nessasalazar · 7 months
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(via A Release of longing)
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explorers-central · 4 months
"I love The Polar Bear Explorers' Club"
The Polar Bear Explorers' Club:
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ask-the-doppelganger · 6 months
*Puts a microwave in your face*
Do you have anything to say for humanity?
*The Doppelganger looks back at you, with wide eyes and a pretty convincing expression of terror... then, it slowly reaches over, and unplugs the microwave.*
I know how to disable human machines. :)
Now, let's make a deal, should we? I'll let you run along and not even try to catch you if you lt me have this. I haven't seen one of these up close before.
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maximumgraves · 4 months
maximum graves implies the existance of a minimum graves. perhaps as an evil dopplganger
minimum graves is me but smaller
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fakecrfan · 2 years
Georgie Barker having worked together with a literal doppelganger not once but TWICE is conceptually so funny, and even more so that she readily recommended her to Melanie and the implication in her special episodes that she is sponsored by avatar-run brands. It would be so funny if her podcast was actually that popular because she keeps trailing her competitors for minions of the Entities.
Okay it's been a while since I listened to all her appearances so I could be misrememberng things but--I feel like Georgie is a lot more like Joshua Gilespie and Sebastian Skinner than people realize. Outside of close people she aggressively stays out of people's business and doesn't poke at things. I don't think that she's feels strong pulls of curiosity and if she does she usually chooses to ignore them. She doesn't even tell her landlord when the lights have gone out. Her default method of interacting with anything that crosses her path is "leave it alone."
So a dopplganger wearing stolen skin gives Melanie weird vibes even before she sees the skin peeling. She notices her odd behavior and the odd smell around her, mostly covered by constant chain smoking. Those are indications something's off. But Georgie? She's just be like "Oh she's odd I guess. She did her job though." Because she never got bothered enough about the weird smell or behavior to notice anything like that.
Part of that is the trauma induced complete lack of fear, I think. What fear is supposed to do is act as a signal to pay more attention. You know, so you pick up on potential threats to your existence. Georgie being unable to feel fear probably means she just isn't going to pay attention to such signals.
Person is over-smoking? She won't think they're possibly trying to cover up some more sinister smell, they're just odd and it's impolite to point it out.
Ex boyfriend got an archivist job and says he thinks it's slowly turning him inhuman? Her first thought is "wait but you don't have a library sciences degree!"
Even beyond supernatural trauma induced apathy, though--Georgie Barker is just fundamentally a hobbit of a person. No, not like Bilbo or Frodo or Sam or any of the main characters of LOTR. Like a PROPER hobbit. She would just sit happily in her little hobbit hole eating her first and second breakfast and never feel the urge to investigate or go on any adventures whatsoever. Talk about other people's adventures and odd things? Sure. Get involved? Oh absolutely not she wouldn't have time to feed her cat. It takes the literal apocalypse for this woman to get directly involved in anything.
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qingxin-dream · 11 months
HE DEFINITELY IS A YANDERE AND WANTS TO REPLACE SCARA (but he knows he can’t quite to that the way he wants he’s limited with what he can do at the moment)
But if Scara had a lover, imagine its his assistant, IT will also feel that affection for them, even if it’s in its own gruesome ways
“Mm.. I cant be him can I, that’s ok I’ll just take you instead” he speaks like he’s hissing
i really like the idea of faceless wanderer being inexplicably connected to the real wanderer, especially if you think of him as the corrupted remnants of scara’s past that were supposed to be erased in irminsul.
nothing can truly be erased or forgiven, can it? no, it manifested into something far worse.
faceless wanderer feels what canon wanderer feels, but to an extreme degree. so while wanderer fumbles through his emotions around you, faceless wanderer is absolutely taken with you and stalks you incessantly. he desperately wishes that he could replace wanderer to know what it’s like to receive just an ounce of your affection.
just know the moment wanderer turns his back, his faceless doppelgänger is waiting to surprise you with his menacing, scarlet red eyes swirling with pure obsession.❣️
“Finders keepers, haha. Oh, love, I adore the way you quiver beneath me.”
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cl0wn-republic · 9 months
I thought the Toby Fox Wario post was a joke you're telling me there IS an evil dopplganger of Toby out there?? that's horrifying
For context Undertale Yellow payed for the licenses and got approved to use the Undertale logo and music remixes in their game but Materia copyrighted that shit anyways and the CEO went on a public twitter tirade instead of,,,just not doing all of that??
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arsnof · 8 months
Since I'm sharing old unfinished stuff, I might as well post this, too. This is Demon's Corpse, the sequel to my 24 Hour comic, Demon's Core. It involved dueling cults, timeline dopplgangers, and stopping one apocalypse so that a different one can happen. Burnt out before I could finish sketching it. I've still got the whole thing in my head, so I might come back to it, but it won't likely be soon.
I'll put it under a cut so I don't clog your dash.
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duckapus · 11 months
Idea that I will be writing at some point: Dopplganger Arle realizes that world-hopping by herself isn't really conductive to scheming so she comes up with what could generously be considered a plan;
Go to Nimbus's world, specifically a neighboring kingdom
Use Pierrot disguise w/ added cat tail to pose as traveling performer
Use performing skills and the novelty of non-music-based magic to catch the attention of local ruler
become ruler's new jester and use their castle as a base of operations
Become the One True Arle
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And yes, Doppel has an actual jester disguise that she's had since her debut in Puyo Puyo~n. Poor girl isn't just the living embodiment of Cole Identity Issues, she's also Evil-Clown-Coded.
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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oh yeah these edits I made of old 1950s family/church ads that are basically puppington dopplgangers
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cheddar-baby · 2 years
When i see my poste on the dash i didnt reblog i get scared. I didnt say that dopplganger!!
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achtung-attitude · 2 years
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CHAPTER 70: Black Key - Part 1
ACHTUNG BABY rises off the living room floor to float over Shizuka. The girl stands in a wide stance, ready to move at any moment, keeping her eye fixed on All-Kill. The man in black stands across from her, the shattered remains of his glass coffee table between them. He stands straight, his hands empty. The only light shines through the bay windows outside.
“Shizuka. Tell me one thing…” All-Kill says softly. Shizuka’s tense expression doesn’t change. “Was it you? Did you kill Sang-ok?”
Silence. Then, she speaks. “The film snob guy? No, that wasn’t me. My friend, Kilo, he did it. Blew him right to Hell. But you know what…?” She raises her chin. Her lip curls in cruel disdain, “Considering what you guys did to us? I wish I had.”
All-Kill frowns, his face concealed under shadow. “I see.”
Suddenly, he springs into action. BLACK KEYS manifests in his hands as he races towards Shizuka, the glass crunching under his shoes. ACHTUNG BABY waves its hands, and before All-Kill’s eyes, Shizuka multiplies. Her doppelgangers immediately fill the room. As he plunges his Key into his original target’s chest, he finds it phases straight through her.
“More illusions…” he mutters.
One of the doppelgangers lunges forward and throws a punch at him. He twists to avoid it, so it only lightly connects with his collar bone. Another doppelganger charges from the opposite side. He raises his arm to guard, but the girl’s arm phases right through him. A physical fist strikes him in the gut, pushing the wind out of him. While reeling from that, he’s struck on the back with a kick. 
Grimacing, All-Kill looks around at the phantom clones surrounding him, all of them moving in random directions to disorient him, all of them glaring at him. But only one of them is breathing. “An impressive trick… But, oh, so sloppy in execution!!!”
He dodges a dopplganger’s kick and lunges towards the breathing figure of Shizuka. This one’s facial expression changes to a look of surprise and fear as he suddenly falls upon her, all but confirming that this is indeed the real one. Before ACHTUNG BABY can appear to dazzle him, he sticks the Key into Shizuka’s chest and turns it. She gasps silently, looking down at the Stand piercing her. The doppelgangers fade away.
“That was a bit too quick. Did I overestimate you?” he says with contempt as Shizuka collapses to the floor. “In the end, you were completely hollow-”
He senses blindingly fast motion behind him and turns sharply. But unfortunately for him, all this does is give him a face full of boot. Reeling back from the high kick to his face, his thick square glasses are nearly knocked off of his face.
All-Kill tries to retaliate, clutching his face with one hand and stabbing forward with BLACK KEYS in the other. But Shizuka, perfectly alive and well, crouches and sweeps his legs out from beneath him. All-Kill lands hard on his back. “AGHH!” he groans on impact. 
Squinting up, he shudders at the sight above him. Shizuka raises her high heel over his head, preparing to bring it down with pure, murderous hatred in her face.
All-Kill rolls out of the way. Shizuka’s shoe strikes the ground so hard, the high heel snaps off. The man in black rises to his feet and dashes towards his television, fixing his glasses in the same motion. Beneath the television is a cabinet containing several bottles of expensive spirits. Retrieving six of them and holding them between his fingers, he stares at Shizuka. They lock eyes and a second standoff begins. 
“Your Stand…” All-Kill thinks, his breath hissing through clenched teeth. “You can’t create objects with physical mass. They’re just projections of light. But I know I pierced something just now. So what…?” He glances over and notices the paint and plaster on the far wall is derelict. “The wall…? But it felt like a living thing! Wait, no… did it? Or… was the illusion in front of me so detailed that my own senses fooled me…?”
Despite himself, All-Kill subtly scoffs. “Now that’s truly impressive. Maybe you’re not so hollow after all!”
Shizuka doesn’t respond. Without looking away from him, she snaps the high heel off of her other boot so she can stand level. Murder continues to smolder in her eyes. She shifts back into her stance as All-Kill winds his arms up. “Come at me, Shizuka.” With that, he hurls the liquor bottles. 
ACHTUNG BABY appears, and a moment later, so do the Shizuka doppelgangers to surround her enemy on all sides. The liquor bottles collide with the walls, not even coming close to any of the girl’s images. The real Shizuka repositions herself in the room and begins running forward. All the other doppelgangers follow suit. 
But the real Shizuka’s charge comes to an abrupt halt when she hears glass crunching beneath her feet. “Shit,” she whispers, realizing All-Kill’s intent. His intention was never to hit her with the bottles, but to determine her location. Because of all the Shizukas huddled in the room, only one’s footfalls make noise.
Sensing danger, she dodges, bending over backwards as All-Kill’s fist sails over her head, both BLACK KEYS wedged between his fingers like claws. She wheels aways, then sees the man in black flicks one of the keys into his free hand.
Shizuka moves to dodge back, summoning her illusory selves to cover her, but she steps back on more glass. All-Kill is upon her in an instant. The girl gasps, this time for real, as the Key pierces her chest, right over her heart. 
“You manipulate light. The entire sense of sight itself. Make me see the impossible,” All-Kill says, glaring into her eyes through his glasses. “But… you can’t trick any of my other senses. That’s the one fatal flaw to your ability, Shizuka.”
She shudders, then grips All-Kill’s arm. But she freezes when the man twitches his hand a single millimeter. The Key inside is cold enough to burn, but she doesn’t dare move an inch.
“Careful now, Shizuka. I’m sure T’onga told you already. How I can kill with a literal flick of my wrist. But did she tell you I can also bring you back to life?” 
“Huh?” Shizuka gasps, staring.
All-Kill nods, his expression blank. “Well, not exactly. Within a very small window, only a few seconds after death, I am able to ‘restart’ anything I shut down with BLACK KEYS. As long as they have all their parts in working order, they revive none the worse for wear. That’s why I’m not concerned about roughing you up too badly. I can do this all night. And so can you, if I want, Shizuka.”
“Stop… saying my name like that,” she hisses.
“Like what?”
“Like you know me!!” the girl snaps, “You seriously believe I’m still going to join your side, after what you did to my friends?!”
All-Kill’s lips turn down. “...Your friends killed my friends first. Members of my family. As things stand, I am being incredibly generous to you and your mother. You ought to show some gratitude.”
Squeezing his arm with both hands, Shizuka struggles. “It won’t happen! Not now, not ever! We will never join you!!!”
For all her struggles, All-Kill is stronger than her grip. His hand turns inexorably clockwise, until it reaches the edge of its arc. Frigid sweat rolls down her forehead. Her eyes roll in their sockets, scanning the room for anything she can use to escape. 
At the last possible moment, her eyes fall on a picture frame on the wall. The photograph encased inside is of a young boy with an ice cream cone. He stares into the camera, wide-eyed, apparently taken by surprise. In her feverish state of mind, she wonders who this boy is, then realization hits her.
The air around Shizuka flickers, her Stand directing the light around her into a new shape.
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realmofpyre · 11 months
The Levithmirra spymaster that killed another Levithmirian is reported to be a doppelganger.
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ask-the-doppelganger · 6 months
Hoon..... :(
Oh good. You have learnt how to emote.
Reshape the face. The entire face. You need the eyes and mouth to be entirely different. Human faces are complicated, and big black gouges are not on them.
Though you might be able to just look nonthreatening and get in anyways.
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bluejayhaze · 1 year
customer at work told me i looked like a man she knew. his name is cricket, allegedly, he has curly dyed dark blue hair like mine and he owns a miniature horse. apparently i am his doppelganger.
im incapable of overstating how desperate i am to meet my dopplganger named cricket and his miniature horse
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dude-ew-gross · 1 year
Thinki g about a crush of mine and all his dopplgangers walk into my job
I did see some loved ones today so that was cool, def a good day
Happy birthday mom
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