the knowledge to wrangle Alexa free from this affliction she bears.
It's been a fair few years since I've had the pleasure or the time to dance, let alone with another as my partner. I miss it, unprofessional as it is to admit. Perhaps it's not the hobby itself that I miss, but more so the connection I felt with others- the feeling of living instead of just existing. 
Now, though… Well, I don't think I'll ever be able to dance like that again, no matter how much I yearn for it. But I can indulge in it, even if only for the pure pursuit of nostalgia, with a little intel gathering along the way, perhaps…
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ulnaart · 2 days ago
V4 and DA4 (Alexa) are different people.
One universe is what happens when you fumble the most gorgeous princess ever.
The other is what you get when you have an engineering degree, accidentally break international laws regarding machinery, and end up underground working for Inklock Holmes.
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ulnaart · 6 days ago
Cole's the type that doesn't get angry in an outwardly expressive way, but you can tell when you're pushing them bc they start getting more polite but in a mocking, derogatory way.
Alexa though is the type that gets really quiet when she's angry, which is really scary considering she's always chatty and outwardly happy. One thing pushes her too far, and you're gonna find yourself getting real intimate with a hard surface.
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ulnaart · 8 days ago
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"Where did you get this photo, Alexa?"
"...From your folder."
"And what, pray tell, where you intending to do with it once you took it out of my office?"
"...Put it on my wall...?"
"You're as sloppy a thief as you are a liar. Kindly hand it over."
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ulnaart · 10 days ago
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"Why were you nosing through my file, anyways?"
"I like to keep on top of my current cases."
"And learning about my hobbies helps you... How exactly?"
"You take me for all work and no play? Tsk tsk. Believe it or not, I have hobbies, too."
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ulnaart · 14 days ago
- The Accident -
tw // major injury / lost limb / blood (ink) / partial non-sexual nudity //
- Art and story below division line -
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The ooze manifested suddenly. Bursting through the containment barriers as though they were merely paper to be shredded to the maws of the machine. The fortifications were null. Giant anxiety and mass hysteria averting decorations and nothing more.
"Alexa! It's now or never!" The Inspector's voice rang sharp over the intercom. The grainy image from the war room screens displayed their silhouettes as companion and inspector stood defiant against the horde of sanitisation before the board members.
"Initiate the infrasound system!"
"Aye, aye officer." Alexa smirked, though it lacked any humour as she entered the initiation code into her com device.
Months of testing and failures, all for this moment.
One last push of her buttons, and it was underway.
"Let's begin the experiment...!"
Overhead, the dome speakers scratched themselves into life with static, all before falling silent.
An atmosphere of unease rippled itself through the war room as the board members watched on, knowing well that if this failed, there would be no guarantee of escaping the ooze.
"...Alexa." The Inspector was growing more agitated the longer the silence went on.
"Any time now would be most welcome...!"
"Give it a sec." In spite of her superior's anxiety, her smirk only grew, self assured in the knowledge that her hard work would pay off.
It had to.
'Finally... I'll finally be able to make things better...'
Low rumbles began to emanate through the dome as they cascaded out of the speakers and into the surrounding infrastructure, running through the dome supports like wild electrical currents. If The Inspector didn't know any better, they would have said it was an earthquake. Except...
Earthquakes didn't cause paralysis.
The Inspector's sword clattered onto the road, going unnoticed by Alexa as she marveled at the ooze, its body rippling in protest. If it wasn't so grotesque, it might have even been considered mesmerising.
"What-?!" Their only responding arm clutched at the other desperately, as if holding it would somehow keep it together longer.
'Shit... Shit!' Panic laced their thoughts as images of Alexa's previous test experiments in the lab raced across their mind's eye; sanitised tentacles vaporized into thin air, or worse, sad little stains on an industrial concrete floor.
Wishful thinking had gotten them this far; believing that the infrasound system- Alexa's system- would somehow overlook their sanitised arm in favour of dealing with the more pressing threat at hand.
'I'm not like them...'
"A-Alexa, switch it off!" Cole practically cried the order to her.
'I'm not one of them...!'
"What...? But I thought-" It was only now, taken out of her self obsessed thoughts and saviour complex, that she noticed The Inspector's plight.
A threat was a threat, regardless of who- or what- it was attached to.
"Why didn't you say something!?" Alexa's words crashed over The Inspector much like the waves of agony that washed to and fro against their nerves.
Words failed them now much like they did before. Pride, as they had read somewhere, always comes before the fall.
'How could I tell her that I'm...filthy?' The thought snagged as Alexa's hands began rapidly wrapping bandages over the sanitised arm. Or rather, what was left of it.
"Argh!" The Inspector did their best to stifle their discomfort in spite of the ever expanding ocean of agony that charted their body now. It was more welcome than the feeling of shame, at least.
"Shit! Sorry!" Her hands slowed, though their movements dispersed elsewhere.
'...She's shaking.' They noted between hazy vision.
"I'm sorry... Cod I'm sorry..." Tears now.
It was odd, seeing an Inkling cry. It threatened every notion instilled in Cole's mind that, up until this moment they had willingly- no, desperately wanted to believe were true.
Seeing a monster with a heart made for an awful reflection.
"I can fix this... I promise I'll fix this... Just-" Tears threatened to choke as the right words failed to find their way to her mouth.
'What would a good officer-...a good person do in a situation like this...?'
"I'll fix this-" Alexa was beginning to sound like a broken record.
Plucking the words from their vocal cords with effort, Cole gently wrapped their only hand over their companion's.
"Funny..." Though the situation was anything but, "I believe this is the most sensation I've ever gotten out of this bloody arm since I've had it..." The Inspector chuffed a dry, mirthless laugh.
Alexa's hands froze.
"Please..." Cole swallowed hard, though whether it was pride or dryness they were trying to remedy was anyone's guess. Perhaps both.
"Please don't blame yourself."
"But-" She began to protest.
The grip from around her wrist grew tighter in reassurance.
"It was necessary."
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ulnaart · 15 days ago
This Ain't A Scene - Double Agent 4 Animatic
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ulnaart · 16 days ago
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- Inspector Cole -
"Hey, do you know what a smile is?" The Inspector's companion, Alexa, asked teasingly as they set about tidying the office together after a long day of chasing potential clues to the origins of the ooze, but to no success.
"Yes. Something you do too much." Behind the deadpan tone hid a sliver of mirth.
"Aww, you actually pay attention to my face? That's sweet." She chuckled as the last bunch of folders found their home in the cabinet.
The Inspector fell quiet after that.
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ulnaart · 18 days ago
- Intro Post -
(10/02/25) - (15/02/25)
LBoDraws but without the weekly breakdowns. If being funny was a job I'd be unemployed.
- Personal note
- Double Agent 4 AU
- Art Tags -
#ulnaart • #doubleagent4 • #🔎🐙 • #🔧🦑
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