#dorghu x oc
kilojulietsierra · 5 years
Home - Chapter One
The beginning of an idea I’ve had rattling around in my mind for awhile. More Bright fanfic. More Dorghu. Enjoy
Chapter One
She waited for her AC to kick on and for her phone to come back to life. It had died a couple hours ago and she had been so busy she hadn’t bothered to plug it in at the nurses station. When the cab of her car began to cool her phone chirped back to life, slowly. It was an old phone. One at a time her notifications started to roll in, none of which merited much interest until the very last which was a voicemail notification from her son.
Abby smiled and bypassed the voicemail choosing to just call him back.
His phone rang a few times before he picked up. “Hey, Mom, everything’s fine, I promise!”
It took her a moment to respond, “Everything is fine? What does that mean exactly?”
“I’m home now, and Dad and I talked and nothing bad happened, really, I mean technically…”
“Mikey. Explain, now.” Abby had been tired, exhausted even and ready to collapse into bed, but now she was wide awake and ready for the two hour drive to Los Angeles.
Dorghu needed a drink and a cigarette and a good night's sleep. He helped himself to two of the three before he drug his feet into the living room to sit for a minute. Before he could sit something caught his attention. He caught the scent of something salty with a hint of pineapple under the stench of exhaustion that nearly matched his own. His first instinct had been to reach for his gun or knife but that would not protect him from the attack to come.
“What are you doing Abby?” He reached up with the hand that loosely held his beer and flipped on the living room light.
“Mikey called.” Her eyes were tired and her tone was hollow, but there was no threat in them. Not yet at least.
The orc stared at her intently, taking in what had and hadn’t changed in the last eight years. She kept her longer, still a mess of wavey brown, her skin still suntanned and youthful. “You look tired”
She resituated herself in the chair against the back wall, “So do you.”
He took a long pull, half the bottles worth, of his beer before he set it down and put his cigarettes back in his pocket. “So, what did he tell you.”
“More than I wanted to know… but also not enough.” She rubbed at her face and raked her fingers through her hair. The two of them sat in a surprisingly comfortable silence. When Abby broke it her voice was gentle, “I didn’t know he was ready to… you know.”
Dorghu sighed and sat himself down on the nearest end of the couch. “You’d be surprised.”
There was a flash in her eyes and her posture stiffened.
“Abby don’t pick a fight, not tonight. Did you talk to Mikey?”
“No, I just got here a minute ago. I needed to talk to your first.”
Dorghu nodded. “You still drink your coffee with too much cream and sugar?” He took her half-hearted scowl and twitch of a smirk as a yes. That didn’t mean he relaxed, she was still on edge and rightly so, but he couldn’t help but take a deep breath and revel for a moment in the fruit and sea salt scent of his estranged wife.
Chapter Two 
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rudemaidenswrite · 4 years
Don't Belong Here
Part 1
Fandom: Bright
OC Fogteeth Orc x Reader
By: @pusantheamazonian​
You're dragged to one of the monthly Fogteeth party's against your will. For once it doesn't end up a bad night for you.
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The music's too loud, there's too many people and now this. You’re staring up at the orc, and he’s standing in front of you mumbling something.
"Sorry but you're going to have to speak up. Bad hearing." Tapping your right ear, you scoot over on the couch. Allowing him to sit down.
"You don't belong here." Huffing he leans over before sitting.
Chuckling, you already knew that. A packed house party with strobe lights, mosh pit  and dubious activities is not your idea of a fun time. You'd rather be at home under a mound of blankets with all the food watching Gravity Falls.
Why not amuse him. It's not like you're going to come to another one of these ever again and he'll probably be with someone else by the end of the night.
"Flaming red asshole hair." Pointing at the bar. "My sister and her girlfriend. They are the ones who dragged me here."
"Yeah they've been here before." Nodding he takes a drink.
"Said I was a bad night shifter and needed to socialize. So this." Gesturing at yourself. You had purposely worn an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. Sat in the back corner away from everyone. So that people would avoid talking to you but not this guy. Apparently he didn't get the memo.
“Sitting in the corner is not socializing.” Teasing he gives you a lopsided grin.
“Eh, close enough.” Waving your hand you dismiss that accusation.
The more you look at him, he's kinda cute and not entirely threatening looking. You know orcs have quite a bit of range on them. From looking terrifying to absolutely adorable. He's chunky but it works for him, honestly it's doing it for you.
God this not what you are supposed to be doing. So what if he's your type. Stop oolging. The Fogteeth jersey he's wearing means he's bad news.
"Name's Ronnie."
"Y/N." You quickly scan the crowd to make sure you haven't lost your two hooligans. Cause those bitches would leave you for a dirty alley quickie. And you’ve lost them. "Is it always this loud?"
"The barbeque is a lot quieter."
"I would hope so." You don't know why but you find yourself smiling and laughing. The more you talk to him the less grumpy you are about being here. His humor is out there but he's very pleasant to talk to.
God. He doesn't know what's going on. You smell faintly of blackberries. He keeps getting a whiff every time you lean in to hear him. Most humans run away in disgust from him, especially women. But you're still here.
You don't know how long it's been, hours you imagine but you're ripped from peace very suddenly.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Your sister is screaming at the top of her lungs.
"What Charlie?" Panicked, you immediately stand up.
"Come on! You're up next. You can't miss your turn!" She’s jumping excitedly.
"Turn for what?" Confused, you look at Ronnie hoping he might know. He shakes his head no. You haven't seen anyone playing games that would require turns.
"You'll see." Giving you a suspicious smile and pulling your arm.
As she starts to drag you away, you instantly grab a hold of Ronnie. Dragging him with you through the sea of people. You know her suspicious smiles never lead to anything good. It’s best to have another witness or at least someone on your side.
To his surprise he lets you drag him along. Your warm hand tightly interlocked with his. Whatever your sister has planned can't be that bad.
He was wrong.
"You got to be kidding me."  Horrified you let go of everybody and back away. Charlie has led you to a back room where it is fight club night.
"Nope!" Olivia is squealing, suddenly appearing on your left. Trying not to shake in excitement or else she'll spill the contents in her arms. "Three shots of Everclear and a can of Fat Orc."
"Are you serious? This the real reason you brought me?"  This is so uncalled for and obviously something that they have planned. They've been doing shit like this a lot lately.
"No we did want you to socialize but then we found this and everything else was thrown to the side." Olivia rambles on.
"I hate y'all so much." So offended you can't process what’s really happening.
"Awe come on you can do it." Charlie tries to pep talk you further into it.
"No I'm not! I'm not thunderdome-ing it so y'all can win some money. This-" In processing of telling them off you're interrupted by an asshole.
"Yes run on home girl. This is a man's room. Don't want you to hurt yourself." Sneering he leaves just as quickly as he appeared.
"That's your opponent." Olivia whispers.
"How much Charlie?" Glaring you watch him disappear back into the crowd. Fuck it. Eye twitching, inner alpha bitch activated.
"$100." She knows you're hooked now.
"Give it." Still staring off into the direction he went, you hold a waiting hand out. Grinning wickedly Charlie tosses the Fat Orc at you. Cracking it open, you chug the entire thing in one go. With the boiling rage inside of you, the can is crushed with one hand. Everything else can wait. This asshole needs to be taught a lesson.
The current fight ends and the orc ring leader is yelling out different things. The bookie next to him is frowning. Apparently he betted on the wrong guy.
"Give me your sweatshirt and finish the shots.” Olivia giggles.
"Hold your horses." Grumbling with a grimace you downed the last shot. Somehow your sweatshirt’s already off and Charlie's pushing into the ring. It's a stupid makeshift ring. Just a circle outlined in chalk.
"Place your bets!" The ringleader shouts.
"Oh you going to stay?" He smugly questions.
"To beat your sexist ass? I wouldn't miss it." Snapping back you're fueled with liquor and hatred. Dude looks like a unsanitary version of fuck boy. Which just further fuels the fire.
He can’t believe what he's seeing, you have transformed into a completely different person. The quiet girl who didn't even want to be here is now a feral animal.
A crowd is gathering. Often it's human men that enter the ring on these nights. Testing how long they can last against an orc or other humans. Rare is it that a woman enters, even rarer that they win. Causing this much uproar has reached the top of the command chain. Seeing Dorghu enter the room. Everything has escalated and Dorghu happens to stand next to him.
"With the house cut, she'll get over $900 if she wins." Craft informs.
“Who is she?” Dorghu demands, not many capture his interest.
“She came in with Ronnie.” Craft grins at him.
"Ronnie?" Dorghu turns in surprise.
"We were talking then her sister brought her back here.” Nodding at Charlie. “He made a sexist comment and she flipped. Did three shots, a can of Fat Orc and got in. She’s been drinking water all night."
“Interesting.” Dorghu turns back to the match to watch you counter a punch and punch him in the middle of the throat. With a kick to the stomach you knock him to the ground.
"The winner!" An orc yells to a sea of angry groans, briefly holding your arm up. Exhausted everything is spinning, ears are ringing and the liquor burps start.
"Give me my stuff." Slurring you almost lose your balance looking for Charlie and Olivia. Staggering a few steps you make it safely to them. You have forgotten everything about Ronnie and exactly where you are. It's too hot in this room and you need a nap. You are going to regret everything in the morning. Tugging your hoodie back on you doesn't bother zipping it.
The bookie appears as you're putting everything back into your pockets. Of course you have to be the one to collect the money.
"$936 all yours." Smiling he hands you the cash. You see his eyes dip for a second before leaving to collect money for the next round.
"Thanks." Great, he just got an eye full down your shirt. What a pervert. Spinning back to the hooligans, it is time for their punishment. "Ten for you and ten for you. Two four six eight for me."
"Come on-" Whining Charlie starts pouting.
"Zip it! It's whatcha get for signing me up without my permission." You whip around determined to give it back to the bookie.
You visibly pause when you make eye contact with Dorghu. You're not stupid you vaguely know what he looks like. Change of plans. Drunk you who is still pissed has decided on a new dumb plan. You march straight to Dorghu, maintaining eye contact. Everyone watching you is confused.
Out of sheer intoxicated boldness you grab his hand and put the winnings in it.
"Keep it. Fun party. It was nice talking to someone besides Ronnie's kinda cute. So do what you do."  
The room freezes. You can feel the tension but could care less about it. Clear as day you touched the leader like it was nothing then spoke perfect Bodzvokhan to him. Before toddling off complaining about getting fresh air and water.
Your sister said you were probably at the car cooling off. He checked the parking lot twice. No sign of you. That's until he gets a whiff of you.
After making it outside you disappeared down an alley by the car. Much quieter, no people and the breeze is nice. Sitting on the ground you can feel yourself nodding off.
"Ah!" Jumping from the sudden cold against your neck. It's Ronnie holding a water bottle. "Dang it Ronnie you scared the bejeezus out of me." You accept the water bottle.
At this position you can really see how tall and massive he is. Sort of reminds you of the Strongman Champion Brian Shaw. Your mind drifts, wondering how he would taste and feel in your hand. Your insides quiver from the thought. What the fuck? Trying your hardest you focus on the bottle.
"You shouldn't be trying to sleep in the alley then."
"Fair point. Thank you for the water." Struggling for a second you finally open the water.
"You speak Orc?" From this angle he can see straight down your shirt. He can see that you were hiding a great set under that hoodie.
"Learned it in high school trying to impress a boy. Some of my co-workers are orcs so it works out." Shrugging speaking Orc isn't a big deal, anyone can learn it.
"You didn't say you could fight."
"Honestly, it's like some drunken boxing Kung Fu shit but the more intoxicated I am. The more berserker I get when fighting." Taking a swig of water. "I don't usually drink or purposely get into fights."
"Damn baby." Taking the risk, you have been an enjoyable companion tonight. Why not see what the limit is.
"Don't call me baby." You aggressively glare at him to make a point.
"Whatever you say, Sprinkles." Putting his hands up in surrender, he needs to change the subject quickly.
"Sprinkles? That…that's different but okay." Weird name to choose but he seems to get the point.
"How's your hearing?" Lowering himself, he sits down beside you. He has no plans for tonight.
"Much better. I can clearly hear you and not have to be all up on you just to listen."
You see his ears twitch at that comment. Maybe he does like being close to you.
"Brave move you did. Handing the money directly to Dorghu."
"Yeah. But it's the only way I knew how. The money would make it back for the next party. Does that make sense?"
"I get your point."
"I don't need the money and it's payback for them setting the fight up in the first place." You give him a mischievous eyebrow wiggle.
"So you think I'm cute?" Blurting out the question was not the smoothest thing he had planned but it’s the easiest way.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Your face gets a little warmer and you stare at the opposite wall. Hard. You forgot he could speak orc.
"Don't worry I think you're cute too."
"What?" Surprised and suspicious. You can't help but to stare at him like he’s crazy as you feel your heart rate speed up. "Are you sure it's not because I just kicked someone's ass?"
"About 90% sure." Teasing he gives you a genuine smile.
"Y/N!" Charlie yells.
"Y/N! We're ready to go!" Olivia is screaming.
"Y/N! Where - oops sorry for interrupting." Charlie yells louder, now walking down the alley. Until she sees you two.
"You two could wake the neighborhood." Groaning, you're still annoyed with them. It's going to be a long car ride home.
"Rude! Not my fault you're deaf." Charlie scoffs.
"Wait by the car!" You fling a rock in their direction and they scamper away.
“Oh I'm going to end up snapping one day and killing them.” Groaning you heave yourself off the ground. Ronnie does the same while trying not to laugh.
"Sprinkles, you get more interesting by the second. How about I get your number so I can stay up-to-date?" In bold fashion he holds his phone out.
"Really?" Stunned, no one’s asked for your number before.
"Yes." Nodding in reassurance.
"I guess since you're so adamant." Pretending to be exasperated, you enter your number under the name Sprinkles. Turns out socializing for once wasn't that bad.
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kilojulietsierra · 5 years
Home - Chapter Two
@every-jai ask and ye shall receive 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Dorghu set her cup of coffee on the table just as Abby entered the kitchen. “Can I get another beer before the yelling starts?” He didn’t wait for the response and helped himself to his fridge anyway.
Abby slid into the seat in front of the hot coffee and didn’t bother to answer his rhetorical question. “Is he really okay?”
The bottle hissed as he twisted the cap off, “Yeah, he’s tougher than I thought. Smarter and braver too.”
She sipped her coffee, careful of the hot liquid, and Dorghu caught the faint flicker of appreciation. Apparently he still remembered how to make her perfect cup of coffee. “You shouldn’t doubt him. So, am I going to get the real story or the good old ‘you’re not an orc you wouldn’t understand’ version?”
“That’s not fair.” Dorghu had thought about a seat at the table but changed his mind, opting instead to lean next to the fridge for easy access. “I have always been open and honest and you can’t claim otherwise.”
“I wasn’t talking about you.” She took a longer, deeper sip. “That wasn’t fair. Just, please tell me what happened. Even the parts I don’t want to hear.”
He finished his second beer and stared at her, her gaze finding and holding his just as steady. “I asked too much of him.” This time he grabbed a coffee mug instead of a beer and poured himself a cup. “I went to a dark place and tried to take him with me.” He ground his teeth and swallowed as he took the chair across from her. Before he continued he took a gulp of the scalding coffee. “I almost ruined everything, everything.”
Abby didn’t respond, for a long time, just sipped her coffee and let Dorghu speak. At some point towards the end of the coffee pot Dorghu fell silent as well and Mikey was the one to break the silence when he came down the hall rubbing at his face.
“Morning.” When he drew his hand away from his sleepy eyes he paused in the doorway, “Mom, what are you doing here?”
She blinked her own, tired eyes at her son and then smiled, a little sarcastically, “Good morning, and do you think I was going to let this go?” She stood up and wrapped him in a long, tight hug.”Also here’s a tip; don’t leave messages on your Mom’s voicemail like that, ever gain.” She took her son’s head in her hands and pressed her forehead to his. After a deep breath she sighed, “Especially after she worked three night shifts, ‘kay?”
Mikey smiled and nodded as they pulled apart. He bumped fists with her father and grinned sheepish and very apologetic as he passed on his way to the fridge. “How long are you gon’ be here Mom?” He pulled a jug of Sunny D out of the fridge, “Does this mean I can skip school today.”
“Not a chance.”
Abby and Dorghu answered at the same time. Abby added, “I have a couple days off, but I should head back.
“No, c’mon! Stay for the BBQ at least this weekend!
“Mikey, you’ll be in Santa Barbara with me in a couple weeks…” Abby looked slightly panicked and Dorghu watched her carefully.
“Yeah, but, c’mon.. Dad tell her she should stay.” Mikey looked desperately to his father.
Dorghu finished his last cup of coffee and stood up from the table, “Mikey... “ He looked from his son to Abby, “You know you are welcome if you want to stay but, you don’t have to.”
Her panic doubled and her soft eyes widened before they began dart around. “I think I should get some sleep before anything else.”
“Great, so, you’ll stay here and we can talk about it when I get home!” Before either of them could shoot down his optimism Mikey slammed the fridge shut and bolted back down the hallway to his bedroom.
“I’ll get you some money for a hotel.” Dorghu stood up and fished a wad of bills from his pocket.
Abby stood up with him, “Don’t bother, I reserved something on the way down here. Just in case.” She walked to dump the remains of her coffee down the sink, “I promised I’d keep out of it, but your dirty money still sketches me out.”
Dorghu sighed so deeply it was closer to a groan, “Abby, we’ve made it all night without arguing, don’t let the way I make money ruin that.”
Abby sighed herself but nodded, already on her way to the door.
Dorghu shoved the cash back in his pocket and cracked the knuckles of his right hand. “Abby,” He followed after her, “If you can, come to the BBQ, it’s Arthur and Malia’s Anniversary. I know she’d be happy if you did, Mikey too.”
She paused, her hand on the door knob, “Tell Mikey I’ll pick him up for dinner tonight. I’ll decide by then.”
“Okay.” He stepped onto the front step and watched her walk to her car. As he stood there and watched her leave, something in and of itself that gave him chest pains, he wished desperately that he had either never tried to get that magic wand or that he had succeeded and everything could have been back to the way it should of been. Of course, life was never that easy. Not for them anyway.
Chapter Three - Coming Soon
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
All My Friends Are Heathens - Chapter One - Bright FF
A combination of my stories Dark Side of Me and Blood & Bylines because I apparently couldn't let either of them go lol Just for fun, not sure how in depth it will go.  Mostly focuses on clan life/family dynamics/orc culture an some smutty-ish-ness maybe at some point.
Dorghu woke up early, in the dark and alone. He waited a second for his vision to clear and looked around the room, “Devochka?”  When he got no response he hefted himself out of bed and grabbed a clean pair of jeans that had been hung over a closet door to dry. The whole upstairs was dark, as was downstairs, but the kitchen smelled like fresh coffee.
Now he knew where he’d find her, so he dug his cigarettes out of his jacket on the table and headed towards the back door. He saw the blue light, illuminating the deck and Masha nestled into one of the lawn chairs that looked over the back yard.
She jumped as he grabbed the handle and slid open the glass door. “Fuck. D, scared the shit out of me.” Masha looked over her shoulder at him as he slid the door closed. “What are you doing up?” Her voice was shocked but still an early morning whisper.
He walked her way and lowered himself into the chair next to her, lighting a cigarette as he went. “What are you doing up?” He glanced towards the barely there glow to the east and then back to his girlfriend.
With a sigh she relaxed back into the chair and looked back to the tablet in her lap. “Couldn’t sleep. Decided I would look over the numbers from last night.”
Dorghu chuckled, smoke billowing from his nose and mouth, “You’re the only person I know that would get up early, on a Sunday morning, to do math.” He took another drag of his cigarette and ignored her good natured glare.
“Make fun of me all you want, but you’ll like this math.” Her face lit up and her smile took that dangerous turn he enjoyed so much.
“Hmm, that good huh?” With a sigh he slouched back further into his chair and let his head rest back, his legs stretch out and his eyes slip closed.
“Well, it was opening night so probably won’t be this way every night but, yeah. It’s good.”
She went back to tapping and swiping and Droghu smoked peacefully for awhile. “Why couldn’t you sleep?”
Masha didn’t answer right away. “Too much on my mind I guess. Between the club opening, and everything I need to do today.”
Dorghu hummed but waited for her to continue.
Masha stared blankly at her tablet for several minutes before she did elaborate, “I invited [Your Name] over today. To go with me when I run my errands.” When he still kept silent she added, “You said she wanted to get to know us… or, well… you, orcs, what it was like. She’s seen some but, I thought it would be good for her to see… all of it you know?” Before he could respond she added something else. “She didn’t seem so bad when I talked to her last night.”
Finally he looked at her, his head rolled to the side. She sat with her bare legs tucked up underneath her, her hair a wild mess leftover from their activities the night before and she had put on a flannel shirt he had worn for a few hours yesterday.The screens backlight did strange things to her pale complexion and illuminated her crystal blue eyes to the point they looked like the glow came from within them instead of the device. “Fucking beautiful.” He hadn’t meant to say it out loud but it was the truth and the look on her face as she combed her hair back with her fingers and turned away from him was worth it.
He sat up enough to reach across the small table between them and pluck the tablet from her grip. “Put this shit away.” he set it on the table and grabbed her by the sleeve of his shirt. It took a few stern tugs but finally she came willingly, standing up and shuffling her bare feet across the wood deck to settle into his lap. Her legs barely fit on either side of his as she straddled him but she quickly found a comfortable position and let her slight weigh sink into him. Automatically his hands circled her waist, his thumbs rubbing over the softness of the flannel now covering her upper thighs as well. “She’s intimidated by you, she thinks you don’t like her.”
She snorted, “Never said that.”
Dorghu chuckled and squeezed at her hips, “You are right though, it will be good for her to go with you today. Good for both of you I think.” He moved his hands to her back and began long, slow passes up and down, swallowing a growl when she melted into him and rested her forehead against his. His hands kept it up for quite some time, over her back, thighs, her neck and shoulders, back and forth down her slim arms that hung crossed behind his neck.
When he felt her lips against his brow he took a deep and steady, relaxed breath. He chuckled when she did it again and made a particularly firm pass up her spine in response.
“What are you laughing at?” Her voice was hushed and breathy. It sent a shiver down his spine.
“Nothing.” Dorghu slid the fingers of one hand up the back of her neck and into her mess of hair to massage her scalp.
Masha let out a throaty humm, “Don’t lie to me.” Her breath was shaky.
He chuckled again. “You might not want to hear what I was thinking.”
“Try me.”
Dorghu slid his hands back down, over her ribs and hips to the bare skin of her thighs. “I didn’t think I’d ever feel this way again.” He drug his thumbs over the muscles under his hand. “Never thought I’d feel this way about anyone after... let alone a human.”  He chuckled again and leaned his forehead into hers with more force. Even cracked a smile as she returned the pressure, knowing exactly what it meant as she wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck.
He continued to smile as she kissed over his brow, as her nails scratched lightly over the back of his neck, but when her lips continued over his temple his body tensed and when she took the point of his good ear into her mouth it sent a shock straight through him. So much so that, without conscious thought, his hands clamped down on her waist drug her center over the slight bulge in the crotch of his jeans. When she moaned he felt it in his ear and in his spine and repeated the motion again, grinding her over his lap. “Fuck, I need you.”  He groaned as Masha switched between sucking and licking at his ear, “Fuck...” He rocked her hips over him again and again, taking her little gasps as encouragement, “You know I had plans of how my morning would go”
Her breath came out hot but cooled the damp edge of his ear, “Oh yeah?” She moved from his ear to the side of the neck, sucking and biting, rolling the thick skin between between her teeth before sucking it into her mouth.
“Mhmm. I was going to wake up early and pull you back against my chest,  immediately bury myself balls deep into this beautiful pussy, then stay there all fucking morning.”  To drive his point home he grabbed her wrists to hold behind her back as he ground his now very obvious, very hard and very large erection up against her.
He repeated the action three more times until he released her hands, only to have them claw at his bare chest and shoulders as she retaliated with long, slow rolls of her hips. “You should have thought about that before you got so rough last night.” She grabbed one of his hands and slid it under the hem of the way to large shirt and between her legs.
His face fell as he brushed the rough pads of his fingers over her still raw and swollen lower lips. “Fuck baby.” Dorghu traced over them gently, “It’s all that fucking dresses fault. Put some nasty thoughts in my mind, watching you strut around all night.” Even the memory was getting him all worked up. “I’m sorry.”
Her smiled grew dark and dirty, “Don’t be.” She leaned down to brush her lips over his and lick the length of one tusk,.”Why do you think I picked that one to wear?”
This time he didn’t bother suppressing his growl as he dug a hand back into her hair and slammed her mouth back down against his. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.” He swallowed one of her moans and pulled her body more flush against his. She hissed a little and shot her hands up to grab his face and cover the tops of his tusks. At one point he pulled back for air only for her to hook a finger around one of them and drag his face back up to hers. Dorghu let out a deep, dark chuckle, almost as dirty as the smile on her face. “Or I can make it up to you now.” The words were mumbled against her lips but he got his message across by slipping his tongue into her mouth and showing her exactly what he meant.
Masha chuckled through her nose and nipped at the tip of his tongue as he withdrew it. She sat up straight, hands coming to rest on this bare chest which rose and fell with heavy, aroused breaths. “We’re both awake early we should be taking advantage and be getting ready for the shit show that will be arriving in a couple hours.’
Dorghu was focused more on undoing the few remaining buttons of the shirt she wore. Once he had them open he hoisted her up so she was sitting on her knees over his lap. “Sounds like a good idea.” Then he grabbed a handful of asscheek with one hand, her right breast with the other and sucked a hard nipple into his mouth with a moan of delight.
“Not even close to what I meant.” Masha laughed but cradled his head closer to her chest for a moment before she pushed him back. Before he could protest she removed herself from the chair and his reach.
“You’re an evil woman.” It took all his focus to keep from lunging after her as she returned to her own chair. He waited for his muscles to relax and his blood to cool down before he hoisted himself to his feet and grabbed her cold coffee on his way back inside.
It seemed the sun had rose on fast forward when he returned a few minutes later with a fresh cup of coffee. He set the coffee cup on the small table between the chairs before he grabbed her up and settled into the chair with her, her shirt rebuttoned, her back to his chest and her head leaned back against his shoulder.
They sat in silence, him smoking another cigarette and her sipping her coffee. Dorghu traced senseless patterns on the side of her bare knee with his free hand until the sun was two fingers past the horizon and Mikey slid the back door open.
“Good Morning.” Mikey stayed half in and half out, leaned back against the door frame.
“Morning Son, You’re up early. “ Dorghu flicked an ash into the tray as Masha sat up a little straighter in his lap.
Mikey looked to the floor and then back, “Yeah umm, Kai was wondering if she could come over early today and help out with everything.”
Masha examined him over the rim of her coffee cup, “She doesn’t have to do that, she can come just hang out if she wants. I’ll be gone for a few hours but she’s welcome to come over.”
“Oh no, she wants to help. Breakfast, the kids, lunch, all of it. She likes it.” The smile on his face looked almost painful it stretched his cheeks so wide.
“What do her parents think of her spending all day over here.”
Masha added, “With a bunch of gang bangers.”
Dorghu jabbed her in the ribs but didn’t argue the point. It was true.
His son’s smile grew more than Dorghu thought possible, “She asked yesterday, they said it’s fine as long as my parents are here too. Plus, her Dad made a big deal about how Kai says she always feels safe with me, especially over here, even with the guys around. So, he doesn’t worry as much. Like I said she likes it, coming over here and feeling like a part of the clan.”
Again Masha chuckled into her cup before she could answer with a straight face, “Well it’s okay with me but it’s up to your father. It’s his house
Dorghu looked sideways at her, “Kai is welcome in our house any time. Especially Sundays.”  
“Awesome!” Mikey yelled, “Thank you!” and then ducked back inside only to reappear a second later. “Hey do you think I could take…”
“Keys are in it.”
“Thank you Masha!”
This time when he disappeared he stayed gone. They listened as the garage door opened and Masha’s Caddy hummed to life. They continued to listen until the car was too far down the street to be heard. “Don’t look at me like that. Let him drive it while he can. Before, he’s too big and heavy.” She laughed but stopped when he didn’t join in. “What?”
Dorghu shook his head and took another pull of his cigarette, “I love you.”
She stood up from his lap, smiling, “And I love you.” She dropped a quick kiss on his scarred upper lip. “I’m gonna go get dressed.”
He watched her grab her tablet and coffee and walk back in the house before he snubbed his cigarette out in the tray and went into the kitchen to start breakfast.
“Well if you don't want to go then don’t go.”
“I thought you said I can’t not go. That it would be rude.” You continued to pace through and around your kitchen while Nick sat at the table and watched.
“It would be.” He sipped at his smoothie.
You paused to look at him but immediately resumed your pacing. “She didn’t say that I had to be there. It was more like ‘you should come’ which… never mind I’ll go.”
He nodded and gave you an encouraging smile. “Good.”
When you took a sip of your coffee your stomach did a flip. You weren’t sure if it was the hangover or your apparent aversion to seeing Dorghu’s scary girlfriend again so soon. “Who am I kidding? I can’t spend all day with this woman! I’ll just tell her something came up.” Nick didn’t say anything and you sighed, coming to a stop across the table from him. “I have to go don’t I?”
He remained silent for a bit and then, “Masha… Well, if she were an orc she’d be, like the alpha female, the… the clan mother....” Nick gave you an understanding smile, “This is like her personally inviting you into the clan. Not just around the edges like before but actually into the family. Her family. For a human… especially one dating me… it’s kind of a big deal. “
At that moment your coffee was the most interesting thing you had ever seen, but you couldn’t bring yourself to drink it.
You thought your nerves at the club the night before were bad,  in your kitchen that morning were terrible, but this was easily twenty times worse than both instances combined. The house was bigger and nicer than you expected but still nothing fancy. The neighborhood wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, of course there really was no such thing as ‘ordinary’ in LA.
There were two Escalades, a jacked up, blacked out Chevy Silverado and then a Dodge truck you recognized as Dorghus all parked in the driveway and a fancy little Cadillac XLR pulled into the open garage. You couldn’t help but wish you had convinced Nick to skip work and come with you but that wasn’t what Masha had said when she invited you.  So, you came on your own. Which you had convinced yourself would go just fine, right up until you rang the doorbell.
From inside you heard a muffled, “Mikey!”
Followed by a slightly less muffled, “Got it.” Two seconds later the door swung open and there stood Dorghu’s son. “Hey [Your Name]! Come on in.” He stepped out of the way so you could enter the house and then shut the door behind you. “Here, everyone’s in the kitchen. Have you eaten yet?” He led her through the living room and around a long dining room table towards a counter that separated the kitchen from the dining area
The tension almost evarapted from you body entirely when you saw Nessa come around the opposite side of the counter, bouncing a hefty little orc boy on her hip as she went. “Hey! Glad you came!” She reached out the arm that wasn’t supporting the little one to give you a quick hug. “No Nick?”
“Working. He said he’d come by after if it was still going.” You smiled and gave the little boy a wave, only to have him bury his face in Nessa’s neck.
“Aww. Don’t mind Hale, the only human he isn’t shy with is Masha. He’ll come around. C’mon.You want some coffee? Or breakfast? We got all the best hangover food.” She whispered that bit behind Hales back like a secret, “ Pancakes, bacon, eggs, venison sausage, fried potatoes...”
“Coffee would be great.” You followed her the rest the way into the kitchen were you found To sitting at a smaller kitchen table.
“There she is.” He stood half way out of his chair to give you a hug which you happily returned.
Nessa went into the actual kitchen, still with little Hale hiding in her shoulder, where Masha and another young orc girl were working. “Kai can you take him for me?” She handed the little boy off. “Kai this is [Your Name], [Your Name ] this is Kailene. Mikey’s girlfriend.”
The girl smiled and waved, “Hi!” She hefted the little boy a few times to get him settled and then asked him in a silly voice, “Should we go see if Mikey’s Dad needs help outside? Hmm?” The boy giggled as they trailed after Mikey towards a set of glass, sliding doors you assumed led to a backyard.
“Here sit.” Nessa handed you a cup of coffee and pointed to the table. “Sugar is there, there might be cream in the fridge if you need it.” She smiled and nodded before going back into the kitchen.
You watched as she took a much smaller orc child from Masha. “Here’s her bottle, do you mind? So I can get cleaned up and go.”
“No problem, come here beautiful.” Nessa took the baby and the bottle and came to sit across the table from you and Tolar.
Masha continued to straighten up the kitchen and then washed her hands before she came to pick up a half empty coffee cup on the counter by the table. “[Your Name], glad you came.” She downed the rest of the coffee in one go, “I’m just gonna run and grab some stuff out of the office then we’ll go.” Halfway out of the kitchen she turned over her shoulder, “If you’re hungry go ahead and grab some pancakes. Otherwise To and Mikey are gonna eat them all.”
Tolar mumbled something in Orcish, loud enough for her to hear, around a mouth full of food, and she threw a remark of her own right back at him which had everyone laughing except for you. Even the baby waved her arms as Nessa giggled.
When Nessa glanced up and saw your face she cocked her head to the side, “Girl, you really should start trying to pick up some of the language. I mean you are dating one of us now.”
You groaned, “I know...My friggin Godfather is an orc, you think by now I’d know more than ‘hello’, ‘good-bye’ and ‘thank you’.”
To shoved half a pancake in his mouth, “Have Jakoby teach you “
Before you could reply the screen door slid open and Mikey came running inside, chased by Hale on his ungainly little legs, who was being chased by Dorghu. They were all laughing, Hale’s more like squeals of pure joy as he ran around and around the living room trying to catch Mikey and avoid being caught by Dorghu.
Before either of those things could happen Masha appeared at the bottom of the stairs and snatched up the littlest orc mid run. His squeals doubled as she hoisted him up, arms and legs flailing.  When Dorghu came up behind Masha he grabbed her around the waist, picking them both up and carrying them into the kitchen. The whole while pretending to growl and snarl at the toddler over Masha’s shoulder.
You couldn’t help but smile and be completely floored by the sight of Dorghu and Masha laughing and playing. It was so, so far removed from how you normally saw them. Masha was still laughing when Dorghu let go of her and let her slip easily back down to the floor. “Okay little one,” Hale was still trying to growl back at Dorghu as Masha carried him into the kitchen. She said something to him in Orcish as she set him on the kitchen counter and re-tied his shoe. The little boy nodded vigorously and said something back to her, just a few words. Masha smiled, tucked her bangs behind one ear before she held her hand up for a high five.  
She helped him down off the counter and he immediately resumed chasing Mikey, and now Kai, around the living room. “Somebody make sure he eats something, please.” When Masha looked your way she was still smiling and you felt oddly out of place, but not as nervous as you had fifteen minutes ago.
This Masha seemed like night to day with the Masha you had seen last night. The skimpy club dress and heels had been replaced with jeans, an oversized t-shirt that hung off one shoulder and a well worn pair of white tennis shoes.
“Okay, you heard Hale, he’s in charge while I’m gone. No matter what the big, scary one says.” She walked back to Dorghu and gave him a quick kiss on the scarred cheek. “Anyone need anything? If you think of something call. We’ll be back before the game starts.” She grabbed her phone and a set of keys off a small table by a side door in the kitchen and nodded your way, “Ready?”
You jumped up, took one more sip of the extremely strong coffee and nodded “Yeah, ready.” You followed her out the kitchens side door and into the garage. When you saw the fancy car again you realized it must be hers.
When you stepped up to the passenger door she waved you off, “Oh, no, we’re taking one of the Escalades. We’ll need the extra room.”
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
Doing a thing...
Decided to do something a little different with the Bonus Chapter of Blood & Bylines that I had promised. 
Instead i’m doing it as a separate story, but in the same universe, and it well be both Blood & Bylines AND Dark Side of Me!
Sneak Peak of.... All My Friends Are Heathens
(Shut up I like song titles lol)
Apparently early was not early enough. The line to the clubs front door already reached the end of the block and only ten minutes after you and Gwen had arrived, the line began to snake around the corner. “I think i’m gonna have a panic attack.”
Gwen looked up from her phone with a snort. “You’ve been shot… and a waiting line is giving you anxiety?”
Your hand smoothed over your dress, where the little round, puckered scar was hidden. “Maybe we shouldn’t have stopped to eat. We would have been further towards the front and I wouldn’t feel like I want to vomit right now.”
“You say that now, but you’ll be thanking me for all those carbs when that’s what’s soaking up the $20 cocktails.”
“Either way i’m going to throw up.”
“Oh my God, you’ll be fine. Even Nick said you needed to go have fun! So, relax.” She shoved her phone back into her bag and peered towards the front of the line as cheers erupted. “Ah! They’re letting us in!”
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
Dark Side of Me - Chapter Twelve (Dorghu x OC) - Final Chapter
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the last chapter of Dark Side of Me!
(Sort of... For now... ask me again after I’ve watched the Bright Sequel)
As promised I did start working on a Bonus Chapter for my Jakoby x Reader fic but this one kind of leads into that one, and my brain was set on ending this one this way and blah blah blah lol It’s short and sweet and I hope y’all don’t hate it!
As always this is Orcish and this is Russian 
Chapter Twelve
Masha didn’t jump when the door opened in the room behind her, she just watched him in the mirror as he walked up to the bathroom door and watched her. Masha pulled the shirt over her head, taking the opportunity to stretch, loosen the muscles in her back that always seemed to stiffen up after a day and night of work. She dropped the shirt in the hamper by the cupboard and stretched some more.
She saw where his eyes were focused as he walked up behind her, his rough fingers traced the lines and shading over her shoulder, down her back, over her ribs before he settled a heavy hand on her waist. His middle finger still traced the flow of ink over her hip. He stood behind her now, his chest against her back, the zipper of his leather jacket rubbed against her shoulder blades. “You know, I never understood this.” His other hand traced the tattoos on her left side. “Orcs, we grow up hating the colors and patterns of our skin…” His hands roamed, followed the the varying outlines of ink on her skin and all she could do was lean back into him. His touch slid over the newest addition to her collection, an orcish phrase inked across her forearm in a graffiti style. Mikey had drawn it for her. “Humans, elves, everyone hates us for it… but humans, you pay for this shit, to be done to you. Willingly.”
His voice was harsh but his touch stayed light. Masha turned to look up at him over her shoulder, “Makes my skin not so boring, makes me unique, makes me like myself a little more.” She wrapped her hands around each of his wrists, bringing them to a stop over her hip bones. “You’ve never said you didn’t like them before.” Her eyes moved back to the mirror, taking in the contrast of his dark blue/green skin against her own pale white.
His voice was lower and closer to her ear, “Never said I don’t like them.” His hands moved again, around the waistband of her yoga pants and then back up her sides. “I don’t like the hypocrisy.”  
“I know.” Masha turned around in his grasp, arching her spine slightly as he dug his fingers into her lower back. Her own hand, the right one, wrapped around the leather of his jacket while the other reached up to trace the scars on his face. “It’s just skin.”
He let out a long sigh, dropped his forehead against hers, “That’s all that matters to some.”
Foreheads still pressed together she slid her hands to the center of his chest, pushed his jacket open further and popped open the first few buttons of his shirt. She pressed her palm flat against his chest, skin on skin, “Yeah, well you know where I stand on the subject.” She pulled her forehead back from his, with one hand she tilted his head back and laid her forehead against his collarbone instead.
Dorghu spread his hands wide across your her back, “I know.” He pressed her smaller, leaner body tighter against his. He didn’t say anything for a long time but eventually she felt his chest rise and fall in a deep breath. “I thought you were gonna change clothes.”
She chuckled and pulled back slightly, “I thought you were gonna wait downstairs.”
“Are you tellin’ me to get out?” He loosened his grip just slightly but did not let her go. Hands still around her waist, he rubbed his nose along her cheekbone to her ear, his tusks dragging along as he went.
“Can you keep your hands to yourself? ‘Cause we’re already running late and I do have to shower and change.”
He hummed against her ear, inhaled deeply and chuckled, “You know I can’t.” Dorghu rubbed his face against hers once more, coming to rest his mouth against hers in an awkward, rough, sloppy kiss she had grown so fond of over the past few years. When he pulled back he paused to give her ass a good squeeze, “I’ll be downstairs.”  Without another word or even a glance over his shoulder he left the bedroom, closing the door behind him, leaving her to get changed for the party.
When Masha made her way to the back room she saw officer Jakoby and gave him a wide berth. Regardless of what Dorghu said or thought, Masha would never trust the orc cop. She could give him credit for the brave things he had done, but could not give him her trust. Maybe eventually, she reminded herself as she weaved through the crowd, she was after all an outsider the same as him. A traitor to her own race really, if she admitted it, but she shoved that train of thought aside and took another long drink as she stopped to talk to some of the boys while she waited for Jakoby’s little reporter girlfriend to be on her way out of the room where Dorghu and the others were.  Once she was gone Masha continued over to Dorghu, setting her drink on the table before dropping herself across his lap.
He laughed, deep and harsh, and buried his face in her neck as he groped at her backside with the hand that didn’t hold his beer.
She couldn’t help but laugh with him and pull his face up to meet hers in a kiss before she settled back against the arm of couch with a smile. “So are the cop and the reporter all happy now? We all just one, big, happy family?” Masha had just enough of a buzz to let her mouth be reckless.
Dorghu didn’t mind. He had given up trying to train her snark out of her some time ago, so instead he chuckled and took a drink of his beer.  “I want you to keep her close.” He saw the look she gave him and continued, “She’s been through a lot. We let her into our circle and let her see, but not everything. Show her.”
Masha sat up straighter, but kept her legs draped across his thighs. “Show her what?”
“How to be a part of this family.”
She scoffed, “Why me?”
He gave her a strange look before he pulled her up and sat her astride his lap. ”You know what you are don’t you? To me? To this clan?”
The buzz gone, chased away by the look on her lovers face, Masha could only stare back at him.
“You’re my partner Masha, in every sense of the word. I know that you will be there, for me and for them. We’ve seen the worst and the best and came out of it stronger, together. ” His hands gripped her hard around the waist and his golden eyes bore into hers with such intensity she feared to look away. “Orc or not. Blood or not. You are a part of this clan, and this clan is a part of you.” He leaned his forehead against hers and brushed a hand over the scars on her neck, “You are a part of me and I am a part of you.” His fingers trailed over her bare shoulder and down her arm to her wrist.
She let her gaze fall to his grip on her arm as he turned it over and brought her wrist to his lips. Her breath caught as he placed a kiss over a part of the tattoo he had traced with his fingers earlier that evening and then brought his gaze back to hers before he spoke.
“Blood or no blood, we are family.” Now his gaze followed her hand as it reached up to press against his scarred face.
Her voice was quiet but strong as ever, and her smile as wicked and confident as ever. “Blood or no blood, we are family.”
The End...For Now
Highly recommend you read my Jakoby fic Blood & Bylines as the two stories kind of go together. Thank you all so much for reading and all the support I was shocked to receive! I loved it all and more often than not it made my day! 
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
Ok, Y’all tell me which story to post a new chapter for!!!!! VOTE!! Tell me what to write!!!
I am feeling very motivated to write but also very indecisive so I’m calling for a vote and you guys can decide what I post next. 
Chapter 12 (probably last chapter) of  Dark Side of Me - “Bright” (Dorghu x OFC)
Chapter 7 (Bonus Chapter/Epilogue) of Bloody & Bylines - “Bright” (Jakoby x Female Reader)
Chapter 6 of Let’s Just Call It Even - “Game of Thrones” (Bronn x OFC)
Chapter 3 (Final Chapter NSFW) or Beric Dondarrion & The Bear Island Girl (Beric Dondarrion x OFC)
A Sons of Anarchy one shot I have partway written somewhere (Happy x Female Reader)
Something else - open to suggestions!
Working a lot this week, including a double tomorrow, so will probably only have time to write on one project for the week. Whatever piece has the most votes by the time I get home from work Wednesday evening wins.  Most likely would post on Sunday. 
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
Two months later...
Guess who finally has a new chapter to post!?!?!
Will post tonight so If you want to catch up or refresh your memory...
CLICK HERE (Link will take you CH 1 of Dark Side of Me on Ao3)
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kilojulietsierra · 7 years
I did a thing...
Ok, so while I was working on what is now going to be the final two chapters of Blood & Bylines I ended up with this idea for another, more Fogteeth centric, fic featuring Dorghu and a female OC. Thought I’d share a little piece I wrote for it today, it won’t be a part of the story but just a fun little teaser hopefully!
Things you need to know for this little bit 
Masha (human female OC) is a Russian immigrant, lived in the states long enough to be fluent and pretty Americanized. Understands Bodzvokhan and can speak it fairly well.  
Dorghu is Dorghu and understands Russian 
               Russian looks like this.         Orcish looks like this
Without further adieu....
Masha didn't jump when the door opened in the room behind her, she just watched him in the mirror as he walked up to the bathroom door and watched her. Masha pulled the shirt over her head, taking the opportunity to stretch, loosen the muscles in her back that always seemed to stiffen up after a day and night of work. She dropped the shirt in the hamper by the towel cupboard and stretched some more.
She saw where his eyes were focused as he walked up behind her, his rough fingers immediately moved to trace her tattoos lines and shading over her shoulder, down her back, over her ribs before he settled a heavy hand on her waist. His middle finger still traced the flow of ink over her hip. He stood behind her now, his chest against her back, the zipper of his leather jacket rubbed against her shoulder blades. “You know, I never understood this.” His other hand traced the tattoos on your left side. “Orcs, we grow up hating the colors and patterns of our skin…” His hands roamed, followed the varying outlines on your skin and all she could do was lean back into him. “Humans, elves, everyone hates us for it… but humans, you pay for this shit, to be done to you, willingly.”
His voice was harsh but his touch stayed light. Masha turned to look up at him over her shoulder, “Makes my skin not so boring, makes me unique, makes me like myself a little more.” She wrapped her hands around each of his wrists, bringing them to a stop over her hip bones. “You've never said you didn't like them before.” Her eyes moved back to the mirror, taking in the contrast of his dark blue/green skin against her own pale white.
His voice was lower and closer to her ear, “Never said I don’t like them.” His hands moved again, around the waistband of her yoga pants and then back up her sides. “I don’t like the hypocrisy.”  
“I know.” Masha turned around in his grasp, arching her spine slightly as he dug his fingers into her lower back. Her own hand, the right one, wrapped around the leather of his jacket while the other reached up to trace the scars on his face. “It’s just skin.”
He let out a long sigh, dropped his forehead against hers, “That’s all that matters to some.”
Foreheads still pressed together she slid her hands to the center of his chest, pushed his jacket open further and popped open the first few buttons of his shirt. She pressed her palm flat against his chest, skin on skin, “Yeah, well you know where I stand on the subject.” She pulled her forehead back from his, with one hand she tilted his head back so she could lay her forehead against his collarbone instead.
Dorghu spread his hands wide across your her back, “I know.” He pressed her smaller, leaner body tighter against his. He didn't say anything for a long time but eventually she felt his chest rise and fall in a deep breath. “I thought you were gonna change clothes.”
She chuckled and pulled back slightly, “I thought you were gonna wait downstairs.”
“Are you tellin’ me to get out?” He loosened his grip just slightly but did not let her go. Hands still around her waist, he rubbed his nose along her cheekbone to her ear, his tusks dragging along as he went.
“Can you keep your hands to yourself if you stay? ‘Cause we’re already running late and I do have to shower and change.”
He hummed against her ear, inhaled deeply and chuckled, “You know I can’t.” Dorghu rubbed his face against hers once more, coming to rest his mouth against hers in the awkward, rough, sloppy kiss she had grown so fond of over the past couple years. When he pulled back he paused to give her ass a good squeeze, “I’ll be downstairs.”  Without another word or even a glance over his shoulder he left the bedroom, closing the door behind him, leaving her to get changed for the party.
Well? Thoughts?
This won’t actually be apart of the story if it comes to be, it was just me brain dumping to see how much I actually liked it. Would love your opinions!
If you like this be sure to read the actual story here! - Dark Side of Me
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kilojulietsierra · 7 years
Tag List
So apparently “Tag Lists” are a thing!? Be nice, I’m still learning here lol 
@nonononononono-i-cant brought this to my attention! Thanks!
If you would like to be added to a list for Blood & Bylines (Jakoby x Reader) and/or Dark Side of Me (Dorghu x OC) Please let me know! I will gladly let y’all know when I post a new one here. Both are also up on Archives of Our Own so you can subscribe there as well! 
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kilojulietsierra · 7 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Bright (2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dorghu (Bright)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Dorghu (Bright), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Mikey (Bright) Additional Tags: fogteeth, Action, Romance, Explicit Language, Organized Crime, Violence, Orcs, Interspecies Relationship(s), Russian, Orcish, Smut, Some Fluff, barely any plot Summary:
Masha is a young Russian immigrant that lands in LA. It doesn't take long before a random encounter, her unique attitude and certain skills get her involved with a local clan, the Fogteeth. As years go by she grows closer and closer to the clan, despite her race. The closer she gets the more peculiar her life becomes, but there's something about her "relationship" with Dorghu, the clan leader, she just can't get away from even if she wanted to.
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
Describe your oc’s in five gifs
@erinpensdragons tagged me (my real one but I’m posting on this one lol) in this and I immediately knew I was going to do it for...
Masha from Dark Side of Me!
tagging/challenging - @nightmare-mermaid4792 @princeoutcast @minuialeth75 @shinydixon @nonononononono-i-cant
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kilojulietsierra · 6 years
Dark Side of Me - Chapter Ten (Dorghu x OC)
This is where this story and my other Bright fic Blood & Bylines start to intersect. If you haven’t read that yet you should! 
Fun Fact: that story may not be as “finished” as I may have led you all to believe. 
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Orcish is bold.
Chapter Nine can be read here
Chapter Ten
“I don’t want you goin’ anywhere by yourself until this all plays out.” Dorghu murmured into her hair.
Masha shifted her position a little and moved her head further onto his chest. “Is it going to do me any good to argue?”
He chuckled and pulled her tighter against him, “None.” His fingers trailed up and down her back under the shirt she still wore.  “I want you in an Escalade with two of the guys.” He paused and watched her hand as it scratched idly at the pale patch of skin on his bare torso. “At least until things settle down.” He continued to watch her hand, “You aren’t going to argue?”
“No, I’ll complain… but I’m not going to argue.” She braced herself up on her elbows and stared up at him. “What you saw last night, I can’t even imagine and …” she crawled up until they were face to face, her hovering over his, “I don’t want to get beat up by mexicans again, or… hell, something worse than mexicans from the sound of it.”
Dorghu glared at her, “Don’t say shit like that.” He reached up and dug his hand into her hair and held her, staring at her for a minute before bringing her down for a deep, slow kiss.  When they pulled apart he scented the air and immediately groaned., “We better get out of bed or I’m never going to get anything done.” He pulled her back in for another rougher kiss and a smack on the ass before he rolled off the bed and did up his jeans and belt that he had only managed to pull up to around his waist. After he straightened out his shirt he looked back at Masha and groaned again.
“What?” She had rolled onto her back and stretched out in the place he had vacated.
He shook his head, “C’mon Devochka, get up, get dressed.” He chuckled but stopped as soon as she stood up and stripped the jersey off. He continued to watch her as she pulled on her ratty jeans and worn out hoodie she had been wearing when he found her at his kitchen table the night before.
He was still staring when she padded across the carpet and directly past him, only to stop in the doorway and look at him pointedly, “Come on, shit to do, remember.”
When he made it downstairs he found her finishing another cup of coffee, with a smug smirk on her face.  He didn’t comment, only walked to the chair where he had hung his leathers the night before. While he straightened his collar and necklace he watched her intently, “I’ll follow you to your place and have Dominik and Ryon meet you there.” He caught the eye roll and walked up behind her. “I am going to have enough shit to worry about in the foreseeable future. I cannot be distracted worrying about you too.”
Masha turned around in front of him and nodded, “I understand.” She smiled a little, “Still going to complain about it though.”
“Of course you are.” Dorghu leaned his forehead against hers. “Keep an eye on Mikey while he’s at the bar.”
“You know I will.”
When Masha walked through the front door of the bar Nessa looked up and smiled, “There you are!” She froze for a second, “And you have… shadows.”     
Masha walked up to lean across the bar counter, “Yes I do. Why don’t you give them a couple drinks so maybe they can relax a little.” Masha circled around to stand behind the bar while Nessa fixed Dominik and Ryon up with a beer each.
At the other end of the bar Masha filled herself a vodka and sprite as Nessa came to stand next to her. Her friend scented the air on reflex and stopped in her tracks. Masha watched as the female orc scented the air again and then rushed forward with a huge smile on her face, “Please tell me this means you and Dorghu are… good again.”
“What?” Masha whispered back, “I took a shower before I came.”
Nessa giggled, the pale lines across her face blushing a little, “No just that you are happier, more relaxed, less pain.” Nessa looked over her shoulder at the two orcs now sitting at the bar, “That and the personal bodyguards over there.” Masha rolled her eyes and took a long pull from the drink she had made which only made Nessa chuckle more, “And yes you smell like him and sex. One shower doesn’t cut it sweetie.”
Masha decided to down the rest of her drink in one go and make herself another, “This is my life now. Come to America they said. It will be fun they said.”
“If you’re going to mutter under your breath at least do it in a language I can understand.”
Masha glared at her friend but could not hold it for long and eventually smiled back, “Yes, I feel better, yes I think he and I are good again. Is everything been ok here? Mikey around still?”
Nessa nodded, “He’s in the back. Everything here is fine, but everyone in the neighborhood is talking about last night. Nobody really knows what happened other than it isn’t good.” She threw another glance towards the enforcers Dorghu had tasked with babysitting Masha. “Apparently you know more than the rest of us.”
With a sigh Masha leaned against the back counter and watched a few maintenance workers come through the front door. “It’s not good.” She took another sip of her second drink and nodded towards the new customers, “Nessa, go home with Tolar tonight okay? If he is busy I will take you home.” She tried not to let her voice sound to foreboding but Nessa knew too well.
“Okay.” Her cheery voice was flat now, “Are you here till close?”
“Me, Mikey and my personal bodyguards.” Masha forced a smile and Nessa returned it.
In the office Masha sat at the desk and opened the laptop, swigging from her vodka and Sprite while she waited for the LA Times website to load. No wands, no brights, no prophecies, no plans to raise the dark lord.  A couple gang shootings and one house fire. Four dead cops, a dead sheriff's deputy and two of LAPD’s finest to be awarded medals in a ceremony later next week.
Masha leaned back in her chair and chewed at the thick ring she wore on her thumb, “The less you know the more soundly you sleep.”
Mikey looked far less than awake when he fumbled down the stairs.
“Dare I say good morning?” Masha peered at him over her coffee cup as he made his way into the kitchen.
“I am done with school already. Is that bad?”
Masha chuckled and watched him poor a cup of coffee, which he never drink, “Considering you have barely finished your first week? Yes.”
He took a drink of the coffee Masha had made and twisted up his face, only to take a second drink. “Masha, can I ask you a favor?”
“Sure kid. What’s up?”
Mikey shuffled over to the table and sat in the chair across from her, “I was uh… I was wondering if I could take your Caddy to school today.” He made another attempt at drinking the coffee he had poured himself.
With a skeptical eye she looked him over. The boy hadn’t even had energy to put a shirt on yet, he sat across from her in a pair of baggy gym shorts and had one elbow propped on the table holding his head up. “That depends. Why do you want to take my car?”
He sighed deeply, “Because there’s a girl.”
“Of course there is.” Masha chuckled but stopped when he looked at her pleadingly.
“There’s a girl, and we’re both seniors so we’re allowed to go off campus for lunch.” He paused like he hoped she would fill  in the rest of the blanks for him. She didn’t. “She, her Dad is clan and she knows who my Dad is and everything.” He paused again, this time for a yawn. “And I don’t know, I guess I just want to impress her.”
Masha stared at him for several moments, enjoying her coffee and the young mans discomfort, until Dorghu came down the stairs, doing up the cuffs of his shirt as he walked. He looked up to say good morning but seemed to change his mind, “What’s going on here?”
“You’re son wants to take my car to school today.”
Dorghu hummed as he walked by, “Why?”
“A girl.” Masha smiled at the dirty look he shot her.
“And why does this mean he needs your car?” Dorghu looked them over while he buttoned the front of his shirt.
“I think he wants to take her to lunch in a fancy car so he can make a good impression.”
His father looked to Mikey, “Is she an orc?”
Mikey furrowed his brow, “Does it matter?” He even looked to Masha as if it helped him make his point.
“No but you answering my question does.”
The younger orc sighed, “Yes, she is. Her dad is clan but he’s - he’s not gang. She knows I’m your son and she’s from the neighborhood so she, she knows and she- she, I think she… I really like her.”
Dorghu contemplated for a moment, arms crossed against his broad chest  and his stance wide. “Bring her to the party tonight.”
Masha saw the momentary panic flash across Mikey’s eyes and she jumped in, “If she wants to.” She turned her attention to Dorghu, “Your parties can be a little overwhelming to eighteen year old girls, regardless of their race.”
Dorghu snorted and grabbed his leather jacket and cut off the hook by the back door, he looked over both of them as he walked through the kitchen and grabbed his keys and cigarettes off the counter before he leaned down to Masha’s ear, “Ryon and Dom will be here soon, I will see you tonight.” He rubbed his face against her neck for a second and then stood up straight, “Let him take the car if you want. Tell this girlfriend of yours she is welcome to come to the party with you tonight, if she wants.” Dorghu thumped his son on the back with a heavy hand as he walked towards the front door.
Mikey dropped his head down on the table and grumbled loudly, “She’s not my girlfriend!”
Masha laughed softly as she stood up from the table and dumped what remained of his coffee cup into her own, “Not yet you mean.” She patted him on the back, “Go get ready for school. You will have to stop and put gas in my car on the way.”
Mikey pulled his head up from the table and smiled, his pale skin blushed across his cheekbones, “Thank you Masha.”
Masha checked herself over in the mirror one last time before she grabbed one of her favorite leather jackets out of the closet and shrugged it on as she walked out the bedroom door. She straightened out her hair and necklaces on her way down the stairs but froze a few steps from the bottom when someone knocked on the front door.
Ryon hefted himself up off the couch, gun in hand and walked to the door. He glanced out one of the front windows and then quickly shoved the handgun in the back of his jeans. “Shit, Mash get down here.” He unlocked the door and swung it open as Masha hurried across the living room.  She froze when she saw who was standing on Dorghu’s front porch.
“Lacee?” Masha stared for a moment before her reflexes kicked in, “Jesus sweetheart what the hell happened.” Masha grabbed her as Ryon tugged her gently in the front door and locked the door behind them.
The young girl was pale and wrapped in a zippered hoodie that was two sizes, her hair a mess and her right eye was puffy and dark. She didn’t say anything but shuffled towards Masha and fell into her. Masha wrapped her arms around the girl and held her as she sobbed into her chest, the small piece of resolve that had been holding her together broke loose and she cried.
Over Lacees shoulder Masha and Ryon shared a look but said nothing.
Slowly, Masha ushered Lacee to the couch and sat her down, kneeling in front of her, hands on either side of her face. “C’mon sweetie, you gotta breathe.” Lacee’s sobs continued but scattered among them were gasps of air that showed she was trying to get herself together. “Ryon, call D tell him I’m not gonna make it. And start a pot of coffee.”
Several minutes later, Masha still knelt on the floor, Lacee started to run out of steam. “Can you talk?” When Lacce wiped at her running nose and nodded Masha moved to sit beside her.  She ran a hand over her face, careful to keep her rings from catching in Lacees hair. “Lacee, what happened? Why are you here? Who did this?”
After a few shaky breaths Lacee fisted her hands in the sleeves of the grungy hoodie. “My boyfriend.” her voice cracked and a sob escaped. “I uh, I told him- told him I… I found out I was pregnant…”
Masha sucked in a breath, “Jesus Christ Lacee…”
Something between a laugh and a sob racked her body, “I uh, guess he...guess he wasn’t all that excited.” The tears started again, “I didn’t even see it comin’ Masha.” She collapsed into Masha again, sobbing.
Masha held her while she let the crying take over again and turned slightly to look at Ryon. He stood in the kitchen doorway, snarling and the muscles in his arms rolling as he clenched un unclenched his fists. Her attention back on Lacee Masha stroked her hair, “Lacee, hon, I gotta ask; have you gone to a doctor yet?”  She took the more forceful sobs as a no.  “Okay, it’s okay sweetie. I’m gonna take you to an ER get you checked out.”
Lacee nodded against her shoulder. “Can I- can I clean up a little bit first?” She sniffed, loud and wet.
“Yeah. Listen sweetie first, I need you to tell me who this guy is.” When Lacee stared at her wide, wet eyes blank with confusion Masha elaborated. “I know you moved to Santa Barbara with someone but I need his name, address.”
Lacee shuddered and wiped at her makeup smeared face again, “Why?”
Masha sighed and rubbed her hand over Lacees back, “When you check into the ER you’re gonna tell them the truth about what happened, but you are not going to tell them who or press charges. Understand?”
She gave a slight nod but she was still confused.
“We are going to take care of him. Okay?” Masha looked over her, “He’s going to pay for this. Men that treat women like this get worse than they give.” Behind her Ryon snarled again, a wicked smile on his face.
It took a couple minutes but Lacee did finally nod and wipe her face one last time before she sat up straighter. “My phone is in my car. His address is with his phone number. It’s under uh… under Jason.” She fought down another sob that threatened to escape, “Jason with three little, purple hearts next to it.”
Masha nodded and squeezed Lacees hand, “Okay. C’mon, let’s get you in the shower quick and get you taken care of.” She stood up and pulled Lacee with her, “Upstairs, guest bathroom is second on the left. I’ll bring you some clothes in a minute.” Masha stood in the middle of the living room and watched Lacee carefully climb the stairs, the hoodie falling off one of her bare, bruised shoulders. With venom in her throat Masha turned to Ryon, “You reach out, send some of our guys if you have to, but I want that fucker beat into the goddamned ground, pissed on and buried in the bottom of some hooker alley dumpster. You understand me?”
When Ryon looked her up and down he did it with a smile on his face and a  low, rumbling chuckle, “Yes ma’am.”
“Make the calls then follow us to the Urgent Care and Oslo.” Masha started up the stairs.
The ER waiting room was empty and quiet except for Masha and the Magnum P.I. reruns on the outdated tv mounted in the corner. Masha sat with her legs and arms crossed, slouched back in the cheap, mass produced chairs. She alternated between staring at the grainy tv picture and the admissions clerk playing on her phone behind the bullet resistant glass.
One of the nurses had taken Lacee back almost two hours ago now, two Magnum episodes, and Masha was starting to get antsy. She snapped her head to the side when she heard the hiss of the automatic doors sliding open. The look on Ryons face did nothing to calm her nerves.
Behind the glass the clerk perked up at the site of the admittedly terrifying orc in his gang colors. Masha ignored her and focused on Ryon, “What?”
He walked closer, phone still held halfway up to his ear, “Marcus called. Cops raided the party.”
Masha stood up, arms dropped to her sides, “Mother fucker… Who?”
Ryon stepped closer, tilted his head down and lowered his voice, even though there was nobody in the whole building that could probably understand them. “JJ, Darren, Otto, Jozeph… Rusty...Dom. Warrants on Dom and JJ, other four parole violations.”
Masha forced down the urge to hit something, “Complete fucking horse shit. What else?”
“Marcus said they just came for warrants, grabbed the others, broke up the party.” He must have saw the look on her face, “Kids had already left, Nessa was at work, reporter chick was there but To got her out… Boss has been clear for years girly, they got nothin’ to grab him on even if they wanted to.”
“I know… I know. Shit.” She paced some more and glared at the receptionist until she went back to whatever game she had been playing on her phone. Masha turned back to Ryon, “Go. I’ll stay with Lacee, take her to the house when she’s done.” He looked skeptical, “Go, I’m fine.”
Ryon finally let his hand that held the phone fall back to his side but did not move to leave.
“I don’t know if it means anything or not… but one of the cops, was that orc cop.”
Masha took a deep breath and let her head roll back and to the side in exasperation, “Of course it fucking was.” She forced herself to take another deep breath and then shoved her hands in her jacket pockets. “Get out of here, go help handle this shit. Tell Dorghu I’ll work on getting bail together.”
Her bodyguard still looked unsure of leaving her and Lacee alone but both he and Masha knew he had more important places to be. “You carrying?”
“In the car.” They nodded to each other and the doors hissed again as Ryon left.
Chapter 11 is up!
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kilojulietsierra · 7 years
Dark Side of Me - Chapter Seven (Dorghu x OC)
Violence! and Racial Slurs! You have been warned!!!
Fogteeth stuff and an appearance by Mikey!
Chapter Seven
Masha shuffled into the office around 3:30 am and squinted at Mikel who still sat at the desk, a thick laptop and a notebook full of nearly illegible numbers in front of him. “Hey girl.”
“Hey Mikel.” She walked over to the small employee fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before she hopped up to sit on the counter behind him. “Shouldn't you have left like a long time ago?” She cracked the bottle open and drank a third of it before she stopped for air.
He tapped a few keys, slow and uncoordinated with his over sized fingers, then swiveled the chair around to face her. “Well, I had some work I needed to get done… and I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh?” She ran a hand through her currently untamed hair.
“Yeah.” Mikel pulled his glasses off and dropped them on the desk behind him. He watched her, waited her to finish stretching her arms high above her head. “Masha, I want you to run the bar for me.”
Masha stared at him dully, her eyes foggy and tired. “What do you mean?”
He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “You've been here longer than anyone I've ever hired, you’re a hard worker, smart, tough enough to handle the… specific clientele we cater to, you know everyone, everyone loves you, respects you.” Mikel paused and looked her over again, “Every time I see you, you’re exhausted. How long can you work all day at the gym and all night here?”
She leaned back against the wall, swung her feet, letting them bounce off the cupboards below her. “As long as I have to.”
Her employer scratched at his pale, bluish green forearm, “Take this job, be the manager here, work normal hours, get paid more.” His eyes locked on hers and waited for them to focus, “Handle the books and I’ll split my cut with you.”
That caught her attention. She laughed, dry and sarcastic, and took another drink of the water bottle. “Dorghu won’t allow it.”
“He already did. Thinks it’s a great idea, even agreed to up our percentage. We’d both make more money.” The well used, wooden chair squeaked as he shifted his weight, “He trusts you, obviously, and so do I. You can still work behind the bar if you want, keep your tips, you’d just have more responsibility.” What he didn’t mention about that responsibility was that it was prosecutable as a federal offense and it would most likely land her in prison and eventually back in Russia. “You’d be compensated for it though.”
Masha continued to bounce her feet off the cupboard doors and drink her water. When her water was empty she screwed the cap back on and tossed it in the garbage next to Mikels desk. “So, I’d what? Place orders, handle deliveries, hire, fire, write paychecks and cook the books? Conceal money for a criminal organization and pour cheap beer, livin’ the dream.” She dropped her head back against the wall with a snort. Almost immediately she sighed, “I’m sorry Mikel, I did not mean it like that.”
He smiled at her, his eyes almost fluorescent, “I know. You’re tired. Which is why you should take this job Masha.”
Masha looked at her boss. “I’m not an orc Mikel. I’m not clan.”
“Which makes you perfect.” His smile turned conspiratorial. “Even more perfect.”
“Do you think I can do it?”
“Dorghu said you knew, and didn’t say anything. For quite awhile. Why?”
Masha sighed deeply again. Leaned her elbows on her knees, mirroring Mikel. “I came to the states because my parents were dead and my brother was here.” She fought to swallow a bitter lump in her throat. “I've seen him once, since I moved here, in person. A handful of times on the TV… This is my family. You don’t rat on family. You protect family.”
“Even if most of your new family are violent, dangerous, criminals with questionable morals?” His tone was serious but soft.
Masha snickered, “Especially then.”
Mikel laughed with her. “Take the job Masha.”
She pulled her legs up to sit cross legged on the counter, elbows on her knees. With a huff she rubbed her hands over her face and stared at the floor.
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Masha flicked open her pocket knife and sliced through the tape of a plain, brown cardboard box.  She shuffled the contents from the box to the shelves in the back of the kitchen, humming along to the song that played on the jukebox out front. She had just flattened out the box when Mikey and Vincent came through the back door carrying three cases of beer each.
“This is the last of ‘em Masha.” Mikey called as they walked past her and took the boxes into the walk in cooler. They returned a second later, breathing a little heavy but both with smiles on their faces.
“Thank you boys.” She pulled a wad of cash from her pocket and folded out two twenty dollar bills. With the bills between her fingers she extended her hand towards them, “You could make a little extra and stock the coolers and the shelves so the girls don’t have to.”
They exchanged a look, both shrugged. Mikey nodded, his gold chain swayed against his t-shirt as he shifted his weight from side to side, “Yeah sure.”
She gave them the twenties and walked around them to leave the kitchen, “Come find me when you’re done.” With the boys hard at work she walked out to the front and rolled her eyes when she saw Tolar leaning over the counter talking to Nessa. “Excuse me sir but, we’re closed. I’m going to have to kindly ask you to get the fuck out.”
Tolar turned and put on his best pout, “Aww c’mon! Don’t be mean, I thought we were friends.”
Masha laughed and propped herself up by the shoulder in the end of the hall, “Some days To, don’t push your luck ‘cause I might change my mind.” She chuckled and shook her head in amusement. “You ready for the till money Nessa?”
“Yeah, whenever you are.”
“Okay.” Masha pushed off the wall and walked back into the office. She quickly opened the safe and grabbed a money bag off the top shelf, taking a quick glance over the other contents of the safe before she closed the door and spun the lock.
Back out front Masha took the money bag to Nessa behind the bar and went to talk to Tolar while his girlfriend got the cash register ready to open. “So, you guys goin’ to be around tonight?”
“Nah, boss is antsy. Gang bangers are pushing back now that their main homie is back in charge.” Tolar straightened the shoulders of his jersey, “Some of us might try to come by later but, depends on how shit goes ya know.”
Masha nodded, “I hate to sound like a bitch but… are we really worried about a Mexican in a wheelchair?”
From down the bar Nessa laughed, “You’re a terrible person and you’re going to hell.”
“Bitch that’s not anything new!” They all laughed and Masha turned back to Tolar, “Seriously though?”
“I don’t know girly. Sure sounds like it’s for real. I don’t know, there’s somethin’ in the air. You can feel it. It’s gonna be a long summer.”
The conversation trailed off there until Nessa came back, “All set. It okay if I go grab a smoke with To before he leaves?”
“Yeah sure, unlock the door on your way out will ya? I’ll watch the bar.” Masha rapped her knuckles against the counter and extended her fist to Tolar, “Stay safe brother.”
The large orc bumped fists with Masha before reaching over the bar to grab Nessa around the waist and hoist her up and over the bar. He set her on her feet gently and they walked out the front door together giggling obnoxiously.
Masha rolled her eyes but smiled too. She reached for her favorite bottle of vodka and poured herself a shot into a pint glass, topping it off with a can of Sprite. She had just taken her first sip when Mikey and Vincent appeared from the kitchen, laughing again. “That was fast.”
The boys shared a look and laughed some more, “We’re very motivated.” Vincents voice was a little deeper than Mikeys and he stood a little taller.
“Mhmm…” Masha crossed her arms and looked from one young orc to the other. Only two things motivated seventeen year old boys regardless of their race, money and girls. She walked the length of the bar, staring the boys down with each step she took. Vincent eventually lost some of his bravado and looked to his shoes, but Mikey didn’t weaken. He kept his eyes on hers and a smile on his face. Masha came to stand in front of him with a raised eyebrow. His mostly pale face flushed a little but he still didn’t look away. Finally she nodded and gave the boys a smile, “Grab a six pack out of the cooler. A six pack!” She pointed at him as a threat. “Don’t. Be. Stupid.”
Mikey and Vincent shared a look and bumped each other on the shoulder, all smiles again. Mikey wrapped an arm around her in a hug and very quickly, very carefully kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks Masha.” He bumped his forehead against hers for a second, “We’ll be careful, promise.”
“You better, or else your dad will kill us both.” Masha chuckled and shoved the two boys back down the hall, “Now get out of here. Go have fun.Thank you for helping unload.” She watched them as they disappeared into the back and listened for the back door slamming closed.
“I will pretend I didn’t see that.”
Masha actually flinched at the voice in her ear and the breath on her neck. She spun around, “Holy fuck… how the fuck...you’re too big to be that sneaky.”
“You’re too smart to be contributing to minors.” Dorghu had his hands shoved in his pants pockets and his head tipped down to stare at Masha. “My son no less.”
“If they didn’t get it from me they would have gotten it somewhere else. Plus, your son, unlike most his age, is not stupid.” Masha took a half step forward, crossing her arms over her chest. “He promised me he’d e careful and I trust him.” She looked up at him with her head tilted to one side. “So do you.”
Dorghu chuckled and rested his hand at the base of her neck, thumb rubbing up and down the front of her throat. “Lucky for you.”
“Mhmm.” She drew out the hum and felt the hand at her throat tighten for a split second at the vibration. Masha drew her bottom lip between her teeth and wrapped one of her own hands around his forearm, or rather over the top of it. Her hands too small to wrap all the way around. “To said you guys have a thing tonight.”
He grunted as he moved his hand to the back of her neck, threaded his fingers through her loose hair. “Tolar should keep his mouth shut. But, yes.”
Masha hummed again and let her eyes slip closed while his thick, blunt fingers massaged the base of her skull. She gave his arm a squeeze, the leather sleeve bunching in her grip, “I’ll be here all night. Just in case.”
“Good girl.”
His hand suddenly disappeared from her neck only to reappear at the back of her knee. Masha had just jerked her eyes open in time for Dorghu to hoist her up by the back of one knee and press her into the wall of the hallway. She was held up by a strange combination of his one handed grip, her own core strength and his body weight pushing her up against the wall. With his other hand braced against the wall he hoisted her up higher until her neck was directly in front of him and then he buried his face in the hollow of her throat.
She grasps the back of his neck now, her head tipped back against the wall as she feels his tusks rub against her collar bone. Once the initial shudder of arousal passes she remembers why he’s doing this and focuses. Masha leans forward again and rests her lips against the top of the scar that starts highest on his skull. The one he hates the most. Her personal favorite.
He breathes her in deeply, fill his lungs and then lets it out slowly before he lets her slip back to the floor, to stand on her own two feet but still tightly held between him and the wall. His eyes jump about her face for a split second, lingering longer on her newest scar before he nods and heads back towards the front door.
She stands there, leaning back against the wall, one hand reached up to rest over the still puckered scar.  She knew he felt guilty about it, she also knew that a small part of him enjoyed it. Contrary to what most groupies thought, the human ones anyway, males didn’t mark women or claim them. Not by biting anyway. It was dangerous and impractical, but some liked to bite, some liked to be bitten. Orc skin was thick, tough, harder to break. Masha had ruined many a girls day by explaining the nasty scars on her neck and shoulder happened while having, admittedly mind blowing, sex with an orc.
The scars were not two, clean, neat, little circles like most of them expected. No, they were a handful of jagged, rough, rips through her flesh, ugly and impossible to hide. Dorghu had come close to taking a chunk of meat out of her paler and weaker skin that night. The looks of the scars alone was enough to convince most adventurous young girls that big orc cocks weren't worth it.
But, that didn’t stop a shiver from rolling down Masha’s spine as she brushed her fingers over her own marred skin.
Masha was still standing there when the blacked out Escalade pulled away from the curb a few moments later. She pulled herself back from her thoughts finally, rubbed at the scar once more as though it was nothing more than a sore muscle and settled her attention on more important matters.  
Eventually Nessa walked in the door and across the empty bar to stand next to her friend and manager. A pained look on her face.  “Tolar is nervous. Says a lot of them are. Something bad is coming.”
“New girl seemed to work out well.” Masha walked behind the bar to pull the money out of the till while Nessa locked the front door.
“Yeah.” Nessa paused at the door, eyes glued to the street outside.
Masha looked up at her friend, “Hey,” She waited until Nessa actually turned to face her, the tail of her headscarf sliding off her shoulder. “He’s fine Nessa.”
“Yeah.” She repeated before turning her back on the door. “I know.”
With a sigh, Masha stopped what she was doing and leaned forward, elbows on the bar. “Getting harder the closer you get?”
The younger woman nodded. “He’s different, not just some guy…”
“I know.” Masha shoved the rest of the cash register money into the bag and bumped the drawer closed, “So does he Nessa.” She walked out from behind the bar as Nessa came back from the door, “You gonna hang around awhile longer?”
Nessa nodded, “If that’s okay?”
“Of course it is. You make us a stiff drink while I go count this.” The girls shared a smile before Masha went back into the office.
She had just placed the bank bag in the safe, ready for the next shift when she heard a commotion out front. Masha closed the safe with one hand and rested the other on the grip of the small pistol in her jeans. A glance out the office door calmed her. The commotion had been Tolar and some of the others coming through the front door and Nessa attacking Tolar as soon as she had unlocked the door for them.
Masha relaxed and closed the office door behind her as she walked out into the bar and up to Marcus who had sat on one of the stools. “Well?”
“Hey beautiful, all good, everyone’s whole. Well,” he chuckled as did the two soldiers next to him, “We are anyway.”
“Good.” She looked to where Nessa was still wrapped around Tolar and then over the rest of them, “Want a drink? Who am I kidding? of course you do.”
She had just got them all set up with drinks when Dorghu and two others came through the door as well. Masha immediately poured three more beers, which were happily received. Except for Dorghu. He caught Masha’s eye but continued towards the wall of booths where he dropped into one of the benches and kicked the table up against the opposite bench. With a quick glance at the others Masha grabbed the remaining mug of beer and walked out from behind the bar.
Across the room she set the mug on the table in front of him. “Drink. Relax.”
He looked up at her and as she moved to walk away he grabbed her hand to stop her. “Sit.” He tugged her to him, pulled her to straddle his lap, shifted his seat so that his legs were spread wide. His eyes traveled over her for a second and then let out a long sigh. Relaxing into the bench, Masha relaxed too.  Dorghu rested his hands on her thighs and looked around the room. “Finish your drinks, then go home.”
It wasn’t a loud, barking order like his usual, and the entire atmosphere of the bar changed as the guys finally started to wind down from… whatever it was they had gotten into that night.
Dorghu remained quiet for some time, his head leaned back against the booth and his hands roaming Masha’s body over her clothes. Eventually Masha broke his silence, “What are you thinking?”
His un-torn ear twitched and then fluttered again as Masha ran her finger over the edges of the mutilated one. He didn’t stop her hand or his own, but he did open his eyes, “Come stay at the house tonight.”
Masha let a small smile loose and nodded, “Okay.” She slid her hands under his jacket to massage at his shoulders for a bit, “You go. I’ll get these guys chased out and lock up. I’ll be right behind you.”
He hummed and brought one hand up to the scars he had left on her, fingers brushed over them and he snorted out a laugh when her entire body shivered under his touch. He squeezed her thigh once, a signal to stand up and then ushered her back towards the others. With a quick ass grab and a playful spank he headed back out the front door. .
Masha slid back behind the bar, “Alright come on, chug and get the fuck out!”
Everyone laughed and Nessa turned away from Tolar, his arms still wrapped low around her waist, “Hey, I can lock up. If you want to take off?”
She considered the offer for a minute and then smiled, “Sure. Thanks.” Masha walked back out from behind the bar and towards the office. “Don’t break anything and don’t forget to lock the doors.”  She grabbed her bag out of the office and slipped out the back door, momentarily overwhelmed by the ungodly heat, even in the middle of the night. Masha took off down the alley towards the parking lot.
Her car was one of the few left in the lot, other than a couple of pickups that belonged to clan guys. Masha reached for her keys just as something connected hard with the back of her head. Colors exploding in front of her eyes before her hands and face came into contact with the asphalt.
Two of the clan guys walked out the back door, one of them in the middle of re-enacting a beat down he had given a few hours before. They were both laughing hysterically but the shorter of the two stopped, his hands shoved in the pockets of his hoodie he sniffed at the air. “Hey man, you smell that?” He inhaled deeper. “You bleeding or something?” He began to look his friend over.
“Nah, not a scratch.” The other orc looked over his hands and then up and down the alley as he tried to locate the scent.
Before either of them could figure it out a muffled gunshot echoed through the buildings, followed by three more in quick succession.
“Fuck, c’mon!” They took off in the direction of the shots at a run, or at least the orc equivalent. When they arrived at the parking lot, where they thought the shots had come from, they both skidded to a stop, guns drawn. “Oh shit…”
“Go get To and Marcus. Now!”
While the shorter ran back to the bar the other ran further into the parking lot, coming to a stop, slowly approaching the crumpled body they had found. “Masha…” he crept closer, eyes and ears working overtime, taking in the surroundings. “Masha?” He knelt down next to her.
She was laid face down, an arm bent under her and her hair, jeans and shirt covered in dirt, grime and blood. The eye he could see was closed and her mouth hung open slightly. “Shit… shit… Masha.” He set his gun down on the ground and laid a hand on her back. She didn’t move. As carefully as he could he rolled her over. The other side of her face was scraped raw, from eyebrow to chin, bits of gravel stuck to her skin. Her lip was split open in two places and her eye was swollen shut.
He flinched at a noise behind him and spun, his gun pointed at the middle of Tolar’s broad chest. “Fuck man!”
Tolar hurried over, “Holy fuck. Is she breathing?” He dropped his head to her chest, and listened. Behind them Marcus, Nessa and a few of the others waited, holding their own breath.
It was soft, wheezy and rough but it was there, she was breathing.
Tolar grabbed the less damaged side of her face, “Hey, Masha come on.” He turned to look back at the others, “Call Mikel! Tell him to meet us at the church, now!” He put a hand to her chest and shook her back and forth on the ground, “C’mon girly,” Then he made a fist and rubbed his knuckles harshly against her sternum.  He continued to do so for several seconds.
Marcus hung up the phone. “He’ll be there. C’mon man we gotta go. Cops are gonna show eventually.”
With no luck Tolar stopped and looked up, “Nessa, grab her bag. Get her keys and take her Caddy. Go home and stay there! Donny, go with her.”
“Dude I’ll wreck the suspension in that thing.”
The orc that had originally found Masha spoke up, “I’ll follow her bro, my truck is right here.” He grabbed the duffle bag off the ground and handed it to Nessa who stood back shaking, tears dripping down her cheeks, visible even in the dark.
When she didn’t move Tolar yelled, louder, “Nessa, now!”
“Okay, okay.” She dug through the bag and found the keys, hit the unlock button and ran to the sleek, black coupe parked a few spaces away. She crawled in and slammed the door behind her. As the car started, bass pounded even through the closed doors and windows.
Once the two of them pulled out of the parking lot Tolar turned back to Masha. “Come on girly.” He rubbed at her sternum once more, harder and longer this time.
A gasping cough scared the shit out of all of them as Masha flinched at the pain. Coughing and batting weakly at Tolars hand that still dug at the tender nerves in her chest.
“Fuck. Masha. Hey, hey look at me babe. Look at me.” Tolar moved his hand back to her face, tried to catch her eye, the one that could open finally focused on him but only just. “Hey, hey babe, listen. Can you hear me?” He yelled at whoever would listen, “Go get the Escalade!” Then he turned back to Masha, “What happened? Are you shot?” Tolar and Marcus both looked over her but she grabbed at Tolars hand to get his attention.
She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times and finally just dropped her hand to the side, pointing vaguely towards the building behind her.
One of the others followed where she pointed, “Gun.” He picked it up, holding it up for a second before shoving it in his jacket pocket.
“C’mon we gotta go.” He bent to pick her up but she fought against him, coughing some more and groaning, clutching at her side with the only hand that seemed to be able to move.
Tolar watched as she gritted her teeth and scrunched her face up against the pain. “Down, down the alley.” She gasped in a raspy breath. “I- got one. I think.” She writhed on the ground for a second, groaning again as her eyes rolled back. “Mexican.”
“Okay, okay, good girl Mash. I still gotta pick you up and get you outta here.” He turned around as tires squealed and a black SUV pulled up next to them.
Marcus called from further down the alley, “She did get one! Pecker head’s still alive!”
Masha rolled over and began to retch violently. Tolar shook his head with a combination of worry and pure anger, “Fuck this. Bring that wet back mother fucker!”
Once she was finished vomiting Tolar picked Masha up and put her in the backseat of the SUV as carefully as possible, “You good?” Masha moaned something resembling a yes and he slammed the door. “Get him, meet us at the church. Call Dorghu!”
They all flinched as a door down the hall slammed open. Everyone except for Mikel who currently knelt next to the pew where Masha lay while he stitched up the bigger cuts to her face. He paused to put a steady hand on her shoulder, hold her still as what could only be the clan leader stormed his way through the church. “It’s okay girly, stay still for me.” She groaned again but relaxed back onto the hard,wooden bench.
Another door slammed open and Dorghu appeared in the main hall. “What the fuck happened?”
Tolar intercepted his boss right away, “Couple of gangsters jumped her on her way to her car. Beat the shit out of her.”
Dorghu glared straight ahead, “How bad? Why?”
With a deep breath Tolar started, “Fucked up her face pretty good, concussion, Mikel thinks they cracked or broke a couple ribs, knocked her shoulder out, covered in bruises.” He pursed his lips, cracked his knuckles repeatedly as Dorghu turned to look him in the eye finally, “She says they didn’t say anything, didn’t take nothin’... just bashed her over the back of the head and beat the shit out of her.” Dorghus jaw clenched, his teeth grinding together, his whole body visibly tense. Tolar continued, “She got a few shots off and they ran.” That got his bosses attention, “Put two bullets in one of ‘em. One in the shoulder, one in the leg. ”
“Where is he?” Dorghus eyes stared at Masha where she laid curled up on the front pew.
“Back room with Eoin and Marcus. Bad shape but alive, for now.  I sent the others back to the bar, bleach the parking lot, there was quite a bit of blood plus Masha got sick, told them to pickup casings, shit like that. Cops never showed so...”
The leader nodded, “Go get him.” Without waiting for To’s response Dorghu walked towards Masha and Mikel.
Masha’s eyes were closed, but Mikel turned and stood up. “She’s in pretty bad shape but nothing that’s gonna kill her. Did as much as I could, but… she’s going to hurt for quite awhile. I can track down some pills for her in the morning. She wouldn’t take anything right now, I tried.” Mikel leaned a little closer and dropped his voice, “Nothing… bad..., they beat the shit out of her but that’s all.” Mikels eyes were tired and his hands tinged with blood.  “She’ll need someone with her the next day or so, keep an eye on her and try to keep her awake, the concussion is pretty serious I think. What about the other guy?”
Dorghu turned to his friend and business partner, his jaw still clinched and his eyes hard, he spoke through gritted teeth. “He won’t need a doctor.”
Mikel nodded and picked up the faded, camouflage bag on the floor next to him. “Call me if she needs anything else.”
After a moment Dorghu knelt down in front of her, squeezed her elbow as gently as he could, “Wake up Devochka.”
Her eyes fluttered and only one opened all the way. It was watery and narrow, more grey than blue.  Her voice was weak and heavily accented, exhausted, “I’m awake.”
“Good.” His eyes roamed the red and raw side of her face, bruises had already formed around her eye socket, cheekbones and throat, and who knows where else on her body. “I’m going to have Tolar take you to the house.”
“No.” She cut him off, forced her eyes open wider. “I wanna go home.” Masha curled in tighter around herself, laying on her side, back against the pew, “I want to go to my home.”
She looked so weak, so broken. She reeked of fear and it made Dorghu’s stomach turn. Finally he nodded and looked away, “Okay Devochka. Tolar will take you home.” With that he stood and stalked to the front of the room where the three remaining clan members stood, a bloody and babbling gangster on his knees between them. “Tolar, take her home and stay with her until I tell you otherwise.”
Tolar nodded and went to collect Masha. When they were both safely out the door Dorghu turned his sights on the Hispanic. “Stand up.’ When he didn’t listen he said louder, “Stand his ass up.”
As soon as the gangster was on his feet Dorghu shoved him back against the wall, hard enough his head bounced.
“What does Altamira want with a bartender?” He snarled in the mans tattooed and bloody face.
“Puerco comes to our hood, we come to puercos.” He got out a few laughs before Dorghus fist crashed into his face.
“Well, gang bangers come into our neighborhood, they don’t all leave.” Dorghu paced a little while Eoin stood the gangster back up. “Shit, we've got women tougher than you mother fucker!” Dorghu peeled off his jacket and hung it over the chair under the tree of antlers. “You beat a girl, sneak up on her in a dark alley, jump her from behind,” He smashed another punch to his face, blood spewing from the gangsters mouth as he tipped into Marcus who shoved him back.
He laughed again, “We heard the head pig was fucking some little human piece. I don’t blame you. She was pretty cute,” He spit some blood out on the floor, “Too bad about her face.”
The next punch sent him to the ground, more blood pouring from his mouth followed by the satisfying tick of a tooth hitting the floor. Dorghu reached down and grabbed him by the chin, hauling him to his feet and holding him to the wall by the throat. The gang bangers feet kicked a few inches off the ground as Dorghu held him with one hand and snarled in his face, “That girl would kick your ass if you weren't such a pussy. You and your home boys so scared of a little human piece that you have to bash her head in before you attack her?”
The Mexican was choking between Dorghus grip and his own blood running back down his throat. As he started coughing up blood, getting it all over Dorghus arm he dropped him to the ground, he immediately fell to his hands and knees only to be laid out completely, face first, by another punch.
“Ha! Even then she gets the best of your ass!” With something between a growl and a laugh he grinds the bottom of his boot against the bullet hole in the back of the gang bangers thigh. While he screams and spits up more blood Dorghu nods to his men and they move to pull back the heavy, steel plates covering the pit. Dorghu once again picks the gangster up by the throat and drags him to the edge. “If any other Altamira cross into our territory again, if any other Altamira lays a hand on anyone connected to us, if I even hear that Altamira talked about driving through one of our neighborhoods, I will find them, I will kill all of them, and I won’t stop until this pit is full of bodies. Understand?”
The gang banger sobbed and coughed before he finally choked out a yes. His hands pried at Dorghus vice like grip, “I will tell.”
Dorghu laughed, “No… you won’t.” With terrifying ease he picked the gangster up and tossed him, one handed, into the pit. He was still screaming his way down when Dorghu nodded for Eoin and Marcus to cover the hole with the sheets of steel.
Just a friendly reminder that Fogteeth are bad guys. We still love them! Let me know what y’all think! I kind of wrote this one in a hurry. 
Chapter Eight
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kilojulietsierra · 7 years
Chapter Four - Dark Side of Me (Dorghu x OC)
Just a short chapter because the next one is going to be longer and... interesting... lol Plus I seriously need to finish the last chapter of Blood & Bylines and this story is very distracting!
As always "This is what Orcish looks like." and "Words that look like this are Russian.”
Chapter Four
The bar was empty when she got to work that evening except for Mikel in the office. “Hey girly, How was the party last night? Any trouble.”
Masha hung her gym bag up on it’s regular hook and stretched her shoulders, “Nah, just a little dancing on the tables.”
“I always miss the good stuff.” He looked up from the till count from the day shift, “You alright on your own tonight? Other two girls apparently still aren’t feeling real good.” They both chuckled and he sat back to watch Masha stretch some more, “You sure you’re good?” He scratched at his lip between his tucks.
“Hmm? Yeah, just sore. Long night, long day at the gym, I’ll be ok. Anything I need to know?”
“Nope easy night. I’ll be in here for awhile if you need anything.” Mikel went back to his money and Masha headed out to the bar.
Less than an hour later the bar only had a handful of orcs at the counter. Masha stood, leaned back against the coolers and chatted with them until two clan guys and Dorghu came through the front door. Dorghu raised his voice, “Everyone out!” The customers did as they were told, finished their drinks in one gulp, threw some cash on the counter and left. Dorghu came to the end of the bar and looked over his shoulder to his men, “Mikel is in the office, he’ll get you what you need.”
Once the main room was empty Dorghu walked behind the bar and right up to Masha. Her eyes followed his men down the hall until she couldn’t see them, then she looked to the clan leader, “What’s goin’ on?”
“More Mexican shit.” He looked her up and down, moved in front of her and braced his hand on either side of her, against the counter.
“So I found an email address for the reporter,” Masha started.
He shook his head slowly, “Don’t care right now.” Then leaned down to press his nose against the soft flesh under her ear and inhale.
Masha let a gasp escape and clamped her eyes shut, angry with herself. The gasp was nothing compared to the shiver that went down her spine when he moved his hands from the counter to her waist. His weight that he had been holding up sagged against her and pushed the air from her lungs. “What are you doing?”
He pulled back to look her in the eye, one of his fingers slipped under the hem of her t-shirt and rubbed against her side, “What I should have done this morning.” His eyes dropped down to look at her lips and then back to her eyes, “Unless you tell me not to.”
Her eyes bounced around, everywhere but his face, for a second she stared at the patches on his jacket again. Carefully she wrapped her left hand around one side of the jackets zipper and met his gaze as she gave it the smallest tug.
His lips curled into a smile and he grabbed one of her hands, brought it up to his face and rested the pad of her thumb against one of his slanted tusks, “Careful.” With that he leaned in the small distance and covered her lips with his own. 
For a second they stayed still but then Masha laid her hand flat against his jaw, her thumb still against his tusk rubbed from the tip, to where it protruded from his lip and then back to the point. Dorghu growled low in the back of his throat moved his lips over hers, careful not to tilt his head too far and jab her with a tusk.
She hummed and pulled back slightly, her other hand still clenched around his jacket, “Your guys will be back.”
Dorghu chuckled, slid his lips over hers again, “Not until I tell them to come back.”
“Hmm.” Masha let out a laugh of her own, muffled by their noses pressed together. She suddenly felt very small and vulnerable, with his weight pressing her into the counter, his head bent low over hers, his huge hands gripping at her sides.
He must have sensed the change because he leaned back enough to give her some room, pulled his hands from her waist and used them to brace his weight against the bar again.
Masha took a deep breath and relaxed immediately, but didn't let go of his lips, she held onto his bottom one, with her teeth, hard enough that he couldn't pull away completely. Not right away at least. When she did let him go she braced her own hands on the counter behind her, right next to his.
Dorghus eyes traveled up and down her body again, pausing for a second on the rise and fall of her chest.  Eventually he winked and yelled over his shoulder, “Let’s go!”  On his way out from behind the bar he let a hand slide around her hip and across her stomach. His men appeared each with a large duffle bag each and they left her alone and the bar empty.
Like I said, just a short little piece this time but, more to come on the next one!
I don’t know why but I can’t tag people, I’m sorry!
Chapter Five Next
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