#dota2 slardar
maidot · 2 months
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oh right i made this bcos, labor day here.
and I wanted to compile some works that some heroes had :D
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bleedingpeach · 6 months
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Mira... subo esto únicamente porque recupere el catorce.
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aditublog · 2 years
my writing - dota - fictober day 8
"Do you remember?" Slithice stood next to Slardar, staring at the river in front of them. Nothing of it resembled the ocean yet it was enough to make her think about days long past. “When we were still living among our kind, the beauty of the landscape underneath the surface, the coolness and the quiet.” She missed her home terribly yet she couldn't return.
For Slardar it was different. He hadn't been banished.
He made an uncommitted sound that Slithice chose to interpret as a 'yes'. Of course he remembered their home, how could he ever forget it. How could Slithice ever forget it.
They stood so close, she felt him shift beside her as he turned his head. Yet he didn't talk. He rarely did but his gaze was a weight on her shoulders. They weren't of one kind any more, he a slithereen guard, she an outcast without honour. Their goal was still the same, though: to protect the slithereen and their treasures.
“Stop whining. You were the greatest of the slithereen guard yet you failed, you were banished rightfully.”
Slithice almost winced. It was the truth but even after all these years it hurt to hear it. Probably because she had been trying to reclaim her honour since the first minute she had been away from the Deep Ones, but she hadn't been able to. Neither tricks nor tactics had gained her anything.
At least Slardar didn't avoid her and she could be close to him. She clung to this tiny piece of home and because she didn't want to annoy him lest he leave, she nodded.
The wind came from the direction of the water, but the smell was wrong. Slithice suppressed the sigh that was stuck in her throat. Instead she turned away from the water that brought too many painful memories. “I have to keep going. Do you want to accompany me for a while?”
Slardar's answer was just a rumbling sound in his chest but Slithice was used to it by now. She didn't mind his usual silence. To have him close was enough to make her feel less lonely, even to make her smile.
“I won't help you, not even when you get killed.”
“I know that. If I am not able to restore my honour on my own then I don't deserve any honour at all.” To have his company was nice nonetheless. She didn't say that but Slardar didn't leave, either. And maybe his presence did help her, if only to stay sane, to remain hopeful, to keep looking forward and to try again and again, no matter how futile it appeared to be.
Until Slardar was the one person she looked at when she was too sad and desperate. He never actively helped her but he was always there, like an anchor she could hold onto when she would've been swept away by emotions otherwise.
Slithice was eternally grateful for that. But in the end they both served the slithereen and her return was important. Slardar stood by her side as much as he was possible to without interfering but when she returned to the Deep Ones, he disappeared.
And though Slithice was back home, suddenly she felt more lonely than she had during the weeks and months Slardar had been by her side on the surface.
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ridhospasop · 2 years
Count on Slardar | Dota 2
#dota2 #moba #live #love #cinta #game #permainan #rts #seru #ggwp #best #battle #funny #lucu
Game lama sih, mohon maaf...
Salam Roti! - Roti
------------------------------------------- Jangan lupa add akunku yang lainnya ya =) My Other Account Link: https://linktr.ee/ridhos_pasop
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kubilayodaman-blog · 2 years
↓Live↑Now◄YouTube►FosilTv▲ #DOTA2 #Slardar
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artenazrud · 5 years
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Slardar dota2 #sketchtober #dota2 #dotafanart #slardar https://www.instagram.com/p/B12Z_u9jodH/?igshid=7lsac2t5c6xu
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kiagumo · 7 years
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Slark x Naga Siren + Slardar
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mikedrawsdota · 7 years
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infinitygaming · 4 years
Valve Resmi Rilis Immortal Treasure II TI10 DOTA2
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Update Dota 2 baru-baru ini ini tak pernah gagal mengecewakan para fans, dari Disciple’s path Persona hingga Aghanim’s Labyrinth.
Hingga setelah sekian lamanya, alhasil Valve rilis Immortal Treasure II pada 25 Juli ini, dan dapat diperoleh bagi pemegang Battle Pass Dota 2.
Level Battle Pass players memastikan berapa banyak Immortal Treasure II yang dapat diperoleh. Sekiranya kalian sudah membeli Battle Pass Dota 2 TI10, kalian pasti sudah mendapatkan paling tidak satu Immortal Treasure yang dapat dibuka.
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Immortal Treasure II: Dipper The Destroyer Bundle (Ultra Rare Item)
Immortal Treasure II berisi 6 item “standar,” antara lain Magnus, Slardar, Troll Warlord, Sven, Silencer, dan Witch Doctor.
 Sekiranya kau beruntung, kau dapat mendapatkan ekstra item rare (sepasang sayap untuk Jakiro) atau amat rare (versi emas Slardar atau Witch Doctor). Dan yang lebih spesial lagi adalah ultra rare item, cub carrier untuk Ursa, yang memberikan seekor beruang mungil di punggung Ursa.
Tentunya, seandainya kalian super beruntung, kalian juga dapat mendapatkan item cosmically rare adalah ‘Divine Emblem.’ Akan melainkan jangan terlalu ingin banyak ya, sebab peluangnya mendapatkan Divine Emblem ini paling tak cuma 0,1 persen saja.
Seperti Immortal Treasure di Battle Pass sebelumnya, Valve mengaplikasikan cara pseudo-random generator. Artinya, semakin kerap kalian membuka Immortal Treasure, maka kans mendapatkan rare item terus meningkat juga.
Jangan lupa, Battle Pass akan berakhir 19 September 2020. Untuk mendapatkan semakin banyak Immortal Treasure, kalian dapat melakukan quest atau membeli tingkatan. Atau seandainya kalian rajin, kalian dapat selesaikan quest cavern crawl, dimana quest itu juga dapat memberikan kalian banyak battle point.
 Sementara ini, Valve masih belum mengumumkan tanggal turnamen Dota 2 The International 10 yang diundur akibat pandemi. Melainkan, prize pool Dota 2 sudah menembus hingga $30 juta USD. Dengan keluarnya Immortal Treasure II, kita dapat ekspektasi kenaikkan prize pool beberapa hari kedepan ini.
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dotaelement-blog · 7 years
40% BASH 25 LEVEL SLARDAR CARRY 7.07 DOTA 2 Dota 2 - Pro Gameplays, Best Moments and Highlights - https://goo.gl/PJa4rM tags: dota 2 slardar carry roaming hardline new pro meta gameplay patch 7.07 offline item build responses items counter dotabuff immortal set talent tree guide слардар геймплей дота 2 патч 7.07 лес роумер керри про мета дотабафф таланты саппорт реплики старая модель гайд
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khronosz · 7 years
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Slardar 2
Still think he’s a nice guy, he’s just overly protective of his possessions.
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mycontentt · 4 years
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when you stand on the line against slardar, my time has come. 💥💥💥 Tag ⤵ . . . #dota #dota2 #dota2item #dota2art #dota2fun #dota2mmr #dota2indo #dota2indonesia #dota2official #dota2player #rampage #dota2malaysia #dota2girls #dota2memes  #mobilelegends #dota2girlz #gaming #dota2love #dota2cosplay #navi #dota2wtf #gamer https://www.instagram.com/p/B9VYsdrK6ft/?igshid=1r53dhp6rgqfv
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naumanhunzai · 7 years
Fog of War, #dota2 #slardar #clinkz
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vcrossiblogger · 7 years
Game Dota2 8 Quick Tips for Slardar http://ift.tt/2lg75ws
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topcbdresearch · 4 years
Dota 2: DreamLeague Season 13 Major- Day 3 Recap
After the amazing Group Stage, it is now time to see what will happen on the first day of the playoffs. Yesterday was a day off for all teams as they needed to rest after a nearly non-stop action in the opening two days.
Nearly every single series today was absolutely amazing to watch. However, we are sad to say that we had to wave goodbye to the first four teams after they got eliminated from the Lower Bracket.
Having said that, let’s take a quick look at what happened.
Upper Bracket
Nigma vs Evil Geniuses
Hello Lower Bracket my old friend🎵 With a loss against @EvilGeniuses, we’re continuing our Dreamleague Major journey in the Lower Bracket.#StarsAlign #LowerBracketKings #DHDL13 pic.twitter.com/mGrLgnquFh
— Team Nigma (@teamnigma) January 21, 2020
The first series of the day was also the most interesting one. Two of the best teams in the world had to go head to head to determine which of them will continue in the Upper Bracket. After around three hours of epic action, it was the NA powerhouse that delivered their knock-out punch.
Game one started very even but the winner became obvious after just a couple of minutes. Nigma completely outplayed their enemies after dominating the laning stage. Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi’s Phantom Lancer proved yet again his power as Nigma claimed the win in just 26 minutes.
With just one game away from elimination, Evil Geniuses looked a lot more confident in game two. They decided to stick with the Storm Spirit for the second game in a row, despite losing the first one. However, this time Abed was able to shine.
After a couple of very close moments, TI 5 champions gained a significant advantage. As a result, they were able to push their enemies and claim the victory, forcing the series into a final game three.
The last game of the series was also the longest one, despite the strong start from EG. In fact, the NA team looked like a clear winner during the early game. However, a couple of mistakes gave Nigma a glimmer of hope to bounce back.
In the end, Evil Geniuses managed to re-gain their strength and delivered their knock-out punch, sending the Bukovel Minor champions to the lower bracket.
Vici Gaming vs Invictus Gaming
《#LeipzigMajor #DHDL13》 The results for Game 3 are in and it’s a #VGWIN ! GGs and keep on fighting @invgaming! We now move on to face @EvilGeniuses in 2 days time in the Upper Bracket Semi-Finals!#VGFighting #Dota2 pic.twitter.com/EnKftMuIz7
— VICI Gaming (@VICI) January 21, 2020
The second series in the Winners’ bracket was between the two Chinese teams. Needless to say, Vici was the big favorite here.
As expected, the One Esports Dota 2 World Pro champions got the lead in the series. Even though iG played fairly well in some moments, Vici’s dangerous pick was just too strong to deal with.
Despite the somewhat easy game one for Vici, the second one turned out to be a complete
disaster. Invictus Gaming crushed their enemies in the laning stage and secured themselves a massive advantage. Despite trying to bounce back, VIci just didn’t have the heroes to do so. Their star player Zhang “Eurus” Chengjun played Razor, who is not the best comeback hero in Dota 2.
Although iG looked very strong in game two, Vici decided that it’s time to end this series and just ran over their enemies in the third game. The start of the show this time was Zeng “Ori” Jiaoyang and his Huskar. He completely dominated the mid lane and then went on to carry his team to victory.
Lower Bracket
After the games in the Winner Bracket, it’s time to check what happened in the deadly Bo1s.
paiN vs beastcoast
As everyone expected, beastcoast was able to rip through their enemies. Since this was a Bo1, both teams picked some of their most comfortable heroes. Although paiN had the potential to shine, beastcoast proved yet again why they are considered to be the best team in South America.
Team Aster vs Chaos Esports Club
And just like that, we’re out of the @DreamHackDota Leipzig Major.
We’re disappointed with our performance and did not play up to our own expectations.
Next, we’ll be regrouping to put our best foot forward in upcoming events.
Thank you for all the support. #CreateChaos pic.twitter.com/F0tBkU2Opw
— Chaos EC @ #DHDL13 🇩🇪 (@ChaosEC) January 21, 2020
The second deadly Bo1 series was between the newly formed NA team and the reformed Team Aster. Both teams ended up here after their mediocre performance in the Groups.
Both teams decided to try out very different tactics. The Chinese rolled out the classic Drow and Shadow Fiend, combined with Centaur. As a result, they were able to ditch out insane amounts of physical damage. On the other hand, Chaos Esports Club picked Slark, one of the strongest carries in the current meta.
The game was very even during the first 20 minutes of it, although Aster had a lead due to SF’s BKB, which allowed them to fight more. That said, they also managed to secure the first aegis, which made the situation for Chaos even grimmer.
In the end, the Chinese got a couple more items and just pushed their enemies, eliminating them in the process.
Reality Rift vs TNC Predator
The SEA battle for survival. Reality Rift made a name for themselves during the SEA qualifiers where they played phenomenally. However, they had a mountain to climb in the face of TNC.
Despite the pressure from RR early on, the game was pretty even for the first 20 minutes. However, after a very rookie mistake from RR near their T2 tower, things completely changed. Suddenly, TNC found themselves with a massive 15k net worth lead, which was enough to eliminate their enemies from the Major.
Team Liquid vs Virtus.Pro
The last Bo1 series of the day was also the most interesting one of the entire Lower Bracket. We saw a 70+ minute deadly battle that was absolutely EPIC.
Similar to the other series before, both teams emphasized on some of their best heroes.As a result, the game was neck and neck as neither team was able to get a clear advantage. Naturally, both teams emphasized more on farming.
However, as the game went on, Liquid became stronger and stronger. Even though VP tried to counter their Naga, TL’s player was still able to get tons of farm.
In the end, the ex-Alliance roster was just too strong to deal with but for some reason, VP didn’t give up. After 70 minutes of crazy Dota, Virtus.Pro managed to kill both of Liquid’s cores without buyback.
Everyone thought that the game was over but Liquid’s Slardar and Willow were able to defend in a 3v5 scenario. After wiping the entire VP roster, the EU team just destroyed the throne.
Be sure to watch day two of the Playoffs tomorrow. We have some pretty amazing series coming up.
The post Dota 2: DreamLeague Season 13 Major- Day 3 Recap appeared first on Esports News Network | ESTNN.
The post Dota 2: DreamLeague Season 13 Major- Day 3 Recap appeared first on AllYourGames.com.
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vandota2 · 7 years
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