#doodles this cause i liked the chpt
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pixpirs · 7 months ago
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ghostwraith · 4 years ago
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long way from home?
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years ago
Manipulating a God | chpt. five
Synopsis: Trying to break the information out of Loki during the attack of 2012 wasn’t exactly the easiest task, but it was a challenge you were willing to take head on. So, what happened when a master manipulator tried to get information from the God of Mischief?
Series warnings: Swearing, mentions of violence, blood, and gore
Pairings: Stark!Reader x Loki
A/N: I am so happy to be back writing on here. I apologize for the unannounced hiatus, I was dealing with personal issues and couldn’t find the motivation to write, but I am back and stronger than ever! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and may all of your 2020 wishes come true! Much love. xoxox
PS. There is a major storyline/timeline change here but don’t worry, it’ll match up with the movie timeline soon enough!
I know this chapter is shorter, but the next one will be a lot of fun!
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For the millionth time that morning, Fury repeated the same question, “What did Loki say again? Give me the quote.”
Groaning and throwing your head back (also for the millionth time) you replied the same way you had all morning, “He said ‘the power I could find here on Earth is beyond anything your human brain can comprehend.’ Word for word - ish.” 
Fury placed the pencil under his chin as if he were contemplating the meaning of life and all existence, looking down at the notepad in front of him which only had that one exact quote written, no other details or clues or even doodles scribbled anywhere else on the small lined paper. For about half an hour, the two of you had been sitting here discussing what the God of Mischief had said, but nowhere nearer to deciphering anything. Thor, who was currently your best hope in this grand old mystery, was off paying his dear brother a visit in the meantime but hadn’t actually spoken to you all day so he was of no help thus far. 
In the half an hour you had been meeting with Fury, you had downed about eight coffees and your mind was having trouble staying focused on just the one quote, the meaning of it practically lost to you with the amount of caffeine flowing through your bloodstream. Your hands slightly shaking, eyes feeling fuzzy, you tried your best to keep focused and find any ideas flowing around your imaginative mind that could help out. But, in all honesty, you were blank.
Of course, you barely had any knowledge of ‘Outer Space’ in the first place, having only recently come in contact with your first-ever ‘aliens’ this week - and they were both nothing like you had expected from reading sci-fi and watching Star Trek. And that right there was the extent of your knowledge. 
“What if he’s looking for someone powerful? Instead of something,” Fury thought out loud, mumbling to himself as he started tapping the pencil to his chin. Mumbling a silent agreement, you let out a dramatic sigh as you continued sinking into your chair, bored of the endless circle of conversation that continued feeling pointless to you. No point had been proven and nothing could be confirmed or denied since Fury’s space knowledge didn’t seem to exceed your own.
“God, pick yourself up a little bit, Stark,” Fury spoke in disappointment at your slouched figure, “You’re worse than a seven-year old child after you’ve had your coffee.”
Chuckling at his comment, you sat properly in your chair, straightening your back like a stiff board and intertwining your fingers on the glass table like a posture-perfect model, “Is this better, Corporal Fury?”
“Y/N, I’m not messing around here, the fate of our planet is kind of resting in your hands.” 
Joking around was kind of your thing — you were a Stark after all. You knew that sometimes it got in the way when trying to hold a serious conversation (like right now), but there was nothing that could stop you from blurting out sarcastic or witty comments when people were relying on you for important answers.
You leaned towards him, a gentle smile on your lips, “I know, Fury, I’m just trying to bring some light to this dark situation.”
Fury nodded slowly, pointing down to the empty notepad in front of him, “Then try to shed some light on this.”
Dropping your smile, you pulled the notepad in front of you, staring blankly at the meaningless quote in front of you, “Have we ever considered that maybe Loki’s just messing with our minds? After all, that’s what he’s known for. This could just be an empty threat.”
“It’s not.”
Thor decided to make his entrance at the right time, arms crossed and a frown etched upon his bearded face — clearly, he had just come back from meeting Loki. He sauntered slowly over to the table and my eyes didn’t leave his figure. Something about the way he was standing gave me a feeling he was about to give us some information regarding what we’d been sitting in here discussing.
“Care to spill the beans, Thor?” 
“Sorry? Spill beans? I do not under—” 
“You don’t understand, yeah, I know. Just tell us what you think Loki means,” your patience was starting to wear thin with the Gods and their mysterious way of speaking. Still leaning over the table to direct your full attention to the blond hunk, you tensed your shoulders as you prepared for any kind of answer. 
“There’s this belief on Asgard, and most of the universe, really, that there are these things called the Infinity Stones,” Thor spoke, treading carefully as if detonating a bomb. The words meant nothing to you, and he seemed to notice this as he began to elaborate.
“There are six Infinity Stones, and they’re the most powerful things in existence. One is in Loki’s sceptre, and as you see, it’s been able to turn a few of your best men into what you have called ‘flying monkeys.’ They are dangerous and if in the wrong hands, can create catastrophic events throughout our knowable universe.”
Letting the knowledge sink in as if you were listening to science fiction theories, you pressed Thor to go on, “What’s that got to do with us?”
Thor grimaced, as if the answer tasted bitter rolling off his tongue, “He believes that they are here on Earth. If these stones got into Loki’s hands, it would be the end of your life here on this planet.”
You processed this sudden turn of events, sitting silently as you plotted a way to prevent Loki from getting these so-called Infinity Stones, even though you strongly doubted something so powerful would be casually sitting on your planet without your knowledge, “On Earth? Seriously? Out of all the planets and solar systems and shit, why would they be here? Don’t you think we’d know about them?”
“You only just found out about them, and you’re not a regular person. So, no, you wouldn’t know about them. Especially if they’re safe.” Although you had just met the rock-solid God, you could sniff the honesty coming off of him as if you’d known him for years.
Sitting back in your chair as if hit by a literal brick wall of information, you turned to Fury, “What the fuckin’ hell do we do now?”
Fury raised his eyebrow, thinking over the scenarios in his head, “We plan a meeting and discuss. I’m going to gather the team. We meet in fifteen minutes.”
And without another word, Fury left you in deafening silence with Thor.
- - -
Within fifteen minutes, Fury stuck true to his word, and the rest of the Avengers had groggily piled into the room. Thor explained the Infinity Stone situation and how they worked, even talking once more about Loki’s sceptre — which apparently homed the ‘Mind Stone.’ That explains the mind control.
“Has he mentioned the Infinity Stones to you, Y/N?” Tony asked, sarcasm laced in his voice almost in disbelief of the turn of events.
“Nope,” I replied casually, popping the P, “I haven’t really spoken to him much, so maybe next time I’ll try to bring it up, I dunno.”
“No — no, we can’t let Loki know that we know,” Thor’s eyes widened as if a lightbulb went off in his head, “If he finds out we’re onto him, he can very easily cause irreversible damage. I mean, I’ve never seen Loki willingly sit in a cage like this, it’s probably a part of his plan. So, we keep our mouths closed and let events unfold, I’d say.”
“Let events unfold?” Fury spoke up, “We are not letting that psychopath sit back and live his little life in that cage as if it were freakin’ Disneyland. Y/N, you’re going back in there for conversation. Find out the location of the Infinity Stones and his plan with them.”
I ran a hand through my hair, sitting upright with a tight smile, “Fury, I hate to disagree with you, but... I disagree with you. Look, Thor’s right, we can’t let him know we’re onto him about this because he can easily just... get out of here, or call his little backup boys or something. I’ll go talk to him and try my best to get everything that I can from him, but I doubt he’ll give in that easily,” I let out a sigh, trying my best to ignore the looks that everyone was giving me, “Just, give me a few days.”
And that’s exactly what Fury did.
Sitting face to face with Loki got less intimidating every time I did it. Probably because he looked sicker every time I saw him. Not that he was any less captivating — his blue eyes held numerous mysterious emotions and the smirk on his lips proved that he had secrets I wanted to know, but the fact that he looked as if his entire life was crumbling before his eyes made me feel like my job might just get a little easier.
“You’re back,” Loki smirked at me as I walked into the room. For the first time in about three days, I wasn’t wearing a tactical suit — meaning I didn’t feel as on edge, my body finally getting to experience comfort. My y/h/c hair flowed loosely down my shoulders and rested on my plain white t-shirt which was tucked into a tight pair of jeans.
“Yeah, hi,” I smiled, my mind replaying what Nat and I discussed this morning. 
Be kind to him. Understand him. Relate to him. 
Relating to Loki might be the toughest challenge out of the three, but my mind was witty enough to come up with something that made sense.
“I’ve persuaded them to let you eat if you want,” I smiled, looking down at the brown paper bag in my hand and held it out, “I’ve got a bagel and a hashbrown. I don’t know if you even eat, but this is good shit in my opinion.”
“I do not want it, but I appreciate the effort, Y/N.”
The way my name rolled off his tongue sent shivers down my spine, and I mentally smacked myself for focusing on it. He sat in the corner of the cell, leaning against the glass wall with his green cloak wrapped around him. His eyes looked more sunken in than last time I saw him and a part of me felt bad knowing he was probably losing his mind in here.
“If ever you do need anything, though, you can ask me — I know how to get my way with these people,” I smiled at him as kindly as I could, sitting down in the small chair in front of the glass.
He chuckled, eyes raking over my body quickly before locking back with mine, “Change of heart from our last conversation, wouldn’t you say?”
Now it was my turn to laugh slightly, remembering the last time I spoke to him and how different the encounter was, “Doesn’t change the fact that you will do as I say, but, I am human and I do have feelings. I’m not too good at the ‘being mean’ part. Even though I act like it.” That was totally a lie — I could slam and call out people in an instant — but I needed to play the role of a sweetheart if I wanted to get him to believe I had good intentions. 
“You don’t seem like someone who has trouble being mean,” Loki scoffed, shrugging his shoulders backwards.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow at him, glaring him down as best as I could.
“Decipher it however you want,” he leaned his head backwards and gave me a weak smile. Something about him looked incredibly off and as much as it seemed like he was faking it for help, a tiny sliver of my mind told me he was being genuine and he needed help.
“Uh, so, how have you been?” I tried to strike up a casual conversation, still trying to figure out a way to pop the Infinity Stones in. 
He gave me a quizzical look, “Just peachy. What do you think? I’m bored.”
I smiled down at the ground, an idea popping into my head, “Well, what if we played a game? To get to know each other? Like, Never Have I Ever or 20 questions?” 
Loki rolled his eyes, “No, thank you. You seem incredibly boring.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” I scoffed, flicking a strand of my hair over my shoulder, “I’m bored too, this will give me something to do.”
Loki’s eyes flickered with an idea, and as he opened his mouth I knew I’d regret giving him the option to play.
“What do I get out of this?” He smirked coyly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Rolling my eyes, I pointed to the brown bag on the floor, “Food, duh.” There was nothing else I could possibly offer Loki — nothing that was good, anyways. I knew he’d ask to set him free, but that was not an option in anyone’s books.
“Not good enough, princess,” he shook his eyes, eyes playfully tracing my figure.
“Well,” I began, “You also get me as a friend!” 
The playful smile disappeared from his face, “Oh, yeah, that’s totally what I want.”
“Stop being a bitch, Loki, and just ask me a question.”
He placed his fingers on his chin as if pondering the situation for a moment before his eyes lit up and he shot me a toothy grin, the dark ideas swirling around his mind ready to break free from their cages. Was I going to regret this? Yeah, probably. Was I going to back down? No.
“Fine, let’s play.”
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(message me if you want to be added/removed. If you are in bold it is because I am unable to tag you.)
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fluffwrites · 7 years ago
Haunted Spirits - Chpt 1
When Jack suggests the two check out a haunted house in the area Hiccup is skeptical, these kinds of things never turn out to be true. Hiccup tags along anyways, after all whats the worst that could happen?
also available on A03: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12619988/chapters/28752480
Inspired by Nagi's Dark Jack pictures on tumblr: http://nagi-77.tumblr.com/post/138349896927/darkjack-doodles
It shouldn’t have surprised him when a snowball hit the back of his head. Hiccup shook his head and turned with a scoff. “Seriously, give a guy a little warning…” He trailed off as he realized it had not been thrown by a certain Winter Spirit. His best friend Astrid came running up beside him.
“What would be the fun in that?” she questioned. “Snowball fights aren’t generally started with permission.”
“True,” he admitted, as they turned and began the trek back from school.
“I never got the chance to ask how your trip went,” she commented, referring to the trip to Norway his family had taken for thanksgiving. Usually they saved that trip for summer holidays or Christmas, but some of the family members from Norway were planning a vacation for Christmas this year, so the trip had been moved up. On the up side the trip had gotten him extra days off from school. “Anything interesting happen? How was your visit with that guy you like?” She asked teasingly.
“My visit with Jack was fine, and he’s my boyfriend, not ‘that guy I like,’” He corrected. He looked around briefly. It was a bit surprising that Jack hadn’t shown up yet. He had met Hiccup in Norway and visited with him during the trip, but usually he stayed in the area otherwise. Unless he was busy spreading winter somewhere.
“Fine, fine,” she said as she pulled an apple out of her bag and took a bite out of it. “Gotta be honest with you Hic. I’m glad you like this guy, but I don’t hold much hope for you maintain a relationship with someone who lives on the other side of the world. how did you meet him anyways?”
“He lives on the same street as my uncle. We actually met last year while I was visiting. There was this massive snowball fight when we met. I swear half their town must have shown up for it, and afterwards we just started hanging out.” It wasn’t entirely a lie. He had met Jack while in Norway. He didn’t like lying to his friend. But it was as close to the truth as he could get.
He had met Jack while visiting his relatives, and there had been a snowball fight, which he later learned Jack had started. The fight had been going full tilt before he had even joined, and right from the start the white haired boy had really stood out to him. Jumping and running around at a pace that seemed impossible. His movements were so graceful and fluid, it was mesmerizing. It almost made Hiccup feel jealous, he had always been so clumsy. The other boy was laughing and chucking snow balls and seemed to be having a blast. But after about a few minutes Hiccup noticed something that made his smile fade.
Everyone else seemed to be ignoring the other boy. No one was talking with him, or laughing when he made sarcastic comments or jokes, or interacting with him at all. He wasn’t even sure if anyone had thrown any snowballs at the other boy. Hiccup wondered what the other’s history in the town was. Was it who he was, or something he had done that had caused the others to shun him? Hiccup scowled. He crouched down and grabbed a couple fists full of snow and started packing it into a ball. He knew all too well how it felt to be completely excluded and he would have no hand in enabling that. If the other boy wanted to take part in the snowball fight, Hiccup would make sure it was an eventful one for him.
Hiccup stood back up, scanned the crowd for the other boy, then took aim and lobbed his projectile at the enthusiastic teen. The snowball hit the white haired boy in the side of the face, and the other teen froze. He looked around trying to determine where the snowball had come from when his eyes landed on Hiccup, who was still looking straight back at him. Hiccup grinned back and bent over, scooping up a bit more snow and packing it into a ball. The other just kept staring at him, an expression of complete shock and maybe the slightest start to a smile on his face. He frowned slightly and looked over his shoulder, as if still expecting Hiccup to be looking at someone else. Was this really such an unusual turn of events for the other teen? As the white haired boy turned back in his direction Hiccup tossed his snowball up slightly and caught it again, trying to give a clear indication that the other should grab a snowball and defend himself.
Then things took an unexpected turn for the young Viking descendant. The white haired boy took one step forward before his feet left the ground and he began to hover towards him. Hiccup’s jaw dropped and his eyes widened moments before a random snowball from somewhere to his right hit him square in the face. In his shocked state he was left off balance, slipped on ice he hadn’t known he was standing on and fell backwards, hitting his head on the sidewalk.
He couldn’t be certain, but Hiccup was pretty sure he never lost consciousness. When his vision cleared there were several people looking down at him. A moment later someone was asking if he was alright, and another person was pulling him upright. Someone was brushing snow off his back, and asking if he needed first aid. He felt disoriented and overwhelmed by all the people crowding around him. Hiccup looked around, trying to find the white haired… Person? Ghost? The first person that had inquired about his wellbeing seemed to notice his odd behavior, and asked again if he was ok. He wasn’t sure what to say, he looked around but couldn’t find the other boy. Had he imagined the whole thing? After assuring everyone that he was alright the snowball fight continued, although he couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened. Maybe he had finally lost it.
After the snowball fight ended Hiccup was walking back to his uncle’s when a strong wind came up behind him and blew his hat right off of his head. He sighed in exasperation and bent to pick it up. As he stood back up a voice behind him ask, “Can you really see me?”
Hiccup almost jumped clear into the street, but slipped on the ice again and suddenly found himself slumped against the white haired boy’s chest. As Hiccup’s cheeks did their best impression of a tomato, the boy laughed, and told him that he should invest in better shoes. and that was how he had met Jack frost.
“Honestly it sounds more like puppy love from what you’ve told me. You said you two hadn’t even held hands.” She said.
“Well,” He said as he felt his cheeks heat up slightly, “We might have kissed.”
She broke out into a grin, “He kissed you?”
Hiccup bit his bottom lip. “Actually I kissed him.”
She laughed lightly. “That, uhh, seems a little…”
“Unlike me?” He supplied, and then nodded with a nervous chuckle. “Yea. It was… a little terrifying. But,” He moved a bit ahead of her, trying to minimize eye contact. And just let his thoughts fall from his mouth unfiltered before embarrassment could stop him. “I could tell that he wanted to kiss me. Almost had actually, but then he seemed to hesitate. So… in a very uncharacteristic move for me… I just closed the space between us and…” He trailed off before turning back to Astrid.
Who had a massive smirk on her face. He rolled his eyes, “Stop looking at me like that,” he demanded.
She took a few quick strides to close the distance between them and shoved his shoulder lightly. “You’re adorable,” she said.
“No I’m…“
She snickered while shaking her head, but eventually he laughed as well. Astrid glanced down at her watch and muttered a swear under her breath. “Dammit I’ve got to get going,” she said running up ahead of him before looking over her shoulder again. “You ARE going to tell me more about this when I see you next.”
He threw her a mock salute, “yes, ma’am.”
She rolled her eyes before running off to her house. Hiccup smiled as she left then looked around, not entirely convinced a certain snow spirit wasn’t in the area.
His suspicions were answered a moment later when a chilled wind kicked up snow around him. A snowy mist of the white dust blew past and into his face. A moment later he was being tackled into the snow bank beside the sidewalk. He raised his head out of the cold powder while wrenching his arms out from underneath him. He chuckled slightly, wiping his face off. “Having a good day, are we?” He asked glancing over his shoulder.
Jack folded his arms across Hiccup’s shoulders and placed his chin on top of them. “Usually,” he replied with his trademark grin.
Hiccup pushed himself up and leaned his weight along his forearms. “You gonna get off of me?”
Jack’s grin turned to a smirk. “Nah,” he said rolling over and sprawling across Hiccup’s back, “You’re comfy.”
Hiccup raised an eyebrow at the winter spirit. Jack looked over his shoulder and down at Hiccup with a smirk. His grin quickly faded as Hiccup flung his arm back and over Jack’s chest and rolled them both over until Jack faceplanted into the snow. Laughing through the face full of snow, Jack quickly wiggled his way out from under the teen. He grabbed a handful of snow to form into a snowball. Hiccup choose that moment to tackle him again and Jack’s hands instinctively reached out to try and stop him. The snow in Jack’s hand connected with Hiccup’s face at the same moment his magic flowed into the snowball. The excess power literally exploded in a blast of snow in Hiccup’s face. Hiccup’s face scrunched up at shock from the cold. Jack’s expression of concerned warped into an amused one. He failed to hide the start of a laugh at the sight of Hiccup’s hair literally frozen standing on it’s ends.
Hiccup blinked through the snowy powder sticking to his face and looked down incredulously at Jack killing himself laughing. “Really?” he asked sarcastically.
Jack opened eyes that were watering from his laughter. He tried to suppress it, but once he caught sight of Hiccup again there was no stopping the giggle-fest.
Hiccup raised an eyebrow at Jack’s continued laughter, before scooping up a handful of snow and dumping it on Jack’s face. Jack let out a startled shout before twisting and sweeping up more snow himself and flinging it in Hiccup’s face. And the battle was on again as the two tackled each other and tried to fling the biggest handful into the other’s face.
A few minutes and one wrestling matched later the two collapsed in a snow covered laughing pile. “You know,” Jack commented while attempting to catch his breath, “anyone who looked out their window just then would have seen a 16 year old high school student rolling around in the snow like some overgrown puppy.”
Hiccup chuckled between pants for breath, “and anyone who knows me wouldn’t even have questioned it.”
Jack chuckled in response and pushed himself off the ground. “Up for a little adventure?” He asked offering Hiccup a hand up.
Hiccup took Jack’s hand and let Jack pull him upright. “What kind of adventure?”
Jack brushed snow off of his clothes. “Well,” Jack said as they started moving down the street, “I overheard some kids talking earlier. They mentioned an abandoned house in town that everyone thinks is haunted.”
Hiccup rolled his eyes. “Really,” he asked sarcastically. “I can think of several that people think are haunted.”
“Why didn’t you ever mention them to me?”
“Because it’s stupid,” Hiccup said. “In most cases, it’s just a house that looks odd, is really old, or someone just wanted to make something up.”
“What if one of them really is?” the winter spirit question.
“That’s… highly unlikely,” Hiccup trailed off as he realized his odds of dissuading Jack were very slim. As they started walking Hiccup couldn’t help but wonder. “What’s the difference anyways?” He asked.
Jack gave him a questioning look.
“Between a Spirit and… a ghost that haunts a house?”
Jack thought about it a moment. “Spirits… we’re usually given our responsibilities and positions by someone. In most cases we represent something. Some Spirits died in a past life, like me, and were brought back... Ghosts are usually people that have died and for whatever reason never moved on.”
“Have you ever met one?” Hiccup asked.
“A ghost?” Jack asked with a raised eyebrow and quickly shook his head. “No. But I’ve heard other Spirits talk about meeting them. There are some interesting stories.”
“Should we be concerned?” Hiccup didn’t actually believe they would find anything at this ‘haunted house’ but the idea of it was kind of fun.
“Nah,” Jack said. “From what I’ve heard they’re usually just grumpy.” The Winter Spirit laughed again and started forward with a bit more of a spring in his step. “Come on. We should hurry, it’s going to start getting dark soon.”
Hiccup turned and followed. “Honestly, the whole thing seemed rather ridiculous.”
Jack turned back and grinned at Hiccup, who was almost pouting. “Come on. We’ll have fun, I promise.” His grinned widened. “Besides an expression like that isn’t going to change my mind. It just makes you look adorable,” he said adding emphasis on the last word.
Hiccup’s eyebrows dipped into a frown at the choice of wording. “What?” He asked.
“Hmm?” Jack questioned walking backwards in front of Hiccup.
The teen took a couple steps to keep up with the Spirit. “Jack, did you just... Did you listen in on my conversation with Astrid.”
“What!?” Jack exclaimed feigning shock and placing a hand over his chest. “How could you even suggest such a thing?” If his act hadn’t been weak before, it fell apart when he couldn’t stop grinning.
“Oh, come on…”
Jack’s face wrinkled up even more as he turned and started down the sidewalk again.
“Jack!” Hiccup ran to catch up with him.
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