#dontworry im used to it
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darkflames29 · 6 months ago
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Covers my mistakes cutely
Was supposed to finish it tomorrow, but my brain really said stay up till you done.😭 we pull through
This beautiful man belongs to @codemiracle
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allthedoorsareopennow · 1 year ago
it’s everyone’s favourite day of the week it’s time for FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR TRAIN FRIDAY (trans edition! because we all know none of those guys were cis)
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lyriakisser · 2 years ago
i think im okay with doubling! just making sure, are you fine with me tagging posts with us as "m"? also, it's doppo. just telling you because iirc i remember seeing "ati" for doppo
DONTWORRY YOU CAN DO THAT!!! doppo pals Woah.. we are both very ill i think./J DJWJFNWNFMSN alsosooo that rebtry is so fucking outdated don't worry too much about anything i said there HRJWJTNWMFMN
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truly-overdose · 5 years ago
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ruinikaidoexplodedbadly · 2 years ago
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 2 years ago
Favorite type of cake?
mnggh i love somany cakes i answered this question a bit ago to someone actualy idr who and itwasnt on tumblr dontworry. oka anyways! ilove chocolate cakeee and pound cake and lemon flavors incake bread ....pound cake is good with anything but im not as big a fan of raisins in them! its quite basic i used to have more intricate tastes but recently ive gotten sick of it all.....sad....
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pjisskullourful · 3 years ago
PJ, i bow down to you. I've been trying to write a fic and I'm struggling and it hasn't turned out well at all. I have no idea how u do it. All ur fics are sooo awesome and well written. And i am so surprised at how u manage to write them so quickly and how ideas just come to u. Thank u so much for ur fics ❤❤
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i legitimately dont know how to react when yall thank ME for the fics- yall act like im doing a community service or something lol & im just doing what i've been doing since highschool-- writing to maintain some level of sanity
i am thankful for anykind of audience & response & all ofit encourages me & gets me writing faster & gives me confidence to keep (wet)dreaming up new things- its mutual thankyou believe youme
if youre asking for advice...
just do it & if its not working tear it alldown & try again. when i 1st started writing gayenough- i ripped 3 separate attempts at a start out of my notebook cos i felt that it wasnt right. eachtime i got some little ideas of things to carry forward eventhough it was discouraging
WRITE WHAT YOU WANT & dontworry about it being perfect- just makesure it is authentic. usually things are better than our brains convince us they are
put out ofyour head what others are gonna say & write the shit that you want to read, be the smut you wanna see in theworld & all that
dont try to force anything & if it feels too laborious- stop. you dont wanna spend your time tryingto push a boulder up a mountain. anypart that isnt working- skip over that part & maybe you'll find it isnt needed to thestory as a whole or maybe you'll figureout how to write it later. im not inlove with every paragraph that i write but someshit is necessary- so i keep it simple & dont try to force it so that i can then getback to the parts i've already tapped into the flow of.
i forgive myself for the parts i dont love so that i can marry myself to the words i do love
i am lucky that i can tap into myflow & let the words guide me
find someone youcan brainstorm with & just find what you love & let it lead you to glorious destruction
& i write fast cos im too fucked in thehead to have a job & my anxiety makes it so i dont leave the house much- this is all i do
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msbastard · 5 years ago
15 questions, 15 mutuals
@solohqrry tagged me so thanks man love your account :)
are you named after anyone?
yes after the main character of the 1980 disco rollerskating musical xanadu. her name is kira but mine is spelt keirah. 
when was the last time you cried?
i genuinely don’t remember which is really odd.
do you have kids?
lol no
do you use sarcasm alot?
nooooooooooooooo never
what’s the first thing you notice about someone?
their overall demeanor; body language, attitude, mood, etc.
what’s your eye color?
scary movie or happy ending?
depends on what kind of mood im in
any special talents?
not really
where were you born?
a place
what are your hobbies?
rn its been alot of watching friends and nothing else but writing, playing video games, playing the bass, biking, reading, drawing, listening to music, that kind of thing.
do you have any pets?
yes my dogs leo, chewy, pearl, and teddy; my cats eddy and oscar and my gerbil ace.
what sports do you play/have you played?
none but i like hockey
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
band or english
dream job?
its a bit of a toss up at the moment but ive always been an aspiring musician. psychology, teaching, writing, and history are some of my many other dream careers.  
i tag @dontworry-youwill @whitedeadflower @lemonyellowsvn @fishflake @shamonhoon @sarahsixx @sassyfxngirlxx @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx @oihanasstuff @walking-disgrace @sosadsostoned @bad-boy-boogie @cruecifyme @pebble-gossard @sixxmarz 
(to the the people i tagged who dont follow this account im @grungecryptid)
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
psych 101 macs.   shrinks srhink and you lost control and or dont bother.   Zues we see it and dont care..he is ours and knew and fled..they are there yelilng it see it see it....and flashed it and yelled it is a womens movement.  and say it too outloud we murder you daily and manipulate him to and he  loses...and he says your daft you dont use tech and are not mil  and those who do lose th intel. they argue now theysay so what i have a long long time to argue and you say nothing  start pion....we use you...nah.  a bit truncated eh...and you say what they do...good then i sound like them moron.  we find you trite all find you trite shrinks your morons who shrink without proper intel and knowledge  mac daddy didnt bother fixing it keeps it on, shrink damn you he is half retard, wehere di you get your degree jackass, downs syndrome high....we get it we are not responsible it is cork. we saw him flash a card to have us talk on the ohter camera...and it is true he is doing it...no he isnt i said you are know you are and he is doing it physically, and i need him to as if he is the demn he is not mental retard oklosers....demons divide your divided.  we see it now we are dumb.  if you say so .  oh contrair your mommy,  she is well kept dontworry sissys.  im not your kind ok.  what is a kind.  you are satanists, im not one.  ok we see that...and we talk dont we. not really ...surly unkempt blab so  far...we knowit wedo it onpurpose...sure do.  i hve nothing to say ou say we donteither...you would be surprised how thin yuor shit is..shrinks...we know iti s thin. heard about  it on the tele...sure sure that is reliable as a source. now we are gettingsoewere ...right you better have your emergency prepairdness kits as the asteroids made from humans skulls approach, do you find that to horrifying to veryify or acknoledge yuo need to shrinks....we dont look true. ok then we dont have any subject matter and these run at me as it is real and you force them to as if you win. so ir equest tons to go afer you adnhaul you in for idiocy and influencing people togo  after us adn seek us out...and your losers ok this is coveted info not to be doled out...and wesee our tude gives it away...your tude demenaor statements you could care less aaahhhahahhahaha elimianate you ecah ohter. so we nabbed tons and kept it up and silenced you endof earthers who are actually shrinks...your puke and took it way way tooo far as cork does.  and we see.  your losers. and dontadmit it...we dontcare no conversation nope. only we murder you Zues Thor
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melbynews-blog · 7 years ago
Merkel hat keinen Einfluss auf Netanjahus Politik — Extremnews — Die etwas anderen Nachrichten
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/merkel-hat-keinen-einfluss-auf-netanjahus-politik-extremnews-die-etwas-anderen-nachrichten/
Merkel hat keinen Einfluss auf Netanjahus Politik — Extremnews — Die etwas anderen Nachrichten
am 04.06.2018 um 07:00
durch Andre Ott
Avraham „Avi“ Primor Bild: Dontworry / wikipedia.org
Der ehemalige israelische Botschafter in Deutschland, Avi Primor, hat den Besuch des israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu bei Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) als PR-Veranstaltung des Premiers bezeichnet. „Es geht nur um Show“, sagte Primor der „Berliner Zeitung“ (Montagsausgabe). Netanjahu stehe in Israel wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen unter Druck und sei deshalb viel international unterwegs.
„Er fährt hin, er fährt her. Das soll von seinen Problemen ablenken“, sagte Primor. Den angekündigten Gesprächen Merkels und Netanjahus über die Nahost-Politik sei keine Bedeutung beizumessen. Er könne nicht sehen, was beide Regierungschefs bei diesem Thema besprechen sollten, sagte Primor. „Frau Merkel wird keinen Einfluss auf Netanjahus Politik haben.“ Ziel des Premiers sei es, seine Regierungskoalition zusammenzuhalten. Diese sei „gegen Friedensprozesse und gegen Zugeständnisse in den besetzten Gebieten“. Merkel werde natürlich versuchen, Netanjahu davon zu überzeugen, dass er mit den Palästinensern ernsthaft verhandeln soll.
„Aber dieses Thema ist in ganz anderen Händen – in denen des US-Präsidenten“, sagte Primor. Eine besondere Bedeutung maß der Ex-Botschafter dem vom Verteidigungsministerium geplanten Kauf israelischer Drohnen für die Bundeswehr zu. „Die israelische Rüstungsindustrie hat in Israel eine wachsende Rolle und Deutschland ist ein wichtiger Kunde. Wenn Deutschland mit uns da eine Vereinbarung trifft, machen das andere europäische Länder vielleicht auch“, sagte er. Netanjahu wird am Montag zu einem Treffen mit Merkel im Kanzleramt erwartet.
Quelle: dts Nachrichtenagentur
Extremnews Andre Ott Quelle
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