#double door or combo vending machine
windupnamazu · 3 years
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ufo catcher my heart!
ffxivwrite2021 #16: crane
⮞ lunya, whitherliliesbloom's illya and mintdrop's mint. 744 words. ⮞ non-specific modern au. ⮞ three white-haired lalafells walk into an arcade. only two walk out because one of them got stuck in a claw machine.
crane (game): a claw machine is a vending machine which operates like an arcade game, introducing a note of challenge into the endeavor.
It'd been a very successful day, Lunya decided, slamming the trunk of G'raha's car down over the fruits of their shopping spree and giving Mint a high five. Her boyfriend was still trapped by the thrall of the book store, but she'd snagged the keys from him so they could drop off their bags. Illya still looked like she might faint over all the clothes they insisted on piling on the poor girl, but she would get over it with a well-timed double team pout-puppy eyes combo.
And now it was time for the best part of their monthly shopping trip. The arcade.
For half an hour, Lunya churned out prize tickets from her favourite games—she had beef with a giant Pikachu plushie they had in the prize exchange and this would finally be the month she got it, damn it. She was taking a break with a not-very-relaxing game of DDR when a small, familiar ummm sounded behind her.
"Need something, Liya?" Lunya asked Illya as she danced, eyes trained on the flashing arrows on the screen.
Illya pointed at the long line of crane machines behind them. "W-we might have a problem, Lunya…"
Lunya turned around.
"Totomi Tomi," she gasped, absolutely apoplectic. In the background, her game went forgotten, the DDR machine jeering miss! Miss! Miss! "Only toddlers get stuck in claw machines."
Amid her sea of Vocaloid plushies that probably weren't officially licensed, Mint's gasp was muffled by the wall of glass between them. She raised an offended hand to her heart. "I'm not stuck. I can get out of here whenever I want!"
Lunya scoffed, whipping out her phone as she and Illya walked over. "Yeah?" she demanded over the snap of her camera. "Then prove it."
The older girl turned away, tapping her pointer fingers together with a pout.
"Well, It's not my fault they designed the prize door to only open one way," she whined, wiggling helplessly in the plushie ocean. "It's such a safety hazard. What if a kid got stuck, or, like, a full grown woman with an idol career wanted to go inside for a funny pic to get clout on social media and didn't think the whole thing throooough?"
"Wow, that's oddly specific," Lunya said intensely. "So, how's the clout farm going, Peppermint?"
Mint giggled, holding her phone to the glass of the crane machine. Her last tweet boldly read I ACTUALLYGOT STUCK SOMEOBWNE ELLHPE??? and had already amassed a couple hundred likes and some replies varying between "mint what's wrong with you" and "omg get well soon queen" and "NEW TIKTOK CHALLENGE JUST DROPPED BABES #PEPPERMINTISSTUCKPARTY".
"I'll… I'll, um, call 911..." Illya said, looking at her own phone which certainly wasn't open to her friend group's Linkcord server. "And maybe find an employee, just in case they have a key." She paced over to the next row of crane games, phone to her ear as she went.
With a roll of her eyes, Lunya tapped on the glass of the machine Mint was in. "This is the second time I've had to do this this year, but at least my cousin had the excuse of being two. How're you gonna tell the firefighters you're twenty-eight?"
"Hey, hey, don't tap on the glass, you'll scare the fish. Me. You'll scare me AAAAAAAA—" Mint recoiled into the plushies with an overdramatic wail as Lunya slammed her palm on the glass. "Wait, you don't think it's actually illegal to get trapped in a claw machine, right?"
Huh. Good question. In the very likely event that whoever was working the prize counter didn't have the key for the machine, would having to get third party dismantlement for someone who wasn't a toddler be considered property damage?
"I'll pay your bail," Lunya promised, because she did love Mint and wasn't sure she could rock an orange jumpsuit.
"Oh, thank you! Anyway, while I'm here," Mint mused, holding a Hatsune Miku plushie over the drop chute contemplatively. Lunya hummed with a nod of approval. If they were going to get in trouble anyway they might as well tell capitalism to shove it.
Coming back around the corner with a very confused G'raha who'd finally come looking for them and some poor employee who probably didn't have any protocol for dealing with grown women trapped in a UFO catcher, Illya sighed. "Stealing is wrong, you two."
"Awwww," Lunya and Mint chimed in unison, and Mint put the plushie back down.
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seiin-translations · 3 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 4.4 - Drifting Yunichika
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None of these boys have brain cells
None of them
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Until the fourth day of the camp, Kuroba was not incorporated into the combo plays Haijima was trying to perfect. Kuroba spent most of the time only practicing receives with Uchimura and Hokao, which only increased his frustration. His feelings of doubt and distrust were swelling now as he wondered if Haijima was seriously going to strip him of his role.
“I’ll be back on the night of the first. You free?”
At night, he noticed that he got a text message from Yorimichi. He was about to do his laundry at Tora no Yu’s coin laundry after taking a bath. He typed his reply with one hand while tossing his underwear, T-shirts, and towels into the washing machine with the other.
“Can’t do the first, but maybe after the night of the third.”
“I’ll come pick you up on the third if you want. Got my license.”
“You got a car? That’s amazing!”
“Still don’t have a car yet. Well I’m just riding around town. So, on the third.”
After he sent a single “OK” emoji, the conversation ended for now.
He did it. He made a promise. The Fall Tournament was from the first to third, so he made sure to leave them out, and the fourth was his day off, so he could sleep all day even if he stayed up late the night before…he made excuses for himself in his head, but he couldn’t shake the guilt.
“Oh crap, I forgot the detergent…”
Even though there was no one else there, he lifted his head and looked around restlessly as though to ask someone. Right then, Haijima passed the aluminum doors that were open wide.
Without thinking, he immediately thrust his phone into the pocket of his shorts.
Haijima also noticed him right away. “It’s just you?” he said and briefly looked around. There were old washing machines and dryers lined up against the wall on both sides, and the aisle was barely wide enough for two people to squeeze past each other. The drum dryer, rumbling away, was making a lot of noise and leaking out stiflingly hot air. The fan with the swiveling head was working at high speed and trying to release the heat to the outdoors, but it couldn’t keep up at all, and the temperature inside the prefab was reaching quite an unbearable level. He had just been thinking of taking refuge in a chair outside until the laundry was done. 
Don’t talk to me. ‘Cause you’re pissing me off. He tried to turn away and ignore him, but…he still didn’t have detergent.
“…Let me borrow some detergent. While we’re at it, give me all of it. We’ll do ours together.”
He thrust out his hand while glaring down at the washing machine tub, and a bag filled with laundry was hung from his hand without hesitation. A box of powder detergent was on top. Even though he was the one who suggested it, why did he end up doing Haijima’s laundry as well? He was extremely reluctant to do this, but he turned the bag upside down and dumped Haijima’s laundry on top of his own.
“It’s hot here.”
Haijima muttered, and quickly escaped outside while Kuroba was working. You really do take the service of others for granted, don’t you?
He inserted coins and started the washing machine, then pulled out a manga magazine off the magazine shelf and finally escaped outside. Even though he just came out of the bath, his back was already sweaty. Haijima bent down in front of the vending machine at the front of the laundromat and took out a bottle of water.
“I’ll treat you for the laundry money.”
He asked as he put in another hundred-yen coin into the machine.
“Ah, um, a Coke.”
He answered without thinking. “Don’t drink Coke…” Haijima complained and pushed the button. Don’t ask then. A diet Coke was carelessly thrown to him. “Don’t throw it, it’s carbonated.”
They each sat down on the stool placed on both sides of the aluminum door and twisted the caps of their bottles open. The chairs were on the small size, so they were low enough that the two’s legs were too long for it. Haijima had also just come out of the bath, and his hair was still wet. He was dressed lightly in a T-shirt and shorts, which doubled as his sleepwear, and his bare feet was in sneakers. But Kuroba, who was wearing sandals, was dressed a bit lighter than him. Not that he was competing with him.
Tora no Yu was an old public bathhouse located in the shopping district at the foot of the mountain where the school was, and the coin laundry was a prefab attached to it. The front street was the shopping street that led to Nanafu Station, but after nine p.m., the shutters of all the stores were already down and garbage bags and flattened cardboard boxes were piled in front of the stores.
He could hear the sound of the bugs bumping into the bare bulbs that lit the sidewalk. The sounds of the washing machines and dryers echoing off the walls of the prefab. The low sound of the vending machine’s motor. A sultry midsummer night without a breeze. Although it was somewhat more comfortable than being in the prefab where the heat accumulated, sweat frequently slid down the inside of his T-shirt.
“Our senpais started doing their laundry before they took their baths, so they collected it and went back first.”
“Oh, you can do that?”
“They could have just taught us that.”
He never did laundry at home, so such an efficient procedure never occurred to him. Thanks to that, he ended up being alone together with Haijima. Kuroba thought that the atmosphere was getting very tense, but it was unlikely that Haijima would be reading the room, so he wasn’t sure what sort of attitude he should take.
His eyes went to the right arm of Haijima, who was toying with his light blue cap. There four small crescent-shaped internal bleeding marks on his forearm. Ah…those are my fingernail marks from day before.
“…Your arm.”
When he said that sullenly with a side glance, Haijima’s eyes dropped to his arm and gave a weak reaction. “Oh.”
He was actually a guy who constantly had fresh wounds or bruises since middle school. It was odd how often he got into trouble at games. He dislocated his finger at prefecturals, and apparently Okuma almost injured him at a ballgame tournament practice. He wondered if his personality invited some sort of trouble.
Due to his wet hair, he noticed a long scar on his right temple, just behind the earpiece of his glasses. That scar…the one Yorimichi gave him…? It was from the winter of their second year of middle school. It still hadn’t disappeared…? That scar was faint, but it strangely stood out on his smooth and pale face. His eyes went to his arm scars again.
“Oh, I’m not apologizing. I’m not in the wrong…”
“You don’t have to apologize. Just practice hard.”
“I am practicing hard!”
He unintentionally raised his voice, then got sulky and plopped down his butt that had been half-rising from his chair.
“Y-You’re not going to use me at all, are you.”
Once he said it himself, he realized, Yeah, that’s right. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it before. He wondered if he was the only one who still wanted to play volleyball with Haijima. He wondered if it was just a one-sided feeling that he had for a year.
In the first place, he still hadn’t apologized to Haijima about what happened at the prefecturals. He thought they had buried the hatchet after Haijima joined the Seiin volleyball team, but he turned a blind eye to the fact that they hadn’t really resolved anything. Haijima doesn’t really seem like he cares—but it’s not like he wasn’t hurt by my betrayal back then.
——“I know what your judgement of me is. It’s enough.”
When he turned his back on Haijima, Haijima’s evaluation of Kuroba must have dropped by several levels. Maybe even to the bottom. He thought of him as the kind of guy who would run away from the next day’s game because he was embarrassed at the previous day’s game. He was still wary that he would cause trouble for the team by hanging out with Yorimichi. He didn’t even know how much of it was there to begin with, but his credibility in Haijima’s mind had sunken. He didn’t trust him, on or off the court.
Haijima turned his face towards him and was about to open his mouth. He was suddenly afraid of what he was going to say, so he interrupted him with a shrill-sounding “I-I…” before the bottle slipped out of his hands. The black carbonic acid spilled out, covering his sandal-clad bare feet.
“What are you doing?”
Haijima was amazed. “S-Sorry,” he said, lowering his head and reaching his hand to his feet. Once he submerged his face between his legs, he somehow couldn’t raise it anymore.
The words were stuck in his throat. With his head down so far between his legs that his bangs soaked in the puddle of carbonic acid spreading on the asphalt, he squeezed out a hoarse voice.
“…I’ll, make it up…so, don’t make up your mind about me just yet…’cause, I wanna be your ace…”
With a bubbling sound, the black carbonic acid continued to spill out of the bottle opening. He waited a long time, but didn’t hear Haijima’s response.
When he timidly sent a sideways glance at him, he was astonished to see Haijima turning his back towards him and fiddling with his phone. I really am going to punch you once…I knew you were a guy who wouldn’t understand my feelings unless I said it in words so easy to understand that there’s no way to misinterpret them, but still, this denseness…
“Whatever… Shit.”
Feeling stupid, he got up and conversely slumped down on his chair. He didn’t know where to put his feelings that were going nowhere, and he felt extremely embarrassed.
Haijima wordlessly lifted his phone a little. He was gesturing for him to look at his phone. He hated himself for being able to decipher what Haijima wanted to say, even though he made no effort to convey it clearly.
He looked at his phone that he had thrust into the pocket of his shorts and saw that he had a new message. It seemed to have come after he responded to Yorimichi’s message. It was from Okuma.
Right on time, his ringtone began ringing in his hand. This time it was a call from Okuma. He wasn’t in the mood to chat with him, but he had no choice but to answer his phone.
“Did you see my message? I didn’t get a response, so I sent one to Haijima too just now.”
Their quiet surroundings made Okuma’s boorish voice sound even more annoying and loud, so he moved the phone a little further from his ear and spoke.
“I was just about to look. Anyways, you could have taught us about the laundry thing.”
“The two of you are still at Tora no Yu? Can you guys go to the gym before you come back to camp? I think I forgot something there.”
“Huh…what did you forget? Isn’t the school locked?”
“Don’t worry about that. It’s open.”
“Look at the dryer on the far left. You’ll get an item. I’ll need the both of you to bring it back, so make sure you go with Haijima.”
“But what did you forget…”
“You’ll know when you get there.”
He hung up on him without answering his questions properly.
When he stuck his head into the prefab, he saw a convenience store plastic bag hanging from the door of the dryer closest to the entrance. He inspected it and found a small flashlight within. Wow, he really thpught of everything. I wish he had left detergent instead, though.
The phone that was still in his hand rang again. It was from Okuma again, and this time it was a message. “If you want us to do an errand, just say it in one go…He’s so annoying…” He checked the message while grumbling.
“I forgot to say this, but our gym is haunted.”
I wonder if he heard what I said earlier…I hope not. He was beginning to think that as time passed by.
“I wanna be your ace.” That line was so embarrassing that it makes my stomach turn. I feel like I’m gonna die in agony when I recall it. It’s Haijima, so he probably didn’t listen to what I said. Yeah, it’s definitely like that. May it be like that.
Even when he glanced to his side, he could barely make out the outline of Haijima’s profile and couldn’t gauge his expression at all.
There were no lights in the school at night. Both of them walked in silence on the narrow path illuminated by the flashlight in Haijima’s hand. The silence seemed even more awkward because there was no place for their eyes to escape to. The rustling sounds of the laundry bags they both were holding was deafening to his ears. The weight of the wet laundry hanging from his arm was also somewhat uncomfortable.
Every time the light brushed against their surroundings, the sight that emerged looked completely different from how it was in the daytime. Although he had memorized the school’s layout, he was losing confidence in whether or not the mapping in his head matched up with the place they were actually walking in. There was no doubt that the area that lay before ahead of them like a calm jet-black sea was the first sports ground. The shadow of the club room row house looked like some sort of crouching giant creature that was slumbering.
The school building was at the end of the path between the first sports ground and the row house. As they advanced forward, unable to grasp the distance to the school building, an ochre-colored wall suddenly appeared in the round light. When they moved along the wall, he saw that the doors to the passage that they usually used to go in and out of the gym from the club room was open on one side, just as Okuma said.
He stretched his neck and peered into the door. It wasn’t perfectly dark because there was a faint blue in the sky, but it was completely dark indoors. It was dominated by only black. The corridor in front of the gym was an open space with a few exercise machines and training mats, but he couldn’t catch their shadows at all now.
Haijima took off his sneakers and stepped inside, leaving the laundry bag there on the spot. Kuroba wondered how he could move so confidently with this visibility, but he hurriedly took of his sandals and followed him.
“Haijima, wait…Shine it better, I can’t see my feet.”
“I am shining it. And don’t cling to me, your hand’s hot.”
“I-I’m not clinging to you…”
When he suddenly let go of the hand that he had unconsciously put on Haijima’s shoulder, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. Sounds like the wet slapping of webbed feet—like a kappa’s footsteps!
He was about to scream and run away when he pushed Haijima down and he fell forward with a “Wah!” The light from the flashlight jumped in the wrong direction, there was the sound of metal hitting the wall, and the light went out.
His vision was blocked by a curtain of complete darkness that made even his sense of up and down uncertain.
“T-There was just someone behind me!”
On all fours, he looked behind him. There were no suspicious shadows, just a dim blue cut-out in the shape of the door. There was no sign of a yokai with a shell on its back. Was that the sound of the laundry bag falling?
“What are you so scared of? Don’t tell me you really thought something was gonna come out?”
“I-I-I-I wasn’t scared! I-Is the flashlight broken?”
He raised his voice deliberately and crawled on all fours, fearfully running his hands in the direction the light had jumped to. He was pretty sure the exercise machine was around here, so he might crash into it if he moved carelessly.
“You’re a hundred years too early to be my ace like that.”
Haijima’s voice came from somewhere in the darkness.
…It seems like he did hear me. All of it.
“Uh, um, that’s, you know…”
“It seems like you got the wrong idea about something.”
He couldn’t help but stumble over his words as he tried to excuse himself. “No need for that, I already understand,” Haijima interrupted him, and Kuroba crouched down with his head in his hands. Stop, stop, don’t kick me when I’m down any more than that. I already know that I had the wrong idea.
“You’re the team’s ace, at least.”
He covered his ears and stiffened his body to withstand the damage from the merciless Haijima’s dagger-like wor——.
“Ummm…can you say that one more time…?”
He asked back blankly. He stealthily looked up from the gap in his arms and craned his neck around, but Haijima’s figure was hidden by the curtain of darkness that had fallen on all sides. The only thing he could hear was a voice that had a clear quality even though it was muttering, permeating the darkness like ripples spreading in water.
“You’re the one who hits the fastest, highest, and strongest on this team, Kuroba. That’s what they call an ace, right? That’s why you’re the only ace, not anyone else. Oda-san and the others know that.”
“Oda-senpai…? Really? Our senpais really said that?”
“You think I’d lie?”
After shaking his head with vigor, he realized they couldn’t see each other and said it aloud. “I don’t think that, but then why do you keep leaving me out…?” Haijima didn’t follow up on people to the point of flattering them. He always said what he thought, so that notice of dismissal from the day before should have also been what he really thought…
“…At the prefecturals…”
There was suddenly interference in his voice, like he was hesitating to say something. The ripples, which were once undistorted perfect circles, arrived a little warped. The word “prefecturals” seemed to have been used for the first time between the two of them since that day a year ago. That word he heard in Haijima’s voice weighed heavily on his heart.
“At that time, I only had you. That’s why I had no choice but to act recklessly… But now there’s people like Oda-san and Aoki-san and Kanno-san, who are all better than you, so I can do things differently this time. I won’t let something like that happen again. I’m doing that different way now.”
“…? Sorry, I don’t really get it.”
Since the information was conveyed in chunks and not clear at all, Kuroba, who had been listening with a tense and meek expression, gradually began to tilt his head in confusion. Just when I thought I’ve been acknowledged, it sounded like I was being called shitty after all…
His fingers touched something hard. “Ah,” he muttered, and fumbled for the flashlight that had fallen into his hands. When he ran his hand along the cylindrical body and found the switch, he heard the rest of Haijima’s speech.
“I’ll prove it. At the Fall Tournament. I’ll make every ball I set to you the best one. …Because, I’m the one who wanted to make up for it…”
A white light lit up in his hand. He held up the light in the direction of the voice, but Haijima wasn’t there. Didn’t I hear his voice just now—? It seemed to have just disappeared, and he was suddenly assailed by uneasiness. It was impossible, but for some reason, he thought that he had suddenly gone back to Tokyo——
The moment he got up and prepared to run,
“…Ow, what the hell is this…?”
He heard a grumble. When his shin hit something and he pitched forward, he narrowly managed to keep his footing and pointed the light at his feet. The light illuminated the seam of a worn-out undyed exercise mat. Now that he thought about it, there were always mats piled up at a height where it was easy to stumble over them around here.
Haijima had fallen down on that mat.
“Lame…you tripped.”
While feeling so relieved that the energy drained out of him, he put on a look of amazement and extended his hand with a “Here.” For a moment, he seriously thought he was gone, and he panicked.
He wanted to properly hear what he said earlier one more time. Can you say that for me one more time…he wanted to ask, but he didn’t want him to take it back, so he didn’t.
Those best sets our best setter talked about. They must be amazing sets that would astonish not only the opposing team, but also the entire venue. How nice it must feel to be the attacker who hit them. He said he would give them to me, didn’t he? All of his best sets, to me…
His body was starting to itch. He couldn’t wait to play a game. Hurry up and come, Fall Tournament.
“You…aren’t going back to Tokyo anymore, are you. You’re gonna play volleyball with us, right? We’ll play in the Fall Tournament together.”
He couldn’t help but confirm that no matter what. He didn’t know why he still felt anxious about the possibility that Haijima would one day leave this area where their spoken language was understood, but it sometimes crossed his mind.
The rim of Haijima’s glasses glinted faintly as he sat on the edge of the mat, and Kuroba knew that he was looking up at him. It was irritating that he couldn’t see his expression even though he wanted to. He still had the feeling that if he turned the light there, he would disappear again, and his anxiety wouldn’t go away.
“I said I ain’t going back.”
It was just a few words, but it had the local intonation—in a voice that contained a bit of laughter, Haijima said that and took Kuroba’s hand. When he felt the force of the two of them pulling each other in his arm, he felt like he had finally grasped something solid.
When they pushed open the metal doors of the gym, an unpleasant sound shook the air, as though their nerves were being filed off. It was of course pitch dark in the gym. Because it was closed off since evening practice, heat and humidity accumulated. As soon as they stepped in, it felt like a damp cloth hanging from the ceiling was sticking to his face…the lack of visibility was allowing him to imagine all sorts of things. Despite himself, he put his hand on Haijima’s shoulder again, hiding half of his body behind him.
He put the flashlight on Haijima’s shoulder like it was a bipod (the thing a sniper put a rifle on) and shined it forward, illuminating a very small area of the floor. Overlapping colored tapes were laid on the floor to indicate lines for volleyball and other sports. “Don’t put your hand on me,” Haijima growled, but he didn’t attempt to shake him off.
“What did he forget? He said we’ll know when we get there…Hmm?”
When he moved the light, something metallic glinted. It was a rusted pole…with a net attached to it…?
“Oh, by something forgotten, did he mean that we forgot to put away the net?”
“We did put it away.”
“Yeah we did,” He remembered untying the strings by himself and carrying the poles after they finished evening practice.
“Why did they go out of their way to put it back up…?”
Something white cross the light in a parabola. After a big bounce, it rolled into a corner of the gym—it was a volleyball. “…?” After he turned the light around and followed its whereabouts, he thought it was strange and turned the light back to the net——.
A hand was caught on the net. Two hands, actually, and covered in blood. The five fingers hooked onto the net and began climbing upwards at a great speed. When the hands reached the white band at the top, a human face poked out from above the band.
“…It’s your fault…”
A gloomy whisper descended from the ceiling. A trail of blood trickled down the edge of the face’s half-open lips. The eyeballs that had stagnated at the back of the sunken eye sockets took on a dim and resentful glow.
“——It’s your fault!!”
The whisper suddenly turned into a cursed scream that reverberated throughout the gym.
The head began to quickly move sideways with the chin hooked on the white band. There was no way that a two-meter-looking person would be able to stand like that and poke their face over a 2.43 meter net like that, so it was an impossible movement.
“It’s your fault——!”
Amidst the echo of running footsteps, the head went from one end of the white band to the other and back again with the thudding sounds. It was starting to look more and more like…it was at a loss because it couldn’t get a reaction.
Kuroba stared in amazement, standing at the doorway.
“…What are you doing, Kanno-senpai?”
When he quipped that with his eyes half-closed, the head clearly looked relieved.
Kanno, who played the role of the head, called out downwards and stopped moving sideways. One part of the ceiling lights was turned on to illuminate the gym. Kanno turned over the black curtain he was coiled in from the neck down and jumped down to the floor. Another person came out from the curtain. “Oi oi oi, that was so boring, we were covered in sweat over here,” Okuma said, his face flushed.
“Are we done here?”
Hokao, who was in front of the lighting control panel at the side of the stage, said. Even Uchimura came out of the broadcasting room. All four of the second-years on the boys’ volleyball team were here.
“What, I was gonna scare you so hard you’ll piss yourselves, but you got more guts than I thought.”
Okuma complained, wiping his face that was drenched in sweat.
“Isn’t it because it’s so obvious?”
“What, it took a lot of work to do his makeup.”
“They forced me to play the ghost…”
“No, it really suits you!” He gently quipped at Kanno, who seemed to be unhappy with his casting and was pouting. The circles under his eyes and the blood were makeup, but he was a pale person who looked like a ghost in the first place, so he didn’t look that different from his regular self. “What is this anyways? Are you second-years bored?”
“It’s the annual test of courage for our boys’ volleyball training camp. It was done to us for the past two years too. Aoki-senpai’s production when he went all out wasn’t at this level, you know? You should be thankful that Okuma wanted to direct it this year.”
Hokao said, and Okuma stuck out his chest. Even though he was casually dissed, he seemed to take it as a positive compliment. “It’s that suspension bridge effect thing, you know? They say that when two people experience fear together, they become closer.”
For a moment, Kuroba was speechless. Were their senpais also concerned about the fact that things were cold between him and Haijima…?
He was grateful for the sentiment, but a forced laugh slipped out, thinking that they were just a second too late. It’s probably resolved now…I think I said most of what I wanted to say, and I’ve heard Haijima’s response.
“There’s no way Haijima would be scared of such a cheap prank, let alone me. Right…”
When he turned around, his smile faded and he cut himself off.
Haijima wasn’t looking at him at all. He was standing bolt upright, staring at some other point. The blood had drained from his face to the point where he looked even paler than Kanno’s makeup, and his expression was stiffening with his narrow eyes widened. When he followed where his gaze was fixed, it led to…Kanno’s hands?
Kanno, who was wiping the bloodstains smeared on his hands, noticed his gaze and said in puzzlement, “Yes?”
“Uhya-hya-hya, Haijima had a better reaction, didn’t he? Is he weak against blood…”
Okuma’s guffaws floated up from the atmosphere of the situation, and trailed off awkwardly. The second-years all had quizzical looks on their faces, because Haijima was acting abnormally by his standards.
Haijima’s gaze left Kanno’s hands and moved to a corner of the gym where the light didn’t reach, as though he was afraid of something. One ball was lying around in the stagnant darkness. His gaze moved again with an awkward movement, like he was tracing something while getting caught on the splintered surface, and turned to the net next. He looked up at the net that didn’t have a bloody hand stuck in it anymore—what was he doing?
Kuroba was the one who was shocked at the color of Haijima’s face, which he had never seen before. His voice was scratchy as he asked that question.
It’s nothing, Haijima muttered as he removed his gaze from the net and didn’t look anywhere else. He rubbed the tip of his left middle finger in front of his abdomen. He was curious about what that gesture meant, but he couldn’t ask anymore questions because Haijima’s mind, which had been properly directed outwards until earlier, had abruptly turned inward.
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snowdog49 · 5 years
One Channel Motel
I found a prompt somewhere... This is the result of it. 
By Snowdog49/Pokydog49 AO3
Teen rating
Word Count: 2318 
It was darker than dark when they arrived. The office smelled musky, laced with cheap liquor. It was small, only room for maybe four people at a time. The countertop was old wood, and the young golden-eyed man had to consciously be careful of splinters while he rested his hand on it. It was dimly lit, still better than the thundering clouds that rumbled in the dark void outside. He looked out the dirty window as a flash illuminated the parking lot. There were a few other cars there and one light on in a motel room. However, the highway, the motel, and the fields around them were empty, a lifeless land. The linoleum tile under his feet hadn’t been washed in possibly a year and cracked by the entryway. The walls were a white color at one time, now a yellow wash over it from tobacco smoked inside. The air was thick and stuffy, lacking any air movement. He swallowed, hoping that someone would come out soon as he looked at his watch. His yellow eyes watched the second-hand tick slowly away. 
“Hello,” he asked again. 
“One moment,” a sharp reply echoed from the doorway. 
The young lady at his side squeezed his hand before turning to look at the maps on a rack. His eyes watched her as she stood over them, looking at them with little interest. Her black hair laid down her back, a long strand escaping and her finger tucking it behind her ear. She sighed, crookedly frowning at the display. There were local maps, county maps, and even maps of cities on the other side of the country. The vending machine was grimy with the glass covered in oily handprints. She was certain the items in the vending machine were all past their expiration date. There wasn’t anything around, no food nearby, but they did have a half bag of chips in the car and there was a bag of jerky in his bag. There was a serious curiosity to how a desert land like this one would have a single motel but no food or gas insight. Outside, next to the pool gate was a soda machine, flickering its last bit of life into the dark. The pool didn’t have any water in it, however, the gate was open, swaying in the wind. It could not have been any more ominous. 
“Do we really want to stay here,” she asked nervously. “Maybe it’s a sign with them not coming out.” 
He scratched his head. “There’s nowhere else to stay.” 
She leaned closer. “I think it’s safer to sleep in our car.” She looked back outside. “They are taking so long because they are cutting up the last guests’ bodies.” 
The golden-haired man snickered as he itched under his nose. It was a valid argument. It was completely reasonable to think that they were going to get murdered in their hotel room from the look of the area. It was a set from a horror movie, just lacking a monster with a chainsaw. They’d take the risk. They were both tired and a storm was looming near. 
“Do we even know where we are,” she asked quietly. It didn’t come out accusatory as much as it could have. She was innocently concerned they were lost. He’d take responsibility for the disaster. He knew, and admittedly, had taken a wrong turn. When the map showed that it still ended in their desired destination, and a sign along the highway reinforced the map’s details, he didn’t turn around. Apparently, they were way off track, driving the long way around. An innocent trip to see his brother and family had turned into an adventure in itself. They could have been arguing, Al knew Mei was upset, but they were not like his brother and Winry. There was no need to argue since no good would come of it. They instead practiced patience, trusting in each other. He looked over as she leaned against the counter with a heavy sigh. All he could do in return was smile gently towards her. “I’m sorry,” he apologized quietly. 
She nodded, biting the side of her bottom lip, not replying. He could tell she was anxious. 
Before he could turn away and push on for the next unknown miles to the next stop, an older lady emerged. She had on large rimmed glasses, stood hunched over, and walked slowly from the door. She didn’t look happy to be there, nor happy to have customers. She instead made her way to the desk, glowering at them. “You’re here awfully late,” she grumbled, sounding course, clicking on her computer. She coughed, covering her mouth, then clearing her throat. 
“We got lost,” he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Do you have any availability?” She obviously did. The parking lot was empty. Still, deep in his own heart, he hoped she’d say no. 
Mei did not smile at all while she stared coldly at the lady. 
“Just one room? Check out is at 9 am. It’s almost 1am now…” 
“That’s fine,” Al said quickly. 
“I have one with a double bed,” she coughed, squinting at the screen. “It’s 800 cenz.” 
Mei flinched. Most of these roadside inns were a quarter of the price. They were getting scammed, robbed, just because the old hag knew they were desperate. But Al instantly handed her the money. They didn’t even know if the room was going to be clean! Her hand reached out, grabbing his arm firmly. 
“Just for a couple hours,” he assured her quietly, feeling her anxiety. “It’s okay. We just need a few hours of sleep.” 
Mei frowned, sighing as she looked back at the darkness out the window. “This is how every horror movie starts,” she seriously joked. 
Al reached over, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his tall body. His hand patted her far shoulder, giving her some reassurance that they were okay. The old lady, still glaring coldly at them, handed him a key. He nodded thankfully before pulling Mei with him as they left the small office. He was just as happy as she was to escape the leer of the witch. 
It smelled like rain, the sense of dampness and dirt that the wind picked up. The air chilled Mei as she held herself in the doorway of the room, watching as Al grabbed the bags. Thunder echoed through the night just as Al shut the door behind him. Quick to lock the door, he turned the switch on the door handle and looked to see if there was an additional lock. There sitting, half screwed in was a sliding bolt lock, one that could be found in a bathroom stall. He slid it over, even knowing it was going to be useless in case of a forced entry. It was the thought that mattered. He took off his long coat, laying it on the back of the flimsy chair that stood lopsided next to a table could have been as old as the lady who checked them in. He ran his hand through his short golden hair, letting it stick up in places afterward.  He unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt as he started to look around in the overpriced motel room. It was as expected. There was wood paneling, brown-beige color paint for the rest of the walls. The bathroom had a tub/shower combo, and he wondered instantly if there was going to be warm water or not. A tiny single wrapped bar of soap sat on the sink. 
The cricketing springs on the bed whined and Al poked his head out from the bathroom. Mei giggled as she bounced on the bed. “This is way too cliche,” she laughed. It was a laughter of “What did we just get ourselves into!” It was one of the cheapest mattresses that either had ever seen. It was sure to sag and be unsupportive, but they didn't have to live there, just spend a few hours. The desk clerk’s threat of a small bed held true, but it wasn’t going to bother the two of them. They didn’t mind a tight cuddle. 
He watched as Mei flipped her shoes off her feet, seeing the bright orange carpet under them. “Of course it’s shag,” he sighed. “Who designs these rooms.” 
Mei pulled her top over her head. “The famous designer of 1977, Mark Belogrich.” 
His yellow eyes blinked at her. 
“No, Stupid,” she laughed loudly. “I just made him up!” 
Al snorted back at her, flicking his hand at her. He unzipped the bag, reaching in for a t-shirt to sleep in. He threw one at her before pulling out one of his own. “Should we even check for bed bugs,” he joked. 
Mei stopped, her eyes growing. Her arms were behind her head, weaving a braid to sleep in as she stared at the small bed. “I don't think there is much matress for them to live in…” 
Al slipped his shirt off, grinning as he watched her tie her hair. Even in their exhaustion, there was still a sense of playfulness with the two of them. The excuse was perfect to go over toward her as he walked over, and lifted the corner of the mattress. “Nope,” he confirmed. “They all starved to death.” He dropped the mattress, a light thud and a wisp of dust followed. He ran his hand on the top cover. He didn’t even want to guess when it was last washed. It was stiff, as were the sheets under it. As he turned to give her a light slap on her ass, she hit him first. He looked over his shoulder with a grin. “What’s really weird,” he nodded towards the TV. “How is everything in this motel from my grandmother’s age, but that TV is new?”
She shrugged as she took her pants off to put on her pajama pants. “Maybe that’s their selling point. Newest TVs this side of Timbuktu!” 
Alphonse laughed. “Maybe they should change their strategy and go for a newer model receptionist.” He stood up to avoid Mei trying to hit him playfully and looked for the thermostat. It was chilly in the room. The door did nothing to hold in the heat or keep the cold story wind out. The thunder grew louder as the storm grew closer. He found one, a little sliding bar with a positive and negative sign on it to indicate heat. It didn’t feel stiff, and Al determined that it was most certainly broken. That just meant they’d have some extra snuggles. There was nothing wrong with that. 
“No luck?”
He shook his head. 
“I told you it was too expensive,” she muttered. 
He couldn’t argue with her. He sighed, kicking his shoes off by the door and undoing his pants. “I was debating showering now or later.” 
“You’re brave to even consider a shower. There might be shower bugs.” She snickered at her own joke. 
“You're funny. There isn’t even any soap. But after sleeping on that, we both may want one in the morning.” He pointed to the mattress. 
She sighed loudly. “It’s never boring with you,” she glanced at him with a smirk. She pulled the sheets back, half collapsing onto the bed. “I wonder if they have room service,” she remarked sarcastically.
His pants were tossed and landed haphazardly on their duffle bag. “Do you want me to order you a mimosa and powdered sugar pancakes?” Al picked up the phone as a joke, putting it to his ear. He quickly burst into laughter as he put the phone back down. “Mei, my dearest love, we are going to get murdered.” 
Her head fell into her palms. 
“The phone doesn’t even work.” He plopped down onto his side of the bed, pulling the thin, scratchy sheets over his waist. “I’m sorry,” he yawned. “This is not exactly the best place for a few hours of sleep.” 
She smiled softly as she adjusted her pillow. They were flat with little to no filling. “It’s okay. We’ve slept in worse places.” 
He picked up the remote, leaning against the headboard, feeling it lean back with his weight and creak. With his arm behind his head, he clicked the TV on. “Maybe we can at least order porn.” 
Mei laughed too loudly as she pulled the blankets up to her chin. “That I would believe. If there was anything here, it’d be porn.” 
“Where is the TV guide,” he asked looking to the stand on her side. 
Mei sat up and looked on her stand. She picked up a flimsy piece of paper and blinked at it. “There’s only one channel,” she mumbled. “You have got to be kidding me…” 
He looked over her shoulder. “HBO?”
She laughed as she fell back, handing him the paper in a small fit of laughter. “No. It’s the weather channel.” 
He blinked. “You kidding me?” He took the paper to investigate it himself. Sure enough, it said “TV channels: 1-2 Weather Channel” and that was all. He slumped against the headboard clicking the TV off. The headboard creaked again, threatening to break. “I didn’t want to watch TV anyway,” he muttered. 
“You probably should sleep,” she yawned. Her arm reached out to pat his chest sympathetically. 
“We could play porn,” he suggested with his own yawn. 
“Go to sleep, Alphonse.” She whispered. “You need to rest so we can leave as soon as possible in the morning.” 
He settled down, wrapping his arms around her affectionately. Despite the catastrophe that was their motel and situation, nothing else seemed to matter but each other’s warm embrace. In the morning, they’d continue to make the best of their trip, hopefully making it Edward and Winry’s home by the late afternoon. 
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c64 · 8 years
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The Ultimate C64 Games List Have you ever wondered about the amazing Commodore 64 game list? Yes, we have too - there were loads of them. Problem is that is was a while ago now. This list was compiled to jog the memories:
Operation Wolf
roger frames buys budjiit games
fox fightsback
ace & ace II combo
bubble bobble
tantric mouse wars
home office
salsa con artist
commando ninjas
world flee
blood sparse
ruby of thermogington
jettison railway
ice band
spiderman vs magoo
caravan madness
hulk vs hogan
hunk attack
jet set billy
monkey tennis
score me
addis abbaba karate international +
balloon wars
cloud paste
live at budokan
boris yeltsin vodka challenge
banjo time constructor
emelyn hughes ‘super’ soccer
opium fright
shoot em up penelope
lagoon of carabon harbungo
open heart burglary
frost bandage
diamonds are for women
car spike wheel burst adventure
crazy communists
square man runs up ladder III
treasure island kittens
barrell falls down IV
spoke damage
princess kidnapped 8
undercarriage catastrophe
reminder PRO
Jazz North
Pub Golf
Avalon - Land of the Rust
Pregnant Gymnastics
Womb Cook-up
Animal Olympics
NASA Pinball Fantasy
Jed saves christmas
Horace goes Knifing
Time Orifice
Axe-wielding Comedians
Karate Blister
Ornament Erector
Building Smoke Out
Q Bert the Revenge
Trellis Abundance
Titchmarsh v Oddie - Greenkeeper Challenge 88
Co-op Warriors
Sand Veterans
Grass feathers
Morose Wind
Scube Whackey
Escape from Liverpool
Puppy Smoker The Outburst
Roll yer Own Challenge
Hackney Masterblaster
Connect One
Purple Chins
Cotton Developer
Haircut Zest Fair
Trophy Masser
Race Kings Alive
Hazel Irvine’s Whirlwind Badminton
Jazz Rasta VI
Jensen Buttons Nipple Dash
Maze Bomber 909
Speed Chess
Curling Avenger
Rope Twisting Example
Scourge of Daxus
Roy Castle’s Record Breakers
Organ Flexology
Cliff Richard’s Ambiguous Soccer
Revenge of the Feminists
Wax cluedo
Tennis Trumpeteer II
Maximise the Point
Sheep Monopoly
Weight Gain Olympics
Travel Guise
Roger Mellie’s Ice Darts
The Legend of Les Dawson
Blanket Snitch
Tales of the Underformed
Grave Digger 6
Onion Pro 2
Moon Ship
Turbo Trousers
Turbo Walking
Welcome back to the Island of Penny Farthing
Breathing Challenge
Run for President [Ukraine Edition]
F1 Parcel
Awning Inventor
Cello Beat
Super Accelerator Fridge
Crazy Ambulance
Burst Kidney Mopup
Save China
Chemistry Ninja Teacher
Boat Painter Design
Dogs of Fury
Furry Dog*
Beyond the Forbidden Biscuit
The Handlebars of Hashani
Bird Mother
Audio Frenzy Piano Lessons
Short’s Lair
Chun King Farm Life
Jimmy White Teaches Typing
Cif Blaster
Defenders of the Fish
Sandal Behaviour
Alien Food
Thatcher goes to School
Bob Dillons Boxing Farce
Gorbachev plays Chicken
Wayne Gretsky’s Ice Wallet Charity Challenge
Armalyte III - Springburn
Popcorn Death
Vast Salt EU
Virtual Drudgery
Chain of Accordions
Runner Cities
Yellow Bist
Lost Sandals
Train Slow
Sherlock Holmes in The Year 2047
Lost and Profound: Darkness Shop
Dust Police
Borrowed Money
Internet Maze
Slipstream Cowboys
Guns of Dryness
Alpha Scabs
Crusty The Friendly Chimp
Rice Inflator (Super Pack)
Archie McPherson’s Weetabix Head
Denis Law’s Accent Challenge
Dougie Donnelly Dune of Hair
Graeme Souness Must Be Barking
Boon - The Game
Taggart Teens
Emmerdale Goes to Pitlochry
Coping with Eastenders for the under 5’s
Death in the Family Joke
Coloured Fights
Outdoor Darts
Wrist Truffle
White Water Snooker
Sea Quest Powder Seeker
Copious Spandex Run
Mr Motivators’ Taxi Challenge
David Dimbleby's Amazon Adventure 12
Frost on Sunday
TV:AM The Early Years
Moira Stuart’s Music Creator
Upside Down Ice Cream Revolt
Vat of Galt Toys
Fist of Fireflies
Tunnel Browner
Stocking Ladder Bless
Lingerie Tycoon
Up & Down with Freddy Mercury
Guitar Slayer
Drum Shake Friends
Wacky Traffic Lights
Oreo Frisbee Games
Hedgehog Relax
Bent Angler
Super Horses
Fishing for Tims
Ketamine Kraziness
Shout Appeal
Daz Crime Alert
Tension Ramble
Monitor Crossbones
Stookey Chase
Cardinal Hippos
Marigold Mincers IV
Shane Ritchie’s Up For Everest
War Kind
Question Slime
Bishop Sailor
Grudge Chess
Shoplifter 6
Bed trapper
Saloon Swingers 5
Yells of Tallmouth
Athletic Trombones
Wheel Smicer
Trends of Fashion-hope
Wacky Prostate
Bag A Cow
Pronunciation Fun
with Jackie bird
Landlord Dodge
Stuart Tipney’s Bread Throw Out
Date Checker
Gary Glitter’s Subliminal Message
Frozen Bibs of Babylon
Bricklaying Challenge
Wall Tidy
Reverse a Unicycle
Pick Pocket Champion 1983
Glorified Yungs
Hungry Hungry Hernias
Marble vest
Ship To Shore
What’s My Rake
View My Braces
Burp: Deluxes
Romeo and Juliet Bravo
North vs South 2 : west vs East
Corner of Flatland
Spherical Eye Bless
Under the Oceans of Armpit Forest
Outrun Birmingham (Spaghetti Junction Edition)
Sweat like a bahookey
Developer Roundabout: Salt Lake Boredom Factor
Wig Breathe
Telecoms Tycoon
Window Sparkler
Martian Crotchet
Bin Race: Baghdad to Bucks
Limpet Picker 4
Bout of Gout
Fist of Starfish Cave
Revenge of The Ponchoed Ponces
Peruvian Mountain Rally
Pyramid Scheme
Wheelchair Rollers
Disabled Relay
Plastic Bellamy
Escape From The Care Home
Quest Far There
Sigmund Freud’s Phallic Challenge
Location Location Location
Pharmaceutical Births
Fun Run
The Shat Cat Strikes Back
Poo Displease
Oxymoron - School Clown Dress
Nuns on The Run
Rub a Dug
Girl Demander
Tiny Fire Use
Spell Cracker
Horse and Cabbage
Bug Wrestler
Elmer Fudd’s Bugle Fun
Sesame Street for Mute
Vaccine Madness
Virgin Wedding
Carry Me Right
Existential Spam
Professor Caressor
Blind Spot
Dowary 4
Backwards Todel
Austrian Summer Fun
Think Game
Mum’s Gone To Iceland
Dad Ravage
Record Deal Blunderer
Vinyl Earth
Pork Love
Candid Carrots
Testament of God
Jasper Carrot’s Comedy Puke
Slug Slugger
Javelin Jackson
Action Babes 7
Deniable Door Whizz
What’s My Remainder
Shave Me Doris
Ferrari Shaving Adventure
Fire Ski
Trowel Turmoil
Soap Detector
Permit Chief
Wander Beyonder - Galaxy of Hands
Foot Small
Failed Janine Nurse Player
Bonnie Langford’s Dive of DEath
Cheesy Cheeks 9
Teryaki Throw Throw
Organised Library
Chrome Crunch
Defeat The Dragon XII
Sleeve Beast
Snorkel of Skeleton Mask
Bilge Crusader
Derivative Nonsense
Chip Shop Challenge
Fallopian Tube Gatherer
Short Sharp Shock
Public Pool 2
The Remorse of King Tooth Prize
Mobile Shop Catch
Dentist Revival
Return of the Shoulder
Attack of the Maharajah
Farm Variety
Ring Sting VI
Pokey Barracus O
Pyromania [Schools Edition]
Canteen Calamity
Scratch My Scurvy
A Team of Guys
Commercial Insertion
Alien Bold
Walk to Run
Talk Show Live
Tickle Me Hazel
Get to Doctor Green Helmet Arrival
Kirsty Gallacher’s Pony Tail
Bube Tube
Stu’s News
Finger By Jove
SPinach Wars
TrolleyDash IV
Coco Bianco
Can Lift Channel 4: The Game
Spider and Kite
Really Big, Really Small Advent of Tetrapak
Drainblock: Plumber Hero Chronicles
Clammy Elbow
Rinse, Spin and Wash-o-matic
Virtual Carving
Aqua Fridge 4
Milk Charge: None Today Edition
Dose of Lactose
Fruit for Fuel
World Cup Baking
Trauma Recentness
Void of Linda
Calculate My Room
Slow Slow Slow, Now Fast
Myrtle’s Spongy Threat
Round the Town: Hull
KLIX Vending Machine Panic
Suitable Suit
Trinidad vs Tobago
Coma Dream Alert
Lose Your Tail
Sudden Trump
Castle of Rugs
Dreadful Quincy
Murder You Write
Salt n Pepa: My First Lyrics
Ferry to the Island of Bins
Up to Maximum
Thanks Goth: Black It Out Decision for Survival
Thorax and King: Temple of 10 Thumbs
Shave or Swim
Spar - Double Time Price Wars
Wooden Office
Windbush: the Quest for Haribo
Thing Commander
Gusset Sweeper II
Military Cocktails: An Interactive Guide
Spillers Winalot
Gus Hiddink: Ladies-Man
Spinal Injury 4
Dungrudder II
Alan Titchmarsh’s International Samba Karaoke
Gluehead 2 - Back to the Bag
Virtual Biscuit Pro Edition
Future Boots
Horace gets an enema
Goth v Ned - The Reckoning
Roy Hudd’s hut folding 3
fondant wheelbarrow challenge
squat thrusting in high denmark with Mr. T
git that skateboard oot ma bed
2 fast and furious - the angry diet
skeptics ranch 4
whippet trigger
cod’s extreme bass fishing
Meatloaf’s leotard attack
smashing gantry with len ganley
cornish nuisance III
janitor pleaser
janitor pleaser II
janitor pleaser III
interactive janitor pleaser 3D
belgian ring stretch 4
heather mills dance off
sulk or bulk
extreme rabbit riding 9
tony roper’s pope trophy
ship shape and bristol fashion (twin pack)
dan hipgrave’s hip grave
catarrh hero 2
Joseph Holt’s cow safari
barking cats 3
Debbie Gebbie
Rally through Tesco
Piano Catcher
Harold Bishop’s Hutch Touching Compendium
Cardboard Harbour
Guess What’s in the Baxterbox
Extreme Welsh Dentistry
10 Disciples Tickly Bits [denmark edition]
Zebra Dancing 2
Tractor Painting 3
Cindy Crawford’s Virtual Cooperage Pro
Anderson Shelter Designer International
Ambulance Neglecting
Pigeon Surprise!
Chilly B’s Cartography Masterclass
Paralympic Legends 1985
Angry Sue’s Penthouse Disaster
Amazing Mace
Grimsby Love-In
Trilby Mechanic
Karl Lewis’s 6 Meter Dash Pro
Smoker 8
Collateral Ramage
Horse Drawn Prawn
Firebomb Kirkcudbright
Space Huff
Star Wars: Jedi High Street
Ooft Ooft 2
Nadeem the Hamster
Bucky Bash II
Schnitzel Wars
Derrick Organ’s Calamity Chinfest
Malky Malky II: The Chib
Venison Crayola
Peter Shilton’s Saucey Canary
French Letter of the Law
Penguin Squeezing
Sodastream Challenge
Arthur C Clarke’s Mysteries of Dunfermline
Skin Complaint 2
Felicity Kendal’s Migratory Kennel
Thigh Trouble III
Pebbledash Apprentice
Thrush Reduction School
Alan Randy Tanner Shows You How
Sim 9 O’clock News
Adult Colostomy
Ray Mears’ Survival Chimney
Brunch Arranger
Pro Pencil Throw
The Continuing Adventures of Nice ‘n’ Soapy
Lunchy Munchy
Snack bar etiquette
arm harm 4
saucy haulage 9
swimming with trousers on
Thora The Exploder
High Jinks on Highway
Wrist Exposure
Looking After God’s Neck 6
Frog Polishing
Harrison Ford Harrassment
Shampooing Buffalo with Betty Murchie
Unravelling Scobie’s Quotient
Alistair’s Wheels
High Speed Loaf Assembly - Knead For Speed 2
Detolionia - A World of Disinfectant
Coal Punishment
Table with Bilston Glen
Who Is Douglas Bader?
Sharpen Your Trowel with Baden Powell
Bambi Leg Stabilisation
Pimp My Sideboard
Crematorium Capers
The Burning Coupon
Fireplace Customiser featuring Annette Benning
Force 8 Golfing Atrocity Pro-Am
Trout Swiping (Mexican Edition)
Village Idiot Racing 2
Fridge Racer 4
Parrot Force 7
Amish Disease Aversion
Pro-Am Celebrity Road Kill 3
Major James Hewitt’s Blew It Game
Advanced German For Industrial Foundries with Keith Chegwin
I’m A Celebrity, Shave My Arms 8
Mortar Mixing With Fiona Bruce
Self Harm with Hartley’s Jam Jam, Arm, Harm, Barn (Farm Edition)
Deadly Riddles with Bo Diddley, Nicolas Ridley, Ken Dodd, Dodi al Fayed and the Cast of Grease
Not Poodles but Pot Noodles 2
Shed Holder vs. Vijay Singh Sing-a-long a Hitler Hillman Hunter 2
Hearing Aid
Beige Chevette 5
Ian Botham’s County Balls
PramFace: The Revenge
Nebulous Nockers
Hot Knifin’
Anton Rogan’s Potato Scone
Monotonous Madness
Sally Magnuson’s Nicotine Buzz
Doncaster Moose Pulling
Beer Goggle Challenge- Ultimate Edition
Pebble Mill - The Platform Game
Davro Goes West
Jelly Fish Juggling with Jilly Cooper
Ballroom Thighs - A Game For All The Family
Dog Plop Monopoly
Frank Tibbs’ Unanimous Cave  
Tripping Over Thimbles 4
Pebble Mill Pebble Dash
Humourous Toilet Noises 3
Carry On Corduroy 5
Drain Savage 2
Radio 4 Hoar Sampler
Binman Challenge
Boris Becker’s Jazz Complaint
Callcentre Supervisor Pro
Timpsons Manager 1986
Volcano Cheese
The Lemon Vampires of Dudley
Pablo Balloon’s Hernia Diagnosis
Virtua Social Carer
Eric Gluttony
Trouser Press Sabbatical
Alarm! Run! Knit!
Whitly Bay Mesh Collector
Martini Hinge Challenge
Vole Puncher 3
Tropical Slavery 3
Slattery Battery Chat
The Ambivolent Miner’s Chin Problem
Dog Warmer 9
Piano Stroker 2
Brian Hater
Brian Massacre
The Eyes of Salamine
Ruthless Removal of Wind
Egg Rugby 5
International Spine Swapping
Grand Prix - Live from Borehamwood
Farmed Nicaraguan Debris - Collector’s Edition
Spongy Marmite
Fun N Games in Chernobyl with Cheryl Baker
Fun N Games in Chernobyl II without Cheryl Baker
Semi-Pro Badger Excuses 5
Face Biter III
Eric Clapton’s Dead Shoes
Stop! Or my Mom will Shoot Ike
Kate Stits
Dawn French’s Fantasy Football
Giant Priority
Extendable Alien Hairdriers
A Masterclass with Ruud Hullit
Greggs Tycoon
Nail Filing with Stefan Edberg
Aardvark Juggling
Any Swedgers?
Civil Engineering Attack Force
Bible Edit III
Cactus Comparing with Terry Waite
Gunther’s Tasty Leather
Health Challenge
Catastrophe Pants
Superhero Draughts
SimJanitor 8: Smooth Moperator
Breath Club
Biting and Chewing
The Goose 3
Sangsters 2
Extreme Chinese
Ned Poultry Farmer
Diabolical Gran Odour 6
Camp Action Man
Topless Skateboard Nun 2
Solving Simultaneous Equations Under Water (Bridlington Edition)
Hake Take with Less Than Jake (Celebrity Edition)
The Paul Anka Diaries
Makeover : Wallpapering Your Face 5
Blackhead Removal with Scaffolding Poles 8
High School Musical Shoot Out
Bad Air Hockey (Rotten Egg Edition)
Failed Airport Terrorism Attempt 2
International Banana Terrorist 3
Conventional Bra Wearing
Terrapin 2
split pea glee
gaseous monkey
Cheddarfest revival
moonfaced lung toucher 4
attack of the angry jam ballast
relentless margarine 3
clutter game
wasp wing clasp assembly
futurismysticalismism presented by Kenny Leveritt
pork chop aftermath
strict rector workings 5
detected vim spillage 2
Gale Force
Pike Gardening
Ribble Valley Larvae Attraction
Marmite Spite
Sarah Brightman’s Secret Pro-Am Celebrity Tench Cremation
High Speed Paralympic Disasters 5
Savoury Tights 4
Advanced Scone Vandalism with Ruth Maddock
Workplace Victimisation Art 2
Egg Poaching with Prince Charles
Varnishing with Confidence Iggy Pop versus Eggy Pope (Slovenian Edition)
Sloth Pinching with Ewan McGregor
Shoot Deirdre Off Coronation Street As Many Times As You Like
Polished Ginger Bison Falling Over 3
Lego Smashing
Snorting-A-Surgically-Removed-Spaghetti Line Back Through Your Nose Championships with Keith Floyd
Slippery Cats Finger Sizery
Vernacular Spectacular - Regional Heats - Norway Vs Newcastle
Register Maniacs 4
Disabled Horse Fury 5
Turtle Hurlers
Des Lynam’s Mum
Horse v Dolphin: Requiem
rentokil bill 2
rat boy 9
cardboard harbour 9
vote for a wine side dish
Ministry of Justice: Writing the Constitution Sim Local Councilor
Puggy Paradise
Pan-London Kid Chase
Pirates on the Pond
Junior Project Manager III
Decide to Read Again
Nokia vs Motorola: Find the Phone Charger
Feed the Kids Coal (Bono Demo)
Tom Clancy’s Splintered Bell
Jellied babies
Shave the Llama
Jew Harp Hero (Harp not included)
Mum Trashers 4
Square Peg Round Hole Challenge
Blockman vs DragonThing
Menopausal Madness
Ringbinder II
Equine Manouevers
The Mysteries of Michael Elphick’s Port in a Storm
Haberdasherie Heat
Half a Cider And You’re Laughing
Humourless Hags Return to Castle Frottage
Hungry Hungarian Housewives
Fake Tan Dylan
Super Who Did That Thunder in Tannadice
Swollen River Wheelchair Uh-Oh
Ruby Murray’s Curry from Anything
How Clean is your Mouth
Cilit Bangers
Why’s Dad in the Furnace: HD
R Kelly’s Gotham City
Gerard Kelly’s Diet City
Kendal Misery
Buff Women Crush
Supermarket Nuts
Dry Off - You’re Wet Too!
Xenophobic Elderly Home
Easy Rider: Trikes and Quads
Rise Up and Get Back To Bedford
Alan Sugar’s Finger Fiasco
Private Investigator: Carbon Footprints
Snakes on a Phone
Phone a Snake
Phoney Snake
Children In Need: One Can Survive
The Canterbury Compendium Featuring: Sinister Minister
The Godies ft. Hymn Brooke Taylor
Virtual Nun
Cheeses Of Nazareth
Nun Surfing: Birds of Pray
Dogs drink wine
nacho panic
ostrich borstal
bombscare in sacred cities of spain
spiral binding awards
biro spinning awards
spiro binning awards
Thora Hird’s Extreme Stairlift
Gammy Dodger 2
Hell Monger 5
Tag Nutter 8
Mayonnaise Babies 2
Kissing With Incontinence
Dances With Wolverines
Come Dancing 3D
Dumb Dating 4D
Interactive Pylon Climbing
Fundamental Dish Cloth Equations
Haulage Wars 1 - Norbert Dentressangle vs. Eddie Stobbart
Haulage Wars 2 - David Heeps vs. C. Hinds Potato Merchants
White Van Driver Fashion Show
Greasy Dinosaurs Almanac
Terrible Tearing Sounds
Baste The Family
B&Q BBQ Standoff
May’s Rotary Chuckling
Spontaneous Fury
Induced Tap Dancing with Andy May
Your Lip’s Burst 2
Attack of the 40 foot Gingerbread Postman
The Dalgleish Index Escalator
Arthur Askey’s Crop Spraying
Alsatian Alien
Cow Painter 5
Impossible Cornering Technique with Ayrton Senna
Ann Frank 3D
Chop: Stand: Force: Interactive Cumnock Gala Day with Obie Trice
Dougie Donnelly’s Battenberg Cake Jumper Confusion Game
Mince Rinsing with Peter Alice
Wife Swab 3
Knife Swap 4
Gnome Drool Collecting for Beginners
Anger Manager IV
Uncle Tony’s Special Cupboard
Spilt Milk
Virtual RAC Guy Challenge
Michael Ballack’s Ludo Madness
Archie McPherson’s Apron of Chance
Gulls of Fury
Monty Don’s Embroidery Masterclass
Spammy the Dog
Windows C64 edition
Mr. Minit’s Key Cutting Japes
Saved By The Bell End 3
Asp The Family - Snakecharmer Edition
Snoop Doggy Dog’s Dance Studio Workout
Taming The Shrew with Lena Zavaroni
Sectarian Dolphin 4
Fly Phishing by J.R. “Hacker” Hartley
The Goth Temple of Gloom
The Hannible Lectures
simBiscuit (bourbon special)
Evostick Party
Bri-Nylon Guy 3
Skinflat Survival
Eaglesham Startrek
Bees In The Loft
Sandra Sandra
Justin and Colin’s Guide To Deep Sea Pipe Welding
Wayne Rooney Loony Toon Room for Kids
Pheasant Milkfloat Run
Late Ex in Latex 6
Dick Advocaat’s guide to coctkail mixing
To The Manor Braun
Tandoori Roti 3
Murder She Roti
Silence of The Prams
Emlyn Hugh’s Omelette Challenge
Josh Wink’s Tiddleywinks
Elvanfoot Butterfly Massacre
Monster Metros
Fuzzy-Felt Masterclass with Yuri Gagarin
Predator Paint
Eel Chair Regatta
Big Pants Comedy Skydiving
Bang! Bang! Bang! Oops…
Swindlin’ Yokels with Roman Abramovich
Outrun Bolton
Tony Blair’s Prole Crusher
Heather The Weather’s Fishnet Frenzy
Nick Drake’s Morose Warblings
Ape Attack!: Wishaw
Patrick Moore’s Tedium Personified
Chicken Gun
Barry Robson’s Beguiling Napper
C5 Grand Prix
Roll Me A Fat One and Get They Dishes Done
Brahim Hemdani’s Unremarkable Competence
Virtual Soup of the Day
The Rancid Horns of Leith
Ask Me A Graham
Undercarriage Return
Steve Ovette’s Erratic Frog
Tennis Stuart
Bomb Acrobat
Girth Alarm 3
Alan Hanson’s Amatuer Granny Revival
Pickpocket Pro
Chinchilla Wrestling
Crouching Greyhound Hidden Danger
Poodle Judo with Judith Chalmers
Hedge Availability
Overwhelmed Whelk Farmer 2
Cupboard of Lentils 7
Sloth Borstal 2
Pro-Am Prawn Wrestling
Custard, Mustard and Other Rhyming Condiments
Cat Litter Lego
Jimmy Nail’s Book Corner
Navigating Cumbernauld Whilst Aggrevated
Hanah Barbera’s Meat Collective
Tensile Strengthometer
Betty Boothroyd’s Hooverathon
Attack of The Four Lipped Maneater
The Wizard’s Sleeve
J-Lo’s Bum Shelf Warm
Salad Dressing with Trinny and the Bigger One
Keith Floyd’s Damp Side of the Moon
Soviet TicTacs: Taste of War
World Cup Eczema
Mum vs Dad: Grab a Plate
Upside of Death VI
Ulti-Mugger: Wallet and Watch, Ta
Soft and Gentle 3: Roll On
MC Hammer’s World of Pantaloons
Restore Pet Cemetary
Audible Charm: Legend of the Gentle Trump
That’s Not My FInger!
Zoo of ham-fed Gibbons
Wake Up! You’re Not Dead Yet
Wake Up! I’m Limbless and There’s a Fire
Drifting Away: Grandad’s Final Slumber Party
Pyjamas.. At School?
Neil Buchanan’s Antler Attack
Cash In the Attic, Now In My Attic
Get Pregnant 5 - Civilised Scamming
Soda Stream: Hunt for the Gas Canister
Soda Stream II: But It Says Cola Flavoured!?
Invest in Me, I’m a Maniac
London Tube Track Scraper
Armitage Shanks
Virtual Log
Death Row Buckaroo
Labour Backbench Cage Fighting
Floaty The Finless Waterbeast
Vauxhall Advert Creator
Dragged 150 Yards: Bradford Joyride
Old Spice: She’s Yours
Unicycling for Pensioners
Unmentionable Chalky Taste 6
Island Pancake Mixing with Seb Blatter
Filthy Ventriloquist Stories
Eddie Vedder’s World Of Shreddies
Camp Ramp
Tobogganing with Wogan
Annie Mack’s Caramac Slacks
Irene Maiden 10
Sausage Jockey 3
Cured Ham and Other Medical Miracles
Mud Wrestling with Thora Hird
Sim Haulage
Sim Heelage
Sim Cabbage
Sim Charles Babbage
Sim Gym
Liquor & Poker - Rude Casino Edition
Pass The Dutchy of Cornwall From The Left Hand Side
High Heel Teeterage 3
Esther Rantzen’s Root Vegetable and Tuber Hilarity Fest
Nun Paintball 4
Arm Wrestling Dentist 9
Julie Andrew’s Liver Salts 3
Sanitary Owl Radio 4
Bus in a Leotard
World’s Strongest Nan
Hector Sylvester’s Turquoise Noise
Ambulance Chaser 2
Foam Party at The Foam Centre
Press and Mend
Touch the Hutch
Mastic Badger
Surname Challenge ft. Yvonne Goolagong vs. Peter Oosterhouse
Mast Blast Bomb Scare 3
Going Through At The Back 3
Pinball Lizard 5
Dancing With Oxygen
The Dimbleby Conundrum
Virtua Council Gritter
Rampant Carpark
Icarus Manifold’s Welsh Poster Collection
Religious Gardening with Moses and his Hoses
Air Rifle Chooser with Bishop Desmond’s .22
Ballet Dancing with Bishop Desmond’s TuTu
Slurry Avoidance ft. Alvin Stardust
Celebrity Quinine
Abatoir Jubilee Beef
Geek Orthodox
Fudge Assembly
Relax, Prance, Peel
Paul Ince’s “What’s in the Fridge?”
Super Kennel Admin
Attack, Sleep, Trapeze!
Verify My Post
Saral Ping’s Finch Adjuster
Intermediate Curve Basting
Combustable Constable 5
Fancy Cheese 3
Hazel Butters 2
Lloyd Cole’s Motion Commotion
Vermin Descriptor 2
Tray Balance in Ballantray
Fluid Choppery with Glen Blantyre
Predatory Tory Trap
Inflatable Vatican
Marzipan Tarzan
That’s Barry, Eh?
Marmite Termite
Octogenerian Hair Piece 5
Caustic Frog 3
Fridge Racer
Flouride Jockey
Algae Mechanic
The Baghdad Irritation
Crazy Meerkat Forklift Racing
Zak Marvel’s Gaseous Print Revival
Easter Toolbox
Winkle Picker II
Virtua Morrisons
Face Camp
Holy Moly - the unluckiest Mole in the Field
Kays - Catalogue of Errors
Look Out! Too Late.
Pleasant Pheasant
Mike Tyson’s Rapid Wrestling
Reservoir Logs
An Audience With Kirk Broadfoot
Salami Origami
Who’s in the Pot?
Deep-Sea Monopoly
Frank Lampard’s Mousetrap Masterclass
Aztec Leg
Kitchen Thespian
Scaffolding Terror
Somalian Pirates
Take Guernsey
Treacle or Turnip?
Olympic Jail
Sweat on Me and I’ll Vomit
Dubious Quality Controller 5
Quiff Aligner
Re-pot That Geranium, You Fool
Soft Furnishing Spectacular
Dad! You’re My Brother!
Peter Kincaid. Now you Try
12lbs of Something
Vosene - The Forgotten Chemical
Viv Lumsden’s Pit of Terror
Halfords: Den Of Incompetence
Rubber Stamp Misery
The Beechgrove Garden Presents: High Tedium
Monks On A Bus
Gordon The Gopher’s Amsterdam Exploits
Imaginary Futures: President Trump
DIY Watercolor: Pylons of Tyneside
Paradise Lumbago
Post Office Manager: Bungled or Burgled
Crass Bandicoot 
Chequered Flag F1 Racist Challenge
Err, That’s Not Shampoo
BANG! Search For The Dirt, Limescale & Rust
These are all available to buy on Ebay, apart from 619 which they actually forgot to produce. 
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edgarqrem981-blog · 6 years
30 Inspirational Quotes About Locksmith Service Plano Texas
Locks were actually brought into this world from requirement as individuals wanted methods to protect their valuables. Although the initially locks have been produced from a number of rope knots and bore no resemblance towards the locks used today, they provided the same objective and had been the ideas for a new technology that would eternally change the encounter of historical past.
Locking mechanism Background: Locks Throughout the Age groups
The most ancient acknowledged securing process dates back a lot more than 6,000 several years, found from the historic ? Mesopotamian empire of Assyria. The traditional Egyptians designed a related modern technology and tend to be credited with creating the first mechanical lock, that has been a basic pin tumbler lock made totally from wood. These were also the first to integrate this attribute within their structure as a technique of protection.
This lock was comprised of a wood article linked to the doorway and a bolt that may slide horizontally in the publish. The bolt was outfitted with some availabilities that were filled with pins, as well as a sizeable solid wood key was created with pegs that equalled the holes and pins. The pins would move and allow the security bolt to be moved as well if the key was placed into the opening and lifted up.
The Romans and Greeks made several enhancements to lock technological innovation during their individual eras. Greek locks were not considered to be overly secure, but their ideas served as an inspiration for later technologies developed by the Romans. The most important transform made by the Romans was transitioning the predominate materials from which locks were actually created from wood to aluminum. Steel locks also made it possible for for tips for be reduced down to a far more contemporary-time size.
Men and women would typically use their tips as pendants or perhaps keep these things infused into wedding rings, for both risk-free-trying to keep so that as an indicator of wealth. If you had a key, you were bound to have something valuable enough to need protecting.
After a period of improvement inside the Roman era, locks underwent a darkish grow older through which no key improvements were actually produced once again up until the 18th century. When Robert Barron manufactured “a lock much more safe than any hitherto made” in 1778, his increase-acting tumbler lock, it labeled the development of a new age of lock technologies which includes brought all the way to the current age of locksmithing.
These days the wide array of several locks is innumerable, with each design and style does have its cons and pros dependant upon the preferred function and placing wherein the lock is going to be employed. You utilize locks every day, so it is essential to know the different options available to you when thinking about the two functionality and safety. This list of 23 varieties of locks includes the most prevalent locks noticed in america, along with valuable details about their form and function to improve inform you regarding the locks in your own life.
The Padlocks
Padlocks are the most frequent form of free standing lock as well as simple to determine in the lock series-up. The 1st padlocks were utilized in historic Babylon and Egypt, desired for his or her convenience, which continues to be principal bring of this form of lock these days. Harry Soref copyrighted the 1st laminated padlock in 1924 following founding the Expert Lock company in 1921, with his fantastic style remains to be used today. These day there are two major types of padlocks with many different other minimal versions.
Mixture Padlocks
In order to unlatch the locking mechanism, Combination locks are padlocks that require a specific number sequence. These can have either a single dial or multiple dials, though the single dial locks most commonly seen on school lockers and safes are actually considered more secure than the multi-dial locks often used in bike locks and on briefcases.
The first combo lock was designed by ? ?James Sargen? ?t in 1857, and also the modern day-day mixture lock was developed by Linus Yale, Jr. employing his father’s pin tumbler lock technological innovation together with Sargent’s invention. However, these locks are relatively simple to pick out or break.
Key-Structured Padlocks
Essential-structured padlocks need a step to be opened. Some types of these padlocks might be rekeyed, yet others are unable to. If it cannot be rekeyed and you lose the key, your lock will be permanently locked unless you are able to pick it or cut the shackle, keep in mind that.
Essential-dependent padlocks can even be crucial-preserving, which suggests the lock will not likely allow the step to be taken away while it is open up.
TSA-Authorized Tresses
When you find yourself traveling inside of the United States, the Travel Security Administration has specified some accredited padlocks which can be used to protect your luggage. They can be mixture locks that can be accessed having a expert key only TSA staff are meant to have.
However, because they are seen as easy to pick and ineffective in protecting people’s belongings, these locks have become somewhat of a joke in recent years. There are also stories documented about locks missing out on completely when people obtain their travel luggage right after traveling.
Deadbolts are often looked at as getting more secure compared to common spring season lock since they can not be opened except when a vital is commonly used to swivel the lock tube towards the open up position. You frequently see these applied to homes as well as other external entry doors being an more layer of safety together with a much less-secure lock.
The 1st deadbolt, or “jimmy-confirmation lock” was designed by former cop Samuel Segal, who started Segal Lock And Computer hardware Organization in 1912. His design and style was meant to continue to keep out intruders as the technique of jimmying locks became far more prevalent. Right now, you can find three major variants from the basic deadbolt, plus the jimmy resistant deadbolt created soon after Segal’s innovation.
Individual Tube
Most American properties use individual tube deadbolts, which function having a key on the exterior and a thumbturn internally.
For the further stability, a flip defend could be mounted throughout the thumbturn to stop it from revolving, which means that the deadbolt can not bebumped and picked, as well as unlocked while using important as soon as the defend is at position.
Double Tube
Twice tube deadbolts are considered safer simply because they call for a key for both the inside and outside but also create a basic safety hazard in case there is an urgent situation. Some housing rules in the United States do not let just for this form of deadbolt, particularly on leasing housing.
Lockable Thumbturn Design
For maximum security, a lockable thumbturn style deadbolt is recommended because the door can be locked from both the inside and outside.
It is a hybrid in the single and double tube locks, having a important tube using one aspect plus a thumbturn that could be locked with a crucial on the other. When folks are home, the inner thumbturn might be left from the unlocked situation, along with the doorway will work similar to a standard one tube deadbolt. No one on the outside or inside can operate the lock if the thumbturn is locked.
Jimmy Proof Deadbolts
The jimmy proof deadbolt is a difference about the normal deadbolt that is mounted on the surface from the doorway and often seen in apartments as well as on twice entry doors. This form of deadbolt is often preferred in these settings because the surface mount calls for little modification to the door during installation, and they are unique because the http://www.locksmithplanotx.us deadbolt actually interlocks with the jamb bracket, making them more resistant to excessive force than the standard deadbolt.
Tresses in Manages
Knob Fastens
Button locks are typically used on the outside entry doors of properties in conjunction with a deadbolt lock. These are an easy method of spring lock rather than extremely protected for the reason that cylinder is with the knob instead of from the doorway.
Regrettably, the button may be knocked off the front door by using a hammer, pliers, or the effective use of ample push, generating the fact that these locks are relatively simple to choose practically unimportant. A button lock should never be applied as the only lock by using an external entrance, even though they were as soon as well-known in a range of applications, button locks would be best utilized as internal locks in a household setting.
Lever Deal with Hair
Locks with lever handles are most frequently noticed in an industrial placing because of the compliance with the Americans with Handicaps Work and tend to be only utilized on internal doors. Are even less secure than knob locks because they can often be opened by brute force, even though they have a lever that serves as the rotatable turn knob on one side and a key cylinder on the other, much like a knob lock.
Vending/T-Deal with Locks
T-manage locks are usually called vending locks since they are generally applied to vending machines and ATMs. Whenever you wide open one of these locks, you are in fact taking out the lock from the system, that means it is extremely simple to swap.
These locks come with both a spring latch or perhaps a dead latch. The spring season latch immediately relocks if the t-take care of is snapped back in place, and the deceased latch necessitates the lock be resecured by using a key.
Other Cylinders
Mortise/Edge Cylinder Locks
Even though outlined collectively, mortise cylinders and rim cylinders are in fact two different kinds of locks that share several similarities. These crossbreed locks are thought to be more secure than deadbolts, and also you are likely to discover one of those on industrial doorways, window admittance doorways, or in a flat environment.
The rear edges of a edge cylinder and mortise cylinder show only rim cylinders possess a very long tailpiece that expands as a result.
However outlined collectively, mortise cylinders and rim cylinders are actually two different types of locks that discuss a lot of similarities. These crossbreed locks are regarded as safer than deadbolts, and also you are likely to find out one on commercial doors, cup access entrance doors, or in a flat placing.
The rim cylinder has a long tailpiece that extends from its backside that goes through the door and into the locking mechanism on the other side when installed. That's the main difference between the mortise cylinder and the rim cylinder. Mortise cylinders are threaded in the area and attach to the mortise computer hardware placed in the doorway. They have a camera where the edge cylinder have their extended tailpiece, which is often used to function the lock.
Interchangeable Key Cylinders
And other institutions use, locks with interchangeable core cylinders are likely the answer, if you have ever wondered what types of locks biguniversities and businesses. These locks are beneficial because their design makes them easy to change, as the core can be replaced without having to disassemble the lock.
Two different kinds of keys are widely used to operate exchangeable locks. The control key removes the entire core from the lock, though the standard operator key is used for locking and unlocking the lock as usual. To replace the lock, you only need to place a whole new key to the present computer hardware already set up in the door. These locks can be found in the two little format and huge format interchangeable primary.
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vendbox · 8 months
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