#doodles done on the side while im boarding something
myemyehere · 10 days
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
Wait cql lawyer/law school AU
i got you my pal dont worry!!
law school, im gonna be honest and say i know like nothing about law or law school so pls ignore any inconsistencies or inaccuracies
lwj goes to law school and he is definitely the top student in his class. they’ve been there for like a month and everyone already knows he’s gonna be the best
his one and only competition is this dude called wei wuxian but lwj isn’t particularly worried about him
so far they’re still in the stage of the course where they do the fun things to sucker people into doing the class for the semester so there’s been some practise debates and arguments and stuff in their tutorial classes
wei wuxian has that Charisma and like yeah all of his arguments are perfect but also he has an amazing smile and people are like yes i can trust him 
(he’s definitely the sort to be like hm, the easy way to argue this case would be to quote some laws and use precedence to justify this but that’s boring)
lwj is also good at that sort of stuff because his arguments are perfect and everything is so perfectly researched that there should be no ground at all for someone to lodge a counterargument
(wei wuxian manages somehow and it makes lwj so mad)
but that’s whatever lwj thinks,, a lot of people join law thinking it’s gonna be like the tv shows and books and then get completely blindsided when it comes to the rote learning part or like the actual laws 
and for all of wwx’s confidence, lwj hasn’t actually seen wwx so much as touch the textbook/s and he always studies in the law library so he knows that wwx has probably never even been there bc he hasn’t seen him even once (why’s he looking? bc he needs to see which books wwx uses to study,, bc there has to be something going on there,, obviously)
then they do their first like proper written assignment and lwj and wwx tie for the highest scores and now lwj has a Rival and he refuses to lose to someone who thinks that putting a ‘-us’ sound at the end of a word makes it latin (did wwx say habeas corpus and then point at a soft drink and go  sprite-us can-us,,, maybe,,,,)
anyway! lwj and wwx are kinda rivals for the top spot and it’s one of those situations where one test lwj wins by a point but then the next test wwx gets full marks and they just keep exchanging the top spot in class
and this whole time wwx is like The Worst to have in class. he’s always interrupting to ask questions or just straight up not listening and spends the class doodling pictures of rabbits (they’re cute but wwx is terrible and he’s not allowed to make cute drawings)
so after a few months the most horrible thing happens.... they get put together in a project and lwj is like ugh. internally of course but his face is also saying ugh
the first time wwx and lwj get together to work on the project, lwj is prepared with a proper list of tasks to do all nicely split up between the two of them and a schedule for when they should get certain parts done by. 
needless to say, lwj does not expect wwx to be ready, but wwx is definitely on top of things
he rocks up and is like yeah let’s do this, this and this and have them done by this time - basically proposing to do everything that lwj has already written down
and lwj is pleasantly surprised and is like hm maybe i misjudged wwx and decides to like re-evaluate his opinion on him
in doing so he realises that when he’d never seen wwx studying, it wasn’t an exaggeration at all. he’s never seen wwx so much as touch a textbook or spend more than a minute on a laptop doing something that wasn’t minesweeper or solitaire
but wwx is also making all of their deadlines and even adds extra information and resources to their document that could be useful elsewhere and sometimes he shows up to their study sessions and he looks absolutely exhausted
eventually lwj manages to get the truth out and wwx is just like yeah it’s easier to get worse grades than a genius but if you both study and you still get lower grades, it’s not easy,, for jc or for me
so wwx usually studies at night when his brother is asleep and lwj is like that’s bad, you can’t keep that up and just when wwx is about to go off at him lwj is like you can come study at my place
and thus begins the wonderful time where everything is alright and lwj falls in love with wwx
they work really well together and wwx is strangely considerate and nice? when he finds out lwj likes rabbits, he goes out and buys bunny post-it notes for lwj and starts to always bring him a doodle of bunnies every time he comes over. he always gets his work done on time, early even, and his work is always so brilliant and every time wwx smiles at him, lwj feels warm inside etc etc
for a long while lwj is like yes (: this is friendship (: bc he’s never had a crush before but then on the day they submit their project wwx is like hey,, the two of us make a great team,, we should always work together,, now and next year and even when we graduate,, i want to help the innocent people who need our help and i think i’d like it a lot if you joined me and lwj has his oh moment
they get a perfect score on the project of course and even after it finishes, wwx keeps coming over to lwj’s place to study or just hang out and lwj is just falling more and more for wwx each day
they’re best friends now and everyone gets used to seeing them work together on projects and then turn around to try and decimate each other when they’re working one on one and lwj thinks that he might just be the happiest he’s ever been
but then one day wwx doesn’t show up to class. it shouldn’t be strange but wwx has never missed class even once and he ends up hearing from lxc who heard from jgy that wwx was caught sabotaging some other student’s work (the other student was jzxun, who had a fondness for playing devil’s advocate and other than wwx once telling him that his argument was shit, wwx never spoke to him or seemed to know who he was but lwj is a bit too angry to remember that)
he manages to find wwx outside of his dorms as he’s moving out and he’s just like why did you do that? and wwx is like oh y’know,, bc he’s not really sure what’s happening himself,, one second he was at the top of his class and the next he was being brought before a board and being told that he was being expelled but he’s not going to tell lwj that bc lwj would definitely try and stand up for him and then they’d both get expelled
but lwj is furious and just spits out well if our dreams meant so little to you then maybe it’s a good thing you failed now,, bc his mother was a lawyer who took all these little jobs that helped people who actually needed the help and lwj was looking forward to doing that with wwx and he doesn’t even seem to care that now they can’t do that 
wwx flinches and then smiles at him and just cheerily says, that’s me and leaves. he doesn’t look back and lwj doesn’t chase after him.
lwj doesn’t see him again for years (you can do 13 or 5 or however long you feel like)
lwj is a fully licensed lawyer and he’s working for the family company and he spends half of his time working on cases and uses the rest of his time to do like outreach programs where he goes and visits schools and runs sessions on what it’s like to be a lawyer, how to apply, and to provide assistance to any students who decide to study law at uni
and then at one of these programs he meets this kid, wen yuan, who is ridiculously bright and enthusiastic and has a smile that seems oddly familiar
at the end of the second session he comes up to lwj and is like mr. lan, is your name lan wangji? and lwj just says yes, expecting the kid to be a fan of one of his cases or something but then wen yuan is like oh wow! i thought i recognised you from my dad’s photo!
and lwj isn’t expecting much but he asks what the photo looks like and wen yuan pulls out this photo from his pocket and lwj immediately recognises it,, it’s the only photo he has of him and wwx
your father is wei ying? lwj asks him and wen yuan is like yes, hesitates, and then asks, would you like to see him?
and that’s how lwj finds himself following wen yuan to some dinky little office that has a plaque outside that reads wen and wei
(wen ning is the nicest and sweetest person ever and lots of people underestimate him but then he’s an absolute monster on court. he gets up and completely decimates the opponent and then at the end is like (: it was so nice to meet you!! i am baby!! and all that,, you know our boy)
anyway they walk in and wwx turns to greet wen yuan but then he sees lwj and is like woah! you! and he’s not sure whether to hide or go and hug lwj so he just gives him a fist bump,, like a bro,, and immediately wants to shrivel up and die
anyway they get the reunion stuff out of the way, swelling music, tender wrist holding, lots of staring, lwj silently declaring his wholehearted love for wwx and refusing to believe rumours about him again even though he doesn’t actually know what happened, you know how it goes
from wwx’s side of things,, after he got kicked out he went to some small uni. good in its own right but not known for their law program and ended up specialising in family law
the first case he ever won was for the wens to have the right to keep custody of a-yuan and the first case wen ning ever won was to let wwx adopt a-yuan bc i’m soft like that
so wwx has just been kinda vibing,, being a single dad, living with the wens and helping to make that difference he always promised he would
now this isn’t gonna be some au where lwj goes oh my! i must give up my high salary job and work with wwx! bc lwj has been doing good stuff at his current job and for all of his family’s stuffiness, they run a fair and just company 
but! he does end up helping wwx when wwx gets a letter with a bunch of information about the jins and how they’re actually super corrupt and evil (big surprise,,) and how wwx was maybe definitely framed bc he was doing some casual work on the side and stumbled across some bad shit on the jins back in uni
lwj ends up being the one to take the case officially but wwx is definitely the guy leading it and so lwj ends up spending most of his time at the wen-wei office
lwj definitely bonds with wen yuan, who also wants to go into law, and writes him recommendation letters and helps him edit his applications and stuff
(and one day wen yuan is like leaving you was the hardest thing dad ever did and i dont think you appreciated how much he cared about you. he really did think that he annoyed you ‘til the end and lwj is like no! he didn’t! and wen yuan is like yeah i know but you gotta tell him and lwj really does mean to but the time is never right or something like that but also wen yuan is all but calling lwj dad at this point)
anyway they end up going to court, side by side, working as a team just as they promised to do and just as they finish their final day on the case, ended with the jury ruling jgy guilty and wwx’s reputation all but saved, wwx turns around and flings himself at lwj
is he crying? is he laughing? a bit of both tbh but wwx ends up confessing right then and there, still on record and everything (is that how that works??? idk! let’s say it does)
and what can lwj do but make out with him?
did a news crew come in to film the results of this massive court case just to end up with five minutes of wangxian kissing?? maybe! but when it played on tv it meant wwx and lwj didnt have to actually tell anyone they got together
(and does lwj eventually pop the question using wwx’s bad latinification? yes and wwx is too busy laughing to accept at first but he does and they end up being the worst possible tutors for wen yuan as he goes through law school bc they keep being all gross and lovey-dovey and acting like law school is the most romantic place in the world)
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vronnica · 6 years
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‹ ・ 。 ☾  [ blackpink vc ] hey boys. soz for missing plotting hour and opening… my bf wanted a cheese and wine night, so y’all know i was knocked af for like 12+ hrs. but now i am back and ready for action ! HENNYWAYS,,, i’m acacia ( she/her ), i’m twenty years of age, and i hail from the pst timezone ! i love kpop ( specifically got7 and blackpink. however, my ult bias is vernon from seventeen. if you know, you know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ), milk tea, and mac and cheese. sooo sorry you’re all trapped in this rp w/ me. but y’all will learn to adore my 3am messages and casual spam on the dash. with that being said, under the cut you’ll find out more about my piece of shit baby angel, ronnie ! if you want ur muse to be friends with the stereotypical rich bitch. keep on readin bbs ;) psa: if you like this then you’re obligated to plot with me srry but i don’t make the rules. ( i’m jk please like this or i’ll cry. ) i’ll either slide in your IMs or you can contact me on discord @ mlilk#3162
jennie kim & cisfemale • hey, isn’t that veronica moon? she is that twenty-two year old that’s been living in conyers farm for twenty years. did you know her family is worth $18B? no wonder she is so ingenious & haughty. she is known around the estates as the aesthete, after all. 
                                Q U I C K   G U I D E   O F   V E R O N I C A
                                    H E R   D A I L Y   R O U T I N E
in veronica’s dreams, she is the epitome of a morning person. in reality, she’s a two in the afternoon kind of person. however, her schedule does not allow her to do that. so she does everything possible to transform herself into a morning person. new white rays shine through the window as she lies in her queen sized bed. she lifts up the aqua colored silk eye mask and the warm ball of light filtered through her thin eyelids. it takes her a moment to adjust but eventually her eyes flutter open to reveal the exhaust in her chocolate brown hues. she extends her arm out to her bed side table, grabbing ahold of her phone. she clears out the notifications that do not automatically appeal to her and checks the ones that do. after five minutes of procrastinating, she finally slips out of bed.
ronnie trudges her feet against the hardwood floor, making her way over to her bathroom. with a flick of a switch, the bright light from the crystal chandelier fills up the room. she runs herself a bath. filling the tub with lavender and jasmine bath salts. her le soir silk night slip pools around her feet as she climbs into the warm water. she’s completely and utterly relaxed. the time passes too quickly and she’s back on her feet. she wraps the fluffy white towel around her small frame and walks into her closet. winter, her favorite time of the year. she picks out a classic veronica moon outfit. a light orange and black tartan patterned dress paired with her wool cashmere burberry coat. and with a single spritz of her chanel no.5 onto her chest, she’s ready for the day.
                                              B A C K S T O R Y
moon jisung, ( chairman and co-owner of urban place resorts / hotels ) met vanessa ross ( retired model, turned fashion designer ) back in 1995 at one of vanessa’s casting calls. that, of course, was being held at urban place’s gangnam location. it definitely was not love at first sight. vanessa’s serious aura made jisung think she was a lawyer. jisung’s spazzy persona had vanessa thinking, “ this man is the chairman ? ” their relationship remained business. until one day jisung accidentally texted the designer one letter, “ q. ” from there, the relationship blossomed.
october 29, 1996, veronica moon was born, the moon family was complete, and they’re absolutely perfect. two years after she was born, jisung and vanessa decided to make a permanent home in conyers farm. therefore, veronica grew up in a really nice household. nice cars, designer clothes, and every day was a vacation. she was constantly spoiled. always given whatever she wants, whenever she wants. and of course, she’s used to getting her way all the time. ultimately making her: bad and boujee. her family is loaded. ( duh every1′s is. ) and she’s always been surrounded by lots of love and luxury.
being the only child, ronnie never had any consequences. in school, she became sort of a bully. she was very ruthless and cold. she had that, “i’ll do anything to get where i need to be,” personality. and if it meant paying someone to transfer the other student threatening her valedictorian spot, then yes, of course she’d do that. people either hated her or loved her. there was no in between. she kept her clique small. ( yes, a clique, which indeed was very exclusive. invite only. think of regina george or blair waldorf. ) she ran her school and she liked to keep it that way. 
once she graduated she became more of an adult about things. but, old habits die hard. therefore, some of those traits she developed in school still linger with her til this day. just a little more filtered. ( truly, just a tad bit. ) she got accepted into almost every ivy league college. her mother gave her the option to just pass on college. her father on the other hand, encouraged her to go to school to have the major under her belt. ultimately, she decided to go to yale and major in art history. ( she chose yale because it was only a little over an hour away from conyers. ) though, now, most of her classes are being completed online.
present time: veronica is currently taking a semester off school to really think about what she wants to do after she graduates. at the moment, she spends a majority of her time working on her art. growing up she always had an artistic eye. vanessa ( being a fashion designer ) taught her all the techniques when it came to drawing for fashion. though eventually, veronica steered away from the clothing industry and found herself drawing more intricate works of art.
                                           P E R S O N A L I T Y
too long; didn’t read: an angel with a halo unbalanced with horns, not a devil but not a saint either ?? kind yet has a backbone. softer than what she seems like. humorous and witty though understanding. mistrusting but willing to let loyalty speak. wealthy but tries not to depend on her family. stays away from the king glitterati lifestyle and fronts as if she’s just a normal gal livin’ in conyers etcetc.
she has that tell it like it is personality. she just calls it likes she sees it. even if she’s not exactly right. she’s literally drowning in her riches. making her materialistic af. some people might think she’s that dumb bimbo rich bitch. but she’s actually very VERY smart. witty and intelligent to be exact. 
super particular when it comes to most things. ( high maintenance queen. ) she wants things done correctly. so she often runs by the quote, “ if you want things right you gotta do it yourself. ” she absolutely despises like relying on others to get things done when she knows she could do it faster and better. a little bit of a ocd queen. 
her instagram = her job. it’s filled with ootds, selfies, food pics. but most importantly: her art. it’s the platform she uses to show people she isn’t just a pretty rich girl. she has talent. ( *insert "the kardashian's have no talent" - proven wrong in 7 minutes vid.* ) 
she’s very dedicated to her work, thus making her very goal oriented. she’s very creative and she’s actually a very good artist. she’s one of those people that set their mind to something and goes through with it until the end. i’m sure she picked up doodling and bullet journaling while growing up. *plays boss ass bitch vine.*
too long; didn’t read pt. 2: she’s slowly growing out of her tough head of hair and morphing into a young woman so beautiful over the years, but also at times, terrifying ?? self destructive ?? even if she’ll never let anyone see her deteriorate her insides sigh. she’s a hot mess. but she tries her best to hide that shit. yeye sweg.
                                            R E L A T I O N S H I P S
FRIENDSHIPS: she has plenty of friends, at least in her head. in reality, she just knows a lot of people through her many connections. so she has many affiliations. but never real friends. she’s very particular with the people she associates herself with. she believes that those around you reflect who you are as a person as well. therefore, she only surrounds herself with the best of the best. she may not be the best person to tell your secrets too either because she’s quite the gossip queen. but she can probably persuade you to trust her. rip. however, if you are a close friend of her’s, she’s very loyal to those who are loyal to her. which means she’d never do you dirty. but that’s only if she really cares about you. she’s a really great listener and she’s willing to give advice to those are willing to take it. plus, she’s the type to spoil the people she loves. so expect the best christmas gifts ever if u rollin’ with her. 
honestly, she really does need to surround herself with good people with genuinely good intentions. so please, someone teach her what loyalty is. 
bonus points if they’ve been friends for awhile. displays loyalty.
ENEMIES: she was bully in high school. so you know this girl has more than enough enemies ( and haters. ) she uses people, she pushes people around, etc etc. like she has some very evil intentions. she’s vengeful and irrational. she puts fuel to drama and loves to see people crash and burn. why ? she wants that reassurance that she is flourishing above all. she never wants to be belittled and will do anything to remain on the very top. however,,, ronnie does have some good intentions. she leans more to the chaotic neutral side. ( maybe tilted a bit more towards evil, but still. ) deep deeeeep deeeeeeeeeeep down the girl is trust issue central when it comes to letting people in. she can’t help it. she’s like that one rihanna meme, them: you can’t just cut people off. ronnie: *holds a pair of scissors* she doesn’t have problem with letting people go. so people think she’s a bitch because, “how could you just drop our five year long friendship like that.” and she’d just shrug. but really, she’s hurting beyond repair and will go home crying while eating a thing of ben & jerry’s chunky monkey.
there’s always that possibility where a friendship just didn’t work out. maybe they just stopped having time for each other and now it’s just mad awk. whatever it is, an enemy would b beaut.
veronica absolutely needs enemies. give her many. plenty. an abundance please.
LOVERS: i have a feeling she’s dabbled in the dating world. she’s had a few boyfriends, dates, etc. but most likely nothing LONG TERM. possibly because she doesn’t see the point unless it’s for marriage. just like her mom and dad. she has this [ beyoncé vc ] independent woman facade going on right now. which makes her seem like she doesn’t want anyone. but she’s secretly a hopeless romantic. this girl would love to be loved. and she truly needs it. she’s probably read tons of books about love and fluffy shit like that. it’d be a hard mission to win this girl over. but not impossible. she just has high expectations when it comes to relationships. so someone rlly needs to come here and treat this girl right. 
100% dabbles in the quick hook ups for the sake of fulfilling those needs. 
though, if the right person were to come along… she’d be loyal to them, completely devoted to just them.
CONGRATULATIONS ! you made it to end ! if you read all of this… i love you. i only ever write so much bc… it gets me in character lmao. also, i wrote all of this literally the moment i woke up so pls excuse any mistakes. i would really love to plot with everyone. so just slide into my IMs and we can get things started !! luv u *blows a kiss*
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bad-draft-stuff · 3 years
c. AU 10
look at this rate im just gonna caption every goddamn draft as ‘spoopy’
Arsé-kun: -Friday, November 5th- Sheepy: Bedi: Fou, did you know that you weren't anywhere in this cat book I read? You must be a unique cat! Doesn't that make you feel special? Arsé-kun: *Fou sniffs the book. Rubs against it. Sheds on it some more.* Sheepy: Bedi: Well... I suppose that's your way of saying you do. Sheepy: Bedi: I think you're the best kitty. But the mystery is... what kind of cat are you? Did you know other Fous before you met me? Arsé-kun: Fou: maow? Sheepy: Bedi: Thinking that you may have been all alone out there... It really makes me sad.. Arsé-kun: *Bedi gets headbutted* Sheepy: *Bedi pets Fou* Arsé-kun: *Fou approves* Sheepy: Bedi: I wonder... Maybe Aru's teacher knows what kind of cat you are. Maybe he'd be willing to answer. Arsé-kun: *Fou makes a cat sound. Great talk.* Arsé-kun: *Fou then does the cat thing where he just stares at nothing across the room. What'd you see, lil buddy?* Sheepy: *Bedi follows his gaze* Arsé-kun: *What'd I just say?? It's fuckin' nothing.* Sheepy: Bedi: There's nothing there... creepy. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, King Arthur's a ghost. Maybe he can figure out what you're looking at...? Arsé-kun: *Fou cocks his head, stares, and then jumps off the sofa to investigate the wall behind the tv. Fou you don't belong back there* Sheepy: Bedi: F-Fou...?! Arsé-kun: Fou: Hao! Sheepy: *Some DVDs fall off the table! But nobody touched them...* Sheepy: Bedi: Um, Fou, you shouldn't be back there! Arsé-kun: *Fou was alarmed by the falling objects and hightailed it out of there. He knocked more dvds off the table getting back to Bedi. Thanks bud* Sheepy: Bedi: ?! Arsé-kun: *Fou is staring at the dvds like they were gonna bite him. Loud* Sheepy: Bedi: Um, it's okay, Fou! The DVDs won't hurt you! Arsé-kun: Fou: Mrrrrp. Sheepy: *The DVDs are moving by themselves and going back to their original spot...* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Pardon my intrusion, but what was that sound...? Sheepy: Bedi: You're very quick moving... The DVDs fell. I appreciate you picking them up. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... I still struggle lifting solitary objects. Do not thank me-- I did not do that. Sheepy: Bedi:....?! Sheepy: Bedi: Then... Do you see anything by the TV? Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 20 Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... *he squints* There is definitely something there. I cannot make it out clearly... Sheepy: Bedi: I see... How unfortunate... Sheepy: *Whoever, or whatever, it is didn't like that revelation. The entity knocks over the DVDs again before leaving bloody claw marks on the wall! Pay attention to me!!* Arsé-kun: *Arthur "steps" back, briefly startled.* Arsé-kun: Arthur: If you can speak, it would be much more preferred if you did. Sheepy: *The entity pauses before beginning to scribble things on the wall!* Sheepy: Entity: [LOOK LooOk look LOOK] Arsé-kun: Arthur: We are looking. Go on. Sheepy: Entity: [YOU DIED YOU DIED YOU DIED YOU DIED] Sheepy: Entity: [YOU ALL DID] Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I would disagree, as there is a living person in this room. Unless this is about something else. Do continue anyway. Sheepy: Entity: [YOU ABANDONED ME] Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... ... *he looks to Bedi* Sir, please leave for the time being. Take the cat. This may be personal. Sheepy: Bedi: Right. Sheepy: Bedi: Good luck. *He picks up Fou and leaves!* Sheepy: Entity: [YOU ALL ABANDONED ME] Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I did not expect to die when I did. Sheepy: Entity: [LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR] Arsé-kun: Arthur: So you are suggesting I died intentionally? Why would I do such an inane thing, good sir? Sheepy: *There's a long pause before he starts to write again* Sheepy: Entity: [YOU KILLED THE QUEEN] Arsé-kun: Arthur: Pardon! I did have a lapse in judgement, but as far as I was aware, she was brought to safety! If something happened after my death, then how could I have done anything? Sheepy: Entity: *They pause before slowly beginning to write again* Sheepy: Entity: [GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY] Sheepy: Entity: [IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT] Sheepy: Entity: [I LOST MY EVERYTHING] Arsé-kun: Arthur: Fine! You may charge me as guilty all you like! But am I allowed to know the identity of my judge?? Sheepy: Entity: *They pause once more, before slowly writing out, letter by letter...* Sheepy: Entity: [T R A I T O R] Arsé-kun: Arthur: ...! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Are.... Are you.....? Sheepy: Entity: [I BETRAYED YOU] Arsé-kun: *Arthur pales, but is fighting to keep his poker face.* Sheepy: *The entity doesn't seem to notice, and if they did, they don't comment on it.* Sheepy: *...The entity, while waiting for a response from Arthur, has begun doodling something on the wall. It looks like... Fou?* Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... ....... I won't have traitors in my territories. Sheepy: Entity: *they suddenly stop doodling* Sheepy: Entity: [NO NO NO IM SORRY IM SORRY] Arsé-kun: Arthur: I can thank you for coming to seek me out, but I most certainly c-cannot allow you to stay within the perimeter..! Sheepy: Entity: [DONT ABANDON ME AGAIN] Arsé-kun: Arthur: You aren't staying here, Mordred! Out with ye! *Arthur throws a hand out and casts a warding spell!* Sheepy: *There's no response from the entity. Arthur successfully got rid of them!* Sheepy: *There's briefly some clawing noises at the door that get deeper and more desperate before finally stopping all together. Maybe the entity didn't go so far after all.* Arsé-kun: *Arthur stares towards the door for a few moments, before outright bailing.* Arsé-kun: *... To under the kitchen table, throwing his cape over himself as if it'd protect him.* Sheepy: Aru: *She enters with a basket of flowers. She's very cheerful!* Merlin~! Your ward is really decent for a first try! If you try again, it should work out really well! Arsé-kun: *Several beats of silence. The lack of immediate Merlin answer tells Aru that hey, he isn't here. Also, the vibes are rancid* Sheepy: Aru: ....Um... Hello? *She looks around* ...? Arsé-kun: *Fou chirps from the kitchen* Sheepy: Aru: Oh, Fou! *She rushes over to him* Did you see the wall out there? Be careful, or you might get that red stuff on your fur! Arsé-kun: Fou: ? Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... Something was out there with King Arthur. It may have done that. Arsé-kun: *Fou wants to investigate. Fou is gonna investi- Fou turns around and comes back in* Sheepy: Aru: Something?... It must've liked Fou a lot, because it drew him. Sheepy: Aru: But Arthur wasn't there... Where did he go...? Arsé-kun: *Fou looks at Aru, and then goes under the table.* Sheepy: *Aru looks under the table* Arsé-kun: *Arthur is still there.* Sheepy: Aru:...! Arthur...! It's just like that dream... Sheepy: *Aru goes under the table* Sheepy: Aru: Are you okay, Arthur...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... Mor... 'dred was, they were..... *he's very rattled* Sheepy: Aru:....? Sheepy: Aru: Mordred...? He was here? But how? I didn't touch the ouija board. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I don't... I don't know. I don't know how they found me. Sheepy: Aru: But, but...! Don't worry! I'll protect you! Maybe I can't fight very well, but I have other things in my arsenal! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... How silly of me to require this.. I was under the belief it was a one time event... Sheepy: Aru: It's not silly! You're human! You're allowed to have fears and trauma just like anyone else! Arsé-kun: Arthur: How king-like of me. Arsé-kun: Arthur: But I suppose you're right. *he raises some cape to peer out at Aru* If a modern king is permitted, then so is everyone else. Sheepy: Aru: Yes! I'll be with you as long as you need, okay? *She gives him a bright smile* Arsé-kun: Arthur: I appreciate the aid. Arsé-kun: Kay: *from his room* What the FUCK happened out there?! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah. Kay! Don't come out! The wall is covered in blood! Arsé-kun: Kay: YEAH I FUCKIN' NOTICED. Sheepy: Bedi: There's a second ghost! Arsé-kun: Kay: WOW THEN HE'LL HATE GAWAIN'S KID SIBLINGS HUH. Sheepy: Aru: Oh, I hope not... They're my friends... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... They're just named that way. This is not about them. Sheepy: Aru: Yes... Um... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... If it was not actually... Them, then I made an error.. But.... Sheepy: Aru: Are they the one who left claw marks on the door? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Possibly. Sheepy: Aru: Scary... Really scary... Arsé-kun: Kay: What a goddamn mess. I ain't cleanin' that up. *he drops into a seat* This sucks. Sheepy: Aru: Sorry, Kay... Arsé-kun: Kay: It don't smell like blood, so as far as I'm concerned, it ain't. Sheepy: Aru: I got a gift for both Arthur and you, if that cheers you up! Arsé-kun: Kay: Is it you going offpath alone again? Sheepy: Aru:......*She gives him a sheepish grin*....Um... Arsé-kun: Kay: I don't even do that... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Lets talk about something else. Sheepy: Aru: Sorry, Arthur! I wanted to surprise you! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... I'll permit it this time. I'd have liked to see things again. Sheepy: Aru: *She pulls something out of her basket. It's a flower crown!* I made this for you! It's a surprise gift! If I'd brought you along, you would've known about it... Arsé-kun: *Arthur carefully takes it from her hands to inspect it.* Sheepy: Aru: I made it from the flowers off the path. That's where you find the best ones! Arsé-kun: Kay: Remember to do somethin' with those. Grif WILL eat them. Sheepy: Aru: I made one for you, too, Kay! Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, goodie. Sheepy: *Aru pulls a second one out and gives it to Kay* Arsé-kun: *Kay plops it on. He's mildly bemused.* Sheepy: Aru: You look pretty! Arsé-kun: Kay: Definitely the image I want. Sheepy: Aru: Don't you? Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh. Arsé-kun: Kay: Can't hear you over the crown. Sheepy: Aru: I'm happy you like it! Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... You commented on my ward. I suppose I am wildly out of practice, but I'm glad I retained it. Sheepy: Aru: You did a good job, Arthur! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Thank you. Those were something I was once good at. Sheepy: Aru: Really? I didn't know that! I want hear more about it. Arsé-kun: Arthur: A king had the responsibility of keeping his territory safe. Merlin taught me an extra way to do so. That's all. Sheepy: Aru: Wow! I never really thought of that... You know a lot! Sheepy: Aru: But... How did Sir Mordred find you? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I do not know. I do not want to know. Sheepy: Bedi: Whoever the ghost is, they cleaned up after themselves when they knocked the dvds over. Arsé-kun: Arthur: .. Like I stated: I could have been mistaken. That is not something they would do, and yet.. Sheepy: Aru: Everything else? Sheepy: Aru: Did anyone else betray you? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Listing that would take all afternoon. Sheepy: Aru: ....... Sheepy: Aru: We can parse from it, um... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Caring about the queen narrows it down.. Sheepy: Aru: They like Fou, implying they like small, fuzzy animals. Arsé-kun: Kay: And they made a goddamn mess. Sheepy: Aru: And despite betraying you, they seem incredibly attached to you... Sheepy: Aru: Knights of the Round Table are professionals at making messes! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I cannot deny this statement. Arsé-kun: Kay: So who wants to clean that mess? I ain't doin' it. Sheepy: Aru: Right... That has to be done... Sheepy: Aru: Let's take a picture first. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why?? Sheepy: Aru: Well, it's evidence! Sheepy: Aru: We have a mystery culprit on our hands who we don't know the identity of, nor how they got in. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Through the wall, presumably. Sheepy: Aru:.....W-well, yeah, but... Arsé-kun: Kay: Send that shit to Merlin. He'll bust a whole fireball on seeing that. *saved it!* Sheepy: Aru: Okay, I will! Sheepy: *Aru goes and takes a picture of it!* Sheepy: Bedi: Worry not. I will clean it. Sheepy: *Aru sends Merlin the pic!* Arsé-kun: Kay: Cool. I gotta deal with Artair later, and possibly Grif if he finds anything. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe we should send it to the Merlin chat, too. Sheepy: Bedi: Artair... he has a wisdom teeth extraction today, right? Arsé-kun: Kay: He does. It's his turn to be made fun of. Sheepy: Bedi: Good luck to both of you. Sheepy: Aru: I want to help watch over Artair! Arsé-kun: Kay: Sure. Sheepy: Aru: Arthur, you can come, too! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Aru] WHAT heepy: Aru: I'll make up to you not bringing you out to find flowers, okay? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I suppose it'll do. Sheepy: Aru: Great! Happy to hear it! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Aru] I WANNA SEE THAT AFTER CLASS DONT CLEAN IT THATS EVIDENCE Sheepy: Aru: Merlin says not to clean it, Bedi! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah... How unfortunate. It might stain... Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Merlin] I told Bedi not to clean it! Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Aru] THANKS. ILL CLEAN IT AFTER I INVESTIGATE IT Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Merlin] Thank you, Merlin!! They left claw marks on the front door, too, just so you know. Arsé-kun: Merlin: [text: to Aru] Why's the cool shit gotta happen when I'm not here?!! Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Merlin] Sorry! I'll ask them to stay the next time they visit until you get back. Sheepy: Aru: Poor Merlin... He never gets to see anything. Arsé-kun: Kay: Wish I was that lucky. Sheepy: Aru: Huh? Isn't it exciting? Arsé-kun: Kay: It's more threatening than anything. Sheepy: Aru: That's too bad to hear! Arsé-kun: *Aru gets a message!* Sheepy: *She reads it* Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] PLEASE SEND MORE IMAGES OF THE HAUNTING. I AM INTRIGUED Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] One sec! The ghost left this on the front door. Sheepy: *She goes to the front door snd takes a pic of the claw marks on the door! She sends it to Morne.* Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] FASCINATING. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] The ghost knew Arthur! Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] NOT TO BE RUDE BUT I DO NOT CARE. WAS GHOST MALEVOLENT Y/N Sheepy: Aru: Arthur, was the ghost malevolent? Arsé-kun: Arthur: No. Upset and angry sure, but no violence. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Arthur says no! Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] POLTERGEIST? DO NOT USUALLY HAVE FAKE BLOOD UNLESS THEY ARE VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE THEMSELVES, I CANNOT PIN IT DOWN FROM A DISTANCE. IS ASSISTANCE NEEDED Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Weirdly enough, no one but Arthur could see the ghost, and even then, it was blurry to him. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Assistance may be needed! It's concerning that we don't know how it got in, nor who it is! Victim of violence is highly likely due to being a KOTR member most likely. Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] THAT'S A STEALTHY BASTARD. VICTIMS CAN BECOME MALEVOLENT. I WILL SEE IF I CAN MANAGE AN EXPDITION. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Thank you!! The ghost was upset and angry apparently so it may become malevolent... right? Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] POSSIBLY. ALWAYS A CHANCE. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Scary. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] But okay, I'll show you around!! Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] I WOULDNT MIND THT WHEN I DO GET THERE. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Great! I'm looking forward to it!!! Arsé-kun: Morne: [text: to Aru] CANNOT SAY WHEN I WILL ARRIVE. NEED TO STORE ENERGY BEFORE I GO. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] Okay, that's fine! I'll wait for when you do! Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Morne] In the meantike, I'll keep an eye out for anything weird! Arsé-kun: *Morne sends a single thumbs up cat image in reply. Definitely got that pic from Memrys* Sheepy: Aru: Morne will visit eventually! Sheepy: Aru: You know Morne, right, Arthur? He's the 12th Merlin! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I only do from watching your letters. Sheepy: Aru: Well, now you can meet him for the first time. Arsé-kun: Arthur: It's still strange thinking there are so many of him now. Sheepy: Aru: Well, he's had a lot of time. Arsé-kun: Arthur: More surprised he found someone willing. Sheepy: Aru: Really? Teacher is very kind, so it's no surprise that he would find someone... Sheepy: Aru: After all, Beddy has been living with him for a while, right? So it's not too much of a stretch to imagine someone going one step further and dating him... Arsé-kun: Arthur: So where are they now, then? Sheepy: Aru:.......Ummm.... Sheepy: Aru: If he dated a human, the human wouldn't be alive anymore, right? Arsé-kun: Arthur: If they were human, then that would be correct. Sheepy: Aru: And based on how much weaker each proceeding Merlin is, it's safe to say, I think, that they were probably human. Sheepy: Aru:....But we could ask Teacher! Sheepy: Aru: Beddy's response was, "I don't have any interest in romance. I wouldn't know his love life". Arsé-kun: Arthur: But will we get a simple answer? Sheepy: Aru: Probably not.. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Then what is the point of asking? Sheepy: Aru: If you get enough unclear answers, you can use them to find the true answer! Arsé-kun: Arthur: This is true.. But is it our business? Sheepy: Aru:...Well, I did ask Beddy for info in the past! I just had no luck! By the way, about his own love life, his response was, "I don't remember anything about Amhren and Eneuwag's mother. There's nothing about her in the stories." Sheepy: Aru: So he's a dead end for information about Teacher's love life. Sheepy: Aru: And it may not be our business, but it can't hurt to ask! Arsé-kun: Kay: Why the hell is an old man's sex life anyone's business? Why is that even important right now? Sheepy: Aru: That's not it! Sheepy: Aru: Teacher's really kind! So if he's ever pursued love, I really hope he's found it! Sheepy: Aru: And if he never has, that implies the Merlins afterwards aren't really descended from the original... But I guess Teacher has a habit of hooking people up and then taking their children for his own. Arsé-kun: Kay: Like a witch? Ooooh, give me your firstborn for this small magical feat you can't be assed to learn. Sheepy: Aru: That's how Arthur came to be! Arsé-kun: Arthur: It's a bit more than that... Sheepy: Aru: So by extension, that's how I came to be! Arsé-kun: Kay: .... Eugh. I feel really dirty all of a sudden thinking about it. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? Sheepy: Aru: Don't worry! Teacher probably didn't meddle to make us come to be! Maybe. ...Did he? Sheepy: Aru:....Although, I really don't remember our parents at all... All I remember is Teacher... Arsé-kun: Merlin: *bashing into the room* come on and SLAM Sheepy: Aru: Merlin! You're back! Morne's going to visit us! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sick! I've got like half an hour! Hold on I gotta get my camera! Sheepy: Aru: You're goin to take a selfy in front of the ghost graffiti? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wasn't going to, but now I will! Sheepy: Aru: That's how you can impress your twitter followers! Arsé-kun: Merlin: How am I supposed to get oldie camera pictures onto twitter??? Sheepy: Aru:....? Arsé-kun: *Merlin goes and gets his ghost camera. ... It's an instant camera. It's seen a lot of dust and dirty in its time and it's boutta see more dirty* Sheepy: Aru: Wow! That looks neat! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I could use a normal camera, but where's the fun in that? *he takes a picture of the wall. the photo pops out right afterwards* Sheepy: Aru: So fast...! Sheepy: Aru: Did you see the claw marks on the front door, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sure did! That's next! But let's give this a hot minute to develop, see if anything's in the picture that shouldn't. Sheepy: Aru: Like the ghost? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Especially that! Sheepy: Aru: Well, Arthur kicked the ghost out, so I doubt we'll be seeing it on the photo. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aww. Sheepy: Aru: Unless a ward won't stop it! Who knows! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Hmm. *he studies the picture* Nope. No ghost here. Sheepy: Aru: Thank goodness. It'd be scary if the ghost could get past a ward so easily. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Okay, hallway one now! Sheepy: Aru: Okay! Arsé-kun: *Merlin goes out to take more pictures* Sheepy: *There's now drawings in blood on the wall! They're of Fou mostly. Elyan's staring at them blankly.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, someone likes Fou, huh? Good art, too. Can't say I'm a fan of the medium or canvas, though. *snaps pic* Sheepy: Aru: He accidentally scared Fou earlier! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Tragic. That isn't hard to do, though. Sheepy: Aru: Ttrue... Fou is scared of a lot. Arsé-kun: Kay: *in the doorway, looking out at them* Aru, get whatever you're bringing. We gott' go. Sheepy: Aru: Okay! I'll go grab Caliburn so Arthur can come, too! *She rushes to get Caliburn* Arsé-kun: Arthur: I wonder what strange thing I'll have to see today.. Sheepy: *Aru returns with Caliburn* Sheepy: Aru: Post wisdom tooth extraction behavior! You know what a wisdom tooth is, right, Arthur? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I may? But not by that name. Sheepy: Aru: Another set of molars that used to be useful due to how the diets people used to eat would damage their molars, but now they grow in improperly due to people mostly eating soft foods. Sheepy: Aru: Now we extract them so they don't cause damage by growing in wrong! Arsé-kun: Arthur: That sounds.. Tedious. Sheepy: Aru: Soft diets are tedious? Arsé-kun: Arthur: No, removing teeth. Sheepy: Aru: Well, you're asleep when it's happening. Sheepy: Aru: You just wake up to your wisdom teeth being gone! Arsé-kun: Arthur: How? Absinth? Whiskey? Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... A hammer? Arsé-kun: Arthur: ..... Opium??? Sheepy: Aru: General anaesthesia! It puts you to sleep so you some feel anything. There's also local anaesthesia, which just dulls the pain in one place. Sheepy: Aru: But you have to be careful, or you can be put to sleep... Forever. Scary! Sheepy: Aru: General makes you act strange and potentially recklessly while local makes the area feel fuzzy and weird. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... So not that different, perhaps? Sheepy: Aru: Huh? They're associated, but different.. Arsé-kun: Kay: He'll realize it when we get there. He's seen Artair already before. Sheepy: Aru: Okay, that works! Sheepy: Aru: You'll be surprised! Sheepy: Aru: Eventually I'll have to do it, too, but maybe by then it'll be less bad. Who knows! Arsé-kun: Kay: You don't get to cheat out of it with magic. You suffer like all of us do. Sheepy: Aru: No fair! I don't want to suffer! Sheepy: Aru: Just this once, I want to use magic for selfish reasons! Getting a clean, safe, painless wisdom teeth extraction with no after effects! Arsé-kun: Kay: And what, magic can't fuck up your jaw? Sheepy: Aru: Mmm... Well... I guess it can. Teacher wouldn't mess up, though, would he? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I will not answer that. Sheepy: Aru: Arthur, did Teacher try to remove yours? Didn't you need them thanks to the lack o modern dental care? Arsé-kun: Arthur: He did not. But he has messed up spells before, and I doubt that would be the last time. Sheepy: Aru: Oh... I guess even Teacher can make mistakes.... So to be like Teacher, I need to remember that. Sheepy: Aru: Where are we meeting Artair, Kay? Arsé-kun: Kay: Now, where do you think? Sheepy: Aru: The hospital? Arsé-kun: Kay: Yep. Sheepy: Aru: Okay! So we aren't far then! Sheepy: Aru: I'm looking forward to seeing him! Arsé-kun: *They get there? hooray?* Sheepy: Lucan: Took you long enough. Sheepy: Lucan: I'd comment about it being weird that you bring a sword into a hospital, but Okita accidentally slipped one into me while we were messing around the other day. I guess catching tuberculosis is the least of my concerns... ehehe. Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't lie to them. It only went through your clothes, if it'd entered you, we wouldn't be here right now. Sheepy: Lucan: Ahahaha... And yet, one must wonder... Arsé-kun: *Arthur peers into a nearby doorway. Watson looks unfazed by this* Sheepy: Lucan: For a butler, is his appearance not second only to his capabilities...? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not when the butler is not supposed to be working. Sheepy: Lucan: And yet! Even in moments of weakness, it's important to keep a sleek look! Sheepy: Lucan: Without the suit and smile, well... Arsé-kun: *Here comes Artair, stumbling out of the room Arthur was looking into, still absolutely stoned out of his mind from anesthesia.* Sheepy: Aru: Oh! Artair's here! Arsé-kun: Artair: Aruuu, 'turia said I got'go back t'kindergardnnn 'cause I los' my wisdommm *he seems very upset by this, unreasonably so* Sheepy: Aru: It's okay, Artair! You're still really smart! Arsé-kun: Kay: Which means we better send you to preschool. Arsé-kun: *Artair looks horrified briefly* Sheepy: Aru: What would he learn from preschool? Arsé-kun: Kay: I dunno. I thought it sounded good. Sheepy: Lucan: Hey, at least you don't have to wear an ugly hospital gown, Artair. Think about how lucky you are! Arsé-kun: Artair: *clearly unfocused* Wh'...? I wasn' wearin' gowns today, was I..? Sheepy: Lucan: No, you weren't. That's why you're lucky! Sheepy: Lucan: Even if you didn't keep your wisdom, you kept your dignity! Arsé-kun: Artair: I don' wanna go ta kindergarden.... Sheepy: Lucan: Then you want to go to class and not know anything? Arsé-kun: Artair: I don' wanna go to school today... Sheepy: Lucan: Well, what if you've got an exam? Arsé-kun: Artair: ... A wha'? Sheepy: Lucan: Wouldn't that stink? Imagine yourself, having an exam on the very day of your wisdom teeth extraction... Arsé-kun: Watson: Please stop trying to distress the patient. Sheepy: Lucan: You should have fun sometimes, Watson. Arsé-kun: Watson: I do. There is a time and a place. Not now. Sheepy: Lucan: Well, if I was Okita... My way of riling up the patient would be threatening to stab them. Sheepy: Lucan: So if you think about it, my methods are innocent! Arsé-kun: Artair: *confidently* I can't be stabbed... Everyone knows you can't stab a dead man. *and he promptly collapses. Watson was expecting this and caught him quickly.* Woooow.. St. Peter... Sheepy: Lucan:....Wow. Sheepy: Lucan: Do you need a hand with that? Arsé-kun: Artair: *drowsily* a hand and a side of fries please Arsé-kun: Watson: I can handle it, thank you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: *wot* Sheepy: Aru: Are you sure I can't be selfish and ask Teacher for help, Kay? Arsé-kun: Kay: Suffer like the rest of us have. *he's smirking* Sheepy: Aru: Are you enjoying yourself? Arsé-kun: Kay: You know it. Sheepy: Aru: You're really mean sometimes! Arsé-kun: Kay: Not new information. You know I'm an asshole. Sheepy: Aru: But not to me! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Why don't you go on ahead? I'll bring Mr. Artair as soon as he's stabilized. Sheepy: Aru: Thank you, Mr. Holmes's Friend! Arsé-kun: Watson: *what.* Sheepy: Lucan:...Ouch. Sheepy: Lucan: Always a sidekick, huh? Even at your own job... Arsé-kun: Artair: *mumbling incoherently* absolutely lambasted, buh whys bast got lambs.... Sheepy: Aru: I saw you with Mr. Holmes once! I like him! I gave him some flowers I picked earlier. Did he make sure to give one to you, too? Arsé-kun: Watson: He looked at me with confusion. I wasn't sure how to explain, so you'd better do that. Sheepy: Aru: He didn't give one to you? That's too bad. Sheepy: Aru: It's okay, I'll give you one directly next time, as thanks for taking care of Artair! Arsé-kun: Watson: Now then. Your brother is leaving you. Sheepy: Aru: Right! I should follow him! Thanks!! *She follows Kay* Arsé-kun: Kay: Byeeee, Lucan! I'm gonna trash your room! Sheepy: Lucan: Ugh, fine! *He goes to his room* Arsé-kun: *Artair is eventually brought in, mumbling something about correlating contents and mercy. Very, uh. Very nice, Artair.* Sheepy: Arturia: So! You've finally returned! I thought you'd run away! Arsé-kun: Artair: Why...? We're not meant to voyage so far... Sheepy: Arturia:....Well, you disappeared for so long, I thought you were upset about my joke. Arsé-kun: Kay: Did you forget where he was, you little shitty gremlin? Arsé-kun: Artair: Joke....? Sheepy: Arturia: Well, if he slipped and fell in his state, even with all the doctors around, if nobody was right there to catch him, he could hit his head. Arsé-kun: Kay: He almost did before we got here. Sheepy: Arturia: You see! Arsé-kun: *Artair sinking into the sofa like putty into quicksand in the background. because that makes sense* Arsé-kun: Artair: .... Luuuuke I got a questionn Sheepy: Lucan: What is it? Arsé-kun: Artair: what happened to plan five..? why'd they skip to nine? Sheepy: Lucan: There aren't any plans before nine because they tried them all offscreen. Arsé-kun: Artair: How do we know..? What do we know... of the world and the universe about us? Arsé-kun: Kay: alright Socrates give it a rest Sheepy: Lucan: The movie was meant to be Grave Robbers from Outer Space originally, but the church didn't like that title very much, so it was renamed Plan Nine from Outer Space.... Arsé-kun: Artair: What graves are in space...? Who died? Sheepy: Lucan: Anyway, there's dialogue saying that they tried the other plans without success. Sheepy: Lucan: Well, the plot is about aliens that come from outer space and steal dead bodies from graves! As for who died... Sheepy: Lucan: Bela Lugosi! Tor Johnson! ... Others, but none of are importance to the point that you'd remember their names. Sheepy: Lucan:...Wait, why am i explaining this to you? You're the one who's watched it a bunch of times! Sheepy: Aru: Wow... He really did lose his wisdom... Arsé-kun: Artair: I don't wanna go to kindergarden!!! Sheepy: Aru: Don't worry! You're too old for kindergarten! Arsé-kun: Artair: Preschool?! Sheepy: Aru: Too old for that, too! Sheepy: Aru: You'll get it back soon, don't worry! Sheepy: Lucan: We can watch it again and bring it back! Sheepy: Aru: It's a Beddy kind of movie... Sheepy: Lucan: No, Bedi's not interested in things like this. For him, the more dinosaurs, the better. Arsé-kun: Kay: Bedi's the guy who watches Jurassic Park and points out the problems with it. Sheepy: Lucan: He is! And don't get me started on the sequels! Sheepy: Aru: Really? Beddy likes it... Arsé-kun: Kay: A real sight is watchin' both Bedi and Merlin get upset at a movie. A real circlejerk. Sheepy: Lucan: That's a frightening thought! Sheepy: Aru: Beddy says, "those are some itty-bitty dragons. Sir Lancelot could take two of those and they'd be at a disadvantage". Arsé-kun: Kay: Damn. Sheepy: Aru: But is it an exaggeration...? Sir Lancelot has killed many dragons before. Arsé-kun: Kay: What's a dinosaur but a shitty dragon? Sheepy: Aru: Nowadays, we think of them as mythological creatures, but could it be... they were just hunted to near extinction? Dove never met his biological parents because they were slain before he ever hatched out. Without Teacher, he never would've survived, I think... Arsé-kun: Arthur: They were not seen often in my own time. They were already rare by that point, and the ones we saw were generally hostile. Sheepy: Aru: That's why Sir Lancelot went around killing them, right? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Knights were ordered to take down hostile wildlife if it was an active threat, and not... Say, a random bear we saw that morning. Sheepy: Aru:....Ehhh.... Arsé-kun: Arthur: As in, most certainly going to attack us or peasantry. Sheepy: Aru: You say that, but you ordered Sir Gawain to hunt down a white hart for the trophy aspect of it, right...? That's what Le Mort D'Arthur says, anyway! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Is that a bad thing? Sheepy: Aru: It wasn't hurting anyone, was it? Arsé-kun: Arthur: It was not. The head was used for a trophy, the fur was used, the meat was used, the bones were used. Like regular hunting, except I kept part of it. Sheepy: Aru: Ah... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Right. Humans don't hunt anymore. Sheepy: Aru: So really, the one who goes against the whole, "don't kill non-hostiles except for hunting" is... Sheepy: Aru: Sir Jaufre, the old lady bully! Sheepy: Aru: Although, I suppose all the knights did it. No one's perfect... Sheepy: Aru: But it's difficult for humans to hunt now with the restrictions of the path. There's still people who enjoy hunting and fishing. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Fishing... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... But yes, things like that were why Jaufre was... Sometimes intolerable. Arsé-kun: Arthur: But that's just how he was. Stupidly violent, but stupidly loyal. Also, the old lady was cannibalizing orphans with her family. Arsé-kun: Arthur: That was most certainly a thing that was happening. More than once. Sheepy: Aru: Sounds like a handful... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Three handfuls worth of trouble. Sheepy: Aru: Being a king must be really hard... In a way, part of your job is babysitting grown men with swords and no sense of self control. Arsé-kun: Arthur: At least it wasn't children. Sheepy: Aru: Well, now you're babysitting a kid with a sword! Arsé-kun: Arthur: It's only one. I can handle that. Arsé-kun: *they watch a bad horror movie. it's bad and stupid. it's so bad and stupid Artair falls asleep in the first ten minutes. Even Kay can tolerate it* Sheepy: *Lucan is enjoying himself! Aru just seems confused. Arturia is questioning why they're watching it.* Arsé-kun: *Arthur is visibly confused. Kay doesn't actually care. Artair wakes up twice to quote a line exactly on time, and then went back to sleep. Raw fucking talent* Arsé-kun: Artair: ... *on time with the ending narration* "Can you prove that it didn't happen?" Sheepy: Lucan: I can't! Arsé-kun: Artair: I don' wanna. Arsé-kun: Artair: *yawns* Sooo.. Where are we..? Sheepy: Lucan: My room. Arsé-kun: Artair: hhuh. Sheepy: Lucan: In the hospital. Arsé-kun: Artair: oh. yeah. thatd make sense Sheepy: Lucan: Thought I returned to the dorms? Nope! Arsé-kun: Artair: You? Dorms? You'd be dead in the week. Sheepy: Lucan: I used to stay in one! Sheepy: Lucan: But my health, well... Arsé-kun: Kay: Sucks dick Sheepy: Lucan: And yet! Arsé-kun: Kay: You're alive somehow. Sheepy: Lucan: I get free food! Sheepy: Lucan: Of course, it's tasteless. Sheepy: Lucan: Really, they should leave the cooking up to me. Although, that Il guy broke glass in there the other day so it's dangerous. Arsé-kun: Kay: What, they didn't fuckin' clean it? Sheepy: Lucan: It's cleaned up by now, of course! But that doesn't mean he doesn't go in there still. Everything he touches in the kitchen breaks. Sheepy: Lucan: And if I had a dizzy spell while using the oven... Arsé-kun: Kay: Then you sit down! On your ass! Sheepy: Lucan: Sometimes the fastest way down is falling! Sheepy: Lucan: So cooking alone isn't necessarily safe. Arsé-kun: Artair: At least a quarter of horror movie deaths are in the kitchen Sheepy: Lucan: Yes! You see! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I have a question. Sheepy: Aru: Yes? Arsé-kun: Arthur: What, and pardon my swearing, the fuck did I watch? Sheepy: Lucan: The worst movie ever made. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Understandable. Have a great evening, sir. Sheepy: Lucan: The director thought it was a masterpiece, I'm sure. Sheepy: Aru: Sometimes Bors makes bad movies for fun. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I can understand Sir Bors doing that. He would tell silly tales whenever he thought of them. heepy: Aru: Now he has the medium to do it best! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Good for him. Sheepy: Aru: Beddy's in them sometimes. Sheepy: Aru: He doesn't even wear his helmet for them sometimes. Did you know... Sheepy: Aru: He's secretly incredibly handsome underneath his helmet? Or is the word beautiful? Hmmm... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Of course I know. But now I am intrigued. Sheepy: Aru: About what? Arsé-kun: Arthur: How Sir Bedwyr looks without his helmet is something I already knew. But I would like to see him without it now. Sheepy: Aru: Maybe he's changed since your time! If nothing else, he smiles more, probably! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Oh, I certainly hope so. Sheepy: Aru: I have pictures of him, but Teacher told me not to show Merlin... Sheepy: Aru:...Maybe you'd be an exception...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I am not Merlin. Sheepy: Aru: Okay! One sec! Sheepy: Aru: *She hunts through her phone for a bit before showing Arthur a picture! It's of Beddy, smiling brightly, with an arm wrapped around Bors's shoulders! His hair is neat and pulled back into a ponytail. What a change!* Arsé-kun: *Arthur looks delighted!!* Sheepy: Aru: He's always really happy when Bors shows up. They're good friends! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Well, that's the best thing I've seen this month! I would pay in gold to have that framed. Arsé-kun: *Kay starts cha cha sliding in real smooth to take a peek* Sheepy: Aru: I'm sure that's a thing we can do! But would Beddy mind? Hmm... Sheepy: Aru: He's with Teacher, but maybe he can visit us. I think he'd be really happy to see you, too. Arsé-kun: *A little discord notification pops up on Aru's phone! It's from the merlins chat!* Sheepy: *Aru checks it* Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] HELKP Sheepy: Aru: [chat] Are you okay?! Where are you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] I FJVKD U P REAL BAD ILL TURN LOCATION ON BUT UH. WET. LOT OF WATR Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] i'm in flavortown right now Sheepy: Aru: [chat] Wet? You're in a swimming pool? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] I HJOP[E THS ISNT AN OCEN BUT I JUSAT WANMTRED T FGO SEE ARTAIR HPW DID THIS HAPPN Sheepy: Aru: [chat] Can you swim? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] YS BUT ITS V COLD Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] i can help but let me finush eating first Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] @Misyr You better do that NOW. Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] @Magnus Get your ship moving! Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] you're good at ordering people around but not actyally going to help yourself, you know thar? I'll go but don't be surprised if you hear yhat a volcano has gone off or skmething. I don't mesh well with the outside world! Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] You KNOW what happens when I go to help! I've already killed Morne, I'm not doing that again! Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] But fine! If you end up overboard I don't wanna hear it! Sheepy: Misyr: [chat] I can't swim... heepy: Misyr: [chat] anyway don't get mad when I don't respind, I'm going to help 14 Arsé-kun: Malleus: [chat] I'm going as well. Sheepy: *Misyr goes to help Merlin.* Arsé-kun: *It's dark. I don't know what Misyr expected. The ocean isn't very onpath, like, ever.* Sheepy: Misyr: Hmhmhm... A little darkness can't stop a demon lord! Sheepy: Misyr: Heeee~eeeyyy, Merlin! Sheepy: Misyr: There you are...! *He approaches Merlin* You couldn't have chosen a worse spot if you'd tried! Sheepy: *Misyr pulls Merlin out of the ocean!* Arsé-kun: *Merlin tries to grab onto him, but he's so cold that he can't manage it* Sheepy: Misyr: Sheesh, you're freezing. I'd warm you up, but I'd probably set a fire in the process. Sheepy: Misyr: Wow...I've got bad news for you. Sure, I came here, but I suddenly realized that I have no clue how to get back! Arsé-kun: *VERY SUDDEN, VERY LOUD SHIP HORN. Followed by howling?* Sheepy: Misyr: *He looks around* Oho... A ship! Sheepy: Misyr: Heeeyyyy! We're over here! Arsé-kun: Malleus: *presumably on a loudspeaker* Port side, Captain! Sheepy: Misyr: Sheesh, you're loud...! Arsé-kun: *The ship approaches Misyr's left!* Sheepy: Misyr: Ah! You found me! Arsé-kun: Malleus: *throwing down a rope ladder to him* Grab on, Misyr! We'll haul you two up! Arsé-kun: *The rope ladder gets pulled up!* Sheepy: Misyr: Aaahahahaha! As you can see, the rescue is a success! All thanks to this demon king! Sheepy: Misyr: Ah, I suppose you two were helpful too. Ah... but hold on. *He puts Merlin down, takes off his own robes, and puts them on Merlin. They're warm! Just like a hug.* Arsé-kun: Malleus: Get that ego down to reasonable levels or so help me. Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha! I'm a final boss, so I should act like one, right? Have you ever met one wjth self confidence problems? Arsé-kun: *Malleus just sighs* Arsé-kun: Malleus: It's hard to believe you're my elder sometimes. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, perhaps the "elder Misyr" isn't the "current Misyr"! Simply... Sheepy: Misyr: I grew bored of all that! Arsé-kun: Malleus: Fine. Can you be serious for the next two minutes? Sheepy: Misyr: Of course. Arsé-kun: Malleus: 14 shouldn't have been able to get this far from where he was. So how did this happen? Sheepy: Misyr: I'm not 14. How should I know? (...Is this super far away?) Sheepy: Misyr: Maybe it dragged him here? Arsé-kun: Malleus: But how..? Sheepy: Misyr: Well, I don't know where we are, so I can't tell you. Sheepy: Misyr: However! I can say...! Sheepy: Misyr: It's an ocean! Arsé-kun: Malleus: .... Yes, thank you. Sheepy: Misyr: That's whay my demon lord senses are telling me. Arsé-kun: Primo: *appearing very suddenly* Ah. I see, I was a bit slow on the uptake. Sheepy: Misyr: Aaahahahaha! You'll have to move faster to outspeed this demon king! Arsé-kun: Primo: Perhaps I will! Sheepy: Misyr: Impressive! I'd like to see! However... one question. Sheepy: Misyr:...Where are we? Arsé-kun: Primo: We're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! Somewhere around... 47, 125? I'm no good at coordinates! Sheepy: Misyr:.... *blank stare*... I still don't really understand! Arsé-kun: Primo: We're too close to R'yleh for my tastes. Arsé-kun: Primo: Please tell me you can manage a teleport back to where you were before. I need to be here for... Reasons! Arsé-kun: Primo: And take 14 with you. I saw the message and I know what went wrong. I'll deal with that myself, don't you worry! Sheepy: Misyr:...... *He's struggling to keep his smug grin*..... Sheepy: Misyr: Ahaha... Yes, I totally can return. (Now what exactly is the way back...?) Sheepy: Misyr:.........Hey, one quick question. Sheepy: Misyr: Where was I before? Sheepy: Misyr: Don't laugh. This isn't my home world! I know my home to the ends of the world, so don't think I'm bad with directions! Arsé-kun: Malleus: ... ... How did you survive this long? Sheepy: Misyr: Ouch... Even demon lords have feelings, you know? Arsé-kun: Primo: [text: to Aru] 14 has been recovered! No harm done, just ended up a bit further than a normal misfire!~~ Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Primo] Thank you for helping him, Teacher!! Arsé-kun: Primo: [text: to Aru] I didn't do it! Thank Malleus and Misyr! I just happened to be here~ Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Primo] Okay!! I'll thank them, too! Arsé-kun: Primo: 6, I could give you a straight path back and you'll end up at the end of the world anyway! Sheepy: Misyr: E-ehhh?! Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahahaha! You underestimate me! Arsé-kun: Primo: Ah, perhaps! You'd see a straight line and go perpendicular. Sheepy: Misyr:?! Sheepy: Misyr: That really hurts! Why's everyone attacking this demon king, huh? Arsé-kun: Primo: For fun. For glory. For the knowledge.. Ah, never mind! Sheepy: Misyr: You should be grateful I'm so laid back! Arsé-kun: Primo: Here, I'll give you a hand this time, coup de'mon. Sheepy: Misyr: After all, I'm a final boss! I could just cause mass destruction in response to getting insulted if I wasn't such a good guy! Arsé-kun: Primo: Yes, of course. Arsé-kun: Primo: I'm going to send you back now!~ Arsé-kun: Primo: Failure to reach the destination will end in termination!~ Sheepy: Misyr: Eh?! Arsé-kun: Primo: I don't make the rules! Sheepy: Misyr: You can't just kill me! Arsé-kun: Primo: This is true! You'd need at least three exorcisms and a holy water bomb, and even then, it would be unlikely unless 13 stayed with you for a week! Arsé-kun: *Malleus looks insulted. Because he is insulted.* Sheepy: Misyr: Are you plotting my death?! Arsé-kun: Primo: I can plot all I'd like, but it doesn't mean it'll work on you! I'd need a bunch of deez anyway.. Sheepy: Misyr: These what? Arsé-kun: Primo: Deez nuts! *Without giving Misyr time to respond, he sends 13 and 14 back to campus! Whoosh.* Sheepy: Misyr:?! Arsé-kun: *Merlin quietly chuckles. he's still dead exhausted and wilted, but deez nuts is always funny* Sheepy: Misyr:....I don't even know what he was referring to... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Deez nuts. Sheepy: Misyr: Eh...Whatever. Are you better now? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ehhh Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Unfortunately for me and my business, you're back. How tragic. Sheepy: Misyr: Ouch! Sheepy: Misyr: Everyone's so cruel today! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I'm awful every day. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Now shut up and sit down. I already know the order. Does the mop you're carrying want one too? It'll go on your tab. Sheepy: Misyr: Is he even alive? Arsé-kun: Merlin: nope Sheepy: Misyr: Ehhhh? I put my robes on a dead guy? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... ... I'm talking to you, grampa! Sheepy: Misyr: Yes? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm alive! I'm tired but I'm alive! Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, good! If you weren't, well... Sheepy: Misyr: Grandpa'd kill me! ... Not that he can, of course! A final boss always comes back, no matter how many times he's put down! Ahahahaahahaa! Arsé-kun: Merlin: He even said he couldn't! Sheepy: Misyr: Yeah, exactly! Sheepy: Misyr: That's the strength of a demon lord! Sheepy: Misyr: Anyway, do you want anything, Merlin? I'm going to pick up the tab just this once! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah. I'll take the same thing you get. Sheepy: Misyr: Great! I'll get the usual! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Right. *he turns to the side and turns on a coffee pot. its purple.* Sheepy: Misyr: How are you feeling, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I feel like if I tried to cast a spell, I'd probably die. Sheepy: Misyr: Oof. Why don't you take the day off and relax? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, I'm gonna. Still don't get why that happened, though.. Sheepy: Misyr: No clue! Sheepy: Misyr: I'm no fancy wizard! Sheepy: Misyr: I'm a demon lord! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Then what'd you teach Max?? Sheepy: Misyr:....Eh? Sheepy: Misyr:.... Sheepy: Misyr: Uhhhh... Sheepy: Misyr: W....well. You know. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Did you at least teach more than Malleus? Sheepy: Misyr: Yeah, of course! Sheepy: Misyr: I taught the basics and stuff! But you know how it is. Demon kings don't exactly have much they can teach to wizards. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Eh? You were a demon even back then? Sheepy: Misyr: I was always a demon... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Huh. Sheepy: Misyr: I mean, it'd be weird if I wasn't! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Would it?? Sheepy: Misyr: What, have you ever heard of someone becoming a demon before? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I mean, I know a dude turned into an angel once... It's probably similar? Sheepy: Misyr:...Eh? Humans can just turn into angels? That's really weird. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I said once! I'm not sure if it's happened more than that. Sheepy: Misyr: Man, I wonder if he ever turned back? …No, I don’t think something like that is possible… Arsé-kun: Merlin: I doubt it... But I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Misyr: Oh well. Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, Wilbur, do you know anything about that? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Yes. I read the Bible once for school. One prophet was turned into an angel instead of dying. Sheepy: Misyr: Scary... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: As for turning back from something else, well, you need research. Sheepy: Misyr: Research... Well, it's not something that affects me, but what if I die and become an angel? I'd need it then. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I said what I said. Sheepy: Misyr: I'm not so good at research... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Can you read? Or do they not have books in hell? Sheepy: Misyr: Eh... the latter! Real hard to get your hands on one. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: You must not get a signal in hell either. Sheepy: Misyr: I don't. That's why I leave my phone here! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: If it gets stolen, I don't want to hear about it. Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, hey! Don't let it get stolen! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: It isn't my responsibility. Sheepy: Misyr: But you're my friend! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: What have I said about being informal on my work hours? Sheepy: Misyr: Being formal is tough for demon kings like me! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I'm going to borrow another professor's lie detector and plug you into it just to see how fast it catches on fire. I'll give it twenty seconds. Sheepy: Misyr: Eh?! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: But yes, fine. I'll make sure it isn't stolen by anyone malevolent. Sheepy: Misyr: Thanks! Sheepy: Misyr: By the way, don't worry if I get any calls. Sheepy: Misyr: I don't need to answer them! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Sure. Arsé-kun: *Enter two children and the ugliest bug you've ever seen in your life.* Sheepy: Misyr:......... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ........... Sheepy: Satoru: Hi, Wilbur. We found a bug. Sheepy: Misyr:.....B-....B...Big... Arsé-kun: Duncan: It's real big! What'd we do wit it? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: .... Hand it over please. Sheepy: Satoru: If you let go of it, it'll fly away, so be careful, okay? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I will be careful. It won't escape. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *Wilbur gets +1 bug. awful* Sheepy: Misyr:...It's..so... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Misyr, come outside with me. I need you for this. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you know what it is? I think it's a fruit fly. Sheepy: Misyr: Y-yeah, I can do that... Arsé-kun: Wilbur: It's a Shan, and it is very dangerous. Don't let them near your head if you can help it. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I won't. Sheepy: *Misyr hesitantly heads outside* Arsé-kun: *Wilbur also goes outside, with the Shan* Sheepy: Misyr:..Yeah? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: When I let go, send it into orbit. Sheepy: Misyr: Can do! Arsé-kun: *Wilbur throws the bug into the air!* Sheepy: *Misyr slams his magic piano and nukes the bug! Where there was once a bug is now a pile of dust and nothing more.* Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Beautiful. Destroyed without grandfather needing to get involved. Sheepy: Misyr: That was disgusting...! Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Very. I need to wash ten times over now. Sheepy: Misyr: And don't touch me for a while, alright? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Can do. Your coffee should be ready, so you can handle that. Arsé-kun: Duncan: ---And that's why I think spoder minecraf should be in smash bros! Sheepy: Satoru: What's Smash Bros? Sheepy: *Misyr heads over to the coffee pot and obtains his coffee!* Sheepy: Misyr: Gosh... Bugs should never be allowed to grow that big.... Arsé-kun: Duncan: It's a game! Fight people! Sheepy: Satoru: Do I have to? Arsé-kun: Duncan: No? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: I won't, then. Sheepy: Satoru: Why do you want to fight? Arsé-kun: Duncan: I don't! It's in the game! You asked what it was! Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Okay. I understand now. Sheepy: Satoru: By the way, Wilbur. We found that Shan in my dad's flowers. Is that concerning? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: That is concerning. Was it just the one? Sheepy: Satoru: No, we just chose to only take one. Sheepy: Satoru: After all, if you take every bug, they'll eventually go extinct. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: .... ..... Duncan, run the shop for me. I have to report that to Carter. *and he leaves before Duncan can finish processing that sentence* Arsé-kun: Duncan: ? ??? Huh? I get the tall chair now? Welp, bokay! *and he clambers onto Wilbur's behind-counter stool* I'm the cappytain now! Sheepy: Satoru: We should have menrioned that sooner, I guess. Sheepy: Misyr: There's more than one....? Hrk... I hate bugs... Arsé-kun: Merlin: And we can't just nuke 'em... Sheepy: Misyr: We can, but the damages will be expensivw. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Carefully! Sheepy: Misyr: Careful and Misyr don't go together! Arsé-kun: Duncan: Who's Care-full?? Sheepy: Misyr: Not me! Sheepy: Misyr: Three is overly so, though. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You and Makenna.. I at least try to be! Sheepy: Misyr: Isn't that boring for you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sometimes... But I'd rather not hurt someone for no reason. Sheepy: Il: --It's just too bad that otome game creators don't seem to truly understand the demand for merch, so they produce small quantities and it's bought up almost instantly. Arsé-kun: Raph: *looking fucking dead inside* Just make your own. Sheepy: Il: It's not the same! Arsé-kun: Raph: Yeah, yeah... *he spots Misyr* Well! Good morning, america! Sheepy: Il: Part of the value of merch is the hunt for it. I hunted down every piece of Lupin merch. My Lupin shrine would feel empty without them. Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, you've arrived! Arsé-kun: Raph: I'm here, I'm queer, lets get this shit in gear! *fingergun x2* Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, I learned something scary today from Merlin! Arsé-kun: Raph: Horrible! Lay it on me! Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh, him! Why would he? He liked the upgrade. Sheepy: Misyr: Eh? Arsé-kun: Raph: "You can't get a sore wrist from writing when you're not human!" Or so he said. Sheepy: Misyr: You mean he never looked down at himself and thought he was hideous? Or mourned the loss of his humanity? Hmmm... A demon lord like me can't really understand... Arsé-kun: Raph: Can't answer that! Confidentiality and all that! Arsé-kun: Raph: One day I'll see you as a demon lord! And it'll be cool! Sheepy: Misyr: Eh? Arsé-kun: Raph: Demons always look cool... So you gotta look cool! Sheepy: Misyr: This is how I always look... Arsé-kun: Raph: Cool! Sheepy: Misyr: Ahahaha! Of course! I am a demon lord, after all! Arsé-kun: Duncan: Doc Watsin says you're full of trash! I've heard it! Sheepy: Misyr: Well, I eat other things too! Arsé-kun: Duncan: You eat trash??? Sheepy: Misyr: Well, the sweets that go with coffee are basically trash, right? Arsé-kun: Duncan: They're oaky... Sheepy: Misyr: Nutritionally, they're trash! Arsé-kun: Raph: I can confirm that. Doesn't stop most people. Arsé-kun: Duncan: Well, uh, umm! I bet you're... Nutty-ally bad too! Sheepy: Misyr: Yes, I am! Sheepy: Misyr: No time to eat when I'm back in my home world. Arsé-kun: Duncan: Wh! You weren' supposed to agree! Wil gets paid for being sassy! I can't do his jowb if you jus' let me say it! Sheepy: Misyr: So whatever I eat when I'm here is what I get for the day! Sheepy: Misyr: But it's true... Arsé-kun: *Raph staring at Misyr.jpeg* Sheepy: Misyr: Yes? What is it? Arsé-kun: Raph: So you're barely eating at all? Sheepy: Misyr: Well... Sheepy: Misyr: You could say that! Arsé-kun: *Hard, doctorly staring* Arsé-kun: Raph: You gotta do something about that. Sheepy: Misyr: You know how work is! Arsé-kun: Raph: You're here during the day. You can get food! Sheepy: Misyr: I don't really stray very far.... Sheepy: Misyr: But if you insist! Arsé-kun: Raph: And don't make me turn it into doctor's orders! Sheepy: Misyr: Scary... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Man.... All this talk's making me hungry, but I can't be bothered. Sheepy: Misyr: You should eat! You nearly drowned. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I want to! But I don't wanna go all the way to the pizza place... Arsé-kun: Raph: he What Sheepy: Misyr: Nearly drowned in the ocean. Arsé-kun: Raph: Wha'?! How? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Sounds like you've done that before, doc. *he decides to order a pizza anyway. fuck it!* Sheepy: Misyr: I did it and was fine. Arsé-kun: Raph: You're not most. You're a demon lord. Sheepy: Misyr: Yes, true! Arsé-kun: *in the background, a wrecked toaster gets dunked into the trash by Duncan. this is not important* Sheepy: Misyr: That's why I'm so dangerous! Ahahaha! Arsé-kun: *Raph starts to say something, but stops himself. There are kids here!* Sheepy: Misyr: Oh, pizza, huh. I've never really tried it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: What the Fuck. Sheepy: Misyr: What? Arsé-kun: Merlin: How? Sheepy: Misyr: They don't have it in my home world! Arsé-kun: Merlin: That sucks! Sheepy: Misyr: Yeah, it does! Arsé-kun: *duncan and satoru defeat a minor eldritch thing in the kitchen using kitchen utensils. this is also completely irrelevant* Sheepy: Misyr: I feel like I can't stray too far from the cafe in case something comes up. Arsé-kun: Raph: That's fair. I've done work down there.. Sometimes things happen the second you stop looking. Sheepy: Misyr: Yeah, exactly! Sheepy: Misyr: And I've gotta be a good influence, so being late would look bad. Sheepy: Misyr: Hey, what was your experience? Arsé-kun: Raph: Hm? Sheepy: Misyr: Working there. Arsé-kun: Raph: It wasn't bad. I only really did stuff at the higher levels. Brought souls down sometimes, y'know. But occasionally I had to make sure one demon was still chained up. Didn't enjoy that. Sheepy: Misyr: Eh? Chained up? Why would they chain up demons down there? Arsé-kun: Raph: That's what I thought, but nooo. Humanity learning science was too big a sin back then or something. Arsé-kun: Raph: I still got half a mind to break in and ruin the jail. Sheepy: Misyr: Wow... Too big of a sin even for there... Arsé-kun: Raph: But since we're all fallen angels now... I really wanna commit a break-out crime. Sheepy: Il: Lupin does that a few times. Arsé-kun: Raph: yes thank you Il Sheepy: Il: I think I've learned from him how to do it... Sheepy: Il: No jail nor chains could ever hold me. Sheepy: Misyr: Well, I have to pass on that. That'd be a bad look for me! Arsé-kun: Raph: Fair enough! Sheepy: Il: What would Lupin do in this situation... Sheepy: Misyr: As a fictional character, not much. Sheepy: Il: ...One moment. *he pulls out his phone* Arsé-kun: *Il was sent a text message!* Sheepy: *Il checks it!* Arsé-kun: *It's a selfie from someone we've only seen on Il's merch! Big grins and peace signs from on top of a fence. Someone thinks they're hot shit.* Sheepy: Il: What a coincidence... Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Il's #2 Favorite Ikemen] Do you see it? The ghost behind you? Arsé-kun: *A minute or two passes before he gets a reply* Arsé-kun: Lupin: [text: to Il] Don't do that, please. I genuinely believed there was a ghost present when there is not! Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] The selfie you sent has one. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] It looks like campus security. Arsé-kun: Lupin: [text: to Il] That's because it is. The poor man has been waiting for a new arrival all afternoon. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] So it isn't a ghost. I see. By the way, how do I break someone out of jail? Arsé-kun: Lupin: [text: to Il] Is this information you genuinely need, or are you asking based on situational context? Sheepy: Il: Raphael. Sheepy: Il: Is information on jailbreaking needed? Arsé-kun: Raph: What? No. I could break it myself if I really wanted to. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] Raphael says it's not needed. Arsé-kun: Lupin: [text: to Il] Well, good. Each jail is different. I'd need to look into it to make useful suggestions. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] I know nothing about it either. Sheepy: Il: Lupin says he can't make useful suggestions. Arsé-kun: Raph: ...? Sheepy: Il: What? Arsé-kun: Raph: I'd assume so. It's in Hell anyway. Sheepy: Misyr: I mean... Him being fictional may have something to do with it...! Arsé-kun: Raph: Perhaps. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] Are you fictional? Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] Misyr says you're fictional, even though he's friends with Holmes and Watson. Arsé-kun: Lupin: [text: to Il] Have you informed him that I am not? Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] No. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] Should I? Arsé-kun: Lupin: [text: to Il] You may want to remedy that. I've got to get back to travelling, I'll text when I'm in a safe zone. Sheepy: Il: [Text: to Lupin] I will. Good luck. Stay safe. Sheepy: Il: Lupin says to tell you that he's real. Sheepy: Misyr:...Hold on. Were you not referring to the otome guy? Sheepy: Misyr: The otome guy isn't real... Sheepy: Il:....But if Holmes and Watson are real, Lupin is real, too. Sheepy: Misyr: Ehh. I'll just ask Watson later... Sheepy: Misyr: Anyway, Merlin, maybe you should try going home to relax after what happened. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y'mean I gotta move? Sheepy: Misyr: Well... You can't sleep here, right? Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..... Fair. Bedi would have my head if I did.. Sheepy: Misyr: Right. Exactly. Sheepy: Misyr: So go on home before you sleep here on accident! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Awww, fine.. Here. *he throws Misyr's cloak to Misyr. kobe* Sheepy: *Misyr puts his cloak back on. He no longer looks like a wetted down fluffy cat.* Arsé-kun: *WYM, according to Raph he looked hot. Not that he'll say it* Sheepy: *Eventually, Merlin ends up home!* Arsé-kun: *With pizza. because of course he does* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, Merlin, you're back... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm back. The ocean's cold this time of year! Sheepy: Bedi:...Ocean? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Anyway, it's pizza time! Hope you guys haven't eaten yet! Sheepy: Bedi: I haven't. However... Griflet is in a bad mood. Please be wary of him. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Eh? Somethin' happen? Sheepy: Bedi: According to him, the problem is that he can't swim. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That IS problematic. Arsé-kun: Kay: *coming out of his own room* Sounds like shit. Arsé-kun: Kay: *he knocks on Grif's door* You want help, Moron? Sheepy: Bedi: He's looking for a long stick. Arsé-kun: Kay: What's he need a stick for when he's got a party member with longer arms? Sheepy: Grif: *He opens the door, holding a stolen lance* Worry not, Kay. I found it. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... I'm still gonna join you. I don't trust you not falling in like a dumbass. Sheepy: Grif:....Uh. Arsé-kun: *Kay forced himself into the party without your consent!* Sheepy: Grif: Don't slow me down, then. My charge is currently drowning. Arsé-kun: Kay: Why didn't you say so?! Sheepy: Grif: I would never interrupt someone when they're speaking. Arsé-kun: Kay: Learn to! And get going! Sheepy: *Grif drags Kay out* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Huh. So I guess I'm not the only one to bone myself over today. Sheepy: Bedi: So it seems.... Are you okay, Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah. Tired as hell, but I'll live. I got some things to reconsider. Sheepy: Bedi: You do? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah. Sheepy: Bedi: I can help. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah you can! ^^ Sheepy: Bedi: What are you mulling over? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I always thought Malleus didn't care. I've said it a bunch of times- Bastard that couldn't be assed to teach me anything. Sheepy: Bedi: Did he subvert expectations? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I called for help and he was the first or second one there.. I dunno if he or Misyr got there first. Sheepy: Bedi: So that's good news! Arsé-kun: Merlin: And if I take chat messages into consideration! We get stuff like... *he pulls out his phone and checks the chatroom* "You KNOW what happens when I go to help! I've already killed Morne, I'm not doing that again!"... Arsé-kun: *Merlin thinks about this* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...Huh. Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] @Merlin Are you still drowning or do you not need help anymore? If you're dead don't worry about responding Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] What help you were!! Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] I was sleeping, also I was working Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] Anyway, you're interrupting me reconsidering my life views, do you want anythin' else while I'm here, gramps? Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] The next time you drown, can you do it while I'm awake so I can rescue you? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] o yea ill make sure to schedule it next time for you. Sheepy: Myrrdin: [chat] By the way, I don't like going too far from home, so you can drown in my wife's lake next time, okay? Arsé-kun: Merlin: [chat] :V Sheepy: Bedi: Wow... The saddest part is, it doesn't seem like anyone else has commented on it. Perhaps they haven't seen it until now. Although, I'm left with the mystery how one can sleep and work at the same time... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, yeah. They got lives too. I was hoping more would comment, though.. Sheepy: Bedi: Well... I'm very happy you're safe! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Me too! We'll figure out the mystery of how I ended up in buttfuck nowhere from teleporting later! Sheepy: Bedi: I hope so. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I just wanted to pop up next to Artair... What went so wrong? Sheepy: Bedi: Hmm... That is troubling... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah! I've backfired before, but not like that! Sheepy: Bedi: Maybe something is happening in the environment around you that's affecting magic generally. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I hope not! Arsé-kun: *I think it's been long enough now for Kay and Grif to get to where they need to go!* Sheepy: Grif: Here's where he was drownibg. Sheepy: Grif: As you can see, he's still drowning. Dr. Romani, Kay will get you out. Worry not. Unfortunately, you have entered a domain that I cannot cross with my current stats, and therefore you are, as they say, "up a creek without a paddle". However, if you need a paddle, you can have this lance. Arsé-kun: *Kay doesn't give a shit that Grif was speaking, and has already jumped into the water to help.* Arsé-kun: *The next part goes swimmingly well, pun fully intended. Kay is able to grab onto and help this Dr. Romani, who fortunately had not actually drowned yet.* Arsé-kun: *And then Kay stares up at Grif because how the FUCK does he climb out of this lake hole with another human being* Sheepy: Grif: .... Sheepy: Grif: *He holds out the lance into the water* Here. Arsé-kun: Kay: Thanks for noticing! *he grabs onto it with his free hand* Sheepy: Grif: Good job, Kay. Sheepy: Grif: Are you okay, Dr. Greece? Arsé-kun: Romani: ... .... What? Sheepy: Grif: I asked if you were okay. Sheepy: Grif: My swimming stat is 1. Therefore, I needed to get help to rescue you. Arsé-kun: Kay: Shut up and let the man speak, dumbass. Sheepy: Grif: Yes... I will. Arsé-kun: Romani: I should be okay. I've been through worse! Sheepy: Grif: I see. Let's go to the campus together. Arsé-kun: Romani: Yes please! I'd like to make it this time! Sheepy: *Grif guides Romani to the campus!* Sheepy: Grif: Here we are. Arsé-kun: Romani: Wow! This place looks great!! *he's genuinely impressed* Sheepy: Grif: Uh.... If you say so. I don't really pay much attention to that. Sheepy: Grif: The staff here who are in charge of such things work hard to make it look nice. Sheepy: Grif: The janitor is Nyarlathotep - my dad's uncle. The gardener is named Eiji. Arsé-kun: Romani: Your... A janitor?? How? Sheepy: Grif: No. I'm a guard. Nyarlathotep is the janitor. I break things and he cleans up the shards. Sheepy: Grif: He takes great pride in his work. Arsé-kun: Romani: Um, I guess I wasn't very clear. Let me try again. Sheepy: Grif: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: Romani: He's okay with being a janitor for mortals? Sheepy: Grif: Well, of course. If people litter enough, they'll get sick and die, right? Sheepy: Grif: If the humans all died off, he wouldn't have anyone to torment. Uncle loves humans. He is probably the most human of any of us. Sheepy: Grif: Anyway, Randy probably wouldn't let him stay here if he didn't do some work around here. So, he takes multiple jobs, but the one he focuses on the most is his janitor job. Arsé-kun: Romani: That makes sense... Guess I shouldn't judge. Sheepy: Grif: No, judge him heavily. Arsé-kun: Romani: I'm getting mixed messages here! Sheepy: Grif: Well, he's the most human of any of us. Sheepy: Grif: It's not as though he's driven by a sense of duty or a twisted sense of kindness. Arsé-kun: Romani: Huh. I guess that makes sense. Arsé-kun: *Grif gets a quest update!* Sheepy: *Grif looks at the quest update* Arsé-kun: Yog: *from Paimon, popup* Complete the mission by finishing the escort! Target location: Hospital. No enemies are detected. Sheepy: Grif: Dad says to bring you to the hospital. Arsé-kun: *Romani decides to stop asking questions.* Arsé-kun: Romani: That's where I'll be working, so that'd be ideal! Sheepy: *Grif leads him to the hospital!* Sheepy: Grif: ...Here we are. Arsé-kun: Romani: Thank you! Sheepy: Grif: Just be careful. Sheepy: Grif: There's some patients who live there who are.......... Sheepy: Grif: Well, you'll see. Arsé-kun: Romani: Thanks for the warning. Um. I'll pay you next time I see you! Sheepy: Grif: Uh. This is my job. But okay. Arsé-kun: Romani: I'll tip you when my wallet isn't totally soaked through. Sheepy: Grif: Okay, thanks. Sheepy: Grif: Have fun. See you later. Arsé-kun: *Romani waves to Grif and drags himself inside the hospital. Finally. He made it.* Sheepy: *There's a young girl there to greet him!* Sheepy: Girl: Are you a patient? Arsé-kun: Romani: I may as well be at this rate, but no, I'm just really late. Sheepy: Girl: ... Oh! You're the new doctor? You look like you could blend in with the patients. I'm sure that'll make them feel more at home! Arsé-kun: Romani: *sheepish* I'm not usually this bad. I might've fell in a lake on the way. Sheepy: Girl: Lake? Well, that explains a lot... Sheepy: Girl: Well, it looks like Daddy's busy right now, so he can't greet you! Don't worry, I can show you around. I'm Iris Watson, by the way! Arsé-kun: Romani: That'd be great. I'm Romani Archiman. Look forward to working with you and your dad. ^^ Sheepy: Iris: Looking forward to working alongside you, too, Archie! ... Oh, Holmsies will visit on occasion to harass you, but it's because he's lonely. Don't push him away too harshly or he'll mope in the corner and think everyone hates him, okay? Arsé-kun: Romani: I wouldn't mind the company! Sheepy: Iris: Well, I hope that'll be true. Sheepy: *Something, or someone, suddenly launches at Romani! A sword whizzes past his head, cutting off a bit of his hair!* Arsé-kun: *Romani yelps and jumps to the side a little late* Sheepy: *Okita tilts his head some and puts his sword over his shoulder. There's blood on his face mask.* Sheepy: Okita: You're really slow, aren't you? I could've taken your head off in a flash. Wouldn't that be a sight! Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't torment the new hires, Okita! Sheepy: Iris: We keep telling you you can't do that, Kitty! Sheepy: Okita: Ahhh, you never let me have any fun, do you? "Don't stab people, Okita"... "Take your medicine, Okita"... Ah, meddlers like you.. What a pain in the- *he starts coughing* Arsé-kun: Watson: Meddlers like us are keeping you alive, you walking TB timebomb. Sheepy: Okita: I've had worse. I would've recovered by myself if that demon hadn't caught on to my symptoms and dragged me here. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Look, just let us speak. If we're here speaking, we're not there to watch you. Sheepy: Okita: You're right. I can go cause all sorts of problems. Sheepy: Okita: Well, see you! *he heads off* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I'm very sorry about that. Sheepy: Iris: He's always like that. He's the physical bully and Lucan's the emotional bully! Arsé-kun: Watson: And unfortunately for us, they're friends. Sheepy: Iris: Yes... Arsé-kun: *brief pause for romani and watson to introduce themselves to each other, bt thats a monologue so heck u* Sheepy: Iris: Oh, the other doctors are... Sheepy: Iris: Raphie, Vicky, Westie, and Griffy. Griffy's on hiatus. Sheepy: Iris: You might not see him. Arsé-kun: Romani: I have a question. Sheepy: Iris: Yes? Arsé-kun: Romani: Where can I find a drier? *he kinda holds out his very wet coat* Sheepy: Iris: Oh! I can show you! Arsé-kun: Romani: That'd be appreciated! Sheepy: *Iris leads him there!* Sheepy: Iris: Here it is! Arsé-kun: Romani: Thank you! Sheepy: Iris: I'll leave you to that! Arsé-kun: Romani: Appreciate that! Sheepy: *Iris leaves to rejoin Watson* Arsé-kun: *Romani starts chucking everything into the drier, and then remembers he has stuff in his pockets. ggwp* Sheepy: *RIP* Arsé-kun: *This takes a while. Romani passes the time by replacing his bandages and checking his various wounds. None of ya business* Sheepy: *Worry not, Romani! Holmes is occupying his own time by sitting in the corner, moping.* Arsé-kun: Raph: *kazoo* We got a new staff member! Sheepy: Holmes: *He looks up at Raphael, looking extremely depressed* It's a beautiful day to die, isn't it, my friend? Arsé-kun: Griffin: *from who fucking knows where* DO YOU WANT ASSISTANCE?! Sheepy: Holmes: Ah... I couldn't make you waste your time on such a worthless task... If you avert your eyes, I'll fade into nothingness anyway. No friends. No life... Just a sad little trash heap, destined to be blown away by the wind. Arsé-kun: Watson: If I buy you a cinnamon roll, will that help? Sheepy: Holmes: You wouldn't do that. Not for me. Arsé-kun: *Watson leaves the scene. In the background, Kay is dragging Artair out with one hand, and holding a mass of moss with the other. Irrelevant* Arsé-kun: Raph: While we wait, pop those wings out if you can manage it. I wanna look 'em over. Sheepy: Holmes: *He pops his wings out!* Sheepy: Holmes: It's the only interesting thing about me anyway... Arsé-kun: Raph: It's not! It's just the newest one, and I'm concerned for your health. Arsé-kun: Griffin: AM I BEING IGNORED Sheepy: Holmes: Ah... To step in a puddle and wet your pants leg... To tear the paper towel in half on accident... Are there worse feelings? Arsé-kun: Raph: Oh, those are the worst! Sheepy: Holmes: Go ahead and look them over. They aren't that interesting, but life is all about settling. Arsé-kun: Raph: Have you eaten today, pal? Sheepy: Holmes: No. Sheepy: Holmes: Ahhh... What's the point... It's dark and cloudy, just like my heart... Arsé-kun: *Iris has been lifted into the air by an invisible force. thanks griffin* Sheepy: *Iris isn't surprised because this is normal for her.* Arsé-kun: *Watson comes back, and tosses Holmes a cinnamon roll.* Sheepy: Holmes: *Siiiiiigh* Have you experienced it, Watson? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. You need energy. Sheepy: Holmes: The feeling of a day where everything goes wrong.. *He opens the cinnamon roll package and starts eating it* *between bites* Dropping your important pages in a puddle. *munch, munch* Tripping over a rock... Sheepy: Holmes:...Now that I think of it, that puddle seemed to be with me, every step ot the way. Sheepy: Holmes: Did it rain today...? *chew, chew* Arsé-kun: Raph: Nope. You'd better investigate that next time. I wanna see it too. Sheepy: Holmes: Even nature is against me... Sheepy: Holmes: It almost seemed like the puddle was laughing at me... Arsé-kun: *Romani is peering out, still replacing bandages, but clearly watching all this. Do Not Notice Me* Sheepy: Holmes: .......Wait. Puddles don't laugh. Arsé-kun: Watson: Are you sure it wasn't the security guards pet? Sheepy: Holmes:....... Sheepy: Holmes: I got bullied... By a pet puddle. Arsé-kun: Watson: Almost as bad as the janitor. Sheepy: Holmes:........ Arsé-kun: Raph: If you want good news, your wings have healed quite a bit already! Sheepy: Holmes: What? Oh, have they? Arsé-kun: Raph: Yep! When the feathers grow in, you might be able to take off! No guarantees and no roof jumping. Sheepy: Holmes: ...Roof...jumping? Arsé-kun: Raph: Well, it's easier to glide than to take off from the ground! That takes way more work. Sheepy: Holmes: Uh...Yes. I wouldn't want to fall, though. Arsé-kun: Raph: Understandable and have a nice day! Sheepy: Holmes: That's what would drive me not to do roof jumping. Sheepy: Holmes:....Thank you for the cinnamon roll. I feel better now. Arsé-kun: Watson: Please eat at LEAST once a day. I'm begging you. Sheepy: Holmes: I remembered something important and couldn't focus on food. Sheepy: Holmes: Yes... The important contents are on these documents... Oh, yes, I forgot. Sheepy: Holmes: The documents fell into the puddle. Arsé-kun: Watson: We have established this. Hand them over. Sheepy: Holmes: No... I mean... Sheepy: Holmes: The pages fell into the puddle. Sheepy: Holmes: They went into the puddle. Arsé-kun: Watson: Please tell me you made photocopies prior. Sheepy: Holmes:........ Arsé-kun: Watson: ..... ..... Sheepy: Holmes: Hmhmhm... Look at the time. Arsé-kun: *Iris has been put down. Fun's over* Arsé-kun: Griffin: This sounds like fun, but I'm going to go outside and yell at the sun for being here! And then throw knives at it when that doesn't work, because that makes sense. Sheepy: Holmes: How unfortunate! Wonder where the time went! Too bad! What documents? Did I mention documents? There's no documents! Sheepy: Iris: ...Oh, you're right! Why is the sun out? Arsé-kun: Watson: .... It's ten pm. Sheepy: Holmes: ...I don't have anything I need to do around this time. No, I mean... Arsé-kun: Kay: *from very far away* OY, FUCK OFF, YEW BIG BALL OF SHIT! Sheepy: Iris: Looks like someone else found it first! Arsé-kun: Watson: I wonder what it was. Sheepy: Holmes: Hmhmhm... Wouldn't you like to find out? Sheepy: Holmes: Lucky for you, I have photocopies... In my brain. Arsé-kun: Griffin: *taking Fran's glasses after noticing Fran was present, and then putting them on* What's the delete button? A 2 by 4? Sheepy: Fran: M-My glasses...! Sheepy: Holmes: It'll take more than a 2 by 4 to wipe my memories. Sheepy: Fran: I can't see very well without them, Dr. Griffin...! Arsé-kun: Griffin: Yes! That's what glasses are for. Sheepy: Fran: Yes, yes, you understand! So please return them! Arsé-kun: Griffin: You're going to need new ones by next month. *he puts them back on fran's face. Upside down.* Sheepy: Fran: Wh-what's that supposed to mean? Sheepy: *Fran fixes them* Arsé-kun: Griffin: What do you think it means? Sheepy: Fran: You'll be breaking them by messing with them? Arsé-kun: Griffin: Well! Now I want to! Sheepy: Fran: Or... Could my vision be getting worse?! Oh no, oh no... What a frightening thought.. Sheepy: Fran:...Or is it something else...? Arsé-kun: Griffin: You've worn them down so much that if I punched you, the lens would come out. Sheepy: Fran: Eh?! Sheepy: Fran: Well, you know... Arsé-kun: *Please disregard the Very Large Man carrying Okita like a football.* Sheepy: Fran: When you're focused on other things, it's hard to pay attention to how you treat your glasses. Sheepy: Okita: Adam...! Adam! How come you have to be so strict about the rules...? *Cough, cough* Arsé-kun: Adam: Because you would try to fight the fireball, and it would kill you. Sheepy: Okita: I'd kill it first. Arsé-kun: Adam: This is why I am not letting you. Sheepy: Okita: You're no fun, Adam! Arsé-kun: Adam: You have called me fun several times, and not fun several times. Arsé-kun: Romani: *what a group.* Sheepy: Okita: Ehhh.... Sheepy: Okita: Well, gee. That is a pickle, isn't it. Which are you? Arsé-kun: Adam: If I knew, I wouldn't comment. Sheepy: Okita:..... Sheepy: Okita: Well, you're fun! Sheepy: Okita: Bur sometimes you do unfun things. Arsé-kun: Adam: This makes sense. Arsé-kun: -Saturday, November 6th- Arsé-kun: *Good morning America! Kay's cooking. And there's a ball of moss just on the kitchen counter nearby. Unexplained natural phenomena.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you don't have to do that... *he spots the moss on the kitchen counter*... New ingredient? Arsé-kun: Kay: Nah. I wanna see somethin' after I can clarify some info with Grif. And fuck off, I'm cooking. Sheepy: Bedi: Really? It is edible. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hhhhuh. I wouldn't eat it. It came from off the path. Sheepy: Bedi: Hm.... Arsé-kun: Kay: Eh, whatever. I got more questions, like why there was a goddamn sun in the quad yesterday. Sheepy: Bedi:....? Arsé-kun: Kay: It was bright as day at like! Ten pm! Sheepy: Bedi: Strange... Arsé-kun: Kay: I told it to fuck off and didn't get lit on fire! I dunno, though. Arsé-kun: Kay: Kinda surprised Grif didn't fight it. He definitely had to see that. Sheepy: Grif: Of course I didn't. Sheepy: Grif: I don't chase death. Arsé-kun: Kay: Could've fooled me. Sheepy: Grif: Make sure to work on that, then. Arsé-kun: Kay: That wasn't... Okay, never mind. Sheepy: Grif: She won't hurt intentionally you if you leave her alone. Sheepy: Grif: She despises Uncle. Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, good to know. Maybe she wanted to blast him into space. Sheepy: Grif: Maybe? Likely. Arsé-kun: Kay: Okay, next question. Sheepy: Grif: Yes? Arsé-kun: Kay: What can your dad do again? Sheepy: Grif: Time and space things. Arsé-kun: Kay: Great. Does that include rewinding? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Kay: Sick. See... *he picks up the moss ball. there's a bit of red metal at the bottom, and a very watered-down sticker* This is definitely my phone. Sheepy: Grif:.......Looks tasty... Arsé-kun: Kay: If you want moss, go back to the shitty slug crater and get some! Arsé-kun: Kay: Anyway! *he knocks on and opens the microwave, and then shoves the moss ball inside. Then he slams the door shut.* Oy, orb dad! Rewind this so it's useable again! Thanks! Sheepy: Grif:....? Arsé-kun: Kay: I want my phone working! Sheepy: Grif: I see... Sheepy: *In the background, Elyan is eating Kay's food. Chaotic/evil puddle* Arsé-kun: Kay: .. Hey!!! Sheepy: Elyan: *honk* Sheepy: Grif: Hm. Now that I think if it, Elyan separated from me yesterday while I was waiting for Dr. Roman. I wonder what he was up to. Arsé-kun: Kay: Dumb bird shit, probably. Sheepy: Grif: He's a water. Arsé-kun: Kay: But imitating a bird. Sheepy: Grif: By the way, did you see the claw marks in the door? It looked satisfying. Maybe I'll try that sometime. Arsé-kun: Kay: Please don't. Fou is bad enough. Sheepy: Bedi: Speaking of Fou, I'm going to the library to look at cats today. Arsé-kun: Kay: Again? Sheepy: Bedi: I never found Fou in any of the books. Sheepy: Bedi: You know how sometimes people will take in baby foxes or other wild animals thinking they're stray puppies? Arsé-kun: Kay: So do you finally accept that Fou isn't a goddamn cat? Sheepy: Bedi: I think he's a cat! Arsé-kun: Kay: What kind of fuckin' cat looks like a rejected squirrel? Sheepy: Bedi: But... there are big cats and small cats... Sheepy: Grif: Don't cats go... Sheepy: Grif: *He lifts his hands up in the nya style* Meooow, meoooowww. Arsé-kun: Kay: .... *he just wordlessly goes back to cooking* Sheepy: Grif: Myaaa. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Y'know, like, Nya! Sheepy: Grif: Yes, yes. Like... Nyaaa. Sheepy: Bedi:.... Sheepy: Bedi: Well, maybe Fou just never learned cat very well. We can't fault him for that. Arsé-kun: Fou: Aaaa! Sheepy: Grif: Aaaaa! Arsé-kun: Fou: o.o Arsé-kun: Merlin: Myaaa~ Sheepy: Grif: Ah... I see. It's like "myaaaa". Sheepy: Grif: Myyaaaaa. Arsé-kun: Fou: Nyaow! Sheepy: Grif: It all changes so fast. Sheepy: Bedi: Anyway, if you saw a baby lion, you'd think it was a kitten, right? Sheepy: Grif: They look nothing alike. Sheepy: Bedi:.......If you saw a baby tiger, you'd think it was a kitten, right? Sheepy: Grif: Those also look nothing alike. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We'll find out! I can ask Mewlin if he knows, too. Sheepy: Bedi: Basically, it's possible that Fou is some cat species that normally lives off the path... It'd explain why there's only one Fou that we've seen. Sheepy: Bedi: Hopefully he does. Arsé-kun: Merlin: But that'd still be a cat. Arsé-kun: *Kay is suffering between all the meowing, Elyan trying to eat his food, Fou being here at all, and general stupid* Sheepy: Bedi: Exactly. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Who knows until we find out? *he goes to pet Fou. Fou bites him. Merlin doesn't care* Sheepy: Grif: The pawsibilities are endless. Arsé-kun: Kay: I want to commit hearing loss. Sheepy: Grif: I can help. Arsé-kun: Kay: Not literal. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... so picky. Arsé-kun: *Arthur enters scene through the wall, still half-asleep and looking kinda irritated* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Can you sirs keep it down please..? Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Thank you. *and he leaves again* Sheepy: Grif: Wow. I never knew that ghosts needed to sleep. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Me neither! Sheepy: Grif: Oh. Maybe he's catching up on his beauty sleep. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's still the same thing. Sheepy: Grif: Wrong. Sheepy: Grif: A need for beauty sleep is born when uou grow low on beauty. Arsé-kun: Kay: Two birds, one stone. Who goddamn cares. Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm.... Sheepy: Grif: I don't think so. Sheepy: *Eventually, Grif heads out to do his job.* Arsé-kun: *Another day of making sure nothing bad happens! Lets gooo!* Sheepy: Grif: Hmhm... It's feeling like a boring day... Arsé-kun: *Nothing unusual spotted yet!* Sheepy: Grif: How unfortunate... Arsé-kun: *Where is Grif going to start?* Sheepy: *The coffee shop, I guess* Arsé-kun: Duncan: Hi, Grif! Welcome to shop! Sheepy: Grif: Wow, Wil... You look just like Duncan today. Arsé-kun: Duncan: That's becauz I AM Duncan!! Sheepy: Grif:.... Sheepy: Grif: Are you sure? Arsé-kun: Duncan: Grif, stop bullying me! Sheepy: Grif: I'm not bullying you. I'm confused that Wil isn't here. Arsé-kun: Duncan: Me too! I dunno where he is! Sheepy: Grif: Concerning. Sheepy: Grif: Did he head out somewhere? Arsé-kun: Duncan: He tex'ed me yest'day and said he had somethin' to do! Okay but what about Now?? Sheepy: Grif: If I were Wil... what would I need to do... Arsé-kun: Duncan: Maybe Uncle Randy gave him sumthin super cool secret to do? Sheepy: Grif: We could ask Randy. Arsé-kun: Duncan: I wanna! But I can't leave! Then no one watchin' shop! Sheepy: Grif: I should tell him that Dr. Roman is safe anyway. Arsé-kun: Duncan: Bokay! Then do it! Sheepy: *Grif heads off to meet Randy!* Sheepy: Grif: Randy? Arsé-kun: Randy: Hmmm? *he's got the lights off in his office* Yes, Griflet? Sheepy: Grif: I safely escorted Dr. Roman here with only one minor incident. Arsé-kun: Randy: Good, good! Great work. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. One other thing. Sheepy: Grif: Wil went missing. Have you seen him? Sheepy: Grif: If you don't remember what he looks like, he has glasses. Arsé-kun: Randy: I know how he looks! I did see him yesterday. He reported the Shan infestation to me personally. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... I wonder how Shans taste... Arsé-kun: Randy: Why don't you find out? Or maybe don't. That's up to you. Sheepy: Grif: I saw a butterfly and I ate it. The math professor is a good source for a snack. Sheepy: Grif: Oh, but I wouldn't want to take away from you the chance to try a Shan. You can take the first bite. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'd prefer not to! Sheepy: Grif: Don't be shy, Randy. Arsé-kun: Randy: Actually, no matter what you say, I... am NOT doing that. Sheepy: Grif: *He slams his hand down on the desk* So you just want to starve and DIE? Sheepy: Grif: By the way, speaking of death, Cthugha was outside yesterday. Arsé-kun: Randy: wHAT?! Sheepy: Grif: Worry not. I let her be. Arsé-kun: Randy: She's the one who burnt down the nearby university and left it a mess! Why would anyone want her here?! Sheepy: Grif: I'm sure she's still hunting for Uncle at this very moment, so you'll be free of him for a while. But what will we do without a janitor... Arsé-kun: Randy: I'm sure we can be fine without a janitor for a few days. Yes, I'm sure it'll be okay. Sheepy: Grif: Maybe you shouldn't judge her so harshly, Randy. Sheepy: Grif: I'm sure she was just trying to help them save on their heating bills. Arsé-kun: Randy: ..... Arsé-kun: Randy: Please take this seriously. She could very easily kill a large population of students by virtue of being here. Sheepy: Grif: Let's send Uncle out to bait her away. Arsé-kun: Randy: And kill my janitor? Germain would be heartbroken. Sheepy: Grif: He can come back. Sheepy: Grif: He's like a cockroach. He never dies. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'm sure you could convince her some other way to leave. Sheepy: Grif: ....... Sheepy: Grif: Hm.... Sheepy: Grif: I know. Sheepy: Grif: "In return for leaving, I'll give you Uncle". Arsé-kun: Randy: Good luck making him agree with that! Sheepy: Grif: No need for agreement. Sheepy: Grif: Well. Any better ideas? Arsé-kun: Randy: Oh, why not lead her to Hast--- He causes problems as well. They can combat each other instead. Sheepy: Grif:...... Sheepy: Grif: But I like Uncle. Arsé-kun: Randy: He can't mess with your friends if he is dead. Sheepy: Grif: I can either send her after a troublesome uncle I like or a troublesome uncle I dislike... Arsé-kun: Randy: I only have bad ideas remaining, but you're getting them anyway. Sheepy: Grif: Go on. Arsé-kun: Randy: She doesn't like any Outer God. So any older than good ol' Cthulhu are targets. So if the big guy decides to show up, let him deal with it. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... You're so much less formal when it involves trying to convince me to do things you very easily can do yourself. Arsé-kun: Randy: I am... Not personally approaching her or Aza. I'm only human. Sheepy: Grif: You approach me and I could dismember you with ease. Arsé-kun: Randy: You came into my office... Sheepy: Grif: Because I work for you. Arsé-kun: Randy: So you won't dismember me. You'd lose your job and you'd be kicked out. Sheepy: Grif: You approach Uncle despite him being generally chaotic. Arsé-kun: Randy: He approaches me. Sheepy: Grif: Then have Grandpa and Cthugha approach you. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'd prefer not to! Sheepy: Grif: And I'd rather not fight her. I know I'll lose. Arsé-kun: Randy: Then don't! Just talk to her! Ask what she wants! Just don't tell her not to do anything, because that's basically an invitation on a silver platter! Sheepy: Grif: I suppose I have to... Arsé-kun: Randy: Too demanding? I'm... That's on me. I've been working awfully late lately. Arsé-kun: Randy: You don't have to do it immediately, but please find time to at least find out why she was here. Sheepy: Grif: Well, I'll think abour dealing with Cthugha. Finding Wil is more important. Arsé-kun: Randy: Yes, right. Him. Sheepy: Grif: You've seen him, haven't you? Where is he? Arsé-kun: Randy: He was with me for a bit after his report, and then he left my office. I can't exactly give more than that. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... Demanding and useless... Arsé-kun: Randy: If I knew where he was, I would tell you. Sheepy: Grif:.......If I were Wil, where would I be... He's not in the coffee shop... Arsé-kun: Randy: That's a concern. Was Duncan there at least? Sheepy: Grif: Of course. Arsé-kun: Randy: He could rebrand it to Duncan Donuts. Sheepy: Grif: We aren't just forgetting about Wil. Sheepy: Grif: I'll let Cthugha burn the campus down if I can't find him before she acts. Arsé-kun: Randy: .... I really did say that out loud. Yes, yes, he tends to spend time with Dr. West when he isn't there. Arsé-kun: Randy: I just told you where he probably is! Sheepy: Grif: Dr. Herb... Hm... And yet... Sheepy: Grif: If he were, he would have texted Duncan by now to ease his concerns. Arsé-kun: Randy: ... That's true. I do hope nothing bad has happened. Sheepy: Grif: If I talk to Herb, he might know where Wil went.. Arsé-kun: Randy: I recommend it. He'd know more of Wilbur's habits than I do. Sheepy: Grif: I'll be back with the information I find. Arsé-kun: Randy: I'll look forward to your return. I'll reach out and see if I can find anything. Sheepy: *Grif heads to Herb's office!* Sheepy: Grif: Herb? Arsé-kun: Herb: *from a different room* Oh, hold on, Griflet! Sheepy: *Grif waits* Arsé-kun: *Herb comes out and takes his safety glasses off* Arsé-kun: Herb: What can I do for you? I've got time to kill while I wait for my test results to come up. Sheepy: Grif: Wil disappeared. Have you seen him? Arsé-kun: Herb: Huh? Wilbur's missing? That does explain why he missed our appointment. I figured Duncan was just being stubborn. Sheepy: Grif: ...What? He never came here? Sheepy: Grif: ........... Sheepy: Grif: So where is he...? The last person who saw him then was Randy... Arsé-kun: Herb: He was supposed to. But he hasn't shown up. He's only an hour late, but still.. And Carter would have definitely sent him directly here. Sheepy: Grif: By the way. Have you had problems with your lights? Arsé-kun: Herb: Not that I'm aware of. Why? Sheepy: Grif: Randy's lights were all off. Sheepy: Grif: And yet, he was just sitting there... Arsé-kun: Herb: Nyar was probably there with him. Sheepy: Grif: I see. That must be why he was so insistent on me not sacrificing Uncle to Cthugha. Arsé-kun: Herb: I would insist on not doing it too if Nyar was breathing down my neck. Sheepy: Grif: Yes....true. Arsé-kun: Herb: Lets do this the easy way. Arsé-kun: Herb: Vual, anything? Arsé-kun: Yog: I was hoping I wouldn't be asked! Grandfather has been lurking around Randy's place, so I missed anything happening there!! I can't see through Eligor, so it must be nearby? Arsé-kun: Yog: Now don't ask me anything until my son is found, thank you!! Arsé-kun: *Synonyms: Panic, worry, OH NO.png,* Sheepy: Grif: I know where one is. Arsé-kun: Yog: I know where Duncan is as well. Sheepy: Grif: Well, I did my best. Arsé-kun: Yog: Please investigate the area around where Randolph lives. This includes off the path. Sheepy: Grif: Good idea. I'll do that. See you later, Herb. Sheepy: *Grif heads to the area around where Randy lives* Sheepy: Grif:....Wiiiiil? Sheepy: *Grif looks around* Arsé-kun: *Nothing unusual* Sheepy: Grif:.... Sheepy: *Grif starts looking off the path* Arsé-kun: *Grif finds one of Yog's orbs! It's purple, so it must be Eligor.* Sheepy: Grif: Huh. Dad, you really adventured far from Wil. Sheepy: Grif: Wil must be nearby. Sheepy: *Grif looks around* Sheepy: Grif: Wiiiiillll.... Sheepy: Grif: You can't run forever.... Sheepy: *Grif continues looking around* Arsé-kun rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 1 Arsé-kun: *Grif steps on something Suspiciously Squishy* Sheepy: *He looks down* Arsé-kun: *That's a tentacle he stepped on. It belongs to Wilbur.* Sheepy: Grif: How careless of you. *He picks Wilbur up like a sack of potatoes* Don't you know you shouldn't take a nap out here without a blanket? You'll catch a cold. Arsé-kun: *Wilbur fights back as much as the average bag of potatoes- That is to say, not at all.* Sheepy: Grif: You'll be late to your meeting with Herb. With how much life you're showing, he may dissect you by accident. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ...... *he raises his head slightly* Grif... Shut up. Sheepy: Grif: Are you ready, Wil? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ..... No. Let me die in peace. Sheepy: Grif: I'll bring you to Herb so he can do an autopsy. *He starts walking to Herb's office (?)* Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Cause of death: I don't know, and I don't care. Sheepy: Grif: Why were you sleeping out here? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... um Arsé-kun: Wilbur: ... ...... oh no. Sheepy: Grif: Yes? Arsé-kun: Wilbur: I don't remember.. At all. That can't bode well... Sheepy: Grif: Let's ask Herb for help, then. *He heads to Herb's office!* Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Have fun with that. *he puts his head back down for a few moments, and then jolts back up* Wait, are my..?! Sheepy: Grif: What? Arsé-kun: *One of Wil's tentacles lightly smacks Grif's cheek. That.* Sheepy: Grif: Oh. Yes. I stepped on one. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: They're out in public.... ... Well, if anyone not in the know asks, I got attacked. Sheepy: Grif: I feel so lacking, not having any myself... I bear no resemblance to Dad (dragon)... no wings, no horns, no tail... Yet, nothing to resemble Dad, either. Arsé-kun: Wilbur: Sucks. Wake me up when you get there. Sheepy: Grif: Right. I will. Sheepy: *Grif finally arrives at Herb's officr!* Arsé-kun: *Herb is sewing his coat collar when Grif comes in. He drops the needle* Sheepy: Grif: Hello. Arsé-kun: Herb: I'm glad you found him, but please explain? Sheepy: Grif: He was sleeping off the path. Dad even rolled away from him. How careless. Arsé-kun: Herb: He's hurt?? From what?? Sheepy: Grif: He doesn't remember. Arsé-kun: Herb: That's even more concerning..! Sheepy: Grif: It is? Arsé-kun: Herb: You're not bothered that your know-it-all brother was hurt and doesn't know what caused it? Sheepy: Grif: Hmmm...I didn't notice he was hurt. Arsé-kun: Herb: You're hopeless. I would suggest we immediately bring him to get medical care, but not in this state, and especially not in broad daylight... Sheepy: Grif: You're a doctor, aren't you? Arsé-kun: Herb: I'm a biologist! Sheepy: Grif: Do an autopsy to see how he's hurt and then cure him. Arsé-kun: Herb: None of those things work that way!! Sheepy: Grif: Where should I put him? Arsé-kun: Herb: Right here, on the table. Sheepy: *Grif puts Wil down*. Sheepy: Grif: When I find who hurt him... I'll TEAR THEM TO SHREDS! Sheepy: Grif:...Yes. Arsé-kun: Herb: Yes, please. I'd love to study whatever shreds you leave behind..! Sheepy: Grif: Okay, I can do that. Arsé-kun: *[Quest added: R.I.P. and Tear! Find who- or what-ever injured Wilbur and DESTROY THEM!]* Arsé-kun: Herb: That does nothing to clarify the whodunit. *he puts a cushion under Wilbur's head and goes to check out the damages* Sheepy: Grif: Well, it gives me one idea. Sheepy: Grif: I'll just pummel Uncle until he tells me who he thinks it is. Arsé-kun: Herb: And if he lies? Sheepy: Grif: I'll pummel him more? Arsé-kun: Herb: What a waste of time that would be. Sheepy: Grif: Do you have an idea on where I should start? Arsé-kun: Herb: Where was he found? Start there. Sheepy: Grif: I was already there. Sheepy: Grif:.......... Arsé-kun: Herb: You're bound to find out eventually even if you don't try. Sheepy: Grif: Wow... You're a natural born detective, Herb. Sheepy: Grif: I'll try it. I did find Wil's orb around there. It must've fallen when he was attacked. Sheepy: *Grif eventually ends up at the coffee shop after searching and finding nothing* Arsé-kun: Duncan: Griiif! Didja find Wil?? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Duncan: Okay! Good!! Sheepy: Grif: He was attacked. I don't know by whom. He's with Herb right now. Arsé-kun: *Duncan makes a Noise. He isn't happy* Sheepy: Grif: Did you want to check on him? Sheepy: Grif: I can stay here while you do. Arsé-kun: Duncan: Yes! We got food in the back, don't eat it all! We close the shop at nine! Sheepy: Grif: Close the shop.... Sheepy: Grif: Hm, it's a bit big to do it, but I'll try. Arsé-kun: Yog: He means flipping the sign on the door, Griflet. People are not allowed in once it is closed. Sheepy: Grif: I understand now. I'll eviscerate anyone who tries to enter or leave. Arsé-kun: Yog: ... We'll work on it. Arsé-kun: *Duncan has left during this time. He wasn't seen, but the door did open and shut. Bye bud.* Sheepy: *Grif waits.* Arsé-kun: *not much happens. people that are usually at the shoppe are there. no oddities. none have any idea what happened to Wil. tragic* Sheepy: *Grif waits there, bored, and eating uncooked coffee beans.* Arsé-kun: *Grif thats how you get overcaffinated. You stop that* Sheepy: *Grif is bored and doesn't know that* Arsé-kun: *he fuckin gonna if he keeps this up* Sheepy: *To him they're just weird beans. If beans are good enough for Howard Philips Lovecraft they're good enough for Grif* Arsé-kun: *Duncan eventually returns around 9:30 pm. He remembered the human form this time* Sheepy: Grif: How is he? Arsé-kun: Duncan: He's okay! You can tell becuz the buildin's still up! :3c Sheepy: Grif: Well, that's good to hear. Sheepy: Grif: I closed fhe shop, so now you don't need to... Wait, I failed because I let you in. Arsé-kun: Duncan: I live here, dat's okay! Sheepy: Grif: Oh, okay. Sheepy: Grif: I'll head home then. Good night. Arsé-kun: Duncan: G'night! Bye! Sheepy: *Grif heads home!* Arsé-kun: *Grif gets back. Kay put a movie on and is doing homework during commercials.* Sheepy: Grif: Hi. I'm back. Arsé-kun: Kay: Hey. How'd work go? Sheepy: Grif: Wil got attacked. Sheepy: Grif: I don't know who did if. Sheepy: Grif: He's fine now. Arsé-kun: Kay: Yeesh. Sheepy: Grif: Yes. It's distressing. Arsé-kun: Kay: I'll join you tomorrow and you can beat up whoever caused it. Sheepy: Grif: That works. Sheepy: Grif: Thanks. Good luck on your homework. Arsé-kun: Kay: Mmmmhm. Sheepy: *Grif goes to bed* Arsé-kun: *So early? Guess he and Arthur think alike. Anyway, nothing else fuckin happens.* Arsé-kun: -Sunday, November 7th- Sheepy: Aru: *She's hunting around the dorm room* Arsé-kun: Fou: ? *he starts following her around and getting in the way, as cats do* Sheepy: Aru: Maybe he's checking out something... Sheepy: Aru: Fou, have you seen Arthur? Arsé-kun: Fou: Nyao? Sheepy: Aru: I haven't seen him. I'm concerned. Arsé-kun: Fou: Foumm. Sheepy: Aru: What if he got lost? Arsé-kun: Fou: Mrrp? Sheepy: Aru: You're right. I should ask the others. Arsé-kun: *Fou headbutts her ankle. pet me* Sheepy: *Aru pets him!* Arsé-kun: *happy cat noise* Sheepy: Aru: Aaaarthuuuuur? Are you here? Arsé-kun: *... No answer. Maybe he went out. Maybe he's napping. Who knows?* Sheepy: Aru:....Well, I guess he has a life... It's not because I've disappointed him, right? Sheepy: Aru: Maybe I should look again later... Arsé-kun: Kay: The hell are you yellin' about? Sheepy: Aru: I can't find Arthur... Sheepy: Aru: Have you seen him? Arsé-kun: Kay: Nope. Sheepy: Aru: Where could he have gone...? Sheepy: Aru: What if he's lost somewhere? Arsé-kun: Kay: Ain't he supposed to be near the sword all the time? He's probably bein' a lazy bitch again. Sheepy: Aru: So he's just sleeping? Arsé-kun: Kay: Probably? Sheepy: Aru: It must be tiring work, keeping a ward up... Arsé-kun: Merlin: *mid-consuming more junk food* What ward? Sheepy: Aru: To keep the ghost out. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh yeah! I forgot about that! Sheepy: Aru:....Although... I don't feel it for some reason... Sheepy: Aru: Maybe he gave up with it? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Right! Riiight! I had pictures! Hold on! *he puts his junk food down and runs out* Sheepy: Aru: Oh! Wonderful! Arsé-kun: *Merlin comes back with the photographs he took a few days ago and shuffles through them* Sheepy: Aru: Oh, neat! They're physical! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Apparently so! I forgot about it in favor of being in the ocean... I forgot about literal ghost pictures. I'm so upset *he said, upset* Sheepy: Aru: Can I see? Arsé-kun: *Merlin hands the pics over* Sheepy: Aru: Oh! Is that Mordred there? He... looks less like Arthur than I do. Sheepy: Aru: He's kinda scary... Too bad Arthur isn't awake to see this. Sheepy: Aru: Merlin, have you seen Arthur today? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I haven't! Sheepy: Aru: So maybe he is sleeping... Arsé-kun: Merlin: I got no idea! *he sits back down and... Realizes some of his food has been stolen and replaced with Kay's phone. Thanks Yog. You Bastard* Sheepy: Aru: Huh.... I don't think that's food, Merlin! Arsé-kun: *Kay takes it and checks his phone* Arsé-kun: *Upon activation, Kay's phone gets every single notification it missed. At once. That sure is a hell noise* Sheepy: Aru: What is that noise...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Hell itself. *he turns off the phone* Sheepy: Aru:...Oh! Kay! We could trade numbers now! Arsé-kun: *Kay turns it back on and it resumes regular behavior outside of having a bajillion notifs* Arsé-kun: *Clear all notifications* Arsé-kun: Kay: Oh, yeah, we can! Sheepy: Aru: *She pulls up her number* Here's mine! Arsé-kun: Kay: Got it. Here. *he sends Aru a picture of Fou trying to eat Merlin's hair.* Sheepy: *Aru adds him as a contact* Sheepy: Aru: Wow... They really don't get along, do they? Sheepy: Aru: But they look so similar. Sheepy: Aru: If Merlin was an animal, he'd be a Fou. Or an axolotl. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'd be a fluffy ass raccoon! Sheepy: Aru:.......*she stares at Merlin for a bit*..... Sheepy: Aru: With bunny ears, you'd just be Fou! Sheepy: Aru: There's something about humans and their pets looking like each other after a while, right? But I don't see Bedi in him at all. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, I don't know. Sheepy: Aru: That means you're Fou's real human! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I don't want it! Sheepy: Aru: Really? I think Fou's cute.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: He loves terrorizing me! All the time! Sheepy: Aru: Maybe that's why you look like him. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Absolutely not! *he goes to eat again... And gets nothing this time.* Sheepy: *Where did his food go? Well, Bedi is eating something that suspiciously looks like his food...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Guess I'll starve. Sheepy: Bedi: My apologies. You hadn't touched it for a few minutes so I assumed you were done. Arsé-kun: *Merlin lays down on the floor miserably. Fou starts attacking his hair* Sheepy: Aru: I wonder if Fou can sniff out Arthur… Arsé-kun: *Fou looks at Aru, and then looks at the window. Ominous* Sheepy: Aru: …? Sheepy: Aru: He’s out? Arsé-kun: Fou: Fou! Sheepy: Aru: Hmmm… Sheepy: Aru: I hope he comes back soon. Sheepy: *Meanwhile... A skilled pianist plays relaxing music on a large piano, sitting in an expansive ball room. The yellow-white walls are adorned with paintings. On the table is sitting a collection of fancy food fit for a king. A large dance floor is in the middle of the room, with a floor shiny enough one could see their own reflection.* Arsé-kun: *In the back of the large room, there is a set of stairs, lined with white ribbons and a powder-pink mink carpet. Here, there is a single young woman in a ball gown, watching over everything. She seems pleased with all the people who have come to her party.* Sheepy: *And her guests seem so happy, too! They're chatting by the food table, dancing on the dance floor, inspecting the paintings, and listening to the nice music. How fun!* Arsé-kun: *Whatever this party is for, it seems unaffected by the outside world. This genuinely seems to be a ball with no eldritch tendencies. A real rarity these days.* Arsé-kun: *And look! The participants are even all wearing proper suits and dresses for this event! This must have taken forever to plan.* Sheepy: *The pianist focuses entirely on his work, not stopping to interact with the guests. How devoted.* Arsé-kun: *The girl on the stairs seems pleased by the status of everything. She starts to descend down the stairs, and a nearby gentleman decides to assist her. She gratefully accepts, despite a very brief moment of confusion.* Arsé-kun: *The Princess Descends! Will she find her Prince? Stay tuned for more [EXPUNGED] on MNC!* Sheepy: *Perhaps! There's many potential princes to choose from!* Arsé-kun: *There are so many! Who here will catch her eye? Who knows?* Sheepy: *Maybe the redheaded punk with a heart of gold? Or the shy glasses wearing purple haired man? Or the sunglasses-wearing blond with a prickly personality? Maybe even someone else...* Arsé-kun: *The white-suited blond man? The tall gray man? The energetic brunette? What a hard decision..* Arsé-kun: *Maybe the long haired man that's performing magic? He's kinda cute..* Sheepy: *The energetic brunette is currently pouting because he lost something important to him. He's looking under the table. Good luck.* Arsé-kun: *...Oooh, but the musician is also pretty handsome.* Sheepy: *Perhaps the right greeting could tear his attention from his piano.* Arsé-kun: *The princess stops to think of a proper greeting.* Arsé-kun: *Perhaps she'll walk up to him and say...-* Arsé-kun: *A bloodcurdling scream rings out! For a moment, everyone- and everything- completely stops.* Sheepy: *The man who helped the princess rushes to her side! He'll protect her from the cause of the scream!* Arsé-kun: *She grabs onto his arm in abject horror. What happened?!* Arsé-kun: princess: ... You there! Tall sir noble! May I make a request for you to investigate pretty please? Sheepy: *The vanity's mirror is shattered and the bookcases are knocked over. On the walls are claw marks and bloody text, stating various messages such as "LOOK AT ME" and "TRAITOR". In the middle of the room is a bloody body.* Sheepy: Tall Man: A dead body... That's right... It's my job to reap its soul. Ah, I was having so much fun it slipped my mind. Arsé-kun: *The Tall Man is unaware of the growing shadow behind him...* Sheepy: Tall Man: Ahahaha...Ahahahaha! To think you'd just throw yourself into Death's lap... Truly, you're as foolish as M-- Arsé-kun: **BANG!** Sheepy: *Back at the ballroom, the pianist is clearly frightened!* Arsé-kun: *A few moments of silence pass... Before the chatter starts up again, seemingly unfazed by the turn of events.* Arsé-kun: princess: Let's continue on, dear nobles..! *she sounds confident, but she's very worried* Sheepy: *The pianist seems unsure.* Sheepy: *The helpful man is more interested in staying by the princess's side than returning to his original place.* Arsé-kun: princess: Musician? Music, please. Sheepy: *The pianist hesitantly returns to playing again.* Arsé-kun: *And the party resumes as if nothing had ever happened!* Arsé-kun: princess: ... Well, in any case! I suppose that tall, noble man was able to shoot down the intrud-- Sheepy: *Bloody shoeprints appear, accompanied by heavy footsteps, as though someone just walked in. The entity glitches in and out of visibility, disappearing too quickly to be able to focus on its features.* Arsé-kun: princess: ... ....... Arsé-kun: *... The party ignores this event, mostly.* Arsé-kun: princess: ... I see you. I don't know what you want, but I'm not letting you ruin my party! Guard! We're leaving the area! Sheepy: *The helpful man runs in the opposite direction of the entity, dragging the princess along by her hand!* Arsé-kun: *They're escaping!* Sheepy: *The entity chases after them! It's surprisingly fast.* Arsé-kun: *They weave through the crowd easily, trying to lose it!* Sheepy: *It, too, weaves with ease, until... It nearly smacks into one of the blond guests, and pauses in front of him.* Arsé-kun: *The partygoer ignores it entirely. He doesn't even seem to be aware that it's present.* Sheepy: Entity:....A.....Aaa.... *it reaches for him* Sheepy: Entity: *...It grabs him!* Arsé-kun: *The man turns to look at him, but seems to be looking straight through him with glazed-over eyes.* Sheepy: Entity: Aaa...AaaaaaaAA!! A...rthur.... A-aaaarthhhuuuuur....! Arsé-kun: suit: ... ... *a few moments pass with his silence, before twitching slightly and promptly bolting out of the room, frightened but still rather unfocused* Sheepy: *The Entity bolts after him, much faster than when he pursued the princess! He's really interested now!* Arsé-kun: *the suit realizes rather quickly that he doesn't actually know where he's going, and ends up in a dead end! oh no!* Sheepy: *The Entity catches up and closes in on him. Closer, and closer... Slowly...* Sheepy: Entity:....Aaaa....Aaaarthur.... Arthuuuur.... ..... Arsé-kun: suit: Wh-who are you talking about..? I'm.. ... *he trails off, suddenly unsure of himself* I...... Sheepy: Entity: Arthur...Arthuuuur...! Stop running from me, Arthur! Arsé-kun: *the life comes back to the suit's eyes with additional terror, stepping back from the entity hastily* Arsé-kun: suit: N-no, not you, not now..! Sheepy: Entity: How could you have forgotten... How could you have forgotten that you're the greatest king to have lived? And then... And then you... Sheepy: Entity: How dare you call me Mordred! At least get the names of your traitors straight, my King! If you're going to get my name wrong, at least call me Sir Lancelot instead. Sheepy: Entity: *he looks up* ...Ah, sorry, Sir Lancelot... To compare myself to your greatness... Arsé-kun: *... the suit doesn't seem to hear any of this, staring at the floor and looking rather faint* Sheepy: Entity: My King would never cower in fear! Sheepy: Entity: You...! Are you going to be just a coward bearing his face, or will you live up to his legacy? Arsé-kun: *... The suit silently faints into the Entity's arms. Well said, Sir.* Sheepy: Entity:.......My King... Ah, can I call you that if this is what you have become...? Sheepy: Entity: To think, he'd even fear me... Perhaps I should have never revealed my betrayal... Arsé-kun: ?: Maybe you should've started with your name, blood man! Sheepy: Entity: Isn't it obvious? Arsé-kun: *The white haired man approaches. It's Merlin, holding his camera!* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Obviously not, since this happened twice now! Sheepy: Entity: No, I suppose my King wouldn't remember someone as simple as me... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aw, c'mon. He's talked about his knights a couple times. He's definitely mentioned you by now! Sheepy: Entity:...He has? Sheepy: Entity:..........I could have been a little gentler. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, that probably would have helped... Mordred scares the hell out of him, and even I can barely see you! *Merlin takes another picture. SNAP* Sheepy: Entity: Le Fise de Dieu, Sir Jaufre of the Round Table. ...He's mentioned me? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, several times, Mr. Jaufre! How you were scary loyal and effective! Sheepy: Entity: Really... But I'm a traitor. I committed a horrible crime. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ehhh... You? I can't see it. Or you. How can someone that loves cats and cute stuff be evil? Sheepy: Entity: My King made me guard the execution of my Queen... Ah, but I loved her so much, just as much as I love my King. I couldn't devote myself to his orders. I allowed Sir Lancelot to defeat me, although he would have won with ease anyway. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Man, if I came here for drama, I'd have stayed in the ball room and watched someone get their wig sliced clean off. Arsé-kun: Merlin: We'll talk in there. You tell my team what's going on, we tell you what's going on. At least I'm getting good pictures! *snap!* Sheepy: Jaufre:........You speak so cryptically. Tell me what's going on? I am not lost or confused. Sheepy: Jaufre: I came here because I felt that there was a problem to be fixed. Ah, but now that I have discovered the source... *He inhales* ... Sheepy: Jaufre: *Berserker-esque shouting* Am I not handsome enough for you?! How dare you, how dare you! Everyone was invited but me! Let me guess, *sarcastic imitation of the princess* "it got lost in the mail!" I'll get YOU lost in the mail! Arsé-kun: princess: *very far away from here but still audible* You were invited! You just ignored the correspondence, you awful ruffian! You ruined everything, are you proud of yourself?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... Wait, you know what's going on?? Do you wanna explain that at all? Sheepy: Jaufre: What? Of course I do. Arsé-kun: Arthur: *sounding miserable, not making any attempts to pry himself from Jaufre* Could you then care to explain, Sir Jaufre, for both the crown and the peasantry? Sheepy: Jaufre: She abducted different handsome or beautiful ghosts to find a prince or princess. I'm not a ghost, but I was in the area! I never got an invitation! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I would like to make a very self-centered comment about that statement, fully aware that I do not normally do such things. Sheepy: Jaufre: ...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I am suggesting that I am, as apparently said now, "Hot shit". I will regret this statement later. Sheepy: Jaufre: I do not know this term... However, it sounds to be positive, so I am sure it is accurate! Arsé-kun: *Arthur pulls back from Jaufre and tries to look him over. Observation 100* Sheepy: *Jaufre is still a glitchy mess. It's hard to focus on any specific feature of his.* Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... Have you changed your hair? Sheepy: Jaufre: I have tended to it less than I used to. Arsé-kun: Arthur: It shows. I'm glad to know it was you, and not. Someone else. I would say it is good to see you, but part of that statement is inaccurate. Arsé-kun: Arthur: It is not me being disappointed in seeing you, as you suggested. Sheepy: Jaufre: You should be. I betrayed you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I should not have made the order to begin with. It was my own error, not yours. Sheepy: Jaufre: Is that so... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Why would you have been a chief advisor if you tended to be wrong? Sheepy: Jaufre: ?!... There is a logic to that. Sheepy: Jaufre: So all this time, I have been guilting myself over nothing. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Knights still died... We all have a portion of the fault, but it is primarily my own. Sheepy: Jaufre: I refused to die so I could admit my guilt to you, among other things. How awkward that in the end, it was all pointless... Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... You say this, but I get the feeling you're as dead as I am. Sheepy: Jaufre: I never died. Arsé-kun: *Merlin has left the scene so they can talk* Arsé-kun: Arthur: When have you eaten last? Sheepy: Jaufre: After a while, I did stop being hungry. Ah, but I am good at not eating for long periods of time. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Sir Jaufre, you cannot survive this long without assistance if you aren't dead. Sheepy: Jaufre:........... Arsé-kun: Arthur: The only exceptions to this rule seem to be the half-demons, Sir Calogrenant the unkillable, and apparently Sir Bors. You are none of these. Sheepy: Jaufre: Could Lady Morgan have given me this gift...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Doubtful. Sheepy: Jaufre: She's given me gifts in the past... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Something like this would be outside of her capabilities . Sheepy: Jaufre: You should not underestimate her. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Too late. Sheepy: Jaufre:.....*he crosses his arms*.... Well, I have no answer for why I am still alive, then. Arsé-kun: Arthur: But the ward I used to repel.. You? Was specifically for the dead. Sheepy: Jaufre: Ah! I was so dumbfounded that my King would kick me out that I did not just break back in...! I would have clawed at that door until it was gone, but I realized you had to leave eventually, so I waited. Sheepy: Jaufre: A ward like that cannot stop me for very long. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I was unaware it was you. Perhaps please identify yourself for future visits. Sheepy: Jaufre: I did. Arsé-kun: Arthur: You did not use your name. Sheepy: Jaufre: Do you know of another traitorous knight who loved the queen as much as I? *he...sounds pleased with himself?* Sheepy: Jaufre: My love for her rivalled even my love for my King...! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I'm not going to challenge that statement. Sheepy: Jaufre: But are they tied, or is my love for my King even greater...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... *he just sighs* It's good to have you back, Jaufre. Sheepy: Jaufre: You won't kick me out again? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I will try my best not to. You caught me at a very bad time. Sheepy: Jaufre: Run faster next time. Sheepy: Jaufre: If you do not, I will catch you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I'm not afraid of you. You would never do anything to your king. Sheepy: Jaufre: Of course! I never would! fSheepy: Jaufre: Although... in a fight, you would certainly best me. After all, you are my king. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I would. I am capable of reining in my anger, unlike you, so I am less predictable than you. Sheepy: Jaufre: How like my king to know his knights so well! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I would certainly hope I do. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Shall we return to the festivities? I suppose we should be more free to enjoy ourselves now. Sheepy: Jaufre: Yes, of course. Arsé-kun: *They return to the ballroom. Much of the attending crowd is understandably lost and confused. Merlin is still taking 100 pictures* Sheepy: *The musician is still playing the piano...* Arsé-kun: Morne: Welcome back. You haven't missed much more than a reaper doing their job. Sheepy: Jaufre: Reaper? Sheepy: Jaufre: Hmmm... Arsé-kun: Morne: Well, I guess two. Sheepy: Jaufre: They've bothered me before. Arsé-kun: Morne: I would suppose so. They do tend to bother anyone that's stuck around quite often. Sheepy: Jaufre: How foolish of them... Arsé-kun: Morne: It's a living, I suppose. Pun intended. Sheepy: Jaufre: Not for long. Arsé-kun: Morne: Primo wasn't joking when he said you were intimidating. Sheesh. Sheepy: Jaufre: I am not intimidating. Sheepy: Jaufre: I always act like this. Arsé-kun: Morne: I'll let you have that one. Sheepy: Jaufre: Well, thank you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: Would anyone like to answer where I got this from? *he holds up a sheathed katana* I thought it was a walking stick initially. Sheepy: Okita: You plan on giving it back? If you don't... I'll-- *cough, cough, cough* Arsé-kun: Arthur: My apologies. Take it back, before you join us. Sheepy: *Okita takes it back* Sheepy: Okita: It's just a little tickle in my throat. Arsé-kun: Arthur: You're dying. Sheepy: Jaufre: A tickle in your throat causes you to cough up blood... Sheepy: Okita: I've had worse. I'm not dying. Sheepy: Jaufre: A tickle in your throat causes you to cough up blood... Sheepy: Okita: I've had worse. I'm not dying. Arsé-kun: Arthur: *stares* Sheepy: Okita: What is it, old man? Arsé-kun: Arthur: How is that not a sign of an immanent demise? Sheepy: Okita:..... Sheepy: Okita: Eh... Sheepy: Okita: Not for me. Sheepy: Okita: I'm not dying. Just ask my doctors. Arsé-kun: a nearby blond: *passing by* They all think you'll be dead by 30. Sheepy: Okita: But I'm not 30 yet. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: That's the upper limit. The lower limit is next week. Stop skipping your medication. Sheepy: Okita: It tastes bad. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: Too bad, too sad. Sheepy: Okita: Hahaha... You're difficult, you know that? Arsé-kun: Yomiel: Glad to hear it. I'll consider adding stipulations into your file. Maybe. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: .. And Toa, go home. Sheepy: Toa: How did I end up here...? Sheepy: Toa: A-and how do I get back...? Arsé-kun: Yomiel: ... That is a good question. Sheepy: Jaufre: Oh. It's simple. Sheepy: Jaufre: I wandered here because I felt it. Just ree Arsé-kun: Arthur: That would be logical if any of us were able to recall coming here to begin with. Sheepy: Jaufre: You don't remember... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Not one bit. I personally may be able to return easily, but many of these ghosts may not. Sheepy: Jaufre:.... Sheepy: Jaufre: This must be a quest... Arsé-kun: Arthur: Here's what we can do. I will direct one group back to where we came from. You, good knight, can escort some of the others back to where they came from. So yes. I am giving you a quest. Sheepy: Jaufre: I can do that. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I know you can. Sheepy: Crow: Not so fast!! Arsé-kun: princess: Get away from me!! I'm not going! Sheepy: Crow: You are. You're on my list! Arsé-kun: princess: I am not! Get out of my house, creep! Sheepy: Crow: You sure are! Sheepy: *Rider has pulled out a weapon. Menacing* Arsé-kun: princess: I don't care what you say! I'm going to get what I want! Sheepy: Crow: Celeste Chambers, you're under ghost arrest for abduction and resisting passing on! Arsé-kun: Celeste: Well, you're under ghost arrest for trespassing! Sheepy: Crow: I'm not a ghost, so there! Now, come quietly or I'll have to use my Red Tomahawk to gather your soul! Arsé-kun: Celeste: At least wait until the guests have left! They shouldn't have to see this place for what it is! Sheepy: Crow: Take off your rosy colored glasses and face the truth! ...Heh! That sounded pretty cool! Arsé-kun: Celeste: Fine! *she takes off a pair of glasses... and flings them at Crow, followed by her crown, and then her entire dress. Thankfully she has another one on under it.* Sheepy: Crow: Ouch, ouch, ouch! Arsé-kun: Merlin: If this is what death looks like, we're gonna be immortal, huh? *he elbows Okita* Sheepy: Crow: Man! You stink! Why don't you ghosts come willingly for once?! Sheepy: Okita: Hehehe. If he actually swung that weapon of his, he might actually do something of use. Arsé-kun: Celeste: You crashed my party, you ruined me trying to find love, and you're asking why I'm upset with you?? Sheepy: Crow: Ehhhh.... Sheepy: Crow:.......Okay, let's start over! Sheepy: Crow: You're on my list! Now come with me willingly! Arsé-kun: Celeste: Guard, could you escort this lunatic outside please? Sheepy: *Rider grabs Crow and starts dragging him* Sheepy: Crow: Heyheyheyhey!!! Let go, let go! Arsé-kun: Celeste: ... ... *she's clearly upset, but isn't letting that stop her* I suppose that is it for this. I suggest everyone leaves so you don't see how disappointing this really is. Sheepy: Jaufre: I already know how disappointing it is. Arsé-kun: Celeste: Not you! Sheepy: Salieri: I didn't believe something like this existed. ...Really, you would have been better off getting Mozart for this... Arsé-kun: Yomiel: I'm more surprised you came willingly. Sheepy: Salieri: Of course. I had to. There's a ghost here I have responsibility for. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: I now have additional questions. Sheepy: Salieri: The tall gray one. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: I now have one less question. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: The next is asking why you aren't shocked that I am still around. Sheepy: Salieri: I already live with a ghost who tries to steal my body every time I lower my guard in order to kill Mozart. Sheepy: Salieri: This doesn't bother me. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: And given the lack of fart sound effects over loudspeakers, he hasn't succeeded. Sheepy: Salieri: Of course not. Mozart is crafty and resourceful. Sheepy: Salieri: I would hope he never gets caught. It'd mean he's getting rusty. Arsé-kun: Yomiel: I wish the both of you the best of luck. Sheepy: Salieri: Thank you. Arsé-kun: *.... The surroundings suddenly change, and quite drastically, keeping the architecture but losing the... Everything else. Everything is broken, covered in all sorts of stains and cobwebs, and dusty. It's kinda dark in here. Also, everyone's actually wearing whatever they had on before. Celeste has given up keeping everything looking nice.* Sheepy: Salieri: I would've liked to play in a fancy mansion one day... but as long as people enjoyed it, it was still worth it. Arsé-kun: *Merlin turns on a flashlight* Sheepy: *There's creaking behind him...* Arsé-kun: Merlin: ..? Sheepy: *There's a pause before suddenly, something cold and wet like ice gets shoved down the back of his shirt!* Arsé-kun: *Merlin yells! ... The ghosts don't really care.* Sheepy: *Rider pulls his tendril back to himself, points at Merlin, and laughs. No sound comes out* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Okay, you got me! *he takes it well, laughing a bit too* I''ll get you back one day! Sheepy: Rider: *He seems as pleased as a headless man can be!* Sheepy: *Rider then returns to Celeste's side. Hello!* Arsé-kun: *Celeste is pouting in the floor. Literally. She's half-sunk into the floor.* Sheepy: *Rider offers her a hand to help her up* Arsé-kun: *She accepts it, but she's still pouting* Sheepy: Rider: "I enjoyed myself." Arsé-kun: Celeste: That's what... Two people? Sheepy: Rider: "But isn't it good you made two people happy? That's more than zero." Arsé-kun: Celeste: I guess so. At least a few people stuck around this time. Sheepy: Rider: "If we work on it, maybe people will come willingly." Arsé-kun: Celeste: uhhuh. And you'll sprout a horse head. Sheepy: Rider: "We can try befriending people and then inviting them." Arsé-kun: Celeste: Why, so it turns into a ghost frathouse? No thanks. Sheepy: Rider:.......*he's thinking* Sheepy: Rider: "Let's work on it together. We might find a solution that way." Arsé-kun: Celeste: I'd rather anything but having to charge up power for a whole 24 hours. It's awful... But not as awful as nobody showing up! Sheepy: Rider: "I'll show up." Arsé-kun: Celeste: Would you...? Sheepy: Rider: "Of course." Arsé-kun: *Celeste is thinking* Sheepy: *Rider lets her continue thinking* Sheepy: *Crow has arrived once more! He's wagging his tail in the same way a cat does when it's mad* Sheepy: *This time, Lobo has come with him! He's sniffing everything. Everything smells like ghosts!* Arsé-kun: Celeste: ...! Sheepy: Crow: You guys really embarrassed me big time... Now everybody's gonna think I'm a pushover... Sheepy: Crow: Man, this stinks... I was just feeling really out of my groove. So don't think I'm lame or something! Arsé-kun: Morne: But you only missed one out of a crowd. You're still death. Sheepy: Crow: Hey, that's the nicest thing I've heard all day! Arsé-kun: Morne: I'm not going to be rude to death. You're higher than me on the scale of things, even if you're a junior. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah! Yeah, I guess I am! But also... I guess part of the job of a reaper is to figure out what's binding a ghost to this world to begin with and help fix it, right? Sheepy: Crow: Something about beating them senseless with my Red Tomahawk doesn't feel quite right... Arsé-kun: Morne: Please reserve that for violence. Sheepy: Crow: So if a ghost is being rough, I can smack them into the crimson stratosphere with my Red Tomahawk! Arsé-kun: Morne: Sure. I'm no reaper, but I've seen enough operating or chasing me. Sheepy: Crow: Gee, you sure know a lot from observation alone! Arsé-kun: Morne: I would hope so. I'm still a Merlin. Sheepy: Crow: No clue what that is. Arsé-kun: *Merlin looks downright offended in the background* Arsé-kun: Morne: Wizards. I'm the only ghost of the group. Because, of course, I'm exceptionally deceased. Sheepy: Crow: Wizards are real? Arsé-kun: *Crow can feel judgement crawling on his back. Only a little.* Sheepy: Crow: I kinda thought they were like Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny... or maybe even like, eh... Sheepy: Crow: Armadillos. Sheepy: *Lobo barks and rushes over to the sourcs of the judging. Helloooo* Arsé-kun: *The reaper lurking in the shadows reaches out to pat Lobo. Hello.* Sheepy: Crow: Oh, Boss! Y-you didn't see me stalling or anything!! Arsé-kun: Thanatos: ... This one is not yet ready to be taken. Move on with your list. Arsé-kun: *it's hard to speak seriously with a dog shoving his snoot in ur face* Sheepy: Crow: …Eh? Move on with my list… Sheepy: Crow: Alright, that simplifies things! I didn’t want to deal with ‘em anyway! Arsé-kun: Thanatos: ... None left here are worth our time. However. Arsé-kun: *he points to Okita menacingly* Arsé-kun: Thanatos: At the current rate, this one will be mine personally. Sheepy: Okita: That's ominous. Sheepy: Okita: You threatening me? *He puts his hand on the hilt of his sword* We can settle this quickly-- *cough, cough, cough* Arsé-kun: Thanatos: You're running out of time. If you wish to remain alive... Well, you know what you should be doing. Arsé-kun: Thanatos: ... Crocell? Shall we demonstrate the end result, or will we be merciful this one evening? Sheepy: Crow: This way he'll take us seriously! Arsé-kun: Thanatos: You've lost that chance for this crowd, Crocell. Sheepy: Crow: Yeah, now that you've used that dorky name in front of everyone! Arsé-kun: *something heavy gets dropped on the floor. Lads, that's a whole coffin. Scary!* Arsé-kun: *A chain comes from Thanatos' direction and wraps around Okita before dragging him towards the coffin! Scary!!* Sheepy: Okita:?! Sheepy: Okita: Let go... or I'll let you have it. Arsé-kun: Thanatos: You cannot kill what is already dead. This is a kind version of your fate if you do not change your ways. Arsé-kun: *Okita gets dunked into the coffin so hard that it slams shut. Goodbye Okita* Sheepy: Rider: "So Death abducts the living now." Arsé-kun: Thanatos: He does not take other warnings seriously. Sheepy: Rider: "And if you accidentally kill him, what then?" Arsé-kun: Thanatos: I will not. Sheepy: Rider: "But if you do?" Arsé-kun: Thanatos: You are far too worried, dullahan. How can I? Arsé-kun: *he opens the coffin. Okita is gone! SCARY!* Arsé-kun: Thanatos: When he is not even here? Sheepy: Rider: "He's gone." Sheepy: Crow: *clapping* Nice job, Boss! What a trick! Arsé-kun: Thanatos: ... He's gone straight to his living hell. That is, where he belongs. He won't get such liberties next time. Arsé-kun: *Everyone else is rightly horrified to various degrees, which is the correct reaction when presented with Death.* Sheepy: *Even if Lobo is chewing on him.* Arsé-kun: *Lobo does not fear death. Lobo fears being hit with a newspaper* Sheepy: *Rider is trying to call Lobo over so he doesn't ruin Thanny's image. However, Lobo doesn't want to leave Thanny. How sweet!* Arsé-kun: *Thanny is powerful. He is scary even with the wolf chewing on him- He is unfazed by it entirely* Sheepy: Crow: Hey, if he dies, am I gonna have to reap his soul? Arsé-kun: Thanatos: No. Sheepy: Crow: Good. Great! He scares me! Arsé-kun: *Merlin starts raising his camera. Thanatos LOOKS at him. Camera put back down* Sheepy: Crow: You can't take pics of Boss, but you can get good pics of me at my next concert! I'll even autograph them! I'm ShinganCrimsonZ's guitarist, singer, and mascot! Sheepy: Rider: "Don't plug your band while Death is trying to intimidate people." Arsé-kun: Thanatos: ... More importantly, the living best be going. Something is coming. Sheepy: Rider: "The Gray Man has already left with the human he's attached to." Arsé-kun: Morne: I believe I can handle the rest. Group together, everyone. Sheepy: *Rider joins the group heading back.* Arsé-kun: *Celeste is Still attached to Rider by the arm. This doesn't seem to be changing.* Sheepy: *Rider doesn't mind. In fact, it appears to be making him a little happy? He feels needed!* Arsé-kun: *Morne makes a magic circle, and teleports everyone out of the old, shitty building! Thanny can be heard sighing at the absolute last second.* Sheepy: Aru: *Sob, sob* He's definitely gone...! D-Did he leave because he didn't like me...? Was I too overbearing...? Arsé-kun: Kay: Cut it out, will'ya?? Sheepy: Aru: *whimper* But, but... Arsé-kun: *Arthur SLAMS the door open so hard it bounces back through him. He doesn't give a shit right now.* Sheepy: *Aru jumps. What was that?!* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Everything is awful and today I learned ghosts can abduct other ghosts. Who knew. Sheepy: Aru:....? Sheepy: Aru:......?! Arsé-kun: Arthur: .... Oh no. Sheepy: *Aru covers her face. You can't see she's been crying, Arthur!* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Oh, Aru... *he floats over to her and puts an arm around her shoulders* If I'd had the resistance, I wouldn't have gone. I wouldn't leave because of you. Sheepy: Aru: *She uncovers her face and looks up at him* ...R-really? You really wouldn't...? Arsé-kun: Arthur: I wouldn't. I have no reason to. Sheepy: Aru: I-I thought... ...So, so you were abducted...? By whom?! Are you okay?! *Her upset has turned to panic* Arsé-kun: Arthur: Another ghost. I'm fine, thank you. I suppose as a ghost, I have far less resistance to mind bending and illusions than when I was alive... I'll have to work on that. Sheepy: Jaufre: You could not see that it was just an illusion, my King? It was obvious to me. Arsé-kun: Arthur: No, Jaufre. I was too distracted by having recently been manipulated to really consider it. Sheepy: Jaufre: My King has really gone downhill after his death! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Unlike you, Sir Jaufre, I've primarily been unaware of time passing, so I am still not used to this. Please do shut up. Sheepy: Jaufre: Unlike my King, I am not dead! Surely I will degrade even more than you once I die. Arsé-kun: Yog: *from... 3 places at once?* Jaufre, you're exceptionally dead. I have told you this numerous times. Sheepy: Jaufre: I never died. People are dead once they die. Arsé-kun: Yog: Fine. Correction: Your body has stopped being of use, and you're only alive in terms of spirit. Sheepy: Jaufre: But my body could be of use once I need it again, could it not? Arsé-kun: Yog: Even your bones are wasting away, you narration-snatching git. There's barely anything left to use. Sheepy: Jaufre: I can just use the other one then. Arsé-kun: Yog: You are not using my son as your meatsuit, Jaufre! Sheepy: Jaufre: But if I need a body for some reason? Arsé-kun: Yog: Then Suffer. Arsé-kun: *Yog will remember this.* Sheepy: Jaufre: If I need it for my King, no one will stand in my way. However... I would rather not him. He and I do not mesh well. Arsé-kun: *Morne settles down next to Aru. Kay pops a Kthanid's Respite so he can actually observe this and be sober. Fou.* Sheepy: Jaufre: His face is almost exactly like mine when I was a squire. I suppose everyone feels embarrassed at their past selves, just a bit... but his own, independent actions are what embarrass me more than anything. Sheepy: Jaufre: Simply... I want to scream... "Stop doing and saying those things while wearing a knockoff of my own face!" Arsé-kun: Yog: I'm not apologizing. You allowed it. Also, there is a wide berth of difference and you are projecting. Sheepy: Jaufre: I allowed it because of our friendship... Sheepy: Jaufre: I did not realize he would have no wisdom to speak of. Arsé-kun: Yog: I'm teasing you, Joofy. And it takes time. Sheepy: Jaufre: If he simply invested into wisdom, I could be a little less embarrassed by his actions... Arsé-kun: Kay: What, you saying you were a genius at twenty? Fuck off. Sheepy: Jaufre: That is not what I am saying. I did reckless things when I was a teen and in my twenties. One of them cost me my life, although temporarily... However, I was following my King's orders, so it was worth it. My King would not knowingly and pointlessly send me out to defeat the strongest knight in the area and to my death! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Let's go with that. Arsé-kun: *Kay wonders where Grif is* Sheepy: Grif: *He's looming and watching this. How does he impress the new cool knight? Is he too weak? Maybe he should grow stronger before meeting him. Is that even a choice?* Arsé-kun: *It's easy! Just sound like you own brain matter, Griflet!* Sheepy: *He's gonna try--* Sheepy: Grif:...Wow...Very cool... Arsé-kun: Kay: There you are. I was wondering where you were. Sheepy: Grif: I was here. Sheepy: Grif: I'm not good at stopping people from crying. I just left it to you. But wow... the greatest at it is King Arthur... Arsé-kun: Kay: It sure ain't me. We learned that today. Sheepy: Grif: He appeared and she instantly stopped crying. Amazing... Arsé-kun: Yog: ... So I see what you meant, Jaufre, but my response in summary is "If you had children, they'd have sounded similar." Sheepy: Aru: That's... I was crying because I was worried he'd left forever, so the fact he was back would make me stop crying. I'm sorry for the disturbance... Arsé-kun: Arthur: My apologies. I will work on my personal resistances to prevent a repeat. Sheepy: Aru: It's not your fault. You're the victim of this. Sheepy: Aru: While you were gone, Merlin gave me a picture of the ghost... but it seems like it was Sir Jaufre all along. Sheepy: Jaufre: You sound disappointed... Sheepy: Aru: I heard "traitor" and really was hoping to see Sir Lancelot instead... Arsé-kun: Merlin: And boy do I got pics for you today! *he says, dumping a shitton of photos on the table* The illusions were picked up on camera! Hey, you wanna see Arthur in a nice suit? Arsé-kun: *Arthur wants to see the suit from an outside perspective. He liked that suit... He notes to figure out if ghosts can acquire new clothes* Sheepy: Aru: Arthur... in a suit? Sheepy: Aru: Wow! He looks nice! Arsé-kun: Arthur: I do quite like it, actually.. Sheepy: Jaufre: You could have one made for you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: As a ghost? Sheepy: Jaufre: Even ghosts need to change clothes sometimes. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I suppose that makes sense... Arsé-kun: *Arthur does not understand what so ever* Sheepy: Jaufre: For example, if you died in armor, sleeping can be uncomfortable. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I haven't thought about it once *he says, in armor, looking at another man in armor* Sheepy: Jaufre:...My King, you wear it in your sleep? Arsé-kun: Arthur: Please tell me we get our sense of touch back. Mine is sorely lacking. Sheepy: Jaufre: I have mine. Arsé-kun: Arthur: It will take some time, then. I see. Sheepy: Jaufre: I am incomplete, so certainly my King will pick it up faster than I did. However... Unlike you, I never died. My body simply wasted away, awaiting your return... Arsé-kun: Yog: Death is defined as "an individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brainstem". That is to say, the body has stopped functioning. You are dead, Jaufre. Sheepy: Jaufre: So you say. But I say I am not dead! Ah... If only I were as loyal as Sir Bedwyr... Sheepy: Jaufre: If I were, I would have never lost my body. Arsé-kun: Arthur: ... .... Stubborn Sir Jaufre. Our bodies are both dead. The difference is our level of activity until this point. Sheepy: Jaufre: Losing my body is a temporary inconvenience. Arsé-kun: Yog: Don't make me beat your death into you. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I seem to be best at handling things when I am not really trying, I see. *he's started looking at the pictures again* Sheepy: Aru: And earlier you hugged me. Arsé-kun: Arthur: I'm glad you were able to feel that. Sheepy: Aru: Yes! It was very comforting! Arsé-kun: Arthur: Glad to hear it. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, here's the lady that caused it with a headless ghost! And here's a reaper trying to catch up, and here's Okita being a shit, Sheepy: Aru: Oh! Crow! He's my friend! Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'd have gotten pics of his boss, but he didn't let me. I got some cell pics too, but they're not as good. Sheepy: Aru: By the way, if you ask the Merlins, maybe they'll know how you can change clothes. Arsé-kun: Merlin: :3c Arsé-kun: Morne: Like this? *his outfit changes without prompting, and then changes back* Sheepy: Aru: Uhuh! Arsé-kun: Morne: Practice. It's essentially part of your being as a spirit, so it's as simple as any other self-shifting magics once you get the hang of it. Sheepy: Jaufre: At night... I, too, change into other outfits. Arsé-kun: Morne: What I am personally most interested in knowing.. Is about you as well. Arsé-kun: Morne: How are you capable of hiding yourself even from other ghosts..? And furthermore, why you you look like... That, sometimes? Sheepy: Jaufre: Sir Jaufre of the Round Table... Le Fise de Dieu... One of the knights of the greatest king, King Arthur. What a great king, to even give an incomplete man like myself a position...! My King even gets mistaken for a handsome prince... How incredible! Of course, it stings fhat I did not receive an invitation as well... Although, it seems that I was sent it. Perhaps I never got it due to a glitch in the system... Ah, but perhaps I AM the glitch in the system...Hmhmhm... Arsé-kun: *Aru gets a single text. Thanks Primo* Sheepy: *Aru checks it* Arsé-kun: Primo: [text: to Aru] Haha, Fart of God. Absolutely nothing has changed. Sheepy: Aru: [text: to Primo] He really is proud of Arthur... Arsé-kun: Primo: [text: to Aru] So I saw! Arsé-kun: *merlin takes advantage of a silent moment and no one knowing how to reply to jaufre* Arsé-kun: Merlin: But if the ghost princess is with the headless dog owner, then we can bitch at her anytime! For free! Sheepy: Jaufre: Brave ghost to stay with a dullahan. He could reap her soul at any time if he wanted to. Arsé-kun: Morne: She was afraid of the reapers. I don't see the logic behind that decision. Sheepy: Aru: She's scared of Crow? Arsé-kun: Morne: Well, she ran from even him, so yes. Sheepy: Aru:....But... He's so harmless. Arsé-kun: Morne: The threat was there, and she had no defenses. Silly or not, a reaper is a reaper. Sheepy: Aru: Well, that is true... Poor Crow... I'm sure it made him sad for her to run from him. Sheepy: Jaufre: That is similar to saying that you worry for a wolf's feelings when their prey runs away... Arsé-kun: Kay: That's my sister all right. Sheepy: Aru: Eh? Kay? You don't feel that way? Arsé-kun: Kay: Why the fuck..? Sheepy: Aru: He's only a little older than me and he struggles to make friends. I'm sure people running from him hurts, just a little. Sheepy: Aru: You can understand! Arsé-kun: Kay: ... So anyway! Sheepy: Aru:?! Sheepy: Jaufre: I see... Caliburn's new wielder kills with her words instead of her actions. Arsé-kun: Kay: No violence, only blunt honesty and sucker punching me in the gut with statements I'm not paid to deal with! Sheepy: Aru: You're paid to take care of me? Wow, Teacher really is kind...! Arsé-kun: Kay: That is absolutely not what I said!! Sheepy: Aru: "I'm not paid to deal with [sucker punches]"... So you're paid to deal with other things? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Aaaaaand here we have some clown on clown violence! Stunning, folks! Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm not paid, so I shouldn't have to get sucker punched by statements I don't wanna deal with! Sheepy: Bedi: Kay, a clown...? i suppose I can see it... Arsé-kun: Kay: I'm going to drunkenly berate everyone in this room! Sheepy: Aru: You should try being paid. Arsé-kun: *Kay gives her a Look™ and then resumes drinking. Nope.* Sheepy: Aru: He might say yes. Although... You should never expect much from Teacher. Arsé-kun: Morne: It'd be best if you didn't expect much. He only shows up when something is genuinely wrong, and even then he tells you nothing. Sheepy: Aru: Yes... He's on vacation right now, and that's why I'm here. Even Teacher needs to go on vacation from saying cryptic things and leaving you to your own devices... Sheepy: Aru: I hope he's having fun. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I wonder how fun riding a giant ship is... Sheepy: Aru: I bet the ocean is really cool... Sheepy: Aru: Beddy went, too. He thinks it's neat. It has octopi that you can't see well but can painlessly bite you and kill you within minutes with full body paralysis. Arsé-kun: Morne: That makes me glad I'm already dead. Sheepy: Aru: There's also a fish that can cause necrosis. Sheepy: Aru: They blend in with rocks, so you can step on one on accident and in response it'll kill you. Sheepy: Aru: The beach sounds really exciting! Sheepy: Aru: People fear sharks, but the more dangerous things are those you can't see! Like flesh eating bacteria in the water... or box jellyfish... Arsé-kun: Yog: *just as cheerfully* The star vampires... Sheepy: Aru: Star vampires? Arsé-kun: Yog: Well, we're talking about dangerous things that are normally hard to spot, yes? Sheepy: Aru: Yes. Sheepy: Aru: What's a star vampire? Arsé-kun: Yog: In short? An invisible jellyfish that sucks blood and laughs the entire time. Sheepy: Aru: Oh! That's neat! Arsé-kun: Kay: T-T Sheepy: Aru: But don't they get dry being out of the water? Arsé-kun: Yog: They do not. Sheepy: Aru: I guess there's no way to ever see one. Too bad... Sheepy: Grif:..........They taste good....... Arsé-kun: Yog: Only after it feeds can you see it- Griflet please. Sheepy: Aru: Like the invisible man! Arsé-kun: Yog: In a way, yes. Sheepy: Aru: I heard that there's one on campus. Arsé-kun: Yog: Which? You'll have to be more specific. Sheepy: Aru: An invisible man. Arsé-kun: Yog: Oh. Yes. Sheepy: Grif: I keep the star vampires out... usually. ... They taste good when I can get them... Arsé-kun: Yog: Would you like to get one now? Sheepy: Grif: Yes. Arsé-kun: Yog: North entrance. Hasn't entered yet. You have about ten minutes. Sheepy: Grif: Thank you. *he gets his stuff and exits*
0 notes
dotbammie · 7 years
Love Song// Im Jaebum
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Pairing: Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Working with your best friend has it’s perks.
Author’s Note: Hello! i know the request asked for smut in it, but I found it hard to incorporate smut into the scenario, but i did my best :’( enjoy~
xoxo Sara
Music had always been a creative, and emotional outlet for you. Whenever you were sad, angry, or happy, even just having a simple spark of inspiration— you wrote and listened to music. You had always wanted to work in the music industry, but you were always too shy to audition for a big company. You simply wanted to be a part of the music, and to have a hand in the music making process. Of course, you loved to sing and dance as much as you liked actually writing and composing the music, but your personality conflicted too much with that needed of a pop star, so you happily settled for writing and composing music for music industries. You were able to write for some big stars, and you felt extremely lucky that you had the opportunity to do so.
Your close friend, Jackson, had convinced you to show some of your compositions to the people of his company—JYP Entertainment—and they absolutely loved the pieces that you composed. They hired you almost immediately, and put you to work composing and mixing songs for trainees to listen and practice to. You had never worked on anything big that would be on an album before, though.
Because of Jackson, you were able to become close to the boys of GOT7, and even becoming so close that you trusted them enough to listen to some of your more personal compositions. Although you loved all of the boys and saw them as almost a second family, you felt something different towards one member in particular.
He was always very kind to you, although he did it in more of a sneaky way—not wanting any of the boys seeing the sweet and kind things he did for you because of his seemingly mysterious and silent nature. But, whenever you were around, he always smiled. His smile warmed your heart, so much so that you found it beating at an increasing speed whenever that smile was directed at you. You didn’t know it at first, but as time went by and you were able to spend more and more time with all of the boys, you knew that what you felt when he smiled at you wasn’t just a one-time thing; you knew it was love.
You had been sitting at home, like you would be on any other day, when you felt your phone vibrate. You cleaned your hands of the stains that the cheese doodles you were eating left on your fingers, before picking your phone up and pressing it to your cheek.
“Hello,” you hummed into the phone, taking the remote or your tv and putting it on mute.
“(Y/N),” JYP said on the other line, the sound of rustling papers being heard in the background, “I’m so glad that you picked up the find. You see, I have a job that needs to be done, and it’s a job that only you can do.”
“Ah, a job only I can do?” you questioned, smiling softly, “And what may that job be?
“I need you to write a love song for a new album,” he said simply.
“Ah, a love song,” you said, throwing your blanket off of your lap and putting the bowl of cheese doodles on your coffee table, “not about anything specific? Not like a Confession Song or anything like that?”
“Funny that you would mention that song, actually,” JYP said, making you raise an eyebrow as to what song he would be referring to from your statement, “Because that’s actually the band that you’ll be writing for.”
It took you a moment, but as soon as the light bulb went off in your head, you smiled. “Are they at the studio yet?”
“I’m sure you can beat them here if you ran,” JYP chuckled, “They’re slow walkers, you know. Come surprise them. You’re the only composer that we have that can deal with those seven boys. Most of the others want to tear their heads off after they’re in the recording studio with them for an hour.”
“ah,” you said, laughing softly and nodding although you knew he couldn’t see.“Alright, that makes sense then. That’s no problem for me, i’ll do my best to whip those seven boys into shape for their next album.Thank you for this opportunity, I’ll make sure to do my best.”
“I know you will, I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t believe that you would produce a number one hit for one of my biggest groups right now. Now hurry on to the studio if you want to beat them there.”
You smiled and hung up, springing off the couch to get your bag and shoes on, along with your good pair of headphones so you could mix tracks while you were there. Once you had everything ready, you ran down to the studio.
You managed to make it before them, although you were sweating and panting slightly as you entered the building.You pressed your hand against the light switch, turning on both the lights and the air conditioning in the recording studio. Thankfully, the recording studio they had also held couches and tables for you to write on for lyrics. You set your things down on one of the couches, making your way to the soundboard, when you heard the door open.
“(Y/N)?” You heard Jackson’s voice, making you smile as you slowly turned around, “What are you doing here? I thought the person who is supposed to help us compose is supposed to be meeting us here?”
“Well, then it would make sense as to why i’m here then, wouldn’t it?” you hummed, walking over to all of them as a wide smile spread across everyone’s face. Jackson picked you up, hugging you tightly. “No way! That’s amazing!”
“Isn’t it?” you said as he put you down, going to make way to hug each of the boys as you normally would. “I’m really excited to be working with you guys.”
“I’m glad it’s you and not anyone else,” Mark said as you went up to Jaebum, “At least we know that we’ll have a say in what’s being produced and put on our album with you.”
You nodded softly and looked up to Jaebum, His smile towards you making your knees feel weak. You felt your heart skip a beat as he leaned in to you to give you a hug, but you didn’t want him to feel it, so you hugged him quickly and turned to Yugyeom.
“Ah,” Yugyeom said, side hugging you gently, “We only have a week until we have to pick all of our tracks, don’t we? Do you think that’s enough time?”
“Uh, have you met (Y/N)?” Jackson chuckled, pointing in between both you and Jaebum. “She’s almost as bad as he is when it comes to burrowing herself in her work to meet a deadline.”
Jaebum rolled his eyes at Jackson, smacking him in the shoulder gently. Though it was a gentle smack, Jackson overreacted, holding his shoulder and sucking in a deep breath. “Ah, that hurt Jaebum. Why are you so mean?”
“If you mean that,” Jaebum said, ignoring Jackson’s comment and turning to you, “then she must be itching to do work right now like I am, so let’s not make her wait, okay?”
The day went on almost too smoothly after that; you and the boys sat down and listened to the tracks that they already had in mind for their new album, seeing as how they mesh together to almost make a story. Youngjae and Bambam had produced a song purely on their interpretations of sounds of the night, while Yugyeom and Jaebum produced an R&B type song to add more beats to the album. Jinyoung, Jackson and Mark also wrote something, but they hadn’t began producing it yet. So, instead of taking the rest of the day to write the song that you were supposed to be writing, you took it to help the boys layer the tracks of that song.
As the night came to a close, almost all of the boys seemed to get more and more sleepy. They all smiled at you as you sat at the soundboard, waiting for the next move to be made.
“I’m glad you’re helping us with our new song,” Jackson said out of the blue, patting your head gently as he went over to the couch to get his jacket, “I’m sorry that we didn’t work on it that much today, though.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” you reassured him, waving him off slightly as you turned to the monitors that laid behind on the sound board,  “It’s no big deal. In fact, i’ll starting the lyrics now so that they’re all ready for you to have tomorrow. The melody won’t be hard to write at all, so we don’t have to worry about that either.”
“Should we leave you alone to it, then?” Jinyoung asked, “Or do you want us to stay so we can help?”
“No no, you go,” you sat down on the couch, paper and pen in hand, “If I have any trouble, then I’ll just call you. I’m used to being along at night, so i’ll just take my time and lock up after I leave.”
“Alright,” Youngjae said, smiling and waving at you, “If you’re sure you’re okay alone, then i’m going to go home and get some sleep. Bye (Y/N)~”
“Don’t stay up too late,” Jackson warned as everyone as mumbled their goodbyes, filing out of the small room. “I don’t want a tired and cranky (Y/N) to work with tomorrow.”
you chuckled and nodded at him, waving goodbye to him as he left and closed the door behind him. Once everyone had left, you went to your bag and grabbed a notebook, ripping out a piece of paper from it and taking a pen while sitting down on the nice comfy couch.
You looked at your paper for what seemed like forever, before realizing; you had no inspiration. You had no idea what to write about or how the lyrics should go. None of the boys brainstormed about what they thought the song should be about, so you had no basis to go off of in terms of their wants and needs for the structure of the song. You hadn’t even had the title of the song picked out yet, and it was beginning to frustrate you that you could not come up with anything.
Usually, lyrics come out of your mind like it’s nobodies business. It was never this hard to write about something for you. Maybe you were scared that this time, your song would either help or hurt your best friends? Maybe you were worried they wouldn’t like it?
You groaned silently, running your hands through your hair as you stood up from the couch, storming to the soundboard and putting your headphones on. You sat in the chair and began to type out the notes that you wanted and what you hoped that it would sound like into a program that will show you what you wrote and play it back for you, but even with the music playing right in your ears, you still had no clue on what to write in terms of lyrics.
After an hour or so, you began falling asleep listening to the music, eyes fluttering shut every so often as you leaned your head in your palm, when you felt someone gently tapping your shoulder. You jumped, immediately ripping your headphones out and turning around in the chair, to see Jaebum right in front of you. He smiled softly at you, taking his hand away from you and gripping a plastic bag he was carrying with both hands as you stared at him, waiting for your heart to calm down.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You were silent for a moment, shaking your head as you felt your heart stop beating, and instead jump into your throat. Did it do that because you were scared? Or did it do that because he was there with you?
“No,” you said after swallowing hard, shaking your head as you composed yourself, “No no, it’s fine, this is your recording studio, anyway. But, what are you doing here so late?”
“I came to check up on you,” he said nonchalantly, avoiding your gaze as he pulled out the chair next to yours and took a seat, “When Jackson said that you were a hard worker like me, I didn’t want to believe it.”
You raised an eyebrow at him as he turned to you slightly, giving you a soft smile.
“I don’t like the thought of you overworking yourself until you pass out on the soundboard,” he said. he looked down at his lap, slowly taking out what was in the plastic bag. He pulled out a bagel from the bag, looking up at you and extending it out to you. “I wasn’t sure what you liked on it, so i got butter. I hope that’s okay.”
You felt your heart swell as you looked at the bagel, shaking your head gently, “You got me a bagel?”
“You didn’t eat while we were working today,” he said, still holding out the bagel to you, “And I wasn’t sure if you had eaten before you got here.”
A moment of silence fell on the two of you, before Jaebum nudged the bagel in front of you a little more.You took it slowly, smiling at him as you did so. “That was very sweet of you. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Jaebum said, turning a bit to point to a mini fridge that was over by the door to enter the recording booth, “Feel free to take a water from there. It’s stocked right now, and get’s restocked every three or four days that we work in here, so don’t be afraid that it’ll run out.”
You nodded once again as Jaebum stood, very softly patting your head as he did so. “Don’t stress too much, okay?”
“I’m not stressed,” you chuckled at him, “Why would you think that?”
“Because you’re still here, even though we still have time. It’s either you’re stressed because you don’t have the melody or the lyrics, or you just don’t want to go home. And by the way that I found you when I came in, i’m sure it’s not the second option.” He walked over to the door, smiling gently as he opened it. “Goodnight, (Y/N). Don’t work too hard.”
You smiled back, nodding. “I won’t.”
He nodded back, closing the door behind him as he left. You sighed, looking down at the bagel yet again before peeling the wrapper off. Your heart didn’t stop pounding since the moment he walked in, and you knew you must have been red the whole time he sat next to you.
As you listened to the music and ate your bagel, you thought of Jaebum. You knew you liked him a lot, and you wished that you could tell him your feelings, but you were too shy. You had no idea how to even approach the subject without becoming flustered. After what seemed to be the one hundredth time listening to the track, the bagel long gone, you felt the overwhelming sense of creativity. Before it left you, you quickly went over to the couch and began writing whatever came to your mind. Even one word phrases that you wrote down could become potential ad-libs for the boys to put in, and you kept that in mind.
You had no idea when, but you must have fallen asleep at some point in the night. You kicked out slightly, slowly turning into the couch with your eyes still closed, when you noticed that something was laying on top of you. You knew the boys didn’t keep blankets in the recording studio, so you suddenly became frightened due to the unknown object laying on top of you. You shot up from off the couch, the object falling to the ground with a thud as you did so. You looked down, to see a jean jacket laying spread out on the floor. You picked it up slowly, the scent of of a familiar cologne filling your nose, and without turning it over, you already knew who’s jean jacket it was.
You smiled softly, holding the jacket against your chest, before whipping your head around to look for its owner. He wasn’t there, so why was his jacket? And how did it end up on top of you?
You rubbed your eyes. yawning slightly as you looked at the table, the sheet of paper filled with lyrics still sitting there with the pen on top of it. You sighed, picking it up and looking over them, before the door opened.
You looked up to see Jackson and Jaebum walk through the door, both of them looking over to you with smiles on their faces.
“Good morning, sleepy,” Jackson said, tossing a bottle of some sort of iced coffee at you, “We came a few minutes ago and you were knocked out, so we decided to go out and get you something to wake you up.”
You nodded at him as he made his way to the soundboard, picking up your headphones as Jaebum smiled at you. Jackson unplugged the headphones before pressing play on the soundboard and turning the speakers up, letting the music you already composed fill the room as the other members filed in behind them. You looked at Jaebum, still holding his jacket in your lap, as he nodded his head along with the beat.
“This sounds amazing,” Bambam commented, “It’s slow, but it’s not too slow, and there are amazing drops in it.It’s a contrast to all of our other songs, but it’s not too big of a contrast.”
“You did an amazing job, (Y/N),” Jinyoung said, smiling to you as he looked down at the table, noticing the piece of paper on it. “Are those the lyrics, by any chance?”
You looked at the paper momentarily before nodding, slowly standing up and placing Jaebum’s jacket on the couch while Jinyoung took the piece of paper. Youngjae and Jackson leaned over his shoulder and read from behind him, humming along with the lyrics while the melody played.
“These are really cute lyrics,” Jackson said, smiling at you, “I feel like you wrote this about you, though.”
“No no,” Jinyoung shushed him, shaking his head, “The lyrics are almost a conversation between two people, but not quite. It’s definitely a song about the confusing things people do when they’re in love, but don’t seem to know it yet.”Jinyoung looked up at you. “Who did you have in mind when you wrote this, (Y/N)?”
You stayed silent for a moment, shaking your head before shrugging. “No one in particular. But if you like them, then we should start recording.” You made your way over to the sound board, sitting in the chair and placing the headphones on before pointing at Jinyoung, “ I thought you should start off the song, and then Mark should do the first rap in it.”
As soon as you said that, each of the boys seemed to want to get work done, and day went off without anyone asking you again who the song was about or how you wrote it. Each recording went smoothly, all of the boys doing well with their parts, except for one boy in particular.
“Jaebum, you’re usually in and out of the booth,” Jackson yelled over the speakers as Jaebum stood in the recording booth, “What’s with you today? Something on your mind?”
Jaebum looked at Jackson through the glass, his glare already enough to make a shiver roll up Jackson’s spine. “Sorry, sorry,” Jackson mumbled, walking away from the sound board as Bambam came over, now pressing the button so he could say a word to Jaebum.
“We’re all tired,” Bambam whined through the speakers, “We’re going to go home. We’ll meet you there, Jaebum.”
Jaebum looked at them momentarily, before nodding, becoming more focused on the lyrics now than he had been before. The boys all said their goodbyes, leaving you and Jaebum alone together. You felt your heart begin to pound again as you coughed a bit, attempting to clear the lump that formed in your throat.
“Just go over the first verse and take a break, okay? I’m sure that you’re going to get it this time,” you said over the speaker, smiling at him softly as he nodded. You sighed and pressed play, the music beginning to play as his part came.
Don’t you see how much I care open your eyes and see that behind you, i was always there waiting for you to notice me
He took a deep breath, waiting for the music to stop playing. You clapped your hands for him, nodding gently and giving a thumbs up at him through the glass. He looked at you and smiled, nodded before taking the headphones off. He slowly exited the booth, taking a seat next to you as he ran a hand through his hair.
“You did a really good job,” You smiled at him, looking at the monitor in front of you as you placed some recordings of harmonies where they needed to be. “You sounded really good.”
“Thank you,” Jaebum mumbled, playing with his hands and keeping his gaze away from you. The room fell silent for a moment, an audible sigh leaving Jaebums mouth before he turned to you. “(Y/N)?”
“Yes?” you asked him, looking at him, “What’s up?”
“Who is this song about? Is it about someone? Or did you just write it?” You looked away from him, staying silent from a moment and beginning to layer things again, before nodding. “It’s,” you began, clearing your throat again before continuing, “It’s about someone.”
Jaebum nodded softly. “I see.”
You clicked away at your mouse, your heart pounding as you felt his stare on you. You didn’t want to talk first, but you also hated the silence that seemed to keep finding its way between you two.
“Can I ask,” Jaebum broke the silence yet again, pausing for a moment, “Who this song is about?”
“I don’t really, want to tell.” you said quickly, suddenly becoming flustered and embarrassed with the lyrics. Could they have been too obvious? Was he angry with you that you had basically written a whole song about how you liked him?
“Can I guess?” He asked, looking into your eyes as you turned to him, “Just one guess. And if I get it wrong, then i’ll stop asking. I promise, okay?”
“Why do you want to know who it’s about so bad?” You interrupted, suddenly becoming a bit annoyed at Jaebum’s persistence with this issue, “Is there a reason that you need to know who this song is about?”
“Actually, there is,” he said, making you raise an eyebrow at him as he seemed to become more and more bold by the second.
“And what is that reason?”
“I need to know if I could kiss you or not.”
The room fell silent, and you were positive that through that silence, the sound of your heart rapidly pounding against your ribcage could be heard. What did he mean by that?
“I mean,” he said, coughing slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck, “If… if the song was about me, I would have…”
He stopped mid sentence, looking up at you with almost puppy-dog eyes. He looked away from you, a new, more shy side of Jaebum slowly coming out as he mumbled, barely above a whisper, “Is it about me, (Y/N)?”
You saw his eyes wonder from your eyes, to your lips, before you nodded softly. You didn’t know what to do or what to think, and speaking was completely out of the question. You felt shocked, but your heart couldn’t stop fluttering, and you were positive that your cheeks were burning red.
You wanted to grab his face and kiss him at that moment, and it seemed as if he could read your mind, because once you had nodded, he places his hands against your cheeks gently and pulled your face closer to his. You took a deep breath, shutting your eyes as you saw him do, before the feeling of his gentle lips pressed against your own. You could melt from the sweetness of his kiss, paired with how gentle he held you. He pulled away all too soon, his eyes still closed only momentarily before he looked at you. You took another deep breath, building up the courage to now press your hands to his chest and bring him in closer to you, kissing him a bit harder than he had done to you.
You felt his hesitance in the kiss, but soon he felt comfortable, his hands sliding from your face to grab your waist and bring you close to him, eliminating almost all space between the two of you.  
After a what felt like only a few minutes, he pulled away again, a bright smile on his face as he looked at you. He became shy again, looking away from you as he sighed.
“So should i…. Go back into the booth and keep recording?”
“No,” you said almost too quickly, grabbing him again as he began to stand. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Why Shouldn’t I?”
“Because i want you to stay here so I can kiss you a little more.”
159 notes · View notes
survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 3 - "I can feel my fangs coming in...tail growing...literally about to snake someone tonight and idk who it should be." - Owen
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Out of all the people to take out 9-1.... you take out Beastman? Like when Nehemiah- THE PERSON WHO WAS ALREADY VOTED OUT- was there? Like what kind of fucking logic is that? Seriously, had you all used your heads and actually THINK- that should've been the 9-1 vote... Not for Beastman. Literally livid right now, and while I love the immunity of the safe zone, I do not want to tempt fate and throw this next challenge. I am here for myself, and any agenda that I have of wanting this asshole of a player gone- needs to wait or I need to have others do it for me. Praying that it is the latter over the former.
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Well, I’m sad that Matt B. Was voted out. I felt that I could have worked with him in the game. Now there is still 10 complete signs and Nehe (Pisces) in the game. We need to win the oasis atleast so we can talk to people because not being able to communicate with anyone else is really gunna hurt us. I rather be in the oasis than warzone. This next immunity looks like we have a chance to win but it is gunna be lucked bases and if anyone wants us to be in the warzone. Hopefully no one does and we can slip into the top 5 now? and hopefully top 3.
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Matt will never read this but it's okay, I wanted to type out my reasoning as to why I was chill with him being voted out. 1. I'm trying to play a game that's a little more selfish and a little less selfless to see if I can catch lightning in a bottle and get a TS win. 2. I really liked Matt and had things gone differently I would have been all about a long term alliance, that being said if I'm going to work with someone I need them to be able to keep their name off the unanimous block. He didn't talk to anyone at all til it was too late. I need an ally that if I things gets sticky for me then they need to he able to have pull to help me out of it. 3. This is a long game and we only have quick snippets of time to make connections and I'm not about to throw my vote to spare someone's feelings and get 8 other people start to think I'm swishy washy. They need to believe they can call upon me if they need to. Sorry about the 9-1 vote, but it's a game and we have a long way left to go.
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Only remaining Matt! And boy do I feel powerful. However, I feel worse than ever regarding the challenge, it’s just extremely complex and it requires myself and Adrien to put a lot more effort than we are putting in. It’s hard because with only two people there’s no one else to rely on but ourselves, and honestly it’s consistently easier just to defect to him so at least something gets done.
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I am getting really worried. My partner hasnt been on today and hasnt really help with the challenge. Im sooo worried that we are going to lose. I was just meh about it so i dont even fucken know if the list will be good and the target list is like my own thoughts even if i told Renee it was random.orged. I just wish no one wants to target us and we are atleast in top 5. 
Well we lost immunity. It sucks. But I get to talk to Madison again and also Stephen which is good because I can try and like solidify something with them. Timmy is here too so I can try and work with him but we do have org history with each other. I just hope Renee and I arent targeted this round.
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Most likely gonna stick with doodle and nehe this round, it was either nip that alliance immediately or ride it till its time to flip, flipping now would just antagonise everyone.
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I feel like I’m doing well socially but thats on my side. I dont know how people are perceive me. 🤷‍♂️ I hope that I’ll be good for tonight. Timmy and I talked last night and it was really good. It was more of life than game. I enjoyed it. I really want to work with Timmy, hopefully its mutual.
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Narrowly avoided tribal this round, probably thanks to Cancer and Virgo making their entire list for the challenge "do nothing". I'm not sure if they threw it on purpose or if that was some type of strategy to keep signs from being mad at them, either way it's a damn challenge, people can get over it. Especially when you can target a sign that has consistently been on the top on challenges in Capricorn. I don't care, I'm not going to tribal, in other news, I landed another hit in battleshits. I need to get that ship sunk before someone else happens to find it as well, if I can grab another advantage that's one more someone else can't use against me.
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I want to get Stevie out. I don’t think it’s going to happen but i want to try. I would go for Owen but people tend to tell Owen things if he name is mentioned because he just has that personality. I don’t think Stevie would have those connections and it would be nice to limit that tribe since they went to the Oasis twice already (I think that’s what it’s called). I just need to look back to see if he is already the weak link on the tribe because then it might be better to keep him but honestly I’d still rather see him go. So I’ll try to get people on board for some plan.
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I uh threw out a name out to Timmy. I really feel like we can actually work together in this game my target as of now is Stevie. He’s really nice person but havent really talked to him outside of the warzone chat. Timmy had the same idea so hopefully it could be an easy vote tonight. Timmy seems on board so he could get his partner Trace. Doodle amd Stephen want to work with me and Renee so we’ll have their votes too. I need to talk to madison but hopefully they would want to do Stevie too. Leaving both Capricorns on the outs which sucks cuz i like Owen.
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This vote is getting closer and closer. I’m slightly getting more nervous. Its being very calm and quiet again. Stevie is still the target for me so we’ll see how that goes. I’m just worried that there would be messy scrambling the last hr or 30 minutes that would switch targets but right now it feels like Timmy is on board for Stevie and hopefully Stephen would be too.
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for the first time, I spend the day in the Oasis. Winning 3rd place is a blessing and for it to be on this challenge, an even bigger one (not seen as a comp threat, can pretend we tried to flop but not make it obvious to the Pact). I am glad that I get to socialize with Willow a bit again. And hopefully I can socialize w Matt and Adrian a bit too. Cullan is lowkey dry and idk if he likes me at all but idk why he wouldn't. Tonight, the people I like are facing tribal council. Owen, Madison and Jacob cannot go home but Renee could! I hope some miracle pulls through and that b*tch is sent packing. I did not come for her in any way shape or form in immunity bc I want to be able to disingenuously rebuild w her if we make it onto the same tribe or we both make it to merge. Renee's ass did NOTHING BUT GRAB AND SRATCH ME HOWEVER. FUCKING BITHCHCISOAFHISHFSKLHGSHGKLS I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK UNTIL NOW. I HOPE OWEN LOOKED AT RESULTS AND IS ON THE SAME WAVELENGTHS AND GETS THAT BITCH OUTTA HERE.  Kait and Thomas also grabbed/scratched but nowhere near as much as Renee's dumbass did. She's an idiot, she has no game. I'm getting her ass out the fucking second I have a chance. Does she not remember how easy it was to get rid of her the moment I wanted to in Kanto? forget you, go home, goodbye! I mean, this is embarrassing. You threw every wrench you could at me yet still I am top 3 and I do nothing to you and still you are in the bottom 6. anyway, prayer circle for renee to go back to the fissure where she came from.
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Okay soooo i did something bad LMAO I told Nehe I wanted to work with him and then I told madison/Jacob I wanted to work with them and then I told Timmy/trace I wanted to work with them hehe so my plan was to vote Stephen/Taylor or maybe go for renee but..... Nehe wants to vote anyone BUT Stephen taylor/ and madison+trace both don’t want to do maynor/renee.... fuck my life 
So basically I have to either turn on Nehe which would kinda suck or somehow convince madison and jacob to do renee or maynor but I feel like they might even go for Nehe and ughhh how did I put myself between this ALREADY My horoscope was right I am dying today
I can feel my fangs coming in...tail growing...literally about to snake someone tonight and Idk who it should be. I THINK that right now it’s: Timmy/Trace/Madison going for Taylor, Nehe/Stephen/Taylor going for Renee, Maynor going for Stevie. I have no clue what renee and jacob want. Theoretically if stevie and I vote for renee it could be 5-4-2 if renee did stevie but I also think that madison could try to get renee to do taylor.... ugh. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lie to Nehe, he was the one who told me that Maynor wanted Stevie out. But I can’t screw over madison/Jacob/Trace/Timmy.... Maybe I could vote renee but Stevie could vote taylor,???? And then I tell madison and jacob that Stevie did renee? But I tell Nehe that I did renee??? Idk this is all just too complicated and some people like Stevie and jacob won’t ANSWR ME
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Jshdia I am dying how messy this vote is getting. The names that have been thrown out are Renee, Doodle, Stephen, and Stevie. Hopefully we can have the votes stay on Stevie but im worried about Renee. I just hope Im safe tbh. It is a single games after all.
I am dying right now. Its either gunna be doodle or stevie tonight. Me and Renee are hearing mix signals. Ugh I just hope it isnt me or Renee going. It would totally suck if i leave and it would be bad if Renee left. Its gunna be a crazy tribal thats for sure.
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Ok so today has been interesting. It's been such a back and forth between Taylor and Stevie going but at this point it's going to be Taylor. I know I said I wanted Stevie earlier, but honestly it's not me going so I don't care too much tbh. Stevie's name has already gone around once now so it's not going to be too difficult to bring it up again in the future. I'm just hoping for a twist tonight honestly. Something needs to change about this game.
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Ooo i dont know if anyone caught that in the warzone chat but Stevie posted he was pushing for Taylor then removed it. I was dying if this was an accident. 😂 but im just crossing my fingers that its Stevie tonight. Doodle seems like they wants to work with me so I want to keep them around.
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I ACTUALLY CANNOT HANDLE THIS RN DSAKFJHFSKJD UIGHHHHHHHHHHHH okay so madison tells me jacob and timmy want stevie out and then shes like "wait maybe not" and im like ok and she's like "taylor it is" NNNN OK SO FUCK JACOB AND TIMMY FOR CONSIDERING STEVIE BEHIND MY BACK?????? now I feel extra bad for betraying nehe... but stevie wants to do taylor 100% and renee is seeming to do taylor too? idk if I should just vote taylor and do damage control with nehe/stephen or ifi  should vote renee and try to pin it on stevie idek anymore. im worried ppl are being sketch with me and voting me??? but I think if they were votin for me they wouldnt be trying to tell madison stevie or taylor or all this. and idk if taylor/stephen are rlly doing renee like nehe says....or if theyre doing stevie with maynor???? ugh idk. and renee I have no clue about this is just too much but whatever ill make up my mind when tribal comes and pray it isnt me
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The Oasis was nice as a change of pace from the warzone definitely!! Sad I missed the movie tho
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one good thing about the warzone.... i dont have to deal with nehe yelling at me tonight
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I had a really good time at Oasis! It feels good to succeed at something and I’m glad I got to talk to new people, but it also really reminded me that there is so much game left to be played and so many new alliances that need to be made. Thor Ragnarok was good but I was literally waiting for Chris Hemsworth to yell an idol clue or something... and now there’s a swap so I can shit my pants about that
Pants have been shat. This war zone thing AND being on a tribe with any of the 3 people I’ve talked to is freaking me out like sauerkraut. I just gotta keep showing up enough for these challenges!
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Haha i am dying. Both times o switched my target. This one tho might have not beed good but i think it was because me being able to adapt is part of this game and willing to sacrifce someone is 🤷‍♂️. Now lets hope i can get something out of this search i have hit 3 slots with tonight at 11:11pm will be my 4th hit. Cross your fingers for me. This swap is good and bad. But i just need to stay away from the bottom 5.
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Lmfao. I swap with the one person that i don't want to associate myself with, like at all. which means that my road to getting 15th is already settled. which i literally hate because i do not want to do anything with Nehe and he has the audacity of messaging me: "we good or nah?" like.... you do the fucking math. you screwed me over and you ask that? like ofc we're not good. like im gonna make it my mission to screw you and your allies that you have made over the course of the past 4 rounds. you are a fucking little snake and im here with a vendetta. and that is to get you OUT!
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Honestly Nehemiah is so full of shit. Him telling me the move is Renee when he knows there are no numbers there. I want his ass OUT
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Eternal Highschool (Endless Summer AU) Chapter I: New Kid Summary: Nicole discovers what a general day is like at her new school and realizes that making it through this high school might be a lot harder than she originally thought. Word Count: 2501 --- The first day of school and she was already late. Nicole was a bright girl, creative, open minded, and full of ideas, and she always seemed to know exactly what was coming next. Her father had gotten a promotion and had to move to a new state in order to stay with his firm, so now Nicole finds herself in an unfamiliar state surrounded by unfamiliar faces, and late for school. As she raced down the long bland halls to her first class she took in her surroundings and realized she had quite a few options. To her left she saw a kid sitting outside by a tree, nearly asleep if not already, and not planning on getting up any time soon. He had long light brown hair and wore a Beatles shirt under his army green jacket that laid over his jeans. In front of her was a science classroom that was quiet and nearly desolate, if the door hadn't been open she would've thought the class was empty. She then looked to her right, knowing all that laid behind her, and there she found an English classroom bursting with life and laughter, the door closed but not holding in the bustling sounds of the room, and just beyond that other doors and lockers lined the hallway. She looked down at her schedule, rolled her eyes, and with a deep sigh read off her first class aloud, "Science, 1st hour." Stepping into the classroom all eyes fell on her, a cold silence overcoming the room, the students eyeing her up and down, taking in every detail of her face and clothing, judging and examining her with their eyes. "I'm Nicole," She introduced herself breaking the silence, clearing her throat first as the teacher scowled. "Sit down," the teacher grumbled, messing with some papers on her otherwise organized desk, her eyes never leaving the papers. "Where?" Nicole asked before catching the eyes of some of the students who only glared at her suspiciously. Ultimately a boy peeped up from the corner to be a contrasting welcome to her presence, "Over here." She nodded and sat next to him, setting her stuff down and sliding into her chair before turning to shake his hand, "Im Nicole." "So I've heard," he chuckled, "I'm Diego. I'll help you find your clique." "My clique? I don't really have a clique, at least I didn't," Nicole admitted pulling out a notebook after seeing the others do it as well. "Everyone has a clique," Diego lectured simply and pointed to a group along the wall, "That's Craig, Sean, and Michelle. They're the jocks." As he called their names out Michelle burst into laughter and Craig screamed something out that Nicole only made out as, "Why'd you make me do that?" Sean reassuring him that he'd be okay as soon as he did. Nicole nodded along as he continued, "That's Grace and Aleister. They totally love each other, but they'll never admit it. They're the nerds." Grace accidentally knocked her pencil off her table and muttered a nearly silent "oops" as Aleister leaned over to pick it up. "Be more careful next time, Grace," he shook his head slightly. She apologized again more softly, though it seemed impossible, and continued what they were previously doing. "That's Quinn and Raj," he explained gesturing to the two in seats in front of them, "They're really good cooks. They're in a bit of a mixed clique. Quinn's a mom friend and Raj is the fun friend." Raj playfully shoved Quinn's arm as he turned around in his chair, meeting Quinn's eyes, "I love hearing people introduce us, mom friend." Diego cackled and Quinn kicked his foot gently, "Quit it you two. You're gonna scare the new kid! I'm sure she's already scared enough!" Quinn offered her hand and Nicole accepted it with a smile, "My name is Quinn." "I'm Nicole," she grinned and turned to Raj, "And you're Raj then, I take it?" He nodded with a smirk, "That's me. Who are you again? You've only introduced yourself a million times!" Diego and Raj broke out into laughter and Quinn just rolled her eyes and let out a small chuckle. Nicole followed suit and chuckled along and soon turned her gaze to a girl sitting at a back table, and prodded them, "Who's she?" "Who?" Diego turned to see the girl and immediately locked eyes with Nicole again, "Her name's Estela. She's kind of creepy and mysterious. No one knows anything about her." "Odd," Nicole shrugged it off, but on the inside curiosity soared inside of her and she hoped to have a chance to learn more about her in the future. "Is it weird that I kind of want to be her friend even though she scares me?" Raj offered up a rhetorical question and only received an exaggerated nod from Diego. "And the kid outside?" Nicole asked, returning the conversation to the original topic, still unbelievably curious. Diego stood and took a minute to look out the window and then returned to sit fully in his seat, and Raj took the opportunity to break the silence with a question that he seemed to already know the answer to, "Back at it again?" Diego nodded and Quinn sighed, "One time he's going to mis something important!" Raj pursed his lips and leaned back, "Well the least we could do is get him to hold out longer than the first day!" Diego attempted to hold back his laughter but a stifled laugh came out anyways, Quinn only smiled widely at it. Nicole chuckled, "An every day thing I take it?" "Oh, yeah. For the most part," Diego informed, spinning his pencil in between his fingers, "His name is Jake." Nicole nodded and began to speak again when the teacher spoke abruptly, "My name is Ms. Iris." As she spoke she began writing her name on the board and as she drew a line with the blue marker under her name she continued, "Not Miss, not Ms. I, only Ms. Iris. I hope many of you already know that I will not tolerate acting out or speaking out of turn. No laughter that is not without due reason and no cell phones." A girl who's head was half shaved and her ears lined with piercings chuckled from the corner. "Who's she?" Nicole whispered to Diego, her voice unheard by the teacher who masked it with her own voice. "That's Zahra. She's a rebel at her best. Her and Craig had a thing a little while ago," Diego explained. "Jock Craig?" Nicole raised an eyebrow. "That's the one," Diego chuckled, leaning back in his chair, "You're a fast learner." Nicole smiled to herself as the teacher barked at Zahra for chuckling, "That was rude and disruptive. Do you have any idea how upsetting it is to hear that?" "If it wasn't upsetting," Zahra paused and kicked her feet up, and with a smirk continued, "I wouldn't have done it." Ms. Iris muttered something under her breath and walked back up to the board to continue a rather boring lesson and Nicole ended up doodling the entire class. As the bell rang and they moved along to second hour, a wave of students rushing out of the door, Diego, Raj, and Quinn pulled Nicole along with them. "You've got English next right?" Diego asked as they walked confidently down the hallway, Nicole racing to keep up with them. "Yeah, I do," Nicole admitted as she followed them and most of the others to their next class. "Good morning, sweetheart!" Quinn teased as Jake walked groggily through the door. He brushed off her teasing and stumbled into the English classroom. Nicole turned to meet Diego's eyes, almost asking him a question without even speaking. "Yeah, it's just a thing he does," Diego spoke, answering her unspoken question and she shot him a nod. They all piled into the class quickly, the teacher bright and bubbly, announcing a daily schedule. Nicole sat with Diego on her right, Jake on her left, and Raj and Quinn in front of them both. "Ok class, today we have a new student!" The teacher was surprisingly happy, unlike her previous teacher, and she seemed to actually enjoy being there. "Nicole, why don't you come up here and introduce yourself?" The teacher announced and as Nicole hesitantly made her way to the front of the class the teacher turned to speak to her, "I'm Ms. Lila by the way." Nicole smiled and then turned to address the class, "Um.. My name is Nicole." Noticing that Nicole didn't know what else to say Ms. Lila prompted her, "Where are you from, Nicole?" Grateful for her question she smiled, "I'm from New York but it's a pleasure to be here now." "That's very nice. You may take your seat now," Ms. Lila offered kindly. Nicole sat back down and began following he lecture closely but occasionally she could swear she caught Jake looking at her, but she couldn't think of a solid reason why. As the class came to a sudden end, Nicole was glad that time flew by so quickly and began gathering her stuff in her bag. "I'm off to third hour, yours is just around the corner. Don't be afraid to ask someone if you can't find it or get lost!" Diego smiled and was soon out the door with Quinn and Raj close in tow. Nicole chuckled to herself, shaking her head slightly and soon noticed that the only people in the classroom were her, Jake, and Ms. Lila. Relief washed over her when Jake did not speak to her immediately and Ms. Lila bid them both a good day. As they both left the door Jake headed in a different direction she wondered if he had stayed after later for a reason or if it was simply a weird and awkward coincidence. She shrugged it off and headed to her history class. Tugging on her backpack straps she strode into the classroom and awaited the beginning of the lesson. This class held few people and less familiar faces but she sat down near Sean, the only one she seemed to remember the name of at the moment. "Hey, Nicole, right?" Sean smiled. "Yeah. You're Sean?" She questioned and when he nodded, his smile never fading, she chuckled with him, "I thought so." "Way to hang around the spotlight," a girl on the other side of Sean teased. "What?" Nicole was genuinely confused but she could understand when looking back how it was taken rudely from the perspective of anyone who didn't understand her intentions. "As if you don't know who Sean is," the girl had now come into Nicole's view and she remembered that it was Michelle. "Take it easy, she's new here," Sean explained, covering for Nicole. Nicole smiled at the gesture, but brushed off the conversation as Sean and Michelle began arguing. The teacher then rose to speak, she was blonde and dressed as if she was in Texas, "Welcome to your first history class of the year." Nicole examined her clothing one final time before focusing back on her words, "My name is Ms. Massey." As if reading off of a list she continued, "We have a new student named Nicole," She gestured towards Nicole and continued, "And we're going to take the rest of the day to make sure you guys understand how this class is run." "Ugh, Rules," Zahra groaned from the back where Nicole hadn't even noticed her sitting. "No rules. Just a syllabus," Ms. Massey assured with a lighthearted laugh and began passing out papers. As the class flew by Nicole began to stare out the window at the colorful leaves falling off the trees and blowing around in the air. She began to wonder how long the year would feel when every day felt like this. "Class dismissed," Ms. Massey's voice brought her out of her daydream and she smiled at the clock noticing that she was letting them out three minutes early. As Nicole peered out of the class she noticed Jake sitting out by his tree and contemplated using her extra time to go out and speak to him. Her debate raged on in her mind before she ultimately decided against it. There will always be tomorrow, or so she convinced herself. She trudged to her next class, Spanish with Mr. Reyes. 4th hour. Walking up the stairs she smiled to herself as she seen the flags for the language classes lining the hallway and she stepped into her classroom. "Hola! Bienvenidos," Mr. Reyes smiled and she nodded along. "Hablas español?" He asked and then when she half shook her head he smiled, "All in due time." The class was strict and the rules were followed and yet it was still rather fun. The notes were meticulous and she had to pay close attention but she was beginning to understand it. As the bell rang out the halls flooded with students and she weaved her way through the crowds. She was thankful that the next thing she went to was lunch, and as she opened the door to the cafeteria she realized just how separated the cliques were. They all sat separately and spoke loudly, the room was overfilled with unnecessary noise, and she was grateful to meet Diego's eyes and for him to beckon her over. "Nicole! Nice of you to join us!" He teased as she set her stuff down and rolled her eyes. "How you liking your classes so far?" Diego prodded, opening his lunch bag with a sigh and eyeing the cafeteria food before deciding not to get food from the line, muttering something about "food poisoning wasn't worth it." "They're alright," she admitted as Quinn got out a well packed lunch and handed Diego some. "What classes do you have next?" Diego reached for her schedule that she had set on the table. "Oh no," he sighed deeply, "You're going to hate the rest of your day." "It can't be that bad, right?" Nicole was now afraid, she hadn't looked closely at the rest of the day yet and as Raj leaned over in silence she repeated herself, "Right?" "P. E. with Ms Brooke is not going to be fun to say the least," Raj began, "Math with Mr. Hunter should be terrible, but then again I just really hate math so that's probably it but still. And then you've got art with Ms. Abby which is a fun class but it's really difficult to pass." "How so?" Nicole refused to believe that art of all classes would be a hard class to pass. "You'll see," Raj grinned, "You'll see."
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sleepinglightt · 7 years
Cute Ask - All
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?I normally have more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?Yes yes yes. It’s one of my favorite feelings.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Literally anything. I’ve used everything from bobby pins to blades of grass lmao
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?I take my tea with a little bit of milk and 3 sugar cubes or 2 packets of sugar, and I take my coffee pretty much the same way
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?Not really, I had braces for a while and now my teeth are straight, I just wish they were whiter 😕
6: do you keep plants?Yes
7: do you name your plants?Yes but I always forget their names and I end up renaming them
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I like using watercolors a lot
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?I sleep on my stomach with one leg up, idk I’m weird
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?There are so many, the most recent one I can’t post bc some people follow me on here and if I posted the joke it would cause drama
12: what’s your favorite planet?I think Saturn is pretty cool
13: what’s something that made you smile today?Just thinking about my girlfriend
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Oh Lordy this is my dream. Considering my best friend is my girlfriend, we’d have a big bed with lots of blankets. And we’d have a lot of plants everywhere. There would be like fairy lights or whatever you wanna call them everywhere. We’d have a dog and probably a few cats. It would probably constantly smell like coffee or tea bc we both love that. Idk it would be perfect.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Okay so google said this: Space officially begins at the universal marker of the Karman Line. This invisible boundary is 100km above the Earth. In theory if you could drive your car upwards, you could be in space in less than hour
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?All pasta dishes are my fav how am I just supposed to pick one
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?I really really really wanna have a lavender/ dark grey hair color
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.I made a video of myself dancing in a hoodie, but I put my legs through the arm sleeves and it looked really weird and my friends bring it up from time to time
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I do, and I write poems and just journal entries when I need to vent. I don’t really draw, but sometimes I doodle.
20: what’s your favorite eye color?I don’t have a favorite. I honestly find everyone’s eyes so pretty bc they’re all different. When I see pretty eyes they’re pretty eyes, they don’t have to be a certain color to be pretty imo.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I don’t really carry any bags, I’ve never had a specific backpack or purse that I absolutely love.
22: are you a morning person?Only when I have coffee
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Sleep and cuddle with my cat
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?My girlfriend and my best friend briann
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?I’ve never broken into any places 🙃
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?My black high top vans. I’ve had them for about 2 years and I wear them pretty much every single day.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?I only like minty gum
28: sunrise or sunset?Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?My best friend briann writes me notes all the time and I’ve kept every single one of them since the beginning of our friendship
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Yes. I’ve been truly scared quite a few times.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I like socks. I like weird ones, but I don’t sleep with them on and I definitely don’t confine myself to white socks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I don’t stay up past 3 am 😂 I’m literally an old lady in a young persons body.
33: what’s your fave pastry?I love all pastries. I don’t discriminate.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?I had a little dog that I named fluffy, she used to be really fluffy but now she’s matted and it’s not cute. I still have her.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?I love pretty pens but I can never keep track of them. They always get lost.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?Brand new
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I like keeping it clean, but it’s always messy and it drives me crazy.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!I have so many but one of the biggest ones is hearing people eat. Like the smacking noises drive me CRAZY. I can’t even stand to hear myself eat like I hate it so much.
39: what color do you wear the most?Probably grey or black or something
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I have a bracelet that I wear all the time that my girlfriend gave me, she has a matching one and it says “adorablé” which is one of our inside jokes.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?13 reasons why :^)
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!There’s this place in my town called sycamore grounds and it’s so cute and cozy. I love it so much.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I can’t remember.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?I can’t remember 😂
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?Sometimes
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.How do you make antifreeze? You steal the blanket. Idk.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Mayonnaise
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?I was afraid of June bugs, now I’m afraid of dying and being alone 🙃
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I like collecting records, the last one I bought was deja entendu by brand new
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?It’s not really odd but I like keeping/collecting pressed flowers
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?UM IDK THIS IS ALOT OF PRESSURE FUCK
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?I love the blinking guy and the Meryl Streep ones
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I’ve seen all of them accept for heathers, I KNOW IM HORRIBLE
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?My best friend bc her fish died :(
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Literally everything I do is dramatic so idk
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?The way they talk about the things they love. I know it’s cliche but it’s true
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?That song makes me feel like I’m little again bc I used to listen to that song on repeat 24/7. AND YES THATS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN SING THE SONG TF
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?I feel like my girlfriend is the wine mom and I’m the vodka aunt bc she’s more reasonable and I’m high key crazy.
59: what’s your favorite myth?I like all the Greek mythology type things
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?Yes I love poetry, and I have so many favorites but some of my favorite poets are Rupi kuar, clementine von radics, and Shane koyczan
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I’m not sure omg. I’m gonna skip this one I’m sorry lmao
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?I normally drink coffee in the morning, but if I drink juice it’s probably apple juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?I just leave them be. I don’t like things to look structured and perfect.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?It’s black bc it’s night time lol
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?Yes, all of my friends from my old school :(
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?It would have lots and lots of daisies and some lavender
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I actually like those days, I feel kind of relaxed.
68: what’s winter like where you live?It’s almost never cold. It’ll be like 60 in December, this year it was 80 degrees on Christmas fml
69: what are your favorite board games?I don’t know?? I used to love a game called mouse trap
70: have you ever used a ouija board?Nope
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I love earl grey.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?Even if I write it down I’ll forget it 🙃
73: what are some of your worst habits?I pick at the skin around my nails 😕
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.They have short blackish brownish hair, they’re SUPER tall, they have really pretty green/blue eyes and they’re so funny. They could say one thing and probably get me to pee my pants from laughing so hard. I’ve known them for years and I’d do anything in the world for them.
75: tell us about your pets!I have a cat who is my baby, her name is Olivia and she’s a grey tabby with green eyes. She has THE LOUDEST purr ever and she’s constantly meowing. She’s such a sweetheart and I love her so much oml that cat is my life. And then my mom has a dog named gizmo, he’s a tiny little white dog who doesn’t know how to bark or anything. He’s seriously so weird idk what’s wrong with him lmao.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?I should be sleeping but I’m not aye
77: pink or yellow lemonade?Pink
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?I H A T E MINIONS
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?My girlfriend asked me out in a really cute way, I’ll post pictures later bc I’m on mobile and I can’t attach pictures rn 🙃
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?They’re like a minty blue color and I chose it bc I thought it was pretty
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.His eyes are like two brown circles with black dots in the middle
82: are/were you good in school?I’m good behavior wise but my grades suck
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?This is gonna be SUCH a big surprise, but I like the Devil and God are Raging Inside Me album art
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?I’m planning on getting tons of tattoos. Wayyyyyy too many to describe lmao
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I used to rad the star trek comics, bc I’m a huge Star Trek nerd lmao. I still have a bunch of copies.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?I do but I can’t think of any off the top of my head lol 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?The perks of being a wallflower for sure. And I don’t know of any others, I don’t watch a lot of movies.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?I’m not a big art person, so I don’t know all the names and all of that. I like street art though I guess? Is that like an official thing? Idk.
89: are you close to your parents?I think so.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.I love Austin, it’s such a cool place. And if you ever get the chance you should definitely go. There’s great food, and you can always find some kind of concert or something in the area. There’s cool little shops and places to hang out. It’s a cool place.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?I would love to go to Seattle, but idk if that’ll happen lol
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I drown my pasta in cheese oops
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?I wear my hair up in a bun a lot. 80% of the time you’ll see me with my hair up in a bun.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?My grandma just had her birthday about a week ago :)
95: what are your plans for this weekend? I’ll have Saturday detention. Yay 🙃
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?I procrastinate them like crazy lmao
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?I haven’t taken the myer Briggs test yet, I’m a Gemini, and slytherin
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?About 3 or 4 years ago, I loved it
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.https://open.spotify.com/user/alexandra.taegen/playlist/5eHOy0ylB74vZLsovgZSUxThis entire playlist ^
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?5 years into the future, bc then hopefully I’d be living in Seattle with my girlfriend and we’d be happy.
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magdathemadam-blog · 6 years
What a day
Today was, well, something of a mixed bag. It began as it usually does, I woke just before my alarm and pop out of bed. I keep it on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off.  I stumbled around for a few minutes, awake but unwilling. Since I didn’t have class until 1, I decided to go back to sleep until 9. This is always a mistake. I wake up ready to meet the world (usually) and should stay up until nap time. (I only sleep for a few hours at night and few more hours in the afternoon) I slept until 12:40, make up with a raging migraine, the kind that wraps around your head, telling you that sleep is your only option, but the more you sleep the worse it gets. My eyes feel cloudy, my throat and mouth are dry. Part of me wants to skip my 30- minute singing lesson, but the word Dicipline is printed across my white board in all caps. Its the one thing I lack and what I wish to gain. I throw myself together and make it to class, 5 minutes late but there. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining but it isn’t hot. A soft breeze carries the scents of new life, melted snow and pine. Every inhale is a pleasant bath that washes away all impurities. My headache is gone within a minute of being outside. I have an urge to stay outside, to cling to the free air. Still, Discipline. I go inside.  I love my professor. A wide hipped, small chested woman with curly amber hair, cut into an asymmetrical a line. She has a pure, sweet voice that I could listen to all day. We spend the first ten minutes chatting, laughing about our lives.Then, we practice. The first time is always the roughest. I struggle to stay on. It’s the change in note, from deep to high or high to deep. If the change is gradual, I can do it. If its sudden, I struggle. This is the reason we’ve chosen scarborough fair. The key is higher than I’ve ever done, but my professor insisted that I could do it. After three weeks of practice, I can hit all the notes and my lungs no longer struggle to hold them.  I love the way she encourages me. Tells me that she’s impressed, admits whens she does things wrong. She tells me when I’m wrong and gently moves me back to center. I can’t help but think back to every other music instructors I've had, to the man who made me hate my voice.I don't do so with the bitter scorn I used to. I smile. Shes never told me I sound like a rodent or compared me to a dying animal. Instead, she there to adjust my voice, tells me that its like an instrument, with fine tuning anyone can sing well. With fine tuning, my voice can be great. She points out the things she likes, what others will like,. We end with a reminder that next week I’ll perform. I’m looking forward to it, but I do feel a bit of nerves stir in my stomach. I’ve sang in front of people a few times, I love to be in front of an audience.  I wander down to trio, the best place to get lunch and feed myself. Chili cheese dog on a slice of wheat bread. I spend some time down there, shooting the breeze with the instructors and some of my fellow students. We talk about graduation, what we want to do afterwards. I give one of them my 60-second sell on AmeriCorps. Once socialization draws to a close, a find a coloring page and doodle. At 3pm, my dicipline alarm goes off. Its time to do my homework. I feel inspired, I’m ready to do it, so I head back to my dorm. Again, the air makes me want to mess off, spend my time outside. Spring fever has begun to set in. I can hardly wait to finish my work so that I might frolic in the fresh grass. When I get into my dorm, my calico Luci Fur, greets me with a trill and rolls onto her back. She loves to flaunt her belly and I’m the only one aloud to pet her there. My laptop rests on the bed, open and playing her favorite playlist. A Dethklok song, Murmaider, thrums its heart beat sound. I spend a fw minutes rubbing her belly and bumping my head along with the beat before I slip the computer onto my lap. I get some work done, not as much as I should, before I take a small cuddle break. Luci is being too cute not to snuggle. I put the laptop next to me and lay down across the bed. I wiggle, trying to find a comfortable possition. Luci purrs and extrends her claws into my face. She pulls me closer. One of my legs is still folded underneath me, the weigth of my body cutting off blood. I pull it out, trying to do so without having to move anything else. My foot pops free and strikes into something hard with the full force of my strength. I feel my laptop fly off of the bed and hear it land. I cant look. I know its broken. I dont need to get up to look. I shielf my face in lucis chest.  I dont want to look.  I force myself and find that, infact, the screen is destroyed. The upper right corner is a mess of sprider webs, fracturing out across the screen. The rest of it is a chalk white, struggling to blink back on.  It’s ruined. I’m such an idiot.  Immediately, I look at the time, its not past 5, which means that the IT guys will probably still be in there office. WIthout wasting another second, I shove the technology into its case and rush it to the hospital, like it was my loved one. My voice is tight while I explain whats happened. He doesn’t laugh, he looks quite sympathetic. He explains that theres little he can do, but hooks it up to a spare monitor anyway. He gives me a flash drive and helps me move my files. He tells me I’ll need a new screen but he’ll put it in for free.  The screens range from 50-200$ and I have all of 4$ in my account. Once I get what I can onto a flash drive, I wander back towards my dorm. Texting my bestie, I find comfort in her sympathy, though we both know theres nothing to do. My family is not well off but I reach out to my mom anyway. Without my computer, I’ll fail.  I tell her what happened and she tells me, regrettably, she has no money. Her voice is sullen and a little defensive. My other siblings would be quick to rage about this. Im sad, but I tell her its ok. It’s my own damn fault, anyway. We spend some time trying to brain storm. I consider taking another loan from the school, but on top of being that much more owed, it’ll take over a week to process. My brother has a computer that he connects to his tv and uses for nothing else. I consider asking if we could switch until the semester is over when my mom intturupts. She’s been struck by genuis. She can bring me her old television and an HDMI cord. The tv was destined for donation; what better way to rehome it then giving it to her child? She excitedly tells me she’ll come over as soon as she’s had her evening coffee and hangs up. Despite the over reaching cloud to depression, I find my sunshine. This will be like a desktop, in some ways better than what I had before.  I spend the next hour or so chatting on the phone with my bestie. She reads me her story, teasing me with the unfinished chapter. She finishes just in time, my mother has arrived. She brings me dinner and we spend some time enjoying each others company. Its been several weeks since the last time we got to hang out. She doesn’t feel great and heads home.  I set up the television and connect my computer. Ready to finish my homework, I push the televisions on button. It shifts awkwardly under my finger. Nothing else happens.
I meddle with it.
Its broken.
For the first time I feel the cascading wave of defete crash into me. It hurts. My eyes begin to sting, filling with tears. Who the fuck did I piss off? I want to scream, jump up and down and cry.
Of course, I dont want to bother any of the little snow flakes, so I just stare at the two screen. One blank and emotionless, the other a twitching, shattered mess. With a deep breath a turn the tv towards me and examine the button. I fiddle with it for several minutes. I will not let this happen. 
Mark me, if I have to tear this apart and rebuild the entire thing from bolts, I will.
The tv lights up, a dim blue-grey glow. 
It works!
I take a picture, send it to my mom and bestie before I sit down and finish my homework.
It’s after midnight. My day is finally over. My head has begun to hurt again, but I’m not ready for bed. Instead, I get on tumblr and blog about the day I’ve had. 
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